Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Mneon'a Boport on the Great
Burlington Striko.
While tlic Hiorloninln ) of tlio Itnll-
road Coinimny Are Touclicd Upon
y -'IJInoU : lUt" Vur-
llKiO 1 STIIHET , [
LINCOLN , August 2. )
The state board of transportation mot
yostaulity to consider n few inuttors of
buslnosB nnd listen to the report of Sec
retary Mason on the Burlington strike.
The session was qulto niiiinatoilnnil oc
casionally quite torrid , as the discus
sion touched a tender point here nnd
thoro. Chief Clerk Waring stated that
four companies lutd filed answers to the
order of the board of July 5. Three
companies have made no answer , and
it is supposed that they intend to com
ply with the order without question , or
nr'o waiting to ECO the outcome of
the fights already instituted. After
Bomo discussion it wns moved to
lix the date for hearing the rate cases
. The resolution
on the Gtli of September.
tion was carried against the urgent op
position of Attorney General Loose ,
who Bald : "I wish to bo recorded 113
voting no on this proposition. The
roads claim In their answers that the
rates at * ordered by the board will cut
down their revenues 15 per cent. To
continue another month without taking
some action looking to the enforcement
of this order I consider to bo robbing
the people Of just so much. " The date
was fixed , however , with no other dis
senting voice. The date of hearing in
tlio Waterloo case was sot for Septem
ber 17.
After Bomo further important busi
ness Judge O P. Mason read his
report uwon the evidence given in the
investigation which was made by the
board into the strike of the engineers
on the Burlington last spring. The re
port is very voluminous , being mifllciont
to fill several columns of close print. It
is exhaustive and takes up the serious
phases of the question involved. Mr.
Mason did not wish to place the report
on lllo without first submitting it to the
other secretaries of the board and hav
ing them niter and concur with it. It
wHl then bo oftorcd ns the report of the
secretaries. It was therefore taken
away by Secretary Mungor and will not
bo given to the press for some dnvs.
Much space is occupied in citation
Of opinions on the questions un
der discussion , nnd only a concrnl
resume of the position taken can now
bo given.
The report discusses these questions ,
viz : Whether the B. & M. , hired in
competent engineers to run its engines
jj after the strike ; the conduct of the
" $ . strikers toward the road and the en
gineers who filled their places ; nnd the
" " which it is
practice of "black-listing , ,
alleged , the railroad company pursues
toward discharged employes.
In regard to the first question the re
port declares that the evidence shows
that the company did hire incompetent
engineers immediately succeeding the
strike. This was an inevitable con
sequence of the sudden and sweeping
character of the strike. The company
had no time to prepare for it ,
irnd was left almost without
a man on its engines. In this oxttoin-
ity ono of "tho three things remained to
Tie done by the company. It could
cither accede to the demands of the
strikers , quit business or light it out.
The Burlington chose the laiter'courso ,
nnd many incompetent and inexpe
rienced men were employed to run its
engines. The report says that ns soon as
those men were discovered they were
wooded out , and that the train sorVlco
of the Burlington is as good to-day as it
was previous to "the strike.
Tlio report uses strong , and in some
places almost bitter , language in speak
ing'of the donduct of tno strikers to
ward the company and the "seal ) "
workmen. It declares that the
brotherhood was guilty of criminal con
spiracy in combining to prevent othoi
wbrkmon from taking their places. Mr ,
Mason said that ho aimed both at the
illegal combination against capital atid
unlawful combinations against labor ,
Notwithstanding this statement the report -
port makes no mention of the fact thai
the evidence taken in the invostigatior
did hot shbwnhrittho brotherhood , a !
nn organisation , had sanctioned ih (
misdeeds of its members.
At the suggestion of others of thi
board a paragraph was added censuring
s the practice of "black-listing , " con
dbmning it as criminal conspiracy.
This is in brief the position taken hi
the report. Judge Madon himself d
mi IB that it is not in the line of his prc
vlous efforts , nnd expects a storm o
wrath because of it. When it is Dlo <
with the board a rooro complete roviov
of it will be made.
