OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JULY 31 , 188SL 4 DEEP WATER CONYESTM Movement to Establish , a Harbor on the Coast of the Gulf. . DELEGATE MEETING AT DENVER. A. Call Ismietl by tbc Governor of Col orado Basis of Representa tion Capital City Notes. ' LISCOLS Bras AC or rajs OHJLHA. Bus , ) 1023 P STRBST , > Linear , : ? . July 30. J Governor Thayer to-day received the following paper from the governor of Colorado recftinff the resolutions re centlypassed at the convention held at Fort worth , Texas , nnu culling foe a deep harbor convention to be held at Denver , Colo. , August 23.18S3. DKVKK , July 28r ISbS. To His Excellency - ! cellency , the Governor of the State of [ Nebraska Dear Sir : I have the honor I to invite your attention to the following 1 resolutions adopted by a convention held [ at Fort , Worth : I Whereas , . All the stolen anil territories j west of the Mississippi river arc interested in I the pressing need oC a deep water poet on tha I coast at the state of Texas ; and [ J Whereas , Denver , Colo. , boin . centrally [ I located ana very accessible to all the vist : li sections of country interested ; therefore be it ( f Ecsolved , That the citizens of Denver be | requested by their deluj te * to this eonveri- | C tion to call an mter-stnte Def p Water coa- I vention to be held in that city , at such data I as they may see fit. not later than August SS , J 1388. J | In. accordance with the resolutions by ( H the Deep , "Water convention at Fort JB Worth , Texas , on July 10 , and in com- H pliance with the reqn t made by the If committee of the Denver chamodr nt & commereaonil bourd of trade , and the K Colorado real estate exchange , JJL .1 hereby call an inter-state v Deep Water convention of the jH states and territories west of the Mis- II sLiaippl river , to bo held at Denver , on fjf tha ilSth duy of Ausrust , 1HS8. yl The basis of representation to that m convention will be as follows ? m Two delegates from , each senatorial I ] district to bo appointed by the governor If of the state or territory ; one delegate il'i to be appointed from , each county , to be appointed by the board of county com- misdfoners , or by the chairman of said H board ; live delegates from each chara- [ ber of commerce , board of trade'or ' com- ' 9 Diercial body in the various i cities ; one deletjata from each I f. town having1 a population of three f > thousand or less , to be appointed by tha mayor or the president of the trustees I1 of such town ; in each city or town hav ing a population otover three thousand inhabitants , one additional delegate for each. 5,000 inhabitants or fraction thereof ; five delegates from each edi torial association in the states and terri tories interested. In oil cases when delegates are ap pointed on equal number of alternates shall be appointed by the same author ity.The The purpose of this convention 13 to secure the united and harmoni ous action of the middle and woHtern states in a movement look ing to the establishment of a deep water harbor somewhere upon the Gulf of Mexico. So important will be the influence of such a-harbor upon the prosperity of every farmer , artisan , miner and citi zen of the great west that it should impel every official to whom this call is directed to take prompt and effective action that will result in a great and an influential convention. Yours truly , ALVA ADAHS , Governor of Colorado. Governor Thayer desires that the bodies to which the basis of representa tion is addressed shall take action as circumstances and conditions may war rant , in view of the importance of the convention called , and. that the state press copy the foregoing paper. 