Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'TUESDAY , JULY 31. 1888 ,
Delivered bT Carrier in Any I'nrt of the City at
rwrnty Cents l'er Week.
n , tv , rlLTUx , . . , , , ' . . , , , . . . ' . , , 'InNAnEE ,
DaarNrss Orrice , No. 41.
NIwIT ) :1)1'rel : , N0. Ll.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
[ Chief Lucas h s a ratchet nail puller
for which ho is anxious to find an
owner. It was found in Dr. Gruem's
The funeral of Elizabeth , three-year-
year-old daughter of Mr , and Mrs , John
\Vallnco \ , took place yesterday morning
trout tire rcaidctco , 1883 Broadway.
The funeral of E , B. I3owrnuu will be
hold this forenoon at 10 o'clock at the
family residence , instead of 2 o'clock
this afternoon as previously tutuouiiced.
At the regular weekly inoetiugg of
the board of trade to-nigghta full attend-
aicu Is desired , us the secretary will
present important ntntters for consider-
The funeral of William , infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. M , Muller.eccurred at 8
o'clock yesterday afternoon from the
fancily residence , corner Third street
and Twelfth avenue.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs
G. W. Sweetman died yesterday morn-
ing. The funeral took place in the afternoon -
ternoon from the residence , sorter of
Seventeenth avenue and Sixth street.
The mayor and city couueil wore out
y'osterlay afte'too11 Ins 1 ) oetimc the pub-
lie work tlmt is being done nu various
parts of the city. They were well
pleased with the progress made it the
post few weeks.
Theo will be a s ) ecial meeting of
Fairmount Council , No. 1007 , Ioyal Ar-
canam , this evening at 8 o'clock. Tlio
presence of all nieubcrs iseuruestly desired -
sired , as business of great importance
will be transacted.
Time German Catholics have decided
to build apmtroC1mfmtlschool on the ground
ndjolning their church on Pierce street.
The pu'mnit for the buildllmg was issued
yesterday. The structure will ho a omit'
story brick , 11x05 feet , and viii cost
The following committee huts been
appointed by time veteran Tippecanoo [
club to act in conjunction with time cont-
mittee of the regular club to assist in
obtaining speakers for limo campaign ;
Judge J. Fislc , chairman , J.V. . Iilgoro
, and Hon. D. C. Bloomer.
Afr. N. Alcrriaut , of Omaha , was in
the city yesterday , looking tutor his
now block. IIo expects to hnvo time
building entirely enclosed before cold
weatlmo , and hoes to hnvo time stores
on the ground Iloor ready far occupancy
by the 1st of December. The contracts
for the steam Iittiug , plutnhiug and
other interior inisli will be lot later.
Workroom wore busy yesterday hauling
brick for time ucw structure.
The famous little pacing mare , Altt-
tie Marie , record 2:2M : , owned by
Colonel D. B. Dailey , of this city , huts
been put into traimming for the full cam-
: paigu. Although very fat and soft , alma
showed it quarter yesterday moruimg in
031 secommds. She is improtuIg rapidly ,
and shows no sign of the injury vu-
, cOivot itt the time of time destruetmon of
time art hull at time parlc by the cyclone.
She promises to astonish her admirers
1)efo'o time end of time year.
Time reunion of the old Cengregatloutl
church congregation , after a separation
of nearly twenty-live years , brought
forth many amusntg its well its touching
incidents. They had a rehearsal Saturday -
urday night , just as they used to a quarter -
tor of a century u go. Titoro was the
customary , amid finally all
were present except Ed Spoonor. They
had to send for him , amid found that ho
was detained at Phillips' boot and shoe
, tore , just its ho used to be on Saturday
nights twenty-live years ago. It
brought basic the days gone by with a
The passengers on the 11 o'clock Suit-
day evo11ing motor train train tlmo lake
wore considerably surprised to see is female -
male passemmgor suddenly arise from her
Beat Whlotm about half way to the city ,
and begin to beat a highly respectable
business man of the city , who was sitting
Hoar 1mev , over the head and shoulders
with } merparasol. She claimed that ho
had insulted leer , amd caused his arrest.
