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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1888)
NEWS FOR TRAVELING MEN , The Worklngo Among the Knights of the Grip Last "Wook. A DRUMMER'S OPINION OFOMAHA Mo Thinks Slio Is the Queen of the West How tlin Itnjr 8 Wiirk Their UnKS Ro Checks Anionj ; tlio Oninlin Boyn. Tioublc In tlio Cninn. The sailing of the Indemnity and Relief ns- goclatton faai not always and Is not oven now nroooth. The members of the Travelers' Protccttvo association nro the ones that suf fer moat from this state of nftnlrs , A writer In the Minneapolis Tribune , lit speaking of the organization , its needs and the way to make it n success , says : Iho work that lias been accomplished by the association in the past should bo a tower of strength for it in the future , and it Isono of the incomprehensible things that men who avcraRO up as well ns cbmincrcinl travelers in business ability , Intcllgcnco and fore thought , cun for the moment think of aban doning an organization based on such broad mid llooral principles , covering as it docs tlio chusm between ordinary lifo insurance and common accident Insurance. Let us reason the matter a little. Every man , bo ho commercial traveler or not , is liable at any moment ot any dny to bo stricken down by sickness ; ills means of pro curing assistance for these dependant upon him ceases from the very fact that ho Is unable - able to perform tlio labor required by his employer , ana the latter not being m the business of running a charity institution , is compelled to withdraw his support from the man who In health would bo valuable in his service. The question then comes : What shall bo done for bread to cat ? It is a well If nown fiict that fully 80 per cent of tlio 500- 000 travelers lu tlio United States nro impo- cunlous. This being the fact , it seems that the provisions of this association should recommend themselves without argument to every man who carries a grip and is the head of a family. The promises of the asso- 'elation can bo easily and faithfully kept by the oniccrs If the rank and tlio will fulfill their part of the agreement. The latter can bo Hummed up in thrco words pay your assessments. Suppose that you arc called upon to pay $2 each month into the treasury , it should cut no figure , and provoke - voko no demurrer from the inostimpccinilous member of the fraternity. He must bo poor indeed who can shoulder a responsibility of acting la the capacity of commercial traveler and cannot , by hook orcrook , lay b.y tJtwolvo times a year as a provision against tbo vicis situdes of lifo ; but tins amount is not neces sary. Good faith , honest fulfillment of con tract on the part of these who voluntarily enter into tlio contract , will accomplish the faithful carrying out of. their obligation by the ofllcers of the association for , at the outside - side , $1.50 n month. Let us then , for a brief period , unload our hellish , suspicious and en vious fcclingsj hang them on n hickory limb and pray that a cyclone may como that way , or at least that wo may never return to claim that part of our apparol. tuaving divested ourselves of these garments , lot us deter mine that wo will with ono accord and in good fulth give tlio indemnity and rcliof asso ciation twelve months of fair , square , honest support , and then if it is not a success , hang our harps upon.tho willow and let tlio associ ation sink into that obscurity which it will then deserve. Tlio Drummers' Rag agi ) Dodges. At a meeting of the National Association of Baggage Agents held recently in New York somu very peculiar questions in regard to their business came up for consideration , Among the mattois discussed , according tea a report In the Sun , was tlio circumvention ot alleged wicked dodges of. wily drummers , ttio facilitation of the transportation of the baggage of through transportation to , the west , and regulation for the transportation of corpses wore the important subjects con sidered by the members of the National Asso ciation of Uaggngo Agents , who finished . .thoir seni-"annual [ meeting. They consid ered thcso matters behind closed doors , with President J. 1 } . , Browning in the .chair. They went for the drummers hot and heavy. Bitter complaint was made of the way In which , tlioy heat tlio railroad by smuggling in n lot ot sample case bnggaRo without paying for it The drutumor.did this , they asserted , by borrowing an'extra ticket from a scalper at a nominal rental , and having his extra sample cases over and above the regulation 150 pounds checked free on the strength of the hired ticket. When he got back to town ho gave the ticket back to the scalper , and had cipars and drinks out of the freight charges that ho bad cheated the railway out of. U'o block tliis Bchemp tlio. association adopted yesterday a nile that hereafter bag- would bo checked only on the slnelo m that nuy passenger proonlcO. This knocks the hired ticket dodge to Hinder , and tlio ngcnts said that the railroads of the coun try wouldn't bo slow to put thorulo Into prac tice. , . _ , Tovexpedite the transportation of baggage to the west tlio. association