Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    -----t ifci mm . i f
The lirtnk clunrnnccs for ycstcrdtiy
fvcro e.JHL'OS ( .5l.
Rov. Mr. Dnwson. of the Tenth street
M. E. church , married James Hedge to
Alice lliirinon.
Personal I
Mr. A. 1' . IJadgcr of Lincoln is In the city.
Mrs. E. Dill and children of Lincoln nrc at
the I'nxton.
Mr. A. A. Hlclmrdson of Lincoln was in
Oiniilm jcHtonhiy.
Mr. Louis Hurko of North Platte was In
the city yesterday.
Messrs. A. A. Sweet of Hustings nnd ,1. S.
Clary of Norfolk were In the city yesterday
Messrs. J. Dlxou A very nnd N. H. Hamll-
Ion of Fremont were Omaha visitors ycstor-
Mr. W. C. Mnssey of Geneva nnd J. W.
Trnmmell of Lincoln were in the city ycstcr-
? _ _
AVIicrc Is She ?
Mabel Hccdy , the llttlo girl who disap
peared on Saturday last , has not slnco been
heard from. Her parents reside at U19 South
Twelfth street. _
Took tlicltixty Homo.
E/ra C. Halley , n brother of the man found
dead In n car under the now bridge on
Wednesday , tool ; the body homo to Storm
Lake , In. , yeMerday.
SIormnir < l a Fnrin.
S. L. Andrews has given another mortgage
to secure his Indebtedness to W. H. King ,
the property being a f.inn located near Al
bion in tills state.
Knocked Ills Kyo Out.
Fred Lnnib , of East Lnko street , lost an
ojo yesterday by being struck with a
fragment of a pine board which ho was split
ting into kindling wood.
Touched nt the ItlnfFi.
S. F. Noble , u printer who resides at 711
South Fifteenth street , reported to the chief
of police yesterday that ho went over to
Council Bluffs Thursday evening , nnd while
In the depot there h id his pocket picked. Ho
was carrying u b.ibv in his arms , and his
1'ocketbook was extracted from his hip
pocket. It contained over $200 in money and
postofllco orders.
County ItiiHlnoHS Postponed.
The county commissioners will meet Mon
day instead of this afternoon. They speiul
to-dav nt Lincoln laboilng with the state
board of c < | iiali7ntion to secure a reduction of
Douglas county's taxes. At the Monday
mooting final action will bo taken on the roof
of the county hospital , and it Is probable
Architect Meyers' plans will bo unco. Com
missioner O'Keefo is in Chicago visiting n
Sliootlnt ; I'oi * HOIIOI-N.
A number of soldiers arrived in Omaha
yesterday from Forts Sidney , Hobinson and
Laramlo en route for the Dollovuo rifle
ranpc. They mo the crack shots of their
respective companies nnd will contest for the
honor of representing the Department of the
Platte in the division rlllo shoot , which will
bo held nt San Antonio. The target work
will begin August 0 and continue about two
Olllcor lllncliey i\onorntod.
The usual dally trial of tin onlcer charged
With assaulting a prisoner was held yester
day afternoon In the police court. Olllcor
Ilinclioy was the policeman arraigned this
time. The evidence shows that while Hinchcy
was attending to his duties as sanitary Inspector
specter , the couiplttlnunt , Hobcit Williams ,
became very impudent nnd attempted to in
terfere with the olllccr. Hinchey pushed
him forcibly to one side nnd threatened him
With arrest if ho daio Interfere again. Wil
liams sought revenge by having Hinchoy
arrested , but after tiie Judge hoard the testi
mony ho dismissed the case.
Trouble Over n Rtorc.
E. C. Hopkins , a dealer in gasoline stoves ,
was arrested yesterday afternoon on com
plaint of a man named Clark , who lives on
Bt. Mary's i > yenuo. Ho charges Hopkins
With taking his gu usQ ! ! stp'yo without leave.
Hopkins hud done some work pn the stove a
while back , nnd when ho called foi1 ! : ! s nay
Mrs. Clark said that her husband was 7tot
providing for her nnd she would have to give
Up the stove In payment of the debt. Hop
kins took the steve and agreed to pay the dif
ference back to her , When Clark ciimo homo
, and learned the situation , ho became very
ingry and caused Hopkins' arrest on the
charge of stealing the stove ,
After the Squatters.
The Union Pacific Hallway company has
begun ejectment proceedings in the United
Btutcs court agnlnit Messrs. Lee , AVorthy ,
Larson , Peterson , Vroclnnd , Swunson , Os-
born , Ousmnn , Wayflcld and McCabe , first
and real names unknown , Fred Hanscn.
Peter Nelson , Otto C. Schworin , Frunk
Schnnll , Charles Hritton , Jacob Katslmr , A.
