0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . S ATUKP AY. AUGUST 4 , 1883. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 1'HAIlh Delivered by Cixrrlcr In Any 1'nrt of tlio City nt Twenty Cents 1'er Week. II. W. TILTON. . . . MANAQEH. TIMI'HO.NMS : : : : IIUHINKfMOlTICB. No. II. NKJIIT I'.niToii , No.I. . a'ilNOU MKXTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. To-morrow'n ' game tit the park will bo between the homo club tint ! the J. J. Hivrdtns of Omnha. City Auditor Hammer issued 80,000 worth of iutarrioutlou paving and grad ing bonds yoHtordtiy. Tom Owens lost two flno calves night before lust. They wore evidently stolen from his pasture. fr The work of putting in the Ihigstono curbing on Eighth street , from Broad way south , has been commenced. Commissioner Hunter was busy yes terday afternoon taking evidence injtbo James Portcrllold banktupt estate case. The case of M. K. Doran , tlio young crook caUircd | ) at Uonison , will come up for a hearing before 'Squire Schulz this inorning. The ladies of Unity Guild will moot ( this ) Saturday afternoon at 3 p. in. at the residence of Mrs. Charles Swan , No. 15 Hlulsnmn street. An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn die'd yesterday morning. The funeral will bo hold from the residence , 410 Broadway , at I ) o'clock this morning. There IH ono house in this city which has nine families living in it. That Is i little above the average , but It shows that there is nocd for more residences. A runaway loam made u lively dash on Broadway yesterday morning , but was stopped at tlio corner of Pearl sfrcot by a nimble bystander. No damage - ago was done. Gus Webber , residing nt 230 Bon ton. Btrcot , wasi overcome by the heat Thursday , and had to bo taken home. At last accounts he was doing well , and in a fair way to recover. Mlko Gallagher , a Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul switchman , was badly hurt while making a coupling in the yards Tuesday ovor.inir , by the falling of an end door from a freight car. There is to bo a meeting of the basket and box company at Dr. Macrae's ofllco this morning to consider the pro posals for furnishing machinery. The enterprise is expected to soon start. The contract for erecting the addi tion to the Presbyterian church has boon lot to John P. Weaver for $7,401) ) . Work will bo commenced immediately and completed in uijout ninety days. t Arrangements have been made to have the Dos Moines and Omaha league clubs play an exhibition game in this city in about two weeks. The game will bo played at the Union driving park. The report of Postmaster Bowman for last month shows n decided increase in business over the month of July , 1887. Receipts for July , 1887 , $2,727.03. For July , 1SS8 , $3,944.09. Increase , $1,217.00. . The water was run Into the now lake in Fail-mount park ychlorday. The now lake is not largo , but it is a little beauty. Such improvements as are being made this year are making the park n most delightful resort. Work on the Morritun block has com menced in earnest. The men are at work nights , the electric light making It as clear as day , and the lompeiT-turc being much bettor for teams and 'for men than during the day. The bridles stolen from Dr. Green's stable a few nights ago wore found yes terday under a shock of oats in the southern part of the city. Chief Lucas was notified nnd the property was re- Btorod to the rightful owner. R. T. Bryant & Co. are rustlers in real estate deals , and are ready to make trades tit any tSir.s for fttiy flOrf of prop erty. Those who have any desire tc make deals in Omaha or Council BlulTt property should Interview these gentle men. O Sheriff O'Noll yesterday arrested Frank Lower for contempt of court , iti violating a liquor injunction. Ho was taken before Judge Carson , and his hearing sot for 1) ) o'clock this inorning His bonds were fixed at $600 , which he secured. The North western Is now running TJstibuled trains from Jthis point. The lirst ti aln loft Thursday evening , ant ] consisted of a baggage , smoker , coach Blooper