Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 11, Image 11

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Money Supply In Excess of the
Lumber Quiet Hardware Steady ntul
Unchanged Collections Blow
A Good Supply of Produce on
Jfuml QuotntloiiH.
Omaha Trndo Jlcvlmv.
Money continues In abundant supply ,
bankers reporting that they have more I ban
enough for all legitimate wants. Hates nro
Bteudy nt 8 per cent per annum. About Sep
tember 1 tlio market may bo expected to
hiirJen , us about that tlmo the country will
want funds to move grain , but capital Is ac
cumulating In this city rapidly , and no great
stringency is feared at any tlmo this fall.
Kxohangu Is , as usual , Sl.OO per 81,000.
In general merchandise values are un
changed , except in the few instances noted ,
Sugars are held steady by refiners at t-7.82
J7.CO for granulated , but buyers nro a llttlo
orf. Coffees are dull and neglected , ns It Is
thought lower prices will prevail before the
Jst prox.
Salt fish nro excited and higher.
California canned fruits are quiet. There
is a full crop of everything except apricots ,
nnd Jobbers think pricss will not bo any
higher , to say the least.
Dry goods uro lively , und n bouyant tone Is
felt in the speculations as to the fall trade ;
that it will bo heavy is the universal opinion.
All lines of goods are steady and in nctlvo
demnnd. Dark fancy prints und printed
Miteens are universally called for ; the latter
have proved the success of the KCIISOII. Knit
poods nro looking up , while hosiery is quiet ,
fc'omo demand exists for women's underwear ,
nnd prospects for trade In this line uro better.
Lumber continues quiet , but signs
of Improvement are manifest and a
big trade U looked for the balance
of the year to make up for the dull spring
Hoots nnd shoes are doing as well , if not
hotter , than other lines , nnd a heavy trade In
pxeoss of last year Is plainly in sight. The
Patent Leather Manufacturers' association
of the United States has icsolvcd to advance
the price of patent leather 10 ( < 15 per cent.
All but four of the makers of these goods in
this country uro In the combination.
Hardware is quite active , with prices
fttoady and unchanged. It will bo seen that
the outlook for n heavy increase In general
trade this year over last Is very good
indeed , nnd with nn easy money
market promising to continue into the win
ter , our inorclmnlH can alfbrd to bo very well
ojntont with tlio situation.
Collections tire very good in the country ,
but not ut all satisfactory in the city.
The produce markets have been fairly well
mii'pliod with fruits and vegetables , in gooil
condition , though some southern stuff comes
in very soft. Melons are cheaper. Lemons
have declined $1.0l'@J.OO Per box thu past
week and It looks us though they might
po lower. Herrles are about out ol
the season. Vegetables are supplied
from the truck gardens nonr by , nt irregular
prices , depending on the number of loads In
Bight nt tlio time of purchase. Chickens are
inoie plentiful and prices lower. Huttcr ant
rhccse Imvo ruled dull owing to tlio warm
v.'outhcr from the faot that largo stocks have
accumulated nt Chicago without any great
shipping demand.
Saturday , August I , 1853.
There wore only seven fresh loads ol
butcher's stock hero ana only a few corn fei !
western steers which were hold over fron
y-Mtcrdiiy. The market was nominally
The offerings on the market to day wore
the heaviest this week , thcro being seventy
fresh loads and about lifty stale. The market
was about 20c lower than yesterday morn
ing , the bulk of the hogs selling at ? 0.10 am ! As high as $0.30 was paid for the tops
The hogs were all sold , the market closing a
llttlo slrongcr.
There were thrco loads reported in the
yards. _
Cattle . 15
Dogs . 5.00C
Snoop . 3J {
I'rcvnllintr Prloui
Thofollowing w a table of prioas paid In
this maruot for the grade * of stouk men
1-nmostoers , 1.100 to 1503 Ibs.5.25 fS5.00
Pnmo ntecrs , 1100 to 11)00 ) Ibs. . 4.51) ( ft5.23
Fatlittlo stours , 000 to 1030 Ibs. 4.0J ® 1.23
Common to good cows. . , . ' 1.75 ( < t2.00
( 'hoico to fancy cows 2.50
Common to choice bulls " , 'i't 64X00
Fair to cnoico light hogs 0.10 ( ito.15
Pair to cholco heavy heirs 0.15
Fair to cnoico mixed noes U.10
No. Av. Pr.
0 mixed . S34 11.50
2cows .1400 1.75
U yearlings . 555 1.60
G yoarllugs. . . 005 l.SI )
4 cows . 837 1.85
3 co ws , .1103 2.00
25 cows . wi ' .M'5
13 cows and bulls .1024 2.10
23 cows and bulls . ! )31 ) 2.15
17 cows . 078 2.15
23 cows , grassers . 827 2.25
2 cows . 8,15 2.50
1 cow . 1K.O 2.110
1 cow 2.70
Dcows .10'JO 2.75
1 cow .1140 2.75
fi steers , grassers . 903 11.40
6 steers , grosscrs 3.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
77..200 J120 ? 0.00 05. . . .25(5 ( ! > ( ) MUSfc
liO..200 2SO 0.05 01. . . .211 240 0.15
73..213 210 0.03 53. . . .225 40 0.15
72..210 I'-'O 0.10 03. . . .230 240 0.15
04..203 120 0.10 64. . , .2'4 SO 0.15
70. . . . 21 120 0.10 7i. : . . .2111 SO 0.15
B7..223 200 (111) ( ) 71. . . .220 320 0.15
01..230 40 0.10 50. . . .2(11 ( 100 0.15
53..220 120 0.10 73. . . .233 200 11.15
01..233 2SO 0.10 ti5. . . .272 330 0.15
a.220 200 01. . . .200 100 0.15
C4..233 2SO 0.10 l" . . . . ' . ' 55 ICO 0.15
74. . . . 100 SO 0.10 71. . . -.223 100 0.15
00..203 100 0.10 57. . , .2tt 100 0.15
SO. . . . 104 80 0.10 70. . . .252 120 0.15
71..187 12(1 ( 0.10 53. . . .243 100 0.15
03..220 200 0.10 05. . . .20.1 120 0.15
73..217 240 0.10 ( H. . . .214 240 0.15
14..CG3 0.10 51. . . .210 200 0.15
78..189 120 0.10 115. . . .254 40 0.13
&S..223 120 0.10 50. . . .237 200 0.15
05..230 M ) 0.10 72 . .225 200 0.15
73..214 SO 0.10 0' ) . . . .220 240 0.15
00..1W ICO 0.10 (13. ( . . .213 120 0.15
S3..2.3 440 0.10 03. . . .203 ICO 0.15
. ' -8..207 120 0.10 54. . .217 KM ) 0.15
80..194 100 0.10 57. . .207 200 0.15
74. . . 197 100 0.10 53. . . .225 80 0.15
12J..212 210 0.10 5 . .233 120 0.13
05..2J2 80 0.10 90. . . .274 210 0.17 -
00..287 320 0.10 ( W. . . .2311 4'J 0.20
82..200 100 0.10 74. . . .200. 2W ) 0.20
71..241 200 0.10 C5. . , .240 0.20
43..210 80 0.10 70. . . w im 0.20
7.J..221 100 0.10 04. . . .257 - 0,23
U3..213 SO 0,10 07. , . .273 3:0 0.25
67..201 120 .12K M > . , .240 SO 0.23
CO..259 100 0.13 125. . .24 bO 0.23
H..2GO 40 6.12K 50. , . .801 120 0.23
I'D..155 ' 0.12W 00. , . .3M 40 0.23
S3..255 80 0.13V ? 59. . .2J5 100 0.23
63839 120 0.12 > | 113. , . .2W SO 6.30
S-J native * , .103 3.75
Packers Purchases.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
O. H. Hammond & Co . . . B17
OimthnP.Co . 1859
- " > ur-Cua hy P. Co . i.\si
a.p.Sauirjj&co . , . , ; . ioa ;
IIlK > ic t anil Ijinvest.
The following are the hl/jhest / and lowest
< ricc paid for mixed and heavy load * of hoe *
i.TUili Burkst durjnjc the put fowdays , ami
for the corresponding period in 13S7 and 1S30 :
5 R ) ( ftff 0)
5 H ) CM a * >
B H ) ( ii 10
2V 5 W tt )
s i r , 85 CM ] r"
B7i B i
" ( I 11) 6AO ! W B 00 ttS 2)
; n ff'l ) .111 B IT ) W ) 31
31 n ; Sunday 4 dl _
AUKllst ItK . Aiuiist mi. August IWI
B ID HI 2\ Sunday.