"Tho state fisheries , " mild Superintendent
tondent O'Brien to THE BEri roprc
Bontntivo last evening , "aro in a mos
nourishing condition. Wo have thirtco
ponds at South Bond now , stocked wit
the hardiest and best varieties of fis'
in the world , viz : Speckled trout , mour
tain trout , black bass , wall-eyed pik
and Gorman carp. The plant from th
fisheries throughout the state extend
into the waters of every county , and w
are getting happy returns. Of the plnr
of wall-eyed pike made in the Lou
rivers throe years ago the returns at
moat satisfactory. A party of fishel
men dn a fishing expedition last sprih
caught ninety-three of this Variety wit
hook and lino. They weighed froi
two to four pounds , and wo hnv
had reports from other planl
equally as satisfactory. But the Goi
man carp give the boat satisfactloi
everything considered. This varlol
' ot flsn grows the most rapidly and are
little safer to bundle to insure succos
ful plants. The estimate of young fi
this spring is 17,000,000 , and this is leI \
I am hero to-day to secure aquarlun
for the fall exhibit at the state fal
which I o.xpoct to exceed that of at
former year. "
The rgport of yesterday that-tho agr
cultural farm has closed so far as wet
is concerned , is confirmed to-day. Tl
farm has never paid its way. It hi
boon a source of constant expense- fro
the ilrttt. It is composed ot U20 acres
ns line land asihoro is in all Nobrnsk
and has boon but an experimental st
tlon , managed by a lottyfboys. The far
has been a part of the ntrricultur
department of the state university su
ported and maintained at the state's o
pcnso. Thousands of dollars have bei
oxpoitdod upon it , and at no time C ;
it bo shown where it tovcr'gavohi
practical benefits. What little dr
there is growing on the farm this yc
Is in a very ragged condition. Th
however , is but a repetition of what
has been from year to year.
Lust night about 11 o'clock a sihi
barn in the alloy back of the Burr bio
was discovered to bo on tiro. Itw
very dry and burned liko-tinde r. Fo
horses belonging to J. S. Parks and the
White sowing machine ngoncv wcro
roasted alive and live sots of harness
destroyed. Several small sheds were
also scorched and burned. The fire wiw
extinguished only after the engine had
boon attached to the main. The In
sufficiency of the water pressure is be
coming notorious.
When the boys returned to their
quarters they discovered that thieves
had visited both engine houses and had
broken into their chests and closets.
Their clothing lay scattered about the
floors , and everything showed plainly
the nature of the Intrusion. The boys
were paid off yesterday , and many of
them had not yet paid their rent. As a
consequence they lost the ontfro earn
ings for the past month. The scoundrels
had not been found up to the middle of
the afternoon.
The following notorial commissions
wore issued to-day by Governor Thaycr :
B. P. Admire , Oakdalo ; Charles U.
Hunt , David City : James's. Armstrong ,
Albion ; Willlard F. West , Ansloy ; John
II. Wilbur , Omaha ; George A. Inwo-
gen , Chndron ; James John , Cambridge ;
II. MuBsolman , Fairmont ; Byron G.
Law , Stockdale ; Ira Newton Barber ,
Walbach ; Frank I ) . Hastings , Alda ;
Alfred U. Dean , St. Paul ; William P.
Freeman , Falrbury ; M. L. Kastorday ,
Lincoln ; W. K. Churchill , Lincoln : L.
J. Gundy , Gundy ; D. 0. Way , Valley
county. _
An Important
Of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
the fact that every purchaser receives
a fair equivalent for his money. The
familiar head-lino " 100 Doses Ono Dollar
lar , " stolen by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's Sarsapar
ilia. This can easily bo proven byany
ono who desires to test the matter. For
real economy , buy only Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists.
Homo Decorations.
August Table Talk : Midsummer , the
time of the year when like our bodies ,
wo choose to clothe our homos in cool
raiment. Much that delighted a few
weeks ago olTcnds now , and we swathe
our diimuslc sofas and plush chairs in
linen color.
The very sight of our low down grates
is Uncomfortable , and wo hide them be
hind screens improvised out of hugo
fans or spread Japnnese umbrellas.
The old fashioned theory still prevails -
vails that even bric-a-brac adds to the
apparent warmth of a room and our
careful housewives have stored their
wealth of china away on darkened
shelves , to reproduce it and renew their
delight in its possession whou once the
cool weather returns to us.
It is but a preparatory season ; a sea
son when wo are planning , as it wore.
to ornament freshly our homes , and if
'tho ' many tasteful trlllcs that are now
being fashioned by deft fingers are to
bo accepted as crltorlons our houses in
the fall will vie in brilliancy with the
gorgeous an t inn foliage.
The table conies in for a special
amount of attcntio.i , und many are the
tasteful accompaniments , in the way
of covers , d'oyloys , etc. , in cour&o of
preparation , or tno mahogany. Many
of tneso are both fanciful and tasteful" .