adopted an. Im provement known as the "excess baggngo check.1' ' This is a chock that contains a tab with a written record of the baggage carried by the owner , the number of passengers in the party , the weight of tlio baggage , and other points of information. It' is at the pamo time a receipt for all buggago checked by the passenger. Asimilar check is fas- tunrd to a single trunk of the passenger's baggage , and enables agents on nil roads traversed to keep track of thq.baggago with caso. Thoowjior does not have to bother his head about it at all until bo gets to his , jour ney's end. This improvement was suggested at the St. Louis convention , and the agents are going to bestir themselves to hnvo it put into operation on all the railroads In the country , so that it will bo uniform the wbolo country over. They say it protects both the railroad and the passengers against loss. This moclo of beating the railroads out of their Just rates is probiibly ihoro in th'o imaginationof a few agoil baggagemen than hi actual practice. Omaha drummers when spoken to ot the dodgb. claimed that they had never honrd of the scheme , and do hot believe that it Is practised In the west at all. They think if it is practised oven in the east ) t is very recently , and. that tha man who is sharp enough to thus work a railroad ought to get all of his baggage carried free of charge and to bo given a lias's over the road , _ _ _ A Drummer's Day at the Fair. The Omaha clnlmiuors who had counted bn having a frarado on the Foiirth of Jlily , but yielded to their brothers at Grand Island nnd joined them in a grand demonstration In tlmt city , have concluded to Imvb a grand dis play in this citv diirlhg the fair week. A meeting was hold In the board of trade rooms last Saturday afternoon to arrange fojth'o day. The following well known gontlcniCu were appointed the'r ' respective committees to make tlio arrangements : Programmo C. O , Lobeck , George M. Swigart and O. H. Gordon. Parade August Myer , Q. H. Wllcox And W. L. Eastman. Uccoptlon Hobort Eason , John Brady , O. A. Colo. Jphn Harbcrg , W.R. Manning and all the traveling Well present. . . . Uhlforrd-K. J. Hoe , Ed G'azoaiid Harfy Loder. Muslo Elinor Elliott ; O. H. Gordon nnd TV. W. Colo. . . . Finance W. B. Lnnlus , W. P. Mumaugb , w. H. Unynor , 0. O. .Lobeck , Clarence Hos- tatter , Mr. MrCrackcu andJay ; Hulnhroy , P The plan of entertainment for the dayaS discussed at the mooting Is to have a grant ! parade of the traveling men and invlto the merchants of thq city to join it This will probably talw place during the forenoon. In the afternoon u progntmmp will b'o arranged for the fair grounds , and in the evening ah elegant reception with music , nnd perhaps dnnclnp.- will bo held at soi-.o pleasant place In thocity , perhaps the board o { trade rooms. T.'ic plan is to have ono grand good dny for the boy * . It was toted at tlio mcetitig Sat urday that Thursday , September 0. bo named as the time for thd event. Tno directors of the fair association Imvn been consulted In regard to the schcino and Imvo stated that tlay will do everything in their power to oo Operate with the boys and innko the day a urand suci-cas. The jobbers of thb city re equally In favor of thu jnay for their men and are anxious that every nrrniisotnent possible may bo made to tn&ko the day a success. Although the boy * 00 wet want tli bourn to iwndauy money 'or ' tha day a number of the proprietors stated their willingness to contribute to the ; oed cause. Tlio proprietors ot about twenty aouioi wrro railed ujion by a BKB reporter 'or their opinion on thd pleasure and success of such on event , and they each and ovcryono snld they would like to sco such a demonstration arranged , and as their men would all bo In thcro was no doubt but that they would join Into any plan that might bo suggested for the dny. It is the opinion of the boys that they can have over 500 uni formed drummers tn their parade. The success of the day depends largely on tie ) meeting of tbo committees next Saturday night. The meeting Is at 7:30 : at tlio Arcade hotel. Iosps nt Piny ntitl Suicides. The dead body of Henry Weiss , a well known Chicago commercial traveler , was found with a bullet hole In the head in Golden Gate park , San Francisco , a few days ago. Near him lay the weapon with which ho had taken ills life , and on bis person were found letters addressed to ills wife , giving as a reason for his suicldo the fact that ho had lost at gambling money that ho could not re place. Weiss was a very successful drum mer , having traveled for several of tlio largest houses in Chicago , nnd at the time of his dentil was in the employ of the wholesale clothing firm of Kuh , Nathan & Fischer. Ills wire is the daughter of Sigmund Hyman. tlio jeweler , nnd ho was connected In the best Hebrew social circles of the city. Ho was a bright young man , nnd his only fulling seems to have been a weakness when tlio tempta tion of gaining cauio in ills way. Ho arrived in San Francisco about three weeks ago , and , having begun gambling , was soon without money. Ho borrowed funds from friends and had drafts cashed which