( I ! M r,0 W ) B 10 . - > 2TW 4 ( V > C > DI * * >
B So QJ > 4J B ( > B < ! p5 2. ) 4 BO 6I 7J' '
INirk 1'noklni ; .
Special reports to the Cincinnati Price
Current show the number of liotts packed
from March 1 to date und latest mall dates at
the undermentioned places , compared with
"hocorresponding time lint year , as follows :
March 1 to Aumm 1. | DHS. | 18.S7.
"nnmisClty ! n.uoo
t. Umls 17.VX 21 B.IHU
idliiimpolls -
luclnnatl W.VK ) )
112 ov )
ItiVoland ' Hi. IV )
louxClty , la. . . . . .
ttnmwa , lit , , .
'ubniHkn ' City , Nub. no.o i" 4lUt ]
t , Joiejih , Mo. . . . . .
I/lvc Stock Notes.
Shepherd & IJ. , Arlington , marketed a load
f 23o hogs.
G. Hutler , of Long Pine , came in with two
oads of stock.
George L. Allen , Hamburg , la. , sold a load
f hogs at $0.25.
Hogs sold hero within 20j of the top paid
11 Chicago to-day.
T. W. Fleming , Byron , Nob. , was In and
old two loads of butchers' stock.
Hadu & Allison , Silver City , sold two loads
f hogs nt $0.30 , the top of the market.
A. Adler , Chicago , is spending a few days
icro looking over the market witli a view of
C.V. . Swnnson , Stanton , In. ; E. W. Black ,
'Inttstnoutu : E. E. Kntikln , PcrMu , la. ; E.
> . Bogart , Glenwood ; Henry Lornmcr , Hum-
.ihrcyj.T. I { . Htirkliolder , Woodbine ; William
'ook , Hebron ; J. Buck , Essex , la. ; Joe
lockerttold , Shenanilonhj Mr. Hough , Crcs-
out , In. , and J. H. Allison , Silver City , were
ill in with hog.s.
Produce , Krults Ktc.
Saturday , August 4 , 1SSS.
Lemons are lower , so arc chickens. Mar-
set active and supply ample ,
BUT i Kit Fancy creamery roll , 20@
21e ; solid packed , Il@l7o ! ; choice country
mttor , lf > fi10c ; common grades , 10ii < > l"c.
E < iH Strictly fresh , IWusUeeandiod.
Cvi.iroiisiv DAMSONS -SI.2. ) tier bov.
Cu.iKoiixiA RUVIMI-S - $1 no jJ.UO per caso.
SOUTIIIIKN Guu'iw 75e ( < iS1.00 per 10-lb
Bi\CKiiuiins ! : : ? 1.00 for 2lqts.
Ht.M'iv llAsi'imuuius sfl.Oi ) for 2) ) qts.
PiJM'iics California. Sl.00j ( 1.25 per box ;
Missouri , 7r > rQ51.0lper ) > .f bu.
HWVNVS Common , fl."iO@J.25 ; per bunch ;
iholce , > i.WJTt3.50. (
Lr.MO.Ns ? 4.75C'20.00 per caso.
SQUASH 2i ? per lo.
CANIIII.OITS $1.50J0.0 ( ) per dozen.
Sor-ninny 1'r.i'Mi $1.- ! . " > ( > I-50 per liu.
Hu'Ki.r.niuuiis : $1.2. ) per drawer.
PorxToia Now , homo growth , 40@GOc per
I'oi I.TIIIKo dressed fowl in the market ;
ivo chickens , 53.5052 J.75 pjr do . ; spring
chickens , W.25j5'l.OJ. (
SIUI.NO BiiAVs 75C per bu.
TOMATOKS $1.25 1.50 per bu.
Tiusii'3 2Ti5Z3e ( ) per bu.
Oiiuisx Coax 1.00 ( 1.50 per 100.
WATKUMCt.oxs S15.0018.lK ( ; ) per 100.
PEAKS California , S1.00@1.50 per case ;
Southern , 75 per K bu.
CIMKY : : 3S40o ( ) ( per dozen.
OiiAxnns Jilessimis , f(100@8.00 ( per box ;
Ilodi , 87.50@S.CO : f .00(71.75 ( per half box.
CMIII\OIS : JJ.50 per 100.
ONIONS ' 'c per lb.
AITI.US $1.00@3.23 per bbl. Michigan , $4.50@0.50 per bbl 32
gals ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbl.
Pol' Con.v Hico , 3@le ; common , 2@3c.
CAiticoi.-i 75cper bushel.
llcixs Choice eastern hnndpickod navies.
? 2.23@2.50 per bushel ; western hand picked
navies , S2.50ij2.00 ( ; mediums , & .J. ' " "
Lima beans 5c nor pound.
Croui-r.i Ijlst.
Revised prices are as follows :
B\odiNi ( Stark A , seamless , 21o ; Amos
keag , seamless , 10Jo } ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
Hie ; Amoricun , seamless , 10) ) o ; burlaps Ito
to 5 bu,5@rt ) o ; gunnies , single , 13o ; gunnies ,
double , 2llc ; wool sacks , : ! 3c.
Cort-iiKs Mocha , 25@20c ; Hio , good , 105 ?
17o ; Mandahling , 2if2l3o ! ( ; roasting Kio , 14 ( ( <
lOo ; O. G. Java , 2l@20c ; Java , interior , 22 ®
25o : Hio , fancy , 10 < i$10c ; Santos and Muru-
caibo , 17@10c.
Sun.vit Granulated , S31 ( e ; conf. A
7 0 ; white extra C , 7K ( 37c ; extra C , 7
OT'ft'o ; yellow C . , OJ QOXc ; jowdered ,
oyVo ; cubes , t > KC'53J ' c.
HONIV 14@10o for ono pound frames
strained honey , 0@3c per pound.
Hr.HSWAX Cnoico yellow , 20@22 > c ; dark
colored , l @ 14c.
Cniisn : : Young America , full cream
l > K@10Kc ; full cream chcddnrs , 9fJJi ( c ; ful
cream flats , 0i9V ( ; good to cholco skimmed
cheddurs , OJvllJ/ ; ski mined flats , 5W5 c.
PICKI.IIS Medium , m bbls. $5.50 ; do In hall
bbls , $ : t.OO ; small , In bbls , $7.00 ; do in hul
bbls , $3.75 ; chorkins , in bbls , $3.23 ; do In hal ;
bbls , $1.00.
FISH California salmon , per bbl , ? li.00@ (
18.00 ; halibut , per lb , 14o ; family white llsh ,
per Jbbl. J . ? J.25 ; white flsli. No. 1. our } -bbl
$0.50 ; trout , perjf-bbl , ? 5.75 ; scaled herring ,
per box , 23o ; new Holland hernnir , per keg ,
( We ; George's Buy split herring , pbr bbl , new ,
i-3.75 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl now ,
$3.00 ; extra George's cod , per lb , now , 7Kc
Western Bank cod , per lb , new , 7ifc ; boneless
less nod , IKuJSe ; largo family mackerel , pel
J -bbl , $12.0i ) : mackerel , Xo. 1 bay ,
§ 12.50 ; smelccd bloators. per box , S1.40.
Ton vivo Plug , 2li ( < i)5o ( ; smoking , 10Ji'90c (
Jr.i.i.iis-Sl,25 : por30-lb pail.
SVI.T Sl.10@1.35 ! per bbl.
Koi-B-7-lJU ( > j'a9'fi ( ' ! .
Nutmeg , per lb , 55(373c ( , pepper
per lb , 17M10o : elovos , per lb , 13@21o ; all
spice , " ( S'So ' ; cinnamon.
NAILS Iron nails , per keg , $2.03@2.10 ; steo
wire nails , per
fair , ISC ;
. , 3055u ,
Gunpowder , emninon to good , 22i(25o ( ; Gun
lewder , choice to fanuy.4iiiiii5i ( ( ! ; Japan , com
mon to medium , K ( l Japan , cholco to
fancy , ! ! 0@45o : Oolong , common to good , 25c ( |
35o ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 50H'70u ' ; Imper
lal , common to medium , 2o@ioo : ; Imperial
good to fancy , 40'a50e.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o ; lllbcrts , 10@llo
Brazil , t'610c ; walnuts , 10Qi,14o ; pecans , 10Ji (
llo ; peanuts , OijfefS c.
