Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TH E 0 MAHA DAILY BE + SATURDAY , 31JLY 18. 1588.
Delivered by Cnrrler in Any i'art of the City at
, Tweet } Cents I'er Week ,
Ilnstxr.F ; Orrice , No. 4.L
N. Y. Plutubing Co.
Colonel Cochrun has returned from
hh ranch in MouoaI county.
Mr. tend Mm. .1. M , Traynor returned
ybslertly inor'ning from Spirit Lake.
M1ss Dully Miles left yestorduy for
Denver , whore silo will visit for several
Colonel William Orr has returned
home from his western trip , and is look-
lug wall ,
IIou. D. IIuut , of Avoca , was it the
city yesterday , on his return from liia
Texas much where lie has becu for
several weeks.
Tens .lessen yesterday filed n petition
through Mayne turd lfazelton his attor-
no1's , o gttlet the title to soinu lots in
the western part of the city.
Marriage licenses were issued yestor-
da to Jacob Sleek and BurthaSchaack ,
both of this city , sal frank l1. Anderson -
son mid Aumiio Swanson , of Omaha.
' The funeral of Bessie , youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Charles E ,
Dodge , will take place at 10 o'clock this
morning , front the residelcu on South
The contempt cases of Soubert , Ha
wnrthlVrliite and lharghausen , were
called in the district court yesterday
mnrmiiti6and continued until August
3tL , the first day of the next rerun.
' ' Autone Rink has a big heart under
his vest , trod when he destitution -
da 's lin the case of on
Avenue C , ho forwarded to the poor
woman a generous supply of groceries.
At time heating of the school board
lnst oveuing the bids for the 1'10.000 5
per cent school bonds were opetie , trod
Hutt of the Citizens' state bank of this
city accepted and the bonds were sold
to that institution at mi prmniuui of
$112.7 ( , . This is a pretty far indication
of time credit of the city.
" The trial of Frank 1i. Gaunt , for
keeping a glnndcred horse , was coin-
plated in 'Squire Biggs' courts yesterday -
day , 't'he evidence was all in by noon ,
and the caco was submitted without ar-
gutnent. The court took it under advisement -
visement , and will render a decision
a Monday mnorning at 10 o'clock.
'rime ease of IL 0. Blakesley , the id -
low who hired a buggy of George Wes-
' . ne' oil the 30th of May and forgot to return -
turn it , and was captured at Ord , Nob. ,
, by Captalt Nick 0 Brien , was called by
'Squire Brigg yesterday. The prisoner
was not ready , for examination , amid the
case was continued until Monday morning -
ing itt 10 o'clock.
'l'ime loudest drunk arrested thus year
was found el the platform of the Hock
Islnn(1 passes eI depot last evening. It
was a wotnnmi , and Chief Lucas bravely
supported her aching cranium on his
manly breast during the ride to the
station. Jailor Ileudricks then tenderly
lifted the inaninutto form and bore it
carefully to the scond story and deposited -
posited it on the best bed in the bastile.
Deputy United States Marshal H. J.
Duncan arrived in the city Thursday
evening , having. in charge Chris Etnig.
t who lives at WiLBSelllt , Cass county , and
Is charged with violating the internal
revenue laws. IIo was given a hearing
before Commissioner Hunter , who fixed
f his bond at $11N1 to appear at the next
' term of united States court on the 24th
1 , of September. .IIo furnished the necessary -
sary amount and was released.
t0OfIce s Fowler and Isenborgor corralled -
ralled a gang of soyon vags in the
Wabash yards last evening and called
out the "come quick wagon" to land
them in the cooler. They were all released -
leased by the police judge yesterday
morning but were evidently pleased
with their treatment while in jail , and
wattol some more of it. The system of
tine or imprisonmout does not work
satisfactorily in the vag case , as it
punishes thtaxpayer more than the
prisoner. Some other moans must be
Some time ago Dan Carrigg was fined
I iloo for contempt of court in violating
an injunction. Notice was served or
him a few dave ago that the amount
1 must be paid immediately , and ho visor -
or Iting the courthouse yesterday aid settled -
tled his little bill. The charges male
in the Globe that Cirri head tiixed"
C ; mho attorney of the law and order league
J are decidedly thin what viewed ht the
lightof facts It rather looks as if the
attorney had fixed Carrigg for violating
the law.
