ITHE OMAHA DAILY BEE rp TUESDAY. JULY 31 < 18881' SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this heart 10 cents per line fr > r the ttrnt Insertion. 7 cents for each nub- ftoaiicnt inKortlon , and ll.Wa line per month. No advertisement tnkcn forJefm tlnui ! B cents the tlrit insertion. Seven words will be counted to the line : they mint run consecutively nn < l m t be paid In ADVANCE All ndvrrtlse ments miiHt bo Imntlcd In before. 12:5(1 : ( o'clock p. 111. , nn'l timler no clrcmnstnnces will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In th so columns nnd imv- Ing tin1 answers addressed In care of THE HFK vnl please ask for a check to nimbio them to get their letterus / none will bo delivered except cm presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns nro pub lished In both morntnK and evening editions of tTiin IIKH , the circulation of which aggregates more tlmn 1P.OOO papers dally , and gives the ml- vcrtlsers the beni'tlt. not only of the city circu lation of Tim Hin : , but also of Council IHuirs , Iitncoln nnd other cities and towns throughout this suctlonof the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will betaken , on the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who are authorized agents fin TIIR HKK , Epcclnl nritlccp , and will quote the same rates as can be bad at the main olllce. OIlf W. 1 Street. CHASE i EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 South 10th Street. II. FAHN8WORTH , Pharmacist,8U/ - Ing Street. "Vy J. HUOHES , Pharmacist , 021 North lath Struct. GEO. W. PAUlt , Pharmacist , 1803 St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION as housekeeper by a French- American widow of 2o , Is a llnu cook. Mrs. Jlrega,3h S. 15th. 6l'fl ' 31 ? " \\fANTED-Sltuatlon as local or traveling TT salecman for wholesale grocery house. Twenty-live years experience In general trade. No. 1 references. Address , A. P. , care C. T. Weber' Davenport , Iowa. fit ! ! 30t WANTED Position with wholesale house ; object , to learn the business thoroughly , ; am practical experienced bookkeeper ; have had experience on the road , and know what It la to work. Address - dress U , U ) , Ileo olllce. 6.10-30J _ \ \ T ANTED lly two live , energetic young TT men. some good specialty to handle at country fairs. dress U , 61 , Dee olllce C57-30J WANTKD Position in railway , niprcnntllu bank , or other olllce. by man of three years' experience as cashlor of insurnnro com pany ; practical bookkeeper ; good references ; entlsfactlon given If position undertaken ; mod erate salary to commence with. Address IF 49 , Hoe olllce. 658-30J WANTED Situation ns coachman for pri I vate family ; undorHtund hones thoroughly. B years experience In Herman nrtlllery , or will take position of any kind where the handling of horses is required ; address U 55 Ueo olllco. 617 ! Jo WANTED MALE HELP. " TTANTED lloy , at once , 1119 Farnam street TT G.W-31 , \XTANTED 1 cook , < M month ; man and wife TT for farm , $ , H mo. Omaha Emp. llureau , 119 N. 10th. CJiKiU TYfANTED-lst cook J75. 3d S40. 3d 8UO. pan TT washer $20 , cook for small hotel # 10 , another & * > , 3 waiters $3. > , 3 farm hands $20. Mrs Ilrega. .HI4K H. 151)1. ) 697 307 TT1AIU penman with J50 can secure good pc. . . JL ? tlou ; olllco work. Addrvss U 01 , Iloe olllce , m > ait \\7ANTJIO A local salesman to represent n TT class Cuban clear manufacturer on commission. Address Cuban , P. O. box 1.7)2 ) , I'hlliulelphli Penii. _ IX ) I 1 if'"A / N'1'1U > Salesmen everywhere to sell our "if TT fe ; silver door plates by our new plan of free ndvortlslng ; agents clear iflOa day easily ; wrlto for circulars. N. Y. Door I'lato Co. , Albany. N. Y. _ _ 699 6J " \\TANTKD-20 clothing salesmen. Apply"nt TT onco. Henry W. Kliur , 1'thund Douglas st. Ml 3J _ \\7ANTED-ActlvenndreIlablo boy at Ueo T ? Mall itoom. Apply between 9 and 11 a.m. 688 > Middle-aged man and wife of cleuu habits , without children , man to Work In pet stock , poultry nnd swine yards , woman to do work In house , family ot two , no children ; good home and steady employment to right parties. Address Lock Uox 07 , Norfolk , Nebraska. _ KM M "IXT'ANTED Young man w 1th good references. T 1 Enquire at South Omalia liquor house , ou N st , near 37th. South Omaha. 674-30 * _ WANTE D A registered drug clerk at ouca nt JIU S. 15th bt. B7J-31 * _ WANTED A boy to run elevator , references requlrtd. N. 11. Falconer. 6704JJ _ WANTED Feeders for Gordon and cylinder presses ; steady work it experienced. U < 0 , care Uee. _ IfA WANTED Hoy. 16 years old. who has had some olllce experience * Address , giving referenced and wages wanted , lock box M , city. _ 64aoj WANTED 15 bridge carpenters. Apply at Colby , Ivan. , or rooms 24 and 35 , Neu. Na tional Hank building , Omaha. Teropleton & Morrow , contractors. ,640 30J "IXTANTBU Salesman , experienced in safe TT business. Mosler , Uahmann & Co. , CIncin- natl O. _ t3j 'M _ "l/yANTED / lly a flrst-class mechanic , houses TT to build , and take a lot as part pay. Ad- dress. U 43. Uee. 4itl 31 * _ FrADlllUdK carpenters and no teamster wanted OV/at the Northwe&otru laborngency , 315 S.ioth etrcot. 478 _ "IX7ANTEI > Energetic men and women every- TT where for n genteel , money-making busi ness. &KJ weekly prollt guaranteed easier than KU monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely Unnecessary. 1'crmnncnt position and exclu sive territory assured. J2.00 bamples free. Wrlto for particulars. Address , with fetainp , Merrill Mfg Co. , U 63 , Chicago. tOOal2 * _ or the west. Albright's laborngency. 1120 Farnum st. 5U BOY a Am. Dlat. Tel. Co. , lUOt Douglas , 123 WANTED FEMALE HELP. "l\rANTK1V- 3 cooks , huly , good wnues ; 10 TT glils for private families , good places ; 2 laundrrasus ; 2 dining room glrta ; Udlshwasli- vrs ; 1 second cook. man. Nebraska Employ- inent olllce. 317 North Kith slreet. _ Ml-ll ; W ANTED-GIrl for general hmisuwoik at 2133 Duveuport , between 30th and 20th. 69U-J1U' "WANTED 20 girls , good work ; 1 nice Swede TT hocondglrl. I German girl private family 81 , no waaulug ; U dlulng room girls , 2 dUh wash er * , man and wife for farm , $ ; Vi month : 2 cooke for hotels , 1 bocuud cook ; lots of nice mures foi glrla , Ouiaha Emp. lluveau , 11V N. 10th. 691-30 -MfANTRD-Wet nurse. Apply to M. 0. Jones , VV 3112 Iluitst. 6M 2' W ANTED -Lady stenographer.must bo Un.t class ; gooil wages. W. A. Tolls , llltu N IStli * W ANTED Girl for housework at 1905 Farnntt CUI U T.V ANTED Lndy cook for small hotel , 15.00 TT cook and second girl In same family Council Hluirs , W nnd 13 ; 2 dining room girls foi Norfolk ; Indy bookkeeper , 110 pur week ; 3 little llli-N to wash dishes ; Snd girl and dishwasher U lulvate iHiarding houss ; 20 Rlrls for private tarn llles ; oed places for peed girls In and out o city. MM. Urv'ga. HUH h l.Hli. 61330 * \\AN'D-At : Mdway hotel. Ivenrney. Neb. T T U iood dining-room girls ; $ I per week ; fan paid. T. C. llralnnra. 637 COOIC and iRumlrvbS In family of 4 ; m ust havi good references. Mrs. S. P Morse , s w coi S3d and CUM. 614 3U \ \ rANTED Good dining room girl at once TT 19W l)0dg . 