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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1888)
w THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : -I 'tlJIDAY , JUTjY 27. 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Wheat Suffers ft Serious Becksot But Recovers Later. CORN WITHOUT SPECIAL FEATURE Ontn Unto Dull , Clotting Slightly Firmer I'roTlHlotis Attract Bloro > Attention Onttlo bower Hoga llnthcr Slow Quotations. CHICAGO MAUKRT. CIIICAOO , July 20. [ Special Telegram to THK Ur.c.1 The grain market had n backset to-day. Wheat partially recovered , how ever , nnd closed strong , Hut corn did not rally to any extent , nnd closed spcculntlvcly weak , though shippers have no fault to find. They have large orders to fill , nnd In the de pressed state of trade locally nrc able to find grain to ship. Wheat cables were somewhat variable. Public cables quoted the ud.ysr.Co mentioned yesterday in private message ? , whllo private cables represented a rather easier feeling , and brightening weather prospects ou Iho continent nnd in England. The expert Inquiry nt the sea board nnd also nt western nnd Interior points where wheat Is not held off the innrkct , is very nctlvc. Locally , many of ttio leaders who were buyIng - Ing early turned sellers to-day. The market opened Jf@ ? o higher nnd tempted realizing Bales. The initial range was about the top. In any event , the best prices were obtainable nround the beginning , when August was quoted nt S0 > < c , September at SOJfe , und De cember nt 83e. The llrst decline carried prices down % c , when a partial recovery fol lowed. Then the market ngaln broke , nnd this time landed August nt 70K , September nt 7&Kc , which was I'jcslirmlcniro from opening prices , nndXSlbc below yesterday's close. Last quoted prices were blXo for July , < l ) ? a for August , bOc for September and 82 > o for December. This is % ( < Xc below yesterday. The general feeling was one of regained btrcngth , though right nt the tap of the bell Bcnlpcrsvcro nnxioUHiy offering more than the crowd wanted. The latest private cables were the best of the dny. In the pit a largo average business was done , though thorn were dull "snots" when nothing was going on nmnng the traders. A good many who hnd been tempted to sell out early were re placing their wheat later in the day. The market has lost its sense of helplessness und once more seems nble to stand alone. From the supply nnd demand basis it would seem that thcro was no good reason to look for n decline in corn to-day , but the speculative pressure was heavy from nlmost the stnrt. mm n decline of over lo was the result. Conservative people who do not lose eight of the fact that August is the most critical month In the season for corn , were not selling , but they were not buyIng - Ing , | eithcr. If corn cuts through August all right they will not com bat the theory of lower prices , but until the safety of the growing crop is assured they do not core to bo short on the market. Neverthe less it was Inrgoly "short selling" that car ried the price of August down from 46 o to 45o , mid of September from 40 } < c to 4lfc. ? The close was 45 } < c for August and 44 J ( V i4J < c for September. OatH were dull nnd cnsy during the greater pait of the day , following In the wnko of the other cereals , but toward the oloao were slightly llrmcr. Weather conditions wore favorable for the harvesting of the crop , and trading orders were unusually light , with transactions recorded nt figures varying but slightly from yesterday's closings. Onl.v ono or t'vo buyers nppenred to c.iro for. Roller July , bidding nround 29J.iC. Trading ; wns largely in seller August , with n fair In quiry for longer months , nnd seller May was in moderate favor nt a shade decline early. Receipts were less than estimated , mm it is not believed that any new oats of consequence quence will arrive this week. Cash No. 2 , in store , were dull and salable at 2fl ( ; 29c1 with trade chiefly in samples. Provisions received more attention. Foi cash delivery there was more of the formci freedom nnd liberty in buying , nnd in n spec ulative way business was quite active. From the start trading wns well maintained ; the work of reducing short lines was prosecuted with considerable vigor , nnd the interest do volopcd was more than ordinarily general Hutchlnson wns credited with being the heaviest individual buyer of property. Pack crs were also inclined to favor the bull side and their future purchases were doubtlcsi much larger than their sales. The Inquir ; for cash products comes from all directions In the day's market price changes wen within moderate limits. At the close slier ribs were the same ns yesterday , while Ian wns 2 } c higher , and pork about 2c lowci CIlICAGOJhlVE STOCK. CHICAGO , July 20. [ Special Telegram ti THE BEE. I CATTLK Thcro was n pretty fal supply of good stock. The inferior to fai kinds were in henvy supply and the genera demand wns small. There were many goo range cattle , which buyers took in preference once to ordinary natives. Prices were quote 10 < 320c lower , the decline being mainly 01 grassy cattle of course. Hnugh , heavy cattl were very slow sale. The receipts includei B.BOO Toxans. Choice to extra beovcs , $0.00(1 ( (1.25 ( : medium to good steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs $5.1B@5.90 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $1.00@5.35 050 to 1200 Ibs. $3.70(34.80 ; stocker nnd feeders , t2.10cM.50 ; cows , bull nnd mixed , .35@3.30 ; bulk , 2COi ( P3.00. Texas cattle lOo lower ; steers , tU ) t 1050 Ibs. , $3.25 ® t.70 : 730 to IHX ) Ibs. , $2.75 ( < jj.40 ; OOJtolOO Ibs. , $2.0003.15 ; cows , Jl.OJtf Hoes Trade wns rather slow nnd price unsettled , with a down turn of nbout nickel on prime heavy nnd 5 ( lOo on packers Light sorts are fully ns high as ycsterdaj Heavy sold at $0.4050.4" > ; a few fane , butcher weights at $0.50. The bulk of th best mixed sold nt $0.25iiii.3. ( ( > nnd commo packers went ns low us $ : ! .00 ( < T0.20. Ligh sorts bold steadily nt $0.40iT0.42 ( > . FINANCIAL. Nnw