THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AUGUST 4. 1S88. THE CITY. The internal revenue collections yes terday amounted to $112,807. An admirer of Sheriff Coburn linfl presented that gentleman with a. hand- Bomo puppy pug. The donor claimed to have refused tin offer of $30 for the woman's pot. The body of Charles Plgott lies at Heafcy ft Hcafoy's awaiting identifica tion. Ho died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday morning. Ho was twontv- two years of ago , was flvo feet nine ' inoh'es high , had dark hair and smooth face. face.Four Four gentlemen were thrown from a cable car yesterday afternoon nl the corner of Twentieth and Dodge streets. Thomas Falconer , janitor of the high school , received a cut on tlio head. The cars were loaded with people bound for the ball game. I'crsonal A. W. Ueahm , of Cortland , is jit the Mil- lard. lard.J. J. H. Hull , of Grand Island , is at the Windsor. J. 1) . Stlne , of Superior , was in the city yesterday. C Strnthcm , of Fairmont , Is a guest at the Windsor. .Tool W. Wltner , Jr. , of DCS Molnes , is at the I'nxton , J. T. Goocle. of Sidney , la. , was an Omaha visitor yestci ( lay. .Mason 1' . Mills , a prominent attorney of Cedar Kapids , la. , Is ut the 1'iixJ n. II. M. 1'nrry and H. G. Bartlett , of Pcorla , 111. , are visiting Omaha Irierids. Joseph Shells , of Mllford , und H. P. H. Milbor , of Lincoln were In the city yesto.4- diiy. diiy.A. A. U. Mitchell , Mrs. Dr. Mitchell , Miss Sihwub nnd J. M. Knox , all of Lincoln , were Mlllard guests j csterdny. George M. Enmes. editor of the Democrat of Aledo , 111. , wns in the city yesterday en route to I'latto Center to visit a brother , also a newspaper man. Victim Asks Help. Nina Uarruh , of Tuhiunuh , the alleged vic tim of Samuel Lowe's misplaced conlldenco nnd tilntsc , has upnlled to the county com missioners for mil until she recovers from the effects of the m.tlpruutlco thrjugh whlcli she hat Just passed. Another Marble Hall. The contract for building another story to the Oimtha Nutioiml bank 1ms been let to .f. F. Coots. Tlio work will be commenced al most Immediately , ono ot the features being a miirblo vestibule and ciitrnnca of richness and beauty. Clmiley Turnluill Injured. Chnrloy , the son of Ofllccr John Tiirnbull , was badly Injured about the legs yestcrday. * In attempting to stop u runaway team of horses at the corner of Sixteenth street nnd Capitol avenue ho was thrown under the wheels of tlio vehicle. An Auction House Victim. A young man from Olcnwood , In. , 1ms fallen a victim to tlio thieving conduct of u Tenth street auction liouso proprietor. A $2.7.5 brass watch , an equally brass ring anil some very snide earrings and breastpin were uliovcd on him. for which he gave a WO silver watch and 'J in money. Viola. According to Mrs. Nettle Bartlott's story , Viola Albln has a very naughty and profane tongue when she feels like wagging it. It seems that Viola was in condition Thurs day , nnd she abused Mrs. Hartlult In a very loud and profane manner , oven to such an extent as to cause the latter to swear out a warrant for her tonguo-lashlng assailant. A Cliiiroli Incorporated. Articles of Incorporation for the First Welsh Calvlnistlc Methodist church have ' been filed with the county clerk. Tlio cor poration has no capital stock , aud its membership Is the same as that of the church. Iho ofllccrs uro : W. Koland Williams , moderator ; Hugh Williams , clerk ; William E. Hughes , Thomas C. Humphreys and Evan H. Jones. Mr. Duffy , Here Is Your \VI1V. An old Irish woman of seventy-six wan dered Into the central pollco station last even ing In quest of her husband. The two had Just comojrom Hoston and had become acci dentally separated on the street while on their way from the depot. Her name is Mrs. Maggie lJulTy and the front name of her hus- bimd James. She was cared for at the police station over night. Mr , Hiint'H Vlclntis lo . A. B. Hunt , superintendent of the water works , has"a dog wnica ho considers the pink of porfectlon and as orderly and well behaved a canlno as