630-31 * \\7ANTUD Klrut-clasH colored woman a : T > cook. Apvly.llfl nnd IU N 9th street. 49t ISO * _ \X7"ANTED 3 nre innnrnnco solicitors. Appl' T > room 0. Continental block. 483-1 ' _ \\7ANTED-A good girl for cunnral house T > work , must be a K < iOd root. I u a family o \\TANTiU : A competent girl for genera 11 hoiiNo vork in a family of three , 1 minu et lie * olllce. 477. " \\7ANTKD-Good gill for general housework T uiunt be rood washer nud irouttr. Aiml at 71i ! South ath avenue. 428 ' "V\TANTKD A good cUl for general house # 'J * t uuric in faintly ot lour , MM Harney st. \ sat \X7ANTED-A girl for general Housework , in f cor. bth and Leaveuuorth ts. 'J , i \VrANTKD-3 girls c neral work. 0 dlnin t T room utrla , 4 dUliwaahars , 3 cooks for iu t l . 2pxtrycook8. dining room clrls for tli : \ e t , lot * of par ! * .for eltla. ' O.iiaUa Emi Hur MU , 1 If X. liith at. 3TJ EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. yment onice. No. 317 Jl. - Ifith st. Mule aad female help supplied. Private families a specialty. 12MJ MA LE or female help furnished In or out of city , private families a spccjalty. H. II , Wandi'll , 408 N 18th t , 2nd lloor. 437 aTi STATE Employment Officers are pleasing nil. ( live them n trial. See advertisement * . Onico Koom 11,1117 Farnam st , upstair' . 5 JO wH $ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TX f / /VNTED- you have any lands. Iot . or T > houses and lots to sell or exchange for other property , call on mo or write. I can llnd you a customer. U. C. Spotswood , 303H S. Uitn. W ANTED More houces to rent. Uosworth jt Joplln. Uurkcr block. 60H WANTED Information of William Hcvnolds , an orphan boy , ago about 1 ! > , Adopted fiom the Chicago Homo of the Friend less In 1880. Anyone having knowledge of his whereabouts will confer a great fnvor on his sister , Lizzie , by addressing Mrs. S. C. Cleveland - land , city missionary , care of Y. M. C. A. , Clil- cago.lll. Mlt 5 * \\rANTED More houses to rent , good-paying T > tonantfl. quick rents Insured. 11. II. Wan- dell. 408 N 10th , 2nd Moor. " 440 a25 TITANTED The publlo to make good use ot TV The lleo's message boxes throughout the My. 100 WANTED Thorough Instruction In guitar tniiHlc , from either gentleman or lady. Ad dress U 38 Ileo olllce , 421-UO * WANTED To meet demand for competent bookkeepers I will Klvo instructions even ings 7 to 8 , termw to suit all. J. It. Smith , Uoom C4M , llamge block. 45U30 * T\7 ANTED To buy or trade for a good build- TT Ing tnat can bu moved. Please call on or address George J. Sternsdorff , room 0 , oppo site P. O. 211 BOARDING. A FA MI IA" ot three wish a month's board In country not over llfty miles from Omaha. State particulars. Address U 03. Uee. OOU WANTED-100 table boarders at the Globe hotel , Douglas st bet 13th and Htli : beat In city. 8K ) a IS WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED lly widow lady and daughter , two or three (3) ( ) rooms suitable for light housekeeping within live (5) ( ) minutes walk of Sixteenth and Dodge st. Address U 60 , Ueo. 613 211 * fOft RENT-HOUSES. TJ10II SALE or rent House , good furnl- JL ? turo and long lease. A bargain to the right paity ; OJO N. 13th st. Address "U BV' Hee olllce. 5K-1 * TTUMt ItENT Splendid 10 room house ; perfect J repair ; 22.'i ) Leavenworth street. 4 room cottage , Farnam and 33th ; city water and cistern. 2 six room houses , on 17th near Clark ; city water , etc. Uoom" , Hoard of Trade. Himh G. Clark , MV31 "TT10U Ul'.NT Two-story ten-room houso-all X' comenlen"e. ' , toilet rooms on bothllnors ; largo barn uml catrlnge shed , line lawn. Kent Jftl per month. Sherman avenue near Graro. F. K. Darling , 1S21 Fu FIt UENT-IIotel llcnson. situated on 25th st , South Omaha ; 3J rooms ; doing good busi ness ; furniture for sale cheap. Address W. I. Steven * . ttl2 S uth , Omulm. or apply at 111 ! S 13th st , Omaha. 513 4 POU HUNT A new cottage of 3 room" , JO per month. 2WI4 Decntur Ht. 408 2W F ° ) HUNT A 0 room cottage. Inquire 1S03 1 S. 15th st. 503 3 * "T/1011 RENT 0-rooin house ou south side Chi- JU cage st. between 18th and 19th. Apply to Kitchen Uros. , Paxton Hotel. 4fO 31 AN S-room cottage with modern Improve ments. Inquire cor. 21st and St. Mary s avo. 2811 "M" TjlOll UENT Elegant 8 room house with bath JU and barn ou cable lino. $ to per month. H. E. Cole , loom 0 , Continental block. 485-a-O 8UOOM house with bath. 2 blocks of cable , per month. II. E , Cole , room C , Continental lllock. 4S5-a-u FOR RUNT The best soutn end ft room Hat in city. Ilaths nnd closets ; all modern ; rhoap. J. U. i'arrotte , 100J ClilcaBO. 607 3 rr-ROOM house on Uth , near Howard. I A-rooui house ou 1.1th , near Webster. 0-room Hat on Nicholas , near 17th. 10-roora teirnco on 15th'near Chicago. ll-room house ou Dodge , near 17th. 10-room house on Farnam , near 18th. 18-room house on 13th , near Dodge. 0-room Hat on llth , near Howard. 1-room Hat on 10th. near Dodge. 8-room house on Georgia nvi . 10-room house ou Douglas , near 21st. 10-room house near high school , nnd several other places , all in good locutions , rents reason able , and furniture for sale on small cash pay ment and easy terms. Co-operative Land A Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth St. 62030 T71OR UENT 3 dwellings , 0 rooms each , hard JL ; and soft water , bath , etc. , 1 block from street cars , 25th and Franklin. Apply John llamlln.311 8. llth at. 414-3 * T710R RENT 14-roora flat , MS per month , 13th JL ; nnd Howard. Inquire at The Fall * . 4311 HOUSES , htoros und Hats to rent , all narts of city. II 11. Wandell , 403 N 10th , 2nd lloor. 439 nSJ HOUSE for rent , all modern conveniences. Inquire 210 N 10th St. ! ! M > T710R UENT 10-room house with bath-room JL' closet In every bed-room , china closet pan Iry. laundry , nnd barn with two stalls. Apply nt the hoiibo , 44th nnd Chicago. To the right party this house will be rented cheap for one or two years , JohnD. Cowlo. 37931 FOR RENT A new B room house with all conveniences , 113 S. 2sth st. 3fi2-a S4 'C10R RENT 1 of Edaon's nice houses , In- JL ? quire 172 ! ) Davenport street. 344 alt TJ10U UKNT 7 room houso. No. 1037 so. 20th JL1 st. 835 per mouth. Call quick. K. F. Bea ver , Uoom 40 Darker block. 312 TpOR RENT 10 room modern house $55.00. 0 JD room ditto , til.W. 7 room ditto. $25.00. Other houses , stores and olllces. G. E. Thompson. Sheoley blk , 15th nnd Howard sts. 319 TTlbR HISNT House 1817 Davenport street. JU Has gas , water nud modern improvements. | 7KU RF.NT 2 5-room cottages ; line location JO tor railroad men. 2 blocks from U. P. depot , rent SJ ! a mouth. Mead Investment Co.,31i S.15th 1C3 "I710R RUNT Handsome new home , 10 rooms. JJ all conveniences , best neighborhood und w Hhln llvo minutes' walk of poatolllco. Nathan Shelton , U051'arnam st. 914 TTKR ) RENT 5-room nouae , $18 , s. e. cor. lllh JU nnd Vlnton. b77 171OifTfENT A 3-story brick building , 1017 JL1 Howard St. . store , basement nnd Hats. In quire at Lee .V Nichols' livery baru8th and Leavenworth sts. Telephone B40. 