It Is as It Should Da
The well known "Palaco restaurant , "
100 Broadway hits passed into the Lauds
of Mr. John Allen and by him been entirely -
tirely renovated and refitted. The pop-
. of the "Eurollout " ( Allen's of tl
pLuce on Maui styeoi ) svill be maintained
iii the now ) lace. Ladies transient s
and all others prenptly sorved. Ever
thing Ilrst class. Nothing objectionable
to the most fastidious. Give hitn n call ,
I'ersoual Pttralraphs ,
Fratk Cook Is hone from Spiri t
, . Mrs. Morris Stewart loft last ovoutn g
for Keokuk to visit relatives and friends
Miss Addle Stevens , of Glidden , In.
' ' Is ht the city visiting her uncle , J. H
Mrs. John T. Stone of Glenwood , scam
the guest of Mrs. 0. II. Lucas Thurs
Alrs. T. S. Conch timid daughter hav o
returned from a throe svoeks'yisiti s
W. R. Powell of Tacoma , W. T. , i
1 ) oulitg a few days with his friend , F
U. Parks , of Parks & Son.
Mr. and Mrs , Beasloyof Washington
ill. , are visiting their set , L. C. Bens
toy , and expect to rennin about thro o
W. A. Berger , tvho has been visitin g
his parents hero for several days , ro
. turmiod to his home in Kansas City yes
Good 1Vords Well Deserved.
We , the undersigned , having had th
misforttn a lobe burned out shortsS afte
starting in business in Council BtutT 81
had the good luck to have our insuranc
placed by J. C. Largo , Ineurttnco agen t
who has promptly attended to our loss
We hereby tender him our thanks fo
' his good ofilces , and rocouunotd him t
these who seek good and reliable insu
Another Continuance.
The Lee ombozzlcuient cnso wit
called again yesterday morning befor
Squire Sohurz and continued twenty
lour hours. There le something decidedly
odly queer about this cnso , and thII
actions of the Boston tea company , II i
4 ltom)1In6 tostitvo oil n Ilcsrin g of th
case hro exciting , cot
Buy mantels , grates and Hearth to
+ s In g of the Iow York plumbipg ( .
,1' ,
i lv
Increased Force on Rho Broadway
Bridge , Motor Line and Paving.
The Leo Case Still Continued-Moro
Base Dull Mntehes-A llemelltiny
For Lake Manawa-Long
on Vngratte.
Improving the Dottome.
It scorns strange that so little Is
known , oven among Council Bluffs people -
ple , of the wonderful changes which
each month 1s seeing wrought in and
about the bottoms. No one can give an
accurate description of tlw numerous
inproveinemts , se its to give a reader an
intelligent Idea. In fact , ono visiting
this growing section of the city cannot
realize time transformation , unless he
hits been fauuliar with svhmtt it was before -
fore the improvements wore started.
The paving of Broadway changes that
street fromn a hunpy country road into a
metropolitan boulevard. It is it beautiful -
ful drivo. From Strectsville to time
river is now lluislmcd , so that it is easy
to see what Broadway will be when the
paving roaches the Northwestern depot ,
from which point east it is already paved
with granito. From that point to the
river is two and a half miles , and n
straight , level driveway , as smooth as a
floor. It cannot but be the great driveway -
way for both cities as sour as the Broadway -
way bridge is comploted. The paving
will be completed in the course of
twenty days inure , and by time first of
October , without the least doubt , the
new bridge will be eomleted. , The
drive now is a line one , amid when made
to connect the hearts of the two cities ,
it will be lined with teams. One can
hardly recognize in the modern Broad-
w'ay any of time old landmarks.
