Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1888, Image 1

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Oolonol Bayno the Victim of a
Ludicrous Blunder.
IroNiccts of n Lively Kncounter Be
tween Two Democrats Next Mon
day Mr. Hnndall Connld-
crahly Improved.
Colonel Bayne'fl Dllemmn.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , August 1.1
Colonel Tom Bayno of Plttsburg , ono of the
leading republicans In the house , Is very
much disgusted to-night. Cilonel Bayno is
an ardent protectionist and has taken a
prominent part In the tariff debate during
the present session. He was so much pleased
with Major McKlnley's tariff speech that a
few weeks ago ho sent nn order to the gov
ernment printing dnlco for 100,000 copies of It
to bo printed , put up Into envelopes ready
for mailing and sent to his private rooms In
the city. The speecties came in sacks and
made a wagon load. Immediately a force of
clerks wcro put to work franking and ad
dressing the speeches and they were sent
into Pennsylvania , most of them Into
Colonel Bayno's own district , which em
braced Allegheny City , n connection to the
city of Pittsburg. About the tlmo the last
speech was sent out the colonel was almost
paralyzed by receiving n lot of protests from
his constituents who demanded an explana
tion ns to why their congressman had
flooded them with n democratic tariff speech.
They stated that they were protectionists
and they did not care to read frco trade
doctrines. Upon reflection the colonel was
inclined to think that the protests came in the
form of a practical Joke. Then ho caught his
second breath and went Into tlio room where
ho had a few of the Bpeeches left and tearing
open one of the envelopes found it to contain
a speech by the Hon. Bcnton McMillan , of
Tennessee , one of tlio leading democratic
members of the committee on ways and
means. Great beads of perspiration broke
from the colonel's brow us he snatched up
another and then another of the speeches and
tearing their coverings away found them to
bo the snmti as the first ono. Then It dawned
upon him that the mistake had been miulo at
the government printing office , and the 100,000
coiiies ordered were interpreted to be the
speech of MeMlllan instead of McKlnley , the
two names looking similar on pa par. The
colonel madu inquiries at the t'overument
printing ofllco and found that the whole load
printed , addressed and sent out , were copies
of speeches of McMillan.
Senator Paddock was in tils seat in the
sonata ugain to-day , having Just returned
from his homo nt Beatrice. His follow Sena
tors made many inquiries of him concerning
the people In the great northwest ami the
political progioss out there. The senator
said he never saw such a fine prospect for
crops , that It looked as though the fields
weio spreading out over their very bounds
and that there wcro evidences of prosperity
on every hand. The political outlook , ho
said , \vnBtho most fluttering that ho had
ever known it to be. The people of the
northwest , ho believed , were going to give
the republican ticket un Indorsement more
general and hearty than over before.
On next Monday a renewal of the recent
war of words between General Spinolu , of
New York , and Colonel Kilgore , of Texas ,
both democrats , the former nn cx-fcdornl
soldier and the latter a man who fought for
the "lost cause , " is expected. It will bo re
membered that a wordy contest between
these two men occurred in the house , over
the bill of General Spinolu to appropriate
money for the erection of a monument to the
martyrs of the prison ships of the days of the
revolution. The Now Yorker wanted to
raise a tablet to the memory of the men who
suffered in their efforts to establish the inde-
pemlcnco of America , mid the Texan de
clared that the soldiers were paupeis , etc.
General Spinolu Intends to again call up his
bill , and demand n hearing for it , and Colonel
Kllgoro says that ho will oftor a substitute
for , or nn amendment to the bill , and that it
will provide for tlio erection of a monument
to Adam. Ho says that If wo are going into
monument raising to the antiquities ho
thinks Adam ought to bo remembered.
Undoubtedly General Spinola will tuko this
as a personal Insult , as ho did the Texan's
words two weeks ago. and a livolyjtlmo is an
ticipated. Kilgore , It will biS recalled , de
nounced Spinola and said ho was willing to
meet any of the latter's "henchmen" if any
nf them wanted to take up the controversy ,
and It may bo that some union soldier in the
house will rlso in his sent and dcchuo that ho
Is willing to become General Spinola's
"henchman" and that thcro
will bo a resort
to the cede duello.
A short letter was received hern today
from Mr. Hnmtull In which ho says his trip
from Washington to Pennsylvania was very
comfortublo , and that ho suffered no Incon
venience on account of the travel necessary.
The note is written In that flno regular
manner which characterizes Mr. Haudall's
ehlrogrnuhy. In it , Mr. Handall further
says that ho has gained strength since his
departure from Washington , and ho believes
his recovery will bo very rapid. Ho la
really able to move around , although he
still keeps to his bed by order"of his
physicians. Pi BUY S. HIUTII ,
Army Matter * * .
AVASIIINOTON , D. C. , August 1. [ Specia
Telegram to TUB BEE. | Private Nathan H
Mlddluton , Company II , Sixth Infantry , nov
with his company , is discharged.
Privuto Jos. Motr , Company B , Second In
fantry , now in confinement at Jefferson bar
nicks , Missouri , will bo discharged , wlthou
character , from the service of the Unitec
States , to date September 28 , 187) ) , by tin
commanding olllcor of the department.
So much of the sentence of tigeneraleour
murtlul ( general court martial orders No. 2-J
April 0 , lbS5 , Department of the Platte , as
shall rcmnln uncxcutud October 1 , 188 , ii
remitted In the cuso of Albert Keep , lati
private. Battery E , First artillery , now h
the Leavomvorth military prison , and hi
will bo released on that date.
The superintendent of the recruitlii !
Bcrvico will cause thirty recruits to bo ua
signed to the Twentieth Infantry and for
warded , under proper charge , to such poln
or points in the Department of Dakota n
the i-omtnnnding general pf tlio dcpaitinen
Public Debt Statement.
WASiuxinot , August 1. The following I
the public debt statement !
