Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents pet
line fortlio Hist Insertion , 7 cents ( or each sub.
nciiuent Insertion , nnd ? I.W ) a line per month ,
No advertisement taken for less limn 8" > crnti
the llr t Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must be paid In ADVANrK. All advertise ,
rnentu inUBt bo handed In before 12v : : ) o'clock | ,
m. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
PnrtleH advertising In the o columns nntllmr <
ln tliclr answers addressed In cure of Tin : HF.K
r.-in please ask for u check to enable them to gel
tlinlr letters , as none will tie delivered except or
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tlftements nhotild bo unclosed In envelopes.
, All advertisements In thcso columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions ol
Tm : linn , the circulation of which aggregates
inoro than WOO imperil dally , nnd Klves tin1 ivl
vertlsors the benutlt , not only of the city clrcu
Intl not Tun 111:1" : , but nlso of Council Ilium
I.tiicoln nnii other cities ami towns throughoul
this Fcctlon of tlii ) country.
Advertising for these columns will be token
on the above conditions , at the following busl
ness houses , who are authorized ngents torTni
JIVK special notices , and will quote the sunn
rates as can bo had at the main olllce.
OHNV. IliTi.L'pTmrmacwtrB'W Fouth Tent !
UAHB& r.DOV , Stationers anil I'rlnterN IK
South llith btreet.
4C H. I'AIINSWOHTH. rh.irmaclst , 'JI15 Cum
* J lug Street.
\\T J. lltUJHKS , I'hurmaclat , C-'l North Ifltl
IV . Street.
' F.O. Avenue. W. 1'AUIt , I'lmrnmclftt , 1H St. Mary's
sfeiidV reliable unt
' * rellncd young lady as companion am
lady's maid ; elderly limy preferred or house
keeper In llrttt-class hotel. Address X 18 , He
pi'lce. _ 887 r.t
. wishes room in private fiun
AUKNTJ.KMAN out a ways If near cable
State terms. X ai , llee. NI3-6 *
\\fANTKI ) An experienced traveling sales
T man wants position In western territory
fitcndy habits' references. Address II. 41HSi <
lit , , Denver , Colo. W7 7 $
\\7ANTKD Situation IIB traveling sal csinai
f i for w holesale grocery house by an expel
lenccd man lu the grocery business. Addre.s
X 1.0. this olllce. WS-5 *
\\TANT1ID Situation as first orcerond bool
T > keeper by joung man led limn of goo
liahlts , well iiLiiualnted in city , good reference
nnd bonds If icmtlrcd. Address r 71 Hee olllci
_ IWI tg
"WANT" : ! ) Situation by experienced stei
' ogruiiher and typewriter. Address X
fi'Jl R *
Ueo olllce.
"VST ANTKD A yardman ut the Cozzons hole
T T IHB-frf
rpO hotel-kceperH : Two llrst-class cooks-
4- meat and pastry desire hltuutlous t (
{ 'Other. X 3D Heo. U07-5t
QALKSMAN WANTKD. to take orders fo
t-J Crochet Cotton , llrulils and Trimmings , o
commission. Samples light. Address C. (1
Hubert,8 Orcen st , , New York. 878-5J
TVTANTKD Two restaurant cooks , 810 ; 2tu
W. Pastry cook , WO ; 2nd out of city , * i'
I'nrni hands , laborers , etc. Mrs. Hrcga , ; iI4H
15th. 878-tl'
\VANTKD-A good barber for partner. li
> qulro 818 N. . Klthst.
\\rANTKD Hoys 10 to 18 years old to lour
trade of compositor. Address X 22 th :
olllce. _ B7M *
\\rANTHI-lloy. ) Inqulro of Dr. Jono
T i room 2 Continental block , between 10 a. n
nnd 12m. _ 847
\yANTiD-2 : stout , active boys to work 1
T the IJt-o mall room. Call at li o'clock Mor
day morning. _ bO'j r >
ANTKD Oranlto carvers. Only good me
need apply , at the llee building , 17th an
I'Uriiam. M71-(5 ( *
ANTKD-HaUer for third hand , 2405 Gun
ing. _ 73d 6
" 1/17ANTKD / At Northwestern labor agenc
i ' SliriS. lUth , carpenters , brick layers , lean
fcters for Iowa. J. Mulaoon St Co. 840
T\7 ANTKD ( lood men with small capital 1
TT every town in the west to handle our o
burners lor cooking and heating stoves. HI
money. Answer quick. Call or address J. 1
1'atterson , St. James hotel , Omaha. 842-5 * .
\ \ T ANTED One first class man cook ,
T > other need apply , at 1UOI N. 10th. K
T\TANTKD-60 track-layers at Albright's L
ljor A8cnc > ' lal Fnrnam st. 785
WANTI'.D Kxjicrlenccd organ talesman 1
canvass \\U\i \ team. ( ! oed reference r
quired. Lock box C35 , Lincoln. Neb. 7HKJJ
" 1ANTKD , A Bhoeuniker with $100 can .seem
T T a guod place by applying 1100 N. 20th.C85
_ _ C85 St
Snlcsmon everywhere to sell 01
BJ silver door plates by our new plan of frt
advertising ; agents clear { 10 a day easily ; wrli
for circulars. N. V. Door VlateOo. , Albany ,
. V. _ _ .
WANTIU ) Middle-aged man and wife i
clean habits , without children , man i
WOI-K in pet stock , poultry and swlnu yoid
woman to do work In uouse , family or two , r
children ; good home and steady employmei
to right parties. Address Lock llox 07 , Norfol
Nebraska. _ m ) 5 $
"WrANTKH Feeders for Gordon and cylludi
T presses ; Kteadywork If experienced.
tO. caiellre. _ 5t/
WANTED Knergetlo men and women over
where for a genteel , money-making bus
ness. * < ! 0 weekly profit guaranteed easier the
h.0 monthly otherwUo. Rxperlunco absolute
unnecessary. Permanent position and excl
fclvo territory assured. * 2.W ( namples free. Wrl
( orimrticulars. Address , with stump , Merrl
M Ig Co , , II Kl , Chicago. m a2 *
\VANTKD- en for the west. Albright
TT labor agency. JisuFurnam 8t. 1)10
B OYAm. . Dlst , Tol. Co. , J3U4 Douglas.
D Woman cook forliotol. $10 ; foi
dining room girls In city , 1 chambermal
6 girls for Council Hlutrs , 10 girls for nlco con
try places , dishwashers , laundress , and 50 gli
for good places in city. Mrs. ' Hrega , 314'4
IUi. HIW4I *
IfANTKD 2 girls to work with tailor on en
T torn work. Ill N. 10th st. . upstairs.
TIT'ANTKI ) Lady agents for a new andprr
T T itable business ; good references require
110 capital necessary. F. G. Crandull , 310 S 1,7
8111 tit
T\rANTKD A good second girl. J. H. I )
_ T T mont , t'4l 1'ark uvenue. 851
\\rANTKD GO < M ! servant girl , references r
quired : good wages paid , MM. H. C. Pt
tertou , 2113 Farnani. 8.0
ONK or twodlnlngroom girls and two din
coshers , at 1U04 M. ICth st. E35
Q.OOD girl , 171W Douglas st ,
" \\rANTKI ) ( Jood cook and laundress. Apr
_ at S.W8 Capitol avo. twi u' '
\y ANTKD-At Midway hotel. Kenrney. Nei
' } ? ,00a 'Hnlng-room girls ; 14 perweek ; fa
d. T. U. llralnara. 637
\\rANTKD-Gentlcman room mate- tin
IT clans room cheap. Iul2 DaVonport.
A \TANTKD-20 boarders nnd lodgers at 1 !
> > Davenport gt. 875-5' '
A ANTKn-To take care of furnlturo for u
of it. No children. Andreas X II. llee.
. . _ . 7M5 *
MTANTED-M ore housus to rent , good-payl
tenants , quick rents " " " " ' " . H. H w
dell. 40 K loth , Suil lloor.