'l'hu number of new buildings also
surprises time occasional visitor. In the
past year there have boon scores of cottages -
tages built and they all appetu to be oc-
cupied. There are a low stores and
these seem to be doing a thriving busi-
ness. All this is but the beginning.
New streets ; are being opened up and
time change front farts land to city lots
is being made very rapidly. Many citi-
zeus have no idea of what changes have
been made and what changes are now
going on. If they would tnko a drive
through that section of the city they
would lie more omtlnlsinstic. Some have
the mistalcen idea that they can see well
enough from the dummy train , but such
aview isvery unsatisfactory. One gains
a very meager ilea tints.
There is a largo force working night
amid day upon the now bridge , tumid the
distance between the two cities looks
much shorter as that couiceting link
ttiproaehes ) completion. With motor
line and carriage ways time connection
will ho very close.
1Vhilo there are many quietly looking -
ing about for lots time chief desire seems
to be to get some "soft snap , " ' On the
other hand , those owning property are
firm , though time prices are very moderate -
ate , ranging from 5200 upsvards. That
there swill soon be arm advance , there is
no reason to doubt. Thom who mire wise
enough to invest at present prices are
certain to make a nice little profit.
There is mio wonderful activity at present -
ont , but it is so surely coming that many
are already preparing tumid few are willing -
ing to soil at a sacrifice. Not
a day passes in which there is not inquirers -
quirers and investigators , and when
they become fully satishod that owners
are not willing to give away their property -
orty , sales at fair prices swill follow.
In all cases the preference is being
given to actual residents and these who
will build houses. Those who swaut to
secure homes for themselves can got
Fround at very low prices , and this el-
Icy is to be maintained. The outlook is
very bright for time bottoms , and certainly -
tainly no section of the city is making
such rapid improvement.
Pacific House is'opon to the traveling
public , notwithmstiudimig to the contrary.
Full line of shoot music at Counci
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Is Thcro a Board of health ?
It seems strange that a city of the
size o1 Council Bluffs should have no
system of scaveger work or garbage
gathering. It is a general go-as-you-
please , and usually is no go at all. All
sorts of stuff is thrown in time alloys or
vacant lots , and there allowed to remain -
main and soud forth unsavory odors. If
one wants to have garbage removed ,
there Is no provision made for doing so.
Thom is no system , no public wagons
and no plttco of deposit. The city re-
qui os a mar to remove garbage and
111th , but affords no means of his doing
so , oven if he is ready timid willing to
bear time expense. It hits no licensed
scavenge mind no place of deposit.
Another serious cause of complaint is
the presence of numerous outhouses it
the very Imeart of the city. There arc
sewers mind an abundance of water , so
that closets caa be provided in all the
business blocks without amm , trouble ,
Property osumers prefer to retain old
outhouses rather than go to the expense
of adopting the more modern eotven
iences , amid time city allows bleat to thus
remaim. They tire among time swost of
the summer nuisances , aid ought not to
be tolerated for ten days. An ordinance
should be passed if necessary , and if not
proceedings should be started to sum-
manly cud these complaints.
Artists prefer time Hullott & Das'is
s piano , at G. B. Music Co.1 Broadway ,
_ _ _ _
.E. H. Shemito loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
comsulting ioomns. All busimess strictly
comfidentiul. Omco 500 Broadway , cor-
tier Main street , up-stairs.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtele.
Time innocent Patrolmen.
Ono of the city papers criticises Chief
Lucas and tune police force for allowing
o street walkers to pronenade time streets.