Table-cloths , nnjikins and d'oylos come
in sets to match , of line damask , white
or palo tinted. There is little ormon-
tation , beyond tie woven pattern , which
is chaste and beautiful , on the cloths
and napkins , V.ut ingenuity expends it
self on the d'oj leys. The rage for these
trillcs has almost reached its height ;
they are now tilings of more actual
beauty than ol the least service. It is
true they w ire destined , primarily ,
only to shield the surface of finely dec
orated desert-plates from the contact
of the fingor-liowl , but should the bowl
not bo entirely dry , alas , then for
the d'oyleyg , which are quite as
costly nowadays and more easily
damaged than the 'fine china itself.
Sotno of these d'oyloys are of white satin ,
embroidered in palo-coloi'ed silks and
edged with narrowwhito fringe ; others ,
asain , are small squares bf the most
delicate lace , hand-woven , and a cu
rious conceit is a not of d'oylpys , made
ot the bark of a South American tree.
The fabric is so thin as to bo transpar
ent , and the Veins trace the most intri
cate patterns. Bolting cloth , ono of the
scheorest materials that come , is much
used for these table trillosand , delicate
as it is , it is capable of receiving nnd
"holding considerable ornamentation in
the way of embroidery and painting.
Now tea cloths are of palo colored. Ro
man shooting , bordered with a frill ol
dobp cream nnd coffee colored lace , 01
with festoons ol fancy Madras muslin ,
over a pleated full of lace , caught uj
with silk pompons , matching in color.
An Absolute Core.
is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes
and is aii'absoluto ' euro for old sores , burns
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tlons. Will positively care all kinds of piles
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at
cents per box by mall 30 cents.
The Olive.
Table Talk : The olive has importan
qualities to recommend its use for thi
table qualities which should ccrtaihl ;
secure for it there a more genera
'friendliness ' than it 'now possesses. On <
block and wo presume the only ono-
in the way , is that to which wo have ai
ready referred , namely , that its taste i
at first , disagreeable to many "peop'lo
but the palate soon gets over thi
squonmiehnoss and in a little time am
with very little practice learns to taki
them with intense relish.
But , laying aside their palntablonpss
there is another consideration wliicl
1ms or ought to have too strong a clain
upon our gastronomic affections to D
ignored ; I allude to their wholesome
ness in spurring the digestive machin
cry whenever ills inclined to be Unywis
sluggish. Therefore , lot mo say to tin
dyspeptic that if his taste does not noi
Ilouristi for the olive , ho should lose n
time in cultivating it until It does ; fo
ho will find hidden there , not only u
amount of doliciousncssho little dream
of , but also more repairing and lubrl
eating material for his weakened inno
man , than in all the pills and modicinr
draughts that were ever invented fa
the stomach to concoct.
I would also state for his edificatior
that , in the south of Europe , whore th
olive is extensively used as an article (
food , indigestion is scarcely ever hoar
of ; in fact , so little known that the wor
itself has no comprehensible moaninp
Ho tnustttaku this , However , as hcarsu
evidence , for I sneak it not of my ow
know6dgo. Still from personal oxpoi
ionco of the wholcsomonoss of the ollvi
I am prepared to believe it myself , an
it can work no serious injury for tli
dyspeptic to do likewise.
The rosy freshness and a velvety sot
Hess of the ekin is Invariably obtain c
by these who USD Pozzonl's Comploxic
Sign s of Weather.
SU Nicholas : If spider webs have nr
'significance as signs of the comin
weather , this may bo the oxplauatioi
A heavy dew occurs under n , clea
cool sky , and the night preceding a di
'ot rain 10 usually ndowlesa night. "Mlic
dew , then , means fair weather , and
copious dew discloses the spiders' web
It is the dew that is slguidcant , and u
Offlco of the SODBOS iu Shaping Our
Authors nud Mtislolnns Who Have
Urcamoit Their I'mtliiutlons
Inlliionco of Drain Pol-
sons , Etc.
Our Mfo Is Twofold.
Forum : Dreaming may bo defined a
mind drama , performed during sloop ,
In which the chief actor Is Fancy , who
plays innny parts.
In the dreaming qttito there is a sus
pension of iv-ill control ever the thought
current , which Hews on In Incoherent
series ; there is a Ir.ivosty of reasonand
the incongruities of the dream tissue
are not corrected by judgment. Atten
tion and rollcctlon are wanting.
