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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1888)
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 30 , 1888L THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL "BLUFFS. OFKICfcJ. KO. 12 PKAIIL SXUEKT. tJtllvered br rnrrler In Any Pnrtot the City at 7w enty Cents I'cr Week. . . . . . MANAOEK. TKLKl'HONES : . No. . N1QII7 UDlTOIt , No. ill. M1NO11 MENTION. 'Y. Plumbing Co. The Congregational Sntulny school la filrttinlny for ti pieniu ono wcok from Thursday. Thotomplo bulltlors nro to have mi entertainment in the Baptist church next Thursday evening. ' 'Omaha ' Bench" was formally opened. ycBterday. Gntnos , racing nnd dancing was the order of tno day. The steamer M. P. Rohror flies a beautiful ontdKii , the gift of the mayor , after whom Uio boat was named. The common council meets this oven- ing. Sovcfiil matters of especial im portance will como up for etiMbidera- tton. To-dnrMr. Mclonoy , proprictorof the "Omaha"-at Lake Manawa will move that structure to ti location just above Hotel Alunawn. The bursting of a water pipe on Fourthtroot. near llattenhauors fac tory , &Uhod Homo little trouble in that vlc'iuitj' yesterday. bridge crossing Indian crook on Se < yjiid street is in bud cwidltion , and nccils the iminudiato attention of the fctrcot commibsioner. Hho Ladios' Missionary-society of itho < GonHrcgntionnl church .meets at .tho "homo of Mrs. Dr. Montgomery next Thursday afternoon -oonsidor "Mox- doo. " Homer Williams will imvo a heating "before Justice Biggs to-day , at 10 o'clock ' 11. m. He it was who attempted .to take 11 ring from Bunhorn'a jewelry 'store and was caught rn 'the act. Yesterday morning1 about fi o'clock , , n BKK carrier found u stwiw hat on Wil- 'low avenue. Tlio name of'.T. P. Maher is upon the inside. Thcimvnur can { { ct 'liis property by calling .at the police ( headquarters. A largo pu'ty ; came ever from Omaha . .yesterday morning and with tlmir Jriends from the BlutTs .adjourned tto iPalmor's grove , whone itho day was passed in the enjoyment iof the usual ipicnic pleasures. 'Tho ladies of the Woman's Christinui thospltal will meet this .afternoon . ut. ! ! ( o'clock at the rosidcuceiof Mrs. E. L. v3hugart. Business of importance will idcmand a full nttendandaof all intor- lOAted in the work of this avorthy insti- itution. Saturday morning a Httle daughter of IMr. and Mrs. Cooper , on Bunion street , jnot with an accident by which the ' bones of the left arm were badly broken. T-ho.frneUiro was reduced by Dr. Lacy , And the little ono is as couifurtable as ould bo expected. The , elegant medals for .the senior and junior pairs , captured iby Saddler .ftndJJodgo at the Spirit Lake regatta Irjst wcolc , are on exhibition in the wln- don-fa rff the Council BlulTs Carpet com pany , .on Broadway. They are very . Landsomo , and must bo scon to bo ap preciated. Mrs , . K B. Bowman , wife of the deputy .county treasurer , died yesterday afternoon .tut 5 o'clock. She luid been ill for some -111110 , and death was not .alto gether unexpected. The funeral jviil take 'to-morrow afternoon .at 2 o'clock from her late residence , corner of Second avenue nnd Tenth street. On Fridny next the Sunday schools of Macedonia and yicinity will moot tut that place in convention. Interesting exorcises will bo held in Tompkins' grove. Hon. B. F. Clayton will act as president of the day , and the superin tendents of the various schools attend ing will assist. A grand time Is antici pated. The grounds now occupied by the Boat club at Lnko Manawa have boon purchased by Mr. Maloney , who will .immediately begin improvements there on. This has necessitated a change of base by the club. A site is already settled on , which , when put in proper Bhario , will bo much bettor suited to boating purposes than the present ono. A IHtlo child died yesterday morning at the corner of Knepher and Stutes- innn streets , of neat-lot fever. The symp toms did not exhibit an alarming aspect until Saturday evening , when Dr. Ca- poll was called. The premises have been placarded and other precautions taken to guard against u spread of the disease. At lust a loonl naturalist has como for ward with a classilication of the "What is it , " which has been for more than a week on exhibition at Tun UKK ollieo. He says it is a carnivorous vortctrato nnd belongs to the order Lutra Cana- donsis. That settles it. [ t is