r 'rho police have strict orders t e
promptly arrest any characters who ar o
, known to be street walkers , or mire ply
ing their vocation in any of the publi c
r places of the city , It is impossible 1e v
the police to know personally all of titi s
- class' who frequent time streets , and in
time absence of quito positive proof a n
arrest might make serious trouble
Thieve are many olninently respectabl a
s young ladies in tlio city who sometime s
a go out during the early evening in a
groupby themselves for alittle fan a
, ad If the happen t o
o word louder tluut 1@ Qjt y pror j t
create terrible muss for a lice
man to toll them to go hone or he
Lwould lock them up. Lucas ox -
presses himself In this tnanntir : " I
would rather have a hundred of thus e
characters pins unmolested' than haw e
o. ono respeetablowomun insulted by oa e
of my men by being orddred off time
streets as n prostitute. It is not by nny
menus nit easy task for us , as it requires
ml great deal of surveillance as well as
keen perception to correctly pick out
the right ones. " The force is doing
extremely well ht tlmo matter , consider-
lug time number of men on time force ,
and it is but just to give credit whore it
Money lonued at L , B , Crafts & Co.'s
loan e111co , on furniture , pianos horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All bushless strictly conil-
J. G. Tipton inns bargains in real
Work Wanted For Vage.
Yesterdiiy morning witnosscd a repetition -
tition of doings in police court that the
city council should immediately tithe
stops to remedy. Day after clay a largo
number of wags tire brought bof ro the
police judge , mid that official asks theta
their names , mind than discharges them.
Time court is aware that a soutemmce to
jail means so much useless expense to
time city , and knows perfectly scull that
its effect would be of no earthly use its
far its reducing the number who would
appear the following tnor"ing is wn-
co ned.
If all of these indigent svnnderers
swore sent up for periods of from toe to
thirty days , it would keep time jail con-
shumtiy crowded , timid it would have a
tcudelcy to draw trumps rather than
] roe ) them away , its they have a pmu tie-
laely good time , vaule locked up lmere.
1Vhmit is needed is a good sized rock pile
or a chitin gang. Time latter woull
probably prove more beuelleinl , as the
mivemngo trains is decidedly avose to
drnggmmm g a heavy iron ball around after
Lim white improving time public streets ,
whereas he does not object in time least
to lying around iii the jail corridors to
emit up time food provided by a benovo-
leut city. It is nnperative unit some
such nieaus shall be devised for lessening -
ing the number of 'tralnps who are
bothering time citizens in time suburbs
ml early to death. 't'hey mire contituahly
totting bolder timid more nunmerous. The
police judge swill gladly do lift part if
time council swill lrovile a motels of dis-
posimi g of thorn. As it is decidedly
clmeaper to work them thmum to feed them
it is hoped that the former plan .vill be
Stop at the Pacific House. The most
centrmtlly located hotel in tlmo city.
Patrons of time Pacific House have
none but words of praise for the attention -
tion giver theta.
Demcflt Day For Manawn.
The outlook for Mamiawa is encour-
aging. The committee which was appointed -
pointed to solicit nmoney to be used to
improving the lake is meeting swithi time
most grutifyiug success. They have
already secured 5600 , timid there is still
more to follosv. Next Saturday , one
sveek from to-day , swill be ' 'beneiit day , "
when the motor lmno , steamboats , bath
houses , hotel. Athletic park , ate. , will
give mill receipts to the conunittee , for
the purPose above named. Time day
will be a great one for the lake , aid
an interesting programme is being pre-
Thorn swill be ma ball gtuno at the park ,
bathmimig and sailing cn time lake as
usual , a shell race between Council
Bluffs and Omaha fours , time second
yacht race for the Maaswa cup , and
dancing mat time hotel in the evening.
Tickets will be on stile all of time coming
week in various hurts of the city for $3
each. These tickets swill be good for
everything at the lathe-motor line ,
steamers , park , bathing , dancing , etc.
It will bo a grand day , and everybody
is invited and requested to go to the
lake on that day.
Time attractions offered nro swell worth
the money , and it swill help out those
who are endeavoring to build up the
lake. It is expected to sell 1,011 0
tickets iii this city amid Omaha , tumid
thus raise $3,000. , This , with what will
be otherwise secured , will put the ako
iu splendid shape , mutd assure plenty of
water in the futuo. Make arrange
mnonts'to attend , everybody , and have a a
grand , good time.
The Electric Motor ,
All of the electric motors and othom
electric appliances for the motor lin e
between this city and Omaha have been
purchased , and the ties and rails are o n
the ground , so that it swill be but a very
short time to got the line in rennin g
order , whoa time bridge is ready to open.
