Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1888, Page 12, Image 12

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A Reporter Outwits His Swoot-
hoart's Father.
A Itcnl Ilninnnco KlopltiK With n
Minister Mnrrlotl In tlic
Itlvoi Mntrlnionlnl
New .Honeymoon Fashion * .
Cincinnati Knnulror : It is fashion
able * now for husbands and wives
to keep Eopnrnto bedrooms. Kings
nnd qucetiH have hot the example
nnd newly-coupled folks In our fashion
world are following it. No secret IH
inado of the custom. The nicest of our
output of June , britlys will calmly show
you her own dainty boudoir and then
exhibit the bedroom of her husband.
And the Duke of Mni-lborough and his
bride , the beautiful Widow Hamorsloy ,
sailed away on their honeymoon voyage
in two staterooms.
More than that , I have It from n posi
tively trustworthy source that on the
evening of the wedding , after the
Clews dinner at Domionleo's , which was
conducted at 10:15 : p. in. , the chaperone ,
Mrs. Crugor , and the duchess were
driven in a carriage unattended to the
Hamorslcy mansion oil Fifth avenue ,
and the duke , after passim' homo time
r with his friends in ordinary post-pran-
Idial entertainment , nought his quarters
j nt the Alborinarlo hotel. This was con-
! etrucd as ducal politeness.
The idea is that the bride must not be
intruded upon , and that she must bo
left to Invite her husband to call sooner
; | or later , as the fancy suits her. In ono
; instance the wedded couple wont right
nwuy on diverse tours , to meet at the
' end'of a week in some distant place , the
i locality being Kept a secret from their
[ acquaintances.
' A Reporter Outwit * * Ills IJOVO'B Father.
[ St. Louis Special Chicago News : The
I Mooro-Norton elopement lias boon fol-
i lowed by an elopement from Carondelot
K in which another employe of the Post-
f Dispatch. William McMiehaol , the Ca-
rontlelet reporter of that paper , and
Miss Lottie Pauponoy , daughter of
Frank Pauponoy , whose French ances
tors had blue blood in their veins , lig-
| uro. Mr. Paupcney is a real estate
' dealer well-known in Carondelct. Mc-
Mlulmol came from Philadelphia. Ho
0 was educated in GIrani college , is
scarcely twenty years of ago , boyish and
chubbish in appearance. Paupenoy
took ti fancy to McMichaol , furnished
1 him much news , and introduced him to
his wife nnd daughters. The intimacy
grew until at last MoMioimol became a
lodger and a boarder in Pauponoy's
homo. Yesterday Paupency discovoml
that MoMichnol and his daughter Lottie
were in lovo. A scene followed , and
the young people determined on llight ,
* At the last minute the girl weakened
f nnd ran to her mother to bid her good-
> , by. Mrs. Pauponoy strove to detain her ,
I but the girl burst away and hurried
' down to the cars with McMichnol. The
s , terrified mother rushed to her hus
band's ofllco and informed him of what
i had happened , but it was too lato.
* Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Pauponcy
learned that the young people had gone
to Belleville , III. , and early this morn-
inp they started for that city.
( The elopers had secured a license in
' Belleville , and wore just about to be
-J married by a justice , when the nn ry
t ; , father appeared , and drawing a knife ,
3. ' threatened to cut the heart out of Mc-
f , Michael. Bystanders intorforred , and
' before the authorities could understand
the situation Justice Phillips had tied
the knot. Mr. Pauncnpy , after the
ceremony , informed MeMichael that ho
would take his own life , but would see
W that ho ( McMichnol ) died first.
A Ijovcr's Narrow Kscupo.
Globe-Democrat : Mrs. Sarah James ,
a widow with a handsome grown
[ f daughter , residing about twelve miles
northwest of Parsons , Kan. , in Neosho
county shot and severely wounded a
young man named Charles Lyndo , be
cause ho persisted in coming to see hoi
daughter. She had hoard some stories
about Lyndo which satisfied her that he
was not a proper young man to associate
with her daughter nnd she forbid fur
ther visits. The daughter , however ,
refused to believe the reports and re
ceived his visits during her mother's
absonco. The mother learned of this
j , arrangement and during the day , informing -
| & forming the daughter that she would gc
to the house of a friend some distance
away to spend the evening , the word
was sent to the young man , but the
mother at the last moment docidcd nol
to make the visit. Shortly aftorwart
the young man rode up to the house ,
K He was alighting when the report of a
I , ! ' rifle rang out and the young man fell
I ; but in a moment staggered to his foot
' and , mounting his horse , rode rapidlj
away before the angry mother could re
load her rillo and shoot again. The
young man's wound proved to bo t
llight scratch across the breast , di
rectly over the heart , showing tha
Mrs. James is not a bad shot.