CiiACKims 5f < ! )10o ) per lb ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 30c per lb , ns per list.
M i'i.r. SuflAii Bricks , lOiiJlOHe l > or lb
pouny cakes , llC'ill o per lb ; pure maph
syrup , § 1.00 per gal.
BuooMb Extra 4-tie , $ . ' .40 ; parlor , 3-tlo
painted handles , J3.25 ; No. 1. SI.SO ; No , 2
51.10 ; heavy staolo brooms , $4.00.
STAUCII Mirror glo , 5fc ; Gravoa' corn ,
Co ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. AND SHOT Shot , $1.20 ; bucicshot
$1.15 ; powder , kegs , J5.00 ; half kegs
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , keg , $2.15
fuses , 100 ft , 53 ( 700.
Hr.rixcn LAUD Tierce. SV.'o ; 40-lb sqwar
cans , 8X0 ; 50-lb round , 85 o ; 20-lb rouud
8 > j'o ; 10-lb pails , Oo5-lb ; pails , ' . elbpalls ;
PiuvisioNs--IInms , 12J < c ; breakfast ba
con , lO 'CjjlH o ; bacon sides , Sijf | ( < $ lOo ; dr ;
salt , 'J'lOj ' shoulders , 7 > < ( < ? 7 o ; dried hoof
WooiiilXYTAiis. Two-lionp palls , per doz.
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , § 1.05 ; Ko. 1 tub
7.tX ) : No. 2 tub , KlXi ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00
$ S.50 ; No. S churns , ? 7.50 ; butter tubs , $1,70
spruce , in nests , 70u per nest.
Sviiui-j AND Moi.tssus Sugar syrups ,
common to choice , 2Sg44c ( ; corn oyrup. 2S ( < j
31 o ; blae ! ; strap molasses , 15e ; New Orleans
suolussos , ocn | lent tie , 35WM3 ; Now Orleans
contrlfupil. 27@35c ; sorgiium , :37r : ( 35o.
UICK Carolina and Louisiana ,
Patna and Uangoon , & @ 5kfc.
CAXur Mixed , IC 13.3 : stick.
Uiiiun FuuiT3--Fips , In boxes , per lb , 13Q
lOt' ; fljs ; , In nmts , per lb , 5K@Co ; dutas , in
boxes , 5 } < (37oi. ( London Sj lnja Uyer
raisins , ixjr box , fS.SOfl' S ; Malaga
loose raisins. J3.30S2.50 ; " new Valen
cia raisins , per lbJ&iJSc ; Call-
forniu , loose muscatels , per box. 81.CO.
California London layer raLsin * , par box ,
$3. : . -a3-.50 , ; pitted chnrrlcs , p r 1U , SOffl'Wc ;
CttHfornla pitted plums , per lb'l3Ue ;
dtied blackberrias , per lb , 8K@05 § dn d
ruaiuiriu - > , i > ur lb. SSfiiSyc ; dried
tipples. "wOc ; ov'aporated apples , S ! {
W3 jc ; California sun dried pouches , 12iC ;
13 > < cj California unpared evaporated
peaches , IBO l O ! evaporated California
apricots , IScMOo. ; Xanteo currants , 7o ;
Turkish prunes , 4) c ; citron , 3Kft22c.
CANNED Ooons Oysters , No. 2 Standard ,
per case , M.S.'i ; strawberries , 2 Ibs. per
case , $2.80@2.40 ; raspberries , 2 Ibs. , per
California white cherries , per case ,
iaU.00 ; California plums , per case , * i.20g ( ( .30 ;
pine apples , 2 Ibs , per case. 3.25t .SO ;
1 lb. salmon , per do ; , * t.l 0c2.0t ( ) ; 2 lb goose
berries , per caso. S..oor. .io ; 2 lb. string
beans , per ease , ? l.73@l. 0 ; 2 lb. marrow fat
peas , ? J.r 0S2.tX ( ) ; 2 lb. early .luno peas , $2.00
( (72.7r. ; 3 lb. tomatoes , $ i.00g2.1ii ( ; 2 lb. corn ,
l > ry
COTTON FiNXEI.S 10 per cent dis. ;
r.Vc : CC. OKc ; S3 , 73fc ; Nameless , Be ;
HX , ISo ; H , 2ie ) ; No. 10 , 3i c ; No. 4.0 , 10 > < o ;
No. ( X ) . iy' < , c ; No. SO , l Kc ; No.80 , colored. re ;
No. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 1'J c ;
Urlstol , 1'i'yc ' ; Union Pneille , 17c.
C.uti'KT WAiti'-Uib White , 19c ; colored ,
HATTS Standard , So ; Gom. lOc ; Beauty ,
1-fc ; Uoonu , 14c ; U , cased , ? 0.X ! ) .
PRINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oe ; Slater
i c ; Uerlln oil , 0 } < e ; Garner oil , ( ( ' $ ? .
COKSE JIUNS Androscoggin , 7J eICear -
sargee " " ; Hockport , O c ; Conestogn , OJ c ,
TICKI Yprk , 30 In. , I''Kc ; York , 33 In. .
13' c : Swift Hiver. Sc ; Thorndiko OO , 8) 0 ;
Tnorndlko EF , 8V ; Thorndiko 120 , ti' ' o ;
Thorndiko XX , ir.c ; Cordis No. 5 , OJ cj
Cordis No. I , lie.
DBXIMS Amoskciig , Ooz , lO e ; Everett , 7
oz , 13li'c ; York , 7o7 , lUMo ; Havmnker , Skc ;
.laltrey XX , ll'fc ; .TalTroy XXX , 12fc ;
Beaver Creek A A , IL'e ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KnNTtrcKY JKAXS. Memorial , Ific { Dakota ,
18 < i ; Uurham , 27Lfc ; Hercules , isc ; Learning.
ngton , 2i ! < fc ; Cuttswold , 27'-fc. '
Cuiit. . Stevens' B , lie ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A. 7l c : Slovens A.
bleached , S c ; Slovens' P , 8Wo ; Stevens' '
ilnln Holland , ! i' ' < o : Dado Holland. 12. .
FI.ANNKI.S. Plnid Kaft.smeii,2JoGoshcn ; ,
32ic < ; Clear Lake , 8' c ; Iron Mountain ,
FlV\XNii.s-Whito-O : H. No. 2 , J . 2UG
II , No. 1 , J , ' , 27'io ; B H , No. 2X , 2JK ; 1 }
H. No. 1 , % , : ! 0c ; Quechee , No. I , ? j , Ue.
PittSTs Pink and Kobos Richmond , GV cj
Allen , Oc ; Ulverpomt. oc : Steel Hlver , < IV o ;
Hiehmond , Oje ; Pueille , liV o.
Pin NTS Indigo Blue Washington , n c ;
American , ( Pfe ; Arnold,7c ; Arnold Century ,
Oc ; Arnold 13 , luj e ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 . , c
Pnixr.s Dress Charter Onk , 5'c ' ;
Uamapo , 4 } c ; Lodi , 5c ; Alien , Oc ; Richmond
mend , Oc ; Windsor , OKc ; Eddy.stoi'e , f u\ \
Pacific , OWc.
GixniMM PluiiKcttchecks , 7'fc ' ; Whitton-
ton , 7j-ci York , 7J < ? e ; Nonmindl dross ,
Sy - ; Calcutta dress , Skc : Wliittenton dress ,
8 > ( p ; lienfrcw dress , S C'f ' 12Hc.
CAMIIKKM Sluter , 5'je ' ; Woods , 5'4e ;
Stnndurd , 5' c ; Peacock , 5
BIANKIITS White , jl.0037.50 ; colored ,
$1.03tS.)0. ( ( )
Ht.iuuiicu SiimiTiNo Berkeley cambric ,
No. 01) ) , UXc ; Best Vet , 1-1. O c ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4' ' e ; Cabot , 7J i'Fiirivell half bleached ,
S e ; Fruit of Loom. 9' e ; Greene
G , Of ; Hope , 7J ; King Philip cam
bric , He ; Lonsdalo cambric , lli'Ji !