There will be a double track up Avenue
A and Broadway free time river to tim e
Methodist chureh , The point of cross
fag from Avenue A to Broadway hit s
not yet been determined , but will b e
betsweeu Sixteenth street and India n
creek. It will require twelve truius t
equip the limo. They will run every
ten mimes during the day mind- even
lug , A five-minute service swill be run
two hours mit morning , noon trod night
Cars swill rum at time rate of fifteen smile s
per hour. The posvoe station will b o
located near the waterworks on lydei
Brondsway. The bridge swill be lighter 1
by electricity , furnished by mi dyuiuno 1v
the bridge company's povor station
The work s "ow progressing at al tvol v
rate ht all lop.trtmnomts , since a oubl e
force has boon put to work on the piers
and evorytliiug looks favorable for a
grand opeamg about Oetober 1.
S. B.1Vtmdsscorth & Co. loam money.
A Bnlt Robbery.
One of the most daring robberies tha
has been perpetrated in thins city fo
sumo time took place last evening o
the outgoing passemige train on th 0
Nortlmsvostern at a point betweomm ti 0
transfer and the local depot. Time vie
tin , whose name suns not learned , cam
ever from Omaha on time 0:35 : dummy t
time transfer. She made the ncquliim N
anco of an obliging stranger on tit e
train , and ho had her baggflge r a
chocked on reaching the tram
for. She was going to Rivet
Sioux , amid they boarded tin
Northwestern train together and occu
pied time same sent. Time first intima
tion that anything was wrong was whom
the train ranched the turn nomyr tin
corner of Tenth avenue and Eleventh
street , when time man started up and th
woman excluincd : ' "That man h
robbed me , " Notwithstanding thus
the passomgers allowed the fellow t
walk down time aisle and out of tin
coach , whoa ho jumped from the pint
form and disappeared. Time brakcma n
stinted in close pursuit , but lost slgh
of tlio mnn in thodonsegrowtlm of svoed
along Indian creek.
The woman s pocketbook , ennti iuimi
$35 amid two baggage checks , vitas stolen
As soon as time local depot was rcachc
the olico were noUtled mind Cu tai n
Dyr m ado a hasty trip ) to the transfer
in time to catch the westbound dummy
but the thief seas not aboard. Ho dl
not seem to be at till hurried nsho loft tin
coach , apd for this , reason time pdsson
, ot s wore dot aura that he was th
thief. His admirable nerve carne
T : N E W D It I D & E r
es t ° ° , METCALF BROTH ERS furnlshing Geode ,
Loweet Prioee , Clothing , Nata , Caps , eta.
V 00 , S y V' MUSIC COUPA .1
, . RlHRER , Willifun o. =
F. Siaddntopfi
to v
, , fi ' tL a- -Dealalo - , alY'lllan ' , EverettB Fislltr av
I : tit. , out - -v CttY t + nty REAL ESTATE d PI1t.N01 + -y
LI H INIT CA New Tort S . . , = Nda St tell Mit
b _ _ AL ' .a No.fl N'nt 9t St. ii A. , Om1Ag 3'
. . 1
.ao Cpy k E
4. Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage
> 9 of Any Bank ! n the oft , , ! s Solicited. cb
u > le1l y 't ' 61 off 3 orB o a d A It1SUrgttC B 0 r o h' . zl _ ,
g , aord
m . H , & A , D.Fastur , SMOKE - ' o
711 " ainE. Oil B ( 61aoe Bo Peregoy & moore's wetterm Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. t' Santo Rosab LQ scats _
' M No . 8 , 1St. - - SAND- ARE THE BEST3t .
a 3 P ea r R _ uP NTt .w
T ' DJ D _ 3 ADS t MABONI ' - " e o esO - - w t-ts9t - S c eta orsw > I
. ,
. .