A Heal Itomnncc.
Indianapolis special Chicago Ho nil d
A peculiar case > vus brought to'ligh
hero by the liliiiir of a divorce com
plaint by Ella White. In 18K7 bho mar
rled Frederick White , of Lafayette
this state , though the marriage wa
bitterly opposed jj.\ ' the paVonta of both
It was this opposition thiitinduced then
, to separate six months Inter White gc i
Ing to the west , and his wife comln ;
with her parents to this city. She wa
refused permission' to see her husband'
letters , and did not hear from him at al
until a friend mvmtjd. JolTorson Bovi
informed her that ho was dead. Ho
acquaintance with Bovis increased , an
under the belief that ho was tolling th
truth in regard to her husband's deutl
eho accepted an offer of marriage fret
him in 1872. Since that time they btiv
lived in this oltv. Last night Mr § . Be
vis was out walking , and to her aston
ishmcnt , mot her husband of twout
years ago , changed in some rospact
but not so much'iis to prevent instar
recognition. White also recognize
her , and , as if by mutual impulse , the
approached each other and were see
in conversation. White i-nld ho hn
wr'Uon lettpr after letter to his youn
wife , and had finally learned that sli
was dead. Mrs. Bovis told her stor ;
and of the deception that had hoc
practiced upon her. As the coup1
talked thus of their separation thol
old love was rekindled , and Mrs. B <
vis aaka the court to sot aside her so
end marriage that she may bo restore
to her relation of wife to White.
* Eloping With n MlulstCl1.
Miss Gertie Smith , youngest daugl
tor of Henry Smith , left Halifax , No )
< Qcotia , and is now in Boston , it Is b
Moved , In company with a Baptist mil
inter who hau deserted his wifosays U
Now York Times. Mr.Sintth is wealth
and a Bomber of the Halifax club , ar
hU family moves in thc\jvory \ best soc
ty.\About six woflttPfcRo Mr , Smll
and nli daughter went to Wolfvillo , r
turning homo a few days ago.Vhl
U.Woflvlllo the minUtor , Kov. J. 3
. HutckVuKm , became acquainted wl
the Saltbi. Ho had boon engaged :
work in India , and hud r
ccntly arrived In St. Johntwhcro ho
resided with his wife aim young child.
It was a case of love at first sight with
the minister and Miss Smith , and they
wore seen together very often. After
Miss Smith\s return homo pomc'corro-
spondonco passed between them , and it
is thought the elopement was then
planned. On Saturday morning the
young woman started out , saying she
was going to market. She has not been
been since , and later her father re
ceived an unsigned telegram from Bos
ton stating that she was in that city.
It is known that Mrs. Iliitchinson was
in St. John on Saturday. Mrs. Ilutch-
iiibon is described as a very line woman
and devoted to her husband. It is said
the minister must have supplied Miss
Smith with money with which to pay
her fare. ,
Mnrrlccl In llm Hlvcr.
Sherman. ( Tex. , ) Special Now York
World : Standing in a earringo
through whoso wheels the lied river
flowed merrily , while the slurs twinkled
and the moon smiled upon the bride ,
Gus Moody and Miss Nellie Walts wore
married near Colbert's ferry , twelve
miles from here at 1 o'clock at night.
Bride and groom are from this city ,
where the former lias been a boeioty
belle. They hnd been engaged for
about two years , but the parents of the
L'irl objected to their mtirringo and for
a.year the young people have billed
arid cooed by letter or where no prying
cyo could see them. Thus they planned
liie olopomont.