and diner. It was in charge o Engineer Pickering and Conductoi O'Connor. The Ahrcns steamer was put to worl yesterday morning pumping water inU the now artificial lake in Fairmoun park. The lake holds 250,000 gallons and it will require twenty hours to complete ploto the job. The lake will bo ful this morning , as the steamer was kou pumping all night. A farmer \\ho came across the rive yesterday on the ferry train was hitr prised on driving olT the cars to see om uf his horses "begin to bleed badly fron the mouth and nobo. Tlio animal wa taken to Dr. Stewart's stable , on Fourtl street , where it died shortly altorward DTwo building permits wcro issued a the city clerk's olllco yesterday. On of thorn was for Nathan Morriam's nov brick business block on Main and Pear streets , to cost $50,000 , and the other t Brown and W rigor , two Omaha parties for a $2,000 residence in Boer's bubdl vision. Charlie Strode , catcher of the Coun cil BlulTs club , is almost tickled t death over n permit recently receive from Chicago. It grants unusual priv ! logos and Charlie does not propose t lot any of them slip' Just mention it t him at an exciting period in to-day1 ball gamo. It now conies , to light that the ma Kelley , just sent to jail for thirty daj for the larceny of a farmer's coat. Is a experienced crook. A man who know him says that ho escaped from jail Adalr two years ago. where ho wr nwaitlng trial for stabbing a man. Ill right name is said to bo Kline and hi folks live at Perry. R. Brown and J. Ungar. two prom ! nont young men of Omaha , arobuildin n line residence on West Broadway , 01 poslto S. Goldbtoin's grocery store. Th cost will bo about $2,200. They are th eon and nephew of L. Brown , and pui pose making the residence a present t Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Brown , who will pr < cccd to occupy it on completion. licv. G. W. Crofts , of the Congrogt tlonul church , has his house llttod wit u burglar alarm , nnd it doubtless save some of hie wealth the other nigh Wires running from all the doors an windows on the ground lloor are a tnched to bells In his sleeping rooti One of them began to ring u few nigh ago , and the hor.d of the house invest cutcd. The would-be thief prohab heard the racket and made good his o cape. It the present system of sueces ful burglary is kept tip btirglar alan will soon bo In great demand , K. II. Shcafo ft. Co. , make long hurt time loans on real estate , in eut to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Ofll Broadway imd Main street , upstairs , IMI i mvn ini'v n Ttin nnAirn CHASING AF1ER THE CROOKS , The Ohlof of Police Runs and a Clark Shoots. MANAWA'S DENEFIT TO-DAY Improvements nt tlio Institution for the DcnT nnd Dttml ) Ton Many Curs The AVrotiB Ilor.so Hill Dirt Dcnl. The Mnnawa nenrflt. To-day Is boncllt day at Man awn , and the coinmittoo has prepared tlio follow ing excellent programme : Base hall game Council Bluffs vs "Tho Modocs. " Giuno called nt 3 p. m. Second yacht race for the $ " ) ( ) prize cup. Entries Sailboats Psycho , Sea Gull , Ida , Jdlowlld , Little Diamond , Mystic nnd J. C. Blxby. Race to take place between the hours of 4 and 7 p.m. Canoe race , two entries Omaha vs Council BlulTa. Tub rnco , eight entries Strode , Tip- ton , Wright , Billy Morris. Rudio , Cnrr , Nnto Crary , John Pusoy. Proo-for-all swimming race for the greased goose , the best swimmer catches the goose. Four oared shell race , two entries Council BlulTs vs Omaha. Dancing nt 0:80. : Tickets for the entertainment 2cach , placed in the hands of a committee ap pointed to improve Lake Manawa. There should bo an immense attend ance , as the total receipts will bo ox- poudcd in improving the hike. E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidontal. