THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. AUGUST 4. 1888. fint i 'iMtTti f i trt 'pn SPECULATIVE -MARKETS , Wheat Oontlhuos Strong , but BuyIng - Ing Orders Decrease. CORN RULES DULL AND LOWER. Onts Open Finn nncl Ijntcr Hcoro n Bhnrp A ( Ivnnco 1'rovlHlonn Ncrv- OILS Jitttlo Change In Cnttlc HOJJH Still Declining. CHICAGO rnonuoB MAUKET. CntOAOO , August 3. [ Special Telegram U THE HUB. ] The grain markets wore steady to-day nt u lower rango. Yet tlio sltuatloa acorns to bo extraordinarily strong , but it Is with difficulty that advances nro held. Wheat Is actually selllnp for lcn mnnoy to-day than It did at tha opening Mondity niornlug. Tlio weak started In wrong end first. The nat ural Improvement wns all inado between Sat urday night and Monday morning Instead of by easy gradations through the week. The bulls have since been fighting to hold the ground gained. Still further gains have been tnado but not maintained. Nevertheless the undcrtonu of the market is apparently strong as ever and buying Is of a good sort. To day the opening was lower and speculative senti merit wo-ikcr on "heavy" cables. The weather abroad is rather better , but it is ( .till unset tled and both English and continental markets are ronsltivo to an unusual degree. Under cover of this discouragement there wns a steady and , In the aggregate , largo buying hero and in Now York by exporting houses. Some of the local houses with foreign con nections were sellers early in the day , but they wrre buyers later. The buying was led by local parties , however , Henin and Cuclahy openly espousing the bull Bide. Kcam gave it as his opinion , based on private advices , that under no circumstances could the yield of spring wheat bu within 10 per cent of last year's , when there was raised , according to government figures , 1 0,000,000 , bushels. The continuation of unfavorable weather conditions would , ho thinks , still further reduce the yield from the cstitnuto given. Tliio , coming from Ream , who is one of the last men to place confidence in crop danmgo reports , was not without influence. Practically all tha reports fiom the north west arc corroborative of the estimates of n probably reduced crop. The basis of most of the repot tii that nro aunt out from the northwest , In which special stock is tnkcn by leaders , seems to bo that which points tea a crop below the average. September wheat opened at b2' o , ranged at t&sVftjttttl&o and cloned nt 62j < ( T s'Jfc. October opened at 8.'tc , sold off Jtfc , ranged nt i > lHSn : } < ; and closed at & ) c. December started at ( MJfc , ranged nt W&QMe , and closed nlSl c. Final quotations show a shrinkage of % c as compared with yesterday. It is exceedingly ( lifilcuH to explain the reason of the decline. There wus no particular pressure to sell , hut the majority of buyers scemcd-moro anxious to got cheap than they wcro to boom things. Trade was rather below nn average volume. Corn was dull and somewhat lower with out being heavy. There was n noticeable absence of general speculative trade , but in shipping circles trade was brisk enough. Receivers Und plenty to do. Price ranges of the day wore within ; V"KO range , and clos ing prices \vorK a shrinkage of J @Vc in the day. Last prices were fractionally better than the opening. Oatfl opened linn and later ruled higher , with August atone time exhibiting nn ad vance of fully Ic , while extended fntuies wore relatively less strong , though nil op tions Indicated n fractional gain. Country shlpiwrs evidently prefer to hold back now oats a few dayn rather than undergo rigid inspection nilcs on soft grain , hence receipts continue light. The advance in August at the noon hour was attributed to tlio demand from shorts who feared a retarded inovo- uiont of now oats. September and May wore in fair request at } { & } 4c advance , and Inter mediate months quiet but correspondingly firm. The in store market was quiet , with No. 2 old outs quoted ut "b' c and cash sales chiefly by samulo. The provision trade was nervous and some what unsatisfactory. Yesterday's severe "slump" upset operators in their calcula tions and made outsiders reluctant to take hold , and disturbed generally the entire market. Pair activity , however , character ized to-day's trading , but the offerings were much larger than the demand was able tc absorb and a weak feeling prevailed. Prices all around suffered a fresh break , and at the close of business pork showed an actual de cline for the day of 10(3 ( > 16c , lard of 10@12c and short ribs of 16@17 Jfc. CHICAGO JjIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Augusts. ( Special Telegram tc TIIB USE. I CATTLE There was little 01 nothing now in the market to-day. Fai cattle aio scarce and sold generally as wol as any dav this week , but after that clusi was disposed of the general market rulcc slow , weak ami unsettled , with common na lives and Texim * dragging along at tin lowest prices of the season , and fully as lov as at any time lost year. Native cows am bulls wcro selling at very low prices , am there Is no money for aliippors of this class until Texans become scarce , and begin ti move up in 'the scale of prices. From tin present outlook that period would seem ii U.ho i emote future , as there are at preset ! BO.OOO to l 0UOO in sight from day to daj in the various markets. There wore m range cattle among the arrivals to-dav. Th < stacker and feeder trade remains steady Voul calves nro plentiful and cheap. Tlio re eclpts include 1),5H ) ( ) Texas cattle. ChoL'o t < extra beeves , fmXWil.Uri ; medium to goo < Btccrs , l.MS'l to U01) ) Ibs , S3.BO < ar > .W ) ; i 00 t < USOlbs , HS SiK ) ; 0VI to 1'JJO Ibs , e. | . n < v 4.W ) ; stackers and feeders , ? .yc@3.'iU ( ; cows bulls and mixed , fl.-i'MUbulU$2.