Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    * 9tsm& < & & &f- ' ' > ifx - * ? ! SHSss8ftasR3b9l ! i
The Most Romnrktiblo Boom of the
Year in Wheat
Kvcrylxxly HiUlslloil of n Short Crop
In I2uroio mill tlio Northwest
Corn niul Onto Ijowcr
Provisions Advance.
CiiiCAao , July 30. [ Special Telegram to
TJIK ltp.n.1 A 2a advance on top of Satur
day's gain was what occurred In whcnt to
day. The market wus IJ @ 1KC higher and
there was an Immediate further ndvnnco of
W@4c on the curb , and 81o was bid for
September wheat. Owing to the excitement
In the wheat pit the oftlclal reporter was
slow In Rending out a quotation which could
represent the market at the opening , but ho
finally hit on 81c for September. Hut the
hand on the Indicator only rested n inlnuto
at that paint. It shot around to S-i c In less
than three minutes , December at the sumo
tlmo being quoted at ftOs. From 4X ° tot
September the market worked back J @
J < o with many violent minor fluctuations ,
September going to 83Jfo nnil December -
comber to B.IJ o , resting awhile around
this range. Then the market
HUddonty started up again on a cable to
Field & Llndley that there Ima been a sen
sational advance in nondon and Liverpool
Into In ttio day of I'gSJt ' n quarter. The
crowd went wild on this piece of news unil
rnn the price of September to t5@ < 0 o and
DcccmLor to S7e. This advance was not
held , as an Immense amount of wheat came
out on the advance on realizing orders and
"stop profit" orders , If the terms may be
used. The reaction was only c , and It did
not take long for the hungry market to absorb
the enormous offering and aculn harden. The
closing range showed only n fractional
shrinkage from the outsldc-llgures ru.ill/ed ,
The market was strong and buoyant from
start to llnlsh. "Soft spots" wore delusive ,
At the start not one person in ten thought
the over-night advance would bo held , bul
it was not only held but added to ,
thus establishing what Is in effect a coiv
tlnuous advance of Go. It is the sensational
boom of the year. The aimlyz.ttlon of the
buying to-day is not difficult , nor are the
causes leading to It obscure. For forty day *
rulny and cold weather , unfavorable to crops
has prevailed throughout the larger part ol
Europe and England. Of late It has dawned
on the grain merchants of the old world thai
a calamity to the wheat crop was threatened
and they have been changing front. Specn
lators were the last to turn , but they llonpsd ,
too , and there Is considerable excitement
abroad now , If dependence can bo placed or
the Information furnished by correspondent ;
of the best American houses. To add
to the excitement at homo and
abroad it is now definitely known thai
the condition of spring wheat has suffercn'
considerable depreciation from the condition
existing two \vpoks ago. and that the prospect !
of oven an average yield of spring wheat arc
not any too Haltering. Not until the stocli
market began to feel the effect of the free
marketing of railroad stocks bought on the
anticipation of big crops in the northwest
did the public tuko stock in the damage re
ports from that section , Hcam and Cudahj
and n few others who have one hand on the
Wall street pulse and the other on Chicago
were the quickest tn appreciate the slgnifi
entice of the selling of stocks by railroad in
terests , and they were thcqulokest to change
front on wheat and join foreigners who hud
been loading up for the previous two weeks
on homo news. To-day there was a scrnmblt
of belated bears to cover , and a scramble or
the part of belated bulls to get wheat befon
the market should got everlastingly awaj
from them. The great public got into wheal
today "with botli feet. " The condition o.
the market is not weakened by the contlnna
tlon In late public cables of the scnsutiouu
private advices of a terrific spurt in wheat
and the Hour market In London , Livorpoo
nnd Paris. The dclocallzutlon of the croj
shortage and the accompanying expansion o :
speculation Is the secret of the power of tin
bull movement today.
As on Saturday , tno corn market starte <
off Just n Httlo "gamcy. " with August Bellini
up from 45o to 45c , September from J44S i
to 45 < c , nnd Octooer from 44'c to 44e
The Improvement was not maintained how
ever , and the market got back below tin
starting prlco and did not recover. Receipt
wore heavy and the movement promises ti
increase. Trade was of light volume coin
Oats were only fairly active , nnd while thi
range of prices In the speculative inarke
wus confined within narrow limits , the general
oral tendency was one of easiness. Most o
the trading was In August , with Septcmbe
und May In fair request , wlnlo intermcdiat
months were dull. The estimated receipt
for to-morrow were fairly liberal und placet
at 150 curs , while there wus the same ab
BOIU-O of Interest noted last week , with plontj
of sellers of nnw crop deliveries. July wa
slow , und after the early weak opcnlni
closed about Ic lower. There Is evident1 !
but small short Interest and with the carlj
advent of the newcrop prices continue down
ward. No. 3 cash oats in store were dal
around 23K ' , and sales were chielty by sum
Provisions opened weak with noubatcmon
* In the bullish tendency that they have latol ;
exhibited. Under the Influence ofunothc
hharp advance In hogs Initial sales all arouni
wore made at prices materially higher thai
Saturday's closings. In pork first tnmstic
lions showed an uppreclatlon of 17K" . li
lard of TJiJi410 < ' , and In short ribs ot 10
13) ) c. During thn day the product averagoi
much higher tlnm opening figures. Thi
rouge covered by pork In ils fluctuations wa
Ifio , by lurtl 7Jrf@le | ) , and by short rib
6@ Ji ° - Closings , us n rule , closely upproxl
mated the outside figures , touched an
showed an actual advance of 'J5o In pork
l"ic In lard und 15@17jc In short ribs.
CHICAGO , July 30 , [ Special Telegram t
TiiF.Hnu.l UATTLI : Prime , dry fed native
or anything that could pass the keen o.cs . c
buyers as good , sold rigiit up to lust week'
prices , but it is the old , old story on coinmoi
natives und Texuns. Of the latter thcr
were 1:1,000 : in sight iu various markets ii
the west 0,000 in Kansas City , 4,000 In Chi
cugo , and H.OOO in St. Louis. So , with till
number In sight , as a mutter of course , every
thing In the way of common am
undesirable natives had to follov
the counti of Texans , which was downwan
and how much off was hard to toll , an tin
values on such have been gradually gotni
lower from day lo day for the past week eton
ton days. There weio no northern rai'ger
among the early arrivals nnd none uxpectci
until to-morrow. Native cows und bulls soli
lower , following the downturn on Texans , th
1 utter always making the market when th
run is heavy. There was little or nothlii ]
going in Mockers and feeders , and there wer
only u few veal culves among the arrivals o
tattle. The shipments included 4.&OU Twcans
and medium to good steer ? , iSoO to IWJO Ibs ,
$5.10f5.W ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , tl.OlKgS.U.V 05U t
1200 Ibs , Kl.MX < $ | .7n ; stackers und feeders
t2.10@il.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , lower u
tl.ROC't : > .40 ; bulk. fj.40@aot ) . Texas call !
weak ; steers , P50 to 1050 Ibs. $3.SO@J.OO ; 75
to 100 * Ibs. < & .bC@i.40 : ; cows , f l.WQ'J.70.
