Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The Interim ! rovontio collections yes
terday timauntcd to $2,708,57.
The store of Kelly. Stlficr & Co. ,
Buffered mi invasion ofvnter Inst night
from the floor nbovo.
Ono mnrrltitfo license wns issued yes
terday. The parties wore Krlstan An
derson , ngort 2iunl MissEliiaC.Suveii-
Ben , aged 22 , both of Omiilm.
About noon ycstorduy Sundy Wood-
brldgo , of the \Vorld , wtis seized with n
fiucld.011 and bovcro cnso of cholera
morbus and Imd to be taken to his
homo. This is the llrst tlmo in flftcon
yonrs and over thnt ho IUIB been forced
to leave his desk.
1'orsonal I'arntirnphs.
J. S. West , of Lincoln , Is nt the Pnxton.
If. P. Foster , of Lincoln , Is nt the Mlllurd.
Mr. Wnlt M. Sccly , of llonnctt , Is tn the
Iko KlcRnlinmi , of DCS Moincs , Is In the
W. W. Nnncc , of Kearney , Is n Mlllaril
J. Sutherland , of North Pintle , wns In the
city yesterday.
W. H. Plutt , of Grand Island , nnd P. T.
Blrchard , of Fremont , nro guests of the Pax-
Messrs. E. N. Jones , Jr. , W. S. Mcner ,
Gcorpo C. Ilutchinson , Charles G. Dwyer
mid S. J. llcarn , nil of the United States
Army , were among the Puxton's arrivals
Run Them In.
The rqspcetablo resident } In the vicinity of
Thirtieth street and Cuultol nvennc arc much
annoyed by u P.UIK of unruly boys nnd Rrowti
men , who niu in the habit of goiiiK in
swimming In u deep pond nt tills point.
A Much Needed Improvement.
The Paxton Hue which for so long a time
lion caused much complaint by the general
dispensation of smoke nnd soot Is to bo extended -
tended heavenward u distance of twenty-llvo
feet , which will no doubt obviito mucli of
the inconvenience heretofore experienced.
Kscnprd Jail Itlrds.
Chief of Polioo Suavoy received a commu
nication from Superintendent Sampson , of
the Colorado state industrial school , yester
day , requesting him to bo on the look
out for two runaway boys , Abe Goodwin and
Peter Georgcault. Both nre said to bo ex
port thieves nnd hardened criminals , nnd
they were headed for Omaha with n party of
A lluiiiiwny flrlp.
The grip on car 57 of the Harnoy street
line caught a strand of the cable yesterday
and ran away , carrying n Dodge street
train ahead of It , dcsplto the efforts of the
cripmnn to got loose. The coach lust abend
Rept the track until It reached Twelfth street ,
When It loft the truck and nearly turned
crosswise ol the street , nnd was pushed to
Thirteenth , wlicro the strand became loosened
ened nnd the cars stopped. The speed of the
cable wns slackened and the break repaired.
I'ubllu Fountains.
The water works company nro working
nway laying their main from Florence to
this city , A thirty-six inch main is being
put down , and the work is now going on
Blqng Twenty-fourth street. The public
drinking fountains to bo put up by the com
pany will bo us ornamental ns useful. There
ore to bo live of them erected nt convenient
nnd conspicuous points within the city's cen
ter. They will bo built of granite boulders.
with an artistically chiselled base , nround
which cut In the Htono will be troughs for
unimnls. The fountains themselves will bo
novel In design , and will bo completed by
October 1.
i Next Sunday.
S On next Sunday , the now congregational
church on the corner of Davenport und Nine
teenth street will bo open for public worship.
The seats , carpets and decorations and every
thing will bo complete , including the now or
gan which Is said to bo a vary line Instru
ment. The sermon will bo preached by Iov.
Wnrron P. Day , of Ottawa , 111. , who will oc
cupy the pulDltduringtho month of August.
The old choir will bo reinforced for the occa-
llon. The dedication of tbo church will not
take place until September 1.
Ilev. Mr. Shnrrlll will preach In St. Louis
luring the month of August.