wcro dishon ored by ins firm , and in despair ho ended his lifo. lifo.Mr. Mr. Kuh said of him : "Ho was an able salesman and had been with us about eight months. Tlio cnargo of'forging drafts , which is made in the dispatches from San Fran cisco In the morning papers , is untrue. Ho did not forgo anything. Ho simply made drafts on us , which wo refused to pay in ac cordance with our unvarying rule. Wo never honor drafts from any ot our salesmen. Weiss could not Iiavo so very much money. Ho borrowed ? GOO , the dispateh in the paper ? says , and tlio two drafts which wo refused mav have given him $550 It ho had them cashed. Ono win for $200 nnd the other for K50. The story that lie was drinking hard I do not believe. As far as I know ho never drank to excess. Ills only fault was gam bling. Our firm does not lese a cent Ho ha 1 a lot of valuable samples with him. but every piece is safe , not u yard or piece being missing. " .Advantages of the Gnpltnl City. The question of the location of tlio national headquarters of the national traveling men's association Is ono that has caused much dis cussion. A writer la the Merchant Traveler thinks Washington , D. C. , is the placo. Jn showing up the advantages of that city ho says : Tlio District of Columbia Is neutral ground in the rivalry between states for membership nnd representation , among tlio ofllccrs. It has no glowing promises to make of fabulous increases in membership' It pretends to bo nothing moro than n phica eminently suited in every way for tlio headquarters of an as sociation whoso membership is scattered from Maine to California , whether such an association is un organization of traveling men. or the entire citizenship of the United States. .Every eastern traveling man Is familiar with the case with which Washington is reached from the largo eastern cities nnd with tlio advantages which , would bo en- jo.vod in casoof any legislative objects , by being immediately in the field. Let thu association place itself and its oni ccrs beyond tlio roach of Chicago insurance and with tlio advantages offered by Wash ington win its way to the attainment of its original purposes. As Others SPO Us. An Towa drummer , who makes Omaha in bis runs , was inspired by Tuc Buu's hotel boxes to address a letter to the "DrummcrV department of Tin : HIR. It is to be hoped that others of the boys may follow his ex ample. In speaking of Omaha , its needs and advantages , ho says : lundeistand you nro to have a now hotel. Well , there is room for jt , for if Omaha con tinues to increase , develop , build , and in the substantial manner she has in the pastthrcc years , there is no tolling where it will end. It is my ideal city , and stands as a proof of western entei prUo. There Is room fern n good , largo city where Omaha stands. Chicago is no longer far enough west , St. Paul is too far north and Kansas City too far south. As I tell my eastern friends , Omaha is destined tc be the metrop olis of the central west , having the only proper location. I asked a customer of mme there yesterday whun I could como to Omaha and not bo compelled to walk around build ing materials in the streets. Ho said possi bly in H hundred years , but not loss , Guess ho is about right. I cover a large amount of territory , and vist | all the cities , both east and west. . Glvo mo a business and a homo In Omaha , for comfort , style , business and good climate. Guess this is enough for this trip. If it goes , moro anon. A CoMMBnciAL TnA.viii.Eit. Will Win Next Time. M. J. Pickering , national president of the Travelers' Protective association had , a nar row escape once , says the Commercial Traveler , from being made a member of the Inter-state railway commission appointed by President Cleveland. When tbo commission was being made up a delegation of promi nent traveling men , all members of the Travelers' Protective association , waited upon tlio president and presented the name of Mr. Pickering. The president did not give adccided , answer , but ttio'boys" went away feeling quite confident 'that their man was going in. When the names Of the com missioners were made public-Mr. Plckerhig's name was not on the list It finally leaked out how lie had lost. Just before the presi dent made the appointments a friend of Commissioner Schumacher called upon the piesldcht and by oily talk convinced , the chief executive that it would bo bettor to ap point tlio latter , ns ho was a gentleman , while Mr. " 'mere Pickering was a traveling man , a bummer without any sense. " Mr. Picketing took bis defeat calmly , as ho could afford Jo laugli at .being called a burniqcr. Mr. Pickering's friends declare that ho will bo appointed next time. HoVns From Omaha. "Ho wants the earth , it seems to me , " said a traveling man In a disgusted tone ro- fcri Ing to an associate who believed in get ting n plenty while he was gelling. "Which ; this earth that wo are living oh now } " "That's what I meant. " "Well , all I have to say Is that I hope he'll succeed in obtaining it. " "Whatforl" ' .Because . in about a pionthfrom now no'l bo ready to carry it away , and the ooggono thlng'll bo so hot that It will