JNO ANDERSON'S ' EIGHTH DAY Btill a Prisoner in the Well at Johnstown. HE USES CARPENTER'S TOOLS. Hrnclnt ; die Curbing I'oitho Punl IJfTort llilH MoinitiK Mutdcrvd Ity n Iti-leotrd Huller hlx Hinotheied. the Sroond Week. JOIIS T < I v , Neb. , July 28 [ Special Telegram - gram tn Tun HIK. : ] Uarly this moining the work of lescuing Anderson was resumed The men worked as rapidly as thu circtim- Htntictt would permit In lemoving the diit from abo\o him. This hud to bo done with tlio utmost caution , as the displacement of ono boaid or the giving waj of anj part of the cuitli In which thoeuiblng icsts Is liable to cause the whole strut turo to collapse anil prccipitato Anderson to the bottom , a hun dred feet below. About all that is covering him now arc the boiiids of the old curbing , that have formed Into something of a roof and to get to him a hole must bo cut through this. It will be aeiy dangerous task , as the cuiblng and n largo quantity of sand from the sides in o resting on these boauls. An effort was m.ulo to saw the boards , but after cutting one board the cnrhimr sank a few Inches and considerable sand caved in. Ad- del son asked for tools and mateiiul and lias been working most of the daas much us his strength would pci mil making the curb ing ft out his platfoim and bracing the roof I 'ood and water have been gUen him regu- laily and ho is much stionger to dai. Work has been suspended until daylight , when the boards will bo cut again , and if Anderson's curbing and bracing stand the test his chances are good of getting out alive. HK Men Smothered. WMIOO , Neb , Juli - ! . ISpcei il Telcgrun to Tin. Ill uAt ] noon to day news i cached this place of a wreck on the Omaha Ac He 1 * publican Valley lailio.ul a quaiter of a mile north of Upton , in which six tiampsero ft ! killed. 1'our of the bodies weio Identified by I ; papcison their persons as Gcoi go blokes , re.tldenee. unknown ; John Gieason , Harl Talbott , a boy of about twenty , ap M parently a German , witli letteraddiessed to him ut Columbus , Neb ; John C Tailor , Louisville , ICi. , with a letter fiom his wife ICaU. 'Jlieso four weio all well dicssed and supposed to bo cigai makers from the fact that each hud elgarinakers' Icntvui on their peisons. The othei two woie pooili dicssed mid looked like In others. llotli wcio slender , about live feet , eleven inches liigh , \\llh dink complexion and smootli faeos Thei wcro app.nently about twenti and twonti-lhoieai ? of ago The hands on the freight tiain , No r > 0 , in charge of Conduttoi Comnii , going east say the aciident , to fai as can bo asteitamed , was caused by a broki n w heel on ono of the cats. Two c.ns wcro detailed , one loaded with shelled coin , in whuh weiothesix t lumps The car tolled down an embank ment about fifteen feet and came to a stind still bottom side xip. In looking o\cr the wieek ono of the tiainmeii hiudakiik ing In this car It was bioken into at once and n pail of k legs w cio seen sticking out of the coin , but befoio the unfoitunnto man could bo restued life was extinct ruttlicr seaich ie\ealcd the fact that live nthois had shared his fate. 1 They weio stealing a ride and when the car- rolled uown the embankment wcio sulTo l * Lalcd , being unable to sttugglo upward ( through the corn. Cot oner Stone telegraphed 11 toMis. Tnvloi and icctivcd a dispatch s ij- fe ingtheduul man was hei husbind and in- stiucting him to send tlio remains to Louis vlllo. A inmoi is alloat that the ateidcnt was caused bi the train breaking in two and coming together when tlio llrst section of the tinin slackened. The eoioner'h Juri retuincd u \cidlet of accidental suffocation in a eat of corn and attached no blame to any one The bodies of all but Taylor weio