Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The City.
Minneapolis defeats. Omaha IS to 0.
The stallion prbo will bo a big feature at
the Onmha races.
Two young women assaulted In a ravine
Bundiiy night.
The Myers roof for the county hospital is
nil tight.
Why Hogo and Murphy did not go to St.
Samuel Lowe , the alleged abortionist ,
Valves examination.
Real estate transfers aggregate tCI,877 ;
building permits t'J.MO. '
City Physician Ralph and Dr. Lclscnrlng
interviewed on Omaha's mortality during the
summer months.
Laura Schultz dies from the effects of the
licat at South Omaha.
M. Franklin is stabbed in Doc Sowders'
Haloon. Ho alleges the proprietor and bartender -
tender did the cutting.
Expert Points' report on Sheriff Coburn's
A bold horsothlef robs a picnicker of his
steed at Hanscom park.
An enthusiastic meeting for the purpose of
securing the grand siicctacular production ,
"Tho Siege of Sevastopol , " during fair
An unknown man , dies at St. Joseph's
hospital from the effects of the heat.
Milton Rico , a ten-year-old boy , was
drowned at Brownvillo , Neb. , while bathing
A clergyman was badly hurt by a runaway
tit Norfolk.
The Dakota sensation at Fremont is grow
ing moro complicated.
A woman and two men wore badly cut up
in a row near Noligh Sunday night.
A Methodist church was dedicated at Wy-
Two cases of sunstroke are reported from
Nebraska City.
The Carlleld county teachers' institute is
In session at Burwoll.
Fremont voted * . ' ' 5COO , to extend her water
Vorks system.
Father Conway's will was probated at Chi-
Emperor William Is welcomed to Dcn-
An expedition has been formed to search
for Stanley.
The loss by the paper-mill lire at Lee ,
Mass. , will reach $ -25,01)0. )
Daring robbers snatched 810,000 from a
man in Albany , N. Y. , nud escaped.
The house committee , which has been In
vestigating trusts , has made a report.
Another brutal murder of n colored man
by whites Is reported from Louisiana.
A sister of Congressman Ford died sud-
flcnly on the cars from accidental poisoning.
Frank Chlcboun , the Chicago anarchist ,
vrus released on ball nud ho will not bo pros
The Outhwalto bill will bo reported favor
ably to the senate by the select committee on
Pacific railroads.
The Canadian government will remove the
discriminating canal tolls in favor of grain
going to Montreal.
Bob Ingersoll , n cowboy , and Miss Cora
Wllcox , a young lady of O'Neill , eloped
{ Saturday , going to Dakota.
A man In Strong City , Chose county. Kan. ,
Crrltes to Tin : Br.B that he owns a mad-stone
< vlilih never fails to euro cases of rabies.
A deep harbor convention has been called
by the governor of Colorado.
George D. Wilson denies that ho left Den-
vet under a cloud.
Senator Bowcn addressed the senate on
the arid land question.
J. W. Hustln reviews the political situation
in Indiana.
Two important propositions under consid
eration by the St. Joseph Board of trade.
A measure has been introduced in the
house looking to a thorough investigation of
the immigration question.
Commissioner Campbell testifies In the
Iowa freight rate investigation.
tils Reports Substantially Correct ,
But His Methods Criticised.
Mr. J. J. Points has sent the county com-
pilsaloncrs his report of his examination of
the sheriff's record of prisoners during the
past two years. Ho says that the sheriffs
report Is "substantially correct. " "A very
jfew of the mlttl musses are missing , but there
Is no good reason to doubt that the prisoners
In such cases were regularly committed. "
He says that the "Jail record hns been kept
by many different parties , mostly prisoners , "
but "is comparatively frco from mistake. "
Mr. Points reports that there is no data In
the records of the Jail to show what proportion
tion of the prisoners nro committed for vie
lation of city ordinances. The report shows
the number of prisoners boarded for author
ities other than those of Douglas county , to-
pettier with the sums received therefrom.
' .Tho record Is for the eighteen months from
July 1 , 1SSO , to January 4 , 1889 :
Kumber received . 101
Charge per day . 700
Total received by sher'ff ' . $1,757.70
Number received . 23
Charge per day . $ 1
Total received by sheriff . sou
Number received. . . . . . . . 52
Charge per day . $ 1
Total received by sheriff . 95
The total from all third classes is 93.242.70.
The report suggests the wisdom of having
Iho above contracts made with the county In-
toad of with the sheriff.
The expenses in connection with commit
ment und boarding of insane and of prisoners
tot the two years ending January 4 , 18S8 , are
' 'cportcd as follows :
Hoarding prisoners , I860 . tlOOI5.CO
hoarding prisoners. 18S7 . 14.3SO.0
Boarding Insnno , 18SO . CO'J.'Jo
hoarding insane , 1 887 . 000.00
Jommitinonts , 1660 . CG3.CO
Commitments , 1887 . 001.00
Total.- . . $23,204,75
Mr. Points also submits the results of his
examination of the sheriff's report of fees and
expenditures. The receipts for the two
years ending January 4 , 18bS , were ? 10,78'.MW
nnd the expenses'J'J , leaving a balanoo
Of $15IC3 due the county from the slier i IT.
Mr. Points says the sheriff's report Is "sub
stantially correct , " although vouchers for ex
penditures wore not submitted. He also calls
attention to * the fact that there uro about
fj,500 of uncollcctcd fees in the sheriff's
booics , while there 1m hern paid from the
county general fund .lOJ to the deputy
ehcriffs acting as bailiffs to the district court.
Had the fees been properly collected the
sheriff's office would have bcou almost self-
supporting. Mr. Points says :
"Your honorable body in January , 1SSO ,
hoUlled the various county officers whoso
ttuty it Is to collect and report fees not col
lected. and it seems to mo that this rule
should bo as strictly enforced in nllthaofllcos
concerned ns it now is in the olllces of the
county clerk and register of deeds. To per-
nlt a county officer to collect Just n sufficient
hum to pay uts own salary and half that of
his deputies , and , ut the expiration of his
term of oftlco , to turn over a muss
of accounts. In which ho has no further
personal interest , and to make the
county a collector of driblets for which ho
has no authority to receipt is to do business
la an unbusincss-liku way. "
Mr. Points calls thu board's attention to
th.o following facts , upon which , ho says ,
"may depend a slight modification of the
balance reported as duo tha county from the
sheriff. "
"First In convoying Insane patients to the
Btato hospital the sheriff charges 10 cents
tnlloago each way. The law provides that
lie shall receive mileage the sumo as is al
lowed la other cases , lu other cases for
Which the county Is liable and in all civil
cases I think the sheriff U allowed huts
cents per mile. What Is the proper charge !
"Second For his assistants In insane cases
u above the sheriff also charges 10 cents a
mile. Th real outlay of railroad fora ot an
Assistant to and from Lincoln is $3.80.