U. Carr. H. Hardy , J. Kleet , Mrs. J. Kleot
nnd J. Sorrenson , to gain possession of cer
tain lands now occupied by them , near CutOff -
Off lake. They have been squatters on the
land since about the 1st of January of this
year. The company also ask $100 rent for
Hie use of the giouud.
Highway Itobucrs.
Thursday evening as the driver of a butcher
tvngDii was driving his team along Park
fcvonuo toward Hanscom park ho was sud-
flenly attacked by two roughs , who sprang
upon him with the probnblo intention of rob
bery. The butcher drew a long knife from
his meat box , and defended himself in such n
way that the robbers hastily withdrew , leav
ing him to drive on his way unmolested.
Later In the evening a gentleman driving
tluough Hnnscom park was accosted by two
men who ordered him to give up his inonov
or they would shoot him. He cooly told
them to "shoot invuy" and diovo rapidly on.
Search was afterward made for the high
waymen , but they were not apprehended. It
Is probable that those attacking the butcher
were Identical with the parties who threat
ened the gentlemen m Hanscom park.
'Tho best on earth , " can truly bo
Bixld of Grigg's Glycerine Salvo a
speedy euro for cutB , bruibos , burns ,
Horcs , piles , totter , nnd nil skin erup
tions. Try this wonder heulor. lie cents.
giuminteod. Goodman Drug ; Co.
The UNION PACIFIC ! is the tour
ists' route to und from the pleasure resorts -
sorts of Wyoming , Colorado , Utah ,
Idaho , Montana , Oregon and California.
Sinoko Soidonborg's Fiparo and got
the boat 6-oont cigar in the world , Max
Mover & Co. , wholesale depot.
\ Pair of OapllaliHtH I'rospcotliiK
Around Oinnliu.
One of the liveliest parties which has let
Omahn In some time was that composed o
J. H. Huverly the Irrepressible , Cecil Mor-
pin , K. T. Homo , superlntcnacnt of the
Platte division of the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Arnlloy road , nnd a couple of other
gentlemen. They wore to have been no
companlcd by W. N , Uiibcock , general agent
of the Chicago it Northwestern road , bui
that gentleman was unexpectedly compelled
to remain In town. Mr. Morgan U the state
commissioner of mines of Colorado , and the
manager of the Aspen and Duriint mines , the
largest in the state. He Is u man o
Kreat wealth mid appreciates the advantage
by using It to secure all the pleasures and
comforts oflifo. Mr. Haverly's mining In
Icrests , too , are beginning to prosper , and
the fact inakca him feel as ho did when ho
most , successful In eft > m umnugerla
venture * . The party went by special trait
to liiC-PaUon fartn ( near Fremont , where ni
amount of fetid lug is dono. The object of
the visit cannot bo fcrelold , but from the
numerous questions which 5tt iopf the gen
tlcnion uskud ubout the farm , it Is 'air to
presume that the trip is not ono.for pleasure
exclusively , _
Go to fruito over the UNION PA
A Few Small CnHcsMako Up the liny 'a
Judge Wakoloy was closbtcd In the Judges'
hanibcr yesterday preparing his decision In
omo of the cases which are to bo passed
upon this morning before court adjourns
or the summer.
The following cases were filed in the dls >
rlct court :
George Hr Halley against C. E. Mayno nnd
Oonnls Cunningham on n promlsory note for
( i.uoo given September 4 , 18i < i , and nn which
there Is n balance yet duo of ? 4,50S.IO. The
ilalntlff nlso asks that interest nitty bo col-
cctcd ontbo note from the date it was drawn
Instead of from maturity , ns it rends.
The same plaintiff began suit against N.
M. Lundln to foreclose a mechanic's lien for
tX\3M \ for building material.
Lawrence C. Knowold has begun foreclos
ure proceedings against Frank C. Morgan ,
Ellen Morgan , John Harry , Union Trust
company and John M. Francis. Ho holds
two notes , each for $ . ' ) , GO.S ) , given by Mor-
'fin nnd secured by mortgage or. lots 1 and 5
n Jacobs' addition to Omaha.
County Court.
Gushing , Olmstoad & Snow , of Chicago ,
filed an attachment against S. L. Andrews &
Co. for iOiXi.25 for"a bill of goods.
A transcript was Hied from a Polk county ,
[ own , court in the case of the Port Uyron
Mine association against Kcgan IJros. , to
collect u Judgment for * .T.t ( ) . l.
Dudley 11. IJavis has sued C. E. Mayno on
n promis ory note for * . " > < ) i ) .