13 SHAVEH. GUILTY ? The arrest of Hov. F. A- Shaver at Fremontilast Saturday by the sheriff of Hermosa county , Dakota , on the charge of abduction or running away with ; auatlior mat ? s wife , promises sensa tional developments. Just where the responsibility lies is not altogether clear to a man up a tree. The father of the , girl is evidently with , the preacher , and squarely "ferninst" the husband of one short , blissful week. At any rate he is a keen. old. fellow and looks out for emergencies * Fearing1 that the husband , who had Shaver arrested on the charge of abduction , might seek to have him. returned to Da kota , thus restoring to hid arms the wife he hod promised to love , cherish and obey , so recently , by power of requisi tion , a telegram was sent to Governor Thayer , bearing date Hermosa , * Dak. . July 28th , which was received last Sat > urday night at ten o'clockIt read as follows : My daughter , nped fourteen years , is accompanied by Rev. F. A. Shaver by my permission and authority. He has boon arrested and held at Fremont , Neb. , on the charge of abduction. Do not issue a requisition for his return un til I can be heard personally and by counsel. I liva sixteen miles from the railroad and will leave here todayon the first train going east , , and I ask that the case bo held until-my arrival. tt. N. STCTE. WHITE BAHBEttS YS TIIK NEGROES. A cose of more than ordinary interes was filed in the supreme court this morning on error from Lnnctvste county , wherein George Messenger-t plain till and the state of Nebraska de fendant. At tha .May term oX tha district cour of this county Messenger was tried on an affirmation tiled by R. D. Stearns , , county attorney , and convicted of violat ing th"e civil , rights clause of the code o the state. Arthur L. Warwick , col ored , some time during the post spring , went into Messenger's barber shop and requested to be shaved. The reques' no * refused and a chair in th < hop. denied him , whereupon com' plaint was made which led tc Ilia information and- prosecution by County Attorney Stearns. Thetria" resulted in conviction , and Mr. Messeu * eer was fined $25 , the minimum of th law. law.Now the cause w joined- for hearing on , error before the supreme court , the grounds , to-wit : First. The court rr d io overruling the motion to quash and. the demurrer Second , The verdict ia not sustained by the evidence. Third.- The verdict is contrary to la.w. la.w.Tourth. Tourth. Tha courtjerred in overruling the motion for a new trial. FifthThe court erretl in overruling the motion for the arrest of judgment. NOTAUSES UUJJUC COMllISSIOJTEDv The following Nebrnalcona were today earruuliiicsed notaries public by the { overnoc. Ortha C. Bull * Lincoln , Lancaster county ; John. IL McLoud. David. City , Ilutle ? county ; F. B. HarriaonFremont , Dodge county „ C. Carir Omaha , Douglas county.Otis M. Druse , Lincoln , Lancaster-courfty Chauncy H. Norris , Table Rock , Paw no a county ; C. J. Ryan , M\Cook , Bed Willow countyv Jules A. Sacdo * , Soudoz , Sheritioa county , crrr jarw.-s AND JAQTSS Cleric HcCnxsuey. iiad , Ccmsiiasianer Heye and Van Antwerp , of Otoo county , were before th < ? stafcj board of 'equali zation this afternoon. , They sought to have the taxation of Otoe reduced. It was announced this morning that Judge Sawyer h s tendered his , resrg- tiatiori oa mayrir of Lincoln. It in .under stood that- the city council will act lathe th/e matter nest Monday evening. Ill- health is said to be the cause -of his re signing. Marshal Cooper states the report 13 untrue that the houses of prostitution have opened up and are again doing business. He made a round-up liwt Highlandtha order of Mayor Sawyer is still respected. The dome of the capital will look quite well when the painters put on the finishing touches' . It is already greatly improved in appearance. Three-coat work will make its drew really fine. Two coses of assault and battery were tried before Judge Houston this morn ing. Modest fines were paid and four of the city's bloods went their way re- joicing. Aside from the arrests Satur day evening , the police court grist was rat dec small. The atmosphere smells strongly of the approaching