thcio is in the city. Hut Mrs. Sweeney , a neighbor , disagrees with him on thin point. She Is of tlio opinion that the dog Is of a dangerous temperament , and yesterday had Mr. Hunt arrested on the rlmrgo of keeping u vicious dog on his prem ises. The hearing will take place before Judge Ucrku at 12 o'clock next Monday. Teachers' Institute. The arrangements are nbout completed for the county teachers' institute , which convenes hero one week from next Monday , I'ho regular teachers throughout thu county have been notltlett by mull whore the insti tute convenes , but a largo number of appli cants for schools who have not received mall notice * of the opening nro expected to bo present. The sessions will bo hold in the high school building , and will continue daily from the 13th to the Will of this month. Ko dlors Fljrht AVlth Women. The harboring place of lewd women at the corner of Twelfth and Dodge streets was the scone of a lively row Thursday night. Several soldiers In transit through the city dropped Into the hovel , and , as all parties were under the inllucnco of liquor , It was not long before they became- Involved In a general scrim- nuigo. Missiles of various descriptions were brought Into service , and by the destruction of a water pitchar one , Annlo Wilson , ro- colved a bad scalp wound , nnd Bertha Scott 1ms n badly cut face fiom a ( lying spittoon. The mulu combatants were moro or less in jured , and succeeded In making their escape the pollco arrived. Ifn Intended No Fraud. Mr. Clark , who keeps n store on St. Mary's avenue , was arraigned in Justice Koad's court yesterday afternoon on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Ho had hired a young man as cashier nnd re quired him to deioslt | 50 ns security. Two or three days later Clark's establishment was closed on mi attachment and the cashier thrown out of employment. Ho had Mr. Chirk arrested for swindling him out of his inonoy. The court held that there was no fraud "whatever apparent In Mr. Clark's actions , ns the closing up by the constable was a matter over which he had no control , Mr. Chirk was therefore released from custody. _ A Dayliulit Durulnr. A baro-fuccd attempt was mauo Thursday nbout 4 o'clock to burglarize the resilience of Henry J. Wltnmn , 2119 California street. Purl of the family had gone to a ptcnio and Mrs. Wltnuui , the only person about the house , was In thu front yard. The burglar walked boldly into the backyard and Into the house through the kitchen. Ho went up * it at I-H nnd was searching one of the rooms when Mrs. Witman heard him. She entered the house to sco what wus gain ? on and after some explorations reached the room where thu burglar wus. Ho heard her coming and left by the window , Jumping to the ground. Ho was seen by the neighbors , but escaped before a policeman could bo called. Nothing vms missing from thu room , although there Wiis a purse la one pf the dressing case drawers und u largo amount of valuable clothes. Mnd Dogs. Great excitement and consternation was occasioned among the residents In the vicin ity of Clark and Nineteenth streets yes terday .by a raildot' . Ho was' a big mon- l nnd a stranger In the neighborhood , but for nil that for a tlrno ho ran things to suit himself. Ho ran the peoples off the streets , nnd ferociously attacked every horse that pussccl b.v. Word wni Himlly sunt Into the | Klico station , nnd Ofllcer Goldsmith was dls- imtchud to stay the brute , which ho only succeeded In doing nfter running consider- ublo risk hhusolf. He llnally trot in a shot , however , nnd the purp keeled over dead. No sooner had Goldsmith reached the pollco Htntlon after this exploit than word came In that n mail do # was running amuck up In the neighborhood of JJl ! ) ! lAinmm street , and ho was sent out to dispose of him. Ho suc ceeded , after another exciting chase. Win. Black , Abingilon , Town , wns cured of cancer of the eye by lr..Jones' Hod Clover Tunic , which cures all blood fHt-ordors anil disciiHes of the stonmch , liver nnd Uidnoya. 