Lonsdalc , lie ; Now York mills , lOUc :
l > eiierell ) , 42-ln , lie ; Pcpperell , 40-ln , 12o ;
Pcppcrcll , 0-4 , lOc ; Poppcrall , 3-1 , 21c ; Pop-
porell , 1)4 ) , 23o ; Poperoll. ] ) 104 , 2" c ; Canton
44 , S c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wauisuttn , lie ; Val
ley , fie.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7K ° i A' '
Bantic H , 44 , 7tfo ; Atlantic D , 44 , OKc ; At
lantic P , 14 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 44. Oc ; Aurow
C , 44 , 4 'c. ; Crown XXX , 44 ; OX" ; Hooslor
LL , 44 , Oc ; Indian Head , 44 , 7XU ; Liny-
roncoLL , 44 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 44 , 5V c ;
Pcporcll | H , 44 , 7c ; Popporoll > O , 44 , OJjc ;
Pcpporcll. 84 , 18KoPepperellt)4 ; ) , 21c ; Pop-
peroll , 104,23cUtieaC,44,4XcWaehusett ; ; ,
44 , 7 > < fo ; Aurora II , 44 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-4 ,
Di'C'icT03t Point 2'J In , 8 or , 10) ) c ;
Queclico No. 2 , Jf , 37 0 ; Qucchco No. 3 Jf ,
H3' ' < fc ; Aunwun , 3-i' ' < c ; Windsor , 22-fc. }
Fi.vxxcw Ked , C , 21in , 15 > ' ; E , 24 in ,
2lc ; G G , 21 in , ISc : H A F , ,25o ; J UF , # f ,
27 } c ; G , Jf. 3" > c ; West Point 20 in , 11) ) of ,
12KcWc3t ; Point 29 in , 12 oz , 13oWest ; Point
40 in , U oz , Kic.
SiuiiTiNd Checks , Caledonia X , 9J < fo ; Cal
edonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , Oo ; Otis , 'Jo.
City harness per lb , 2S@2Jc ; country har
ness per lb , 21C'vC3e ; city line per lb , 82j733c ( ;
kip heavy per lb. 4 ! ( < ? 50o ; kip medium per lb ,
B5 ( 60c ; veal per lb , 05ii70c ( ; Chlcngo slaugh
tered solo per lb , 23ff 2s5c ; city calf 2S to 30
Ibs , 35@)0o ! ) ; city upper per foot , 18 ( < t20c ; col
lar , 14jiilOe ( ; ButTalo slaughtered solo peril ) ,
2SOi30c ; Oak leather slaughtered sole per lb ,
2SwiOe ! ; harness , per lb , 2S ( < ? 32e : upper per
foot , 21jt32o ( ; kip heavy per lb , ( VSW70c ; kip
medium per lb , 75@SO ; city calf per lb ,
flOc@$1.00 ; llnliiK per dozen , $ D.OO ( < ? S.GO ;
French calf 23 to 30 Ibs , l.lOi 1.7. > ; French
calf 80 to BO Ibs , 81.lO ( t.7B ; French calf 50
to 75 Ibs , OOc@S1.23.
Hubner boots and shoes Boston , dis 40
per cent ; Bav State , dis 40Q elO per cent ;
Para , dis40@"j per cent ; Goodyear , dis 40@ . ' >
per cent. _
Metals niul Tinners' Stock.
Tin plato. I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plato ,
roollng , I C , 14x20 , 83.15 ; shoot zinc. $ Tt..10@
0.75 ; pig lead , § 4.80 ; bar lead. $4. ? > 3 ; largo pig
block tin , 23o ; small pig block tin , 27o ; bur
tin , 2Sc ; solder , 15@20c ; copper bottoms , 31o ;
sheathing copper , tinned , 2lc ! ; planishing
copper , tinned , 3. > c ; load pipe , O fc ; sheet
iron , N S. 18 to 24 , $3.20 ; Hussia iron , 13o ;
Am Hussia planished , A , lO o ; Am Kussia
planished , B , ! lfo ) ; painted barb wire , ? 3.13 ;
galvani/cd barb wire. 43.73.
null ClicinloalH.
Misanu.AXKom Sulph. acid , \fc ; citrio
aciu , OOo ; tartarlc , GOc : bal. copavia , liOc ;
borax , lOo ; cliloroform , 60o ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , select , f 1.00 ; gum camphor , 30o ;
gum opium , 53.75 ; sulph. morphia , ? 250 ;
bromide potassium , 43c.
On.s Carbon , 150 ° lOo ; headlight , 173 °
122fo ; Baseline , 74 ° 12 ! o ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. I golden ma
chine , 18e ; extra W. S. lord , O''e ; No. I lard ,
43c ; turpentine , 4lo ; llnsood raw , 5'Jc ; boiled ,
Coal and
LIMB 85@Xc ! ) ; Portland cement. ? ; i.5" ; do
mestic cement , $1.35 ; plaster , 83.00ffl3.13 ;
hair , ft35c. !
CoAt -Anthracito , range , and nut , $10.00 ;
largo egg , $0.73 ; Hock Spring , * 7.0Q ; Su
perior , ? < 1.00 ; Iowa , $4.60@5.50 ; steam coal ,
$1.50 to $3.00. _
Add 60 cents per 1,000 feet for rough Joist.
No. 1 com , sis J18.00 ] No. 3 com , sis $15.00
No. 2 com , s 1 e 10,50 | No. 4 com , sis 12.50
Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough.
No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . , . $20.00
No. 1 , " 10 ft , . . . . 20.00
No. 2 , " 12 and 14 ft , " . . . . 1(5.00 (
No. 3 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.20.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 f I.J14.75
13 , " " 10.75U. \ . " " 11.75
1st com , J in white plno coiling . f3.1.00
2d " " " "
. 27.00
Clear ? / in Norway pine colling ! . ! ' . ' . ! ! ! JBSO !
2dcom d' in " " '
. ia.50
AO In whltoplno . H.OO
Hit " ii . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W.Uv < > . , / >
O " " "
. 2900
' ii II . . . . * . * . . . . . . . . . . . . < * * > l.Uv
13 " " ( sol , lencmg ) . 18.50
Six Incb drop siding 50o per 1,000 extra.
A , 12 in , s 1 s.$45.00 I C , 12 in , s 1 s. . . ] .00
13,12 in , s 1's . . 33.00 | D , 12 in { sis. . . 22.00
No. 1 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 13 ft 20.50
No. icom , 12 in. sis , 14ft 20.00
No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 ft 20.00
No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10,18 and 20 ft. . 33.60
No. 3 com , 13 In , sis , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 19.45
No. 3 com , 13 in , s 1 s , 12 und 14 ft 18.50
No.'J com , 13 in , si s , 10ft 18.00
12 in grooved rooflnt ; $13 per M. more than
12 in stock boards same length.
10 in grooved rooting same price as 13 In
stock boards.
No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 In $19.75
No. 2 plain , Sand 10 In „ . . 17,00
No. 1 O. a. , 8 in 10.35
Rotyp i , i ii n i i v r in i' '
A Bullish Sontlmont Still Controls
the Wheat Pit
Ont Open Firm Hut Wcnkcii Toward
the Clone Provisions Much
Stronger Fair Triullim In
Cattle Ho H Unsettled.
Cittcvoo , August 4. [ Special Telegram to"
Tun 13un.Vhon ] wheat opened with a big
advance Monday morning , conservative bulls
expressed themselves to the effect that if
prices were as high at the cad of the week
as they were at tlio beginning they should bo
satisfied , for the week began and ended In
what is practically the same notch. The ad
vance that was established Monday morning
has boon held , with Intermediate fluctuations
of greater or loss violence , and the market is
soomlnirly well grounded and legitimately
Htronir. In Now Yoric , after regular trading
hours to-day , wheat was bid up jift ) ( , ' e. Lo
cally the market was very firm , and plenty
of wheat was wanted at Xjlc above tlio
opening range , which range was J4(21e ( bet
tor than yesterday's closinir. The close was
quite at the top and the fooling was strong.
