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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEH : MONDAY. JUTjY 30 , 1888. THE CITY. Work will bo begun today on a now And improved skylight over the rotunda of the Puxton. As Mrs. A. Dlakoly was driving across ' a viaduct Friday Hho' was overcome with heat and 1 ? now lying1 very sick at her homo In Windsor Place. I'rrsonal r , John M. Ityan , of Hustings , Is In the Mr. J. D. McDonald , of Fremont , Is nt tlic Paxton , * Mr. J. B. Stlpp , of Hcdford , la. , is a Wind- lor guest. Mr. J. Shunttcl , of Lincoln , wns in the city yesterday. Mrs. E. F. Scavcr It visiting friends nt TceuuiBch. Mr. L. S. Irvln , of Kearney , is a guest of the Puxton. Mr. John M. Jucobson , of Hastings is a Hnrltcr guest. Mr. M. A. Mct7gcr , of Bcntrlcc , wns in the Dlty yesterday. Mr. W. } ) , Thompson , of Grand Island , Is at the Mlllurd. Mr. F. C. Mnstms , of Hustings , was In Otmiliu yesterday. Scnor K. N. Do Binckman , of Havana , Cuba , Is ut the Hnrkcr. Air. George K. Uontngton , of Fulls City , wus in the city yesterday. Air. L. H. Tower , who is lying nt the Paxton - ton Hick , was Improving last nlaht. Messrs. T. CJ. Turner and T. S. Cnmphell , of Ncola , In. , were in Onmhn yesterday. Senator Paddock passed through the city on the Burlington llyur yctitcrduy afternoon on Ills way to Washington. Mr. K. P. Wlllett , Into manager for the Pud Me hotel company at Gnrllold Beach , Utah , is at the Windsor. Hov. John Gordon , pastor of the Westmin ster Preshyteriiin church , leaves this morn ing for Pittshurg , Pn , , wliero ho will spend the month of August with relatives. His pulpit will bo supplied during his absence and services will bo held as usual. To proven t licndncho and purify the blood , nothing equals morning draughts of TAIIUAXT' SKi/r/.Kii Go to Hutto over the UNION PA CIFIC'S OIIKGON SHOUT LINE. A Hold Hut IVlty ThrlY. While J. M. Todil and A. O. Hart were in Hat Anderson's bawdy house on Capitol uvenuo yesterday they miinageU to got hold of a pockctbook belonging to ono of the In- mutes. They skipped down Capitol urcnuo nt a rapid pace , but were pursued and cap tured by Olllcer liloom. On being taken to tlie police station the prisoners wcro greatly chagrined when they discovered that the pocketbook contained but $ S. A complaint of petit lurcony was cntcicd against thorn. Starch grows sticky common pow ders have a vulgar glare. Poxxoni's is the only Complexion Powder lit to use. 'The UNION PACIFIC is the tour ists' ronto to and from the pleasure ro- forts of Wyoming , Colorado , Utah , Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California. HUN , UKKU OR POISON. A. Sinoltcr Kmployo Found Dead Un der Peculiar CircimiHtaiicew. A Bohemian named James Cadanec wns found dead in u basement yesterday after noon. Ho was n night hand at the smelting works , find came to his homo at Thirteenth and Williams streets about nliio o'clock in the morning. The neighbors say ho his wife and then wont up town. The wlfo dressed the children and left the house also. Cadence'returned , but ( hiding his wife ab sent ho again loft. Ho came back in the af ternoon. The wife was not nt home nnd ho lay down on the porch for u nap. Af ter awhile ho got up and went into the basement , which had been rented to another family. The neighbor ? called Ofticor Howden , who en tered the basement to llnd Cadanec partially undressed und dead. The coroner was noti fied and the body removed to Drcxel & Maul'H. Cnduncc was n | mnn thirty to thlrty-flvo yours old. A hook found by the coioncr con tained n liquor hill , Indicating that the dead mini was quite n drinker. There wns n rumor that ho Imd been Keen to drink something ( supposed to bo poison ) out of n small vial , but u search failed to discover any bottle. His case was nKo reported ns ono of sun stroke , but whether it was heat , boor or poison that caused his death is not known. An inquest will bo held at 9 o'clock this morning. $5,000 RewardOO ( .For . a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of