730 T7UMI RENT A 7-room house , cor. 2ith nnd JU Davenport. All modern convenience , lu- qulroat Jos. Uosenst , in'a , 217 8.12th st. C.VJ FOR RENT House 7 rooms , large yard , on 29th and Hnruey. Small house } 7.50 12th and Jones. House und barn 32d and Howard st. $10. Llnnhau k Muhouey , Room 600 Pnxton block. C50 TT1OR RENT Save'car fare by raooving in the JU "Her Hats , " titled with all tno most modern conveniences. 7 light rooms including bath , pantries , closetx , steam heat , gas nnd water , "also two nice stores" and basement. "Refer ences required , " Apply to Itayiaer k ll r , hardware , 624 South Ibtll St. 614u7 T7UK RENT-Modern single housTbf 0 rooms , J ? bath room , hot and cold water , on street car line and paved -street , ready for occupancy : Aug. 1 , } 4. " per month. Apply at once C. F. Harrison , 41a 8.15th st. 219 T71OR RENT 7-room house. No. 151886th St. ; JU o-room cottage , No. ( J19 Win. St. ; B-room cot tage , No. 3735 Charles st. Inquire 1400 Cap ave. FOR RENT or Sale New cottage , Ilfdford Place , on easy payments. Enquire M. L , Rocder , room 403 Pnxtonblocc. u' > 7 TTIOR RENT A fine 10-roora brick house with JU all modern improvements , nna location on Btioet car Hue. Jt. it. Genius , 1408 Douglas bt. 673 iy "pTOR SALE Two r.ow , 8-room houses lu Or JU chard Hill and Poppleton Park. Will sell cheap for cash , or will ink * good first or second 0- mortgnga paper. Any reasonable terms to hon L- 0Jf est puttie * . 0. C. Spotswood , 805i ( 8.16th. 4l > THOU RENT A neat $20 cottage. Applr al jj JL1 once , C. V. Havrison. 41 3 16th st , Ul ro FOR REMT--RQMS ( T-ceyfurntshed froporlo- -I ? siiitnblo for three or four centleiueu 01 light housekeeping. J15-at B07 N. 17th at. C69-31 * rp WO front rooms , HIS Dodge < t. 675 T > OOM with closet 7. 808333d. coi aw IBo BARN To.rcnt. n with loft tit 1B23 o- Bt. oia 160-31) ) ia - iaP. TJVJR. UENT FurnUUed room with JJoard foi I ' X' two crutlsunK aw Bt. Mary1 * art. W7A6' i JJIURN1SHKD room 1112 Howard. T71OR RENT Six nice largo rooms for light JL' housekeeping ; Inquire at 1910 Webster st. SMALti front room , modern conveniences. 8107 Douglas Bt. _ 041 TT10R RENT-Sutt newly furnished rooms ; nil JL ; modern convrnlcnces ; family ; board If desired. C23 Georgia ave. ( S 29th st ) & 193IJ _ I > fiEASA NT cool rooms for rent ; modern con- vciilences , 631 Pleasant at. 621 U _ T71OR RENT Largo furnished front room. JU 22i9Cnpitol avenue , 610 3U irKMENTTwo very desirable furnished JL ; front rooms , all modern conveniences- fame lloor , accommodations for four Rentlo- men. Apply. 1713 Capitol avo. 44931 * TPOR RENT For light housekeeping , two fur- X1 jilshed rooms , cool , with line view. EU9 Howard. _ 605-3IJ FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 1707Cassi't , 4i3 _ _ "I710R RENT Nicely furnished six-room cot- X. ' tnge. near cable line , to small family only. References required. C. H. Slikworth , 1515 Fats nam st. 453 a 2j _ FOR RENT Furnished rooms "and board by the day or week , U)4 ) 8. 13that. . 474 a 20 POU RUNT Furnished rooms In.tirounlB blk JL' cor. 13th and Dodge sts. InqiUruot Geo. It. Davi , Mlllard hotolMlllnrdrwim. - l TT1OR RENT Furnished rooms largo and , JU small , very cheap. 113 : ) N. 13th'i .371-30 * NKWliY furnished rooms In ( rood location to transient or regular parties , single or ca suite. Apply to Mrs. A. Russell , ( X)7 ) S. nth. JCSaO * KOOMS Including board in the Young Wo men's homo 1910 Dodge st. References re quired , y-iu JTOll RKNl'-Furnlshed rooms. 113 S. 20th st. U 072 a lOt ITIOR RENT Two very desirable rooms hand- Jsomely furnished. Location splendid , 1707 Dodge st. 55130' FOR RENT-3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Prices reasonable. Refer ence * required. 812 N. Iflth. 653 31 JLiVO front rooms , furnished , at 716 N. 20th. JL Cable passes the door. ( Vital" T71OR UENT-SIx nicely nnd newly furnished JL1 rooms , board furnished , In the nicest location lu the city. Inoulto this week at 1721 Davenport , cor. 18th st. C45-01 * T710R RENT A pleasant loomwlth all modern JL.1 conveniences ; brick rcMdencB , cor. 20th nnd St. Mary's avenue , or 020 South 30th st. 1 -1 6JO- FOR ItENT Rooms wither without board. _ ITOH Dodge. 42Cal JlCELYfuinlshed front room , 2110 Harney. v 39J WK Foil UENT A largo , plea ant front room , 1700 Chicago St. 213 T7IOU RENT Furnished rooms , 1718 Cass. st. JU 135 al * EIY furnished rooms , 81 per week or & .1 fiO month , 603 , 601 and 600 S. 18th bt. 952al J FURNISHED rooms nnd board. 1813 Chicago , 254-nl * TJ10R RENT Front room , largo and nicely JL. furnished , located near the nigh scnool , in the highest and coolest boctiou of the city ; cable line nnd horse cars pass the door. En quire at 2335 Dodge near 24th s ) . iiCO- POR RENT iurnlshod rooms , 1810 Dodgo. Gil a 9 "JjlOUR rooms , furnished or unfurnished with JL ; or without board , $10. $15 and $23 ; nil modern conveniences ; 1013Harnoy. 637-31 * FURNISHED rooms and board. 1018 Call- JU fnrnln . r. l-'ll NICEIiY furnished front room , flrst-class board , suitable for two gentlemenW21 Far nam. ail 3K f ) LARGE , pleasant nicely furnished rooms in -J most desirable part of city ; shady place ; 7 blocks from P. O. on cable line. Rent reasona ble ; board If desired. Ready Aug. I. 2010 Da venpoit st. 550 3lt FOR RENT F.legant , large , furnished front room for one or tw o Kent leiuou ; ref ereeuccs required. Apply 2308 St. Mary's ave. 61U-1 " 52i-a7 * I710UR gentlemen can be accommodated with JU u nice suite of rooms und nrst-elass board at 2539 St. Mary'it avo. , Graddy block. * 95 TpOR RENT Nicely furnished trent room for JL gentleman.'Modern conveniences. " * 1917 Cnss. 1ft LARGE and small room suitable for gentle man , with or without board , 1812 Dodre. 13J T71 10U ItENT Itoom and board , 1WW Farnnm. JU 078 a 10 * FOR RENT ROOMS UN FURNISHED. TJ10R RENT C rooms , at 420 N. 18th st. Furnl. JU turo for sale or trade. Good location. On Red Car line Call this week. 33) 30 T7\Olt \ RENT Four rooms in flat , llrst lloor , JU southwest corner 13th and P.nclfto sts. En quire at Uoom fi , over drug fatoro. ' 191 TTlour (41 ( rooms. 415 S. 19th st . { 25 60 JU Three (3) ( ) rooms , liom S. 7th st . 11 ( X ) Three CD rooms , 203S4 Pacific st . . ' . . . . 12 60 Three 0) ) rooms , 1015 N. 20th Bt . 13 50 Four (4) ( ) rooms , 1703 Webster st . 18 00 Four (4) ( ) rooms , 413 South 19tn st . 1800 Four (4) ( ) rooms. 423 South J9thst . . - . . . . - . . 2360 Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster at . 13 50 Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 Pacific st . 12 60 Two (2) ( ) rooms. 181H Howard st . 10 00 Four ( ) rooms 1702 Webster st . . . 2260 Four (1) ( ) rooms. 4198. Ifith st . . - . 