The only decided sign of weakness that was
shown during the day was whou It was
given out that Monday's receipts
would bo In the neighborhood of 241) )
cars , nnd Inter when nn estimate of TOO.OOO
bushels Increase In the visible supply was put
in circulation. It is by no means certain
that the Increase will bo so largo , or that
there will bo any Increase nt all. Shipments
from western points have been free nil the
week nnd export clearances abroad , while
the homo milling demand has absorbed a
great | deal of grain in Now fork nnd olso-
wlicriof which no account is made until
the end of the week. Tlio domestic situa
tion Is especially strong. Heports from the
northwest continue to como in bad , and it Is
said that there has boon more buying of during tlio hist two or thrco days for
railroad people than for the previous six
months. Northwestern , St. Paul and Hock
Island people are outspoken bulls on the
prospects along their own lines nnd tribu
taries. Tlio sentiment of tlio inoculative
crowd is bullish pronouncedly possibly too
much so for a speculative advance and not
strong enough to absorb the stuff that might
bo tempted out in tlio realisation of small
profits. If the spring wheat crop is not 1U@
25 per cent below an average unload of H ) @
2 > per cent nbpvc , as many anticipated up to
ouito , recently , then the latest reports and
estimates are away off. A Yankton , Dak. ,
dispatch was shown on change announcing
that now wheat had been received there. It
is well to know , however , that spring -vhcat
grown in that part of the territory wlicro
harvesters are now at work is not a drop m
the bucket. Harvesting In the southern udgo
of the "wnout bolt" will not begin for ten or
twelve days and the spring wheat harvest
season will not end in the northern counties
until the middle of September. It usually
lasts about twenty days. September opened
ut 8:1140 : , ranged 83) 84tfu and closed at the
outside. October , in winch there was only a
moderate trade , opened at S-lc , sold up to
84 fe and left off at the top. The strength
at tlio close may have boon duo tb [ some ex
tent to the inability of scalpers to sell a little
and go homo short and stand hedfjbdj in the
privilege market us Is their usual custom.
Now York wired nil the way from twenty-
lour to fifty boat loads taken for ex
port and exporters were represented to bo
scurrying around clear up to the last trying
to got what they had offered to soil the night
before without , in every case , getting the
propcity first. Lute cables were bullish on
weather nnd demand. The ndvnneo for the
day was ! ivlJfe. Tlio corn market was
null but steady and quotations nt tlio close
record an ndvnnca of ° o for the duy.
Oats were firmer curly. Receipts were
light and estimated arrivals for Monday only
moderate und duo to last night's rain with
the belief that harvesting would bo further
delayed. Near futures advanced J n o
to SSJ c , August 24njfc- , September nnd Oeto-
ber 24Jfc , with an unexpected sale of a round
lot of now ? > To * 2 to go to store nt 25c. A sub
sequent weakness occurred all along the line
and tlio curly slight advance was fully lost.
The arrivals of new onts , though Increasing ,
have been so liuhtto date that jfny market
movement was not expected lor a week at
least. Cash oats were quiet wjth old ut a
premium and No. 2 in store quotable at about
23k , c.
The provision trade was considerably
stronger. No amount of activity was
exhibited , but the confidence displayed pre
vious to Thursday's break was in a great
measure recovered , and higher prices ap
peared to bo expected quito ojsily. In the
upward movement witnessed lard Igd the
other leading lines and closed at an actual
advuuco of 1517Xc. ( The day's apprecia
tion in short ribs was 7) < i@12c , and In pork
5@10e. _
CIIIOAOO , August 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn I3nK. I CATTi.n Trade was fair for
Saturday , about everything being sold. The
general market was about the same as at the
close last night. The flood of Texans com
nienced on Monday , nnd averaged half the
cattle on sale each day. Sellers know 11
would keep up for two or three days at least
and buyers , having means of information ,
knew it , too , und were ready to stand from
under. Another source of weakness was the
largo number of poor to common natives.
Buyers In the states have made some money
during the past two months or so on good fal
cattle and that kind being about all mar
keted lu some localities greedy buyers go
about the country making good bids on cattle
that farmers had no idea of selling yet , ami
which are not at all lit for markets.
The result is the farmer sells ami
cheats himself ; the buyer gets thorn and
loses money. The recepts Include 1,800 Texans -
ans ; medium to good steers , U5) ) to lf.03 Ibs ,
$3.1.V5.M ) ; 1200 to 150 ! ? Ibs , * 1.53a'5.25 ( ; 05(1 (
to 12'W ) Ibs , $ : i.00@ 1.50 ; Mockers and feeders ,
$2.10 ( < jj3.i0 ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ i.Cl'g (
IWOjbulk.40@2..M ) . Texas cattle .strong ;
steers , 'J50 to 1050 Ibs , f2.8l\iil,40 ; 750 to OlX
Ibs , .J2.l0 ! ( < n 0 ; O'H ' ) to 700 Ibs , W.4"ijJ8.0 ( ( ) ;
cows , ? l.'Ji' < g3.iO : ; 183 Indians , 1112 Ibs , § 1.80.
Hon.Trado was unsettled and values
weak nm ! Irregular , but generally a slmdo
lower than at the eloso yesterday. Prices
have dropped a strong 2iu2)C ) ( the past week
and the market closed we.ik ut a decline.
Prime heavy or selected butchers' weights
closed at ? ii.40rt 11.50 ; the best mixed , S0.20O
O.JJ5 ; common packers , $5.SH@tJ.10 ) ; light
sorts , ? u.B5'rf0.60.
New YORK , August 4 , [ Special Telegram
to Tim UKK. ] STOCKS The most Important
features in the stock market the past week
were the sudden changing of traders from
Granger stocks to the Vunderbllts and the
subsequent retirement of the former to neo-
end place In activity , the favorable adjust
ment of cable dlfllcultlcs und un advance in
prices. This agreement will also have u gooi
effect on land linos. This , It is believed , wil
Increase the receipts of the Western Union
company , and with the enhanced income
which the company will derive under the
now oasis of rates it is believed that the
earnings will sufllco to Increase the dlvldcnt
rate. The financial and physical condition ol
Lake Shore , and probably also of Michigan
Central and Canada Southern seems to fully
Justify the pxpcctod Increase in their divi
dend rato. The earnings of these roads have
boon wall maintained throughout the depres
sion in business , and the conservative policy
pursued by the munagomcut has enablct
them to expend largo amounts in improve
ments and renewals of roadway and rolling
stock , thus keeping the road in the hlghosl
state of cfllciency. In view of the good croj
production und ino certainty that a largo per
centage of this must go to the seaboard for
foreign shipment , the prospects for business
nro brlgh' The advance In Northern Pn-
cltlc stor has been checkedby the contest
which 1ms arisen between that company nnd
the Oregon Navigation company for posses
sion of the Coeur-D'Alcno country. These
complications were duo to the failure on the
part of the Union Pacific to perfect a Joint
lease with the Northern Pacific of theOregon
Navigation. It Is believed that the difficulty
is In process of adjustment , if not already
settled , and that the bright prospects of this
company and all Its allied system ! ) , as well as
of Union Pacific , will not bo mnrrcd by un
profitable strife. In relation to Union Pa
cific , although the earnings of the company
for the month of .Tune show a loss from those
ot last year , It's future is promising. The
bill to fund its debt to the government has
been Introduced In the United States senate ,
whore no opposition to Us passage is ex
pected , mid this move , It is thought , will
probably result in the measure becoming
law at this session. In addition thereto Oregon
gen Short Line shows largely Increased
earnings , which gives the company a surplus
over the actual charges Instead of n deficit ,
as in previous years. The business future of
the country , based U ] > on the crop yield nnd
the certainty that there will bo a foreign de
mand for all our surplus , is giving moro con
fidence to Investors in securities , nnd that
the demand Is Increasing is shown dally In
the small supply of stock offerings. Stocks
were bid up freely to enable holders to mar
ket the other stocks without causing n sharp
decline In them. A largo number of bulls
who have closed out arc not adverse to u de
cline , ns they would like to got In again.
The market to-day was dull nnd about as
uninteresting as ever witnessed. The bad
crop reports from the west made operators
backward about purchasing nnd traders who
were lucky enough to have orders found it
ilitllcult to execute thorn satisfactorily. The
only feature was the ndvnneo ofV In Mich
igan Central and Northwestern , the rest of
tlto list remaining steady. Sales were 31.S23
shares : money \ ( < il1 ' . The bank statement
showed a slight decrease in the reserve , but
cut no figure.
II.R.4S regular. . .liT INorthcrn 1'acltlc. . . 2" > S4
II. S. Is coupons 127dopriferrod | Wi'i
IT. S. l"svegular. . .1WIVC. S. N. W 111 ! ' ,
U.S. 4' ' iH coupons HIT'/j do preferred , . . . .I I Hi
1 'aclllc ( is of ' 1C ) l-'i ) N. V. ( 'uiitnil llM'i
Central 1'acltlc . , .