1 ho best tonic and appoti/.ur Ktfbwn. f > 0 cents. Goodman Co. Drug _ _ The UNION PACIFIC is the only line from tlic Missouri Kiver running direct to Ogdun , Utah , tlio Orchard City of the Wahsatch Mountains. IMIOI'OSEI ) OHIilNANCKS. To Paint the Poles A Criminal Code Tor Omaha. Councilman Alnxandor lms > fnthereJ n now ordlnanco requiring tole niph , telephone and electric light companies to paint their Doles nnd "Itocp tlie same well and ne.itly painted. Said polcs Hhnll e.ich be painted with two colors of print , nr.d to the end that the | ) oles of any company may bo easily distinguished by the public , each of said companies shall select two colors In which c ich and all the poles of said company shnll bo painted , and no company shall select or use u combination of colors thut lias ulre.idy been selected nnd used by another company. " The penalty Is n line of M to $25. Another suction of the ordinance prohibits all parsons from tacking or pasting upon the poles any advert 's Jtnent , sign , business card or'any other announce ment. The penalty is a Una not exceeding W."i or imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both , Hut this section does not apply to nnpnlntcd poles. Oo'incllmun Uhcnsy Is sponsor for a propo sition to amend the ordinances relating to combustibles. His measure says it shall bo unlawful to Btoro or kei-p for sale within the city any ci-udo petro- * lenm , gasoline , naphtha or benzine exceeding a quantity of one barrel of tlfty gallons of each of said tutli'lci , and it shall bo inihiwful to keep any quantity of such nrticlos exceeding a can nf ton gallons in any pai t of n building except in a collar with a floor live feet below tlio a IJ.iucnt street. Any one having a lire-proof warehouse at least llfty foot distant from other baililiiifcs , used exclusively for the storage of such combus' i * ble , properly ventilated lor that put pose nnd having n collar tlireo feet or moro in depth , may , after getting the written approval of the chief of thu llro depurlmunt , apply to tlio city for a permit to use such storehouse. Tlio city council may grant the permit with tlio approval of the mayor , but such storehouse cannot bo maintained within the lire limits. The penalty Is a line of s-5 to i-M. At the last meeting of tlio council a voluminous inous ordmnco was intro luoad. Its de sign is to gather into n. sort of u code the various ordinances dolbniig tnlsdujicanori and prescribing penalties , .ludgo liorka , of the pollco court will hail this with satisfac tion. tion.These These measures have been read a flrst and second time , and may oomo tip for fin il pa&sugn at the next meeting of the council. Blny to Rell. Dmrncll : I'll write you a short letter To say I'm wonderfully better : How much that means yuu ought to know , Who saw mo just one month ago- Thin , nervous , fretful , white as chalk , Almost too weak to brentho or tall : ; Head throbbing , us if lit , for breaking , Aweary , ? ver-picacnt nching. But now lifo su : . 3 a dillwut thing : I feel us glad ns bird on wing I I say , and fear no contradiction , That Pierco's Favorite I'rosolption Is grand I Why , I'd have died without HI Ala thinks thoro's no mistake about it. It's driven nil my ilis away ; Just como and i > ec I Yours ever , MAY. A Grocer Attached as Ho Is About to Move. An nttnchmcnt was made yesterday upon a stock of giocorlcs claimed to bo owned by Mrs. Fannie Schram , in Odd Fel lows' building on Saunders street. The goods are worth about S3COO , though the at tachment is for a much smaller amount. The goods hud been removed from the corner of Vinton uud Sixteenth street somoti'iio ago , where they were supposed to bo the property of C. J. Sehruui , the husband of the party In whoso name they have been for some time. Ho had formerly boon In business in O'Neil , In tills state , where , it is stated , ho failed. It Is sala that a rumor had gone abroad thut the goods were about to bo removed to Franklin , in this state , nnd gained credence bccuiso the store has been closed for three- days. Other attachments , it is baitl , will im mediately