Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1888, Image 1

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. -'it 4
Fifteen Parsons Buruocl to Death in
Now York.
Heartrending Scenes nt the
of a Six-Story Ilookcry Ideii-
tlllcatlon Impossible lit
Many Cases.
'A New York Deathtrap.
Nnw Youic , August 8. Fifteen people were
burned to death in the six story brick buildIng -
Ing , No. 19" Bowery , this afternoon. Six
moro were burned so badly that they will
probably die. The house was a ramshackle
affair , hidden In the middle of the block , the
only entrance to It bolng a narrow alleyway
from the Bowery. In front of It was a four
rtory building , on the first floor of which was
a saloon. Adjoining this is Harry Miner's
People's theatre. In the rear of.tho building
were two houses , hemming it in on the Chris
tie street side. In this caged-tn building
lived about one hundred and fifty people.
Each of the six floors was occupied by a sin
gle family , the head of which was a tailor ,
who made clothing and employed from fifteen
to twenty men , women and children , In addi
tion to his own family. They were all Polish-
Jews , ana cmp'oyo ' and employed ate and
slept In the crowded rooms of the dingy ten
ement. The tenants who rented apartments
If were : S. Coon , S. Graft , Klein & Marie and
Hairls and Lavin.
About 4 o'clock this afternoon , while all
the occupants of the building wcro busily at
work , flames broke out on the lower floor.
The lire had. when discovered , already
gained such headway that it was In full
possession of the stairway und escape by it
seemed Impossible. The police reserve was
called out and In short order 100 blue coats
in charge of Inspector Williams , were on
hand. Alarm after alarm was sent out after
ambulances , and in a very little while sur
geons came up from the St. Vincent , Ciiam
bers street , Bellevue and New York hos
pitals , while thu DcpartnientotCliarltics and
Corrections sent two of their ambulances.
Their services wcro badly needed. Many of
the frightened inmates rushed down through
the flumes and escaped to the narrow court
yard with clothes ablaze and hands and
to.lles burned. Six of them were so badly
burned that they were taken to the hospital
und may die. There were lire
escapes on the front and rear of the
house , iioipcndlcuhir Iron ladders running
down the front and rear of the building , but
before any of the inmates had tried lo es-
cnpo by them the flames had ascended
through the house and wcro reaching from
the windows , so that descent by the lire
escapes was Impossible.
One man , half burned to death , leaped
from a fifth story window and fell a mangled
muss of flesh In tholittlo court yard. Other ;
jumped from the second story windows anil
escaped with bruises. The enormous crowds
that had gathcrc d shrank with dread am
sympathy us some of the wounded xhriokci !
nnd others groaned with pain. One pool
woman lay on her buck in a little store in
the bowery with not only her clothing but
her hair burned off. It soeincil as if she
must be dead , but a slight upheaval of the
bosom showed that a little life still re
innlticu. Shu was unconscious , and a sur
gcon said that she would not live to
reach the hospital. Another young girl was
delirious with pain. She was not so budlj
burned as the others , but In amadjumi
from ono of thu windows she had receivci
internal Injuries and also cut a terrible gasl
In the sliio of her head , from which bloci
gushed forth , giving her a ghastly app 'ur She raved ami screamed and had to hi
held by two attendants while her wound :
were being dressed.
The spectacle , as the various ambulance :
received their human freight and drovi
rapidly away , was a sad one , and naturally
enough attracted an enormous crowd , which
kept the police busy.
A. H. Sheldon , manager of the People's
theatre , on discovering the fire , sent out an
alurm , and the firemen icsponded , but when
they arrived the flames already had complete
pns cttBlim of the house , and nothing would
bo done to save It nnd but little to save Its
inmates. Charles W. Norman , propertymnn'
of the People's theatre , with sevenil of ills
comrades , ran to the roof of the theatre ,
carrying a small ladder , which they
stretched over to the windows of tlio
burning building. A woman with her
hair and clothing ablaze was at a window ,
and Norman called to her to cross over on
the ladder.She cried back that she could
not leavohor two children. Norman tried to
eioss over on the ladder , but the flames
drove him back and ho could not save .her.
Afterwards the charred bodies of mother
and two children were found in the building.
Thrco men , however , availed themselves of
the ladder nnd escaped to the roof of the
Whoa the firemen had at last drowned the
( laineH so that they could enter the house
they searched floor OY floor as they ascended ,
nnd on the third floor they found the burned
V bodies of a man , woman and boy. On the
* fourth floor they found live bodies so badly
burned that It was impossible to tell whether
they were those of men or womqn. On the
fifth floor no bodies were found , but on the
sixth flvo moro wcro found , and they
were also burned so that it could
not bo told whether they were
men or women. This made thirteen bodies
found In the building. That of the man who
leaped from the fifth story window increased
thu dcatl. list to fifteen , while it Is feared
that the death of soinu If not all those in tlio
hospital , will miiko this number gi eater.
Several of the bodies were burned so badly
0 that they fell npurt when removed , and the
k ilreinoii wire obliged to lower them from tlio
1 windows In nets. The list of dead as fur as
f known , Is as follows :
Philip Toloplo , florty-two years old , who
jumped from the fifth floor.
Mrs. Adelhi Gruft and her two children > ,
Joseph , seven years old. and Col la , four
ycius old. Thu mother is tno woman who
rofiiHcd to escape because xho would not
desert her children. Her husband escaped
with an infant child In his arms and was al 1-
most crazy witlt grief at the loss of his wlfo
nnd two other children.
Tno other bodies uro at the morgue await
ing Identification.
Tlio lira started on the first floor in the
ninirUnentH of ICmma Stevens , janltrexs o (
the building , at'd was canned by the ex
plosion of a kerosene oil stove. The bin net : ]
building belonged to Abraham Sternia. The
damage to the buildlncr Is about $8,000
covered by insurance. The loss on the stock
of clothing in the various apartments is esti ,
mated at 15,000. , It Is believed that it was
not Insured. The house In the rear of the
death trap was badly burned , and the Pee
plo's tlit'iUvr was slightly riainagoij by flrt
mill water.
A Camp Meeting in the Hills.