Intoiest bearing debt , principal , $1,014las ,
1 ; interest , < 0,410,54itotal , ? lKOf > .1VItk , (
Debt on which interest lias ceased since mi :
turlty , $2,010,1)90 ; debt bearing no Interest
$704,50 : > l2r > 7 , total debt , principal , fl.rJl.123 ,
IXi5 ; intortat , 0,5SI.4 5y ; total , $ lTU7,7rOr.3-l
Total debt less available ca Ums ' , ? 1.1W7. .
p0.fe03 ; not cash m treasury , $ lCOtU , iS ;
KobtlnsaoAsh in tro-isury August 1 , IbS !
fl,101-Hra : > 8 ; debt less cash in treasur
July 1 , ISfeS , $ lliir > .b5l OV3 ; doci-easo of del
during the month , -Uiir.a.'S ; decrease of dul
einco June 30 18 3 , f lJ3r,8p3 , , ,
Nebraska PontmnSiers.
WASHINGTON , August 1. [ Rpoolal Teli
gram to TJIB BEE.- Tins foliowin
Nebraska postmasters were apx ] > InU
to-day : Peter Hanson , Ashton , She
u au county , vice Frank Gappcr , r
nlgtted ; George W. Shloblcy , Elk Vulle ,
Dakota county , vice Janies Knox , rcjlgnot
W. H. Frank , sr. , Frank , Phelps count
vleo Mary frank , resigned ; Mrs. Ktt
Cowrll , Ilr.lsoy , Blulno county , vice lllchai
A. Kmory , resfgned ; Charles A. Komi
Wulbach , Creoley county , vice ll-'rum.-o J
' Vutlur ,
The Belief Orowlnc That the Indiana
Will Finally Yield.
[ Special Telegram to Tun BEK. j Chairman
Pratt , of the commission , having taken the
military wire , from the present it will bo
necessary to Bend all reports by courier.
Thcro are a number of leaders among the
Indian chiefs who are disgruntled because
they were omitted from the list of orators
selected by the tribe. Thcso have learned
that they can speak and to get even with the
more popular leaders they may take the op-
poslto side of the question and advocate the
signing of the treaty. Reports Just received
arc to the effect that Sitting Bull bos con
sented to come In and that ha will Uc hero
to-day. Ho Is much disgusted with the In
dians for having remained so long to talk
with the commissioners and says they out
Ilka babies. Ho will prove a disturbing clo-
mcnt unless ho stunds upon his
dignity and refuses to talk. It Is
said that he will be silent us long us the In
dians refuse to sign , and If they show an In
clination to accept the treaty ho will enter
the circle and speak. It is not likely tint the
conference will close before Friday.
A Chnmbcrlain ( Duk ) special says : The
unfavorable reports that are being sent , out
from Standing Hock agency in regard to the
progress the Sioux commissioners are mak
ing do not niter the belief hero in the least
that the signatures of the Indians at the
agency can und will bo secured. The Indians
will hold back until they know for certain
that nothing can be made by holding back
longer , when all , or at least a largo majority ,
will sign the bill for the opening of the reser
vation. A couple of weeks more work on the
part ot the commission will have a great
The Opinion ut Hnpld City.
lUrin CITV , Dak. , August 1. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Well Informed parties
here laugh at the credulity of the Chadron
correspondent , who quotes Little Chief and
Standing Elk us the head chiefs of the Sioux
nation. Both are confirmed loufcis. The
Impression prevails hero that no Indians
whatever will sign the treaty either yes or
no. Sitting Bull and lied Cloud have been
in constant communication for months , and
have their plans well matured. The con
temptuous treatment of the commission at
Standing Kocit ageney shows how well these
plans are working. Traders , squaw men und
half-breeds are solid against the treaty. The
people hero who know think the commission
might as well go homo at once.
The State Convention McctH and
Adopts n Platform.
SVN FIIANCISCO , August 1. The republi
can state convention met yesterday for the
purpose of nominating a congressman , can
didates for chief Justice and associate justice
of the supreme court , and appointing presi
dential electors. The platform adopted de
clares that the republicans of California en
dorse and reaffirm the national platform of
the republican party and congratulate the
country upon the nomination of Harrison
and Morton , true representatives of Amer
ican industry and labor. The welfare o {
California demands , mid the dignity of labor
and the interest of capital require , the main
tenance by the national government of the
American system of tariff for protection.
Under this our varied industries have been
fostered and extended and our laboring
classes have enjoyed butter wages than these
of any other part of the world. Wo insist
that the British free-trade policy would de
stroy the growing Industries of our common
wealth , especially the grape , raisin , nutwool ,
lumber , borax , lead , quicksilver , sugar and
cereal Industties , and hurt our manufactur
ing industries , and would reduce the wages
of our workinguicn to the starvation point.
Connecticut ProhlbitionlntR.
H MOTOHD , Conn. , August 1. The state
prohibition convention was called to order
this morning and Ilov. C. F. Northrop was
elected chairman. In his speech ho said ho
was convinced that the prohibition amend
ment would never bo enforced in lihodo
Island. It was of no use to attempt n reform
of this kind through either of the old parties.
The prohibition party has taken its position
on solid giound , and would make no com
The platform will declare for the proh !
billon of the manu fucturc and sale of alcoholio
liquors as a beverage , by statutory and con
stitutional enactments to bo enforced by the
prohibition party ; civil service reform , uni
form divorce laws , settlement of labor
troubles by arbitration , and for a revision of
the prison laws.
A Tlppccaiioo Delegation.
IsnuNAroLis , Ind. , August 1. Seventeen
car loads of republicans came from Morgan
and Brown counties to-day to sco General
Harrison. The delegation contalro 1 a number
of Tippocanoo campaign veterans , and also
some thirty ex-mcnibera of General Harri
son's regiment , the Seventieth Indiana. They
marched to University park and gave Gen
eral Harrison a most enthusiastic reception.