"Third For each day of service in trans
porting couvlcU to the pcultcntiary and
Children to thi reform school the sheriff Is
allowed by tb state 3 p r day. Those
fciaoupU have not been reported by the
M. M. Murphy g nrl agent of the Hur-
uton , with headquurUn at ouucll bluffs
Another Day Spent In Wrestling
With Thla Problem. .
Scotch Stone Cutters nml Blacksmiths
Imported Under Contract to
AVork on tlio Tcxns Cap
itol Kullilliitf.
Nsw YoitK , July DO. Just ns the congres
sional committed investigating matters re
lating to emigration was about to resume its
session , this morning a telegram was handed
Chairman Ford announcing the death
of Ills sister , Miss Esther fc'ord ,
whlloHon her way to Duluth , Minn.
At the request of Font no adjournment
was taken nml the Investigation was contin
ued with Colonel Oats in j.ho chair. Ford
will leave for Michigan to-night. The com
mission will take testimony to-day and to
morrow and then adjourn until noxtMonduy.
The dispatch received by Ford was from
his wife , who is in Washington. It contained
the bare statement that liia sister , Miss Es
ther Ford , had died suddenly from accidental
The first witness called was an Italian
named D'Allo. who came from the province
of Chictl last June. In his native land tlio
witness worked on a farm at ton and llftcan
cents a day and meals. lie also owned a
small vineyard worth 400 or 500 francs. Ho
said that others came over with him and the
whole party wore furnished tickets by an
agent who came to their village and per
suaded them to como over here. The agent
furnished their passage upon their agreeing
to pay him 250 francs. Ho was sent to a man
named Bernardino , who was to give him
work. He landed hero without any money.
Bernardino kept him for a few days , and be
cause ho had no money to pay the "bosses"
for securing work , told him he could not get
him anything. He has not had a day's ' work
since ho landed , and Is supported by charity.
In resiXMiso to questions from several mem
bers of the committee the witness stated that
out of thirteen who arrived with him three
had obtained work in this country.
After recess the committee called J. B.
Dyer , secretary of the Granite Cutters'
national union. Ho is a native of England ,
but lias been in this country eighteen years.
Ho knew of stone cutters having been
brought hero under contract to work. Ho
said that one George Harry , noting for Gus
Wilklo , n contractor , employed by a syndicate
to build the now stnto capitol at Austin ,
Tex. , had brought over a , number of stone
cutters under contract to work on this job.
The witness had received information
that they were coming , and met thorn
at Castle Garden and took three of thorn
before the United States district attorney ,
but ho refused to net and they were allowed
to go to Austin. Ho presented to the com
mittee an aftldavlt made by Charles Falconer ,
ono of the parties , who said that Harry en
gaged him and a number of others nt Aber
deen , Scotland , to como hero and work on the
Austin capitol , ho advancing three pounds
and ton shillings of the passaeo money.
Sovcnty-clght of them came over , and fifty-
five of them went to Texas. Hobort Mall-
land , another nntivo of Aberdeen , made n
similar aftldavit , which Dyer presented to the
committee. Accompanying the affidavit was
the following printed circular , which ho said
had been given to him by Barry in Aberdeen.
AUSTIN , Texas , March 12,1SSO. To the
Stonecutters of Aberdeen : This certifies
that George Barry is in my employ , con
structing the capitol building nt Austin ,
Texas , and that ho is fully authorized to en
gage and hire 150 granite stonecutters and
bring the sam'o to Austin , Texas , to cut gran
ite needed for n capitol building at the bill of
prices named below. The payments for this
work uro made on the 15&h & day of each
month preceding. It will require eighteen
months of steady granite cutting to cut
enough stone to complete the building.
Blacksmiths nro also needed in this work ,
and their pay is 40 cents per hour or 84 per
day of ten hours. Each blacksmith sharpens
the tools for fifteen cutters. The faro for the
passage paid by mo is expected to bo re
turned out of the earnings made by cutting
by the men to whom the faro is advanced.
Contractor Capital Building.
James K. Anderson , another man from
Aberdeen , was next sworn. Ho came over
with the Barry party , but union stone cutters
met him at the dock and told him that the
lob was not good ; so ho did not go to Austin.
Ho made $3.25 at his trade of cutting.
Since then ho has worked in Massachusetts.
Ho had $3 or $4 when he arrived hero. Ho
was asked no questions at Cast'o ' Garden
whop ho arrived there.
Stanislaus Miledochouskl , a native of Rus
sian Poland , next swore that the Bremen ,
Hamburg and Antwerp steamship lines have
agents there who persuade the people to oral-
grnto by means of the most untruthful rep
resentations. The most ignorant and poor
classes are those who como hero. The
authorities rigidly enforced the law compel
ling all emigrants crossing the frontier to
show that they had sufficient money to carry
them through. To moot this difllculty the
steamship agents furnish emigrants with
bogus exchange drafts , which they show at
the frontier , and which nro taken up again
as soon as they have crossed.
A large printed card consigning Robert
Mallltuid to M. Wilkio , Anstln , Texas , and
another circular accompanied the aflidavlt.
The second circular contains a printed cer-
tlllcato signed by Gus Wilkio , contractor , that
board and lodging at Burnett , whcra the
stone yard was situated , was from $10 to § 20
a mouth. Another page set off over Wllkio's
signature ) , the following bill of prices for
labor at Austin :
Beds and Joints , per superficial foot , 28
cents ; ono inch drafts , per lineal foot , 12
cents : five inch cut work , per superficial
foot , 45 cents ; eight Inch , CO cents , and
mouldings , per member , per lineal foot , 85
The circular stated that fair workmen earn
nt these prices $4 per day , while fast men
earn $0 per day. Dyer stated that when ho
found ho could not stop men hero ho notified
the Knights of Labor at Austin , and they
now have n suit pending in the United States
courts against the capitol syndicate under
the contract labor law. The witness said
that the government furnished the con
tractors with convict labor to quarry stone ,
and that the granlto cutters were asked by
the quarrymen not to cut granite which was
quarried by convict labor , and then Wilkio
sent over to Scotland for these men.
Ho said that Senator Farwoll was the
chief man of the syndicate , and that Wilkio
represents himself ns acting for the syndi
cate. The witness would not swear that the
senator know of Wilkio's action in Importing
contract labor. The state of Texas gave
tills syndicate 8,000,000 acres of land and the
labor of 500 convicts.
D.ivld Duwson , ono of the contract labor
ers brought over by Barry , was next sworn.