Wyoming oil Fields.
I Mr. Henry Fuhrrnan , of Fremont la In the
oily on business connected with the Wyom
ing Central Oil und Pipe Line company , of
which ho Is president. This company was
organized last year by a number of enter
prising Fremont capitalists who are taking
n active Interest In the development of the
oil Holds of Wyoming. The company have
recently completed arrangements for sinking
a well lu the Kuttlo Snake district in conJunction -
Junction with the Northwestern Oil com
pany , of which Superintendent Fitch , of the
Elkborn Valley line , is president. The esti
mated cost of sinking the well is about
115,000. The machinery and material for do
ing this work htwo boon purchased and are
now on the way. und it is expected that the
well will bo sunk to a sutllclcnt depth for a
itcudy supply of lubricator before the season
Closes. _
The rosy freshnuss nnd n velvety soft
ness of the skin la tnvnrlnbly obtained
by those who use Pozzoni's Complexion
The UNION PAdl/Icf is the only
Hue from the Missouri River running
flirect to Otfdon , Utah , the Orchard
City of the WaliMitch Mountains.
An Export Examiner Criticises
tcr ot'Dootlw 9lKCi\tli.
Mr. J. J. Points , who examined the reels-
of deeds' ilrst qunitcrly report for 1SS8 , finds
that it wns In good order with vouchers for
all expenditures , but ho raises n question as
to the legality of sorao of the latter. IIo says
the county commissioners on January ,
K 1883 , fixed the following salaries for tht
ItSO. ' Iii February the schedule was changed
and only 8720 and * CCO allowed for the com
parers. Mr. Points found In the register's
report the following salaries paid In addition
to tboso of the assistants allowed by the com
uilssiouors :
January , 18SS
B. S.Auch Moody $ SS.fX
B. Wiggins i-3.5l
William Alstadt B3.K
Lincoln Urown 5i.U :
N. II. Whlto 53.1C .
February , 16S8
William Alstaut C.OC
B. S. Audi Mocdy 100.0C
Lincoln Urown fiO.OC
N.13. Whlto CO.OC
March , 1SSS
N. U , White 25.1C
Lincoln Ilrowu A CO.OC
Total. ? 53l.3 (
Mr. Auch Moody was employed us aoputi
- roister while Mr. W. U. English was alsc
" acting ; . Wigplns and Wood weio paid af
onlco boys. Messrs. Alstadt , Drown anc
Whlto did a variety of clerical work ,
Mr. Point * udvlscs that those employes re-
cclvo fair treatment , as they rendered the
ervlco for which charge U made. Th (
reghter hold that the luw empowering the
county commissioners to flx the number ol
employee In county offices does not apply tt
him , as his otllco was created after the hu\
in question was enacted. Attention Is calloi
to the fact that tbo register 1ms outside jmr
tic * to make copies of records , and bo sub
, BUU no returns thereof. There is no ovl
donco that the register receives uny part o
the sum * paid for suoh work , but Mr. Point
insists that it should be done in his oftlco am
ejx ted. ,
"I cannot nrntso Hood's Biu'sujuirillt
half enough , " guys another whoso bon
almost blind with scrofula , was
ThVj UNION PACIFIC runs two ole
rant trains daily from Kansas City t <
-030 miles and Is the short Hue
A Wotnnn Iulnc < l nnd Dosortrd by n
Dourer Hunker.
When the Pullman car Hucna Vlata left
Denver on Sunday evening for Omaha ,
among the cngars was a young woman
perhaps twenty-llvo years of ate nnd n
voung man tnaybo three years her senior.
Each had a ticket to Council muffs. The
young man appeared very solicitous con
cerning the welfare of his female companion
ana Insisted upon tbo porter spending most
of his tlmo in making matters comfortable
for her. Hcpeatcdly did ho tirgo upon her
the fact that BIO ncoJcd rest nnd many were
the times ho advised her to go to sloop. At
about midnight she ordered the
sable attendant to maku up
her , berth and very soon afterward re
tired and was soon In the land of dreams.
