THJ0 OMAHA DAILY BEEr WEDNESI/AX , AUGUST SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements tinder this head 10 cents per line for ttic ll t lne < rtioli , 7 cents for -uih sul > - * enuent insertion , mid tl.roa line per month. No advcttlfcment taken for le s tlmn Si cents tlio flrnt Insertion. Seven words will be counted to tlio llnr ; they must run consecutively and miikt 1)6 paid In ADVANCE All advertise ments bo handed In before 12l'0 : o'clock p. in. , niul under no circumstances will they be taken or illRcontlnucd by telephone. Parties advertising In tlieso columns and nav- Ine the answers addressed In euro of TIIK Urn vlll pliaso ask for a chock to enable them to get their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should be enclosed In envelope- ? . All advertisements in these columns nro pub lished In bnlh morning nnd owning editions of Tim tins' , the circulation of which npKretjates jnore than 1MOU papers dnllv , und civet tlio nil- vertlsirH the bemtllt. not only of the city clrcu- Intlou of TilK llm1. but alco of Council muffs , Lincoln rnd other elites nnd towns throughout this nectloiiof the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo taken , on tha above comlltloim , at the following busl- HCBS houses , who nro authorized agents foi TIIK llf E , tpcr-lal Hollers , and will tjuoio the same rates aa can be bail at the main cilice. J 6llNV. . ifKUj , Pharmacist. ' ' ? : . ' ! ) South Tenth Btreet. C TL\SK & HDDV , fitatloncrs and Printers , 113 South IGth Street , CS H. FAH.NSWOUTH , 1'harmaclst,21 ir.Cum S . in B Street _ . .LllUOHES , 1'harmaclst , < E4 North ICth . ijtrout. G F.O. W. I'AHII , I'harmaclst , 180U St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. S ITI'ATION wanteilby llrst-class broad and cake baker. X 2lleo olllce. 'JJ 1 * " \\7ANTiD ; Hltuatlou ns ct nurse by n T > healthy German woman ol" ' < . Habytwo months old. 3lr.s. Hrega. illlBlSth. ! . Ui7 ' _ WANTI'D Situation as llrst or second book keeper by young married man of good habits , well acquainted in city , good references nnd bonds If reuuircd. Address U 71 Heo olllco. Ml 0 ? * V\7 ANTKD Situation by experienced stenographer - ographer uud typewiltcr. Address XI lloo olllce. ( illI r , T\rANTl D Situation as local or traveling T ' Hak'smnn for wholesiilo grocery house. Twenty llvo years experience In general trade. No. 1 lofcreiicef. Address , A , P. , taieC. T. Weber * Davenport , Iowa. 184 "f SITUATION as honsettcepBr by n French- American widow of 2.1. Is a Una cook. Mrs. Jlroga. : illi' S. luth. 096 Hit WANTED--MAUE HELP. " \\rANrnll 3 fnrm hauda.i o month ; 1 man to T > milk , .121 month 1 bhovclcr , iJ.75 day ; 1 yard man , $15 mo. Omaha lutreau. H'J ' N. JUth. 107 ill ANTKO-A stout , reliable boy in Heo mall- Ing room for moiiilug work. Apply at 12 o'clock noon. 701 W ANTKD Good cook. Call 80K ! Capitol live. . 7UJI lilt WW W ANTKD A clerk In grocery store ; must speak Uohcmlnn , 1310 S. lath. U4 > 7 " \\t ANTED A shoemaker % v 1th$100 can secure T T a good place by applying 1100 N. 'Otli.liS5 liS5 CT \\fANTED A boy In n grocery store , from 10 T T to 18 years of ace , ono that can make him- Belt generally useful. Call at 1'Jtt ' ! Cuming st. , from 4 to 7 p. m , tKi alt WANTED Hey to work In stationery store nnd run PI rands , 15 ! Howard st. O'JJ 31t WANTED Curpenters. Lowe nvo. nnd Cum- ings at. Walnut Hill. IMl-iU * WANTED Hey , at once , 1119 Farnutn street EMI "IjlAlll penman with $50 can secure good posl- JJ tlou ; ollice work. Address U 01 , lleo ollico. LO'J 31t WANTED A local salesman to represent r llrst clnss Cuban clear manufacturer on commission. Address Cuban , J' . O. box 15U ! , Philadelphia. I'eini. 001 1 WANTED Salesmen everywhere to sell out K silver door plates by our nowplnuof fret advertising : agents clear 810a day easily ; write for circulars. N. Y. Door I'late Co. , Albany , N. Y. I ) \S7ANTED-Mlddlo-aged man and wife ol Iv TT clean habits , without children , mun tc work In pet stock , poultry and swlno yards , woman to do work In nouse , family ot two , nc children ; good homo nnd steady employmeul to right paittes. Address Lock llox G7 , Norfolk Nebraska. fiNl M "IX7ANTED A icglstered drug clerk at one * T > ntaiJS. 15th st. 5TJ-31 * WANTED Feedets for Gordon nnd cylindei presses ; bteady work it experienced , t CO , care 1 lee. 6C8 "Mr-ANTED lly a ilrst-class mechanic , house ; TT to build , und take n lot as part pay. Ad dress. U 4. ' ) , Hee. 41)1 ) Ul * \\7ANTED Energetic men and women ovcry Ti i > hero for n genteel , money-making bust hcss. K-0 weekly profit guaranteed easier thai 100 monthly otherwise. Experience absolute ! ; unnecessary. I'ermanpnt position and oxclu Blve territory assured. J3.00 samples freo. Wrlti for particulars. Address , with stamp. JfeiTll JI fg Co , , D ty. Chlcaeo. bOOaia" \\TANTED-Jlen for tn ? west. Albright' : TT labor agency. iC'UFurnum t. 514 B OVb Am. Dtst. Tel. Co. , J304 Douglas. 133 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. IT7ANTED Cook for small hotel , $3.1 : an ex TT pcrlenced waitress for the west , J20 ; nlc companion ; iibloglrl for family ot two , twi miles out , iflr > ; one for family of 3 in countr vlllagetir > ; cook and waiters In boarding house oxpci lenced second girl with good reference must bo n good seamstress ; also an experlencci imrse for nnnll baby ; and any amount of gooil competent frlrU lor private families. Mrs Dregn , 'IHVJ H nth. 098 U ANTED A good , thorough housekeeper a once , at a J Dodge at. Pearlea Jlackey. 701-2' WANTED Good cook and laundress. Appl nt2TiQ8 Capitol avo. u < U ( < W ANTED A girl for general house worl 1810 Cull fornlikbt. OS.-2 'IXrANTED 3 cooks , lady , gixjil wages ; 1 TT girls lor private families , good places ; laundresses ; 2 dining room girls ; ndfuh wasl crs ; 1 second cook , man. Nebraska F.mplo ] rnent olllce. 317 North Ibth street. 041-411 \\7ANTED-Wet nurse. Apply to M. ( XJonei V > 2112 Hurt St. 583 2 W'ANTEUG Irl for housework at 100.1 Farnai lOU U wmTANTED-At Midway hotel. Kearney. Neb T T 3 good dining-room girls ; tl per week ; fur bald. T. 0. llralnimi. 627 W ANTED ( lood dining room girl nt onci IflIU Dodge. 6331 * WANTED-2 lire Insurance solicitors. Appl room" . Continental block. 4KM ' ANTED A comretent girl for ceuen lioui-'b work In n family of three , liuiuli nt Ueo olllce. 477. /ANTED Good gill for general housoworli nuihtbe good washer and Ironer. Appl nt 712 South ) tu avenue. 423 ' "I TANTED A goo'l ' cUl for gonerol hous ftvorktu family of four , 8CO Haruey st. sal "f\7ANTED A ciri for general Housework , u TT cor. bthami Leavenwortlists. S71 EMPLOYMENT BU REAUS. "iXTEHHASICA Employment olllce. No. 317 I X N 16th st. Mule and female help suppllei 1'rlvato families u specialty. T\1TAIE or female help furnished in or out < JJLLclty. iirlvato families a specialty. H. 1 Wandcll. 