Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAY , JULY 27 , 1888.
Delivered by Carrier In Any Part ot the City at
Twenty Cents rcr Week.
J1tstf.r.FR ) OrriCE , No. .
KldllT UDlTOH. NO. ' 1.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Judge Carbon will hold court to-day to
consider some of the contempt cases.
Morgan O'Urion , a Union Pacific car
inspector at tlio transfer , had one of Ills
hands liadly crushed hotweon two cars
yhjlo work'ing on iv druwhcml Wednes
day.Jolin P. Weaver is burning a kiln of
400,000 brick , and Wickham LJrod. have
a kiln of 050,000 ready to live , besides
having 1,000.000 already burned , blacked
up in their yards.
The Y. M. 0. A. rooms ire being re
painted and the gymnasium and bath
rooms have been closed this week. It is
thought that the bath rooms will bo
opened this evening.
Bids are now being received for the
building of the addition to the Presby
terian church. It ia thought that it
will require about ? 7r 00. This church
society has intended for some time to
complete their church edifice this seii-
BO n.
n.A committee of the board of trustees
of the inbtitutiou for the do.if and dumb
was busy yesterday considering the bids
for supplying an electric light plant for
the inbtitutiou. There wore six bids
submitted , including those for engines
and electrical apparatus.
Mrs. Stives , a widow woman robiding
nt 8I0 ! Avenue O , is reported as a de
serving object of charity. It is said
that she is willing to work , but is now
unable to leave homo on account of the
illness of one of her live children. She
Is in a destitute condition.
Next Sunday afternoon between 4 and
5 o'clock there will bo a swimming race
at Manawa for $109 a side. The contest
ants will stait for Manhattan beach ,
swimming no row the lake to the hotel
and return , making a two mile race.
Both contestants are good swimmers ,
and a number of outside bets have al
ready been made on the result.
Miss Carrie Wrodo , a clerk at Kiso-
man's , was overcome by the heat
Wednesday evening and had to betaken
taken homo in a hack. Her condition
yesterday was nuito bcrious. She lias
been subject to fainting spells for homo
time , and has been in rather iioor
health. It will probablj'bo fcomo time
before she can resume her place behind
the counter.
Alderman Laey is preparing to build
three houses on Third avenue near
Tenth street. His two btores on Main
street are Hearing completion. One of
them is leased , and it is not unlikely
that Mr. Lacy may occupy the other
himself , as ho is strongly inclined to
engage in business. Ho is doing nobly
in the way of building improvements ,
and is setting a worthy example to
other citi/.ens of means.
Honior Williams was arrested last
-evening for the larceny of a ring from
Burhoun's jewelry store. Ho took the
little gold circlet from a tray while pretending
tending to examine the goods. Officer
Fowler brought in live parties for dis
turbing the peace on South Main htrcot.
They wore indulging in a free for all
fight when the ollleer interfered. They
were all nicely corralled to await the
arrival of the patrol wagon.
Yesterday's police court business con
sisted mainly of discharging seven vags
brought in the preceding night. The
case of J. M. Jones for larceny from a
building wiib continued. P. M. Saun-
tlers , a colored man who was writing
cnrds on the street without a permit ,
was released at the request of the
mayor. Levi Long was fined $8.10 for a
drunk. T-ho assault , cases of S. Stuckor
nnd Tony Gerspachor wore continued
until this morning.
A Midsummer Outing.
Eastern Star Lodge , No. 23 , with tboit
families and invited friends , enjoyed n
trip to Lake Manuwa yesterday after
noon. Colonel Reed run the 8:45 : train
as a special for their accommodation.
Arriving at the lake the various steam
ers bore the party across to Manhattan
beach , where a basket picnic was en
joyed. The hours wore most ploasantlj
passed , and the outing was voted si
grand success by those who partici
pated. _ _
W. B. Burns has gone to Boston on i
three months' trip.
Dr. W. A. Ellis , of Silvor.City , was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. D. R. Witter aud children are
visiting in Kansas City.
Mrs. W. A. Baird loft for Noola yes
terday afternoon for a week's visit.
Captain James loft yesterday for Port
land , Ore. , anil an extended wcstcri
Chris Jnrison , an employe in Dr ,
Judd's electric bolt factory , has re
turned from a four months' tour in Ku-
rope and Canada.
Hon. George Wright and J. B. Bald
win loft on the overland llyer for Lei
Angeles , Cal. They will bo ; abaon
about three weeks.