political bout between the "factions" at the primary election. The movement of political skylarkers ore watched with increasing interest. It will be a fight between the people and corporations within party ranks. IT WOX'T BAKE BUEAD. la other words , Hood's Sarsaparilla will not do impossibilities , Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done , submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliabil ity , and ask you frankly if you are suffering from anv disease or alTection caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system , to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of others is sufficient assurance you will not be disappointed in. the result. TUR .REALTY MARKET. Instruments Placctl on Record Dur ing Yesterday. So Omaha Land Co to T H Hilton , lots 18. 17 and U , bile 113 So Omaha , w d $1.845 WraGF Albright , to JnoDulin , lot L blk 1 , Hoppa's bonanza , w d 060 G G Wallace , tr , to B N Miller , lots HI and 2S. bit 3. Monmouth parJt , w d 1,400 Jl VT liadson to II E Powers , lot a , blk 5 , Monmcmtii park.v il 3,000 E N Miller to H B Powers , lot Ui , bin 5 , Momnouth park , w d 3.000 E y Miller to II E Powers , lot 24. bile 5 , Monmoutli park , w d 3,000 C W Mount and wifa to N A Knlin , tr , 75 lots In CreiBhton helhta , nod 2 .F Clirysler to Tlios Hyan , lot 1 , blk 8 , I.oue.s-'ilailit. tvil 20,000 L Kent to Jl Bjkrljn , u K lot 10 , blk L Patrick's addw 5. . . . 2,500 City of Om.ihiv to C , St Jt A O rjr , 41-100 aerea n. w n e -15I3 , judgment. 70 John F Flack to O b UurUet , lota. Flack's sub , loti 11. 12 , 13 ami 14. Cutalpn , 2d mid. w d 3,000 H A Dmvr to G li Eaton , and 1-3 ot lat add ta Inatltnte plocu. w d 2.SM H Konntze and wire toT FBrennan. lot 3 , blk3 , Konntzoplaco.w d . . 1,000 Hfvountzo and wife to P W Dlrkliauser et al. n 13 lot 7 , bUc 1'J. ' Kountza ploco , vrd , TuO A Kuth and wlfrt M P W Birfehauaur et al , lot . blk in. Kountze pLica. w d 2,600 Patrick Land Co to P Atkinson. Iota 31 and 22. blk 122. DuniUfe place , w d 2.2UQ J G Taylor to M-Donelly , lot 3 , A H Saun- der"aaddwd 6.-00 Seventeen transfers K4.S77 Buikline Permits. The follovvinff permits to build were is- aned yesterday : Jena Jenaln. kitchen.Twenty-seventh av- enae near Bunlette J 73 Lurs Peterson.cottiiae. Twenty-sixth and Bardetta ICO George L Dunham. l- tory frame resl- dencH and kitchen. 1,000 George L Dunham , cottaga. Whitney and Twenty-ninth 6CO GaoKG L Dunaam , cottage. Twenty-ninth and Whitney. . . „ , . . . fiTO C P Blrkett , Improvements , near Tenth. . 1,500 Uobect Price , 2-story hotelJwenty-elBhth anil Esses. , 3,21)0 ) Emil Thompson , cottage and repairs , 1133 North Seventeenth. . 575 G Vandervern. cottage. Pleasant and Douglas avenue 800 A C Davenport , Improvementa , IbOU South Elerenth 40 Ten permits aggregating . . . I 'J..V10 VTbata Dance ! I suffered with fever , hot head aad foul breath , With stomach disordered was sick unto death. I bore it a week surely I was a dunce Then I took a few "Pellets" they cured me at once. What a dunceindeed , to neglect such a remedy and sutler a week , when quick relief could , have been found in Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. HUGE ANT ) aitniPHY ASHA3IED , TUe Burlington's Proposition Other General Items of News. A few days ago the Tns Bnn contained an item , to the effect that a number of strilcin ? engineers were dissatisaed with the conduct of Messrs. Hogo and Murphy , and among other facts mentioned the action of the prosecuting attorney in , asking for a contin uance of their case on the ground that they were out on "the company's business. " That the lawyer was correct in his statement la conclusively proven. It is fair to presume from Information received. that Messrs , Hoge and Murphy have had a conference with Manager Stone of the Burlington system he ultimate object of which , was to arrive at a settlement. That settlement was a sort of a compromise , as it were , and was embodied ; m the following proposition to the men , which was submitted to the recent meeting at St. Joseph and voted down. It was as follows r 1. That no strikers shall be blacklisted by tha "Q.'r a. That as many of them as possible shall at once be given work by the Burlington company. 