Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Monday's Advance Entirely Lost in
the Wheat Pit.
Oftt Hulo Firm and Fnlrly Act Ire
1'roTlslons AvcrnRO lll ; linr Cnttlo
Still In nn Unnntl raotory Con
dition HU B Weaker.
Cnioiao , July 31. [ Special Tclcjrrnni to
THE 13EE.1 "Ocntlomon with dark lanterns
vrcro bidding SCc for September wheat this
evening , " was the- strange way u trmtcr told
of the curb trading yesterday. Tim state
ment was true , probably liOO.OOO bushels
clmnelng'himda at 85 @ 80c. The ruRiilar
close was K > c , and the opening to-day was
84J c. That was the top. The bottom wns
82J/C. The decllno was not the work of n
wlnuto or an hour , though there was a shatp
break of Ic from the opening. August WHS
offered from 84o down to W o without sale.
September broke to 83c on the llrst turn ,
and December from 67e to 8c. ( ! Yesterday
at the close and after , everybody wanted to
buy ; this morning cvurj'boJy seemed
anxious to sell. The boom was off ,
On the second break the market was carried
ilown another Ic , landing September at S.'io
and December at S.l'je. ' Just before the
cloio there was a stilt further dopieclatlon
nnd the market was exceedingly weak tit a
loss of l c compared with yesterday. The
bulls arc now Miying\thnt they will bo satis-
lied if wheat Is as high priced on Saturday
night as It wan on Monday morning. They
are also solacing themselves with the re
mark that utter the 7c advance a reaction
more or less violent was enl > to bo expected.
The "mitunl reaction" to-day was sharp
enough to suit the most ardent apostle of
"action. " The late buyers of yesterday were
most rapid sellers to-day , and a large amount
of wheat hold for local speculative account
dumped under 8lo and BOc for September nnd
December. There was nothing in the situa
tion to Justify the slump In prices. Foreign
markets were no lower , and advices fiom the
northwest were In the main confirmatory of
the scare talk in circulation yesterday ,
though It must bo confessed that
the evidence In not nt bund to baclc
up the wild claim of extreme "crop
kllor ! " and "famine breeders. " Kecolpts at
primary points tire not BO heavy as yester
day. The volume of trade to day was largo
lint transactions were In the main of n local
character or fiom commercial venters. The
I'loso was at the inside , and prices were
about where they left off Saturday , yester
day's advance having been entirely lost.
The corn market was again perverse to-day.
Y < ' 6tcrduy and Saturday it refused to ad
vance with wheat , and to-day it ad
vanced while wheat declined , closing
K'fc higher than yesterday. In the llrat
place , receipts were from 3 , " > to 40 cars below
estimates , and then a good many shorts
turned to cover at the same time , being
moved to do so by rupoits from Kansas City
that the crop of western ICansas was threat
ened with destruction by hot winds. Latot
In the day a report was given out that there
was n "deal" under way under con
trol of a lend ng commission house
not altogether disassociated with "deals"
in the past. Still later an unusual activity
in vessel nnd shipping circles was observed
ana the footing up of charters after the
t'lmngo showed that room had been engaged
lor3'i3X)0 ' ( ) bushels. Altogether thosituation
looked stronger than yesterday , especially as
the forward movement seems to bo falling
olT , the estimates for to-morrow being ! ! ( ) l
ears. Speculative dealings wore on a scale
above the dally average perhaps.
Oats word in fair request and sllghtlj
llrmor on speculative account during
most of the session. The inspection
sheet exhibited fair arrivals while the esti
mated receipts for to-morrow fell to 104
cars. Cash lots wore lit niodcrato request ,
with 2t J o nt ono tlmo paid for No. 2 in store.
No. a white oats were saleable at 20) ) c for
August and 2li ) o for September. The new
crop deliveries were slightly llrmor In sym
} ) athy with other marketstrado being chiefly
in August and Septcmbar , while May was
quiet and other months dull. Under tin
evening up of the market July was higher ,
nt ono time exhibiting an advance of fully U
over yesterday's close.
Provisions averaged higher than yestcr
day , but the advance cainctl early in the daj
was practically lost by the close. At lo'clocl
pork was unchanged to 2ti higher ; lard
which rested for the coming three months u
the same tlguro ? 8.0T . cash was 2 } i
higher for August and October and 2&i
lower for September , nnd short ribs wen
unchanged to SJ o higher. For Septembcr-
the principal delivery pork covered a rangi
of 25o In Us fluctuations , lard Gc and shor
ribs lOc. Trading wns active , thougl
the amount of cash product soli
was smaller thnn usual of Intc
Distributors and exporters , however , tmi
liberal orders in hand and were prevents
from tilling them in some instances by th
prices asked. but mainly by th
hoarclty of the kinds of incut :
wanted. The stocks for most description !
of Kngllsh meats are now bndl ;
broken. Cash lard < and abort ribs sold n
ruling prices for September. A larg
amount of August pork and short ribs wa
transferred to September at a premium o
1012 o on i > ork and 5 ( < 27J < c on short ribs
CHICAGO , July 31. [ Special Telegram t <
Tun HKK. I UATTIE "There Is scarcely
good toad of cattle among the arrivals , " sal
several buyers , and about all , both salesnic
nnd buyers , ngreo that thcro were only a fei
loads of fat cattle that would suit either th
shippers' or dressed beef trade. Hut for n
that business was slow and unsatisfactor
from the opening to the close. The wcatht
is extremely hot , nnd the demand for frcs
meat has fallen below the average In a
markets. As to pi-Ices , thcro wii
llttlfl or no chnugo on so-cullc
best , but wo have the same ol
story to relate now becoming stale an
wearisome that the common natives nn
Tcxaus were lower. Texan3 substantial !
lower. And why not ! Thcro were 0,000 I
Kansas City , 4,000 , In Chicago nnd 2,000 in S' '
Louis , making about 12.000 Toxaus In sighi
These figures show why common native
nro so low and BO slow to sol
The Texan Is preferied at th
price to the ordinary run of native !
Native cows and bulls arc lower than his
week , uiul slow nt that. Stockers and feeil
ers are quiet and steady , The receipts ir
i-lnded 4,000 choice to extra beeves , uomlt
ally at fli.OOfnO.25 ; medium to good steer *
1850 to 1500 Ibs , $3.10@5 75 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibi
f4.50 < 3S.2Uj MO to 1200 Ibs. f3.60@4.50 ; stocl
crs and feeders , $ l.tiO < Ti.50 ! ) ; cows , bulls an
mixed , * ! .7n@3.CO ; bulk , * 2.70@a.OO. Texn
cattle 15n20o lower ; steers , 1)50 ) to 1050 Ibi
. | : ) .40 < BibO750to0001b9 : ; , * 3.00@3.50 : COO t
700 Ibs , $2.70 < i8.00 ; cows , $1.7502.00.
Unas Common heavy and packing sort
sold a strong nickel lower , while prime ai
sorted heavy nnd light ruled about the sain
us yesterday. A few lots of fancy assortc
heavy mtido $ t > .70g0.75 ( , and ordinary heav
mixed M.ftO@tl.55. Pocking sorts sold i
trt.0 ] < ao.40 , and fancy assorted light at W. "
( go.7fi.