Hogs The demand wus active and price
strong mid lOo higher on light hogs und
good 5o higher on mixed and heavy. Res
assorted heavy nmdo M.G00G 05. and mixe
Sa-tCX.J'O.GO. ' Light sorts mudo t4l.00@0.7 !
only two loti selling at tit. 75.
New YoitK , July 80 , ( Social Telegram t
TIIK UKE. ] STOCKS -Tho slump. In the grai
Kors Saturday caused a decided chaugo 1
Kcnlimcnt among home traders and the mi
jorlty were bearish. Reports from th
northwest wore not favorable for sprln
wheat , and induced free realizing by larg
numbers of bulls. Many of the latter alt
took the short side for a change. Londo
came Iu strong but bed no effect , as Saratov
sent In largo selling orders , , especially for St.
Paul. The general stock market opened
quiet to heavy , with first prices quite irregu
lar. Considerable weakness developed im
mediately among active slocks , especially in
St. Paul , Reading , Union Pacific and Northwestern -
western , which were most conspicuous.
During the first half hour's trading St.
Paul declined * ( , New Etifjland , Reading ,
Lackawanim nnd Northwestern following
with / # per cent each and the rest of Iho
list with smaller losses. Tlio decline was
accompanied by a tnodcralo degree of unlma-
lion , but the market afterward reacted
filightly nnd became dull. The weakness
soon reappeared , however , nnd sllll lower
prices were reached In many of Iho leading
slocks. Later a stronger feeling dovcloi > cd ,
and most of the losses were regained. The
outlook for the coal roads Is regarded as the
best for years , nnd their friends are out-
sKken | In their belief that they will sell
higher. Among grangers Iho feeling Is un-
sullied. Spring wheat and corn has not been
secured and operators are suspicious that
something may happen to mar the prospccls
for a good business Iho coming full nnd win-
ler. It was rcporlcd that S. V. White , nnd
Ualcnmn and Cammach had Joined forces
and Intended trailing in Lackawanna. If
they sold any stock they failed to affect the
market moro than lemporarlly , as it moved
upwards toward the finish nnd closed % bet
ter than Saturday's. Dullness prevailed in
all but a fowacllvo slocks after midday , but
the feeling was strong and the bears not dU
posed to light the advance. Prices were
gradually jnurltcil tip , last sales being at
about Iho oulsido and recorded net gains of
2f@l points. St. Paul , Union Pacific , and
East Tennessee were the leaders. North
western gained J , Western Union } ft Mis
souri Pacific ! , ' , , and Lake Shore \i , Pueltlc
Mall , however , was % lower. The total
sales were 175,300 shares.
U.S. IB regular. . . . 127X Northern Pacific. . . IOU
MONEY o.v CAM , Easy at , lu ( > lj < f per cent.
PitiMn MEIICANTILB PAI-EK 4 < ( ) pet
STKIIUXO n\cnvxois Weak with actual
business at 1.8 > } { for sixty day bills , 4.87 ! $
for demand.
Ciuc\oo , July 28. Wheat Firmer ; cash.
84Xc ; August , 4fc ( ; September , S4 15-Klc.
Corn Firmer : cash , 45 c ; August , 45Xc :
September , 44 15 Kic.
Outs Steady ; cash , 2S c ; August , 2315-
lOu ; September , 23 c.
Kye 4flc.
Uarlcy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy iSothing doing.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Firm , cash and Augusl , S14.52U ;
September , $14.02 .
Lard Firm ; cash ? 3.85 ; August , $ S.87 ;
September , ? 0.X ( )
Flour Firm , and 5@15c higher.
13ulk Meats Shoulders $7.25387.10 ; short
clear , sy.OOJlO.IO ; short ribs , < 8.I5.
Hutter Lower ; creamery , 14@17c ; dairy ,
12 : ( < 3ir c.
heese Dull full cream choddors and
WIKVUUW * r 141 ; * u tft V * UUII1 VllUUUUl i
flats , 7 > . < @ 7Jfc ; young Americas , 8JigS (
Eggs Easier ; 14@15c.
Hides Unchanged ; green sailed calf , 4 %
@r u ; heavy grponsalled,6 } ( a55 u ; lighlgrcen
culled , r > ( @ ( ; ; suited bull , ! i&o ; dry Hint ,
8c , dry calf , 8c ; deacons , au@-J5u each ; dry
sailed , 0@7c.
Tallow Easier ; No. 1. solid packed ,
8 } c ; No. 2 , Uc , nnd cake , ! ) } < f@3J/c per lo.
Recoipls. Shipments.
Flour , bbls lii.OOO i.3.XK (
Wheat bu ( i'j.uoo 10,001 ,
Corn , bu 105,000 4S'JOOl '
Oals , bu 74,000 210.00C
Rye. bu
Barley , bu . . . .
New York , July 30. Wheat Receipts ,
15,000 ; exports , 80,000 ; cash grades slrongoi
and \X-Mo higher ; oplions ruled feverish
nnd al times active , opening lJ4@2i c higher
on higher cables , later sold down @ c on
free selling , later advanced \Mlo with
considerable covering by shorts , closing
strong at near the best figures ; ungraded
red , 81@92tfc ; No. 2 red. W@ < J2tfo in store
nnd eluvntor , 97e f. o. b. ; VteJui'JS e de >
livered ; August closing at .Ki > c.
Corn Receipts , 40.0CO ; oxiwrts , 1,100 ;
spot quiet but firm ; options advanced Cl (
early , later sold off . % ( $ Ufe , closing firm at
8r c , the botlom ; ungraded , 55@5l ( ) c ; No
2 , Wif@57c in clovalor , 50 > c delivered , 63
@ 5c c. f. and i. ; August closing at 53Xc.
Oats Receipts , 150,000 ; exports , none :
mixed western , 33i,33o ( ; white western , 4t
@ 50c.
ColTce Spot , fair ; Rio , nominal ; option ;
10@20 ix > inls lower ; sales , 20,500 bags ; July
$10.70@11.00 ; Augusl , eiO.fiO@10.70 ; Scptem
ber , $ 'J.l)0 ' ) ; Novomhor , $ y.CO.