As soon as convmied that she was
asleep her companion went into the
smuklng apartments and that was the last
seen of him by the colored attendant. The
lady slumbered on and notuntll Waterloo was
reached did she leave tbo berth. Then when
her dreams were broken by the porter , she ,
upon Bc.trching for her companion , found ho
wan gone. Then was a sensation produced.for
the woman bursting Into tears , bewailed her
lot und announced that she had boon de
ceived nnd deserted. As the train did not
stop but for a few moments , she was pre
vailed upon to go aoioss to Council Ulufffl.
hoping that the young man mentioned had
merely dropped olT to get a cigar and would
Join heron the other side of iho river. Hut
no , ho did not , and the woman mingled with
the crowd ami has not since been heard of.
Theio is a history to this case , vague ns
the above may BCCIU , and a conversation
with the porter of the Pullman yesterday
shed light on the mystery.
When the train loft Denver ati9:15 : : Satur
day nlclit , two men , one an elderly man , per
haps llfty years of age , and known to bo a
prominent banker of Denver , accompanied
by the woman mentioned boarded tbo train.
The older'man was very anxious regarding
the woman's welfare and impressed upon the
young man the Importance of "taking good
care of Jenny. " As tbo train was about to
start tbo old man loft and the youth and his
companion came on. At Schuylor the llyor
and the train which leaves hero tit 9 n. in.
for Denver pass , and at this point the young
man mentioned , whoso given name is Clar
ence , left and is supposed to have gene
back to Denver. Tbo porter relates that the
woman when she found she had been de
serted confided her story to an old lady on
the train , the substance of which is as fol
lows :
Her name is Jennie Wood , and for some
time she has been in the employ of a wealthy
banker and stock man lu Denver as a domes
tic. In an evil hour she fell a victim to the
temptations of her employer , and some
months ago discovered herself to be in a del
icate condition , She ntonco informed him of
this fact , butho only laughed at the Idea and
said she must bo mistaken , but when she be
gan to show unrtlsputablo evidence of her
misfortune the old man , who , by the way ,
has a wife of his own , realized that some
thing must bo done and concluded to send
her to Omaha , ostensibly to visit her sister ,
until her child was born. Ho accordingly
selected his bookkeeper , a young man whoso
surname the girl docs not know , as a com-
panlori with the result as above stated.
The woman rode to Council Hluffs on
bridge ticket 57.285 , but where she went the
porter did not know. She assorted that she
Imd not a friend in this section and had only
00 cents In currency with her. When she
loft Denver she expected to bo placed in the
hands of a competent nurse and a physician
until hoi trouble was over. Whore the unfortunate -
fortunate woman is nt present is unknown ,
but It is supposed she is drifting around the
city across the river.
The UNION. PACIFIC is the only
road running through Pullman Curs
between the Missouri Rlvor nnd Port-
Itiud , Oregon.
Dcnth En ! s the Career of nn Ottl
Omuliu Character.
Thomas McCormick , a well-known charac
ter in Omaha in its pioneer days , died Tues
day at thu poor farm at the ripe age of ninety
years. A quarter of u century ago McCor
mick wns the center of attraction at nil so
cial gatherings in Omaha , and was distin
guished on account of his genius for enter
taining. Ho had an inexhaustible fund of
stories , and is said to have known the Ara
bian Nights by heart. His trade was that
of a stone mason , and at ono time ho had ac
cumulated quito a competence , but through
some reverses this was swept away , and in
his old ago ho was loft destitute. None of
those who had enjoyed his hospitality offered
a helping hand , nnd ho wont to the poor
house , and dropped into oblivion. For about
twenty years ho 1ms lived on the county.
The lust few years bo has been blind , and as
helpless almost us un infant ,
Wm. Black , Abtngdon , Iowa , was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr.Joncs'
Rod Clever Tonic , which euros nil blood
disorders nnd discuses of the stomach ,
liver and kidneys. The best tonic nnd
nppotizot1 Known. 50 cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
Tuko the UNION PACIFIC and its
ingoing to Alaska.