At dunk they mot in the suburbs ,
whore a party of young men , friend * of
the groom , and .Tubtlco Cooke of Donni-
honawaited them in carriages. They
started for the Rod river across which ,
in the Indian Territory , the young people
ple could ba married without permis
sion of their parents. When they
reached the river bank at Colbert's
ferry the ferryman answered their call ,
but refused to come over for them until
The bride wept , the groom whispered
consolation in her car , the friends said
much under their breath that wouldn't
boar repenting. Justice Cooke alone
was calm.and ho soon calmed Iho others
by tolling them to pull the carriage
containing the bride and groom into
the river. The justice got in and this
was done. Then ho married them.
Texas ends at the high water mark of
the Red rivor. on the Texas side , and
while the witnesses were in Texas the
marriage ceremony was performed in
the Indian Territory. The whole party
returned to town at daylight.
Tlio Future Matrimonial Catechism.
San Francisco Chronicle : I suppose
it will not bo long before in fe
male seminaries they -have lectures on
divorce. There are already various
forms of lectures on matrimony. And
ns divorce is growing to bo a regular ex
perience , why , it will bo just as well
that something about the law on both
subjects should bo taught in bchools.
Time was when the mother was proud
lo sec- her daughter sotlled in lifp by
marriage. But nowadays there is > o
much uncertainty about it that the old
folks have to keep a spare room always
ready for her rolurn. By and by in "tlfo
colleges wo will have a regular exami
nation on the subject.
"What is the dilYoroneo between marriage
riago and divorce ? "
Answer Marriage contracts two into
ono ; divorce expands two into four.
"What is marriage , anyway ? "
"Marringo is an experiment for Iho
benefit of the second husband. "
"What is divorce ? "
"Divorce is a vacation in matrimony.J1
"Which parly is wrong in a divorce
case ? "
"Tho party that gels married .again
Insl. "
"What is a marriage license ? "
"A pawn ticket for lovo. "
"What is a divorco.cottr.t ? "
"A matrimonial clearing-house. "
"What is the register of marriages ? "
"Tho doomsday book of women. "
" do ? "
"Why men marry
"To enjoy the luxury of deceiving
women. "
" do ? "
"Why women marry
"Heaven only knows. "
Dick Connolly's Daughter.
The Now York Herald tolls a long
nnd romantic slory conccrniiiff the
daughter of Dick Connolly , of Tweed
ring notoriety , Peter B. Sweeney , Bol
Hutchings und the entire crowd Who
wore panners to the marriage of that
estimable girl to the then brilliant
young surrogate. It is claimed that
Mary Isabella Connolly was , like many
men of that noriod , a victim of thai al
most unparalleled era of corruulion.
"If over a woman , " it is related , "was
sacrificed to the ambition of man , she
was a victim of cold , cruel , calculating ,
bolllsh and wicked lust for power and
wealth , and it is to her own father's
weakness and cupidity that is duo the
destruction of her fairest hopes in life.
She was c , political chess pawn in the
Machiavellian game of subtlety and in-
Iriguo pluyod by that arch plotter
Peter B. Sweeny. Her father was sinv
plv a tool in the hands of the master. '
It appears that at the timoof Iho wed
ding , which was colobrulcd with great
pomp at St. Francis Xtivior's church , i
young man who watched the proceed
ings from the gallery , was privately
handed a note when the guests wore
leaving the church , reading : "Como l <
the houbo , and follow us afterwards. '
While the recoplion was being hold ir
East Thirty-eighth street a coupe stooi
near the door. Whor. the bridal purtj
loft for tlio depot this coupe followci
without exciting suspicion. At tholruii
the figure of a yourifj man stopped up t <
the farther side of the car , an arm wa
extended from the window , a note wr.
received , a hand waskissodand the car
dopiirlcd. The young man was Samue
M. ClurKo , BOH of Monson Clarke , win
for twenty-eight years was suporin
p londont of the Now YorU postolllco. II
had loved and won Miss Connolly , am
was to marry hor. At lhat time Die !
