Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    - , % * - . * * ii /
l > l/Uijl&Ul4U / I3VI3UY MOUN1NU.
TKUM3 OP BirnsoiiirrioN.
Pn > ljtMornln ( r. < Utlon ) including Sunday
lKE.tno ) Year . 110 t
J'orHIr Months. . . r > (10 (
Vor'lliwo MontlM . . . . . . " W )
UTioOmiliaHundov Hur.mnlleiUo tiny nd-
tlrcHg. Onn Tvnr . " w
Nrw Vout omcB. HOOM UJINII IftTuiiiUNH
\V\HIIINC1TON UfflOlt , N < > . Ml
. ,
All communication ! ) relating to new nnd rdl-
torlnl matter should lie nddrejs d to tlio uniToit
OKT"iIlKB'miBiNi'.fis : urrrais.
All liuMneM letters and remittance1 ? should be
nddrovcdtoTiiK Urn I'mir.irtiiiso coMi'A.vr ,
OMAHA. Dratta. checks and po < tollte ! ordern to
bo inndo pa ) able to the ordiT of the company.
Tlic BcoPnlsliitii Company , Prapristois ,
E. UOSKWATER , Kdltor.
i Sworn Statement ol Olrctiiuiioij.
Btntoof NflbraMm , I a
County of nmigliis. |
flro. II. Tzsulmrk , Bocrctnry of Tlio lloo Pnb-
ItMilm ; cninimny , ilops BOleimily swear that the
nctnafrlruititlon of the D.illv llco for tlio week
ondlnK July T , fW , was as follows :
Baturday , Juno SO . 17,07 * )
Hundny.Jiilyl . IH.aV )
Monday. Julys . 1U.HV )
Tuesday. July 3 . 1VM
Wednesday. .Inly 4 . N'.tttl '
ThtirHday. July 6 . 1H.UV3
I'rulay.JulyG. . . .1 .OM
Average . 1B.MM
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 7th day of July. A. 1) , 1W * .
N. 1' . r 111 L , Notary 1'ubllc.
Btato of Nebraska , I „ _
County of Douglas , f B > Sl
( corno rJ'7nciiiick , helnB Ilrst duly
poscg and saysthixt ho l < t sectttary of 'Iho HDD
I'libllsliing company , that the actual average
dally circulation of the Dally llco for tlio month
of July. IHgT , was H,0 ( I copies ; for AiiKUst , W7 ,
14,1.1lcoi > lcs ; for Sontomuur , lbS7. HH'i ! ' copies ;
for October , lb 7 , ll.JKl copies ; for November ,
1W , li ! , M copies ; for December , INiTrlVm rop-
Iw for January , 1W8. 16 , uu ; for February , 1H > ,
ir > , ue copies ; for March , 18H , lU.Wi'J ' copies ; for
April , ItM , 18,744 copies ; for May , 1S&S , 18.1S1
copies ; for Juno , lf8 , iv,8in copies.
( IKO.ll.T/SClIltJCK.
H\vorn to ueforo mo and Biibscrlbed In my
presence this 30th day of .Time , A. D. , 1X83.
N. 1MTJL , Notary Public.
IT is to bo regretted that Dan Lament
was born in Scotland , else ho might
have boon president in nnmo as well as
in fact.
GKNKIIAT , , CowtY 1ms concluded to
glvo up the congressional race nnd de
vote himself henceforth to his Arabian
etud horse ,
THE local merry-go-round was started
Saturday night in both political camps ,
and anxious politicians were on hand to
io first whirl around tlio ring.
IT IS of the most vital importance to
the people of Nebraska that boodlors ,
monopoly cappers and fence riders
who are all things to all mon bo kept
out of the next legislature.
Foil once Omaha , Kansas City and
Milwaukee will hang or fall together.
The joint postofllco bill for those three
cities trembles in the balance of the
conference committee of both houses ,
DtmiNd many terms of the district
court the professional juror proved him
self an unmitigated nuisance. But the
rank findings of our police court jury
man are enough to cause a universal revolt -
volt against tlio jury system.
packed just 51',000 moro hogs
tor the live months ending July 25 than
last year , while Kansas City packed
108,000 loss than the number put up in
that city for the corresponding period
of 1887. Figures in this instance speak
louder than words.
THE lion. Mr. Paters , who achieved
great-renown in the last legislature as
the running mate of the valiant chair
man of the boodle judiciary committee ,
is the preferred candidate of the rail
roads lor state auditor. What a useful
man Mr. Peters would be on the board
of transportation.
THE Missouri state-board of equaliza
tion has assessed the Union Pacific rail
road at throe hundred thousand dollars
per mile. There is only ono milo of
Union Pacific road in the state of Mis-
eouri and that includes the right of way
through Kansas City and the bridge ac-
cross tlio Kaw.
SINCK the decision of Judge Brewer
that the legislature could delegate the
rate making power , in the case of the
Iowa railroads against the state railroad
commissioners , the managers of the
various lines are singing another song.
They have como down from their high
porchand are willing to compromise by
adopting a tariff materially ; lower than
the ono now in effect. They want the
i railroad commissioners to moot them
half way. What action that body will
take remains to bo seen. No doubt ne
gotiations looking toward a compromise
of the difllculty will bo opened by the
Ci railroads , for they do not care about
forcing the issue , by any moans.