Constable Rickets is confined to hi
bed at his home , 102 Broadway. His ill
net-s was very sudden , and his condi
tion is said to be quite critical.
Secretary A. V. Cutter , of the tele
phone company , was in the city yesterday
day , and in compsny with Manugoi
Vance Lnno of the local olllco , drovi
over the route of the proposed now lint
between this city and Glenwood.
Miss Madgo Scott , who is hero visit
ing her uncle , pi oprlotor of the Scot
house , is ono of the Nebraska hlizzari
heroines. She kept her children i <
the school house all of the night , am
thus saved them , a mororortain thougl
loss sensational protection than wa
given in some instances.
W. R. Lincoln , engineer on the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul , has jus
returned from a four weeks' visit amonj
relatives and friends in Milwaukee am
Chicago. Mr. Lincoln has boon in < * on
tinuous service on the Chicago , Mil
vraukoo & St. Paul since 18(11. ( a porio *
of twouty-sovon years , and his brief vu
cution was greatly enjoyed.
Alv i O. MoAHstor , a Council Bluff
boy who left hero about three years ago
and who has boon visiting his folks her
for two weeks , loft last evening for Alii
anco. O. Ho has letters from the Cam
brltv Iron company , of Johnstown , O.
which recommend him highly as
machinist who is sober and competent
of which ho is justly proud. Ho 1m
engaged with the Morgan Engineorini
company , ot Alliance , O. His sinter
Miss Maud , goes with him in hone c
of bonofltting her health , which Mi
been dolii'ato for bomo time. Alva.uso
to sell Bi'.KS utu'i peanut ? on the Milwaukee
waukeo road before ho wont east t
learn his trade.
. II. Shcalo loans money on chatte
security of every description. Prlvat
consulting i-ooir.s. All business strict !
confidential , OflicoSOO Broadway , cot
ncr Main street , upstairs.
The Saloons Have a Day's Host
From Prohibition Kaldors.
The Manilla Murtlcr More Mystcriorls
Than IJver Unmlillng Too Bold
Contracts Ijet for the Mcr *
The AVnr on Whisky.
There wore no more raids on the sa
loons yesterday. These raids have
amounted to hut little , the liquids seized
being of hut little value ill d'jlltirs and I
cents. The cases are to bo heard before -
fore Justice Barnett Saturday morning.
It is hardly expected that anyone will
appear to defend the gobbled liquors.
The proceedings are simply to deter
mine whether the liquors shall bo de
stroyed or not. The only force that the
proceedings will have will bo to furnish
evidence against the pluces where the
liquors were found , so that injunctions
may bo more readily obtained. It will
bo ililllcult , however , to learn who keeps
these places , and the owners of the
property , are doubtful. Such proceed
ings cause a little nervousness on the
part of those who are nolling intoxi
cants , and they will doubtless carry
light stocks on hand. If they lo o a
few kens of beer , or a bottle or two of
whisky , it amounts to little , as the
profits are immense to those who run
the risk.
There are still a number of places
which are running openly. The prohi
bitionists say they will get around to
all in time , b'ut claim it is not quite so
easy to got evidence as it was a while
200 acres of grass for sale , from ton
acres up , ono mile and three-fourths
from city. Bix MAiucs.
Who AVlll Win the Cup ?
The beautiful silver cup offered as a
pri/.o by the Manawa association to the
winner of Tuesslay'ri yacht race was
placed on exhibition at Harkncvi Bros. '
yesterday morning. The cup is about
four inches in diameter and six inches
deep. It is mounted on four miniature
silver oars , placed perpendicularly , and
connecting with a beautifully engraved
sihor base. A gold anchor is suspended
from the bottom of the eup _ . It is a line
specimen of workmanship , and the
winner will certainly have just reason
to feel proud of his prize.
Stop at the Pacific House. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
Patrons of the Pacific House have
none but words of praise for the atten
tion given them.
The Manilla Murder BLvHtery.
The Manilla murder sensation has
had another chapter added. A short
time ago it , was announced that Sheriff
Moonoy. of Crawford county , had ar
rested Mason , alias Price , Scott , etc. ,
for the murder of the man Sharp.
Mason was brought up for preliminary
examination at Uenteon , Monday. On
behalf of the state the prosecuting at
torney stated that the witnesses by
whom the crime was to bo fastened on
Mason , could not bo procured , and
asked that Mason bo discharged. He
was accordingly sot at liberty. This
cgmes with much surprise , as it was
generally supposed that there was
abundant evidence of Mason's guilt.