DEADWOOD , Dak , , August 3. [ Special
Telegram to THE BBB. ] Extensive prepara -
tions have been made for the Methodist
camp mooting which convenes hero tomorrow
row and continues two weeks. The local
committee has secured on excellent Flte foi
meeting nt the couth sldo of the town. The
nuTllng will bounder the leadership of liev.
C. H. Layton , an Evangelist from lown , us
sistocl by thu local clergy , People from tin
valleys nave already commenced arrlvhif
und u largo utti ml unco is cx | > ected.
StoruiH nt Diiluth.
Dui.UTif , Minn. , August 3 , Two separate
Btorms of rain , hall , thunder and lightning
visited Duluth last evening within u fim
minutes of each other. During two boun
the rain was the heaviest eyer known hero
Several house * wcro struck by lightning , bu
no ono was lujureu.
Killed By
HJUI , cwooi ) , Minn. , August 3. Lightnlui
truck the bouse of Lawrence MoLaughlii
du hi * last night's storm , killing Mrs. Mu
Luugulln and her two eons.
Tny'lor County Visited By A .Destruc
tive Htorni of AVI ml nnd Ilnln.
Dn-t MotNr.i , la. , August 3. [ Special Tolo-
grnin to THE Hiu. : ] A high wind resembling
a cyclone struck Newmarket , Taylor county ,
last nlKnt , with rain from midnight until
morning. Largo trees were torn up by the
roots , Immense buildings moved from their
foundations , nnd others totally demolished.
The losses vary from " > to frlHO. Ono
young business man loses his all. The
losses arc estimated ns follows : A. L. Mon-
fort , store , $100 ; D. H. Eggcrs , photographer ,
8100 ; John P. Mlllon , lumber , ? IHK ( ) ; Frank
Laeller , restaurant , SKI ; M. E. church ami
parsonage , S'JW ; J , M. ( juliin , elevator , 1000 :
Dr. I'atcliHll , residence , MM ; J. L. Parsons ,
residence , $50 : James Marsh , hotel , WO ; J.
M. Brown , blacksmith , MO ; HumesUm ft
Shenniidoah railway , tank and mill , * tm and
other damages aggregating ? oK ( ) . The debris
Is being cleared away and repairing going on ,
Sunday School Convention.
Micr.nnxii , la. , August3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE.I By actualcouiitoverono
thousand Sunday school scholars , headed by
the Macedonia brass band , and marshaled by
Ohio Knox and J. M. Kelly , marched to
Tonipklns Grove to-day , where thcro was
assembled between three and four thousand
people. Hon. B. F. Clayton presided over
the convention , which was addressed by Uov.
George Wright , Hov. .Q. L. Munford , Hov.
W. J. Heck and other visiting workmen in
the Sunday school cause. Twelve or fifteen
schools wcro represented with banners , and
took an active part. The accommodations
were complete , the music splendid , the
speeches good and the dlt-cussions lively , re
sulting In great good to the work In western
lowu. It was , indeed , a red letter day for the
children , and will bo long remembered.
A Triple Drownlutr.
Di'.s MOIXES , In. , August , ' ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] There was a triple
drowning at Motor , six miles below Elkadcr ,
yesterday afternoon. Charles Hay and
Mary Swales , an affianced couple , and n
young boy by the name oi Martin , in whoso
family they wore visiting , were bathing and
wading in the shallow water when suddenly
they stepped Into a deep hole over their
depth. Hay , who was a good swimmer , was
seized by the youtnr lady and was unable to
save himself , her or the young boy , so that
all were drowned. They lived near Faycttc.
Splendid Crop Prospects.
DKsMoisis , In. , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIB Bui : . ! The latest estimates
for crops at the state agricultural office are
very favorable. Early in the season oats
promised a very large yield. The storm of
July 4 did great damage to oats , but it is
thought now that the crop will be about an
average one. Wheat is looking line. The
hay crop is enormous and corn promises to
bo the largest crop In eight years.
Tbp Hndilock Anniversary.
Sioux CITV , la. , August 3 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.i : . ] A county convention of
the Law and Oruer league met hero to-day ,
which Is the second anniversary of the assas-
Inatlon of Dr. Haddock. The meeting
adopted resolutions congratulating the
county on the complete suppression of the
saloons , and declaring that prohibition Is no
longer an experiment , but a settled policy of
Tlio Ci-OHton Primaries.
CUESTON , In. , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi E J Thrco of the most popu
lous wards of Creston held primary elections
this ovenlnir. Delegates Instructed for Sen
ator J. B. Harsh for congress were selected
amidst much enthusiasm. The other wards
and townships in the county will hold a cau
cus Saturday.
He. Fell By tlio
FOIIT MAWSOX , la. , August 3. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEU. | Robert Welch was
a convict in the penitentiary hero for nearly
three years. Some months ago ho was par
doned for good behavior on condition that ho
kent straight. Last Sunday ho stole.- ! from
a fellow laborer , and Governor Larrabee has
now revoked his pardon nnd remanded him
' to prison to servo out tlio balance of his term.
BUIIMNUTOX , la. , August 3. At the butch
ers' barbecue yesterday three men were over
come by the heat , ono of them , Andrew
Weber , dying later. Ed Buttsche , a lumber
yard laboier , died at noon to-day from the
effects of sunstroke.
The Hallway Cases.
IOWA CITV , la. , August 3. Hon. James T.
Bills , for the railways , made an exhaustive
argument in the case of the railways of Iowa
against the state of Iowa on a dissolution of
the Injunction Issued by Judge Fairall. The
trial will close to-morrow.
Overcome by the Heat.
DtmUQUE , la. , August 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ) A young man named
Goldschmidt , three months from Germany ,
was overcome by the hrnt while working on
a farm near this city and died at 10 o'clock.
Ho Bo Respited.
ST. Lot'is , August ' 3. When the news
reached hero this morning that the British
government had requested a further respite
for Hugh M. Brooks , on the ground that the
murderer and his victim were both British
subjects , it created no little surprise. Gov-
ornor Morehouao has received merely a tole-
graphlo notice that the papers have been for-
wurdcd by mall , and docs not know what
action ho will take. Brooks' attorney says
that the request for a respite was secured
through the efforts of Brooks' father with
Lord Salisbury , and claims that new corrob-
alive testimony has been developed which
will save Brooks from the gallows.