3. That the strikers shall be given the preference for two years. 4. That this company shall give all men who qnit work February 27 recommendations if they so desire. It is contended , and Indeed is apparent that the adoption of this proposal by the en gineers would be of DO practical bonent to the striking engineers and firemen as it meant the direct acknowledgement of a de feat. No > advance in salary was promised , and the company reserved the right to em ploy the men at their own secret pleasure. So it was voted down. The vote was almost unanimous. "This , " said an engineer this morning , "accounts for the reason. Hope and Murphy were not present at tha St. Joe meeting- . They were ashamed to carry such , a matter before representatives of men who are making- fiffht ou principle , and men who are aiding them In principle. " ' It is , as had already b eu mentioned in the colums of THE BES , very probable that the grievance committees of the engineers and nremen will have DOW chairmen in a very short time. Harvest A few day sines tbe announcement was nm4a that a aortal ofihorrest excursions to points in Nebraska and Kansas would be run bj roods in the western paasengur association. Tha dates wera published at tha time , bat the association has changed them , as will ba seen. The excursions will bs held on August 21 , September 11 ami 33 , and. October 9 and SJ. A resolution was adopted to thn efleet that the rutus charged would be one limits' ! first-class fare to points west of tha Missouri rivar to which the fare from Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City and other rivac cities is CJ and upwards. . lathis connection it may be wall to state that several western counties ami tomia haya ta&ea tha prciimUi- ary step * to raise , funds ta hare so we af the excurioas run. to their tee&httiu. It is far tha purpose of exhibiting to. eastern 'mrticv the won4 rful chanca for dtmiloutncnt there Is in Nebraska aatt Kan HA * , that thesa esaur- siena ara run. Tbe Scuta Board's Rat pa. While nothing has yet been dona is the matter , it la. understood tbu tha uuo board ITS at pres nt tarmuUlintf a quary wbiuh wiJl be issued tu lh Tarimis reads la. this state ut an early dutu , luojurins t hy Jho. raiea recently ; > romu I < ? : Ud ay ttuiahaT * not keea put Uua eittct , ooU deouud ig thai sach action , be taken at ones. Aa will bo ro- mcfflberctl , the board's action caused a very decided protest among- the < 1 Jloront roads and a aotico was served that Ic al nroi-ess woud ! bfl required to cnmpul them to obey the man date. The notice now l > eintf prcpar Hl is. n tbe opinion of railroad men , buta prahmtnacy step in a uttlo loiral contest ootween tuu vurjouu iiHus aud thu board. Cobnrn's Hotel. AiTcording. to SheruT Cobura's report ns flleiVwIth the county auditor and subtmtt by him to the commissioner ! ) , the Bxpanse to tneoeuntv of boanimirtlie prisoners in the Jail fur 13 4) ) and U& was Cti. $4 , t. Of thj amount | 'JJ17.J(5 ( Wiis for feuilma uisane patients and convicted men. The rota charged was 71) cunts.mir , iy. Its superior ercelcnca proven In millions o homes for morB than u quarter of a century. It la used liy tHa Tnlteil States Government. En dorsed by tha heoiLs of thacreat n'Uvnrsitias as the strongest , purest nml most healthful. Dr Prices Cream Bailm ? Powder does not contain ammonia , llmu or nlum. Sold only In cans. PHICE BAKING POWDEH CO. . New Tort. Chicago. St.Louis. OTMDI _ _ _ It ban stood b.a Test of Years , " la Ccrinir all Diseases of tb.o j BtOOD , llVZa , STOM ACH , XIDHZ73,30W- L3 , &c. ItPuriiica the Blood , larigoratba and ! Cleanaea tha System. D7SPEJSIACOKSTI- PAT10K , JAU53ICS , SICZEIAD ACEZ.BH.