Connolly expected lo receive Iho Tarn
many nomination for controller , and hi
promised Clarke lhat if ho was olectoi
to that ofllco ho would provide him will
a good berth under him. Unfortunate
ly , however , for the eager young lover ;
Matthew P. Bronnan procured th
' controllorshln nomination and olec
lion , ana their mnrriago wn
consequently deferred. When Bron
nan left the oflico Connolly laid hi
plans to get il. To that end ho kept u
connection with Peter B. Sweonj
Robert C. Hutchings hud been climbin
into power tvnd was in Sweeny's goo
graces. Ho was also in love with Mif
Connolly , but it was not rociproeatct
Finally Swoony declared that Connell
could not have the nomination for cert
t roller unless ho consented that h
daughter should marry his ( Swcony'i
protogo , Hulchlugs. Connolly coi
Bonled , although his family and Iho gii
objected , but it was no use. Connell
was nominated nnd elected , iiSil tl :
girl was married to Hutchings , who wt
not long in shirting in upon the caroi
of rascality which ovontuhtcd in his o :
patriution und death in disgrace in
foreign land. Peter B. Sweeny , tl
Cold-blooQ6d intriguer , had secured , t
unscrupulous tool , and ho had , by tl
sumo vnovo , bound hand nnd foot to b
cause the young man , wbo , for jwvpos
of his own , ho subsequently nmde-8urr
gate of Now YorkMr. . Clarke , wl
now lives in Hivrlom , said to-da
" Three days before the niarrini
"Mury wrote me to 'meet her , which
didand she then showed
mo n porki'tbook full of money and
paid : "Tliure1. take this and go with
mo and got initrrlud this afternoon.
Father now has the nomination and
will ho elected , and there Is nothing
now to prevent our marrying. < ' I was
sorely tempted to take the dear girl at
her word , but could not bring niywolf to
think it was the right thing to do. I
taw Mrs. Connolly the next day , and she
begged mo to do nothing to injure her
husband's prospects. I was present at
the wedding in St. Xavler's church ,
add could hardly refrain from inter
rupting the ceremony. I understood ,
subsequently , that they had detectives
there to prevent mo from making any
disturbance. By her request I followed
Mary to hnr father's house and after
ward to the railway station. When
they returned I received a note to meet
her. I met her and ho told mo her
life was wretched ; that she hated the
man she had married , and that she
never expected any happiness in the
future. After that I saw Mary fre
quently until , understanding that no
good would come of such meetings , wo
decided to keep apart. I shall love her ,
however , as long as I live. She is in
Now York.
"Handsome ! Yes , beyond expression.
Klchl Immensely so , I hear.
Love him ) That iross digression.
Murry him ? Of course , my dear. "
Young Walter Phelps' latest doil o seems
to have boon a Scotch marriage. The bride's
father scotched it.
The latest arrangement In Paris for n wed
ding ut homo is a ( loml umbrella , under
which the happy pair stand.
At Cedar Hill , Kobortson county , Tenn. ,
ono day of last week , Joseph Moso * , aged llf-
tccn , was married to Miss Lizzie Mason , aged
News comes from Scotland that a wealthy
widow on the shudy t > ! clo of sixty bus run
away with and married the hid of twenty
who was tno chosen friend of her youngest
son.They marry In haste in Georgia. At Elljny
down there the other day a widower aged
twenty-two took to wife a girl not cniito thir
teen , and the pair are reported to bo in bliss
that is moro than elysian.
A couple who wore devorccd by n Texas
court throe years ago have been remarried
in San Francisco. The same wedding ring
which did service at the llrst ceremony was
used for the second tying of the nuptial knot.
It is stated on reliable authority that Miss
MutildiaShci'kels will marry his grace , the
duke of liungkrupslc , in the autumn. Mr.
Sheckuls came to this country forty years
ago and is worth § 10X)0X ( ) ( > 0 to-day. Ho has
given nn order to a llorist to make n grand
lloral emblem for the wedding , bearing the
words , "From the steerage to the peerage. "
The Uev. A. M. Leo and Miss Lucinda
Mayuurd , u runaway couple from way up on
the Sandy , were married at Ironton , Ohio.
The young lady's parents objected tothoHov.
Leo on account of his being a preacher , but
the lovers , not to bo easily separated by so
trivial nn objection , eloped , and after riding
three nights mid two days their loving hearts
were made ono.
A New Haven couple , whoso course of
true love ran rough through parental opposi
tion , hit upon the expedient of publishing a
marriage notice before the ceremony came
off , and upon seeing it the old folks gave in ,
u magistrate was culled upon the dead quiet ,
the twain made one , the marriage announced
nnd order reigns in Warsaw till the ruse
shall be discovered.