-iOi ( ' ; ( . ) ( W Texas cattle easier ; steers , 9.V ) to 1 030 Ibs UUv(3.V,7fiOto ( OUOlbB , Si.TOQIUOj cows Hoiis Values wcro again on the dowi turn , the decline resulting in a drop of any where from Co to 15c a good lUc off on th average and nt the decline trade was sltn and unsatisfactory. Packers are out of tli market on account of tlio sharp decline i provisions. Shippers wore buying sparing ! ; on nccount of the limited orders , and th general market was dull and unsatisfuctor , all around. Light receipts for n week or s and cooler weather would mnko u wonderfii change in the opinions of buyers. At th close prime heavy hogs , closely assorted rould have been had at S0. ! > 0@0.5' > ; mixed S.iOSM { ( < ) , and assorted light at M-GOga IV A largo number were carried over , largol' ' In first hand ! ! . FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , August 3. [ Special Tclegrai to THE UEE. ] STOCKS There wore no specii developments In the stock market this mart Ing. A good many of ttij ( best .operators wh have been on the bull side for some time pa : have realized good profits and gone to U country for a rest. Others are preparing I follow , hence there were few operators o 'change and dullness prevailed all day. Ute to noon only 71,1500 , shares had changed hand London was a boiler of Union Pacific and S Paul and disposed of over 8,000 shares of tl former. This rather upset bull calculation and caused a general weakness , except in tli Vanderbilts and Now England , which wer strong , and Michigan Central advanced 1 ] points. Recent heavy purchases of Lah Shore by Hollins are now said to bo for tli Kceno Interest , which has been so pronilnct of late. Slayback remains bullish , and saj that the bears can sell more stocks in a do than they can get back in a week. Openlr prices showed declines of M@ % per cent , U latter in Louisville St Nashville. The ma ket developed strength immediately , ho\ ever , and small fractional advances woi eon established throughout the entire Us The improvement was soon checked , tiov ever , and the list thereafter remained stai nant and dull without feature of any klm The St , Paul statement for the fourth wee lii July showed an Increase of 511,710 , and fc the inonth. of $77,015. This , it should bo re membered , is on. n largely. Increased mileage over last year anil the net earnings fnny show n decrease. Crop advices frojn the west wcro Unfavorable nnd caused a modcrnto Rolling of grangers. The movement wa * not heavy , however , nnd declines wcro trllllnc. Taking the day on the whole , wltli the ex ception of Michigan Central , which closed 1 % higher , the timrkct was dull and nar row nnd closing Rates showed no changes of importance from Thursday. Tlio total sules were 118,042 shares. TKBTEIIIIAT'S QHOHT1OSS. Cl. B. 4i regular..127s.Northern | 1'ftclflc. . . Sl' ' { II. H. < sroniions..lJ7il doprefcrred fio'i U. 8.4'Ssrcguliir..lWlU C. ft N. W 112 U. S. 4'jacoiiponi , ,107s1 do preferred HTi I'ai'lllrIs ( of ! > . > . . , . .Uil i.V.Y. Central ll ; S Central I'acIHc. . . . SU 1' . . I ) , tc 1 ! iIU ! Chicago & Alton . .l.'M .Itock Inland 10H ChtcaKi.imrllngton C. . M. Ar St. 1' 72'S ' .V Qiilncy ll'i'i do preferred 110 > I ) . . L.i\v IV , St. l'nulOnmhix. . mu Illinois Central..1 J dopreferred 10SU I. , II. & W ii : UnionI'nciflc f/J'/ ' , Kunsiis .V Texas. . . I41 { W. . St. Ii. As ! 13U I.nkc Shore Pri'ii ' do preferred "S'4 Michigan Central. . Ni'i Western Union WJi MissouriI'acillc . . . 7b l MONEY ox CAi/n lfZtJ ) per cent. PIIIME MEIICAHTILE I'APEK 1@G per cent. STKIU.INO EXCHAXOE Active nnd weak , with actual business at J4.84 > / for sixty diiy bills , $4.87 for demand. I'KODUCE MAUKt3T3. Cnicvno. AiiKiist n. Wheat Easy ; cash , 8-jc ) ; September , 8'J 11-lGo ; October , Corn Firm : cash. 45J e ; September , 451i-10c ! ; October , 41c. Oats Firm ; cash. i3c ! ; September , Si G-lOc ; October , 24 > f. Hye 47c. lianoy Nothing doing. Prime Timothy M.40@2.45. Flux 71.10. Whlsky-Sl.20. Pork Steady ; cash. 14.15 ; September , ? 14,2 ; October , $14.20. Lard Steady : caih , 53.07 e ; September , $3.7(1 ( ; October , $10.5. . Flour Quotably firm. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. * 3.25 < 7i9.-iO ; short clear , & 9.0J@.UO ' ; short ribs , $8.'JO@S 25. Huttor Quiet ; creamery , ltJ @ 17J o ; dairy , l2 ! > i$10c. Cheese Quiet ; full creatn Cheddars and flats , 7j4ffiSo ( ; younir Amencat , 8 ( USXe. Eggs Sternly ; fresh , ltX@14c. ! Hides Uucnanged ; greoii suited calf , 44 } © "o ; heavy green salted,5' < f calted , 5Xiilic ( ; salted bull So , dry calf , So ; deacons , ealtcd , C@7c. Tallow Easier ; No. 1. solid packed , 8 } o ; No. 2 , tic , und cuke , ! iKW'24 ' ° Per 10. Uocuipit. Shipmcntsi Flour , bbls 14,000 211,000 Wheat bu 49,000 50,000 Corn , bu 1 ! > 7,000 50S,000 Oats , bu 'JJ.OOO 00,000 Hye. bu . . . . Hurley , bu . . . . MiniionpoliH , August 3. Wheat He- ceipts 107 cars ; shiimients f > 8 cars ; prices held fairly steady at J c below yesterday's ilgures. Closing : No. 1 hard. August and September , 84)ie ) ; on track , S'i } ( is < ( ir No. I northern. August nnd September. fc2J c ; on track , 84j (3S5o ( ; No. 2 northern , August and September , bOo ; on truck , 81@S2i : . Milwaukee , August ! ) . Wheat Weaker : September , bOjtfc ; October , 81 > c. Corn Dull ; No. ! i , 4e. ! Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 0c. Uyo Neirlccted ; No. 1. BOc. Hurley Quiet ; September , COJ e. Provisions Lower ; pork , cash und August $14.00. St. LotiiH. August 3. Wheat Lower ; cash , 8 Xa\ \ September , Sflfc. Corn Lower ; eash , ( tgll. ' c ; September , O.its Higher ; cash , 24@24 > 4'c ; September. 2Ic. ! 2Ic.Pork Pork Lower at $115.00. Lard Nominal ut 58.50. Whlsky.14. . Huttor Steady ; creamery 10@l"o ; dairy , Cincinnati , August 3. Whisky flrm utfl.14. Knntms City , Augusts. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , rash sales at ( % c : September , 70 TebidNo. ; 2 soft , cash , 72 } i' bid. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , bO ) c asked ; October , UJJ u asked. Oats No. 2 , cash sales nt 20 c. Now Vork , August 3. Wheat Receipts , 30.000 ; exports , itl.UiX ) ; cash grades J4@lc lower : options fairly active hut lower ; un graded red , 7i8lKo ! ( ; No. 4 red , 80Ko ; No. 8 red , 80) o ; No. 2 red , a4 ( § 91J/e In store nnd elevator , 05 @ 9Gc f. o. b. , 00 delivered ; September closing nt 5)2 ) Corn Receipts , lt50 ! ; exports , 87,500 ; cash Kle lower ; options broke % @lc lower , but later recovered 94@ > ( jC , closing with a reaction of | c and linn ; ungraded , 54@5 o ; No. 2. 