Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thin head 10 cent * per
line for the llrst Insertion. 1 rent * for -ach sub-
f-cotient insertion , mid ll.ffln line per month.
No advertisement taken for less ( him 25 cents
the nret Insertion. Seven words will 1 > o counted
to the line : they must run consecutively nnd
Jnu t be pnld In AUVANOE All ndvertlso-
tncuta must ba handed In before 18U : ) o'clock p.
m. , and under no circumstances will they be
Inkeu or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvgrtlslng In tli columns nnd nav-
lnetho-nn weri addressed In cure of TIIR llrr.
will please nsk for n chcok to onnblu thtm to get
IhcJr lettorH.'nH none will bo dellrorcd except on
presentation of check. All nnswcrH to adver
tisements sliould be enclosed in envelopes.
A 11 advertisements In these columns re pub-
lUued In both morntti : and owning editions of
TiiElUcv , the circulation of which aggregates
Inore tlmn IS.COfl papers dally , and given the nd
vert In m the b < nent , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIR Hr.F , but also of Council niulTx.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
Ihls section of the country.
Advertising for those columns will bo taken ,
on , thf above conditions , at the followingbnsl
ness houses , who are authorized agents foi Tliu
IIEK , special notices , and will iiuote the name
rates us c nbubad t tlieuinln offlco.
' ' '
fllTwrnH'LCl'harinacisr. 8SO s'oiuii Tenth
IIASK.TrreDDY. . BtotlonoM and 1'rlnters , 113
BouthlUii Street.
S.H. . FAItNSWOHTH , 1'harmaclst,2115 Cum-
. Ing Street.
w. . HUOIIE3 , Pharmacist , 624 North ICth
. Street.
G HO.f , PARR , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt. Mary's
WANTED Position with wholesale house ;
object , to learn the business thoroughly ,
then tra > eland represent house ; am practical
experienced bookkeeper ; have had experience
on the toad , and know what it Is to work. Ad
dress U , 60 , Ilee ollico. KC-3UJ
.W ANTED Situation in wholesale house ;
. good , references. Address J. W. Dale , city.
48'J 28
WANTED Situation In private family by an
English couple , wife Is a good cook nnd
laundress , mnn a No. 1 coachman and stable-
tnau.i years in lost pluoe.Mrs. llrega.'JlUi 81' > th.
455 28t
\\/ANTKD-Slnatlon by a llrst class bread
TT nnd rake baker ( German ) . No obji-i tlon
to go Into the country. Address U 37 , Ilee Olllcc ,
'l\rANTED-Ily two live , energetic young
i men , seine good specialty to handle ui
country fairs. Address U , 61 , uco ollico
WANTED Position In railway , mercantile
bank , or other olllce. by man of three
rears' experience as cashier of insurance com
pany ; practical bookkeeper ; good references ;
Interaction given If position nudortakon ; mod <
( rate xalnry to commence with. Address U.J'J ' ,
Boo ollico , K8-3UJ
t\7"ANTED Situation ns conchmnn for prl-
T t vato familyunderNtnnd ; horses thorouglily.
I ycnrs oxporlonco In Gorman artillery , or will
take position of any kind whern the handling of
Dorset ! is required ; uddiess U 55 Dee ollico.
517 30 *
WANTED Yonng man w 1th good references
I Inquire nt South Omaha liquor house. 01 :
K 8U near 27th , South Omaha. 674-30 *
W ANTE U A registered drug clerk at once
at 3U S. 16th st. r,7KU ;
ITtTANTKD A boy to run elevator , references
TT required. N. 11. Falooner. n70-2'J
WANTED Cnrrlncro trimmers and painters
nt factory to day. Omaha Carriage A :
Blelgh Co. , Albright Ktntlon. 47U-2- > *
WANTED Jlent nnd pastry cook for rail
rend house , $ . iO , only ono train a duy ; 3rd
cook nnd pan washer , Ho , faro paid. Irs. llrega ,
451 S3
W 7ANTED At the Elkhorn Valley House. A
a good gcrman cook. Mrs. \Vuetrlch. .
4I8-2S *
wANTED A good bread maker. 623 Main
Bt , Council lltuirs. 378 28
w for Gordon and cyHiidor
presses ; steady woik if experienced. U
lloo. 600
WANTED Hoy. 18 yenrs old. who hnshnd
some olllce experience. Address , giving
tolerances and wages wanted , lock box M , city.
WANTED 15 bridge carpenters. Apply at
Colby , Kan. , or rooms 24 and 26 , Nob. Na
tional Hank building , Omaha. Templotou &
Moriow , contractors. 640 30J
WANTED Salesman , experienced in safe
business. Mosler , Uahmann & Co. , Clncin-
tiatl. O. 62830
WANTED Ily a flrst-class mechanic , houses
to build , nnd take a lot as part pay. Ad-
flrr ss. U 45. Ileo. 491 31 *
KfHHIDG K carpenters and 30 teamster wanted
Uv/at the Northwesotru labor ngency , 315 S.lOth
Btrect. 478
WANTED Energetic men and vromcn evory-
wbero for a genteel , money-making busi
ness. JO ) weekly profit guaranteed easier than
KO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position nnd oxcln-
nlvo territory assured. } 2.uo samples fioe. Wrlto
for particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill
W f g Co , . H 6.1. Chicago. E00nl2 *
I\7"ANTED Men for the west. Albright's
labor ngency. Ji2u Farnam st. 614
0\ti-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
.lAJANTED Woman cook for Council niulTs
l V * 36. Oglrla in private families in Council
Bluffs , waitress for Valparaiso , 2 for Norfolk , 2
, ? 4 per week , tare paid ; 1 girl for
ito family in Wyo. S for Klknorn and 60 for
ralhousework. Mrs. llrega , 3141J S. lath.
fCearncy 33U 8'
ANTED Lady cook for small hotel , (33.00 ;
cook and tecond gill in same family.
Council Uluirs. J4 and W : 2 dining room girls for
Norfolk ; lady bookkeeper , $10 per week ; 2 little
Jirls to wash dishes ; 2nd girl and dishwasher In
private boarding honso ; 20 girls for private fam
ilies ; good places for good girls iu and out of
Uty. Mrs. llrega , 314't h mil. 642 30
WANTED-At Midway hotel. Kearney. Neb ,
3 good dining-room girls ; SI per weak ; faro
paid. T. 0. llralnord. 627
COOK nnd laundress infnmllyof 4 ; must have
good references. Mrs. S. P Moiso. s wcor
BdandCass. 611 30
W ANTED Good dining loom girl at onco.
1D1U Dodge. 630-31 *
w ANTED First-class colored woman
cook. AppIy.HU and IU N Uth street.
4UI 30 *
\A7ANTBD 2 lire Insurance solicitors. Apply
? > room e , Continental block. 483-1
WANTED A good girl for general house-
\ \ ork , must bo n good cook , in a family ot
Ihrcc , $1 per week , nlco place tor n peed girl ,
tnqulro at 212 N loth at. 600 3D
WANTED A competent girl for general 1
house work In a family of three. A good
place for the rliht ; party. Inquire Mrs. Daven-
[ lort , IhOJ B. llth at. _ 477.
WANTED Good gill Cor general housework )
must bo good washer and ironer. Apply
kt 712 South 83th avenue. 425
" "
WA"NTE"0 A KOO < \ gUl for general house-
work in family ot four. M)3 ) Hnruoy st.
rir ANTKU-0rl ! for general house work. 3101 7
V CnllfornlaHt. 6'JO
W ANTED A pin for general Housework , nw
cor. 8th and Loavonvi orth sts. 371
V\7ANTEI-21 girls general work , fl dlninn
V > room girls , 4 dishwashers , 3 cooks for ho
tels , a pastry cooks , dining room girls for the
West , lots of iilnc-a for girls. Omnha Emp ,
Uurcan. 119 N. loth st. 373
NKIlHA8KAEmployinent olllce. No. 817 N
Kth Bt. Mule and female help supplied
I'rivatu families a specialty. _ ia-U
MALE or female help furnished in or out o :
city , private families a specialty. H. H
Wandull , 40 N Itlth st. 2nd lloor. 4i)7 ) aa
STATK Employment Olllccrs are pTeasiTij
All. Uira them a trial , Sco advertisements
Dfllce Room 11 , 1417 Parnniu at , upsttlrx.