General Harrison's Callers.
IXDIAXATOMS , August 3. A largo delega
tion from Clinton and Montgomery counties
called on General Harrison to-day , Flvo
- brass bands and a drum corps furnished
music for the perspiring pilgrims. The log
cabin , cider barrel and coon wcro conspic
, uous in the way of campaign attractions.
General Harrison's address of welcome was
devoted largely to the homestead laws and
protection to American industries. Among
General Harrison's callers this afternoon
were Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , the well known
Iowa lecturer , who was accompanied by
( iinnlaln ) Lozler , of Mount Vcrnon , la. ,
' - - many \vcll knpwn war songs and
campaign ballaus.
Will Mtikn No Special Hates.
CniCAflo , August 3. The east-bound pas-
scngor committee of the Central traffic asso
ciation has decided to ndhcro to the agree
ment of last Tuesday , when It was resolved
to make no special rates to Now York on the
. , occasion of the Blalno reception. This leaves
- the Chicago & Atlantic without a competitor
with its rate of $1S.50 for the round trip from
Chicago to Now York.
Impaled on a Pitchfork.
ST. JOSEI-H , Mo. , August 3. [ Special Tele-
grum to THE BEE. ] James C. Williams , a
farmer living four miles northwest of
Wathcua , Kan. , was killed at 4 o'clock this
afternoon by being thrown from his wagon
. by a run away team on to a pitchfork , which
entered bis buck. Death was almost instan
Bound Over.
GALCshuua , 111. , August H. Bauerelsen ,
Clark und Miley wcro bound over in bonds of
t300 ( ! each to the. grain ! jury. Bonds were
immediately furnished.
Ho Thinks It Too Hot to Wrlto at
The Next President AVIll Appoint
Eight Brigadier Generals North
i'lntto nnil the Federal Court
A'OWH From Washington.
The President Taking It Easy.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , August 3.
A democratic member who returned from
Now York to-day says President Cleveland
took with him on-hls fishing trip last weyk a
a rough draft of his letter of acceptance and
that it has been In New York several days
for the criticism of party leaders there. It
Is understood that Speaker Carlisle's visit to
New York this week was for the purpose of
meeting some of the prominent democrats of
the country who went over the president's
letter nnd who have submitted suggestions
Intended to improve Its political tone. The
president was asked to-day by the visitor
when ho could Issue his letter to the public
and the chief executive smiled as ho replied :
'Oh , I think that Is a matter of Indifference
to the party and of little consequence to the
country. I do not see any use of hurrying
this hot weather. " It Is believed that the
otter has been delayed for the purpose of
seeing what the senate Is likely to do on
ho tariff question and also to give time for
consulting various prominent democratic
Army officers are figuring upon the army
changes which will occur during the next
'our years , and the patronu'-'o in this respect
which will go to the next presidential term ,
f ho compulsory act will retire eight general
officers so that , making no allowance for cas-
utility among these olllcers , all of whom are
well advanced In years , the next president
will be called upon to appoint eight brigadier
generals. The vacancies will occur on the
annexed dates by the retirement on account
of ago of the officers named : Adjutant Gen
eral Drum , May 28 , ISs'.l ' ; Paymaster General
Hochester , February 15 , Ib'Jl ) ; Quartermas
ter General Holabird , Juno IB , lbM ! ) ; Com
missioner General Maerolly , July 1 , 1SK ! ) ;
Sergeant General Moore , August 111 , It'JO ;
Chief of Ordnance Benct , January 22 , ISb'J ;
General John Gibbon , April 20 , Ib'Jl ' , anil
General David S. Stanley , Juno 1 ,
ISO ) . Should General Drum bo
succeeded by Colonel Kelton , as
ho is likely to be , Kelton being the senior
colonel of hH corps , the retirement of that
ofttcitil on Juno 21 , 1 > 'J'3 , would add another
to thi'i list of brigadiers who will certainly
bo retired during the next presidential term.
Should It come within the province of Mr.
Cleveland to fill these vacancies the commis
sion of every general of the several staff
corps and of every general officer of the line ,
except Sheridan , Scholield anil Miles , would
bear the signature of Grover Cleveland , and
it is not beyond thu range of reasonable
probability that his signature would be borne
by the commission of every general officer of
the army line und staff Including the selec
tion which ho will make during the present
month to fill the vacancy that will occur upon
the retirement of General Balrd , inspector
general , the number of'general olllcers al
ready selected by Mr. Cleveland is twelve.
Three of these arc major generals.
John T. Nesbitt , Thomas C. Patterson ,
William B. Conkliii and T. J. Foley & Son ,
of North Platte , have rooms at the Willard.
They arrived this morning , early , and were
soon at the capilol , calling upon senators and
representatives in reference to the | bill now
pending before a , conference committee ,
creating additional places whore terms of the
United States court shall bo hold in Ne
braska. They want North Platte inserted in
the bill , and are bringing pome very strong
arguments to bear in behalf of their request.
The members of the Iowa delegation are
assisting the North Platte men , but it is evi
dent that they have como too lato. The
senate seems determined to stand by the
position it occupied when it sent the bill to a
conference committee , providing only the
places hcretoforo named in Tin : BEE dis-
A strange freak was performed by the senate -
ate to-day ia fixing 11 o'clock in the morning
as the permanent hour for beginning the ses
sion , and then adjourning over one whole
calendar day. There will bo no session ol
either house of congress to-morrow. Mem
hers of both houses have been so cmrrosscil
with tlieir legislative duties for months thai
they are glad to devote a day to tlieir private
affairs. Then the weather is so intenselj
hot In Washington now that nearly every
body is gasping for broath. This is the
tune the house has adjourned over a weel
day since last Christmas , excepting ono 01
two legal holidays. PEIIUY S. HEATH.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , August 1 | Special Telegram
to Tin : BuE.l Pensions granted Nehraskans
Increase Daniel Harrigun , O'Neill ; Alvin
M. Miller , Carlyle ; Robert Cheney , Camp
Clark ; John H. Weimer , Hardy ; Patrick
MeGerr , Lincoln ; David V. Coo , Ewing ;
William Bradt , Dillon ; S. Munson , Blue
Springs ; Jacob F. Oman , Schuyler ; Charles
Borberich , St. Helena ; Frederick W. Dom-
nlck , Stanton ; William J. Morgan , Shclton ;
Peter D. Clark , Hushvillo. Hcissue John
W. Hogors , Trenton ; Hollls K. May , Bea
trice ; Kll Sampson , Plattsmouih.