consumption , bronchial troubles , cough , croup and whooping cough than SANTA ABIE , the Cali fornia king of consumption. Every bottle warranted. If you would bo curo'd of that disgusting disease , catarrh , use CALIFORNIA CAT-K-CURE , $1 a jar ; by mail $1.10. Santa Abio and Cat-U- Cure arc sold and warranted by Good man Drug Co. The UNION PACIFIC olTors su perior accommodations to third-class travel. TIIK CONOlUSGATlOXAiaSTS. the First Sermon of tlio Summer Va cation Supply. The pulpit of the First Congregational church was occupied last evening by Uov. C. O. Brown , of Dubuque , who hud been en gaged bofoio the action on Dr. Short-Ill's res ignation to preach during n part of the doc tor's vacation. Sir. Brown's sermon was an argument from natural laws of the necessity of divine interposition to bavo wicked mnn from the torments of his own accusing conscience. Ho spolco at leiiRth of the processes of memory and of the different pictures hung upon the walls of the boul. Ho Illustrated the pangs of remorse by citing ex amples of its pains , and Implicitly said wo hail no reason to believe that the memory of misdeeds would bo blotted nut in our future existence unless by the acceptance of Christ's atonement. 41 The service was attended by a largo con gregation. Mr. Brown is n good looking young man of ; erect carriage and line phy sique. Ho hns n ba s voice with clear cut enunciation , spcnkcs without notes and often breaks loose from the mannerism and intoiui- lion peculiar to pulpit delivery. Mko the flight Weight * Of the profession pugilistic , the kidneys arc small but active In u stuto of health. Their secretion contains Impurities productive of rheumatism , gout and dropsy , if allowed to remain. When they arc inactive thy blood becomes choked with nnlmul debris capable of destroying llfo. To promote their activity when sluggish with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , Is not only to guard against tUe diseases mentioned , but to pro/Vent / the /ntty degeneration nnd ultimate destruction of the organs by those exceedingly dangerous mill- ndlcs Bright's disease ami diabetes. Ac tivity of the bladder also insures it against the formation of gruvol , which it sometimes ono of the most dangerous nnd painful oper ations in surgery to remove. Gravel , more over , t a most ngonlzing complnlnt. The Bitters further commend themselves by renv odyiug constipation , dyspepsia , debility , liver complaint and nervousness , und nullify Inltu. cnces productive of malarial disease. HiVANTKI : > TO JM12 Because Illx Illicit I < eve Shook Him \Vlicu Ho Wont Broke. Amidtho unbridled gniety , the clinking ol glosses ami stirring strains of the orchestic last evening , sit n line looking professional gentleman.of probably thirty-live years , the perfect I'li'tiiro of despair. His Jovial fentum were clouded with troUbJe ami the lean coursed from his blue eyes , dampening lib blond'o muHtuclilns and converting thch Jaunty CtirU Into a woeiuegoio droftp. A coupje Of gentlemen who were sitting neat by , cracVtnp jokes , over u bottle of Fuust't lc t , were attracted by thU unusual nut ] womanish display of sorrow In this gay re sort. They watched the gentleman for n few nomcnts nnd then , tcndorc. < ] their sympathy , mdnsked him what wns the trouble. The stranger nroso hnntlly with the remark : "Well , I will end 'this and all my other roubles now lit the same time. " This was snld sotto voce and apparently ntendcd for himself Instead of hit intcrlocu- on . The fllgiiillcnnco of his remark mndo he gentlemen believe thnt bo was cither In sane or plotting some direful wrong against limsclf. nnd they determined to follow him. ' jiolng through the gate of ttio west side of , ho gnrdcn ho stopix-d and drew from his racket it sharp instrument looking like n nnco. The two gontlomc-n noticed this nud rushing up nnked whnt ho Intended doing. "Gentlemen , " said ho , "I hnvo nothing to Ivo for. nnd hnvo determined to brim ; things .0 n terminus to-night. 