Chicago & Alton .l.'ll Itojk iMlimd ins
Chlcngo.llui Huston C. . M. , V St. 1 > 7-J3 , ,
& Onliipy Ilii'i do preferred. . . .liuic
I ) . , I , . AsW i : > Vi St. 1'anlAOi'iulm. . : ( " „
Illinois Central Ki'idopreforrcd ' \ lOb'i
I. . II.A.W jj : Irnlonl'ai'illc tti > .
Kansas ATexas. . . U'\V. | , St. I , . A ; 1' W ,
I.nkeShore mv < do preferredii
Michigan Cuntral. . Kt\ Western , Union HU )
Missouri I'ucitlo . . . 7b *
MONRV ox CALL 1 ( < M } . ' per rent.
SrmiuNo E\cn\xon-Qutot and weak at
$4.SJ > ! f for sixty day bills.
Cnicvno , August I. Wheat Shade firmer ,
cash , SSJfc ; September , Sl' c ; October ,
4'fi' ' ! .
Corn Easy ; cash , 40J-fe ; September ,
We ; October , 45)c. )
Oats Easy ; cash , " m ; September , nnd
October , 24 > 4'c.
Rye I7i < rc.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy August , M.PO.
Flour Firm ; winter wheat in sacks , ? 2 75
V > ; in barrels , $3.00iM.4'J. ( Spring wheat
in barrels , ) ; in sacks , H " . "ijil.g.'i :
rye in sacks , $ ) .30@3.00 ; in barrels , $2.53 ®
3.20.Dry Salt Monti In fnlr demand , prices
favoring buyers ; short ribs , ? S.0. : !
Butter Unchanged ; creunieryitJ4rtti74c : ) ;
dnirj' , 12)4(16c. )
Eggs Unchanged ; fresh , ii4@14c. ;
Hides Unchanged ; preen salted calf , 4J
@ 5o ; heavy green salted,5)4(257(0 ( ; lightgreon
fiiltcd , 'MiOr ; salted bull , .T > fo ; dry flint ,
8c , dry calf , 8e ; deacons , 20(5/250 ( oaeh ; dry
salted , 07c. ( !
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1. solid parked
3H < > ; No. 2 , 3c , nnd cake , 3J (7i3J/o ( peril ; .
Ciioeso Active nnd firm ; full cream cheddars -
dars , S itti o ; young Americas , SjJfG/Oc.
Koceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 42.000
Wheat bu 5KOOl ) 75,000
Corn , bu 143,000 205,000
Oats , bu 53,000 74,000
Rye , bu . . . .
Barley , bu . . . .
MinncnpollH , August 4. Wheat He-
ceipts 2-5 cars ; shipments03 cars ; prices
higher. Closing : No. 1 hard , cash and Sep
tember , 85J4O ; on track , 8flJ ( < tS7o ! ; No , 1
northern , cash nnd September , 83 ! c ; on
tr.ick , SIKO'SSo ; No. 2 northern , cash and
September , bOi-J-J ; on track , 8l@S2c.
Milwaukee , August 4. Wheat Strong ;
cash , SJe ; September , Sljfc ; October , 32o. ,
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , on track , 45o.
Oats Firm or ; No. 2 white , on truck , 30) c.
Kyo Weaker ; No. 1. in store , 55c.
Barlev Firm ; No. 2 , in store , 5 ! ) ( > 00c.
Provisions Firmerpork.cashund ; August ,
St. IjoiiiN. August 4. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 834@S3Jfc } ; September , 83Ve.
Corn Higher ; cash , 44J.fc ; September ,
43e.Oats Firm ; cash , 2lKe ; September , 23c.
Pork Firm at § 15.00.
Lnrd Nominally higher ut$8.05.
Whisky Steady nt $1.14.
Butter Quiet and unchanged ; creamery ,
10(717c ( ; dairy , 13 ( 10c.
Cincinnati , August 4. Whisky firm
KansiiR City , Angust4. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , 7Io bid , 7I o asked ; Sep
tember , 71o bid , 71J/C asked ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , 72 bo bid , 72 fo asked ; September , "
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 35c bid , 37o
asked ; September , 37o nskcd.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20'4'e ' bid , 21o asked.
Now York , August 4. Wheat Hceolnts ,
60,000 ; exiiorts , 50,01)0 ) ; cash grades J f > le
higher and strong ; options ruled llrmor , oien- |
Ing lOlK15 higher , then gained Ji'"i'Jfc. ' clos
ing linn at top ; ungraded red , 7Si'.lllJ ' e ; No.
3 red , 6Sc ; No. 4 red. 81o ; No. 2 rod , ! )5)4 ) < 3i
93J c in elevator , OG-ifiJ7o } ! f. o. b. ; Septem
ber closing nt ! > 5 ; ' o.
Corn Hccoipts , 500 ; exports , 5,150 ; spot
fairly active nnd llrm ; options * opened k' @
J o lower , but later full back Js vje , closing
llrm at about best ; ungraded , W .Vl o ;
No. 2 , 54Xu$35e to arrive , CO ( iJ5iI u deliv
ered ; September closed at5l'jC.
Oats Kecelpts , 50,000 ; experts , 270 ; a
slmdo better and quiet ; mixed western , 30
( j3 ! > c : whlto western , 4U'4Sc.
Colfco Spot fair ; Hio , dull and nominal at
J14.00 ; options very dull and a shade lower ;
sales , SKX ( ) bags ; August , $ l0.3.'i@lo.l3 ;
September > 5 ( > 0.9 < > : October. $3.65.
Petroleum United closed llrm at S4o.
Eggs Dull and weak ; western ,
Pork Quiet and firm ; moss quoted at
§ 14.25 for old ; $15.25i < ; 15.30 for now.
Lard Higher ; western steam , spot , 6-9.00.
Butter Quiet and firm on line ; western ,
12 ( < i We.
Cheese Firm for really line ; Ohio Hats ,
Liverpool , August 4. Wheat Quiet ;
holder. ) otter moderately.
Corn Quiet.
Now Orleans , August 4. Corn Trrogu
lar ; mixed , ; yellow , C2o ; whlto. 03c.
Oats Excited and higher ; No. 2 , 43 > < jC of
Corumoal-Stcady at $2.85.
Hog Products Scarce and firm ; pork ,
$14.02V ; lard , 57.73.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ; Ions clear
and clear ribs , * 7.K ! ) .
Chicago. August 4. The Drovers' Jour
nal rcuorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 3000 , market steady ;
steers , ? 3.00ig5.bO ; stockers and feeders , $2.10
WU.OO ; cowf , bulls und mixed , $1.50@3.40 ;
Texas cattle , $1.1K3.40.
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; market slow
and weaker ; closed steadier ; mixed , $5.85@
0.50 ; heavy , $ d.00 < 0.57 5 light , f0.10@0.50 ;
Sheep Heccipts. 2,500 ; market steady ;
natives , $2.5CX < J5.00 ; western , .W.55g4.00 ( ;
Texas , $3.00@3.75 ; lambs , $4.75@3.75.
Kansas City , August4. Cattle Kecoipts ,
11,500 ; shipments , none ; market a shade
stronger ; good to cholco corn-fed , $4.75@5.iO ! :
common to medium , t.'l.2J@1.50 ; grass range
steers , $1.55(33.50 ( ; stockers and feeders , f 1.00
@ 3.C3 ; cows , $1.25@2.00.
Hoe Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none ;
market for good , steady ; others Co lower ;
good to cholco , $0.25@.30 ; common W good ,
$3.50(30.15 ( ,
A Modornto Activity Frovcilllnjr lu
Banking Oirclos.
Now York KtclintiKo In Good Supply
ami ICnnler-StoekH Quite Aotlvo
Unusual Kxcltuinoiit In Grain
niul Provisions ,
Tlio Money Market.