bo issued. William Knysor died at his hoiro in Bclllovuo , Nob. , at 4:50 : a. in. August ! ! , 1838 , aged 05 years , 7 months und UU days. St. Louis papers please copy. The UNION PACTPIC IH the popular route to the Yellowstone National Park. Sinoko Scidonborg's Figaro and got the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Max Mover & Co. , wholesale depot. INSUHANCK AGflN fS AIIOUS12I ) . They Will Organize ami Kljjlit Against Dual A Thursday afternoon there was a largely attended meeting of flro insimuicd agents in the board of trade. The meeting 'wits a pri vate one , oven Secretary \Viloy of the local boaru of undciwrltcrs not being in attend ance. The move was confined to iigonts who had been aroused by disclosures made in Tun Uzi : bomo time ago of upruts who wore cut ting rates nnd companies who employed more than one iigcncy In a given place. Tlio gath ering lasted three hours , during which tlio necessity of n state organisation w.w dis cussed. Upon this point all agreed and n committee was appointed to make the neces sary arrangements. Ono of the objocls nf the association will bo to allow its members to work for no insurance company which will employ more thauono ngcnt la u given phao. Union soap is manufactured by W. A. Page Soap Co. of Omaha , Nob. The UNION PACIFIC runs two elegant - gant trains daily from Kansas City to Uonvor 031) ) miles and is the short lino. The UNION PACIFIC is the only road running through Pullman Cars between the Missouri Kivor and Port land , Oregon. FOUND A SKUhb. Hellcf That it IH Thar of nil Old Citi zen. The finding of a human skull yesterday by some plumbers in the employ of Gra ham Park , beneath the house No. 1323 couth Twenty-sixth street , in Shull's addition , caused considerable commotion in the neigh borhood und revived recollections of u mys tery of years ago. The men were engaged | n digging a trench tor the purpose of making water connections for the use or the occupants of the house , Goodman by name , when they came In contact with the skull , which Is ap parently that of a white person. It is llnely proportioned and has none of the features generally dise rnablo in that of an Indian. ' 1 hose who are familiar with the sudden and mysterious disappearance of un old and much respected ritUen. nro Inclined to associate the ukull with his futc. By last of next week \V. . A. Page Soap Co. will have ready for. markqt V0,000 Ibs. union soap. Tujio the UNION PACIFIC and its OREGON SIIOKT LINE to Portland , ingoing 10 Alaska. . * Army Notes. Leave of absence for one month is granted Second Lieutenant Charles D. Towsloy , Second end Infantry. ' ' . Major John W. Hnrrlger , subsistence de partment , has been detailed ns Inspector of Indian supplies corn meal and hominy to bo delivered under contract at Omaha , .Neb. , for sundry Indian agencies. The following named oflleors have been detailed a * Inspectors of Indian supplies , to be delivered at the places named for the en * suing fiscal year. First Lieutenant George Huhlcn , Seven teenth , Fort 1) . A. Uussell , Wyo. . Hawllns , Wyo. , for the Shoshone agency , Wyo. ; First Lieutenant William L. Pitcher , Eighth In- fnntry , Fort Nlobrar.i , Neb. , Valentine , Neb. , for the Honcbud ngoncy , D. T. ; First Lieutenant Itlchanl H. Wilson , Eighth in fantry. Fort Itoblnnon , Neb , , Hushvlllo , Nob. , for the PhioiKldgo agency , D. T. Colonel Hall , Inspector of the department of the I'lttttc , writes a very Interesting letter from Fort Hoblnson , which ho is at present inspecting , detailing the achievement of the garrison of that post In packing up , leaving tlo fort , marching , n mile And pitching their tents Hi Just one hour nnd fifteen minutes after the order had boon given. This Is considered excellent time , es pecially In view of the fact thnt It wns the first time attempted by the garrison. Colonel Hall , however , thinks that It can bo Im proved and will attempt to improve It la some other posts. 3S * .H . . DK. Eleeiro-Mapetio Oeits ! The Grandest Triumph of Etcclric Science { Sefdltlfli ! Sc'fln ' > 'f'ca"lf ' ' Made and Prac.isr.Uy Applied. DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES , ! 