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , tip-stairs. S. B. Wadswoath fc Co. loan money. Institution Improvements. Several important changes and im provements are to ho mode at the insti tution for the deaf tiud dumb. There are to bo three now boilers put in , the contract for which has boon let to G. S. Fawcett. of Burlington. A now steam engine is also to be put in. Russell & Co. , of thiscity , furnish that , they being the lowest bidders. There were six competitors. An olectrio light plant is to bo put in by the Mather Electric Light company , through their agent at Lincoln. There were five competing bids. On Monday next there will bo bids opened for a building for the elec tric light power , and for an additional launury building. The plans as drawn by C. K. Boll have been accepted , and are now at the institution being ligurod over by contractors preparatory to mak ing their bids. Tlio llfth lloor of the institution is being changed into a hospital. Pro posals are now out for bias for an eleva tor. The institution is to bo made com plete , so as to insure the greatest possi ble convenience and comfort to teach ers and pupils. For bargains in real estate see E. H. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main street , upstairs. J. G. Tiplon has bargains in real estate. LiotH of Sales. During yesterday was closed a largo land deal which clearly indicates which way the wind blows as to the future de mand for Council BlulTs realty. For some time past Messrs. Benson & Shep herd and C. J. Colby have had the matter - tor on hand and through them the deal was concluded. By this sale Omaha parties have purchased QUO hundred and eight lots In Bensons first addition , eighteen lots iu Benson's gocoud addi tion uud ono iob Id Ferry's ' second addi- ion. Many of these lots will bo imiue- .lately transferred to persons who will "mild thereon houses for their own oc- upancy. There is no question but that his is but the beginning of activity \nd that other deals equally as impor- ant will soon tollow. Real estate deal- 3rs say there is moro Inquiry for lesirablo lots now than there has been luring the past three months , and all igns point to an curly revival of the juilding boom in Council BlulTs. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo. Pacific House is open to the traveling mhlic , notwithstanding to the contrary. . 11 catrnining tlid Passions. Judge Aylesworth yesterday ordered tolla Bailey , n twolve-yoar-old girl sent to the reform school on the appli cation of J. A. Colo. She is alleged tc jo Incorrigible , n vagrant , of a thiovisl mil immoral character. She appar ently has no ono to protect or care foi her. her.James James Hoar was lined $7.60 for in dulging his appetite for the intoxicat ing cup. Ho made do/ons of gooc [ > romifcos , among the number ono t ( > io.vor drink another drop of liquor The court decided to try him , and sak lie would have him locked up in a col with a two quart bottle of whibky , am if ho did not touch it in two days , IK would discharge him. The only dilll culty was that no liquor could bo foum In the station , and Jimmio was locket up without the loaded bottlo. Ho trioi to persuade himself that ho had tin tremens , and succeeded in making him bolf decidedly miserable. Ho will hi pretty well sweated out In about a week Stop at the Pacific House. The mos centrally located hotel in the city. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co. ' loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses wagons , personal property of all kinds and all other articles of value withou removal. All business strictly conll dontial. _ Clilof liiicus A Sprinter. Chief Lucas showed himself to b quite a sprinter yesterday noon , tt was at the dummy depot just before tin train wont out , and noticed n follow sit ting under a tree south of the depot , ap pnrontly waiting to board the t.'aln n the Northwestern crossing. The chic walked over that way , when the folloi got up and walked away. The chle quickened his pace , and so did the pur sued. The "boss of the coppers" bega to run , nnd the other kept out of hi way. Ho headed for the train , an jumping on the tender ran cloa through the train , and headed dow street for First avenue. Notwithstanc1 ing his fifty odd yours and 200 pound avoirdupois , the chief kept close bohln his game , but could not got his hand on him. It became monotonous