Instruments Placed on Record Dur
ing Yesterday.
0 L Stafford ami wife to OH llro wn , lot 4 !
6 , bill 19 , Omaha , q e il
A Itoaus ana wife to O II Urown , lot y , blk COO
ICJ , lot K. blk bl. OniRlm. q e < l
11 S Uerlln to A 0 Uuscli , lot 7 , blk 17 , U V 0.60C
U'lie Patrick l < atul company toMKHow-
nmn. lots 1 and" , blk H' ) , Dundee place , 7OC
J \ , Illttuk mid wife to 0 VouTrott , lot 5 , 800
lllack'n sub. lot HI , ll nlnton , w A
J I , HUick and \ \ If o to K VoaTrott , lot H , 800
lllack'ssub , ItenluQton. w d
M leo anil wlfu to U Mclvinley ct al. lot 'J , 300
lice's sub , w d
0 K Mayua nml wife to S Dumall , lot 14 , 000
blk 1 , Orchard Hill , w ( I
Oas H Stewart nn.l wife to II A Moore.lots 1,403
7 and 8 , blk B , Yhoruuurg place , w rt
D 0 1'uttursou ami wlfo to ll A Moore , lot
4 blk "A , " lots IB , UJ and SIblk " 1J. " S.OOC
SuuiuU'nuV HiiiitibaUKh's add , w d
M Donnelly to J (1 Til } lor , lot 1. blk 3 ,
llOKBS & Hill's lst mid , w il 0,500
OttoLobeck to Wm J Mltton , lot 10blk 4 ,
Lincoln place , w d iK
BMSutphentoI ) WO Sutphen et al , 5
acresn\vof ne2H5-iie. : will
IH Stewart and wife toil Curtis , lots ,
blkl.Thornburgplace , wd
Boiut ; tV uhci I.aml Co to A llramson ct al ,
lot 5 , blk W , S"1 : ! ! Omahii , w d.
It Levy to A llromsou , : K lot i'5 ,
blkC5 , South Omann , qcd _
A llromson to U l.ovy , n 00 It lot o ,
blk (15 ( , South Omaha , qcd. "
15 K French and wife toj 1) llainesV e" } {
lots 7 and , blk II. Central park , w d . 80C
Jlorso k Hi liner to A Hlce. lots 8 , 9 , 10 , 11.
IS. 13 , H , 15. 10 and 17 , blk 13. Morse &
llruuer's add , w il . 1.60C
L 1' 1'ruyn ami wlro to A II Savage , no 30
r t of B GO ft lots lOunU u , blk 10 , Patrick's
2nd add , wd . S.40C
lil' I'ruynaudwIfotoA II S.ivuse , s 110 ft
of n 00 ft lots 10 and 11 , blk ID , Patrick's
Bndailil.wd . 2,4
G M Hicks and \\lfo to A K Shaw , lots 1 ,
" and U , blk" . Cottage place , wd. . . . . . . . 1.30C
It HeCtellluger to P Sliepuerd , lot 7 , Union
Hqiinre . 8,001 ! { lot
II. blk I , HorlMOh's .M add , w d . :
Q K Darker and \ \ Ife to 1) Kinlayson , lots
15 and in , Viites \ UeecVs aub of lot 7 ,'s add. w il . , . LOCK
0 A Gibson to O U Parmele , lots 1 , 2. : i , 4 ,
6 , 0 , 7. K , 0. 10. 11 and I-1 , blk 3 , and lots
11) ) . Li ) . 81 , i and 2,1. blk S , and lots 0 , 7. 8 ,
U and 10 , blk 4. Wise tc Pamela's mid , .
w d . 15,00
Twenty-six transfers . K8.10
The following permits to build wore- is
sued yesterday :
Mrs. Mdiitosh , two-story frame resi
dence , Tenth and lluncrott . t 3,60
M. J. Nelderuu her , cottage , 1810 South
Thirteenth . 30
Mrs. Auua Jones , lmpro > cm nts , Twen
tieth and California . , . 3.BO
ChailosTolouiaLRtoru , Tenth and Marcy 4.J
11. T. Clarke , barn , alley near Ca&s. be
tween Twenty-third and Twonty-Uf th. . . . M )
John It. Hamilton , twelve cottages.