UAANTKD-IIoroes taken to board , SO still
10 large ulr > ' box stalls. llrut-class acco
niodatlonii ; the coolest ami beUMahleln t
city , mickey * lluni. 410. 418 anil 4iOH. llttu 8
K'tweeu lluruvr and St. Mary's ave. Teloulio
4I. Bhelby Flanlgan. props. Ni1t :
W ANTKD If you have any lamii , lots ,
hounrs and lots to sell or exchange f
l her property , call on ma or write. lean Bi
you aiuKtomer , C. C. Spotswood. 3UJ ) { B. IBI
IMNTKD Information ot Wllllt
Heynoidn , an orphan , boy , age about
Adopted from the Chicago Home of the Frlei
I -M In HMO. Anyone having knowledge of 1
whereabouts will confer a great favor on 1
* UUT. Lizzie , by addrtfeslug Mrs. 8. C. Clu
( , city mUslonary , care ot Y. M , O. A. , C
cage , 111. 5SI ) 6 *
ANTKD-JIore houses to rent. Iloswoi
A JppUn , Ilarker block * IM
\\J ANTKIl To buy or trade tor a good bill
1 ? ing that can bo moYtxi. 1'leatu cull i
or addr a4 Uwrgo J.tttwrasdorlT , room 6 , om :
The public to make good use ot
WANTKD ' message boxes throughout the
city. . lee
VTKHHABKA Kmployment ofTlce. No. 317 N.
i > IBth Rt. Male and female help supplied.
Private families u specialty. 12MJ ;
A LK or female help furnished In or out ot
M city , private families a specialty. II , H.
Wandell , 40H N lUth fit. 2nd llcor. 437 a25
" \ ANTKD Hoom and llrst-class board In n
f > private family 10 o'clock breakfast ) , by
gentleman employed at So. Omaha , X 27 Hco
olllce. U01-5 *
H OMl ! table day board ; 1013 Davenpoit ,
UOO si
- table boarders lit the Globe
hotel , Douglas t bet lIUli nd nth : best
In city. t-W ) n 15
\\rANl KD Cottage of 5 or 0 looms near
terminus of Dodge street cable. Can wait
for house liable to bo vacated shortly. Only
two In family. Address X 21 , llee. W7-5 *
V17 ANTKD To rent bedroom nultj , going
> away Aug. 0 , don't want to store them , ItJO
Nl&th st , Klj ft *
\VANTKD-Sutto of 2 or I ) nicely furnished
V > looiiw and board in prlwite family , by
gentleman and wlfo nftcr Sept. 1st want a good
homo and will pay well for it. Inferences the
best. Address X 12 lite. MO1. ) 5
mo HKNT An 8-room brick house , 3 blocks
JL from thn postolllco. Apply to loom 2 , n o
corner 10th and Webster hts. iiSl 6 *
"I71HKK of charge , furnished cottage. Colored
I ? family preferred. Apply rooms 2 and : i , HU
I'aniam t. i0-5 ! *
HKNT New brick house of 14 rooms ,
rurulMicd , gas , bath and all conveniences ,
splendid location , 220 N. 1'Jtli. ' Inquire 211) ) N.
Kith. S'.2
- lint , vacant , S. II. cor 10th and Web.
At or , rent Ml ; I" houses for rent centrally lo
cated w hero fnrnituro Is for sale. Co-operative
Land it lot Co , , 205 N. 16th t. tbJ II
TIM HI HKNT Now li-room house. Inquire H.F.
JL } llamann , 2815 I.eiivcnworth. 720 ( i *
T710H HKNT Good sized housenew. . JIU'i pet
month , 0. F. Harrison , 41H S. 15th ft. fill
ITlOIt HUNT H room house and burn nw cor ,
.1 } 28th ave and Webster frt ; luqulro at 100111
CO j 1'ux.ton blk. 1' . J. Creodon. WJt )
POH HKNT 5-room house , Wi , s. e. cor. lltli
nniVVInton. 877
"I710H HKNT When you wish to rent a house
H store or olllce call on us , II. K. Cole , teen :
II. Continental block. 4b7
T7\OU \ HKNT 10-room brick house , corner I'll
-IU and California stieetH , for rent cheap. Gard
neri : Samulers , 1102 1'arnam fat. 778 4t
"TJ10H HUNT A 10-room house brick housi
JJ with all modern Improvements , on 20th st
near Loavcnworth. Inquire , No. H27 S : . ' 0th ht.
HUNT 7-room Hat , all modern Improve *
FOll . Iiuiulro Western Cornice
bet. Jackson and Jones. 72:1 : 1
"I71OH KKNT Newiesldenco of in rooms am
JO bain , all modern Improvements , 40th am
Farnam. Inquire Western Col nice works , 16tl
bet Jackson nnd Jones. 723 7
FOH HKNT " now 4-room cottages at 18tl
nud Castellar streets. tC. H. Sllkworth. 150 ;
1'arnum , 70. ) U *
1710U HKN'T Klegaut8 room house with ball
JL1 and bai u on cable line , ilfl per month. 11
K. Cole , room I ) , Continental block. 485-a-O
HOOM house with bath , 2 blocks of cubic , $1
8 per month. 11. I ! . Cole , room 0 , Contllienta
lllock. 4b5-a 0
TJ1OU HKNT 14-room Hat , Ml per month. 13tl
JU and Howard. Imiulro at The Fair. 42. )
H OITSF.S , stores ami flats to rent , all parts ol
city. 11 H. Wandell , 40:1 N lUth , 2nd lloor.
iw : u25
T710H HKNT 7 room Nn. 1037 so. 20tl
JU st. * 25 per month. Call quick. K. F. Sea
r. Hooni40 Ilarker block. 342
U'l' HKNT 10 room modern house $55.00. '
room ditto , S.K.OO. 7 room ditto. J2S.OO. Othe :
houses , utores and olllces. O. K. Thompson
Sheeley blk , 15th anil Howard sts. IMIl
TTIOH HKNT 2 5-room cottages ; line locattoi
JL ? tor railroad men , 2 blocks from U. P. depot
rent $25 a mouth. Mead Investment CoU14 S.15t )
FOR HKNT Handsome now home , 10 rooms
all conveniences , best neighborhood iini
within live minutes' walk of postolUce. Nathai
Shelton , 1K05 Furmun st. 014
T710K HKNT Save car faro uy moovlug in tin
JL ? "Jlcrllats/'lltted with all the most moderi
conveniences. 7 light rooms including bath
pantries , closets , steam heat , gas and watei
" 'also two nice stores" and basement. " Hefei
euces lecjulred. ' Apply to Haymer & _ Her
hardwaro62f South lutli'st. 514i 7
TTIOH HKNT Modern single house of 9 rooms
JL ? bath room , hot and cold water , on street ca
Hue and paved street , ready tor occupant
Aug. 15 , ? 4-i per month. Apply at once C. F
11 arrlson. 418 B. 15th at. 014
TTIOH RENT 7-ioom houso. No. 1518 S fith st.
JL ? 0-room cottage. No. flIU Win. Ht. ; 5-room cot
tage , No. 2725 Charles st. Inqulru 1400 Cap avc
[ 015
" 171OH HKNT or Sale Now cottage , Dedfori
X Place , on easy payments. Knquiro M. I
Itoeder , room 403 Paxtou bloctc. 010
FOH HUNT A line 10-rooni brick house wit ]
all modern improvements , lice- location 01
street car line. H. M. Uenlus , 1403 Douglas bt.
FOK SALK T vo now , 8-room houses in Oi
chard Hill and Poppleton Park. Will sol
cheap for cash , or will take good first or secom
mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to hoi ;
eat parties. 0. C. Spotswood. 305j ! 8,10th. 018
Pni HKNT-Cool rooms , furnished for sloor
Ing : &S , payablg weekly or monthly. HJ
Howard. tU'l 7t
ANDSOMIHA' furnished rooms for gentlt
man ; with or without board. 17111 Duvun
port st.
T710H HFNT Nicely furnished room with a
-i. niodern 2013 Caas .
- conveniences , at. tfi2-7
TjlOH HKNT One nicely furnished room wit
-I-1 private family. Heferencos icqulred. 211
Capitol avo. b' > 0-5r
EI.KGANTPAHLOHS. also slnglo rooms , li
eluding board. Flno location. luisi Dodgi
rpWO or 3 furnished rooms , light lioiibokeeii
JL lug , one single room , 21120 St. Mary's ave.