THIS refusal of. ox-Govornoc Porter
of Indiana to again be a candidate for
governor may slightly Impair the
strength of the republicans in that stale
this yoar. Ho is exceedingly popular ,
and although ho pledges himself togivo
whatever aid ho is able to bocuro the
success of the republican national
ticket , his assistance cannot bo so help
ful as it would bo if ho were at the head
of the state ticket. Undoubtedly his
real reason for declining to bo a candi
date , although ho states another , is to
avert possible disaffection on the part
of the friends of Lieutenant Governor
Robertson. That gentleman aspires to
the gubernatorial nomination , and
claims to be entitled to it by precedent ,
besides which ho made a very gallant
flight and some sacrifices in order to
hold the otllco of lieutenant governor
ngainst the determined purpose of the
democratic executive and legislature to
prevent him occupying the position. It
vrlll bo remembered that the struggle
was sharp and prolonged , ending in n
complete- victory for Robqrtaou. His
courage and persistence made him n
great many friends , who believe ho has
fftirly established his olaltu to Vhonomi
nation for governor , and some of whom
would doubllcsa have refused to sup
port Porter , In order to maintain har
mony , therefore , Porter decided not to
be acandidatoand , it is probable the slate
ticket will bo headed by Robertson.
Porter would be the stronger candidate ,
but in any event Indiana ought to bo
reasonably sura for the republican
natiouul ticket.
Tlio Campaign In Ncbrnnkn.
Two-thirds ol the people of Nebraska
nro republicans. It is safe to predict
that Harrison and Morton will carry the
fltato by from twenty-five to thirty thou
sand majority. This majority is assured
oven if every republican paper and
every republican campaign orator re
mained mute on the national issues
from now until Iho 3d of November.
But there are issues vital to the
people of this state which must
bo foUght out in the open arena. In
this Irrop/csqiblo contest party lines
cannot safely bo drawn.
The people of Nebraska are confronted
with grave problems with which the
next legislature must grapple. Ne
braska is ono of Iho most taxriddcn
stales in America. Stale taxes are
higher in Nebraska than in nny slate in
the union , oxccpt ulono Nevada. With
a debt of less Ihan half n million , of
7rhal ! ovcrjour hundred thousand dollars
lars is hold by'jpanent school
fund , Nebraska latt year levied a slate
tax ot oighty-ono cents on the hundred
dollars of assessed valuation. The stale
ot Louisiana with a state debt ot nearly
twelve millions , only levies a stale lax
of sixly cents on the hundred dollars.
North Carolina with a state debt of over
fifteen millions only levies a state tax of
twenty-five cents on the hundred del
lars. Tim state tax in Iowa is twenty-
five cents , in Kansas forty-one cents ,
Minnesota thirteen cenls , and Wiscon
sin fifteen nnd threo-quarlor con Is on
the hundred dollars. The ordinary
running expanses of this stale for sal
aries and maintaining state institutions
are over ono million a year , nnd the last
legislature piled up appropriations for
another million a year which have
to bo wrung from a people heavily bur
dened with county and municipal taxes.
How is this exhausting drain to bo
cheeked'/ How are the people to secure
tax reduction and a moro equitable dis
tribution of the burdens of taxationV
Can those needed reforms bo secured
unless the next state officers and legis
lators n'ro men of integrity and nion
who cannot bo swayed from their duty'/
This is only ono of the issues.
The over pressing and over present
railroad issue" muslins mot nnd the lines
must oo sharply defined between honest
mon who will faithfully represent the
people and venal rogues who want to
sell out or intend to use tlioir posilioris
for levying blackmail. Brazen throated
railroad politicians and professional
jobbers will , as usual , howl themselves
hoarse over the national Issues in order
to befog the lax-payers , and'seok Ibkeop
Iho issues in which Iho people
are moro vitally concerned in the back
ground. They will discuss protection
and free trade when the people want to
hear about revision of the stale assess
ment laws and railroad regulation.
They will light over the battles of the
war but make no reference to the scan
dalous debauchery of our legislature and
the law defying course of the railroads.
It remains to bo seen , however ,
whether the people of a state
that proudly boasts ils intelligence
can bo deceived and distracted
by such taclics. It remains to bo soon
whether they will blindly support "yol-
low dog" candidates because they were
tagged nnd labeled straight by a packed
convention. The campaign in Ne
braska hasalroady bogun. The primary
elections nnd county conventions have
been called. It behooves all republicans
who desire to elevate the public service
and secure economy in state affairs to
take nu active interest in these local
contests. The stream never rises above
its source. Purify tlio stream by choos
ing reputable delegates to the conven
tions , * and you will secure candidates
whom every honest and reputable citi
zen can support.
A Report at Last.
After numerous fruitless inquiries as
to what had been , done by the committee
on manufactures of the house of repre
sentatives regarding the trust investi
gation , and finally the passage by the
house of a resolution calling for information
mation , with or without recommenda
tions , the committee has finally sub
mitted a report. This covers the invos-
ligalion of the Standard oil and Sugar
trusts , so far as it wont , and sets forth
the facts elicited. There is nothing
disclosedthat was not already known ,
at least in a general way , to the public ,
and except as a source of information
upon which tobaso congressional legis
lation relating to combinations of this
character the result1 * of the investiga
tion aa reported have no value.
The committee contents itself with sim
ply reporting the Information derived
from the testimony taken , making no
suggestion or recommendation regard-
logislalionT Not being required to offer
any suck recommendation , and the dem
ocrats in congress not being at this
time anxious to oxclto Iho hostility ot
the monopolies , the committee was
careful not to go beyond what was re
quired. This is another indication that
the trusts are safe aga'nst ' any adverse
legislation at the present session of
congress , however persistent 1119 few
anti-monopoly members of that body
may bo in booking such legislation.
The committee on manufactures is
now engaged in investigating the
whisky trust.which it ia to be hoped will
bo made moro thorough than its inquiry
into the methods and operations
of the two trusts to which the report re-
latos. The whisky trust ia one of the
most formidable in the country. It is
madeup of the distillers ot alcohol and
cologne spirits in Illinois , Indiana ,
Ohio , Nebraska and Now York. "When
this trust was formed , " says the New
York 2lniM , "thoro were seventy-two
distilleries producing alcohol , cologne
spirits , wine spirits , highwlnos , nnd
the like. All but two came in voluntar
ily or were forced to join the ring.
