Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1888, Image 1

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    pt'TTiiTP i r"rr < n nn AIVIMI
Mrs. Mooro's Oauoo Championed By
the Woman's National League.
Senator ftowcn'H Amendment Finally
Panned Who Will Succeed Kv-Gov-
crnor Purler ? Mrs. FoMcr's
I'lniiH Miscellaneous.
Making It Warm For O'Neill.
f * WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 30. 1
The Woman's National league of this city
/ias / taken up the lljjht against Representative
John V. O'Neill , of St. Louis , on behalf of the
Mrs. Moore , who has made O'Neill so much
trouble by chinning to bo his wife and who
protested against his marrlago to a young
woman in St. Louts last Wednesday , and
have carried the case to the postmaster gen
eral and Cardinal Gibbous. The ofllcors of
the league suy that O'Neill's ' Influence secured
a delay In the protest sent through the malls
to the archbishop and other ofllccrs of the
Catholic church in St. Louis , protesting
against the congressman's marrlago and an
investigation lias been demanded of the post
master general. The appeal taken to Cardinal
Gibbon Is on the ground that sufficient
protest was made to tlio ofllccrs of the church
by telegraph and the cardinal promises to
bring tha case up In the church for trial if
there is no rccourso In the law. The United
States district attorney hero says that there
is no law in the District of Columbia to
punish seduction , bastardy and kindred
crime. O'Neill Is expected hero every day
with his bride and he Is promised a warm re
ception by the Woman's league. Mrs. Moore
Is at the Uolvidero hotel whore she says she
is about to become a mother. She has made
an uflldavlt thut the child Is O'Neill's. Hev.
P. J. Donahue , private secretary to the car-
j dlnal , was hero to-day.
Senator Bowcn's amendment to the sundry
civil bill for the appropriation of F-WO.OOO for
preliminary services for the purpose of buildIng -
Ing reservoirs at the head waters of streams
for storing of water and for the Irrigation of
arid regions caused quite a lively debate In
the donate this afternoon. The senators from
the states of Nov.ul i , and Colorado , together
with Senators Mandcrson , Call and Morgan
advocated the amendment , and Messrs.
Plum and Deck opposed it. The amendment
is In line with the bill Introduced early In the
session and favorably reported from Mr.
Paddock's ' committee on the Mississippi river
and its tributaries. Senator Manderson ad
vocated It earnestly and regretted the
nbscnco of his colleague , Senator
Paddock , as that gentleman , ho was
sure , would liuvo seine warm words to
say on behalf of the amendment. Senator
Manderson called attention to the great
benellt which has been derived from irriga
tion in Colorada and Nevada , and stated
that during a visit to Arizona and New Mexico
ice the geologists had pointed out to him the
evidences of irrigating ditches thut must
huvo existed during the Spanish occupation.
lie called attention to the fact that whfitthoy
once called the "great American desert"
embraces In its area what Is now the state of
Nebraska and that during his stay in the
state ho has seen the arid region almost
eliminated from the map through the
. advances in cultivation made possible
by irrigation which has brought about an
increased and more equable distribution of
the rainfall. Experiments of this kind , ho
argued , would prove of enormous benefit to
the whole country and ho intioduccd Into
his remarks a letter from Governor Taylor
calling the attention of the Nebraska delega
tion and throiK'h them of congress to the
necessity of taking some slops towards pre
venting the further depotlon of the water of
the Phitte. Senator Mumlorson thought
thut these reservoirs would nmko a vast
amount of territory now Incapable of cultiva
tion as fort I Id us any In the land. The
amendment was finally adopted.
ix-iiovEiixou : i-oiiTKit's WITHIHIVWAI , .
Indiana republicans in congress weru con
siderably disappointed to-day upon receiving
the announcement thut ox-Govcrnornor Al
bert Porter , their favorite , hud refused to
accept the nomination for governor. Tho.v
say Porter is stronger with the laboring ele
ment than any other man In the state , but
there are other aspirants to the nomination
who huvo moro strength in other directions
and who will average up as well at tha polls ,
It is probable that Major Stcelo of Marion ,
who has four times been elected to congress
from a demoeratlo district and Is now a mem
bcr of the house , or General Alvin P. Hovey ,
of Evansvllle , who was elected to congress
by 1,300 majority two years ape from n dis
trlct having over three thousand democratic
majority , will bo the nominee , Both are iiu
nionsoly strong among the soldkrs and tin
/ masses. The republicans from every state
In Washington , recognl/e the Importance o :
the Ilooslcr gubernatorial ruce and a keei
Interest Is shown.
XIH . VOSTEIl 8KCl'lliD. :
Mrs. J. Ellen foster , the Iowa tomporanci
Dgltutor and lawyer , who left ycsterduj
morning for Plttsburg on her way homo , hui
Bccured an engagement with the republieai
congressional committee. It Is understooi
that she will speak in Maine , New Jersey
Connecticut , Michigan and places where tin
prohibitionists are strongest. Her temper
nnre principles are satU lied with the lioutell
resolution and like many other prohibition
Ists she advocates the repeal of tlio whisk ;
tax , believing it would clear the path fo
state action.
Representative Strublo of Iowa called u
in the liouso to-day his bill appioprlatln
3153,000 for a public building at Sioux Cit }
and secured Its passage.
Chief Justice Fuller , who is In the citj
talks of buying tlio elegant residence u
James L. Harbour , the Asphalt mine mat
The piopei'ty cost over t OO.OOO , and la Ic
ciited on the Fourteenth street extension , on
in Ho north ot the executive mansion , and I
ono of the handsomest. In the city. The res
denco Is now , of Gothic architecture , Malu
stone , and is surrounded by four acres c
grove and terraced grounds.
William H. Cancer , ot Loup City , Neb
L. S. Ellswoith , of Holdnx'O. Neb. , and Fil
ley Burke , of Council HlulTs , were today ni
inltted to practice before the interior depar
C. S. Lake , Esq. , United States pcnslo
agent at DCS Mollies , Is in the city , in
companlod by Mrs. Lulto and son lirua
They are the guests of Airs. General W.