buns him the lii'dt Uaio he goes to pick it up , " I Commer cial Traveler. Arrested for Forgery. John Meyers had a hearing before Magis trate , Smith hi the central statl&n recently sdys Iho Philadelphia Record , on tS6 charge of obtaining money under fclSo pretense ! from Bcnezot , Paris f $ ColIer | , of No. G33 Mdrkct street. Ho claimed to bo a traveling shlcsmftn for a Now York dry goods commis sion house , and when in this city had hi : headquarters at the ubovo named linn's store Ho presented to Mr. Paris a draft fpr * IQ on Moorehousd & Co. , New York , wholesall dry goods merchants , and it was cashec and sent to Now York. It was returned pro tested. Meyers admitted having uttorcc three forged drafts amounting to ftl , ant said that restitution would bd made. Omaha's Sitmlajr attests. At tSioMlltarJ : Ulchard II. Doyle and F A. Metcalf , Now York j D. H. Kirkpatnck and Adolph Fclteristein , Chicago ; 1. P Stevens and W. E. Windsor , Boston : F. F Proudgt , Madison , Wts. ; A. Horstmann , St Louis j L. L. Itappal and T. L. Walling , Cbl cage ; V , P Roberts and Thomas E. Kelm Kansas City ; F. H. Tristram , Columbus , O. B. T. Gaines , Denver ; John E Warner nnd Albert Kolm , Now York O. S. Htirfly and John Weber , Chicago ; J W. Dickinson , Boston' ; Ira G , Benson , bet Moincs- . O. Wbltford and Frank II , Tav. lor , Chicago ? A. J. Elliott , Milwaukee ; J. P. Guerrnnt , Durham. N. G. ; John Ellis , San Diego ; E. C. Towsleo and O. II. Stark- vcather. Chicago ; T. N. Nibble , Mllwaukoi I. Itosenburgh and C. KlrschovuNow York ; F. Li. Honoro nnd A. W. Green , Chicago cage ; J. W. Ludwlek and W. T. Curran , * cw York : F. II. Badct. South Bend ; Charles Adams nnd S. B. Hathaway , New YorkS J. S. Funk , Minneapolis ; William G. Hills and George MInch. at Louis ; George T. Bcssor , Denver ; O. Dobrlner , St. Joe ; W. F. Hypes and Carl Knbou , Chicago ; F. Katr , Boston ; MiurEngle and n. Katz , New York ; J. Goldsmlt and I. F. Harvev , Chicago ; W. G. Gilman , Kansas City ; L. E. Cook and B.C. Bass , New York ; J.T. Burncs , lling- hampton , N. Y. ; T. Klncatd , Troy , O. : C. B. Jones , Now York ; D , Hcgonnlttor , Chicago. At thu Paxton L. Hutchlnson , Jolict ; M. GlnscrnndW. II. Bonncll , Chicago ; F. A. Ellis and P. H. Harris , New York ; It. W. King , Albany , New York ; S. Meyer and Aaron Wolf , ChicagoOscar ; PfelffcrBrook lyn , Now York ; H. B. Hnckman andH. , Hazlcton , St Louis ; Lee Frlcndsdorf und A. B. Ingalsbeo , Chicago ; P. and William Brockmun , St. Louis ; George M. Scott and II. J. Grant , Salt Lake City ; A. W. Phillips , Clinton , la. ; E. L. Olds , Racine ; L. Knight and Frank II. Wyman , New York ; Mat tin Lovoy and W. II. Sllberhorn , Chicago ) G. W. Strykcr , Philadelphia ; Uob- crt Maxwell , * Rockrlllc , Conn. : George W. Thompson and J. J. Monroe , Boston ; J. II. Mahler , St. Paul : David Power , San Fran cisco ; D. VV. Wlghtmnn , Pittsburg ; Charles E. Sutton , Utlca ; Thomas II. Shcvlln , Min neapolis ; A. C. Kendall nnd Al Lindner , Now York ; George D. Hoffman nnd l'O. . Edwards , Chicago ; Charles Shtilte , Evansville ; II. T. Allen , Denver ; II. N. Hall , Cleveland ; Fred Leo nnd S. H. Gunn , New York ; GeorgeII. Dodge , Duluth ; F. A. Brimmer , Pittsllold , Mass. ; 1. Her man , Philadelphia ; W. E. Buell , St. Paul ; C. Buttcrileld , St. Louis ; Graham Boston , Winnipeg : C. H. May and GeorgoBreler , jr. , Chicago ; C. Chnpin , Springfield , Mass. ; W. C. Fischer nnd P. G. Hale , Chicago ; Fred J. Levy and Fred F. Steeb. Now Yore ; C. H. Dowas and Charles F. ICnlso , Chicago ; A. M. Whitaker , Trenton , N. J. ; Boncmann , New ark : Ed J , Steincr and L. Ullmann , New York ; J. H. Campbell , Oil City N. D. Allen , LaCrosse ; J. H. Fassig nnd B. C. Kobbms , New York ; C. B. Kelley nnd S. C. Wiener , Chicago ; J. Pincus , New \ork ; Charles M. Leopold , Chicago. At tlio Barker J. A. Taylor , DCS Moincs ; L. A. Downs , Chicago ; J. C. Fugue , Akron ; J. C. Hlloy and Carl Hilo , Chicago ; A. C. Kendall , New York ; U. II. Butcher , Ely , Neb. ; A. H. Santec , St. Louis ; Charles Dele , Altoona , Ha. ; E. G. Knats. Baltimore ; Max May , Des Molncs ; A. H. Laughlin , Mans field ; J. J. Murphy , Chicago. At tlio Windsor Eugene P. Uyan , Chicago cage ; D. IIStuhr , Pcorla : M. Dcgan , Ot tawa , 111. ; Snm Ehrllck , Chicago ; Thomas Crane , Cleveland ; John Ileferinnn. Cnaui- tiaign , 111. ; A. L. Mulholltnd , Salt Lnko City ; Ira G. Beulon , DCS Moiucs ; J. C. Her mann , Chicago. Among the Oninlin Boys. Fred Enclo and "Billy" Clouston spent Sunday in Plattsmoutli , as usual. II. M. Meyers , of M. V. Morse & Co. , saw Saturday's ball game In this city. F. W. Smith is making Kansas now with boot and shoo samples for Z. T. Lltidsey. James E. Bell is selling plow shoos in Mis souri at present. Ho sayo tlio weather is very cool iu that country. II. A. Dyke , of Grand Island , was selling wagons for the Mllbtmi company , of Omuhn , last week along the llm * of the Union Pacific. J. C.Whlto , of Lincoln , who travels for the Moline , Milburn is Sloddnrd Co. , was doing Lho bouthcrn part of Nebraska during lust week. Prof. G. W. Noble , of Weeping Water , is