18 00 Apply to Judge Renting Apencv , Herald building , S. W. corner of 15th and llarnev st 473 FOR RENT-STORES AMD OFFICES. ATCH this before August 1st. J200 cash will buy 8 months lease on one of the best cen tral locations in this city for either commission , grocery or storage. Including fixtures , delivery wagon , etc. Address at ouco U. W , Uee olhce. J C40-1- _ _ _ TT1OU RENT Store ; good place for grocery ; JL1 near 8. W. corner 10th and Leaveuwortb. MM 2 * _ TTU > R UENT A new store room on N Bt , South JL ? Omaha , cheap. Wright & Lnsbury , 213 S. Hth st. Upsulia. 44831 _ OR RKNT-StorolnKnrbnch block , oppoalt. Sheoleybl'dir. Just the location for gents furnishing good * . Call on or address at ouon 0 463 TTUU UENT First-class basement olllce. No. JL 1 113 Farnam St. , vent reasonable. Apply to J.W. Kquiro. 1219 Farnam St. , llrst National Dank building. 4irJ STOUE for rent , llli Fariiam street. Inquire of Nathan Sheltou , at 1505 Faruam street 337 _ THOU UENT-OIBce sultd $25 month , 2 single JU olllcos 115 each , nil fronting IBth st. , llusn- mnn block , N. 15. Cor. 10th and Douglas. W. M. Iliishnian , 1311 Leavenworth. _ 33rt Oil UENT Storeroom , No. 21 1 S. Uth Bt. Apply - ply at 1110 Howard st. 977 TTlORRENT-Ilalf of 800 S. Iflth ( it. , opposite JU Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton * Co. 624 "I710R RENT Small store on l&tli between Far. JL.1 nam and Itarnoy , large safe for bale , Applj Room 4111st Nat bank bldg. 431 OH RUNT-Store-room , northwest cor. 15th and Vlnton. 973 S TORE for rent. 619 N. 16th. Inquire of Henry Oathoir. 1513 California st. 458 FOR RENT-cVtlSCEUAMEOUS. rjOOD barn cheap , 1931 Chicago st. 698 RENTAL AGENCIES. WE give special attention to renting and col- looting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 437 TT1OR quick rental and good tenants list your JU hoiibes with H. H. Wnndell , 108 N 16th st. 2nd uoor. 137 a3j rpo Insure quick rental lr V your property JU with J. H. Pnrrotta , 100Q Chicago. 2)4nSl "VAT" 11 EN you wish to rnnt a house , store or ofT - T l Bco call on us , H. K ; Cole , room 0. Contin ental block. 4t)7 jm R. SMITH , 010 N.lCth Bt. 334oS3 - E. THOMPSON , Room 113 8he ly block. ' ItB IF YOU want your house * rrntrd place them with Uenawu & Co. , loth , opponitu postoincu. - 18J LOST _ _ _ LOST Urge , black dogT White feetrbreasL nose and tip of tall. Jiu reward If returned to 4'J9 B aoth street. W7 M STRAYED-llay pony , sow on baoK. weight , 800. Return to 3313 Leavenworth. 610 If OST liny mare , black mane and tall , whlto „ /are ; rmvurd will bo paid by returning to T. V. McNamara , 17th and Cumlnga. 6J 30 * TOST Medium sized cow. yellow and white , SZFfffi Jersey : liberal reward. A. P Tukey. * il Chicago. ( XW31 1 OST Pair spectnclttfc wld shape , 15th and JLJDodge N , M. Ruddy , optician , on case ; finder leave at 1615 Farnam aaferecclro reward. 007 not I OST Irish setter , grar on right cheek. Lib- Jeral reward return to Richards * restaurant , 1017 Fnrnaln. 495 PEHSONAI/ youhfiyoa personal Item , or any communication , Iflrop it in ouo of The Hee'B message boxes. y = t 103 IF you want to buy.S * ! ! , rent or exchange rail ou or address Otorgo J. Sternsdorir , room C. opposite P. O. 4 231 F OR SAL E - Mli5 C L LAN EOUW. fjioil SALK Large muU-arrIare ( horsp , young JU and gentle. W. U Selby , 1521 Farnam st.Kg Kg TT OU SALE He.\Vy young team horses , small JU payment down. 0 , M. Eaton , 810 N. Win st. 7J1 E LEO A NT two-seated carriage , best make ; will sell cheap for cash. O. J. Stcrusdorir , Uoom 8 , opp. P. 0. 581 FOR SALK Good side-bar buggy nnd liar- ness , price ilO. I50T N. 19th st. TOO 30J pr.OOO tons of Ice for sale by Iloogo Packing Co. , t > Sioux City. K9a2 "U SALE A family carriage and team , at Lee & Nlchol's livery barn. Telephone 840. 34 _ - SALE Planing uilU machinery. Call at not Davenport st , Omaha. 310 TjlOIl SALE A Una family mare 4 years old , Jt ! perfectly safe ; also an almost new Bnyiler buggy ami haruess. Inquire L. D. Uurnett. cor. 13th and Farnam at Holiuan's , tltlu. T7IAMILY her fl cheap. H. B. Cole , roomO , JL1 Continental block. 489 1 TJ1Q11 SALE Blegant carriage horie , new JL ? phaeton and harness , luimlro room 40 , Marker block. 441 " 1710 H S A LK All the furniture. Including JL ? stoves , carpets , sewing machine and a good book cose and books. House for rent 1813 So. 1UU St. , near Dorcas. Also a Itacliio canoe with masts and salts. 372. T71011 SALE Flnout driving team In Omaha , JL1 cheap for rash. Inquire 2111 Cumlng street. 017J U MISCELLANEOUS. BIDS will bo received by the undersigned until Saturday , August 4 , 1888 for soft coal , to b delivered at the Masonic hall. Mth and Capitol ave from October , 18-K , until May. 1888 ! coal to bo delivered lu quantities to suit and at ouch times asoideted. 7iho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Address bids to Fred .1. Ilothwlck , eecy Jlasonlc Temple Craft , 221 S. Hth. 6776 TTIKILEIUS : SHANE have purchased the pro- J eery stock ot S. llaker. Ial3 N 27th. 003 U BEAUTIFUL faces nnd forms guaranteed Face bleach removes freckles , pimples and wrinkles , ilper bottle. Hook of receipts for the complectlon 25 cents. Send 4 runts for cir cular. Madame Uupport , 213 State street , Chicago , rilAPEWOHMS removed In two hours or no JL charge. Address K. Fuller , 113 S 21th St. , "maha. 427al * EINC dressmaking done at parlors or In fam- llesall ; work guaranteed.Call at 1717 Cumlug rpAE banjo taught ns an art by Geo.F. Gollen- JL beck. WU Harney st. 183 W IOMAN'S Exchange , 1617 Farnam st. Lunch dally , supper Saturday nights. 040 WANTED A good horse , buggy and harnets In exchange for South Omaha lots George T StcinsdorCT. room C. ypn postoinco. 3:10 : THE 8HKLTON. oth and Dodge Mroets First-glass family iMtol. Uoard and rooms Ingle or on suite at reasonable rates. Hct'cr mces required. Mrs. M. Whlttaker. 018 a9 IF you nave nnytnlng to trade call on or ad dress OeorgoJ. Sterusdorff , KooinO , oppo site postolllce 107 H OMR for Destitute Women aud Children , 371S ; Hurt bt. 910 STORAGE. | 7\OU RENT Storagej.Tery cheap at Ulock & JU lloyman , clothiers , 1113 Farnam st. Two Orphans' old stand. 625o28 STORAGE Safe , dry wid clean at low rates , Rlddell & Riddell. 1113 Hownrd. 