Morculio tolls how lovers dream of
love , courtiers of suits , lawyers of fees ,
parsons of another benefice , and spl-
dlors of cutting foreign throats , ot
breaches and ambnsc.ides. The dream *
of animals would seem to bo of the same
order. Lucretius describes racers start
ing in their sleep , as if eager for the
course ; baying , panting hounds , with
quivering limbs , pursuing , in the mind's
eye , the st'.ig ; the house dog , asleep on
the hearth , growling and barking at
the supposed intrusion of a stranger.
So Scott , in the "Lay of the Last Min
strel :
The sing hounds , wciry with the chisc ,
Lay stretuliPil upon the rushy iloor ,
And uigcd , In dreams , the forest r.ieo.
The contents of a dream , taking bhapo
and tone from abiding experiences , are
often an odd motley ; ill matching
thoughts , past or late , madly jostle one
another , tumbling clubbed into the
stream of fancy.
Sucii stuir
dro.iwb nio inailo on.
In the second series present sensory
excitation furnish and suggest material ,
which is usually absurdity transfigured.
Here the sensations are not , as in the
waking state , graduated to the Htimuias ,
.but often grotesquely helghtoiu'd.
Those dreams are in terma of touch ,
hearing , smell , taste , sight. The great
area of the complex tactual bon&o gives
it Hrst place as a factor from spaoo ca
pacity to receive excitants. Any modi
fication of the sensibility of the skin , or
the accident of an unusual stimulus , as
the ontaiglemOnt ) of the hands or toes
in the bedclothes , may prove a dream
imago , whimsical and > lin dimension
grossly clad , " but plainly suggested.
Simon dreamed 6f a dice of huge bulk :
waking , ho found that ho hold part of
the sheet , twisted in such a way as to
give the notion of a cubic boy about
the bi/.o of the dies pictured in his
uTho sonfiO of hearing has the next
place in begetting dream freaks fiom
physical factors. The writer recently
dreamed of a thunder storm ; no lijrM-
ning was soon , but peal after pr-n. ! heard ,
the last awakening him , when he found
a garbage cart going by in the street ,
with its rattling , pounding noUo. MuSio
played near the sleeper nas suggested a
dream of a concert ol ser.iphs , The in
teresting experiments of Provost ,
D'llorvoy and Maury show the influence
of irritants coming through the inlets
of the senses of smell and taste in caus
ing dream forms. The odor of cologne
water carried M. Maury to the shop of
Farina , at Cairo. Burning a match
under his nostrils sent him to sea in a
vessel whoso powdo'r room blow up.
Bodily ailments and noxious humors
that infest the blood give rise to and
shape dreams , the perverted Ben itidns
being seized upon by hazycoiiboiousncSS
and road awry. An eminent writer re
lates that when young he was fond of
hooks of travel. One night , after toad-
ing , ho dreamed ho was aboard a vessel
anchored off a foreign coast. After a
quarrel with his captain they both wont
ashore to settle the matter. Thrice the
captain's ball struck him in the same
spot in the forehead , yet he did not fall.
After the third fire ho awoko.and found
that ho wa8 suffering frdm a severe neu-
ralpia at the point his antagonist's ball
had entered.
Sometimes there is a projection back
ward , and
Forgotten things , lonp cast behind ,
Rush forward In the bruin and como to mind.
aCommbtmonse and memory are nils-
trusted when wo see and talk with those
wo know have been long dead , and tlioy
with us :
Strange dream that give a dead man leave to
think und speak.
The influence of brain poisons , such
as alconol , opium , hashish , other , ni
trous oxklo gas , chloroform , cocaine ,
and so on , in the genesis and coloring
of areams should not bo overlooked.
Coleridge nnd Do Quincoy wore great
dreamers and both were opium eaters.
The moral faculty is sometime * , dulled
or absent in n dream , when wo do , with
out scruple , and even with pleasure
what wo should look upon with horror
in the waking state. Richard Napier ,
a man of tender heart , dreamed that'ho '
ran his best friend through the body ,
and felt great pleasure on Booing the
point of his sword como out between the
The question whether any state of
sloop is innocent of dreaming is hard to
answer , as the fitct is one of observation
and memory , and so many dreams
"como like a shadow , go depart , " leav
ing no trace , as circles made by the
stone thrown into the pond.