Petroleum United closed steady at 80Vc
Et'gs Quiet but , steady ; western , 15QJ
Lard 70 ( | ) olnts higher , but quiet , clos
Ing firm ; western steam , spot , i > ! t.l2l .
Uutter Quiet but steady ; western , llj ( [
Cheese Easier and quiet ; Ohio flats , 7(55 (
Pork Unchanged ; mess was quoted u' '
$14.2"i@14.50 for old ; $ I5.00@15.25 for now
Kuiisas City , July 30. Wheat Stronger
No. 2 red , cash , O o bid ; August , UU i
bid , C'-i o linked ; September , C'Jo bid , 71t
asked ; No. S soft , cash , OOo bid , 70 'c asked
August sales at TUc.
Corn \VeaKor ; No. 2 c.ish , 87 , 0 asked
August , i > fc bid , a7c uslccd ; No. 2 white
c.ish , sales at 4ri ) c.
Outs No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings
August , 200 bid , ao.tfc asked.
Ml n urn polls , July 80. Wheat Loca
jirices were moved up on bad weather rcporti
and there was n strong demand from ul
nails. Exports were light but millers wen
buying considerable wheat , and u heavy decrease
crease In Northwestern stocks is creatiiu
some alarm. Sales of No. 1 hard were madi
at 67c delivered , and seller's were holding al
t-7 } e. Stocks in Minneapolis , St. Paul ani
Duiuth decreased 11,174,074 during last week
Clnsing : No. 1 , hard , July , bOJfc ; August
gOa : on truck , S7o ; No. I northern , July
SlJie ; August , fc3 c ; on track , 84ftS5c ( ; No
a northern , July , Sljj'o ; August.ll ) | oj or
track , 82c.
Milwaukee , July 30-Wheal Excited
cash und Auu'iist , falc ; September , 62.Ve.
Corn null ; No. , 45o.
Oats -Steady ; No. 2 white , : J5.Vc.
Rye Steady : No. 1 , ri7f.
Harlqv Dull ; No. 2 , 50o.
Provisions Strong ; pork , July , $14.75.
St. Louis. July SO. Wheat Higher
cash , S2J(23) ( c ; August and September
83. ' < c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 43)tf13Je ; August
Oats Steady ; cash , 248'Q2oc ; Septem
ber , 2 a.
Pork Higher at $15 00.
Lard Higher at * 3.75.
Whisky Steady at tl.H.
Uutler Quiet ; creamery , lXR20c ( ; dairy
Cincinnati , July 30. Whisky , stcadi' a
Iilvorpool , July 30. Wheat Strong nm
higher ; prices are checking business : holder
otter sparingly ; California No , 1 , 7s It
per cental ; red , western , spring , Os 9u@3i
Id per cental : rod , western and winter , Oi
l > < d@ Js lOWfd per cental ,
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; now mixei
western , 4s 7d per reulnl.
Ne % Orlontia. July CO. Corn Irreeu
lar ; mixed. t' > 0ffi02is ; yellow , 0-'e ; white , 05o
Oats Excited and higher ; No. 2 , 4s > ic ol
Cornmeal Steady at 13.83.
Hog Products Scarce and
firm ; pork
$14.02 Wjlaru , ? 7.75.
Hulk Moats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long cleat
and clear ribs , $7.00. ' " "
ChlcMco. July 25. The Drovers' Journal
reports aa follows ;
Cattle Receipts , 0.000 ; quality poor
steers , | 3.50 < 25. 0 ; stockers ana feeders $2.11
03.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.50(33.40 ( ;
i'cxns cattle , l.Wa4.00. ) (
Sheep Receipts , TiOOO ; dull , weak :
natives , fi.755J1.10 ; western , shorn , $3.11) )
@M5 ; Texans , shorn , $2.75Q4,50 ; lambs ,
, . .
I K\r..i * n- .
Niitlonnl Stock Yards , East St.
Louis. July ! ) . Calllo Recelpls , 3,300 ;
shipments , 1,010 ; market steady ; choice heavy
unlive sleers , 3m . f @ * . n I ; fair to good heavy
native sleers , $4.4IKi5.30 ; butchers' sloors ,
medium lo choice. W.JXK34.4.V slockers nnd
feeders , fair lo good , t'J.'i"(33.W ( ) : rangers ,
corn-fed , W.COS4.i5 ( ; urass-fed , f2.40JJ.W ) .
Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; uhlpmenls , 100 ;
markcl slroiiKor ; choice heavy and butch
ers' seleetlutis , t.5)fifl.03 ) ) ( ; packing , medium
lo prime , $ < 5.30aO.W ( ) : light grades , ordinary
to best , Jf < 5.yo@i.40. )
KunsnH City. July 30. Cattle Recoipls ,
6,400 ; shipments , M.TOO ; market steady ; of
ferings chiefly Brass range ; good to choice ,
corn > fed. Jo.OO .VSO : common to medium ,
& 12i@l.7.V grass range steers , $ ) .00@4.00i
stockers and feeding slecrs$2.003.80cow8 ; ,
Hogs Recelpls , l.fiOO ; shlpmenls , none ;
market strong , ncllvo and 10ril5c ( higher ;
gooU lo choice , t0.25@0.35 ; common to mo-
ulum , $3.00(311.80. (
Monday , July 30. 16SO.
The market opened vary Oull nnd slow nnd
coinparntivoiy no business was transacted
during the forenoon. There wus a strong de
mand for good corn-fed cattle , hu' , there was
not n load in the yards , the bulk of the re
ceipts being range steers. In the nflernoon
there was moio life to the trade nnd the
greater part of iho cattle were sold and at
steady prices.
It has been a long time since the receipts
of heirs have been as light as to-day. There
was a good demand , nnd what few tiops there
were sold quickly. Heavy weights sold at
nn advance of 5c , and light weights at an ad
vance of 5@lOc.
There were two loads of weslcrns hero and
Calllu . 03C
Hogs . uoc
Horses . ] 2r
Sheep . 4Ut
Prevailing Prices.
Thofollowlng is a lablo of price ? puld in
this marKet for the gr.iUo3 of slock men
I'nme steers. 1300to ir > 001bs..t5.2. © 5.40
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.0 ( % Z.W
Fat little steers. 000 lo 1030 Ibi. 4.00 @ 4.50
Common to good cows . 1.75 M'J.tiO
Choice lo fancy cows . 2.50 ( < i3.25
Common to choice bulls . 2.2 j fi3.00
Fairtocnoicolighthogs . 0.20 ( ttli.30
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 0.23 ( gn.i5 :
Fairtocaoico tnixotl tiogs . G.lo &O.C3
ItcpreHciitrttivo Sale * .