Dye , and will probably remain In the clt
ten days or a foi might.
Tlio Immigration Question Pri'ucute
to tlio Hou-- < > .
WASHINGTON , July 80. Mr. McAdoo <
Now Jersey introduced in the house to-dn
for reference to the commlttco on forcij
affairs , a Joint resolution calling for into
umtion from our consuls in foreign countrl
relative to immigration to the United State
H provides that consuls , consul generals ai
minister * , resident of the United States ,
forolgh countries from which coma en
grants in consldcrablo number to tlio Unit
States , shall 'proceed to investigate the 01
Ignition from thcso countries with npccl
reference to the following questions ;
First Are thcso emigrants , or any part
them , criminals , paupers , or Incupucltut
lor labor !
Second Do the local or national uutho
ties directly or Indirectly asblst , cncouraj
or pay for such emigration foi' political
other reasons , and , If so , to what extent I
Third Are the o emigrants , or any pi
tlon of them , assisted to como to this .count
Under labor contracts npiilnst nxistlngluu
t'eurUi Aro' false Inducements Ubed
steamship companies , labor contractors or
others to insure emigration to the United
States !
Fifth What part , If any , do the local and
national authorities take with reference to
thcso people coming to the United States !
Sixth What societies , corporations , indi
viduals or companies In foreign countries erIn
In the United States are concerned In encour
aging or assisting emigration to the United
States , together with such other information
concerning this subject as may bo germane
to tha inquiry )
To meet all necessary and legitimate ex
penses ? 10X.O Is appropriated , to bo used in
the discretion of the secretary of state , to
whom consular officers are to report their
findings , and who Is charged with the duty
of transmitting them to congress.
Hcvcrnl Important
Ity the Federation of Iialxir.
. WASHINGTON , July ! M ) . The bill uitroducea
by Senator Blair to-day at the request of the
federation of labor to amend tha law prohib
iting the importation of foreign labor under
contract , makes a number of changes in the
phraseology of the law , as well as ono or two
changes of a somewhat Important character.
The first section , which made It unlawful to
assist "tho Importation of foreigners into
this country , under contract or airraoment to
perform labor , " Is amended by making it
read : "Tho importation of any alien or
foreign laborer , mechanic , artist or artisan ,
under agreement to perform labor. " An
other amendment does away with the pro
visions uuthori7lng the secretary of the
treasury to enter into a contract with state
commissions to take charge of the execu
tion of the provisions of the act within the
boundaries of their respective states , and
designates the collectors of customs at the
various ports us the persons upon whom shall
devolve the duties heretofore authorized to
bo entrusted to the stuto commissions.
lie Denies That lie Had Anything to
do With the Prltitlni ; of It.
WASHINGTON , July MO. Speaker Carlisle
furnishes the following statement in refer
ence to the reports that his tariff speech had
been sot up in a "rut" ofllco in Philadelphia.
"I huvo not seen the stat6mont , but have
been informed that such a charge has been
mado. There is no truth whatever In the
statement. Five hundred copies of my
speech on the tariff were ordered to bo
printed at the government printing ofllco , and
I have no connection with any order or con
tract for their publication. If they have
been published at any other place it was done
by somebody on his own responsibility and
without my knowledge , and I um not respon
sible for it. "
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tim DEE. ] So much of the sentence of a
general court martial ( General court martial
orders , No. C8 , May 0 , IfcSO , Department of
the Platte ) as shall remain unexplred Octo
ber , IbSS , is remitted in the case of John
Kclloy , late private , company II ,
Sixth infantry , now In the .Leavcn-
worth military prison , and ho
will bo released on that duy.
Second Lieutenant Frederick It. D.iy , signul
corps , will proceed from this city to Kansas
City , Fort Koblnson , Nebraska ; Fort Lara-
mlcClicyonne , Forts Wushukiound Hawilns ,
Wyoming i'errltory ; Denver , Col. ; Ulack's
ranch and Foil Duchosne , Utah Territory ,
In the order in which those places are named ,
and make a thorough inspection of the signal
stations located thereat.
Collecting Holies of tlio War.
WASHINGTON , July 80. The house commlt
tco on military uffairs has ordered a favor
able report on Mr. Townsend's resolution
calling on the secretary of war for Informa
tion respecting the condition of the Hags ,
guns and other relics of the last war now
scattered about among the army posts ,
arsenals and navy yards of the country. The
object of the inquiry is to secure information
necessary to the collection ot those relics and
their deposit In sotno central museum.
The Outhwnito Bill.
WASHINGTON , July 30. There Is good
reason to believe that tha senate select com
mittee on Puelflo railroads will to-morrow
report the Outhwuito bill to the senate unan
imously , favorably and without amend
An Accident AVhich Created a Slight
Bcnmition in Chicago.
CHICAQO , July ao. A noise that resembled
an earthquake made the city hall and county
building officials w.iko up with a st'irt this
afternoon. Tlicro was a rock of nearly
a ton la weight which had lallen from the
second story of the rotunda , carrying about
f'OJ worth of the cornice with it , anel smash
ing all before it. The affrighted workmen
employed in making improvements there had
lied in all directions , bat when they returned
they found none of their number missing.
Two stories are being added to the building
and the great mass of stone fell as It was
being hoisted into position by a derrick.
Daring Daylluht. Iloubory.
' ALHANV , N. Y. , July 30. About 11 o'clock
to-day 1' . 1C. Dcelcriek , of the well-known
firm of agricultural Implement manufactur
ers , drove to the Mechanics' and Farmers'
bank and secured sums amounting to about
$10,000 , , whle'h ho placed on his scat in the
buggy. A man passing attracted his atten
tion by saying there was something the mut
ter with the harness , and when Dederiuk's
he.ul was turned a confederate rushed uj :
and grubbed the bonds , making his escape.
Will Ne > t. Bo Prosecuted.