Time case wits called in police court yesterday -
+ torday morning , and the defendant wits
discharged and the costs charged to the
prosecuting witness. Time hatter is said
to ho a member of thddemni monde tvho
trmod to work a little bluckuialling
sohono , and was caught in her own
The new .screws for Cantata Chap-
[ van's ateumer taro expected hero the
latter part of this week amd will be put
In place as soon as they arrivo. Tlmoy
tvii [ ho thirty inch , and twill replace the
twenty hmait cites not' ht use. 'riteywill
Increase the speed of the vessel one-
third , and allow her to be landed much
m1oro easily amid quickly. The vessel is
very Tight rod time screws are so near
the surface that ammo is but little to-
bistiiimee to tlmeum , but after the lake is
Qoeponed and time steamer ballasted
heavier the resistmtttcc will be suflieieit
to greatlytnecaso time speed. Time boat
is now tvell patroamzed , and after time
improvoneuts tire made will bo oven
mom ilopultu' .
PCVSellilL 1'ltragraphs.
Mrs. N. J. Swanson is visiting in Mis-
Mrs , P. J. Day returned last evening
from a week's rest at Colfax Springs.
Dt s. Eu Cleinonsoi is rapidly rocov
e'ing front her recent illness.
Roy. B. P. McMcuomy loft yesterday
for Cuifux to spend a week in twat and
lleury S print ; , of St. Louis , is visiting
his sisters Melon and Carrie onVnsh -
iugton aveuo.
Tutor Beck is sulToring severely from
a hemorrhage , timid tun utaclc of brahm
fever is feared.
John 1dorglul , of Baltinmoro , is visiting
his uncle , lion. W. Ii. M , Pusey , on
Willow avenue.
Oscar Ilcudmirsom loft for Villiseta yesterday -
torday ullcraoon. Ills t ito trill return
benne with him ,
. Sherill Clay Delishmmutt , of Afills
f county , tvas h ) the city yesterday , time
guest of CLiot of Pollee Lucas ,
Rev , GV. . Crofts will soon cuter
upon a rocrcntory Iorlod at Colfax. Ills
family will visit old friends In 1llimois.
< Mr.\VlilialnDryer , whowasseriously
kiekcd by n horse a short tine since , is
not recovering as rapidly its is desired ,
and huts condition Is regarded its critical ,
Mr. mud Mrs. Ed. S. Past , of Lincoln ,
Neb „ who hnvo been visiting timely
daughter , Mrs. E. 0 , Hunt , of this city ,
for time lust few days , returned lmomo
' . AI's. hunt
yesterdaty mo'ntng. accompanied -
companied then , and will bo absen t
about a month ,
Mr. S. II. Foster returned home yesterday -
terday morning from a ten tveols visit
at his old lmomo at Waukesha , \Vis. ,
where ire wont to recuperate after hi s
serious llhtess of last spring. Ho ha S
anted consldornblyjin avoirdupois an d
Iloolcs otherwise greatly improved. Hi s
fmauy friends are pleased o again won
come ltla smiling taco on our atreots.
/bo-fewY , + oklgWlb ia. 4W9aJ , ± a.l OidY
Crooks Empty the Pockets of Landlord -
lord Harmon and His Guosts.
Three Cnses Got Itendy for time Gramuti
Jury-8uatrmer Suits la I'ollco
Court-Brief Bits of
Jlhtfrs News.
Time tVork of Crooks.
A gangof crooksvlsltad Lake Manowa
Sunday tutu got In their work quite suc-
cessfully. Time nuuagcmoit of the
varlets enterprises about the lake ] tits
made it ratlror ulteougenial for toughs
and rowdies , and those who have visited
there have speedily found that they
were not tvamted. Two follows up-
preached Air , Odoil and wanted permission -
sion to rot a shell game o11 time botch ,
but they were very promptly informed
that ho Would as soon have tummy other
form of robbery going on as thitt. They
we "iJriven oil , but their cheeky request -
quest umdicatcd that there were crooks
hoveritgabout. In the evening , whom
the rush wits greatest for the boats and
trains , there wore a numher of pockets
touched , and it was evident that time
light ilngered fellows wore working.
Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock
several guests of the hotel trove sleep-
lug oil cots on time upper vurmutdn ,
when one of then noticed n mttn coating -
ing out of time window of one of time
rooms. lIe atvoko ono of his conpamu
( outs , and asked him about it , the hitet'
bofug more familiar with the house uud
its habits , Time information writs given
that it was the window of Mr. Charles
Harmon's room , Imo being one of the
proprietors of Limo hotel. It being cvi-
detmt that sontothiag ens wrong , time
alarm svgs given , but by this time time
fellow led Slipped around the Imuuse tumid
down time buck stairs. One of time
domestics in ruturnimg front mum out-
lmouse saw time fellow running down time
back stair's , uimd into the treeds where
he wits soon lost sight of. It scouts Hutt
he had gal mmcd an entrance into 1I' .
IInrmon's room through the window ,
which was only protected by totting.
AI' . Ilarnmot's , ntutaioons lay at the foot
of the bed , and the fellow pickimmg tire , ,
up node its exit , searching the pockets
us ho run along the veranda , and sceur-
ing a watch and about $ ' 150 in money.
lie dropped the pantaloons after thus
hteiping himself.
It was also discovered that two of time
guests chambers hall been entered.
Timesleeping 1u mates lest small .anoumts ,
but Mr. Ilarutom's loss tvus the only
large one.
Frank Levine , the cirgar maim , led
his pocketbook taken while in the
cretvd pgeting on the motor trait. lie
was satisfied by the way they were ruslm-
iimg aul pushitmg thtLthue was surrounded
by pickpockets , amid so clung to ids
watch , not giving any thought to his
pocletboolc , as he had no eash lit it.
' 1'hoy took it just time sane , amid it con-
what tvtls as geed to him mis cash , timur'e
being two checks , one of :410 , signed by
Chris Straub , and payable to Jans .Te11-
sot , by who11t it hud lCOI indorsed el
time back , The outer check was lot'
$7.05 , signed by time Council Bluffs Gas
company , amd payable to J. Nerd , or
bearer. Anyone to wimom those cheeks
tu'e offered should report promptly in
order to help the authorities get track
of the thieves.
Job mm Scalper , of Upper Broadway , was
als a victim. Time crowd at the motor
was so grout that there was danger of
women and children bong seriously
hurt. One little follow was jammed in
ngainst the corner of a car it such a
manner Hurt Mr. Scanlan saw h0 was
going to get hurt. Time little follow ,
and the Wentan who was with him , wore
crying for help , and ? 1m. Scanlan brac-
lmg himself , pushed his broad shoulders
back , relieving them from the awful
pressure and thus saving them front be-
lag jatmned further. When he got out
of the unpleasant squeeze ho discovered
that his gold watch had boon taken. He
Lad looked at it a few monotts before ,
so he is quite certain it was taken at
that time.
Some ono without time fear of prohibition -
bition before ltla eyes sot up a tent near
the hotel on Sunday and begtui selling
drinlcs with boldness tumid loss neatness
than dispatch. Ho must have reaped
quite a harvest , for there were toter
before seen so many' drummkenfollows
nbOut time lake. Oa time other side of
the lake timere is said to be nn opportunity -
tunity given for drinking , amid unless
prompt steps nro talcum to suppress
these places , time lake will fast gut nn
unotvmblo reputation. Such plaices ,
rut by irrospotsibie ) ersots , wlmo
unturaliy stunt to make all time money
tlmey can , to recompense them for time
recklessness with w hiclm timoy defy the
law , gather about then a gang tvho twill
drive respectable 1)001)10 away , Time
cue showm thus far to keep time lake
amid its resorts decently mmd in order ,
itnd mdse it a pleasant place for ee-
spcclable citizens turd their fmunilies ,
will load those interested to at onto
force these follows to scoic other quar-
Artists prefer time IIallott & Davis
piano , at C. I3 , Music Co. , 221 l3roadway.