NEW YOIIK , July 81. [ Special Telegram t
THE HEB. ] STOCKS Stock operators , wli
for several days have believed stocks to t
high enough tor thp present , were surprise
to see prices continue to move up , and also I
BOO tlio street tilled with bull pointers , ft
cablu contract was signed yesterday and tl
final announcement made to-day. Kates lm\
been advanced as exacted to 25c. This w ;
the nmltiituy of tbo Western Union and
udvunced lo. Bull points were out c
Canuua Southern & Now England. Tl
etory about Gould soiling out his largo li
tercsts to a syndicate , of which Drexel , Mo
pan & Co. nro at the head , was also rovivc
ind despite Sago's emphatlo denials , it four
uany beliown. S. V. White & Co. ns
Sablu were hearty sellers of St. Paul , but
were unable to keep the prlcedown , nnd after
they withdrew It advanced KTll ° opening
Was qulot , but soon becarao active , and the
first thirty minutes trailing aggregated u very
respectable total , after which there was less
animation throughout the list. First prices
were strong nt advances ranging from
H to } { per cent , the latter on Northern Pa-
clllc. St. Paul , however , was a marked ex-
ccptlon to the rest of the 1'st ' , being oft % per
cent. It wns also conspicuous In the advance
Which fallowed , advancing 1J& per centwhllo
pains In the rest of tbo list were from \i \ to
% per cent only. The advance was checked
nftcr the first hour when trading became
lighter , nnd toward noon dullness prevailed.
About midday the market became fairly ac
tive and stronger , appreciations of } i&4
being rccoidcd. St. Paul & Uuluthadvanced
S ! ( mints but fell off 1. London wns a heavy
seller of St. Paul. Itcports of damage to
crops In the west by winds were numerous
mid caused nn uneasy feeling ntnong the
holders of granger stocks. Some of the
Chicago houses , however , bought North
western steadily nil dny. Union Pacific
came to the front on n favorable report from
the senate on the funding bill. Numerous
bull pools In market nbsoi bed all the stocks
offered and late trading showed that they
virtually controlled the mirket , ns It held
steady until the close , when labt sales were
at about the outside figures , with net ad
vances ranging up to 2' ' , Western Union
having the lead. Union Pacific was up liC ,
Wheeling ft Lake Erie IJf , Canada Southern
IX , Hock Island l , , St. Paul % , North
western , New England3 < i , Ltickawannn Jf.
Total sales were 172,723 shares.
tT. P. 4s regular..l271INorthern 1'nclllc. . . Sfi'f
U. H. 4s coupons.- ! " ? do preferred Ki'J '
U. S. 4'isrPKtilar * 1UC < ,0.N.W in
tl. H. 4"scoupons. 1071 , dn preferred 14'J
1'nclllc iii of ' ! ! . " > . . . .1M1 N. V.Central lOD'i
Ontral I'ftctllc . 117'S ' I' . . D.ill 2l'i '
Chtrngo & Alton .131 Hock Islam !
C'lilciigo.limllugton 0. . M.&St.l' 73'i
& ( Jnlncy HBV do preferred UU'j '
n. . I , . &W St.Pnul&Omuha. . 'l ' i
Illinois Central . . .lit do preferred . . . 108'i '
I. . II. & W 1.1 Pnlonl'acillc OU'i
Kansas & Texas . IB W. , St. li. As I1 14
InkeShoro K M do preferred. . . . , "OH
.Michigan Central . KIJ. ( Western Union. . . . : tO.'i
MNiourlI'acillc . . . 7UJ ?
MOVBY OK CAM. Easy at 11K ( ? P"r cent.
PHIME MERCANTILE PAI-KU lj ( < ( tj ) per
actual business at ? 1.85 for sixty day bills ,
M.ST for demand.
CniCAQo , July 31. Wheat Weak and
lower ; cash nnd August , b2j ; September ,
Corn Steady ; cash , 4545 } c ; Septem
ber. s5)c. ) .
Oats Steady ; cash , 25 c ; August , 54o ;
September , 27jgo.
Hyo 40o.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy 2.40QB.45.
Flux Sl.lgl.lO.i. ( ) (
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Easy ; cash and August , $14.52J-f ;
September , i-10.52.
Lard Easy ; cash , August nnd Septem
ber. $3.1)7 ) .
Flour ( Juotnbly firm.
Bulk Meats Shoulders $7.5ii7.40 ! ! ( ? ; short
clear , $ U.OO&T9.10 ; short ribs , $8.50.
Butter Weak ; creamery , 14@17c ; dairy ,
Cheese Unsettled ; full cream choddarsand
Hats , 7'Ja-c.vounur ( ; Americas , S QsUc.
Eiv Easier ; 14t'lf ( ) e.
Hides Unchanged ; Kroon salted calf , 4 }
< B5c ; heavy green s.iltctl,5X@ M fo i light green
palled , 5 > 4'aic ( ! ; salted bull , 3)fc ; dry Hint ,
8c , dry calf , So ; deacons , 20@-5c each ; dry
salted , < i@7c.
Tallow Easier ; No. 1. solid packed ,
3' c ; No. 2 , 3c , and cake , ; jj @ : t o per lu.
Heceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bb'ls 17,000 6.000
Wheat bu (15,000 ( 41,00(1 (
Corn , bu 213,000 204,000
Oats , bu 00,000 71,000
Hyc , bu . . . .
Barley , bu
Now Jfork , .lulv 'Jl. Wheat Receipts.
61,900'exports ; , 3'J,700 ; cash grades opened
stronger , but closed weaker mid ( ftlc lower ;
options ruled variable nnd unsettled , opening
K@'BC lower , nttcrwnrd rallied } { < jic , then
roko sharply Z % & 1 Jfc , closing llrm with a
recovery of .Js ( < i ? c ; ungraded red , 80@83c ;
No. 2 , red , 03JflU4 ; ( ! > Jc in store and elevator ,
057 @ 93X < s delivered , 0595 % f. o. b. ;
August closing at Dc. ! ! ,
Corn Receipts , ! 12,940 ; exports , 2.CSO ;
spot imlot but generally steady ; options de
clined J o early , but later advanced J ( alfc ! ,
closing steady with a small reaction ; un
graded , 54X@55kc ; No. 2 , CC.J o delivered ,
KWGjKW o t. and 1. , August closing ut 53c.
Oats Hcceipts , 97,100 ; exports , 1W5 : ;
market steady ; mixed western , aOG 'Jo :
whlto western , 44S50c. (
Coffee Spot Hio , nominal at $11.00 ; op-
j tlons f > @H ) points lower and less active :
t , sales , 10,500 bags ; August , $10.50@10C.O . :
i September , $ U. 0 UO.OO ; October. yj.ti5ii9.70 (
I Petroleum United closed strong at i
Ergs ( Steady and in better demand
i western , 15Q117C.
I Pork Stronger , but qulot ; mess quoted ai
3 $14.50 for old ; $15.50@15.75 for now.
3 Lard A couple of points higher , but onlj
1 moderately active ; western steam , spot
Butter Quiet nnd unchanged ; westerns
t Ilas20c. (
n Cheese Quiet but steady ; Ohio flats , 7J (
f Minneapolis , July 31. Whcnt-Miller :
were buying less wheat than on yesterday
while sellers were asking nbout the same fig
ures. Heceipts were 2IU cars ; 74 wen
shipped out. The demand was confined to i
few small orders from city and outsidi
millers , the majority of sales being belov
yesterday's llgure.s. Closing : No. 1 , hard
July , 85o ; August , 85o ; on track , SflJi'o ; No
1 northern , July , 62Jfc ; August , & 2 ? e ; 01
track , 84 } @S5o ; No. 2 northern , July , 81o
August , Sic ; on track , S1J $ @ 82c.
Milwaukee , July ill. Wheat Weak
cash , 78f/o ; Aucust ,
Corn No. 8. 45c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 35c.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 60c.