Cmcuio , August 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : IlcK.l Business around the banks was
moderately active during the past week. The
settling up of monthly accounts nnd the de
livery of property on maturing contracts cre
ates a llttlo more demand for money tempo
rarily , but borrowers experienced no dlfll-
culty In obtaining all the accommodations re
quired. Bankers , lisa rule , are well supplied
with loan-ibid funds and are disposed to
readily favor customers , but generally In
sist on excellent security and comparatively
wide margins , 'llio supplies of grain and pro
visions on hand uro smaller than usual at this
season of the year , consequently less money
is required to carry them. Bunkers have no-
copied some outsldo paper at fair rates of
interest but are not Inclined to grant many
favors of that character nt present. The
balances of country banks uro well main
tained , but local bankers nnticipato a liberal
reduction in thorn when now crops begin to
move freely. Not much money has been
forwarded to tlio interior , us the require
ments In that quarter have been light.
Farmers are moving very llttlo produce to
llio stations as they are now busily engaged
in harvesting operations. The demand fiom
opcratois in stocks , grain and provisions
tthowcd a little improvement , as tlio call for
margins were more frequent and porno
money was required to pay for property pre
viously purchased. Shippers of grain and
provisions borrowed sparingly. Packers are
out of the market , possibly on the loaning
side as their business does not employ their
ready funds. Lumber dealers asked for few
favors nnd manufacturers presented some
short dnto papers , Merchants in the wholesale
sale- mercantile trade wore moderate borrow
ers , but their demands are not pressing.
Hates of interest were without material
change , ranping at 5 ( 5 percent on call and
5 , ' < @ * per cent on tlmo loans. In eastern
markets thedomand lor money is gradually
improving , and offerings were moderately
free , with rates of interest firmer
nt ( tV % per cent on call nndl j@H per cent
on time loans. Foreign financial centers
show n llttlo steadiness , with n moderate de
mand for money from all sources. The bal
ances of the Bank of England show n further
reduction , nnd continental banks also npponr
to bo reducing their supply of loanable funds.
New York cxL'lin-ige was in good supply
throughout the week and the demand was
only fair. Prices ruled easier , nml sales
were made at par to 50 cents discount per
$1,000 , closing steady nt2."u3llcents discount.
Foreign exchange was In belter supply ,
owing to Increased exports of flour , grain nt'd
petroleum , and the market ruled weak and
prices lower. Tlio demand was only fair.
Shippers' sixty days documentary bills on
London changed hands nt $ l.8f4.S4 : ! ( , and
the market closed quiet at ? > 4.83Kii4.St ( : ; < f.
The Now York stock market exhibited con
siderable activity during the past week , and
the feeling in a general way was stronger.
Prices averaged higher on loading proper
ties , though the extreme ligures reached
vero not fully supported to the closo. Wall
street operators traded rather freely , and
foreign speculators gave tlio market eonsid
crublo attention during the early part of the
week. Western operators traded with con
siderable freedom in some of the slocks ,
ohiolly thoao in which the west is interested.
The earnings of the leading railroads have
shown only a small improvement , which maybe
bo attributable to the unsettled condition of
f i eight rates. The outlook for crops is re
garded as very favarablo , and this in a meas
ure tends to the firmness of the stocks of
some of the leading linos. There was some
realizing by the ' 'long" interest at advanced
prices , but not sufllclent to maku any material
change in the market nor have any effect on
the course of prices. The whole list of stocks
was quite generally traded in , but Reading ,
St. Paul , Now York & Now England , Dela
ware , Lacknwaunu & Western , Union Pu- .
cille , Missouri Pacific and Western Union
met with most favor. The market closed
rather steady. Tlio sales on the New York
stock exchange for the week aggrcgulcd 101-
An unusually active week has been passed
by speculators and a largo volume of busi
ness transacted , nil the lending grain nnd
provision markets sharing in the general Im
provement In business. The surroundings of
trade were sufficiently variable to encourage
speculative transactions and create some dif
ference of opinion relative to the future
course of the markets. Crop advices from
abroad were unfavorable and reports from
homo crops were not HO encouraging in a gen
eral way as during the past week or two.
This had some effect in strengthen
ing the markets early in the week ,
but free realizing by heavy opera
tors tended to depress the markets
nnd lower prices again. The receipts of now
grain continue moderate. Sellers evidently
nro slow to accept current prices and
regard the outlook as favorable
for holding. Shipments have been
more liberal both from souboard
and western markets and supplies nro not in
creasing as rapidly us reported at this time
lasl year. The demand on shipping account
was more uclivo , several round lots of wheat
and corn being taken on direct export orders ,
which is regarded as a very favorable feature
in trade. In fact there Is little doubt with
tlio present favorable freights continued ,
that Chicago will bo the headquarters for the
export trade in grain and provisions during
the fall nnd winter months. Fluctuations
in prices were frequent and within quite
n wide range at times , bul the result of
the week's business shows a material ad
vance established. The quality of now grain
has not been very good , but this is usually
the case ut the beginning of new crops.
Provisions shared in the general unsullied
fooling near the eloso of the week and n
very marked decline in prices occurred ,
though a slight rally prevailed later. The
receipts of liva hogs at all the principal west
ern packing points were lighter. The pack
ing of the west is gradually decreasing , and
re.tinns to duto show u falling off of about
l.Mi.OOO hogs , compared with the returns of
last season ,
Ho Struck Out Klcvun.
"My son , " said tlio Hliocked nnd
grieved father , "in spite of till I hnvo
Biiid to you about Sunday bull playing
you took part in the game yesterday.
Tul < o oil your eout. "
"I don't ' deny it , father. I plnyod
ball yesterday , and tlio paper this morn
ing says I wan the only one in tlio nine
that did play ball. "
'Is that so ? Does the paper Bay that ?
Well , well , it wasn't so terrible a crime
after nil. Put on your coat. I'll let
you elf this time if you won't do it any
more. What poriition did you play ? "
"I pitched. I struck out cloven
mon. "
"You did ? That was remarkable.
But bold how could you Htriko out
ulovon wliun there are only nine on a
aide ? I can overlook di&obodioncc , Al
fred , but not deceit. OlY with that coat
again. No excuses or explanations , sir.
Off with it. "
Whack ! Whackl
JiiHt One.
As Miss Angelina , who lives nt the
south end , came down to breakfast the
other morning , looking a trillo pulebut
very huppy.hor mother , looking sternly
toward tlio daughter , cleared her throat
and remarked in a serious tone of voice :
"My dear , Edwin stayed much later
than usual last night , did ho not ? "
' No , no , mother. "
"Bo careful my child ; I am quite sure
of it. "
"No. indeed , mother , ho didn't stay
at all late. Why , what makes you
think he did ? "
"BocanBO I happened to be awake
when ho was going out and I heard him
whisper to ypv at the door , 'Just one. ' "
Jfs / forllcinrariUdtlon ? / fr >
y.s cm l.i.imvd 2'"rtcf.
ThtMiNfuul Dollars In *
vented hjr iinanl ItuslnesM Men In
i tin Hntnt prlfo Whom mill
\Vlion the Sliow Will Un.
1 hat Oinnlin Is to Imre one of tlio t
attractions over oirered west of Now York vltjr
i now a settled fnct. llctoro the expiration of
the three days tu which the gentlemen Innu *
jurallnc the schema wt'tv ( jlvon to deride ilflln-
toly as to whether or not thu contract H.ioulil
icciniio hlmilng. a ti'lp rntii w ns cent to New
York notifying i'ayno A Son to at once begin
irepnrntloiiH fortlio removal from Manhattan
H'ftCh to nnmlm of thu grout historic nml
gigantic intlitiry nnd fptMuciilur piny , "The
Solgo of bubusttapol. "
on rocolpt of this word two men worn M nt
oOnuihn front > ew York to Hiiiu > rlnteml and
tot In rtMdlness nil thr minor details ucco nry
icfore the arrival of thv Mienlc ollectg , nnd to
nkn clmrica nf the itltTorent methods of nilvor-
IMtig tlu > went. 'i'l.osp KontlBini'ti Imvo not yet
irrlvoil , lint nro exp'ited to roach hero to-duy.
\ [ { i e.u deal ot v orc ! Is necessary to be accom-
illBlu'tl by the committee. huvltm the mntler In
luirgo. Hie agents of 1'n } no * Son will enter
tito co-operation with the committee , nml
nothings ill be left uiutouu to make tlio event
I IMllll SUCCl'C * .
Too much cannot bo mild of the enterprise of
thoi'ltlzvn * who have boon liixtruinenUlln pro-
urlng this great performiinco for our city.
Nothing Khould bo loft undone that > U11 in auy
way assist In Its success.