6ti@5HXo delivered , 55@ 55f c to arrive ; September closing at GSJjC. OaU Receipts , 24.000 ; exports , 1 8 ; market steady : mixed western , 3G@3'Joi ' whlto western , 41@47e. Coffee Spot fair ; Rio , nominal at $14.00 ; options dull and heavy and a shade lower : sales , 20,000 bags ; August , flO. 5@l0.45 ; September , f'J..iOO'J.Oj ' ' ; October , $0.55 ( < ! 9. < i3 , Petroleum United closed flrm at 83 c. Eggs Strong und in good demand ; west ern , IG lSe. Pork Steady nnd more active ; mess quoted at J14.25 for old ; S15.25@1B.30 foi new. Lard 8@12 points lower , closing easy ani dull ; western steam , spot , t'J.OO ' 'J.12 ' , closing at 'J ' 05 asked. Hutter Dull ana heavy ; western , ll@l'Jo , Cheese Quiet but held steadily ; Oiuc flats , " © S..fc. Iilvorpuul , August 3. Wheat Quiet holders offer moderately. Corn Quiet. Now Orleans , August 3. Corn Irrccu , lar ; mixed , < 1@G2 < ! ; .vollow , 6'ic ; white , 03e ' Oats Excited anil Jiighcr ; No. 2 , 43Ke of ferud. Cornmeal Steady at $2.85. Hog Products Scarce and flrm ; pork J14.G-Klarcl ! ; , $7.75. Hulk Moats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long cleai und clear ribs , $7.00. liIVK STOCK. . August 8. The Drovers' Jour nal reDorts as follows : Cattle Receipts. 10,000 , market steady beeves , fi5.00Ui.2j ( ! ; steers , $3.00@5.yo stockera ana feeders , $2.30@i.GO : ; cowf. bull 0 nnd mixed , * 1.40@3.40 ; Texas cattle , $1.75(1 ( „ 3.15 , _ Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; market slov and lOc lower ; mixed , f.VJOg050 ( ; heavy f $ ii.00rii0.50 ; light , 0.15QOM ( ) ; skips , $ UO ( ( 5.V10. H Sliet > p Hecoipts , 4,000 ; market strong * , natives , 1.5005.50 ; wcbtein , shorn , $ y.liO il 4.15 ; Texas shorn , $ .UOa3.UJ ( ; lambs , ilo 00.00. National Stock Yai-ds. East St ! : Louis , August 3. Cattle Hecoipts , WXJ i. shipments , 2,100 ; market slow ; choice heav , i.V native steers , $ r > .10 < § 5.75 ; fair to goo nutlvo steers , $4.2T ) ( < ? 5.15 ; butchers' steers medium to choice , $ J.254.00 ; stackers am feeders , fair to good , $ A25@3.40 : rangers corn-fed , W.10ffi4.0.V grass-fed , $ ) .30@J.OO. Hogs Hecuipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 800 " market lower ; choice heavy and butcl : " ors'HOlections , J5.50Q5.00 ; [ lacking , mcdlui i- to prime , f5.IO@5.45 ! ; light grades , ordiiiur o to best , ? 5.aoQ5.50. it , Augusts. Cattle Receipt 10 3,73S ; shipments , none ; market woa and dull ; good to choice corn-foe .0 $ -1.75(25.35 ( : common to medium , $8.25@5C { in grass rangq steers , $1,7. > @ 3.U ( ) ; stocker inP und feeding steers , $ l.tO@3.GO ; cow : 8. . . . 8.t , Hoas Receipts , 3,200 ; shipments , 1,10 ( choice medium weights steady ; light nn 10 mixed > o lower ; gooa to choice , iG.2o@U.3E IS common to medium , f5.5'J(3i.l5. ( ! 10tf OMAHA. LtlVK STOCK. tfo Cattle. tfo : Friday , August 3 , 18SS. , o The cattle on sale to-day were about nil m it lives and some of them very fair corn-re 'S cuttle. About all the really desirable uutt ! 'Sy changed hands before the closo. There : -y - Ilttlo change in the ket ycry mm , values ri 'B ' nminlng about steady. 'Bj. j. HOCK. The receipts were the heaviest nnd th market in the worst condition of any da roU tills week. A few loads changed hands earl U at prices that were nearly steady , but tli r- market was soon I5a lower. It was a dr. ) ull day and the market closed 15@0a lowc than yesterday with a good many hops nt sgld. The packers wanted to buy good hog thal.would have brought 10.35 yesterday i Klicnp. There wns only ono loid here 'and It was sold. . _ llcccli > M. Oattlo . 4 . , . WK ) Hogs . 5.800 Sheep. . . v . . . 100 I'rurnllini ! 1'rlous. Thefollowln * ? is a table of pncji p.ild In this marKet for tha graJui of stoo'.t men tioned. 1'rimestcors. 1800 to 150J Ibs..f5.05 5.fiO I'nmo steer ? , 1100 to 1300 Ibi. 4.BO M5.2'i Fut Ilttlo stuors. 000 to 1030 Ibs. 4.0J @I.U5 Common to gooil cows . 1.75 ( & 2.00 Choice to fancy cows . 2.50 © 3.25 Common to choice bdlls . 2.25 ffl.1.00 Fair to clioico light hogs . 0.10 fitn.30 Fair to ctiolco heavy tie s . G.20 Fuirto cnolco mixed lio/s . 0.11) ) IteprescHtitiTO Sales. CATTLE. No. AV. Pr. B cows , grassers $1.05 1 stag 12SO 200 15cows , grasscrn 921 22.-1 Ibull 1350 225 1 cow 720 ii 25 Icalf 810 2.50 10 calves 27U 2.50 Gcows 1041 2.IX ) 2 cows 1155 2.75 D cows 1150 2.75 4 cows 600 2.75 10 cows , 1004 2.85 1 stag 1340 8.0) ) G steers , grasscr-i .1025 11.25 101 steers , westerns 7l5 ! 3.JKI 10 steers , grangers 10 U 8.35 18 steers lOfiO 3.45 Isteer IH.'O 4.00 1(1 ( steers , grassers 11 ID 475 12J stems 12)1 5.35 HOfl * . Pr. No. i.25 71) ) . . G.25 78. . 0.25 70. . 0.25 10. . (5.25 ( 74. . 0.25 121. . 0.25 ( > : ) . . 025 71. . G.25 73. . G.25 70. . 0.25 (15. ( . 0.25 tG. , 0.25 81. , 027K 07. . . G.27K 74. . G80 CM. , O.JiO 50. , G.HO 71. . (180 ( 70. , . ! ! < ) (58. ( , 0 30 77. G.IIO 158. , Oil1) ) liS. , . .241 80 ( t.3) ) GS. , . .204 bO GI0 ! 40 .HO 70..255 120 G.40 li.HO I'ackoi-H l'urchn < 4cs. Showing the nuinbor of hogs bought by the lending buyers 011 the tniirket to-diiy : G. H. Hniniuond & . Co . 3 Arinour-Cuiluhy P. Co . 159 C. H. North & Co . TS'J Uruhuml Hros . ' . ' 8 1 J. P. Squiro&Co . 855 anil Ijowcst. The following nro the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on this market during the past few days , nnd for the corresponding period in 1887 and 18S6 : _ July Ib3j. I July l Stl. 5 70"ffil llj uur > W > -3 > 4 M fti 77M r. 80 Crtll 0" ) r , IM ( iUit IS ) I 51 fct 70 6 to ® 1 0" , 5 0) W'0 4 40 ft/1 Ml Sunday. 4 ST. < & - > U 4 : 01 f'ftVt 4 : w < i > .i v > r , y.'l ' 10 Suiuliiy. 4 4" > ( id I 00 r , w , ( { . - , a Sunday. M r , M WM \ i UJ CS3 4 4J . ! \ " , r > 5 Wan 'M 4 41 © I ,0 II ID r > oo 5M so 4 fit dfjt 70 n ui 4 ( ii © I 80 ( I HO ir , Sunday 4 Gi 461 85 August \ > K Auguit _ I W. August 188 ! ) . B 3J © n { > .Sunday. 