These two were the distillery of Shuf-
feldt , in Chicago , and the distillery of
Doddsworth , in Cincinnati. A last ac
counts the trust had closed fifty-seven of
ils seventy faclorios , and was operating
only thirteen , sltuntqd as follows : Five
in Peoria , two in Cincinnati , two in
Cnlcago , ono in St. Louis , and three
west of the Missouri river. The
plan upon which the trust was
made closely resembles that which
wus used by the Standard OU ring and
the sugar refiners. The several difatll-
Iqrles passed- into the hands of n board
of nine trustees nnd to the origin al
owners trust certificates were issued.
The fncq vnluo of all the cortiflcalos Is
said to bo 310,000,000. The several
plants were tukon in at about three
times tholr actual value. Ills the intention -
tontion vtf ) the trust to manufacture by
far the greater p.xrt of the supply in
Peorlnnnd its chief officers live in that
city. " Thiscomblnation should roCqlvo
the most thorough Investigation , not
because it Is either worse or bettor
thali ether trusts , but for the rea
son that it is especially desirable
that certain misrepresentations , in congress -
gross and elsewhere , regarding this
trust shall bo corrected. However ,
there is nothing better to bo expected
of the committee , at the present time ,
than a perfunctory performance of the
dutj assigned to it , nnd doubtless the
trust managers generally are not giv
ing themselves the least hit of trouble
over anything that is said in congress
regarding their affairs. They very well
J'.i'iorsUihd that neither party desires
at present to antagonize thonxby prac
tical action , and they are not to bo uls-1
turbod by any amount of talk that is
made solely for buncombe.
A Judicious Talker.
In the time since his nomination Gen
eral Harrison has done an extraordi
nary amount of public talking , a great
deal moro than was done by Gnrfiold or
Blaine in a equal period Immediately
succeeding their nominations. Speechmaking -
making of this sort is peculiarly exact
ing. It requires readiness and versa
tility , and above all a sound discretion.
To say just what the occasion calls for ,
to say no more than is nocOssary , and to
avoid errors of statement , whether as to
facts , principles or policy , is a task
much moro difficult than most people
suppose. There is no bettor test of the
fullness of a man's information and of
his capacity and judgment in utiliz
ing it.
Thus far General Harrison has mot
all the conditions of the test most satis
factorily. Ho has shown that ho is
thoroughly informed on all public ques
tions , and that ho perfectly understands
when nnd how to apply this knowledge.
Very soon after his nomination someone
ono who evidently appreciated the dan
gers that besot the candidate wlio al
lowed himself to do much talking or
letter writing counseled the republican
candidate to forego both. This solicit
ous friend has doubtless by this time
concluded that' ' General nai'risort did'not '
need such advice , nor would it bo so well
with him if ho had hooded it. Ho has
improved in the respect ot the country
by his speech making. Ho is found to
bo a much larger man intellectually
than.ho was very generally believed to
be when ho was nominated. Ho has
shown that ho possesses ability and
worth that does not require to bo
bolstered by reference to an honorable
ancestry. Ho has satisfied all true re
publicans that the party made no mis
take in nominating him.
Everything that has boon said by
General Harrison to the numerous dele
gations that have visited him has bcon
fully reported and sent to the news
papers of the country , and it is
striking evidence of his good judg
ment that the democratic organs have
not found in all of his utterances a single
text for ari attack upon him , while there
has been nothing that republicans
could have wished omitted. Yet ho has
talked very plainly regarding the prin
ciples and policy of his party , and
spoken in terms that permit no ques
tion as to his convictions regarding the
chief issue of the campaign. A great
merit of these talks of General Harri
son is their appositencss , their common
sense directness , and their obvious sin
cerity. They have most favorably im
pressed the country , and the republican
candidate has consequently grown in
the respect and confidence of the people.
THE tabling of the resolutions re
questing the county committee to sub
mit the question whether Douglas
county republicans favor a prohibitory
amendment to the constitution , was a
blunder. The issue might as well bo
mot first as last. Inasmuch as ether
counties have placed the prohibition
issue before the republican voters nt
the primaries , it was proper for Douglas
county to invite nn expression of senti
ment. With a full vote cast on the
proposition candidates for the no'xt
legislature would know what their con
stituents expect of thorn.
THE county hospital building now in
process of construction does not to all
appearances justify the expectation that
it is to bo a first-class public building.
At any rate , the brick walls have the
appearance of being laid by the thousand
instead of by the day. In view of the
largo sum expended and the fact that
the architect's plans call for the most
skilled mechanical work it would seem
that the contractors are trying to rush
the work and care very little how it is
The New nook.
Chlc ao Tribune.
Suggestion for title of now boolc : "Rheu
matism nnd Hichcs ; a Companion to 'Prog
ress and Poverty. ' By Jay Gould. "
He Never Tackled Them.
PhttcuMphta Rtcortt.
Two things in modern life would'puzzle
even Solomon , wisest of all monarchs the
way of the bunco stcerer's vlctiip , and the
way of the man who blows out the gas nt a
A Solid Support ,
Chicago Tribune ,
Seventy-five thousand Cleveland cam
paign buttons mauufacted In England passed
through the Now York custom house the
other day. Wo see no reason for reviving
the opinion already expressed that Mr.
Cleveland will run well In England this cam
ShtttH His Safe.
IVonur li at.
"No , " said Mr. Bill English , as ho quietly
pushed , aside an importunate loiter from thu
democratic campaign committee , couched In
respectful yet earnest rhetoric , nnd asking
for a contribution to * 'Um fund , " "no , 1 am
In full sympathy with my party In all Its
laudable Ideas of reform , but , ronjly , I must
nMiiro ilium they have made n trifling error.