Ho is a blacksmith , but when ho had talked
with Barry and saw Wilkio's circular , ho engaged -
gaged to como over , and , nt Barry's request ,
fifteen others to go with him. Each of the
fifteen advanced twenty-five shil
lings ns an earnest that they would
como , but nt the last minute
Barry decided not to take two of the men
and they secured his arrest. Ho settled for
ten pounds und took the others , some eighty
in all , to New Yorir. The witness went to
Burnett , 'Cox. , and worked there under Wil
kio fifteen to eighteen months. Ho under
stood before he wont there that Wilkio had n
convict labor Job , but was told that the con
victs would bo taken oft as soon as Wilkio
could get enough free labor to
do the work. On the contrary ,
the witness declared that Wilkio doubled
the number of convicts. Wilkio paid the
witness M per day , and at his request the
witness wrote to Aberdeen , who , on his ns-
suranco .that there was work for them , secured -
cured about 11 ftoon others , who came out
hero and wore employed by Wilkio.
The witness said that it was a very com
mon thing for the people of Aberdeen to
como over and work during the summer and
return homo In the winter. The witness
said that ho could make 2.73 here , but in
Aberdeen ho could only make $1.25 a day.
Skilled laborers who como over hero for
summer work are mostly stone cutters.
A BpUl Ilorae Thief.
A ton of ex-Marshal WoUendahl while at
tending a dance given by the Poyoko Bros.
Company Lotus club at Hanscom park last
evening , had his horse and buggy stolen.
The steed was tied near the trough only a
short distance from the dancing stand and
was'taken almost from under the nose of it
owner. There is no clue either to horte and
buggy or thief.
A Spectacular Presentation , In Omaha
DurlnK > < ' lr Wook.
At the Paxton last evening wni held n
meeting of n number of public spirited citi
zens who are determined to have some gl
gnntic attraction In Onmhn during fulr week.
The stated object of tbo meeting last evening
wns to further discuss the advisability of se
curing the proposed "Siege of Sevastopol"
during fair week. It wns decided t < 5 accept
the offer of Pnlno St Co. . of Manhattan
Ucach , New York , to produce this scenic
nnd realistic display , provided that during
the next three days the people of Omaha
show a disposition to supK | > rt such a
move. If they do the bargain will
be closed nnd nn attraction secured us great
as thu.Mnrdl-Gras of New Orleans nnd the
Veiled Prophets of St. Louis. The only
plnco In which the Slego of Sevastopol has
been p-odueed is nt Manhattan Heachwhcro
it hns had u wonderful success. St. Puul
has engaged it for next year nnd Kansas
City Is trying to secure it for this year.
However , Omaha hns tbo prior claim nnd If
her people show the proper spirit they will
secure the prize , ft meets nn immediate
want nnd is In fact the only available thing
at tills into date. The display , ns It
l.i something moro than n moro panorama
rama , Is stupendous in. every way.
It requires forty car loads of paraphnnalln.
scenery , properties , etc. When arranged
for exhibition it wiU'covcci flvo acres of
ground and will represent with great faith
fulness nn actual and lifelike scene in old
SnvoAtopol. The lake will bo S50 foo"t long
by 75 wide. The structure will represent
mosques and other macnlfiocnt buildings. It
will require nn enormous amount of work to
construct this reproduction of the city. The
back ground will consist of 10,000 square
yards of painted canvas and the artificial
sky will blend so nicely with the natural
ono that it will bo imposslbla to distinguish
between them. Hartol Is ono of the artists
who has left the Imprint of his genius on the
work. The sight will bo wonderfully
realistic. Over three hundred men repre
senting Englishmen , Scotchmen , French
men nnd Arabs , take part and enact the at
tack , repulse , bombardment nnd Hnnl de
struction of the city. The grand stand will
nccommodato 10,000 spectators. The affair
is ono of such magnitude that it usually can
bo presented but thrco times n week , but
during the fair wock hero it will bo produced
flvo times. The presentation will con
sume two hours. At the close of
each entertainment there nro to
bo given rnnnl nnd equntio displays.
During the other nights of fair week some
of the most wonderful nnd beautiful fire
works ever made nro to bo presented. Thus ,
thanks to n few liberal minded citizens ,
Omaha is flimtly to secure a grand attraction
for fair week.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. '
WASHINGTON , July 30. | Special -Telegram
to TiicUnE.l Pensions granted Nebrnsknns :
Original invalid David Urooks , Salem.
Increase-John Hyland , Hluo Valley ;
Andrew J. Hull , Spring Hnnch ; Edward
Blcsh , Ookdale. Widows Arrears Eliza
beth M. , widow of William M. Notson ,
Omaha ; Eniollno E. , widow of Levi S.
Drinkwnter , Strong. Increase Patrick
McCoy , O'Neil ; Jefferson Andrew , Oxford ,
lieissue Alexander Hedgers , Koseliuul.
Widows Arrears Mary J. widow of Solo-
man D. Cramer , Kearney ; Delia 13. , widow
of Benjamin J. Hotchkiss , Beatrice.
Pensions , for lowans : Increase John
McDonald , Lyons ; Alfred E. Bnldridgo ,
Wapollo ; Joseph Lnndormilch , Wyoming ;
Arthur B. Haskcll , Burlington. Uoissuo
John Smyco , Toolsborough ; Thomas Child-
rcss , Marongo ; Olivers. Green , Modcapolis.
Original widows , etc. Allio A. , widow of
Chcovcr P. Strong , Winterset ; Emily ,
widow of Washington McWilliains , Ottor-
ville. Widow's arrears Hannah D , widow
of Samuel H. Keyes , Agency ; Fannie , widow
of GeorRO W. Stewart , Keotn ; Mary J. ,
widow of William N. Hoagland , Cedar Falls ;
Dora S. , widow of George L. Dryer , Daven
port ; Elizabeth M. , widow of James W. Evans ,
Eldon ; Paulina , widow of James M. Sexton ,
Shenandoah ; Clare S. , widow of Gastnvus
H. Bryant , Tyconio ; Mary , widow of Wen-
sel Hubbell , Toledo ; Martha J. , widow of
Arthur M. Bosworth , Brighton ; Jane , widow
of Charles Brown , Ashton ; Elizabeth S. ,
widow of Sherman S. Blancbard , Postvillu.
Increase Benjamin F. Katbburn , Goneo ;
George L. Smith , Grinnell. Koissuo Edwin
A. Norton. Hampton ; Jefferson Woostcr ,
Keokuk. Widows' arrears Eliza E. , widow
of Albert G. Eborhart , Cedar Hapids ;
Sarah A. , widow of Emanuel Costletnan ,
Newton ; Annie E. , widow of James B. , For
rest , County Line : Carolina A. , widow of
Simeon Overackcr , Clarion ; Jennie B.widow
of John O. , Ducr , Montlcello ; Mary Ann ,
widow of James Spoor , Union ; Martha A. ,
widow of James H. Holcman , Gruer ; Mary
A. , widnow of Franklin Stone , Mania ;
Susan , widow of Adam Hittinger , Musca-
tiuoMaryJ ; , , widow of James E. Laffor ,
Des Moines ; Mary A. , widow of Benjamin
F. Waltz , Delta ; Belinda A. , widow of
Thomas Cowlcy , Keokuk ; Hannn C. , widow
of George C. Carringer , Boone ; Anna
Magdclano , widow of Glaus Juugo , Daven
port ; Nancy , widow of Henry Greenblado ,
Muscatinc ; Jennie , widow of Madison M.