5 10 & . ! S7 j 4 01 © 1 75 Live Stock Notes. H. Schinstock , West Point , was in and marketed u load each of cattle and hogs. Charles Ureseu came in to-day from Gor don with n load of sheep and two of cattle. E. D. Gould , Pullerton. was hero and mar kctcd seven loads of cuttlo of his own fuedlni at $5.35. A. Jenkins , Mnnloy ; C. W. D.iy. Rising John S. Wood , Dawson , Mo. , and Air. Iloag land , DcWitt , were in with hogs. "Hat" Doty , an old time commission mar of Chicago , more recently ii speculator on th < market , was among the visitors nt the yards Grassy and trashy stock is arriving in sucl largo number1 ; as to dtagust buyers and giv < the nightmare to sellers. [ Chicago Live Stock Commercial. According to the Drovers' Telegram there was a falling off in the receipts of hogs a Kansas City during the month of July o 9S,72l as compared with July , 1S87. Armour & Co.'s drove of hogs bought or this market yesterday cost $6.30 , while thei ; Chicago drove cost only ffi.14. The day be fore the hogs bought hero cost 80 und the da ; before that lie ! more than the Chicago drove OMAHA TllAUE CONDITIONS. There has been a good deal of talk th past few days among parties interested ii the trade of northern Kansas about th drought said to prevail in that section. Tli crop of corn in that region was pretty wcl burned up last year , and a reliable parly o prominence , who had spent the last four o five days there , stated to-day , in conversa lion with the cashier of ono of our natlouu banks , that there is no doubt but what a so vcio drought is prevalent in northern Kun sas this season. The hot dry winds bio win from the south and west nro dryini up the corn in the husks und the Inhabitant are said to bo very blue over the prospect On tills nccount many will move into Nc brasku , where we have no drought , nex year. The sympathies of our people ar with tlio sufferers who are likely to have repetition of last year's crop failure , an they are cordially invited to make thei Homes in Nebraska , where the crops ar reasonably certain. Produce , Fruits , Ktc. Friday , August a , 188S. Lemons are lower , so are chickens. Alai ket active and supply ample , UUTTUit Fancy creamery roll , 20J ( 21o ; solid packed , 10@l"e ; choice countr ; butter , ISfiSl'io ' ; common grades , HKftlilc. ECHM Stnctlv fresh , l@llccaudled. ! ! CUIFOUSIV DAMSONS Sl.'J.ri nor box. CALIFORNIA Giui'i-.a SI f > 0 ( < J.l)0 ) per case SoimtnitN Giurcs 7.r > u@$1.00 per 10-11 basket. Ui.icKiiKimiES 53.00 for 24 qts. HI.ACK lUBi'iiruuiEs W.oa for 21 qts. PEACHES California , $1.00@1.25 per box Missouri , 75e@ ? 1.00 per X bu. BAN txxs Common , f 1.50Q2.25 per bunch choice , .5wa3.50. LEMONS f4.75@0.00 per case. SQUASH 2o per ID. CANTKU > rK8 Sl.50@2.00 per do/en. SOUTHEHN PI.U.MS $1.25 ( 1.60 per bu. HucKi.uuKitiitKs ? l.2o per drawer. POTATOES Now , homo growth , ( W@70o po bushel. POULTKY No dressed fowl In the market live chickens , $3.50@J.75 per doz. : sprini chickens , $ J.2.r3.00. SritiNO UKASS 75c per bu. TosiATou3-41.25@1.50 per bu. TuiiNii'S 23@30c pur bu. GUEEX COHN $1.00@1.50 per 100. WATEIUIIIOXS flS.OO@20.o < > per 100. PEAKS California , 11.50(32.00 ( per case Southern , 75 per Kbu , CEI.KUI ao40c ( per dozen. OIUNOES Mcsaluas , f4lUO@8.00 per box Ilodi , $7.508.CO ; M.OOC < ? 4.75 per half box. Cvuiuars $ J.50 per 100. ONIONS 2c per Ib. Ai'i'LES $1.UO@3.25 per bbl. CMIKII Michigan , * 4.r,0@rt.50 per bbl J gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl. Pop COHN KIcc , 3@lo ; common , 2Q3c. C umoTs 75c per bushel. DEANS Choice eastern hamlplckod navlei rJ.25Q i.50 per bushel ; western hand plcke navlua , * 2.50j 2.00 ; mediums , t2.03@2.1 ! Lima beans 5o per pound. Grocci-s List. Revised prices are us follows : UAUQINO Stark A , seamless , 21o ; Amoi kcag , seamless , Ki u ; Lawlston A , scamles : 19e ; Auiertean , seamless. 10) 0 : burlaps , to 5 bu,6@dfo ; RUr.nicg , single , lao : guniilo' double , Sou ; wool sacks , a5c. CorrEE3-Mocho , l @ 20c ; Kio , good , 1 < X Uc ; Mandahllnri ( * J@Sc ; ; roasting Rio , 14 ( 10o ; O. a Java , 24@2rto : Java , interior , 22Q 05 ? : Klo. fancy , IGyijUlc ) fountos und Mnrn- calbo , 17@19e. SUuit-.Granulatcd , SQ SVo ; conf. , A , 7Hc : white cxtrtl C , " ' < j@7j.fc ; extra C , 7 ( 7Vc , ; yellow C , OW@C , " < c { ! > owdeicd , 8 vd ? /ccubcs ; , SKOlSJfc. llosnr 14@10c for ' 6110 pound frames ; strained honey , C < j8c per pound. BEESWAX Choice yellow , 2022K < S ; dark colored , 13@l4c. CIHE- : Young America , full cream. Q8j'10.fc } ; full cream cht-ddurs , 9a9l ( , c ; full cream Huts , 9 ( < 19U ; good to choice skimmed cheddurs , GiiGjf ; skimmedHats , 5t5ij'c. ( { PiCKi.Es Medlutn. in bbls. $5.51) ) ; do in half bbls , $3.X ( ) ; gniull , In bbK $7.00 ; do In lialf bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , iibbls , $3.25 ; do in half bbls , $1.00. Fisii California salmon , per bbl. $10.00 ® 18.00 ; halibut , per Ib , llu ; family white Huh , l > er ibbl. . $3.25 ; white fish. No. 1. ucr X > lbl , P0.50 ; trout , porX-bbl , * o.75 ; scaled herring , per box , 2So ; now Holland hcrnng , per keg , Uc ; Georgo's Hay split herring , per bbl , new , ? 3.75 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl. new , $ ,3.00 ; extra George's cod , per Ib. now , 7tfe ; Western Hank cod , per Ib , new , 7' c ; bone less cod , 5pJSc { ; largo family mackerel , per K-bbl , $12.00 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , Jbbl J , § 12.50 ; smoltcd bloaters. | > er box , $1.40. TOIIACCO Plug , 2GiG5c ; smoking , lG@90c. jKt.UKt-$1.25 per 30-lb pail. SALT Sl.30tfl.35 per bbl. HOI-K 7-1(1 ( , U GlWc. SPICK' Nutmeg , per Ib , 55@75c , pepper , , . . . _ TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , IS ® 2.Jc ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30y. > 5e ; Gunpowder , common to good , 28u25c ( ; Oun powder , choice to fnm'.v.40y ( > o ; Japan , common - mon to medium , 15fiJapan { , choice to fiincv , itOCtMou : Oolong , common to good , "JSQ ! lou ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50if TOo ; Imper- t > il , common to medium , ! )5@oo ! ; Imperial , good to fancy , 4Ug$50i > . NUTS Almonds , lS@17o ; lllberts , 10@lle ; Brazil , 8@10o ; walnuts , lO&Hc ; pecans , IU@ llu ; peanuts , CiHCrtS c. CmcKi'.iis 510c per Ib ; assorted caKes , 7 ( < l2o ( ) per Ib. as per list. Mii-u : SUOAU liricks , 1010Kc per Ib ; penny unices , IKgUVc per Ib ; pure maple syrup , ? 