That "cerebration" gons on in dreams ,
wo have abundant proof. Sir Thomas
Browne wrote : "In ono i\roiun I can
compose iv whole comedy , behold tlin
action , apprehend the 'jests , nnd laugh
mybclf awnko at the conceits thereof.
Wore my memory as faithful as my
reason is then fruitful , I would never
study but in my dreams. " Dr. Franklin
assured Cuban is that the bearing ol
political events which puzzled him
when awake was clearly unfolded tc
him in his dreams. Condorcot per
fected in n dream the solution ol
a difllcult problem ; Condilno , while
writing his "Cours d'Etudes , " devel
oped many subjects broken off before
retiring , dreaming thorn ovor. Vol-
talro dreamed a whole canto of the
"Honriado , " Maignnn the truth of hi *
theorems , und Krugor worked out com
plicated questions. Turtini , in sloop
hearjl the nrch-liond play hls celebrated
soimtu , which ho wrote down on awaken-
ingj'Hormas said his "Pastor" was dic
tated to him by a voice while ho slept
Cdlorldgo , In sloop , composed "Kublt
Kuhn , " arid Robert Louis Stovoneor
tolls us that his brownies do half hli
work during sloop , nnd that ho dronmoc
the Window scene In "Dr. Jokyl unc
Mr. Hyde. " The story that Kaspai
Hnusor told the cobbler who dlscovoroi
him , was , if not a pure invention , prob
If the theory of sleep afore given b (
a true ono , or " 'cn in 'thp right dlrec
tlon nnd it la the duly ono by wluol
inuny of the pbomomonn , of sloop am
dreams can bo explained there li
nothing strange In latent cerebration
and In the bruin being always populou
of images. If we suppose the eel
'groups variously conditioned during
N. W. Cor. I3th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb ,
CAUTION Designing persona , taking mtvAntngn of our ronutn-
tlon nro coimtiintty ptnrtliiK biiuun Moillonl Establishment ! ! to aooolvo
Rtrniittrrs vlsltlni : the city. Tlirso pretcnUcrti uxunlly tllHniiponr In a
row weeks. Jluwnro or them or iholr ruiinorg or n cnlM. llinOmnha
IMfMllcnlnnd Suri > lcnl Instltuio IB the only ontnbllslnxl Modloal liiNtltuto
In Oninlin , lr. McMcnnmjr , Proprietor. When you tnnka lip your nil nil
to visit HI innko n inoniorniuluin of our cxnut address , tul thus
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Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear
DR. J. W. RIcSSEiOTY and in
. . . , Physician Surgeon Charge.
by a Number of Competent , Skillful and Experienced IMiyslelam and Surgeons.
Particular Attention pnlil to Deformities , Diseases of \ > . 'inon ' , Disease of the Urliuinr and Sexual Organs. I'rlrale Diseases ,
Diseased of tlio > crio .13 System , Liiiij ; ami Turut J > IM'IUO , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Fits , 1'llcs ,
Cancan , Tumors i'i' : '
We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Battering , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult its , or write for circulars upon all sub-
cctsith list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully hy correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , pcr
fanning surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medica
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The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art. skill , science
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Should ) on conclude to visit us for ticatmcnt or correspond with us , you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn
in any parlicnlai , hut f-re plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES ,
All Ulood IMsi-atu- successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison rrmo\ed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Person !
unable to isiins may lc , ticated athome by corieapondcncc. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in
dicatc contents or sender. One personal interview piefencd. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Ncivotis Diseases , Itnpotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc , with question list.
My IteiiMHi for Writing n Bonk Upon Private , Special and rfcrvoui DIseaiog.
I have for manveaii
giving i
can write i
tncici . _ , _
t. ' F
Not a day , ucrcc Uc man > calls or loiters Irom person's Huffeing ! from this class of diseases , or their tcquel. Many of them arc Ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown-a. cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days.
Surg'ca ) operations ( or the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tuinoib , Cancdrs , Fistula. Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varlcocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities
mities ofthi Human lloily pcilnrincd in the most Fcicnlilic maiinei.
We ta-jj Chronic Di-ea es dfthe Lutijs , Heart , He id , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) ,
Sciofula , Bright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers cir IVvcr Sores , Dtspcp la or Gastritis. BiMness Kczcma , etc.