CiUCAtio , July 30. Frank Chleboun , the
man whoso testimony was chiefly the cause
of securing the indictment of his comrades Ir
the anarchist "revenge" cases , was releasee
on bull today. ' 1 hough ho was Indicted will
the others , the charges agulnst him will nebo
bo pressed in consideration of his turnni )
states evidence. The charge's against Ohio
boun In tlio justie'o court were dismissed tnli
" , morning nt the request of Inspector Bontlold
The reason for the dismissal , as entered 01
the record , VMS "for want of prosecution. "
j * A Canadian Concession.
OTTAWA , Out. , July 30. H is stated in of
flclul circles that la consequence of the pro
test of the American authorities against the
regulations with respect to tolls on the Wol
laud und St. Lawrcnco canals , the govern
mcnt will remove the present dlscrhmnutioi
in favor of grain bound for Montreal.
To Search For Stanley.
LONDON , July 30. Advices from Zanzl
bar say that Prof. Jumlcson , the naturalist
writes from Kasongc , on the Congo rlvci
that ho Is making preparations to leave wit
Major Bartolot , Tippoo Tib and COO men t
search for Henry M. Stanley. Ho says al
.tho Europemus in the expedition are well.
ires Father Comvny's Will.
es CHICAGO , July 30. The will of the lot
Father Conwoy , vicar general of the Homa
id Catholic dloceso of Chicaeo , was probate :
in to-day. The estate , which is largely life It
suranco , amounted to $15,000. Half I
Bd divided among charitable institutions. Tli
in- remainder goes to his niece.
Twenty-Five Thousuiiel Loss.
ot Pimrieiii ) , Mass. , July 30. The loss b.
cd the burning of the paper will at Lee la :
night is now placed at 125,000 , Fully li
[ sured.
or A Steamer Muni ; .
) r WIXONA , Minn. , July 80. The stcumi
ry I BolleSvicw , with ovrronp hundred.excursioi
si | sts on board , sunk near hero late yosterda
by I iiftcriiouu. The passengers were rescued.
The Latest Developments in the
Dakota Abduction Case.
Two Men and Ono Woman Very Itadly
Cut Up SiuiHtrokc at Ncbrnnkix
City A Norfolk Minis
ter Hurt.
The Dakota Sensation.
FnnvoNT , Neb. , July 30. [ Special to THE
HUB. ] The plot to the Shaver-Peterson
abduction case , heretofore mentioned , con
tinues to thicken. The writs of habeas
corpus sued out to release Shaver , the
preacher , were returnable at ten o'clock this
morn I m. , but owing to other writs having
been sued out taking the case Into the juris
diction of the district court , thcso were not
heard this morning. The latter were issued
at the Instance of the girl , to
secure her release from the custody of the
ofllccrs who are detaining her at the instance
of her father , H. M. Steele. Peterson , the
husband of the girl , is not hero. Ho Is being
represented by Deputy Sheriff Walker , of
Custor county , Dakota , who bus employed
on attorney. The writs of habeas corpus
will bo heard by Judge Marshall to-morrow
afternoon , when several witnesses will ar
rive from tlcrmosa , Dakota. The whole
question hinges on whether the girl is fifteen
years old or not. If she is , then her father
has a right to her guardianship and Shaver ,
who has a power of uttornoy from the father ,
will bo Instilled In his action. This is on the
ground that the Dakota statutes ilx the ago
of majority at fifteen years.
The career of the Peterson girl and her
husband has been brief but it has been de
cidedly thrilling. Ono week ago yesterday
the girl got permission of her father to visit
a friend near Hcrmosa. When she arrived
at her friend's house she found preparations
being made for her ( the friend's ) marriage.
She accordingly sent word to Peterson , her
lover , to Join her there , whereupon the four
drove to Koekville , where they were united
as two lawfully wedded pair by Ju ° tico Me-
Nown. When the father of the girl dis
covered this secret marriage ho was exceed
ing wroth. Ho Had Peterson arrested and
tried twice on trumped-up charges , both
trials resulting in his acquittal. It was while
ho was under arrest the last time that Shaver
began to appear in the case. Steele got him
to go to the girl and pretend friendship for
her , which he did , making her believe that
ho would take her to her husband. Hut in
stead of doing tills ho spirited her away and
got her us far as Fremont before they were
stopped. The community from which they
came is evidently taking n deep interest in
the case. Sheriff Porter , of Cuiter county ,
yesterday telegraphed to his deputyWalker ,
who is hero representing Peterson , ns fol
lows : "Tho people are witn you and Petersen -
son and will furnish money. Return Shaver
at all hazards. " It begins to look as If nil
Caster county would be huro before the case
finally terminates.
Thinks the Sioux Will Not Sign.
CiiAniioN , Neb. , July 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim lici : . ] Little Chief , chief of all
the Cheyenne Indians at Pine Uidgc , camped
hero over Sunday with 3JO Indi.ins. . To
night they glvo a monstrous war dance at
the ball Elk brother-in-law
park. Spotted , - -
of Red Cloud , and high among the council ,
In un interview to-day , said the general im
pression among the Sioux was not to sign
any more land away.
To-day Little Chief , wearing a Harrison
and Morton hat , was assaulted by an Irish
man named J. Cuvaimugh , who knocked oft
his hat and stamped it in the ground. The
chief promptly lodged a complaint and Mr.
Cavanaugh got ilv-o days in Jail.
The Board Was Too Eager.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 80. [ Special to Tun
Bus. ] The recent action of the executive
coiumittcosof the Hastings board of trudo in
addressing to the stuto board of arbitration a
protest against the reduction of the local
tariff for railroads is not expressive of the
feeling that prevails amongtho business men
of this city. On the contrary , there is quite
n strong sentiment opposed to the position
taken by the committee , and not a little in
dignation is manifested over the matter. The
business men say that the board of trade
comuilttoo has placed the city in a false posi
tion on the railroad question , although it Is
not probable that anyone will venttiro to
openly antagonize railroad influences hero.
A Dlciody Row.
NIILIQH , Neb. , July 30. [ Special Telegram
to TUB 13iE.J : About 12 o'clock last night a
row occurred thirty miles southwest which
will undoubtedly result fatally for a young
man named Schmidt. Schmidt and his
sister and two brothers named Vandoschmiot
were returning from a wedding in Kwing
when a row commenced in which Schmidt
was fatally stabbed In the abdomen , his
sister cut across the arm , ono of the Vando-
SRhmicts hud a shoulder broken and was
stabbed twlco In the back and the other Vuu-
doechuilct seriously injured about the head.