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , nominal ; September
Provisions Strong ; pork , cash and July
Kaunas City , July 31. Wheat Higher
No. 2 red , cash , 70o bid , 72c asked ; August
70o bid , 71e asked ; September sales nt 7lo
No. 2 boftcash,71o bid ; August sales at71Jvi
Corn Lower ; No. 2 cash , aiic bid ' ?
asked : Augtist37o asked ; No. 2 white' , casii
45o asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20o bid ; August sales n ; September , 20 c asked.
St. lioulu. July 1. Wheat Lower
cash , SlJ c ; August , SOJfTc.
Corn Higher ; cash , 43 > @ 14o ; August
Oats Lower ; cash , 2'JH'c ; August , 21Vc
Pork Higher at $15.25.
Whisky Steady nt $1.14.
Butter Easier , but not quotably lower
creamery , It > ( < t20c ; dairy , 13JllOo. (
8 Olnoliumtl , July 31. Whisky , nctlvi
and llrm at $1.14.
Liverpool , July 31. Wheat Strong ant
in fnlr demand ; holders offer sparingly
California No. 1 , 7s ld@7s 2d per cental
rod , western , spring , ( is 10 > i@3s lid per ccn
tal ; red , western winter , Os 10i d@Js ll
per cental.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; now intact
western , 4s 7)i"d per cental.
New OrloniiH , July 81. Corn Irreeu
lar ; mixed , 00@02c ; yellow , ( ttc ; whlto , 05c
Oats Excited anij higher ; No. 2 , 4S > c ol
Commeal Steady at $2.85.
Hop Products Scarce and firm ; pork
I4. < m < ; lard , $7.75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long cleai
jiud clear.ribs , $7.90.
Ohlcngo. July 31. The Drovers' Journn
rcuonsas follows :
Cattle Hcceipts. 8,000 ; market slow
beeves. $ O.CO(2fl.25j ( stoerH , $3 5'5.75 ; stocl
ers ana feeders SI.W@3.50 ; t.OW8j uuj8 | an
mixed , $1.75 < 33.50 ; Texas cattle. $1.75i3.8 ( (
Hogs Hecelpts , ' .l.HH ( ) ; market opcne
steaoy and closing 5 ( < ? 10o lower ; mixed , $0.0
flC5 ; heavv , M.20 < ! i0.75j light , * J.20@0.75
sklis | , $4.5iX 0.00.
Sheep Receipts , 3,500 ; market steady
natives , | J.50@4.60 ; western , shbru , | 3.5
GI4.00 ; Tcxans , shorn , .0033.00 ; lambs ,
Nntlonnl Stock Yards. Enst St.
I/oiilH , July 31. Cattle Itocclpts , 3..00 ;
shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice heavy
lativo steers , $ 'i,15fSo.75 : fair to good heavy
tiutlvo steers , fl.HH < (5.2.T ( butchers' steers.
medium to choice , $ J/iOyi4.W ) ; stockers nnd
feeders , fair to good , S'J.WGM.M ) : rangers ,
corn fed , SUVJM 5J ; grass-fetl , $3.3TiH3.iO. (
Hogs Kcceipts , 1tOO : ; shipments , WO ;
market stronger ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , titr ) .ril.O ) ; packing , medium
to prime , $ < J.RO , ( ( ' ) 50 ; light grades , ordinary
to best , $0.10@ ) ,53.
KnnstiH City. July 31. Cttttlo KccclpK
7,000 ; shipments , 4,50 : ! : maikut slow nnd
weak ; grass rnngo steers , 10.i ( < 1tic lower ;
good to choice. td.OO .VOTi : common to
medium , $ , ' ) .2X31.25 ; gniss range steers ,
$ J.HSH.tO ( ) ( ; stockcrs and fcodlng steers , 2.00
< 8r.7fi : ; cows , ? i.25 ( < i3.o. ) .
Hogs Hecelits ) , 5,000 ; shipments , 4i4 ;
market nicneu strong and about fie higher ,
closing weak nt yesterday's prices : good to
choice , tti.itt (70.35 ; common to medium , Ki-sO
( gt ) 25.
Tuesday , July 31 , 1SS9.
The general quality of the cattle was n de
cided Improvement over the receipts of the few days , tbo bulk being natives and
some of them very good. There was very
little change In values , the price * paid being
nbout the same as those luld for equally
good cattle last week. About everything
desirable was sold bclore the close.
The hog market w.ts m-tivo ul an advance
of ! ( ) ( . li'c nnd a number of loads sold as
high us t'1.45. ' The receipts were fair and
the quality of the hogs better than yester
day. Tlio pens were cleared at an early
There were two loads of westerns here nnd
Kcuciptt ,
Cnttlo . 500
Hogs . . . 4,700
I'ri'vnllinu I'rlous.
The following is n table of prices p.iM lu
this marnot for the gradoi of stock men
Pnmestoors. 1300 to 150J Ibs. . $5.2.1 (715.75 (
Prime steers , 1100 to 13M ( Ibs. 4.50 © 525
Fatllttle steers. 900 to 10)0 lb ? . 4.01) ) 'tf ) 1.25
Common to good cows . 1.75 ( n2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.50 @ 3. ' >
Common to choice bulls . 2.25 ( U)3. ) ( ) ( )
Fair to clioico light hogs . 0.3T fiEO.45
Fair to choice heavy nogs . (1.411 ( < tH5 \ }
Fairto ctioico mixed nogs . i > .35 (30.40 (
Uuprusuuruivo Salcjj.
CA i n.c.
No. Av. Pr.
1 cow . WO' )
2 cows . 1IKM ) l.C > 5
2blllls . 1V5 ( ! 1.75
II cows , grassers . 9 12 2.15
20coW8'grnssurs . Ml 2.20
14 cows and heifers . OJS 2.0 ! !
1 bull . 1140 2 SO
17 cows . K'OJ 2.41) )
9 cows . 10.VJ 2.7. )
2 cows . b75 2.75
14 western feeders . 112(1 ( : i.25
10 steers , grnssors . 1 KM ) 8.5 ! !
2J steers , grassers . 1 17(1 ( ! ! . ! , ' >
2 steers , natives . 1000 H.75
1 steer . lOsl ) 4.00
20 steers , natives . 1211 4.30
17 steers , natives . 113 } 4.M )
( ! sneers . 1051 4.75
1 ! ) steers , natives . 1170 4.M )
411 steers , natives . 112r 4 W )
3 { steers , natives . 1IHS 4..K )
19 steers. nalies . 127(5 ( 5.1HI
53 steel s , nativeh . I2i5 5.10
2)steors ) . 12T ) 53 ; ' ;
III steers , westerns . 12i3 5.4
( W steers . 14 i'J 5. ; 5
nor- .
No. Av. Shlc. Pr. Xo. Av. Shk. Pr.