Some time ago Sheriff Mooney re
ceived letters from ono Henry Devino ,
of Kansas City , which contained facts
relative to the Sharp murder supposed
to bo known only to the sheriff himself ,
and volunteering to point out the
murderer and prove his guilt. Mooney
went to see this man , who subsequently
came to Denison , and upon the knowl
edge thus gleaned a warrant was issued
for Mason's arrest. Do vine alleged
that Mason came to him in Kansas
City , and suggested that they co
operate in some deal. Mason suggested
burglary , and Council Bluffs as a good
field. Devino , as a "fooler , " suggested
that Carroll bo worked , instead of
Council Bluffs , but Mason objected , say
ing that ho had had trouble at Carroll
and did not want to go there.
As ono outgrowth of this confidence
Mason told the stoi'i of the Manilla
murder. It was to tlu > effect that Mason
mot Sharp on the edge of the eorn Hold ,
and attempted to rob him. Sharp drew
his revolver and ( lied. Missing his
mark ho attempted to got away , when
Mason got upon the fence to got better
aim , and fired a return shot , the ball
passing through Sharp's head. Mason
dragged the body into the field , and as
life was not extinct , ho crushed in the
skull and lied. Every feature of Mason's
description of the crime to Dovino was
corroborated by the facts brought out
at the coroner's inquest. Dovino ac
companied Sheriff Mooney to Burling
ton , whore Mtuon was employed , be
guiled him into the parlc , whore ,
by previous arrangement , both
wore arrested and ironed. Dovino
returned to Donison with Mooney and
his prisoner , and from there ho went
back to Kansas City to secure another
important witness. But when the time
came for Dovino and this witness to ap
pear in Donison neither could bo pre
vailed on to come. No law could force
them here , and the evidence being thus
lacking , MIIPOII had to bo released.
There are many theories as to Do-
vino's peculiar conduct. Thocomonono
is that the defense brought a pressure
to boar on Dovino and silenced him.
The appearance of a stranger in Manilla
last week , with the information that
Sharp was not dead , his supposed re
mains being the product of a cemetery
used to secure $2,000 insurance jn
Sharp's life , has also set the tongues to
wagging. The mystery is thickening ,
rather than clearing.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts Co.'t
loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , por&onal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of 'value without
removal. All business strictly confi
J. G. Tipton bos bargains in real
Tired of Public
The publicity with which the gam'
bllngjiouses of the city do business con
tinues to keep the agitation stirring
and is fast creating a strong bontimonl
ajjainft allowing gambling to be done
hero at all. The are ninny , who are no
radical in their notions , who are stou1
in their desire to see the gambling
houses forced immediately into more
quiet quarters. There is not anothci
city in the west where gambling runs
* so open as here. When business is si
little too quint to sqlt the sports the ;
almost got out on the sidewalk wltl
Ihelr tools , aud rattle the chip ? mos
enthusiastically , for fear that some
passerby might not thlilk there was
such a convenient place to drop his
money. There is a strong feeling
among the moro conservative cit
izens , that if gambling is ono of the nec
essary evils of a city like Council Bluffs
there is no need of its being carried on
right under the noses of everybody else.
They want the mayor to drive the busi
ness off the main streets , up stairs , in
out-of-tho-way rooms , where it ttlll not
bo so noticeable. They realize that it
gives the city a black eye. Strangers
visiting the city are shocked at seeing
the gambling houses running as open as
grocery stores , and in as public loca
tions. If they are not made to climb
the stairs it will not be long before
there is such a feeling against them
thnt they will bo driven out of the city
Gambling houses draw about them a
claps of loafers who hang about the en
trance , and where houses are located on
the first llooj-these folk > \\H are contin
ually occupying the sidewalk , staring at
ladies , exchanging unsavory comments ,
and insulting decent people. Some 01
the city olllclals pretend to believe it is
bettor to have the gambling houses lo
cated publicly , so that they can bo easily
watched and controlled. This policy
has boon followed for years , but it has
never resulted very favorably. Council
Bluffs has continued to have the rock
iest set of gambling houses of any city
in the land. Thcro has been a gang of
pluggers and sluggers who have contin
ually been a nuisance on the street.
People are getting awfully tired of it.