1.00 per gal. HHOOMS Extra 4-tie , $2.10 ; parlor , 3-tie , painted handles , $3.23 ; No. 1 , il.bO ; No. 2 , fl.lO ; heavy staulo brooms , $ -1.00. Srvuoii Mirror glois , 5 ! c ; Graves' uorn , Cc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. POWDP.K AND SHOT Shot , fl.20 ; bucicsliot , $1.45 ; powder , kegs , J5.00 ; half kegs , 2.75 ; one-fourths , tl.r.0 ; blasting , kegs , ? J.15 ; fuses. 100 ft , r > .V. 70e , HEFiNEDLvuii-Tierce. SJ e ; 40-lb square cans , S c ; M-lb round , 85 0 ; 20-lb round , ; 10-lb palls , 9o ; 5-lb pails , U' clb ; pails , . PJIOVISIOVS Hams , 12'ifc ; breakfast ba con , 10J@llVo ; bacon Hides , < Ju > Wa ; dry salt , y)4c ) ; Hhouldcrs , TKS'i'Kui dried beef , 8i > , ( tflO' < c. \Vooni\\VAKK. : Two-hoop pails , per doz. , $1.40 ; three-hoop pails , fcl.05 ; No. 1 tub , $7.00 : No. 2 tub , $ l.00 ! ; No. ii tubs , $ r.OJ ; washboards , electric , * 1.BO ; fancy Northern Queen wastibourds , SJ.ift ; assorted bowls , ? 2.7i"i ; No. 1 churns , 5..5l ) ) ; No. 2. churns , Sb.50 ; No. a churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c per ntst. S\itt'rs AND Moi.A'-fES Sugar syrups , common to choice , 2S@44c ; corn syrup. 2s@ i4c ; black strap molasses , 15c ; New Orleans molasses , onen kettle , : )5@50c ) ; Now Orleans centrilugal. 27@a5c ; BOrghum , 27iC. ; ! Rice Carolina and' Louisiana , Sj O. ' c ; Patna and Rangoon , 5 < Wr > J c. CANDV Mixed , 10it.lic ( ! : stick , 9K@10c. DIIIBII FIIUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13@ ICe ; figs , in mats , per Ib , 5 > ( < iC > o ; dates , in boxes , ! i)5 ) @ 7c ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , ? 3.50f3.75 ( ; ; Malaga loose raisins , $ &UO@2.50 ; now Valen cia raisins , per Ib , "J febe ; Cali fornia loofcG muscatels , per box. $1.00. California London layer raisins , per box , S'VJoOrJ.SO ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 20ffi2Jc ( ; Califurnia iitted plums , per Ib , 13@14c ; dried blackberries , per 11) , S'OS'o ' ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 2SW2'B ( ' ) ; dried apples , 7/iOo ( / ; evaporated apples , S ; California sun dried peaches , 13c < w Ciilifornia unparcd evajwrated pcauhca , 15@18e ; evaporated Cnlifoinla apricots , 18 ( ' < i20c ; iXantoo currants , 7c ; Turkish prunes , 4 > < c ; coition. 2d 22c. CtNNKi ) Goons Oysters , No. 2 Standard , per case. $ .1.25 ; strawberncs , 2 Ibs. per cose , * 2.aO ( ; 2.40 ; raspberries , 2 Ibs. , per California white cherries , per case , * 5.70 IjtiG.OO ; California plumsper casoi.20@l.30 ; jino apples , 2 Ibs , per case , 3.25 ( < 4.bO ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , $1.90 2.00 ; 2 Ib goose berries , per ease , $2.00iJ)2.10 ( ) ; 2 Ib. string beans , pur case. $1.75@1. , bO ; 2 Ib. marrow fat peas , fa.50@2.liO ; 2 Ib. "early Juno peas , $2.0(1 ( fi2.7531b7tomiitocs ; , $2.00@2.15 ; 2 Ib. corn , $2.00@2.20. j Dry Goods. COTTOX FMNNM.S 10 per cent dls. ; LL , u u , CC , (13fu ( ; SS , 73Co ; Nameless , 5c ; HX , 18o ; K , 2ilu ; No. 10 , % c ; No. 40 , 10 } < c ; No. 00,12 > tfc ; No. 80,13&c ; No. 30 , coloredVc ; No. 50. colored. 12e ; No. 70 , colored , 12 0 ; Bristol , 12 } < c ; Union Paclflc , 17c. Cuti-CT WAIU- Bib White , 19c ; colored , 22eHATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOe ; Beauty , 12J4c ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50. PlttNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Go ; Slater 5J c ; Berlin oil , C c ; Garner oil , Gf57i' . ConscT JK\NS Androscoggin , 7.J c ; Kcar- surge , 7J/C ; Hockport , GJfc ; Conestoga , TICKS York , 30 In. , 12Kc ; York , 3J In. . ' o ; Swift River , 80 ; Tliorndiko OO , SJ o : Thorndlko EF , 8Kc ; Thorndike 120 , 'J > < roi Thovndike XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , 0)e : Cordis No. 4 , lie. 07 , Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , IOc. KENTUCKY JIHNS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakotu , 18c ; Durham , 27J o ; Hercules , lie ; Learning , ington , 22Ko ; Cottswold , "T u. CIUSH. Stevens' B , do ; Stevens' B bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7J p ; Stevens A , bleached , 8 } c ; Stevens' I > , 8rfo ; Stevens' ' P , bleached , iiltfc ; Stevens' N , OJ c ; Stevens N , bleached , lO c ; Stevens , SRt , 12 > < c. Miscr.i.iAXEOL's , Table oil clotn , $2.83 : plain Holland , ' .1 0 ; Dado Holland.12lc. . FiiANNiii.8. Plaid Raftsmon,2llc ; Goslicn 32Kc ; Clear Lake , 3J } c ; Iron Mountain 20'fo. FIANNKI.S White G H , No. 2 , , 2lo G H. No. 1 , J27 'u ; B H , No. 2 , ? fih'o ; U H. No. I , ft , 'Ma ; Qucchce , No. 1 , % , 42c. Prtl NTS Pink and Robes Richmond , Allen , Oc ; Riverpomt. 5c ; Steel River , Richmnnd , ti } < foPneilie ; , ( iKe. PIIINTS Initigo Blue Washington , merican , 'i ' > fc ; Arnold,7c ; Arnold Century , Uc ; Arnold B , 10 > < c ; Arnold A , 12u ; Arnoli Gold Seal , lOJ o. PitiXTs Dress Charter Oak , .l o Ramapolife ; Lodi , 5e ; Allen , ( ie ; Richmond mend , ( ic ; Windsor , OVo ; Eddystone , OJiJo Paeillc , 0 > u. OINOII vM PUiiiKett checks , 7) ) o ; Whitton ton , 7 > c ; York , 73tfc ; Normandi arrss 8 } u ; Calcutta dress , fei e ; Whiltenton dress 8 > | o ; Renfrew dress'l5K@12H' ' : . CiMimiCd Slater , Sji'o ; Woods , 0)fo ) Standard , 5 > o ; Peacock , 5fc. ! CoMi-oiiTEits-tO COM35.00. BUNKKIS White' * 1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.0dta8.00. ' BI.KACIIEU SHKETINO Berkeley cambric No. 00 , 9J < ; Ucst Yet , 4-4. ( SWc ; butter cloth OO , 4o < ; Cabot , 7 > $ c ; Farwell half bleached 8 > o ; Fruit of Loom , 9j o ; Greeni G , Co ; Hope , 7 % ; King Philip cam brie , lie ; Lonsdalu cambric , 11/J ! Lonsdalo , fle ; Now York mills , lOKo Pepperell , 42-ln , lie ; Pepperell , 46-in , 18e Pepporoll , 0lllo ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 21o ; Pep poroll , U-4 , 2.1 ; Popporell. 10-4 , Boo ; Cantoi 4-4 , SJi'c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wumsutta , He ; Vul ley , 5c. Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4. IXc ; J Bnntlii H , 4-4 , 7 o ; AtlantioD , 4-4. OVo ; At lantio P , 4-4 , ( kj ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Co ; Auror , CL4Jfo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , tic ; Hoosie LL , 4-4 , lie ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Lawrence renco LL , 4-4 , Go ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5J < o Pepperoll R , 4-4. 7o ; Pepi > erell O , 4-4 , OJfc PopiHirell. fa18) ) c ; Pepiwrell , 0-4 , 21c ; Pcji perell , 10-4 , 23o ; UticaC , 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Wnchusetl 4-4 , 1cAurora \ R , 4-4 , 7e , Aurora B , 4H DUCK West Point 29 in , 8 01 , Quechee No. 2 , Jf. Sc ; Queeheo Nn. 3 , * t - o ; Anawun , aaUo ; Windsor , 22J < c. Fi.ANSEi.8 Hod , C , 24 in. 15K ; K , 24 in 21ct G G , 24 iu , ISo ; ii A F , 4' , 5o ; J H F , % 27Xc ; G , Jf , 3.c ; West Point 29 In , 10 oz 12KcWest ; Point M In , 12 oz , 15cWest ; Poin 40 In , 11 oz , inc. SiimTiNo Checks , Caledonia X , 0 } < o ; Ca ] cdoniaXXoyto \ Economy , Oc ; Otis , Oo. i , 4 City h mess pur Ib , 83@3Jc ; country hot ness IH.T Ib , 24 )25c ) ; city line per Ib , 32@33o kip heavy iwr Ib. 4fj50o ( ; kip medium per Ib 55QOOC ; veal jwr Ib , I13(3,70cr , Chicago alaugh tered sole per Ib , SoQjUso ; city calf 3d to Ibs , STigOSo ; cityMtipcr per foot. 18fi20c ; col. lar , 14(310o ( : Buffalo slauphtered sole pcrlb , ' 2S ( 30c ; Oak leather slaughtered solo per Ib , 2S'i ! > c ; harness , per Ib , 2ba ( Wc : up | > cr tier foot , 21 ( < J22o ; kip heavy per Ib , GbWOoj kip medium per Ib , 7i > (3SO ( ; city calf per Ib , P0c ( $1.00 ; lining per dozen , $ ! .00 9.50 ; French calf 25 to : W Ibs , < 1.10 ( < } 1.7ri : French cnlfiWto50 Ibs , $1. 10 1.75 ; French calf 50 to 75 Ibs , D0c@1.83. Rubucr boots mid shoes Boston , dls 40 per cent ; Bay State , dls 40 ( < ilO per cent ; 1'nrn , dm 40(1 ( 5 per cent ; Goodycar , dis 40@5 per cent. _ Mctalf * nnd Tlmicrn' Htouk. Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best. fC.75 ; tin plate , rooting , 1 C , 14x20 , $3.15 ; sheet zinc. W.fiOjJ 0.75 : pig load , $ i.30 : bar lead. $1.55 ; largo pig block tin , 2Sc ; small pig block tin , 27c ; bar tin , 2Sc ; solder , I5g20o ( ; copper bottoms , 31o ; sheathing copper , tinned , 29c ; planishing copper , tinned , a."c ; lead pipe , OJiC ; sheet Iron , N S. 18 to 2-1 , $3.20 ; Russia iron , 13o ; Am Russia planished , A , lO'/e ; Am Russia planished , B , O'fc ; painted barb wire , fJ.15 ; galvanized barb wire. $3.75. nnd Clicinlcals. MISCELLANEOUS Sulph. acid , 1J < 0 ! citric nciu , GOc ; tartaric , 50c : bal. eopavia , ( iOc ; borax , IOc : chloroform , BOc ; glycerine , 23c ; gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; guui camphor , 30c ; gum opium , $2.75 ; sulph. morphia , $250 ; brouiido potassium , 42c. Oll.s-Carbon. ihoo toe ; headlight , 175 ° 12Jc ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 e ; West Virginia summer. He ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 golden ma chine , 18e ; extra W. S. lard , 2c ( ! ; No. 1 lard , 42c ; turpentine , 41c ; linseed raw , We ; boiled , 50c. _ Coal and Ijiinc. LIME 85@90o ; Portland cement. $3.55 ; do- mestlo cement , $1. 5 ; plaster , $2.00@-J.15 ; hair , 2.t ( < $ J3c. COAL Anthracite , range , nnd nut , $10.00 ; largo egg , $9.75 ; Rock Spring , $7.00 ; Su perior , (1.00 ( ; Iowa , $4.50@5.50 ; steam coal , Sl.50 to $ J.OO. _ Lumber. AND TIMnCllS. 1" 14 \ 10 tt. 18 ft 20 ft'8i ft84 ! ft .in ta 1 ! ) m I ! ) m 20 00,21 , ( 8\n 10 M ) 1' ) ( K ) W 00,81 , ta 81 50 .in m 10 00 ll ! 00 80 00 80 00 8x10. in M 19 00 I'J ' 00,81 ( U8I 00 8x18. .17 Bl 11 IK ) i'i ' no 83 no 88 no .17 Mill UJ 111 W,81 , 0381 00 Add 50 cents per 1,000 foot for rough Joist. IIOUI1H. No. 1 com , s 1 a $18.00 I No. 3 com , sis $15 00 No. 2 com , s 1 P 10.50 | No. 4 com , sis 12.50 Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough. FEXCINO. No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 In , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . . $20.00 No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00 No. 2 , " 12 and 14 ft , " . . . . Hi 00 No. 2 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 17.00 SIIHNG. A , 12 , 11 & 10 ft.20 50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$14.75 111 " " 19.75 I D. " " 11.73 Cnil.INO AND I'AKTITION. 1st com , Y. in white pine ceiling . $ 1.00 2,1 , " " " . 27.00 Clear % in Norway pine ceiling . 15.50 2itcom % in " " " . 1350 rLOOHINO. A 0 in white pine . $34.00 B " " . 32.00 C " " " . 29.00 D " " " . 21.00 E " " " ( sol. ifticmg ; . 18.50 Six inch drop siding 50c per 1,000 extra. S rOC 1C IlOAHlll. A , 12 In , s Is. . . $45.00 C , 12 in , si s.iO.OO ; B , 12 inrs 1 s . . 39.00 | D , 12 in , sis. . . 22.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft . 20.30 No. Icom , 12 in. sis , 14ft . 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , B 1 s , 10 ft . 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 22.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 19.45 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 and 14 ft . 18.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s Is , 1(5 ( ft . 18. 00 12 in grooved roofing $12 per M. more than 12 in stock boards same length. 10 in grooved rooting same price as 12 in stock boards. f < llir LAP. No. 1 plain , Sand 10 in . $18.75 No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in . 17.00 No. 1O. G. , Sin . 19.25 F1NI IIINO. Istwid 2d , clear , 1. Itf , in s 2 s . $30 00 " " ' IK. in , s 2s . 50.00 3d , clear , 1 in , s3s . 45 00 " Itf , lK,2in . 40.00 A , select , 1 in , s 2 H . 39. ( H ) A , " Itf , IK.1 . -3-00 B ! " Uns2s . 29.00 B , " ltf.lK.2in . 30-00 B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra. eOL'THBUN 1KLLOW 1'INC. Star 4 in flooring . $19.50 1st and 2d. clear , 4 In flooring . 21 .50 Clear % in celling . 10.50 Clear Jf in pnrtltion . 23.50 Clear % in partionJnbovo5 < 'n ' ceiling Clear finish , land Uf in , s2s . M.OO Clear finish , IK nnd 2 in , s2s. ; . 29.00 Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in . 23.50 Clear yellow pine casing and base . 25.00 POl'l.AU I.UMIIKU. Clear poplar bx bds , % in s 2 s . $35.00 Clear " " " Kin Hams ) , s 2s. . 27.00 Clear " " " cor'ga'td ceiling. 