No. Av. Pr.
21 cows , westerns . 1,053 $2.80
1 cow . 1090 3.00
Ssteers . 1,133 4.00
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Dahlman & Simmons. 54 sleers I,2.S 5I.4C
Dahlman& Simmons. 5 cows 1,312 3.2J
G.M. Scoll . llSslecrs 1,2)5 ) 4.2C
G. M. Scolt . 1 sleer 1,200 4.21
G. M. Seott . 1 steer l.iiOO 4.2C
( i. M. Scolt . 2cows 1,01)5 il.Ot
McGinley & Stover. . . 41 co\\s SOS 2.41
McGinley & Stover. . . 2J cows 934 2.4C
Halt& Moore . ' . . . 71 steers 1.35U 4.41
0.22 }
Pr ,
? 3.5J
allll IOWCHt.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hoga
on this market during Iho past few days , and
for Iho corresponding period in 1887 and 183 J :
Lilvo Stock Notes.
Hogs higher.
Light receipts.
L. L. Burncy , Strallon , came In with cat-
J. S. Iman was in from Osccola with a loaO
of hogs.
S. R. Black , Kearney , marketed two loads
of sheep.
Charles Hunter , Inavalc , came in with o
car of hogs.
Range men are advised to keep their thir
cattle back.
Joe Cameron , of Raymond , was in wilh t
load of hogs.
James Cummins , Taluiage , sold a load oi
hogs al $0.30.
Mr. Simmons , Chadron , came in with lhrc <
loads of cattlo.
A. W. Beahtn , Corllnnd , cauio in lo looli
over the market.
Gcorgo M. Scott has hero with nine loads
of weslern cattle.
L. A. Dunn came in from Plum Crccli
with two cars of catlle.
Mr. Howies came in with a load of hogs foi
H. Rico , of Wllsonvillo.
Andrew McGInloy , Harrison , was her <
with nine loads of cattlo.
L. L. Rappcll , Chicago , was among the
visitors at the yards to-day.
Hogs are selling now $1.10 higher than r
year ago and $1.00 higher than two years
There is considerable Inquiry for good
native feeders and more than usual at this
season of the year.
J. M. Tompkins , Van Tasscll , was in will
eleven cars of Wyoming Texas catlioand L ,
Vorhees with live loads of Wyoming natives ,
Prospects for u grand corn crop ore veri
encouraging. Some think this means a bit
beef crop next year again. [ Drovers'Jour
Monday , July 30,18S3.
Business opened Ill's ' week qullo ncllvo anil
lhat the fall trade will bo largo seems as
suved. Sugar is steady at the decline previously
ously noted. . Granulated is Sj QS c. Fisli
are advancing rapidly , codfish nnd mackerel
leading. It is said that very high prices foi
these flsh will prevail the coming season
The produce markets are well supplied witli
southern und California fruits , the receipts
from Culitornla coming through in seventy
two to eighty-four hours and In line condl
It is understood coal will bo advanced 50c
per ton within the next ten days pci hans
\V. T. Coleman & Co. , of San FranclscD ,
who failed some time since , have offered Ic
8otlloat40c on the dollar. The liabilities
The stock of sugar In the principal coun
tries of the world Is 020,337 tons , against
1,001,10:1 : tons last year. Messrs. Deotjen
& Co. , MiUanzas , estimate the Cuban sucar
crop at (547bdO ( tons , apainst 020,400 tons
last year , by placing 00,000 tons lo local use.
and leaving 5vOiOJ tons for export. Other
houses estimate the Cuba consumption at
40,000 tons.
Coffee Is weaker , the receipts of the now
crop being larger. The superintendent ol
the New York coffee exchange reports the
total sales of coffee for the year ending Juno
80 , 1833. at 22,070,000 bags , against 21,0-20,750
bags lor tlio year proceeding. OI course
these sales wrro chiefly witidSor option coffee ,
as the at that puvt during the pint
jx'ar amounted to but 1.870VS9 ( bags from
Hruzl ) , und the year's receipts 'at all United
States ports were 2,10)LX $ ) bags , npnlnot
8.071.5S5 bags In 18SO-7 , and' l,037iSt ( bu/s In
1SS1-0. The exports from * Brazil during Iho
year were 3l/J,3S3 ! bngs , against nearly
0,1)00,000 ) bags for the prcccedlng year , and
The pack of Columbia river flsh , It Is now
thought , will not exceed 80J.OOO cases for the
seaton , showing a deficiency of 7ftCOO , eases
In comparison with last y'i'ar. The demand
on the coast hna been qultu active of lute.
with sales reported of some CO.OOS cases of all
kinds , part at ? 1.0'J for Columbia river and
S1.37i for Alaska , the latter showing an ad-
vnnco of about 2t , ' < 35c per dozen over previ
ous transactions.
Produce , F ru Its , Utc.
Himr.ti Fancy creamery roll , 20 ®
21c ; solid packed , 10@17o ; choice country
butter , 15@lOc ; common vradoi , KVAlHc.
Eaos Stnctlv fresh , 13@llc candled.
CU.IFOIIXIA. DAMSONS $1.25 ner box.
CAUFonxuGiiu'EH $1.50i$2.iO ( per case.
SOUTIIEIIS'BS 75c ( S1.00 per 10-lb
BiACKiiEiiim : * $3.00 for 24 qls.
HlACK KtSI'llCRUIliS (3.0J.
SQUASH 2c per ID.
CANTIJLOIT.S $2.83 per dozen.
SOUTHERN PLUM $1.75 ( 2.00 per bn.
HucKi.cnniiHtBS $1.8o per drawer.
POTATOES New , homo growth. CO@TOo per
POUI.TUV Iso drejiad fowl In the market ;
Itvo chickens , $3.50(3 ( 1.75 par doz. ; spring
chickens , $2.75 ® J.23.
STUIXO HKAN * 76C- per bu.
TOM VTOKS SI.50 per bu.
ToiiNii's 23SJ30o per bu.
GUCKN Cons Sl.OOdJl.M ) per 100.
WATEIIMII.OSS SlS.oOiJ20.00 per 100.
PEAKS California , S4.00Q2.50 per case ;
Southern , fl.OO per * < bu.
CUI.KK80t40c ( per dozen.
Plus $1.00 per bushel.
PKVCHES California , $2.0WZ2.23 ( per box ;
Missouri , $1.00 per % bu.
HVXAX is Common , $1.50@2.23 per bunch ;
choice , $
LKMOSS $7.00S.OO per case.