Don't Want Ijowor Hales.
McCooic. July 80. [ Special Telegram tc
Tin : UGH. ] At n meeting of the McCooli
boara of trade hold to-day , resolutions were
unanimously adopted protesting against the
action of the slate board of transportation n
ordering a further reduction of local freight
rates in Nebraska , as tendinc to obstrucl
further railroad building in this part of the
state and the completion of roads under wiy
and those in contemplation. Tha board was
unanimously of the opinion that the wcstcri
portion of the state will bo crippled and It :
progress retarded by such action.
A Clergyman Uadly Hurt.
Nonroi.K , Neb. , July SO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Her. . ] Hev. Mr. Whitinarsh
rector of the Eplscoual society , was run eve
by a farm team this moruiug and consider
ably bruised about the face and head. It i
not known yet whether his injuries nro se
rious. The team was loft standing uu
hitched and was frightened by the stroe
cars. The farmer will bo arrested.
A Chin oh Dedicated.
BUIK Si'iiiNos , Nob. , July 30. [ Spccln
Telegram to TUB HEC. ] The M. K. churcl
was dedicated yesterday. Bishop Joyce o
Cincinnati assisted and preached a very ubl
sermon. Thirty-five hundred dollars wa
raised by the audience and this , with tin
$1,500 church extension fund , pays up all In
debtcOncss. The building cost & , .r.OO. Th
Methodists nro holding a camp meeting her
and largo ; crowds attend it , mostly out o
Hurt County Prohlhttlonlsts.
OAKLAND , Neb. , July 30. [ Special to TH
13EK. ] The prohibition mass convention me
at TeknmuU Saturday and elected delegate
to the state convention at Omaha and tli
congressional convention at Columbus , ]
n wis : the largest prohibition convention eve
d hold in Hurt county. Another conrentlo
i- will be held August 31 to nominate a count
iIs ticket.
A Sheriff Accidentally 'Shot.
ST. Josrrn , Mo. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : liF.u. ] J. W. Crank , sheriff c
Andrew county , accidentally bhot hlmse
it while cleaning a revolver at his homo i
Savannah this morning , and will , probubl
dlo. The ball entered the stomach and cam
out the loft side. Sheriff Crank ? is we
known in northwest MUsourl and is one c
the most prominent men in Andrew count ;
Ttvo Sunstroke Victims.
iy CITV , , Neb. , July 80. ( Spccli
Telegram to THE BEB. ) To-day was the
hottest day of the season. From different
parts of the city report * range from 100 ° to
103 ° . Out of door work was nearly all sus
pended this afternoon. ' Ono case of sun
stroke Is reported , thatof Mrs. Stewart , of
Kearney , a colored woman. Mrs. Jackson ,
who was overcome by heat Saturday , died
last evening without regaining conscious
ness. _
Improvement ! * at Fremont.
Fnr.MONT , Neb. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UEU.J At a special election
hold to-day n proposition to vote fSTi.COO
bonds for extending the wate'r works system
and increasing the wells and pumping ca
pacity , was carried by a vote of ! lll > for and
102 against. Tha proposition to vote $15,100
for paving the intersections of streets was
also carried by a vote ot 337 for and 82
against. Not half the city's vote was polled
on cither proposition.
Gnrllcld County Teachers.
BUUWEI.I. , Neb. , July 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THK Uiu.j The second annual Gar-
Held county teachers Institute convened to
day with twenty teachers In attendance and
more expected tomorrow. Ex-County Su
perintendent W. T. Howard , of Schuyler. is
the conductor. Much Interest is being
awakened and it promises to bo an lustructive
Knimoiis Waives Examination.
PAWNEE CITV , Nob. , July 30. [ SpecialTel
egram to Tun Uui : . ] The murderer Em-
mons was brought back from Beatrice today.
Ho waived examination and is In the keeping
oftlie sheriff. There is but httlo fear of
lynching now.
"Deacon" White Hrlngs Suit Against
the Monarch Insurance Company.
DCS MOINCS , la. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE ! Suit was begun in the
United States district court hero to-day by S.
V. White , or "Deacon" White , ns ho is com
monly known in Wall street , against the late
Monarch Insurance company and Receiver
Brandt of tli' ? city for $10,000. The petition
recites that just before this Insurance com
pany , which was of the underground order ,
failed , Mr B. Fallen , the president , and
later Mr. J. C. Savory , of Now York , came to
Mr. Will to and secured a loan of $10,000 , giv
ing as security notes of Swan Bros. , cattle
men of Cheyenne , for nearly that amount.
Mr. White claims that the money was ob
tained under false pretenses , and when Ko-
ceiver Brandt demanded the Swan notes as
collateral , the "Deacon" refused to glvo
them up and brings a counter-claim for the
amount of his loan. It is expected that tlio
suit will bring out sonio sensational features
of the way in which the lute Monarch did its
wild cat insurance business.
Ho Will Vote : Tor Harrison.
Dis : MOINCS , In. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] Micah French , of
Nevada , Story county , has Just Joined the
Tipuecanoo roll of honor in this city as the
oldest Harrison voter in Iowa. Ho was born
during Washington's ' administration , cast
his first vote for Monroe in 1810. and has
voted for every whig and republican can
didate over since. Ho. is u pensioner of the
war of 18lli , having carried an English bul-
lott In his body for seventy-six years , and is
now ninety-seven years old and expects to
vote for Harrison in November.
A Rnilroael Appointment.
MASON Cmla. . , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] 2 ? A. Coegrovo , former
superintendent of the Prairie Du Chien di
vision of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
road , has been appointed superintendent of
the Iowa nnel Dakota division , to succeed J.
B. Moll , who bus been appointed roael mas
ter , with headquarters at Milwaukee.
I. N. G. Election.
MASON Cirv , la. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ben. ] At the spscial election
of ofllcors for the Sixth regiment , Iowa
Natjonal Guards , C. W. Boutin , of Hampton ,
was elected colonel ; L. B. Raymond , of
Hampton , lieutenant colonel , and J , N.