5) ) . . . . 212 2-0 Jt5.2"W 75. . . . 'Ji' ! 200 Sti. ! ) . "
10. . . . 210 bO ( ! . : ! ( ) 1C5..271. ) 440 (1.85 (
CJ..2"3 210 ti8'J ' 51) ) . . . .255 .0) ) (1.37'i ( '
( .9. . . . 227 1(50 ( G. : ! ( ) (5 ( . . .2'.9 20v ) ( i.ili'j '
CM. . . . 2 15 100 ( WO ( , . > . . . . 250 KX ) C.i7Ji :
OS _ 23'J ' 40 ( iJi : ) < . . . . ' . ' : 4) ) (5.87'i ( '
0.1..229 3(50 ( 15.8'J1 ; ( IS. . . . 23. ) Iti ! ) ( i.37'i
153. . . . 240 3 JO (184 ( 7J..2K 120 li.40
01 . . .I'.K ' ) 200 (1.35 ( ( Ml. . . . 'Jill SO 0.40
( SI. . . .272 280 (135 ( I1J..2W 120 (1.40 (
W. . . . 21(1 ( IG'J (5.85 ( CM _ 24b 2)0 ) (5.40 (
S3. . . .207 bO I5.8i III. . . . .3.l10 ! ) ' 010
70. . . . 240 2SO (1.35 (51. ( . . . 271 40 (1.40 (
81. . . .20 $ 200 ( W ) 51. . . . .5J 40 (1.40 (
43. . . . 241 1(50 ( 0.35 (1S..U' ( ! 120 04' )
( Hi. . . . 242 20 ! ! (5.35 ( ( > ' . ) . . .222 200 O.sO
OS. . . . 207 2 < 0 (5.35 ( 70..2tii : 0.40
71. . . . 231 120 15.85 57..21V3 40 11.40
05- . . . . 218 240 0.35 C.2..25b 040
81. . . 201 2SI ) (5.35 ( 53. . . . 215 120 (1.10 (
(5S..241 ( 200 (1.35 ( (51..2U7 ( 200 (5.40 (
05. . . .2311 2(0 ( IUJ5 70. . . .210 120 (5.40 (
G5..1V.S 8. ) (5.85 ( Ca . . .249 40 (540 (
74. . . .217 1C.O (535 ( (15. ( . . .235 240 ( ! .42 } < ;
70. . . . 210 12 < ) 0.85 5 J. . . . 2113 SO li.J'Jij
7S..2Kl ( 240 OH" 57. . . . 240 40 0.421 *
50..2-J2 2M ( ) 0.35 .V..2U7 200 (1.45 (
70. . . . 2 9 1(10 ( (1.35 ( 17. . . . 188 ( i.45
( W..244 1(50 ( lia- Ki..lW 80 0.15
89. . . . 212 240 0.85 70. . . . 230 8W ) (5.45 (
(57. ( . .218 200 (1.35 ( (13..22S ( 2JO li.4"
73. . . .222 20 (1.35 ( III. . . .213 200 11.15
07. . . . 245 80 G85 87. . . .209 80 (1.45 (
71. . . .233 100 (5.85 ( 57..2 < 0 (1.15 (
70. . . .19" ) 21(1 ( (5.35 ( 218. . . .190 100 (5.45 (
70. . . . 22(5 ( 120 li.35 (15. . . . 207 210 (5.45 (
I'nokcrH Purclumes.
Showing the number of hogs bought bj
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 10 :
Armour & Co b !
J. P. Squire & Co 7 ; ) !
C. H. North & Co ( Is- ,
John Morrcll & Co 241
Bralnnrd Bros l"i
A. Spring 13
G. V. Bartlett & Co 8'J ;
Charles White & Co ili
JM. Crane & Son 12 :
G.B. Wilson & Co lb'
A. E. Blackshiio 3S
HnlstcuditCo 12 !
Gibbs& White 12
IIIgllCHt 1111(1 IOWeSt.
The following are the highest and lowesl
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hog :
on this market during the past few days , am1
for the corresponding period in 18S7and 188(5 (
ljlv < ; Stook .Notes.
Some Rood cattle lioro.
Hogs continue on the up rade.
JJ. B.ula , Nlobrara , came in with cattlo.
M. Strahnn , Wayne , was hero looking fo ;
C. L. Milcnz , of Ithaca , was in with twi
loads or cattle.
L. D , Latham , of St , Llboroy , wns in will
a load of feeders ,
M. Hutton. Randolph , la. , was In with tlvi
cars of corn fed cnttlo.
G. C. Underbill , Unadllla , stopped of tin
yards on his way cast.
J. H. Blonkron , Colrldgo , wns In with i
load of butchers' stuff.
J. P. Burdlck , Eagle , was heru with throi
loads of cattle , his own feeding.
E. Martin , Mr. Foster and Mr. Meyer
were in from Benedict with stock.
H. F. McCoy has returned from a ten days
trip through the Blbck Hills country.
A. L. Spearman , a prominent shipper o
Springfield , was In looking over the market
J. Molster brought four double decks o
sorts for Blackshero & Co. , averaging 20
IDs. , at W.S7t.
Mr. Moore , of the firm of Moore & Wai
ton , Oketo , Kan. , came in with a load of cat
tie and a load of hogs.
II. U. Miller , Winsldc , came In with flvi
loads of dry corn cattle of his own feeding
Eighty-two head averaged 1,119 Ibs. , am.
brought W.OO and nineteen head averncci
1,277 nnd brought 15.0(1. (
T. BIssell , Ord ; G. 1C. Eacrett , Solomon
la. , G. H. Babbitt , Ashland ; August Kloti
plnp , C. S. Farer , Fairllold ; J. M. Abraham
W.V , Barnhouse , AiUuus nnd Hon. Wai
son Tyson , Blair , were among
who came In with bogv to-day.
' "Tuesday , July .11 , 1SS9.
Markets welt supplied. Sales arc slow ,
thin being the lust of the month , and bills
made to morrow' run thirty days.
Produce , Priills I 'AC. Fancy Orcnmory roll , SQ < 7&
Olc ; solid pitched , VXSlTo ; choice country
butter , lo'dl'io ' ' ! pomnion prnides , 10iiMc. ; )
EainStrictly fresh , ti : < < M4c candled.
U\ U isjjVtl.i' ) in-r box.
CiLiioitN'U C'.iuri i-il.WVf-J.lx ) per case.
Gitl . . 10-lb
SoLTiiintS W.S-75ctitl.OO per -
buikct. i
Hi.\rKniiiniii7-rt.on : for 21 n'.s.
BI.UK lvi'ittKHin { < $ .1.01 for 21 qtt.
l Ecni : < ! Ciillfornln , $ l.XYil.J.j ( ! per box ;
issouri , r5f@51.Hper ( JS bit.
B\NAN s-Comiiloii , tI.Wl@J.23 per bunch ;
boifo , w.nuwa.r.o.
LKMOXS W.ClXiJS.OO per case.
SQV vsii 2c per li ) .
CvNTin.oi'KS W.'JS per dozen.
KofTiiniN I'I.CMI ? l.T.V a.iOpor ( bu.
IIii'KiiniitHiis : : : 1\ \ ' , ' . > per tlrnivor.
I'oTtTou New , hotnn growth , ( V ) TOc per
I'ofLTiiv ? soilrc s-'il fowl In the market ;
Ivo clilcltcno , * 1. " > 0@3.5 pur do/ . ; spring
. bli'kens.S''TOaJiJ.'JT , .
Sritixo UINS : ificpor bu.
TOM viol s SI. fill per bu.
TL iiNii's 2oi/io ( ! ; ) per bu.
f JKECN CoH.v-JI ( XifM.riU per 100.
W ir.u\iri ONSl .iiimNo.oo per 100.
1'r.AiH-Californl.i , S'.l'O .iO per case ;
Southern , 61.0 ( ) per J , , bu.
Or.i.iin : : iii ( ( < IV ( per dozen.
1'ins $1.00 iicr bushel.
OiuxdM Mcaslims , ? fi COniS.OO per box ;
lodl , J7.TiiK.wS.iHl ; f4.Wlt.n-l.7T ) per half box.
Cumuli : * JU. . " > 0 per 100.
ONION * ) 'Jo per lb.
Al-i'i.KM $ | .l)0iti.25 ) ( : per bbl.