afte awhile , and then the officer pulled ou his little gun and told bis leader the ho had all the exorcise ho wranted. Th fugitive took the hint ahd slowed up t aw tittlio , arrival of the man who hoi the neo of trumps. "What do you want of raoV" d < mnndod the prisoner. "J want to run a footrace with yo some cooler flay , and I am going to lock you up until the weather changes , ' was the reply of the chief , as ho alllxed his "come along'1 to the wrist of the crest fallen crook. Ho wits taken to the sta tion , where ho gave the name of W. A. Search. lie proved to bo ono of the throe brought back from Donlson by Anderson and O'Brien , and afterward released from jail. Ho was locked up nnct a charge of vagrancy nnd suspicion entered against him. Ho was In tending to board the dummy train and got across the river to Omaha. Ho is a skillful crook nnd a dangerous man to run at largo. Although young in years ho Is well versed in criminal matters , nnd is safer behind the bars than run ning nt largo. Flvo Ilnrvt st K\curHlons. The Burlington Route , C. , B. & Q. R. R. , will soil from principal stations on its lines on Tuesdays , August 21 , Sep tember 11 nnd 25 , and October 0 nnd 23 , Harvest Excursion Tickets at Half Rates to the Farming Regions of the West , Southwest and Northwest. For tickets nnd further Information concerning - corning those excursions call on your ncarobt (3. , B. & Q. Ticket Agent , or address P. S. Eimtis , General Passenger nnd Ticket Agent , Chicago. Patrons of the Pacific House have none but words of praise for the atten tion given them. A HOI-HC VIcNli Alllil. I'rof. WyckolT has a family horse to which ho is quite attached. Ho secured good pasturage for the animal , and the other day dis-covorod that the horse had mysteriously disappeared. Ho con cluded that it had been stolen , nnd when a little later ho found the animal in the pobsobbion of another man , ho de manded it. The other one insisted that ho had traded for it , and by direction of the owner hiwi gone to the pasture and got it. Investigation showed that the man got the wrong horse , the animal for which ho traded being much like that belonging to the professor , nnd pastured in the same iiold. The nlTnir thus simmered down to a question of identity of horso-llesh , and the professor had to replevin his steed to get possession. The case ia to bo heard by Justice Biggs. Full line of sheet music at Counci BlulTs Mubio Co. , 224 Broadway. Artists prefer the Hallett & Davis piano , nt C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway. Tlic Council IlliifTi FOIICI * . C. J. Bockm.in's pitont for fencosnnd railings of all sorts is fast coming into favor and nowhere moro so than right hero at homo , where the merits of tlio invention have boon so thoroughly tested. No ono hero now thinks of put ting in a fence of any t-ort without using Mr. Bookman's patent , as it costs no moro and is bo much bettor , protecting the joints and enabling the taking out of a panel nt any time us easily as open ing n gate. William Siedchtopf has lately had Mr. Buukmnii build 7 3 foot of fence for him. It consists of three iron pipes with nicely turned posts , and is as neat and substantial it line of fenc ing as was ever sot Up. L. A. Caspar has put in some of this fencing in front of his place. Mr. Beckman has an order for some picket fencing in front of Mr. Van Order's property on Seventh ivvcuuo. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur nishings of the Now York plumbing Co. Dirt Not Know Glanders. Yesterday a young man representing hinibolf as Dr. Johnson , assistant state veterinary surgeon , was in the city to inquire into tlio case of F. M. Gant , re cently lined for having a glandercd horse In his possession. The young doc tor did not admit the existence of such a disease as "nasal crloot , " which is ecognl/.ed iu tlio statutes of the s'.uto. ' : Io gave Mr. Gam. a certificate to the elfect that the case in ono of "chronic catarrh. " This decision is far from jeing satisfactory to those who have i von this disease , and this case es pecially , n study. It would have been 'tir ' moro satisfactory had the state sur- jcon given the case his personal ntton- iion instead of deputising ono of appar ently so little experience. the Dogs. The city has not a few dogs. They Loll not , neither do they spin , but they iiowl nights , they snap at inoffensive passers-by in the daytime , bark at horses nnd spoil the displays in front of grocery stores. There is somewhere on the ordinance books a requirement that the dogs pay 11 tax , but the collections seem to bo slow. It would bo n glad re form if by a rigid collection of the li cense , and n slaughtering of those not licensed , a decrease could bo made in the number. There arc thousands pf worthless curs in the city , whoso owners would not pay the license for them , and tills failure would give a glad justifica tion for killing them on" . A Lone Itnad and No Turn. "Who was burglarized last nighty" is the common salutation these days. Early yesterday morning an attempt was made to enter the dwelling of P. Lun nun , No. 712 South Seventh street , but fortunately it was n failure. About 1 o'clock T. R. Stoner , the next door neighbor of Mr. Lou nan , was awakened by an unusual lioibo , and going to the back porch ho discovered a man in the act of attempting to force an entrance through the window of , his neighbor's house. Stoner had his revolver and after yelling at the follow ho blazed away with his gun. Tlio would bo thief took to his heels and was quickly joined by n confederate who was evi dently watching between the two houses while his partner did the "cracking. " A second shot wns sent after the ilcolng rascals , which did nothing moro than to hasten their Might. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drink Malto at soda , fountain. The lllter Illttcn. There is ono loss believer in practi cal joking in this city this morning than there was yestordny , simply because - cause there was a little scone enacted on Upper Broadway last evening which again demonstrated the fact that the "best laid plans" etc. . etc. , do not al ways turn out as originally Intended. Some time ago ono of the head clerks in one of the largest dry goods houses of the city wns made the victim of a practical joko. A follow clerk wns nt- tlred as u female , and In gulso of a giddy street walker , mndo a mash ou the lly young man aforementioned , and the deception was kept up until the gay Lothario was where ho afterward wished he had not been. However , ho took the joke good naturodly and waited an opportunity to repeat it on some ono olso. Last evening wns the time fixed upon , and he wrote a note to a recently arrived young blood , agreeing to meet him at 9 o'clock nt the Methodist church. Ho posted homo In the evening , and , with his wife's help , wns soon neatly attired in hot finest apparel , and really was a fine looking young lady ( ( ) . U so happened TncirTT1 J JLSI JtLj SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. Largest Stock , Ftirnlshing Goods , Lowest Prloeo , I METCALF BROTHERS I Clothing , Hats , Caps , oto. u _ 0 A . . _ J 0S MUELLtH , MUSIC .COMPANY , 8 to < o Wlllliim Slodontopf ; Hardman , Evtrdt & fisher ' f - ofc _ . . Denier In < fco Cftt ALCountj REAL ESTATE . - o .Si ; . . Main St. Council Bluffi. S i VVVVVVVVVx.Si IBM St. MirT'.AT..Om i. CUftJ " " ' CO d VVVVVVVVVx CD'S ' x x . x 4a/-/esf ( Capfaajcf 5wrp/tfs CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage o of Any Bank in the oil , Is Solicited. g S7H , & R , D.FoBtar. SMOKE ' COUNCIL" BLUFFS J. W. SQUIRE'S . Moore's Forego ; .ft Abstracts of Title Wholesale. Santo Rasat No. 8. Pearl St. ARE THE BEST I EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. , Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. 