1 am not the surplus they are , trying to re
duce. "
Ono of Cleveland' * Pets.
Engeno Htgghi * , the iltltlmoro ward-
striker , Who achieved EC. much notorluty In u
short tlmo ns appointment clerk of the
treasury department , nnd who gavd out to
the press that ho was tlrod of publio life , ntuV
desired to ontcf Into private business , has
been Bpcmllni aigood deal of his tlmo re
cently In Wisliljigton. HlgRlns Is n very
fulr simple oT a/clim / of cheap politicians
who were broli m. Into prominence by this
administration1 , aful proving , unsatisfactory ,
were thrown afrnbonnl "flur brief trial ,
and peniilttcdtdf jilnk out of sight. A year
ago the nnmo bf Hlggins appeared In almost
every nowapnpocin tlio country dally , nnd
the people nbouU Washington were Inclined
to think that ho wus for all time to como nn
Influential ( citizen of the United
States. Immediately titter ho retired
from his officeho returned to his
political haunts around liuHiinoro nnd the
capital of Maryland , and began to engage in
the species of small politics which has given
him a political hand-hold upon the rough
classes of his native stato. It Is said that
Higglns Is desirous of accruing another
pluco under the administration , and that ho
1ms been soliciting his friends In congress to
help him put. Senator Gorman Is reported
to liavo loft Hlggins to "sink or swlni" some
tlmo before the latter loft the treasury de
partment , and ho finds himself without any
.of Unit political Influence ho himself boasted
of possessing only a few months ago to a de
gree which enabled him to control Maryland
polities. Here is n man who loss than a yeir
ago was running the politics of the treasury
with a high hand , kicking mon out of oRlco
and tin listing others into places with that
ucgllgo which becomes old politicians of om
nipotent power , while to-day ho Is himself
hustling around for a place , nnd Is uuublo
to command even the slightest influence.
They Ate n. Now York Uronkfhst.
WanMnuton Ui-lttc.
Governor George 0. Gorlmm mot Colonel
Henry Watterson one morning recently In
Now York.
"Had your breakfast ! " asked Colonel W ,
"A California breakfast , yes , " replied
Governor G.
"What's that ? "
"A cocktail and a shoo-shlno. "
"Well , I've had a Kentucky breakfast , " re
sponded Colonel W.
"And what's that ! " Inquired Governor G.
"A cocktail and a chow of tobacco. "
Then they organized a trust and wout In
and got a Now York breakfast.
SOUR of the Green Watermelon.
Macmi 1'eltgrai\h. \
A green watermelon sat on a fruit stand ,
Singing , "Mellow , I'm mellow , I'm mel
low , "
And n small boy stood there with a cent In
his hand ,
Saying , "Mellow , it's mellow' , quite mol.
low. "
And ho ate a big hunk cut right out of the
heart ,
And ho ate it all up to the hard outside
part ,
And they carried hiia oft In a rag dealer's
cart ,
Poor follow , poor follow , poor fellow.
Nebraska Jotttnga.
A gang of drunken toughs made York howl
Saturday night , but the police were nowhere
to bo found and no arrests were made.
A little disagreement between Sam Chat'
torson and John Sherry over n horse race at
Howard cost the former $30 in cash and the
latter a very s6rohcad.
Anna Kopischltl , a fourteen-year-old girl
living coar Scribner , became so despondent
over the death of n younger sister , that she
refused to oat and died last week of starva
Sallie McA&iijuis is the boss female
broncho breaker ft Crawford. Ono of the
bucking little beasts landed nor on her head
In the road twfcVfono day last week , but the
gnttv little girl again Jumped on nnd con-
quercd'tho ugly bruto.
C. Y. Aires , a Dawcs county well d'igROr ,
was struck by a cruuk with which ho was
lowering a drill into n well , last week , and
had his skull crushed. The wound was u
terrible ono , but will not prove fatal. Ne
braska well uigjers scein to lead charmed
The stnto meeting of Iowa Jobbers is to beheld
hold ntOkoboJi this week.
Fifty-six Davenporb youths became Y. M.
C. A. young mon during the past month.
A Burlington boy , GeorgoBunnolI , is with
I Havorly's minstrels , ono of the musical team
of Leopold and Bunncll.
Judge Given , of Dos Moines , will bo a can
didate for the supreme bench , or the repub
lican nomination thereto.
Notwithstanding the order of the mayor ,
garbage is being dumped. In the Dea Moines
in close proximity to the waterworks.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Fletcher have boon
announced as speakers for Harrison and
Morton , and now Anna Dickinson will cotu-
1 ploto the trio.
Hay Is slow sale at Ynnkton nt $2.50 and
$3 per ton ,
The summer price of coal nt Ynnkton Is $11 ,
with prospects of on early rise.
Sturgis will shortly vote a bond issue ol
$10,000 for public improvements.
By the 10th of August trams over the
Manitoba will bo running regularly In and
out of Huron.
The farmers' convention at Rodftcld In
dorsed the prohibition nominees for district
attorney and sheriff.
War has commenced between the tom-
pcraiico people nnd the billiard saloons and
drug stores at Volga.
L. Sours , a Watortown. architect , has
been fined $10 and eosta for \vifo boating.
Sours' wife Is said to real sweet.
An infant child of O. M. Harris , living
near Custer City , was tin-own from n buggy
by a sudden upset and Instantly killed.
The ladies of Aberdeen are talking of
organllng n base ball niuo. A soft ball will
bo nscd.and bustles will servo as masks for
all the ( ilaj ors.