Green Swnyge has brought an action
against Pali irk McEvoy for fclOJ. The
plaintiff purchased a tract of land in Mer-
rlclc county from the defendant and was to
make the first payment in hogs and horses to
the value of $ YJO and get , the dc6d for his
property. Ho made the payment without
getting the deed nnd has nothing now but his
experience. Ho sues for (500.
Adolph C. Lichtenbergor has brought suit
ngnmst Arthur Johnson to iceover $ .VJ0.8 , a
balance duo him for work nnd materials fur
nished in the construction of some buildings
in the city.
The Merchants National bank of Syracuse ,
N. Y. . has sued the Omaha Carriage and
Sleigh company forfbU-.r.O , a balance yet duo
on a piomissory note for $1,300 , , given the
aid of February , 1 * > SS.
The Colorado pleasure resorts , reached
via the UNION PACIFIC , attract visit
ors from all over the world ,
Contractor Nrnl'H I'Aporionce With
IJobeitNcal , the contractor , had an ex
perience with footpads Thursday at the cor
ner of Thirtieth and California streets. Ho
was returning from n drive in the country ,
and ut the point mentioned two men sprang
from out the shadow , and while one clutched
: iis horse by the bridle the other covered linn
with a revolver.
"Your money or your life , " cried the man
with the gun. in true Dick Turpln stylo.
Mr. Ncal did not lose his presence of
mind , but said :
"I'm 'fraid ' the
you've got wrong party ,
joys , but coma on and go through me ; I've
only got a half-dollar. "
"Well , fork that over , " said the man of
.ho road , "and drive on. "
Mr. Ncal quickly reached in his pocket ,
and drawing forth a silver half-dollar ,
landed it over to the man , and with a "So
eng , " drove on. The joke of the whole
occurrence was thin tno contractor had quite
i dcccn * little roll with him , and had his ht-
.lo ruse failed him ho would , bb poorer to-day
jy several hundred dollarj.
An Armed "Suspect" Turns on Pur-
Hiicrn and Shoots.
Four rough-looking men were noticed by
Dfilccr Cullcn yesterday lounging under
the viaduct nt Eleventh nnd Jones streets.
About the same time a watch was offered to
n pawnbroker on Tenth street. The otllcer
suspected that the watch and the men might
JO connected with ( ho sandbagging
if Leo Coiicannou , and ho undertook
xi arrest the men to have then )
; ivo nu aozount of themselves. They too If
x > their heels , nndOfllcer Brady Joined in the
huso. The fugitives were followed to
eighteenth nnd Mason streets , where one
UV'.ncd Jamas Glide was captured. The
other , Peter Creeloy. turned and lircd live
shots at- the oltlccrs , but none of them took
effect. Ho wiis > } ilckly | cpnght , too. Cullcn
iftorwards took after n third man , a waiter
mined E. M. Harris. The latter ran into a
Jam , resisted the ofllcor and was clubbed ,
rho patrol wagon was broken down , nnd the
trisoncrs had to be dragged to the station.
Dlllcer Cullcn was overcome by the heat and
.ho exertion , and was laid up at the police
station to recover.
During the day Concannon's watch was
'ound nt the place of the sandbagging.
A trip to Alnsktx is much sought after
and is easily obtained over the UNION
_ _
[ iiBtriiincntH Placed on Record Dur
ing Yesterday.
O 1' nomls nnd wife to J P Harry , w J4 lot
! l. blkll , I.mvo's2.1a < ia , wd . J5.000
William . ) Cnilily to .1 P Harry , \v H lot y.
Vilki ) . Lowo'K''U mid , icd . 1
8 Lowe to J I1 flurry , w M lot 3 , blk C ,
Lowe's Sit add , n c rt . 1
8 51 1'nrkor to 0 , St P , M to O Ity Co , 4 lots
In f'lorenco , q c il . 1
H T Iliivh unillfc to 1C U Marnier * , u 50.