bulled in the Yutan cemcteiy this ii\ening and Taj lor a body was btought to Wahoo for embalming before being sent to Louisville. ' 1 he Social 1)il ) .it 1 < renioitt. FitLMONr , Neb , July 2i ! [ Special to Tire DM : . ] The lingo amount of prostitution in Fremont has become a scilous matter and an upheaval is threatened. It has been many months slnco any ai rests have been made or anything done to check the gi owing evil , and the result Is tliat the city Is. swarming with prostitutes , and the better elements of tlio Lomuiunlty .lie thoroughly disgusted witli the negligence and indifference of the police force in this particular. Andict the pollco are not wholly to blame. Some time slnco the city council held a spcei il secret mooting , in w lilcli it was agieod tlmt the b..wdy house Inmates should bo assessed so much per month and bo allowed to piosccuto their business * . \itliout interfercnco. Only two members of the council demuued to this proposition. It is not known whether this policy has been pursued or not , but the almost holy calm that has peivnded LH thcso elides of the tnnlghteous for sev II * , eral months would lead to the inference that it had , and the business has acenidingly ilouushcd Yesterday altei noon ono liouso vas i aided at the histatue of an adjoining piopeity owner , and four of the Inmates \\ciosecuied. 'J heso w 01 o t iken into pallet coin t and lined ? : i ) oaeh and costs They ptefeuod to go toj.ill , and accoidingly the ijuni tctto of does weio lodged last night in the cooler To day two of thorn wcio bulled out. To effectualli buak up tholr nesl County Attoinoy Loomis today had Pieil Weis , piopilctor of the piemises oeeupitd b\ them , an ested for leasing his propeitv toi such pmposcs. This action h.is fiightcuer some of the "leading citizens" who havi leased pi opeitv for that use for years. If 11 is followed up tlieie is good reason to bollovt that the business will bo given . x black 03 c that will do the communlt } good Ile.v Oriiiiiiiu l < \ > r Congres-f. NEIIUASKV CITNob. . , July 3 < ) rSpceia Telegram to Tan UUP. ] Tlio prohibitiot : convention of the Fust dlsti lit mot In tin opera house In this city to day at 2 o'clock llov. K. 11. Giaham , of Omaha wa * oleetetl clniliman and Tianlc Odoll. of Lancaster Bocietary. After spending the entiio after noon over the financial pioblcm , the convcn tlnn , about 7 o'clock , decided upon 1 H Gialmm as the prohibition candidate for con gresH. The gentluinan thanUcd them for thi honor , but icimirkcd that ho would bo moii thankful if elected , and suggested tha buniclent money bo uilsed to brini thlsj desiio about. Tlio coim'ntlon wa liarmonlous and cuthuslastio. About fou ] u ; i4red delegates wcio in attendant nm'om' \ \ 0' " weio many ladles , Dougla county fiJnt tmS ' Olviwl jlolcgujc A lare " " ' " i" til mass meeting was held this : - city p.ult , wliich was addiessod by the iev ( irahain. 'liio delegation fiom Lnncaste county nriivcd on aspetlul tiain and wer accompanied by many fiifiids , and a "spechi team" of Odd Follow s , who iauio on u \ isi to the local order ami wcio highly entci tallied by them , Major J. C. Wutson mulcin the wekouilng address , Murtli'icil t y n Itcjcototl Kultor. Pvw.s-ru CITV , Neb. , July Si ) . I Tclegiam to THE Her. ] IVcuwnt nocotid cook at the F.xeJ.anirO hotel Udl'i t ibbed HorUin.Snmtz , the launJry girl , tt > > li-'v , VllKnjr her nlmoat Instantly. He ha \n-opo \ - - < Ui > her ameho rojoetc * ! hint , il ltji1chl n\WQllld ul11 hir ( UIllcbS Rho nalrc ( MlMci'rll'ncJt.encd . hiajxu-kot knlfo with tli of OAVrjihg ouhlH.tlircat. . raturulug from u via I'mmons met her in the jnrd adjoining the hotel A few words passed between them , when , with a quick movement , he drew the knife and pun ! 