YOIIK , July 23. [ Special Telegram t Til K HUE. ] STOCKS London cnmo in uboi $4 per cent higher on American sccuritlc ; Early cables brought liberal buying 01 dcrs. This sot tha puce nnd prices wet roarknd up fractionally. After the first ni vance u reaction set in , accompanied by 111 oral realizing by traders who said the di cllno wns duo nfter the recent advance. Tn break proved only temporary , however , nn prices began moving upward again. Abov noon reports from the west said that Judg Brewer had granted n temporary Injunctio restraining the Iowa rnilioad comnmsionci from putting Into effect tholr low tariff : This Is what the bulls have relied upon fc several weeks , nnd it caused Increased bu ; Ing of t'i anger stocks and sent prices up o nu avcingu of } $ point , increased the bul ish feeling nnd caused un uneasiness union the boars. The latter covered modoral lines , but ut Iho same time agreed that tl advances wcto only temporary nnd i\oul not hold unless Iho public , which is not I the market to uny extent , comes in and bu : Union Pacific nnd Northern Pacific 11101 freely. The Oregon Navigation squabble regarded us n hindrance to n further bu movement In those securities und holders u pear nnxious to sell , but prices only decline fractionally. St. Paul gained 1 point durh the morning und Northwestern 1. In tl rest of the market the changes were unit pomit. t bond * wer l but htcady. Ql'OTATIim. U.H. t * rcfiilnr. . , , l ? < Northern Pacific. . . Sf 1 ? . B. 45 coupons. .ISiM ! tin preferred. . . . 6" I' ' . S. 4ls regular - C.N.w Ill U. B. 4 107 ? , doprufciretlH \ rj N. V.tvntral . . IIM I'.ielrte . Mi11. ! . ! . X-1 ! i ( ttilciKu .V Alton .Ut iliorkUlinil . . . IUi Cl'lciitto.llurllncton ] < . ' . . M..VSU I' . . 71 X ( julury. . . IM ! { | ! < preferred , in I ) . , I.'VW , . . , iriijl t. I'.mi \ Omaiiii : i > , IllnoU Central . iivil Uoiircfcrrcil MOSET ox C , L Easy at 1$1 ( X per cent ; closed nt l < v ljtf per cent. PntMB MCKCASIILE PAi-nii 4QO per cent. STEIIUNO EXCIIANOE Quiet and weak , with nctual business nt $4.SO for sixty day bills , $ -1.83 for demand. 1'ltODUCH CniCAoo , July CO. Wheat Steady ; cash , , e ; August , 79Ke ; September , bOc. Corn Lower ; cnih , 4n > c ; August , 45x' < c ; September. 43 13-10e. Oats Easier : cash , 23Xc ; August , 24 c ; September , 24J c. Hve-45 > < c. Harley nnd Timothy No trading. Vhisky-tl.20. Pork Steady ; cash and August , $13.75 ; September. $13.t5. Kurd Firm ; cash , $ .3.02) ; Auiust , $3.03 ; September , $ S.70iiS.J ( . , Flour Steady nnd unchanged. Hulk Meats-Shoulders $7.25 ( 7.40 ; short clear , $3.b7M 8.S9 ; short ribs , * 8.13W < R8.1B. liuttcr ( jufct ; creamery , 1418) ) c ; dairy , 14TUOc. ( Cheese Tame ; full cream Cheddars nnd flats , < 3S'.ic ; young Americas , bX@yc. Eggs Firm , IDfojtu&e. ItidCs Unchanged ; preen salted calf , " " " " Tallow Knsler ; No. 1 , solid packed , 3 c ; No. 2 , 3c , nnd cake , SM&'Wc per 10. Hcceipta. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 15,000 8,000 Wheat bu . 45,000 21,000 . KiO.OOO 24S.OOO Oats , bu . 79,000 133,000 Hye. bu . Harley , bu . . . . . New York , July 20. Wheat Receipts. 8,2.10 ; exports , ti9i')7 ( ) ; casti grades neld firmly , but tending light ; options ndvanced 'ICIVc curly on tirm cables , Inter dropped J4 ( uio on freer scllintr , closln , ' weak nt thu lowest ; ungrnded red , bl@'Jl ' ) < , c ; No. 2 , red , 91 } i ! f. o. b. , bOJ OCOc in store nnd ele vator , ti2'f@92J e nno.xt ; August closing nt b'JJfc. Corn Kecclpts,4,4CO ; exports , ( ' , " ' " > S ; casli dull nnd KiZ ( o lower ; options declined 1@ 1J4C on nil" except December , which is only ? io lower ; ungraded , mixed , r > ( , } fc2r,0c ( ; No. 2 , 54 @ -l/y to arrive , BO feeT c dc- livrrcd ; August closlni ? nt K5o. Oats Hccelpts , 23,000 ; exports , 1,400 ; fairly nctlve , but > @le lower ; mixed western , 3rit33c ; white western , 41itlSc. ( Coffee rSpot , fair ; Hio , nominal at 14. 50 ; options 5C(610 points higher ; only moderately nctivo ; sales , ! J3,2T)0 bags ; July , 811. irKR11.2.V. August , flO.OoOlO.'JO ; September , -ill.103 11.20. Petroleum United closed weak nt Sl c. Eggs Lower ; western , 15@10Kc. Pork Moderately active ; mess wns quoted at * 14.011.M ( ! for old ; $11.75@15.00 for new. new.Lard Higher , but slow ; western steam , spot , $ S.b5. Hutter Heavy nnd unsettled ; western , KC420C. Cliecso Quiet , but steady ; Ohio flats , 7@ Kaimna City , July 20. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , rash , 0 < c nskcd ; August , COKe bid , G7c asked ; September , OOJ o bid , 07c usked ; No. 2 BOH , cash , 07J o asked ; August , 07c bid , Oijtfo nskcd. Corn Lower ; No. 2 cash , sales at SSJ c ; August , 30c bid , 33 c asked ; Sctenibcr [ ) , "Mo nskod. p.its No. 2 , cash , 20cbid ; August , 20c bid , nskcd ; September , sales at 20' e. Minneapolis , July 20. Wheat The local receipts of wheat were 137 cars with 32 cars shipped out. The sales were not easy nt yesterday's ' figures , and general offerings were enough to satisfy the local demand. Closing : No. 1 , hard , July , b2Jfe ; August , 82 ] c ; on truck , S3J o ; No. I northern , July , bllii' ; August , Sic : on track , b2c ; No. 2 northern , July , 77 c ; August , 77 c ; on track , 7tit i9c. Flour Steady. Milwaukee , July 20. Wheat Stcn-ly ; cash , 79c : August , 7 < > Xc ; September , 77j ; c. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 45J < fc. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 85'fc. Hye Dull ; No. 1 , BOe. Harlov Quiet ; No. 2. 5Sc. Provisions Strong ; iness pork , $13.37) for cash nnd July. St. LioulM. July 20. Wheat Firm ; cash , and August , 78Jo. Corn Lower ; cash , 43Xc ; August , 43c. O.xts Lower ; cash , 2o@25)-fc ) ; August , "poVk-Steady at $14.37' @ 14.50. Lard Quiet at $3.50. Whisky $1.14. Butter Steady nnd unchanged ; creamery , 18C < i20c ; dairy , 13@10c Cincinnati , July 26. Whisky , firm nt tl.14. Liverpool , July 20. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali fornia No. 1 , 6s lld@7s per cental ; red western , spring nnd winter , Os Su@jslOd per cental. Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s 7d per cental. New Orleans , July 20. Corn Irrceu- lar ; mixed , 00@C2c ; yellow , 02c ; white , C5c. Oata Excited and higher ; No. 2 , 4S > c of fered. Cornmenl Steady at $2.85. Hog Products Scarce and flrm ; pork , J14.02K ; bird , $7.75. Hulk Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long clear aud clear ribs , $7.90. HVIJ STOCK. . Chicago. July 20. Too Drovers' Journal reports ns follows : Cuttle Receipts , 12,003 ; market slow and lOo lower beeves $5.00(30.25 steers . $3.70 ; , 'V viwuj avv.uio.iJt . . l . w @ 3.UO ; stoekers and feeders , $ i.lO@.50 : ) ; cows , bulls nnd mixed I , $ l.ar3.30 ; Texas cattle , $1.90@3.00. Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; market steady for light , others 5o lower ; mixed , $5.95(3.0.40 ( : heavy , $ -j.05Q0.50 ; light , fci.00@0,45 ; skips , Sheep Receipts , 5",000 ; market steady ; natives , $2.H5.40 ) ; western shorn , $3.50(3 ( 4.10 ; ) Tcxnns , shorn , $ .f.l)0(24.40 ) ( ; lambs , $5 OUgO-Bo. National Stock Yards , East St. LouisJul.v20. Cattle Uecoipts.3,000 ; ship ments , 2'iOO ; market lower ; choice heavy native steers , $5.20@5.0 ; fair to good native steers , $4.405(5.25 ( ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $ ; 5.30jf4.40 ( ; btockcrs nnd feeders , fair to good , $3.a5@3.70 : rangers , corn-fed , $3.00(34 ( 50 ; grass-lcd , $2.25 ( 3.70. Hogs Uecoipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 500 ; market easier ; choice heavy and butch ers1 selections , J3 45@5.50 ; packing , medium to prime , J530@5.50 ; light grades , ordinary to best , $5.20@5.35. KaiiHits City , July 20. Cattle Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; market steady ex cept for common , which were weak ; stock' ers and feeders more ucttve , but 5@IOi lower ; good to choice corn-fed , $5.00@5.50 common to medium , $3.r > 0@4.75 ; stoekers ant ! eers , W.OOfty.iK ) ; grass range steers , cows , $1.40@3.00. Hops Uccoiiits , 3,500 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market opcnrd strong and 5u higher , clos ini ; weak with the uilvauco lost ; common U choice , f4.50QO.30 ; skips and plus , $4.00 < j 5.30. r OMAII < V lilVR SXOGll. ii Cattle. Thursday , July 20 , 1SS3. Only tliirtocn fresh loads were offered 01 the market , and there was not n good load o corn-fed cuttle in the yards. The offering were made up of crass steers and cows nnd i good many of them on the common order Prices were nominally steady. * The receipts of hogs have been _ gradual ! ; falling off ninco Tuesday. Only seventy three loads were received to-day as agalns cighty-thrco on yesterday. A few hoes soli early at ubout steady prices , but the mnrkci opened wcaUand the bulk of the hogs sold 5 lower. There were n few very good hoav ; hogs on snlo which brought fO. ' 0. Thcro were none hero to make a market. IlfCOlplf. C&ttle. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO Hogs . . . . . 50 , | I'revailmc I'rlttus. Tli0dllinvlnR n n table of prlosi paKI ID tb'.s inarKot for the gradai of itook men lioncil. I'riciustoiri. VJOato IVXlbs..l5.40 (35.50 Prune st c TS , UW to I'J'JJ ibi. 4. .VI 125.40 Fntlittlo steir.S 009 to 1050 Ibi. 4.00 . ' 44.75 Common to goml cows . 1.75 (3'J.OO ( Choice to fancy cows . . . .2.53 M3.25 Common to choice bull * . 8.25 ( $3.00 t irtocaoicolighttiogft. . . . . . . . 6.00 < KO.IO Fair to choice heavy hops 0.10 Fatrlocuolco mixed hogs 0.00 Ci0.1o ItcprcMcntutiva Sales. CATTLE. No. Ar. Pr. 1 COW . & .K ) IBO ( i cows nnd bulls . . t .1,191 1.75 1 cow .1,100 200 2 cows .1,203 2 25 37 grass cows . 'JUT 35 13 cows . 1)1(1 ) ( 2.50 17 co ws . 677 2.M ) 2 grnss'stccrs . 820 11.01 21 western grnssers. . 033 3.10 3 steers .1,300 4.W 1 steer .1,100 4.b5 20 cows .1.1M 3.00 4 steers . r,2o 2.75 21 cows . 9I5 2.35 3 cows .1,217 2.35 4 heifers , . 750 lUcows nnd heifers. , , , . . . . . 8S1 L03 11003. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 77. . .271 tffl $5.7B SO. . . .210 800 $5.10 73..278 240 5.S5 ( JU. . .215 300 0.10 91..242 43) ) O.'JO . .21:1 : 3.20 0.10 . . .20 ! 5(10 C.OO fill. . . .273 K ) 010 80. . . .207 280 0.00 79. . . .ISO 200 0.10 St. . . .213 0.00 . .204 120 0.10 78. . . .243 440X C.OO 05. . . .aw ion 0.10 07. . . .230 X ) rutiW 33..254 ISO 0.10 fit . . . ! M7 120 0.0:1 78. . . .205 W 0.10 77. . , .2d8 U ) 0.05 01. . . .2c4 248 fi.10 84. . . .233 400 0.05 70. . . .240 2JO 0.10 82. . . .207 400mi 0.03 . . .223 200 0.10 BO. . ice 0.05 ( ! ' . . .23 ! ) WX ) 0.10 71. . . .210 210W 0.05 CO. . ( ' .IS C.3. . . .210 W ) CO..245 250 15.10 70. . . .237 320 oor ! 00 . . .227 120 0.10 03. . . .2iO : 32J G.C5 73..213 3-0 0.10 71. . . .212 240 0.05 . .237 2iO 0.10 03. . . .243 240 0.05 70. . . .229 200 0.12K 71. . . 242 0.05 70. . . .2ii : ; 80 IU2V 63. . . .214 10 0.05 102 100 0.12K SI. . * O * ) O * 0.05 37 . .201 bO 0.15 300 0.07H 73 . .2)0 ) 120 0.15 BS. liftJl ICiO ( i.07 > < 70. . , .22'J 120 0.15 71. . .220 KM ) 0.07Jj 03. . . . ' . ' 4 ! ICO 0.15 02. . .211 120 0.07K ( X ) . . . .210 0.15 b2 . .207 120 C MX . .207 40 0.15 71. . ,2S7 120 010 01. . . .291 40 0.15 BO. . .273 120 0.10 05. . . .274 100 0.15 . .211 ICO 0.10 5t. . . .2(13 ( 2'0 ' ' 0.15 (51. ( . .242 100 0.10 55. . . .25 120 0.15 70. . .209 COO 0.10 50. . . .3:7 120 0.15 C.'J. . .225 200 0.10 0. . . .23 ! SO 0.15 OS. . .210 80 0.10 01. . . .279 SO 0.17K b3. . . .203 100 C.10 54. . , . JO SO (5.20 ( CO..275 SO 0.10 51. . . .2 < J3 0.20 Packers Showing the number of hogs bought by the eadmg buyers on to-day's ' market : 1. II. Hammond & Co 852 OinnhaP. Co 4'J Vrmour C P Co 1,057 " . P. Squires & Co 1,023 3. H. North & Co 73J E. A. Blacksherc 01 Inlstcnd & Co 510 libbSi'c White 132 T. J. Deacon 310 1. S. Morris 3sO Inrper & D 402 Wnllwork& ( J 222 Jrainard Bros i'O J G. V. Hartlett 391 > rullery 145 HIjjliCHt aii < l Ijowcst. The following nro the highest nnd lowest irlccs p.iid for mixed nnd lioavy loads of hojjs on this market during the past few days , and "or the corresponding period in lSi7nnd 1831 : lAva Stock Notes. Hogs 5c lower. No cattle market. Prime heavy hogs sell at $0.20. Connor Bros. , Oluowa , sold a load of hops at 0.15. George Boetel , Millard , was In with a load of hogs. Franic Wait , Clearwater , was in with n load of hogs. Hogs arc selling ? 