Sir Thomas Esmondo is to marry a Now
York belle. Ho will bo remembered as the
eloquent young Irishman who visited Ne
braska last winter and spoke in the interest
of homo rulo. Ho is n man of good taste ,
us is evidenced by his selection of nn Ameri
can bride- , but it is unfortunate that ho did
not have time to study up statistics concern
ing the western damsels. They arc quite nil
Improvement on the eastern brands.
Henry ShilTerly , a farm hand , single , about
twenty-thrco years of npo , who lived n few
miles west of Napperville , 111 , committed
suicide by shooting himself. Ho had been
keeping company with u girl nbout llltcen
years old , whose consent to marriugo ho had
obtained. The father , however , opposed the
proposed marriage bitterly on account of his
daughter's ago , and Shifferly killed himself
in consequence.
The following Item comes to us from Chicago
cage : "Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kellogg Wutson , of
Lincoln Park , were divorced quietly ut the
residence of the ladv's mother lust evening ,
Judge J. W. Hocks otllciating. Judge Hocks ,
immediately after the ceremony , was wedded
to the former Airs. Watson , Mr. Watson act
ing as best man. After the wedding the en
gagement of Mr. Watson to his mother-in-
law was announced , uml the newly mndo
bride and groom started off on their wedding
tour. "
The most unique elopement yet is reported
from Georgia , whcro the objective mother-in-
law found out the plans of the young folks
and dressed herself in her daughter's rig to
nwait the lover's coming. Ho came , suw ,
conquered , to the extent of whipping nor
veiled liguro into his buggy und driving for
dear lifo toward the minister. Hut pretty
soon a screaming that would make a wild cat
die of envy showed him how he had been
fooled ; so hu slipped out uud at once went
webt , while the old lady made his accomplice
drive her home and upon pain of prosecution
lor attempted kidnapping swear never to try
stealing her girl again.
Canoeing is notqulto so popular this scasor
as Tippccunooing.
Tno b st slzo of bed for cucumber and
watermelon victims is slo'.ts by uto.
"I may bj H slave , but there's nothing ol
the surf about mo , " suul the mill stream.
There's u yawning difference bctwcoc
some husbands at homo and thosumu abroad.
You will notlco ono thing about lly paper ,
If it gets hold of a subscriber once it holds oil
to him forever.
Brandy nnd Apolllnaris in Washington is
called "Tho Quick und the Dead. " It is
having imito a run.
It is Impossible to please some people ,
Chicago is ridiculed because it is not cultured
and 11 oston because it Is.
The president has of late fallen into the
way of telling lUh stories. This points tc
an early adjournment of Congress.
"Americans , I presumed" said the Londot
hotel proprietor , as tin party engaged rooms
"Hostonwus , " corrected Mrs Charles Rivers
No , Alexander , that whirring sound is nol
caused by the rushing of u planet throng !
space. It is occasioned by the growing o
Nebraska corn.
The French are a queer raoo. They hav <
a proverb , "Marry your son whou you please
your daughter when you can. " Evident ! :
the French are not a conventional people.
1 This is the time of year when the cconom
leal man builds n sidewalk in his back yard
tjr inukes Ills own scrcon doors thereby sav
ing ji.i.5 : and ruining u & )5 ) suit of clothes.
"A wild girl is running at largo in th
forests of Louisiana. " Perhaps if her pur
suers were to sot a bustle , properly baited
they might capture her without furthe
A Toledo woman caught 19,000 house flic
on sticky paper in twclvo days , and yet o
the thirteenth there were i.s many about u
before. War on the tiy is u loss of tnatoria
and energy.
"I see , " said the confidence man , "tha
many claim the removal of the tariff on woe
will injure the sheen growers. If lleeccs ur
going to bo scarce in the future I shall hav
to adopt 8omo other business. "
" 'Twenty Years a Whaler.1 " said the ol
t- Arkansas schoolmaster , reading with a coi
t1 tcmptuotis pucker of his lips the title of
new book. "Twenty years 11 kin boat Uu
y record by moro'n fifteen year b' gosh I"
.0 . by at Gone
A sea serpent seep people
LS Island ths other day w'as "an enormous ere :
sr ture which resembled a string of beer bai
c- rcls. " It is no enormous thing for Uonc
ca Islanders to drink half u hundred glasses <
1C beer In a day.