'ud It Intxj her breist She fell t the ground ei'iIng "He's killed mo' He's killed mo" " Where Is my dear mother ! " and died in about twenti minutes Kminons was nt once pint id under arrest by the sheriff , and taken to Jail On the way there ho admitted to the oaicer that ho had sharpened his knlfo f r the putposoof kill ing the gill. Miss bhult ? was poor but of good lepntatlon , w hlle nmtnons was known as a hard character Her homo was near IJubols whoie ho had a mother living Public feeling Is very stiong against Em- moiiH Sinnll drain Itnincil h > Hust. Wusi : , Neb. , July 'JO [ Special to THE Hi.p.J 'liiu small grain , whicli early In the season promised such a magnificent ciop , will bo ncaily a failuio on account of rust. Soaio tlcldw aio not hurt , but many are en tirely ruined and the general i ield w ill not bomoio than half a crop Corn is gieatly ini | loved , and though a few dai s late , w ill , with favotabln weather , bo a hngeciop 1'oliUtally the county Isery quiet In the last legislature \Va\no count\ had both sena tor and icpresentatlve , but neither Senator rullernoi K" | > 'i'sontatl\o Slater Is a candi date foi it clctlon , and the candidates will In all piobablliti bo chosen from other coun ties. Churned \\lth Cronkeilncsr ) . MAtniii ) , Neb , July 20. jSpccnl Telegram - gram to Tin : Hi r. ] A party named Ud . 'ult/ , supposed to live at Wallace , was nr- ested icsteiday atKlsio on the charge of ob- ahiing money under false pretenses The hargo was pioforred by the Hxi hango bank f this place. Full ? , at ttio behest of the 3\\ner , who already had a mortgage placed n the team , remorfgaged them , claiming hem us his piopeity , and the two men di- fided the spoils A pielnnii.aty hearing was nid to tiny , and Pull/ was bound over in tlio sum of fcl.iUJ to the district coutt County Sheriff Winchcll is now in pursuit of the other parti. 1'eilcliiH Count ) fcachers. GIUVT , Neb , July 'JO [ Special to Tin. IM . ] ' 1 ho flist annualteacheis' institute of ciklns county met in Giant on Monday , Juli 10 , with some thliti teacheis in attend ance The institute is continuing through the second week with an enrollment of fifty ivo teacheis. 1'iof W. K. Andiews ol Hast- ngs is in attendance as instructor. Pi of. Hntknerof Lincoln addressed the teachers > n Monday evening of this \vcek and talked to them a .iln last evening , at whit h time ho iilso told the yomijj ladi teachers ' Wlieu and Whom to Wed. " _ _ Hi ant ljiit > rpris ( . GIUNT , Neb , July 2t ) [ Special to Tin : Hn . ] A move is on foot now to organic a stock company and build a 510,100 hotel. Woik will commence at once on the Congie- gational and M. C chinches , each costing .r > UO Tlio dhcctois have taken the initial steps to build a W,000sthool building which will bo completed befoie the winter teim. Mr. Pringlo of Atnnia andMr Pet u onof Dcinei h ivo put in a ? " > ,000ele\atorand fiom the piosdit outlook lot eiopsthei will do a laigo business tins fall. HiO is Ucldiug fiom Ifi to ! T > bushels per aeie. Wheat is mostly in the shock and bids fair to make a yield. Visited I'leinont. Fiii.Mos-T , Neb , July 2 i [ Special to Tnr Hr.i. ] The Afiic.m M , . E Sunday school of Oiniha came to Fremont to d ly on an excur sion over the Union Pacilio road , arriving iboutnoon on the belated North Plattc tiain. There woto five o us of the visitors , im hid ing the Lafaictto ball club , wliich phned the Fremont Guns a match game this after noon in tlio piescnto of hundicds of speeta- toi s. While the Omah i people were making meiry h uo thu Fremont Methodist Suml ly school was spending the day at Hlalr on a picnic , leaving tlio city at ' .I o'clock this morn ing and lotuimng this