CiDBii Mlcblgun , Sl.fiO@U.r)0 per bbl 32
jals ; Cnlifornia pear elder , $15.00 per bbl.
1'niC'niv Klco , ! ! j ! lei common , 2@3c.
OAIIKOM 7m ; per bushel.
BiMN'- Choice eastern handpickrd navies.
$ 'i.SiVt'.S5 per bushel ; western hunt ) piokeu
vlert , ? 'J..X < f2.S.V mediums , ? . ' .r > 0 2. 0.
lnm beans , V tier pound.
HOKIV : 14Q Ilk1 for ono pound frames ;
strained honey , li(3se ( per pound.
HWIWAX Uhoieo yellow , .M SS o ; dark
oloied , it : ( > 14c.
Uiinnsi : YOUIIK America , full cream ,
V'ftOU1fulli'ream chuldars , llrti' ' c ; full
cteain Hats , OC/i)1 ; ! ) ; food to choivu skimmed
Cheddars , Cftili'.j' ' ; skimmed Huts , 3i ( 5 | C.
Gl'OOI-I'M lilht.
Huvlsed prices are as follows : Stark A , seamless , 21c ; Amos-
ke.ig , bc.imlfab. lli' c ; Lewiston A , s-catnlesa ,
I'Jc ; American , so.nnless. 10'jo ' ; burlaps , 4
to fi bii.ftQCi'ji' ' ; ifiinnlCH , HitiKlc , l o ; gunnies ,
double , 2ili ; ; wool sacks , ! ir > e.
Uorrr.Ks Mncba. ! M@28c5 nio , good , KinTi
17o ; Mandiiblln * . ' , 'Jilta.'Se ; roasting Hio , Uii ( >
lilc ; O. G. .lava , 21aWo ( ; Java , inferior , 21ig (
2k1 : Uio , fancy , Ki flUe ; santos and Mara-
caibo , 1710o.
GOAL Anthracite , ningc , and nut , f 10.00 ;
largo epif , $ > < . ) . 7u ; Koclc Spring , J7.UO , Sti-
l > urlor , $1100 ; Iowa , t4.oOrfo.50 ( ; steam coal ,
M.5U to * J.O ( ) .
Sue \H Granulated , S' ' lffSVecouf. ; . A.
7' , e ; white extra C , 7' ' < , @Tlo ; extra C , 7
r < 7'fcc ; yellow C , < W@0 > -owdered ; , SJfjg (
; cubes. 8'H@S ' * < c.
vNSiin Goons Oysters , No. 2 Standard ,
per ease. * ) . ' > ; btruwbernca , 2 Ibs. per
casi1 , * 'J.3:2.40 ) : ; ras | > bci rics , 2 Ibs. , per
case , 2.00t ' 2.10 ; California pears. i > er case ,
$4.iilaM.7il ( ( ; apricots , per ease , $4.fiO ( < iM.7o ;
California iwnuhct , , per case , if . " ) .0lf ) ( < ' "i 25 ;
Cnlifornia while i-herries , per ease , > 5.70
; Callfouiiu iilums , per case , $4.20@l.iiO ;
pine apples , 2ilbs , per case , I.25 ! ( H.SO ;
1 lb. salmon , per dorl t)0fJJ.K ) ( ( ) ; 2 lb goose
berries , pur cane. fJlKi ' .MO ; 2 lb. string
beans , jiorrasei Sl.iAil ( bll ; 2 lb. marrow fat ,
peiis , fi . "lOiiW.lUJ ; 2 lb. early Juno peas , JJ.iH )
dt > ? .75lh. ; : { taumtocs , $ -.l'0@ ' ir > ; 2 lb. corn ,
.OO&f'i 2H.
OIMI.I ) l'ni i rs Fipi , Iu boxes , per lb , 13' " !
HV ; llgs , In mats , per lb , f iilic ; dates , in
boxes , . " > ) ji57c ( ; London .Malaga layer
laisjns , per box , $ ; i.50i > < y.7ii ; Mnlufru
luo e raiaina , W.l0i ! < i-2. . " > 0 ; now Valen
cia raisins , per lb , 7J ( ybc ; Cali
fornia loose inusratels , per box. $1.75j3.)0 ( ( ) ;
California London layer raisins , per box ,
pittud cherries , per lb , 20
California pitted i plums , per lb , 12Gj > 13e ;
dried blackberries , .per lb , hJZ'Jo ( ; dried
raspberries , per lb , ! )0fctt2c ) ( ; dried
apples. 7W.c ) ; evaporated apples , 8 }
( 8 > 4e ; California sun dried peaches , 12y ; >
13'tjo ; California unp.uvd evn ) > oratcd
pea'clies , 15 ( < / > l8c ; evaporated California
apricots , lbfJ2lj ( ) ; Xnntco currants , 0 > Xc !
Turkish prunes , 4 } e ; citron , SOQi'JJo.
PirKi.r.1 Medium , in bbK , $1.5 > ) ; do in half
Mils , i i.OO ; small , in bbls , * 7)0 ( ) ; do in half
bliK , * : ! .7. > ; gherkins , in bbls , 1-S.25 ; do in half
bbl.s , $ I.IK ) .
1'Vn California salmon , per bbl , $10.000
18.00 ; halibut , per lb , 14c ; family white llsh ,
| > erbbl. . ? ; J.2. > ; white lish. No. I. tier X'bhl ,
$0.50 ; trout , per Jbbl , $5.75 ; scaled heiring ,
jier box , 2So ; now Holland , per lcg ,
lUc ; George's Buy split herring , pur bbl , now ,
& 3.7A ; split Labrador herring , per bbl , now ,
fcS.OO ; extra George's cod , per lb. new , 5 > u ;
Western Bank cod , per lb , new , 5Jfc ; boneless -
less cod , G$3a ( ; largo family mackcicl , per
H-bhl , $10.00 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , M-bul ,
$11.00 ; smoked bloaters , per box , $1.40.
TOIIAIX o Plug , 2(3l)5o ( ( ; smoking , 10@5'5c.
Jr.u.iKi $1.25 peryO-lb pail.
SALT $ l.liOu ( > l.i5 : per bbl.
Hoi'i ; 7-lli , U'i.f.fl'.iJ.t'c. '
Si-ions Nutin'ei-'i per lb. 55@75c , pepper ,
per lb , 17U10o ( : cloves , per lb , ls@Jlo ; all-
pice , 7ji5se ( ; cinnamon. 7ftSc.
s N VH.S Iron nails , per keg , $2.05rJ2.10 ; steel
nails , pur keg , $2.20dU.25 ; wire nails , per
keir , $ J. ( 0@i.70 ; barb wire , $ . : ! 0 : ) 35.
TKAS Young Hybon , common to fair , 18(52 (
25e ; Young Hysnn , good to fancy , 80@55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22U25c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy,4r'Mo ( ; Japan , com
mon to medium , I5@I , Japan , choice tc
fancy , ! M(5c4.rKs ( ; Oolong , eommnn to good , 25(3 (
Hoc ; Oo'ong , choice to fancv , 50c < li70c ; Imper-
111 , common to medium , 25ft35e ( ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , -iOfftoOi1.
Nurs Almonds , 15@17c ; lllborts , 9@10ci , 5(3Uo ( ; walnuts , 10@l4c ; pecans , 7 % ( §
8Ke ; peiinutH , ( i' ' iVZbJi/c.
CnvcKKits 5@10i ! ( ier lb ; assorted cakes , 7
(320c ( perlb , as per list.