Our leportur who while recently on a hunt for
an Item of Intel est to our renders met n llttlo
Hey ho ho knew had tor > ears been very ilenf ,
mil HioliiRhnnnnsworlilHcomnamous very rend-
ly marveled nt thu change and called on the lit
tle Inn's mother niul Inquired as to the change. .
Jlr , V T. Slnnioi- ! : , the lather of the lx > y is
DHnaKorot thoClenro .Mill : ) , at Izatil amlSlrd
street * , and resides at No. Itl ) Wheuton street.
I'ho writer met .Mrs. Shlnrock at homo nnn to
ilm Mm told the following In icjjard to the boy.
'Yes Howard can heir us well us von or 1 now ;
10 Is .wen years old und has been de if for about
four yean * . 1 Ilrst noticed thUdeiifnussone day
while running the sewing machlno. ho looked nt
it awhile und then asked mo why It did not
iiinkn any noise , he lield his ear up against tlio
muchlnu but eould not hear Its no He at all. In
mllnary conversation he could not hear one
woid. I was considerably ii'iumed ' about It. but
eoueluiied that Ic would come all right , but It
did not. W sent him to > chool fof a year , but
lu tnnilc no pioyrensbecanio ho could not hear.
lie would not Ret Interested In any talk and nl <
neat always mid a he.ul lehe. and tlieu couhl
bcarcoly hear when 1 would hollow to him , ho
poomcd to have been born with a bad cold for
ils iio-.o was almoit continually stopped upnud
when lie was six mouths old , no would mirozo
md run at the no c and eyes for somotlmn
hreo dnys. ho never could hear a watch or
lock tick , and wo Imdabout t latlo up ourmlni'j
hat ho would be hopelessly deaf for wo had
rled s voral doctors , but had lotind no relief
or him. Iliad lead for sometime thu ndver-
torments of Dr. MiCoy and at last wo inado up
our mind we would try him : wo did , wo lied him
examined by Dr. , 'ordan , w ho at that tlmo had
haw of lr ) McCoy's olllco , anil the doctoi tokl
UH that ho hud cutarrh and hlsdeafness WIIH dun
to tlio catarrh or what wa known as catarrhal
deiitness and that he cnuul euro him. Wo con
cluded we would try him and wo did , and now
ifter a llttlnover two jnonthsho Itearsperfectly
ind Is OH bright pa acilcket ; his catarrh Is cured
oo , after the llrst or second treatment at the
doctor's olllce , he heard the clock tick and
Immediately said , I henr that clock tick , and ho
Continued to grow butter until now a * 1 Buy ho
Is cured. "
Thu writer saw the bov
who [ a n bright and handsome little man , one
who certainly appreciates tho'difference th
doctor has made in his hearing ,
Mr. r. T Shlnrock , thu father of Muster How'
nrd , re-Odes at No. HJll Whcnton street , nnd ii
willing to corroborate the above interview with
his \vilo In regard to llttlo Howard. To anyont
doubting it wu can only sny go see them ,
" 1 Won't liollovn It. "
No doubt this Is tlio remark madomany times
after readlm ; our testimonials by skeptics
"I'lii1 } " buy thulr cases. " Just con.sliH'r , Tor one
m jment , aru thu people of tnls community BO
Ki-asuing for money that they in general ou *
cases are taken from the gonural public would
ronnlvo for u paltry Hum to hoodwink nnd
Ili-cuu thuir follow mon ? Not only Unit , could
we attor.l , in u monetary HUIIHO , not to speak ol
finding the person , to pay from ten to titty dollars
lars for the use of n innn'H nnmii and his man
hood to cheat und swindlu poor unfortunates ?
No. our testimonials nro given voluntarily by
thiinkfal patients whose names and addresses
are given In full , wo do nut giro the Initials fol
lowed by a , but the correct immo und ad-
drt'-H o that all can IIml thorn. There are thous
ands of hkoptles still in thaclty who sulTer from.
stopped up noses ) , with mucus collecting in their
throats , making thulr voices thick and husky ,
and with u nasal twang , HUirerlng from head *
ache , ears ringing , rouglilng. hawking and spitting -
ting continually , others with discharge * from
thulr ears , more or les-3 deaf , a grout annoy. . ,
mice to tnems > ) lviH and other * , and why/ Simply -
ply becuuse they are skeptical ; they don't take j
tliutroiiblo to look our CUSPS up , und even If * ,
they did , they oftuntlmi" > hun the small sum
thnt would nmkii them wull until it groan * . .
Health is worth more than money , and at the
low price for which relief am b obtained It U ;
u "blotch on his ubcutchoou" to let the chauc *
K" by. f-
Can Gnturrli tin Curort ?
The past a ; o ml ht bo called a superstitions
out ) , 'i he present can more properly bo Called
an UKO of snrinlKu.sfor many things once claimed
amonK the Impossibilities have now become
everyday possibilities. It would be Hiipermiou *
to enumerate them , llut have we readied the
utmost limit ? lla\e\\i ) ? 1'hynlclaiis who claim
to makit certain aliments the human body Is
subject to a special btudy , and claim to ba abU
to < ure such ul&o isos , mo prunouiip' " ! by other
seU-sytlilled pr.ictlt'o'ii'rsaspresnti. uousbut ;
does iholr saying .so make It NO ? The muu who
can come tlm nearest in overcome the seeming
Imposslbllllle * of others In now all thu raie.aiia
well docs he or they duiiorvu thu success they "
havu labored f > < > liard to obtain Dr. J.G'rusap
McCoy or his associates do not make claims to
anytliiiiK marvelous , suth as ralaliif ; the dear )
iiml Kivlnc them now life ; nelthvr do they claim
to give slyht to tnu blind : but by their new anil
scientific method of tit > atiiut tatarrh they hav ,
cured and do cure catarrh ns well ua
bronchial und throat troubles. U'hey maka
catai ni a s'CGlally.bucau > u It Is one of the most
prevalent and tionhleHtimo diseases that tha
people of this climate are heir to. Blnco Dr. Mo
i.'oy nnd his lUfOciutiM have located in this city
thev havu treated with tuiccess himdrudx ot
] u > rsons whom other pnyHlcl.ini hnvo told their
dlscusH was classed amoiiK thu IncurublcH. Po
they not publhh irom week to week in the dally
papers testimonials from t > omo of the many
grateful p.ulentH patient * , giving in each can *
the full mime and mlilrpsx of thu perxouH rank *
lnt ; thu BtaU-nuiiit that thu doubting , anditkeptfc
cal limy call any Interview the salil people Prior
to vUlttntf the doctor' oflloo for connultHtlon. . '
The p < . 'ouli ) advertised UK cured MB by ua
menus oh cure or unknown , but in thu majority .
of fairs uru citizens well known by the butl- <
ness people and community at largo , nnd It will
more thuu tepay any ono nullrriiiK with ca-
tan linl iill'ectlon to vlHittlumi MliojH btuloiiH-uU.
are pnbllbhi'd , or coiibiilt with thu doctor or iiU
Hsoclutex at hlx olllce.
( Late of Itelfdvuo lIoipltnl.Now York , )
flneri'i'ded by
DO(7ltlt ( )
( Late of thu I'lilxerolty of Nuw Vork City in4' ,
Howard University , Wuslilngton , D , C , ' j5
No. 31O and 311 Rnmoro Bulldlaa'
Corner I'itUeiith and llarn y sts. , OniHliR , " - * -
v hero all curabla cases are treated
with hiiccem , . ,
Note Dr. Charles M. Jordan han bsen tefin
doiit physitiaii for Dr. McCoy , in Omnlm , forr ?
thu pant year nnd Is the phyidclnti who htu '
mtidu the curiu that haru been pubUahttU'
\\eeklylntlilspnper. '
MedicaldlHeases trnitcd skillfully. Consniu .
lion , Jlrlcht'w dlrteino. DVHpep la , IllieiimalUmr-
imd all N IlllVOUrt DIHKAHKd. All dUeucM p
cullM ; to tin sexes a itpeclulty. CATAHKU
aiNUULTATJON nt onico or by nmll. tl.
Ulllra IIOUM-U to II u. m. , a to < p , in. , 1 to Bfc'r
m. . hunilay office hour * from a. m. , to i p. UL '
Corre ] Hndc-nru receive.- , prompt attention.
MHitvdUonses nro tro.iteil timveiiifiilly by Dr. .
Jordan tiiroufa thu muUnnnd It i * thus po-wii
' " - ' ' - - '
11 Journey tr. oliU