If forced upstairs out of the way , the
change might brin < , ' about some re
forms. If this experiment did not
prove so , then there will bo a move to
clear out the business entirely.
Artists prefer the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Good tea at 20o per pound at N. I.
Tibbetfs , 345 Broadway.
The Merrlam Contract.
Most of the contracts for the Merriam
block were lot yesterday. Martin
Hughes will do the stone and brick
ivork , J. A. . Murphy has the carpenter
ivork and Strock Bros , will furnish the
tash nnd doors. The iron work is un-
: lotc-ininod. It is. expected that the
building will be enclosed by the first of
January. Work will commence at
once , and will bo crowded forward as
npidly as possible. It was feared that
the plans might bo revised , as the bids
night prove too high.but no such delay
is to bo had and the block will be built
us planned , although it will he a moro
expensive block than was originally
contemplated. It certainly will bo a
great improvement , and Mr. Mcrrintn
\\ill find little difficulty in securing
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
Full line of sheet mujie nt Counci
Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
The Fruit IVddlers * ijiofMue.
The move to make the hucksters and
peddlers of fruit pay a license of $30 ia
meeting with the hearty approval of
merchants. It aw.ikens opposition only
among those who will have to pay the
license. They ought not to complain ,
however , as the license-is small enough.
It givob them an advantage even then
over the merchants , who have roit and
other expenses to pay. and whojj trade
is cut into by the street peddlers. The
merchants claim they are entitled to a
protective tariff. They are hero the
year round , paying taxes and aiding in
other ways to pay the city expenses
and further improvements. Then to
have their trade interfered with by
irresponsible parties , who have no per
manent place of business and no busi
ness reputation at slake , is slightly irri
tating. The merchants ask but little.
They simply want these hucksters to
pay a little toward keeping the city
The people should have some protec
tion also. Often there is sold by these
peddlers and hucksters fruit nnd veg
etables which is wholly unlit for u o.
The city needs a health officer and mar
ket inspector. Much sickness and suf
fering could thus bo avoided.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rice , No. 100 Main
street , Council Bluff's.
The Main Street Iilcos.
The city council has determined on
another method of draining the pond on
South Main street , that lias been such a
nuisance for months past. The
plan of pumping it out with a lire en
gine baa been abandoned. A ditch will
bo opened from the pond across the
lumber yard on the north opening into
the Ninth avenue sewer. The city en
gineer has looked over the ground and
finds that the sewer is low enough to
give perfect drainage. The engines
pumped an immense quantity from the
pond , but without lowering it very
much , as the water ran in from two
similar ponds on the south side of the
Burlington tracks nearly as fast an it.
was pumped out. The ditch will drain
the three ponds , and afford permanent
relief , as all water that finds its way
into the ponds after future rains will bo
carried put immediately into the sewer ,
pi eventing the accumulation of another
deep pool of stagnant water. The ditch
will bo dug at once.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolo.
Not a Counterfeiter.
Homer Driosbach , the young man ar
rested at the oirous Tuesday evening
for passing a counterfeit coin , hud his
preliminary examination yesterday af
ternoon and was discharged. United
States Commissioner Hunter , who
caused his turostas standing near the
ticket window when the boy tried to
pass the money , but the tleUot seller re
fused to take it , demanding good money.
After the boy loft , the tickotsollor said ,
' 'That'll the second time they have tried
that hero to-night. " The commissioner
thought that the case would bear in
vestigation , and caused the arrest.
Later , the ticket seller said that the
other counterfeit was presented by some
one else , and as Driesoach's possession
of the money was accounted for , ho was
discharged. No charge whatever at
taches to him.
S. B , Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
The Old Choir of 18(14.
At the site on South Main street now
occupied by the Brown.building there
stood a quarter of a century ago the old
Congregational church. A now choir
was organized in 1804 , with the follow
ing members : Miss Fanny Kellogg , now
Mrs. Max Bachort ; Miss Camilla Tur-
loy , now Mrs. S. J. Hawn ; Miss Emma
Spooner , now Mrs. Clinton Reed ; Mrs.
L. W. Ross , Messrs. L. L. Spoonor , E.
L. Spooner , Vijgo Budolot and Wilson
Largest Stooh , I METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods ,
tautest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , oto.
MUbIC . ,
WllUfon Slortontapf ; Hardman , Everett Fisher
_ . < * Dealer lo- * < l
City & County REAL ESTATE
Mala St Council Muffs.