Buy mutols , grates and hearth furnishings -
nishings of the New York plumbing Co.
The Tale of it Bogus Coln.
About two years ago tun 1801 silver
dollar caused no little sensation here.
As is pretty' troll known the coin collectors -
lectors oiler from 1000 to $1,000 for a
genuine silver dollar of 1501. Send
sharpers have been taking silver dollars -
lars of 1501 , which are exactly the sanme ,
except time data , and by ingon iousiy
the " 1" " 4"
chmutghmg to a have succeeded -
ceeded in malting a dollar which would
deccivo any but nut expert. Tire of
these lixed dollars were shrewdly sold
It Omaha and one sous sold here , the
sharpers being very innocent its to the
mmu Icet price , nail letting thorn go for
about 8O0each. Time buyers soon found
tint they ware sold. One of those del-
Ia's turned up the outer day , A man
had traded some land ht Missouri for It.
Time man ho got it oil had given a horse
and buggy for it , The maim who thus
got time horse and buggy bought it of
another furntor , as ho said , for $125
cash.Vhero it will next go to uo one
can guess. It is interesting to know
hot time cupidity of tnnn lcmtds him to
got swindled. One of those who lmas recently -
cently got shuck on the 1801 dolls r
thoughtlw was working it very sharp ,
lie was not certain what the rare cola
was worth , but was satisfied that it wit
wortlm much more than the man though t
et when ho intended to buy it. II a
quietly got hold of a catalogue of n n
ctLsto'n house , and found them time con t
was worth at least $600. He eagerly
bought time dollar for $12'5 cash , and 1
cltucitaled at the greet profit ho was t o
tldic0 at the expense of the seller' s
Ignorance , After getting possession o t
time coin ho opourdcorrospoulencc will L
a view of selling it , amid waa Informed
thtt ; ho must sand it east for inspection
± 4
first before the 1000'would be paid , lie
did 50 and hud his eyes opened when time
repot t Caine buck that it was a bogus
one so far its time ( bite teas concerned at
least. Time 1801 dollar will continuo to
travel about land serve as a biter for
those who are willing that others slmould
b0 bitten , There Is not much sympatiuy
felt for a eau who thinlcs that through
the I umorauee of a seller ho is getting
sotnethimtg tor about one-sixth of wutt } it
is really worth.
Stop at the Pneilc llousc. Time most
centrally located hotel in the city.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co , lean money.
held Fur time Grlunl , Jury.
H. 0. Blalcesicy , time lmui who was
brought back from Lincoln , Neb. , a few
clays ago fur the lnreety of a horse tuul
buggy from George Wisner last May ,
loud tut examluutfon before 'Squire
I3iggs yesterday mot'niug tuul was bound
ovum. to await the action of the grtttmd
I , . AI. Cutout , tuns nlso bound over ht
time sum of 1(00 : ( for keeping a glttnderad
horse ,
horror \Viliiams was held fit time sum
of 1.50 ( ) tor stealing a ring from Bur-
imottl's jewelry store.
- „ e
Lost or stolen , on getting of motor
cnr itt dluntuva hotel , Sualay evetfag ,
a liuntiuu g case gold watch , : iuihable
eew'ard given for its suturn to J , M.
Seanlun , 12 ( ) upper l3roadtray ,
linking tt clot 1''ot''Iim.
Time p0l1co judge did a laud oilicc
ba9111esb ycstet'day mo'nlug at time receipt -
ceipt of cuslomu , and levied assessnmetts
with a llailcitthumee : that was perfectly
surprising considering time fact that
the steel trails of time cage tvero alnost
at a white heat anti were about rcudy to
shed molten iitoms lute time ynwtmiug
ntoutlt of the sever ummdet'ucatL ,
't'he boozers we'e drat hauled up , auil
received tholymedicine im the follotviag
doses : Gu \Veaee , 87.0(1 ( ; II. Tody , $8 ;
George Jolmnsom , $7.00.
1)isturbiug the penes-.T. Junes , l' 9.Gl ;
'Theodore Brown , * 9.00. Jones tried to
"eletut out time ranch" at 1.10 Pierce
stt'cet , bat could not mitten time rifllo before -
fore ho wiut compelled to giro it up.