TX7ANTFJ > The nnbllo to make good use o
> 'Iba llie'i luossaL'O boxes tLronghout thi
tity l"o
tityW ANTED Thoronrh Instruction In culta
JnuMc. from either gentleman or lady. At'
U Ii8 ll a onioe.
W ANTIID-To mcot demand tor competeu
bookkuepunl will ptve Instaictions cvc-i
Ings ; 7 to n , tennt to suit all. J. U. Smith , Hooi
ll.l Hainu * block. 4.M30 *
ll.lW ANTEl > If you Imva any nuidx , 1012,0
houses and lota to sell or . . exchange . to
tthcr property , call on mo or write. I nan jj
frou a customer. C. U. Bustiwooil , DOitf a 1
"WANTED More houses to rent. Ilosworth
TV A Jopiln. Darker block.
\VANTLlP3 > Iore houses ta rentgoodparing
"i tenants , quick rent * insured. H. II. Wan-
doll , 408 N 16th. 8nd floor. 410 nS5
WANTED-To buy or trade for n good build-
ing that can bo moved. Plcosa call on
or address Oeorgo J.SternsdoriT , room 6 , oppo-
Blto 1' . O. 'M
"V\7ANTED Purchaser for nne largo house
T t now being built In Clffton Hill. Street cars
nnd Holt Hallway station nt hand. Only 1.000 ,
and monthly payments at that. Will sell house
nnd three lots if desired. A. 1' . Tukey , loth and
Douglas. 463
WANTED UW table boartlcrs nt the Oloba
hotel , Douglns st bet 13th and llth : best
in city. Kiln 13
W ANTEO-Tublo boarders , 1015 Dodge. ( _
WANTKD-Hy Widow lady and daughter ,
two or three (3 ( ( rooms suitable for light
housekvoplni'Wltnmllvu (6) ( ) minutes walk of
Sixteenth and Dodge st. Address U M , Ileo.
6522i > *
TJTOlt KKNT-Jfo. filS N. Kth si , cottage six
JD rooms , centrally located. 6112S
CHOll UUNTi-i room liouso. 88th and Howard
JF Bts. 41i-2b
FOR. KENT Two-story ten-room house-all
comeulonccs. tollnt rooms on bothlloors ;
Inrgo bufu and cnrrli < go shed , line lawn. Hent
JW ( per month. Sherman avenue near Grnco ,
F. K. Darling. 1521 FarDnra. 622-39
TTIOIt RENT HoteUlcnson , situated on 25th st ,
JL1 South Omaha ; XIroom.s ; dolru ; good Imsl-
ness ; funilturo for sale cheap. Address W. L
Stevcu.1,1512 S 6th , Omaha , or apply at 110 8 13th
Bt , Omaha. 543 4
F1 10R ItENT A new cottage of 3 rooms , $ n per
month. 2H4 ! Hecntur st. 41KS29 *
F ° U HHNT-A 0 room cottage. Inquire 1P03
S. 15th St. 602 3 *
FOR RENT ! l-room house on south side. Chi
cage st , between 18th and ll'th. ' Apply to
Kitchen Uros , Puxton Hotel. 4-0 31
AN B-room cottage with modern improve
ments. Inquire cor. 21st and St. Mary s nve.
28 ! ) ! W
EOK HKNT Elegnnt ft room house with bath
and barn on cable line. $10 per month. II.
E. Cole , room (1 ( , Continental block. 4KVU-0
OHOOM house with bath , 2 blocks of cable , $2.1
Oper month. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental
Illock. 4b5-a 0
T710R HENT The best soutn end d room Hat In
JuA cltv. llnths and closets ; all modern ; cheap.
J. H. I'arrotte , law Chicago. 607 3
rr-HOOXI house on Uth , near Howard.
* 5-room hoimo on 1 ) tu , ncnr Wobster.
0-rooin Hat on Nicholas , ncnr I7th.
10-room terrace on 15th , near Chicago.
ll-room house on Dodge , near Uth.
10 room house on Farnam. near ltth. )
19-toom house on 13th , near Dodgo.
0-room lat ! on llth , near Howard.
4-room lint on loth , near Dodge.
8-room house on Georgia ave.
10-room honso on Douglas , ncnr 21st.
10-room house near high srhool , nud several
other places , all in good locations , lents icnton-
able , und f urulturo for sale on xmnll cash pay
ment nnd i-asy terms. Co-operative Land A ; Lot
Co. , Stlj N. Irtth st. 1.20 30
FOR RENT 3 dwellings , 0 rooms each , hard
nndsoft water , bath , etc. , 1 block from
street cars , 2. " > th and Franklin. Apply John
Hamlln. 311 S. llth st. 111-2 *
_ _ HENT 1 l-room Hat , Utt per month , nth
and Howard. Inquire at The fair. 4'il
HOUSES , stores nnd llats to rent , nil parts of
city. H 11. Wnndoll , 4W N 10th , 2nd llonr.
4'W n23
"TOUSR for rent , nil modern conveniences.
Inquire 210 N lUth bt. 8 > 5i !
FOR HENT 10-room house with bath-room
doset In every bed-room , china closet pan
try. laundry , and barn with two stalls. Apply
nt the house , 44th and Chicago. To the right
party tnis house will bo rented cheap for ono or
two years , John D. Cowlo. 37 ! ) 31
OH RENT A new 5 room honso with all
conveniences , 112 3.2Mb st. 3S2a4 *
F IoTTllENT 1 of Eilson's nice house ? , In-
qulie 1723 Davenport strcut. 314 nlr
FOU KENT "room house. No. 1037 so. 20th
st. 823 per'mouth. Call quick. E. I' . Soa-
rer , Hoom 40 darker block. 312
TJWH HENT 10 room modern house { or > .CO. 0
J ? room ditto , W5.00. 1 room ditto. t-Ti.O ) . Other
houses , fltores and olllccs. G. E. 'IhoiniHon.
Shculey blk. luth and Howard sts. Illu
FOR HENT-House 1817 Davenport street.
Has gas * wuter and modern improvements.
FOR HENT 2 6-room cottages ; tine location
tor railroad m m. 2 blocks from U. P. depot ,
rent $23 a mouth. Mead Investment Co.,314 S.Iuth
TJ1OH HENT Handsome new home. 10 rooms.
JJ all conveniences , best nclghlxirhood und
within ttve minutes' walk of pobtolllce. Nathan
Shelton , 1605 Farnnm st. 011
"C10H lir.NT 5-room nouse , 18 , s. e. cor. llth
J nnd Ylnton. 877
Oil HENT A 3-story brick building. 1017
Howard si. , store , basement and Hats. In-
qulio at 1/eo ft Nichols' livery barn , 2 < < th and
Lcavenworth ats. Toioplione 840. 7uO
FOR HENT A 7-room house , cor. 2ith and
Da\cuport. All modern convenience. In-
quirentJoa. Hoscnsteln's , 217 3.12th st. 030
"TT10R HENT House ? rooms , largo yard , on
X1 2Dth nnd Hamey. Smnll house } 7.60 12th
and Jones. House und barn ftM and Ilownrd
st. $10. Llnuiian & Muhoney , Hoom 60D 1'axtou
block. 630
T71OR ItENT Save car f nro ny moovlng in the
Jj "Her llats , " lilted with nil the most modern
conveniences. 7 light rooms including bath ,
pantries , closetf , steam heat , gas nnd water ,
"nlso two nice stores" nnd basement. "Refer
ences required. " Apply to llnymer k Her ,
hardwnie , 624 South luth st. 614 7
FOR HENT-Modorn single house of 0 rooms ,
bathroom , hot nnd cold wnter. on street car
line nud paved street , ready for occupancy
Aug. 1. M" per month. Apply at once C. F.