in "Gco'WUkliisI" exclaimed young Baco ;
10 as he ho hurriedly withdrew ills hand fro
is ; Miss Fussanfcather's waist , where lie ht
encountered the busy end or a pin.Now
0 know what they mcun by saying that yc
liavo a wasp-like waist. "
10 "What docs all that pistol shooting in il
y : car ahead mean , conductor ) " asked a frlgli
'cned passenger. "Aro wo.attackcd'by tra
I robbers j1' ' "Woteo than that , worso' tin
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb ;
M- . _ _ _ _ _ _ * * *
CAUTION Dcsljtnlnij persona , Inking nilvnntntro o"our rotmtn-
tIon nru cuiiHliintly Ftnrtlni ; bnuiiH Mulllunt KmiitillslimcntM to tli-oolvo
ptrntmrivi vlsltlntr tliu city. Tlirno prninmlRiM tisitiilly < ll > mipciir tit n
few \vccltn. lluwnro or ttioin or tliclr riiiini-r * or aunitH , The Oinnha
JMiMllrnl nnil SiifKlnnl Instltiitu IN thn only OHtiiblloliuil JMuillonl In-itltuto
In Oinnliii , Ur. MoMcnnmy , 1'ropriotor.Vlion you innko up your nilnil
to visit UN innko n nu-morniiUum of our cxnet ntldrcs.ntul thus
snvo trouble , delay or mlMtakcs.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear
OR. J. W. McMEN&MY and in
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by uiiinl > er of Competent , Skillful and Expcriuncud EMiy U'uns ! anil surgeon * .
1'nrtlculiir Attention paid to DeformHIfs , Diseases of W men , IMscas s of Ihc Urlnnry md Organs. 1'rivalu Diseases.
Disuses of tlio Xrr.ojs System , L\\n \ \ ; ami T.irjut OKi'iiu" , Surgical Operations , E It-psy or Fits , 1'Ilcs ,
Cane r-i , Tii'iiorKlc. .
More money invested ; more skillful physicians.ind surgeons employed ; more patients trcatcJ ; more cures effected ; more mod
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west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Ilosnknl in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed anil ven
tilated rooms for patients , three skilled .physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner.
We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub <
ects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing -
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowf edged abi ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Mcdica
and Surgical Institute the flrtt choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art. skill , science
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_ Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements ot our position , location anil facilities are not overdrawn
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Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. New tcstorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persons
unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communicntions confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in- *
dicatc contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc , with question list.
My Kuion for Writing u ftoolt Upon Private , Special ami Xcrvom I > iscu c < .
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or le < s degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs.
Not a day passes but we rect ive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the diiliculty
that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days.
Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumor * , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicoccle , Inverted Nails , Wcnl and Deformities
mities of th ? Human Hod } ' performed in the most scientific manner.
Wetccat Chronic Diseases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) ,
Scrofula , Bright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis. Baldness Eczema , etc.
I S ISA. . S 33 3 O F * yV O Hvdl 3Ej IiT 1"K 23 ± I1 23 3D
Carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved methods. ' WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE.
Dr. McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and
is fully supplied with every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery.
'Cr P"KrT TTvTT' '
MM Srf tmn fBoiwM Ofxaaoi faoMi > 4
We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims , To those afflicted
with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say , call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you arc an intelligent person you will return to us ( or treat-
ment and cure.
Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous i illustrations , are written for the benefit ot patien's ' and physicians who
write us in epard ; to cases ; by reading them carefully physician and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK
Address all letters to
DR. J. W. McMENAMY , JS. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb.
that , " replied the conductor with a blanched
face ; "a couple of men arc trying to take a
straw vote , "
"Want to marry my daughter : ehl" said a
Chicago pork manipulator in reply to the
question of a red-faced youth who shivered
in an ofllco chair ; ' -Well , I'll tell you. I don't
care to invest in a son-in-lnwtfll I iind out
what the semite is going to do with the Mills
bill. Canital is tiaild. Good day , sir. Drop
a mrkol in the paw of the elevator boy and
he'll a parachute to ease you down
to the ground floor.
Dr. J. H. McLoan's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier , by "its vital
izing properties , will brighten palo
cheeks , and transform a pale , haggard ,
dispirited woman into one of sparkling
health and beauty. $1.00 per bottle.