\V..1. Bmu'tlett , nrm'estotl its it 6tl5piei-
ous cltnracte , was released , maul went
elm his way rejoicing.
\V. II. Hobbs tvmus eha'ged with vng-
ea11ey , but teas llell tor further extuni-
11ntiom at time request of Captain Dyer.
Patroms of time Pacific house have
110110 but swards of peaiso for the attemi-
tiol given them.
Atouoy loaned iii L. B. Crafts & Co. ' , t
loci oflico , on mmniturc , phtmus ) , horses ,
wagons , porsomai property ' of all kinds ,
nail all other articles of 'value without
remnoval. All bubiness strictly coufi-
To-Day's S aChthug.
Time yaelmt race that is to take phase
\lmumarmt thus ufternoon , bettvcemm time
hours of 1 and 3 o"cioek , is ecitutg ron-
sidciit iu interet mall will bum witnessed
by a la"fu ! number of speetmitoms. Time
prime movers iu getting up time mmmcc
svoeo time members of time ( 'o mmell
Blulis Yaclitiimg club , wino have labored
earnestly for seine time to got time umit-
tor into tangible slmape. 't'hey have a
ftno yacht , time .f. ( ' . Bixby , which will
prove a fo'atidablo eomputitor in a
strong wind. 't'he vessel is llmely fitted
up , amid it handsome blue silk streamer
is being made for Imo' , hilt will not bo
ready in time for time lust race , but trill
be thrown to the breeze next Saturday.
The other entries are time Little Din-
mend , by J. H. Royuolds ; Cattunarnu ,
by Cole & Cole ; time Ida , by W. II.
\Vukeicld ; Idlowild , by C..1. Blanelm-
mud ; Sea Gull , by S , E. Maxlnm. Time
latter is a favorite in IL light wind. The
craws hove lead eotsidom'uble tral11Itug
lately , timid already handle their boats
like old yachtsuem. The probabilities
are that it will be a "guessing race" until -
til the finish , its the boys are linhle to
got rattled if time race is at all close , mind
some of time crows nmay take n ducking.
Travelers ! Stop at time Bechtele.
Pacific House is o4pen to time travoliug
public , notwithstundiug to timecomtrury.
Full lithe of sheet umusie at Coumuci
Bluffs Musie Co. , . ' 1 Broadway.
E. H. SLealo loans umonoy on chattel
security of every deberilptiou. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
cou0dentiul. 01Ncc 500 Broadway , Cot-
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Judge Aylesworth hold hall stray yesterday -
terday itt the north coat room of the
county court house , hearing the case of
McGee vs. Saginn. 'l'imo case involves
time titles to about thirty lots 1n Brown's
subdivislem , McGee holds the fee title
maid claims that the defoalunt's tax title
is of no aecoutt. Time ovide11ee lit time
case was all introduced yesterday , maul
the case trill be argued this tnorniog.
11ow lteary and Atiligay Fmmjoyod time
Glotdous i'uurum ,
Detroit Free Pecss : Time' Ind been
"to time Fourth" itt Peturvillo , and
were h oW slowly wending their way
home , hind in hamil , ever the greets
fields , down wide homes muul under the
leafy boughs o'erhungiug time woodimtmmd
road. 'l'imey were a little limner old
less lively thtut wLon they journeyed
fourth 111 time dewy mornmag. ITor robe
of snowy tvlmito gave evidence of a dusty
day mind contact with time greunswarrl ,
the rhubarb pioandovot'flow'mlmgglass of
leomonado. Ifor rosy mouth gate token
of a prodigality of umolusses candy
and gingerbread , her breath bore time
contbhlod I agramce of peppermint
drops amid bologna suusngo In unlimited
quantities ,
ills step was loss elastic than it had
beet ; ho wits fuiutsvith time intoxientiou
of three for a dinmo "seogurs ; " ho hud
learned by oxpe'icaee that there is a
limit to a young nun's capacity of cot-
tal11ing 1)1(1 and ice creaut undlonmonade
amid soda watem' and mixed catmdy. His
limped collar and wilted necktie
twisted around under his ear , gave
token of how he had exerted himself to
be happy.