Knecse , Muscatinoj Edith , widow of Jacob
Coffolt , Oakland ; Eliza M. , widow of Lemuol
Jordon , Strawberry Point ; Lydia G. , widow
of Stephen Watcrbury , Cedar Falls ; Ann E. ,
widow of William Bungcr , Cedar Kaplds ;
Martha I. , widow of John A. Garrett , New
ton. Mexican widows Louisa , widow of
Morgan Carter , Mourno.
.Tho Vlalbln Supply Statement.
CHICAGO , July 30. The visible supply
for the week ending July " 28 , as compiled
by the secretory of the Chicago board of
trade , is as follows :
Wheat 33,101.000
Corn 8,374,000
Oats 2,805,000
Hyo 13S.OOO
Barley 144,000
Talking of Ilnvlnf ; a Plontc ,
The Republican Flambeau club met last
night to devise ways and means for raising
funds , The general desire favored an excur
sion and picnic , und the matter wns referred
to a committee , composed of Messrs. P. J.
Barrett , C. M. O'Donovon , II. 13. Hunt , M.
H , Uedflold and Jamus Ish. If tlio committee -
too conclude the enterprise to bo advisable ,
they nro authorized to add to their number
ouo person from each word.
A General Meeting.
To-day , at the Paxton hotel , the gen
eral freight agents of the vnrions western
lines were to hnvo held a mooting for the
purpose of equalizing rates , moro especially
these en grain. The object -was , if possible ,
to formulate n plan by which 'the lines in
Nebraska could realize moro bonoflt than
they would under the revised rates
recently issued by the , -state board
of transportation. This mooting has
been declared oft and wilt bo hold in Chicago
cage to-day. The reason of the change
was that n general manajjcrslirioeung , was to
bo held in Chicago to-morrow also , nnd that
the two could not net in conjunction. Now
it is learned that the latter meeting has been
declared off , hence the freight ugcuts will
have to figure the matter out themselves ,
Ijlnkfi unil IMns.
Clint Allen , assistant depot master at the
Union Pucltlo depot , is back from a trip to
Chicago whore ho visited. bis brother Frank ,
a reporter on the Dally News.
Joint circular No. 129 , issued by the West
ern States Freight association , reduces the
rates on bullion or pig lead from Ogdcn ,
Utah , and intermediate points in Kansas and
Nebraska and Missouri river points from $13
per ton to $15.
- MKBNH * .f
RlicnmatUra , Neuralgia. Sciatica ,
lumbago , liaokaoli * . TootliBClia , Her
Thront , Swelllncf , Sprains , IlruUe * ,
Barm , 8c lil . > 'ro t-blt .
7Drvu < iU k4 DMlwiXMnFwl * . " ! > < > '
t CbatlM A. Vo Ur Co. , palto. . Hit
\JLiui\LjjJ Ulwl-uVlnllillLiu
> ; ,
! ) ( | ! '
Tboy Onco'Moro Provo the Pro-
prloty'tOf the Tltlo.
> n
, 0.
Minneapolis J Ccnts Onmlin to tlio
Tune of l ito O Fourteen Er
rors n t.'Tlvo JIltH Toll
the iVwful Htory.
I f.
Western Annoclntlon Standing.
Following is the ofllctal standing of the
Western association teams up to and in
cluding yesterday's games :
Played Won Lost Pr Ct
St. Paul ftt 43 U3 .050
DCS Molucs 6'J JW U3 .570
Omaha CO 33 U7 .550
Milwaukee GO 83 M ,4 t
Kansas City 01 29 33 .470
Chicago 01 29 35 .453
Sioux City 85 11 1 * .440
Minneapolis Oa 25 7 .403
MlnncnpollH IH , Oinixhn O.
It was MofTctt in the box and Mufllt in the
Do not think , however , by the above dec
laration that the now pitcher was the causa
of yesterday's catastrophe , for ho pitched n
good game under the circumstances , and the
circumstances were the biggest , fattest , rottenest -
tenest circumstances you over saw.
Most of them were big enough to cat hay.
In substantiation of the statement that
Mofl'ett pitched nt least nn ordinarily good
gnmo is the fact tlmt but ono run , out of the
whole store-box full made by Minneapolis ,
wns earned. The balance were made nftor
chances had been offered to rctlro the sido.
Then again had it not been for the
young twlrler's superb fielding the visitors
would probably hnvo miido ns many runs
again. His Holding consisted principally in
gathering up wild balls , nnd stopping dis
graceful throws. For a time it looked us if
there were fourteen or llftocn men playing
against MolTott.
Almost without exception the bninnco of
the homo team pinycd HKO n lot of amateurs.
To say that the errors were runic would not
half express It , nnd It looked to tbu specta
tors ns though most of them were made In
tentionally , in left Held Wilson stood around
as if ho were simply watching the game , nnd
when n ball was knocked in his direction
ho simply gazed at it until it
had struck the ground and then
leisurely trotted nfter It , paying no attention
to the Minneapolis men , who were rapidly
making the circuit of the bases. Then An-
nis was away off. At the most critical points
of the gnmo he allowed the ball to bound
right out of his hands , and then ho would
look ill ) as if surprised , nnd finally begin n
ehasofor the flying sphere. Crooks ulso , al
though evidently playing hard , did some very
wild work. MoQair played un errorless
came in right , but ho did not have much to
do. The only man outsldo the pitcher who
seemed to bo playing to win was Miller , who
put up n maguillqcnt game nnd accepted
every chance. Uutn pitcher and third base
man cannot win a game in the face of such
beastly work as thai balance of the crowd
was guilty of. \i \ *
It was a sight to see Manager Seleo. Just
before the game he took his seat on the
bench with n smllo wrapped round his face
like a comforter. ) " Hut at its close ho looked
like a man who had < bccn nt n funeral nnd
came homo and taken n Turkish bath. Ho
was speechless with disgust , and the audi
ence shared largely. the feeling that lilled
his manly chest , r H
Sunday evening after the excellent game
that Omaha played against the Flour City
aggregation two attaches of THE HEH wit
nessed a little Incident that may have had
something to do with yesterday's outrageous
exhibition. For sometime rumors have boon
abroad that the members of the local team
have been cnrftubing at night In a
Douglas street1' saloon. That the
plnoa is a 'rendezvous ' for the
players there is no question , and that they
drink stuff there that is stronger than water
there is no question either. Sunday night
two of the team hardly took the time neces
sary to eat their supper bcforo they were on
the way to the saloon and were scon to enter
it. How long they remained there If not
known , but it is known that on a piovious
occasion two other members of the team
were lu the same place as late as 11:45 : p. m. ,
both drunk and both of them expected to
play to win against Kansas City the follow
ing day. The incidents nro mentioned simply
for the purpose of showing that there maybe
bo reasons for the numerous "oft days" the
Omnhas have boon struck with lately.