Ha ii
TCTHONT rooms furnished or en suite , moder
improvements , on cable line , at 7W N. 2utl
btB ot
ONK large room , suitable for three genth
men. ItooinK , Jacob block , 15th and Capltf
ave. hU o
T710H HKNT Six nicely and newly furnlsho
J. rooms , tirst-cliiss board furnished. In th
nicest location In the city. Innulre , this weel
at 1721 Davonport. cor. Isth st. 55 5 *
T71OH HKNT FurniHhed room , bouth fron
-L1 for t\vo , 1511Ca > aBt. 8U1 0
FUHNISHKD rooms to lot , 2105 Douglas st.
KM ! U *
_ _ _
T7IOH HHNT-Suito of newly furnished soutl
4- ' east trout rooms , all modern convenience !
private fumlly.boanl if Ueslred.tKJ Ueorgla av
HKNT Small front room , 17011 Chlcagi
NICEIiY furnished rooms lu most pleasai
locution in city. Shady place , seven bloci
from P o , on cable line , rent reasonable ; boar
it desired. 2J10 Davenport st. bu3 ot
OOM for gentlemen near postolUce. : K1 r
I'th. 702. 0 *
rooms nowlv furnHUed , one * lO."th
JL. other * 15 per month , K tabrook bile. . 401 1
TJ10H HKNT IMrntahed tooms. 1707Cassst.
_ _
T bedroom to rent. Ilia Douglas s
7C3.5 *
TTIOK UKNT-Nlcely furnished front bed-rooi
JIn nice cottagn. * ; per month , 41 William
t. 8 iiitnute ' walk southeast U. P. deirat. 7U3
Rooms with or without board. 1701) Dodge.
42ttaa >
_ _ _
"lpll HKNT-To one or two gentlemen. ,
J.1 large nicely furuUned south ami east frou
room with bath and all modern improvement
Mil 8o20th t. 077
OOMS , single or en suite , 1718 Dodge.
729 7t
SV.AH' * rout ro ( > ni , modera convenience
2107 Douglau ut. _ 541
rjMVO front roopis ; W15 Doilge st. 673
"VTKWi.V furnished rooms in good location f
- - transient or regular parties , single or
nulte. Apply to > Irs. A. llussell , 007 B.TJtii.
OH HKNT J'urnlshiMl room with bo rd fc
two aenlleuien , MM ht. Mary'a ave. 807AJ
HKNT-Furnished rooms. 11.1 S. aith t
JJ10H o ? ' a lot
I71OH HKNT-'Furnl hed roomi and lx > anl b ]
V the day or week. 004 8. lath at. 474 a SO
HKNT A pleasant room with all moderi
conveniences ; brick residence , cor. 20tl
and St. Mary's avenue , or 020 South 2Uth st.C10
\TirKLV furnished rooms , fl per week or WJV
L > month , W2.JM aiul 60ii S. Itth ht. 052alC
rooms , 12011'Brnam stv
ClOfl HKNT Furnished rooms in Qreunl ; bll
JL ? cor. 13th and Dodge ta. Inquire of Oeo. H.
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 02U
"IJOOMS IncludltiR board In the Young Wo
-tA meu'd home HUO Dudgo st. Hefereuces re
Itilrcd. OtO
I710H HKNT Front room , largo anit nlcolj
JL' furnished , located near the nigh scliool , litho
the highest and coolest section of the city
cable line it nil rarj pass the door. Kn
liilre at 222. > Dodg near24tli s ) . B10-
T710H HKNT burnished rooms , 1818 Dodge.
JL ? 0. I a 2
TflUHNlSUED-Hooms th board , 2220 Hurt
I710UH gentlemen can bo accommodated will
JL. ' u nice suite of looms and tlrst-cluss board a
i'S'.t St. Mary's nve. . ( iraddy block. C21
TTHJH HKNT Nicely funilshwl Iront room fo
-I ? gentlemen. Modern conveniences. IWCass
LAHOK and small room suitable for gentle
man. with or without board , 1812 Dodre.
OH HKNT Hoora and board , ItKU Farnani
078 u 10 *
ill IT of rooms , furnished ornnfuiiilslicd ; tils' '
furnished looms. 210ii Farnam. 1IU7 *
T710" HKNT Suit of unfurnished roomi. 221
J } Capital avo. can M
EIHST lloor to rent unfurnl.slied for llgli
housekeepliiB ; all conveniences. 1(11" ( >
1710H HKNT Unfurnlshod rooms 15iK ) 8. Kit
J atHKNT . cor. Dorcas St. 84D-j
2iiEANTuufarnlshi'd : ) rooms , now bullc
Ing , good location , southern uxposnre. 1)1
OtterUourg , Kill and llarney. _ ail l < t
T710H HUNT Kour roomIn best location 1
-L city for J1U per month. Omaha lluslness 1 ! ;
change , S W cor 15th and Douglas , 773 8
T710H HUNT Two lint in nlshoil bnftpmcr
J-1 rooms to family without children , 1122 N 17t
our (4) ( ) rooms , llfi S. lilth Bt . f 20 (
Ihreo (3) ( ) teems , imiij s. 7thst . Ill
1'ourU ) rooms , 4 15 South lutlmt . it t
Threw < : i ) rooms. 10IH NnithL'Iht St. . . . . 12 f
Three Pi ) rooms , 7lSi'8 ' 1'aclllr 8t . . . 12 I
rourlrooms ( ) , 17UJ Webstar . in (
Tour (4) ( ) rooms. 4ii : South liitnst . IS (
l'ourl ( ) room * . 417 South llith st . is (
Two ( S ) rooms , 1814 Howard bt . 8 (
Three ( II ) looms , lO.'l N. 2Pth t . 11 :
Throe CD room cottage , 1121 N. 21st st . 121
Three ( I ) ) rooms 707 I'acltlo f > t . 12 i
Two (2) rooms. IsH , Howard st . 10 (
Apply to Judge Hentini ? Apencv , llcral
building , S. W. corner ot 15th and Harney st
j _ _
EOH HKNT ( Trace nearpoatolllce. Wolshai
\ Co. , exposition building. ( "OS-OJ
FOH HUNT Desk room , with or without ai
joining bedroom. WeUlians i ; Co. . i-xpoa
tlon liuilillnt ; . U04 *
TT10H HKNT a elegant new ston's ; locutlc
-L llrht-rlass : Kood point for a drug stoie an
grocery ; special Iniluccmi-utH to good tennu
if taken immediately. Call on r. H. Smith ,
N Hith st. yy , 5
_ _ _ _
FOH llKNT-Storu ISxtt. 4 good living roon
attaclied , be t location in city for hardwai
and tin shop , all for { JA pur month. Addre-
! M Hamilton st. wo 7 *
FOH HKNT Kino retail store and Igrgo bas
ment on Iftth st , best nldo of street. ilOJ IK
month. Call at once. 0. K llarrlson,41h S litl
_ _ 77T
STOHK for rent , llli Knrnam street. Inquli
of Nathan Sheltou , at 15U.I fartiam street
: CT
. _
TjlOH Hr.NT-Omco suite $2. . month , 2 sing
-L1 olllces'flf > each. all ftontlng llith St. , Ilusi
man block , N. K. Cor. Ifith and Douglas. W. J
Hushmun , 1311 l.eavenworth. Si'j
TJ1OII HKNT-Storerooui , No. 214 S. 14th si. A
JL' ply at 1110 Howard i t. _ U77
TpOlUtKNT-Half of TO ) S. 10th St. . opposl
-L' Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton it C
f Il HKNTStoreroom , northwest cor. 151
and Vlnton. CM
STOHK for rent. 519 N. 10th. Inquire c
Henry Osthoir , 1513 California st. C24
FOR RENT MISCELANEqUS. _ nhop for rentT Hotentarker , 131
and Jones. HH 0
/TjOOD barn cheap , 11121 Chicago st. 503
" \T7K glvo special attention to renting and c <
T Y lectlng rents , list with us. H. K. Cole , roe
0. Continental block. 4g-
ITMJIl quick rental and good tenant ) ) list yoi
J- houses with H. H. Waudell , 408 N Kith st. 2i
"oor. 4:17 : a25
rpo insure quick lontal list your proper1
-L with J. II. Piirrotte. HMO Chit ago. 24 4 a
JJ1 H. SMITH , 010 N. llith ht. XJla23
K. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Sheely bloek.