General Harrison made n short speech , after
which general handshaking was indulged in ,
The Ono Thing Necessary at Deadwood -
wood Has Been Secured.
DEAUWOOO , Dak. , August 1. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] A prominent business
man of this city , who is Interested in the
Joncs-Loomis tunnel , and who is cognizant ol
what is being done , states that the North
western has purchased the Joncs-Loomis
right of way for the tunnel and that the
company intends building from Whitowooil
to Dcadwood this summer. Grading will
piobably bo commenced by the 10th of this
month , and not Less than llvo hundred met :
will bo employed. The money necessary tc
carry on the undertaking has been obtaincc
by the sale of $1,750,000 of bonds , secured bj
n first mortgage ou the now niilcago to bu
constructed. These bonds have been placet
In Now York at 05 cents on the dollar , ant !
the cash , amounting to f 1UJ2.5CO ( , Is now on
deposit in that city. The railroad company
has also entered into contract to transport
the free gold ores of the Whitewood districl
mines to the reduction works that a Frenct
syndicate is to put up on the Belle Fourcho
Thu one thing necessary to Dcudwood's prosperity
pority is assured.
The Now York Iiotter Carriers.
NEW YOHK , August 1. The now letter car
ricr's eight hour law went Into effect in till :
city to-day , and 313 substitutes were placet
on the regular list. Many of the carriers ar <
very much dissatisfied at what they claim 1 :
nn evasion of the law. Though they worl
only eight hours , these hours nro so dl
tributed that they begin work curly in thi
morning and do not get through until late a
night. They talk of holding uu indignatioi
The Creditors Were Firm.
Ci.Kvr.LVXl > , August 1. Two hundrci
Italian laborers on the Muhouln railroad
near Flndloy , struck for higher wages nm
were discharged. They demanded their pa ,
and were so boisterous that the paymastc
hesitated about producing tbo mcmoy , Tii
strikers procured a rope and wcro Just nbon
to hnng him when the sheriff appeared wit
a posse and rescued him. Thcro is great co
cltcnicnt and fears of another outbreak.
Total Abstinence Convention ,
BOSTON , August 1. The eighteenth unnui
convention of thb Catholic Total Abstinent
Association of America met' this mornini
Father Conaty , of Worcester , presitllm
After the appolntnienV.of secretaries and
commfUco on credentials thn convcutidn ai
jou'rnud and thodclcgutes proceeded to S
James1 church , whury high mass woi ccli
A Beautiful Shaft to Commemorate-
tbo Blizzard Victims.
Dr. Meyers of Aurora looses Ills Ijlfu
in n Horrible Manner A Brnko-
inan Killed Near JoluiHtown
Other State News.
The Wcntphalcn Monument.
FIIEMONT. Neb. , August , 1. [ Special to
Tun BHK. ] The Fremont Marble works to
day completed and sent to the cemetery the
monument for the two W cstphaten children
who perished In the bll'.z.ird last January ,
and in whoso behalf Tuc UGH assisted in
raising n fund for the purpose of commem
orating their heroism In Imperishable marble.
The monument Is of n handsome design ,
fourteen feet In height and made of Kutlund
blue nmrblo. On the lower base is the word
"Wostplmlen" lit largo lettew. A second
base is placed between this and the die , on
the front of which Is the following inscrip
tion : "Sacred to the memory of Edu C. and
Matilda M. , daughters of Peter and Cather
ine Westphalen , who perished In the
great storm of January 12 , 1SS8. " On ono
sldo Is the name of Eda C. and date of death ,
with ' 'ago 13 years , 4 months and 10 days. "
On another faca Is the name "Matilda M. , 8
years , 7 months and ( J days , " whllo on still
mother is the following epitaph :
How soon , alas , our brightest prospects fall ,
As autumn leaves before the driving gall ;
Meteors an instant glittering through the
sky ; .
Like them they full but not like them they
die ;
In cloudless glory they shall ever bloom ,
New llfo inhale Immortal from tlio tomb.
The cemetery In which the children wore
buried is near Bethel church , in the central
part of tlio county. The cost of the monument
ment was ? 235.
Still lii-ptilillcnim.
MADISON , Neb. , August 1.- [ Special to THE
Bur. ] A communication from this place ap
pealing in the Omahu Herald of the 23th
inst. , in which It is stated that certain In
dividuals therein named have deserted the
republican ranks and will vote for democ
racy and free trade , is bjing denounced se
verely by the gentlemen concerned UB un
truthful and misleading. Hon. William M.
Bickley said to Tin : Bin : representative to
day : "Tho statement that I am a free
trader or will vote the democratic ticket is
maliciously false. I never aaid or intended
anything of the kind. I am a protectionist
because- know that the salvation of my
country lies in protecting her industries , la
borers and producers. " Othcts denounce the
Herald correspondent as misrepresenting
them. The republican party of Madison
county is daily growing stronger.
NticIcolU County Teachers.
NELSON , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to THE
BKI : . ] The Nuckolls county teachers' in
stitute , under the management of County
Superintendent French , closed this ufter-
on. It has been of great interest and well
attended , over ninety teachers having en
rolled. The olllcient instructors nro Prof.
Greenlee , recently of Falls City ; Prof. L.
M. Fikc , principal of the Nelson high school ;
Prof. H. M. Page , of the grammar depart
ment Nelson high school , and Miss Dora
Specr , of Superior. Instructive popular lec
tures were given on three nights of the in
stitute by Profs. Greenleo and Flko and
Hcv. A. A. Haudull , of the M. E. church of
A Night Blooming Cactus.
DAVIII CITV , Neb. , August 1. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] A very rare cactus plant
of the night blooming cereus variety ,
belonging to the family of C. S. Taylor , of
this place , bloomed last night. Thcro were
two beautiful ( lowers , pure white , very
delicately tinted opening out as largo as an
ordinary tea saucer. It began opening out
at sundown , and was out in full at about
midnight , and this morning at daylight had
closed up ready to perish. It was a thing of
rare beauty , and Mr. Taylor's house was
thrown open to visitors who watched its
opening and decline until long after mid
night. Hundreds availed themselves of
this opportunity to see it.