Harrison , 418 S. ISthat. ZIP
T710H HENT-7-room house. No. 151SS 6th St. ;
JL ? li-room cottage. No. Ol'J Wm. St. ; 6-room cot
tage , No.2723 Chailesst. Inquire 1100 Cap nve.
T7IOH HENT-or Salo-Now cottugo , Bedford
J Place , on easy payments. Enqulio M. L ,
Hoeder , room 403 PnxtonblocK. t'TT '
T75OH HENT A fine 10-room brick house with
J- nil modern Improvements , linn location on
street cur lluu. H. M. Genius , UUt ) Douglas Bt.
6 J
FOR SALE Two now , P-ioom houses in Or-
chnrd Hill nnd Poppli-ton Pnik. Will uell
cheap for cash , or w 111 take good llrst or second
mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to hon
est p.utlcs. 0. C. Spoiswood , 303H S. ICth. 413
I1IAVF n four-room liouso on ICth street , two
blocks bonth ot Yluton , that 1 will rent to a
good tenant for } 12 per month , everything In
good repair. George J. Stcrusdorff , Hoom 0 ,
opposite P. 0. 231
F0,1 ! A KO cottnie. Applr at
, , lice. C. F. Harrison. 418 8 16th st. UI
T71UHNIBIIED rooms for rent. 1017 Capitol
JL : ave. Heforence exchanged. 603 8at
T7KH ) HENT Hnndsomoly cfurnlshed parlor
X1 and bedroom , en suite , furnished single
room. 1723 Capitol ave. 400 83'
2 NICKLY furnished front rooms , Sim Far
num. 8ul2St
r Oll HENT Hooms. Inqulro at 8. W. corner
U llth nnd Dodge. 4ai8a
/ \NE unfurnished room , new building , good
V/locatlon , southern exposure. Dr. Ottcn-
bourg , 10th und llnrnoy sts. 3J72s *
TfjIOH HENT Splendid 10 room honso ; perfect
Jc rop.ilr ; 23JO Leave nworth street.
4 room cot Inge , Fnrnam nnd 85th ; city water
and cUtern.
8 sK room houses , on Kth near Clark ; cltj
wutcr , etc. Hoom 7 , Hoard of Trade. Hugh G.
Clark. 63V31
TT10H RENT For light housekeeping , two f nr-
JL1 ntslunl tx > ems , coo ) , with Una view. tOi
Howard. 6ti3-3IJ
BAHN To rent , llarn with loft at 1B23 Dodg <
at. M 31j
TJ OH KENT MX nice largo room * for llghl
Jliousukreplngj iniulro at 1310 Webster st.
S MALL front room , modem conveniences
8107 Donglas st. 611
TTHH HUNT Suit newly furnUhed rooms ; al
J. modern conveniences ; private family ; botm
it desired. ( Ci aeorgla ave. (329th ( st. > J338IJ
PLEASANT cool rooms for rent ; modern con
venlence * , 631 Plemant st. 631 it
TjlOR HENT-Large furnished front room
JJ m Capitol avenue , nt 3u
CVJR KENT Tvi-o very deslrotlo furnished
J- front rooms , all modern conveniences on
fame Moor , accommodations for four gentle
men. Apply. 1718 Capitol aye. 44'J 31 *
T710R RRNT-rurnUlied room with board foi
JL1 u > u gentloiuMi. "MM SU Uary'i avo. 6C7A41
TmORNISHED room 1112 Howard. 3KJ30J
T710R ItENT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cass st.
J 472
TTIOIt HENT Nicely furnished nix-room cot-
Jtage , ncnr cable line , to small family only <
Inferences required , C. H , Sllkworth , li'lS Far-
nam st. 452 a 2J
T7IOR RI'.NT Furnished rooms nnd board by
--1 the day or week , C04 3.13th st. 474 n SO
| 7HR HENT Furnished rooms in Gretmlg blk ,
-L cor. llth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H. ,
Dovlg.Mlllard hotel billiard room. l.'U
FOR HENT-Fiirnlshcd rooms largo and
small , vert cheap. 113:1 : N. 13th st. 371-30
NEWlA' funnshod rooms in good location to
trnnslont or regular parties , single or en
suite. Apply-to Mrs. A. Hussell , 007 Silath.
ittfaO *
OOM8 including board in the Young Wo-
inen's homo 1W10 Dodge st. Hefercncoa re-
qulred. U43
FOR HEN'l Furnlshed rooms. lU :2Uth st.
U72alO $
I7IOR HENT Two very desirable rooms hand-
J-1 somely turuishod. Location aplendlil. 1707
Dodge st. , 63150 *
TJIOR IlBN'T-3 furnlsheU room * for light
-L' housekeeping. Prices reasonable. Hcfcr-
ences requlnxL B13 N. IBth. 65331
rpwo front rooms , furnished , at 710 N. 20th ,
JL Cable passes the door. eat 31 *
TTHW H13NT-8U nicely nnrt newlf furnished
JU' rooms , first-class board furnished , in thn
nlco.Ht location In th city. Inqulro this week at
17.1 Davenport , cor. l"th st. C4J-31 *
TJtOR KENT A pleasant room with all modern
J- conveniences ; brick residence , cor. 20th
and St. Mary's avenue , pr 6JJ South 20th st.J
TiTOR HENT-ltooms with or without bonnl.
JL ? 17TO Dodge. 420al
NICELY furnished front room 1 2110 Hnrney.
395 UOf
FOR HUNT A 'large , pleasant front room.
1701) ) Chicago st. 213
EOR HENT-Furnishod rooms , 1718 Cnss. sT
ill ul
NICELY furnished rooms ? l per week or W 60
month , 602 601 and 60ti S. lath , st. ICC'alOJ
FURNISHED rooms and board , 1&12 Chicago ,
231-al *
IJ1OR RENT Fiout room , largo and nicely
- * furnished , located near the nigh school. In
the highest nud roolest section of the city ;
cable line and horse caw puss tlio door. En
quire at 222.1 Dodge near 2lth HI. 800-
F ° H HENT-1'iirnlshod rooms. 181t ) Dodgo.
Oil a U
NICE front room , 1013 Chicago it.
43) 2S *
T7OUH rooms , furnished or nnfurnlsiicd with
Jt : or without boaul , 810. Ifl5 mid K5 ; all
modem conveniences ; li)12Hirucy. ) 6t > 7-Jl *
IJIUHNISHIID rooms and"board , ICIS Call-
JL1 fornln. Ka-31
NICKLY furnished front room , llrst-class
board , suitable for two gentlemen.Wil Kar-
uam. -Ml 31 ;
O LAHE ! , pleasant nicely furnished looms In
J most destrablo part of city ; shndy plnce7 ;
blocks from 1' . O on cable lluu. Heut nnson.i-
ble ; board if desired. Heady Aug. L 2JIO lu- )
vcnport Bt. 6.0 31t
T71OR RENT Elegant , largo , fnrnlslipil front
JL1 room for ono or t o gentlemen ; luferacncea
required. Apply ! 3 St. Mary's nve. R4V-1
ITIUHNlSHED-Rooms with boaul. 2220 Kuit.
JL1 621-aT
niOUH gentlemen can be accommodated with
J11 nice suite ot rooms und Hist-cUsi board ut
20.TJ St. Mary's ave. . Grnddy b'ock. ' SB
FOR HENT Nicely fin nlshed n out room for
gentleman. Modern coin eniencea. IDlTCabs.
1 1
LAHGE and smnll room suitable for gentle
man , w 1th or without board , 181J Doili'c.
OH HENT Hoom and board , lwJ ) Tin-nam.