not n member of the order Dofunctibus Mug- wumptibus , as has boon quite generally mippoticd. Who is there that will now Rsk "Whut's in u name ? " Personal George II. Champ is in Chicago. S. H. Thomas , of Eau Claire , Wis. , is vihiting his friend , N. W. Green , of this city.Miss Miss Bessie Hulburtof , Omaha , is vis iting with Miss Nellie Clark on Willow nvcmio. Miss Maud Oliver is spending a week with her friend , Mrs. Kingsworth , at Sioux City. Mrs. Dr. Simons , of I.cndvillo , is in the city visiting her father , Mr. J. Mueller , and her many friends hero. Colonel Champion S. Chnso , of Omnhn , was among those who listened to the 1804 church choir hero yesterday. A. T. Elwoll will return from Chicago to-tiny , but his family , who accompanied him , will remain for a week visiting with friends. Rev. G. W. Crofts will now take n short vacation , and 'borvlces will bo sus pended ut the Congregational church for three Sundays. Walt Smith , -son of M. E. Smith , Harry Nutt , Leonard and Nod Everett and several others left Saturday even ing for Okoboji lake. The condition of the Rov. W. H. W. Rees is in no way improved , but , on the contrary , has grown steadily worse. A full run of malarial fever is now ex pected. George H. Brown loft hist evening for r Sacramento , Cal. , to settle up the estate of his brother , who mot with an un timely death some weeks ago on the Central Pacific railroad. Mrs. Edmundson , wife of Dr. William Edmundson , of Denver , u brother of our respected citizen , J. D. Edmundsonar rived in the city yesterday morning en route east , und will spend a short time visiting at Mr. Edinundson's homo on Willow nvenuo. Rdcretary Baker will sever his connec tion with the Y. M. C. A. very soon , and will then go east to take a course of practical training in association work. Air. Baker is a young man .of ability , and having chosen this Hold as his Ufa work will prepare himself fully for Us 4utio . i-V THERE'S ' MUSIC IN THE AIR , The Conprrosratlorml Choir of 1804 Draws a Crowded Houso. ANOTHER MOTOR FOR MANAWA. It In Heine IM-innotl For Omntin's linncllt Dentil of 13. M. Hall A How < m tlio How The Old Choir Slnjrs Again. Tlio Congregational church wns crowded yesterday morning to Its full capacity. Every po\v wtia tilled , chairs were placed in tlio aisles , the gallery was crowded , standing room oven wus n demand mid tnutiy persons were uu- ihle to attend the service at all. The reason of the rush wiw the announce * iiient that the old choir which sang for the church as fur hack as 18C > 4 wag ignin to appear and take part in the service. It wns a , peculiarly interesting service and one surjrgesllvo'of many tender bits of sentiment. It Avas moat surprising that so many oould thus ho got together again , who , a quarter of a century ago , used to unite their voices in song worship in this church. There were In the choir yesterday nine persons u double quartette and the organist , Air. J. Mueller. The largo pipe organ was closed and the little organ , resembling closely the -molodeon of the years gone by , served as a substitute. The singers wore : Ton or , E. A. Spoonor , W. Duncan ; ( SopranoT Mrs. Fanny Kel logg Baeher.t and Mrs. S. .1. Haunan ; alto , Mrs. L. W. Koss and Mrs. Hewitt ; bass , L. L. Spooner and V. Budollct. Most of thoifuces wore familiar-ones to nearly all in the largo congregation. Some of been been here but occasionally .during the years that have passed. Seeing them together could tint but suggest to all the changes which the-o years diad brought. It boemod a most lilting expression of gratitude for K > many boifjg spared to thus be .re united , whcu in opening the earvieo they rose and ilfcd the congrogatian in "Praise God Iroui ? Whom All Blessings Flow. " The runnion wus made the mono touching and impressive by tlio pres ence of the venerable Hov. G. G. liieo , who founded ithis church , and who served for year * -so faithfully as its pas tor. lie sat cm. the pulpit platform auid offered the opening prayer. . Ho .ex pressed gratitude to God for sparing theLr lives so long. , and thus permitting them to again join in woi'ship. lie prayed God to help them so ilivo that they might unite again in tlnxt grand chorus of hur- inony and love about the throne , beyond itho world of changes nnd of troubles. That tender hyiuti.uf Bickorstoth'swas "Our years arc liko.tho shadows , On Kuiiny hills Ihitt lie , tOr grasses in the