What \\'na Jjcft. for the Litigant.
Boston Advertiser : The following
old story heard the other day illustrates
how little may bo trained by a lawsuit ,
oven when it goes in favor of the
plaintiff : One Jason Williams of
Petersham , while driving through the
street , was thrown from his buggy
owing to some neglect of the authori
ties and injured. His demand for
damages not mooting with a response
from the selectmen ho secured the ser
vices of ' 'old Squire Wothoroll" of
Burro , in his behalf and after the usual
proceedings in such an allair the trial
resulted in verdict of $30 for the plain
tiff. Soon after this Mr. Williams
called upon the Squire for the bill.
"Fifty dollars , Mr. Williams , is my
bill , " said the 'squire.
" dollars " exclaimed the
"Fifty , sur
prised Jason. " $501 13ut what have I
got1 !
"O , you , " said the lawyer , "why ,
you've got the case. "
An Absolute Ouro.
is only put up in huvo two ounce tin boxes ,
nud Is an absolute cure for old soiv ? , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all sltiu erup
tions. Will positively c-iira nil kinds of piles.
MKNT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23
cents per box by mail ! 10 conts.
Misi MnrthnA. McUunnoll , recently elected
deaconess of the McICcesport H. P. congrega
tion , is n lady of small figure , immense
cap.icitv for work and dauntless courage.
She was u member of the class of ' (18 ( at
Washington ( Pu. ) female seminary , and for
some time luia been editor and the solo tmum-
per of the Journal , a weekly paper well
known throughout the church circles of
Pennsylvania. Miss McConnell will bo or-
dalnod at the fall co mm union. Those of her
sax who are lighting for a higher and nobler
recognition among the sons of men will
gather courage from her oxauinlo.
\ib \ ( Mesfrqarfj well
lf : Apply fbq
In la\vaer [ \ and w
ccnulnllirf rull i ltlcul 3 ivf ui un nuir , i
'PROP , f/c"'FOWLER. M oduc. Conn.
IDt Tan , Sunburn , HotttPafflics prompt
t- ily eradicated by Magic Fieckib Cut e.
Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Oure
For Sale b.Y
G-oodman DruoCo. .
rr is A puritur VESETABU pRtPATiMich
* < sywxixsAcHBiK ; * , Nortc5ufS
fjum OWDI Kuwar nriciMTntMtoiH
1 It hf.8 stood tlio Te t of Yearo ,
in CttriEK all DUaAses of th )
LIVER dlsapFBiratoncounior
IDNEYS ! its toneflclal influence
ei iti cathartic propar
AND Uca forbids in me at a
bavenKfl. It it pleat
ant to the taste , and . a
eerily takea by child
renai adults.
Solo Proprietor * .
I'F.D. who In his I'OIIY ! lUNOItANCE
baa THEFLB nway bin VK3OK of HOIJY ,
KIND and 3 ABflIOOI > . causing exhauBtlnu
drain ! upcn the fOUMTASXN of MFE ,
Dreams.WEAHKESH of Memory , BA II-
FUl'.WESH in 8OCIETT. PBMt'I.r.S upon
ttio FACE , and all the KFVKCTS Icniltncto
EARLY I K AYnnd perhipt C'OKNUMP *
yinK or f R'SANITT. ihoulil contult nt once
tiio caLEHKATEn Dr. aarke. Kstnbllshfd
IU > \ . Tr. Clarka has made NEKVOUS BE-
BII.ITV. CKttONIC and all DUefuei of
! ha OKNITO 1IRINAKT Ort'Diis a I.Ilo
. It makes NO dlfTerencc WHAT you
tare taken or WHO lias failed to rino you.
liar to taeirnax can consult iritb the'.iraace
f gpeedy rollof and cure. 8enit 2 cants postage
for works oa jour dlicasei.
49-Uend 4 cents postaeo for Cclebroted
Worlia on Chronic , NorvottK nnd oll.
rate Discoicj. Conenltutlon , pcnoaaliy or by
Utter , frae. Cotifiult tlie old tlortor.
vnrcil. onicrinand
yrlvoJo. S3F These contemplating WurrlKKO
wind for Ir. Ctiii-ko'H celebrated guide
RS e nnrt Fcmnlo , each 15o. . botli E5e.