- 10 *
ENT-ft roomsT nt4i."l N. Uth bt. fiirnf-
turo tor sale or trade. ( ! oed location. On
Ked Car line Call this w eek. 3o : : 10
TjlOH Hl'.NT 1'our looms In lint , llrst lloor ,
-D southwest coiner llth nnd 1'ncltlcBts. En-
cmiro ut Room 5 , over ding store. 101
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 415 S. IDtli st j. . . % . 23
Three (3) ( ) looms , 1104'J S..thst. . . " . . . . 11 UI
Three ( .1) ) rooms , 2l ' ' , 1'ncltlc bt 12 fO
Three O ) rooms , llir. N. 20th bt I'l fiU
Four ( I ) rooms , 17i Webster st 1H )
i-'onr (41 ( rooms. 411 South 1'Jtn st 18 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 421 South Hlth st ! M 50
Three i3i looms , 1701 Webster st 11 U )
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 Pacltlost 13 50
Two (2) ( ) rooms , mis Howard st 10 ft )
Four(4)rooms ( ) 17IK Webster st S3 M )
Four ( I ) rooms , 41U 8. luthst 1H fl )
Apply to .Tudgo Renting Agency , Herald
building , S. W. corner of 15th and Hnrnevst
IjlOR RENT Store ; goo.l place for grocery ;
K near B. W. corner liith nnd Leavcnwoith.
COJ 2 *
FOR HENT A new store room on N st. South
Omaha , cheap. Wright it Lasbury , 215 S.
14th st. Upstairs. 418 SI
FOR HENT Store In Knilmch block , oppo-ilt.
Shoeley bl'dir. Just the locitlou for genti
furnishing goods , ' Call on or uddi'c-ss nt ones C
F. Harrison , 418 S 15th. 4115
FOR RENT First-class basement olllce. No.
141.1 St. , rout reasonable. Apply to
J.W. Squire , 121 ! ) Farnam bt. , 1'list National
Hank building. 4li3
STORE for rent , llli Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan Shelton , ut 1VJJ Furmuii street
FOR HENT-OIHco snlto 8T month , 2 Mi-.glc
olllcea il'i each , all fronting st , llusn-
man block , N. E. Cor. Kith nuu Douglas. W. > L
Ilnslmmn , 1311 Lenvenwortb. 32) )
OR HENT-Storeroom , No. 211 S. 14th st. Ap-
J-1 ply at 1110 Howard st. 077
Oil ItENT Unit of 301 8. 10th St. . opposite
Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton > V Co.
FOR HENT Small store on 15th between Far
nam nnd Ilainey. largo safe for bule. Apply.
Room 411 1st Nat bnnk bldg. , 431
JB K HENTStoreroom , northwest cor. 15th
and Vlutou , U- !
S TOKE for rent , fill ) N. Kith. Inquire of
Henry Osthoir , 1SU CalifornU st. 45S
"T\7E glvn special attention to renting and col-
> > looting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room
6 , Continental block. 4b7
T71OR quick rental and good tenants list your
43 houses with II. H. Uundell , 4U3 N Idtli st , 2nd
lloor. 4S7 a2i
TIO irsuro quick rental list your pr openly
with J. 11. 1'airoltc. MOB Chicago. 244 aMl
\\7IIEN you wish to rent a houss , store or of-
i > lice call on us , H , E. Cole , loom 0. Coutln-
ontal block. 4S7
JJ1 H. SMITH , 010 N.lBth St. 33la23
E. THOMPSON. Room 113 Sbeoly blork.
IF YOU want your houses rented place them
with Ilenawn < Sc Co. , 15th , opposite postolllco.
T OST Irish setterf s nr on right ch.oek. Lib-
XJernl reward return to 'lUclmrdS' restaurant ,
1017 Farnam , 4J5
I > ERSONAij It yon nuvo personal item , ot
any communication , drop it in ono of The
IJee's message boxes. 103
IF you want to buy , sell. lent , or exchange
call on or address George J. Stcrnsdorlf ,
room 0 , opposite P , O. 231
Poll BALE Good aide-bar' buggy and liar-
ness , price 110. I5C7 N. 10th st. 70USOJ
5,000 tons of Ice for Bale by Uoogo Packing Co. " !
SlOUX City. , 621 > a8S
CTOll SALE A family carriage and team , at
J-1 Lee A ; Nlchol's livery barn. Telephone 840.
FOK BALE-Plamng mill machinery. Call at t
1408 Davenport st , Omaha. 310
"ITlon SALE A fine family mare 4 years old ,
J.1 perfectly safe ; also an almost new Snyrter
buggy and harness. Inquire L. D. Burnett , cor ,
13th and Farnam nt Helman's. 680.
T71AMILY horsa cheap. U. B. Cole , room 6 ,
JL1 Continental block 488 l
Foil BALE Elegant carriage horse , new
phaeton and harness. Inquire room 40 ,
Barker block. 441
TiTOR BALE Large fine carriage hone , youns
-C and mmtle. w , L. B lby , 1&21 Farnam it.
T71OR SALE Heavy youu ; team horses , smnll
JL1 payment down. U. II. Eaton , 810 N , ICth st.
T7 OH SALE-A few choice milch cows , C. P.
JJ Harrison. 418 8. 15th st. HCJly88 .
FOH SALE All thjktjjfarnlturc , including
stovescarpets , BCA > UWmachine nnd n good
book case aud books , nwfee for rent 1S13 So.
15th st. , near Dorcas. Aitan Haclno canoe with
masts nttdjsalls. 872.
TflOll"8ALE Finest driving team In Omaha ,
JP cheap for cash. Inruuro 2111 cuuilng street ,
V UlTJlt
B A HN to be mo ved Ilia von barn that will
accommodate four llorses and Is In good
repair that I will trade dflScll very cheap. Ap
ply to G. liarth , proprietor Saunders street
market , between Cald irUiioud Hamilton
' _ _ 831
FOH SALE 15 head of line fresh milch cows
nt Military bridge barn , Cumlng st. Call
evenings. E. S. Jester. 418 2St
IjlOll SALE Cheap ; counters , shelving , scales.
JD show cases , oil tanks , etc. , otr. , suitable for
furnishing a retail grocery complete ; also horse
and phaeton ; will trlvo part tlmo It necessary.
Addiess or inquire H. C. Templar , 8U10 Pierce st.
3M Met
EOH SALE riuo single horse hntnoss and
buggy. Charles. A , Goss , 413 S. 15th st.
BEAUTIFUL faces nnd forms guaranteed
Face bleach removes freckles , pimples and
wrlukks. tlpor bottle. Hook of receipts for
the compaction 83 rents. Send 4 cents tor cir
cular. Mudumo Hupport , 8i3 State street ,
mAPEWOHMS removed Iu twu hours or no
JL charge. Address E. Fuller , 11J S 24tn st. ,
Omaha. 4J7al'
F INK dressmaking done at parlors or In fam-
Jl work gu.nanteed.Call at 1717 Cumlug
miVE banjo tiught as un ait by Oco.r. Gellon-
1 beck. M Hnrney st. liti
OMAN'S Exchange , 1617 Parnainst. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. " 4U
"VITANTED A good horse , buggy and harness
TT ine\chang3 for SouthOmalialots. George
3.Steinsdorlf. loomtl. imp postoHlco. 2 ;
rplnTsiUJLTON , aoth and Dodge streets
JL nrst-class family hotel. Hoard ami rooms
single or on sntto at reasonable rate's. Refer
eiices reiiuired. MM. M.\VUlttaker. _ CIS a'J
IF you nave anvtnlng totrado call on or nd-
uniss George J. Sterusdorir , Uoom ( I , opposite -
site poatolllca 101
GJ. S.STEHXSDOttrr , loom 0 , opposltopost-
olllceuill tiade you it good tuim or city
1 ropeity foi u hot e , buijity and h.xines . 1J2
l O > fr. for De.stiTute Women and ChUdien ,
Hurt bt. UIO
I710H HUNT Storage vciy cheap nt Illock &
X1 lleynrin , ilothlers , IIU Farnam st , 'IMO
Oiplmns' old stand.