1 per hundred higher than a year ago. D. H. Sheaver , Western , was at the yards withacir of butchers' stock. J. D. McBndo , Nohawka , came in with hogs which sold on the market. Henry Koch , of Colby & Co. , Bradshaw , was hero with two loads of hogs. Fall & Spencer , Silver City , la. , marketed a load of hogs that came to $ 'J9'.i.'j9. W. C. Swartz , Silver City , marketed two loads of hogs at $0.20 and ono 0.15. The total receipts at Sioux City last week were 10,3 3 hogs and 1,412 head of cattle. OMAHA MARKETS. Produce , Frultfi , Ktc. BUTTEU Fancy creamery roll , 19@ 20o ; solid packed , 10@17o ; choice country butter , 14@l5c ; common grades , 13 > (313c. ( Eaos Strictly fresh , 14c candled. CALIFORNIA DAMSONS $1.25 nor box. CAI.ICOUNIA Guu'ES $1.50Qi2.00 per case. SOUTIILMIN Giui'iis $1.00 per 10-lb basket. CANTKi.orrs $2.50 per dozen. SoUTiiniiN PLUMS 75cS$1.00 ( per box. HucKi.KHEitniEs $1.2n per drawer. POTATOES New , homo growth , 50@70c per bushel. POULTUY Mo dressed fowl in the market ; live chickens , $3.50@.75 ! par doz. ; spring chickens , S2.75@'J.25. STHIXO BEANS 75e per bn. TO\UTOIS Per crate , 50u ( > 73c. Tunsii'S 23S30c per bu. GHEENConx J1.00@l.50 per 100. W rBKMCi.o.Ns J.15.W325.00 per 100. PEAKS California , 62.00(0.2.00 ( per case : Southern , $1.00 pcr > ibu. Cii.nitY : 30@40e per dozen. PIAS : $1.00 per bushel. Pr. .CUES California , $2.002.23 per box ; Missouri , $1.00 per } bu. BINANAS Common , $ t.50@J.2o per bunch : choice , $2.50(33.50. ( LEMONS S7.00@3.00 ) > er raso. OiiAxnn Mcssinas , * < ICOifS.OO ( per box ; Kodi , * r.50@S.CO ; $4.W@4.75 ( per half box. CAinuais : $ i.50 per \M. \ Ari'LBS $2.00@3.00 per bbl. CIDKH Michigan , f4.50@o.50 per bbl ffi gals ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbl. Pot1 Cons Hico , ! I@4e ; common , 2@3o. GUWOTS 75oper bushel. \X8-Choico eastern haudplcked navies , $3.SOvj$5 ! per bushel ; western hand picket navies , $ 'J.7502.S5 ; mediums , 2.5U@2.W ( , Lima beans r c per pound. HOSEV 14@10c for ono pound frames ; strained honey , 0@Su per pound. 13iscs\vtx Cholco yellow , 20@22Kc ; dart colored , IHQllc. CHEUSE Young America , full cream IWOHVfc ; full cream Cheddars , OfJja c ; ful cream Hats , 'JQO1 ; good to choice skimniei chedilnrs , GfeO1. , ' ; ski mined Hats , 5&c. Orocors Revised prices are as follows : BAOOIXO Stark A , seamless , 21J c ; Amos keag , seamless , 17 > o ; Lowlston A , seamless l'J ) c ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , to 5 bit , 7J5c ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gunnies double , 2 < ) o ; wool sacks , 35c. COFFEES Mooha , 20@2Sc ; Ulo , good , 1051 17e ; Mandahling , ffli2Sc ; roasting Hio , 14f 16c ; O. G. Java , 24@2 5o ; Java , inferior , 21i ( 24o : Illo. fancy , IC lOo ; Santos and Mara calbo , 1719c. COAI/ Anthracite , range , and nut , $10.00 largo egg , rJ.75 ; Hock Spring , $7.00 ; Su pcrlor , JO 00 ; Iowa , & .60@5.50 ; steam coal fl.50 to S-.OO. St'OAU-Granulated , 8J < ? Si c ; conf. A We : white extra O , 7)i@7 c ; extra C , ' 0 7 } c ; yellow C , 0 @ 7c ; powdered , 8& < < 8 0 ; cubes. SJfQS c. C\NXEii Goons Oybters , No. 2 Standard per case. $3.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ibs. pe case , t3.30@3.40 ; raspberries , 2 Ibs. , pe rase , ri.OWi2.10 { ; California pears , per case & ! ; apricots , per case , .50@4.75 California peaches , per case , $5.005.25 California white cherries , i > er case , $5.7 m .00 ; California plums , per case , $4.20@4.30 pluo apples , a Ibs , per case. 3.25 4.sO ! 1 Ib. salmon , per tioi , II. ' . 0@2.00 ; 2 Ib goose berries , per caia , S2.OOfjfcJ.10 : 3 Ib. strini beans , per cn&c , tl.75iJl.bO ( ; 2 Ib. marrow fa peas. $ . ' .50(32.011 ( ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , ( J.6 (32.75 ( : 3 Ib. tornutce * , tJ.POQ3.15 ; 2 Ib. corn $2.00(32.20. ( nDiUKDPRfiis-Klpi.ln boxes , per Ib , 13 $ ICe ; l\n \ , in mats , per Ib , &K@Oc ; dates , ii boxes , 5XQ7o : l.omlon Malaga laye raisins , per box. $ : i50@3.75 ; Malag lee 6 nliins , t3.tlK32.50 ; new Volei ci rajilm , per Ib , 7K@&c ; Cal fornm loose muscatels , -Mr box ; $1.7r ( S2.00 ; California London layc 'raUins , t > er box , $2.85(22.50 ( ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 2 < K'J22c ; California pitted plums , per Ib. 12i ( l3c : dried blackberries , pdr , lb. SljC'Oc ; dried raspberries , per lbt H032c' dried apples. 7 ( < i9c ; ovit | > 6tiltcd apples , S1 C'(8\c ; California sun dried peaches , 12 ; < fl 13J < o ; Callforum unp.ircd evaporated peaches , ir > (41Sc ; evavorated California aprleoto , ! S(20c ( ; : Xuutua currants , 0'icl ' Turkish prunes , 4 , ' c ; citron , 20W2ie. . FIJ.H Callfornlit salmon , per bbl , $10.00 ® 18.00 ; halibut , per Ib , 14u ; family whlto llsh , per J bbl , S3.25 ; whlto nsii. No. 1 , per Jf bbl , * 45.60 ; trout , per K'bbl , ' * . " .75 ; se.iled hcrrlni ; , per box , 2Sc ; new llolland-herriiig , per keg , 02c ; Georgo's Bay split herring , per bbl , now , * d.75 ; split Labrador herring , jter bbl , new , * 3.00 ; extra George's cod , per Ib , new , 5)ie ) ; Western Bank coil , per Ib , new , nhc ; bone less rod , 5 ( < $ Se ; largo family inuckerel , per K-bbl , $10.00 : mticU-erel , No. 1 bay , Ji-bbl , $11.00 ; Bmoked bloaters , per box , $1,00. HOPE 7-10 , OKGWe. Sriccs Nutmcir , per Ib. 55iif75c. ( pepper , pcrlb , 17ftl9o ( ; cloves , nor Ib , lS@21c ; "all- _ Tins Young'llyson , common to fair , 25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30tf ( * > 5 < ! Guiiowdcr | , common to peed , 22 ( < l25o ; Gun powder , choice to fancy,4tiil5c ( ) ( ; Japan , com mon to medium , 1B@25 ; Jnpan , clioico to fancy , 30i45c ( ; Oolong , common to good , 25@ 5c ; Oolong , choice to faucv , fiOvigtOc ; Imper ial , common to medium , S5@ > * o ; Imperial , good to fanc.v , 40 ( 50c. NUTS Almonds , 15(2170 ( ; filberts , ( ifjilOc ; Brazil , Sftfic ; w.ilnuts , 10 ( > I14cj pecans , $ i@ 82io ; peanuts , flb@SMc. PtrKi.r.s Medium , In bbU.SUO ; do In half bbls , * ) .00 ; small , in bbls , s7.00 ; uo In half bbls , SJ.75 ; gherkins , in bblbfS.25 ; do In half bbls , $1.60. CIIACKUKS 510c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 320e per Ib , ns per list. Mu'i.r. SuaMt Bricks , 10glJ ( ( ) < c per Ib ; > r > nny cnko , HO'ill'fc per Ib ; pure miiplo yrup , $1.00 per gal. " HHOOMExlr.i 4-tie , ? 