meadows , That blossom but to.ilio : A sleep , a dream , u story , .By stnuiKcra quickly .told ; An nnremuiniiitf glory , Of things iliut soon are old. " The .sermon by the present pastor , Rev. G * W. Crofts , was ouo of the best. It was vry bolltting to llio occasion. Ilia text was chosen from the parting words of Christ to his disciples. Ho spoke of the pain of partings and the joy of meeting * . , and drew many lessons of tenderness .mid happiness. So gradu ally led the thoughts of his luwrcrs to the grand reunion when we should look back upon eartli life , not with forgetfulness - ness , but with no pain or sorrow , for God would in his own mysterious way bring gladness out of it all. The speak er's allusions to the changes of time wore very touching , and his sermon was closely listened to by all. One of the especially pleasing - features ures of the service was tie presence and voice of her who will always bo known by lier girlhood name , "Fanny Kel logg. " Since she llrst charmed the ears and stirred the bouls of her Council Bluffs friends she has won fame as a songstress , and her name has become a familiar , favored one from ocean to ocean , among all who love music. Many who gathered in the church yesterday had not heard her for some years. Their curiosity was satisfied. The years have apparently touched her lightly. She bang the bolos yesterday , one of Haydn's , 'With Verdure Clad , " the other a now and very pleasing arrangement of "JesuH , Lover of My Soul , " the melody being thnt'of the song , "Mothnr kissed mo in my dream , " the miibie of which was written by J. 11. Thomas. The closing of the choir was a most touching bolcction : "Wo shall reach the. summer-land , Some swcot day , by anil by. Oh , these parting scones will end , Homo sweotday , by and by. " The benediction was pronounced by the old pastor , Kov. Mr. Kico , and the service was ended. Many lingered to exchange greetings with the members of the old choir. There were many smiles , many words of gladness , and oven a tlngo of joy in those recollec tions which caused the eyes to moisten and the lips to quiver , as the changes of four and twenty years were bo vividlv brought to mind. S. B. Wndsworth is Co. loan money. More ninnnwn ! < \ > r Oinahn. The latest project on foot for the de velopment of Lake Manawa is the build ing of another motor line , which will , if it , connect with the Union Pacilic at the bridge. It is argued that a considerable portion o the patronage of the lake comes from Omaha , and this deserves and demands a more direct connection than is at pres ent furnished. The project is in the hands of men of moans , who have the energy and money to push to a success ful issue any enterprise in , which thoj may engage. As yet the matter is rathei incipient , but is rapidly assuming form and it need not he a surprise to any 0111 if , within a few days , the project wil assume form for announcement. Travelers ! Stop at the Dechtolo. Death of R. M. Hull. Saturday evening Mr. E. M. Hall , ngcd lifty-ono years , died at his resi dence at 313 Fourteenth avenue. The illness was ot but two days'duration tint culminated In apoplexy , which termin ated his existence. A wife and fnmllj are loft to mourn the sudden and un timely end of a loving husband and father. The body was taken last even ing over the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy road to Murray , la. , whore the funeral services will occur and inter ment will be made to-day. A Midsummer Night's Dream. " Saturday night and early Sunday morning there was considerable activity in police circles. T. Brown was laid on the shelf to sober up , and M. Foley kept him company and kept the Hies off while ho slept. II. Tody put up the customary fine when ho woke up in the morning nnd went out to hunt up more budge. During the night "thoro wns a sound of ovelry" in the "Row" which culml- iatcd in a row- , only pronounced the other way , at No. I/id / , and when Captain ) yor appeared a party by the name of Jones seemed to bo furnishing the mu le. It won a free-for-all in which Jones and two thoroughbred fliers were en- , ored. Dyer was not entered until the ' ; iome stre'tch was reached , when ho cut lurosa lots and headed the Hold. Bail was furnished and the parties will an- near in court this morning. W. E. llnhhs furnished bail and was also ro- cascd. Pacific House Is open to the traveling public , notwithstanding to the contrary. Full line of shoot music at Councl Bluffs Music Co. , ± ! 