Fold mumorios of the dmu lingered in
their young minds , and at last found ut
tera11co in words :
"Iluivo a good time , Molissef ? "
Oh Hem 1
, just splendid , y
"Iujoyed it , did yet"
'Oh , I tno o'n iim oycd it ! ' '
"How'd ye like tire lom'mndo ? "
"OL , it was s ) londidl"
"Then gum c1t'ops wont puny good ,
didn't "
"Oh , wasn't ' they good ? "
"Ilotv'd time ice crcain go ? "
"Oh , awful good ! "
aVhitt kind o' liavorln' did you
take ? "
" ' tnlco ? "
"Vanilly--what'd you
"LoniomVished afterward I'd had
vanilla , too. how'd you llko the soda
water ,
"Oh , splendid. R'onder what mtike 9
it fizz ? "
"elm , seu0 son of u thing-it-ma-jig in
lido tlno eltl machin0 , 'l'hoy had party
1 fair ecegare , purty feu.
T lEt : E 1f E W 33 E I D 06
est lock , METCALF BROTHERS furnishing Goods ,
Lewes t Prloes , Clothing , Hats , Caps , etc. _ .
ti , N y , yi b /ZL wt y {
V to 0 j lM N USIC 0OMPAN , id f7
CA , , RI3RER [ , 1dI111iam 5isdnnto f _
c ' " a p' °
ardlnmt Everett ld Fisher
a"p ,
, o
' . -De.Ierlo- , n
? , & - -
AIALIa&TATP3. _ y Count r REAL > rSTATE - ni + at - Mutt St PT Coundl , mludi. y-y g
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ 1or7w Cc Z7 Halt N , INn _ St i 1611 St. Mary , Av. Omth1 , 4'L
h ° COy n 5
l. Largest Capital and Surplu3 YourPatrona o
n jAny Bank ! n the og. , ! s Sol/olted / , ao . , .
u cd 'w. 1 t s 6 u1'FS 0 rB t m0. _ ' I In6Uj . . - dhc - . B 5 m w r' aond , 0' 'r s : +
' /
tD w \ H. & A. D.Fostsr , SMOKE , o o i
eln . ® il Qlosa Go j Poregoy k Mooro'e Western Abstracts of Titre
U xo Wholesale. 1 L upaagtt x
flIltO R05i3. -AND- . . , _
. - - , ARE ,
Q No. S. Pearl St. - < urP v -
o - - i' tetra , st ' s ,
. MASONIC . - b
(11 % ' - . " Itetween SdAv ) - e9.m Va
' at. . .
. . . , . .
. .
a zuouR.-4. zr- s - .r > Lrr = c r
Manufneturer of Fine Carriages anll Buggies , U. P. HATTENHAUER I alwa' 's keep ht st0clc a large variety s or eastern
Iirtt r a a laaya a fu .foul to select Ion. . . ) make C'arrimmig oswimletu I sell ittnteyhow rate.
Call WWII uxamuiuo. l'riecs Low. Noa. t37 to ti l ; Fourth Street. I ant always ready to show goods ,
Main Street ,
: Is : - R
V ] IE ITT °
A triumvirate of instrumuumelmts which cannot be excelled in tone , beauty of finislm
uud general werluntumship ,
in i n
Excel mill otltgrs iii style of case , beauty of finish and volume of tomo.
Sold for CASH o , , oar MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
All kinds of Musical I11strunments , Itussinu Gut Strungs , Sheet Music and Music
Dealers suppllitl at Chicago prices. Scud for Catalogue.
Our ) ) cpurlutcut of 'rota and F.ttNCY ( ; 092)S , we arc elo.lug
out tit ION : ( haft 1a4l. Icalerd pleat , mnuke a vole of this , and gel
ctti' ; ood5 ch'ttp.