traveling for McCarglcs , of CouncilBlulTs. during bis vacation , setting up mowers and binders , John F. Ncsbit , of the Leo , Clark. Andrce- sen hardware company , spent Sunday in the city. Ho refused to go to the ball game in tljo.afternoon. Chailes S. DeSoden , formerly with Paxton & Gallagher , was snaking hands with the boys in town yesterday. Hu came down from Portland , Ore. Theodore Starks , the Moline , Milburn & Stoddard Co.'s Sioux City man , siiys lie is not patriotic enough to think the prohibition ball team will win this year. J. V. Flitucrty , of 7. . T. Lindscy's house , is In his western field among the territories. Ho will remain some days and sco how quiet the.Indians get before ho returns. W. H. Parsons , who represents W. L. Parrotto & Co. along the line of the B. & M. in Nebraska , spent Sunday in the city. This is the first time ho has been home since the Fourth. C. S. Brown , who represents the Lee , Clark , Andrcosen hardware company in Iho territories and the far west , camq in last Thursday. Ho will remain In the city about ton days. T. H. Burnetto-who sells goods along the line ot the Union PicificJn Nebraska for the J. T. Uobinson dry goods compiny , was in the cltv over Sunday. Ho says if the boys have a fair day bo is going to suggest a mule race and will ride m it W. C. Urlon , who sells rubber boots for Z T. Llndse.v along the line of the Union Pa cific and Northwestern roads In Nebraska and the Black tlllls arrived in the city Thursday and will remain about two wocics , taking a short rest and vacation about the city. city.I. > I. P. Goetschius , secretary of the F , E. Sanborn company , returned to-day from a two months' , trip through Colorado , Wyo mingand Utah in the interests of his company selling t ho Standard horse nnd cattle food. Ho reports a good sale and an excellent out look for fall trade. B. S. McCoy , who travels along the lines of the Chicago & Northwestern in Iowa ani the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul in Da kota , arrived in the city last Thursday. Be fore returning to work ho will make , a visit nmong his relatives about Battle Creek Mich , He will bo cast about a month. U. D. Valentino , traveling for the Clarke Cofteo company in southern Nebraska and northern Kansas , was in town the latter part of last week , fixing up samples and shaking hands with his many friends. Dick lias been \YithClaiko Bros. & Co. ever since they commenced business , and after they sold oul to the present company vfont on the road for them. Ho U sending In big orders , Is a rustler , and always gets there. Samples. The shoo men on the road are having their dull time now and are taking short vacations ' There are two assessments of $3 each ( | 4' ' 'out of the Northwestern Traveling Men's association , duo August 20. ( A philosophical traveling man sagely remarks marks : "If you don't have fun with other people , other people will have fun will jou. " The jobbing merchants throughout the clti report the late summer as being very goo ( and also say that tlio prospects for a heav fall trade never wcro bettor. Mrs. James T. Brand has received $ \00 ( from C. H. Hinman , secretary , the amount duo from tlio Northwestern Traveling Ments association on the life of her husband. Every eastern state should form n Travel ing Mcu's association independent of the T P. A. Kansas has made a beginning , and n good ono , and will , without doubt , accompllsl what it designs to do. The committee to award the prizes to traveling men on commercial travtiV'r'8 lja' ' at .tho exposition at Minneapolis has been ap pointed by Secretary Byron. F. E , BoswolL St. Paul ; Jpbn F. Jordan , Minneapolis , am ono other will compose tbo committee. Tbo commission platform adopted a feu years ugo by manufacturers and jobbers as : standard 6f payment for their traveling men has proved anything but successful , and the houses have almost universally returned t < the payment of straight Salaries , It Is fa moro satisfactory to both employers and em ployed and results in a greater amount o business at a less expense. The commercial travelers and merchant of Baltimore have organized a club am named it the Commercial Association of Bal ttmoro City. They hnve n new thrco-story bulldlnu , which Is equipped throughout in perfect style find good taste. A stock coin pany bos been , formed , nnd the 300 shares have all been bought up by the merchants thus placing the club in a sound flnancla condition. The bodjof Grantz Camp , a young jewelry agent front Bcnvcrtowu. was found lying in a field a few days ago. A jury was called A bullet hole was found in his forehead. A revolver was lying by his side. There were about twenty watch chains and two silver watches and $12 In money on the person o the dead man. His mind bas been dcrangoi for some time , and that is supposed to bare been the cauio of his suicide. LDSH N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb ; CAUTION DcslRiilnn persons , tnklnc ndvntitnRn oTottr ronat- tlon nro ooiiHtnntly ptnrtlng I > I > KU Medical KstnblUlimoiiln to dooolvo HirnimriM vtaltltiK thu city. TIICNO protoiiilcra usually tllnninionr In n few \vorkn. llcwnro of them or tliolr runners or nwiits. 