Wanted in Illinois.
FREMONT , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to
THE BEE.J Sheriff Mallon , of this county ,
yesterday arrested a man going under the
name of Mace , and living about seven miles
west of Fremont. The arrest was rnado upon
the authority of a certified copy of an indict
ment for horse stealing in Mercer county ,
Illinois , nearly two years ago. Since living
hero ho has been known as Mace , although he
answers to a dot the description of Jim
Haincs , the name in the indictment , and ac
knowledges the photograph of Haines to bo
his own. The Illinois authorities have been
notified of the capture and are coming after
him with n requisition.
Blood on ( ho Wheels.
JOHNSTOWN , Neb. , August 1. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Jerry Connelly , abrako-
man on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley , was killed this morning by accident
ally falling from a train while in motion.
The first evidence given of anything being
wrong was when the local freight pulled into
town. Connelly was missing. Upon inspec
tion blood and pieces of clothing wcro found
on the cnr wheels and axles. Search being
made , the body was found ono mlle east of
town , mangled almost beyond recognition.
Ha leaves a wife , father and ulster iu Chad-
rtm. _
Died of Apoplexy.
TECUSISEII , Nun. , August 1. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Dr. S. W. Shurber , a prominent
and highly respected physician of this city ,
died this afternoon very suddenly from a
stroke of apoplexy. Ho has been a resident
of this county for many years and had
worked up a very extensive practice. He
leaves a largo family and a host of friends
to mourn his death. Ho will be burled to
morrow and the funeral will bo In charge ol
the It of P. ledge of this city , of which or
ganisation ho was an honored member.
Beheaded by the Cnr * .
Atmoiu , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to Tni
BEE. ] Dr. T. L. Myers , of the firm of Myers
& Williamson , a prominent physician hero ,
attempted to board a freight train for this
place at Bromficld Monday night , and fel
under the wheels. His head was soveret
from his body. The inquest revealed m
blnmo to others than himself. Ho leaves t
wife and four children. Ho was a soldier litho
the late war , and his funeral yesterday after
noon was very largely attended , fifty tw <
Carriages following the remains to the grave
A Child Accidentally Shot.
HoLDKEOE , Nob. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to T.'iE Br.E.1 A three-year-old child o
Charles S. Kooff was accidentally shot will
a revolver. The ball catered the breast twi
inches above the right nipple and came ou
ouo Inch on the right of the spinal cilumi
between the ninth and tenth ribs. The chili
is still living- with prospccta of recover }
Two children found tlio rqvolver in trunl
in a sleeping room In the barn and whll
a ploying with it It was discharged.
I ] Eddy Turner ,
5. ' FIIBMONT. Neb. , August 1. [ Spscial toTn
DEB. ] A brilliant wedding took place at th
Presbyterian church at noon to-day , the con
tracting parties being Mr. Albert J. Eddy
and Miss Edith Turner , Kev. E. U. Curry
officiating. The Ri-oomi Is ono of Fremont's
exemplary and pounlar , youug men , being a
partner of Mayor the mercantile
business. The brldo w s born and raised In
Fremont , and has been ono of the leaders In
society , a charming singer , and a talented
young lady. They loft at 1 o'clock on a tour
through the cast. _
Objects to the Hoard's Action.
McCooK , Neb. , July 31. To the Editor of
THE BKE : Since reading In your paper of
to-day , the statement of the action of the
board of trade of this.clty , protesting against
a further reduction of freight rates , there
seems to be a growing sentiment among the
business men of this city , and the people of
this locality , that it is high time that the
board of trade should disband and permit the
people to pivo expression to their views on
this and other mutters. Snld action in no
wise reflects the general feeling In this com
munity. Ji STICK.
Took Poison By Mistake.
Cuims , Neb. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] A case of poisoning oo
currcd hero to-day by which Miss Kato
Evans came near losing her life. She sent
to the drug store of Dr. Baker for some dan
delion , and through mistake they sent bella
donna. Supposing she had the proper drug
she took an average dose and was soon taken
very ill. Physicians were called , who , dis
covering what she had taken , administered
proper antidotes and now report the patient
out of danger. J
Grant Will Build a School House.
GIIVNT , Neb. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BIE : ] A meeting of the legal
chool electors of this city was hold at the
ourt house last evening to consider the ad-
isabllity ot voting bonds to build a school
ouso. A ballot on the proposition to vote
2,000 resulted unanimously in its favor.
'ho school house in connection with the
10,000 brick hotel and f5,000 water plant are
, mong the reasonably certain improvements
'or Grant this year.
Fntnlly Crushed.
ALLIANCE , Neb. , Aiirfust 1. [ Special Tclo-
ram to Tim Bi.n.l Sullivan Nell , an Italian
inploycd on the gravel train , was run over
, t Lakeside , about thirty miles east of hero
estcrday afternoon. Ho was brought by
ipcclal train to Alliance and taken to the
lllco of Dr. W. H. Smith , assistant B. & M.
iirgcon. The wheels passed over his left
eg and hip , which were badly crushed , caus-
ig an internal hemorrhage , resulting iu
oath shortly after his arrival hero.
Closed tlmler'.x Mortgage.
FIIEMONT , Neb. , Vugust 1. [ Special to
'nu BEE. ] P. Firestlnte , a dealer in general
merchandise at this place , was foreclosed
ndcr a chattlo mortgage yesterday , held by
rlcnry Fuhrman , of thH city , and amounting
o 2,100. Fircstmo alsolowcs $ WO to Chicago
.vtiolesalcrs and smaller sums to various
Omaha merchants. Ho claims his stock will
n voice $1,000 , but it is not expsctod that it
, vll ! more than liquidate the mortgage held
by Fuhruiau.
Elected Delegates.