"La. Usury , hotl kin a nun bnmoko '
„ ' I
' ?
seeglu's :
' 1'oohlVislt Imhad a remit Icr nil
Pve smacked. It conies untchreil to us ,
' '
11101) .
"I don't see hour you kin. I think tor
buclrer's awful nasty. "
"Tklmt'scause you nin't used to it.
ITow'd ye injoy time swing we had in that
merry-go-round ? '
"Oh , wusa't it nice ? Madre mo a lit-
re sick at first , but I thought It was
lovely afterward. I'd like to have
swung a week. "
"Glad it. how'd do
you injoyed . you
like the side show ? "
' 'Oh , splondiiVasu't ! that woman
fat ? I'd thought slmo'd of incited. You
reckon that ttvo-headed calf w'as horn
tluit way ? I'd nn idea ono o' them
heads tens stuck on afterwards. "
"Pooh ! Of course it wasn't. Can't
fool me ! I wmtsn't barn and raised of a
farm to be tel : ut by any such t snide
thing es that. I'd a good mind to toll
time show master so , too. That blamed
old calf wmtsn't bo'11 with'two heads any
tnore'11 you wits. "
"No , nor with two tails , noitho' .
"Of course not. But lots of folks is
greet enough to b'leeve it. An' that
feller never really sw'nliered that
awe tl. "
"Thinlc not ? "
"Namv-an' for mu cent I'd told the hall
c'otyd what a fool he was mmltim' of 'cm ,
but I just thnugitt if they wanted to be
fooled I'd let 'onm. "
"Lit , lienryl"
"IIos''d you lake time Iiroworks ? "
t'Oit , timey was lovely ! "
' 'Glnd you injoyed'onm. A dollar or a
dollar u a quarter ain t 11otltimu to me if
a girl iajoys things. "
NOTIC'i' .
PECI.1L adverllsementss cltnsLostFouud ,
L To l.ontForSnioTo Itonttt'aimtslmour < Itng ,
etc , tvlll 1)u Inserh'vl tit thaw rolutmn at the taw
rate of 'l' ' .N CENTS Pi it 11NM far the llrst In.
section tad lye Cents I'er 1Jno f01 each sttbse-
qut'atlnsertion , l.euveadverttseineutsatour
otltce , No. IC Pearl Street , neur Broadway ,
Cotmmcll matins , Iowa.
F Olt 1tENT-Several rooms sultnblo forhoti , e-
keeping , or to singie partlos ; hnutedlate
possession glveu. Apply mt preuilsos NIT Mast
st , Cotulcli plums.
FOR S.Ir 1 -Clteilp , .Shy tnQmu furntturo , as
goodnsnew. 'ahat00JSonttt 0th street ,
Council iflulrs .
1. stock pl nierchanilhe to trade
for land or city properly write to Jolnstoit )
& Pau I'utmmt , Couurll LlClts , Ia.
( \CIiANI1-Ono : lot in ihmrns' add and three
L hm Ii. It. add for one lot nearer ltroadway ,
Address Q 11 , lies , Ills + ' , Council illulrs ,
1 Ott SALE-.tnopen slde bar buugy , nearly
new , to good patty on monthly puynteuts ,
A. J..tlandel , No. : mri and tom ; ltroadway.
W tNTEI-Good isco hand stoves , fllrnl
tare and carp,4s. tt'lll pay hfglmext cash
price. A. .1 Mandel , Nos. mm andLi ; Broadway ,
OR SAI.E-'l7mo hcstsntali fruit and vegeta
farms ht l'ottawattantle county ; two
miles trout Conned 131gmrs postalliee , at a price
that till ! sell It , mu' remurkabiy easy terms.
Title perfect and property In good condition.
Possessiongtvcnany tune. Oood reason for
selling. ! t , f , llryant & Co. , 0MJ ltroadway ,
Council Bluffs , Ia.
rlio RENT-Imntedlately , for the summer , a
1 good furtmishod house , 30 romps ; closet and
bath moat ; city water , Apply on premises , Slii
tth mire.
WANTED-stocks of merchandise. liar.