1 have nlwt'ys a full stock to select from. Call and examine. Prices Low. that a friend of the destined victim found out the plan , and proposed to work the joke the other way. The re- fault w.'is that the joker was arrested shortly after appearing on the streets for masquerading in female attire. Ho vainly protested that ho was highly respectable , and then beg ged and finally wept copious tears at the though't of a night in the police station. To add to ht dibComlT- turo till the lady clerks of the store were on hand to hympathi/o ( ! ) with him in his misfortune. At Itiit the tender hearted policeman , who had boon poated as to his part , released him "for hia Avifo'H balco. " The joker hastened homo and will probably not kjiow that ho himself was the victim of a joke until this article moots his eye. Hia thankfulness of hist ovcning may then possibly change to n feeling los.s peaceful and Christian like. Personal P.trnirtiim. | ! Mrs. J. J. Shea' has gene to Spirit Lake. Kx-Sheriir Reed 'was in the city yos- tordiiy. J. K. MoGoo is taking an outing at Lako. Spirit i M. E. Smith antl family loft for Spirit Lake last evening. Mrs. Cololoii''h , loft hint evening for Colorado on a pleasure trip. Thomas Motcalf left for New York on n business trip ln t evening. Harry Birkinbino stavtti in a day or two for Now York on n business trip. Ollicer Austin fpont yesterday in Omaha , combining business with pleas ure. ure.Mrs. Mrs. James Patterson and daughter , Anna , left yesterday for a month's bO- journ at Colfnx. H. P. Ray , representing the Now York Sportsman , was in tlio city securing ad ditions to his list. Miss Laura Plicklnger has gone to In- dopondoncp , la. , to spend a month's vacation with friends there. Miss Nellie Cowdrcy , the stenographer 'or II. H. Van Brunt , is visiting her bis ter , Mrs. Judge Connor , at Donibon. Mr. S. B. Wntlsworth and family de parted yesterday for Oregon , 111. , where i brief term willbe spent visiting friends ji their old-time ho'ino. Hon. C. S. Rank , pf Iowa City , one of tlio trustees of the institution for the deaf anil dumb , was in the city yester day on committee work. Superintendent Armstrong , of the fcoblo minded insti'.ulion at Beatrice , was in the city JCFterday and visited the institution for the deaf and dumb. M. E. Meador aid wife , who have boon visiting for several days at J. .1. Stovoiibon's , 148 Washington avenue , loft last evening for t'aoir homo at Goshen , Ind. Mrs. Anna C. Hoag , of Iowa Palls , nnd Mrs. Ryncarson , of South Omaha , visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tobtcvin yes terday. The four were schoolmates moro than forty years ago. It H ncod- loss to say the visit wns a most enjoyable ono. ono.Mrs. . Young , vifo of Senator Young , of the Atlantic Telegraph ; Mrs. E. O. Consignoy , of Avoca , and Mrs. E. W. Davis , of Minneapolis , were on a shop ping tour in this citv on Thursday and Friday. They spent Thursday afternoon at Lake Manawa. Mrs. Lizzio Roivel has begun an action in the district court to recover ? o,000 damages from Christie Even- for defamation of character. The plain- till' in filing her complaints bays that she is a married woman living in Coun cil BlulTs ; that on or about tlio 2Sth ol July , 1888 , the paid Chribtio Evors in n conversation with Mrs. i'luss and in the presence and hear in got divers other wit nesses to the plaintiff unknown , fnlsel.v and maliciously spoke and published the following concerning the pi unit ill "Her husband drives a butcher wigon in Council BlulTs and she is running with other men , " meaning thereby thai the plnlntilT was an udultross , etc. The plaintiff albo allege that the defendant lias spoken defamatory words of her at sundry times sinco.Tuly 28. At n meeting of the Dodge Ligh guards to elect a lieutenant to Jill the vacancy caused by the resignation ol Lieutenant Highbinith , W. E. Atchisoi wns elected. The now olllcor is an ex perienced militiaman , having sot-vet for a number of years in Wisconsin as i member of the Lake City guards , OIK of the best drilled companies in the northwest. Yesterday W. T. Smith , the former bar keeper for Oliver Lower , at (11 ( ! South Main street , appeared before Jus- tlco Burnett , and on his information i warrant was issued for the searching ol his employer's plnco. Constable Chat buck made the examination , and wo goods enough were found to convlc1 Lower , for there is now