ft , lot H , blk o , 1st add South Omaha ,
< 1 c rt . 10
A O Crouull to U M Mason , lot 1 , blk 1 ,
Plnmvuw , w i . 850
T llremmnet lU. to I" W l.eo , H ir ft lot 2 ,
anil null ft lot II , bk3 ! , sub J I Itodkk's
mlu.Wfl . fi.000
S M Gilbert ui-.a llo to M O l.ulng , 8 40
ft IntMilockll , Waterloo. 11 o < 1 . I
8 A U llotsfonl ct al. to Jl Quick et al.
unil U n1 } of s e of h w 'i15it ! ! ; o , q r tl. 2,030
R I' Phillips et nl to B 1) Mi-rror , lots 15
and 1" . llk ) S , M cftv park , w d . l.CCO
> Irn V II llrimilcs to Mrs JI Vnumis , lot 2 ,
Hub of lots U and H. blk 87 , So Uinulm ,
wd . 3,000
Wm II lllnck-w oil ami wife to 0 L Hurt ,
lot It , W k 2 , Oxford place , wd . 1,700
A Stindvr ami wife to K Hiulsplth. w
fi7 U.I-KKI acres ot nw H-110. mid no or o
nml H 'J or iii ) of HO nnd lotT and -U lU-HK )
ncu-ManillAtli. hooI'lVJ , wd . 3.COO
0 T(5llinore to 1'nul ( "urltoii , unil ' H\V of
nw4-r.-ll. nnd lot lit l lk 1:1. : Onurnl
iiark , mul lot . ulkc. Cota Jlrillltint , w d 1.000
J M Vote nnd hi sbnim to .1 Von > , lot u ,
Kiibof.I 1 HeilloX-'H will w d . 4,500
1 < Kiiufiiuin , Bt al , to Win H H H
of lot 1. nnd u H of s y of lot 2blkM'ut -
rlnk'sndd , qo d . . . , . 1
W U llnmunmiil\ to W W Itenson , s
K of lot ] . and u ' , , ' ota H of lot 2 , blk 2 ,
Pat rick's .uM. 11 oil . 1
T Murray to 8 1) ] Iall\Mth. lot 18 , blk 0 ,
Murray's acid toOkohoniu. w d . 500
Eighteen transfers , aggregating . t U8.1CO
The following building permits wnro Is
sued ycsteiday :
r. Btreeter. cottagp , Thirty-flfth near
llnrton . . . 1,000
A P Tiikey and Vf t' Allen , eotttit'o , ( irunt
nml Jluuover . 1,400
Nel Hanson , cottngo , Murtha near Seo-
end . HOO
II Hlnelds. Alice near Vliiton . W.O
1'iitilc-k McCuba , toltuge , Indiana near
U cnty-lifth . 700
I 1C Ituynolits , cottage , Klghk'enth und
M.utha . . . r. . 800
Duncan 1'hiluyfcon , luttn , enty-nlnth av-
euutiuuil liuuletlo . IOC
Seven permits , iigui egatliiK . $ t > ,20C
The following niarritiRO licenses were Is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields. :
Name. Residence. Ago.
Andrew Grant , Omaha . 23
ChrUUatm Erftmulr , Omaha . 18
John Shoefotall. Omaha . 2S
Anna Johnlng , Cedar c-ouiltr , Iowa . 10
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Dally wa * tick , we rare ber CutorU.
S'hen the WM a > Child , ahe cried for Castor ! * ,
When ahe u rxnp MI , ilia cluoc to CastorU ,
Vi'hou she hd CbUdrsu , slu ) pi ye tbeio CsM6rU ,
A Meeting Tills Afternoon to Arrange
For the KVcnt.
A number of the traveling men of the city
are discussing thi * plan of having a traveling
men's day during fiuf week. The idea
sprang Into existence nftcr Omutm nbnti-
tloncd n traveling men's display the Fourth
of July to Rive \vny to the celebration nr-
rnngcd by the boys to take place nt Grnnd
Isliiinl on tlmt tiny. When the pinna for n
imrndo were given up hero on tlmt occasion ,
itvns agreed union ? the men that they
would have their diiy in Omaha during fair
week. In order to arrange for It u meeting
will bo held nt the board of trade rooms this
afternoon , nt which committees will bo up-
| Klnted to confer with the fair association
for the event. The traveling men will bo
supported In tlielr arrangements by their
houses , and will do everything In their
power to make the day a grand attr.ictlon.
It Is expected thaticitch house In the city will
Imve a niiii at the inciting this afternoon to
help organize the movement.
After amoktngv wo suggest ,
Gentlemen , thlit you hud best
Uiuilsh from your breath the fume
Ere you seek ) the drawing room ,
SOZODONT ulcst purlller
Of the teeth , you all require.
Drink Multo fontha norvcs.
Shot ThroitRh llio Ilniul.
Lars Lnrscn , n Dane living on Leaven-
worth street , near Twelfth , while fooling
with n pistol , was shot through the right
hand by the accidental discharge of the
weapon. As a matter of course , Larson did
not know It was loaded , but was examining
the weapon to ( hid out whether It was or not.
Dr. Miller attended the case.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
GeoUtmen'iBeU Scientifically Mude nnd Practically Applied.
With Klwtrle
n TO Ton Pnliii In ti naal ( , ni
m Cfilon , c oM , mpotrncr , atarr , i-i , ppi ; , um
JUlood DlttMH. I > ri > ptiri vtr. . thrn ibU belt U Jiut wnftt jolt nce4.