evening at 7:110. : \ Fremont Keslileiicc Inril. rizol. Fur MOST , Neb , July 20 [ Special to Tin : Hi r.J The residence of J. A. Elliott was en tcicd by burglars this afternoon and a sue cessful haul mado. Among the boodle so- cut ed was ? J3 in cash , a railroad ticket , kid gloves and n number of things of less value The family were at homo at the time , but knew nothmi : of the raid until some time af ter it was made Thoiohavo boon sovetal night buiglaiics heio of late , but this is the first ono in the day time. Thcso bad elmac- ters are getting entiiely too uuinoious for the publio good. No clue to thieves has ict been found. at Greenwood. GunrswooD , Neb. , July UO. [ Special Telcgiam to Tnc Hi n.J Au unsuccessful attempt was made to blow open the safe in Shaw & , Little's dry goods stoio in tills city last night. The buiglars effected tin entrance - trance through the rear windows. Although they failed in opening tlio s ifc , they secured about HOD in silks , velvets and otncr goods. The building was considerably damaged in theiroifoits to cITeet an entrance. There is no clue to the thieves. Presented With a Flat- . WAA.xn , Neb , July 20. [ Special to Tin : Bi E ] Yesterday was a red letler day in the history of Casey Post G. A. R , of this place , the occasion be'ing the presentation of n handsome Hag to the post by the clti/ens ol Wni no The progi ammo for the day con sisted of music , readings , addresses etc. , appiopriatu to the occasion , followed by u basket dii.ner at the fair giouuds. Htie. Fnoled Him. WAVSMNeb. . , July 20 [ Special to Tin Hi i : ] A vagrant confined in thu county Jail tried lo effect his escape by piling up oveiy Ihmg about the cells that would bum anil selling it on ilie. lie evidently expected the shci ill's vv ifo to open the door lo put out the flames , and he would got away , but sbo lei him i east until blio called help and seance lutu and extinguisheel the lire. Juvenile Scnim.KK , Neb , July 35 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bur. ] A unrobing club waa oig.miml heie to-night by about forty jouiin i esubllcans between the a es of twelve am1 twenty ono to bo known as "Harrison Kids. ' A captain , first anil second lieutenants uu orderly seigeant weio elected. Uniform ! will bo ordeied and the bojs enter the cam paign in earnest. A Vnluiihlo Il.trn Hiu ned. HIIXIN xni ) , Neb , ' tly 20. [ Special to Tin Hi.u.J A larso b.u i on the faim of J. I1 Dunlap at DwlglU , Neb , caught fire and wa burned ieslei.lay It is supposed that tin flto vvn.i started from an engine on thu Frc moiit , Klklunn .1 Mlssouii Valley. Los ; about , S-.UK ) , with small msuiauco. A Heavy Knin at Clindron. Cuvimov , Neb. , July 20. [ Spedil Tele grcm to TUB BHK. ] This section was vlsltei to night by uno of tlio fiovcivst rain stoun ivc ? wltnojsed , The streets wcio tmnei into < * 'lsjj turo livers. It is feared som w from washouts . trouble may : s t 1 A New Colornur ° w. FLVMINO , Colo. , July 20. [ Speciui ° iu ' .u.J Ciops In this section of Logan count : are looking well , and th'jro U plenty of rain Small grains are being harvested and prom Uc u good i ield. Coin is growing very rap Idly. On Sunday night wo had a threc-ii.cl rain full , which will msuio us a good eroi | Fleming is a nexv town located on the Oliuy ciinu branch of the B. ft M. railroad , in th \ ccntro of Loiran county , and hi a good agri o cultural distiict , 'iha town , although 0" ' laid out , some c.x we/'lts ago , has ( * K buslncs hoiists and otheis undorwiy. The pl.u- u need a bank , vejieiMl Ktoro , hotel , now. ' paper , etc. Covcrnuient land can bo \ \ ithiu a bhort dibtancO of towu. JUST WHAT TIII2Y D.VPIU Tlil ) . Ilrcuer'H Hiillnt ; In ( lie Kail- ron < J Coiiiinlsslon Case. Mots < , la. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc Hi n 1 Tlio decision of Judge Hrower , granting a temporal y injunction against the i nilroad commissioners , did not occasion much surprise here. Go\ernor Larabeo said1 " 'J his Is about what I ex pected. I had thought for some time that Judge Hi ewer would probably grant the in junction , and I think he ptefcts to have the question of unreasonable rates come up be fore Justice Miller , who , it is expected , will pieskio at the hearing in this city August fi. " Other prominent men intei viewed said they thought Judge Hrowor had taken the strong est position possible in gi anting his injunc tion on the gioutid of the question as to the reasonableness of tlio uites. They said the law could not compel am body to do business at a loss , and that It w.is no more than fair that a full oppoitanlti should bo glvtn to show that the present rates were unieason- uble On the whole , public sentiment sus tains Judge Hiewer legal ding his decision It \iewed in the light of a suspension of Judgment for the pieserit rather than a \ ic- tori , either foi the railioads or for the com- missloncis. The Hallrond Injunotloti Case. Iov Cm , la , July 20. The case before Judge Fail all against the lallroad com missioners was taken up. The ilaintiffs filed amendments to the petition and .lie defendants an ans\v or and motion to vacate he injunction. Tlic'i also asked time to take cstimom In suppoit of the petition. This icing resisted , Judge Fairall said that if the : aso was submitted on motion to vacate for , \nnt of equiti In the petition , there would o no dehii longer than to prep.uo for im rgmncnt of the law questions therein in volved. if the questions of fin t weio to bo lentil , time would bo given to piocuroevi lence. The answer was withdiawn and the motion to dissolve is to bo ho ml on the ques- ions of law inising on the face of the H'tition , the chief of wliich Is the constitti- ionalitof tlio law and the Jiiusdittionof the court to detei mine whotlior the schedule of ates is Just and icasoiiablo and was propel U idopted The he.u ing of these questions Is let foi next Wednesday. The Winonii AL Southwestern. MVONCn \ , la , July 20. [ Spjfial Tclo- giam to Tnr Mni , ] 12 Gieely , connected , \ith tlio Ueiaw in e \ . Lickaw anna railioad company , was in the citi icsteiday and said hat his company was backing the Winon i Southwestein , and that the load would bo completed fiomMiiona to Council Hli.fts . within a \ car Ho also said that the com- ianv would build R hi am h from Sioux City : o Intoiscct their line between this citi and Foi t Dodgo. Tlio Xortliu extern Di nt'Qt r , la. , July 'JiJ The heat ing of the Chicago , Kansas City and St. Paul case bo- 'oie tlio intcist.ito lailway commission was ontinucd this morning. General Aliinniror ! 2liuK of tlio Chicago As Omaha , and Receiver Iruesdal of the Minnciipoli" \ , St. Louis lail- ead wcie ex imined , and Attoiney Hunn of iCansas Citi made the closing speech. 1'AljAIIMl'S O'olonel limorsoll lell\ci-J n l < Upon His Priend'H IJIV- . Ni w Yoiiu July 20 The home of the .ate Cortland Palmer was crowded almost to suffocation to dai bi friends w ho came to nt- ttnd the funeral sei vices. The Nineteenth 'cntury ' club , of which Palmer was the founder , was laiv'oli represented and mani distinguished men of the countiy weio pies- ent. The lem.uns of the deceased icposed in i rosewood casket which was laden withtloweis Hobert G Inireisoll delivered in eloquent eulogy upon the lifo ot his filond. In closing ho said : "A fiec and independent man , ono who demanded tea- sons , mid demanded iieedom , and giuowlmt lie demanded ono who i of used to bo slave or mastei sttth a man