28.00 IKTTBNB , WCM , TU1IIXO , PICKETS. O. G. Batts , 2K in . $ C5 O. G. Batts , . 30 3 in well tubing , D. & M. and Bev . 22 .50 Pickets , D. & II. lint . 19.00 Pickets. D. & H. square . 19. IK ) SIIINOLCS , LATH. XX clear . $ 3.10 ExUa-A * . 2.95 * A * Standard . 2,05 * AH. B. ti B . 2.35 Oil ! , cl . 2.05 No. 1 . 1.40 Loth. . 2.85 \ POSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , yt s . 12K " " Ilin. qrs . 12K " " 8 in. qrs . 09 " " 4 in round . It Tennessee Red Cedar , split . 14 Split Oak . 03 J.IMfi , TTO. Quincy whitolimo ( best ) , SSc ; Crystal ce ment. $1.40 ; hair , 30o ; plaster , SWi ; tar board , $1.05 ; sash , 50o pr ct. ; doors , 45c pr ct. ; blinds , 50c pr ct. ; inldgs , 50o pr ct. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , f ' 3.03 ; straw bd , , $1.53. Freight added to nbove. When Ilic Energies : Usollorsford's Acid Phosphate. Dit. T. C. SMITH , Charlotte , N. D. , says : ' It is an invaluable nerve tonic , u delightful beverage , and ono of the best restorers when the energies Hag and tlio spirits droop. " Persian Way ol' HiilldfiiK Railroads Persia is building a railroad from Teheran to the Caspian ben. Instead of beginning the railioad at the sea and buildinjr inland , bringing forward the rails and other materials on tlio road as it progresses , tlio Persians have had all the rails carried on mules across the desert to Toliorau and liavo begun the building thoro. The transportation expenses are tlio biggest item almost in the cost of the road. Are the Best , IN THE IJSSKNTIAI. QUAMTIKS OF Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. Hwnrle' for tri l of 12 different ftyles by mill , on receipt of 1U ccutii In lUuipK. Auk for card Ho. a. IVISON. BUKEMIH & CO. , C. H. TALMtn. X. p. KICHMAX. J. JJ. PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. , Liye Stock Commission Merchants , f.ORIMERWESTERFIELD& MALEY Liye Stock Commission , Itoom 15 , Kicbince Hulldlnv , ITnloa Slock Ynrdi. _ _ tkmtli Umalin , N b. ALEXANDER & FITCH. Commision Dealers in Liye Soci Scorn 2Z , Oppoilta Kicli ngfl Ilulldlnu , Uulon Block YimU.BouUi Oinaha.Neb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaiia , Limited , i.Is. . OMABAJOBBEBS'DBEGTY ' _ implomontB. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in AgricnlturallmplemGnts , Wagons , C'urrlftgM nnd llurglo. Jcnm Street , bet we6n 8th and lUth , Uinalm , Nobraikft. LINING En & M ETCvLF CO. , A2TicnlturalIniiilcfflciits1 agonsCarria2es ) DunnlfH.Ete. VTliolcfftlo. Onmba , Nebrttkn. PARLIN , ORENDORF t MARTIN , Healers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies ( Cl , tin , W6 and COT Jones Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & . CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlYatort. Hay natri. Cider Mill * and Lubnn 1'ul- _ vcrltcri. Cur. Uth nnd Nktiulii MrecU. _ _ _ W1NONA IMPLEMENT CO. , -Wholeialo- Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies romirUth nnd KlrholmStrcoli. OMAHA IIRANCH. J. F. SEIBERLINC & CO. , Akron , Ohlu. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mead , Manager. Ull LcftTgnwortli St. , Omixha. M OL.I N E. M ILBURN&STo"DDARb"Co M nufncttirvrmin < Uobber > In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Elc , Cor. 9th and 1'actllc ptroctv Onmliii , Noli. Artists' A HOSPE. Jr.7 Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douula * Street , Omalia , NcbrnnVa. Booksellers and Stntlonors- H. M , & S. W. JONES , Successors to A. T. Konyon , V Co. , Wholesale A Ilctnll Booksellers and Stationers , I'lno Wedding Stationer ; , Commercial Stationery ll.-J IKniKla * Street. Umabn , Nob. Boots and KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succemors to Head , Jouis .V Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes IliibDor Shoo Co. 1102,11M * HOC AKCIIIB lor llonton * lll/MVt l'tt u-f. - _ llaniey ai.OumLa. Kubmukn W. V. MO RSE & CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-1105 Dou l Rt.Omatia Manuluctorr , Sum mer * t. . llcstun. Coffees , CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Onmlm C-otlec and Splco Mills. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking PowilBr , Utorlnp Extincli. Lnuuilrjlllue , Inks , Ktc. 1U4- 14111 Iliirney Strtut. Oinahn , Ncaraakn. Crockery and " " * " w."L"wic3HT Agent for the Manufacturers end Importeis of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Klc. Ufflce. 3178.13th St. , Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS , GATCH &LAUMAN. Iratjortcr ! " a'nl .loliber < of Crccier/ , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1 11 Knrnam St. , Now I'axton BulUUnK. Commleelon and " " " " " R1DDELL St RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Mercnants , Specialties "Mttor rrr OII-P-P. I'n-illrr , name 112 Howard Streflt. Omaha. OEO. SCHROEDER St. CO. . ( iuccessor * to Methane & Bchrooder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage. Ouiaba. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Graiu and General Commision Merchant. Corresponclcnco solicited. 1011 North ICth Btroct.Oiiuihu , Neb. Coaj. Coke and ' " " OMAHA'COAL. "COKE" & wE co. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Etrcet , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , And uhlppcra uf f < > il , Coak , CcinenU 1'lastcr , I.lrao , Drain Tile , anil Sewer 1'lpo. Orllcc , 118,8.13th St. , Onmliu , Neb. Telephone till. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Sliders of Coal and Coke , a I South nth St. . Omaha. Neb. JOry Cooda and Notions. " ' MTE"SMITH I'cb. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 antt 1101 Douglas. Cor. llth Ft. , Omaha , Nob. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions . Gents' Furnishing Ooo-Iu. Corner llth and Iluncy Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnro , Fnrnnm Street , Omaha. Nchraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha. Nebraska. PAXTON , GALLAGHER'cbT. . ' Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TOO , 707,700 and 711 P. 10th St. , Omnlm , Neb. McCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I th nnd Ixiavenworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Jletnls , PhPPt Iron , etc. Rents for flow a Scales' MluuiU'owder iimHynmii 1'arbod Mire , Umnliu , Nebrasku , HIMEBAUGH Ic TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1W5 Douglu ; btreetOmaliaNcbra ka. RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. . Wholesale Hardware , ( Oth and Ilarner Sts , Omaha , Neb. Western Agent for Austin Powder Co. , Juffonon Steel Nolls , talrbanks Standard Bcalt-s. MARKS BROS" . SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturer ! of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 1KB , 1105 and 1477 Harncr St. , Omaha , .Nibrsika. Heavy Hard ware. " " W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Waxen Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. IK ana Ull Uarney Btruct.Uinalia. Hats , Caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods 1107 lUrner Etrent. Omaha. Nob. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at WMesal 18U Street and Union 1'acinc Track. Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb , DoorsEtc * Yards-Corner 7tb und Uoui.'as ; Coiuc Wh und Douglas. Lumber C. N. D1ETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnte rub and California Strceta. Omaha. NebfMH. UltL ) W. UHAY , r' Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , CornerMh and Domini FU..Omaha. TTW. HARVEY LUMBER CO7t * To Dealers Only , OfficeNKl Karnom " ( root , Omaha. JOHN A 7 Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American IMrtlnnd Omfnt. PUM AK nt lur Mllwnukfd Ilfdraullc Cement aad ( Julncy Wlillo Mine. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber , Wood Carpotn and Punnet Flonrlnr ith " ' rv > - - < < _ Millinery nnd'Nptiona. " " \ 6 B E RF E LD E R & C 6 Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions an. a itii nth "tr nt Ovornlla. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING. CO. , Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jcani r uU , Shirt' , Ktc. lllRnnd 1101 Doiik'lat Street , Umuuii. Ni'l ) . Noti'ona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wesale Notions and Furnishing Gooto tl and 405Butli 10th Bt. , Omaha. Olio. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo Orcase , Ktc. , Omaha. A. II. lllnhop , Mnnnurr , VINYARD & E5CHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , _ lllCllnrney Ptrpot. Omaha. Office Fixtures. TI1K SIMMONDS MANUPACTUIIINO CO. Munurnct'iru.x ' of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , i'nntte > , Sldi'lioarrtn , Hunk CH C , Drue nxturi.W ll CniHs , I'Krtltliins. Halltiiiti.Coitiitcri" , llvrrund Wlno ( 'ooliT . Mirror" etc. trctnry Bin1 iilllcii , irJUand liJJ bouth MlU St. , Omulia. TulapUuno 1121. . . . "CUMMINGS & NEILSON , Whole-nlo Dcnlernlu Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc , 111" F.irnum Htrect. Omnha.Nob. Pnpor. CARPENTER PAPEV7 CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlre ttock of 1'rlntlnK , Wrapping and Writing " tfit. Hpeclnl attcnllon ufrcn to car load orders. Paper Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , \'o . 1317 and 131M Douglna St. , Omaha , Nob. Printers' Nlotorlnls. ' ' ' ' WEST'ERN NEWSPA'PE'R'UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , ( XaloMln Tiit' , I're p and I'rlntrra' Buppllei. Wl South 12th Street. Omahn. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnbbcr Goods 311 Clothing mill Leather Ufcltlnz. 100S Knrnam Street. _ _ i M. Wliolesnlo MunuT ictnrcrs of Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , Branch UIOcc , Ktd and Unrd Streets , Omaha , Nob. N BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. " ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , -uMlngR , Stnlr Work and Interior Ilant Wood Klo > la. M. E. Corner Stli und I.Lmveuwortli streetn , Ouiaba , Mob. _ gtearn fjjtlnga , Pumpa , Etc. 1 ' " " " " ' A. L. STRANG'CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Enpes , 5lesm- 1I CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , fillings , I U. S. WIND ENGINE * PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , 4 , llallldar Wlml Mllla. 011aml9Mr rnnm 8t.Oiuaua. O. b. lloss , Actlni ! Mimuiicr. j" j"A BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery Shoot Iron Work Htrnm Pumps , fi w MIHi. 171M21A Leavcnworth blreot , Omaha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL ic CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Cll ami UU Jonu btrett. Omahu. Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PET ! IS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Uranch hnuteof the Herrnur IliiKisy Cn. IliiL-ulo a wtiulcaule und retail , UJM 1110nnJ 111Uttnl btruot , Omaha. Telephunu No. 760. Smoke Stacks , Bollors , Etc. H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacfcs , Urltchluii , Tanks nnd General Ilollur Itepalrlnir. MS lioiliiii i < lre < 't. Uiaaha. Neb Brewers STORZ& ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1K1 North Elgthtoonth Street , Ornabn , Kob. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Ui > unot ! r. 1'roprlctnr. W ) Doilgo and 1U1 and 101 North Ulth Htreet , Omaha. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Cnitcr It fen , 1'rcp's. Munufucturers of nil klndf Stcai Boilers , Titf anil Slieet Iron Wori Worki South 'JUili anil U. & M. Cronlng. I'AXTO.V i , V1K1U.INU 1IIO.V WOUKS. Vronglit and Cast Iron Building Wort. Eniilnci. Ilrmi Wnrk.GonerM Konmlrr , MnoUlueuui UlackiiuItU Work , onii e and Wurki , U. f. llir. and lUh utrcut , Otuuliu. OlVlAHA WIRE Ic IRON WORKS ' Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Deik lUlli , Wlndovr ( Jimnli , Flower StnuiU. Wlra yinrn.Etc. la Nurlli Kill Htrtitt.Oniuli * . OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKsT Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes FaulU. jRll Work. Iron and \Tlre Funcln * . Bl < n * , KW. U. AuUrueu , f rop'r. Cor. lltb and Jackuju StJ. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Pcrecns. forliKnkiofncoiilurp > .reild ncu > , ota , oTi-d Aunlnxi. l. < x.k uillli MHC hlunrr uud lllicknulili Worki. Ml buulli IUU t. : MEAGHER & L.EACH ; Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , . "Time " locks , General Ageuti for DleboUffeafu A Ixjck Co.'i Tftvlu aod Jail Woik , lili Varaaui blrect ; OukUi ' - fii'i