434a2.3 P. Hocco Bros. Ac Co. , 1103 Howard STORAGE the lowest rates. Ki-lalt "V/EHY Cheap Storage llran new building1 ; T five stories. EleyatorMfg Co. , 1118 Howard. , UlJy27 npRACKAOE , storage , lowest rates. W. II X Uushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 107 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING "TTALENTINE'S Shorthand Institute is tne V largest and only exclusive , practical thort- hand and typewriting school in the weft. Under the management of U. C. Valentine , official court reporter ot the Third judicial district of Ne braska , nnd Prof. H. II. Uoyles. a verbatim re porter or largo experience and reputation , as sisted by other experienced teachers. Our list of graduates Is the largest of any school in the wast ; all are occupying first-class positions and giving entire satisfaction. If you intend learn ing shorthand and typewriting attend a flrst- class school nnd bo sure of a good situation. Students can enter at nny time ; no summer va cation. Pitman's , Muuson's and Graham's sys tems taught. Instruction given on Hammond & Remington Typewriters both for same price. Particular attention paid to spelling , punctua tion business aud legal forms , etc. For full par ticulars send for circulars or call at Valentine's Shorthand Institute , New Paxton building , Omaha. Nob. 388 Jy31 WANTED-TO BUY. " \XTANTED Good second-hand buss. Address T T 2. H. Tindell. Atwood , Kos. 407 30J "VXTANTED A second-hand No , 2 llemlngton TT typewriter. Address IJox 25 , Hastlngs.Neb , WANTED Good house and lot in desirable part of the city ; will give first-class bar gain to anyone if suited. Gee , j.SternidorlT , itoom 8 , Frenzer blk. 813 J'F you have Improved business or residence -L property that you wish to sell , call aud see me. George J. Bternsdorff , room 6 , opposite postolttce. ai ITlLLbuy furultureota house or Hat centrally - > trally located. Co-op , L. & L. Co 0i N. l th SUVEUAL store buildings or houses that can I > 0 moved. Will pay good price if suited. Georgu J , StornsdorlT , room 0 , opposite post olllce. til CLAIRVOYANT. ATTENTION ALL Would know thy das- .n- tiny ? If so consult the gifted destiny render ; tells your life from the cradle to the Brave , re unites the separated ; all In trouble will do well to call on this gifted seeress , Madame Zoo ; locates diseased and cures them with massage and electric treatment. 417 B. llth st ; upstairs. 221/-1 / * YlNANNIE V. Warren , cJalrvorant. Med- \J leal , builnoss and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty , lit N. letu et..Roorn * 2&3 Tel. im. la ) MONEY TO LOAN. rPIIK Omaha Flnanc.ii ! Exchange , Room 15 , JL Barker block , southwest corner of Far uam and 1.1th sts. ' Makes n specialty of fcuort-tirno collateral and real estate loans. Money always on hatld in sums of 1100 and up wards to any amount , ( to loan ou approved se curity. / > Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate uncl cash to exchange for good first or second m6rrsages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity ; delay or red tape. Financial business r < any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fulVly. Uoom 15 , llarkcr "lock , Corbett. Manager , 179 MONEY To Loan-ny'the undersigned , who has the only property1 organized loan agency in Omaha. Louu-tof 110 tb glOJraado ou furni ture , pianos , orgaushdN6s , wagoua.machlnery , etc. , without removal.'No delays. All business strictly confidential. Wtons so made that any part can be paid nt anytime , each payment re- auolng the cost pro rnta. Advances made on One watches aud diamonds. Persons bhould carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many naw concerns nre dally coming Into exis tence. Should you need money call and see me. W. R. Croft , lloom 4. Wtthnell bulldlnalSth and Harney. no $3,000 private money to loan at 8 per cent. Cal and get it quick. C. F. Harrison , 4U > 8.15th 401 MONBV to loan on real estate ; mortgages bought nnd sold. Wallace , Crelghton block. 177 MONBV to loan. O. F. DavH Co. , real estate and loan agents. 1501 Farnam st. 191 MONEY to Loan On horses , mule * , etc. H. W. Huntress. 1417 Farnam street , 317 T PANS made on city property-low rates. J-T. Morton , 1417 Farnam , Rooms 9 and 10. 17 a 2 $500.000 to loan on Omaha city property > at per cent. O. W. Day. ga cor Ex. bid. Una LOANS made on real estate. Cosh on baud. W.M.Harrii , over 2JJ s J5U U 117 KIMUALL , Champ i- Ryan Lofit * money on Improved property In Omaha nnd principal additions , also building loans , at low rates. Room 0 , U. P. Nat bunk , TV IOTEV to loan ; largo and small sums at low J.-L rate * , for short time , on rc l estate or chattel security ; second notes bought ; nil llnan. cial business Mrlctly confidential , People's Fi nancial Exchange , O. llouscnron manager ; room MS { llarker block. 15td and Fnrnatn. 7TJ $11,000 to loan on city property , low rates. H. U. lloyiiton.313 S Uth stoim Pnxton house. 768 n 12 * TVI ONF.Y to loan on horses , furniture and other JJJLp rsonnl property or collateral. Rates mod- prate ; business confidential. Oltlce 8. W. cor ner Uth nnd Douglas sts. Entrance on L'thst. The Fnlrbank Investment Co. 175 ONKYtoloan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral security. lluslness strictly confidential , A. E. Greenwood & Co. , U1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 * Jarkson. 181 T OANSmadoou improved and unimproved JUclty property nt lowest rates ot Interest , special rates on largo loans ou Inside property. Od6U Uros. A Co. . 313 3. lUth St. 1KI WK keep on hand money to lonn on Inside property In Omaha and South Omaha lu Mima from. toOO toOUO , ami 03 we do our own valuatlng , make all papers , etc. , wo can com plete a loau any day you wish and pay you tno money. llRtoJ , Smith A Co. , Room 20J , Rnmgo building. BU4 CITY and farm loans made Bt lowest rates. No delay ; no commission charged. J. W. Uobblns , It. 200 , Bhccly blk. , 13th and Howard. j and collateral loans , M. K. Dnvls , . Uth at. Room 27. 731 MONEY to loan on diamonds , watches nnd jewelry ; all business strictly confidential ; can accommodate you with long or Abort loans ; it will , pay you to see me. Sams Diamond & Watch Loan Co. , 219 S 15th st. Uoyd'sopeia house block. 779 a 11 HK. COLk loans money on Improved r.lty or farm property. Room 0 , Continental block. l&j GPEU CENT money to loan , Patterson * Bar- nard 318 S 15th st ISO MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1219 Farnam St. , First National bank building. 141 QEE Harris R E4 ; L Co. for loans , room ill Ol3t Nat Hank. 220 OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , has money to loan on chattel and collateral security. Room 1 , Omaha Nat'l Hang 171 LOANS made to parties desiring to build. D. V.Sholus. rooml. llarker block. m LOANS made on real' estate nnd mortgages bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1531 Farnam. $ ifiOO'.OOO ! to loan at 0 per cent. Lmahan & Mahoney - honey , Room 50i ) , Paxtou block. 183 MONEY to loan on tumlturo , horses , wagons , etc. , or ou any api > ro\ed security. J. W. Uob- blns , U. 20il Sheoly blk , 16th and Howard. 674 MONEY loaned at 0. F. lloed & Co.'s IKJIU onice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , x > rsonal property of all kinds , and all other .irtlcles of value without removal , 31l ! S. 13th. All business strictly conlldentlal. 170 BUILDING loans. Lluuhan < X Mahonoy. 183 MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha property. C. F. Harrison US s. 15th st. 341 MONUY to loan. Lonn time. George J. Paul , 1008 Farnam st. 30 ! VTONEV Oood commercial paper and short ' -Mime mortgages bought. Real estate loans ii'sotiated. S. A. Slouian , 13th and Fnrnam. , 0 per cont. Money to loan ou Impro $ ved farms or city property. James A. Wood- nan , at tno old tire Insurance office of Murpny ' Lovctt , 220 S. 13th bt. U37 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. 