* 102
_ _
IF YOU want your houses rerited place the
with Ilcnawa & Co. , 15th , opposite po. tonic
LOST On the dummy or htreet cars , betwei
Council liluiiH ami Omaha , a secrotarj
book and directory , tied up in brown pap <
Please leave same at 140H Farnam. for V. bii5-
lUTHAYKD-From North 80th St. , ( Iledfonl
k Jadd ) Monday , July : , one largo roan nor.
and one largo buy home ; Under will return
above oddross and bo lewarded. W. K.Hlllik
KI5 frf
LOST A parrot. A liberal reward will bo pa
tor returning same to 2tx > l I'atrick avo.
Bit 5t
LOST Largo , black dog. Whlto feet , brea <
ow and tip of tail , tlu reward if ruturni
to 4Q'i S aith street. S87 M
rilAKKN UP-A black how pig. Call on Fn
-L Lange , section 3 , lot 7 , North Omaha.
Jy n-ai-ayui-n
FOIIND-Ono whtto bull calf. J. NoNonSte
art , Washington hill add. 71U 6 *
iKltSONAlV-The curse of advertUliig Is 1
ing 1 teach the only perfect ladles' tail
system in the city ; to piovo it , challenge i
others to cut a tout at my room. Prof. Molpoei
scientific dress cutting school , l'J03 I'amam.
_ _ _ _ _ _ WSJ ? . .
PKHSONAlj Ifyouliuvuti personal item ,
any communication , drop it in one of T ;
' sage boxes. 1OJ
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or exclmn
call on or address Uuorgo J. Sterusdor
room 0 , opposite P , O. 2U1
T710H SAI.K A nearly new Lynmn gasoll
-L btovu ; three burners , 2107 Capitol avo.
Wl-5 *
UJ175 It t nli en this week n team well bro
P ponies , double harness and covered i
livery wairon , worth tJSOO , Address X 23 llee.
873-5' '
T710H SALK-Furntturoof a small house , h
JL1 been used 1 year ; will neil cheap. A
dress X JW , llee olllco. a > 5-7
T71OH SAI.lScotch Colilo dogs. ] > upples
X' weeks old. Address P.O. box 37 , Coltimbi
Neb. 7bJi-5 ?
" 1710H BALK Four complete acts of accm
.L ? Wood , parlor , kitchen nnd ntreot HCOIH
Sky border , drop curtain , sixteen feet long , h
low roller , pulley.s all complete , at onx-foui
ita value. Address , J. A. Frawley , Stromsbui
Nebraaka. _ 7-j.i j' '
T71OH SAM'Largs fln carriage horse , you
JC and gentle. W. L. Belby , 1521 Farnam st ,
& 5J
TTIOlt SALK A nne family ware 4 years o
JO perfectly safe ; also an almost now Hiiy < '
buggy and harness. Inquire L. 1) . llurnett , o
13tn and Farnam at Helnian'a. _ 68J.
T7KH BALK Heavy young team horses , sm
JL ? payment tlown. U. M. Katou , tflO N , lUth Ht
two-seated carriage , best mul
will sell cheap for cash. Q. J. Sternsdoi
Itoom 0 , opp. P. 0. _ Ml
jr.OOO tons of Ice for sale by Uoog * Packing C
O Sioux City.
SAr.K The lease of a ten room fiat a ;
furniture , vrhlch is nearly now , Addre
U. 07. care llee. 676
I710H 8ALK Oroctr's double team and wagon ,
JL' a vlnclo delivery rig and lire-proof safe , nl
003 N 16th at. 725 7
TjlOH SAI < K-Kurnlslica Hat. paying JIO pel
JL ? month above rent. Wolslians * Co. . expo
Hltloii building. uos-fl *
Foil SALK Klcgant carriage horse- , nevi
phaeton and liarncss. Inquire room 40 ,
larker block. 441
FOH SALn-PlaningmlH machinery. Call ai
1409 Davenport at. Omaha. .110
BKAUTII'TIi faces and forms Kuaranteei :
Face blench removes freckles , pimples anil
wrinkles. U per bottle. Hook of recalpts foi
the coinplcction 2.'i rents. Send 4 cents tor clr
cular. Madame Huppert , 213 State street
'hlcago ,
'PHK banjo tnusht ns an ait by Oeo.F. Oellen
JL. beck , BO-J 11 arney bt. Is ;
"OOMT. for Destitute Women ana Children ,
XJ.2718 Hurt st. U10
rnHK SHKLTON , 5th amrDodqo streets
JL. I'll st-chiss family hotel. Hoard nnd room :
stnglo or on sultd at reason.iblo rates. Hcfer
unces required. Mrs. M. Whlttuker. 01S a'J
IT you nave anytnlng to tradb call on or ad
ciiessdeorgo J. Stemsdortr , Hoom U , oppo-
Kite postollico 10 ?
BIDS will be iccelved by the underslgnei
until Saturday , August 4,18SS for soft coal
to bo delivered at the Masonic hall , Pith nnc
Capitol avc from October , Itwn. until May , ISS'J
coal to be delivered In nuantltlcA to suit and a
such times us ordered. The right i reserved tt
reject any and all bids. Address bids to i'rei
J. llothwlck , secy Masonic Temple Craft , 22
WOMAN'S Kxchange , IC17 Farnam st , Luncl
dally , supper Saturday nights. IIM
SPOT cash for second-hand furniture , stove
and carpets. Anything from a bedstead ti
n house and lot. Orll & Co. , 117 N. 10th st.
81JI. S. 3
YOU contemplate buying ft furnace don'
fall to buy R Magee Hostou Heater , It wll
have you three ton of conl hi one winter : tnl
furnace Is surpassed by none. Sold bv Westoi
& McCronc. OJ3 N. 10th st. C74-a-3J
I710H HKNT Storage vefy"che.ip nt lllocfc J
JL ? Heynian , clothiers , 111. ) Furnam at , Twi
Orphans' old stand. C > 2 , " > a23
STOHAGK Safe , dry and clean at low rates
HidiU'll * Hidden. 1112 Howard. 424a25
s i : V. Hocco llros. tc Co. , 1103 Howan
htreet at the lowest rates.
UIHACKAO15 , s-torage , lowest ratos. W.
llushman , ] : uj Ie.ivon\vorth. 1U7
Shorthand and ' 1 ypewrltliii
Institute Is the largest and best equlppoi
shorthand hchool in the west , ( iraduates all oc
cupy good paying Bltuatlons. Student i can cr
tor at any time. Send for circular. Now raj
ton building. Omaha. bIB
V/ANTEP-TO BUY. price fn
cash. Also bids for removing n,000 yaid
o\rth. Addiess V. N. Jaynes , Mlllard. b71-ll *
-l or 2 desirable lots located b <
T T twecn ! fith and 41 th sts and Karnam an
California ; desirable location and price ; wl
pay cash. Addro.ssX 23 , lies olllce. K JG *
\\TANTKD-X good"roller" top onice desl
TT Cutler or cherry preferred. Win. A. Wl'
son. 1418 Harney st. 851-5 *
" \\7"ANTiD : Hast front lot in west part t
> > town. Address , XII , lieu olllce. 7K 24 *
WAMTJlD ( iooil nouso end lot in deslrabl
partot the city ; will grvo Hrnt-clasH bai
pulu to unyono If suited. Ueo. j. Sterus'lorl !
ItoomO. Trenzer bit. bis
1J. ' you have improved business or resWenc
property that you wish to hell , call ami e
mo. ( foorgo J. bternsdorir , loom 0 , opposlt
"ITTIM < buy furnitureota House or Hat e'en
T t tr.illy locatod. Co-op , I * . & L. Co 'W5 N. 18tl
SKVKHAlj store bulldtncs or houses that ca
be moved. Will pay good price If sultei
George J. StoriisdoriT , room 0 , opposite pos !
olllce. 12 ;
DR. NANNIR V. Warren , clolrvovant. Mec
leal , business and test medium. Dlagnoal
free. Female diseases a. spocialty. 1)9 ) N. lUt
Bt..Hooms 243 Tel. 944. 1G
MONr.Vto loan in any amount , cither fc
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of li
terest and on short notice. Sholes Ac Hunt , am
cessor-s to D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Darker block.