S 1OHAGK Fnfc1. dry und clean nt low lutes.
lllddcll At lllddell. 1112 Howard. 4'4n2.1
STOHAOE P. llooco Bios. \ Co. , 110J llow.ud
street at the lowest lutoj. K * > all
VEHY Cheap Storage 1 Iran new imildtue ;
11o stdile ? . Llovator Jlfg Co. , 1113 lion , ird.
OT1 JJ 27
rpllACKAGE. storage. lowest ratal W. } l
JL lliishniau , ) III Leavonworth. 1G7
VALENTINE' : ! Shortji | nd Institute \ tUo
Lxr eitand only esulisivo , practical slioit-
hand und typowiltlus school in the west. Under
the management of 0. UjValeiitlne , olliulul court
repoiter ot the Third Juilklal district or Ne
braska , und Prof. II. 11. Hey s , n veitmtim ro-
l > oiter ot lJi > re uxprileiKV andiuputntlou. us-
sNtid uy otliHr oNpuriuuCed tencla-ia. Our list
of KiwluutiM is the Uruvstiof uuy school in the
vest ; nil nro occupylui ; fir t-clnss positions nnd
irlYluir entire sitl r.iitli > l. 'If jou intend liurn-
iir Hhoitlmnd and tyno1\rltlng ntU'nd u tlrst-
dii'S chool nnd bo ama .of a i'ood fttuntlon.
f-tudents can i-ntur r.t any tlmo ; no KUIUIIIUI \ u-
cntlon. Pltmnii s , Mnu-tyivs und Gr.ihum'.s MV- > -
ti'ins tiuight. lu < itr.tLtlin < Ilveu on Hammond .S :
Hemlii'jtou Tvjiowrlters both for f < ame prlc ? .
I'.irtlculir attention paid to SDulIiii ! : , jiunctun-
tionbiHliiBesniid legal fo'.ilu , etc. i'or full liar-
tlrulnrs soud for rlrcninii * ' or call nt Ynlt'iitliid's
Shorth.ind institute , N , v Pnxton bulldini ; ,
Omnha , Neb. . 8'W Jyll
" \\7"ANTED Good swono'-haud buss. Address
W / . H.TIndell. Atuoofl. Kas. * 107 WJ
T\TANTKU JV second-hand No. 2 Remington
T > typewriter. Address Iox2.'i ! , Hastings.\eb.
Goo I nousd and lot in desirable
part of the city ; will give flrU-cUss bur.
gain to nnyonu If suited. Geo. j. Sterns'lorlf ,
Hoom a. Frenzer blk. bli
1 jf you have improved business or residence
property } on v/lsh to sell , call nnd j > eo
m . Oeorgo J. Sterusdorfl , room 6 , opposite
postotlire. 'Si
TILL buy furnitureota liouso or tint centrally -
W trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co 203 N. 10th
SKVERALsUro buildings or houses that can
be moved. Will pay good price if suited.
George J. Sternsdorlf , room 0 , opposlto post-
olllto. 1JJ
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , iled
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
flee. Female dlseaiea a specialty. Hi ) M. Wtb
* .3 Tel. 44. I'.l )
rplli : Omaha Financial Exchange , Hoom 11 ,
Jl Harkor block , southwest corner of Far
nnm and 1'ith Bts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral und
real estate loans.
Money always on hand in sums ot $100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved so-
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good first or second mortgages.
Loans mnde upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly i nnd fairly , Hoom 13 , llarkor
block , Corbett , Manager. _ 17U
MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
hau the only property organized loan agency
iu Omaha * Loans ot ? 10 to JIOJ made on furni-
tine , pianos , orgnns.horses , wmtons.machlncry ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly contldentiul. Loans so made that any
part can bo pnld nt nnv time , each payment re
ducing the cost iiio r.ita. Advances wade on
dun wiitchas and diamonds , i'ercous should
ciucfully consider who they are dealing w 1th , as
many now concerns nro dally coming Into exls-
tenoo. Should you need mon 'y call und see me.
W. u. Croft , Room 4 , Wlthnell bulldlng.lSth und
H arney. _ KU
fi * J.(00 private money to at R per cent. Cal
JJl nnd get it quick. U. 1' . Huriison. lib S. llth
MONEY to lo-xn on leal estate ; mortgages
bought und sold. Wallace , Creighton block.
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 10W Furnam st. 101
M ONEY to Loan On horses , mulei , etc1. II.
W. Huntress , lll7F.xrnam stroel. 317
OANS made on city nrrfporty low rates. C.
IT. Moiton , 1417 Farunin , Hooms U and it ) .
, , 3U7 a 2
OJ5COrOOto loan on Omnha city propel fy at
I'per cent. G , W. Day. ss col Ex. bid , 18S
$11,000 to loan on cltv property , low rates.
II. C. Hoynton,313 S 14th stopp Paxton house.
TVroNEY to loan onnomes , furnituroni/jfcthor
-U-Lpersounl property or collateral. Hutos moderato -
erato ; business ronUdeutial. Ollico B. W. cor
ner llth and Douglas Hts. Entrance on Inth st.
The Fnlrbank Investment'Co. 175
MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Hiislnesa strictly contidontlnl. A. E. Greenwood
& Co. , It 1 , Cunningham blbck , cor 13 & Jackson.
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
W. M , Harris , over 22U S 15th st. 187
T OANH mnde on improved nnd unimproved
XJclty property at low st rates of Interest ,
special rates on large loans on inside property.
Odeli llros. & Co. . 312 8.18th bt. 163
WE keep on hand money to loan on insldo
property in Omaha nnd South Omaha In
sums from $300 to $3,000 , and as we do our , own
valuntlng , make all papers , etc. , we can com
plete a loan any day yon wish and pay you the
money. Hates , Smith & Co. , Hoom 203 , Hamge
building. uoi
/ IITY and farm loans made at lowest rates.
V-'Nqi ' delay ; no commission charged. J. W.
Hobblns , It. 808. Sheclyblk. , 15th and Howard.
_ _ _ _
HATTEL and collateral loons , M. E. Darts ,
111B. Uth St. Room 87. 751
MONEY to loan on diamonds , watches and
jewelry ; all business strictly confidential ;
can accommodate yon with long or short loans ;
HwllI pay you to nee me. Saras Diamond li
Jatch Loan Co. , 219 S 16th t. lloyd's opera
houge block. 773 a 11
KlilUALL. Champ & Ryan
Loan money on improved property In
Omnha and principal additions , also bulldluu
loans , at low rates. Hooui 6 , U 8. Nat bank.
813 all
MOTRYto leant large and small sums at IOTP
, rates , for n6rt time , on real estate or
fhattel * ecm-lty : second notes Itought ; Ml llnnn-
clal business strictly confidential. Peoplo'd 11
nnnclnl Exchnneo , u. llouscarcn manager ; room
DOij _ Darker block , 15th and Fnrnnm. 773
E. COLK loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room 6 , Continental block.
6PEH CENT money to loan , Patterson k liar-
nard Ola 8 15th st 1M
MONiV ; to loan : cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Snulrc , l.'l'J ' 1'arnam St. , First National
bank building. 141
s Harris H Kit I * Co. for loans , room 111
lit Nat Hank. 820
OMAHA Clinttol lan Co. , has money to loan
on chattel nnd collateral security , Hoom ] ,
Omaha Nat'i Jlauic 171
LOANS made to parties desiring to build. D.
V. Sholes , room 1. llarker block. im
T OANS made on real estate and mortgages
JUbought. Lewis 8. lleed Se Co. , 1581 Fnrnam.
$ "iOO.OOO to loan ut 0 per cent. Uuunau & Ma-
honqy , Hoom 501 ! , 1'axton hlock. 182
MONEY"to loan on rnrnlture , horses , wagons ,
etc , , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob.
bins. It. 'Mi Sheely blk. 15tli nnd Howard. 674
MONEY loaned at 0. F. Iteed & Co. ' Loan
oQlc * , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kln < ls , ami all other
articles ofvnluo without removal , 31 S. Uth.