'J lie Oninlin Mmllcnlnnil Surjjlonl Institute la tlio only cMtnblleliod Minlfonl Institute In Oninlin , Dr. AloMcnntity , Proprietor. When yon innko up your mind to visit us tnnkn n inotnornnduin of our oxnct niltlrCBS , and thus ) snvo trouble , delay or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear DR. J. W. McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. by n Number of Competent , Skillful niul Experienced Physicians nntl Surgeons , Particular Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs. Private Diseases , Diseases of tlio System , Limj und Throat ! > Kenc < < , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Tits , Piles , Cnncrrc , Tumor * , Etc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians nnd surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mod ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the ivest combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven tilated rooms for patients , thiec skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all * ub- cctSt with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged ability , expericuce , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medica and Surgical Institute the fl t choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art. skill , scienct ind human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalways be taken into consideration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn n any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Disease * successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persons unable to visitus may beticatcd at home by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mailer express , securely packed , no marks to in * dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with question list. my Reason for Writing n Hook Upon Private , Special and nfcrvous DIicnsoB. I have tor many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently _ I receive an 'rnmcnse number of letters from physicians and afflicted persons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have \viitten _ a book , giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After leading ! tpcrsons will have a clearer idea of their condition and can write me more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that oar object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class ot persons who read out of nere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not atday passes'but we receive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of discuses , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days. SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumort , , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocele , Invented Nails , Wens and Deformities mities of the Human. Body performed in the most scientific manner. WeUeatChronicDifeasesoftheLung8 , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula , Bright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastiitis. Baldness. Eczema , etc. 3D I S IE S E3'3 O F1 "W" O 3 E3 IfcT 1" 33. E A , I1 OS 3D Carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved methods. ' WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMenamy has for j ears devoted a large portion o'fhis time to the study _ and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with e"\erv instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. . We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us ( or treat ment and cure. ( Our bookv describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit pt patients and physicians who write us in regard td cases ; by reading them carefully phsician and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR FREE Address .all letters to : MEDIO.AJLI : : . - < > - , k T ILL- - - XH . J. W. McMENAMY , ! 'T. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. Who is WKAH , < NEIWOUN. DKI1ILITA- TJED. who 111 bin FOI.I.Y Mid IGNOIl\NCK nas TH1FLF.D away his V1CIOK of ft I Y , MINI * und MANMOOn.causIng exhausting drain * upon Ibe FOUNTAINS of LIFE , HKADACHE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams , WEAKNESS of Memory. HASH- FULNESS la SOCIETY , PIMPLES upon tha FACE , and all the EFFECTS leedlnirto EARLY DKCAYand perhaps CONSUMP TION or INSANITY , should consult at once the CKLRBUATEO Dr. Clarke , Established 1361. Fr. Clark , hu made NERVOUS DE BILITY. CIIBONIC end all Diseases of the OENITO IIKI.VARY Organs a Life flldy. It mikei-NO difference WHAT you i Ye taken or TFHO has failed to euro you. 3-F H ALES suffering from discuses pecu liar to their sex can consult with the assurance f speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. JKB-BcnJ 4 cenU postage for Celebrated Warkn on Chronic , Ncryons und Dell- c e Diseases. Consultation , pereonal'y or by tetter , free. Consult the old Doctor. S'honsand * cured. Office * and nnrlorn prfvuto.lhoeo contemplating Marrin oeud for Dr. Clnrke's ) celebrated guide- SlHl * and Female , each 15c. , both 25c. ( stamps ) . Before confiding your cate , consult Or. CLAUHK. A friendly letter or call may : ave future auSerinirand shame , and add Kolden years to life.Book "Life's ( Secret ) Er ror * , " 0c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings M > nt everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , ate 8 : Sundays. 