1 am a stranger hero , but my lodge will see that 1 get u decent burial. " The two gentlemen were astounded nt this announcement , nnd ono of them , under the pretext of wishing to examine the Innce , 'ot it into his possession and refused to re- urn It. The instrument of self-destruction thus removed , the gentlemen waxed bold to isk him to unbosom his trouble. He did so , Hid they were astonished to discover that ho , vns not only apparently perfectly sane , hut its conversation was that of a cultivated gentleman. His homo , ho snid , Is in Detroit , Mich. , where ho was Known as 1'rof. Wcxfnrd. Hems ms a wife and two children. Ho is a veterin- iry surgeon and lias a most lucrative busi ness. A few weeks ago ho was called profcs sionally to DCS Molncs , la. , wliero ho met Jic buxom nnd voluptuous Lena Schneider. She appeared to bo gro'itly enamoured of the handsome professional gen tleman , und ns ho recipro cated tin elopement wns planned. About a week ago or over they came to Omaha , put up nt ono of the lending hotels , and have been living in most princely style as man and wlfo. Meanwhile , his wife learned of his elopement and came to DCS Molncs. From that point she was unable to trace the runa ways. Ho had between $101 and f < ( )0 ) when lie came to this city , but their style of living has rapidly reduced it , until yesterday ho discovered that ho had but ono dollar loft. When Miss Schneider learned of this she suddenly grew cold In her manner toward him , and while with him at the Casino last evening she suddenly deserted him 16 go with some well-dressed swell-looking young fellow. This seemed to completely unman Wexford nnd ho gave way to an al most childish grief. Ho told the two gentle men that ho had disgraced his family , ruined his own reputation and ho felt that the quick est way out of the troublewns to commit sui cide. IIo wns on the point of committing this terrible deed when interrupted. The two gentlemen had a long talk with him , demonstrated to him the cowardice of such a step and finally induced him to prom ise to return to his wifo. Accordingly , Mrs. Wexford was telegraphed to at Ucs Molncs that her husband would meet her there in a few hours and aritimiemonts made for start ing on that Journey. Smoke Scidonborg's Figaro and get the best fl-cent cigar in the world. Max Mover & Co. . wholesale depot. The Colorado pleasure resortsreached via the UNION PACIFIC , attract visit ors from all over the world. nni ; > KIXOIIAM Iii this city , July 23 , nt 11:45 : p.m. , Arthur H. Kinghnm. ngod 1 year and 14 days , son of George H. and Anna King- ham. Funeral services at residence , . " 205 Charles street , at 10 a. in , , July ! ) , IbSS. Uemains will bo taken to Albion , Boone county , Ne braska , for interment. Miiunmi On Wednesday , July 25 , nt 4 p. m. , Annie S. , daughter of George nnd Anna Meredith , aged i2. ! The deceased was n victim of the dread tllsunso consumption , and during a long ill ness was happy and resigned in a pure Chris tian faith. The funeral took place from the family residence , Saunders street nnd Gar- iield avenue , at 10 a. in. Friday , July 27 , the remains being interred in Forest Lawn ceme tery. The bereaved fnmily have the sym pathy of their numerous friends , by whom Annie will bo midly missed. Tno liver and kidneys must bo kept In good condition. Hood's Sarsapar- ilhi is a great remedy for regulating these organs. How Three Men Found AVIvcs. Louisville Post : Recently there wns a gathering of young married couples at the house of one , and the conversa tion turned on the manner in which the wives had secured their husbands. Each ono had a dilToront story to toll , and borne of the experiences related were very amusing. Ono had imvod the way to the altar by making a face at the fated one because she thought ho had stared at her impudently. lie admired her mottle ana sought an introduction. Another made the acquaintance of the man who is now her husband by acci dentally soubinsr him with a pan of dish water which who tossed out ottlio