n permanoir injunction against him. Moro on thii case will develop shortly. The grass in Bnyliss park is sadly it need of water , and the fire departmon should bo called into service for thii work. It would require but n fev minutes every two or three days , ani it would improve the appearance of tin park wonderfully. Two years ago the grabs was saved in this manner , and tin lire department was not put to any seri ous inconvenience. The innttor shouli bo attended to at once , and It is hopcc that the council will issue the neccbsar ; orders immedibUly. WEIR SHUGART CO. , I or1 AQicpi 'i'-o-rra.A.rj iJvcFiLiEaviEEifcT'rir H. F. HATTENHAUER , No * . 27 to 113 } Fourth Street. Another curiosity has boon placed in Tin- : Bun show window. It is n find by Vic Keller. The line specimen of a mastodon's tooth , while other bones , recently found by Mr. Keller , and for a time exibltud in Tin : BIK : window , have boon given to the Bloomer school nuiboum. This museum serves a most excellent purpose in connection wilh the tchool work. It not merely cntor- lortains the pupils , but gives them in struction in a manner most pleasing nnd lasting. Citi/.eiiH who luivo specimens illustrative of studies pursued in the schools hero should remember the needs of the public school niu cuni. In some t I instances rare specimens hnvo boon j sent away , as donations to collections elsewhere , used simply to amuse visi- | f tors. Encourage home education by i donating specimens to the Bloomer , school. The last specimen found in ! Keller's gravel bank , after remaining j in TinBi'i : window a few days , will find its way into the museum. . Prepared by a combination , proportion tion and process peculiar to its-elf , Hood's Snt'bnparilln accomplishes cures heretofore unknown. Ex-Mnyor Vauglinn gave Officer O'Brien tin idea by which ho was on- ablcd to catch the fellows suspected of crookedness at Mnnawn. Ho suggested the taking of the autographs olT the hotel register , having a cut made of thorn , nnd printed on the circulars hont out warning hotel keeners to look out for fellows of similar handwriting. In tli is way track was got of the follows. Tlio KnlpliiiroiiH Gentleman Facetiously ( losiftnntc'd us ' Olil Nick" seem to lie at the ulbowrf of tlio people , who day in and iltiy out , damage their tooth wilh hurtful footh juUcs , powders and wishes. Tlio recorded experienced ol thirty years desig nates SOXODONT us the only real desidera tum. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , such as Lo t , found , . - To Loan , Tor SnIc.To Hcnt.Wiiuts , Hoarding , etc , will bo Inverted In this column at thu low ruto or TiiN 013NTB 1'IJIt UNK for the ttwt In sertion and Kvo Cents Per Uuo for eacn subse quent Insertion. I.t > ave advertisement ) * at our otllce. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Ilrondway. Council lllnllH , Iowa. WANTS- FOR SAM ; The liest small fruit uiid veseta- ule farni In I'ottawaltamlo county , two ilfH from Council IlluIN postolllce , nt a price tliufntll H2ll It , on remarkably easy terms. Tltlo verfect and property iu good condition. Possession given ut any time , uotxl reason for selling. It. T. llryant & Co. , fcUJ Jlroadwny , Council lllnirn , la. ANTKD Agents to sll the life of Gen. Harrison , by Gen. Low Wallace , author of Hen Hur. - of merchandise to ex- WANTKD-Stockti propurty In Council Illuirs , Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind. Wo inuko exchanging n wpecialty. It. T. llryaut & Co. , tiid HroadVi'ay. T" io 1U5NT Immediately , for the bummer , a good lumlslied house , 10 rooms ; closet and bathroom ; city water. Apply on premises , 812 f.th ave. " \IfANTKD Stocks ol mcrflmndUa. Have V > Omaha and Council Muffs city property. alfc.o western land to exohanzti for goods. Cullen on or address .lohmon .V Christian , Iloom 35 , Chamber of Commerce. Omaha. OH SAMI At a bargain. W acres near stock yards , South Omaim , Nub. , Johnson & Christian , Iloom 25 , Chamber of Commarca , Omaha. OFFICER & PUSEY , 'BANKERS. COOUroadway Council Illuffs , Iowa. Established 1S.17. The Morris TypeWriter Is a practical , well made nnd finely finished machine , und combines the perfect letterlnc , exact alllKUmentii and rapid \\rltlne of nhlKh priced writer. 