The melancholy details of yesterday's
calamity are appended :
AD. 11. I ) . SB. PO. A. B.
Wilson , If
Crooks , 2b
Miller. 3b -
McOurr , rf
Naglo , o
Moffett , p
Cooney , ss
O'Connell , Ib
Totals 33 0 5 2 24 13 14
AII. u. n ; su. ro. A. B.
Hawes , Ib 5 3 3 0 13 0 0
Walsh , ss
UKlsnan , 2b
Howe , rf 5 3 2 0 J. 0 0
Kreig , 31) )
Jevno , If
McCullom , cf
Uroughton , o 5 1 1 0 0 0 0
Sowders , p
Totals 44 18 13 1 27 19 3
Omaha . 0 00000000 0
Minneapolis . 5 4001200 - 18
Huns earned Minneapolis 1. Two-base
hits Onmha. Three-base hits Minneapolis
3 , Double plays Omaha ' > , Minneapolis 1.
liases on balls Mollctt 2 , Sowders 3. Struck
out Moffett 1 , Sowders 5. Passed ball
Naglo 1. Wild pitch Moffott 1. Tlmo 2:05. :
Umpire Quest.
Kansas Ciiy 7 , Milwaukee O.
KANSAS Cm- , July 30. [ Special Telegram
to THE 13EE.1 The Ulucs and tha Milwaukoas
played a postponed gnmo off to-day and tt
proved rather a ono-sidod contest , the visi
tors being shut out with u.iso on account of
their miserable Holding and inability to hit
the ball effectively. They bunched their
errors in the third inning and as a couso-
ijuenco the Ulues soared Hvo unearned runs.
Fuller accomplishing the unusual feat of
nmkingtwo errorsiwnilo one man wns nt bat.
Tlio Hlucs pinycd n good Holding game , bat
ting Stephens nt vrilh There were no bril
liant plavs. The sccro
Kansas City. . . . 0 .0.5 000011 7
Milwaukee . 0 00000000 0
Earned runs Kansas City 2. Three-base
hits Johnson , Ardnor. First base on balls
Off Nichols 1 , Stephens 1 , First base on
errors Kansas City 5 , Mllwnnkco 2. Struck
out Uy Nichols t Op Stephens 3. Passed
balls Uy Gunson 1 , 'Mills 2. Wild pitches-
Stephens. Hits Kansas City 10 , Milwaukee
5. Errors Kansas * City 4 , Milwaukee 8.
Batteries Nichols" , itad Quuson , Stephens
and Mills. TimO- Umplre-Fcsson- : -
Sioux City 1O , Chloa.-jo II.
Sioux CITT , July 80. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] Siou'x : City eaMly won a vic
tory over Chicago to-day without playing nn
extraordinarily good Kamo. Two or three
members of the Chicago club were not In
llrst class condition , Hoover , the catcher ,
having a bndly hurt hand. Sioux City batted
Cady's pitching often and far and got every
bcnctlt from , the uwkward Holding. The
score :
Sioux City . 0 2-10
Chicago . 1 00010100-3
Kuus earned Sioux City 3. Chicago 2.
Two base hits Snocd , Kccclus , Ithecms ,
Hcuglo , Schoencck. Three base hits Force ,
Vouch , Slobel. Double play Hcnglo and
Schooneck. Uase on balls Hy Cody 5 , by
Slobel 2. Struck out Hy Cady 3. Passed
balls Hoover 4 , Nichols 3. Wild pitch
Slebel. Loft on bases Chicago 9 , Sioux
City 10. Time 3:00. : Umpire Cusick.
DCS MnlncH 11 , St. Paul U.
Des MOINES , July SO. [ Special Telegram
to TinellDE.I DCS Motnes took the game
from the loaders to-day from the start , hit-
tins Duryca for n dozen bases In the first
four Innings , and making eleven runs. After
that very little effort was made by cither
side. Umpire Hagan was sick , and Rlngo ,
ol the St. Paul team , did good work as um
pire. Hutchison was in excellent form , but
lot up nt the last of the gnmo. Van Dyke
made n very difficult catch in the seventh in
ning. Thoscoro !
Dos Molncs a 3000000 0 11
St. Paul 0 00010002 3
Runs earned DCS Molncs 0. St. Paul 2.
Two-base hits Qulnn , Holliday , Sago ,
Hutchison. Three-base hitsQulun , Stearns ,
Mauullar , Brynau , Plckett , Reilloy. Double
plays Macullar , Qulnn and Stearns. Bases
on balls By Hutchison 3 , by Uuryoa 1.
Bases given for hitting man with ball By
Duryoa 1. Struck out By Hutchison 3 , by
Duryca 1. Passed balls Earlo 3. Wild
pitch Duryca 1. Time 2:03. : Umpire
Yesterday's Winners in tlio National
League ContcHtH.
NBW YOIIK , July 30.-Result of to-dny's
game :
Now York.i..0 00000001 1
Washington 0 0202131 * 0
Pitchers Crane for New York , Wtiitnoy
for Washington. Base hits Now York : i ,
Washington 11. Errors Now York 5Wash
ington -Umpire Daniels.
BOSTON , July 30. Result of to-dny's game :
Boston 0 000101001 0 3
Philadelphia 0 100010001 1 4
Eleven innings. Pitchers Sowders for
Boston , Buftliuton for Philadelphia. Base
hits Boston 11 , Philadelphia 10. Errors-
Boston 12 , Philadelphia 5. Umpire Pow
ers.DKTIIOIT , July 30. Result of to-day's
game :
Detroit. . . . ! 013000000 0 5
Indiunap'llaO 320000000 1 0
Eleven innings. Pitchers GetzeIn for De
troit , Burdick for Indianapolis. Base hits-
Detroit 0 , Indianapolis 11. Errors Detroit
8 , Indianapolis 3. Umpire Lynch.
The American Association
CI.KVEL.INU , July 80. Result of to-day's
gauio :
Cleveland 0 10000000 1
St. Louis 0 00000000 0
BAJ.TIMOUE , July 30. Result of to-day's '
game :
Baltimore 0 00010000 1
Louisville 0 5
PHILADELPHIA , July 30. Result of to-day's
game :
Athletics 0 2
Kansas City..0 00000000 0
CHICAGO , July 30. Result of to-day's
game :
Chicago 2 00001004 7
Plttsbnrg 0 8
Pitchers Krock for Chicago , Morris for
Pittsburg. Base hits Chicago 14 , Pittsburg
10 Errors Chicago 4 , Pittsburg 3. Umpire
Nooln IS , Council Dluffc 1.
NKOI.A , la. , July 80. Result of yesterday's '
Council Bluffs..1 000200D1 4
Neola 1 * 12
Base hits CouncllUluffs | 0Ncola , 9. Errors
Council BluiTs (1 ( , Nooln 0. Stolen bases
0 , Neolu 5. Struck out Council Bluffs 7 ,
Noola 5. Batteries Council Bluffs : Sea-
field , Stevenson and Priest ; Neola : Stvueny
and Bardsley.