Pensions forlowans : Increase Jonathan
M. Lodge , Marietta ; Ebonezcr Bell , Clif
ton ; George \V. Penn , Coifax ; James Lynch ,
Keokuk ; James Jordan , Wiota ; William
Wright. LaPorto City ; Levi P. Kiddie , Kin
ross ; William Henry Parker. Lawlor ; Hob-
ort N. Dahlborg , Pittsburg ; John W. Hoth-
rock , Newton ; Hiram S. Vansick. State
Centre ; Henry Hoben , Columbus
Junction ; Frederick SchoolY , Lost Na
tion ; George W. Swift , Union ; Simp
son J. Chester , Fairileld ; Adam Means ,
Guthrlo Center ; Ell H. Holly , Ottumwa ;
Walter Downing , Klota ; James Gannon , To
ledo ; Ell Bryant , Centervillo ; George Wnibel ,
Mount Pleasant. Widow arrears Jnno M. ,
widow of William Harvey , Washington ;
Sarah S. . widow of Daniel Page , Kichmond ;
Martha M. , widow of John W. Wright , West
Liberty ; Helen M. , widow of Alexander D.
Vail , Cedar Falls ; Hodwig , widow of Fred
erick SchumannDavcn port ; Serclda Pnrrish ,
former widow of Samuel Leo , Vincenncs ;
Elizabeth , widow of Job Stout , Eldora ;
Mary O. , widow of Jacob U. Emmcrt , DCS
Moines ; Hester , widow of James Ingcrsoll ,
Oakvillo. Mexican survivors Ira F. Smith ,
North English , Helssuo Edward Dure ,
Farley. Heissuo omj increase Isaac D.
phorts , Wirt.
Army Mutters.
WASHINGTON , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | The unexecuted portion
of the sentence Imposed by n general court
martial , December IS , 1685 , is remitted In the
case of Jonathan Downs , late private Company -
pany G , Second Infantry , and ho fs released
from confinement at the Leavcnworth mili
tary prison. The unexecuted portion of the
sentence Imposed by a general court martial ,
May 7 , l&SO , Department of the Platto. is
salso remitted In the case of Joseph Kuhn.
late private Company 1C , Sixth infantry , if
prison regulations will permit.
The extension of leave of absence granted
flrst infantry , June 28. is sjill further ex
tended to August 15 , The leave of absence
granted Second Lieutenant Charles G. Mor
ton , Sixth infantry , July 10 , is extended two
Another Blow nt I'olyjjnmy. .
OTTAWA , Oat. , August 3. The government
will not allow ' Mormon settlers to practice
polygamy'ln the northwest.
A Report That She. Intends Soon to
Quit the Htagc.
NEW YOUK , August 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HEE. ] Mrs. Langtry will , in all
probability 1 , retire to private llfo after the ful
fillment of the contract already made for her
coining season. She went upon the stage
to make money and has made it. From re
liable I fo.urccs It was learned this morning
that her wealth Is not far from $1,000,000.
Her 1 commission to her Into manager , George
Keog 1t 1 , who is now In Europe to look up
1I nnd buy for her n new play , Is significant , It
Is I said , only in so far as it is an investment.
It ] ! } nd longer a secret that Mrs. Lnngtry
and Mr. Goblmrd are. to ho married in a few
weeks , nor is it u secret that the lady's Rea
son will not begin for over four months.
When she does begin her work It is probable
that she will follow her usual custom of buyIng -
Ing property in every town where she ap
pears that she believes to bo a thriving place.
This is the secret of her accumulation
of wealth. Her real estate Is valued to-day
at J-KH)0 ( ) ( ) and she has -quired It by her
own shrewdness. In Now York she holds
sixty or more first mortgages and she also
has considerable landed interests in Brook
lyn , while in California and northwestern
towns her name appears upon the list of tax
payers to f recholdcr.In l'W5 she bought
ten acres of land In Salt Lake City
Last season she refused 3,000 for the prop
erty. Her purchase of real estate In Cali
fornia last year was , -Sfi.lMX ) acres for
which she paid SSO.OOJ. Lately she refused
? 200,1 OJ for It. These facts , added to those
) f her approaching marriage , the death of
icr father and her desire for quiet and refit
ire cited in support of her statement that ,
having amassed a fortune , Mrs. Lungtry Is
now only waiting for a chance to retire from
bo stage to enjoy H.
An Organization Which Kxpcetn to
Rim Thin i > 8 to Suit ItHoir.
ST. Louis , August ! ) . Circulars have bcnn
ssiicd by Alex H. Smith , secretary of the
St. Louis Millers' association , calling luneot-
ng of the millers of Missouri , Illinois , Kan
sas , Indiana , Tennessee nnd of all winter
wheat states for the purpose of forming u
lour trust. The meeting is to bo held in
St. Louis August 31. An agreement has
ilrcady been signed by nil the prominent
ulllcrs of St. Louis , the St. Louis associa
tion having n capacity of 17,600 barrels
ler day. The agreement Is very
rigid in its stipulations. It Is proposed to
. nil the trust "The Central Millers' associa
tion , " the object being to secnro to the mem
bers a legitimate profit on their products.
In italics will bo found the following ntlpula-
tlon In the agreement : ' 'Absolute submis
sion to the authority of which the individual
nemhers are only an integral part. " The
, ) ewer of the director * is made absolute.
M hey are to fix prices , may order a reduction
in the output or the closing down of mills ;
they may contract with brokers
to act for members of the in-
Rociation. Credits are not to exceed
thirty days. The mills nt points tributary to
St. Louis , Detroit or Toledo shall not pay
over current prices for the same grade of
wheat or Hour in thcso markets , less two-
thirds of the freight rate thereto. All sales
of less than car lots must bo 10 cents higher
than current minimum prices. The trust
proposes to contiol absolutely the output ,
price and sale of flour In the territory it will
govern. _ _
Chicago Complains of n Violation of
the Intor-SOtto haw.