. . , . . - v nelwtxn
' ITRMPLti - mQ Qi S & 4Av - : . I. C to
Mamiufncturer of Nine Carriages mid Buggies. H P. HATTENHAUER I always ltoop in stock a forge variety or eastern
I bare nlssuys to full stock to select free. . . l uuiko Gurrlagcsschieh I sell eta very low rate.
Call ail exmmiuo. Prices Low. NON. 27 to : R I } I'onrU4 Street. I tam ulw'nys randy to show goods.
him through all right , amid the chances
are mucht ugaimmst his tlutectiqu. No
definite description is givou of ] tint.
AlutehcI Teuuv.
Time maunge of time Council Blcis
club is very strongly imbued w'it11
the idea that his tetut can play bail ,
amid County Clerk .1 , .T. Shea is as lirumly
cotv'imiccl that ho cmtii pick up mu nine
how in the city whiclm emit wipe up time
earth with them , ligurntively speaking ,
and yesterday express.d hfutself in that
manse' in time presence of Jlaatger
Hudlo. After imdulgimig in a hearty
game of bitdl for a while. both parties
went down in their poekets and took an
aecount of stock.
Time result was thata match was milaudo.
Slmea is to pick a mew , till of whom live
in the city , tumid Rudlo is to pltty the
regular team with the exception of the
battery. Time game is to be played
within ten days , ,1lamlager , George now
has $110 up oft his cinch nano , timid If
they fail to win this gaalo tumid time ono
that is to be played ! tomorrow with time
Haynes , there wiit be emma very sick
mail in town , au d , parties unto want to
hear a "holler" need only visit time
corner of BroadwnyY amid Maio.
Thottstutdy of Iollavn
are spent every year by the people of this
state for worthless mnedicincs for the cure of
thioat amid lmme diseases , when we know tint
if they would onlyiuvestt umSAN'1'A ABLE
the uesv Cdifornia , discovery- for consunt )
thou timid kiudred complnhtts they would to
this pleasant remedy tlnd relief. It is rcc-
ouuuended by minist4ts , physicians and public -
lic sPeaL'crs of the Golden State. Sold timid
tinmrantccd by Goodman Drug Co. at $1 a
bottle. Three for filf0.
The most stubboT i case of catarrh twill
speedily succumb to CALIFOItNIA CAT-H-
CURL. Six months' treatnmcimt for I. By
mail $1.10.
The I'oltco Grict.
The mngisterial mill hind ample mn-
teritQ om which to grind in police court
yesterday morning. A pttt'ty of five
were arraigned for disturbing the peace
on South Main street. The evidence
was very meagre and they swore dis-
Homer Williams , elmitrged with time
larceny of an $ .S ring froum llh s. Bur-
horn's jesvolry establishment , wns con-
R. T. Kennedy setts taxed $15.10 for
disturbing the peace.
R. Richards , charged with vagrancy ,
was discharged.
John Tracey , IIemiry Burlin timid H.
Tilsoa wore each given tom days on the
streets , but as there was mothimg for
them to do they were released.
J. W. Jones , charged with larceny.
had his case colltinned until this iimorim-
ing. Attormmcy Hight swill appear for
Mrs. Boyle teas brought in again for
disturbing time peace on a cila'ge pro-
furred by time fellow when she treated
to a dose of rotten eggs for insulting
het- . Silo was ngtlin found guilty , but
sentence svussuspended as before.
- - - - -
Drink Matte , 25 cemtsmt bottle.
M. B , SNYDER , A. M..M. D
Physician and Surgeon
Disettsesof Womimon timid Children ,
20 ltroulwav , Council liuirs.
Hides. Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t S".0 and 822 Stain Btrcet.Couucll BIutTsIowa.
OOOOroadsvay Council Ittuas , Iowa. Eshablisbed
Epps 's Cocoa
C which thorough knowledge of the natural laws
r govern the oporatlon of dlrertlon and nutuS
Lion , and by careful apttteatlon of the tine properties
C of welt-selected Cocoa , btr , Epps has proelded sue
breakfast tables wills a delicately flavored beearape
which may save us many heap doctor's bills. Iii.
by lb.lulelous use of such article. of dies theta
cunstltomou may be gradually bumltu until Strong
e enbugh to resist every tendency to diteald. 11ud
e dredsof eubttemaladtea ere aoaltugarouad mready
to attack wherever there is tYsma
escape man7 afalal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortiaed with rum btood ant a property nourished
trsm 1'-ClvllServleerlaemtte.