" " 3DlSOE3 > .SE = i OF "W O & . B 3iT , I1 33 , B A. O ? E3 3D
Carefully , tkillfully and scientifically by the latest a"-J inost approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE ,
Dr. McMenamy ha * ( "or > ears devoted a U-ge poition oVhis lim-tb the study and treatment olJhis class ofdise ss , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself,1and -
is fully supplied ijlve > crv instrument , appliance and reincdof value in this dcpnrttnent of Medicine and Surgery.
w c'aiAi Riipcrlonty ocr any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted
\ \ ith e and I Ear : iWea'es , we Minpl , } say call , md consult ns , get .1 scientific opinion , thin visit whom you like , and if you arc an intelligent person you will return to us for treat-
ment Und cure.
cure.Our Look describing the Rye ard Har and their di , ca cs , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit ot patients and physicians who
write us in regard 19 caw 1 v ri-ulliifj them CArcfnllv pliysicmn and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK
Ad toess all loiters to
BB " McSSEKTAiSKY ? 13th and Dodge Streets Omaha NeT > .
, . W. , N. W. Cornel , ,
sloop , Bomo empty and undcroiii ro-
IKi'irs , others toiumtod , bul In the
shadow of ropo&o ; othorngain. ) . in the
bright liglit , teeming , full of life , \\ol
cun understand lidv ideation can ire on
: > y vicarious und ulternuto ouorfry of
.ho . various clusters.
In dromniiifr the swiftness of thought
and the rapidity of sense perceptions
ai-o somewhat marvellous. Pioces'iions
that would occupy an hour to p ws in the
real world , go by in a few seconds , ajjd
j ears arc curdled into inoinonts , as 'in '
jorsons in instant danger of death.
Somnambulism is an acted dream ahd
hallucination s are dreams of vrhkihir
Iloorinann and Dr. .T. .lastrow have
stuUied the drbains of the blind and
found that suoh as lose lliolr siyht be
fore five or seven years the critical
blinding ago never dream in visual
terms , while thnso who become blind af
ter this period nil ha\'o dream vision.
Dr. Jastrow believes , 'from ' data fur
nished by the o.\iuninuti6n of 120. ) blind ,
that they dream less than the Riphtud ,
and mot in terms of hearing ; neXt ,
from sensations furnished byitouchtheir
mastor-sonso ; and a fuw 'in tonnb of
taste and smell. Rending the raised
tvpo with the finger never happens in
their (1 roams. The boys dream of play
ing , running , jumping , mid so on ; the
men of broom-milking in terms of mo
tion and feeling , and not of sightpiano-
tuning , teaching , and BO on ; the girls
and women of sowing , fancy und house
hold Work , otc.
The dreams of the deaf mute are still
a virgin tlcltl. Professor G. Stanley
'Hall ' Has studied the dream-life of
Laura Uridgman. Ho ' 'ays her Hldop is
constant dreaming. The tactuul-motor
sensations , by which she receives her
mind-food and communicates with her
follow beings , und gets her knowledge
of the external world , chiully supply
her dream food. She will suddenly talk
a few words with her fingers , too rap
idly and top Imperfect to be understood ,
never making a sentence. All the i > eo-
plo that enter into her dreams talk
with their fingers. Sight and hearing
terms are absent , or strictly speaking ,
vague , and more likely to bo as in im-
picssions heatandjjar. In her journal
the terms of sight she uses show great
limitations of her hotion of this sense.
She speaks of hearing with her fe t :
"I placed u little chair before .mo , I put
the musical box 9A\H , so I could feel it
play with my foot. "
hike the lllglit WcinlitN
Of the profession pugilistic , the kidneys are
small but active in a state of health. Their
secretion contains Impurities productive of
rheumatism , gout nnd dropsy , if allowed to
remain. When they ilro inactive the blood
becomes choked withj Animal debris capable
of destroying life. To promote their activity
when sluKglsh wltH 'Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters , ts n6t oniyi'to guard against the
diseases mentioned , but to prevent the fatty
degeneration and ultimate destruction of the
organs by those oxcoe jngly dangerous mal-
adles Urlghv's disca o aud diabetes. Ac
tivity of the bladder also insures it against
tlio formation of gravel , Which It sometimes
ono of the most dangerous and painful oper
ations In surgery to remove. Gravel , more
over , Is a most agonizing complaint. The
Bitters further commend themselves by rem
edying constipation , dyspepsia , debility , liver
complaint and nervousness , and nullify influ
ences productive of malarial disease.