Summary of Yesterday's Races at
Brighton Bench.
HiuniiTON BiSACir , July 80. Summary :
Three-quarters of n mile C. A. Albans
won In 1:21 : , Romance second , Songster third.
Three-quarters of n mile Dalesman won
in 1:19 : , Vanilla ( filly ) second , Matot third.
One and one-sixteenth miles Bortio W
won in 1:5 : > , Relax second , Mary Hamilton
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Clatter won
in 1:55 : } , Count Luna second , King Robin
One and one-eighth miles Erielo won in
2:03Jf : , Ravcllar second , Richelieu thiru.
Seven-eighths of n mile Tattler won in
1 : S2 > j\ , Jim Clare second , Young Duke third.
c To err is humnn , but you mnko no
mistake if J you use Dr. Jones' Rod
Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costiveness ,
bad breath , piles , pimples , ague and
mnluria , poor appetite , low spirits , or
diseases of the Kidneys , stomach and
liver. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
When the Energies Flag
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dn. T. C. SMITH , Charlotte , N. D. . says :
' It is an invaluable nerve tonic , a delightful
beverage , and ono of the best restorers when
the energies flag and the spirits droop. "
A Girl at South Oimilm One Victim
Another Case Proves Fatal.
Working at 12 o'clock noon , and dead nt 0
o'clock in the evening. That is the history
of Laura Schultz's last day on oarth. She
came to this country from Sweden six
weeks ago , mid after spending two weeks
with nn uncle In Colorado , found employ
ment nt the restaurant of Alex Winters on
N street , South Omaha. Yesterday morn-
lug she complained seriously of the excessive
heat , and shortly after noon she took the ad
vice of her employer and went to the resl-
idcnco of a cousin who lived at
Brown Park. The services of Dr.
Glasgow were called into requisition , and for
a time she seemed to rally , and sent a note to
tha restaurant , asking that ! x"r situation ho
held as she would bo ut work again this
morning , but she had a relapse and died
shortly after 0 o'clock.
The county authorities have been notified ,
and the body will bo turned over to them for
interment. The deceased was about twenty
years of ago and bore an excellent reputation
among those who bccamo acquainted with
her during her short stay in America.
Another case of sunstroke occurred about
8 o'clocic last evening on Tenth street near
Hnrnoy. The victim is un unknown of about
thirty-five , clad in the garb of u laborer. Ho
is stoutly built and has n heavy , dark mus
tache. Ho was carried into an empty store
room near by r.nd restoratives applied. The
physician in attendance pronounced it an un
usually severe case. The unfortunate man
was taken to St. Joseph's hospital , whereho
died last night.
A Customer llccelvcs a Cut In n Thir
teenth Street Saloon.
While M. Franklin was in A. B. Snow-
den's saloon nt No. 314 South Thirteenth
street Ust evening ho got Into trouble with
tlie proprietor , and claims that Snowden ,
with his bartender , John Carl , most fiercely
assaulted him. In the melee that followed
Franklin was stabbed in the back. The cut
extended into the Intercostal muscles , but
fortunately did not enter the lungs. The
wound bled profusely. Warrants were
sworn out immodlatoly for the arrest of both
Suowden and Carl on the charge of assault
with intent to kill. Later both of them were
captured by the officers and lodged in the
central police station. Each ono denies that
ho used any weapon whatever In the tiirlit ,
but both acknowledge having assaulted
Franklin ,
She IH an Advonturegs.
It has transpired that Lena Schneider , the
designing female who squandered 1'rof. Wex-
lord's roll of money , and then drove him to
the point of suicide by her cruel crcatment , is
an adventuress well known in this city. In
fact shu has been making her headquarters in
Omaha und her last trip to Dos Moincs was
in quL't > t of Just such a ' 'sucker" as Wexford
proved to be. The professor feels heartily
ushamed of the weakness ho has displayed
throughout the escapade , but Is glad that ho
was deterred from his intended suicide on
Sunday nlKht. Lena Is meanwhile supposed
to bo laying tlio suaro for other birds.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wh n BabWM rick , we garc htr Cohort * .
When ih * WM Ctttd , it * crted far CaatorU ,
When & bo ma MUa , > ha eluag to CoatorU ,
Wbeo shehvl ClIMren , iho garo tb m Caetorta.
An Important Amendment to the
Sundry Civil Bill.
llo SugKGBts A Method Hy Whloli
These VcrdnrolosH Trnctn Mny
Bo Mnilo to Blossom Llko
_ the Kosc.
WASHINGTON , July 30. The senate ro-
sumcd consideration of the sundry civil bill
and several unimportant amendments were
agreed to.
Mr. Bowcn offered nn amendment appro ;
prlatiug $330,000 for the purpose of invest ! ,
gating thc.oxtent to which the arid region ol
the United States can be redeemed by Irriga
tion , and briefly addressed the senate in its
Mr. Bowen said that ho wns not perform
ing an act of merely perfunctory character In
offering the amendment , because the vcr.v
reverse was true. Ho was very much in ear
nest about It and hoped It would have the
fair and candid consideration which its great
importance demanded. The point had very
nearly been reached 'vhon the country would
havn no land surplus. By arid lands ho
meant all land that wns uon-productivo with
out irrigation , and that classification em
braced tlio eastern portion of California , Or
egon , Washington Territory and nearly the
whole of Idaho , Utah , Nevada , Now Mexico ,
Colorado , Wyoming and Montana , while the
western iwrtions of Dakota , Nebraska , Kan
sas and Texas were , in some seasons , seri
ously affected by drouth. If nature had to
be depended on for moisture there could not
bo raised in all this vast domain a single
bushel of wheat , while , whenever and what
ever moisture was supplied , these verdure-
less deserts changed as If by magic nnd became -
came the garden spots of thu world. A largo
part of the arid lands of the United States
would , for various reasons , remain so for
ever , but the proK | > rtlon which could be re
deemed and mudo useful wns suftlciently
largo to make their reclamation n matter of
profound interest. The appropriation urged
was strictly in the line of economy , because
it was based on a consideration of the highest
national importance and public polity. If a
general reclamation of the arid lands could
bo accomplished , the amount asked to inaugu
rate tlio experiment was but n trillo.
Mr. Allison thought that this appropriation
would bo but nn entering wcdgo to much
larger sums to bo appropriated before such
can bo accomplished.
Mr. Teller favored the amendment.
Mr. Plumb opposed it , und snld that the
measure was conceived in utter disregard of
the riparian rights of those who dwelt on the
Lower Platte , Arkansas and Mississippi riv
ers. He sawflln It a means of speculation in
the public domain. Ho wai glad that the
iimounthad been put as low as $2. > 0COO , for if
it had proposed an appropriation of millions
there would not bo two votes against it. This
was not the tiuio for such work.