Oiuxons Mcssinns , ? ii C0@.00 ! per box ;
Rodl , $7.5@S.r ( > ; $4.K ) ( ( ? .75 per half box.
C\IIIHGES $ ) .50 ner 100.
ONIONS 2c tier Ib.
AITI.ES $ l.00@3.25 per bbl.
CIIIEK Michigan , 44.fiO@ll.30 per bbl 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Pol1 CoiiN Rico , 3@4c ; common , 2@3c.
CUIUOTS 75cpcr bushel.
llKAXb Choice eastern handplckcd navies.
$2.bO8.S5 per bushel ; western hand picked
navies , . * 2.755Z > 8.85 ; mediums , S2.5'J32.00.
Lima beans 5e Der pound.
HONET 14@10c for ono ) > ound frames ;
strained honey. G@Sc per pound.
UECSWAX Ulioico yellow , 20@22Xc ; dark
colored , 13@l4c.
CHEESE Young America , full cream ,
. ; full cream cheddnrs , 9@'JKc ; full
cream Hats , 9@9V ; good to choice skimmed
Cheddars , 0@0 ; skimmed flats , 5@3 jfe.
Grocri-H lAat ,
Rnvised prices are as follows :
BiouiNO Stark A , seamless , 21c ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 10) e ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , seamless. lOKc ; burlaps , 4
to 5 bu,5@fl > c ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gunnies ,
double , 2oc ; wool sacks , 35c.
COFFEES Mocha , 2ii@2Sc ; Rio , good ,
17c ; Mai.dahllng , 2C > @iSc ; roasling Rio ,
lOc ; O. G. Java , 34@2iiu ; Java , inferior , 8I@
24c : Rio. fancy , 1GQJ.19C ; Sanlos and Mara-
caibo , 17@19c.
COAL Anlhrncilc , range , and nut , $10.00 ;
largo egg , $ U.73 ; Rock Spring , $7.00 , Su
perior , $0.00 ; Iowa , $4.50 3.50 ; steam coal ,
$1.50 to $100. 1
SUQAK Granulated , 8MSJi'c ; conf. A.
7J c ; whlto extra C , 7J < @ 7'fc ; extra C , 7
@ "jf'o ; yellow C , OJf@G > o ; powdered , 8 } { @
t > % c ; cubes. S'X&Wc.
CANNED Goons Oysters , No. 2 Standard ,
per case , $3.23 ; strawberries , 2 Ibs. per
case , $2.30 ( 2.40 ; raspberries , 2 Ibs. , per
case , 5.2.00(148. ( 10 ; California pears , per case ,
S4.00@4.70 ; apricots , per case , $4.5004.75 ;
California peaches , pen case , $3.005.23 ;
California white cherries , per case , $3.70
( aO.OO ; California plums , per case , $4.20@4.iiO ;
pine apples , 2 Ibs , per caste. 3.83 ( < 4.SO ;
1 Ib. snlinon , per doz , § 1.90@2.00 ; 2 Ib goose
berries , per case , $8.00'i.lO ; 2" Ib. string
beans , per case , $1.75@l.bU ; 2 Ib. marrow fut
peas , -2.50@2.00 ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , $2.00
C < ? 3.7581b. ; , tomatoes , $2.00@2.15 ; 2 Ib. corn ,
$2.00a2.20. (
DIUED FUUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13 ®
lOc ; Jigs , in mats , per Ib , 5) @ 0c ; dates , in
boxes , 5 } @ 7c ; London Malaga layer
raisins , per box , $3.50@3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.30@2.GO ; now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7 > ( ij8c ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75@2.00 ;
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.35(22.50 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 20@22o ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , I2@13c ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , 8M@9o ; dried
raspberries , per Ib , 80@i : > 3 ; dried.
apples , 7(3l9e ( ; evaporated apples ,
@ 8 c ; California sun dried peaches , 12M
13 > ic ; California unpared evaporated
peaches , 15@18e ; evaporated California
apricots , 1820c ; Zanleo currants , 0ci
Turkish prunes , 4J c ; citron , 202ic.
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , $ "i.50 ; do inhalf
bbls , $ .1.00 ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in hall
bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , In bblsS.83j do Inhalf
bbls , $4.00.
FISH California salmon , per bbl , $10.00 ®
18.00 ; halibut , per Ib , 14c ; family white flsh ,
per } .bbl. $3.25 ; white flsli , No. 1. i > er K-hbl ,
$0.50 ; troul , per K-hbl , $5.75 ; scaled herring ,
pur box , 2So ; now llollaiid hernng , per keg ,
0'2c ; George's Bay splil herring , ) > er bbl , new ,
$3.73 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl , new ,
$8.00 ; extra George's cod , per Ib. now , 5 } < Jc ;
Western Bank cod , per Ib , new , 5 } c ; bone
less cod , 5$3c ( ; largo family mackerel , per
K-bbl , $10.00 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , K-hbl ,
$11.00 ; smoltcjl bloaters , per box , $1.40.
TOIIACCO Plug , 20ffiG3i ( ; ; smoking , 10@53c.
JELLIES $1.25 per 30-lb pail.
SALT $1.30@1.33 per bbl.
ROI-E 7-10 , U)4gji ( ( c.
SriCES Nutmeg , per Ib , 55 ( < I75c , popper ,
pcrlb , 17d41lu ! ; cloves , per Ib , 18281o ; all-
pice , 7@Sc ; cinnamon , 7rt8c.
B NAILS Iron nails , per keg , $2.03@2.10 ; steel
powder , choice to fancy , 40@i3o ! ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15@25 ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@43c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ®
35e ; Oolong , clioico to fancv , 50@70e ; Imper
ial , common lo medium , 25@33o ; Imperial ,
good lo fancy , 40@30c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; filberts , 910o ;
Brazil , 5@lic ; walnuts , 10@l4o ; pecans , 7J @
8Ko i Peanuts. OU@SKc.
CIUCKCII-J 5@10c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 20c per Ib , as per list.
MU'LC SUOAH Bucks , 10@10J c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 11 ® ! ! ] per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
BiiooM- > Extra 4-lie , $ ' .OJ ; parlor , 3-lie ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $8.0d ; No. 2 ,
$1.95 ; heavy stuulo brooms , $4.00.
STiiicii Mirror gloss , 5Jfo ; Graves' corn ,
G c ; Oswcgo gloss , 7ciOswcgo ; corn , 7c.
POWIIF.K AND SHOT Shot , $1.80 ; bucitshot ,
$1.53 ; powder , kegs , . $3.00 ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ;
fuses , 100 ft , 5.ViC70c.