2.GJ ; pnrlor , 3-tio , Minted handles , f3.25 ; No. 1 , S2.0J ; No. 2 , 1.9.1 ; heavy stnulo brooms , $ -l.O ( ) . STIKCII Mlrrjr glois , B o ; GIMVCS' corn , i' ' c ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oawcgo corn , 7c. Pownnu AND SHOT Shot.1.CO ; bucKshot , * l 5J ; powder , kcirs , $3.00 ; half kcjjs , * ' 2.73 ; one-fourths , * 1.BO ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; OJ ft , BV < 70 ( ' . . < in : Lufn Tierce. S'fc ; 40-lu square cans , 8fc } ; 50-lb round , SJio ; 20-lb round , 'fc ' ; 10-lb pails , SJjJc'.B-lbp.tils , 9c ; 3-lbp.tils , r ' , < ; . Pi'.oviHiovs Ilnms , lljftuil'-'i" breakfast bacon , lO llVfc ; bacon sides.)1 ! ) C'MOc ; dry salt , &i < r@ie ! ; shoulders , S@Sl < To ; H 'led beef , ll'C'il2c. WOODKXW viti : . Two-hoop pails , per doz. , $1.10 ; three-hoop pails , St.liS ; No. 1 tub , 57.00 : No. 2 tub , S-i.lK ) : No. 3 tubs , . * 5.K ( ) ; Dashboards , electric , $1 50 ; fancy Northern Queen washbo.irds , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , J.75 ; No. 1 chums , $ ! I..V ) ; No. 2. churns , $3.50 ; No. 3churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , "Oo per nest. Sviturs AND Mourns syrups , common to choice , 2S@44c ; corn syrup , 2 14c ; black strap molnssos , 15o ; New Orleai nolusscs , ot > en kettle , 35@3vc ) ; New Orlen centrifugal. 27Vf35c ( ; sorghum , 27t't5i : ! > - " " " ' " Hicc Curohna and Louisiana , ? atnn and Haniroon , B5) ) c. CAXDY Mixed , 10lUa ( , : stick , Ijpathor. City harness j > er Ib , 2S@2-1c ; country har ness per Ib , 24C'i25j ; rity'lmo per Ib , 32Jf 3ilc ; kip heavy per Ib. 4.VJ50v:1 ( kip medium per Ib , 5y i50e ; veal per 11) , oW470iCiiic.igo ; slaugh tered sole per Ib , 25Wiu' ' ; city fiilf 2 ! to 30 Ibs , > NI'J.c ( ) ; city upper per foot , ISC'S'iOJ ; col- lai-j HVlOo ( : Buffalo slaughtered solo per Ib , 2 > ( V 303 ; Oak leather alniitfhtcred sole per Ib , harness , per Ib , 28 ( :32c : : upper per foot , 21i(22u ; kip heavV ppi * Ib , ( SStrfilKs ; kip medium ] > er Ib , 75ji5flf ( city calf per Ib , U0cg1.00 ( ; lining per dozen , SJ.IXIWS.M ; French calf 25 to : H ) lb ; $1.10 11.75 : Fivneh calf 30 to 50 His , M.lOftl.75 ; French calf 50 to 75 Ibs , ! 'Oe@M.2. > . Hubuer boots and nhnes Boston , dis 40 per cent ; Bav State , dls 40@10 per cent ; Para , dts40@5 percent ; Goodyear , dls 40@5 per cunt. Mctuln and Tinners1 Stock. Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plate , rooting , 1 C , 14x20 , $5,25 ; sheet /ine , $ i.50@ 0.75 ; pig lead , $4.30 : bar lead , ft 55 ; largo pig block tin , 25o ; small pig block tinOc : bar tin , 27c ; solder , li@00u ! ; copper bottoms , 31e ; sheathing copper , tinned , 20c ; planishing cojiper , tinned , 37c ; loud pipe , 0o ; sheet iron , N S. IS to SI , $320 ; Hussia iron , 13c ; Am Hiihsiaplanishea , A , 10/c } ; Am Hussia planished , B , U' c ; painted barb wire , $3.00 ; galvanized barb wire. $3.75. Drills and Chemicals. ACIDS Sulphuric , per carboy , per Ib , 2c ; citric , per Ib , 02a05o ( ; oxalic , per Ib , 13c ; tartarie , powdered , per ib , 5k : ; alum , per Ib , 3 , ' c ; nmmonla , carbon ate. ) ) er Ib , 15e ; arrowroot , Bermuda , per Ib , 40c ; balsalm , Copabla , | > or Ib. We ; borax , rctiued , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , Am. , i > er Ib , 82j ; c.issiu buds , per Ib , l-c ! ; chloroform , per Ib , 55c ; corrosive sublimate , per Ib , TJo ; cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 4'Jc ; extract log wood , bulk , per Ib , lOc ; glycerine , bulk , per Ib , 28c ; gum arable , nclect , per Ib , $1.20 ; gum asafoitida , per Ib , 18c : gum camphor , per Ib , 32c ; gum opium , | , er Ib , $3.00 ; iodine , re- subliuiated. per Ib , $3..10. Leaves Buchu , short , per Ib , 20s ; senna , Alex. , per Ib , 45c. Morphia , sulph , per oz , $2.SO. OILS Carbon 150 = , He ; headlight 175 ° , 13Xogasolino71 : < = ,13i-naptha030,12e150o ; ; prime white , 10c ; 150 ° water white , UKci perfection , 12J/c ; lardine , ! tOc ; summer , W. Va. , 12Jc } ; zero , W. Vn. , 18c ; 1XL , dark en gine , 20o ; heavy nnilwr cugino , 2 c : No. 1 golden engine , 15e ; No. 2 golden engine , 15c ; castor-machine , ! l5e ; cnstor-machinc hey , 45o ; perfection engine , 25c ; summer cylinder , 40e ; amber cvlinder. 5'Jc ; portection , OOc ; extra lard oil , ( We ; No. 1 lard oil , 40e ; No. 2 lard oil , 35u ; turpentine , 4 c ; neats- foot , strictly pure. COo ; neatsfoot , extra , 55e ; noats , No. 1 , SOc ; banks , 43e ; straits , 45c ; whale , water blcncffcd , SOc ; Bperm , SI. 15 ; linseed , raw , 5le ; linseed , boiled , 57c ; castor , per gallon , $1.25 ; bcrga- mot , ) > er Ib , $3.15 ; lemon , per Ib , $2.50 ; peppermint , per Ib , $2.50 ; wlntergreen. pec Ib , $ J.25 ; olive , malagii , | > er gallon , $1.15 ; Potass bromide porlb Sj ; Iodide , perlb , $2.1'0 ' ; Quinla sulph , per oz , 53c ; seeds , canary , per Ib , 5c ; soap , Castile , mottled , per Ib , S@10c : soap , Castile , white , per Ib , 13@l5c ; spirits nitre , sweet , per Ib , 35o ; strychnia crystals , $1.15 ; sulph cinchona , pot 07 , 3 ( ) t3.o : tapioca , per Ib , 7c ; wax , white , per Ib , 55i ( < G3c. _ Dry Gootls. COTTOX FIANSEI s 10 per cent dis. ; IX , Bristol , 13Vi"c ; Union Pacific , ISc. CAIIPKT WAUI- Bib White , 19c ; colored , 22o. 22o.BVTTS BVTTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12fc ; Boonc , 14c ; B , cased , $ t.r.O. ! sarge , 7-fc ! ; Hockx | > rt , Gfc ; Concsloga , OJ c , TICKS York , 30 in. , 12J c ; York , 33 in. , 13' c : Swift Hlvcr , ScThormliko OO , Stfc Thorndiko EF , SKc ; Thorndiko 120 , 9j < c : Thorndlke XX , 15e-v Cordis No. 5 , 9J c ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. DENIMSAmoskeag' , 9 oz , 10) ) c ; Everett , ' oz , 13j c ; York , 7 oz , ! 