CHICAOO , August U. The Chicago board of
trade has filed with the inter-stato commerce
commission two petitions , one of which is a
complaint against the Hock Island and Baltimore -
moro & Ohio roads , and the other against the
Pennsylvania and Chicago & Northwestern.
The charge In each Is that Chicago has been
discriminated against by thcso roads , inas
much ns their joint through rates from Iowa
and Nebraska points to the seaboard is less
than the sum of local rates. For example :
The rate from Lincoln -Chicago on corn
nnd oats last February was Si cents per hun
dred ; the rate from Chicago to Now York
was 'J7JC cents , while the through rate from
Lincoln to Now York was only iM ) ; ? cents , or
18 cents less than the sum of the two totals.
It is charged that thin is a violation of the
first , second and third sections of the interstate -
state commerce law , and the board of Undo
demands a ruling by the commission.
Jumped From the Brooklyn Bridge.
NEW YOUK , August 11. This morning a
evaded the police and Jumped from the cen
tral span of Hrooklyn bridge Into the river.
Friends in a tug picked him up and spirited
him away.
When picked up the man was in n semi
conscious condition , and the tug convoyed
him to Hamilton" ferry , where an officer
summoned an ambulance and ho was con
veyed to the Long Island hospital , ito is
evidently bmlly hurt , and is suffering from
Internal injuries and a severe shock , which
may prove fatal , the surgeon says. Ho gave
ills name as Matthew Uvrne , iiged twenty-
one , of Port Hichmond , Stnten Inland , where
hois employed as n coachman.
Kt. Pnul Policeman Killed.
ST. PAUL , August 3. At 1 :3i : ) thls"mornlng
policemen on St. Anthony hill Hoard the
report of u pistol coming from the direction
of Virginia and Summit avenues. Going to
investigate they found Hans Hanson , a po
liceman whoso beat was on Virginia avenue ,
lying dead with a bullet wound below the
right eye. There nro several stories as to
who shot him. Ono. is that a burglar com
mitted the deed and another Is that ho was
taken for n footpad , ho having his rubber
coat over his uniform.
General Shuridun'n Condition.
Nr.w BEDI-OHII , Mnss.j August 3. Thcro
nro rumors nt Nonquitt that thcro Is some
change in General Sheridan's condition. Ho
seems to have reached a stage In his con
valescence where no change can bo perceived
in forty-eight hours or even twice that
pjrioil. As far as can bo ascertained , an im
provement has been made during the first
eighteen days at Nonquitt , and tdnco then
there has been hardly any porcoutiblo altera
tion. Ho has become used to the routine of
the sick room and it fatigues him much less
than previously.
Jersey Democrats Desert.
NEW Youic August 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB line. ] John T. Dunn , ox-speaker of
the Now Jersey assembly , a prominent dom-
cratlo politician of his state , lias oomo out
boldly for Harrison und protection. Ho says
ho 1s only one of many who have in his state
become disgusted with the party since It be
came a frco trade organization.
Presidential Nominations.
WASIIINOTON , August a Tlio president
has sent the following nominations to the
senate :
Postmasters Henry Joyno , Taylorvillo ,
111. ; Philip Kelnkel. Sheldon , la. ; Frank P.
Thompson , Cloquctt , Minn.
Captain Wlnliold Scott Schloy to bo chief
of the bureau of equipment and recruiting ,
with rank of commodore.
French Crops Seriously Damaged.
PAWS , August 3 , The president of tlfo
French Agricultural society made a report
regarding the loss to crops caused by the re
cent rains , which ho estimates at half a mil
lion of francs , and says that if the bad
weather continues a month longer It will
extend to enormous dimensions.
Dynamiters' Canes Continued.
CHICAGO , August 3. Rudolph Sevic and
his fellow conspirators , Ilronck , Chapuk and
Chlcboun , were Iwforo Judge Huwes to-day
to ask for a continuance of their cases , which
are on the calendar for the present-term. A
continuance was agreed to until the Septem
ber term.
Wiloox's Stepson Charges Htm With
Bolng a Murcloror.
A Itrutnl Father llciits HU Daughter
nnd In Arrested Tlio Dakota
Sensation at Fremont
The Dalcotn Sensation.
PIIEMONT , Neb. , August 3. [ SpsJnl to
Tin : HtiE.J The sensational abduction case
from the Hlnck Hills has been quietly resting
for a few days , waiting for witnesses to ar-
rlvo from Hcrmosa and other points in that
section. Meanwhile there has been a per
fect snow storm of habeas corpuses fulling
hereabouts until all the parties directly and
indirectly involved in the matter have been
covered with them. The case had Its first
formal hearing in the district court before
Jndgo Marshall lust night , and has been on
trial all day to-day. Mr. Steele , father of
the girl ( Mrs. Peterson ) , Hov. Shaver , the
alleged abductor , and Mrs. Crawford , were
examined as witnesses on the father's and
preacher's side , whoso purpose It Is to show
that the girl Is under fifteen years of ago and
'onseqncntly ' nullify her marriage. The
amlly bible was produced , with the birth
cgister In the hand of Mrs. Steolo. the
Irl's mother , and showing that she will note
o IKtecn until the 7th of September. Stcelo
estlfied as to his knowledge of the clrcum-
itances of his daughter's birth and con-
inned the family blblo with the indisputable
.vldcnco that eighteen years ago ho had a
. o\v which gave birth to twin calves , nnd
hat what when thee calves were three
ears old ho sold thorn , the sale being made
n the day of his daughter's bli tb. The fact
ivas particularly impressed on his mind bo-
aiiso the daughter was not a twin. Tlio mii
ViH put on the stand in her own defense.
ler evidence practically confirmed the state-
ucnls made on the other side , and so the
: aso closed , the judge not allowing the attor-
loys to argue the matter. The decision will
10 withheld until to-morrow morning , at
iVhlch time the point will bo legally settled
is to whether the girl is her father's dangh-
or or her husband's wile. It is believed
hat the father and pro icher will come out
ovcral lengths in the lead.
ClmrjiodVith Murder.