RKPIXIIII LAUD Tlcrco. SICo ; 40-lb square
cans , S'i'c ; 50-lb roumi , 8J o ; 20-lb round ,
c ; 10-lb palls. SXc5-lb ; pails , 9o ; 3-lb palls ,
PitovisioNS Hams , ll12e ; breakfast
bacon , 10Jf@ll c ; bacon sides , 9Jf ® lOc ; dry
salt , 8J < Oi9o ; shoulders , 8b > c ; dried
beef , 10 ( < cl8c.
WOOIIENWAIIE. Two-hoop pulls , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , $1.05 ; No. 1 lub ,
$7.00 : No. 8 lub , $ ( ! .00 ; , No. 3 lubs , $3.00 ;
washboards , electric , $1,50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls ,
l-i.75 ; No. 1 churns , fU.50 ; No. 3. churns ,
$3.60 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ;
spruce , in nests , 70o per nest.
Svuui's AND MOLAH ES Sugar syrups.
common to choice , 3S@44c ; corn syrup. 2s@
84c ; black strap molasses , 15o ; Now Orleans
molasses , open ketlle , 35@50o ; New Orleans
centrifugal. 27g3- ( ; sorghum , 2735c.
RICE Carolina and Louisiana , S'/fflO'/o ;
Patnu nnd Rangoon , 5@5 > fc.
CANOV Mixed , 1018o : slick ,
City harness per Ib , 2S@20c ; country har
ness pur Ib , 24j$25o ; city line per Ib , 32S33o ;
kip heavy per Ib. 45@50o ; kip medium per Ib
WQGOo ; veal per Ib , 05@70o ; Chicago slaugh
tered solo per Ib , 25W2 o ; city calf 2 } to 80
Ibs , b5@00c ; city upper per foot , 1820c ; collar -
lar , I4i ; lflc ; UuiTaloslaughtered solo per Ib ,
Sji&aoc ; Oak lealher slau'ghlered sole per Ib ,
S 30c ; liarness , per Ib , 28M82c ; ujipcr per
foot , 31@22o ; islp heavy per Ib , OS@70o ; kip
ISC ! " , , | ) , ' T5@so > clt-v calf "or ltj !
OOc < gM.OO : lining per dozen , JJ.OOr < 13.50 '
r/.0. ? ? * ) , IUOMI.75 ; French'
5 ; French calf 50
Ruboor boou and shoes Boston , dls 40
per cx-nt ; I3ay State , dia 4010 per cent ;
Pnrn , tlis 40i35 per cent ; Ooodyear , dls 40Q5
per cvnt
Mctnls nnil Tinners'Stock.
lln,27c ; solder , 15@2oo ; copper bottoms , 31e ;
shenlhliiK copper , tinned , Silo ; planishing
copper , tinned , 8tc ; lend pipe , OVc ; hcct
Iron , NS. IS to SI , ? 3.aOi Russia iron , 13ts ;
Am Russia planishcu , A , 10o : Am Ru la
planished , U , We ; p.ilntcd barb ivlrc , J3.001 ,
Kulvnulzcd bnrb wire , $3.73.
Dry Goods.
A1U * t/V > JIUIWV1 ( ll < f AllI V' ( liUlUI
Bristol , 13c ; Union Pacific , ISc.
CAUI-ET WAUi'-Blb White , 19c ; colprcd ,
HATTS Slnndord , Sc ; Orm. lOc ; Beauty ,
12J4c ; Boonc , 14c ; H , cased. $0.50.
PniSTS Solid colors Atlantic Go Slater
rjV/ . . . ! > . , .II. . nil . . . . . . . . . . . .11 , V/a ; . .
13ife ( ; Swifl River , fcc ; Thorndlko OO , 8 } < o ;
Tliorndlko ER 8h'c ; Thorndlko 120 , Oiu'o ;
Thorndike XX , 15u ; Gorilla No. 0 O o ;
Cordis No. 4 , lie. '
DF.SIMSAmoskciig , 0 oz , IflJ e ; Everett , 7
oz , 13 > < c ; York , 7 oz , I3 ! < fc ; Havmaker , 8Ke ;
JatTrcy XX , ll c ; JutTrey XXX , 12 > < o ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek UU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KESTCOKV JKVXS. Memorial , Ifio ( Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , ISe ; Learning.
ington , 22 < o ; Cuttswohl , 27V c.
Ciu > n. Stevens' H , Oc ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 ! c ; Stevens A.
bleached , SJ e ; Stevens' P. SUc ; Stevens' '
P , bleached , 0' < u ; Stevens' N , Oj c ; Slovens'
N , bleached , loj c ; Stevens. SRt. 12 > c.
SIiscKM.vSKOL's. Tublo oil ciolli , S2.S5 ;
plain Holland , OJ c : U.ulo Holland , 12kc.
FI.ASXKLS. Plaid Raftsmen,2ilc ; Oosticn ,
2 c ; Clear Lake , 2 a ; Maple City , 30Kt
Fi.AXXii.s-Whlte G H , No. 2 , J. , 21c ; G
H. No. 1 , ? { , 27K ! H H , No. 2 , J { , 22Ko ; H
H.No. 1 , jr. 30o ; Qnechco , No. 1 , f , 48c.
PHINTS Pink and Robes Richmond , 6K ° i
Allen , Oc ; Rivcrpomt. 5c ; Steel River , i
Richmond , 0 4e ; Pacific , 0 e.
PIUNTS Indigo Blue Washington , G o ;
American , 7c ; Arnold , 7e ; Arnold Century.
9c ; Arnold B , lOXi" , Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 > < fo.
PIIIXTS Dress ( Jliarter Oak , 5c ; Ramnpo ,
4 } c ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE , OKe : GG. lo c , XX , 12c ;
OO , 14c ; NN. l c ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond
mend , Oc ; Windsor , 0)tfc ) ; Eddystonc , GJ c ;
Pauitlc , C' c.
GINOIIAM PlunKctt checks , 7i e ; Whitten
ton , 7 } c ; York , 7J < Je ; Normandl tirrss ,
8J e ; Calcutta dress , b c ; Whitlenlon dress ,
8 > fe ; Rciifiow dress , 8&iol2Kc. (
CAMCIUCS Slater , Sc ; Woods , 5c ; Sland-
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
HI.\SKITS White , 51.00@7.CO ; colored ,
ffl.OOR8.00. (
UI.IACIIEI > Siincriso Rerkeloy cambric ,
No. 00 , 9) ) < c ; Best Yet , 4-4. liWc ; butter clotli ,
OO , 4 > e ; Cabot , 7 eFarweil ; half bleached ,
SJ o ; Fruit of Loom , OJi'o ; Greene
G , Oo ; Hope , 7 ; King Philip cam-
brie , lie ; Lonsilulc cambric , 11)4.5 ) ;
Lonsdale. 8 ? ; Now York mills , 10) ) < ? c ;
Peppercll , 42-in , lie ; Peppercll , 40-ln , 12c ;
Peppercll , 04 , lOc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 9-4 , 2Jc ; Peppercll. 10-4 , 2 , > c ; Canton
4-4 , 8J.fc ; ; Cahton , 4-4 , fl c ; Triumph , Oo ;
Warasullo. lie ; Valley , 6c.