17HAL estate loans , lowest ratoi. OileHdiro
J XCo. . . U12 S. llitU st. t84
milK Omaha Hmmcial Kxchange , Hoom 1
JIlarker block , southwest corner of 1'u
nnm and 15th sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral an
real estate loans.
Money always on haud in sums of $100 and ui
wards to any amount , to loan on approved si
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange fa
good Jlrst or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stock :
bonds , trust deeds , first or f > ecoud mortgage si
curlty , without publicity , deUy or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacts
promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 , Harke
block , Corbutt. Manager. 129
M'ONKY To Loan lly the undersigned , wh
has the only property organized lo.iu agenc
in Omaha. Loans or tlO to f 10) made on f urn
ture , plunos , orgiius.hor.sos , wugon.smachluerj
etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslnet
strictly confidential. Loans so mudo that an
part can bo paid at anv time , each payment i <
ilucing the cost pro rata. Advances mada o
line watches and diamonds. Persons .shou ]
carefully consider who they ate dealing with , t
many now concerns are dally coming into exl :
tence. Should you need money call and HMO mi
W. H. Croft , Hoom 4 , Withnell buildlng,15th an
Harney. 00
to loan on first-class real e.stato a ,
MONKY , ut OH N. l.'lth t. 8W 5 *
D ' fall toco A.1C. Hlloy about your loai
at ! 151'J ' Fnrimm. 812
' LOANS made on any iivailablus
cuilty. Heal ehtato loans made on Omali
city property. Secured notes bought. Allbu
Iness done promptly , iinletly and fairly at tt
Chattel & Heal Kstute Loan Agency , Hoom
Hodilck block , 15WI I'arnam St. , up stair
Archer & Hobblns. 7U4
EASTKHN money cheap. City and couutn
Olllco Philadelphia Mortgagn and Trust Co
room 13 , Hoard of Tr.ulo (2eo. W. P. Co.ites 7i
to loan ollllorse furniture and oth <
personal property or collateral. Hates moi
erate ; business confidential. Olllce S. W. co
nerl.Mhand Douglas sts. Untrance on 15th s
The Investment Co. ( ill
OOD cltv and farm loans wanted by A. 1
G Hiley , 1519 Farnam , 812
MONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estal
and loan agents , 1TAM Furnani st , ( > ti
$500(03to loan on Omaha city property at
percent. ( J. W. Day. be cor Kx. bid. I'M
T OAN3 made on tesl estate. Cash on ham
JUw. M , Harris , over 23J 3 15th st. KM
MOTliY to loan : large and small sums at lo
rates , for short time , on real estate <
chattel hecurlty ; second notes bought ; all Una
clal business strictly confidential. People's >
iianrial Kxchanv ? , O. llouscaren manager ; roe
MK Harktr block. 15tu and Farnam. 7TJ
" 1711HST mortgage loans promptly placed , j
JL1 K. Hlley. 151'J ' Furmim. 812
GI'KH CKNT money to loan , Patterson Ac Ha
nard Sit S 15th at 043
MONKY to loan on diamonds , watx-hes or
Jewelry ; all business strictly conlldeutla
can accommodate you with lung or short loan ,
it will pay you to see me. Sums Diamond
Watch Loan Co. , 213 S lita bt. Hoyd'H opei
house block. 77''u ' 11
MONKYtolo.ui : caiih on hand : no delay. ,
W. Squire , 1213 Farnam t. , First Nation
bank building. 141
KIM IIAll * Champ St Hyan
Loan money on improved property . '
Omaha and principal additions , nl.-o tnilldlr
loans , at low rates. Hoom B , U. a. Nat bank.
ONKY loaned atU. y. Heeii _ Co.'a Loj
ofik-u , oufuriilturo , pianos , horses , wagon
personal property of all kiudi , and all otlu
articles of value without removal , liV > 8.13ti
AH business strictly cqnndentlal , 050
TF you ar > > figuring on a loon go and talk wit
J-A. K. Hlley. 1510 Fmrnani. PI2
to loan on rurnltnre. horses , wagon
etc. , or on auy approved xncurlty. J. W. Ho
bins. lt.a > l Sheely blk ; iSlli and Howard. tiW
made on real estate and mortgage
TOANS . Lew U B.JleeU i ; Co. , 1521 Farnan
ONT borrow hionrfy on furniture. her
wmgoni , etc. , until you have net-n .U. 1
Jaoobi , room 41. . ) . Flrnt National bank bulldlui
or. lUth and Faruam ( > 55
HU. lHKY-jyo.000 to loan on city propertj
and improved farm land. Frenzar block.
_ _
LOANS made to parties Uoslrlng to build. D
V. Sholeg. room 1. Darker block. C4'l
\\ri2 keep on hand money to loan on Insldi
T property In Omaha nnd South Omaha It
sums from S.VX ) to t\WQ , and ns we do our ovri
valuatlne , make all papers , etc. , wo can complete
pleto n loan any day you wish and pay you UK
money , nates , Smith & Co. , Hoom 20J , Hnmgi
building. not
_ _
CITY and farm loans nmdo at lowest rates
No delay ; no commission charged. J. W
Hobblus , H. aw , Sheely blk. , 15th and Howard
/-1HATTKI , nnd collateral loans. M. E.Davis
S , I3tll st. Hoom 27. _ 751
MONKY to loan on fnrnituro wagons , etc.
w Ithout removal or on collateral Bocuritv
lluslness strictly contldontlal. A. K. dreemvooY
& Co. , H 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 Ic Jackson
MONKY to loan on Omaha and Sotitlf Oman :
property. C. F. Harrison 4H H. 15th st. 34
OMAHA Chattel Loan to. , lias money to loai
on chattel and collateral security. Hoom i
Omaha Nat'l Hang 045
$11,000 to loan on city property , low rates ;
H. C. lloyntou , 313 8 14th stopp Paxton house
758 a 12 *
T OAN8 made on improved and unlmprovei
J-JcIty property at lowest rates of interest
special rates on large loam on lusldo property.
Odell llros. & Co. . 3Vi S. 10th st. ( ,37 ,
TAfOXKY to loan. Long time. George J. Paul
1 > 1IIXM Farnam st. Kg
$501.1,000 to loan at n per cent , Luianun & Jin
honey. Hoom fiOrt , 1'axton block. _ til 3
TifONKY Hood commercial paper and nhor
-L'Atlmo mortgages bought , estate loan
negotiated. S. A. Sloniau , 13th and Furiiaiu.
jio,0i ( 11 per cont. Money to man on i mprc
$ ved farms or city property. James A. Wood
man , attno oM llro Insurance olllco of Muiplr
& Lovett , 220 S. 13th st. 05 1
TD Ul LDINU loans. Llnahau k Mahonoy. _
MIDLAND Ouaranteo and Trust Co. . 1501 hat
nam Complete abstracts furnished , is title
tu Oatato examlned.pcrfccted & guar.inteuil
_ _ _
KNSONCAHMlCHAKI. . furnish completi
nnd guaranteed abstracts of title to an ;
loai estate In Omaha and Douglas county upoi
short notice. The most complete set of austrac
boons in the city. No. lag rarniim st. 5-2 !
IJAHTNKH wanted In saloon , with small car
Itul ; lent cheap ; no license : * to pay : can
do nil the workmyself. Inqulio L. O. Hibbet
2.1) S ISth st. b'rj ; t
[ F .some live town wants a newspaper , and ca
oiler tome Inducements to a HIBclni
new.spupcr man to como and locate , wilto t
21 llio. t'J7-5J
FOH SAIiK I'lrht-class confectionery , st ;
tlonery and Ice cream parlor ; in count
sent : pop. ; iK ( ) ; CUUMI .selling , hlckncss. Adi
louk box 12 ! , Wiiltoo , Neb. b.VMO *
1JKPUHLIOAN paper for sale , located In
Acountv with MJJ republican majority ; 5 re'
taurnntrt for sale ; one Is ollcred at V4 vnhu
Stntloiiury , cigar and confectionery stor <
price nerordiug to Involco , about J.'Al ; 211 rooi
Motel , prlco J2.W.H1 , part cash ; 1 good bakery ,
saloon on the corner , price f 1,000. Co-operatlv
Land and Lot Co. . 201 N. Hith st. Hi 1-0
"IJ1OH SAl.K Harbpr shop , good location an
JL ? ggod trade. II. K. Davis. HOi N. 21th st. NtB- !