w.ii Cortland Palmer. " Colonel Ingersoll finished hi the reading of Palmoi's poems Holigioussoi- \icej weio then ici'd hi Mis. Palmoi's pis tor , IJev. Ur. Newton. Ciemation and inter ment will occur at the convenience of the family. _ _ FICUCUAli JUDGKS DKNOUNCKI ) . Trades-Union Men Demand the Im peachment of Saujer and S.ilin. S\N Fu\stt ci ) , Juli 20. A mass meeting under the auspices of the vauotis trades unions of the city was held in Mctiopolitan temple last night , which was \oi.y largely at tended. Speeches were made attacking the couiso puisued by the United States judges in landing Chinese , and a mcmoiial was adopted dechulng that oveiy legal device was rcsoitcd to to evade the rcstuction law. The following was adopted : "Wo demand the Impeachment and removal of Lorenzo S iwycr , Judge of the United States cncuit court of the Ninth cncuit , and of Geoi go M. Sibm , district Judge for the distiict of Novartn. "Resolved , That copies of this memorial be forwaided by the societarv to tlio sonntois and lepiescntativcs in congress from the Pu cille coast. " The Foi tillentlon Hill. WAsHisaiov , July 2J. The house com mitteoon nppiopnatioiu has completed the foitillcation nppiopiiation bill. It piorldc * for an ultimate cxpendituio of a llttlo more than ? 13tKOt)00. ) Pro\ision is made for the cie'alion of a boaid of Unco civilians am' tin ct ) army oliieets This board is author ized to contiact with gun makeis for n sup < ply of twelve , fouitoeu and sixteen inch stee i nlis The oMicndituro on this account i < linntid to T-.roo 010 annually and the bemis is lequncd to contiact for not less than llfij guns for this 'Him. Outside of tills the tip propiiation bill makes provision for the pur ehaso of fifty eastnon moitais andtwenU twelve-Inch ii on lilies. An appiopriation o : sTod.OOO is also made for equpplng Watct vllcl ( N Y. ) aisenal and for the finishing of hcavj otdnaace. _ Fatalities at Him ; Sprintrn. Di.ii : Si'itixos , Nob. , July 25 [ Speein Telegram to Tin : Hru J A scab iircmai named Tlgo shot himaelf through the bowel tills morning at 3 o'clock in the streets o Wimoio. There is another report to tin effect that ho was muidcicd by some om whom ho found in hu > house. Sash and 1511ml l < 'netoiy Ilnrned. CincMiO , July 20 The sash and blind fuc tori of Habor Gialmm , Fifth-ttiird am Cliukstieets , was completely burned chl mnimng. Loss , ? JiOW , partly insured. Tin htiucturi ) was built for A. G Spaulding , ! res ident of the Chicago b iso ball club , and wa occupied hi him as a spoiling goods factor ; until a few weeks ago , u hen Habcr & Gra ham put chased the place I'ostal Changes. W \sinsoTOS' , July ,0 [ Special Tolegran to Tin : Hi i : JTho J postofiices at Civil Point Audubon county , and Harlow , Hall counti la. , will bo discontinued from August r Lncretia Ashing was to day appointed post u.Uticss at Scariboioigh. Poweshiek counti Inko M J. Ilobait , ieain-ncd. HnslneH- . College Jfen. " " * " " ' * Jul-y 20. The Huslues Kducators' Niitloul1 l ociation ycstcrda Ulo" " ° uloctcdformesldcntGc-oige > , . ; . " .l.iekHnnvilli : , 111. , and for vi.'o piesmC. Gfoigo . Elliott , of Huilington , la. Cleveland land will bo the next place af meeting. 1 hi on Troiu a Ctt ) rlaxe. RIVMSII , Neb. , July 3 J- [ Special Telcgrat to Tin : > ihik.