Brown shceling Atlanlie A , 4-4 , 7 > fe ; A
Eanliu H , 4-4 , 7J c ; AllanllcD , 4-4 , OJic ; A.I-
lanlic P , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora
C , 44 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ/c ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7J c ; Law-
roncoLL , 4-4 , ( u ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } c ;
Peppcroll R , 4-4 , 7o ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , OjJjc ;
Pejporoll. 8-4 , IS c ; Pepperell,9-4,21c ; PC-
perell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utica C , 4-1 , 5c ; Wachusctt ,
4-4 , 7J < fc ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-4 ,
bticK West Point fiO in , 8 oi , lOJ e ;
Qucclico No. 2 , Jf. 37Kc ; Quecltco No. 3 , f ,
32Kc ; Anawan , 32 } < c ; Windsor , 23Kc.
Fi.ASXit.Red , C , 2J In. Ift ; E , 24 in ,
21c ; G G , 24 In , ISc : H A F , Jf , 25c ; J R F , Jtf ,
27 } c ; G , % , 35c ; West Point , 29 in , 10 oz ,
12)cWcst ; Point 29 in , 12 ot , 15cWest ; Point
40 in , 11 oz , IGc.
SiiiKTiNn Checks , Caledonia X , 9J e ; Cal
edonia XX , 10 > c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , 9o.
lrutn nnd Chemicals.
MISCELLANEOUS Sulph. acid , IJ c ; citric
nciu , OOc ; tarlarlc , 50c : bal. copavia , COcj
borax , lOc ; chloroform , 50c ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , selccl , fl.OO ; gum camphor , 30c ;
gum opium , ? 2.75 ; sulph. morphia , ? 250 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
Ou.s-Cnrbon , 150 ° lOo ; headlight. 175 °
12J c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12V c ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , ISc ; extra W. S. lard , 20c ; No. 1 lard ,
42c ; turpenlino , 41c ; linseed raw , G3c ; boiled ,
Iiuml > cr ,
Add CO cents per 1,000 feet for rough joist.
No. 1 com , sis $18.00 I No. 3 com , sis $15.W (
No. 2 com , s 1 e 10.50 | No. 4 com , sis 13.50
Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough.
No. 1 , 4 und 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . , $20.0 (
No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20. < X
No. 2 , " 13 and 14 ft , " . . . . 10.0C
No. 2 , " 10ft , " . . . . li.O'J
A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$20.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.M.7f
B , " " 19.75 1 D , " ' 11.71
1st com , Jf in white pine ceiling . (33.0C
2d " " " " . aT.Of
Clears in Norway pine ceiling . 15.5 (
. 2d com X In " " " . 13.5C
AO In white pine . $34.0C
B " " " . i , oc
C " " " '
. 2'JX (
D " " " . 21.01
E " " " ( sol. irncing ; . 18.51
Six Inch drop siding 50c per 1,000 extra.
A , 12 in , s Is. . . $45.00 I C , 12 In , si n.$30OC
B , 12 in , s 1 s . . U9.00 | D , 12 in , sis. . . 82. ( K
No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft . 20.51
No. Icom , 12 in. si s , It ft . 20.0.
No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 ft . 20.0C
No. 1 com , 13 In , sis , 10 , IS and 80 ft. . 22.51
No. 2 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 19.4i !
No. 2 com , 18 in , s 1 s , 18 and 14 ft . 18.50
No. 2 com , 12 In , a 1 s , 10 ft . , 18. 00
12 in grooved roofing $12 per M. moro than
12 in stock boards same length.
10 m grooved rooting same price as 12 in
stock boards.
ATFMTQ.Obtained. tUina Trade Mark . ,
Ijbel , I'rint and Cop ) n hl protection se
cured. Good work , good references moJer-
atech'E * . Send for pimphlet. R , G. DuBoIl
iCt. 916 F St. , Winston , D.C.
( Successors tn John O. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old stand , 1407 Pumam St. Orders by
telegraph solicited and promptly attended
Telephone to.Noi
. il. IMI.ML.t. N , | > . HlCiOIAV. J. II. III.AMIIAIUI.
Live Stock Corainission Merchants
C' Stock Commission Merchants ,
Utrkpt furnlrbcd frcaon nppllcntlnn. Hlockors nnrl
n. UufurenceiOnm. .
Liye Stock Commission ,
Boo li. " " . Block
Commision Dealers in Live Sock , 3 , Opposite Kxchange Hulldlng , Union Stock
Of Omaha Limited ,
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
C rrl gei tad
i Um > b
AgricnltiiralIfflDlements , a onsCarria2Ci , !
Bnpslot , Ktc.Vliolct.ilo. . Om ti , Ncbrn Ut > .
\Vliolotnle Dcalf r In
Agricultural Implements , Wapns&Bro
Ml , im. JOl nnd W ! Jonct Strocl. Oinnlia.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeflers ,
CultlTiton.lI'tr Rftkri.Clctcr Mill * nnil l.ubnn 1'ul-
Ttrlt tn. Cur. 14lti and Nlchulns MtocH.
Whotpialc ,
Agricnltnrallnmlements apns&Bnsgies
r < inicrlltri "nrt Nlfholtn StrocU.
AVron , Uhto.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V. K. Mcnd.Maniuar. 13H LcnTpnworlli t. . Omalia.
MiuuifiuiurrrsnTiil Jobbers In
Wagons , BiiEgies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Ptli nn I 1'aclflc ptrcpf , Omnha , Neb.
Artists' Matorlnls.
" A noSPE"jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials Pianos anil Organs ,
IMl DOUL-IM Street , Omah.l. Nobrarkn.
Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Successors lo A. T. Kctiyon A \Vhoh-Biilo & Hotntl
Bookseller and Stationers ,
I'lDoVeilillnit Hlntlonory , Conmiprrlnl htutlonerjr
lo ? ! Iloiik.-li Strcot. Umnliii , Nob.
Boots and Shopa.