408 N IBth at. 2nd lloor. 437 affl STATE Employment OtHcoi-a aio pleoslr all. Glvo them n trial. Bee advenlsement OQlce Room 11,1417 Faruam st , upstalro. orsestaken to board.60stul _ .K " airy box etftlls. n t-clnss uccoi thu coolest ami be > tbtable in t tity. lluckcya I ) rn , 41V , 418 and i 0 8. mir s between Hainey and St. .Mary's ave. Telepho 841. Slielby it FUnlKan. pioim. bhj ANTED To have house lathed and pla terod ; call at HID Farnam bt. C93 1 WANTED Information of "SvVllla Iteynolds , an orphan boy , age about Adopted from the Chicago Home of the Frier 1 8 In IS * ) . Anyone having knowledge of 1 Vrhereaboats will confer a great favor on 1 inter. Lizzie , by addressing Mrs. S. C. Clcn land , city inlMlannry , care ot Y. M. < i A. , Cl ANTED More houses to rent. Hoswot * J oplln , Darker block. 60U - have , any lands , lol. . or WANTED-Ifvou to nell or exchange for other property , call on mo or write. lean tfnd you a customer. C. C. Siiotswood. OOiVi S. ltli. 14 "l\rANTBD-.Morehouses to rtnt. cood-parln ? ten-ant * , mtlok rents insured. H. II. 'nu dell. 41H K IBth , and lloor. 4lOaS.'i T\7A NTEDThelmbllr' to make good use of T The IJee'ft message boso.s throughout the city , IM _ \V ANTED To buy or tiarto for a good build- T T ing that can be moved. I'leaso call on or address George J.SternsdorlT , roomO , oppo- alto i' . o. > an BOAR I ? To LY of three wish a month's board In AFAMI country not over fifty miles from Omaha. State particulars. Address V t . Hee. 001) 1 ? WANfED-100ta"ble boaiders nt the Glebe hotel , Douglas st bet 13U uud 14th : bvst In city. HO air. WA'rTf EfD O RENT. WANTED A suite cit rooms two bedrooms and slttlnpr room , lor thrio gentlemen. near bvslncss center , good locution , nicely furnished , modem convcuienre , references cx chniiKod ; statu terms and location. Address U 70 lieu. tU ! L't _ h'OR RKHT-HOUSES. Foil KENT fl-room hoiiie , In good repair , Imrd nnd soft viator , JI. ' . Cor 13th nnd Pa- clllc st.s. It. II. Copson , 70S 24 : UNT- now house of fl lar : o rooms. J. city water , 81' ) South 17th , live minutes' walk lioni luth niul llarncy. 7W U IJIOH lir.NT a new 4-room cottars at IRth -I ? and Castellar streets. iO. II. Sllkworth , 15UJ Farnum. 70 > Ot iron HENT I room house , ictli near -U Spring st , il2.V. . L. &elby 15U1 , rurnain. c o-a T7IOH HI'.NT 10 room house , 2)10 Vleroe st. * - intiulru Dr. Dun's olllco. 1408 Farnam j > t. CK. FOU SALE or rent HoilM' , Rood furni ture and IOIIB lease. A bargain to the rlKht paity ; : un N. Uth st. Address "U m , " lleo FJK ( HUNT Splendid 13 room house ; perfect repair ; ' . " 'JJ I < oavenworth streot. 4 room cottage , Farnam nnd Ujth ; city water . .nil cistern , " six room hoii'cs , on 17th near Clark ; city ivuter , etc. Hooni 7 , Hoard of Trade , linen ( I. Clark. 6.T.-31 FOU It HNT Hotel Ilcnson , situated ou SMli st , South Oinnha ; ! M rooms ; doltm Rood busl- less ; furnltun > for ualo cheap. Adilrusa . I. "itcvens. Ilia S ttli , Oinulia , or apply at lid S loth t , Omaha. B4.'i 4 | 7UU HKNT A ncwcottaRoof 3 room , $ 'i per l mouth. 2HJ1 Decatur st. 4W ! ? iUM ItEST-A 0 loom cottage. Inquire 180,1 1 H. Uth st. , boa a * T/10H 11KNT 9-room house on south aide C'hl- 1-Jcagobt. bctwoeii IMUnnil llith. Apply to Kitchen llros , 1'axton Hotel. 4U ill ITlOit ItF.NT iiegant : 8 room house with bath L'and bun : ou cable line. Jl'l ' per mnnth , II. I. Cole , room i ) , Continental block. 185-a-U 8HOOM house with bath , 2 blocks of cable , ? i1 per month. II. K. Cole , room C , Continental 'llock. 4 > o-a ( ) FOH UP.NT The best soutn rnd i room Hut In < Ity. Haths and closets ; all modern ; cheap. J. H. I'arrotte. 1603 Chicago. fi07 3 rpOH KENT 2 dwellings , 0 rooms each , hard I ? and t.oft water , bath , etc. , I block from > trcet cars , 2."ith nnd Franklin. Apply John 'lamlln ' , all S. llthfct. 444-2 * HUNT 14-room Hat , KM per month. 13th and Howard. Inquire atTlio Fair. 42J HOUSES , stores und Hats to lent , all parts of tlty. H H. Wandell , 403 N IGth , 2nd lloor. HOUSE for rent , all modern conveniences. Imiulre 210 N Ifcth st. UW TjlOK HENT HVioom house with bath-room JL1 rlo et iu every bed-room , china closet pan try. laundry , and baru with two stalls. Apply at the house , 44tn and Chicago. To the light party tills house will bo rented cheap for 0110 or two years , John D. Cowle. 379 31 OH 1U.NT A now 5 room house with all F conveniences , 112 S. Sith st. 3S2-a 24 * FFOIl FOIl HF.NT 1 of Kdsou's nice houses , In- qulio lJl : Davenport street. 314 aU "ITIOH HBNT 7 room house. No. 10.S7 so. 20th JL at. W per mouth. Call quick. E. F. Sea- ver , lloom 10 Darker block. 342 TT1OH KENT 10 room modern house * M.OO. 9 -t ? room ditto , gtt.OO. 7 room ditto. . ' 5.00. Other houses ntorcs and olllces. ( I. E. Thompson. Shecleyblk , 15th and Howard sts. 111' } TJ10H KGKT Houb I8ir "Davenport street. -L Has gasj'watcr and modern improvements. (113 ( Foil KENT 2 iVioom cottages ; line location tor railroad mon , " blocks from U. I * , depot , rent 825 a month. Mead Investment Co.,314 S.l&th 462 EOH HENT Handsome now home , 10 rooms , all conveniences , best neighborhood mid within llvo minutes' walk of postoillco. Nathan Shelton , 1E05 Farnam st. U14 TTIOK HENT 5-rooni nouso , US. s. o. cor. llth X1 and Ylnton. b77 T71OK HENT A 3-story brick buildmg , JC17 J- ' Howard St. , store , basement nnd Hats. In- qulro lit Leo .V Nichols' livery barn , 28th and Lcavenworth sts. Telephone S40. 7UO " | ? OK HF.NT A 7-room hoxuo , cor. 25tli and J-1 Davenport. All modern convenience. In- aulient Jos. Hosonstoin's , 217 S. 12th Bt. fwO F OH HENT House" rooms , largo yard , on 20th and Haruey. Small house KM 12th and Jones. House nnd barn 32d and Howard t , S10. Linahan & Mahoney , Koom 500 1'axton block. . CM TT10H HENT Save car faro Dy moovlug In the JL ! "Her Hats , " lilted with all the most modern convenience * . T light rooms Including bath , pantries closets , heat , gas and water , "also two nlca stores" nnd basement. "Itufer- CHOPS required. " Apply to Ituymer & Her , hardware , K4 South Uth st. 61iu7 TT OH HENT Modern single house of n rooms. JL ? bath room , hot nnd cold water , on street car line and paved street , ready for occupancy Aug. 1 , Si * per month. Apply at once C. F. llairlsou , 118 S. lutlist. 219 TTIOlf HENT 7-robnf house , No. 15l8"S6th 8t. ; Jj U-room cottage. No. Ulu Win. st. ; n-rooui cot tage , No.2VJJ Chailcjst. Iiujulro 1400 Cap ave , ua FOH HUNT or Sale New cottage , Hedford Place , on easy payments. Enquire M. L , Itocder. room 4u3 Paxton blocs. l' ' " > 7 T7XH HUNT A line 10-room brick house with J- all modern improvements , linn location on street car line. It. JI. Genius , l40d Douglas st. "I71OK SALE Two i.i'W , woom houses in Or JU chard Hill nnd Foppleton 1'ark. Will boll cheap for cosh , or M ill take good llrst or second mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to lion est piirtles. 