MU-MJ SudAii-Brlcks , 10@10Kc per lb :
penny cakes , ll@ll4'c ! per lb ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
BUOOMS Extra 4-tie , $ J.60 ; parlor , 3-tlo ,
palmed handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.05 ; heavy staulo brooms , $4.00.
ST\UCII Mirror gloss , 5 u ; Graves' corn ,
0 } e ; Oswcgo glosn , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c.
POWDKH AMI Snor Shot. ? 1.30 ; bucKshot ,
$1.5i ; powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ;
fuses. 100 ft , 55y > 70u.
HKFIXIIII LAIIH Tierce , 8 0 ; 40-lb square
cans , S' c ; 50-lb round , SJ o ; 20-lb round ,
8Jfc ; 10-lb pails , 81jic5-lb ; palls , Oc ; 3-lbpails ,
9Uc.Pitovisioxs Hams , ll12o ; breakfast
bacon , 10J4rflli ( i ! ; bacon bides , OJfj ( < > 10c ;
salt , 8)fMUa ) ; shoulders , 8@8 > jo ; ilrici !
beef , 10al2c.
Wooin\\VAHK. Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; threo-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub ,
$7.00 : No. 2 tub , ? < ! .00 ; No. a tubs , $5.00
washboards , electric , $1.60 ; fancy Nortliorr
Queen washboards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls
$2.73 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2. churns ,
$ $ .50 ; No , 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70
spruce , in nests , 70o per nest.
Svuui's AND MoufSin Sugar syrups ,
common to choice , 2Sifl4c ( ; corn syrup , 2sfl ! (
Illc ; black strap molasses , 15o ; Now Orleans
molasses , opcrl kettle , 35@50c ; New Orleans
centrifugal. 27tfi35o ; sorghum , 2 * ( < i5o. : !
HICK Carolina 'and Louisiana , S 'iglJ.'fo :
Patnaand Uatigo6n , 5@5Xo.
Mixed , lCKi12o : stick , 9 > @lOc.
, licnther.
City harness per lb , 28@29c ; country bar
ness per lb , 24Cn25c ; city line per lb , a283o
kip heavy pur lb. io@50o ; kip medium per lb
55COo ; veal perlb , U5@70c ; Chicago slaugh
tcred Bole perlb , 25@2'3c ; city calf 21 to 3 (
Ibs , S5(390c ( ; city Upper per foot , 18S20o ( ; col
lor , 14lfc ! ; Buffalo slaughtered solo perlb
medium per lb , 75@80 ; city calf per lb
OOc@J1.00 ; lining per dozen , Jrt.OOOS.M
French calf 25 to 30 Ibs , $1,10 ( 1.75 ; Prencl
calf 30 to 50 Ibs , J1.10ai.75 ( ; French calf 5 (
to751bs,00c < 31.23.
Huboer boots and shoes Boston , dls 41
per cent ; Bay State , dls 40iilO ( per cent
Para , Uis40@5 per cfint ; Goodyear , dls 40g ( !
per cent
Metals and Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate , I C , 10x14 , best , $6.75 ; tin plate
rooting , I C , 14x20 , $3.25 ; sheet zinc , $ li,50S (
0.75 : pig lead , $4.30 ; bar lead , $4.55 ; largo plf
block tin , 25e ; small pig block tin , 2Jo ( ; bai
tln,27o ; solder , 15 ( < j30e ! ; copper bottoms , 31o
sheathing copper , tinned , 2'Jo ; planishinj
copper , tinned , 37c ; lead pipe , tW/c ; sheo
Iron , NS. IS to 24 , $320 ; Uussla Iron , 13o
Am Hussia plaihsheit , A , lO o ; Am Uussh
planished , B , oifc ; painted barb wire , $3.00
pUvanlzcd barb wlro , | 3.75.
Alltnr. . lUlUHUt I-U iiUt IV. UU
Bristol , 13'jc ; Union Pnclfio , ISc.
C uii'ETVAni' Ulb WliiUi , 19c ; colored ,
BVTT < Standard. So ; Gem. 1004 Beauty ,
18' $05 Boone , 14c ; B , cased * (41.50.
PutNTs-SolUl colors Atlantlo , Oc ; Slater
6Vc ; Berlin oil , 0) ) < e ; Garner oil , Ccatr.
Coimr.rJr * \ Androscoggln , 7'c . ; Ivcar-
sarge , 7 c ; Uockport , llc ; Conestoga , ( I'sc ,
TICKS York , IJO In. , 12'fc ; York , 82 In. .
13'a'c ; Swift Hlvcr. Sc ; Thormllko OO , b ) c ;
ritorndlko EF. SUc ; Thorndiko 120 , 9'c ' ;
Thorndlke XX , 15o ; Cordls No. 6 , VXa'u !
Cordls No. 4 , lie.
Dns'iMS * AmoskeajT , 0 oz , lfi ) o ; Everett. 7
oz , 18'o'c ' ; York , 7 oz , WJfc ; Havmakcr , S'jc ;
laffrey XX , llWc ; .laffrey XXX , 1'JUc ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc.
KBSTfc'KY .In INS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
Ib'e ; Durham , 27J o ; Hercules , Ibe ; Learning.
Ington , c ; Cuttswold , 3740.
Ciusii. Stevens' B , Oc ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7 ; Stevens' A , 7Uc ; Stevens A ,
' ' '
. .
elotti , t2.S5 ;
plain Holland , 9' c ; Dado Holland , rJ'jC. '
I I.AXSKI.S. I'luld Haft8mcn.20cGoslicn ; ,
c ; Clear Lake , 82J < Jc ; Maple City , 8GS'e
Fl.AXM.l.s-Whltc-O H. No. 2 , ? ( , 21u G
H , No. 1 , f , 3JKU5 U HI No. 2 , f , i.'Koi U
H.No. 1 , / , 30c ; Qiicchce , No. 1 , J , 42c.
PniST-i I'lnkand Hobes Hlchmond , Gc ,
Allen , (5c ( ; Ulvonramt. 5o ; Steel Ulvcr , 0c ;
Hlchmond , ( Ij cjPacille , OVc.
PittNTS Indigo Blue Washington , OJ c ;
American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold Century.
! 'o ' ; Arnold B , lli > c ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold
Gold Seal. 10' ' , c.
PIIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5c ; Uamnpo ,
4hc ; No. 5 , ( Ic ; EE,9'e ' : GO. loj c , XX , 12c ;
OO , 14c ; NN. Kic ; Lodl , He ; Allen , c ; Illeh-
inond , Oc ; Windsor , 0'jc ; Eddystoue , OJc ;
Pacillc , fl c.
GisnitAM PlutiKctt checks , 7 ! e ; Whlttou
ton , 7 } c ; York , 7Kc ; Normandl dress ,
bjii'c ; Calcutta dress , bj e ; Whlttenton dress ,
SVc ; Henfrow dress , 8 ! ( jM2' ' c.
OAMCUIUS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
COMfoitTlllts $ ( (50(335 ( ( 00.