197 Rfl fl f1 BE5E ? Tfcff S * r To yoo Palntt tn the Tlac ! . . . Hipp , S-Teiil of Ilm1 i , _ _ WVE.1& * WxJtWa V vr4 TICMOUA Ochlllty , I.uint nco ( w.-norul clittltr > CIi ! U-IEI mntlim , Par-plr * ! * , ( cnraleii * R lMtIa IK * * of Kltltiryis r-iiluul ) UM > Ht. * Torila l.tvtr , "i out , KvlinuBtion * Km * lon , Anllirna * Heart iI pi.f I > y j.eprUi. Con.putl .n. Kryly ) Inp. ; j iHttlrjrrtlon , \ \ rft.knc.vw Iianalrney , dttorrh , l ltn , KrUcpny , Uuirtljjrtu , ltltbcU $ ( ill drucclo. 6 , i Jiiom * 1H Mr an c * I rr py , ct . , Uu'n ttiln holt U Juri uhat jou tict4 A 2"ctrictf Instantly j'eltt Cn.n \ > e applied , . . , . . * - mram Hun-u * n n 4 „ „ " . lainifcan TMrV M i8 ? PD 5I ? 5&nB 2 to uny pnrt of tbi body. Whnla / can & * * V tt JB fltJ .HtKn F l6BOt.c t.T fa Bi- Iv-tirlt. It p etrinM thp blooil &n < i cures n > : * - < y , * nnd tliou nd. * of oil tin lilt , mm& ' $ ELECTRO KftSHETlO BELTiv v. . . . _ 5 * sire ; procncoift continuous current t contojn o.Aclrfcity thrnn tt Iho hotly on tl. * ntrvc& . It * ' ( tunci atliif ? a coMltnuuna current ot electricity ( U > or la hours out ofl ) tbrouvtioiit tlio Iiumun oyst * mf iiti tonnnof * ImmoiilAtcty , ami producing a novr circulation of the lift * fuK c-s tHe blou'L ' ihi' r , stronxth , nnersrjr rind lipnlth , when all oilier treatment has fnUcd. Iho raariU of thtscclen- o llelt aid lichiKrtroirnliLHl audlndors3d t > 7 thousands whom It haf t'uriH ) . Kf.rDUENCLH. Any lisnl..i-unnnLrcUl.fcncy or nhoU-.alo hojtu lnClilciao : Mholcsala diugzitti , ' nlruncljcaixnJChlcttifd It ScndsUBipior tl | v.zo IllurtrateJ pamphlet. 3X1 . w. V. X-XOJ UVJB InvcaturautlMantifiicturtr , 1U1 Wnbiuli Arcnuo Oulcozo. 'S BELT-TRSSS. WAVI Aio rolliuj ; in. You can't escajio them ; but you can escape the bleep- less night ? , loss of appetite , nnd languid fooling that result from chain ing the nervous force by nitibcular or mental ejccrtiou in tum- mer's torrid days Tlio iibe of 1'aino's Celery Compound , thai great nerve tonic , will at once strengthen the nervous system , and fortify it against the attacks of summer debility. This prepaiation is a inedi cine not a drink. It is a scientific combination of the best tonics , giving lasting benefit to body and brain. ' It cures all nervous diseases , and lias brought now life and health to thousands uhobo weakened nerves were the cause of their many ills. It is especially valn.ible at this season , when feeble peisons are BO liable to sunstroke , a which is neaily always fatal. I'ainc's Celery .Compound . , by restoring perfect health , almost entirely re moves the liability to this dicad diseate..lf you feel the edicts of summer's heat , you can't alloid to delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by the use of thin great medicine. Sold by Dniyyisls. ft.OO. Sit /or fS.OO. Send for elght-r ue ppcri with many testimonials. WELLS , RICHARDSON & . CO. BURLINGTON , VT. i fan hw ® " ilvpr s Corn S.areh isawe OSav/uB / . , FOR T' " : : LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. THE VEFsY PERFECTION OF QUALITY. T. AM * A 'W lAliN"KJ.TJr.r.K , OECIO. LnrnUon H ninnt nml lirnllMul < : < > ' ( r " < if Sluil.v i. tmili-il an t , \ _ _ , ! . . ; ; : rmnUifUiMl < lfnt ttj liorr riilrllrlli vent' , > < ( . * " Kept. Otli. IHH8. k < jLii > . .ni.tiiU4Ui .m-uu mOlIS JH.VKV JiVA ? . " . l'l\lHVll'A.lMirjt zuu- * > tuviuHitimt NORTHV EGTERN MILITARY | - < 1 JTI \-33inlle north of Chlrnpn. P.1OI7I.TY-A 1'Jll Corp * of Kxptrlencea In * riructnr * ( Jl'ItRM I'l.'SJ..J-rivoCnursrtof Ftiulr. J . I'l t.l'l'l i- . in iirpiiKii > .1 fur liutl IH lion , I. ' . " ' 'If " 10 < " ' niriiito. nml fliJl.tliui IniliuMiroit. JJlll. I < . IIt V VI ! . < > > , „ , „ . I'mlt. III. i-uiiitfurfntulUKiiu ST. JOHN'S JIIUTAltV t ( JIANL1UJ. N. V. Clvimnjrlncptlnr. ( Hssli.s IlUH'no ' s. UT. Ituv 1 < " . 1 > . 