I bolting eater ormmmk Bold oat ,
9 In hs pound huts by grocen labeledtbuu
J561ES EPPS& CO. . , ' iNIipNi aotO'iab
ti Y E . CILPIN ,
ae Room BS Trades Iiu1ldInQ ,
B Miruees-H.iro ntD Natlnnal Bank.
d , * ; Q.punhVa , TY.llri4strg/ICti
1 PE.CLll.ndverttsmuentssuchns LostFnund ,
t 'i'u Lnau , For Pmile'I , ) Iteutivnnts , Itoarding ,
etc. , will be hurl Led fu this column at mbo low
mate of 'i'EN CENTS 1'Eht I.INi : for the limst hm
seettau turd Flve Cutts 1'er llnn for each snnce
questlusurtlms , Lease advertisements at our
office , No. 19 Pearl Street , near Itrondsvtiy ,
Councll I tlulta , lows.
'ipoolttuln ii'-houses , Johnson , Van I'atteu ,
7101t SALEitdoot front out lifoadtvay at a
l iurgnln 1t taken at once , D. J. lfutcltinsmt
&Co. , OlT Broadway.
PIVIacreschoice girden Inmd I. m1le from
city lines , 11W per acre. D J , Ilutchlnson
& Co „ 017 Imoadmvuy- .
FOR Ea L1 or Trade-Tito best vacant lot in
Councll Iltmltts , canter Iiroudsvay mud Tth et ,
D. J. liulehlnsms A Co. , 017 Ilroadway.
FOIL ItENT-Dairy farm of ItO acres , only two
and n hnlftiulles from Unnuuydepot , lloun-
cil nlnlis. Tills ssuuld make a splendid location
far it ntllkuutn , 00011 houses , asludndml , nod
bhmu grass pasture. Apply to Horace Everett ,
Calumci l Iihlti s.
1OIlS.t1.E-Cheap. Mysvalntitfurniture. as
good as now- Call at t0J South 0th street ,
Council Inutls.
I you have n stock of nterchuudise to trade
for Itutl or city property svrtte to Johnston
& tau fatten. Councll lilulls. la ,
CCIIANilOne lot ht hunts suit situ three
fu It. H. add for omit lot nearer llro.tdway.
Address Q 14 , lieu ounce , Councll Ithttls.
1'ANTEU-A girl to do general housework.
' inquire at .Methodist parsonage , No. M U
Pletcher ave ,
I 1LEG.tNTronni for rent to gentlenmanfur-
A nished or uufurnlshed ; gas nntl bath. AQ
dress S. 110 S 7th et , Council Itlumi's , or U. S. lin
graving Co. , Fatrnam at , Omtia.
Foil SALT-An open sitie bar buggy , nearly
note , to good party on _ ulomdhlypuynments.
A. J..laulei. No. : ta and O llrnadway.
% ( JANTEU-Good second humid stoves , ( taut-
1 , tm'e anti carpets. w 1Il pay highest casil
price. A. J Mandel , Nos , .P.1 . nail : tai llroadwny.
FOIL SALE-The best small fruit and vegeta
blo tarot in l'ottawmittamimle county , two
Itmilet from Council Bhtttfs postrdace , at n price
tint swill sell it , on remarkably- easy terns.
Title Perfect and pfoporty In goad condition.
Passessiost goven any ante. loud reason for
selihsg. It. ' 1' . Bryant & Co. , 65 Broadway ,
Council Inuits , Ia.
TO ItEN'1'-immediately , for the summer , a
good furnished house , 10 roams : closet and
bath room ; city water. Applyon premises , 812
5th ave.