3J c ; Havmakcr , SJ < 0 -Jaffroy XX , ll } c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12K Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KENTUCKV JUAXS. Memorial , 15o ; Dakota , 18o ; Durham , 27Xc ; Hercules , ise ; Learning inuton , 22J < o ; Cuttswold , 2"Xc. Ciusii. Stevens' B. (5c ( ; Stevens' B bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , " 'tfc ; Stevens A blejiched , e ; Stevens' P. 8fo } ; Stevens P. bleached , OWc ; Stevens' N , } c ; Stevens N , bleached , lOKc ; Stevens. SUt. 12Kc. . Table oil cloth , $2.85 plain Holland , il c : Dado Holland , 12. FI.AXNEI.S. Plaid Hafts men,20c , ; Goshcn . u. t , 74 , i ju , i uecneo , i > u. i , y t i.e PIIIXTS Pink and Robes Richmond , Allen , Oc ; Hlverpoint. 5c : Steel lUver , O 'e Hiehmond , CJfePacitlc ; , OKo. Pin NTS Indigo Blue Washington , 0 } < c : American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold Century 9c ; Arnold B , lOJ o : Arnold A , 12o ; Anioh Gold Seal. - mend , Oc ; Windsor , Pacific , 0) 0 , GI.VOIIIMPlumtctlchecki,7Xo ; Wtltten ton , 7Kc ; York , 7Kc ; Ncrmandl drc i 8'c ; Cnlcutta dress , S c ; Whlttenton dress , 8Uc ; Hcnfrew dress , S dol'Jif a CtMcitiC ! < Slater , Bo ; Woods , Be ; Stand ard , Be ; Peacock , Bo. CoMroitTnns $0 00(233.00. ( HLAXKETS White , $1.X7.BO ( ) ; colored , Ui.RACiun SHEKTISO Herkeley cambric , No. ( XI , 9 < , c ; Host Yet , 4-4 , nWc ; butter cloth , OO , 4'4c ' ; Cabot , 7he ; Farwell half bleached , Sj 'c ; Fruit of Loom , 9'ic ' ; Greene O , Co' Hope , 7 f. King Philip cam bric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , llf ) ? Lonsdale.8s , ; Now York mills , lOUe ; Peppcrell , 4Mu , lie ; Pepperell , 40-ln , VJc ; Pepperell , 0--I , itlc ; Pcpiwrell. 8-4. 21e ; Pep pcrell , 9-4 , 2V Pepperell. 10-4 , 2.HJ ; Canton 4-1 , 8 > 4o ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 > < c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsuttn. lie : Vnllcy , Be. Urown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , "Ve ; A Bnntli ) H , 4-1 , 7V ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OJjo ; At lantic P , 4-4. tic ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C 4-4 So Crown XXX 4-4 0 Hoosler , - , ; , - , { e ; LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7X ° ? Law rence LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , BXo ; Pepperell It , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , 0"ic ; Pepperell. 8-J , 18) ) c ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pep- pcroll , 10-4 , 23c ; Utiea C. 4-4 , Be ; Wnchusett , 4-1 , 7' c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora U , 4-4 , 0c. 0c.Dt'CK West Point TO In , 8 oz , 10fc ; Qtiechcp No. 2 , J'I7 > < o ; Quccheo No. 3 , * { , 13KoWcst ; Point W ) In , 12 oz , 15c-Wcst Point 40 In , 11 oz , tOe. SIIIIITING Checks , Caledonia X , QJ e ; Cal edonia XX , lO' c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , 'Jo. Ijtimlier. ASM > , nut. is n I ft i. ft 21 ft -\4 1(1 ( HI co in 0.1 M OJ 81 ffl IB l in ( .0 . ii ro. ) fti .in r > i in J ) ou so oo in .vi in uV 11101 21 PU M 00 .17 no in < KJ 11 (11 ( .17 BOjlllUllli ) CO If on1 ; ; ! oo Add TiO cents per 1,003 foot for rongn joist. No. 1 com , s 1 B $18.00 I No. 3 com , s 1 s $15.00 No. 2 con. , s t p 10.50 | No 4 com , sis 12.50 Add 50 cents Dor 1,000 for rough. KENCIMI. No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 in , 12 nnd 14 ft , rough. . . . $20.00 No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00 o. 2 , " 12 and II ft , " . . . .1000 S'o. 2 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.00 V , 12,11 & 1C ft.20 B'J I C , 12 , 14 & 1C ft.$14.75 J , " " 19.75 ID , " " 11.75 CKII.IXU AND I'.MITITIOX. st com , Yi hi whlto pine ceiling $33 00 id " " " " 27.00 Clear Jif in Norway pine celling 15.50 deoin in " " " 13.50 n.ooitiNo. VCin white pine $3-4.00 " " " " 32.00 " " " 29.00 D " " " 21.1X ) " " ( sol. tracing ; 18.50 Six inch drop nUling BOc per 1,000 extra. STOCK IlOAltlli. A. , 12 In , s 1 . . . 45.00 C , 12 in , s 1 s..M(1.00 ( \ \ 12 In , s 1 H . . 39.00 D , 12 in , sis. . . 22.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 No. I com , 12 in. s 1 s , 14 f t 20.OJ No. 1 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 10 ft 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 In , sis , 10 , IS nnd 20 ft. . 22.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft. . 19.45 No.2com , 12111,818 , 12 nnd It ft 18.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 ft 18.00 12 in grooved rooting $12 per M. more than 12 in stock boards same length. 10 in grooved roofing same price as 12 in stock boards. Sllll1A1' . No : 1 plain , Sand 10 in $13.73 No. 2 plain. S nnd 10 in 17.00 No. 1O. G. , Sin 19.25 1st and 2d , clear , 1. 1' ' , in s 2 s . $50 00 " " ' IK , 2 in , s 2s . 50.00 8d , clear , 1 in , s3s . 45 00 " 1'f. lK.2in . 4(5.00 ( A , select , 1 in , s 2 s . 39.00 A , " Itf , lM,2ip. . 43.00 B. " Iins2s . 29. ( HI B , " lj.f , U . 2 in . 30.00 B , select , nil 10 ft , * 1 extra. ' . . ' . J-OI'THHUX 1EI.I.OW 1'IXU. Stnr4 in flooring . $19.50 1st and 2d , clear , 4 In flooring . 21 .50 Clear % in coiling . 19.50 Clear $ i in partition . 241.50 Clear * in p.irtion , 2 above % In ceiling Clear llnish , 1 and Iin } , s2s . 2.1.00 Clear finish , IK anil 2 in , s2s . 29. CO Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in . 23.50 Clear yellow pine casing and base . 25.00 POITAll LUMIinil. Clear poplar bx bds , ! < in s 2 s . $35.00 Clear " " " K in panel , s 2 s. . 27.00 Clear " " " cor'ga'td ceiling , % 23.00 lUTTKNB , WHI.t , TUII1XO , I'lCKHTS. O. G. Batts , 2K in . . . 65 O. G. Batts'Kx3.sl8 . 30 3 in well tubing , D. &M. and Bev . 22.50 Pickets. D. & H. flat . 19.00 Pickets , " D. & H. square . 19.00 S111XGLES , IATII. XX clear . . $ 3.10 ExUa-A" . 2.U5 A * Standard . 2.05 A H. B. & B . 2.35 Gin. el . 2.05 No. 1 . 1.40 Lath . 2.S5 POSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , } { s . 