Emery , of LcMars , major.
A Coal miner Drowned.
DES MOINT.S , la. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | Theodore Grossman , of
Ottawa , was drowned wnlle bathing in the
river tlicro yesterday. His body was found
this morning 00 feet below the place whrro
last seen. Ho was a coal miner and leaves a
wife and three children.
Fire At-Acklcy. , In. , July 80. [ Si'oclul Tele-
grem to THE BII : : . ] The Aokloy house , at
Acklcy , In. , burned this afternoon. The
loss is estimated at about $7,000.
He Denies That He Ijolt Denver Be
tween T\vo Days.
CHICAGO , July 33. George S. Wilson , con
cerning whom a dispatch from Denver was
widely published on Saturday last , la hero.
Ho denies the rumors thut he has boon miss
ing and that ho left his partners in Denver
deeply involved on His account ; thut ho
brought away from there any largo sum of
money , or has been guilty of any in-ocular
transaction of any kind. On the contrary ,
ho says that ho Ims4 been registered
at the Palmer house , in this
city , for three weeks pabt , and has been
in dully negotiation with leading business
men hero , and had about consummated ar
rangements for securing enough capital to
take up all outstanding indebtedness thero.
Moreover , ho says ho been in freiquont
communication with Mr. Lowe , his partner
in Denver , who , Mr. Wilson bays , is now
also huro , and who has telegraphed back to
If liver roiuestlng the papers tlicro to deny ,
o\ir bis signature , all statements represent
ing Mr. Wilson as having avoided him or
having been guilty of any Improper business
transaction in which ho is concerned.
Mr. Wilson adds that ho has reason to believe -
liove that the stories concerning him origi
nated with a certain party in Denver vvho
has systematically gone to work to break
down his credit with a view of himself suc
ceeding to certain valuable properties which
Mr. Wilson lias in and near Denver. Mr.
Wilson states that ho will return to his homo
in the course of a day or two , and is confi
dent that ho will bo able to adjust matters In
which ho is interested to the satisfaction of
all concerned.
Louisiana Whites Murder a Luw-
Ahleling Colored Citizen.
New OHLEANS , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKB.J Kepouted outrages
against the blacks are becoming so serious as
to causa thoughts of an exodus. Ncwe
comes now of a peculiarly brutal plcca of
lawlessness in Assumption parish , the homo
of Governor NIcholls. The house of n law-
abiding colored man named John Lynn was
broken open and entered by a mob of thirty-
live armed white men. In the darkness the
mob could not sea where their victim was
stationed , so 0110 of their number was or
dered to strike a light. As soon us the light
was made , Lynn , from his hiding place In the
house , shot "and killed the man who
made it. Tie ( attacking party captured
Lynn , and took possession of his homo.Loav-
ing several of their number to guard their
prisoner anel his home , they carried awuj
the dead l > ody of their accomplice and burled
him. Returning to Lynn they took him out mid
shot him to pieces , hl body belnt. perforated
in no less than twelve places. This act became
came known all over the ) parish , but tlio of
llcers of the law have made no effort to cup
turo the midnight marauders. The colorec
people uro considering a wholesale exodut
from the parish on account of the entire
withdrawal of the protection of the latt
from them. '
J. W. Hustln Reviews tlio Situation
in Indiana.
WorkiiiRincti Well I'oHtod on the Ijcad-
inil IHHIICH of the Day anil Hal-
lying to the ( Support of
The Indiana Republicans.
CIIICAOO , July 30. [ Special Telegram to
Tni : BKE.I A 'conference of the chairmen ot
the republican state committees of Indiana ,
Wisconsin , Michigan and Illinois , was held
this , afternoon. Chairman J. W. Huston , of
Indiana , said , in regard to the situation in
his state. "It is very hopeful. "
"Is there trouble in the republican party in
Indiana , growing out of the fact of ex-Gover
nor Porter taking the race for govornorl"
"I should suy nono. While Governor Porter
ter was evidently the choice of a majority of
Indiana republicans , still I believe that other
nominations might bo made that would cull
forth in supiwrt of the ticket the greatest
possible clTort and enthusiasm. Tlio repub
licans of Indiana huvo always been
free in the expression of their
individual preferences before the nom
inations , but after n nomination has been
made they always glvo u united and de
termined support to the ticket. Being con
nected with the party organization , 1 have
felt it rather my duty to look after the
organization ot the party than attempting to
ixert any Influence in the selection of the
turty's candidates. It shall bo my duty and
nd pleasure in my official connection with
, ho party organization to give my best ener-
; ies to the election of the ticket , let It consist
f whomsoever It may. "
"Whom do you expect will head the
ickct ! "
"There huvo been n number of gentlemen ,
'or many years leaders of our party in the
jtutc , mentioned in connection with the
nomination for governor , among whom I
.vould . mention the Hon. Will Cutnback , of
3rconsburg ; Governor Uoboitson , of Fort
kVuyno ; Major Steele , of Marion , and the
ilon. John'M. Butler , of Indianapolis , any of
, vhom would make acceptable candidates to
.ho party generally. "
"What Is your opinion of the prohibltlon-
sts of Indiana at the November election ! "
I feel quite conlldent thut wo can curry
, ho state. "
"Upon what do you base your opinion I"
"First , because the party generally be-
.iovcs In the ! necessity of thorough party or
ganization , and bccauso such organization is
low being effected In every county in the
ituto. Secondly , because the republicans of
mlluna were never more enthusiastic or elo-
.ermined to succeed than at present. Wo
carried the state in l&SO. electing our entire
stuto ticket , as the result of party organbu-
' .ion , and our organization at this time , in my
udgmcut. is far in advance of what it was at
i llko period in ISbO. While I say that re-
mblicuns generally are sanguine of success ,
it the sumo time their expectations are pro-
illcutod upon the nssuranco of the most
thorough party organization and united effort
upon the part of all In fact , I have fre
quently heard republican" say that we should
muko this light in Indiana as thoroughly and
vigorously us wo would had 20,000 majority
to overcome. "
"How about tins mooteel defection of the
abor vote as against Mr. Harrison ? "
"I think it is greatly exaggerated. The
aboring classes in Indiana will not bo con
rolled by inlsstatonicnta or prejudices , but
will thoroughly undcrstund Senator Harri
son's attitude toward the laboring classes.