3hb Fleets of the 'European ' Powers
EToods Mercury : A pitrliumontary re
turn showing the Heels of England ,
Franco , Russia , Germany nnd Italy up
to the 1st day of April last , giving in
detail battle ships , cruisers , coast de
fense vessels and torpedo vessels und
torpedo boats built and building , moved
for by Lord Otmrlcs Berosford , was pub
lished on Tuesday morning. 4'ho num
ber of battle skips of England com
pleted is 42 ; completing aud building , ? ;
defense vessels , 113 ; armor cruisers
2ohipl6tud , ( i ; unarmored , 53 ; complet
ing and building , armored , 0 ; unar-
nored , 18 ; torpedo vessels completed , 3 ;
; oirtploting and building , 12 , including
Lwo Hharpsliootord for Australasia ; tor
pedo store'Ship.s , 2 ; torpedo "boats , first
slasa , bO ; second class , 73. The total
batllo ships of Franco , completed and
building , uro set down at 30 ; coast de
fense vussols , 1 ! ) ; armed cruisers , 4 ; un-
urinored. ( if ! ; torpedo vessels,8 ; torpedo
boiitd , 124. liiibsia has U battle ships ,
21 coast defense vessels , 2 > armored
cruisers , K torpedo vesouls and 24 tor
pedo bo.vt-t. Germany has 13 battle
bhlps , lo armored coast defence vessels ,
- ' ) nniirmnrcd cruisers,4 torpedo vessels
and 04 torpedo bo.Us. Italy has "I battle
tlo whips completed and building , 21 un-
armorcd cruibord,13 torpedo vosbdls and
03 torpedo bo.ttb.
Tar may bo removed from the hands
by rubbing with the outside of fresh
orange or lemon pool and drying imme
diately. The volatile oils dissolve the
tar bo'that it can be rubbed olT.
Its superior excelence proven In millions of
homes for tnoro than .1 quarter ot a century. It
Is used by Iho United Smtes Government. En
dorsed by the head * of the Kfeat uutrorMtles at
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Prices Cream Dakln Powder does not contain
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A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT
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Aids Digestion ,
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Strengthens the System ,
Restores Sound , Refreshing
Priceless to Nursing Mothers.
Recommended tor EmlBmt Physicians.
For Sale by all DruggiatsandRioh-
SrdBon Drug Co. , Wholesale Drug
JnconuNirably th Beat.
Chicago , 'Milwaukee ' & St , Paufffy.
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
- = = THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
fit. faul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapid * , ,
Uock Island , Frnoport , Rockford , ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Daicnport ,
ElginMadison , Janesvllle ,
Uclolt , Wiiiona , La Grouse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast and
For through ticket ! call onth tlotot ( Kent at 1501
Farnam street , In linrker Ulock , or at Union PacICa
I'u'llman Sleepers and the flntst Dlnlna Cars In tha
world are run on the mpln'ilno of the Cutcafo. Mil
waultce & BL Paul Halfway , nnd T ry attention if
paid to passengers bj courteous employe ! of tM
-K. MII.I.KIl , General Mana * * r.
J. F. TUCKKIL Asilstant UunornlMsnoger.
A. V. U. UAKl'KNTBB , General lasMnfBr and
UEOIlBAFFOnD , Assistant O ncnl Faasac af
and Ticket AEBUI.
J.T. OUAUK. OsnoralSutiertnUndint ,
Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the
Puget Sound National Bank Given at
Security ( or Money Invested.
To these desirous of baylna property on llrao , wo
offer tliofnllowiuit : Wo will nllowfroiu 3 month *
infiyeiirs tin o , ncconlliiK to the land you select.
WuLlmrxu miliher premium nor Interest on time
pavments , undxulKiTU you a warranty deed. We
liaro lots at ISO nml $ . ' > that nre within n radius
of two nnd u liulf mllot of the poitolnco.ftwo
quire only 10 per cent , as un oarncat money and we
wlllKlvccertmod check for the full amount of each
and cTpryiut > 9 nuent payment. TlierlicckUdrnwn
by the IMuet Sound National bank and li made pay *
able at night and you c u draw your money nt any
time though by undoing TTOU forfeit your rights to
purchase land. M ko your Income , no matter how
email , earn foraetblnu Tran < contlnentalrallroadi
MI e beading for Seattle , and manufacturing 19 Dour.
Knlnir General mmmorro lain a Mate of suhstnn-
Hal progression. 1 he dally papers are tilled with
accounts of now entorprlrea cntiln c r nnd hnrso
carr circle Seattle. Aitdrnns OUOK * UOOKK ,
Who nave the IAHl5iST 1'llOl'KUTY L1HT la
South Willluiuatowu , Jiertshirq county ,
Mass. A jirlvuto school for lioyi. Prepare for
college , scientific school or business. Forty-sev
enth year beRlna Thursday , Septvmhcr latu.