11. Jacobs , room 410. First National bank building , cor. 13th and Farnaui 1M ) Hll. 1UEY J500.000 to loon on city property and Improved form land. Frenzor block. MONEY to loan at low rates on Omaha and South Omaha property. Improved and un improved. Chas. U. Woolley , 418 S. 15th st. 2-JOal MONEY to loan in any amount , cither for bulldlugor otherwise , at lowest rates of In terest and on short notice , li. V. Sholes , room 1 , llarkcr block. 003 T OANS made In all th principal additions to -1-iOinaha at lowest rates. I ) . V. Sholes , room 1 , llarker Block U03 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TVTLDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 tar- JLU-nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate examlned.perf ectod * guaranteed. 681 'ENSON&CAUMICHAK& ' furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title Uo any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete set of abstract books In the city. No. 1500 Farnam st. 683- BUSINESS CHANCES. A MAN of average ability and J150canbuya partnership In u good paving olllco and manufacturing business. Medical man pre ferred. Address U U2 , Uoo olllco. 1)08 ) 1 * LUNCH And chop house. Good location , must sell at onco. Co-op. L. and L. Co. , 203 N. 16th Bt. 690-1 FOlt SALE Drug business on principle street In city. Omaha lluslness Exchange , S. W. or. 15th and Douglas. 685 AFIUST-CLAES opportunity for an energetic business man lu the hotel line in the house Just completed at the corner of Cth and Pacific sts. . 2 blocKs from the U. & M. nnd U. 1' . depots. Water and gas all over the house and all mod ern Impiovemonts ; also 3 stores In same build ing , 23x50 , with good collars , suitable for any business , as there Is a densely populated neigh borhood nnd good traffic ; rea souaule. Apply to Klllnger llros. , V13 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. 670 rOU SALti lluslness. lease of store. 412 8. 10th , good stand , call at once. 67S U FOU SALK The celebrated mineral spring near Imogene , Iowa. A fortune for some one. Address , A. S. Lake , Shenandoab , la. 680 "DAUTNElt In u restaurant , paying KtOOper JL month. Omaha Ilusluess exchange , B. W. cor. 15th and Douglas. 693 AWELL-KSTAUL1SHED saloon doing a llrst- class business , located in the northern port of the city , fixtures and tables all lu good or der ; will bo t > old at a preat sacrifice ; satisfac tory reason given for selling. Apply to George J. Sternsdorir , room 0 , opp. P. O. 68J 6 MEAT Market , centrally located , for sale ntn bargain , till August 3. Address U. 69. llea olllce. 603-31 * "I710H SALK Half Interest in one of best pay. JU Ing Sunday papers In the west. Job olllco in connection. Ill health reason for selling. Address U 67. Dee olllce 631 "TTVHl BALE--An established insurance neenay. JL ? Call at Omaha Ilusluvsa exchange , S. W. cor 15th and Douglas , l 695 . . uutiiuiiaoiuu uuaiucsa. juuui. juuiivoi , uuti uuuuu saloon. Call for particulars , Co-operative Lund Jc Lot Co. . 20i N. lath St. 520-30 FOR SALE Livery and boarding Etable.small expense , doing good business , II , E. Cole , room tt. Continental block. 488 1 TJ10U SALE Ilestauraut with confectionary , JL1 cigars and tobacco. Good location. Ad d U 43 , Ueo Olllce. 479 30 * SET of abstract titles for Lancaster county. Nob. ; price $15,000 ; exchange for mdse. or real estate ; photograph gallery , price Jl.GOJ ; want part cash and real estate : good brick yard in Omaha. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 2UJ N , ICth st. 620-30 FOIl SALK Or Exchange Drug stock In city doing good business. Will trade for stocK iusmallplace. Address UCI , Dee olllce. FOR BALE Good paying boarding house , good locality , 20 rooms ; reason for selling , bad health. Address , U 44 , Omaha U o. 470 St TJ10H SALE Several paying Hot * , cheap , as J- ' owners are leaving city. II , E. Cole , room 0 Continental block. 480 l TJ1OU BALE Restaurant , 1209 Douglas st. on -I- account of death of partner. Apply on prum lse * . _ 315 HO * TT OIl SALK A flrit class bakery , Ice cream JL1 fruit end confectionery business in Fre mont ; splendid location , good reason * for ( ell ing. Addrotm Geo. Iliuler. Fremont , Neb. W T7IOR BALE A good grocery , established four X1 yearn , good location , doing a good business. G oed reasons for Belling. I . ' , UOO capital , and will take nothing but cash , a'20 , Uce Olllcc. 600 ' " " FOR EXCHANGE. 8PLKNDID lot In Union Square , one of tin finest reld uca location * lu the city. Wha have you to offur ? George J. Bternsdorff , room .opp. P.O. 6& 160 cleui for equity In house and lot. H. U J-Cole , room 6. Continental block. J8fl l 'HATh&ve you to offer for Lao cr i o Umber land ! n West Virginia , clear ot in- cumbrance , perfect title. George J. Etsrnsdorfl , Uoom ipposlta P. O. Wl TJIOU RXCH A NO E A 9-room house In Kountzo JU placo. with furnace , bath nnd gas , for a peed sightly lot In Isnnc * Seldon's add. Ham ilton llros. , Tel. 117P , 403 S. 18th. M3-6 WILL Rive you n , good trade for nn eight or ten room house nnd lot. Qeorge ,1. Sterns- dorff. Uoom 0 , opposite P. O. 231 rpllADES made In estate and personal JL property. See exchange book. ( Von. L. andL. Co. 205 N. 16th st. IM 0 STOCKS of goods , ( or n part cash and good real estate. Call on or address Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 2115 N. 18th st. 6JU-30 T HAVE a house und lot to exchange for a JLwell-located vacant lot. Uoorgo J , Sterns- dotll , room.8. opp. P.O. 6S35 NEW 3 seated carrlnga and new single top buggy to trade for long time real esUto mortgage. W. L. Selby 1531 Farnam st. 19i HARDWARE stock , splendid location , invoice f2,7UO ; take part lu good property. 11. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 4S 1 V\THAT have you to offer for sonic good land IT In Missouri , clear of Incuinbianco. ( Joorgo J. Stornsdorff , room a , opp. P. O. 6M ii mo EXOHANOK-Houso nnd lot In Nora J- Springs , la. , worth t\tO \ ) . bank building In Fame place worth $3MW , and 100 acres of liad In Hancock county. Iowa , worth W.400 , all clear , for business property or good residence in Omaha , will nay f2OUO to $5,003 cash additional. Call aud get full particulars. C. F. Harrison. 413 4lM WHLL-1MPUOVK1) farm In Hand county. Dak , ; will truilo for Omaha property. Oeorgo J. Sternsdorir. room.0 , opp. P. 0. 633 a "ITOH EXCHANOE-Hnrdwaro stock , doing JU good trade , invoice about (1,500 , want good house and lot. ILK. Cole , room 0 , Continental , block. 4M ) 1 oil EXCHANGK-Nb. farm or two South Omaha lots for span of mares or mules. W. U Selby. 1S21 Farnam st. I'M TEWELItY , Invoice about $ S,000 , want good tf property In city. H. K. Cole , roomo , Contln- entnl block. 430 1 EIGHTY ( bO ) acres ot and adjoining Lake Mfiimwa , Council. Dluffs , la. This tract will make 400 beautiful lots aud is free from encumbrance. What hare you to offer ? George J. Stornsdorlt .room 6 , opp P. O. li)7 ) BRICK Wanted-100,000 bricks in exchange for good Inside Omaha property. 8. A. Bloman room 22 and -1 HoUman bldg. 19.1 WHAT have you to trade for 80 acres ot land unlncumbered In Juncan county , Wls , , Smiles from couuty seat. G. J. SterusdorlT.rootn 0. opp Postolllce. 