Dr. Alloway , territorial veterinarian , who
made an examination of "John B. Heed's
herd of cattle InMumohahu county , ia which
it was published that pleuro-pneumorla
existed , reports the herd entirely free from
disease of any description. The cause of
death in the herd la owing to exposure and
A bolt of lightning killed Annie Leonard's
horse , Billy Morgan , at Deadwood Friday.
The horse was in its stall , facing a little open
window , feeding , \fheu the flash came , mid
the animal dioppctl dead. Annie had just
dumped u bucket or oats in the manger nnd
stepped from the fltall , when the visitation.
occurred. She experienced no effect of the
bolt. A horse in nn aujomiug stall and tlio
building were uninjured. No mark was loft
on the slain animal.
- 1 o -
A Drummer 1'reillctn its lluln Unions
Frolijlu. llteu / are Equalized.
OMAHA , July 2 $ . To the Editor of TUB
BEK Dear Sir1 : As nn "Omaha Trav
eling Man" I must 'confess surprise nt the
movement nmon spmu of the business men
of our city to harass the state board of
transportation In itholr efforts to secure
lower rates fronf.lifj ( railroads In the state of
Nebraska. Fro w tlie standpoint of ono who
has to meet and combat this evil of high
local rates and railroad discrimination
Ogatast Nebraska Jobbing cltos | , It Is hard to
understand the reason which actuates the
ex-manager of the freight bureau and his
associates In the llir'H ' against the state board
of transjwrtalion. Tbo reason advanced
by these gentlemen for their
stranfio conduqt , admitting it to bo
well founded , is certainly no argument tea
a Nebraska jobber. During the lost twelve
months there has not been a mile of rallroal
construction In the state of Nebraska "but
What has been u dutriuicnUotho buslnisi in
terests of the city of Omaha. Every pleco of
railroad Iron laid upon the soil of Nebraska
bv any1rullioad company other than the
Union i'ucltlc , ia a positive Injury to the com
mercial prosXi | ! Ity of the mctroitolls of No-
uiul lui | > ) y assists u ; diverting thai
trailo which belongs to Omaha bv right ot
her geouraphlcal position , to St. Louis or
This Is no empty assertion , but Is miscoptt'
bio of n mathematical demonstration , no
plain , that oven thu Utopian mind of him who
attributed your position , Mr. Editor , "only to
Ignorance , " must admit Its truth.
Omaha Is nothing mord than n station on
n "stub lino" of every railroad operated In
Nebraska , except the Union Pacific. It Is
the plainly revealed Intention of every one
of thcto "foreign corporations" to rob Omaha
of the trndo of that territory which Is hers
by right of being the nearest Jobbing city.
Glance at the Joint tariff rates Issued by
thcso companies , nnd their dlsttoaltlon to
wards Omaha Is revealed to you In figures
that cannot lie. The fourth class rate prob.
ably Includes the largest part of the trafllo of
nil railroads. For the purpose of Illustrnlton ,
let mo call the attention of nil who are In
terested In this subject , and especially the
gentleman who attributes nil opposition to
his views "only to Ignorance , " to the fourth
class rate to n few of thu Inland cities of
Nebraska , from Omaha nnd from St. Louis.
You will notice that I only glvo towns that west of Omuhn. Should I select Lincoln ,
Fremont , flr any of those towns situated cast
of Lincoln , thea ! crhiiuntioii against
Omaha would appear even greater.
Now , clearly , It Is not In tlio Interest of
Oin.xhu for rouds to bo constructed In Ne
braska for the purpose of building up the
trade of St. Louis or Chicago. What rail
road corporation is responsible for these
disciiminatlons ngninst Omaha ? Certainly
not the Union Paeifio railway company , for
they have to pro rate with oilier roads , at an
notual loss to their treasury , on all freight
shipped to stations on their line from points of Omaha. Certainly no road from tlio
east that delivers Its freight to the Union
Pacillo railway at Omaha , for thoy- also
have to pro-rato and receive less than they
would if tno poods were shipped no further
than to Omaha. Then the only corporations
that can bo bonolUtod by these discrimina
tions are those who own a continuous line of
railroad from the point of shipment to the
destination , 'iho significance of the rates
which 1 have mentioned lies hi the fact tliat
every town named Is n station on the Bur
lington , system , as well as tlio Union Pacific
Now , what will bo ttio result to Omaha if
this discrimination continues ? A few more
years and her jobbing trade will bavo gone
"where the woodbine twinotli , " and showill
bo nothing moro than an overgrown retail
city. One of the gentlemen who supported
the manager , of the freight bureau was a
prominent \vholesnlo grocer of your city.
Let rad apply these rates to ono article InIlls
business. Granulated sugar , say , Is worth
8 cents porpound in SU Louis ; ho Instructs
his salesmen to sell It forBif contsin Omiiha ;
his representative- Grand Island ; the
merchant there figures a moment , and finds
that he can buy his sugar delivered in Grand
Island from St. Louis af&48ccrtts per pound ,
whilst It will cost him 8.05 cents per pound if
ho places his order in Omaha. la other
woids , to make the sale , the Omaha
firm , providing the customer Is posted , have
to sacrifice 3 percent of their legitimate profit
to the greed of a railroad corporation.
How' long would the wholesale grocer bo sat
isfied to continue hts.buslncss in Omaha if
ho had to soil goods cheaper than his St.
Louis competitor to equalize freight rates to
his customer ?
Will the merchants of Omaha sit squarely
upon the Omega of their pantaloons and ex
pect to hold their present commercial posi
tion through the energy of tholr traveling
salesmen , or will they grasp the situation be
fore it is too late , and bring these hostile
corporations to terms ? That is the ques
"Sour "
Grnpes ,
MINDKK , Nob. , July 27. To the Ed
itor of Tins BKE : In reply to the nu
merous articles referring to bonda
which Kearney county proposes to vote
to nid in the construction of the Ne
braska Southern railway , which have
appeared in the different Onmlw papers ,
said articles purporting to como from
Hustings , we would say : Wo are grate
ful for the deep intorestV ( ) outside par
ties are taking in our welfare , hut at
the same time wo believe wo are com
petent to take care of our own interests.