They will accord him credit for all ho has
done in their behalf. While it bus been
sought diligently to prejudice the laboring
men against him , I think it will prove of
avail. General Harrison's position on all
questions affecting the wage workers of this
country has always been that of a true
friend , and General Harrison has no moro
earnest or enthusiastic supporters in the
state than such as belong to the laboring
classes. Republican clubs , composed wholly
of railroad men , are being organized in the
railroad centers throughout the state , and
they are most enthusiastic in General Harri
son's support. "
"How about this 'dollar a day for working-
men' and Mr. Harrison's Chinese question i"
"Mcro bugaboos , such as should bo used
only to scare children. "
Washington Briefs.
A bill was introduced in the house to-day
to amend the inter-state comrnorco act so us
to prevent discrimination in favor of the
owners of tnnk curs , and to allow the fine
imposed to bo paid over to the prosecuting
Representative Who-'Ier , of Alabama , to
day introduced a bill directing the superin
tendent of the eleventh census to ascertain
and publish the birth and death rate among
the pure whites and among the negroes ,
Chinamen , Indians , half breeds or hybrids
of any description or character of the human
race who are found in the United States , us
wall as of muluttous , quadroons and octo
Representative Sowden reported favorably
today his bill appropriating $ fO,000 for a pub
lic building at Alleiitown , Pa. The report
after giving a number of statistics to show
the importance of the business interests of
the town , sr.jM that the bill is intended to
incut the president's objections to the for
mer bill.
Senator Cullom today introduced n bill to
appropriate S75COO for a public building at
Galesburg , 111.
The nomination of Surveyor General Irish ,
of Nevada , is again before the senate in
bcc'-ot bcssion. Ho was rejected at the lust
session on the ground thut ho was appointed
from Iowa to an office in Nevada. Ho was reappointed -
appointed , however , and Is still serving. He
is renoininated this session as from Nevada ,
but Is objected to on the ground that ho la
really from Iowa. His nomination Is reported
ported favorably from the committee.
Cause of the Arkansas llaee War.
ST. Louis , July 30. J. W. Ramsey , re
cently deputy clerk of Crlttendon county ,
Arkansas , and ono of of the eighteen negroes
driven out by the whites , arrived in St. Louis
and will address a mooting to-morrow night
on the condition of the negroes In the south.
Ho says that the causa of the trouble there
was that the whites did not want the negroes
to hold offices.
General Hiirrifion
iNUiANAi'OMB , July 30. General Harrisor
took a long drive this evening and prcparce
for another week of hard work and hand
blinking- . For the present ho is making m
dates lor visiting delegations beyond tin
middle of August.
O'Donnoll FIIen a Protest.
LONDON , July 30. O'Donncll has sent :
letter to the speaker , protesting against tin
proposed Parnell commission us an interfer
cnce with his right of bulng the Times in i
motion for a new trial.
History of the Firm of Cameron H
Schmlt broth.
Duncan Cameron , a Scotchman , and a re
cent arrival in this country , entered into i
contract with James Schinltbroth on Frlda ;
last to go into the bakery business with him
Cameron had MOO cash , and Friday evunini
ho called on Schmltbroth's , 1017 Clark street
and requested him to keep his wealth f o
him over night , as ho was afraid of losing i
if ho carried it about the city. Schmltbrotl
took the money , and thut is the last thai
Cameron has seen of him , and the stinposl
tion is that ho has'Juinpod the town. C.unc
ran is much broken up over ) IH loss , and th
polfco are working diligently , to bring th
rascally Schtnitbrotb to Justice. '
Commissioner Catnpholt Proven Him
self to He Very Well Informed.
DM MOINES , In. , July .m Commissioner
Campbell was again on the stand to-day. Ho
thought that nil roads having over $4,000 n
inllo gross earnings should huvo the sumo
schedule. The commissioner accepted the
basis for fixing the rates made UBO of by rail
road men , taking allowance , however , for
earnings , expenses , curvatures , etc. , etc. ,
Hems apparently not considered by railroad
rate makers. Ho believed that the people of
Iowa would bo losers by $ , ' 0HK , ( ) a\1uy if the
present Injunction were to bo nnulo perpetual
and the May 10th tariff continued. The wit
ness produced some correspondence showing
nu Increase oi from 20 to over fit ) per cent
in rates under the May 10th tariff , and espec
ially heavy discriminations against Iowa and
in favor of Minneapolis on flour , and Chicago
on lumber. Ho thought that If railroads
could voluntarily accept extremely low rates
on through business they could st-nd u it-J
dnctlon on their high rates In Iowa.
The counsel asked a series of questions de
signed to find out what thu witness hud
Icnrncel since ho bccune a commissioner.
Mr. Campbell told several things ho hud
found out. Ono was that the commercial in
terest of the state was suffering by reason of
discrimination on the part of rnllrouds. The
proprietor of un oil mill utBoone , for Instance ,
hud been so discriminated against that ho has
compelled to discontinue business , and upon
his representing to the Northwestern com
pany that if ho could not get relief ho could
not live , the company's officer told him , "Ho
dlel not ntivo to live , " and he was compelled
to tear down his mill and move to Missouri.
A Jobber of Dubuque had been offered by n
railroad company free transportation of his
goods if ho would leave that city und take
his business to Pluttsiuouth , Neb. Ho hud
also learned that the trunk lines
hud conducted their business to the
prejudice and Injury of the weaker
roads about which they are so anxious now.
Ho hud found that the corporations had ,
within the last year , given special rates to
individuals and localities In this state to the
prejudice of other Individuals and localities.
Counsel wanted to know whether , in the
opinion of the witness , the railroad tariff of
May 10 was not ono that simply abolished
such spcciul rates.