1llINTlXiTO\.l ie.stiU'iit. Iff. COL. W. VEIUIIJCIC , Suiiorlutouilent. UNION COLLEGE OF LAW , gS he- ' For c.rculars niUlresij II. lioiiru , ( JhlcuKo , 111' SOMERVILLE SCHOOL For Young Ladies. ST. n.AIK. M It'll. ' Three courses of study. Thoroughness In every derailment. IlulfdlnRa elegantly fur- nlslifd. Heated ulth Btonm , llglitudltliKa.s , water from Bt. Clulr river , buperlor ndvun- t.iges lit music aud nit. Address for circular , FOMBKVILLK bCIIOOL , dt. Clulr , illch. ' 4f oraiinl'iirklnearChlcazo ) . Iloarilliig for ( ilrls anil VoittiK Uiillu * . t'or cafilo uoallJre > J TIIAYKK. I.f , . II.1 Moiyan I'atk. lll..ur- , . Madlion atruet , CUcano. 111. Settle Stuait Institute S-ssfvo - WSfe Will couiuience Its 21 t yc -epttmbcr 12th. 1SS1. Ad- vantii/ea un > urpu9 > ed. Homo comfort * . : cnrutul trandiiK. Apply to Mrs. M. JlcKKKlloiJEs , 1'rlnclpal. FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD. NEW JERSEY. T. E. CIL.PIN , FIBE INSURANCE BROKER , Itoom 03 Trailer * ' llulldluc , CHICAGO. ReterDC t-Meropolltan National Bank. > . U.Dun 4 , Co. 'f be raditrcet C ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. ( Ono Milo Wi'st Jrom JXeitro Dtttno Ifnlvornltj- . ) Thii lull.\cnlomlo Ifnn will upon Momlajr , Hi'l't , 3.1. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC , Tlio Acailiimlo Cottwe It thorough In tliol'ippnra * tnry.Minlur , uiid Llaa9liMlimi > e . Mi.nlailppiirtinunt , oti tlio p'nii ' of tliu Uut l'on irvut'irlp of luruic ! | , li mi tor ( liHr fuif n ( diuiiletu enrpn of tcit'liurs. titu * illo m J leil on thi er Ht Art Mrliool of Europe. " - - ' - - unl iMilniltu from hio ami tlio nntlqtio rhonotimphy Hint TriwWrlllnK laiiitbt. Hull 1 1 UK" vquliiiHU with Hiol.Miipw. A buimriito dt'piirimvnt for I'lilMrcn undnrli. Apply forcntnliuuo to MOTMMt bUI-EIIIIIII , hT. MAIIT'H AtAIK.MVNOTHE U , fcT.JOSt.1'11 CO. , IMIIANA. LAKEFOBEST UNIVERSITY Coinprlacs J A ici : KOHIST : COLLCOR. natiiv coi.ianK.Koit : LADIES I'BKUV IIAI LSBMIN'AUY. LA KB FOltKSr ACADHMr. lU'BH MHDICAL (1)1,1 ) , Kdi ; , ClU5iK ) ( 01' DCNTAL SUUai.UV , and l'08'l' ( iKADIUTB COUIISUS. for catnlonuelruddress Prost.V. . C. UOIIKUTS. Lake Vorcst , 111. Morgan Park Military Academy The llest Iloyh1 Hoarding School In the West. Sixteenth year begins Heiit. 18th. Send for cata logue to OAIT. II ! . N. KIUK TALCOT1' , Supt. , JlOllG VN I'AUK , COOK CO. , Il.U THE I'KniCSKIM. MILITAHV AOADBMV I'eeksKlll-on-lludHon.N. V. Send forcatn * } ojue. JNO. M. TII.DIN : , .M.D. , M.A. , epurvc ji : * . ' * or 3kMCI < TIVI7rilllI < t , > * > . Uiriiutti i'l ' wcik . . - * , L-y lu kMltk . .id Vlurot.l 6irs tlh. tUrtria > - f .11 Intuntlr or * i ftf.ll f 6.19 la ttift. ; iljcurmllaIh-nnioutln. hf.l.J f.mpnl.Hc. rump tadenEitctiiuCo. U L 8 liciUChU 4 Burlington Route CBRQRH , I The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all Imes in developing Nebraska * It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all Tines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. YOUR ponirr All fl. J1.S > nil $1.50 fctraw lIutH , We. All M nncl 5t Light Stiff llntrt , now Kemarhible for powerful symp > - Thutlotuui * , iillabla action nnd ul > ; elute durability. ) years'record , tin ) bent K'mrauieo ot the excel lence of tnesu lustrumenta. PARIS UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION or ontao of tin ; U. B Coiiinii < < Hlnn. 35 WAi.r.sTitnirr. NKW voitif. All purtiohii , tlrnii or rorporntlnns wlio desire to miikuuxlilhlts nt thu nlioru nnmi-il Kximsltlon nro lii'it'by MOtlllfil tliitt liilorniiitlou mid limnkH for up- plications lorupnoowlll bo lurnlMiml hr tlio under- sluiicil upon inipllrntlon nt the nboro ml.H-era. \VM II. KUANKI.IN. Ciiiu'r.HuiiiTiil. bOMKUVll.LK I''l'L'CK. Ani't.Outu'r. Goner Ttlg G has given unlver. Eal gatistattlon In the euro of Ounorrha' * nd Gleet. TiircEcribe It nd ( eel tao In recomtuend * Inc It to nil tuffererj. l.J.STONKU , M.DM Deealur , Ilk rmcE.8i.oo. Tir " 5 * tt E-'iiti.iV Sola by DruesliU , STEEL PEMS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1S7S. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS , Look after the Uou't let It grow up weak niul puny , when the usuof RIDGE'S FOOD v til Insure a robust child. It U InviiUmblo nno lias stood thu test of tliun. Woolrich k Co. , abul , Obtained. ATENTS Trade Mirk , Label , Print and Copyright protection te. cured. * Good work , good references , mcHler * alech'ei. Send for pamphlet. R , G. DuBoll I ACt. 916 F St. , Washington , D.C. Our new CATALOG VIS Oi' CAJI. PAIUN OUTFITS , with conttltutlon , drill tactlca and full Information about organizing and drilling Marching C'lnbi. ' CATALOUITK Q , SPALD1KG & BROS , , Farm Loans LOWEST RATES ! AND BEST TERMS ! lltSrxiaslble rppreientittlwii wante'l. Call or write us. BURNITAM , TK13VKTT & MATTIS , t Beatrice , Or llio Li'juor Habit , Poslthelj Cured bj Atlmlu.bleritilr. [ ) llulucs' Golden Snccillc. U can te r.lvon In n cup of coffee or tea nlth * cut the KUO It-due ot thu person tnkloif It ; abso lutely harinlos , mid \ \ 111 * llcct a. pcimnn-nt and speedy euro , uhother tlitS patient IB a modtirnta diiiikerorau alcoholic urec-r. 'thousands of ilriinlciiHia have been iimilo teinpcrato uicu ho luivo taken ( io.ilen Knecltlcln tuulrcolfca with out their knowleilgo mid today bello\o thuy qultdrlnklncof their own fico will. It never fulls. 'IheRj-ftum ouco impreimntvd With tlio Hpecltlc , it bfcoines an uttur iniiiosslblllty for the liquor nppi'tlto to exist. I'oreulo by K'nhu .V ; Co. , 1 Mh and Mnnglns sta. , anu l h nud Cum- Oii-ahn , Kcb. ; A. 1) . Foster A ; JUio 1 GRAND TOUR Of United Stntes and Canada. llmli-r tliomisicc | | nrAmurlcHit-Uiiropran Tniirlut' * ] Miiintion l A 'jcliitl < iii , oti Aiik'iiti nil , l i-i. The iniiln tr.ilninf tuporli s | ( > ci > lnu nnd dlnliiL' nirs will I'livnChlfHuo fur n luiircirHdiir-.vlslllii Clc'voInn I , Iliiiraln , M.iL'Miii rmin , Toronto , Klnintun. tlirouulp M. Ijiiwri'iiro lll\or to Montruiil , Wliltu Moiintiilin rurlland , old Oielmnl Iloi'h , Boston , .NV York riillndulplila.Vli'iliiiit ! < jii , Clncliiiiiitl , llull-lfiilpolU rvtirnliu'to : Chli IIKO. All point ! ! of inU-ruHt vlllvl on route. 18 Days for only $11O Incltitllni ; Ijertli , niPiils , hotels , slglit-.sceliiB , amusement1) , carilnw-i , oto. . KorimrtlciiliirH iuhlru , C. K. A. UKCKIIHS , I'ruMlilL'iit. Aniorl"im Totirlst'H IIilu- catioiinl Association , Itoom 4 1 Dank of Com * ini'iVH Itulhlliiff , St. I.oul , > lo , I ortlokcti. heitliH. Intiii 'lions , etc. , apply ut City Ticket onico e , . M.XM iu it.uiiiiiiin. Hfiiieuibpr , only 2ri tickets rill bu su U In Oinnlni. ATIML Industry , Scieoce aod Art , Open Until October. 1888. Medical Congfoss Moots August 7th , GLASGOW , SCOTLAND. Hound Trip Kxcin-hion Ticket , Via STATE LINE , $03 and 875. Tor Informntlon npnly to AUSTIN , BALDWIN & CO. , Agtb. , 6S Broailwiiy , New York. "Tho < horlnml Ilonlc. " HUB BO nrrangctl its Family Sleeping Car Eorviun , that Ijorths can now be ro- survod upon application by any ticket agent to M. .1. GroovyIJabsongor Agent , Council BlutTs , Iowa. The reservations when made are turned over to the train conductors taking out such ear.s , so that passengers can now secure berths or dered , the same as n Pullman berth is reserved und secured. J. .S TKIlllKTs. 13. I1,0 MAX , Gun. 1' . \ T.out. ( . ARs't G. I' . \ T. A. OMAHA. M.H TIIEBANKOFCOMMERCfi S. W , Cor , Farnam and 15th Sts. I'uiil ill Cni-Ital $500,000 OEO. TJ. IIAUICKH , I'reslclcnt. 15. Ij. Illl.ltllU\ \ , Vlcn I'rosldent. 1' . 11. JOHNSON' , L'uslilor. L. II. Wii.r.iAMs. B. I- . AII.EV. . 8. It. JOIINfON. J. II.MCCONNKl.r , . WM. SiKvr.ns. Al.l.KNT. ItKCTOU. D. CU.N'NINOIIAM. U. A. IU\bO.S. ( lUiTAVANDEIl.SO.V. J. I. . Mll.KH. Acrounts of Hanker * . Jlt-rclianti and Individ unlit recutvud un the must favorably terms. GIlA'fJJFUI. CO.nFOUTiXO Epps's Oocoa1 1JKCAKFAST. "Br a ttiorouiib knowledge of the natural tmri which corein tno opvta'.iun of til : itlon nun until- tlon , aa < l uf careful Bp'illcjillon ot tue tine properllei of wBlj-ielccteit Cocoa , Mr. Kip | * IIHI protljfil our tmkfmt tablet vrttliu dellcmcly tutored beTcr.ife wblcli mar > are ut many heary doctor blllt. II U by the Juulclnui uie u ( luch unlc'ri of diet thuta conitllutlon may he KradiiMlly built up until ilnng enough to tealtt ernry tcuileocy to cUi-nie. linn. dreil.of subtle mnladlei ire aominxaround uircarty to klUct wheruinr uierul.n ntak point. Wo mur cicnpa manr a filial ihaftby keeplnit. ouneUvi well foniCed trim puru tlo vl anct a properly nourltbed Jr mr.