- ioua coKPLAnna&c : disappear at ones nader : DNEY5 its bsaafleialiafluenea. STOMACH It ia purely a Xedieize | AND as its cathartic proper ties forbids its oaa as a boveraffs. It la ploas-j ant to tha taste , aad as easily takea by ebJld- FBICKLYASHQITTEBS CO Sola Proprietors , ST.LOUXB and A33Aa CZTT CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OP DISCOVERIES. WCUr\E TOT\ tATARRH ORnVILLECAL. C5Sai an circular , frtTUltlt.3frr9.2- ABIE MED ! : co.cRoyiLii.rAL Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure For Sole by Goodman Dru Co. She Tried and Knows , A leading chemist of Ifew York cayi : "No plasters of such merit aa the Ath-lo-pho-rcw Plasters haveever before been protluced. " They are a novelty because they ore not made limply to sell cheap , they are tha brat that science. liill and money' can produce , and will do what ia claimed for them. For uprains , aches , weakness , lameness , etc. , they are unequaled. M JfaJlun St. . . . . Tha Athlciihom * plutcr actixf mwic. It u tiia but l ever tnr < l anit I IUTA row , ! mnay UniU. Our ilmirii > t uid "pluvrs am all abnnt Ui uma bnt I clnri't Uunk u now. I Hraiunl mr arm and loottlrr tn JuTy. ana It ha bna painrol nicer , but lt.cio.1 not pun. ma at an new. Mrs. Wnxu * f > cirTn JIB" Se J 6 eeatj Sir the beaariftil colored pi > tnro , "Jtoona" THEATHLQPUOHQSCa. 113 WallSt. Y. Teucaa stop that H YDflDNAf HTHOl. t-4 > AP f > r Tet , , ter. Eczema. Klmrtrorm. Ground mwn Itch. Poison OaX or otheraldn. or scalp disease that la worrying- r v n 11 IU A r 7011 ol At ami day. Wh n unca t A lift A nut soapthera wlUba fc" wl * " " * " no r turn of thu trouble. Plirrrniiir * Kjou wls& to prevent conta SUrrLnr0 ! ! ioU ! ! or " atchlnK" dkease * dnrtng tha summer months , ( elthar antonir jour family or year domestic , aa&nals.j barn. siABcnr's SCLPIIUII CASDi.aa freely In your Cloneca , Cellnra. Kltcnena. Oathottse.i , Chicken lUn inVO eaj > ' c' Absolutely no daoK r. Atlv JUI i at Ora. Thesa aniUta art > bandy and always ready for Immediate use. DRINK MALTO AL ID SI N. W. Cor. I3th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , CAUTION Dcsljjnlnc pcrKoii * . taking ml vantage of onr ronnta- tion nre cunHtantly "lartlni ; bniinx Meillcnl Etnbll lmi ntrt to aocelro nrranunrs vlsltinu the city. Them- pretender * nvuullr tllaappenr lit few wecKs. Bcwaro or tliem or their runneri or am-nttt. Tbe Omaha aiiMlicalnnilSuritlcal Inititnte It the only ftirabUshecl ln.4tltutn In Omnh.-i , Dr. atcaienamy. Proprietor. When you make np yourmlml to TiHic tin make a memorandum , or our exact addrcsti , and tha save trouble , delay or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear OB. J , W. tfcMNM Y , Physisian and Surgeon in Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. by a Number or Competent , Skillful and Experienced Physician * and Surgeon * . Particular Attention paid ta Deformities , Disputes of Women , DiseasDS of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , Private Diseases , Disiia. < e.s of t e > < T.O.U S/stcui , Lnn ; and Tiirjat OiM-a-c , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Fitaj Piles , Ciincpr. * , Tumors Etc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mod ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven tilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians always in , the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub- ects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medicx and Surgical Institute the flnt choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon , strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalways be taken into consideration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements o our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn n any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES , ! All Blood Disease successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Person * i unable to visitus may le trea'ed athome by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in iI I dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our t BOOS TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , wi'h-question list. 33y Reason for Writing a Book Upon Private , Special aad Nervous Discaic * . : ct , consequently I receive an ersons , I have written a book , ' _ _ . . . . , 'earer idea of their condition and „ t can write me more intelligently and to the point It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class ot persons who read out ol mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organ * . Not a day passes but we receive many calls or letters from persona suffering from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , 'thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days. SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula. Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities mities of the Human Body performed in the most scientific manner. We Ueat Chronic Di-eases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula , Bright'sJDisease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis. Baldness. Eczema , etc. > I S 3 - _ S 33 O 2 * * SV O 2 SST I'S.rEJ.A.I'ISirD Carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved methods. ' WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMenamy lias for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself ) and is fully supplied with everv instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , thin visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person , you will return to us for treat ment and cure. cure.Our hook , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit pt patients and physicians who write us in regard to cases ; by reading them carefully physician and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe cases to ua more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES * OF THE EYE AND EAR FREE Address all letters to oSTJ . .GIOA.rJI3STSTITTJTE , J. W. McMEHAMY , N. W. Corner 13tli and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. Vho la WKAS , VEKTOIV. TXD. who in his yOLL Y knd I SO RAX IT Oiu TBirUEO awar hU Yl M a of BOOT , Kllf I > mil JHAXIlOO ! > .caolne ezhauitlag dr : n upon the J'OCJfTAIKS of LIFE , HEADACHE. RACKACUC. Drvadftll Drouna. TFKAI 3fS a.H of Msmory. BA3III- FVI.XKSS In SOCIETY. PIJCPI.ES upon tba FACE , and all the EFFECTS iendin-Tto XAKLT DECAY aad p rbapi CUXSV7IP. YIUX or IJTSAJf ITT" . ihonM consult at once ttse CELEBRATED Dr. Clarko. EjrtabUshad l Sl. ET. darka hu made IfERVOL'S DE- BIUTY. CKKOKIO and all DUeejej of tha UEXITO CB1XART Orsan. a Ufa a aiir. It mAkea DTO difference WHAT TOU lira taken or WHO baa failed to cure you. 9-Fias ALES suffering from dliejuta p cn > Sir to their z can consult with the anuranca of gpeedy rallef and cure. Send 2 centi postage fbr wort * on yonr dlaeuej. -Send 4 eenu poitago for Celabrated WorUs on Cbrontc , ? l nrona and D I1- eata Ih ease . Conmltation , personaDy or by utter , r > 8 . Consult the old Doctor. Chotuanda enrvtl. Ofllcea and parlon prlT t < 5. OS Those contemplating Marriage aand fbr Dr. dnrbv's eolebratcd guiile KM * and Famalp , each l&e. , both 25c. latampi ) . Before confiding your case , coiuult Dr. CI.ARKE. A friendly letter or call may are future rafferingand shame , and add goldan j-oan ta lift. Ja-Book " E.lft 's ( Secrsrt Er- ron . " Wesuunpa ( ) ; Medicine and writings scat everywhere. Kcnra from * xpo arv. KaunHto3 : 3und yi. 9 to 12. Address , S1. D. OLA3KE.M. D. 188 So. Clarx 3C CHICAGO. ILL. ROW TO ACT. tnitunTrteeliDtt and Functional di r. A WINTER IN EUROPE SOUTHERN Ajmrty galls Dnc.IOfortho South of FRANCE , ITALY , SICILY , and other delightful resorts. I A Second Farty for the EGYPT HOtY LVXD , OKKECE. : TUKKET , The MILE , and tha chief countries and citiei of Europe , sails same date. Send for