All business strictly confidential , 170
BUILDING loans. Lluauan A ; Mahouey.1S3
MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property. C. F. Harrison g. 15th st. 311
MONEY to loan. Long time. Oeorgo J. 1'aut ,
IHOO Fiiriiam st. 3.0
MONEY Gooct commercial paper nnd short
time mortgages bought , liral estate loans
negotiated. 8. A. Sloman , 13th aud Farnam.
< J > 600.000 H per cont. Mony to loan on impro-
pved farms or city property. James A. Wood-
mnn , at the old lira Insurance ollico of JIurphy
& Lpvett , 220 3. Uth St. UIT
DON'T boriow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you huvo seen C. 11.
Jacobs , room 4li > , First National bauk building ,
cor. 13th and i'nrnam 180
Hit. 1HKY JoUt.OOO to loan on city property
> nud Improved farm laud. Frenzer block.
MONEVto loan at low rates on Omaha nnd
Sjouth Omnhn property , improieil und un
improved. Chas. H. Woolley , US S. 15th st.
8.M a 1
MONEY to loan in any amount , either for
butldlugor otherwise , ut lowest rates of in-
teiest aud imshoit notlco. D. Y Sholos. room
l.Hnrker _ block. 103
T OANS made In all the principal additions to
JUOnmh.i at Jowost rates. D. Y. bholg.s , loom 1 ,
H.ukcr block W'
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1W5 I nr-
11 im Complete abstracts furnished , As titles
to luut estate examinedperfected A : guaranteed.
BENSONTCAKMICMAEL furnish complstj
and giinriinteed abstracts ot title to any
iful estutt ) In Omnha aud Douslaj county upon
short notlco. 'Jliu mint complete set of ubstiuct
booss in the city. No. I'JOI st. 6KJ
TOOK SALH-Oood pnyint ? lestaurant on
Douglas st. ( good reasons for helling ) , and
dining hall of a gixid hotel in city. Call fur
particulars. Co-Operatl\e Laud \LotCo. , 803
K. lull st , 4.SS 83
VIMNTHD A practical andci\porleiiccdhoto
? T man \\lth . ' .UW or jilKH ; ) uipltal to take
block In a } I5W)3 ) hotel and to lea > -e the fame ,
flood hotel town. Address J. A. I'rauley ,
Stronnburg. Nub. 4U1 a > t
MIJAT Market , centrally lorated , for sale nt a
Uargalii , till Aiie'iibt : i. Address U. m > . lco !
ollici- . 6l31 *
Ft ) ! SAM : Half interest in ono of best pay-
Ing bunday papers In than oat. Job ollico
iu connection. Ill health reason for Hulling.
Address LT 57. Ileo oillco 631
SALK - coutectlouerj- cigar stores ,
the good-paying lestaui.iuts , i ! bakeiles
ominU-.Ion business , meat market , and a good
, iloon. Call for partlculnw , Co-operativo Land
o. , 2U1 N. 10th st. tiX4a
TTVJH S A LK Livery and boaidlng&tablp.smnll
J3 expons ? , doing good business , II. K. Cole ,
com t1 , Contlneutnl block. 4M 1
POIl SALi : HcBtaurant ulth confectionary ,
clgais andtobucco. Good location. Adiusss ,
U 4 , Ilee Olllcc. 4TU > !
FOH PALE An established olnce bu'-inesss
paying if i.WJ pur year. Uinaha lluiiiU'SKx -
: hanje. a w cor. 15th and Douglas , 1W
SKT of abstract tltli'H for J.anca.iter county.
Nub. ; price * 13OUU ; cxchaugB lor mdse. or
: eal estate ; pliotogr.iph gallery , price JI.GOJ ;
nnnt part cash and real estate : good brick yard
In Omaha. Cu-operatWd Land As Lot Co--'AKN ,
icth st. nai-ao
the business cnancoi wo nave listed have
been thoroughly estlgnted , and Mo gunr-
iiutec. Oratvha lliulnebS nxclmuge , s w cor. 15th
.nd . l > ouglns. 4W
ITtOH hALU-Uood paying boirdlng house ,
JUeood locality. I.'O rooms ; reason for r
bad health. Address , U 41 , Omaha lloe.
FOlt SALK Several paying llats , cheap , as
owneis ui oluavlng city. II. K.Colo , room t ) ,
Continental block. 4MJ1
TJIOlt SALi : Kestitnrant , l-'OJ Douglas Bt , on
-U account of death of jmrtni'r. Apply on prem-
1bes. ilKi M'
POK SALI' Allratclass bakery , lee cieam ,
irult oud poiifecllonery bnsmosii in Tro-
nont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell-
jig. Address ( Jco. Ilasler. rreinont , Neb. 883
TjlOH SALE A good grocery , establlsned four
JP years , good location , doing a good business.
Good reasons for selling. ijit)0 ) ! ) capital , mid will
take nothing but cash. T M , Ilee Ollice. w )
FOll SALG-Manawa Hall , corner lot , Lnko
Mauawa , Council lllulls , Iowa. One-third
cash , balance easy terms. Hoom tJiW , I'axton
block , Omaha. Neb. 313-2 ! ) .
AO-roomlioufo In Kountze
place , with furnace , bi.tli und gas , for a
good sightly lot In Isaac > V Felden's add. Hum-
ilton liros. . Tel. 117P , 1 S. ISth , tIH-5
"l(0cleai for equity In house nnd lot. ILK.
ole , roomO. Continental block. 4 fl i
tADKS made in real enaln and parsouil
jiroperty. See exchnnue book. ( Jo-op. Jj.
and L. Co. 'Mi N. IGth &t. 11)5 )
OSlOCKHof goods , tor a part cash nnd good
leal estate , Call on or luldiess Co-operative
Land .V Lot Co. , a > f > N lUth bt. fuD-O )
NEW a seated carrlnga and now sluglo top
buggv to trade for long time real estiita
mortgage. W. L. Helby 1531 I'ornam st. iU4
HAllDWAlir. stock , splendid location , invoice
S''JO1) ) ; tnKo part In good property. H. E.
Cole , room , Continental block. ' 4W1 1
o KXCHANUIJ-I louse and lot in Nora
- . bprlngH , Inu > ithiH,501 bank building In
fcame place orth J./XW , and 1W acres of land In
Hunrock county , loua , worth K,4ij ( ) , all clear ,
for business property or good residence in
Omaha , 111 puy W , 1 < X > to { 5WJ ( cash additional.
Call and get rull particulars. C. Harrison , 118
8 lutliht. 4M
iri 0 irEXOIIANJE-Hardwaro stock , doing
-I ? good trade , invoice about flr.OU. want good
bouse and lot. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental
block. 4tfi 1
TriblfEXCHANOE-Nob. farm or two South
J- Omaha lots for span of mares or mules w.
L. Bolby , 1W1 1'arnam st. U'i '
\\71LL give you n good trade for an eight or
11 ten loom house und lot , George J , Sterns-
dorir. Itooin e , opposite 1' . O. ! Ml
7 i\VELKY : , invoice about J2.000 , want good
J proiioity in city. II , E. Cole , room 0 , Contln-
futal block. 4bO 1
EIGHTY ( SO ) acres of and adjoining Lake
ilttnawa. Council , niutls , la. This tract
\vill make 4UU beautiful lots and la free from
encumorance. What nave you to ollar ? George
J. Stcrnsdorlf .room 0 , opp P. O. 1U7
BIIICK.'anted 100,000 bricks in exchange
for good Inside Omaha property. 8. A.
Blornan room and S3 Hcllmiin bulg. 1'J )
WHAT have you to trade for EU acres or lana
unlncumbored in Junean county , Ws ! , ;
0 miles from county sent. 0. J.
6 , oppJl'ostoUlce. _ IfiT _
TOEXCHANaE-Clty lots. Will trade for
horse and buggy. HOOM 403 , new 1'axtoa
block. 958
GJ.BTRUNSDOHPP , Room B , opposite P.