DAVID CITV , Nob. , August 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; BEE. ] The prohibitionists
: icld their county convention bero yesterday.
Delegates were , elected to attend the con
gressional conventionjo bo held at Hastings ,
ho 2d day of August , else the state convcn-
ion to bo held in Omaha the 15th of August.
The name of C. E. Buiitley.of Butler county ,
, vas favorably spoken 4 of a candidate for
Died of His Wound.
BEATIUCE. Neb , August 1. [ Special to THE
BKK. ] U. B. Clanoy , who shot himself in
ho head Saturday night , with suicidal in-
, ent , died laSt night. fJhe shot went through
the upper part of the forehead. Ho was In
great pain most of the 'time ' , and in the last
iours had repeatedly threatened to kill him-
t-lf , the reason apparently being that he
could not stop drinking. Ho was a wealthy
retired business man and the head of an
.ntclligcnt family.
AVII1 Attend the Kally.
NEHIUSKA CITV , Nob. , August 1. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] At a meeting of
.ho three democratic clubs held to-night It
was decided to attend a polo raislug and
democratic rally Saturday nljht at Weep
ing Water in a body. , The Missouri Pacific
will place special trains at their service.
They will bo accompanied by two bands and
the clubs will number about 400.
Found a Floate.r.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] A floater was found on the bar ,
nine miles south of this place , yesterday.
The body was decomposed beyond recogni
tion , but the clothing resembled that of n
laboring man. A handkerchief , pocket knife
and fcl.40 were found on the body.
Thn Old Settlor's Ilcuiiinn.
DAKOTA CITV , Neb , August 1. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Great preparations are being
made for the pioneer's and old settler's an
nual reunion at Hillmau's grove , on the 18th
inst. Governor Thayer will deliver the era
tion. Other prominent men will bo present
and speak. _
Drownctl in the Blue.
DEWITT , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] On Sunday , a young son of Thomas
Montgomery , who -lives near Wilber , was
drowned in the Blue river. Ho is supposed
to have attempted to wade the stream. Ho
was buried yesterday from the Wllbcr Bap
tist church.
Second Plsirlct I'
HASTINGS , Neb. , .August 1. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The prohibitionists
of the Second distrlcj jneet hero to-morrow
to nomlnato n candidate for congress. A
largo attendance is expected. Scott , of Clay
county , is most prominently mentioned lor
the nomination. j
A Sunday School Convention.
NEBII VSKA CITV , Nob. , .August 1. [ Special
Telegram to THE lisE. ] The thirieenth
annual convention of the Otoo county Sun
day school association concluded an interest
ing two days' session , to-night which was
largely attended and , a good programme
presented. i
An Imperfect Information.
TECTMSEII , NED.August * 1. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] George Moulding , of this city ,
who was arrested last evening on a charge
of rape , was discharged to-day oa account of
an error in the information. Moulding has a
wife In Syracuse wtth'vrbom ho has not lived
for some time.
Hurt In Runaway.
ASHLAND , NED. , August 1. [ Special to Tiu
BEE. ] Wbllo a sprinkler was taking water
at one of the hydrants today the team took
fright and ran down the street throwing ofl
thrco boys who were on the concern
Charlie Haff , nlno years of ago , had his am
broken and was otuecwiso seriously injured. .
Too Hot For the Corn.
'NELSON , Nob. , August 1. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The weather is exceedingly not and
corn is rolling up badly during the day. II
the rain holds off a few days the mngniflcen
prospect for corn In this neetioti will bo won
derfully blighted.
Tc.jr ! : > einocrat8 Wcro
PONCA , Ncbr- August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UEE , ] Tlio. democratic and republican
publican basa ball club * of this pluco playct
a very interesting game yesteruuy , Th <
democratic , club Avon , the score standing
democrats 13 , republicans 12 ,
Iowa Furnishes Some Spoclmons of
YouthfAil Depravity.
Another Draco of Hopefuls Arrested
For Attempting to Wreck n
Hock Island Train Other
State News.
Boy Murderers.
OSAOK , In. , August 1. [ SpecialTelegram to
THE 13DK. ] Sheriff St. John was called Mon
day to Douglas township , ten miles cast of
this place , to nrrest Cornlo O'Brien , aged
soveuteeu years , and Warren Murphy , aged
fifteen years. They were arrested ana
charged with murder in the llrst degree.
Not long since- young O'Urlen was discovered
by Henry Stoeuin , aged nineteen , in tlio act
of turning several cans of cream into a well.
Some words concerning the matter were
passed between them at the time. One night
a few days later , when young Stoeuui was
returning from a neighbor's , where ho
had been working , ho was waylaid by two
young men whom ho recognised us O'Brien
and Murphy. Ho was beaten so severely
that his Injuries demanded the skilled treat
ment of a physician. The parties were nr-
rested next day and taken to Hicovllle , In this
county , where they were tried In the Justice
court on the -1st hist. , and to the surprise of
everybody , were discharged , after paying a
line of $ " > and costs. Stocum , despite the
most skillful medical treatment and careful
nursing , failed to rally from the severe
pounding which ho had undergone , and after
lingering for u little more than a week , died
Saturday night. Ho was an orphan boy
from Brooklyn' . Great indignation exists
and there is strong talk of lynching.
Youthful Train Wreckers.
Dns MOINCS , la. , August 1. [ Special Tele-
ram to TUB Unu. ] A daring attempt was
nado to wreck the Hock Island train six
miles west of this city to-day. As section
nspcctors were going over tlio road near
alloy Junction they discovered a quantity
of fishplates and bolts upon tlio tracks , se
curely fastened to.tho rails in such manner
as to throw tlio train off. They also found
two boys lurking near in a suspicious man
ner and took them to the Junction and telo-
graphcd for the Das Moines police. The
police arrested the boys and brought them
back to this pluco. The boys confessed that
they put the obstructions on ihe track , and
ilid It to make a wreck. The boys are named
Golden. They llvo in this city and are about
llftecn years old. They will bo committed to
.ho . reform school.