0. C. itswood , aK 8. IGth. 44.'i T710H RENT A neat KO rottage. Applv al i1 once. C. F. Han ison , 418 S 15tli 8t. 131 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TTIUHNISHED rooma for rent. W17 Caplto J tivc. Kefcrence exchanged. & 03 31 I7IUHNIS1IED rooms for light housekeeping JJ 1017 Cusa. 073-2 * _ 7J10H KENT To one or two gentlemen. / J- large nicely furnlslied south and east fronl room with bath uud all modern Improvements DPI no 20th st. 077 _ T710U HENT Nicely furnished front parlor J. suitable for three or four gentlemen o : llglit housekeeping , 15-at W)7 ) N. 17tU sU rpWO front rooms. 1815 Dodge st. 675 OOM with closet 17 , bOO S 22d. Ml 3U _ _ _ _ AHN To rent. Horn with loft at 102:1 : st. T71011 KENT For light housekeeping , two furL -L nlslieU rooms , cool , with tine view UlOH llEOTV-KHntoheUio j. . i707Cas.sSt7 ± 473 rooms lu gooA location t , .Jrfi or regular parties , single or ei 8 -.IB. Apply to Mrs. A. Hussell , 007 S.ltth. "IJOO.M8 including board In tha Young We -It men's home 1U10 Dodge fit. Heferences re quired. _ 1 > 1Q F ° U Ur.NT- Furnished rooms. 113 8. 20th si OT.'alW FFOH FOH KENT-3 furubbed rooms for llgli housekeeping. Prices reasonable. Uefel encea required ; UH y. IBth. TO 31 rpwo front rooms , furnished , at 710 N. SOU J. Cable pusiiea tile door. 65131' HI 11KNT-BU nicely and newly furnlshe roomi ) . flrot-clusH boaril furnlslied , tu th nicest location in the city , ( nnubre this week t 1721 Uavenport. cor. 18th st. 645-31' FOH HENT A ploHiant room with all uioder convenleucea ; brick residence , cor. Ut ana Ht. Mary's avenue , or 020 South 20th nt. < ' 64tt- TTIOU KK.NT-FumlsliiKl room wltn boanl fc JU two e utleuien. 2U2U St. Mary's are. W7.VI SMALL trent rojm , modern convfinfences. 21UT Douglas st. _ fill _ TTW'K HENT Furnished r'ooms nnd fonrd by JU the day or wock.tol : 8. 13th st. 474 a 21) ) fOlt IIRNT FurnlshiMl rooms m Grounls blk JL1 ror , 1.1th and Doilire st . Inquire of Geo. H. , Davl * . MlllRrd hotel blllhrd loom. litl F OH HENT Suit newly furnished rooms ; all modem conveniences ; prlvr.tef.imlly : board If desired. 122 Georgia live. 18 xBth st. ) & 3J3IJ "TJLEASANT cool rooms for rent ! modern con- J. venlonces , 631 1'leasant st. 621 i ; _ TjiOH HKNT Two very desirable furnished J- front rooms , nil monorn conveulenci-s on same lloor , accommodations for four geutle- uicil. Apply , 1712 Capitol ave. 411131 * FOH HUNT Hooms with or without board. 1TO. Dodge. _ 42 > ial 1710H HKNT-Furnlshcd looms , 1718 Ca 3. st. J-1 4J.J al' _ "VriCIJIiY furnished rooms. Jl per week or ru/ ) i > month , f > ceM4 _ aiid i S. Irtli st. I'SaHlJ TJIUHN1SHED rooms and board , 1813 Chicago. I710H HENT Front- room , la'rge ana nicely JL1 rnrnlalicil , located near the nigh scnool. In the highest and. coolest section of the city ; cable line and horse cars pass the door. En quire at o Dodge near 21th B ) . NXt- , 1 10 Dodpe. ft'il u i ) _ "ITIOI'H rooms.-furnlshod or tinfurulsiied with JL1 or without board , JM , * I5 und fc1 ! ; all modem conveiilenceji ; Itil'j llarnoy. 5374)1 ) _ rUHNISllEU rooms and l > oard. 101s Call- - "VTICELY furnished front room , Mlrst-chibS JL > board , suitable for two gentlemen.ltlll Far nam. 2'.H ill * _ O LAIUJI' pleasant nicely tnrnl'.licd" rooms In -J most desirable part of city ; shady place ; 7 blocks fiom P. O. on cable Hue. Ilent rca enable - ble : board if desired. Cloudy Aug. I. 2010 Da- > enport st. fi50 31 + " 171 0 rnffiNT Efegiint. larg , furnlshed l rent J-1 roomforiuioortwoKentlemcn ; rolereeuces lequlrcd. Apply23Mbt. Mary's avo. & 41I-1 I71OUK gentlemen can bo accommodated with Ja nlcoHiilto of loams and llrst-clu s boaid nt SuS ! ) St. Mary's twe. . Gruddy block. a FOH HENT Nicely furnished Iront room for geutlomun. Modern conveniences. LAHGE and small room suitable for gentle man. with or without board , Ibl2 Uodire. l.ll _ EOH HENT Hooui and bo.ird , UOJ Farnum. (178 ( a 10 * 'FOR REN Rb'olnslJH FU'R'NTS H ED TIIOH HENT 2or 3 uiifiirnl'hed rooms sult- J-1 able for man and wife. b2 ! S. IBth st. U7-2 * TTOK HI'.NT Four rooms In Hut. llrst lloor , JLJ southwest corner 1'ith nnd I'acitlc sts. En- ] iilroat _ Hoom 5 , over drug store. _ 101 Four (4) ( ) rooms. 41f > S. l uTst . KO m Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1104''f S. 7th st . 11 m Four ( I ) rooms 41) South Iiifhst . IS iO Three (3) ( ) rooms , 101' ' ) North 2stst ! . 12 fiO Three (3) ) rooms , 7fi4 pnclllr st . 12 HO Three Cl ) looms , lorN.20th st . 13 ro Four (4) ( ) rooms , 17in Webster .St. . . . . 18 ( K ) Four ( J ) rooms , 4t'J Houtli Mn ht. , . 18 W Four ll ) rooms. 423 South l th st , . . it ? r.O Three (3) ( ) i ooms. 707 PaclHc M . 12 TO Two (2) ( ) rooms. ISIS Howard st . 1000 Foiir(4)rooms ( ) 1702 Websterst . 22 W Apply to Judge Heutlna Apencv , Herald building , S. W. comer of 15tU and llarney Kt f 473 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. CATCH tills Loforo August 1st. J2iW cash will buys months lease pn one of the best cen tral locations In this cityUor either comml slou , grocery or storage , Incluulng llxturcs , delivery wagon , etc. Address at ohco U. W , lleo olllce CIO-1- FUH HBNT Store ; goo I place for grocery ; near S. W. corner 10th and Leaveuworth. HW 2 * [ 7IOH HF.NT A now sroro room on N"bt , South C Omaha , cheap. Wright A : Lasbury , 215 b. Uth st. Upstairs. lltj 31 STOHEfor rent , 11 ll Farnam street. Inquire of Nathan Shelton , at l.VJj Farnam street 327 T710H HENT Olllco sulio $2. ) month , 2 single JU olllces * 1J ! each , all fronting lUth St. , llusn- man block , N. E. Cor. ! Cth W. M. llushman , I'M Lcavenworth. 32'i ' T710H KENT-Stororoom , No. 211 S. 14th st. An- JU ply at 1110 llowardst. U77 FOH KENT Half of SOU S. loth St. . opposite Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton , V Co. 021 FOH KENT Small store on llth between Far nam and Hnincy , largo p.ife for sale. Apply Hoom 411 1st Nat bank bldg. 431 Xm HHNT Store-room , northwest cor. l.Hh and Ylnton. Ui2 S for rent , filft N. Ifith. Inqulrn of Henry Osthoir , 1513 Callforul.i st. 458 FOR REHT-WilSCELANEOUS. OOD barn cheap , 1WI Chicago st. 698 RENTAL ACENC ES. WE give special attention to renting and col lecting rents , list with ns. II , E. Cole , room 0. Continental block. 487 IT10H quick rental nnd good tenants list your -U houses with II. II. Waudell , 408 N Ifith st , 2nd lloor. 417 a25 TIO insure quick rental list your property with . / . 11. Parrotte , 1COO Chicago. 211 a B'l WHEN you wish to rant a house , store or of- lleo call on us , II. E. Cole , room C. Con tin- ontal block , 487 TTIt. \ . SMITH , GUI N. IGth St. 33lu23 ri E. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Sbeely blork. VJT. ] ( IJ IF YOU want your nouses ivntcd place them with Ueuuwa & Co. , 15th , opposite po toilce ! , IfiJ LOST LOST ( Sold bowed spectacli'lialf of the glasses in case , bet uon Howard and VM and Morse's , Itutiun to fiOjS. 13th uud get re ward. STIt.VYED or stolen-Sorrel horss , light man ; and tall right hlud leg white and largo Btiltablo reward w 111 bo paid for his return tc II. Hchow. 1322 g. llth st. 072-2 * OaT Large , blnek dog. Wlilta feet , broas.t noie and tip of tall , tlo reward If returnai to 4W S 20th street. 587 Gt iJTHAYED : Hay pony , sere on bacK , weight i00. ! Iteturn to 2S12 Leuveuworth. 510 It FOUND POl'ND-Sorrel horse. 10 years , 3 white feet E. Herbertz. 014 S. Uth : s' . BIO 2 { rpAKEN UP nay norse , 6 years old , Bwhlti -1- hind feet , spot on nojo , 4 miles west on Cum iugst. JohnL. Lane. 17-21-31-A7-11 PERSONAL. PEHSONAI/ you nave a personal Item.oi any communication , drop It In ono of Tlu Hoo'g message boxes. 10(1 ( IP you want to buy , sell , rent or excnangi call on or address Uoorjjo J. Sterusdoru' room , opposite P , O. 231 FCTfTSALE-MISCELLANEOUSi "TT1OH SALE Lot of furniture. Good ns new OJ Must be sold at any price. Great bargain Addrena U. 72 , lleo olllco. ( i--i | TT OU SALE The lease of a ten room Hat am JL1 furniture , which is nearly new. Addres U. G7. care Dec. IB * "ClOirSALL-Largo nuft rriago horsoT yminj JV nnd gently V. ' . u Solby. 1521Farnam , WO . . : , - , .inton ! , 810 N. 10th Bt. "II two-seated carriage , best mak will sell cheap tor cash. G. J. Stcrnbdorfl Room B , opp. P. O. _ 881 fC.OX ) tons of ice for sale by Hooge Packing Co O BlouxCIty. _ 6201123 T71OR SALE A family currlage and team , a -U Lee & Nichol's livery barn. Telephone MO. TpOR SALE Planing mill machinery. Call a -i-1 1408 Davenport t , Omaha. _ 810 OR SALE A line family mare 4 years olil perfectly sate ; also an almost new Snyi'.e t'uggy ' and harness. Inquire L. D. Hurnett. coi 13th and Farnam at Hemian'tf. ikj ) . "H1AM 1LY horse cheap. H. E. Cole , roomll JJ Continental block. _ 480 1 T7UR SALE Elegant carriage horse , no' -L pbaoton und harness. Inquire room 4i llnrksr block. ill T710R 8AL-Al the furniture , Includlii -L' stoves , carpets , sewing machine and a goo book cose and books. House for rent PU3 Sc 15th it. , near Dorcas. Also n Racine canoe wit maatu and sails. 873. _ OR SALE Finest driving team in Omalu cheap for cosh. Inquire 2111 Cumlug stree lrll80ELLANI OUS. milB banjo taught M an art by Uoo.P. Oollei -Lb ck , 0H ! ) ruey , 143. "HUNK d ws rmiklng done nt parlors or In fmn- JU ilesiall work Knaramcvd.Call nt 1717 Cumlng rpAPEWOinffS removed In two lioiira or no JL charge. Address E. Fuller , 11,1 S 2ltn St. , Omaha , 4-al * IF YOU ( Coniomplato buying n furnace don't fall toih _ n Magee llostou Heater , It will save jou "lllrrt ton of coal In ono winter ; this furnace l.aun > awed by none , bold by WeMou 4 ; Melroiii : ? M > f. 10th st. r,74-a-3J . . _ ftjtl'--A _ . . . . . L - - -I..L. -UJ----I 1.-W1 II 1 BIDS wlllVue received by the ttndorslgned until Sntnvflay , August 4 , Ifsj for soft coal , tn be dcllvwart at the Maponlo hall , IGth and Capitol n\i. from October , iss . until May. ! ) ; coal to bo de errd In iitmntltles to suit and nt such time * a 6idcred. 1 he right is re > red to lejpct any niul All bids. Addreos bids to Fred .1. Ilothv kK , tccy Masonic Temple Craft , 2JI S. Uth. . , 1E1LER Je SHANE have purchased the gro- eery stock of S. linker , lul.l N 2Jth. 1X3 F ; W OMAN'S Exchange , 1CI7 Farnam st. Uiuch dully , supper Saturday nights. uu WANTKD A good l.orse , buaay and harness 111 exchange for South Omaha lotS. ( leorgo J.BteinsdorlT. loom 8. onp postofllc-j. SU TIHR SilKI.TOK , " aith and Dodgp streets 1'Mrst-class family liotul. Hoard ntid rooms single or en Ktilto at reasonable rutuit. Hefor ences reiiulred. Mrs. M. Whlttiiker. 618 a'J you nave nnytnlns to trade call on or tul- IF dross ( leorgu J. Sterusdorll , Uojui u , opposite - site poiitoHIco lot ' < for Destltuto Women and Children , IT 271S ! Hurt bt. U10 STORAGE. I71OH KENT Htornge very cheap at Illock , V JL1 lleymun , clothiers , 1I1J Furiiam st , 'Iwo Oiphans'old stand. l"Zt 1 STOUAGE Safe , dry and clean nt low lates. Itiddell As llldilell , 111 Howard. 4'4a2- SToTlAOK-1' . llocco llros. A : Co. , HOi Howard street at the low est rates. M.iall VEUV" Cheap Storage llran new bulldlnp ; tlvo stories. Elevator Mfg Co. , Ills Howard. . twil I. t > T HACKAGK. storage , lowest ratoj. W. M X Hushman , Mil Ioav nworth. 107 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING HhortTiand Institute Is tno Y only exclusive1 , practical short hand and typuwrltlug school In tlie est. I'nder the mauatjenicntof 0. C. Valentine , oiliclal court repi > rter of thoTulrd judicial dlatilct of Ne braska , iind Prof. II. ll. lloylus , \erbatlm n- porter ot laipo experience and reputation , HV alhted by ntlior oxperiencrd teachers. Our list of graduate * Is the larcest of any school in the west ; all are occupying first-class positions und * plvlng entire Ritlsfiiftlon. If you Intend learn ing shorthand and typewriting attend a Hist- cluss school and bo .iure of n good situation. Students can enter at any time ; no summer va cation , Pitman's. Munsou's nnd ( Jraham's sys tems taught. Instruction given on Hammond ti Hemlnpton Typewriters both for same price. Pi rtleulnr attention paid to snelllnc , punctua tion business and legal forms , etc. For full liar- tlrulars fcond'for circulars or call at Valentino's Shorthand In&tltute , New Paxton building , Omaha. Neb. -'OS Jy3l WANTED-TO BUY. "V\7"ANTED A second-hand No. " IJt-inlust T T typewriter. Address lloxii , Hustlu .V Good nouse and lot in desirable WANTKD the city ; will glvo llrst-clasj bar- pain to anyone if suited. Ueo. j. Stern3'3orir , ItoomO , Frenzer ble. b8 you nave Improved business or resilience IF property tuUt Sou wish to sell , call aud see mo. ( icorgo J. Bterusdorff , room 0 , oppos > lto postolllco. -J' ' uy furnlturoota nouso or tat ! cen- trallylocated. Co-op. L. . & L. Co TO5 N. Wth \ tt > U'S SKVnilAL store bulldlng.s or houses that can bo milved. Will pay good prlco If suited. George J , StornsdorlT , ' room 0 , opposite ix > 5- olllce. laj CLAIRVOYANT. A3TiNTfON : ALL Would know thy dos- tliiy ? if > Ro consult the gifted destiny reader ; tolls your life from the cradle to the grave , reunites - unites the separated ; all In trouble will do well to call on tills gifted secress , Madumn JCoe ; locates dl ( > casai.aiid cures them with massupo and electric treatment. 417 S. llth st ; upstair * . i ( . . p-l * Dlt. NANN1K V. WuiTon , claln-ovauv. Med- Icnl , bustpcss and test medium. Diagnosis tree. Female diseases u specialty. 