' applied ,
to any p t of tbo bojy. Whclo famlfjr can S5 HEN /all I" B Q3P
WW Bltll f\tmla E.Ea\3K
w r It. It HMtriflm the blooil and eurcn \ >
TCCYIUnUIAI < v Ktrry nnegenulnoand nicdhjlicrmlolon. WOTE the following ho hnrn beim
ICdlSnUniALd UtUKUi-A. ) J. Ilcmcljna , It , B. 1-arkrrnndJ.M.lUtlett , all on Hoard otTrailo ,
Chicago ; A. Ore orj , commtnlon merchant. StoelcYardii Buddlioble , the great horaomam Col. Connelly ,
ot the Inter Oetart ; o. W. llellui. M. D , Horinontown , lowai Lemuel HITk , Kankakee.lll.i Judvo i. N.
Xurrar , NanerTllle , 111. ) V. L. Abbott , > upt. cltr water worki , Booth Jlenrf , ln < 5 1 Hubt. U. Sampson , Chlcaiio
po t offlret U D. HcHichncl , M. I > , UulTaio. N. r. " Tour belt ha accomplUheil whnt no other rvmoily ha i
t adjr nerre * and comrortablo deep at night. " Hobt. IlaU , aJJenuan , mo Ka tttti Struct , Neif York
' '
trot produces ( \ continuous current t conrer * electrteltj through the body on thenenreR.
br Renerattng * contlnnoui current of electricity (1O ( or K hour * out of JM > throutrhout the human ajFtem ,
ailarlne all nerrouiueio Immediately , and proiluclnit n now circulation of the 11 ro forcoi the bloud , tm-
panlnfF vlffor , otrength , cnercry and health , when all other treatment k < ai CaUed , Tile tnoriU o tula eclen *
UnoIieltardbolnKricoiraliodandlndoniedby thouaand > whom ( that cured. . . . .
KH Any bank.commerolal apreucjr or vtholeialo hoate In Chicago | wliolcsalo dragglits ,
Ban rranclirn and Chleaito. IT" Bend it mp for 118 pairo Illaitrated pamphlet. _ .
X > XtW. . if. xkOXUXrXI , Inrentor and Manufacturer , 1U1 Wabub Arenae Chicago.
Pure , " Silver Oloss Oorn Starch ,
President Cleveland's Prlzo for the thrco best bftblcs nt the Aurora County Fair , In 1887 , was
given to these triplets , Molllo , Ida , and Kay , children of Mrs. A. K. Dart , Hambureh. N. Y.
iS'ae writes : "Last August the little cues bccamo very sick , and ns I umld pet no other food
( that would asrreo with them , I commenced the use of Lactated Food. It helped them Imme
diately , and they were soon as well in ever , nnd I consider It very largely duo to the 1'ood
( that they are now BO well. " Lactnted Food Is the best Food for lttle-ied babies. It kcejn
Jhem well , and la better than medicine when they arc sick. Three sizes : 25c , EOc. . 100.
wit druggists. Cabinet photo , of thcEO triplets sent free to the mother of any baby bom tula year.
Address WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Burlington , Vt.
Handsome and Most Satisfactory for
Those who have used ' them will Buy No Other Brand.
G. CO ,
PAINisVIT.T.U , OHIO. T.nrntlon rlPnmntnnillKMiltlirul. C'onr i'of Sluily oitcmlcil nnj
. . . .3 l.S. . .
State University
The several Departments vtlll beKlii the year
lfcs-8'.i as follows
Beptember 1'J. Collcgite , Law and Pharma
ceutical ,
October M. Medical , Homa'opathto Medical
mid Dental.
Uach dupartment Is thoroughly equipped with
elllclent work , and uo pains will be i > pnie < l to
afford students the best possible oppoituiitty
to puruue their chosen lines of bttldy. Tor par
ticular Information ns to the respecth e de
partments , address an followx
CollOk'lute-CiiAia.KS A. SCIUVKKEU : , Presi
dent , Iowa City.
Law EULIN McCiN. . Vice-chancellor , lown
SlcdIcal-\V. F. PUCK. M. D. , Dean of tticulty ,
lIomiL'opathto Medical A. C. Cowi'KUTH-
WAITK. M. 1) . . Dean ot Faculty , Iowa City.
Dental IJ.C.IKUCIUOI.L , li , 1) . S , , Ioanof
Faculty. Keokuk.
I'harmaceutlcal 13. Ij. HnEiiNKii , PhG.Dean
of Fatuity , Iowa City.
ExiHMit-faln nil departments are reasonable.
Cost of board In prlvuta frtinllle-i , t.'J to { 5 per
veek ; iuclubi , tl.U ) to ! , W per week.
For catalogues , or for general Information ,
ftd' ff "
I.OO ATIOV-rj mllci north of Clilcacn ,
r.lOUI.TY-A Kull Corp. of Kxptrrlenced In-
UK KU5 < lUI.1IH-Fjre Coiine * of Flndj.