'J tn 12. Address , F. D.-OLA2JCB. M. > . 186 Sa , Claris St. . ( fiHIOAGO , ILL. Morgan Park Military Academy Tlio Heat Hoy's Hoarding School In thu West. Sixteenth year begins tept. I'th. Send for cata logue to CAl'T. HI ) . N. KIUK.TAI.COTr , Supt. , MUHOAW 1'AUK , COOK Co. . ILL. _ FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND incomparably the Boat. _ EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpnE SCIENCE OP LIFE , the great Medical Work ot the age on Manhood , Nervous nnclf Physical Dtblllty , Premature ' Decline , Errors of YouthniKl tbountoM mtscrlesconc'equenf thereon , 800 pages 8vo' 123 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth , fall gilt , only $1.00 , b } mall , scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young ana middle aged men. Sand DOW , The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded ( o tlio author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box 1893 , Boston , Mass. , or Dr. W. H. PAUKEiVgrad uateot Harvard Medical College , SSyears'practlco In Boston , who may bq consulted confidentially Specialty , Diseases of Mau. Office No. 4 Bulaach st. Health is Wealt i ! DB. at 0\fttr't Nenn AND nnAin Tnii * . HINT , a guaranteed specific for Hysteria , IMzzl. Bess. Convulsions , rtts. Nervous Neuralela , Headache. Nerrous.Prostration , caused liriha nsa of alcohol or tobacco , Wakelulnesn , Mental P" i.presslon. Softening of the Drain , resulting in densanttr. I . and leading to misery , decay and eath. Premature Old Age , llarrenness , Loss of Power In either ler , Involuntary Losses and Bpermatorhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain , self-abuse or over-lndnlcence. Each box contains one month's treatmeat. 11.00 a box. or six boxes for $5.00. snt by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cur any cas . with each order reeelTed by BS tor ! : boxes , accompanied with R.OO , we Will send the ynrchMer our written irvmrnntea to refund th money It the treatment does not lSSEiWHP' ! uilr ' > l ned only by 0. F. agODMAM , DrMflst , tfole Acenl. 1UO Farnam Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. A Proprietary Modlcinu that needs but u trial to prove-lts wortlu Dr.Calbder's . ' left liver Bitters , Tna only Distilled Hitters in the United States. The only mttern recognized by the United btatos Intuinal revenue laws as a Pro prietary Medicine. lawfully Patented. No. ot I'atent 1 4-9,673. Contains no lusll foreign BUbbtauce or damag ing drilL-s. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from 1'uro Hoot Herbs and Old 1'cach ; pleasant to tm ) tnste , quiet nnii dcclatro lu Us rUcct. Cutes Dyipepsla or Yellow Jaundice In five days. HcRulutes the How els. Invlcomtos InactheUver , Cures Diseased Liver , Hevlves the Kidneys , Improves the Appotlto Quickly , Hejrulates the wnolo system. New Life to ths whole system. i.ctt Liver IMUcrn nro sold In Otnnhn , Neb. , by Iho folltmlnx ilruKuists : UlcImnlROn Drug Co. , t-pccliU Wliolesnlo , for tlieilruB Interest ot hebrusku. UvUill- crsns fullunrni linmlman lirntf Co. , W. J. Whltchoufo. T. W , SimlTiml. Sam H. Farnsworth , Pchrotor a 1'linrmnuf Kuhn.VCo. , John tllvlisti , M.l'nrr. J.A , Fullers Co. . W. J. Hiiuhus , John ll.Coiito , C..I. Vrlco , Al.J. I'liwell , F. 11. Centsrh , .lolm * - ' . Jluffskr , Morreil s ll.llttsmusion , ( jeer u Howler , IlojiV * I'h.irmacjr. 0. A.Melchor.llciwiilM .Muyers. trunk Uollonu , V Co. , wlioletulo acnlura In Clears anil Ixiftl.lver IHtturs. fit WPAIf MVU -IiiK'rnmtipi > ) > t- II WCHlV HbNretu of youthful cr. I U . in " b II ran. early dwny , lott minliSM , etc. I wt"nT | ( v lu blo trc tiw > ( , l l ) fonUlnln * full i > ortleuUr for liome cure , fre ot CPROF. pi ! ) ! ' FOWLER. Mobdus. Conn. SteekPiaiio MemartablB tor powerful sympt- thetlo tone , pliable action and * l > - olut durability. 3D years' record. the beat guarantee bt th excel * Fence ot tocga Instruments. WOODBRIDBEBROS. ON 3O DAYS' TRIAL. THIS HEW _ . , ELASTIC TRUSS jUu a fad diaorent from a'l nip h po. with Helf- Hall In renter. od pt < . tlii > Intatlneai ia.1 oa a per- . with the finKOr. . WlifrilBbtprHMir * Bon.cloea heldncurtlf afj ndnl htan < l * tadlcal CDr9crt9li , ItlJauv , dnrHl > 1p > ti(1 cti , AD. Hint pjr mall Circular * free. KUGLmoi TEIS3 IU. ( Ulcij. , UI. PENNVBOYAij TVAFKHH are suurefnf ully used monthly by over 10,000 - jiLodtos. Aru Safe. Effectualand Plcatant y II per box by mail.or at druggUU. Stnled -fnrtteutars 3 postage Kttunp * . AttdroM TUB COHZEX CuivtcAb Co. , DBTROIT , Mica. For sale and by mail by Goodman Drug Co , , Omaha , Neb. Bottle Stuart Institute Will commence III 21 t year September Cth , 13. Ad' Tftniaxus uniurpaMecd. Homo cpmfnm : cnretul trilolof . Apply to iln. M. WcKEK liuilM , 1'rlnolpal. A t'oiiccnlratcd Liquid Extract of MALT niul HOI'S. Aids Digestion , Cures Dyspepsia , ( Strongthensjthe System , Restores Sound , Refreshing Sleep. Priceless to Nursing