BIANKIITS White , J1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
SnunTiNO Berkeley cambric ,
No. (50 ( , 9' < < > ; Best Yet , 4-4. ( % o ; butter cloth ,
OO , I'ie ; Cabot , 7 c ; Farwcll half bleached ,
SJ e ; Fruit of Loom , 9 } ( j ; Greene-
G , ( Ic ; Hope , % \ King Philip cam
bric , lie ; Lonsdulo cambric , ll'fj ' ;
Lonsdale , S4' ; Now York mills , IDKos
Poppeiell , 42-ln , lie ; I'epporell , 40-in , 12c ;
Peppcrell , (54 ( , Irtc ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pep-
poroll , 0-1 , 2c ! ; Pcpperoll. 104 , 2V ; Canton
4-J , b'jo ' ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } e ; Triumph , Oc ;
Wamsutta. lie ; Valley , 5c.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > fo ; A
Bantic H , 1-4 , 7'fc ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ( l o ; At
lantic P , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1. Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , (5c ( ; Hoosler
LL , 4-4 , ( Ic ; Indian He id , 4-4 , 7 > c ; Law
rence LL , 44 , (5c ( ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5J o ;
Pepieroll ) U , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , G ic ;
Popporell. 8-1 , 18 } < c ; Pepjicrell , 9-4. 21c ; Pep
perell , 10-4 , 2.Jc ; Utica C , 4-1 , 5c ; Wachusott ,
4-4 , 7'ifc ; Aurora U , 4-1 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-1 ,
DUCK West Point " .9 In , 8 or , lO u ;
Quecheu No. 2 , % , 37J c ; Quecbco No. 8 , J/ ,
32' ' < c ; Anawan , 82 e ; Windsor , 22Kc.
l-'i\NMi.s-lJed : , C , 24 in , 15 } ; E , 24 in ,
21c ; G G , 21 In , le : II A F , ? f , 25c ; .1 H F , Jtf ,
27'cG ; , % . 35c ; West Point 29 In. 10 oz ,
13'rfc-sWest ' Point 29 in , 12 15cWcst Point
40' In , 11 olOc. .
SiiiKTixo Checks , Caledonia X , 9 } c ; Cal
edonia XX , 10)ic ) ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , 9c.
and Clicmicalq.
Mib'Ki.i.ANious : Snlph. acid , lj < o ; citric
nciu , CiOo ; tartaric , 50c : bal. copavia , ( We ;
borax , lOc ; chloroform , 50i- ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 30o ;
gum opium , $2.75 ; sulph. morphia , $250 ;
uromido potassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150 ° lOc ; headlight , 175 °
12J/c ; gasoline , 74 = 12ic ! ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , 2io ( ; No , I lard ,
42c ; turpentine , 41c ; linseed raw , 5'tc ; boiled ,
Add 50 cents per 1,000 feet for rough Joist.
] ' . ( ) MillS.
No. 1 com , s 1 B f 1S.OO I No. n com , sis $15.00
No. 2 com , Bit ? 111.50 | No 4 com , sis 13.50
Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough.
No. 1 , 4 and C lu , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . . ? 20.0C
No. 1 , " 111 ft , " . . . . 20.IK
No. 2 , " 12 nnd II ft , " . . . . Kl.Ot
No. 2 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.00
A , 12,14 & 10 ft.fM.50 I C , 12,14 & 10 ft.$14.7.
B , " " 19.75 | D , " " 11.7
1st com , ! / in white nlno celling $3l.OC :
2d " " " " 27.01
Clear % In Norwayplne ceiling 15.5 (
2dcom ? iu " " " 13.5 (
A 0 in white pine fi4.0 ; (
B " " " ! W.tK
C " " " 29.1X
D " " " 21.1H
E " " " ( sol. Jenciug ) 18.5C
Six inch drop siding 50o per 1,000 extra.
A , 12 In , slB..f45.00 C12 in , si s.$3.0 ( ! (
B , 12 In , sis. . au.00 | D,12in , sis. . . 22.K (
No. 1 com , 12 iu. s 1 s , 12 ft 20.51
No. Icom , 12 in. s 1 s , 14 ft 20.0 (
No. Icotn , 12 in , s Is , 10 ft 20.IK
No. 1 com , 13 In , sis , 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft. . 23.51
No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 19.4t
No. 2com , 12 in , sis , 12und 14 ft 18.5C
No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , li ( ft 18.0 (
12 m grooved roofinc $12 per M. more tuar
12 in stock boards same length.
10 in grooved reeling snmo price as 12 It :
stock boards.
No. 1 plain , 8 nnd 10 lu $13.7 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in 17.W
No. 1 O. G. , 8 in 19.2 ;
1st and 2d , clonr , 1. ! > / , in s 2 s $50 0 (
" " % Bin , s 2s 60.X (
3d , clear , 1 in , s2s 45 0 (
" lf } , 1H,21 40.0 (
A , select , 1 in , s2 s 39.0 (
A , " ltflj ,21l ! 4U.OC
B. " lin , s2s 29.01
U , " l f , IJtf.SIn iW.W
B , select , nil 10 ft , Jl extra.
Stnr 4 in flooring $ li.5 ) (
1st and 2d , clear , 4 in iloormi ? 21.5 (
Clear % in ceiling 10.51
Clear % in partition 23.5 (
Clear % in pjrtlon2 above % In ceiling
Clear llnish , 1 nnd U/in , s2s 20.K (
Clear ttnish , 1 nnd 2 in , s2s 29.X
Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 23.51
Clear yellow pinu casing and base 25.01
Clear poplar bx bds , % in s 2 s fSS.Of
Clear " " " yt in panel , B S s. . 27.IK
Clear " " " ' ' ceilingj
cor'ga'td , 23.0 (
O. G. Batts , 23 in $ C !
O. G. Batts , s
3 in well tubing. D. &M. und Bev 22.B
Pickets , D. &H. ilat 1U.X
Pickets , D. & H. square 19.01
" . II. I'AI.Mtll. X. IMIICIIMA.V. J , 11. IH.A.NCMAHI )
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
U.irket furnlihod free on application , btockers BW' '
feeileri fiirnlibod on oed terms. Uo'orenci'l' Oiiui
ha National llankand Houth Ouiahii National , Uuloi
block Yi.rdi , tkiulh Onmha.
Liye Stock Commission ,
Uoom 15 , Kichonee Dulldlnir , Union Block Tardi
_ Bouth Omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Opposite Kxcbange llulldlnic , Union Moc )
\anlt.boiHU Omaha , Null.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Agricultural implomontBi
Dcaleriu Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriage * sail ItuvKle' Jcno "Irool.bctwccuSthnmi
Itltli , Uinaha , .Ni t > riVn. . _
AgricnltiiralImplementsWagonsCarriagj , , ( ! ;
Hupglosite. : Wholctalf. Omaha , yc
Wholesale Dealrrs | n
Agricultural lmilenieutsWagons&Bnggies ) ,
Ml , It , KB nnd IW Jones Street , Omaha. _
P. K MAST & CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , Hay HnkM.CMcr Mill" and Uilian 1'ul-
Terltrr > . Cor. llth and Nicholas Mroelv _
Whole'alo .
Agricultural Implcinents , Wagons & Buggies
rnmprlllh 'ml Slrholaa fin-Pin. _
Akton , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
rV. K. .Mpml , .Mnnacor. 1211 Lcavt-nworth t. , Omalm.
Manufacturer' and Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th oii.l 1'nclllo Ktroots , Ouinha , Neb.
Artists' Motorlnla.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Iil3 ] ) ou la Street , Omalia , Nebral > a.
s. w. JONES ,
Bucccisorsto A. T. KenjronCo. . , \VIiolcs ! > Io Altctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino VTcdclliiK Stationery. Commercial Stationery
llouulas htrcct. Uinnliu. .Nch.
Boots and Shooa.
( Surcusiora to Hood , Jones ft Co. )
Auoutafor ll lloiton _ rney u. Itubber . . Omalia. Shoo Vlllirunlc v-w. 1103,1101 * . A , 1100
. / . V. MORSE .V CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-110J Douglas St , Onmlia Manufactory , Snm <
merM. llottun.