JA ] Il.riUr : urpaie < l for InHrurtlnn ,
Henllli Home L'nmfnru. ml Chrl > tlan Innnmrtii. .
Mll.1. II. V. , JIAVI1IMUN.
Vurk , III. ScnJ
For Young Ladies.
Tliree courses of btndy. Thoroughueiia In eve
ry department , Ilulldlngs vloguntly furnished.
llrated with steam , llghteil with KM , water
from bt. Clalr rtver. bujwrlor advantages In
music anil art. Address tor circular.
bOMEimLLHBCnOOL.St.Cl lr , Midi.
( One Mlle West from Notre Panic Unlvernlty. )
The Uitli AciKlumlu toroi will open Monday , fcept , M.
Tlio Academic Course 1. thnrouiili In fie 1'reparn-
torySenioranil ClmislcM ( Irmles. .Mutlo ileimrtmont ,
on lliupluii of the uosl Ciiiisurvntoilea of Kurope , U
under charge of a complete conn of teachers. Sin-
din modeled on tlio grcnt Art School of Kurope.
Drawing und pulntlnit Irom life and tlio iintlquo
rhonoizrnpliy and Typu-Wrltliiu IHUKht. lluliainci
equlppud Hllli Fire K CHp . A oiipHritta department
forrlilldien under II. Apply furcutalnKuo to.MiiTiint
Hiiri.iiiini , br. MAIU'W ACADKMV , NoniL DAJIE l' .
O . bt. JotKl'U CO . I.MIMXA.
POST ( JHAIUATK ail'ltSl .
For rtttn)0fc'iie ) nildres
1'ifst. V. ' I' . IUlir.ltT9. ) Lftkfl Forest. 111.
Morgan Park Military Academy
The lleit lloy's Hoarding School In the West.
SlxtecnthyrarbeKlnsiept. 1 th. Send for cata
logue to CAIT. ! Ktt. N. IvlllK TAWOIT. Supt. ,
Bettie Stuart Institute gSi'
Will romuienco lt 3l t rear Si'ptumlicr ctli , IssS. Ad *
runtime ! urnurl > u eW. , lliuim coiuforU ; rnrelnl
tiainlaf. Apply u > il" . M. MCKKK UOMI.S , i'nnclpul.
IVelcsklll-on-lludMJn , N.Y Be nU for cala-
Burlington Burlington
Route Route
CB8QRR. C B 8 Q 11 R \ ]
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. '
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
j , * * ' Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
vf passenger trains between Omaha-and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
' '
ill' It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
All * 1 , f l.'r , anil JI.H )
Straw Hats , Wo
All W anil
Still lints , now
State Line.
To Glasgow , llclfust , Dulilln nnd Liverpool
From Naw York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passage $ .Ti and SoO , urcorJlng to location
of state loom , excursion * > w , to i'JJ.
Btecrago to and from Kurope at Lowest Uates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. . Gon'l Agents ,
Ki Hroadway , New York.
JOHN HLEGKN , Gon'l Western Agent ,
1U4 Kandolph St. . Chicago.
1IA11UY 13. MOOHES , Agent , Omaha.
Reduced Cabin Kates to Glasgow Ex
S , W , Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts.
Paid In Capital $500,000
GEO. E. I1ABKKK. President.
t. L. IIllUtnOVVKH , Vice President.
F. 11. JOHNSON , Cashier.
L. II. WlM.IAMI. H. L. Wir.KV.
M. It. .lOMM-O.V. J. II.MCCO.NNEl.Tj.
WJI. SlEVKHS. a M AM. MI : r/ .
li. A. llKNSOM. GU TAV
J. L. Mll.KH.
Account- Hunkers , Jli-ichants nnd Individ
nali received on the moat u\enable terms.
Or tbo Liquor Habit , Posithely Cured bj
Ailmliilstcriiirr. ( Hiilnes' Gulden
U cart be given In a cup of coffee or tea with
out the Knowledge ot the person taking It ; abso
lutely liarinle.'H. and n HI effect a permanent find
speedy cure , whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ol
druukardi have been uiado temperate men who
have taken Golden Specific in their coffee with
out their knowledge and to-Uay believe they
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
falls. The system once Impregnated With the
Specific , It becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. Foreale by Kuhn
& Co. , 15th and Douglas sta. , ana 16th and Cum-
Ingsta. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. U. I'ostcr & liio.
Toimcil llluffa. lonu.
it , ralltl. loolhli'g current ! ol
BWuie- JLi" llr < H' U7tlir < iuibaU > ni.riitor >
njIh m tYV---lo t lti.udTl4oroui6lr olh. Cltctiia
cJrrtol 'Jljf Iniunllr or 4.i J In nitl.