1 . - - -
NO art. SI. MirVi A . .0mlh .
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage'
of Any Bank In the ottij. , Is Solicited.
Point 0 ! Percgoy & Moore's Abstracts of Title
Santa Rasa ,
No. 8.sari St. THE BEST
sl ss5 ' SjBv5
yft PbsE s wss
Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. H. F. HATTENHAUER. I nlwnyn hoop in stock a largo variety or eastern
I have always a full slock to select from. . . . make Carriageswhich I sell at a very low rate.
Call ami examine. Prices Low. X < > t. i > 7 to Jit ) rourtli Nfrcut. I am always ready to show goods.
Duncan , with J. Mueller as leader. A
little melodion was used as a musical
For years the members have been
separated far and wide , but at present
all except Mr- ) . Clinton Reed are in the
city , and it if , proposed to have a memo
rial choir bonico on next Sunday , .Inly
2 ! ) , iu the Congregational church , corner _ -
nor Sixth avenue and Sixth street , in
which all the old members \villtako
part , with the exception of Mrs. Clin
ton Reed , who will be represented by
Mr.s. Hewitt alto a member of the Con
gregational ehorr of yuarb ago. Mrs.
Fannie Kellogg Bachert will take the
leading part and s ing several s > ole . A
small molodion will be used to accom
pany the Hinging and all will be con
ducted nearly the same as it wub twenty-
four years ago. Rev. G. G. Rico , at
that time pioneer missionary and the
fir-t Congiegational minister of Council
Blurts , will also take purlin the fcorviee ,
with Rev , Mr. Croft , to make thin old-
time memorial bijrvk'o as interesting as
possible. Come linrt hear the old choir.
Shot 'Kmitltiti'hclr Mttlo GUIIB
The Manawa gtyi club held it-i eighth
shoot on the grounds yesterday after
noon. The team- , were nrr.ingcd under
CaptniiiD West nnd Iloofmnyor. The
latter won by the bcoro of 121 to 117.
The tottil 'core locate shows Dr. West
and David Stnlibj to ho in the lead.
Thi series , which-ib coii'-tituted of ten
matches , is for , eight m-i/.ea to bo
nwav.lod in order after the final shoot.
Ycftcrdny MefSi-d.tlnrdm and Kotehum ,
of Omaha , bhol intho Uvo teams. The
hitter ues n Winghubtcr breech-loading
shot-pun , and ho Hhowed faomo results in
the quickness and accuracy of his marks
manship which wcro biirpriblng. The
"shoot" wn-j ono of the most Miecebaful
of the borieb thus Inr.
Starch grows btiuky common pow-
doi-bhavea vulyar glare. Po.ViOiu'b is
the only Compluxion Powder lit to use.
Trainmen's Watches
Philadelphia Record : An enterpris
ing jeweler , who beliovcb that time is
money , not long ago proposed to Gen
eral Manager Pugh , of the Pennsyl
vania railroad , thnt he be appointed inspector
specter of watches on the road , his
duties to embrace a regular examina
tion of \\atehes for which cortilionlcs
are given. The idea , while fawn-ably
thought of , was declined by Mr. Pugh ,
bci-nnso the present regulations are
suliieiently stringent. These regula
tions , which are the outgrowth of exper
ience and a recognition of the absolute
necessity of accurate time in railroading
ing , req'uiro all engineers and conduct-
ore to carry watches of u uniform qual
ity and make. The time-keepers must
bo in the very pink of condition , and to
accomplish this every watch carried by
a conductor or an engineer is subjected
to a eloao examination every ninety
days , or oftuner if the owner shall desire -
sire it.
It is required that an engineer and
conductor shall compare their watches
with the i.tandiird clock in the station
before taking a train out on the lino.
Whenever a stop is made at a btation
the time is noted , another comparison
must bo made , and to on until the des
tination is leached. As the station
( locliitiiro regulated every afternoon at
4 o'clock by electricity the time is
standard all along the line , and a mis-
tauo is impossible. These regulations
are compulsory on all the Pennsylva
nia's lines.