Cofteoa ,
Omaha Coffee and Hplcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Mm Powder ,
, nu nxtracts , LmiuJrjr llluo. Inks. Ktc. Ill *
KUilliirnur Strcut. Omaha , Ncbronka.
" "
Apcnt for the Mnniifacturcri nnd Importen of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
CrocKery , , , ,
lite. UQUe. 1117 S. 13th St. , Ouitlia. Nebraska.
liuoortcr- , and .lo'jbtrs of
Crcc'icrCilassware , , Lain s , Silverware
Ktr. 1314 bnrnum St. , Now 1'nxton IlulldlnK.
Commiaslon and
" " " "
Storage and Commission Mercliants ,
Specialties Utitlpr. Wen * Cho" " . I'niiltrjr , Unmo
J112 Howard Strs t. Omaha ,
Buci'csiors to Mtf-Unno A Schrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebruikn.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Mcrchnnt. Corrcnpondcnca sollrltoil. 1014 Nortli ICth
Street , Oiniiha , Neb.
Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
yo Boulli 13h ! Street , Omnljn , Nobrneka.
J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , .
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And Milpppra of Coiil , Coak , Couioiit , 1'lnstir. I.lmc ,
Druln Tile , nnd Sewer 1'lpo. Olllcc , 21H , S. litti
Ht. , Omiihii , Neb. Telephone BU.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
21 < South 13th St. . Oranbn. Neb.
Dry Copds ' and Notions.
M. E SM'ITH & co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 nnd 1101 Doutdns , Cor. llth St. , Omabn , Neb.
Importers and Jootes in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Genti' Furnlslilnu Roodi. Comer llth and Iluney
kit. , Omaha , Nel/ruika.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnmitttrc ,
Faranm Street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha. Ncbruka.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705 , T07 , TC9 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 th and I-cavonwortli Strceti , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Jlctnls. Sheet Iron , etc. AKents for llowe Scales ,
JllumU'ouder nndl.yiinm llarbed wire ,
( Jinahu , Nebraska.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tool * and HufTalo Bcalet. 1 05 Douglai
htrect , Omaha. Nebra ka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harrier 8t . , Omaha , Neb. Weitern Agenti
for Auitln Powder Co. , JefTernon hteel Nallt ,
KMrlinnki atandanl Mcalei.
Wholesale Manufacturer ! of
Saddlery & Jlers of Sifldlery Hardware
And Leather. HOJ , H'JS ' nnd HOT llnrncr St. , Omaha ,
Nebra ka.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
8prlng , Wagon Stock. Hardware. Lumber , Ktc. law
and 1311 llarnuy titreet. Omaha.
w. L. PARROTTE& co. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilarney Street , Omalia. Nob.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali
18t i Street and Ilnlon Paciao Track. Omaha.
Dealer ia Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
poon.Etc. Tardi-CoroerTin and Oowlait Ccrnei
Lumber. .
C. N , DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , , ' ' -H
Hth nnd California Fltccti , Omaha , Npbtaika. ' ,
" " r1 llU'W. " Cl H A V7
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , , ;
Comer tth nn J Deuila.ifu..Oro hn. '
To Dealers Only ,
Ofllco , UWFarnam Street Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
lncjrYhlIo l.imo ,
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Woort Carpet' ami Parquet Hoorlnir Mh iinil Ion t (
_ rVUIIInorynnd
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notion }
' < M.Tininiiai7Poiitli Illti "Irnft
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcani Ponti , Shirts , Ktc. luttaml 1104 Douglai Street.
uiunliu. Neb ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
l l nnd tX > Be tilh 10th St. , Omilm.
X _ -OI8 | <
- "
Wliolsale Rcflned and Lubricating Oils , i
Axle Urcaio , Etc. , Omaha , A. H. lllihop , Mnnmr ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods. ,
llflSHarnoT Strocl.Omnha.
Offco | Flxturoa.
' " "
Tin : biMMox'os MANOI'ACTUUIXO'CO. "
Muniitiicture.'s of
Bans , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlcs. Sideboards. Hook ( \i5c * , Drug Hxturcs.WaH
( a.ii > , l'nrtUloi . llulllniri.C'ountur * . llocrnndWIn *
( \Hilnr . Mlirom elr. Fuclory aiu < omre , ITJUnnU Ilia
SoiilhUlh bt.Ouiuha. TolcpUono 1UI.
Wholo'alo Demcr' In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
lllft Furimm Ktiect. Onmlia.Nol ) .
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nlco stock of Prlnllnu , Wrapping and Wrltlnl
1'itfX ! . Bpvcln.1 attention Klven to car load onleri.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
Ko . HIT iiiul 101'J Douglas St. , OmahJ , Neb.
Auxiliary PuWisliers ,
Dvulcrs In TJTO , Proves lunl I'rlntorn'Huinillcs. 603
buutli mhbtrcGt. Onmlm.
Rubber Goods- ivfi
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Dtl Clothing nnd Leather lltlllnc. 100S Furimm Stntt.
, Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV t , CO. .
Wholceulo MimuT .cturcra of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Monlflings ,
llranch bfflco , I'jlli and ltnr.1 Streets. Umahit , Neb.
Mannfacttirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
'i .uMlnjn , HlRlr Work and Interior Hani Wood FliA
u. N. U. Corner Mh and l.cuvuuvrorlli btrueti.
Ouiahn. Neb.
Sto rn Flttlnga , Punipa , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes audEupes ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
nallldar Wind Mills. Ol.lnndOMFnmam 8t.,0mab .
U.KltOM , Acting ManHgur ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery/
Sheet Iron Work Btcam Pumps , Raw MINI. 1213-UU
Lcavenworth btreet , Urnaha ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds *
911 ana 813 Jones Btrcet. OmaUa. t
* '
Storage , Forwarding A Commission'
Storage , Forwarding and Commission , ' /
Branch hoino of the lletranr HUHZT Co. Ihipulei tl
wbuleiale and retail , L UlOand Ul'l liard Blrtet ,
. _ Oinalm. 1 > l < phone No. 7M. i
_ Smoke s taok8. Bollora , Etc.
"H. K. SAW'YER ,
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Slacks , !
llrttchiues , Tnnlm and General Holler Hepalrlnu. 1315
Doilga Strfet.Omulia. Neb.
Lager Beer Brewers , ,
1521 North Klgthteontb Street , Omaha , Ktb.
Cornlco. "
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpcnctor. Proprietor. ICO Dodge and UOand 1(4 (
North 10th Street. Omaha. .
Carter It hon , I'rop > . .Mnn\ifacturcr of nil klndl '
Steam Boilers , Ton'is and Sheet Iron Worfc
Works Houth 20th nnrt II. A. M. Cro'ulni ; . ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building
ICnitlnos.llraii Work , Qenernl rounclrr.Macliliioanit
lllttckimltli Work , omco unit Worki , U > 1' . It J.
and lilh street , Omaha ,
" " " " "
Manufactnrers of Wire and Iron Railing
Man'frsofFire ' & Burglar Proof Safes / . '
Vaulti. Jail Work. Iron and Wlro Kenclnu.HlRtn. KM.
U. Andrccn. 1'rop'r. Cur.
Iron aad Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Pcroeni , forbankioftlrot.itorei. reiildencei , etc *
loprorod Awnlnui. lx > ck mltli Machlnnry and
UlackiniUU Workt. u.l South llth Ht.
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
General , AcenU for Diobolrt Safe A Ix > ck Co.'a /
T4uluitfidjalt.waik.lU' f-uuuuisuutjlOiuUi/ , / "