Making Way For Ijlhcrty.
Dns MOINCS , la. , August 1. [ Special Tele-
Tain to Tim line. ] In the angle on the east
side of the county house , formed by the new
ixnd old buildings and within the board en
closure , is some brick dust which has been
[ lunched through a small hole by the prison
ers from'the Inside. Last night at about 10
o'clock Jailer Cllntwiso discovered that the
prisoners had nearly succeeded In escaping
from the county jail , and on going in saw a
hole where bricks had been removed , im
mediately below the northeast corner of the
auditor's onlce , for a space big enough to
let a man get through. Only the outside tiar
of bricks remained. It was a fortunate dis
covery'us there are a number of bad characters -
actors in the jail.
The Hnilrond Cases.
IOWA CITV , August 1. The case of the
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway
against the Iowa railway commissioners
began bfore Judge Fall-nil to-day on a motion
to dissolve the injunction grunted by the
Judge , restraining the Iowa commissioners
from putting Into effect the schedule of rates
which they adopted under the now railway
law. Attorney General Baker spoke five
hours for the state , and argued that the law
was not only constitutional but that the com
mission has a right to fix rates. Hon. Thomas
S. W. Wright followed for the railroad ; de
nying the constitutionality of the lay , and de
claring Unit the commissioners had not pro
ceeded in accordance with the law in making
the schedule. Mr. Wright will continue toj
morrow. _
An Emancipation Celebration.
Dus MOINES , In. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim I3ni : . ] Emancipation day did
not prove the success expected. Ex-Senator
Bruce , of Misssssippi , who was announced as
one of the speakersfailed to appear , and the
excursions promised did not come. Many
representative colored men from dllferent
parts of the state wcro present , and public
exercises were held this evening.
Another Hot Weather Victim.
KNOXVILI.B , la. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bni : . ] Carl Doblo , lately from
Sweden , who has boon working on a rail
road bridge near this town , was overcome by
the heat Monday , but insisted on going to
work again yesterday and received another
sunstroke , dying last night. Ho leaves a
wife and two children in Sweden.
Sixth Hegimcnt Kiicnmpmcnt.
MASON CITV , August 1. ] Special Telegram
to THE BKE. ] The Sixth Hegiment , I. N. G. ,
will go into camp here on August 23 , continu
ing five days. The regiment consists of eight
companies , and is the fiuost officered in the
state. It will he under the command ol
Colonel C. W. Boutin , of Hampton.
Fire at Sioux City.
Sioux CITV , la. , August 1. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ] A fire in the fine , new
Peavey grand opera housewhich was almost
finished , damaged the building to the extent
of $5 ( XX ) . It is fully covered by Insurance.
The lire caught in the roof whcro the tinners
had been at work.
Union Ijiilor Nomination.
ATLANTIC , la. , August 1. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] To-day the union laboi
convention for the Ninth district nominated
J. 1C. Sovereign for congress.
No Evidence Taken. ,
DBS MOINES , la. , August 1 , Owing to the
absence of the commissioners ut Iowa Citj
there was no evidence in the railroad cases
It Already Controls the Market and
ItiuiH Up the Price.
ST. Louis , Mo. , August 1. It now seems
that the Jute combine has secured sufllcicn
control of tbo output of bagging manufac
lories to control the market. It Is claimed
Warren , Jones & Gratz are at the head of ttii
deal , and they decline to deny or affirm tin
statement. Several of the largest eastorr
mills are in the combine , the most prominent
being M. L. Waterbury & Co. and Kevins &
Co , of Boston. The mills shut down are a
St. Louis : Peru , Ind. ; the Crescent Juti
company , New Orleans : W. J. Tapper Co.
Louisville ; Hurt Bagging company , Brook
lyn , and a number of small mills in 1111
nols and Indiana. The Ludlow Bagging com
pany , of Boston , is the only concern of an ;
magnitude running Independently , and it.
output Is but 000,000 yards , nearly all o
which has already been placed at about '
cents. The price fixed by the combine is lljj
cents , or an additional clear profit of 4f ccnti
per yard.
IIU Farewell
ST. PcTEKSUUiio.'AogUHi J.- The crarhd
given a' farewell audience to Mr. Luhrljj
who has just reuhmcd the Awoilcan ralsslui
W Itussia. '
Continued FnllhiK Off In the Output-
Crop Prospects.
CINCINNATI , O. , August 1. [ Spclol Tclo-
grnm to TUB BEB. ] To-morrow's Price Cm-
rentwill , say : Hops have continued to bo
marketed In small numbers , the week's pack
ing In the west being 100,000 against 110,000
the preceding week and lfi9OGO last year.
The disparity in the actual movement has
not been so great as the packing returns In
dicate , as the eastern movement has been
considerably in excess of n year
ago. The total packing frqm March
I is : i,4.iOH)0 ( ) hogs against 3,000,000
a year ago. decrease 150.000. While there has
been a reduction In the number of hogs
handled by western packers It in also evident
that there has been this season some enlarge
ment in the distribution of fresh product.
The corn crop has maintained its favorable
position and promises the past week. Oats
have suffered quite considerably in the west
from the effect of storms which prostrated
the grain , occasioning a lighter yield , but the
outlook still Justifies expectations of the
largest production on reconl. The general
average position of spring wheat appears to
have slightly deteriorated. Of winter wheat
there Is no ground for enlarging calculations
for this | > ortlon of the crop ns compared with
the expectations a month or six weeks ago.
Result of the Coroner's Investigation
of Chicago's loulln Tragedy.
CniCAiio , August 1. The mystery sur
rounding the death of Henry Hcesch and his
wife was lifted to-day. The couple wcro
supposed by their neighbors to have lived
applly together , and sudden Insanity on
ho part of one or both seemed the only
, hcory to explain the death of the pair when
.heir ghastly bodies were found In their
partmcnts , but Monday afternoon a verdict
vas returned by a coroner's jury , declaring
hat Hcesch , who was a wealthy ex-saloon
keeper , had deliberately strangled his hand
some wife , and then suicided by hanging.