Tor catalogue address OEO. K MILLS.
U School forUlrli and Youne Ladles Ho
. THAYKK , U. . II. ,
Morgan i'ark. III. , or-77 MudUon tiutot , CMeago , 111.
Bettie Stuart Institute
Will commeuo * Its 31 t year&pUtmber IJUi.lSftt. Ad
vantages unsurpusnecl. Homo comfort * ; careful
training. Apply to Mrs. M. McKKK HoMtn , Principal.
Morgan Park Military Academy
The Uest Hoys' Hoarding School In the West
Sixteenth year begins Bent. 19th. Seud for cata
logue to CAIT. KI ) . N. KIHK TALCOTT , Bupt. ,
P Label , Print and Copyrig protttlld * Vr-
cured. Good work , E ° o J refcrtncM , mof
.fotfwf P.
t , Wtthfiiton ,
Jta main llnei and branch * * include OMJOAOO ,
PEOBIA. itozam. BOCK injure. BAVXV *
POET. DEB jconras. coT conBi.T7i ;
orwonm. ATogrsoy. CTTXH
WATERLOO. unanuaauM. atoa n. PAxnu.
smd acoraa of tntonaadlU dtlw. Oholo * oi
route * to and from th PaolfldOowrt.All trans
fer * in Union dtpota. Tut trains of Yln .paf
man Talao * Blwpsn , and ( batwavaohlcaco , li
Jonpn. Atcblson and Kanpu Ctty ) cniirna
Cnalr Can. B aU Fr a. to boUn of tnroo U
Chicago , Kansas A Nebraska ft'y
"OrMt Rook liland Houte/
XxtondaWaat and BoUthw t fronXaaiaiOlt
ndBt. Joacpb'to NKI OH. HOB.TON. .
HUTCHINBOH. OAXiDWXIX , and all point ! la
andbwyond. Xntira paMena-cr < iulpBi nt of th
ocltbrated Pullman maoufoctuza. An valbty ap
pUancM and modun ImproTtmonU.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
! the favorite tMtwoan Otlowo.'aock Xiland ,
AtchUon , 'Xansaa City and aOmi poll and St.
Paul lu Watcrtown branch travtnM UM tiiat
of Korthern Iowa , Bouthwactera Xlnnaaota. an *
BaitOantral Dakota to Watertown. Bplrit Ziaka ,
Bloux Tails and many othir towns end eitles.
The Snort IJn Tla Bcnaea and KntifcakeB offsrsf
piparlor faculties to travel to and from Indian'
apolls , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , Maps , folders , or desired informs *
tlon. apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or address )
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlie only road to take for DCS Molnes. Marshallowif
Cwlar llnpids. Clinton , IMion/Chlcaio"5ntrankee.-
and all points KaH. To tbo people ol Nebnitk , < ole >
rado , Wyomlna. Utah. Idaho , Nevada , UrtgonTWash-
iniaon ana ( nntuiui . It offerg superior advantage *
not ponilble by unr other line.
Among a few or the mimernui polnli of superiority1
CnJOf iil Ur the patroni or this road betweeni Ouaba
and CHlcaKO. are lu three tralnt a dVy ofUAV
tOACilKS , wiilch are tbe flneot that human art and
Ineenaltrrancreate. Iti PAI'ACKSLKKHINQOAIW.
the equal ! pi wblcu cannot be found ul.owljnre. At
Council llluffi , tbe trains ot tha Union 1'aclHo Hall ,
waj cotmet In union depot with tboio ol tno C'lil-
eo | 4. Nortbwcitern lly. In Cblcaito the tralni of
thli line raako clou coanectlon with those of ll
other jc * uirn line * .
_ .Kor IxjltoU , ( 'jjlnmbpi , InJIanapolli , Cincinnati ,
NlaiaraValU , Huffalo. PltUburit , VoroAloMchlrcsi ; :
lloston , Now , York , I'hlladcliihla ' , Balnmora , Wash *
Ington.aod all poluli In tbe Enst. Aikfur llckeii T !
It you wish the nest accommodation. All ticket
. . .
Qea | iw , Agea
W. N. UABCOCK. Qep'l W t ro Asent.
U. K. KIliUAI.U Ticket AiteBt ,