Ort.liitIinprgitniiutloTtr.llolitrl > < IU.Woritc > iiiixr >
m.0 ntlrrur < dlnlh > * iaoBtbf. 8 tltd p.mphl t4r.
Tha 3ind oEIctrH ) Co. 169 USslic iU Chlcsu
DUM ol choice f
h " J/iiilou' . rif n .i. / < .
. 8T AN D-
ra oT th root
TAN D A R D ! l HO pp. of j.rUUr.n
. . -
tlon oDer * ir ngeiE ntiietc.Iirplino. .
ARD BONO ALBUMPP. . ol K i/ud Ul.
Kdi.wltli Kcoiupwilmeuli. , l t from tb
wort , ol racti " ? ! " ! , V'pVcr'iir/ij'iiiuLLi '
u ci / . nd Kftrnlf. TITLt PASI * CtUTIHIlLV
ILLUtTRATCO I. CoJorr. PrTc of each ttook BOO. ,
e I LVON * HEALV , Publisher * ;
I ut * Monroe ts , Chicago ,
r Left Liver
Al'roprletary Meakum that needs but u trial
toiuovolts woitli.
Dr.Calbdei's . ' Left liver Bilteis ,
Tno only Distilled Hitters In the United
States , 'iho onlv Hitters recopni/ed liy tha
I'nltedHtntei Internal rovemio lu\ > us ul'io-
prlctnry Medlrlno. Lawfully Patented. No. of
I'atent 149,573 , Contains no fusil oils , no
essential oils , no forelitn substance or damag
ing dm KB. A perfectly pure medicine , compounded -
pounded from I'uro Hoot Herbs nnd Old Peach ;
pleasant to the taste , quiet and decisive in its
flfect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In
five day * . Kcgulateb the Rowels , luvlirorntoi
Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Liver , Hovlves
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
ItcRtilatcs the wnolo system. Now Life to the
v > hole system.
i.ctt I.her Hitters uro rolil In Omiilin , Noh. , br the
/ollowln , ' iimcuiitH : Hlr luini'ini Druit Co. , Siicclul
Wholui-iikMor tlioilrufhiturcst of Nubru ka. Hetall-
era us follows :
Oiuulniiin Druir Co.V. . J. Wliltelioii'o , T.V ,
Rlifltriilil. Hani II. Kiirn-wortli , Schroter'n IMiiirniHoy
Kiilin A , Co. , John ( ilmlisli , .M.l'nrr , J. A. Tullor.1
Co. , W.J. llHKlii' ' , John ll.Ciinto. O..1. Krico , M..I.
1'owell , K. 11. ( icntvh , .Inliii V. lliiir ky , .Morrell
lt.ltit niu iun , ( : e iL'i < Uunlur. llii > il'i > I'hariuacy. 0.
A.Melelicr.llrmar.l JH'yr . Knink Dcllono A. Co. ,
wholesale Uealura In ClKunt aim Left 1.1 ver Hltlcra.
HENT , a jruuranteed spooltlo for Ilyatnria , JJlzzl-
ness. Convulsion ! " , Mts , Nervous Neuralcla ,
HeadHcnc. Nenous 1'iostratlou. canned by the
lisa of alcohol or lobucco , Wiikofulneas. Mental
Depression , Softening of the llraln , rosultliiir In
Iiisaultv , and Icaiilnsj to miaerv , decay mid
death , i'roinntnreOUl ARO , Ilarronuoss , Loss of
I'ower In either Her. Inyoluntp.ry Losses and
Ppcrmatorhu-a caused liy ovor-oxertloii of the
brain , solf-alnite or ovfr-indulcenco. 1'flchboic
rontatns one month's treatmont. tl.OQ a box , or
Bix boxes for $3.00 , sent by mall pi opald on re
ceipt of price ,
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for sir boxes , accompanied with 5.00 , wo
will send the purchaser our written guarantea
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect a euro. Guarantees issued only by O.K.
GOODMAN. Dni < r lst , Bolo Agent , 1110 Faruara
Street. Omaiia. N l
TJnfcrmcntcd anl not
intoxicating. Acts like
i a clmrm in nil discs of Dur ! >
rhcca nnd Dysentery and all
Btomach and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , cbil-
drcn and convalescents. Gives
n delicious flavor to iro-water ,
lemonade or soda-water.
Imported and bottled by
MuiAijOvrrcii , FI.ETCHEK & Co.
Cincinnati , 0. Forsaloby
Ihufoilunlni , ' dxnlerl : HlcUaidion Unit ; Co , Illaku
llrucB.V Co. , Adli'r * Heller. Ularlitonv llro . A Co.