TulrllotU and Pincknoy . , . . . . B.CO
Mm. M. Murray , kitchen , Stute , near
Tort Omaha . , . e
Seven permits agcregatlng. , . , . . . . t4,2
JVi" all evil * 'ttrMng from dlsordorct
stomach , inuctivo liver 01 : constlpatot
luibit , TAHUANT'S SuL-rab
Uu delightful remedy.
DiVir/i < m SIIUNS.
A Trio orsisteri * "Jtlccitlns : " and Hoi-
ultiK Simpleton * * nnd Suckers.
The attention of. Tun Hr.n has been called to
n trio of blackmailers and lewd women ply-
ng their nefarious lu our city. Their
mines nro Minnie , Frankie and Nclllo Stark ,
.hrco sisters formerly of Cedar Ilaplds and
nter of Kansas City nnd DCS Molnc < * , at all
of which places they have gained very
unsavory reputations. In Omaha , they were
Irst employed at the Arcade and later at the
Ctinllcld nml Cozzens hotels as waiters , and
were discharged from both places for "work-
ng" the guests and on account of their lewd
and dishonest conduct. They can bo seen on
the street1 * at almost any hour of the
light , nnd tbo Casino , Metz garden
ind otherdrlnking places are their favorite
resorts. They dross elegantly with the
nonoy they extort from their victims and are
always busy plying their despicable busi
ness.Their plan Is to entice n person into ono of
.ho many wine-rooms of the city and then
either rob him or , under threats of exposure
ind blackmail , compel htm to glvo them
'hush ' money. " Three more soulless sirens
were never known oven In the lowest dens In
.ho city , nnd they have numbered among
.licir victims sonic of the leading citizens of
Omaha. They are up to all manner of tricks ,
mo of which is to tuko the change brought
aaclc to their victim , after ho 1ms paid for
Irinks , nnd then refuse to glvo it up. Thus
at the Vienna restaurant lately Frankie and
Minnie had un their string two prominent
merchants of Omaha who would blush to see
ilieir names mentioned hero. Drinks amount-
ng to n dollar were ordered , nnd ono ot the
merchants tendered a $10 bill in payment to
.ho waiter. The ? 'J in change
Drought back was gobbled up by ono of tbo
girls , and , strange to say , tbo other merchant
was served in a similar manner. Several
repetitions of this on other persons are known
of. Ono evening a couple of young fellows ,
who had been served this trick , insisted on
liaving their money returned , 'when the girls
sncerliiKly defied them to got it. They took
the defiance , soUod the shameless women ,
searched their pockets , and secured it.
At present none of the three girls
nro doing any legitimate work , but all
are living In elegant style ofC
the victims they decoy. Only a few months
ago Nellie got about $ .1,000 out of n promi
nent sporting man of DCS Moincs on the
claim that ho was the father of her illegiti
mate child. Four weeks ago she was dis
charged from the Co/zens hotel for n most
bold nnd indecent fraud practiced on a ro i
spcctablo gentleman. This the last of
a series of escapades that had como to the
cars of the proprietor and ho bade her quit
the house.
A description of some of their modes are
too vile for publication. Ono method is to
make a fictitious date for n liaison with a vic
tim and get expensive presents and money
from him and then fail to appear at the ap
pointed time.
An elderly gentleman pretty well known in
this city has been lately terribly victimized
by Frankie , tbo most attr.ictivo appearing of
the trio. The old man fell into the toils of
the siren and she promised to live with him
as though she were his wife after July I. On
the strength of this promise she induced him
to buy for her n couple of line silk dresses ,
nn elegant hat , a pair of diamond earrings , a
gold watch , a gold-bended sillc umbrella , nnd
other costly articles that she now proudly
sports. When July 1 c.imo she told the old
man that their plan would have to bu aband-
dncd as her sister Mlnnlo hnd somehow dis
covered It. nnd was about to ivrito homo to
her parents about It. To have her htish
the mutter up ho would have to
buy Mlnnlo flomo presents also ,
and thu poor old fool duplicated for Mlnmo
the expensive gifts ho had given to Frankie.