O , , has some choice farm land to trade
for cltjr property. Will assume lluht incum'
tranced. z\\
\\T E'have for sale a longtime lease of the best
IT location for fancy retail business in ttte
city. Fearon , Cole * liobertson , aio B. 15th t.
_ . acres , finely Improved landneai
Florence , for house and lot close in , H , E
Continental block. iSU 1
1IAT have you to offer for l.SSO acres ol
limber landl n West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbrauce. perfect title. George J. Stcrnsdorff ,
Itooiu 0 , opposite P , U. SU
mo KXOtANU ! < Qooxl 0 room house and lot
X roxiss for good farm or So. Omaha property.
U 35 Ilee ollico. 410t !
T710R SALE , Farms on long tlmn. Co-0pra-
JL' tire Land nnd Ix > t Co. . a5 N. ICth St. KT
I/lOll SALK A blocks from pavoil street , ono
JL' block south ot Lcavennorlh , ft'ixI.'W , corner ,
lies beautiful. Gradual slope from lots to
Lcavcn orth t. $ I,4' > 0 ! IW cash. Is below
bed-rock for thla. Note the Mze of the lots and
that it la a double corner. M. A , Upton t Co.
FHANKL1N formerly of 6 1'nxton ldg.
will carry on hli trading at 15111'nrnnmst.
Hedtck'N Illock at 1'aulsen nud Arueman's room
nnd \ > 111 aln ays have a good list of property
to trade and exchange. 4(0 (
$ W makes Urst payment on an elegant T-rootn
house on Sherman avo. Stop and thluk. H.
K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 4K11
WHO will hear my voice ? Haiti up and must
have money. Dundee Place Is selling lots
at tl.UOO each. Who will take at Jots lor JJ.KOU ?
Helong to a party in the east. Addiess N 31 , Uoo
olllce. MAlj
DON'T miss thls-Ixit ill. Clnrico's addition ,
Just north of St. .Mary's ave. . Ok foot front ,
north I0.40D. Welll sell fur a short time for
t5.MO. M. A. Union A Co. M
2-STOHY 0-room house on your own terms.
Why pay renU H. K. Cole , room 8 , Conti-
mmtal block. 4. 8 l
T71OH SALU Fine resideuca site. UWxlnO , cast
J- ' front corner , between Leavonnorth and
Fnriiam , only t\\o blocks fiom paved street.
Note the size and location of tuts piece ot
ground and then the low prl6e , 14,500. M. A.
Upton & Co. 8eO
117PAY HENT-I can offer you beauti
ful residence lot in Wcgtlawn on licit line
Hy. , close to new school house and station on
the licit line Hy. , nnd only a few blocks from
1'ark street car lino. If you want to secure a
pleasant little homo close to school , Holt line
irAlus and sticat car line , and not run so deeply
in debt for it that you can never pay for it , call
nt my ollico and let mo show yon what > vu can
do for yon in this addition. Gee , N. Hicks ,
Hooui 40 , llarkor block. 4U
VICHY Choice Hosldonco Site Wl feet east
fionton 37th street , 150 feut south of Fur-
uam. U7th street Is. being paved from Furuam to
Lenvcnn orth. There is no location bettor than
this for line residence. lrlco , S > ,000. M. A. Up-
ton Je Co. ISi
EAST front In ShnU's 2d add , throe-nuartors
ot a blk Irom the route of cable ; lot 50xll7 ! ,
6 feet nbovo grade ; $2,801) if taken iiulck. C. F.
Harrison , tin S. llth. 171
\\71LL sell a lot near Lowe ave. for $1,500 , and
11 loan $ lCOi ) to Improve same , on ill month
ly pnym ent.s , Addiess , D. C. Patterson. 4SI
I AM agent for some of the llnest residence
lots In Hauscom i'lnco and can olfcr them at
llguros itlll p.iy you to Investigate , lllcks ,
Hoom , llarker blocl ; . 411
" \TO\V hero is a bargain 86x140 on 1'ark nve ,
- lbetweuu Mason nnd I'aclttc sts , SW.IOO , ad-
Jonlug 4H foot sold for 41J5 per foot , M. A.
Upton & Co. (170 (
TPOH BALE Yon need not unit to have n
J. house built for you. 1 have ono already built
that Mill suit yon exnctly. Full lot nnd largo
2-Htory house ot 7 looms , good well nnd cistern ,
$ -IWO to * .tlHW. Himill rash payment.then month
ly paj miMits. the same ns j on now pay out for
lout. Why not own a homo In the nest city In
the west on these terms i1 C. F. Harrison , 41S S.
13th st. , Omaha , Neb , U0i
$ WOCOorth Inside lots at last years prices.
We t half lot 4 block ] IlJI5.51IO. . 133 feet on
14th stieet , tour blocks south of I'limam. Lot
, blockil , Kountzo'x 4th addition , * W. Halt
intere&t in lot 1 , block 251 , sw cor. 14th nnd i'n-
fltlc , iM.O'H ) . Lot M , 14 , 15 , block 7. Hillsdiilo nd-
dltlon No L at $ i,7i each , woith $ .1OUU. Lot 15.
block 2 Ambler 1'laco , $ sl. ) In < inlrc of Dr.
.lames H. 1'uabody. 321 south 18th Htect. 318 30
BARGAIN Choice teu-ncre tract in u line
state of cultivation , especially desirable for
fruit nnd market garden , for salont llguies that
muko It a big bargain , ( loo. N. Hicks , Hoom 40 ,
Darker block , S. W. corner loth and 1'arnam.
| 411
FINE building lot. No. 0 In block 1. Denise ad-
dltlon. three blocKs from cabin line ; an ox-
tia bargain at f-3,250. M. A. Upton & Co. H70
0 HEAP LAND ro. ) ncres of good land In
Hamilton county , Nebraska , at a great bar-
bain. Terms easy. Address W. J. Wlldman ,
Denver , Colo. 6.10-7
FOR S A l.E 'ilioerybpkt land In Cheyenne
lounty. Nob. , Irom * S 00 to t . ( ti an ncio.
1 tenth down , balance In ten annual cqunl pay
ments. Leddlo llros. , Julesbuic. Colo.
634-n 23
hQdIRES J350 to buy a lot. the third one
tun 111 of L st , So. Omaha , which owner must
selltosn\e uny or his equity. D. D. Smenton ,
llaiker block , Omaha. 687 5
BIG money iu It on account of prices and
terms ; lot li , block K , So. Omuha ; SJ.V ) cnsn ,
tfiV ) May , 1WO , und other payment February ,
lii'JL D. D. Siuoaton , llarker blk , Omaha. M7 6
FORTY-TWO dollars pur ft. cor L and 23th ,
So. ( imnha. When Lst viaduct Is In. what
will it sell forlf Answer. $10(1 ( per ft ; get the
terms of less than H ciuh ot 1) . D. Smeaton ,
liarker block , Omaha. 6G7 6
FOH a ALE Not for trado. 613.78 acres of Im
proved lund 2 miles from Marquette , in
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame
stable , 3 > n acres under ngood 4 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts.and 2 stays ; living water ,
good corinl , 2 wells , wind-mill , 32-1 barrel tank ,
helf-fecdcr troughs , ctc73ncres clover ; a model
Price ( loss than $13 per acre ) 17,000
Cash , 4.00J
8ycars time at fl per.cont , 3OJIO
Go and look over the land , and address the
owner , F. 1C. Atkins , 16W Lai liner st. , Denver ,
Colo. 672-4
GJ. STERNSUOHFF , roomfl opposite post-
ollice. will sell you ngood 4-room house
on 16th street , 2 blocks south ot car line , by pay-
lug UOO casn. balance monthly payments to
suit. This is a splendid opportunity for any
one w anting a cheap homo. . 231 *
ALL those desiring to go out and Inspect the
beauties of Seymour park , nnd the advan
tages It olTers for homes , are requested to call
at theoltlce of E. F. Seaver.Hoom 40Inrkor 1111 : .