1'raiiK Dollune A , Co. , H. II. ( Irotlu. mid all liole lu
nd retull ilrutruliU , liquor dvaleri and wine mer-
Perfect Hiding Baitou
Breaking Carts.
Bohinen Carriag * Co. , " 'g
TEI > , wlm In hla roi.I.Y und IQMOItANCR
ban TIllFI.F.n away his VIGOR of I1OI > T ,
MINI > and lUANHOOn.caustng exlmuitlng
dralna upon thn VOVNTAINH of LIFE ;
HEADA41IIE , nAOtiACHE , Dread fill
Dreams. WEAKNENN of McraorT , I1AH1I-
the FAC'E. and all the Efr'FEt'.Tfl liHdlnr ( o
EAMI.Y nt AY o.nd perhaps CONNUJMP.
yznfi or INSANITY , should coninlt at once
the CEI.KHKATED Dr. CInrkc , Kslnbllslied
IK&1. Dr UUrto hu made NERV IIN I E-
BJMTY. C'finoNK ! nnd nil Dlaeaiei of
the UEXITO DKIKAKY Organs & 1,1 fa
fi'u.ljr. H maliex NO dinerenro WHAT you
iare taken or WHO has failed to euro you.
02-F R3AIjEN suffering from dltcaiCEpecu *
liar to their sox can consult with the REturanco
nf speedy relief nnd euro. Send 2 cents postugo
for works on your dlieanes.
j -8cn-l 4 oenti postaco for C'elebrnted
VTorliN on Chronic , Ncrvousi and Hell.
onto DiEcnscs. Consultation , personally or br
totter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
SThoDnnnila cnrpd. oniron nnd nnrlons
prfrcto. flVi-Tboio contcmplatlnK Marrlngo
ocml fat Dr. Clnrko' * celebrated guide
Sfitlo nnd Fcmnlo , each lEc. , both 2ie.
( stamps ) , Befoio confldlnir your case , consult
Br. VljAKUi : . A friendly letter or call mar
lave future t.uflciiugnud shame , nnd add golden
years to life. ffiflJcok " Life's ( Seerel ) Er.
r rn , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing *
rent everywhere , secure from ocposiurt , .
Clours , 8 to 8 : annrtays , 9 to 12. Address.
31. t > . OLAHKH , M. D.
M36 So , Clark St. . ( UtJJOAOO , 11.T < .
"The Ourliml Ilontc. "
Has BO arnuiKod its Family Sl
Cur borvico , that hurllis can now ho ro-
sorvetl upon aplication ] hy any ticket
nsont to M. J. Groovyl'iiMioiiror Air.ont ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa. Tlio i-oscrvationa
wlion made nro turned ever to Iho train
conductors talcing out ouch cars , so thr.t
pabsengoi'8 can now secure berths or
dered , the same ns n Pullman herlh !
reserved nnd secured.
J. H. TRIIIIMTS , 13. li. IjOSIAX.
Ocn. I' . & T. Agent. Ass't 0. 1' . 4 : T. A.
OMAHA , Nhlt.
Hemartnble for powertnl BTmpa.
thi'tlc tone , pllablo ucllon nnd nit-
go lute durability. UJ ycnrs' record ,
tha bout KtinrutHt'e ot the excellence -
lonce of tlicse Instnnni'nti.
Industry , Science and Ait ,
Open Until October , 1888.
Modicul Congrcsa Moots AuffUHt 7th ,
Round Trip Kxuurbion Ticket ,
* firi nncl $75.
I'or information apply to
Agta. . 6 , ' { Uroudwiiy , Now York.
I'alil Up CapHal $2r 0,000
Sin-nltis. . . . GO.OOQ
II. W. YATK I. I'lrnldtnt.
I.KVIS 8. ItKi.l ) . Vice I'lcxmt'ilt.
A. K.Tou/.Al.i ! < , ml Vice President.
w. II. H. HUUIII : ? , Ciuililar.
W. V. MOUSE , JOHN 8. Cou.iNg ,
A. E. Toi.'yAI.IX.
Ilankliu ; Oillce
Corner 12th unil J'niniiin Bts.
A OenerHl Hunklnb'lluiiliieHbTruntucteil.
nieOtiR tivennnlT r.
sal snlltfattloii la tbl
curu ul Conorrlic and
Oleet. 1 preurlbaltknd
feel safe In rccc inmtnd *
In * It to all cufrorirt..V. .
.V. ,
, llt
rnicK , si.oo.
Bold IY.
.ttt. I | U K-iuTd , * lu l. ! " llr ll , l ' l 4 >
klull j ? ttkul r lot turn * euro , lr f
. F4.o' > OWLKR. MootfUf. Ooniu j