FOH SAljK A good , complete bakery , tstal
llshod four years , good locution , doing
good business. Take cash , or SOUIB cash , lioo
reason lor helling out. Address , X 10 , Heo.
H'U ) 8 ?
I7UH SAI/K A good lumbei.coal , ngrlculttnr
J-1 implemeht ami llvo stock business. Addres
Hedge llros. , Yiitan. Neb.v 7i'l ' s 1
FOH SAI.K Lumber and hardware In Oe
rlchs. Fall Hlver co. . Dak. Monthly f > ale
fiom f nO to fir.K ) , with stock JTOJO. Will sell n
rent yard. Profit ? 10) ) to.f0,0per month. 11. J
Calland , Oolrlcha , Dak. 7M-0
" 171OH SAl.K For cash n .small slock ot grc
-L cellos with store fixtures at emi of the Iiot
locutions in the city to open a cash trade. Ai
dress XI ) llee. 707 bt
"TT OH SALK A good , clean stock of hurdwni
Jof about fc..roo , located 12ii mllo.s northwe-
of Omaha ; population l.'oO. County seat. Hu
mess 03tablfsh d llvo years. Terms cash. Hei
bon.s for selling , poor health. Address. X 1
Omaha llee. 755-S *
ACHOICK opening for a J1.BW stock t
groceries and crockery , llulldlug read'
rent reasonable. , 11. H. Wilde , Osceola , Neb.
rOH SALK Drug business on principle htrot
In city. Omaha Kxchange , S. V
cor. Pith and Douglas. Kl >
AFIHST-CLASS opportunity for an onergetl
busintss man In the hotel line In the hou
Just completed at the corner of Oth and Pacitl
hts. , 2 blocics from the II. JcM. and U. P.depoti
Water and gas all over the house and all uio <
ernlmpiovemeuts ; also 2 stores in Mime bulli
lug , 22x50 , with good collars , sultublo for an
buslnes-i , as ihero Is a densely populated ncigl
boihood nnd good tratlio ; reasonaulo. Applv t
KlllngerJIros. . W'J S. 10th st. , Omaha , Neb. fcfl
FOlFsA LK The celebrated mineral bprlii
near Imogcnc , Iowa. A fortune for noni
one. Address , A. S. Lake , Slieuandoah , la.C80
" 1DAHTNEH In a rostauraut , paying MOO pe
Jmonth. . Omaha llusluess exchange , S. V
cor. 15th and Douglas. wt
AWKLL-KSTAHLISHKD saloon doing a ( Irs
class business , located in the northern pai
of the city , llxturcs and tables all In good 01
der ; will bo sold at a great sacrifice ; satlsfai
tory reason glvon for selling. Apply to doors
J. Sternsdorir , room 0 , opp. P. O. 68.J 5
FOH SAl.K Half Interest In one of best pa ;
ing Mindny papers In the west. Job olllc
in connection. Ill health reason for Holllnj
AddroN.s U 57. Heo ollico Ml
"U1OH SALK-An established insuranceagcuci
JL ? Call at Omaha Husiues ! ) exchange , S.V
cor 15th and Douglas. 5tK >
Foil SALK A first class bakery , ice cieare
fruit end confecllonery business lu Frt
mont ; fiitlendld location , good reasons forsel
lug. Address Oeo. Hasler. Fremont , Neb. 8S
FOH SALK A good grocery , cstabllined foil
years , good location , doing a good bu.slnen-
Good reasons for selling.,000 ! capital , and wil
take nothing but cash. T 20 , llee Olllce. 000
IJ OH SAI.Hor Kxchttiigo 1'eam , harness an
JL ? express wagon for Jewelry. X 2H , lico.
Oil SAI.K Cheap or F.xchango-Stock of n <
tions and fancy goods. Address X 2S. llei
W ANTKD A good l.orso , buggy and harnos
In exchange for South Omaha lots , Georg
J. Stemsdortr. loom 0 , opp postollico.W
hnvo n good 5OW stock of geneial me ; to exchange for clear Omah
property. Co-Operative Land \ Lot Co , 215 I <
10th Ht. b.VJ 0
T71OH KXCHAN(5F. ( Iowa or Kansas land fr
JO mdsB. or livery. H. & H. , Hex ! W ) , Shenan
doah , low a. t-M Kt
q O KXtTllANUK-A WOO equity in an X ) ) lo
JL for a good second huud piano. Addres
: is l Hamilton st. 78011 *
' \\7ANTKD N INI ! hundred thousand or mot
T > bilck for lots and cash. \ \ . J. Paul. IOC
Faruam. 774
quarter sections of land in Hrowr
GOOD and Cutter counties , for houses an
lots , horses or OCKH of goods , furniture of tw
good Hats , to exchange for city rroperty an
lioraes. ' 1 wo saloons for land or Omaha pro ]
erty. Three stocks of goods for some cash an
good real t-Mnto. Photograph gallery for p.n
ca h and real estate. M-'t of abstracts of tltl
for real estate or mori'liandlse. i700 1st mor
gage paper for stock of groceries , and w ill pa
dlirerenco In cnish , Co-Operative Land and Lc
Co. , 205 N. liith bt. _ tooo
J. STKHNSDOHFF , Hoom 0. opposite 1
( ) . , has seine choice farm land to trad
for city property. Will assume light incuu
brance * . 231
_ _
"A SPLKNDID lot in Union Square , one of th
-cl-tlnest residence locations in the city. Who
have you to offer ? George J. Sternsdortl. rooi
B , opp. P. O. _ 58 = 16
Wanted 1(0,1)00 ( ) brlrts in exchans
BHICK goal inside Omaha property. H. A
Sloman room 22 and 23 Hqllman bldg. mil
niHADKS made in real estate and persona
JL property. See exuhan _ book. CO-OD. 1
and L. Co. 205 N. loth st , lui
" 1/1711 / AT hav you to offer for 1,230 acre * o
TT timber land ! \Voat Virginia , clear of U
cumbrance , perfect title. UeorgeJ.SternsdorU
Hoom 0 , oppo si tn P. O , 231
TTIO'lfKXCTlXN'CfK AU-room house In Kountz
JL ; place , with furnace , bath and gas , 'for
good nightly Uit In Isaac & SeWen's add. Han
Uton Jlroa. . Tel. H7ii. 4iM 8. 18th. _ 63 6 *
have you to trade for 8U acre * oc lam
WHAT in Junean county. Wls
3 mlle.i from county seat. U. J. Sternidorif.rooii
8. opp I'Qatottlce. 1S7
EXCHANJK-Neb. farm or two Soutl
JC Omaha lot * for span of mares or mules. VY
L. Bclby , li''l Farnam at. txJO
T.TUaHTY(90) ( ) acres of nnd ndjolnlrts
JLiJ Mhnnwn. Council. IllulTs. In. This tract
will make 400 beautiful Jots and M frM from
encumbrance. What nnro you to oITor ? ( leorge
Ji i Stenmlurfl .room u , opp P. o. _ 167
: a house anil lot to exchange for n
IHAVi vacant lot , George J , Sterns.
ilortr , room 0 , opp. P. o. _
"VTKW 2 seated carriage anrt now single top
J-i bugijv to trade for long time real estate
mortgage. W. Ij. Solby 1521 Farnam st. O'iU
WHAT have you to offer for some good land
In Missouri , clear.of Incunibranco. ( leorgr
J.Steinsdurir. loomn. opp. P.O. _ ( jtl 5
moiixCHANGK-Houjo and lot In Nora
JL Springs , la. , worth Jl.MR bank building In
same place worth f..IXX ) , nnd MO ncres of land In
Hancock county , Iowa , worth W , HO. nil clear ,
for business property or good residence In
Omaha , will pay * 2IW to * 5.00l cash additional ,
Cnllaud get full particulars. ( J. F. Harrison. 418
S15th st. 401
\\71Lli give you n good trade for an eight or
TT ten room house and lot. George J. Sterns-
dorir. Hoom , opposite P. O. 2.11
WKlXlMPHOVkl ) farm In 1 1 mul county ,
Dnk , ; will trndo for Otmihn properly.