107 TOEXOHANGE-Clty lots. Will trade for horse and buggy. Room 401 , new Paxtou block. TO ) GJ. STERNSDORFF , Room 0. opposite P. 0. , has some choice farm land to trade for 'city property. Will assume light IncUm- brancc.s. 21)1 ) WE have for sale n long time lease of the best location for fancy retail business in the city. Fearou , Cole A Robertson , U10 S. 16th st. / 1LEAH tO acres , llnely improved land near v FIorence , for house and lot cloao in , H , E Cote , room B , Continental block. 48H 1 FORSALE-REAl. ESTATE. OR SALE A beautiful residence lot In Isnao & Seldeu's addition : if you want a bargain , Investigate. Gcorgo J. Storusdorlf , Room 0 , pp. P. O. fiSl CTOU SALE. Farms on lone time. Co-Opera- JD tlvo Land and Lot Co. , 2Uj N. 10th St. 927 jjlOH SALE G blocks fioiu paved htrcet , one JJ block south of Loavenworth , 01x130 , corner , es beautiful. Gradual slope from lots to .eavenworth st. H.MO ; $150 cash. Is below cd-rock 1'or this. Note the size of the loU and hat It Is a double corner. JI. A. Upton & Co. MFUANKL1N formerly of 543 Paxton llldg. will carry on 111) trading at 1M1 Farnamst. ledlck's Dlock at I'aulsen and Arneman'H room and will always have a good list of property o trade and exchange. 4l > 0 150 makes llrst payment on an elegant 7-room Phouso on Sherman ave. Stop and think. II. K. C\lu , loom B , Continental block. 4W1 I WHO will hear my voice ? Hard up and must have money. Dundee 1'lace Is selling lots at ? l,000 each. Who will take SO lota tor fcli > OIU leloug to a party lu the east. Address N 31 , Ileo lllcc. MZ A 1 ] VSTO11Y C-room house on your own terms. "Why pay rent ? II. E. Cole , room 6 , Contl- lental block. 4M l T7U > H BALK Fine residence site , 128x150 , cast J.1 front corner , between Lcaveuworth and "arnam , only two blocks from paved street. Note the size nnd location of this piece of ground and then the low price , I , X ) . M. A. Upton & Co. 20 WHY PAY HENT I can offer you a beauti ful residence lot \Vestlii\vn on Dolt line ty. , close to now school house ami station on he Ilelt line lly. , and only a few blocks from i'ark street car lino. If you want to secure a ileasant little home close to school , Ilelt line .ralua and street car line , ami not run so deeply n debt for It that you can never pay for It , call at my olllce and let me show you what we cau do for you In this addition , Ueo. N. Hicks , Uoom 40 , Barker block. 411 YE11Y Choice Ilesldonco Slte-M feet east front on 87th street , 1DO feet south of Far- mm. 37th street Is being paved from I1 aruain to Lcarcnworth. There Is no location better than this for One reslaeuco. Price , $ ,000. M. A. Up ton Si Co. 183 EAST front In ShliU's 3d add , three-quartern of a blk from the route of cable ; lot 60x127 , i feet above grade ; -SW if taken quick. O. F. Harrison. 418 S. loth. 171 TXT ILL sell a lot near Lowe avo. for Jl.fiOO , and TT loanll.GOO to Improve same , on $ H mouth ly payments. Address , D. 0. Patterson. 481 " AM ngent for some of the finest residence . lots in llanscom Place and can offer them at figures It will pay you to Investigate. Hicks , lloom 40 , Barker block. 441 "VTOW hero Is a bargain 20x110 on Park ave. JL > between Mason and Pnclllo sts , $2,100 , ad- joulng 40 feet sold for fl i per foot. JI. A. Upton * Co. 070 TT10K BALE You need not wait to have a J- ' house built for you. I have one already built that will suit you exactly. Full lot and largo 2-story house of 7 rooms , good well and cistern , $2,600 to JJ.OOO. Small cash paymcntthon month ly payments , thq same as you now pay out for rent. Why not ow n a home In the test city in the west on those terms ? C. F. Harrison , 418 B. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb. ; WJ & 30.0CO worth Inside lots at last years prices. P West half lot 4 block 105. * 1&.WO. 133 feet on Hth street , tour blocks south of Furnam , Lot ( l. blockli , Kountza'i 4th addition , II&OO. Half Interest in lot 1 , block 251 , sw cor. llth and 1'a- cine , { 3,000. Lot 13,14,15 , block 7. Hlllsdalo ad dition No. 1 , at $3,7UC each , worth 13 000. Lot Ifi. block 2 Ambler 1'laoe , flW. Inquire of Dr. James H. Pcabody. 321 south 1 Jth steot. 318UO BARGAIN Choice ten-acre tract In a line btato of cultivation , especially doslrablo for fruit and market garden , for sale at ( Igitrcs that make It a bis bargain. Goo. N. Hicks , lloom 10 , Darker block , S. W. corner 15th and Faruani. 441 TllNE building lot. No. 0 In block 1. Uonlso ad- L' dltlon , threu blocks from cabin llnu : an ex tra bargain at ff,2jO. JI. A. Upton & Co. U70 fflJAP LAND-COO acres of good land In Hamilton county , Nebraska , nt a great bar- bain. Terms easy. Address W. J. Wlldniau , Denver , Colo. 630-7 TTOR SALE The very best land in Cheyenne JU county. Neb. , from * 5.00 to $7.00 an aero. 1 tenth down , balance in ten annual equal pay ments. Lcddle llrod. , Julesburg , Colo. Ml-a23 pr.QUlIlKS JS50 to buy a lot. the third one J-V north of L nt , So. Omaha , which owner must sell to save any of his equity. D. D. Bmeaton , Darker block , Omaha. 607 6 BIG money In It on account of prlceg an d terms ; loto , blockfts , So. Omaha ; micasn , $ (110 ( Slay , 1M , and other payment February. IbOl. D. D. Smeaton , llarkcr blk , Omaha. 6C. 5 T OHTY-TWO dollars per ft , cor Jt and'Atli. - LBo. . umaha. When L Bt viaduct 1 Inyhat will it sell for ? Answer , $100 per ft : get the terms of leas than H cash of 1) . T > . Bmeaton , Darker block , Omaha. 607 0 TT10U SALE Not for trade. 613.70 acres of 1m- proved land 2 miles from Marquette , In Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame stable , ajo acres under a good 1 barb-wlro fence , round cedar posts and a stays ; living water , iood corral , 3 w clU , wind-mill , 331 barnil tank , self-feeder troughs , eto7&acres cloyer ; n model Price ( less than 913 per acre ) 17.000 Cash 4.UM 3 years time at 0 per cent , ' . . ' 1,000 Uo and look over the laud , and address the owner , F. K. Atkins , 16U3 Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. 6 3-1 GJ-STRRNSDORFF. rooran opposite p'ost- ollico , will sell you a good 4-room house on Iflth street , " blocks south of car Hue , by pay- Iwr tWJ cash , balance monthly payments to ult. This is a. splendid opportunity for anyone - one Yantlng a cheap home. ifH ALI < thor.9 desiring to go out and Inspect the beauties of Seymour park , and the advan tages it otfers for homes , nro requested to call atIheoince of B. F. Scaver.Room 40 , Darker Illlc. 