Witness answered that It WHS not neces
sary that the companies , in abolishing these
special rates , should hold on to the Highest
rates In all cases , which ho thought they did
us a general thing. Ho believed In raising
lower rates and reeluclng high ones \\hcn
arranging schedules.
Sunstrokes at Sjouv City.
Sioux CITV , la. , July 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] The thremometcr stood
110 in the shade this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Work on many buildings had to bo suspended.
There were 11 vo cases of prostration.
Judge Jlir.iolo Dead.
DES MOINCB , la. , July 30. Judge D. D.
Miracle of the district court of H million
county died to-day in Webster City.
St. Joseph's Boarel ol'Ti-ado Considers
nn Important Proposition.
ST. JosKi'ii , Mo. , July 33. [ Special Tele
gram toTiir.Bni : . ] At a called ineetingof the
board of trade , two propositions were sub-
mitteil which will bo earned and which will
materially change the working and member
ship of the board. The first proposition was
submitted by Mayor Englehart , president of
the bonrd of trade , and provides for the es
tablishing of a graded membership fco so as
to give mechanics , salaried men and profes
sional men'nccoasto-tho-board. The mem
bership will consist of two classes , A. und
B. The llrst will include the whole
sale and retail houses , munufauturcrs ,
packers , railroads and heavy bhip-
purs , whcso annual fee shall bo
as now , & 5. The second class will bo
charged $10 per annum , with all the privi
lege of class A , except that class A entitles
the holder to two and cno half votes aud
class B to ono vote at the elections of the
board. A committee was appointed to visit
Omaha for the purpose of examining into the
grade'd memberships proposition , anel report
at the next meeting. The board is consider
ably exercised over the demand of the rail
roads in regard to the grain shipments.
It is complained that grain pur
chased by the loe'al dealers which
must bo bhipped through St. Joe cannot bo
inspected by them at this point unless the
local freight r.ito is paid to St. Joseph. A
demand was made that the shippers r.honld
bo allowed a through rate with the privilege
of examining the grain when it should reach
St. Joseph , and u eleleguto was appointed to
attend n meeting In Omaha at which this
proposition will bo discussed. A fieight
bureau will bu established to take tlio plaeo
of the present committee on ralho.ids.
A Pilot ion to Increase the Number of
Judges Voted Down.
LONDON , July 30. The house of commons
went Into committee tonight on the Purncll
commission bill. Mr. Sexton moved to in
crcaso the number of Judges , on tlio ground
thut if the commission to inquire into
the whole history of the national league
three would bo Insufficient. Mr. Parnell
urged the house to recollect that they
were discussing a proposal to provide
a substitute for a Jury , anel that
It was unjust to leave the three men the
BOttlomeiit of questions of vital importance
to Ireland. Ho also htatei' that ho was en
titled to protection from prcsj attacks while
thei inquiry was pending.
Mr. Soxton's amendment was voted down
by a majority of forty-three votes.
On suggestion of Mr. Parnell the solicitor
general j or Ireland agreed to adjoin u the
trial of O'ICclly to enable him to vote on the
commission bill.
Mr. Smith having proposed that the commission -
mission consist of Justices Ilnnnen , Day and
Smith , Mr. Labouchero protested against the
selection of Day. Ho said that there was
not a single Judge in sympathy with those
they were to try.
John Morley said that the commission hud
been Injudiciously selected , and thut Duy wan
a man of the seventeenth century in his
vlows concerning Catholics ; that ho regarded
, Pnrncll and his friends as infidels and rebels ,
and bollove.s them guilty of any crlmo.
After a long discussion , participated in by
several members of the house , a vote was
taken , which resulted in 20'J votes for Day
IS against him. Hannohan and Smith were
agreed to without division.
O'Brien Awarded Damages.
DUIIUX , July 80. The libel action of Will
lam O'Brien against the Cork Constitutor
has resulted in a verdict in favor of O'Bner
for .t'ldO damages. O'Brien loft Cork foi
Dublin to-night. Ho said ho considered the
verdict u death blowtoPurncllism aud crlmo
Collision on ( he Burlington.
QIHXCV , 111. , July 30. A west bound fusl
train on the Chicago , Burlington & Quluoj
railroad collided with a freight car at Roune
Grove , fifty miles westot Qulncy , at 3 o'clocl
this morning. The fast train was running ai
full speed , und the freight cur , which wut
loaded with gram , was knocucd into kindling
wood. Tha cnpiuo is n complete wreck
nothing being loft of It but the boiler and t
pile of trucks. The engineer and flremai
were both badly injured , but not fatally
Nona of the passengers were hurt. Scvcru
freight cars wore standing on a side track a
Hound Grove , and it Is thought that ono o
them ran through the switch to the mail
truck , as the brake was out of order. Then
are some suspicions that the car was placet
on the main line for the purpose of wreckInj
the fast train.
Hartley Campbell Dead.
NEW YOIIK , July 'JO. Hartluy Campbell
the well known playwright , died at tin
Bioomliigton asylum for the insauo thli
Report Submitted to the Houao by
the Oommlttoo ,
Hi-suit of the Inquiry Into the Stand *
nrd Ull and Huitnr Monopolies
llo\v the Companies arc
Made Their Iteport.
WASHINGTON , July 30. The house committee
too on manufactures to-day submitted tha
following report concerning the Investigation
of trusts , which was ordered printed :
The committee on manufactures respectfully -
fully report thut , noting on the authority
and resolution of this house passed Jiiuuury
25 , they liuvo proceeded to Investigate anil
inquire Into the nmtturs niul tilings referred
to In wild resolution ; mid having examined
witnesses and papers In relation thereto ,
they huvo been unalilo to complete such in
quiry and investigation and respectfully re-
pert the following resolution with the rceom-
inundation that It pass.
Your commlttco further report that the
names of the various trusts aud cuinblna-
tlotiB havu been furnished to yourcotnmlttca ;
that the number of such combinations m
large , and that your committee , In culling
witnesses and taking testimony , proceeded
upon the following plan of Investigation 1. o. ,
to Imiulro :
1. With relation to trusts or combinations
In lines of business which are connected wither
or use articles In which there exists u com -f
petition In our market between the domestic
product and the foreign | > roduct , Imported ,
and dutiable under our tariff laws.