The great trouble seems to ho that
there are ether counties that would bo
glad to got the opportunity to vote
bonds that is offered , to us , and because
fortune has smiled more favorably upon
us than upon them , they are resorting
to all the sly and contemptible moans
which they can devise to defeat our en
terprise. Nevertheless , Kearney county
knows n , good thing when she sees it ,
and on the llth day of August next will
prove to the entire satisfaction of her
rivals that they must got up earlier in
the morning if they expect to keep up
witlLUS , IlWIN DllAKK.
The August Century will bo issued on
the first day of the month as usual , in
spite of the lira which did such serious
damage to the editorial and business
olllcos of the mngaino. The contents of
ttiia issue the Midsummer Holiday
number will include an account of Mr.
George Konnun's first mooting with
political exiles in Siberia. Readers of
this series of articles on Siberia will ho
interested in a biographical sketch of
Mr. Konnnn ( with portrait ) , in this
number , written by MibS Anna Laurons
Dawea , a daughter ot Senator Dawosin
which will be explained Mr. Konnnn'a
peculiar fitness for his task , his previous
knowledge of Russian affairs , etc. The
August number will contain the begin
ning of two serials : "Sidereal Astrono
my , Old and Now , " by Edward S.
Holdon , of Lick Observatory , and a
three part story , "A Mexican Cam
paign , " by Thomas A. Janvier , author
of the "Ivory Black" stories.
The Forum for August will contain
tlio second of a number of articles by
Edward Atkinson on "Problems of
"Wages and Production. " In this arti
cle ho shows the insular quality of Brit
ish economic thought and marks out the
way for an American social soionco.
He shows how , under republican insti
tutions , production is gaining on con
sumption and the condition of tno labor
ing class in constantly improving ; and
ho insists Unit the part the human mind
will play in increasing the food-supply
of the world has bcon left out of reckon
ing. This is a fatal fault in the Mul-
thusinn doctrine that population will
increase faster than food-production ,
and in Rirardo's theory of rout. The
capacity of the earth's production under
scientific treatment cannot oven be con
ceived. The siiino number will contain
a notable comparison of the govern
ments of Great Britain and the United
Stutesto the advantage of llio latter , by
u new writer for the reviews Judge
James M. Love of the U. S. district
court of the southern district of Iowa.
Judge Love is the oldest U. S. judge in
service , \vith ono o.NcepUga , having
bcon ou , the been for thirty-two years.
Encouraged by the cordial recaption
given to the Art Review , the editor apd
publisher of the Review ( Mr. Geo.
Forbes Kelly ) will begin in September
nox.t a now art periodical entitled."Tho
Art Courier , " issued twice a month or
twenty-four times a year. This publi
cation will aim to givu the art news of
the fortnight , presented in rondahlo
style , with brief oditoral comments.
Each number will have , aa its art sup
plement , a photogravure , and those
twenty-four plates will bo furnished
with the letter-press for the low price
of (1.00 n your. It is the intention of
make the ' 'Courier"
the publibhor to a
wide-awake , popular periodical , of values
to everyone at all Interested In the cur
rent art events ot Iho day.
Mr. Ilonry Clows' boolr , "Twonty-
eight Years In Wall Street , " has boon
talked of for a considerable tlmo. II
has excited a great amout of curiosity ,
nnd peopleovorywhord want to know
what Mr. Clews will toll about his twen
ty-eight years' experience in the great
centre ol speculation. Curiosity can
now ho gratlllcd , and wo presume to say
it will not bo disappointed. The hook
is out. It consists of nearly 800 pngus ,
elegantly printed with clear typo , and
Mr. Clews describes the leading fea
tures of his long experience as n lliian-
oior , banker and broker , in a clear and
comprehensive style , lie makes no at
tempt at line writing , or the construc
tion of highly polished periods. The style
has , therefore , the merit of being void
of nbstriibonoss or ambiguity , though
not without real inherent literary merit ,
bereft of nny of the tricks of fulsoadorn-
mont which are sometimes used by the
popular author to supply lack ot innltoi
or thought. The author discusses a
variety of subjects having a practical
hearing on Wall street business and
financial affairs intimately and remote
ly connected therewith , all of public in
The Independent , in its issue of July
20th , will contain a letter in the series
entitled "Letters on Litornturo , " by
Andrew Lang , addressed to llobor't
Louis Stevens , in which Mr. Lang criti
cises bomo of Mr. Stoveii.soii'a remarks
on "Gentlemen in Fiction , " published
in Scribnor's Magazine.
"Kenneth Camoroi" ! just published
by T. B. Petersen & Brother Phila
delphia , is a strong and interesting love
story , which glimpses into high south
ern society and now and then a dash ol
sensation. The scone is laid in Now
Orleans nnd on the great Louisiana
" " and "Emer
plantations , "Lagrango"
ald. " The hero is a planter's son , who
in turn becomes a plantar himself , and
the heroine is Hortonso Gaston , the
hello of Now Orleans , and a planter's
daughter. They are depicted naturally
and well , and the reader follows the
fortunes of the here and heroine from
ilrst to last with unflagging interest.
Many typical people ot the South are
brought on the Btncroand described with
force and truth. The novel has an ex
cellent plotj is well told , and possesses
continuous interest. All the characters
are naturally drawn , but the author is
particularly successful in dealing with
tile negroes , who are photograpod from
life , and with dialect before the war.