'JUoKDI- BON MIMKOaUAI'H. the beht apparatus made forniunlfo'dliiK uuthoKraphlc and typewriter work ; W.I KJO copies can betaken. TVPK WIUTKIt supply for sale. Send tor circulars. The Kx- celslor Co. , Council lllullH , In. SNYDEB & SNYDEB _ M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDER , SPECIALIST : Diseasosof "Women and Children , 307 llroadwaVt Council Hlulls. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 noUQIjArt ST. . OMAItA , NEII D , H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. tSQ nd KB Mklfl 8U tCouncU Ulufftl.IowA. I always keep In stock a lar o variety or luako OaiTiaicswhlch I BO ! ) at a very low ruto. I tun always ready to show goods. 1842. INCOIU'OR < VTI3I > 1878 TJ-SSELDL , dc CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAXUFACTUlllMtS. SIZES FROM Especially Aduftcd tot 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , " " AUTOMATIC ! CUT-OFF ENGINES. Speclllcutlont nnd estimates furnished for complete tcam plants. HegtiliUimi , IMiruWllty Guar < autvcd. Cun shov-letters from HM.TIJ w hero fuel Economy Is equal with Corllbs Non-Condensing , UK.VXMI HOUSE , COUNCIL , IIMJI-I'S , IOWA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTED t.O AL AND TRAYULINU AGUXTS ON MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26O S COMPANY Wrought and Cast FOR Uuihllngs , Automatic Highest Economy , ENGINES Kepalrs. Ncw&Xdirand LI1UII1L.U Simplicity and Durability. Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BluiTs.Ia. Telephone 100. REDUCTION From 15 to 25 Per Cent. PH NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE PETER C. MILLER , Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. / Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , HDIDl/IMPINP I " " Specification ! . . Supervision of I'ublic Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. PIMI CV Dl 1DI/IT Attorney at Law , Second Flee Brown Building , 115 rllNLLT DUni\L" " Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. / " * | Justice ol the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No , 419 OU ti UL \ - Broadway , Council Binds , Iowa. OTrvMP 0 CII\/I / ? Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and FVdera O I UINL Qi OlIYIu" Courts. Odlcc Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Beno Block , Council Binds , Iowa. / - UA7ITM Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci C/- . MAZ-LIN" Bluffs , Iowa. " I" I IM R/1 / ft Bnerlollst in diseases of IJye. Kar , Nose nnd /"M I A ft/1 / DP ) Mil"M ( HAIVInrm . IN M. U Throat. ( llaHseu Accurately I'rexcrlix'ii. i.'ut- , Mi VM iniTI U l-l IL.I I Ij III"Jt aarn treated by mall after llrst roimnitation. Ollico cor. Main htieet and liroadway. Itealdeuce , 610 llluir nt. Hours U to IS , i'toO. 7W : toBiJU. Council lllulfo , Iowa. -IF YOU IIAV * : ANY- SECOND-HAND STOVES OR FURNITURE Call on IM. DROIILICH , 338 Rroudwuy , where you will receive the lllKltfHt Ciuli Price. TAXI DERMY SL F. J. BREZEE , THE TAXIDERMIST , In accordance with numerous requests has de- elded to teach Taxidermy in all Its branches. MountliiK birds Kit ) : with mammals and oilier intricacies. jio. Would also like to receive orders lor birds to 1111 older book on trip HOiith. tfp.OlOilaln St .Council lilillTii. * Vib WCH\f B"'iririnJ 'r < ' ? * Til WtAK iilii Wr t < r. ? h- | | . r : punhoot coon. , f . -i-A . - . f . . , . COH. ftXJI AVIi AM ) 7 I'll hT. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. An excellent educational institution , furntih * cd with all modern Improvement ! ) for boarding and day school. 'Hie academic year conitlcU oC two e 8ioiis , begliiuliiK on tlio llr t Monday la September and February , rt-gpectf ully , Term * -Hoard and tuition per session , ITS. 1'or further particular ! ) address Blutcr Superior , St. Francis Academy , Council Illuff * , la. ADViOI m . KOWTTOAOT. l lVlnr n M nhoodK .l i 4. J'r . m tor I > dlti MAUTOI M.lrutruwU.i | *