4 Broadway. E. II , Sbcatc loans nionoy on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All misiness strictly confidential. OMk-o 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-.striirs. Dlvlnn Surprises. There was a goodly sized congrogn- Lion .at the union service last evening. Hov. Dr. Phelps , of the Presbyterian church , preached. , his topic being ' 'Divine Surprises. " He chose as his text Isaiah oil ; M , " 'As Many as Were Astonicd at Thon. " Ho spoke in substance as follows : This strange word , astoniod , id used at least eight times In the scripture mimolv : E/.ra was astonicd at certain wickedness of the people and princes of Jerusalem , when it was made known IKS him. Job was sritonioil at his friends. They were iied at what was sup posed to bo hi * wickedness. E/.elciul was astoniod at the coming bulToringB of his people. .Nebuchadnezzar WJIH astonied at the ivesult of casting the three Hebrew icsiptlvos into the fiery furnace. Dauiul was nstonitsd. , for one hour , at the coining humiliation of the proud Nebuchadnez zar , as revealed ito him in a dream , when the great rtilor was driven out to live with the bdJHvte of the Hold and 4e grass like the oxen , until his hair grew like eagle's feathers and his nails like eaglo's claws. IJelehaiszar and his lords were astonied when they saw the lingers of a iii.-uiss.lmml writing those fearful words on the palace wall. The Other instance of .the . use of the word i * .hero , where many uwi said to bo aston- , icd at the Lord Himself. The word seems , , therefore , to mean , astounded ; very gtctitly astonished. The theme which I wish to present from this text is the < divine surprises to man. They are bouiutimos very groat. A worm crawling along , or across , the path of man. may many times be nstomshe l at aim , 'it it bo capable of : such feeling. Astonished at what man is , and at what ho dews. God may bo Jar higher In the scale a ! being as com pared wit.h man , than man is , as com pared with the worm. It is then , in a House , no wonder that wo arc aston ished at Him , both at what He is and what Ho does. Wo do not often , if over , seek to sur prise the worm at our feet , but God seems intentionally to biirpHso us. Wo often seek , to surprise our Jriends , for their and our delight ; or our enemies for their harm. Ho , undoubtedly , has Ills purpose , iu intentionally * > jirprising us. It may lie lo give us greater pleas ure , or to startle our attention io Him , or to eomothing to which wo need to at tend. Lot us glance through the bible for a few moments , with this in view , and wo will find intentional divine surprise * ! to man abounding there. Among the instances named by the speaker were : Cain , lleoing from the murder of Abel , astonished at the Lord's calling to him ; the Hood , as it came suddenly on the old world ; the de struction of Sodom with such swift haste on that fatal morning ; the sudden confusion of tongues at Babel ; the swift succession of surprises that came to Job ; Abraham' * call ; Hagar in tlio wilderness and her dying child ; Jacob finding his son whom ho had long thought dead , and finding him to be ruler over Egypt ; Joseph's brothers' astonishment when ho revealed himself to them ; Moses at the burning bush ; Israelites and Egyptians , both , at the Red sea ; the manna ; the smitten rock ; the brazen serpent ; the opened Jordan ; David's anointment to bo king while yet a lad , keeping his father's Hocks ; Hainan honoring the Mordocai whom ho expected to destroy ; and others from the old testament. In the now testament , the astonishment of Zacha- riah at the announcement of the nngol to him ; of Joseph and Mary at the annunciation ; of the shepherds of Bethlehem ; the doctor. * , at the child Jesus ; the multi tude , fed at the tea shore ; the disciples , when Jcbiis walked on the sea , and when he btilled the stormwhen Ho was transfigured before their eyes , when Ho washed their feet. His appearance after his resurrection to Mary , to the two going to Enimons , and to 'tho oth ers , wore all surprises ; so at the death of Stephen , at the conversion of Saul , and to John in Pntmos. The prophecies are surprising , both in the manner and circumstances of their hiring given , and in their fulfill ment ; notably sueh as the destruction of Nlnovoh , the dcbtruction of Babylon , and the crucifixion of Jesus. Wo are all also astonished at his word ; its beauty , simplicity and adaptation and wonderful power. IIo often astonishes us by revealing to us ourselves , or others ; by answering our prayers , by his wonderful care and protection , and in making all things work together for our good. Wo are astonished at Ills works , too , o. g. , a drop of water , as been with a microscope ; or the ocean ; the human body ; the movements of the heavenly bodies with infinite precision as illus trated by the rccenteclipsoof the moon , the sun , and the heavens , as searched with a telescope. But in redemption all his other works nro outdone. To that the text refers. Multi tudes are astonished at the condo sconslon , and humiliation of Jesus , and at their results. "The Lord hath made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations , and all tlio ends of the earth shall scu tlio salvation of our God. " Jesus predicts an astonishment , which he has yet in btore for us , in his future coming in the clouds of heaven , sudden and swift as the Hashing of lightning from one part of heaven to the other ; Involving , too , the resurrection of all the dead , of earth and sea , at His call. At the judgment , too , all tire to bo sur prised at his rewards nnd punishments , as depicted in Matt. 2o. n But still boyoncl all his works is the Worker , Himself. He , infinite , eternal , nnd unchangeable , in His being and all its 'Attributes , presents , even more than Ills works , lines of study , in any and all of which we will continually llnd more nnd more to astonish us , forever. . . * .n. Lost Yesterday , n pocketbook , con taining valuable checks , either at Lnko Manawa or on the motor train. My name is on the inside of the book. A liberal reward will bo paid for its re turn. Frank Levin , 602 Broadway. Suiulny ut Ijiiko Mttnnwn. There wus a great crqwd ut this popu lar rcfort yesterday. Besides the usual W SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. * jest Stock , Furnishing Goods , METCALF \ BROTHERS Lowest Prices * i Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto. , William SlDdnntopf ; Hardman , Evtrett & Fisher _ . . Dmkrlo i I City fc.Coantj REAL ESTATE Milo St. CouncVi Bltiffi. No. H. _ 1814 SI. M.rr'i A . .Om > M cuv sr x x y largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK. rowr Patronage of Any Band in the cit | . la Solicited. STH , & A , SMDKB ' COUNCIL IU.UFFS J. W. SQUIRE'S Pamt. 011 % Glaos Go. Porcgoy. * Moore's Abstracts of Title Wholesale. Santa Rosa * ARE THE BEST. .No. . 8. Pearl St. f 13lh. 8L > v Between EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. , WEIR SHUGART CO. , sxywrvr .treg ETC. CXF1 . uni in iiiumn t Manufacturer f Fine Carriages and Buggies. H R HATTENHAUER I always keep in hlock a largo variety or eastern I have alwjiys a full stock to select from. , , make CjirriageH.which T sol ) at a very low rate. Call ftad examine. Prices Low. 127 lo 31 } Fourth Street. 1 am always ready to show goods. attractions , which drew fully five thou sands persons , there wns the game of ball between the Gottnoil BlutTs and the C. E. Mayno teams on a $ .MO wagor. Those who have an iflea .they have over seen the game played as it ought to bo bhould li.ivo wituostcd ithirf one. Talk about blugging. Throe balls were turned outhide in by the infuri ated batters. Talk about losing tone's head. While the Hitynud were in ithc Hold the ball was lost just outside .the diamond , and the whole nine could not find it until three tallies were scored. This error , with another equally as bad , lost the visitors six runs .mid the game. It was a got-tliero-anyj way sort of a gamo. and lacked every element of good ball. The umpire Kureamcd himself hoarse and gave his JivBt decisions by signs. Two shorthand Bdorers were kept busy recording the runs , and when the homo team pulled ahead Rudio had to hire a man to help him laugh. I3ut it was a great game , and the homo team won it by the very healthy score of IS to 10. There was also a swimming inatch in which there were several entries. The coia-BO lay from Manawa beach to the C. 15. Mayno dock. But throe of those starting made tlfo entire distance , and the race was won by Phil Arnd. A dancu at Omaha bunch during the evening - ing drew many to that side of the lake , as did the bathing there and at Man- hatUiu bench. The carrying facilities of the motor line were severely taxed to accommodate tho-crowd. Tho" constant attendance bore more than warranis the faith of the people that Manawa is des tined to be the greatest pleasure resort in the west. it * _ Patrons of the Pacific House have none but words of'praise for the atten tion given them. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s ' loan olli'ce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Stop at the Pacific Houso. The most centrally located hotel in the city. To-morrow the Bluffs club will cross bats with the court house nine under the captaincy of County Clerk J. J. Shea. Askwith and Bercshcim will bo the battery for the politicians and Oli ver and Etniro lor the regulars. Wednesday afternoon a game will bo played between the J. J. Hardins , champions of the Omaha City league , and the Lafayettes , champion colored club of the west. Artists prefer the Hallott & Davis piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway. * Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur nishings of the Now York plumbing Co. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call on J. II. Uico , No. 100 Main street , Council BlulTs. Ftirnnco Ilcalin ? . Cole & Cole , hardware dealers , sell the celebrated Richmond furnace and Warren furnaceH. . A. Cole is a scien tific and practical heating engineer. The firm invites persons contemplating any kind of new heating apparatus to call and see us and our line of goodsand methods of heating. Are pleased to give estimates of any and all work. Call at-11 Main st. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTlOli Sl'RCI A Ii ndvertlst'ineuts , gucli us Lost , round. To l.oiin. Tor Hale , To KantWants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted in this column nt the low rate of TUN CIINTS I'lllt LINK for the lln-t In- beitlon nnd Klvo Cents Per Line for eacli subse quent Insertion. Leave adveitisements tit our ollito , Ho. 1 1'earl Street , nenr llroadwuy , Council Illuira. Iowa. WANTS. LAIV Astrolofter Mrn.Vood nrd will read human destiny throiiRh the science of the stars ; c.ilirornla , Council lllutls. \\MNTKI ) ToImy n 'neat market in Omaha or Council Illiitl.H , or to r < > nt n ImlldliiK In 11 good locution. Address A1U , lieu ollicu , Coun cil Illulls. ITHMl HUNT Houses. Johnson & Vuu ratten , -C yj Main ft. fjlOUSALK-31-foot limit on llro.ulwHy nt a -L'uaiKaln it tnl ; 'i nt oncu. 1) . J. Ihituilnsoii 4 : Co. , (117 ( Ijroartway. FIVi ; acres clioUoum'l'Ui l.uiil 4 mile from city limits. MM ) uer ncie. D.J. : A ; Co. , 017 llroail ny. POll BALK or Trude Tlio best vacant lot In Council lllutrs. corner Ilroadwuy and O. J. Hutchlitbon & Co. , 017 llrouiluny. "TI1OK UKNT Dairy farm of 150 acres , only two -L and a half miles from Dummy depot , Coun cil Illuirs. This Mould make a splendid location fora milkman. Good houses , windmill , and blue grass pasture , Apply to Horace Everett , Council lllulfH. _ TJIOH SALE-Cheup. My walnut furniture , as -I ? good us new , Call nt'JW South mil btreet , Council IF you have a Ftock of nierchaudUe to trade for land or city property write to Johnston tc Van fatten , Council lilutru , la. EXCHANO K-Ono lot tu Hums' add and three In It. It. add for one lot nearer llroadway. Address Q H , lice olllce , Council Ululfa. _ WANTKO A girl to do general housework. Inquire at Methodist jmr onagii. No. SioO Fletcher ave. EKTEOANTroom tor lent to gentleman , fur- nUhed or unfurnished : gas and bath. Ad dress . lit ) 8 7tl ( st. Council llllitTs , or U. 8. Kn- graving Co , 1'urnam st , Omaha. "IT1OK SAi.K Anopeii side-bar bu ey. nearly 1 ? new , to good purty on monthly puyments. A. 3. Handel , No. 3 and ra Broadway. WANTKO Good Fecond haatl stoves , furni ture and carpets. Will pay highest cash pclcu. A.J Maudel , Nos. 3 ) and > io ! llroadwuy. TTIOK BALM Tlio bcht small fruit and vegcta J- bio farm In I'ottiiirattaiule Bounty , two miles from Council Illuirs postolllee , at a price that will hell it , on lemarkubly easy terms. Title perfect and property In good condition. ltosessloii glvi'ii any time. Good reason for celling. It. T. llrynnt A : Co. , CiS llroadway , Ociincll lllullH. la. TI O HUNT Immediately , for the Bummer , a J- good furnished liouse , 10 rooms ; closet and bKtli room ; city water. Apply on premises , B12 6th ave. " \5TANTKO-Ktocks ol merchandise. Hav * * Omnhii and Council Illulls city property , altio western laud to exchange for goo < ls. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , lloom So , CHauiber of Commerce , Omaha. " 17WJI 8ALK At a bargain , 40 acres near stock Jyards. . South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson Si Christian , Koom 35 , Chamber of Commerce , PRICE $15. Tlio Morris Type Writer It n practical , well niiide and tliu-ly ilnlshtil iiiHchlniami comlilncM tlii ) perfect lettering , exact nlllgnment , and rapid writing of n lilKli juiced writer. Tlio - SON MlMCOnUAl'II. the liest apparatus uiailo tor inunllcildlnu' aiitogiaphlc mid type writer work : 3,0 ) copies can l > e taken. TVl'lJ W1UTKII supplies for [ > nlu. 8 end for circulars. The Ex- ceislnr Co. , Council > 1 cut Ion this pap TAXI DERMY F. J. BREZEE , THE TAXIDERMIST , In accordance with numerous requests has de cided to teach Taxidermy in nil its branches. Mounting birds t-'iO ; with mammals and other intricacies. * IiO. Would also like to receive orders lor birds to llll older book ou trip south. No. 01U Main St. , Council muffs. COR. 5TII AVE. AN1 > 7T11 ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , furnish ed with all modem improvements for boarding and day school. The academic year consists of two sessions , beginning on the llrst Monday lu September and February , respectfully. Terms-Hoard and tuition per session , 875. For further particulars address Sliter Superior , St. Fuincis Academy , Council lIlulTs , la. SNYDER & SNYDER M. B. SNYDBR , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDBR , SPP CIALIST : Diseases of Women and Children , 307 Uroadwav , Council Illutfa. D. H. McDAHELD & GO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. t-O and 822 Main Street.Council Dlult-j.Iow.i. j 6 H N G I"LBE m\ i'i.uMiiiu : AND m.uiu : IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. NO. R21 M\IN ST. , COU.VCIL , HL.UF1-S . , : : IOWA FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 IJOUGIi.VS BT. . OM.VUA. , .VKII OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. fOODroadway Council IIluffs , Iowa. K 1S57. KSXABLISUHD 1812. INCOIU'ORATKO 1878 CO. , MASSILKOX , OHIO , MAXW'ACTUKEUS. SIZES FROM Especially Adni-ted for 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , . W- * + er < i i ! i i i AUTOMATIC CUT-OPP ENGINES. Spcclflcntlons and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. lieRtilatlon , Durability Oimr < autcecl. Can show letters ) from users wheio fuel Hconomy Is equal with Corliss Noii-Comleusliiff , HOUSE , COW11. . KMJl'I'S , IOWA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND 1LECT3IC TRUSSES , No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAKTCD-IOCAI. . AM * 'ITIt.VIil.lAUUVl'S OX IV MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 THE OGDEN S COMPANY Wrought and Cast FOR [ Buildings , Automatic Highest Economy , Iteiiulrs. yew C 2il Hand ENGINES i Simpllcltu and Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTs.In. Telephone 100. REDUCTION PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE PETER C. MILLER , Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , i Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Drown liuilding , Council II lull's , Iowa. CIMI ITV " Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Huildfntr , 115 rllNLLY Pearl St. , Council niiifis , Iowa. Justice ol the Peace. Olllce over American E.xprcsi. . No. 410 N " " Broadway , Council Hlufls , Iowa. OTHMC P. CII\/IQ \ / Attorneys at Law , 1'racHcc in the State and l-Vdera " " OlUINL Qi OlIYlO" CAirls. Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Slutgarl-Dcno IJlock , Council liluflk , Iowa. LJA7irrVI Dentist. Cornsr Main Street and First Avenue , Counci CO , nAZ.LIN" " Blulls , Iowa. * diseases of Ilye , I'ar , None mid M. H. CHAM BERLIN , M. D. Throat. aarn treated Glasses by mall Accurately alter llrsl I'rencrloed. conuuitation. Cut- Ollicn cor. i'aliiBtieet and llroadway. Hesideiice , CIO illuir fit. Hours lUo IS , ato6 , 7 ; ; to8ao. : Council muffs , lowu. -IF YOU 11AV ANY- SECOND-HAND STOVES OR FORNITURE Call on Al. imOIIMCII , 538 llroiulwaj , wlioro you will rcccivo tlio IllgliCHt C'tuli I'rltc. Star Stables and Mule Yards * aim imilri coniUttly on haud for al at rtHll or Incur lots. Older * promptly nilri' uy c/jntfai/t / on shor notice. Block sold on commission. . . . , , . , Telephone 1H. . MjlllillTlUl * HOIjKV. < Uppoftlte Dumnir l ) t > ot , Council Ulutli. , HUMAN HA1S GOODS. council i BLUFFS.