IIo also rented nnd paid for the apartments
they now occupy und paid for cttch a month's
board in advance. To use KraflKle's own ex
pression , "tho old fellow is the rankest
sucker yet. "
A lovoltlng category of other acts of de
pravity nnd theft are Knowit nnd could bo
mentioned concerning them , but enough is
given to warn the public against them.
They have been very fortunate in escaping
arrest , but the reason for this Is that their
victims are of a highly rnspcctablo class
who would much prefer being robbed than
to have their names coupled with such low
characters In the police court.
The motto of California moans , I have
found it. Only in that land of sunshine ,
where the oranpo , lemon , olive ; Up nnd
L'rapo bloom and rijion , nnd attain their
highest perfection in mid-winter , are
the herbs and gum found , that are used
in that pleasant remedy for till throat
and lung troubles.
SANTA ABIE the ruler of couphs ,
asthma nnd consumption. The Good
man Drug1 Co. has boon unpointed ngont
for this valuable California remedyuud
soils it under a guarantee at SI a bottlo.
Three for $2.50.
the only guaranteed cure for catarrh.
$1 , by mail $1.10.
A Goni-ral Smash-Up of Vehicles On
North Sixteenth.
Tuesday night about hoff-past S a team of
horses attached to a carriage containing a
lady and gentleman , ran into n small cart ,
which also contained a lady and gentleman ,
near Dr. Chambers' residence , Sixteenth
street , completely wrccklngthelatter. While
an effort was being made to provide for the
safety of the occupants and to secure control
of the animals another bucgy , from where
no ono knows , dashed Into the wreck and
before the driver could realize whore ho was ,
a fourth horse came running into tbu pile of
debris and fouV wrecked buggies marked
tbo scene. Peter Miulsen was seriously in
jured nnd Mrs. Clem Hackney nnd her son
were thrown to the pavement.
Later in tbo evening two teams were rac
ing up the street near Grace , when one of
them ran into a horse belonging to Thomas
Gray , who lives at Twenty-ninth nnd Gum-
ing. The polo of the wagon struck the horse
In the neck , penetrating the jugular. Tbo
driver at ouco started for Dr. Chamber's
residence , but before ho reached there tbo
horse dropped down and died.
The UNION PACIFIC Is the popular
route to the Yellowstone National Park.
Ijcft In the Lurch.
F. H. Glover , proprietor of a small planing
mill on Saundcrs street , near Cuming , has
decamped for parts unknown. His creditors ,
who are the losers to the amount of $300 or
$100 , are particularly anxious to learn some
thing of his whereabouts.
Are rolling in. You can't escape them ; but you can escape the sleep
less nights , loss of appetite , and languid feeling that result from drain
ing the nervous force by muscular or mental exertion in sum-
Bier's torrid days. The use of Paine's Celery
Compound , that great nerve tonic , will at once-
strengthen the nervous system , nnd fortify it
against the attacks of summer debility. This
preparation is a mcdi cine not a drink. It is n
scientific combination of , the best tonics , giving lasting
benefit to body and brain. ' It cures all nervous diseases ,
and has brought new life and health to thousands whose
weakened nerves were the cause of their many ills. It Is
especially valuable nt this season , when feeble persons nro
EO liable to sunstroke , a disease which is nearly always
fatal. Paine's Celery Compound , by restoring perfect
health , almost entirely re _ moves tbo liability to this dread
disease. If you feel the efll-cts of summer's heat , you can't afford to
delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by the
use of this great medicine. Sold by Druggists. fl.OO. Six for fo.OO.
Bend for elglit-pngo paper , with many testimonials.
C. location lii Bnt niliM"tlifiil. Cou
f lib ffiv
nIarkneitrChlcaio ( ) . noardlny
UUarB for Girls and Ytmnir T.atllM. For
catHlOKiie aiidroi O. T1IAYKK. U , . 1) . .