O'Nr.iu. , Nob. . August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hun. ] The funeral of Mrs.
\Vilcox , who was killed on Tuesday by the
ecidentul tlischarfro of a revolver in the
lands of her husband , took place yesterday
it 2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church ,
: { ev. J. A. Abbott officiating. She was buried
jiider the auspices of the order of Odd Fcl-
: ows , of which she had taken the Hcbeeca
degree. A large concourse of friends and
relatives followed the reni.iins to the grave.
A. L. W'lcox. ' the Inm'mnd , was arrestrd
o-day on complaint of Hubert Kirl , son of
Mrs. Wilcox by n former husband , on the
charge of willful and deliberate iniirdor.
The accused was arraigned before Judge
Lowe at : i o'clock and plead not , guilty. The
cast ; was onUnui'd inyil Tuesday morning
lit lOo'clook. Tno prisoner is in charge of an
oflieor. Public scntiyiont is floincwhat
ilividod , but all agree that it will bo better
for all concerned to have n thorough in
Holt County's Institute.
O'Nuiu , , Neb. , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE 15ti : : . ] To-day practically closed
n two weeks' session of the Holt county
normal school , which , under the efficient
management of Supsrintemlont Manvlllo
and the excellent instruction of Profi. liond
of llliilr , Viols of Texan unrt Miami of O'Neill ,
lias been the best over held in Holt county.
Two hundred nnd two members Ir.iva en
rolled and the interest of all connected with
the institute hai been very marked. State
Superintendent Lnnn was hero Monday but
was called homo to the sick bed of some
member of his family. To-morrow at noon
the normal formally closes.
Meat His Daughter Qrutally.
iliiiiASK.v CITV , Nob. , August 3 [ Special
Telegram to Tun BII : : . ] George Ostrander ,
n painter , was arrested and jailed to-niiht ;
for beating his sixteen-year-old daughter
into unconsciousness , and leaving her body
mid head a mass of bruises. Neighbors in
terfered and cared for the girl , or ho would
doubtless have killed her. When arrested
there wore cries for "a rope" by u mob as
sembled , and had not the officers hustled
O Grander off ho would have been roughly
bundled. Ho says the cause for the bracing
is that the daughter and mother were too
conspicuous upon the streets after night.
\Vliitinaii ( itUH thti County Scat.
WHITMAN , Nob. , August 2. [ Special to
Tin : Bun. ] A special election held In Grant
county on the 2lst of July resulted in the
county seat bolng located at Whitman by
about half a doze n majority. The following
named persons wcro elected county ofllcors :
1C. M. Moran. sheriff ; Sidney Manning ,
clerk : George Collins , Judge ; Milton Dodds ,
treasurer ; O. P. Warner , attorney ; William
L. Hall , superintendent of schools ; Augustus
Hullnko , George Swlggart , Thomas Lynch ,
They Wouldn't Hcllovo Him.
NEIIHASKA Citr , Nob. , August 3. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : UrE.J Henry Meyers , nt
whoso house the murderous row took place
several days ago , and who was arrested
under the Slocuinb law relating to giving
away liquors on Sunday , was to-day found
not guilty by a jury nnd discharged by Jus
tice Jones , after Meyers had acknowledged
the trlith of the charges.
A Needed Ituln.
O'NciM. , Nob. , August . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HII : . ] A wind storm came up
this afternoon about 4 o'clock , accompanied
by a little hail and followed by a good rain.
This assures a good crop of corn In the holt
reached by the rain. The harvesting of
small grain is in full blast and good returns
arc promised ,
Voted Court HOUNO Honds.
HiiEWSTEi ! , Neb. , August 3. FSpoclal Tel
egram to Tun HEE.J Five thousand dollar
bonds to build u court house and fund the In
debtedness carried yesterday by n small ma
jority. Only a small vote was polled. Dun
ning precinct beat her past record , polling
forty-seven votes against the bonds and three
Wind and Ruin In Nnckolln County.
NELSON , Neb. , August 8. ( Special Tele ]
cram to THE Unn.J A heavy wind this aiter-
lioon L''cwtho ' cornlco from the now National
bank buillfnj'j ( The falling brick missed H.
W. Malone by a le > ' inches. Sufilclcnt rain
fell to save corn , but sir.'j's ' of hail did some
damage also ,
Congressman Dorsoy'u Return.
FUEMONT , Nob. , August 8. [ Special to
TUB HuB.1 Congressman Dorsoy arrived
homo yesterday from Washington. Ho will
remain hero a few days , after which , in com
pany with Mrs. Dorsey , ho will make u
pleasure trip through Lake Superior.
Nominated for Congress.
ST. Louis , August 3. The democrats of
the Twentieth Illinois district , In convention
at Murpbysboro , nominated T. T. Uobluson ,
of Jackson , , for congress.
Killed by u Cnhla Car.
ST ; PAtJfc , August $ . Corporal Flril , Third
infantry , from Fort Snelllng , in attempting
to board a cable car last evening , fell under
the car and wa killed.
The Republican Kxeuiitlvo Committee *
Interviews on the Outlook.
NEW YOIIK , August 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : UCE.I The proceedings of the re
publican executive committee that met yes
terday nt the national headquarters , have
not been given to the public , except that
James G. Hlalne , jr. , will assist In dispensing
news to the papers. General John C. Now
to-day was aUo asked about the story tele
graphed from Indianapolis to the effect that
the working people had met and made iv call
for ex-Governor Porter to run for governor.