kitchen window into an alley just in time to catch him as ho was passing. She was , of cour&o very sorry for her thought lessness and insisted on repairing the damages as far as who could , and did it so deftly that ho determined tohavo her clean all of his clothes. The ono that was , however , voted to bo the most novel was the experience of a young man connected with the munici pal government. The latter was in the habit of passing on his way homo the residence of the young lady who is now his better half , and ono evening out of a spirit of mischief , she "acci dentally on purpose" turned the hoboon him. IIo faced about , blushed violently and stammered a "thank you" in res ponse to her roguish smile , and from that moment ho know ho was fated. A trip to Alaska is much Bought after and is ciislly obtained over the UNION PACIFIC. A lllontltliirs ty Audience. San Francisco Chronlclo : Wardo tolls a good htory. It is , I suppose , a chestnut. I never heard a theatrical btory that was not. What proves it to be an old ono is that Wardo names the place it occurs in. lie was playing "Virginius" in some small place. You will rcmombor that Applus Claudius' client , who does the dirty work , comes on in the last act , has a few words with Appius Claudius in prison , and then goes otf. That is the last that is scon of him in the play. When the curtain fell on this performance of "Virginius" in this Email place , Wardo retired to his dressing-room and proceeded to be come the Frederick Ward of everyday life. The manager came in. "Mr. Wardo , the audience lias not gone. " "Well , I can't help that. The play is done. Tliero isn't any more of in the book. " "But they won't go. " "Turn down the footlights. " "No uso. They won't stir. Won't you go and speak to them ? " "What ! Go and toll them the play's over ? Egad I will. That will be'u funny experience. " Warde stopped in front of the curtain ; there the audience sut qtilto still. "Ladies and Goutlomou : The play is over. Virginia is dead ; Dentotns is dead ; I am dead ; Appius Claudius is dead. " Just then a voice gang out from the gal lory : "What did you do with that othoi son-of-a-gunV" If you have catarrh , use the suresl remedy Dr. Sago's. The pawning of family bibles is a wcll-rco- ognl7eil brunch of the pawnbroker's business It seams. They tiru seldom redeemed , fet two J'casont ; First , either the ovvncn an too | > oqr to do so , or soeoud , they never ln < tended to redeem them. As a consequence the broker never advances much money on - _ . \ BILL BYE GETS A WRITE UP , Passages In the Llfo of the Popular Fun Maker , HOW HE MADE HIS REPUTATION. Ills Ijlfc In Ijarnmlc JIuinoroiiHly Do- plotcil What His \VIIo DOCH Tor Jllin-Wlll VIsBcher's Spicy Bkctoli , Snn Francisco Exiunlncr : Yes , that's ils real natno , Bill Nyo. lie was chrls- .onetl Edgar Willis Nye , and has boon called Bill over since by everybody ex cept his wife. Mrs. Nye was a music anchor , Misd Fannie Smith , the sister of a Union Pacific division superintend ent , whom Nye mot in Laramie City , Wyo. , fell In love with and married. She was of good family and well-to-do , jut was Independent and preferred to jo out in the world and earn her own jread rather Than live dull slupRardlscil at homo1 Wear out her youth In slwpelcss idleness. Jn u sense she lias been the making of Hill Nye , financially. She has been his luisiness mentor and has taught him that there are 100 cents in a dollar , a very dilllcult lesson fo'r the humorist , ' jut'ho has learned it so well that to day ho is quoted in the neighborhood of $100,000 , while about five years ago the only quotations ho had wore from the tunny things ho wrote in the Laramie Boomerang and elsewhere. Nye is about thirty-eight years old , and was born in the state of Maine , in the same neighborhood that produced Josh Billings. Ho must hnvo been a beautiful baby , if it is true that pretty babies always turn out to bo homely grown follcs. Nye is homely enough to stop a clock. A tarred roof is handsome com pared to