The system of uniform watches has
been in vogue for some time. The
original regulations called for Wnltlmm
watches of a special class of works ,
which wore very expensive , a silver
watch being valued anywhere from S50
to $90. and the gold ones , of course ,
being oven moro costly. The men were
compelled to buy the watches under
pain of dismissal , and their grumblings
wore loud and frequent. In a short
time , however , thgy became possessors
of time-pieces which wore objects of
admiration and pride. A conductor's
watch is his gospel , and when all else
fails him ho plus his faith on his watch ,
and ho is seldom"disappointed. "
M. B. SNYDBB , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Digcuscsof Women mid Children ,
307 UroaM\av. Council mutts.
D. H. HcDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and S3 Main StreetCouncil Uluffs.Iowa.
( OODroMlwajr Council liluff * , Jovra. EaUbU Ud
SI'nciAIj.idvoitKenif ! ! ( < , such as Lost.I'onnil ,
I'o Loan , Tor Hale , To Hent.Wnnts , Hu.irdliiK.
etc. , vllllie lii""itcd In thin cnlumn ut the low
lutoofTIIN CCN'Wl'lUl LINT for tholliRtln-
K itloii Hiid l'l\o Onts 1'or Llu for oath s > ulise-
qui-nt itiEvrtion , LIMVO ndvevtlsenients nt our
orice. No U 1'cail Mi dot , near llioadw.ij ,
Council Illuirx. lov. n.
. . . PALK JM-foot front oil llrondway at a
linipilnlf tiiXo-j tit once. 1) . J. Ilutcnlii'-on
i Co , il" Ilioaduiiy.
171IV1 ! acu-s choice nardm land ' 4 inllo from
JL1 city limits , JIIU perucie. D. J. Hutcliinson
X Co. , (117 ( Ilioidttuy.
171O11 SALi : or Trade ' 1 he bostMicant lot In
JL1 Council Illull" , coiner llioadway mid Vthst.
D. ,1. llutohliison A : Co. , (17 ( Itioad\\ay.
I71OH IIHNT Ialr\- ) farm of IVlncies. onlv two
iund u h lit mill's from Dummy depot , Coun
cil lilii'lri This would make a hpl"iidld locution
for n mllkmi.u. Coed houses , \\lndmlll , und
lilue Lr.i > s picture , Apply to llorutu llveiutt.
Council lIlultK.
TTOH S A I.n-ClisipMy M.limit furniture , us
1 nornl as new. Cull at MJ South uth stieet ,
Council Illuns.
IiMonh.ive u stock of merchandise to tr.ulo
lor hind or city promityiltc to Johnston
A ; Van 1'atiLii. Council Iilulls , Iu.
EXCIIAMSK O-ic lot In Hums' add and tluco
In It. It add for ono lot nearer 111o.iday. .
Address g U , Itieollicc , Council lllullb.
V\7ANTUD A plrl to do Kt-llHrnl hoasi'woik.
v > Inqnlru ut M''thodlst p.uzonnge , iNo. , U
1'lfltoher u.o.
[ 71 MXAXTroom ! for rent to "i-enrienmn , fur-
J-U nlshe lor unfurnished : KRS and l.ith. Ad
dress t , l\a \ S ; th st , Couii'.ll Illulls , or U. S. Kn-
Era.In' , ' Co , I'nvnum , Umnh i.
Inlt . ALi : Urtnido. Ar.l-lnch blcjclo ; \\lii
J- M'll ilican or tinde fornJioistII. .
Htitts. V ( nndjtrroarl htr-et , Council Itlntls.
FOII HALK 'llioToTilrnliied 111111. Aiid'e ser
call I'B ! \ ' . liioadnii } . Council lllulls , la.
Jl' } on hue a BtorlTof nurchiviidTse" To tiMdo
1'orl.uid orcltj iirop'rtvwilta to Johnston
& Van l'utt 'n. Council Hlnils. la.
T710U SALI1 An open Iniccy. nearly
inew , to 1 .
- - goo p.uty on monthly payments.
A. J. Jlandel. No. Ui nnd Ilii Ilrondwav.
W A N'J I'D Oood second hand stoves , fnrnl-
Una and cvipjts.Villpay highest cash
price. A , J Maudtfl , Nos ilM nnd .IJTi Hroadway.
FOR SALC Tlie"be--Tsm ll fruit and CegetiT
Wo fnr.n In 1'ott.iwattumle county , two
miles from Council Hlmi posuilllce , at n price
that will sell It , on returnkably cuiy terms.
Title perfect nnd piopcrty iu good condition.