Kenneth Cameron hey two rivals for the
hand of Hortonso Gaston , ono of whom
is an unscrupulous adventurer , who in
dulges in many machinations to win the
Louisiana beauty , so the course of true
love has some serious interruptions.
The reader is shown the great mnrdi-
gras festivity , ufe well as a mopt realistic
and exciting norso-raco on which largo
sums of money are staked.
The August number of Scribnor's
Magazine is a fiction number , contain
ing contributions from Robert Louis
Stevenson , Hnnry James , Sarah Orno
Jowott , Octavo Thnnot , F. J. Stimpson ,
and Marie Blunt n very notable array
of story writers. There are , in addition ,
two richly illustrated articles of unusual
importance. The Railway Series ,
which has bcon received with the
warmest approval of the general public
as well n < ) of railroad men of all grades
_ is continued in this issue with an
'acute and luminous account of the ovo-
ution and present wonderful perfection
of "American Locomotives nnd Cars. "
The author , M. N. Forney , secretary of
the Master Car Builder.- ) ' Association , is
ono of the most widely-known railroad
men in the United States. Ho has written -
ton from a yory full knowledge , and has
used a crisp and lucid style which
makes an intricate subject perfectly
clear. The opening pagesof the article
are a brief historical narrative , embrac
ing the stages in the development of the
modern "Decapod" from the primitive
locomotive built by Peter Cooper. How
steam is generated and how it propels a
locomotive are then explained. The
question of the number , size , and posi
tion of the driving wheels with refer
ence to the speed and pulling capacity
of the locomotive is carefully discussed ;
the half-hundred attachments in the
locomotive cab by which the engineer
works the machine are indicated ; and
the care which must bo taken to keep it
in perfect order is described. A brief
account of the development of the pas
senger car from the old stage-coach
concludes the article.
A now literary venture has made its
appearance with July in the shape of a
monthly magazine under the title of
Current Literature. As its namosigni-
flos , its aim is to bring to notice the
bright and meritorious productions
which daily Jind way into newspapers
and thus , their graves , though deserv
ing bettor fates. It is intended to take
the place of a scrap book systematically
arranged mulct various heads and in
different dopartinont-i. The magazine
presents itself as a novelty , and in its
first issue contains selections and arti
cles chobcn and classified with great
ability. It makes a line appearance
with nearly n hundred extra largo well
printed pages neatly bound in an attrac
tive cover and with tlio additional
recommendation of u popular prico.
Ilonry Clay and the Goat.
The following nnnocdoto of Henry
Clay has just boon published for the
first time : As ho came out of the capitol -
tel nt Washington ono day , seeing a
a frightened woman in the streets striv
ing tovard off the attacks of a sportive
gout , ho gallantly , In , spite of his years
and oftlco , seized the goat by the horns.
The woman thanked him and sped hur
riedly on. Mr. Clay would have liked
to move on also , but the goat had its
own viowa about the interference with
his innocent amusement. At soon as
the woman's deliverer loosed his hold
on the two horns , the animal rose ma
jestically on hib hind legs and prepared
for a chargo. In his own defence Mr.
Clay now took the animal as before by
the hornsandthuH fora time they stootl.
while a crowd of street boys gathered
about , immensely amused at the un
usual spectacle of a bonator and a
pitted ono against the ether in a public
btruot. As long its Mr. Clay hold the
goat by the horns , all was well ; but the
moment the quadruped was free , came
a fresh preparation for a chargo. Not
a boy ottered assistance , but after a
while ono ventured to suggest , "Thrpw
the billy down , sir. " Mr. Clay at onca
accepted nnd adopted the repoit of that
committee , and tripping the goat up
essayed to pass on. Before ho could
fairly turn away , however , the goat
WHS up in lofty preparation for a now
chargo. Mr. Clay gave his enemy the
floor of the pavement once more and ,
keeping him there , turned to his new
ndvi&or with the question , "And what
ahull I do , now1 "CVt and run replied
the lad.
_ _
Tlio rionoor Locomotive Holler ,
Engineering News : Tho. boiler of the
first locomotive that over turned a
whuol on the American continent , the
Stourbridgo Lion , made by Foster , Has-
trick & Co. , SUnirbrldgo , England , is in
daily use in a foundry in Carbondnlo ,
Ponn. The locomotive was run in
HoncMlalo , Ponn. , August 1 , 18-.1) ) . Ho
ratio Allen , who ran it , Ib living in Gr
ingo , N. J. , aged oighty-slx years.
When you glvo your collar its spring
cleaning , add a llttlo > coporas water and
salt to the whitewash.
Tlio Itoitinnco or tlio TronOhvoll Mine
In Alnskn.
Chicago Tribune : . Only n few of Iho
moro favored tourists who have boon Idt
into some of the soorots ot Iho Biniill
clique owning the proparty appreciate
the great wealth that is locked up In
the forbidding cliffs , on the shore about
two hundred milo.s north of Sllkn. It is
no concern ot the insiders to have the
world know that they own millions of
tons of rook into which long ngoa ago
the precious inotal was so generously
filtered. They have no mlno for snlo.
It is the little follows owning holes in
tlio ground which have boon heavily
stocked who want to sell. They are con
tent to quietly dig out 100 per cant n
month in this dark corner of the earth.
Modest follows they aro.
On the west side of Iho Gnstinoau
channel , within pistol shot of the main
land and under the shadow of pre
cipitous mountains , is Douglas Island.
Just back from the shore , in a cllll 800
to 1,000 foot high , iaa hori/.ontal shaft
400 foot wide and many hundred foot
long. At Intervals along the top of the
cllll arc perpendicular shafts. This is
the Troadwoll mine. It is said that
some rock has boon taken out which
yields aa high as $ i > 00 per ton , hut that
is exceptional. The statement of an in
telligent man is that the average is $9 per
ton , that it costs $1.50 per ton to con
vert the raw material into gold bars.and
that 800 tons of rock can bo reduced per
day. These figures being correct , the
net product of the mine is W75.000 a
year , allowing only 'MO working dnvs.