( ttnmpj ) . Hefoio conflillnt ? your case , cniuult
Kr. tlf.AKKK. A friendly leltcror fall may
mve tuturo sutlcrinsntid shame , nnd add golucii
yearn to life. * rj-Book " I.IIw'H ( Secret ) E-r-
revs , " 50c. ( jtaraj.8) ) . Medlrlno and writings
cent averyv/herc , ccure from expo
flouts , 8 to B : Sundays , to 12. Afldreis ,
w. D. OLABKB , M. D.
Of United States nnd Canada.
tlnclor the iiunplcci of Araorltiui-IIuroiieiin TourlHt's
IMuiiitlonul AtnocliiUoii. oil AiiKiiat nth , 1WS. 'llio
liuilll tr.iUixot Mipcrb > | I > OIIIIK | unil dlnlnit curs will
-i-iivotiilc : Kororiitour < irHtliiy .vliiltln CliivolmiiJ ,
lluirulo. Maiintii Tails , Toronto. UliiK'ton. thruiuli
Mt. LnwriMitu Itlvcr to Montreal , VVIilto Mountains
ronlnnil. Old Oiclnml liimch , Boston , New York ,
riillndeliihlu , WiislilnKton , Cincinnati , IndHnnpolls ,
returning to Chicago.
All points of Interest visited en route.
18 Days for only $110
Including bc-rth. mraU. hotels , sight-hoeing ,
unmhcmcntn , ( wilnt'en , etc. , , , . , , , ,
„ „ - ,0
Korimrticulnrs nSdrcss. C. V. A. linr-KKHS ,
President. Ame-lrnu-Kuropenn Tourist H I.du-
cnlionnl Afoociutlon , Itooni 4tt ! ll.uilc of Com
merce millrtlni ? . St. Louis , Mo ,
eli , licrtlm. liisHructloni.ete. , apply ut City
Illaclc Heads. Flesh Worms , cured l > v
MaclcComjilexInnSoaii.aic. liymull.
MIlTurd to. . liulTalo , K. V.
Roston. Mass. ; Kansas City , Mo.
CapitalSSuiplus $1500,000 $ ,
This company 1ms opened nn Omnlm olllce nnd
Ispiepaied tofmnlih nuincy promptly oil 1m-
pioved city and farm pioperty.
No nppliciitlons sent awiiy for npproval.
Loans closed and nnltl for without < loluy.
JOHN \V. G18II. Jliimuier.
COT South lath Kt. . nrnt Nntlounl llauk.
Kansas City Investment Co.
KANSAS C1TV , 310.
Has opened an ollico In Oninlm , und is prepared -
pared to
pronintly on fleslnible ImnrovocU'ropprty. Bus
iness Is nil truns "toil nt tills ollico. Ko delays
whatevf r. Wo also mnko
GEO , M , VAN EVERA , Secretary ,
itoom Oil , Chamber of Commerce , 10th und
I'nmam btrcets.
W. f > . JIKAII. I'rcs. W. n. Mn u > , .lr , V-l'rea
VMINCO mi r co.
INCO li I' Oil A TED.
Capital , - $100,000
Jottn uratloon Jfcu' ' JC.itntv.
No coniiiilsslons. Money on hand.
; tll South IGlh Street , Omitha , Neb
Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets ,
mn , , r
tlmn any hotel of tlm hnme iirico in tlie v/cbt.
Klevntor. cler.trlu light R , bath rojms , nnd ull
modern improvements.
Rntes , $2 and $2.BO Pep Dny.
Including meals. Ccntrully located ; a 'cesslblo
to ull luilwiiy btatliiiis. theater * und b.iainesS
house * . Street curd to ull points of the city.
fcpailal rates to professional people. I
A magnificent display of ever y tiling useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
EHMYBfiYAT JU % &fl&
L-iNI KUmL6gl : ifMi
UKFO * DIAMOND " " - .
AMDS5crNos"HIM * I"NHiwt ) .ivniv BOX.WM i WR BY Trar i
I ! i S * yirfirro < Ufuiffcl ffl 481F PROP MADJOHQJHULrA CCK OwHATUr'CDn LVLJ1I D *
l l'2