G corge J. SternsdorlT , room 0 , opp. P. O. 6S3 5
VITK have for sale n longtime. Irasoof the best
T T location for fancy retail business m the
city. Fearou , Cole ic HoberUon , 310 S. 15th st.
41JSOJ buys a full lot nud good 4-room cottugo ,
P ency terms nnd good location. Sholp.s A ;
Hunt , successor.stoD. V.Sholes , room i , lluikct
block. . . IVJ
QOUTH OMAHA-I.ot 10 block ? . Mustbosolil
t-JM once for cash. This Is n choice lot near
Summit depot. Investigate ami send sealed
bids to J. C. lloscha , Coutlueiilal hotel.Salt Lake
City. .S2U oil
PAI.K-llyM.A. Upton & Co ,
] uh st. , opposite chamber ot commerce ,
lluslness Property
Fnrnam street , between ISth and M , $ J50 O
S70J per toot.
C.ipltol avtnue , between 15th and 10th , J500
per foot.
Corner 16th and Jones , ft5 ft , deep , $ TO per
Corner 15th and Jones , fx ) ft , deep , ) per
Douglas htreet. between 10th and 11th , | 700
per foot
Howaul street , between llth nud 15th , J > per
Howard street , between nth and IRth.&U per
Twelveporcont investment Three 2 story nnd
basement bilck houses , 10 looms each , all mod-
cm Improvements , on cable line , $2ViiH ) : j-s/i'xi
rash , balance 4 years ; will take good , clear lot
for pan cash payment.
lleautlful south front lot In block 5 , Kountzo
Place ; elegant 12 room house , furnace , laun
dry , bath , hot and cold water , electric iiiinun-
clator and burglar alarm , Interior finely fin
ished. IKOUO : & ! , ( * cash , balance ensy.
line Kountzo Place residence , south fiont on , between 20th and21st , opposite thn
reserve , 10-room homo finely finished , all mod
ern conveniences except furnace , pines In for
that , street car within half a block7WJ ; $2,500
cash or good notes , balance easy.
Ten-room house , new nud complete , south
fiont , in block 31 , Kountze Place , JO.TIW ; J2,2iO
cash. This l.s within 74 ftet of 20lh st.
Fine residence In Windsor place , full east
front lot , elegant 10-room house , b.ilh , hot and
cold water , furnace , llrit-class barn. A choice
homo , i7,5UO. Price Includes new caipets and
A nlco cast front lot In Windsor Place , now
8-room house , well , cistern , cemented rellar.otr
A line home , only W.TUO ; 500 cash , J500 in one
year , balance In three years.
Here , see this : bO-foot front lot In Shlnn's
2ml a.ld. , on Franklin .st. east of 'Wtli , 5-room
house , cellar , cistern , young trees , good ulrte-
walks , etc. , etc. , SI.IHO.
He.sidcnco Sites.
Fine building lot. No. ! , in block 1 , OenUio ad-
ditigu , three lilocks from cable line ; nil extra
bargain ut } 2,250
Very Kasy Terms Lots 13 nnd 11 , block 2 , Kil-
by Place on With between Dodge and Dnvcn-
port tl.'IWeaih. It paily will build n house to
cost not less than tl.UX ) , will sell lot with only
$100 cash payment , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
Fine residence site , Oxl'iO , ca&t front corner ,
between I.eavenwortli and Fnrimm , only two
blocks from paved street. N oto the .slzo and lo.
cation of tills piece of ground and then the low-
price. 14,500.
lleautlful east front lot In Arcade Place on
I'-Cth street. Just south of Lonvenworth.for tl.HH ) .
This ID $500 below actual value , and will belli
ttie market u short time only at the prlct
Vcrv Choice Hesldcnco Site ! X ) feet east front
oii37tnstieot , 1W feet .south ot Farnam. 37th
street is being paved from Faruam to Lenven-
worth. No location better than tills for line
residence. Price , Jil.OUU ,
l-'ivo blocks from pin ed Btroet.ono block soutli
of Leavenworth , 115x1 ! ) > , cnrnor , lies beautiful.
Gradual slope from lots to Leaveuwoith street.
JI.150 ; iMfn ) cash. Is below bed rock for this. Note
the slzo of the lots and that It is u iloub'.o cor
Something Cholco-Lot 4. block 0 , Hillsldo No ,
1 , on Davenport street , opposite Yutcs' MJ.OUJ
mansion , only SJ.l.OO. Them's a nfco residence
site for you at a low figure.
Now hero IH a bargain : 2fi\140 on Park ave. ,
between Mason alidP cllIo ts. , W.100 , adjoining
40 teet sold for 1125 per foot.
Don't miss this : Lot 10 , Clarke's add. . Just
north of St. Mary's nve. , i ! | feet front , worth
W.400. Wo will sell for a short time for f > ,500.
South Omaha Property.
Three good South Omaha lots at a price much
below their value. Lot 14 block 12 , Albright' *
aniiux. Just northwest of depoton main county
road , i 100 ; lot 1 block 3 , llrown'.s park , cornei
on 23d and H ( HrowilHt. ) , $1,200 ; lot Hillock SI ,
South Omalm , finest Inside lot , 00x150 , cast
fiout , Jnoo.
Lot U block 00 , and lot 1 block 09 , ) ,000 each ;
one-third cash , balance in four equal semi' '
annual payments. Viaduct on L st. will make
those lots very valuable. Lot 12 block 71 ,
Hotel bargain New 14-room hotel : lot 30.x
150 , Just south of N st , , prlcn $ i < , OOJ , which 111.
eludes hotel furniture , saloon fixtures , oti ) .
lOilxl.V ) on 25th Just north of M st. , opposite
thn Heed hotel , with coed cottage , * IO,000. This
w 111 be worth $ JOJ a foot in a year from to-day.
Wo have on our list the best Soutli Omaha
business and rosldonco property In the market ;
wo can sell It at the lowest price obtainable.
M , A. Upton & Co. , Tel. KS4 , 710
NOHTH OMAHA , on . . St. P. , M. & O. lly ,
Midway between Omaha and Florence.
New depot. Commutation tickets. Lots high
nud dry. Prlcus low. Terms easy. o. F.
Jaynes , Solo Agt. Olllcu near .North Omaha
depot. NS2-5J
HALK-Lot In Smith Park , fiOxlin. faring
FOH on llith st. Price , ifVMO ; > jcu h ; If you
don't wish to build on the lot do not apply. C.
F. Harrlsoii , 418 S 15th. 777
TJ1OH SAI.K-Fnlllotnnd largo 2-story housa
JL ! of 7 large rooms , good well , collar , cistern in
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars ,
church , school and store close by. All now anil
complete , J2fioo. Small cash payment , balance
monthly. Just thn place lor n man of moderatii
means and largo family. Coiun and .see mu
about It. O. F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th st. SI2
CALL ami Heo the plat nnd prices of Seymour
park. K. F. Seavcr , Hoom 10 , Hurkcr block ,
NK thousand people wanted at my ollico , so
o that 1 can tell you how to gat a homo. I ran
put you In the way of having "a nlco , co/.y little
place of your own. It don't take much money ,
Call and see mo about It at once. C. F. Harri
son , 4IH S Ifith st. 777
OMAHA , futurti "Heo lvo"j
- Omaha. Hound houses. Ice IIOUMOM.
llrlck yards. Paper Mills. Factories , Cheap
desirable homes for worklngmen. Ix > ok at thn
lots for Hale by O. F. Jnyuex , Sola Agt. Olllce
n ° ar North Omaha depot. _ 8KJ-5J
"TJ1OH SALK I am prepared tn build you a
JL' good house In u good location and take
monthly payments on the house and lot. Call
and see me about It. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th.