Morgan Park , 111. , or-77 Madlion fctreet , Chicago , III.
_ " lyear. For catalogues send to KKV. A. 0.
CHAMIIUUS , A. M. , ITlnclpal.
Morgan Park Military Academy !
The llest Hoy's Hoarding School In the West.
Sixteenth year begins Sept. IUh. Hend for cata
logue to CAlT. I'.U. N. KIUK TALCOTT , Supt. ,
Betlle Stuart Institute
Will comiuunco lt > : i t year "optomhcr I'tli , 1S < . Art-
Ynntuuoj uuturpa ueil. llomn comfort * : tureitil I
tralnlnz. Appljr to .Mm. M. McKl.K UOMCS , 1'rtnctiml.
IVekMlcill-on-lhutsou. N.Y Benl ) for cata
JNO. M.TILUKN M IX. M.A. I'riticlpal
Of 1880.
o i OHloe cif the U. 8 Cu-iiinl i lon.
ll nerviina. Urui 01 * citrt or tlini wliu lH lru lp
kBt'XlilbU nt tint m-yata n-tmuil Kxiiuil'lmi are
jr no'ili"i ! lli'it mrurautlo.i mid bun lorup-
loiu ( or pHCo tlll l JurnMiuil hv tha uudvr-
un Hiti li tUin til llm above uutlru ( .
. II. ( II\NKI.IN , C.iu'r.Geuerul.
r. 'i'ucti , AII'I. Cum'r. G aer at
J ; -yTioN-23 mlles north 01 Chlc Ko.
A l'U" C ° r | " ° ' KjPcrlence(1 ( ln-
-KlTe Conreen of
; -Uniiirpai e < l for Instruction ,
llcnltli. llome Comfnru. utirt Otirtttlan Influence.
. . .
1'urU , III. Send lor Catalogue.
For Young Uadies.
ST. CLAlfiT MI6lf.
Three courses of study. ThoroiiRhness In eve
ry department , llulldlnirs elegantly furnished.
Heated with steam , JlftHteil with gas , water
from St. Clalr river. ( Superior advantages In
music and art. Address lor circular.
HOMUUV1LLU SC'HOOU St.t'lolr , Mich.
GHKVLOCK . . . .
Hoiith Wllllamstown , llerkshlrc county.
Mass. A private school far ban. Prepare fur
college , huluntlllc Hi-bool or business. Kortyev -
euth "year begins 'ihnrsduy , Spteinl > er Utn.
1'or catalogue midribs ( I ISO. ! ' . MI I.I.S
tucceBifuIly U > ed monthly by awe lO-Oii )
J.Ladles. Are Safe , Kffrttualajiti I'ltaant
y9l \ > * r l x bjr maU.or nt ilrus lats. Kraled
TBS Kvsszx Caiman. Ca , Dtraoir , Micu.
For sale < tiul by mull by Goodniqn
Drug Co. , Otu < il"t-3 > 'eb.
Accumulations of odds and ends in our men's and boys' suits stock.such
as one or two suits of a kind , must be closed out during the next few/ /
days as our incoming fall goods are already crowding us for room *
Among the men's suits are a few extra fine dress and business suits
made of choicest fancy worsteds , and gotten up in a No 1 style. No cus
tom garment can beat them , They are suits for which merchant tailors
would charge from $40 to $50 , and fine ready-made houses are asking
$35 for them today. To make a quick and clean sweep with them , we
hfave marked them at less than the material in them is worth.
Of the $4.75 all wool cheviot suits advertised last week , there are only
a few left. We never had such a run on a suit as we had on this , and at
this time of the year , when other stores have nothing to do. It is a better1
looking and better wearing suit than other houses are offering for dou
ble the money.
Enormoun reductions form former prices on .all Boys' and Children's Summer Suits wo
have left. Wo do not , intend to carry one over if we can help it.