( bucvusaors lo il cd , JODCB & . Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
notion Hubocr Shoo Co. 11US , 1104 It. 1IU1
llartigy St. . Omaha. Kebraakii.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , IIOJ-IIOJ Douglas St.Oiunlia Manutuctory , Sum
mer M. lloslon.
CffooB , Spices , EtO ;
CopFEE CO. ,
UluobR Coffee and fpKC Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flarcrlng Kxlrncli , l iuiulrr Hluo. Inks. Ktc. Illi-
l > lilll rn r Hlrett. Omaha , Nobranka.
Crockery and OlasBvynr.
Aftnl Jot the Manufacture" and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Office. 317 B. 15th St. , Omaha. Ncbra ka.
IniDorer and .lobbr > of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamis , Silyerware
Ktc. K.H fnrnam Si. , New 1'azton Dulldln : ; .
CommlBslon ond8tprago. _
" " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
"ntlpr. Kf r . OIPO P. I'oiiltry , Game.
ia Howard Street. Omaha. _
ISuccoskora to McShanu & Sclirociler. )
Mm Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 10U North 10th
tilruet.Omuha , Neb.
Cool , Cokp and Llmo.
Joooers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
303 South 13th Slreel. Omalm. Nebrmka.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And nlilppers of Coal , Coak , Cement , l > lnter , l.lme.
Drain Tile , and Sewer I'lpo. omco , 2H , B. Lltli
St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 11.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
8H South 13tb St. . Omaha. Neb.
DryCopdsand Notions.
" "
'M. E SMITH & "CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1107 and 1104 Douglni. Cor , lltli St. . Omaha. Neb.
Importers andJohoersinDryGoodsNotions ,
GenU' FurnliblnK Good > . Corner lltli and HunsT
bu. . Omaha. Ncbrmka.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Ncbrmka.
Omnba , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
V06 , 707,703 and 711B. IQlh 81. . Omaha , Neb. '
Wholesale Grocers ,
i th nnd Lcavenwortli Strocti.Ouiulin , Nebraikn.
_ _ Hardworo _
Wholesale Hardware , Ciitleryjin Plaie ,
Jletnls , Plwct Iron , etc. Agents for Howe Scales
Jliuml 1'owder und I.yimm llurbed wIro.
Umiiha , Nubraaku.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tooli nnd Iluffalo Scales. U05 Douulut
tilreei , Umulia , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
t i n Av JS tl
. K lrbttnk fctamlurclScap. _ | . '
\Vlmlosaio Mnnufncluri'ri of
Saddlery & Jotes of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 140J , IKtt nnlllTT IlKracy St. , Ouiaha ,
Ncbraika ,
Heavy Hardware.
fleayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uaniej Btteet. Omaha. Neb.
_ J.urnbor. "
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
1914 Street and Union Pacific Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Luniher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.Elc. Yard -Corner 7lh and DouvlMl Coiuei
Jib. and Douglaj.
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lnmlicr ,
lllhaiid California PlrceK Omaha , Nebra'V * .
Lnmber Liine Cemenl Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ CprnerKth and Douslas f ta. . Omaha *
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 11(0 Fftrnaru Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported anil Anu-rlran > ' < irll i.4 Oracnt. SUtf <
Agent iurMllnnukrn llyilrnnllc LVmvnl aui >
Vluliicy While l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmocr ,
Wood Carpet ! nd Tarqucl Flooring. Vth anil Danilai
Millinery nnd Notions.
" " " " " '
"f. bBERFE"L"DER" *
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
m ? innndill"onth lllh "Iron !
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnni Pauls , S > t lrt , Ktr. ItWund HIM IXtuglai Street , .
Umnlin. Neb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4IH nnd ( ViPUtli 10th St. , Onmha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
AxloQreato , Etc. , OraftUa. A. U. lllthop , Mnnacer
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
arnej Plroct. Onmlm.
Office Fixtures.
Munuractura.'s ot
Ofllce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle * , s Hook Ciisc * , Dmir KUture , WalI
I'aic'.l'iittUUinn , Itnllliiei.CuuiiturK. llerrnnd Wlno
( oolor , Vlrrurt * etc. Factory nm' onln * , 17JU and ITS !
SonUi l.ilb. 81. , Uniutiu. TolopUono ll.M.
Paints , Oils , ffijjlow Gla s , Etc ,
ll Firnam Street , o''ua'iit. ' Nob.
fholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr nlco ntock of Printing , Wrapping and Wrttlq *
l'a-ar. Bpuelal atuintlon auun to car loail orilert.
Popor t3oxos. _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory.
Not. HIT anU Uia Douglas St. , Omaha , Not ) .
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Hanufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
911 ClolLlun and Leather Utltlun. 1UUH Farnaui BltMt.
_ Sj3h , Doors , Etc.
M , A , DISBROV/ . CQ. , .
Wbolesalu Manu. .cturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch UHce , litli and Itard btreeta. Omalm , N b. .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
.VcnldliB , Blair Work and Interior I lar.I Wood Fla >
ab. N. E. Corner Kth and Ix-nreuworlU ytreula.
Omaha , tjtitt. i
8 1 tea m FJ tt I n ga , jum PB ' , Etc
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam an 3 Water Sunplloa. ncnOquartcrs for Malt ,
tooit ACo'igouJa. nil FnniHm bt.OmaIia. '
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet iron Wo * MIH , .
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 and 013 Jones r-trcrt. Oinaba.
Storage , Forwarding & Commlsalon
Branch h <
" c _ stacks , Boilers " , .Etc-
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Britchlnt : , Tanks nnd General llollor Itupalrlng. UU
_ llodgn Klrrot. Omaha. Neb
Lager Beer Brewers ,
U21 North Klsthtoonth Street , Omnba , Ktb.
* " " "
Manufacture Galyanized Iron and Cornice ,
Iron Works.
Carter & ton , I'ropX Muiiufacturen of ull kind *
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron Worlc
Work youth iOih and II. A M. CroislnK.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Enplnei , llra Work , General Koiimlrr , Maolilneua *
JllnckEmltli Work , tltlltu and Wiirk , U. 1' . lly.
nod IHhMrect , Omiihu.
"W I R E & i R"oTT WORKS , '
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes '
r ult . .lall Work , Iron an 1 Wlra lVnrlniHlijn , Etc.
G.Andrccn , IVop'r. Cor. lltli and Jocktou HU. "
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Rcrecnt , for hank * , omco . * torc ratldenco * . etc.
Improved A nln > c > , lx > ck > mlth Mmlilmrr utia
_ UluckimltU Werki. lUIHuutb Utb jiw
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
General AfenU for nicbold Hate k Lock Co. ' *
Yaulu and Jail Woik. Hli faxnam Btreet. OuklM.