Mothers. RecoinmEiiuGfl tor Eminent Physicians. For Sale by all Druggists and Rich ardson Drug Cfo. , Wholesale- Drug gists. UNION PACIFIC "Tho Overland Route. " Has BO nvranRod its Family Sleeping1 Car fcorvico , that berths can now bo re served upon application by any ticket agent to M. J. GroovyPiissongor Agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa. The reservations when made are turned over to the train conductors taking out such cars , sothat , passengers can now secure berths or dered , the same as a Pullman berth ia reserved and secured. J. 8. TISUISKTS , E3. I * JjOMAX. Gen. P. & T. Agent. Ass't O. V. if T. A. OMAHA , NliH. WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF mi CQUHTRY wilt OOTA1H MUCH INf ORUATION FROM K. STUDY OF THIS MAP OF TH1 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'l XU mainline * and branches Include CHICAGO. PEOniA. MOXJXE. BOCK. ISLAND. DAVZJJ- POBIVEES MpmEO , COUNCIL BHTFI3 , MTJ8- CATINE , KANSAS CITST. BT. JOSEPH. I.EAV- ENWORTJ1. AXCOXBON. CEDAB HATIDS. WATERLOO , MtHNEATOLIS , and ST. PAUL , and score * of. . Intwraodlate citi ? * . Cbolca ot routus to and from th Pacific Coait All trans fers in Union depot * . Foot trains of Vina Day Coache * . elegant Dining .Can , fnafcnlficent Full- man Polaco Bloopers , and ( between Chicago. Bt. Joseph. Atchlson and Kansas City ) Reclining Chair Can. state Tree , to holders of through ant-class Uckot * . Chloagd , Knntas A Nebraska R'y "Great Rock UlanO Route. " Extends. Wtct and Southwest from Kaniaa City and 8U Joseph to NELSON. HORTON. . BELLE * VUIL * . TOPEKA. HZBINOTOH , WICHITA , nuxcmusoif , CALDWBLL. acdaiipoinut KAN8AI AND SOUTHERfi NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the celebrated Fulliaaa manufacture. All Mfttr as * pllaacea and modem Improvements. The Famous Albert Loa Route Is the favorite between Chicago. Kock Island , Atchlson , Kansas City and Minneapolis and Bt. PeuJL Its Watertown branch traverses the gro t "WHEAT AND DAIRY OUT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and East Central Dakota to WAtortawrn. Spirit Lake , Bloux y < uj * and many other towns and cities. The Chart Line via Benaea and KankaJcee offers superior fa : > Utles to travel to and fromludlan- apolls , Cincinnati and other Southern poluu. Tor Tickets , U spa , ydilert. or dailred Informa tion , apply at our CouponTlcaelOfficeor address C.8T.JOHN , K.AiHQLBROOK , CHICAGO" " Omaha , j4 . < u IB WB ifft Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tim only road to take for I > es Molnes , Klkrxbaltown Cedar llnplds. Clinton , Dlvon. Chliatco , Milwaukee hncl nil points Kiist. ' 1X > tlio pnoplo of Ncl > rn kiiolo ! rado , Wyomlna , Utah , Idaho , NufBila , ronn , .Wnsh * InKtonand C'nllfornl.i. Itoirurs superior adrantugei not po > Blbl by any otnor linn. Amonu n few of tlio numerous points of superiority enjoyed by tlio patrons of this limit beiwoen Omaha unit rhleau'o , nro Ui throe trulns a day ot UAY ( .OACI1KS , which nro the uncut that hmimii nrt and lUKunultrcanrrcMito. Uiil'AIjACKiHI.UKl'INKOAUt * , the equal of which cannot bn iounil eisowliere. At Council Hindi , tlio train * of tha Union 1'nclHo RnlU way connect In union depot wltli these oftheCbl * rauo.V Nortliwe'torn II ) . In Chicago the trains of i this line make closa connection with these of all ii I other Kusloni line * . . , _ _ . Kor Detroit , Cotumhuii , Inillan npolls , Cincinnati , Nlncorn Hulls , Duirnlo , I'HUbnrK.Toronlo , Montreal , llotton New York , I'lillaUelpnln , llultlmoro , Wash * Inaton , and all points tuthocait. Axkfor tlcketiivla "NORTH-\VESTEnN" If yon wish the best accommodation. All ticket aecntv sull tickets via this line. . if. HIJIMIITT. K. T. WIIAON. Uvn'l JIunngcr. Ucn'l Pass r Agent , CMICAOO , ir.i.s. W. N. BABCOCK.Hen'l Wo loni Asent. D..K. IUMIJAI.1 , . Tkkut Agent. . O. V. WKbT , City Pnweniiar Agenb 1401 Ffluipru Et. , Uiunlm , Neb. JUDICIOUS AND PEHSISTEHf Advertising has always | -ovpl ( puccessful. Before placing any Nc\vspnpor Ailvcrtlslnt' constn LORD & THOMAS , I AUTEHTISISH 1I\TB , I CHICAGO * - TUB - OFTDB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , 'Paul R'y , The Best Route from Ofnahd and ConnttJ BiufTri to TWO TlUlNS DA1LT BKTWKKN OUAtlX AH > COUNCIL ur.ui'rs Chicago , AND MllrTAukCOi St. Pauli Mltmbttpolls ; Cedar Rapids , Rocklslaild , Frocport , Kotkford , Clliltoh , Dubhqiiei Uarchjidrt , Elgin , MadlE'oU , Jane&riUe , llulolt , _ TTlnona , LiiGfpgso , And ail other important points Kait , Northom ao5 Eoiitbiliit. Vor thronih tickets call on the ticket atent at Ufll Fomnmitreot , la JJaiktr lllock , or at Union 1'aclO * , lMllmftnBlteper and the flneit Dining Cars In th Irorlil arc run on tlie tntiln Illlo ol the Clilcago , Idll waukoe & m. rani nsllwar. and ersry atleattonis paid to p itagers by courteous emplojos cl ui fcoinptn- . Jl.MlLLKBq nor IWan g < ir. . . , . F. llJCliEU , AMliiintOonetM M naer. . A , V. n. UAIUMS.NTEn , General Cuteasef aB4 , Anlitant Farm Loans LOWEST RATES1 AND BEST TERMS ! lieapoaalblo rcprunentutlves wanted. Call or \rrlto tig. BURNHAM , TR13VlTT ( & MATTIS , Ilentrlce , Nebraska. PEERLESS DYES Tt