Ho said there was little truth in the report
ns telegraphed. "Tho fact Is , " ho continued ,
"that the working people held a meeting and
the democrats came In nnd managed to get u
majority , nnd carried things their own
way. "
Colonel Colson Vance of Ohio , who Is
spoken of ns a candidate for congress from
the Flndlay district , nnd Is reputed to have
cleared over ? 100OJ ( ! In natural gas dealings
In the past two days , paid a vIMt to Chairman -
man Quay nnd thecomniitteemcn. Holscoti-
sldcrcd one of the shrewdest political
prophets In the west and is consulted fre
quently by politicians. Ho said Ohio would
give a great surprise to the democrats this
fall. Instead of the usual republican ma
jority of iJO.O.K ) ho fully expected to see it
foot upfiO.dOJ. Indiana , he declared , would
give Harrison a majority largo enough to
satisfy every doubting republican that Old
Tippccniioo's grandson was not only
personally but politically very popular
in the Hoosler state. When united to give
his opinion about the other doubtful states
ho said : "To be brief , the republicans
will have their innings this year and the
game will show a footing sufficiently largo to
land our candidate in the white house. "
Ex-Senator Thomas E. Platt called and
saw Senator Quay. Ho seemed to bo in
cheerful humor but did not care to be Inter
viewed except to my that the outlook was
very encouraging. One of the surprises to
assistants at headquarters Is the amount of
work Senator Quay can do and the case with
which ho docs it. Ho Is on hand promptly
every morning atO:30 : and does not leave
until late In the afternoon. Ho never loses
his temper and rarely declines to see any
one unless previous engagements prevent.
And Hu Carved Up Three Men Who
Insulted Him.
EI.KII VUT , Ind. , August ! ! . Hcnlamin Scott ,
a Texan who came here recently , this after
noon fatally stabbed Con Crowley , a stock
dealer , Gcorgo Nowall , a leading farmer nnd
capitalist , ami James Smith , the colored porter
ter of the Clifton house. Newall and Crow
lev It is claimed by Scott , had tresnassctl
upon his properly. Scott said ho would stab
any one who would infringe on ills rights , to
which t'riwloy said that a man who would
use a kinfo was a cur. At this Scott drew a
pocket Knife and stabbed Crowley in. the
stomach three times. Xcwall picked up a
club and sprang to Crnwloy'R assistance and
received a stab in the left bi east , which
reached the lung. Smith was also stabbed ,
but not seriously. Scott was arrested and
taken to Grcslmtn for safety. Newall'a
wounds arc dangerous and Crowley lies un
conscious , and his death is expected at any
An Allowed Widow of Commodore
JUttHon fliic-t Tor Dower.
Mis.vEU' , Minn. , August 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HUE. ] Thcro will soon bo
commenced , according to rumor , a proceed
ing In the probate court of Hamso.v county ,
by n woman who claims to bo the widow of
the late Commodore Klttson. In this she
will seek to recover one-third of the estate ,
her claim amounting to nearly $ J,000,030.
The claim is now in the hands of n well
known attorney of this city , who to-day
stated that ho could give no particulars
about the matter until next week. Ouo
rumor is to the effect Unit the woman is now
forty years of ago , while another report
gives her ugo about seventy. It Is said that
her claim is that she was married to Mr.
Kltlson when she was seventeen years Of
iiL'o. She is snid to be at present u resident
of Winnipeg.
Porter'H Cnmp Attacked nnd Troop *
Sent Out to Investigate.
W ISHINOTO.VAugust 8. The following tel
egram was received at the war department
this morning from General Howard :
"General Miles telegraphs from Fort
Grant as follows : 'Augusta. Indians fired
into Poi tor's nnd the camp guard tents at
Fowler's old camp last evening about sun
down. Tlio soldiers nnd Porter reached the
post about half pastU. It is supposed to bo
six or seven Indians about to join the reno-
gailes. Have sent U troop to investigate. ' "
Oil1 for Troubled Waters.
Ni\v YOIIK , Augusts. [ Special Telegram
to Tim L5iE. : ] Second Oflieor Mcissot , of the
North German Lloyd steamer Werrn , gave
an exhibition yesterday afternoon off Hrigh-
ton beach , of his now rocket for spreading
oil on rough seas at some distance from the
vessel. Ho sot up a tripod nnd the rocket
was attached to a tin can filled with a pint of
oil. Into the can was inserted a tube which
was filled with two ounoes of powder. The
rocket was lired nnd went splendidly out
over the sea , exploding ju t bolero it struck
the water. Several others were thrown at
different angles. The effect on the rougli sea
was very perceptible. The experiment was
pronounced n success.
Grout Hritalu Not Heard From.
ST. .Town , Mo. , Augu&t 3 , [ Special Tolo-
gratn to Tun UIK. : ] Governor A. P. Morc-
house was in the city to-day and in response
to tin inquiry concerning Ills intentions in the
Maxwell case , said : "I have not yet re
ceived any ofilcial request from the Hritish
minister nt Washington , I do not know on
what grounds the British minister will ask
for a respite and cannot sco what new feat
ures can bo presented in tlio case , but I dop't
wish to bo understood by this ns having al
ready decided in the matter. I do not regard
the renuest ns coining from the Urltish gov
ernment at all. "
The Went her Iiulio.'
For Nebraska Local rains , generally
cooler , variable winds , generally easterly.
For Iowa Generally fair , nearly station
ary temperature , except cooler In southern
portions , variable winds.
For Dakota Threatening weather with
rain , cooler , except stationary temperature
in northern portions , variable winds , gen
erally northeabterly.
Swept by the Flames.
TOLEIIO , August 3. West Unity , n small
town near hero , was almost swept out of cx-
Istcnco last night by fire. Thirteen stores
were destroyed , involving a loss of from ? 7f > , -
000 to $100,000.
Toitn.STO , Out. , August 3. White , Josolyn
& Co. , wholesale laces , ribbons , etc. , are said
to bo in difficulty. Their liabilities amount
to about $500,001) .
The TunnoHiico Klootlon.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 3. Heturns ,
which are coming in slowly , Indicate that
east Tennessee has gene republican , with
democratic gains in middle and west Ten
A FiroworkH ICxplosion.
LONDON , August 8. A terrible explosion
In a fireworks factory at Wandsworth , a sea
tlon of London , to-day killed several women
employed in the building. . .
Were It Not For the Chlote the
Indians Would Sign.
Their Principal Itcnson For Holding
Back Discovered by the Com-
mlssloiiers Hopes Fora
Favorable Kesult.
At Standing Hock.
STAXIHXO HOCK Aor.xcv , Dak. , ( via His- 11 J" )
marck ) , August 3. The commission In thin
morning's council with the Indians succeeded
In drawing out the fact that the four chiefs ,
John Grass , Gall , Mad Bear and Big Head ,
backed by Sitting Bull , are holding the In
dians hack from unseating to tlio act of con
gress by Intimidations. The chiefs wcro
asked In open council , In thu presence of all
the Indians , to get up anil say that every In
dian might act. as ho pleased , accept or reject
the offer of the government , and that In thus
expressing his mind he would give no offence
to thu chiefs , and would not be hurt or Inter
fered with on account of his action. The
request was made and repeated twice.