. r Omaha and Council lilutts city property
also western land to oxchamm ge for goods. Camf
on or address Johnson y Christian , Roomn 33 ,
Lnanmber of Couunerce , Omaha.
FOIL SALE-At a bargain , 40 acres near stock
yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson x
Christian , Room :16 : , Chamber of Commerce ,
Omaha. _
tOlaroadway Council Bfutrs , loam. gstabltshed
. . ' It&L
m aumimina ASn DtAI tam IN
, i (
J a
' ' '
'm-- ' ; : .
NO. 3I'IN RT. ,
ht accordance wall iuanerous ronuest3 has do-
rlded to toucht'faxldermy in all Its branches.
3louutiug birds , O ; tvlt.t tuanunuls and other
Intricacies , i't 0. tyould also like to receive
orders tor birds to 1111 order bookon trip south.
No. 0103faln St. , Conucil bluffs.
Cell , t Tfi AV1'1 AID'rill ST.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity.
An excellent elucatlaual institutlou , furnished -
ed with all modern lumprovenmouts for boardhtg
and day school. 'ite ucadeumic year consists of
two acssioits , bcgluning m the first Jlonduy In
Septeutber and Februaryrespectfuily.
1'ernts-Ito.lyd and tuition per session , I7ii.
For turtlmer particulars address Sister Superior ,
St. Francis lctulmny , Cmmcll lilnna , Ia.
M , B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D ,
Physician and Surgeon
Diseasesof Wouom umd Childton ,
907 Broa6wav , Council Illus.
1614 DOUGLAS 8f. , OMA1tA , NIB
D. Ht aioDAHELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices , Prompt
izo pd r2 Main StreetCOuUCtl DlutleIowa.
7 = I ' 7
SIZES FROM lsprclally : Admrted for ,
c5 TO 300 $ ELECTRIC
POWER. Mills and Elouatorst
- : - - - : - ,
Specifications and estitmmates hrnhbed for cmnpletc steam phuas , liegulatlon , Durability Guar. ,
auteed , Can show letters trout users where fuel hcommny is equal with Corliss Nou Cmulensing.
Send for Catalogue. E , C. HARRIS , Manager ,
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 808 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED-Good SalesRlen on large cotuuission or salary.
TH GD 1 _
Wrau g ht and Cast FOR
Rullrthtps.lftOfZUttd r lapliest Economy ,
RcpULPS. 11eiU .C 2d hold SfnapUcaU and Dlirabtliff/ .
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Totth Avenue , Council BlufrsIa. Toleplmono 100.
From 15 to 25 Per Centt
_ 1. _
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs.
' - - -
'H---BI : ( BI hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. flans , lstimalee ,
I I S' I ton of 1'ub lie Work. Brown
Building , Council IlhmITs , Iowa ,
Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 116
L E B UR -
Pearl St. , Council 131uffs , Iowa .
iJR Justice of lime Prace. 0111ce over Aalerican Express , No , 919
. - - Broadway , Council131uf1's , Iowa.
joN Attonmes at Law , Practice in the Stale and Federa '
- Courts , 001ce Roorns 7 mmd B Shugart Bemmo Block
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avcnuc , Counci
C C. H AZE - Illufi's Iowa.
Spociallst hm diseases of Eye , Ear , Nose and
M . H.CH aM B E RLIN1 O Throat. au19t treated Olnssesdccuruti4yt'rescrineu by mall muter tlrst cousmtatlon , Cat- ,
Oflke ror. Mate street and Broadway. ] tesldunce , 010 Jana at , llout s-0 to 12 , 5 to t , 790 ; to 8:13. :
Council alums , Iowa.
Cull on ill. DROIILIC11 , 535 itrondway , whore you will receive
111(1 Illgitext Cuah Price ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llotaes and mules comtstantly on hand tor sal
at retail or am car lots.
Orders promptly ailed by contract on shot
Stock sold a rom . utieslen.
L''elephone 114. SCILLUI'CR k IIOLF.Y.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UluCS.
.times W Q
.timesc I'I
< G
H0.29 MAIN ST.
uMa HAIR GOO s ,
? I 'S'
,4 _ ' ,