H ERE , see this 00-foot frontlet InShlnn'sgnd
addition , on 1'runklin street east of 30th , 6
room house , cellar , cistern , young trees , good
bldewalks , etc. , eta , . ) , OOJ. M , A. Upton Ac Co ,
ARGA1N Lot 13 , block 2 , Summit Place ad-
dltlou , t)3 ) feet on Knrnnm by Ui. Kimbnll ,
Champ Ac Ryan , room 0 , U. H. Nat. bank.
811 a3
VERY Easy Terms-Lots 13 and 14 , block 2.
Kllby Place on 3th ! ) between Dodge nnd
Davenport 11,700 each. It party will build n
honso to cost not lovn than Jl.ocrt , will neil lot
with only J10J rash payment , balance 1,2 und3
years. M. A. Upton Ac Co. 182
( JOUTH OMAHA-AHof block 6 , except lot 0 ,
O Is re ervpil by tno Land Company. Lot 0
must bo hold. Send us sealed bids for it ; casher
or ! i cnsh. The lot Is a choice south front , nt
Summit depot , cflxl&O and worth $1,200. M. A
Upton & Co. 277
TJ10H SALE $1,800 fora neat 5-room cottage ,
J2011 Grace st.nlco homo f or n mechanic worn-
ing In the north part of town. Easy pa ) mcnta.
C. F. Harrison. 418 South istlist. 211
ELEGANT residence lots for solo In Hanscom
place by 1 licks , Hoom 40 , Darker block.
, 441
BEAUTIFUL little homo only ono mlle from
postolllce. Two puved streets and two lines
of street cars within two blocks. Nice sur
roundings. This is ono ( hiincu in a thousand to
got n homo In a good neighborhood , convenient
to business , at alow urlco UWO , M. A. Upton
&co. mi
17IOH SALE Improved farm of 80 acres ; good
-L orchard , fences , liouso , burn , outbuildings
and living water ; Hfteuu miles fiom Omaha ,
'I ho best produce and live stock market In the
woild. $13 per acre. O. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th.
Omnha. IT > 1
SOMETHING choice : Lot I. block 0. Hillside
No. 1 , on Davenport st. opposlto Yates'
J'jO.OJO mansion , * J.MX ) . Theio'B a nlco resi
dence situ for you ut u low ilguro. M. A. Upton
&Co. lO.J
CALL and sco the plat and prices of Seymour
park. E. P. Seaver , Room 10 , llaiker block.
FINE Kountze place residence , touth front on
Emmet bt. , between20th nnd 21st , opposite
the reserve , 10-room house , finely furnlblied , all
model n couvenlencos except furnace , pipes all
in for tnat , street car w ithln halt a block , $7,00) ,
$2,600 cash or good notes , balance easy. M. A.
Upton S : Co. 10U-28
TJ10R SALE I'lne east front 7-roora house
X' just oil Leavcnwortli st on n. S-ith are. ,
83,600 a great bargain. Apply nt once. O. F.
Harrison. 418 S. nth st. 731
ONLY a few lots left in H. & M. p.iik addition
to South Omaha. What have you to offir ?
George J , bternsdorff. Room 0 , opp.V. : O. 231
DO YOU want a nice homo ? I have several of
the tlnest lots in Hanscom Place , perfect
grade , water and gas in street and in splendid
neighborhood , upon which 1 can build houses
to suit purchasers. It will pay to investigate
this at once. Geo. N. Hicks , room 40 , Darker
block. 4U
SOUTH OMAIlA-Lot 6 , block M , and lot 1 ,
. block m. $3,000 each i one-third cash , balance
In four seml-nnnnal payments : viaduct on L st
will make these lots very valuable ; lot U. block
7l.t3.GOD. M. A. Upton & Co. 670
, ( 1,000 buys a full lot and good i-rpom cottage
Pin a good location. I ) . Y. S&ol 3 , room 1 , llar
ker block. WJ
SOUTH Omaha Ilnrgnln 14-room hotel , new ,
lot lUxlM ) , on 23th St. , just south of N. Prlci
t .ttX ) , which Includns liot < * l filrntturo , snlooq
flxtures , Ac , M. A. Upton k Co. C2S
rilWELVB per cent Investment For Balo-
JL-Tlireo 2-story nnd basement brick houses. 10
rooms eAch , nil modern Improvements , on cabin
line , $23,600 ; f-ir < X ) cash , balance 4 years ; will
take good clenr lot for part of cash payment.
M. A. Upton A Co. _ iv0
FINE residence in Windsor Place , full easj
front lot , elegant ten-room honso , bath , hoi
nud cold water , furnace , tlrst-class barn , A
choice home , $7.600. Price Includes now cnrpcti
and curtains. M. A. Upton AV Co. U7
- corner 27th and Far.
nnm for $ l > ,000 : one-third cash ; oh. yon ar <
missing It by not picking up some of these bad
gains. M. A. Upton .V Co. _ U70 ' I
FOR SALE Or exchangeWe. . have sqmi
good Omaha real estate nud Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or t ratio foi
stockof clothing , furnishing goods , dry good's
boots audshoos , groceries or utirdw art ) . Srhle
lugor llroa. . 014 S. lUlh st. _ 1W
FOR SALE 00x140. soutn and cast front o
cor M hand Dorcas ; nn elegant lot with fl.
room honso ( new ) for $3600 ; * lriOO cash. W <
hnvw exclusive sale of this. M , A. Upton ft Co ,
This lot adjoins Goodman's Hue ground * . TUT
T71OR 8ALE-lJ2xl3- on Hristol street , bo
JL1 tween 21th aud 30th , tor $3,000. M , A. Uptoi
FOH SALKIleautlf ill east trent lotlnAr-
cndo place on 'Mi\i \ st. , just south ot Leaven
worth , for $1WO. This Is * 3uo below actual vnluo
and will be In the market n short tlmo only at
the price quoted. j | . A. Upton A Co. 8 HI
TT1OR SALE A nice east front lot In Windsor
JL ? place , now S room house well , cistern , c
mented cllar , etc. A Uno homo , only $3,700) )
$ M)0 ) rnsh , VM la one year , bal In three years ) w
have the exclusive sale of thU. M. A. Upton A
Co. 700
_ _
F I OH rea estate call on Geo. J. 1'aul. 1009 3S Cam
flJPOO buys n full lot nnd good 4-room cottage
Pea y terms and good locution. U V.Sholj
room 1 , llarkor book. ! . WJ
TI1IREE peed South Omaha lots at a pnel-
much below their value. Lot II , block 12 ,
Albright's Annex'Just N , W. of depot , on maU
county road , * IOO. Lot I , blocks , llrownl'ark ,
corner on 2Ud and "H'1 ( llrown ) street , lax\
Lot 3. block 24 , South Omalm , llnest inside lot ;
( Kixl50. enst front. t'JOJ. SI. A. Upton > V Co. s |
IlIAVEsevera choice , inside , full lots , upon
which I can build houses to suit purchasers
upon their own selection ot plain , and on term *
to milt. This will pay to investigate. D. V ,
Sholes rooml Darker block. 125
Notice to Contrnctcrs.
Senlcil bids will bo received by the board ol
school dLstilct , No. ouo , of Norton county , Kail-
Bas , for the erection nud completion of a twn
Htory eight room brick nchool building , accord *
ing to plans and speclllcutlons now on exhibit
tlon nttho cleik's ollico. in Norton , Noi ton conn ,
ty , Kansas , Also for placing a standard steani
heating nppaintus. Each bidder will bo required
quired to put up a certified chock for $ -00. in
unrnest money , nnd to Illo nn approved bond la
double the amount of his bid. lllds w 111 bo ro
ccivednpto 2 o'clock on Aug. Uth , 1S8S. Tin
board reserving the light to reject any or all
bids. F. E. KENNEOV , Clark.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
il :