-ClTll icrvlcti Olietlu. Main ilmply with boiling w tcr or milk. Bold only In balf pound tin * by ( iroieri tbui ; JAMES EPPS& CO , , ttSSSS8SS ! ! S $ ? ' r n be oulrVIr CURED kom by ij in r VITAL TABLETS " NKIlVOC nl l\UAI. UKIIILITV , I.08T JJAV. HUIID..IC. l brioilli trial packae2Sc.Clrraran fro * . UTillilO B I I UlJ U Vtirkgra M'ritU I UlCHie. at. Wlio Is WIMK , NKUVOIIN. IIKHII.ITA- . \7holtl MR FOIITsnd IUNORANCE1 .CU nway his VK.OK of Ill t Y , MANHOOD.miningoxlinuslliiit upon tlio roVNTAlM * of I.CFi : , i > AttE ; , UA < ; IJA.JIIK , Dr ndrul Ilr ADi3 , WI'.AHNKNH of Memory. HASH. fc'UI.lVF.NMfn HOCIKTY. I'lRfl'l.Hf * upon tbu KAJ.'i : . ciulRllthn KFlTKOTf * . Icadlneto EA111.Y ! i. < 'A V Mid perhaps < rNUJrt * % Vi K or INSAN11 V , hould consult nt onc6 &U.KIiUATRI ! > Pr. aarbe , KMnlillihrd IbJl. Tr Clarke ha > made NKKVUUM I > . .IITY , ritRONIfl and nil Dlctatci of Uie t.tiNJTO UUIKAHY Orcunt ft I.lfo rl'ndy It nukes NO dllVerenro WIIAY you i"e tnkou ( WHO ha fallcil to rule you. tB-I'KKAH.KS Buffering frorarti cn e pecu < lar ! u > their aox can coniult with the assurance 3f spceily relief and cure. Sena 2 ccuW pottaju far works on jour diseases < WLVnd 4 cent * pastnRc for Cclvbralpil Wariiii on Chronic , Kor ini and I > rll- rn'o Irltuiscs. Coiuultntlon , iitrfonul'y or by Vilter , rr < - . Consult the old IJortor. VlioitnnitdH cuml. OfllcvK and pnrlan ( rlvnw ) . JKScThose rontcmplallng Marriage Mnd for Dr. Clnrko'w cclolirutcd guide Wnt und Female , cnch Ifx.1. , both " > c. istaniiisicfoio ) conflrtliiB yofir caie. consult Dr. i'.i. . < t.'n. A frlpndly letter or call may nro future suCcrlntrnnd Blir.nio , nnd ndd { rcl ywarx to life. -Iook ) I.lff'M ( Hctrct ; > r r , ' ' tide , ( iturapi ) . Medicine ntid font eviryT/here , secure from o p Huuris , U to C. Kundays. u to IV. Addrrtt. _ . / ? . D. CLARKE , M. D. Ji06 far * . CK-.s-b au. ! UIOA..O , II.t . IS OUT OF OBOEB ? E&SAB THIS IP IT IS. AiTopriutary Muillciuq tliHl ueedi but a trial to provu Its worth. Or , Cabdei'i ' Left lira Bite , The only lilfltllled Hitters In Ilia United Stales , iho ( inly Illttera iccoL'iils-cd hy the United r-tntcx Internal invcnuo Un * u.s al'jo- prletsiry Mmllrlne. Lawfully I'uti nloil. No of I'kUnl l'VHG73. Contains no fiihll essential oils , no foiclKti tiiib&taticc or ( . . .nmo Ing ilinsH. A piMfocllv iniio niedlcliu' . com- pouiulrit from J'uro Itoot lli.rb mid ( lid 1'cachJ pleasant to tint tunto quint mid decisive lulls rtlect. Ctirfs Dyapepiln or Vcll.Iauiidlre In llrodnyt. . . Itcculuteb thu Ilowd.-i. Invliroratos Inartlvn I.iver. ( Jtiret ) ls | ii ol I.lvcr , Itcvlves the KiduejH , linpiovus tlio Alipstlto ( jnlvkly. HrKiilut.-s the-\uiolo Bjatom. Now I.lfa to 1U whole syhteiu. jcltJ.lM'rlllltiTi < nro s lil In Onuilia , Nrli. , by Ilin lulimvliu iliui ; > il ! : Klclianlsuii Hull ! ( > > . . hurclal Wliolcmio , for theilriiitlntcro't of Nebnuku , Ituliill * Dll.B. a AV 8T' NKnVB AXD nnI ! TflAT. KCNT , agnuruiiu-ed * necltlo tar HyBlerla , Ottzlt nets. Conrulilonii , FH Kenoiw Nftiralrln. Headactip. Nenoim I'rtis'ratlon. caused bytli * uie ot rtlcchol or toliaoco. W k fuue ) n , Mental Depression. Hoftenlnx of tlie Ur lu , reuniting : In 1 inanity , and I * i1lui ; to nilm-rv. decay anfi deitth , S'rtnmturuOM ART , llarrennen , l.oitot I'ower In rltlicr B T. Involuntary I ojses and Bpermatorba-a ctuaea li orer-exertlon o ( ie brain. > cl.abuia or ovcr-lndnljtenra. Kuch tot coiilKUiii oils month' ! tie tnient. ILO ) a liox. oe lxtoies \ for 15.00 , Bunt by mall prepaid ou ttu c lpt of price. WB GDAnAMTRK BIX UOXRS To cure any can. with each or l < r received b o for lx boiea. nccoinpanled vrlth 5.W. w will i nd the jjurclmner our written cunrantet to refund tlie money If thtf treatment does not EERLESS DYES j