A.n examination of the woman's ' body by the
urors had dlsclostd marks of the husband's
Ingers on her neck , and all doubt was re-
noved when Lewis Mackenstcin , who is cn-
jnircd to bo married to Mrs. Hccsch's sister ,
.cstillcd . that on three different occasions
Icesch spoke of trouble with Mrs. Heesch
mil intimated that the result would bo her
The Murder of John Phillips Causes
His Wife to Become Insane.
CHICAGO , August 1. A sad sequel was
added to-day to the murder of the two base
ball players , John Phillips and "Skip" Lar-
Idns , Sunday , by August Detlauf , whom the
, ialr attempted to deprive of n can of beer.
Mrs. Phillipswho was completely prostrated
when the news of 'her husband's death
was broken to her , insisted upon attending
the double funeral yesterday , although
scarcely ublo to leave her bed. When the
casket had been lowered to the grave she
became wildly hysterical and threw herself
into the excavation , declaring she would
bo buried with her husband. When shu
was tnken homo it was discovered that
tier mind had succumbed to the strain on
lier nervous system and this morning it was
determined to send her to the detention bos-
Hal for the insane. It was said she has not
tasted food since her husband's death and
fears are entertained that she will die of in
anition , as she positively refuses nourish
ment. _
Fearful Work of the Unpreccdcntly
Hot Weather of Tuesday.
CIIICAOO , August 1. Dispatches from vari
ous roints in northern Illinois and southern
Wisconsin report , yesterday to have been the
hottest day of the season , the temperature
ranging from 92 to II5. A violent thunder
storm is reported from several points and
much damage was done by lightning , es
pecially about Clinton , In. A number of
prostrations from heat arc reported two
KAXSVS CITV , August 1. Savon deaths
have occurred in this city in the past twenty-
four hours as the result of the excessive heat.
The highest temperature recorded by the
standard thermometer has boon 07 , while the
signal service instrument has fallen several
degrees below that figure.
Vandcrbilt Sued for a Million.
NEW YOUK , August 1. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] William L , Brcese , senior
member of tlio stock brokerage firm of
Brccso & Smith , has begun suit against
William 1C. Vanderbilt. The complaint ,
which is very short , alleges a breach of con
tract in a/cortaln negotiation in Lake Shore
stock which is famous in the unnuls of Wall
street. Brceso wants 51,000,000 , damages ,
with interest. The complaint has been
served upon Vauderbilt's attorneys. The
answer is duo to-day. The trial will bo by
Jury before one of the circuit judges. No
papers have yet been put on file. Breeso's
claim dates back to ISb'J. H. B. Hollins was
then VandcrbllVs broker. It is alleged that
Vanderbilt and Hollinsclutdn deep , wicked
plot , whereby the former , was to bo assisted
In unloading an uncomfortable supply of
Lake Shore stock. Breeso was induced to
buy largely of the stock , and had to sell at a
loss of nearly half a million.
St. Joseph's Now Line.
ST. JosErii , Mo. , August 1. [ Special to
TilEBcE. ] The iirHt train over the Chicago ,
St. Paul < fc Kansas City arrived at St.
Joseph at 4:30 : o'clock this afternoon. The
train will bo known as the St. Joseph ex
press , and the trip to-day was made on
schedule time , leaving DCS Moines at 8:15 :
this morning. The scheduled time between
the two cities will bo reduced two hours.
President SUcknoy was expected to make
the trip , but was forced to leave DCS Molnos
for Chicago a few hours before the train loft
for St. Joseph. Thlrty-threo slops nro made
between Des Moines and St. Joseph , a dis
tance of ICO miles , and the scheduled time to
Chicago , via the now route , is twenty-tlireo
NEW YOUK , August 1. Over thrco
hundred Italians , disgusted at not beIng -
Ing able to obtain employment , sailed
for homo to-day on the steamer
Alesla of the Fab re line. On the same vessel ,
by order of Collector Magono , wcro Santo
Corncrso and Carmlnl Manganllo , two des-
penxto Italian brigands , who arrived hereabout
about two months ago. The men were
ironed , and until the vessel sailed , guarded
by custom house officers.
Hcviu Out On Hall.
CHICAGO , August 1. Rudolph Sovlc , the
gunmaknr and alleged leader and ruling
spirit of tlio recent dynamite plot against the
lives of Judges Gray and Grlnnoll and
others , was released from Jail yesterday
afternoon on ball approved by Judge Hawes.
A number of Bohemian frit-nils of the
prisoner appeared in court and expressed
their readiness to become sureties on the
bonds of Scvic , which amounts to 111,000.
Jnines O. Johnson Dead.
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , August 1. James O.
Johson , a life-long friend of Henry Clay , and
executor under his will , died at Lexington to
day , aged eighty-four.
Canada Flooded With Italians.
TOUONTO , August 1. Gangs of Italian
laborers have been dumped hero recently
from all quarters. They arrive penniless and
many arc almost starved.
Ilomuwuid Hound.
MAUION , August U Mrs. Cleveland leaves
here this evening for
The Scope of the Monauro Greatly
The Government Heal Purpose Sal ( |
to Bo Investigate . the Par-
nclllto Political Or-
The British Pnrllament. ' !
LONDON , August 1. On the resumption of
the debate In the house of commons to-day ou
the Parnell commission bill , Balfour , chlof
secretary for Ireland , said that the speecli of
Homo Secretary Matthews lust night , in
which ho said "tho Judges already had
power to select such of the charges ns they
deemed worthy of an Inquiry , " contained
what the government had all along stated.