Circular. E.TOURJEE. Franklin Sq. , Boston. UNION PACIFIC < ; The Oyerland Eonte. " Haa so arranjred its Family Sleeping Car service , that , berths can now be re served nnou application by any ticket agent to JkL J.GreevyjPasaenjrer Agent , Council Bluffs , Mwa. The reservations when made are turned , over to the train conductors taking" out such cars , so that passengers can hew secure berths or dered , tha same as a Pullman berth is reserved , and secured. O , S. TEBBKTS. . E. tv LOMAX. Gen. P. & T Agent Asu't ( i. P. 4 T. A. OMAHA. NEB. SteekPiano Remarkable for powerful rrmp * . i acuoa aail at > aolut * aurabUlty. 3U r ra' tea beat gnaragtua eg tfae exce Farm Loans LOWEST RATES ! A.NL > BEST TERMSI Bcpponalble reprasentatlTes Aranted. Callgr BTJRNHAM , TFUSVTTT Js MATTIS DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! Tba Gnndasi Triumph oi Electric Seitnu ' 8cwtiScill ! mjiia ud Pmticaliy Applied. CeBtltmfa'sBoU bat feftltiii witb Ulettrie DISEASES ji _ Jlut wkat J.m litetrtfltt Jmitmtl'tkltt Can b * applied . . . * m * f tnm to aar pan of tba bo3jr. Whole tamilr oaa ALL. EL.8E * & * < ? & w > ar It. It alectrtflal the blood anit cures 8 < irronBa innlB Juln di7j > nBta loB. XOTK tt . foUowta"ho . . . lun ba a cnUZDt A. J. Uoazlaail.R > B. Farkir and f. X. BailtO , alfoaBwrt at Trada , Bern * and comfortable alavp ataijabt. " Bobt. Hail. alJnrman , KM Zjtat tUStiMb.Iaw tork ana inoaaanda ofatbara. Dr. HOWE'S ELECTRO MAIIETIC BELT , _ . . . . . . . „ _ . . . . ilr i proiotm a eonunuaoa entrant ; conrar" aleotrlatT tSrowrn tha bodr on tea aerraa. by avnaratlne a contlnnoai currant ot alseuldtr < 1O or r * noon out of M ) throunowt taa amnan iriwrn. Uarln alli > iirraaniMalmmKllan > lr.and product * a n r emulation of tba IU forcUij blood , to- parfln rt or. MrangtA. i rzT and haaJta. wbra all othar traatmant > J railed. Xba m att at UUa oiao- une D lt ar balnir nwocnliM and IndoneabT taooaanOa whom nbaKund. . . CSi. Anr bank. comaurElalainnar or wbolmala BOJM > In Calea O ( wTiolame and Cnlea9p.Etnd nvny far 11 * Da IllunratKt pamphlM. HUPTURE * } ? Dl. NOME'S ELECTIO-IUSIETW iELT-TlUSS. . . , . ? . - - . .CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAND JHC ORI6IM AL.THE OMLY NUIIJC ENNYR ( BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS ASK DRUGGIST TOR ( BlCHESTEiTS ENuUSS 'SAFEAlWW3R U Bir.TO LADIES _ DIAMOND FIND15PENSABLr.SQUl BY AIL DRU5SIST3.1 'OR INCLOSE 4f ( STAMPS ) I ATX FOR oiAMCHO RjtND.cmgiBmrsniajsV ran PARTICULARS I AND TAKE MO OTHfJI SET SIEMATUHC ON EVERY BOX. 1 UTTtH BY RCTURN MAIL . . . CTD Y iOX PILLS C uNsiucrrcowarrrcN TRTIWOIUAU AND ovninnu LADIES WHO HAVE uira i.9JJ U Uwtcasina tittunuiKUWw miaa PEXMYRSYALPILLS wmi satuss. DRUNKENNESS Or the Lliuor Habit , PositlTely Caral bj AdmlnhnteringDr. Halues' 6oldem Specific. It can b siren In a cnp of ooffBa or t a wlttt- out thu raowledce ot the person tatos It ; abso- mtely harmlns. and win effect a permanent and p edy cure whether tbe patient la a moderate drinker or an alcohollo wrec * . Tbousanda o ( clrunkarOa bare been , madu temperate men who hare taken Golden Soeclflc la their coffee with out their knowlediffl and to-day belleTa they anit drinking of their own free win. It never fails. The system once Impregnated With tbe Specific , it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by Kuhn A Co. . I2th and Doagla * ira. . ana 18th and Cum- JSKSGU Omaha , Neb , ; A. D. Foster & Bro. Council Bluff j. Iowa. FETUVTBOTAI. WAFEB3 ara mccessfully u&ed monthly by over UUXX ) Ladlea. Are Safa , Bffeetnattaut Pttmant 1 1 p T box by matter at dmnrota. Staled fartictdar * 3 postage atamps. Adfireuej Tea Eirazzj. Cfexnuiu. Ckx , DarEarr , Mira For sale and 6j/ mail by Goodman Drug Co. , Omithd , 2feb. T. E. CILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Room G3 Trad m * Balldlaa > CHICAGO. nji'arencei Metropolitan KatimaJ Bank. it. U. Dun 4 Co. W. J. GJ-UMUXTfl. and Physician Office N.W Corner 14th aad IxmirlaaHt. Offl tclophona , 4fiS ; ulephone. Ki. JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD ME.DAZ. PARIS rPaSfTfO.Y IJ7J. TEE ! LfOST P1ETICT Q ? C HIG1GOEIMALEGOLLE6 If anraaFBrknearChtcaim ( ) . Boardlna School tor Girl , and Youna Ijidlns. for ] cataloirae aJdreu . TUATKIU LL D. . Monran Park. 111. , or 77 Had 1 Km Smut. CtUcago. 