12K " " ' .tin. qrs . 12K " " 5Kin. , K . 11 " " 8 In. qrs . Oil " " 4 in round . 14 Tennessee Hcd Cedar , split . 14 SphtOak . 03 LIMB , ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , S3c ; Crystal ce ment , $1.40 ; hair , a to ; plaster. $2.45 ; tar board , $1.05 ; sash , 50o pr ct. ; doors , 45c pr ct. ; blinus , 50o pr ct. ; mldgs. 50o pr ct. ; tarred felt , perewt. , $2.05 ; straw bd. , $1.55. Freight added to above. Go to Uutto over the UNION PA CIFIC'S OREGON SHORT LINE. Ito IjookH Ijlku l ho Old Clown. Cincinnati Enquirer : While the pro cession of the Fourth of July was form ing on Harrison avenue a mnn approached preached the carriage occupied by Gov ernor Gray of Indiana , and , extending liis hand , said : "How do you do , Unelo DanV" The Hopsier elnef executive payinu no attention to the remark , the stranger MI id : "You do not know mo any more , but I remember you well when wo were with the circus together. " Ho had taken the governor for Dau Rico , the former clown , and the resem blance iri quite ctriking. In fact , the incident led the governor to say that ho had often had the same question asked him. "Why , " said ho , ' 'one time after I had delivered a speech in ono of the cities of my state , n man came up to mo and congratulated mo thuijly. * Uncle Dan , you knocked them to-night. ' As I showed a failure to recognize him ho said : 'What , don't you remember ' " " your old billposter' ; Croupy suffocations , night coughs and all the common alTcctions of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 2-j cents a bottle. The Colorado pleasure resortsreached via the UNION PACIFIC , attract vibit- orfc from all over the world. r. H. I-ALVKR. x. p. jucmtAX. J.B. PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , McCOY BROS. , Lire Stock Commission Merchants , Market fnmlthuil free on application. Stockcn and feetleri fumlitiud onjjood terrai. He'erenctt : Onm bn National llank andhoulh Omaha National. 1'oloc block , houtli Oman a. NORIMER WESTERFIELp& MALEY Liye Stock Commission , Hoom IS , Eichanue IlulMlmj , Union Stock TanJi , Buuth OiaaBa. Neb. ALEXANDER * FITCH. Corainision Dealers in Liye Sock , Zoom 7 } , Opposite Kxcbange llulldln , Dnioa Slack _ TarOi.tkjulU mn UiN o. * UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Oinana , Limited , Agricultural irnplomonta , CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrlagci and nuirilfi. Jcne Ptrprt.betwecuytliand lutb , Uiualia , Ncbraika. LININGEinTlviETCMLF CO. , AgricnlturalImiilementsfagonsCarriages , , llugKlo. Ktc.yiiolotile. . Omalia , Nebnitia. PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , \Vliolonlf Di'nlf m In Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies Wl.RH , s 5 nail r ? Joiict Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultivators. Hay llakm. Cider Mill * and I.utmii 1'ut- vvrlivri. Cor. lltli and Nicholas btrvcti. WINONA IMPLEMENT c Wholosalp Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies r irarr lllhml Nlrhnlm Slrrcl . OMAHA IIHAXCH. J. F. SEtBERLINQ J : CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting .Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K , Hend.Manatcr. 1813 U-aTunwortli tt.,0mnli . M"blTi N TM i LBURN&STODDATDCO Manufncturrrt > an > 1Jobbvn In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , flows Etc , Cor. inh nn 1 1'nclflo streets , Onmlia , Neb. _ A HOSPEJr. | Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douttlns Street , OmiiliH. Nc Booksotloro nnd Stationers. H. M , & S. W. JONES , Siicccfeors to A. T. Ken yon & Co. , Wliolcsalo A Uctr.ll Booksellers and Stationers , line > YCllhnt Slatlonoo , Conimcrclitl btntloncrj tell nom.'lni Street. Omaliu , Neb. Boots and Shoes. K1RKENDAUL. JONES * } CO. , ( SuccoBfOr to Ifijoil , Jcnc A Co ) WholesalGManufacturersofBootsandSiioes llofton Hubtivr Shoe Co. IIW , 1104 A. 1100 llnrnty St. , Omaha. Kebraaiu. W. V. MORSE XCO. . . Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 1101,1103-1105 Uouulad St. , Onmlm Manufactory , Sum mer M. . lie sum. Coffees , Splcoe , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omalin CoITeo and bplcu Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , flavorl'm Kitractv , Ijiumtrr llluu. Inks. lite. 1414 14111 HarnBy Strt'ct , Omaha. Nfbrmka. Crookoryj " " W. L"WRIGHT. . Agent for the Manufacturers and Impnrtcja of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys Ktu. OBlcf.il7 : 8. IJth St. . Omnba , Ncbrn k . PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN. Iiuuotturf and JobboM of Crcckery , Glassware , Lamis , Silyerware Klc. 1511 Farnam St. , New l'a\ton llulldliv. Commission and Storage- " ' RIO'DELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , : pccl HI < " l'"itfor FPIT , Clioc'i' . I'o'iltry , On mo. 1112Howard Strsct. Omaha. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Biicctfjors to Mcfchnno Jt Pchrocdcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omuha. Ncbrutta. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholcihlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Coinmision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North 10th Btrct't , Onuili.i , Neb. Coa\JGoko \ and Llmo. _ ' " OMAHA'COAL. CO"KE & LiiwE co. , Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , SO South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebratka. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , And shippers of Conl , Couk , Cement , I'lnster , I.lmc , Drain Tile , anil Huwer 1'lpo. Orllce'is , H. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 South 13th HI. . Omaha. Neb. Notions 'M. E SMITH & c b. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1KB and 11CM Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing Roods. Corner llth and IlaJncj bts. . Omaha. Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY& STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. PAXTON. GALLAGHER Wholesale Groceries and /Provisions , 705 , TOT. TO and 711 ? . ICth Ft. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY 4 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Hi and Learennrorth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardwaro. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Sletuls , Sheet Iron , etc. Apents for Howe Scules , Jllivinl I'o dor and I.yimin lliu-bed \ \ ire , Umutiii , Kebrusku , HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. U06 Mreet , Omaha , Nebraaka. RECTOR , WILHELMY St CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harner fls. . Omaha. Neb. Wi tem Agcnti for Austin 1'OHder Co. , Jefferson Bteel Ntllr , Falrbanki ( standard trails. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , \YholcUle Manafacturera of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. liaiua'i nnd 1107 Ilamcy St. , Omaha , Nebraska.c jjoavy Hnrdyyarp. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring. . Wayon mock. H ar Lumber. Etc. W. . Hata , Cape , Etc. 'W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , lltCLUni rEUt t,0 ba.Keb. . Lumber. _ " "bivfAHA LUMBklt Ct5. , All Rinfis of Building Material at Wholesali lit * ? irt t i Baton l' cneJ'i ! ck.OauL . LOUIS QRADFolTr Dealer .in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , OMAHAJaiMS'DIiluW ' Lumber- " * C. N. DIETZJ" Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , Uthaml California SlrteM , Onmlm , Xebra > . r-liuu W. UM/VY , * Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corncrfth and Dousla * ! . . Omaha. T7W. HARVEY LUMBER COTT"1 To Dealers Only , OfllOP , 1(51 ( K rn m Ptrept , Omaha , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported niul American PnrtUin ! ftmrnt. AiccntrurMlhfiiukrn Hrilrmillc Couienl and _ Quliier White l.lmy. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lninber , Wood Carpcta nJ 1'nrqiifl Flooring. Mh ami IViii Millinery nnd Notions. " ' ' ' ' ' "i. OBERF'EL'DER'A'C'O , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions a * , ill nniHll South IHH * < lr. M Ovornlla. CANPIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shltti , Ktc. IllUitrul 1101 Uuuulai Street , Otualm. Nub , Noti'ona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ( ( ( ) ntul tofi 8c utli 10th St. , Oliialm. Oils. CONSOLII3ATED TANK LINE CO. , WholsalG Refined and Liilirlcating Oils , Ailcarca c , Klc. , Omaha.A. 11. lll > hnp. Mnnngi-t VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , ' lliVj Ilnrncr Street. Omiiha. Offlco Fixtures. THE S1MMONDH MANtJl'ACTUlUNa CO. Mnntifncttiro.'s of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * . Slilcl > oanln , lli > ok Cases , Drui ; KUtures.Wtl Cu'CH.l'iirtltUPns. llalllnisCo'iiilor , lleomndSVInc Cooler * , Mlrron etc. KHclnry ant1 ullico , 1TJU uud 1I3J feuulli Uili St.Omuha , Tulcphune ll.4. Pajnits CUMMINGS & NESON , Wliolo-nlo Dcnlcrs In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , lib 1-nrnam Street. OmahB.Neb. JPopor. rER PA Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice nlock of I'rintlne , Wrupplnif nnd Wrlllnft I'n 'sr. Bviclal llcotlon iiir n to car load order * , s. Paper Boxos. jSji JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , : -03. Ult and 131'J Douglas St. , Omnlin , Neb. . _ " .Pr.lntgr8 Matorlal8. " jj ' WEST"ERN"tSIEWSPAPE"R ' UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , IValcrs In Tyro , l'ro"C3 onil I'rlutcrt'Bupnllci. Ki ioutli 12th Street. Omnlin. ' " R ubbcrjQ o o d 9 " OMA HA RUBBER"CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rattier Goods 3UClotUlUE and Leather BcltlnK. KM ) Karnam 6tre t. Sj h. Doors , Etc. \ " * M. A. DIS B R O V. ' tJ CO. , ( ! Wholesale ManuTlcturPrn of Sasli Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , . Branch UBlee , I'-'l'i and liard Streets , Omaha , Neb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds-1 .uldlngn. RtalrWork nnd Interior llnnl Wood Flo- u. K. K. Corner 8th anil lx > BTeuwurtli Hreuti , Omaha , ffli. , 8 tea m mA. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pums , Pipes and Engines , Steam , Water. Hallwar an < WOW. ml ( Karnn CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Puips , Pipe , Rlfings , , 3teani and Water Rupplloii. Headquarter * Tor Molt , fooit A Co'i goode. 1111 Farnaru Ht. , Onmlm. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steal and Water Supplies , BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron Work Steam Pumps , flair MIMi. 1213-1211 lA'HTenwortUfctiect , Omaha. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Cll and 913 Jones fc'treU. Omaha. Storage , Forwarding A Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS i CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Dranch hotinn cif the Hemier lluujrv C < i. Ilucirleiat whulcaalu und retail , 1J UlOanil 1312 liard Btreet , Omalia. Toleuhunu No. 7W. Smokestacks , Dollore , Etc. * " " H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Statics , BritchlDifi , T nk and Gtmcral Holler HcuulrluK. Uli llodgu Ulrret. Otanlia. Neb f Broworg. " STORZ & "lLER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1121 North El thtcentb Btreot , Omaha , Kcb. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Kpcnctcr , Proprietor. VMlloduo and imiand 101 North luth HtrLvt. Oiniilm j onJWorks. _ ST E A M BO | LElTwb'R KS7 Carter U f on , I'rup'n. Manufniluren of nil kind * Steal Boilers , Tcirts anil Sheet Iron Wort Work * t'outli ajtli nud II. A. M. J'AXTO.V It V1KHU.NU IKON WOUKK. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort Engines , Hrnn Work.Qenerrl Konndry , Machine ant JJIaiktullh Work , urllc * and Wurki , U. 1 * . Uj. and 17lh Street , Oianlu. _ " ' " OMAflTC WlRE" & IRCN WdRKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings l ) ik Ilalli , Window Cu > rd > . Slower FI nJ , VHro . Ktc. 1U NottUKlh a OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes raulti.Jall Work , Irou and Wlr Feuclut.6lKni.Utc. U. AuJro a. I'rop'r. Cor. lab and Jacktan bti. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Hrrtcnf.forDnniii > 3c ! .itorp raildtnctt etc , ImproioJ AxnlnL'i. l. ek mltli M uhlner > aud Uluckiuilta Workt. lU t03tuIIIU si , fMEAUHEK * LEACH , " Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locks ,