An endless accumulation of odd Knee Pants which will be sold at less than half their
Wind up'clearing sale of all our Summer Furnishing Goods , such as Underwear , Hosiery ,
Flannel. Shirts , etc.
Closing out of all our Summer Scarfs at ridiculously lo\v prices.
A lot of splendid Silk Tecks at 15c ; usually sold at 50c.
Another lot of extra fine Four in liiind and Tccks at45c ; such as arc generally sold at 7. " > c and $1.00.
A lot of very fine Silk Grenadine IVcks at 35c. This is the handsomest and most elegant Scarf for Sum
mer Avear , and the regular price for these Scarfs is everywhere $1.00 ; our price this week is ! 35c.
One price only and plain figures.
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Burlingfon Burlington
Route * RAM
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of.
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
- ( cave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
All II , l.Si and Jl.fiO
All W and ft I.lfiht
m& SUH lints , now
21 829,850
TansilPs Punch Cigars
wore shipped daring the past
two yunru , without a drum-
mcrfuouromiiloK Kootlier
houeolu tbu world can trutb-
( illly make mcti a gbowinir.
Oue ascot ( Uialtr only )
wanted iu oncb town.
R.VV.TANSII.L&C0..55 Stale SLChlcauo ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Honto from Omaha nnd Council
lllulTs to
- = = = THE EAST =
Chicago , AND MUtrnukor ,
St. I'nnl , Mlnnuanolls , Cctlitr Ilaplds ,
Rook Island , Frreport , Ilockford ,
Clinton , Dubnqne , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janmllle ,
Ilelolt , Winouu , La Crosse ,
And all other Important polnti Eait , Northeittimd
ForthrouiflitlckMii call on the ticket aycnt at IM1
FirnViu street , la Marker Ulock. or at Union I'lvclllc
# n Hlcerem and Ihe flnent Mining Cart In Ihi
worl.l ro run im the mnlii line of thu Clilcmip. Mil
waulTce A Mt. I'nul Uttlway. nml every attention U
usld to pusenKen Ujr courU-oui tiaflojti c ! U
H. Oener .
t uiiiencralM niiter.
, . . , , TKK , Ctneral 1'anenger and
A * V *
and Ticket Aiieni. . * .
J. T. CULUK. Uenctnl Bunt rlnleodtu. .
Paid L'p Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 50,000
H. W. VATIS. 1'reilclent. 8. HKKU , VIM I'reMdent.
A.U. TouzALiN'.iad Vlci ) President ,
W. II. b. HUOIII.S , Cashier.
w. v. Mnn e , JOHN 8. COLLINS ,
Hanking Onlea
Corner 12th and. Farimm.tit'j.
A General UantlncIluslnessTruubactc J ,
Jewelers and Music .
Genet nl Agents for
nnd other llrst-class I'innoi.
Dmen Munthlii
IBtclnway Square , cost taw ,
forl7 : > . t 00 $10.00
Kn < ibo Square , cost jA , for
J5I . . . 2.-.00 15.00
Decker llros. Square , coat
Kmmorson Square , coit
IIOJ , forK ) 10.00 6.00
Nowton&Co. Square , cost
tlOO. forilio 15.09 8.00
Marshall & . Wendul Upright
I'luno , cost new * mrorfliiO ! iJ.03 10.00
llallut it Davis Uurlght
ns treed as now , cost ! -AW ,
2. ' > .00 15.00
1 Mallet * Davis Hanaro , cost
now KM , for taxi 20.00 10.00
, 1 Shonlnger fi OctavoOrsau ,
cost now 175. for only Ml. . 10.0J 6.00
1 Hionlnger Olfc'nn , nsucl 0110
year , cost new tr.Ti.for Wit . 10.00 6.00
1 .Mason & lluiiilln Orgnn
dotibla bank , cost new ti'Ai ,
for tiki. 10.00 6.00
Hilng this ad. with you to avoid mistakes *
-"iicr Sixteenth and F
Incomonrablv thu Oast
Farm Loans
representatives wanted. Ctilloi
write us.
- . ' , Beatrice , Nebrasi * .