Sir Lyon Playfalr , liberal , contended that
Matthews had extended the scope of the bill
to nn enormous extent. Matthews now said
that the inquiry was Into an organization
which induced crime , whereas the house had
been led to believe that the bill was Intended
to enable certain members to clear their
Br.ullaugh declared that Matthews had
'made out an absolutely new case.
Chamberlain repeated his statement that
he would have been glad if the range of the
proposed inquiry had been limited , but ho
said ho had never suggested a limit regarding
Gladstone said that the government's cov
enant had been entirely and absolutely
Ho said his party would take care that the
country should understand these proceed-
Ings. ( Cheers. )
Baliour said that Gladstone , on the cvo of
the inquirv , had pronounced the opinion that
the Times letters were forgeries.
Gladstone I said that I was Justified In
concluding that there must be a motive for
the extraordinary way in which the letters
were now being thrown Into the shade.
Balfour said that Gladstone's remarks
were most improper. Ho denied that the
government had altered the bill or changed
their position.
Mr. Hold oflercd nn amendment providing
that the commission shall inquire into the
charges and allegations only imsofar as the
sumo bear upon the charges and allegations
against members.
Sir William Vernon Hareourt said that it *
now appeared that the government's object
in creating the commission was not to give
the Parncllite members un oppoitunlty to
clear themselves ol foul anil calumlnoua
charges , but to inquire into their political or-
ganuntion. If that wcro not so , why had not
the government instituted the inquiry long
agoi The government wishing to escape re
sponsibility for the commission , asserted that
its formation was proposed at the instance of
Purnell , yet the house was now told that its
object was to inquire into the political organ-
Division on Mr. Hold's amendment was
taken and the amendment was rejected by a
vote of 211 to UM.
The Purnollito members of parliament
will meet to-morrow to arrange a line of
demonstration against the proposed com
pulsory termination of the debate on the
Parnell commission bill.
Union Pacific ExtonsloiiH Depend , j
Upon the Action nl'Conigrcis.
DENVEII , Colo. , August 1. [ Special Tclo- a
gram to THE BEE. ] Superintendent Dick-
enson , of the Union Pacific main line , ar
rived in Denver this morning by n special.
Mr. Dickcnson has been out on the road for
about ono month , mid Is accompanied by his
wife and two children and two young nieces.
Mr. Dickcnson took a trip into tlio mountains
over the Denver & South Purk to-day and
expects to remain on this division about three
days. In refering to the business depart
ment of the Union Pacific , ho said that thcro
is a great incrcaso over the business of last
year. For this year traffic and travel is very
heavy and the company Is taxed to the ut
most to uccommoduto It. When the matter
of extensions was mentioned Mr. Dickcnson
said that the officials wcro watching tlio no
tion of congress on the Outhwaito bill. "If
that shall bo favorably considered and passed
then wo shall go nhead and extend our oper
ations very considerably , " said ho.
Captain Ericsson's illrtliday.
NEW YOUK , August 1. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Captain John Ericsson , the
famous engineer and inventor of the Moni
tor , celebrated his eighty-fifth your yester
day. Telegrams poured in all day. Cap-
toin Ericsson's principal visitor was no loss
a personage than 1111 ambassador from the
king uf Sweden and Norway. Ills majesty
had cabled Consul Gcnornl Bors , requesting
him to call and tender to him renewed as
surances of the king's CHtecm und regard.
The consul general brought a handsome bo-
quct of flowers and presented them to the
great engineer. Ericsson Is very busy with
other inventions which ho says ho hopes to SH
complete before ho dies.
A Diamond Doalcr'fl Doivu'nll. ' '
NEW YOUK , August 1. | Special Telegram
to THE BLE.1--A. G. lUdcliffo , a well-known
mounter of glaziers' diamonds , has secured
50,000 In diamonds from various firms in this
city , and it Is surmised that ho has gene to
England. Ho has for so mo tlmo beau trad
ing in precious stones , and his years of hon
est dealing with the firms led them to trust
him. Ho secured the amount In diamonds by
woithkss checks , and has disappeared com
pletely. A dual life , with its oxpiiiisos , la
supposed to be the ouuso of his sudden dowu
Drowned AVliilo Bathing.
ST. Josin'Ji , Mo. , August 1. [ Special T/6le /
gram to Tun Bni.j : Whllo bathing in uijond
near the eastern city limits , B. B. Masou , a
young man nineteen ycais of tige , working
for the Wyatt Purk Western railway Jm-
pauy , got beyond his depth and being umtulo.
to swim was drowned. The pond was about
twenty feet deep und the body has not yet
been recovered. Mason was the solo support ;
of ti widowed mother living at Savannah , Mo.
A Union Pnclflo Washout.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , August 1 , [ Special
Telegram to THE USE. ] A washout occurred
yesterday afternoon on the line of the Union
Pacific between Kawlins and Carbon , wash
ing out coveral miles of track. A relief
train left hero evening to transfer pas
sengers from eustbound trains held by the
damage to the roadbed.
TenncNsee Murderer Lynched ,
CVIITIIAGE , Tcnn. , August 1. Late last
night fifty armed men visited thu Jail bora
and took W. H. Hendloy , who In September
killed J. B. Wormnn , a deputy sheriff , and
hanged him to a trco.
Fatal Huilroad Accident.
DETIIOIT , August 1 , In a logging railway
accident at Gaylord , Mich. , yesterday , fif
teen Polandcrs were seriously Injured. Ona
of them , Joseph Pollhcn , ha * since ( tied , and
two more nro expected to die.
Fatal KunstroUo Near I'oiion.
PONCA , Neb , , August 1. [ Special Tele *
gram to TUB BEK. ] Ed. O'Grady , a young
man of Dally Branch township , this county ,
working for u Mr. fliomns , was sun&lruclc
yesterday and died almost immediately.
Killed HIM Little HlHter.
CINCIXXATI , August 1. Last evening
Gcorga Harris , nso-l fourteen , while prac-
tUlngwith a rlllc , accidentally shot u/
I kilted his sister , aged cloven.