448 TpTRUEi , aeo thls-00-foot frontlet InBhinn'sZnd rprtm house , cellar , cistern , young { fees , good ld walki > , etc. , etc. , W.OOO. M , A. Upton & Co. 030 gfl.090 buys a fulli ot and good 4-room cottage Vtoj good location. D , Y. Shojw , room J , liar- BAIIO AlN-Lot 19. blocks. Summit Place a l dltton. OS ftwt on Farnam by its. ; Klmball , Champ & Ryan , room 0 , U. . Nat. bank. 811 aU SOUTH ftmalm TiurKalh- room TfotoT , lotwxlnd , on 2f > th st. , Just south of N , Prlc ,000 , which Includes hotel furulturo , nnlood lUturcs , Ac. M. A. Upton Sc Co. 025 BUAl'TU'l'Llltllo homo only one mile from postottlco. TAVO pnvixl streets ntut two lines of street car * wlthm two blocks. Nice sur- iMUtidlnK < * . This Is one chance lu a thousand to itvt u homo In a good neighborhood , convenient to business , nt u low urlce 42vod , M. A. Untou &Co 277 \TKUYKasy Torino Ixl * 13 and 11 , blocks , > KHby Place on With between Dodiro ami Davenport tl.TOO each. If party will build n house to cost not lixs tlmn 11,010. will sell lot with only I10J cash payment , balauco 1 , 3andU years. M. A. Upton V O > . 1S3 _ OUTH OMAHA All of block S , except lot 0 , Is reserved by the Land Company. Lot 0 must be sold. Send us sealed bids for It ; casher or H ciisli. The lot U A cholco. xouth front , at Summit depot , GOxlM and worth < 1AW , M. A Upton A Co. _ J.-77 TJlOIt SALE SI.SOO fora neat 6-rootu cottagp , JJ 2011 Grace st.ulco homo fora mechAiilc worK- Incln the north part of town. Knsy payments. C. F. HarrlHon. 418 South l.lthst. an _ ELKGANTrestdoncn lots for sale In Hanscom place by lllcks , Kooin 40 , llnrker block , ON'Tmlss thU-Lot 19. ClnrKo'8 addition , Just north of St. Mary's avo. , U4 foot front. worth * tfJOO. Wo will soil for a short time for 15.500. M. A. Urton & Co. aV ) _ 17011 * BAI.B Improved farm of sw acres ; good A1 orchard , fences , house , baru , outbuildings and living water ; fifteen miles from Onmha. 1 he best product ) and live stock market In the world. $10 per acre. C. F. Harrison , 418 8. 15th , Omaha. KU SOMimtlNQ choice ! f < ot 4 , block n. Hillside No. l , on Davenport at. opposite Yatoa' JflO.OOO mansion , only SJ.OOO. There' * a nice resi dence site for you at iv low Uguro. M. A. Upton &Co. _ UK. OAI.L and see the plat and prices of Seymour parks U. F. Heaver , Itooui 40 , Uurkvr block. FINE Kountzo place residence , south front on limiuet St. . , between 3Uth and 2lRt , opposite the reserve , 10-room house , finely furulsf ] , all modern coiivenlences except f iirnaro. pipes all In for tnat , street car within half a block , & 7.00J. t3noo cash or good notes , balance easy , M. A. Upton & Co. 100-28 TI10U BALK Fine east front 7-room house J Jti tort I.eavenworth st on S. 25th ave. , $5,500 a great bargain. Apply at once. 0. F. Harrison. 411 S. Mth st. 731 ONLY a few lots left In II. & M. park addition to South Omaha , What have you to offer ? George J. Sterusdorff. Uoom 6 , opp.U * . O. -11 DO YOU w ant a nice homo ? 1 have several of the lots lu llanscom Place , perfect grade , water and gas Inxtreot and lu splendid neighborhood , upon which 1 can build nouses to suit purchasers. It will pay to Investigate this at once. Goo. N. Hlckg , room 40 , ll ; rker block. 411 SOUTH OMAHA-Lot 0 , block OS , and lot 1 , _ block Bi , $ .l,00i ) each ; one-third cash , balance ' : i four xeml-nunual payments ; viaduct on L nt . 111 nmko these lot.i very valuable ; lot 12 , block 1 , J.1,000. M. A. Upton & Co. U70 E per cent Investment For Sale JL Three 2-story uml basement brick houses , 10 corns each , all modern Improvements , ou cable Inc. &J3rxx ) ; JK.501 cash , balance I years ; will eke good clear lot for part of cash payment , il. A. Upton & Co. USO T7UNE residence In Windsor Place , full east t : front lot , elegant ten-room house , bath , hot md cold water , furnace , tlrst-class barn. A holce homo , $7.r > 0i ) . Price Includes new carpets and curtains. M. A. Upton & Co. 7.l BUSlNESS-Northwcst corner 27th and Far- iiam for $9,000 ; ono-thlrd cash ; oh , you are missing It by not picking up some of these bar gains. M. A. Upton A ; Co. 870 ll SALE Or exchange. We hare some good Omaha real estate and Nebraska 'arms ' , which wo will Boll chenp or traae for tock of clothing , furnlshiug goods , dry goods , boots aud shoes , groceries or hardware. Scales- "nger llros. . 014 8. 10th St. 198 FOIl SAIK COxllO , Bontn and cast front o corbthamlDorens ; an elegant lot with 8- room house ( new ) for ta 600 ; tl.WO cash. We have exclusive sale of this. M. A. Upton St Co. This lot adjoins Goodman's line grounds. 797 FOIl SALE VExUJ feet on llrlstol btreot , bo- twccn 21th and 30th , for $3,000. M. A. Upton A : Co. ( ! 23 FOR SALE Ilcautlful east trent lot In Ar cade place on 3Uth t. . just south of Leaven worth , for Jl.SOO. ThU is * " > 00 below actual value and will bo in the market a short tlino only at the prlca quoted. M. A. Upton * Co. 3Uf FOR SALE A nice cast front lot In Windsor place , new 8 room house well , cistern , cemented - mented cellar , etc , A line home , only $3,700 ; KoOO cash , S.'jOO In one year , bal in three years ; we "iave the exclusive sale of thU , M , A , Upton & Co. 7VO "ClOll ton estate call on Geo. j. i'aui , 1G09 Farn roe buy * a full lot nnd good 4-room cottage , Veasy terms and good location. I ) V.Bhola room 1 , Darker block. . U03 THRER good South Omaha lots nt a price much below their value. Lot 14 , block 12. Albright's Annex' Jubt N. W. of depot , on mam county road , $100. Lot 1. block 3. HrownPark , corner on 23d and "R'1 ( llrown ) street , $1,200. Lot 3. block 24 , South Omaha , finest Inside lot , 00x150 , east front , $90J. JI. A. Upton & Co. 085 TIIAVR sorcra choice , inside , full lots , upon JL which I can build houses to suit purchasers upon their own selection ot plans , and on terms to suit , ThU will pay to investigate. D. V. Sholes rooml Uarkor block. 135 PENGERIAN TEEL PENS Are the Best , IN TUG ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF Durability , Evenness ot Point , and Workmanship. .1 Samples for trial of IS different styles by millon receipt of 1O cunt lu etauiin. Ask lor card No. 8. ' 75H Uroadmiy. IVISON.BL&KEMAN&GO . , , New York. Our now CIATAI.OG'CE 6P OA , PAIDX OUTFITS , wlttt cSnstltutlod. drill tactics ana full Information About oryanlilna and drilling Marchlnn Oluba. Itxusi'iiATKn CATALOOUB KliKU. j A. G. 8PALDIHG ft BROS.,1 1O9 MadUon St. , C11IUAUU. i THE CHICAGO * NORTHWESTERN - A WESTERN "i , " l W , RAILWAY. ISI I Council Bluffs And Chicago , The onlr road to take for PCS Slolncs , Munnaltown CocUr , Clinton. DIxon , Chicago. Ullwatikea and l.rj.nt5 ( . | KaM. I'pjljo paoplapf Nobraita Iof * liiKtun nnd Cauiornln , it off en tuixirlor aiian ( a 1 not poolble by anr ether lino. Amonv a few of tUo numeroni points of luperlorlty enjoyed by the patroni of this road between Omabk and f'hlrago , are lt < throa tralni a dajr ot DA'S COAC1IKS. wbloliaro ttu Unfit that liunian art apol 1 oitcnuUf can create. IliPALAOSSr.KEPUfa OAltK theequMofwlilch cannotbe _ found Council Illuffi , the tralB > ol the l/nlon f'aclrio Itall. warronnoot In union d poi > with thoio 6ftii 0ii | . cavoA Northweitcrn IVjr.f la Chicago tlie ! traliu ol tins llnenuiie cloio conntotloa nlth tuou of u other Kasteni llnei. 1'or * . Indiana Nlauora Kalli , Ilunralo , 11U burirTrtronto. MontrWt Iloiton New Tork. l ll d lpnr , llaUlnlore. Waih * Iniiton , niall polnti ( n the eub Aikfpr llckfUTli " " " "NOnTH-WEBTERN1 * If 700 wlih the best * tocpmmodtUtn , AD agmiUielltlckeUTlathliUB * . _ T ! VT. N.