Another authority estimated that the
output for the year 18S7 would bo $100- ,
000 per month , or $1.200,000 par year
and the yield this year certainly can
not bo lebs. Diamond drills have'boon
run long distances in various directions
and show no elm gcs in the character ol
the rock or the ore. A thousand foot
below the level of the earth it is just
the same. It sounds extravagant , but
exports who have made careful investi
gation declare that there is unques
tionably enough gold in this mine to
pay the national debt ( about $1,200,000) )
and that there are many million del
lar's worth of pay rock in sight. The
confulonco of the owners of the prop
erty is shown by the fact that they Imvo
in operation moro stamps than there
are In an.v ether mill In the world. The
appreciation of the mine by ether people
ple is indicated by a bid of $1,000,00 ( ! ( > ,
which was made for the properly some
months ago. This is a case , howuvor ,
where the insiders don't wnn't to got
out and the outsiders cannot got in.
The mine was named for its discov-
oror. Trcadwoll was an old Californian
of long experience in mining. Ho was
ono of a great number of people who ,
knowing that there are valuable min
eral deposits Bomowhoro in Alaska ,
"wont there prospecting. The natives ,
a good-natured lot , are always on hand
to take tourists and explorers along the
coast almost any distance. Manv old
minors arc constantly testing the rocks
with hammer and glass. They have lo
cated deposits of gold , silver , copper ,
iron and ether motnls , but it was re
served for Troadwoll to find this mass of
gold-bearing rock. It is said that when
ho first visited it there was a vein of
gold running conspicuously up and down
the face of the cliiT. After satisfying
himself that it was worthy of further
tests he wont to California' , bought some
machinery and then roturncd. It
required but little work with this ma
chinery to excite his cupidity to
the highest pitch. Having secured his
rights in the claim , ho wont to San
Francisco with some specimens of the
ore. Senator Jones , of Nevada , was at
that time in bad luck and poor. It
was his opportunity. Ho wont up to
Alaska and wna convinced that another
fortune awaited him if hocould got
control of the Treadwoll mine. Ho
formed a syndicate and was given a
quarter interest in the profits of the
mine as a consideration. Troadwoll , it
is said , received 81,000,000 in cash nnd
a small percentage of the profits. Tlio
stock of the company is now owned
mainly by four persons , of whom Jones
and D. O. Mills nro two. Some wealthy
Chicago m.on , including C. B. Farwoll ,
S. A. Kent , and President Blackstone
of the Alton road , have boon allowed
to examine the property , but it is not
believed that they have any financial
interest in it. The mine employs na
tives and Cornishmon as laborers , pay
ing thorn $2.60 per day and upwards ,
and has already become quito a centre
of mihcollanoous business.
With California losing its prostice as
a gold-producing country , Australia
disappointing its frionJs , nnd ether
parts of the earth falling to meet expec
tations , the students of finance are look
ing about the world for a now source of
supply. Perhaps Alaska will fulfill the
requirements. Burmah , a mysterious j
country , of which Americans know oven/
loss than of tholr own Alaska , IB Bald tc
have enormous stores of gold ore , of tin
location of which nobody but a few per
sons connected with the Government , !
know , anything , but developments can'
not be expected there for many yoars.
Meanwhile Alaska will coma to the
front. At nil events , people who have
soon the Troadwoll like to remark :
"Alaska wag certainly worth the
$7,200,000 Seward paid 'for it twenty ]
years ago. "
\YnlRlit of Locomotives.
Scribnor's Magazine for August : Thoj
size and < volght of locomotives have
steadily boon increased over since they
were ilrst ubed , and there is llltlbl
reason for thinking that they have yotj
reached a limit , although it seems ]
probable that borne material change of |
design is impending which will purmit
of bolter proportions of the parts or or
gans of the larger ai/os , The decapoij
engines built at the Haldwin Locomc
tlvo works , in Philadelphia , for
Northern Pacific railroad , weigh
working order 118,000 , pounds. Tli |
gives a weight of ll00 ! ! pounds on oac
driving-wliool. Some ton-whoolod pa
Bongor engines built at theSchoncctai ]
Locomotive works for the Michlgi
Central railroad , weigh 118,000 pouno
and have 15OGG pounds.on each drivinl
wheel. Some recent eight-wheel
passenger locomotives for the Nc
York , Lake Krio & Wohtorn railrori
weigh 110,000 pounds , and have lf,5 ! (
pounds on , each driving-wheel. At1'
Baldwin woiks , some consolidation
; 'iuou are now in progress which ,
spooled , will be heavier than the di
Aped engines.
What ItTnkos to Food a TmooinotH
Scrlhnor'ti Magazine : It will porlm
Intercut bomo readers to know how inuj
Fuel a locomotive burns. Thin of cour
lopondb on the quality of fuel , wo ]
lone , speed , and character of the roa
Dn freight trains un average consuni
tlon may bo taken at about ono to
ind a half pounds of coal consumed
; ar per mile. With passenger truij
the cars of which are heavier and t !
jpccd higher , tho. coal consumption ]
Creator. A freight train of thirty c
it a speed ot thirty miles par h
would therefore burn from UOO to 1 ,
[ > ounds of coul per hour.
Ingrain carpets , worn boyoud ropi
should bo cut into lengthwUo btripsa
woven the uuno a ? a rag carpet. li
jnneces.sary to EOW the ingrain cuUln ]
ivcuvors generally preferring toovei
Lho strip * as they weave Mats and c
[ > atH absmno quite a I'oralan look wlj
nado in thla way , and are durable-