The proposition was supported by Messrs.
St uwart , Voorhecs nnd Call.
Mr. Beck said that If the matter were
entered upon on the scale suggested it would
take 5100,030,000. The survey alone would
take over $5IHXCOO. ) It was a scheme which
ought not to bo gone into In that form with
out more careful consideration. The effect of
the proposition would bo in the Interest of
Mr. Teller said that the proposition was
not in the nature of a Job , as the senator
from Kansas would have it understood. It
was in the interest of the great toiling
masses who lived on farms , ana in the inter
est of tlio nation and the world. Men who
lived on farms were never anarchists , never
revolutionists , but were the safety valve of
the nation und of the world.
Mr. llcagan called attention to the fact
that there was no provision in thu amend
ment for withdrawing the land designated as
sites for reservoirs , nnd that such land
would bo taken up by those who watched the
operations of the survey.
Mr. Teller moved to odd the following
words to the amendment nnd the motion was
agreed to : "And as fast ns such sites for
reservoirs shall bo surveyed such site shall
bo in a state of reservation until the presi
dent shall otherwise order. "
Mr. Allison thought that there must be a
misapprehension as to the full effect of the
proposition. If it was' not for the purpose
solely of acquiring Information it was for the
purpose of embarking the government in anew
now scheme of activity.
Mr. Dawes spoke of the fact that under
the existing laws the whole region of
northern Dakota was held lit great land
holdings , which were the curse of the
country. If it could bo made clear to him
that when the plan was perfected it would
bo for the ndvantago of the settlers of homesteads -
steads he would favor it. But ho did not
want the attention of speculators drawn to
points where they would make the most
Mr. Ueagau offered as a substitute for Mr.
Teller's amendment the following , which
was agreed to. "And all lands which maybe
bo designated for reservoirs nnd canals for
irrigations to bo all rosarved as the property
of the United States , and shall not bo subject
to entry or settlement until hereafter pro
vided for by law. "
Finally the discussion closed nnd Mr.
Bowcu's amendment , ns amended , was
agreed to. Yeas 29 , nays 8.
Mr , Spoonor offered an amendment ap
propriating SiTi.OJO for a building at Atchlson ,
Kansas. Without acting upon , the amend
ment the senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , July 30. In the house today ,
on motion of Mr. Strublo , of Iowa , the sen
ate bill was passed for the erection of n pub
lic building at Sioux City , Iowa , at a cost of
* I50.000.
The chairman of the committee on manu
factures requested the committee be
granted leave to sit during recess. The re
quest was trantcd.
A conference was ordered on the senate
amendments to the navy appropriation bill.
The committee on manufactures submitted
n report which was oritered printed.
The house then wont into committee of the
whole on the deficiency appropriation bill.
After much controversy un arrangement was
arrived at under which the debate on
the bill , with the exception of thu French
spoliation claims section , was limited to ono
hour. The bill will then be considered by
paragraphs until the excuptcd section Is
reached , when a nlno hours' general debate
will bo allowed. Tha bill was then read by
paragraphs for amendments.
Mr. Kerr of Iowa , offering a formal amend
ment , spoke of the obligation upon the gen
eral government to care for ex-soldiers. Ho
said that if the president had recommended
some favorable legislation to tlio attention of
the house , Judging by thu effect of his efforts
in certain other matters , his views would
have prevailed , und the country might bo re
lieved of tha great danger of a surplus in the
Mr , Burns of Missouri maintained that the
government had cared for its soldiers with
generosity unparallelled in the history of
nations ; while iho present administration
hud done more for the soldiers and their wid
ows and orphans than any other administra
tion.Tho committee rose , leaving the appropria
tion bill pending ,
Upon request of Mr. Mills the hour of
meeting of the house was changed from U a.
m. to 13 in. Mr. Mills also sought to huvo
Thursday , August 7 , assigned to the com
mittee on labor , but Mr. Hogern of Arkansas
objected , because the committee would not
keep the convict labor bill from the list of
measures to bo acted on.
Mr. Dibble presented the conference re
port on the Omaha public building bill , fix
ing the appropriation ut $400,000 , but before
it could bo considered the house adjourned.
Mrs. J. S. Christouseii. July 30 , at 841
South Nineteenth street.
Funeral Tuesday , July 31 , at 2 p. m. , from
residence. Friunds cordially Invited.
An Eauor.Imprlsonc < 1.
DDIIUX , July 30. Mayor McIIush , of
Sligo , has been tried and convicted on a
charge of publishing boycotting notices In his
newspaper , the Sligo Champion. Ho was
sentenced ta four month * Imprisonment.
Mr , M. F.O'Donnell ' to the Long List
The Health of OtnMiii anil ltd Cltl
lzon . How Our Bnnllarjr Iteguln-
tlons Are Itoiuff Carried Out.
As the hot weather progresses nnd the icnii iv
well as tint fat mnn sw pliers and fumes ns lid
proceeds to nml from lilt business , tt would not
bo a bad Men to lixjulro Into the minltnry condi
tion of our city. Inquiry among our physlclnni
develop * the fact Unit thorn Is no innro Mcknos *
Ht thiti tlmo m Umnha than In to be found Inauy
city of Its size , 'Mil rnct. " gnld ono phVHlnlnn
there Is lesn Hlcknim hero tlmn \souUl have
supposed , of course the Imblex nro the ones who
suirur.tho most this wcnther , with some ot them
teething ami what is known ns th * imiumur
cumpliilnt , the little ilnrlliiKS must suffer con
siderably nml not n fen * ot them die , but tha
ratio ot deaths lu Omaha Is exceedingly nmnll.
whether this cnn bo duo to the oxrvlionro nf
Ouiahn'a physicians or to the excellent sanitary
measures It IH hard to say , but I presume the
honors nro nbout evenly divided. "
U Is a fact , as the writer has learned , that
Onmhn has vrlthtn Its limits physicians whn
for Ability nml medical knowlcxljui will compare
very f vrtr bljr with tholr bretlnen nnyuhcro lu
the country.
While tn quvst of news recently the writer mot
n Rontlonmn with whom ho was acmmlntud nnd
ho knew had been qulto nick lately , on being
He was gcttlnj along the gentleman ,
sin. M. r. O'DONNKM , ,
gave the writer the following account of him *
self with request that hu publish It if ho
thought it worthy of publication.
"Vou know , " said Mr. O'Donnell , that over
since early lu the spring 1 liavo been very sick
nml was In perfect ml cry , my whole system
WIIH run down I laid continual headaches ,
my buck pained mo. In Hhort 1 was Inptilunll
over , when I went to bed nt night I felt ns tired
and UuiRUld aH thoiib | Iliad worked hard nil
day , and I could not work u bit. 1 would wnko
upln thu morning nnd would fool Just ns bud ;
my Bleep did not help me or refresh me ono bit.