The chiefs sat sullenly In their
places and said nothing. The Indians
looked at the chiefs and wanted their reply.
The commissioners then stated that they re
garded the silence of thu chiefs an admission
that they were keeping the people back
under Intimidation , and that the people were
not allowed to express their true sentiments.
This caused considerable sensation , and the
commissioners adjourned the council until
Kvcry provision of the treaty has been
fully explained and all objections answered.
The commissioners still believe that a favor
able re-mil may bo obtained by taking time.
The Indians have been assured and reassured
that each Indian shall have the right to give
his nsFoat or dissent according to his wish
and desire. The commissioners are informed
through reliable sources that the number who
would sign but for intimidation Is increasing.
John Grass si > oku to-day and showed n moro
comprehensive knowledge of the details of
the act than any speech made yet by any In-
dlan. This fact encourages the commission
ers to persevere , and take more time nnd care
In their acts to have the act fully and clearly
placed before all.
A Mock Stage Contest Turns Into a
Until Duel.
HisTox , August 3. [ Special Telegram to
THE Bin : . ] Tlio. mock sword practice be
tween tno Viennese fencers at the Bijou
theater was varied last night by a real duel.
For some months past Mathildo Tagainann ,
a tall , dark , Austrian beauty , has boon the
favorite swordswomau of Prof. Hartl , the
manager , who has paid her many compli
ments. All this time Anna Hrantslo , a small
blonde , has been Jealous of her big rival , and
last night , when the two c.imo on the stage ,
blood was In the eyes of both. After parry
ing a few moments , Miss Brantslo rushed
upon her opponent with great furv. They
parried and fought in auger for at least fif
teen minutes. Meanwhile the audience
rose to their feet and yelled
and cheered at the combatants , while
several ladles fainted away. Finally the
little woman , Miss Brantslo , forced the tall
favorite to the \vings of the theater , beat
her down upon the floor of the stage , and ac
tually pulled her hair In token of victory.
Professor Hartl , who came forward to stop
the fight , was assaulted by Miss Brantslo
and driven oft the stage. No such sword
practice was over seen In Boston before.
Prof. Hartl says the Brantslo girl has an
ungovernable temper and ho must get rid of
her. Miss Tagamann feels humiliated over
her defeat , and says nothing.
Tlio Boy ProaolieiTnlka Hell Flro
Kvcn on Hot Days.
NEW Youic , August 8. | Special Telegram
to Tin : HEB.I The boy preacher , Harrison ,
closed his series of revivals at tlio old John
street church before an Immense crowd last
night. The most of the audience were
women. Harrison was unusually fervent
and kept the crowd at a high pitch of excite
ment. In his discourse ho said : "The other
day n great editor of a great New Yoik
paper sent for mo. His paper is a great
political power ; ho rules parties ; ho rules
num ; he rules statesmen. Ho said to mo :
'Urother Harrison , help mo. I need your
prayers. " Hrothren , it was in the middle of
the day he sent for mo. I sco some man in
one of the papers says it don't ' do to preach
bell thcso days , but I preached boll to that
editor nnd , dory to God , I believe I did him
good. Glory , glory hallelujah I"
Hy this time theaudienco was aroused to
frenzy and thirty new converts were made
before the meeting closed. Harrison goes
next to Sing Sing. Ho claims to have con
verted ybOO , people during Ills stay In this
Villnrd'rl Antarctic I\p1orntlon. :
New YOUK , August 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HUE. ] It 1ms leaked out in Wall
street , in spite of many denials , that Henry
Villard is really prominently connected with
thu new schema for tlio exploration of the
Antarctic regions , which bo is said to have
bccomo mixed In when in Germany Not only
this , but ho is quietly endeavoring to secure
uubsci-iptions of several wealthy Now York
ers as backers of the scheme. What success
ho Is meeting with IH yet uncertain , but It is
reported that Henry Clews , Mr. Wormscr
and others , while looking on the matter with
interest , did not feel like venturing money nt
present. One of Vlllard's clerks , while do-
cllmntr to deny these stories , said his em
ployer's programme would bo made public
Mysteriously Disappeared.
STitoMMit'mi , Neb. , August 3. [ Special tote
to Tin : Hun.-July ] JiO W. B. Shultz , a
photographer of this place , took a livery team
from the stable of Willotts & Gunnell nnd
started ueross the country for Chirks , in
tending to return the next day. Ho failed to
come , and about 5 o'clock yesterday evening
the postmaster received u telegram from
ClurltK stating that a suit of clothes were
found on the banks of the Platte with lettera
in the pockets addressed to Will B. Shultr ,
Stromsburg , Nob. , and inking If such u man
lived hero. Immediately ten or fifteen men
started in search of him , but up to this hour
no word has been received. It is supposed
that ho was foully dealt with or thut ho was
bathing and drowned
Ho AViiH a Krue Trader.
JEIISISY CITV , August 3. A custom house
officer this morning searched the baggage of
J. V. Dundns , of HIco county , Minnesota ,
who arrived on the steamer Rotterdam , nnd
found u line white India crepe shawl , a
quantity of men and ladles' underwear and
fi.OOt ) cigars In boxes snugly fitted in the
falsu bottom of his trunk. The trunk was
Saved I'Yom n Watery Grave.
CHICAGO , August 3. The pleasure yacht
Rambler , of St. Joe , Mich. , wus caught in
last night's storm lu the middle of Luke
Michigan und was impaired. Captain Hieaby ,
his son and two bailers clung to the wrecked
vcHsct all night and were rescued in an ex
hausted condition by u passing steamer this
morning and brought to this port.
Dnlntli LalKirci'H1 Strike.
DUI.UTII , Minn. , August 3. Four thousand
1 laborers cmplovo.l on the city streets In
cleaning away the.dcbrw of flio .heavy storm
| of lant night , struck this morning -or un lu-
t crfuspot pay from $ ltX ) U > 2purday. .