him. Ho is thin-visaged.long- legged , bald and wears glasses , lie has u way oflooking outofonoeyoasthough ho were looking west when lie is really looking east , and hid shape is very much like the ground plan of a worm fence , being bent forward at the iio < : k.Vhnt little hair he lias is a bert of blonde , al most approaching white , which makes his head , from a rear viovylooks as if it had worn out seven bodies. Ho has a happy face , however , and is funnier in his conversation and private letters , if possible , than in the matter ho "thinks up' ' for print. In a letter to a friend not long ago ho said : It nmy bo of interest to you to know that I urn now the parent of alar ebelligerent mid pugnacious son. Ho is u scholarly cuss , but reserved : it times. At night he has unreal command of language. Ho regards mo with the greatest contempt when he is hungry , ami 1 can sue that ho feels above mo. He is thoroughly accompllshcil , genial and urbauo I quote from the Tie Silling Cross Gun and Tin Horn Gamblers' Vindicator. This boy. who is named Edgar , is the "subsequent one , " as Nye woukl put it , of four , the others being Bessie , Winnie and Max. Nyo's Gfutlior emigrated from Maine to Wiscoiibiii when Bill was about two years old. Jn 187or / ' 70 , Nye , having read a little law , went to Laramie City to practice , and grow up with the coun try. T'nero wore too many lawyers in Wyoming in those days , nearly every man being his own lawyer. A young mid aspiring attorney wouldn't nuch inoro than got a client into his oflieo. and commence telling him all about the merits of his case before a great mob of ovory-man-his-own-lawyors would como in with masks on , take the client and law into their hands , suspend the client and the case , and leave the young and aspiring attorney feoloss. Such things made it necessary for Nye to do something else , or live on air , and the air in that region is too thin and rarefied for u constant diet for u henlthy man , and Nye was healthy then. So Nye went to work as city editor of the Sentinel , n blull at a newspaper which was printed in Laramie in tlioso days , by a man named Hayford , who was sometimes called "Doe" and some times "Deacon. " Nye thinks the boys called him Deacon because ho was bo wicked. Ho tidds , however , that "tho deacon was generous to a fault , especially his own faults. " To bo city editor of the Sentinel meant to bo the entire stalT , with the additional duty of work ing the hand press nnd carrying n route. All of which Nye did at the princely salary of $12 per week. Ho was also required to look out , to some extent , for the boss' babies , in the ac quirement of which class of live stock Deacon Hayford was a success. lie was the founder of quite a tribe. Among these multifarious duties Nye was getting along quite well until , ac cording to his own statementho became involved in a red-hot political campaign just nt a time when the measles broke out among the children. Being thus forced to draw the line nt measles , ho severed his connection with the news paper and nursery , and was elected jus tice of the peace , and wns ulho , from time to time , appointed notary public , United States commissioner , , fauporin- tondent of schools , poatmnster , member of the city council , and did something in the way of practicing law , mean time. In those days there lived in Laramie a man named Bill Hoot , who was Nyo's bo-'Oin friend. Ho was a natural born humorist , but not a writer , and he coached Nye into humorous writing. Ho would say to Nye : "I think you would make a big success as a funny writer , but you are about the worst blurt for a lawyer that I * over saw. " This made Mrs. Nye quite angry. The young wife wus ambitious for her hus band to locomo a great lawyer , and she had never bo much as dreamed of the brilliant career which Nye 1ms since had as a humorist , and now , witli an an nual income which is greater than the earnings of all Hie lawyoro in Larnmio , the salaries of the judges thrown in. The result of