A7 ANT-To exchange Nebraska or Wisconsin
( aria hauls for Council lmiulrs or Omaha
property ar morchandlse. 0. P , McKesson.
jATANTnI-Stocks of merchandlso. Hay.
V V Omaha and Council Bhals city property
also western Immd to uzehango for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Chri thin , 1ocm : t7 ,
Caanmber of Comntercn. Onmaha.
FOil SAI.IAt a bargain. 10 acres near stock
yards , South Omudsa , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Room 35 , C9utnmber of Commerce ,
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity.
to excellent edneatiomhtl institution , furnish.
ed with all modern insproveuoats for boarding
and day school. ' 1 he acadeudc year consists of
two sessions , begluning on the llrst Jlondny in
September mind February , respectfully ,
Peruse-Ilomird anti tuition per neysiou , 175.
For further particulars address Slster Superior ,
St. Francis Acadeny , Council Bluffs , la.
1'iuIltmtl.txn neA.mtt : IN
, YV r
'z F
NO , 521 MAIN ST. ,
(1Is (
The Morris Ty writer is a practical , well
made and Snob' fuished usachiue. and combiltes
the 'serfoct lettering exact allignment , and
rapid writing of a high priced writer. Thu ED ! .
SUN MIMEtIIIA1'If , the best aliparatus toads
for mauifoldfng autographic and type writer
work ; 0ai copies can be taken. 7'1'114 tVIITElt
stnppIles for stile. 8 end fur circulars. Time Ex.
celsior Co. , Council I11uneIa.
Mention thIs pap
1514 DOUOLr&8 sr. . OMAIIA.NIB
eT " , , , ode Alask ,
; : r m Pam as pyr ghl protection cc.
r cured. Good work , good referencesmedcr
u h . , . Ogllolt
p.B $ forpampWra
rvss = Co. . ,
- -
SIZES FROM Especially Atlnpted fet
POWER. - - Mills and Elevators
Speciflcations and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Itegtmiation , Durability Ouse
unteed , Can slmosv letters from users where fuel Ecouonsy 1s equal with Conies Non Conmdeuslu.
Send for Catalogue , E , C. HARRIS , Manager.
_ - _
Wrought and Cast FOR
' 11tilrtingN , distosimatte Iliphest Economy ,
Iteprttrs. Ilene eC 2d Ilauri Simplicltfj and Durabittty.
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Coummcil B1ulTsLt. Telephoto 160.
Q-4 From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
IW.r ttw N ® r ti
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Hydratthic and Sanitary Engineer , Plans , Estimates ,
B R I B I N E-
Specifications. Supervision of 1 ' ublic Work. Brown
, Council B u0's , Iowa.
Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brosvn Building , 115
UR -
F L Pearl St , Council Il 1 u lr s Iowa .
N---sii : : jjj _ Justice of the Peace. Olilce over Americ Express . 410
Broadway , Council Blufls , Iowa ,
Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fidiera
O Courts , Ofilcc-Rooums 7 and 8 Shu art-Bcno Block ,
Council Biut s , Iowa.
Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
- 13Iu0's , Iowa.
Specialist in diseases of Eye. Ear , Nose and
H A B RL D UThroat. . ( Ilasses Acmtrnteiy Prescribed. Cat.
r r U nnrlt treated l iv after first 'vsnxulutUan ,
Ollieecor.Multisltoetatnlllruadway. Residence , Ole Illult at. fl - . , 2 to 5,7:0tos:00. : :
Council iluas , lows.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No , 606 Broadway , Councll Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED-Good Salesmen on large counnission or salary.
Cull ou 111. IROIILICII , 538 Uroitdwuy , wltero you will reeolvo
the IIIIIhcgt Cagh I'rico ,
N0.29 MAIN ST.
0 s
Star Stables and Mule Yardb
Horses and nmles constantly on Intuit for tai
at retail or hs cur lots.
Orders pruugdly filed by contract at sitol
Stock mold on co tmnbi ion.
9'elaOpposite Dummy Dep b Clu ucil Uluudir