-Mrs. Da\id H I'lgaul. age ilftyttnee , wife of the county tieas uror , aiii1 her daitghtt r A\CI thrown fiom i cair.agu.nnd seiiousty injured. Tue hors was ftifUtcned by another ruuaway. Tnni nTir' AiTpm f/iAT Mi HSHERIES QULS110N , It la Tnkon Up In the Senate txnd Warmly Dobntod. WILSON DEFENDS THt TREATY. Teller Itcplles and Arraljii' < tlio Democratic ! Party For th - I'om- tltlon It line Taken In the the Treaty. WvinxeiTos" , July 0 In the senate a ntimbci of bills were reported from commit tees and placed on the calendar , afler which Mr. Allison moved to proceed to the con sideration of the army appropriation bill. Mr. Allison's motion was agreed to and the senalo resumed consldeialien of the army ppiopi iation bill , the pending motion being n the amendment otfeied by Mr. Haw ley , ppiopriating ? " > 0,000 for an armory gun ittoryat Watoivlict aisenal , New York ; 5,000,103 for the purchase of steel mis , > 00,000 for the purchase f submarine mines , and * 100,000 or submaiino controllable toipedoes. The mcndinent was agreed to without division , .lid aftei the adoption of n few oilier amend- nents , the bill was rcpoited back from the ommitteo of tlio whole to the senate. Mr Bony railed for a sep.nato vote on Mr. lawlov's amendment , and piocooded lo ad- h ess the semite In opposition to it. It was iccopted bi a vote ol4 lo 10. Thu army nppiopiIation bill was passed. The flshciies Ircali was then taken up and Mr. Wilson of \landdeliveicd u speech n favor of its ratllicalion. Ho Justified the loiistinttlon placed upon .jo tieati of ihlb bv the Hi Itlsh gov eminent , mil asset tccl Unit itti i ejection would launch ho Anieiican people onastoimv sea of 10- .iiliation , wliich it was vain to sai would not e id to war. The leimblicans weio engaged n w hat they fully knew vv as a despi i ate en- 01 piise "tlio attempt to elcet a piesident. " I'hoi leucd that up Jii the issue of the pies ent contest hung the life of theit pailv. How .inliku the majestic caieei ol thu democratic .Mtty , vvliith , being tlie p.ntv of the tonstilu .ion as against toiigicssiomil usuip.ition , of tome inle as against the cciilralli.ilion of ecoiioinv , us against the prolllgato expemll- .1110 ot labor , and as against monopolv. mil deseived to , and had lived a poiciniiiil life , whilst all other old pai ties hid stranded on the shoics of time. In tlio debate on thu tieali tlio republican senators : md been enacting thu liiccndiai.v loleof stnving to mouse a win spiiit among the icople , and Iheiobi to gain llio votes ol the leslless i.nd uneasy spiiils llnoughoilt the and. Tlioj hud pursued the unamciicin lolky of appealing to some of llio old woild i ISSH n j of loieign born citizens. Tew weio _ , o simple as not to sou tin ough their game. They thought they could Htoim andi.uo iigainst Gieat Hiitain to such a degree as to LAHivhico some lush votcis that they were jibout to tvv ist the lion's tall , while all the lime , to the business intei ests ol tlio coun- Ir.v , thoi laughed at the idea of their furious til ados being moio than gasconade , without pinch of warlike powder in it. Mr. Fr.\o s nd Unit hu would ask the senate lo meet at It a in. on Siitmduv , Monday and Tuesday and until a vote vas roicticdon tlu tie.itv , adding that shoitlv thu tnrill bill would bo bofoio the senate and would oceupi all its time. Mi. Tellei commented i.pon what ho called some of the ' romaikab'o ' statements" n. thu .peccli ot the senator from Mainland. Ho spoke of mi edict having gone out from the white house that the tieaty was lo bo sup [ ) ot ted , and said that eighteen months ago the societal v of st.ilo had been lining Now Unghind llsheinicn into a Hiitish nap bi Lelhng them they had a right w Inch the sena- lor fiom Maiiland now decline 1 that thev never had , and winch llio secretaii of stale liimsclf , in his lellei to the Baltimore boaid of ti atto , declared they nev cr hud. The scna tor fiom Mniyland , ho said , had gonosoxcial degices beijend wliich any Hiitish olllci.il liad ever gone , in Ins efforts to defend the tieaty. Hu challenged the senator to point any British or Canadian authoi ity that had taken so high and extreme