My head would bo ntopped up so that I could
scarcely bre.itho , nud my nose , well my iioso
was stopped up so much that 1 could not brentho
through my nostrils nt nil. I doctored nnd tried
everything my friends rocommundod to me , butte
to no avail for I continued to grow worse In
stead or better. Some two months ngo nfter
reading the ndvertlHemonts of Dr. McCoy , 1 con
cluded I would cnll on him nnd Bee what ho
could do for mo. I called nt tbo oltloa In the
llamgo Illouk , and was nxninlnod by Doctor C.
M. Jordan , viho thun had charge of Ur , McCoy's
olllce. The doctor , utter examination , told mo I '
had cnttmh nnd n pretty bud CUHU too , but snld
he could cure me : I wns somewhat dubious of
that but he looked to mo Hko u man who under
stood Ills business and 1 concluded to Rlvohlm a
trlivl and 1 am not sorry tlmt 1 did , for ho hud
only treated me tor two weeks when I full nblo
to go to work which I did and Ihnvo worked
ever since , nnd to-day 1 feel better tlmn I have
felt since last Hprlng , nnd I feel ns though I
can't do or say enough for Or. Jordan , for ho
certainly has done \roudurs for mo.
Ur. d'Pounfll , whose portrait graces the
column above Hvos nt No. Georgia Avenno
nua works for Jlr. Andrew Murphy , tlio
shocr , and Is willing to coioborato the above
statement to anyone doubting It.
Dr. Charles M. Jordon , the physician 'men
tioned nbove hns had chnr e ot Ir jlncoy's
business In Omaha us resident physician for the
past year nnd has performed the cures that liavo.
been published In the dully papers week nfter
woeK. Dr. Jordan Is n graduate of the univer
sity of New York City , and Howard University
of Washington , I ) . 0. nnd has made a tour of the
hospitals oC Kngland , 1'ranco nnd Germany , nud
is a physician who Is thoroughly learned tn his
profession and is fully qualified for the worn ha
Is pursuolug.
A Popular Explanation.
Tha past ngo might bo called a superstitious
one , The present can more properly bo called
an ago of surprises , formally thingsouce classed
among the Impossibilities have now becoinu
everyday possibilities. Itwouldbo Miperiliioua
to enumerate them. Hut hnvo we reached the
utmost41mlt ? Hnvo wo ? Physicians who claim
to make certain ailments of tlio human body
subject to a special study , and claim to be aulo
to euro such diseases , nro pronounced by other
self-satlstlod practitioners as presumptuous ; but
does their saying so make UBO ? The man who
can come the nearest to overcome the seem
ing Impossibilities of others la now nil the rngo ,
and well doesho orthoydescrvethosucceas they
hnvo labored so hard to obtain. Dr , J. Uieaaji
McCov or his aasoclatoa do not mnkn chums to
anything marvelous , such as ratsiug the dead
nnil glvlngthcm now llfejnelther do they claim
to give slglit to the blind ; but by their new nnd
scientific method ot treating catarrh they have
cured und do cure catarrh luis well as bronchial
and throut troubles , 'Uuiy nmko ca iirrtt nnpa
cialty , because It Is ono of the most prevalent
nml troublesome diseases that the people of this
climate are heir to. Hlnce Dr. .McCny nnd his
associates have located In this city lluty liuve
treated with micros * hundreds of persons whom
other physicians have told their disease wns
clawed among tlio Incurables. Do they not pub
lish from week to week in the dally papers estl-
inonlals from some of the mnity grateful pat
ents , giving In each cusa the full iiamo and ad
dress of the persons making the statement that
the doubting , nnd Hknptlcnl mav fall and Inter-
vlow the Haiti people prior to vlaltlngthedoctor's
olllce for consultation. The puoplu advertised
ns cured nro by no means obscure or unknown ,
Imtlu the majority of cases nro cltl/.ens vtoll
known by the business people nnd community
nt large , nnd It will moro tuun repay nny 0110
siillerini ; with catnrruul affection to visit those
wlioie statements nro published , or consult
with the doctor or his associates ut his otllice.
lu this connection there can hardly bo a moro
Interesting Mibject than the ultimate effects or
catarrh upon the hearing. 'J'ho processes of this
disease In polsonlngthn bre.ith. rotting away thu
dollcnto mnchlneryof Hinell and taste , poisoning
thu lungs , nud thu blood , nml p.i Hlue into the
stomncn enfeebling the digestion , vitiating ttio
secretions nnd pointing the very fountains of
life. All this hns perhaps been very generally
dl on ned , but the voryfreriuontflirectofcatarih
of the noie nnd thronl upon the henrlng li.innot
: > cen touched upon as oftun as the subject
A very little Btupy of anatomy will show the
reader that the Junction of the back passage of
: ho nose nnd the upper parts of the throat Is
connected with the ear by n mlnuto anil dell-
cnto pnssniio known ill the KustachUn tnbo.
Aloii' this tube thu cntuirh process extends ,
iroduclngconueiulonnnd Inllamatlon , Ily the
'urthor extension of this process to the mucus
Inlngof t'io tympanum of the car U canted , in
some cases. Blluhi forms of catarrh ot thu mid-
llo ear , und In this \\ny partial or complete
deafness msv In Hko manner result from the
Bwoolon , thickened tissue encroaching upon the
nouth of the KiiHtnchlan lube.
Partial or complete deafness muy also result
from catarrhs I Interference with the nnsiil
jreathlng , depriving the enr uf a proper supply
ofpuronlr orfiom the Directs or obUrnctloii
n the pussngos. canning undue rurltlnu *
Ion or condensation of. the air In tbo mlddlo
In such cases ns th-ne , general remedies ,
vhlch nre often prescribed , prove compnra-
Ivoly Insfcctlve. A euro cnn only bo obtained
iy skilled nml scleullllc local treatment-and
et It bo snld horn Unit nothing could bo attcnd-
d with moro dlsiistrous results than unskilled
ornl treatment comblnnd with ronHtltntlonul
rentmcnt nnd care for the disease which
broubt about tUo trouble to tlio hearing ,
Q _
Pciunnnntly ftnontod.
Dr. J. ( 'rennp McCoy , late ot llellovuo Ilosnl.
a I , New York , succeeded by Dr , ( tinrlas
I. Jordnn , Into of the Unlver-
Uy nt N w York City. OMJ of Wishing-
on , 1) , C. , have locnted peimnnently In tha
tnmgtt Illouk I , Omaha , N b. , when- nil curable
cases are treated skillfully. Consumption.
Irluht's Dltuiuo. DyHpop sta , Ithennuulsm , and
all nervous disease. All l diseases peculiar to
ex a specialty.
Consultation nt olllce or by mall , fl. OfBc *
iou , 0 to 11 a. m. , B to i p. m. , 7 to a p , m.
Sunday Hours , from 0 a , in , to 1 p. in.
Corc.spimdence receives prompt attention.
No letters anawtreil unless accouipuuUd by 4
cents la stuinpj.