Possession ( 'heniiny time. Good icufron for
II. T. llriunt fc Co. , O' i liroartway ,
, I a.
rpo HKNT Immediately , for the summer , a
X good furnished house , 10 rooms ; closet and
Imth room ; cliy water. Apply on premises , 8W
Mh uve.
WANT To exchange Nebinska or Wisconsin
faim lands for Couacll lllnlls or Om ha
piopertj or nierchundlbc. O. 1" . McKesson.
\\7"AN'Tin : ttocKs ol merch.indtje. lln\
TT Omaha and Council llluifs city piopertv.
alto \\CKteuilaiid to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson cnrlatlan , lloom Jj ,
Ctiumlier of Commerce , Omnha.
FOH SAI.n Ataliar .iln , IU acres near stock
yr.nls. South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson tc
Chrlbtliin , Room IS , Cliambar of Commerce ,
COll. RXH AVE. AM ) 7l'H ST.
CotvJucteti by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational Institution , furnish
ed with all mo lorn improvi-meuts for boarding
and day school. The rcjdcmtc year consists of
two sessions , beginning on fie llrst Monday in
September and 1'ebinaiy , H-spjctfully.
T .i mi-Hoard nnd tuition per t-tsslon , $7. " . .
Tor fmthiT paitlculars address Plster Superior ,
St. 1'rancli Academy , Council Illnlfs , Iu.
NO. ft2t MAIN ST. ,
The Morris Type Writer is a practical , well
made and finely ttnlxhed machine , and combines
the perfect lettering , exact allignmrnt , and
rupld writing of a high priced writer. The KOI-
BON MIMKOUItAl'lI , the best apparatus made
for manifolding autographic and type writer
work ; : itt l copies can be taken. TVI'KWH1TK11
supplies for sale. 8 end for circulars. The Kx-
ccislor Co. , Council lilulTs.Ia ,
Mention this pap
1614 UOUULi < YS . . OMAHA , NEU
CO. ,
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted M *
POWER , Mills and Elevators.
Speculations nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Hegnlatlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letteis fiom users wheio fuel Economy Is eiiunl with Corliss Nou-Condeuslnif.
ctiMKcii mouss ; , cou.vcir , ISMTITS , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager
! Y
Wfflughfaffl"Cas"t SH mr FOR !
Jlnildings , Automatic E Economy ,
llepuirs. Xcw C iid Hand Slmpll < ; lti and Itirablllt/t ] _ „ .
No * . 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTs.Ia. Telephone 100. -
From 15 to 25 Per Cent. I
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
I''lralllic ' nnil Sanitary . 1'lans
} ' Engineer. , Estimates
- -
H , Specifications. SuperviMon of Public Work. Drown
i Council niun"t > , Iowa.
CIMI CV Rl IRI F. . Attoiney at Law , Second Floor Brown Uuilding , 115
rllNLLY DUimL. I'carl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Lp"7 | | | Justice ol the Peace. OHlce o\er AmericanExpress , No. 419
NQr . " " liroadway , Council Ilun" , loun.
Si _ _ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State nud Patient
Ot Courts. Olllcc Rooms 7 anil 8 , Shujjait-Heno Block ,
Council Hhifi'o , Iowa. '
* UA7ITM Uentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue. Counci
, r\r\L.L\\"m \ \ Bluffs , Iowa.
/ " lAn/inr"ni | / I M l\/l r\ Specialist In dlseaeei of Ilje , 15ar , Nose and
Mil ( HAmnrmN U Throat. ( ilissi-s.UcuratelyI'rescflb.-d. , Cat-
. . m
i Mi \ Jinm \ UU.I IU.I Mj MilJt Ulrh tmited bv mall after Ihst consultation.
Olllcocor. .Main htiejt and Ilioadway. Itesidencc , OIU llluir st. llouis V.tolS , iitoB , 7iOto8:30. : ! :
Council lllulTN , IONMI.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
WANTED Good Salesmen on luvgo commission or snlary.
-ir YOU ii AVI : AIVV-
Gull 011 M. l > iOUiaciI , Aittt Itroiulu'uy , whore you will receive {
tlio IllgliCNt Ciuli I'rlt-e.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
HoiS ami iuiili'6 conituctly on haud for Jill
at retailer In ( ui lot *
Oidrrtft'iciiiptly Oiled \ > y couiraU o'lsho
Stock fold on couimlsilon.
Tulenlione 1H. SCHI U Hill . \ HOLEY.
Upt'Oiito Puuiuy Depot , Council Ulutt <