11L T. JOHN'3 MILITARY SCHOOL , 1 JIAXLIUS. H. Y. Civil En ineerlne. Hassles. Businesg. Rr. REV. F. IX TirNTINGTO.V , President. LT. Cot. W. TEHBECK. Si FLAG BUTTON AND PHOTO PEARL PIN. SendlCc. for sample. O'CALLAHAN Manufacturer. SUi k Sansom Sta. , Philadelphia FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD , NEW JERSEY. 4."tli year. For catalogues send to IIST. A. O. CHAJIBER3 , A. M , . Principal. PON COLLEGE OF LAW , For circulars address H. BOOTH. Chicago. 111. Morgan Park Military Academy Tha U st Boy's Iloardias School la tlinVest. . Sixteenth , rear begliu Sent. 1 ! th , Svad tar cata- logtta to CAPT. ED. N. KIRK TALCOTT , Sapt. . MURGAV PABX , COOK CoItx. . Bett'n Stuart Institute Foit Tocrrs r.ADtE.s stiLrrAur ACADEMT JLpeeksldll-on.Hnd'Bin. M.Y a nl ) for cata logue. JSO. M.TUDIiS U O . Look after the Baby Doii'tlet a KTOW np weak aa l puay. vrh s ths RIDGE'S FOOD will indttra a robuat child , ft Uinrahiabl aoo ha * stood ttia tsstro : Um . Woolrlch * Co. . a&al , rmad & > < , tO < T MAX. INACCUAINTCD WITH THE aeOOEAPHr CF we COUtfTRr WH1 OBTAIN MUCH IKfOIIttATiaN FROD A OTUCr CP THIS tUPOFIMt CHICAGO , BOCK ISLilB & PACIFIC RT ZtA * anin IJTIMI uTirt Innuicbtti PZOBZA. MOT.TTCT. BCCg T paicr. uss xazznca. COTJITCIL PATTTne. TT4TTHAB CZTT. ( Tt JCKEPX. tEAT- KHWOBZH. Airrrmog. OBAS au-raw , WATETTLOO. ZCOnnATOZJB , and SI. PAITi. aad ocorM of tatarmodlata dtlem Choica 4 nmtM to and froa tba Paclflc Coast. AH tnoft ta * ta Union devote. Tut tram * of Un MB * coacnea , elogmnt Elnln Can. magniflccni Pafc man Palace SlMpera , and ( botweaa CMcaita. . Joeepli. atj-hijm and TTimj . dtfl tin lliileej -T. OuOr Can. But * Tna , to holdan of woo , Kan u * % Itobmika R'y "Great Hook telaml Rout * . " lt b iii1iiWa t and Boutiiveet ftom. Kanaaa CJflr end Bt. Joeeph to SXLBOH. ITCBTOy. . - f a-.T. . Vim. 'RJifJimA. HTBrlTOTOH. WUHI"'A. ! r UUTUUiJraozr. CAZJXWXIX. and aU point * to KANIA * AND SOUTHCHN MIMAWCA aDdberond. Xnttea iiiaoium eiintiiinenir nf Ifcei celebrated Pnnman manulactara. All mlftf ffr jjUaacee and modem impxtrvecianta. Trie Famous Albert Lea Route n the favoritebertraea Chicago. Bock lelaaeT. Atchlaon. " " - City aod.JKbmaaDoUe and at Paul. 13m WaUa-towa branch tntTenea tha cree * "WHEAT AMD DAIRY BIUT" ot Kortborn Iowa. aouthvxietBni lUcseeote. ami ZoatCantral Dakota to Watartown. Spirit aka. Slouat rails and many other town * and dttas. Tbe Short Une Tie , Baneca and Kankakea oOir * iparior tadUUee to aavel to and Kumlndlaa- applls , CtndnnjiU and ntnar BouUiara oolnte. * Tor Tickets , Hap. , Tuitien. ardotixwt Inrorat * ' ttcn. apply at any Coupon TldMtOmcaaraJLtiiieej C. ST. JOHN , B. A. HOLBKOOK , CSLCAOO. TT.T. ot mm Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan ! R'f , Tbc Best Routa from Omaha aad Cuanefl Bluff * ta TWO TBAEJ3 DAII.T BWTWKJRf OW1HA AS * COCN'CII. NLOTPa Chicago , Uf Mllwwke * , St. Paul , Xinn ApoIli , Cedar Raptikj Bock Islaad , Frrepori , RocXftrtl , Olutoa , Babuque , Dareapori , JLullsou , Janesrille , Bdait , Wlaooa , Ia Crowe , Aad all otSar Important ooinU Kut. XarlAeait Ukt roajh adtra call < re ta. tlekt en&tU auaal , ta Karktf BloeH , of at UoioB ira Iollnian UlM pera aad t flaeit Dtnlo Care to tke ) voria tua run oo th aaw ilo * at iba CbtiidO , StX irmalioo A 3U Panl Billwar. and T.rr attoanona aid ta paatengare b ; eouteau taclayce et Mm tn. f3 n ral Maeay.r. i. y.TUCKKa , A l > unt UMMnl U&aue * . A. T. n. CARnatT a , 0 nrral piJmattr ae4 TUCaiAgmt. liBO. J4. UJUfTOItD , AuUlust General ? aje.ngei anil TtcliaC Awtat. J. T. CI-UIK . t aanl SaMrtatanileat.