2. With relation to such combinations deal-
nt : In articles which are not Imported Into
his country or are not subject to Import
3. With relation to such combinations
ieullng In articles which are subject to toxa-
lon under the internal revenue lawn of the
United States.
Your commlttco has particularly directed
ts inquiry Into the methods and extent ot
ho business douo or controlled by the sugar
rust and the Standard oil trust , and ro
pcctfully submit herewith testimony taken ,
before It In relation to these two trusts. Doth
f them are organized upon substantially
ho sBino plan. From the testi
mony it appears that there exists
a certain number of corimrntions ,
organized under the laws of the difforbnt
states , and subject to their control ; thatthoso
'orporntlons ' liuvo Issued their stock to vari
ous individuals , and that these- individual
itockholdcra have surrendered their stock to
rusteos named in the agreement creating1
heso trusts , and accepting In lieu thereof
icrtillcules Issued by the trustees named
heroin. The agreements provide
hat the various corporations whoso
stock Is surrendered to the trustees
shall prcservn their identity and carry
on their business. In the sugar trust the
iigrccmcnt provision Is that the several cor
porations shnll maintain their separate or-
nl/iitions and each shall carry on and con-
luct its own business. In the Standard oil
trust the ugi cement Is provided thut all prop
erty , real and personal , assets and business ,
shall bo transferred to and vested In sola
several companies. The duties ot
the trustees nro restricted to the receipts'
of the dividends declared by the various
coiporations and the distribution of the ag
gregate of them to the holders of trust cer
tificates pro ratu , and to holding and voting
upon the stock of tlio corporation. The trus-
tecs in both cases , upon the stand as wit
nesses , speclllcally denied that the trustees ,
as such , ever do any other business than toi
receive and distribute thcso dividends and
exercise tlio only other function given td
them by the trust agreements that is , to
hold the Mock of the various cor | > orutiona
niul exercise the right of stockholders in
such corporation. The euro with which thai1
trustees avoid making any agreement ro- >
luting to the commodities appears from the
testimony us to the an angemont with the oil
producers' association in the fall of Ib87.
The olllcorsi of the producois1 association tes
tified that the agreement was then made
with the Standard Oil tiust by which
-.COO.OOO barrels of oil belonging to the
Standard Oil trust was to bo sut apart foe
the benefit of the association upjn Its agree
ment to curtail the pi eduction of crude oil at
least 17,000 bai rcls per diem. The
witnesses undoubtedly undeistood that the
arrangements were with the trustees of the
Standard Oil trust , but a written agreement }
produced , and now in evidence , shows that it
was made with andisslirned by the Standard
Oil company , of Now York , ono of the com
panies whoso stock is held by the trustees ,
and that the Standard Oil trust , or the trus
tees ' thereof as such , aio not parties
to it , nor Is cither of them re
sponsible for the carrying out of the agree
ment. This form of combination was obviously
desired for the purpose of iclicvlng the trusts
and trustees f rum the charge of any breach
of conspiracy laws of the various states , or
of being a combination to regulate or control
the price or production of any commodity.
Ilcnco they assert that the corporations
thmnsolve.i , which control and regulate the
price of commodities and the extent of pro
duction , and having tangible property , re
main with their organ i/.ition Intact and dis
tinctand not in combination with each other ;
that the stockholders who owned ouly
the stock and by well-settled
legal rules had no legal title in the piopcrty
of the corpoi n'.ions , entered into agreements
and sold their stock in the corporations and
accepted In payment trust certificates , and
that the trustees receive and hold only tha
stock of the corporation ? ! and have no legal
right to any of the property of the eoipora-
tion , and neither buy nor sell anything or
comblno with any ono to fix prices or regu
late tin ) production of any commodity.
The rerort goes on to say that it is plain ,
that the combinations , the test In ony conccrn-
iiiirhich is herewith submitted , have been ,
intentionally formed so as to avoid , if possi
ble , the chargi ) that the trust , as ouch , or the
trustees in that capacity , either fixed the
price or icfjnlated the production of an avtl
wo of merchandise or commerce.
ID Douinark.
Coi'ENiuouN , July 80. The Gorman and
Danish squadrons met at 0 o'clock this morn
ing a aliort dlstnnco south of Dorugor. Kinjj
Christian of Denmark and Crown Pritico
Frederick boarded the imperial yacht Hohcn-
zollcrn , which was flying the Danish colors ,
and extended a cordial greeting to timporor
William. The hallow of the Cicnnnn vessel
manned the yacht and cheered the Danish
squadron. Emperor William accompanied
King Christian andlho crown prlnco back to
the Danish yacht , which displayed the Gor
man flag , and was brought to this city.
The party reached shore in a cutter. The
batteries lircd n salute In honor of the Ger
man emperor. The emperor , after mooting
the members of the royal family , was - presented
sented to the ministers , members nf the dip
lomatic corps , and presidents of the Danish-
Uerinun exhibition. When these formalities
were concluded , the king and emperor la-
spcctcd the guard of honor and then drove to
Amalienhrrg castle. After luncheon the cm-
poror visited the exhibition. The route there
was crowded with people.
Vestibule 1 H.I unction Sot Aside. (
Ciuoioo , July 30. In the United States
circuit court hero today , Judge Blodgott pre I
siding , thu suit In favor of the Pullman Pal
ace Car company and against the Wagner
Palace Car company and Luke Shorn & Michi
gan Southern railroad company , to enjoin the
use. of ve.stlbulo cars , was culled uu and the
defendants giving bond with W. K. Vanderbilt -
bilt and others a * sureties , to the approval of
the court , to bocure the Pullman company
r-jfuliist damage , the order of injunc-tlcm was
.sut aside and dissolved , pending a tlnal hear *
ing1 , which will bo In October next.
Tlio Weather IndluntloiiB.
For Nebraska : Cooler , winds becoming
For Iowa : Fair , cooler , winds bccorohur
For Dakota : Fair , statloaary teinpcrnture.
followed Tuesday night by warmer. generally
northerly winds.