Root's importunities was that Nye organized a stock com pany and btarted a daily newspaper called the Boomerang , which event uated with all that the name implies. After working so hard at the Boomor- nng for two or three years Unit ho be came utterly prostrated by corobro- spinal-meningitis , ho loft Laramie , broken in health and purseand went to Greoloy , Col. , a lesser attitude , to re cruit the former. During his stay at Greoloy ho visited at Denver this writer , whoso only claim to greatness is being nearly as homely na Nyo. One day while wo w'oro discussing ways and means for having the earth and kindred subjects , my six-year-old daughter came in , and throwing her chubby arms around my nock , declared that I was her "pretty papa. " Nye looked nt the child very sadly us ho heaved a sigh , and in adcop.bopulchrnl voice , drawk-d out : "You ought to do something to break your lUtlo girl oil that tendency. It is apparent to mo that eho is in danger ol becoming u humorlbt. " ' Getting better of his afllietion aftot fromo months. Nye found that other stockholders In the had taken advantage of his Ulncst and nb- boneo to tibsumo possession' and control of the paper , which was nothing if not .Nyo. But they chiseled him out of hit ntorest , nnd afterward turned against liim to ububo him. IIo then went to Hudson , Wls. , vrhcro ho had bcoiv Lirouglit up , bought a beautiful cottage nnd furnished Ithimdsomely ( on credit ) , backed by his brothers , mm taking pos session in Octobojvho had paid for the entire outfit in' the following March L > y the c n ergo tie use of his pen in writing thij rjchcst humor for the Nowv York Mercury and Puck , DotrcH 1-Yco Press , Louisville - villo Courior-Jouimal and other news papers and periodicals of high standing. Ho had n hard tussle with his enemy , cerobro-Hpinal-meningltis , but finally conquered It aulllQiontly to mnko two highly successful tours with James Whitcomo Riloytho brilliant "Hoosicr poet , " in the lecture business. But this exhausted him and ho was forced to spend a winter in the south in compara- tlvo idleness. IIo now has a homo on Statcn Island , though ho 1ms a room in the World building , where ho does the most of his work , and continually grinds out stuff that is calculated to warm the heart and promote a healthy action of the liver. Like all true humorists Nye is full of purest pathos. Occasionally one will see u-humorist so full of other things that it is a matter of wonder how they can hold anything else. Nye , however , is not one of that cl-iss , being particu larly abstemious. IIo is a man of many strong prejudices , and his special bete noir is English humor. IIo thinks that class of. humor is exceedingly melan choly. In writing of it he 1ms said : "Tho average English joke has its pe culiarities. A sort of mellow distance , a kind of chastened reluctance , a coy and timid yet trusting , though evan escent intangibility which softly lingers in the troubled air and lulls the tired senses to a dreamy rest , like the sub dued murmur of a honrso burro about nine miles up the gulch. In fact , Eng lish humor is like n bore toe. It makes you glad when you got over it. It is like having the smallpox , because if you live through it you are not likely to hnvo it again. " "Nye is a thorough hater of shamsand , indeed , the finicky convontionalilics of society generally , especially of parvenu- ism , ami in his work directs the most of his slings and arrows' at such things. Thus , while ho most successfully amuses his readers ho docs an exceedingly com mendable work in other ways. WILL Visscmcit. 'Tho best on earth , ' ' can truly bo said of Grigg's Glycerine Salvo a speedy cure for cuts , bruises , burns , sores , piles , tetter , and all skin erup tions. Try this wonder healer. 25 cents , guaranteed. Goodman Drug Co. Harrv Shuoy of Llmvood killed n blue snake which ho insists contained forty little ones , and ho is willing to take oath that he has not drank anything but water for n month of Sundays. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL , A13IETINE OINTMENT is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and nil skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OUIGIAAL AUIKTINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25 cents per box by until ! 10 cents. A bold attempt atnvholcsalo horse stealing occurred near Ucnklcuian last week. A pair of robbers went-to Miller's pasture and drove all the horscs'into the cow corral , and were getting rcadvHo catch them when Mil ler detected them and turned loose upon thorn with his gun. Ho failed to strike the Jlcnds , but scared 'them so bad that they made off without any horses. Its superior oxcclionco proven In millions of homes tor mcrn than a quarter of a century. It Is used by the rnllod States ( lovernmunt. En dorsed DV the littiuls of the great universities ns the strongest , nuit'st nnd most henlttirul. Dr. i'rlccsUruiim HuklnK I'owder does not contain ammonia , llmo or alum. Sold only In cans. I'HICi : 1IAKIN(3 I'OWJJKHCO. . Now York. Chicago. Kt. Louis. MAX MEYER & BRO. Jewelers and Music Dealers. ( Jenernl Agents for STEINWAY , KNABE , CHICKERING und other tlrst-class Pianos. I.onk at FOLLOWING IJ.UKJAINS FOU TI2S DAYS. Dmrn Mantblii r < t I Stclnwny Squnre , cost &C.V > , lor M7 ! > . J10.00 1 Knube Square , costtWO.for $ .151 . JK.OO li.OO 1 Decker Ilros. Squnre , coat 2XOJ 10.00 1 Kinmersun Hqunro , cost J4t , tori'M . 10.00 C.CO 1 Newton A : Co. Square , cobt * IUOforlll ) . lii.00 P.OO 1 JlurchallScnilel UprlRht I'lano , co t no\vf > UO.forH'.iU iW.tfJ 10.00 1 linllet X- Davis Upright us good as now , coot * . "iOO , forrtM . a.CIO > 15.00 1 Ilnllet & D ivUSquaro , cost newtVK ) , forWXt . LUOO 10.00 l&honluqer A Octavo Orcnn , cost new ; . for only * : r. . . 10.00 6.00 1 Mionlnper Organ , used ono year , cost new * l-f or * . . . 10.00 5.OT 1 Mnson it Ilumlln Orgim double bunk , cost new fi.iO , foru.-i . 10.00 6.01 lirlng this ad. with you to avoid mUlakos. MAX MEYER & BRO. , Corner Sixteenth and Fnrnnin B < H. I'l'.nKSKU.L MILITARY ACADEMY THK oil-Hudson. N.Y SenI ) for cata logue , JNO. M.TILUBN M D. . M.A. Principal INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION Off Industry , Science and Art , Open Until October. 1688. Medic-al Congress Moots August 7th , GLASGOW , SCOTLAND. Round Trip Excursion Ticket , Via STATE LINE , $0-5. and $75. For Information apply to AUSTIN , BALDWIN & CO. , Agts. , &J Broadway , Now York , SIX MONTHS Accumulations of odds and ends in our men's and boys' suits stock.such as one or two suits of a kind , must be closed out during the next few days as our incoming fall goods are already crowding us for room. Among the men's suits are a few extra fine dress and business suits made of choicest fancy worsteds , and gotten up in a No 1 style. No cus tom garment can beat them , They are suits for which merchant tailors would charge from $4O to $5O , and fine ready-made houses are asking $35 for them today. To make a quick and clean sweep with them , we have marked them at less than the material in them is worth. Of the $4.75 all wool cheviot suits advertised last week , there are only a few left. We never had such a run on a suit as we had on this , and at this time of the year , when other stores have nothing to do. It is a better looking and better wearing suit than other houses are offering for dou ble the money. Enormous * reductions form former prices on all Boys' and Children's Summer Suits wo have left. Wo do not intend to carry one over if we can help it. An endless accumulation of odd Knee Pants which will be sold at less than half their value. Wind up clearing sale of all our Summer Furnishing Goods , such as Underwear , Hosiery , Flannel Shirts , etc. Closing out of all our Summer Scarfd at ridiculously low prices. A lot of splendid Silk Tecks at 15c ; usually sold at 50c. Another lot of extra fine Four in Imnd nnd Tecks ntloc ; such ns nre generally sold nt 7oc nnd § 1.00. A lot of very fine Silk Grenadine Tecks ut 35c. This is the handsomest and most elegant Scurf for Sum mer wear , and the regular price for these Scarfs is everywhere $1.00 ; our price this week is 3oc. One price only and plain figures. Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Burlington The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of ' Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Biiflington ! : Rootp : : YOUR ANSI , J1.25 and Jl.fiO Btniw JIutt.Mc ) ) All (3 and It Light Stiff Hats , now itlrT ' r * raM.eomMawl. Unuvoletdtb * "OMottv | la llut world frcntraliou eonUniiou * Slttlrit * Maanttfa ot. cl nUB .Fow rrul , Dnrntl * bl * aid U. llT . Atold Ir udj. OT rOooocur il. StBdhtmnplorpwnpliUt ALKO EUCOfKIO UKLTK rort BlBtAmtH. M. MORNE. tevuTBB. 181 WAUU AVI. . CHIOACO. PEERLESS DYES A , . TARRANT'S SELTZER APERl'NT iftsm M ' < d , The largcit , fatten ahdmie t In tbe world. I 1'ntsennor accommodations unexcelled. I New York lu Oluiuoiv Tin Londonderry FITRN-R4SIA Aug. lh I neroxiA Aug. 2Slh KTIIKirlt AUK. lllll CiltCAMIA HopU lit ANCllOltIA Aug. bill | KlIU.SEbSIA , Hopl. 6tU NKW TOIIK TO I.IVMir-OOI. VIA OITKE.NSTOWN , 1 he Celebrated I Ijirueit and tlncit I'u- Ami. Stli htraniiblii aengcr Steamer In Kept , fctli CITV OF HOME I llio World. OCT. Sill Hnlocm nntiaiu lotilut ow. Dprry , Liverpool. Ilelfail orOuccn lo nlVlunirunrBriU | nor Olaiitow hteiun- era. Dli and niiwunla for city of Home , hecond-cliins Ol. llcturn tltkeUal reduced rulen nuido arallnbla for either ruiitw , oHrrhiK eKcur lonl ta the privlleKO of Bcclui ; the .North anddnutli of Ireland , the Illrera Meney nnd iilclure qiie Clyde. Hlceraun IJI. Anchor I.lnu urHlU parahlu free of clinrKe , od ! at lowest niii'i. For book of toun , tlckeri or further Informa tion apply to HENDERSON BBOS.72 ; La Salle St. , Chicago- Or in any of our local agcnti 2l.82e,86O Tansill's ' Punch Cigars vrero ililpped diirine the pact two yean , without a druta- incrin our employ Nootber house In the world ran truth fully make mob a ibowlnc. Ono atom ( iltiftUr oiily ) wuntcd tu ertch town. SOLD BY tWSIMO OBUCCUTS. R.W.TANSILL { < CO..b5 State SLChlcaaa. , ir. J. U.llilUiAll'l , Surgeon and Physician , . \v * Uoninr i Jill ur , ) I oi'-j _ l J * if . . telf.pUoue , t < ( ; Utsl'l'jcci tclcvlioao , Co * . THE BOWELS BY TAKING TAFIRANT'S SELTZER APERl'NT Certified Checks , Payable al Sttjht on Ihf Puget Sound National Bank Given as Security ( or Money Invested. Tolhovideilrouiof huylnit propcrtr on time , vt otter t'ic fnllowInK ! We will nllow from ; tmOMtb lo A ytur ' llmo , accordlnic the land you leleAj Wu cliartfo nellhor premium nor Intrruft on tlrnd iittyiiiuiitn. uml will glvii you a warranty dxtd. wa lmvoloHHt.MJ.UIiind fr.VJUtuut lira within u radml of two nnd a half ulloa of tljo | io K > rtlco ni quire only 1U per cent , ai un curni'it money and wA will Klvc certified check for the full amount of cacti anderery aubiequent payment. ' 1'iiuchc ikliOrawn by the 1'utiet Hound National Lnnk and l made payJ ablontilvht and you can draw jour money utanjr tlmotlioniilt by nodolnic you fnrfi-lt yotirrlRDK to purchaia Und. Make your Income , no tnatlrr how mull , pnrn > nmf IhlnK. Trniucomllif uUlmllrptai aieliendliiKforKeatlle , and nmntifutturlntfli flour lining. ( ] n ral commerce In In H Hale ol > ubilu' tin ! proireHloq , Ibe daily impels are filled nllb acrountaof new enterprlio. Caliln rarf and biirit cnri. circle Heatllo. Addrrm C'OOK .V MOOKK. Wlio hate the I.AIIOKUT I'JiOI-KllTY'V la SEATTLE. W , T. . To men. We cim cur * HoPayTillCured.K iiroly A qulcur ' | , o t r liooJ. etc , Uck ef Tlifor , dcvcluumuni' , i < to. We Lara lb laltli liiiinr remedy to innku Dili offer. I'uyinenli need not bo rimde till permitiiiml cure It rffuitoj. Ail Oreo Wei turn lleuicdy Co. , llox ! & > , Oiimlm , Neb. { ! PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean/if , And dnaulinoi tli > luOr. I'twnuta n lyiuiKnt irrcmlh. N v r Flli < o Rtilore Qriy HilrtoltiYtuthful Color. , piirej > clndUea _ jKVi.t Itj-u FLORESTON COLOGNE. Hat * yrtgnat Mid Lutluc C I'cctucti. tit. vrugilaV