SALK cheap. 80 acre.s of land , 3SJ miles
from Wuyne , Nob. 0. F. Heed & Co. . 31'J
B. 13tll. Wl 5 *
W live-room cottage , full lot , good locution ,
-i for sale cheap ; small cash pavmunt , bal
ance to suit. Inquire of C. H. Mlkworth. 1505
Furnamst. _ 702-0 *
KLL Improved big farm to trade for city
property at ooa N Mth Bt. _ Kil 5t
AHGA1N Lot 13 , block2 , Summit Place ad
dition , W feet on Farnam by Vtt , Klmball ,
Champ Hyan , room o , U. a. Nut. bank.
till a3
T IOH rea estate wll on Geo. J. faui , 1G03 Tarn
T71OH SALK il.Hrt for a neat 5-room cottage ,
JL ; 2011 Grace tnU-t home fora mechanic worn-
Ing In the north part of town. Kasy payments.
U. F. Harrison. 418 Huuth 15th st. _ 211
LKOANT residence lots for bale In Hanicom
place by Hicks , Hoom 40 , Darker block.
Choice ten-acre tract In a Hue
state ot cultivation , especially desirable for
fruit and market garden , for salu at llguie.s that
make it a big bargain. Gco. N. 1 Helen , Hoom 41) ,
Darker block , 3. W. corner 15th anil Faruam.
HKAP LAND-500 acres of good land in
Hamilton county. Nebraska , at a great bar-
bain. Terms easy. Address W. J. WlHlnwn ,
Denver , Colp. _ KM
. sell alotii'ar Lowe ave. for } | , f ) , and
WlI.Ii ( to Improve same , on 4tt month-
lypa > ments , Addres * . D. U. Patterson , 481
agent for KOIIIO of the Unest residence
UM lu Hamicom Place and can offer them at
figures it will pay you to investigate , lilr.ks ,
Itoom 40 , Ilarker block. 411
TpOHSAI , ! : Tlio very be t land In Chcyenn
JL ? roitnty , Nob. , from J5H ( to t'M an ncro ,
1 tenth down , balance In ten nnuiml Hjual pny
nuMitJ , I.rdalo llros , , Jitle.sburg , Colo.
, KH-a-1
: Y7 KQI'lIU 'faV ) to luiy n lot. the third oija
J t north of L st , So. Xmnhn. which owner must
neil to save any of hU eiiulty. D. 1) . Smentoii ,
HnrKer block , Omahn. 5'J7 5
Bid money In It on account of prlCM nud
terms ; lot tl , block 51 , So. Omahn ; tivjcnsn ,
fft'ifl Mny , KM , nnd other payment February ,
13'Jl. 1) . 1) . Smcaton. Ilarker blk , omnhn. JOTS
N OHTII OMAHA. Noith Omaha. North
Omahn ,
FOHTY-TWO dollars per ft. cor I. nnd Mi
So. Omnhn. When fiat vtiiduct Is In , wlu
will It sell for ? Answer , } U > l per ft ! get the
terms of less than cash o' D. I ) . Sme.iloii ,
Darker block. Omaha M75
FOH SALK A beautiful resldimco lot In Isnaa
\ Selden's addition ; if you want a bargain ,
investigate , ( leorgo J. Stornsdorlf , Hoom 0 ,
opp P. O rSl
_ _ _ _
OF. JA YNKS.OIIIco near NorTlToiimha deiwf !
Sole ngent for ileslrnble lot.s at Nnitli
Omaha. Prlceslow. Tenmeasy. Investigate.
AM. those de.slrtng to go out and Inoppct the
beauties of Seymour park , and the ndvati-
tnges It olTers for homes , are reiinosteil to call
nt thoolllco of K. F. Seaver.Hootu lillnrker ) Illk.
_ _ _ _
\T FlIANICLIN formerly of fill l'ii\ton Illdg.
-I' ' wlll carry on hit trading at 1511 I'lxnmmst.
Hedlck'N lllock nt Paulson and Ainemnirs room
nnd will always have n good list of property
to trade nnd exchange. 410
I710H SAI.K lleniitlful f-room hou-.j with nH
J. ' modern Impiovenii'iits , full lot , Kountzo
place , J7dO > ) ; , cash , Will trade lor good \n-
cant biiHliiLvs propertv on lower Snlindi-rs
C. F. Harrison , in s tfth , st. OM
POL-NTH , HI.UFF.S-NICO l-room cottage
wgood burn , lot 50x120 , on llroadwiiy , paved
Htreet , street cars by the door ; can glvo po.sios-
slou at an any time , but hn < good ten Hit nt } I5
per mouth. Only J..W ) . Twenty ncres Just
north of Hrnndwiiy , one mila from the river ,
JI.OCO per acre ; submit oiler ; onlv no t-'et fiont
motor line. M. A. Upton .V Co. ' 717
NI.Y a few lot felt Tn n7ATM . pnrk aifdltTon
to South Omnlm. What hiivo > ou loolFor/
George J. Steinsdorir. lloom 0 , opp.)1. ) O. 211
T710H .SAIl-Or ! oxehango. Wo hnvo some
Jgood Omahn real estate nnd Nebraska
farms , which wo will .sell rhe.ip or trnile for
stock of clothing , furnishing goodi , drv gooil ,
boot * nndHlioiM , grooorles or nardwniv. Si-hkM-
j. . 014 S. 10th st. lift
G.l. STKHNSDOni'F , room 0 opposite post"
ollice , will sell you n peed 1-room housn
on Ifith street , 2 bloc'ks south ot car Hue , by pay.
Ing JAM IM.SII. balance ) monthly payments to
suit. This Is a splnnilld oppoitunlty tor any
one wanting n cheap homo. 2.11
IT10H SA I , K Improved farm of FO acres ; goo , I
- - orchard , fcnres , house , barn , outbuildings
mul living water : llfteen miles from Oinahi.
The best produce and llvo xtook market In the
woild. ir > per acie. ( J. F. 1 1 unison , 118 S. rah ,
Omaha. u > l
My wife , Francis 1'liisou , having left mj homn
without good c'BUHi' or pro ; < icatlon , I lieieliy
give notice to the public that 1 will not bum-
s-ponslblo for any debts cimtratteil by her from
this date. A. . I. I'iNso.v.
OMAHA , August 2. Aug 5 d 3t
'HastlngsAjlll'k Hills Pas lflrt a in. 4ir.p m.
Norfolk Passenger. 5:43 : p.m. 10:50 : a.m.
Daily. tKxcept Sunday.
Hunniiifbetween Council IllufTs nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , tr.uni
btop ut Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrivo.
ANo. 14 4UOp. D No. 2 8:20 a. in.
H No i. , . , . . . . : p. A No. 13..11:30 : a , m.
0 No. U..11:1.1 : a.m. O No.0 5:45 : p. m.
A No. 4 ; IOu.m.A | No.D 0:00 : p. lei
C Des Molnos Accommodation.
U Des Molnos Accommodation.
A No.o :40 : a.m. A No. B Sl5n.m : ,
A 'No.B 4:00p.m. : A No.7 11:30 a.m.
A No. 4 0:45 : p.m. A No. 6 0:50 p.m.
A No.3 l:25 ) : a. m.lA No.3 BUB a.m.
A No.4 0:10 : p.ra.lA No. i OUM p.m.
No.2 l:40 ) . m.No. | 1 7:00a.m.
No. 1 7:30p. iii.lNo. 3 0:0) : p. ui ,
A No. 10 7Ofiain.A : | No.9 B:55a.m. :
A No.12 7oOpm.A | No.ll ! ) : ( /p.ta ,
A No.8 3:40p.m.lA : No.7 I.
0 No. 14 . 0:50 : a.m. No.l
A No.4 . Utt : a.m. D No. 15 : a.iu
A No.8 . 4:00 p.m. A No. 7.0:00
A No. 0. . , . . 0:40 p. in. A No.3 7:00 p.m
A dally ; II dally except Sat. ; C dally xc n (
Sun. ; D except Mon. ; t fast mall : * LlmltiJ.
Not. 303-404-170-404. '