113 N. 18tU 8t..Ilooins 2&S Tel. 41. lo-J MONEY TO LOAN.1 Till : Omaha Financial nsctiange , Uooui 15 , Harker block , Eouthwost corner of Fur- DRta and l.'ith sts. Jlukei a specialty of short-tlmo collateral and real estate loans. Money always on hand in sums of 8100 and up wards to any amount , to loan on approved so- curlty. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for good lirst or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , blocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quiotlyand fairly. Koom l.Itarker clock , Corbett , Manager. 17U MONF.Y To lxiin ) Hy the undersigned , who has the only p.-operty organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of 310 to jlUJmade on lurui- ture , pianos , organsjiorses , wagous.machlnory , etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All bualness strictly conttdential. Loans so made that any part cun bo paid nt any time , each payment re ducing the cost iiro ratu. Advances nrndo on line watches und diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many now concerns are daily coming Into exis tence. Should you need mon y call and see mo. W. it. Croft , Hoom 4. Wlthaell bnildlng.ISth and 11 arney. 170 MONEY to loan on real estate ; mortgages bought and sold. Wallace , Crelghton block. 177 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate and loan ngoi.M , 1W30 Farnam st. 1U1 M ONEY to Loan On horses , mutes , etc. II. W. Huntress , 1417 Farnam street. 31T IOANS made on city proparty low ratos. C. < T. Morton , 1417 Farnam , Rooms u and 10. 337 a 2 $5COC03 to loan on Omaha city property at per cent. G. W. Day. so cor Ex. bid" , litt LOANS' madoou real estate , tosh on hand. W. M , Hams , over 2JJ a ISthst. 187 MOTEY to loan ; large and small sums at low rates , for short time , on real estate or chattel hocurtty : scoond notes bought ; all Ilnan- clal builneis strictly confidential. People's Fi nancial Exchange , o. Houscaren manager ; room W > ) Harker block , 151H and Farnam. 772 fl ? 11,000 to loan on city property , low rates. P H. C. Hoynton , 313 S 14th st opp 1'axton house. 758 a 12 * fONEY to loan onnorsos , turnlturo and other l-'l-personal property or collateral. Hates mod erate ; business confidential. O 111 ce 8. W. cor ner Itth and Douglas sts. Entrance ou 15th st. The I'alrbank Investment Co. 175 - " | \f ONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , AiLwlthout removal or on collateral security. Business strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood & Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson. 1H1 T DANS made on Improved ana unimproved J-Jclty property at lowest rates of Interest , special rutos on-largo loans on lusldo property. Odell llroa ; &CQ. , 3U S. Itltn st. 183 WE keep on hand money to loan on Inside property < ln Omaha and Houth Omaha Ir sums from J.00 * to to.OOO , and as we do o"OTVT Vttluatlngnuvko ; ull paper * , et we c [ com yonamT pay you tm n & Co- oem " . " "lust CITY and farm loans made at lowest rates NodeloyjTud commission charged. J , W llobblns , lt..2Jr.Sheelyblk. . , 15th and Howard i i' 231 HATTELanil collateral loana , il. E. Davis lit S , 13th BU. Hoom 27. 751 MONEY ) t < > , , ] oun on diamonds , watcho.s am jewelry ; nil business strictly confidential can accommodate you with lung or short loans it will pay you to see me. Hams Diamond < ! Watch Loan Co. , 219 B 15tn t..lloyd's open house block. 771)all ) HE. COLS ns money on Improved city 01 fanu property. Uooiu 6 , Continental block. 1S5 GPKH CENt money to loan , Patterson i : IJar nard318BlSth at IbO MONEY to loan ; cash on band ; no delay. J W. Squire. 1211) ) Faruam St. , First Natlona bank building. 141 SEE Harris HE if L Co. for loans , room 41 Ut Xat Hank. 220 /"VMAIIA Chattel Loan Co. , baa money to loai V/on chattel and collateral security. Hoom 1 Omaha Nat'l Hang 171 LOANS made to parties desiring to build. B _ _ _ V. Sliolea. room 1. Harker block. W3 LOANS made on real estate and mortgage : bought. Low 14 S. Hood i : Co. , 1521 Farnam _ . 154 $ UXOOOto ) loan at Operasnt. Linahau i Ma jion 7. Koom 501. Puxton block. Ih3 MONEY to loan on Oiuurmiind Month Ornahi uronertv. ( ! . y. Harri"i > us a. " ' < w 31 Cliamp' XHyan .IV 1,0.111 money on Improved property In Omnnn and principal additions , al o building loans , nt low rates. Koom 0 , U. S. Nat bank. 812ol3 MOJfKY loaiTcT"at 0 , F. lteeil\V Col's Lo.m olllce , on fiirnltiir. ' , pianos , horses , wagons , personal iiroperty of nil kind * , nnd all other nitlclcs of value without removal , 3PS. Utli. All business strictly conlldentlnl. 17n TV ] ONEY to loan on rurulturf , horse * , wagons , J-'l etc. , or on auy approved xourlty. J. W. Hob- bins , U , 20J Sheely blk , 15th and Howard. 674 Llnahoii MONEY to loan. Long tlmo. George J. Paul , 1000 Faruam t. : vo MONEY ( lood commercial paper nnd short tlmo mortgages bought. Heal estate loans negotiated. S. A. Slonmn , 13thand Farnam. 411) ) fiOO.OOO ll per cont. Money to loan ou i m pro $ ved farms or r.lty property. .lames A. Wood- nmn. at the old lire Insurancrt ofllco of Murphy St Lovett , 2 * ) H. 13th st. KIT DON"1 ! borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. II. .lacolx , room 410 , First National bank building , cor , Wtn and Farnam IK ) H r III IHIJY'WXMMJ to loan on city property and improved farm laud. Fronzer block. 174 MONEY to loan at low rates on Omaha and South Omaha property , improved nnd un improved. Chas. \Voollcy , 41S S. IBth st. ISM at MONEY to loan in any amount , either for building or otherwise , at lowest lutes of In terest and on short notice. D. V. Sholcs. room 1K)2 ) T OANS made In all the prlnclpnl additions to -1-JOmaha ut lowest rates. D. Y. Bholes , room 1 , Haiker block 'Ml _ AB 8TR Acfs o"F flfLE. "IXTIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . l.VVi 1 nr- JJAnam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate oxumlucd.pcrfectod & guaranteed. IINSON \ CAHMICH AE and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete set of ub tiact boons In the city. No. 150a Farnam at. 5NJ BUSINESS CHANCES. A MAN of average ability nnd SliW can buy n partnership lu a good paying olltcu nnd manufacturing business. Akdlcal in in pie- ferred. Address U 02 , Hoc olllce. O'JS ' I * LUNCH And chop house. Good location , must bell ut once. Co-op. U and L. Co. , -05 N. 16th st. 50J-1 FOU SALE Drug business on principle street In city. Omaha Huslimss Exchange , S. W. cor. llith and Douglas. 5'J. > AF1HST-CLAS3 opportunity for an energetic business man In the hotel line lu the house Just completed nt the corner of Cth and PaclUo BIS. , 2 bloc-Ks from the H. tc M. and t1. P. depots. Water and gas all o\er the house and all mod ern Improvements ; also 2 stores In same build ing , 'J xiiO , wltli good onih\r > i , lultablo for any busluoss , ns there Is a densely populated neigh borhood nnd good traffic ; reasonable. Apply to Elllnger llros. , 012 d. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. 67U FOH SALti Husiness. lensa of store. 412 g" lIHli , Koo.l stand , call at once. 67Satt FOH SALE The colebrnted mineral spring near Imogoue , Iowa. A fortune for some one. Address , A. S. Lake , Shenaudoah , la.CM CM TDAHTNEU In n restaurant , paying J3.,0per . X month. Omaha Uusluess exchange , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. ty > A WKLL-ESTAIIL1SHED saloon dolutf a llrst- xXclnss business , located In the northern part of the city , fixtures and tables all in good or der ; will bo ( .old at n great sacrlllco ; satisfac tory reason given for selling. Apply to George. J. htcriisdoril , room u , opp. P. O. 58J 5 MEAT Market , centrally located , for aalo nt a bargain , till August 3. Address U. 5 ! > . lleo oliice. 5H2-31 T710H SALE Half Interest In one of best pay- -U ing Sunday papers In the west. Job olllce in connection. Ill health reason for selllug. Address U 57 , Heo office 531 FOU SALE-An established Insurance agencv. Call nt Omaha Uusiuess exchange , S. W. cor 15tU und Douglas , a 593 "IjlOll BALE Livery and boarding stnble.small JJ expense , doing rood business. H. E. Cole , room ( ! , Continental Mock. 480 1 FOH SALE Or Exchange Drug stock In city doing good business. Will trada for stocK iu small place. Address U ftl , Heo olllce. FOH SALK Good paying bo.irdlng house , good locality , 20 rooms ; reason for selling , bad health. Address , U 41 , Oinnha Hoe. 4703 ? TJ10K SALE Several paying Hats , cheap , as JL' ow nors are leaving city. 11. E. Cole , room U , Continental block. 483 1 FOH SALE A lirit class bakery , ice cream , fruit end confectionery business In Fremont - mont ; splendid locution , good reasons for sell ing. Address Gco. llnsler. Fremont , Neb. bM "I7IOH SALE A good grocery , estnbllsncd four JL1 years , good location , doing a good buslnojs. Good reaijous for soiling. JJ.otW capital , and will take nothing but cash. T M. Hee Olllce. 000 FOR EXCHANGE. mo EXCHANGE A good business lot on JL.Leuveuworth street , near Slltli r ve , for lot on 20th or 28th street , near by. F. K. Darling , jiai Farnam. 710 u A SPLENDID lot in Union Square , one of the liU'jst residence locations iu the city. What have you to oll'ur ? George J. StcrusdorlT , room 0 , opp. P.O. oMG - | CO cloai for equity in house und lot. II. E. J-Colo , roomO. Continental block. 4SO 1 " \\7HAT have you to offer for 1,280 acres of T T timber landl u Virginia , clear of In- curabrnnce , Derfect tltlo. George J. Stornsdorff , llooni 0 , opiioslte P. o. _ 2 : ) ! iE -roomhouso in Kountzo place , with furnace , bath and gus , for n peed sightly lot In Iwnc & Selden's add. Ham ilton llros. , Tel. 117U , 4U3 S. Ibth. t3i-5 * WlLLgivoyoua good trade for an eight or ten room house nnd lot. George J. Sterns- dorir , Hoom C , opposite P. O. 231 TI1HADES mndo m real estate nnd personal X property. Sej exchange book. Oo-oo. L. and L. Co. S05 N. lUth st , 1U5 I HAVE a house and lot to exchange for a well-located vacant lot. George J. Sterns- dorff , room 0 , opp. I1. 0. 583 5 "fvTEW 3 seated carriage and now single top 0.1 buggy to trade for long tlmo real estate mortgnso. W. L. Solby mi 1'arn.un st. 191 HARDWARE stock , splendid location , invoice J2.700 ; take part In good property. II. E. Cole , room , Continental block. 4Sl ( 1 WHAT have you to offer for some good land In Missouri , clear of Incumbrance. George J. Stonwdorff , room ( I , opp. P. O. 6S1 5 mo EXCHANGE House and lot In Nora X Springs , la. , worth J1.501 bank building In same place worth * J,500 , and luo acres of land In Hancock county , lown , worth K.KQ , all clear , for business property or good residence In Omnha , will pay 52 , COO to JS.COO cash additional. Call und get full particulars. C. F. Harrison , 41S 815th st. 4M ( WELM.MPHOYED farm In Hand countv Dak , ; will trade for Omnhn Tn-7 , rrv George J. Bternsdorlf , roomO , on" p o"6SJ5 C10R . JL. good trade .nyolco about Jl.f.OO. want t gooil house , , , jot. Jlf Ki Coiei roomO , Contiuentnl TTIOH EXCHANE-Neb. ! farm oc two South -L ? Omaha lots for span of mares or mules , w , L. Selby , 1521 Furnam st. l4 ! TEWELHY. invoice nhout K.OOO. want gooi tl jirotierty in city. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Contln mini block. 4M 1 EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of and adjoining Lake Munawa , Council , niuirs , Ja. This tract will make 400 beautiful lota und Is free from encuniDrauce. What nave you to offer ? George J. BtornsiU.rtf .rooiu o , opp p. o. _ 107 BlllCh.- Wanted 100,000 bricks in exchange for good Inside Omnlm property. H. A , Sloman room 22 and 23 Hellman bldg. 1'Jl WHAT have you to trade for 80 acres or land unlncumborod in .lunean county , WIs. , Smiles from connty scut. Q. J. 0 , opp Ppstplllce. _ 1C7 TOEXCHANQE-Clty lots. Will trade foi horse and buggy , Hootn 4,03 , now Paxtoa block. KS _ _ GJ. STERNSDORFK. Room 8 , opposite 1 > t O. , has some choice farm land to trailf for city property. Will assume light Incuui trances. 231 _ _ \\T E have for sale a long time lease of the "boji T location for fancy retail business w th < city. Fearon , Cole & Robertson , 310 a. 15tn it. OLKAR 0 acre * , nnely Improved laudncai Florence , for IIOUBO and lot cloja In , H. U Col * , room 0 , Contlnnntal block. 480 1 _ FOR AI.E-R'EALESTATE. N'KVf five-room cottage , full lot , good location for sale cheap ; small cash payment , btil uncetosult , inquire of 0. il. fcllkwortli.iw Faruum st. _ _ 70 0 * HbliSEa nnd'lots Inliny paitfif city'on ens ; terms and monthly payments. Call and HOI tlieiu. K. IL. Uaclii.w. ibi ) U KUUM. ; u > n , I1OR PALE llenutlful 8-txKun house with art -L modern Improvemi-nto , full lot , Kouirtro place , * 7OJ ( ! j cash. Will trade for good va cant business l > roporty On. lower f nunilers st. r.r. Ilnrrl on..4li8 ! lilth fit. C'.HI $ W cash wlill buy } jOJ nullity In hotiso and lot four blorks from green car line , Address U W , nco olllee. 071-3 _ _ FOR SALE A beautiful residence lot In Icnnc .V Soldeu'B addition ; if you want a. birizaln , luve < tlgnte. Oeorgt ) J , Stcrnsdorir , Hoom 6 , opp. P. O. 681 _ _ _ O ACIIES near West Side depot. Only ll.r.O ) ; hcash. F. K. Darling. 15J1 Fn. nam. 7UO-2 "T OR SALE. Farms on longtime. Co-Opera- JL' tlvo I. niul and Lot Co. , 2Oi N. llith St. 027 OWN a house for yourself , buy your coal nnd got ready for winter. 1 liavo n larco 2-story house , seven largo rooms , good well. clKtorn , large lot , good ctdlar , handy to school niul street rnr and store. Come nnd see mo nt once nbout thU. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. F > thst , n.ui MFHANKL1N formerly of r 411'oxton Illdg. will carry on hit trading nt 1511 Faruam t. Hedlck'Hlllockat Patilsen and Arnonian's room und will always liavii good list of propelty to ttadn and exchange. 4U ) $ M makes llrst payment on nn elegant 7-room house on Shormunu\e. dtop nnd think. II. E. Cole , loom G , Continental block. 4tO 1 \\7IIO will hear my voice ? Hard up and must T have money. Dundee Place la solllm ? lots at tl.OJ loach , who will take 2tl lots tor M.Nni ? lluloiig to a paity In the east. Address N til , IK-o oltice. S.CJ A 1) O NICE ! > room cottages , well and cKtern ; i near shot works , JI.WM ; monthly [ uiyments. F. K. D\rllntr : , 1J21 Furnam. 700-2 "IjlOH SALE I am prepared to build you a J-1 good house In t\ good location and tuku monthly payments on tlm house and lot. Call and see mo about It. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 1.1th. 71'I y-STOHY G-ronin house ou your own terms. 'Why ' pay rent ? II. E. Cole , loom 0 , Coutl- m-iitul block. 4SO I " \VHVPAY KENT lean otror you u boautl- T T fill roslUcnco lot In Wcstlawn on licit Hue Hy. , clo'o to nuw school house and Ntatlon ou the Hi-It line H } ' . , nnd only u few blocks from Park street car line. If you want to secure a pleasant little homo close to school. Holt line irnliiH and stieflt car Hut' , nnd not run so deeply In debt for it that you can never pay for It , call at my ollico nnd let mo show yon what \ \ can do for you in this udilltioli. Goo. N. lllcks , Itoom 40 , Harker block. 411 TJS.AKT front In ShuU's 3d add , three-o.uartor3 JJJ of a blk trom thti route of cable ; lot 60x127 , It foot above grade ; } 2,600 If taken quick , ti. F. Harrison. 413 S. nth. 171 "VVriLL cell a lot near ( .owe ave. for SI.MO , and T T loan $1,000 to Improve s.xme , on $ li month ly payments Address , D. C. Patterson. 481 I AM agent for bomo of the llncst toslilonco lots In llnn * > coiii 1'laco and can offer them at llgttros It villl p.iy you to Investigate. Hicks , Koom 41) ) , Harker block. 411 N VVlllInm St. . near Cth , lotStellB. 4 room largo cottnge , $2,400 Cash $2'0 , bal. luonthly. P. K. Darling , 1521 Farnam. 7iO-2 I AHGAlN-rholce ten-aero tract lu n line J 'state of cultivation , especially desirable for fruit and market garden , for snloat llgures that mao ! U n big bargain. Geo. N. lllck.s , Hoom40 , Harker block , S. W. corner 15th and Farnam. 441 _ CHEAP LAND-50J ncres ot good laud In Hamilton county , Nebraska , nt a great bar- bnln. Terms easy. Address W. J. Wlldmau , Denver , Colo. 630-7 OH HALE The very best land In Cheyenne county. Neb. , from & " > .OJ to ? 7.W ( nn aero. 1 tenth down , balance in ten annual equal pay ments. 'Lcddlo Hioi. , Julesburg , Colo. l.QL'IRES ? 330 to buy n lot. the third ouo north of L st. So. Omaha , which owner must sell to save any ot his equity. D. D. Smentou , Darker block , onmhn. 607 6 "J31G money In it on account of prlcss and ' - * terms ; lot 0 , block 6Ho. . Omaha ; $ i" > ' ) casn , IW" > 0 Jlay , IWO , and other payment February , 18)1. ) D. D. Smeaton , Harker blk , Omaha. 607 5 sFLKNDID 5 room new cottage on lot 12x li0 ! ft. , on Cnss ht. nenr 35th. 'Only * 2,5au. Monthly payments , Tills Is the cheapest place In town to-day. F. K. Darling , 15il Furnam. 1UO-2 _ OHTY-TNVO dollars per ft , cor L and 23th. So. omauii.Vliou li st viaduct Is In , what will it sell for ? Answer , $100 per ft ; grt tne terms of less than H cash of D. D. Smenton , Harker block , Omaha. 6f > 7 6 T7IOR SALK Not fortrade. 613.70 acres of Im- J- proved land 2 mlles from Marquette , in Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame stable , 3X ) acres under ngood 4 barb-wire fence , round cedar posts and 2 stays ; living water , good con al , 2 wclU , wind-mill , ; u i barrel tank , self-feeder troughs , etc ; 75 acres clover ; n model iarm Prix e ( less than J13 per ncro ) $7.000 Cash , 4.CO' ' ) 3yeniM tlmont Opercent 3,000 ( Jo and look over the laud , and address the owner , 1' . K. Atkins , 15U2 Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. fh24 GJ. STERNSDOHFF , roomfl opposite post- ollico , will sell you a good 4-room house on llith street , " blocks south of car Hue , by pay ing KOO casn. balunro monthly pajnnents to suit. This is a splendid opportunity for any one wanting a cheap home. 231 A LI , thosa desiring to go out nnd Inspect the beauties of Seymour park , and the odvun- tnges It offers for homes , nro requested to cull nt the ollice of E. F. Seavcr.Room 40llarkor Hlk. ; 412 $1,000 buys a fill I lot nnd good 4-room cottage in a good location. D. V. Sholos. room 1 , Har ker block 903 _ _ " " B"AHGA1N Lot 13 , block2. Summit Plnco ad" dltlou , OS feet on Fnrnam by is ; . Kiniball , Cliamp & Hyan , room U , U. S. Nut. bank. t > ll al3 TT1OR SALE Sl.fiOO for n neat S-room cottage , JL ! 2011 Grace st.nlco homo fora mechanic woric- Ingln the north part of town. Easy payments. C. F. Harrison. 418 South l.'ith ' st. 211 l.EOANTresidence lots for sale In Hanscom place by Hicks , Hoom 40 , Darker block. I71OK SALE Improved farm of 80 acres ; good A- ' orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings und living water ; llfteen miles from Omahu , The best produce and llvo stock market In the world. J45 per aero. 0. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th , Omaha. 101 CALL nnd see the plat and prlcns of Seymour park. E. F. Heaver , Hoom 10 , lUrker block. 412 _ ONLY a few lots left in I ) . & M. park addition to South Omulm. What huvo you toolTnr/ George J. Sternsdorlf. lloom B , opp.U1. O. 231 DO YOU want a nice home ? 1 have several ot the illicit lot > In Hanscom Place , perfect grade , water and gas in street and In nplendld neighborhood , upon which 1 can build housed to suit purchasers. It will pay to investigate this at ouco. Ueo. N. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. 441 _ "I71OH SALE Or exchange. We have Bomn JL1 good Omaha real estate and Nobraskn farms , which wo will sell cheap or traao for stock of clothing , furnishing poocH , dry goods , boots and shoes , groceries or hardware. ingur llroj. , 014 S. 10th st. F ca estate call on Qeo. j , i'nui , 1000 F"r 3S3 $ f > 00 buys n fu'.l tot and good 4-room cottage , eany terms and good location. D V.Sbolo loom 1 , ll.ii'Kcr block. . VM I HAVE Hovora choice , Insldp , full lots , upon which I can build home.i to suit purchasers upon their own selection of plans , and ou terms to suit. This will pay to invostlsato. D. V. Bholes room 1 Darker block. 125 Contrnut Wnrlr. The Elm Creek llrowustono Co. , of llufTalo Hap , Dakota , will receive saalod bids up to August luth , ISfW , for ( iimn-ylnu' stone by the foot , at their quarries , the company furnishing derricks and tools. Address J. ti. MOODIE. JlyJJU-d-'Jt Secretary. Nnt'co ' to Contractor ! . SEALED bldu will bo received by the building committee of school district No. 2 , of Nor ton county , Kunsan. for the ere 'tlou anil com pletion ofii two-story four-room , 47x10 , brick school building , uicordliig to plans and sppclll- cations now on exhibition at tlm clerk's olilco In Alniena , Norton county , Kansas. Each bidder will bo required to put up u certltled check for & 00. as earnest money , and to Illo un approved bond lu doiibla the amount of his bid. Hlils will bo received up to 3 o'clock on August llth , IBS' * . The board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. ald3t QEO. H. JEFFEItAY , Cleric. roilUr > lcurtain60 dijribjrDr. IIorne' KlM < ra-M _ nctU Utlt. Trun.oorahlnod. aiuruiteialn * oalr on * In Itw world R ntr tlo acoctJnuoa Kltctris S J/apiufi rtnh Sclentiao , Powtrful , tud ratctlT * . Arold fraud * > rf > rJ. B a iJtu ifuicrUio HKI.TH rou . Pi. HOBHE. iNtfUIOi. IB1 BTMJUJJ AVL. OHIBAC3. IT. J. Surgeon and Physician , Ofllc * N. W Corner Uth ard DoujUi St , OOlca teleplione. { Oj ; llcilduuco telpphone. SJi. PEERLESS DYES who li WEAK. ivr.RvorN hu TniFLRl * itwnr hli VUlORof IIODT , Mll I > andnANIlooi > .cau > IngexhiiuitlnR drains upon the FOUNTAIN * of. LIFE , HKAUAVHC , IIAGHAVIIK , Drendful Drmmi , WEAKNKNH of Memnrr. IIAS1I * rUIL.Nr.NN In HOCIKTT. I'lm'l.KK upon the FACE , and nil the KFFECTN Irndlncto * : A It I.Y DKUAY ivnd ptrhapi CONNIIMP * VKON or INSANITY , should contult nt one Uia CKLKIIRATKO Dr. Clarke. KttAblllhed 1MI. IT. Cldtk * hu made NF.UVOl'f ' * II K. nil.lTT. riiHONIC and all Ulitaici of Uie KNIT > IJKINAHY OreHnt a Llfa Btiirly. It nukM no dlllerenco WHAT you tare taken or WHO ha * foiled to euro you. - . liar to their tax can consult with the nituranca of ipoedjr relief and cure. Bend 3 cents pcjtoga fur worki on jour dlicaics. JW-Oend 4 crnM pootnee fbr C 1elirntcd Worfcfi on fliriinlr , Nrrvuiia and Dell * nntn I/iieotea. Contultntlon , pcnontl'y or by letter , free. Coniult the old Doctor. Ylitmnandii ciirrcl. omccn and imrlar * prlvnto. CurThose contemplating Msrrlnco t cd for Dr. Clurito'a colobrat d gulilo 3uf and ft'riimlr. cnch 15c. , both o. tatnmrw ) . HnfntD ronrtrtlnR jotir cnsc , consult l > r. OD.AltJCK. A friendly letter or tall may jaro future tunrrlugaml ilmmc , and add golden y an tn life. ff-Book " I.lfc'n ( Scurot ) F.r * rnri,1' 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent overynhorc , tecuro from t'postiro. Hours , 8 to R : Uundajs , U tn 12. Addmi , F. D. nr.AR.Tgw , M. D. 1 00 60. Olrtrk St. . ( OH1OAUO , nis Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? HEAD THIS IF IT IS. Al'ioprletary Mpdlcmo that needa bututrla ) to prove Its worth. Dr , Calbilef's ' Left Liver lilleis , Tno only Distilled Hitters In the United States. The only Hitter * recomilzed by ths United States Inteuwl revemiu laws ns n'Pro- ' prletary .Medicine. J.nv.fully Patented. No. of Patent 1-1-9,573. Contains no fusil oils , no forelcn substance ordnnmR. Ing dniKs. A perfectly pure medicine , compounded - pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs and Old Poach ! lileasantto the taste , quiet nnd decisive In Its oirect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In live day * . Itcculates the Rowels. Invltroratoa Inactive Liver , Cures Dlseas d I < lvcr , JtiAvires the Kulnoys , Improves the Appotlte Quickly , llpenlntos the wnolo system. Now Life to tha whole syctem. l.oft l.lvi-r Itlttnn nro oM In Omnhn , Nnh.'lir tlio lolliinliiu uriiKKlitn : Itlclmnlson Druu Oi. , Special Wiolosuto , for tlio drux liiU'rost of Nobrusku , Uotnll- ers its follows : ( iooammi Dnu Co. , W. \Vhltoliouso , T.V , Spalttml. Sam H. Kimnwortli , drhroter'i rimrmacr Kuhn SOii. , John illntllah , M. 1'urr , J. A. Fuller , * CD. , W.J.llUKlKin. John It. Conlo. O.J. Vrlco. M.J. Powell , K. 11. Uuntach . . , John K. lluirskMorrell'8 " ) ! .11:1 : 1111191011 , ( ieoigit Ilooder. lloyd's I'liiirmacy , C. A.Melcliur.lloirnrd Muynr * . trunk Dollmio & O. , wbolc&ulo Uuulurn In Clunre and Loll Liver llllters. lUYiAND , Certified Checks , Payable al Slglil on Ihe Pugct Sound National Bank Given as Security for Money Invested. To thosn desirous ut hujliiK property on time , wa olTor the followlnu : Wo will Mlluw Irom .Hinontlis In 6 yuurs' llino , iicconlliiK Ibo liiuil you select , Wo cliurKO neither premium nor Interest on time pijnionl : , niul will Kirn you u warranty doeU. We have kits at JMI.UI niul K > > .UItliut ure wllliln n radius ol two nnd n Imll mlk s of the pust-otlico wo quira only 11) per oont. nt mi enrnoKt money nnd wo will ElTc ccrliauu cliock for tlio full nuiuuiit of oscu and every subsequent imynicnt. Tlicclieck Indrawn by thn 1'UKi-t biiuiiit Nftllunnl bank nntl Is made par- nbleat lKht and jrou can draw yrmr money utunr tlm thouKtiby oodolng you forfeit your ilcBts to purrlmto land. Make jrnur Income , no niatlnr bow ernall , cnrn fOinothlnK. Trnnscontlnontnlrallfonda nro hciullns for Scattlo , anil mnnnInr.turliiKl floiir- lililne. uonurnl cnmrncrro Itln m > tntootiiuhtan > llul progression. Tlio ilnllr | inpora are lilled wlUi accoiinttuf now enterprises. Culiln euro ninl homo cam circle Ser.ttlp. Addreos COOK < fc MMOKK , bo liavo the 1.A1U1KST 1'HOl'KUTY Llbl1 la SEATTLE. W > T. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS RXFdSlTlOti 1813. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4. THE MOST PERFECT OF THE CHICAGO STERN RAILWAY. And Chicago , . . , „ _ . . . , * " - * , , . r liy nny o _ _ Amen j n tavr uf the muiicnum points of * iitarlQ | Pnlujrpil by the patron * of this rim I between Umi anil Olilcueo , nro Its tliroo trnln n il y otu COACIIKH , wliloli nro the nncst tli t humanrt t Inxcnultrcaiirrcnto. IU 1'Al.\CKHI.KKl'INUCA HioiMuHl | uf which cuniint IIH found eiiovhero ( 'iiiiiii.ll Illutfi , the triilm of the Union tStc4MtH way connect In union iloixit wltli llioso oftliti i-iiuo.V Nortlivrratiirii Hr. In Chloiiiio fift'tnlni. ' IliU llncnriio closj conaoctlxn with U , > Moo | other Knsteni llnm. For Detroit , ( Jotunibim , InJUn Bpoll . > Cltlt : Nlntrorn I alls , llinTalo. lltt burir.Torunto , Mai llnmon Now \ork , riillnilulimln , Halllniofo , liwtou , una ull points In tlio uuit. A k lor tloi tllf ) e "NORTH-WESTERN' * ' ( If you l h Ibo best ncconiiuotlatlun. " "All'tic ' ' " 11111' ' " " ' ' tt'SijfiJE ; ' * . % % $ * * n * r'niCAfio , ii.w. f , . \Y. N. 11A1ICOCK , llun'l WuVimn Agent. ' " 1) . K. KIM I ! UL , llrkot A flt. . a. \ htr r M ui.-or i 14(1 ( ] an i m Ht. , On all * , State Line. - , llclfust , Dublin mid Liverpool From Naw York Every Tuesday , ' Cabin pabsago 11 and J3. . accorOlnir to location of state room. Excursion fcicTto MJt Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest ita'tca. AUSTIN HALDWIN it',0.00 ? ' ! A.8 t ii. JOHN IILEQEN , HAllKir E. Reduced Cubln lUtes to hihitiou.