a position as he had taken. Mi.ilson invited Teller to paiticulailro thochaigo. it was aveiybioad statement a statement tlio eoireetness of which ho denied. Ho asked him lo state ono single instance - stance in which lie ( Wilson ) had stated the Hiitish claim moio strongly than it had been stated by Great Hutinn or Canada Mi. Teller said ho could not bo expected , after a speech ot two houis , to go over it item bi item. Mr. Wilson "Tho Ron.itor ought not to make such a chaigo unless ho is prep.ued to maintain it. " Mr. Teller "Tho senator has taken the oxtieme Canadian sido. " Mr. Wilson ' ! have not. I have taken the side which my judgment told mo was collect. When I commenced an examination of the question , my prejudices wcio all against it , and I doubted whether I could vote for it. But the conclusions lo winch I have come have ) been the conclusions of my own judgment on facts and the law of the case. If 1 am vviong , I alone am re sponsible. But ono thing is ccitain , and that is that no fling against me1 , as having as sumed tlio side of the enemy , will ever in duce mo to suppress the sentiinenls of my mind and dictates of my heart. " Mr. Teller "I have not suggested that the senator fiom Marvhnid wns not actuated by piopci motives. I have not suggested that Ho has not winked himself into the belief tlmt tlio oxtienio demands of tlio Canadians haxo been fnlily Intorpietcd in tlio tienly. I know Iho piessuto under which ho his la bored. I know the pressure under which the democratic minority in this body has laboied. I know that the socretaiy of slalo has con- sidcicd it his light and duly lo wiito lettois and lo have newspaper intei views on the subject in older to induce popular favor lo como lo this lioaty. I know that the presi dent sent a message hero approving it I know what nil that means to men who sup- poit the administration. I know that they may possibly see cleaili their light. I Know , fin ther , that on that side of the chamber theio are men who thought ns wo on this side think , but who have been brought under tlie influence of the udmmistiation to suppoit tlio tieal.v. " Mr. Saulsbury asked Mr. Teller whether his own poi jon.ilexperience as u member of thu icpublic.m cabinet led him to suppose that scnntois had been influenced us ho sug gested. Mr. Teller said ho had had no such ex perience in his public lifo or in ids public reading as Unit of the seeiclary of state making himself an active propagandist of 11 treaty Mr. Morgan asked him whether the treaty had not been carried Into the republican caucus and voted upon , and whether it had not there been determined that thu tieati should bo opposed by the whole lepubllcan pai ty , and tlmt no amendments should bo al lowed to it. Mr. Teller replied tbat no republican cau cus had ever pissed upon the question whether icpubllcunstshould vote for it 01 not There never had been a lepublie-an senator in favor of itlaud nodcmoci.it would over have voted for itjjf it hud not como fiom n democi atiu administration As to not al low ing amendments U ) be offered to it , he asked whether theio could bo any amend ment adopted which the adminlstratloi : would nc.'epl. Tho1 republican opposition was not to llio details of thu treaty , but be- causj tlio treaty was a suucndor of the Ametlcan case. Mr. Morgan , in reference to a point in Mr Teller's speech as to thieats In case ofu 10 Jeclion of the ticaty , drnicd that anything which he had said could lie twisted into i tin cat. Ho admonished the senate that then M , j n belief that its action might lead to Iir"nUtlCi ! ) n d thoio v.ns ne senator so utterly puTi'11"11 ' not to s.co tlm1 " ' u'him ' le "M'o such u Btutument must omj1 pity. As to Mr. Teller's intimation " 'at ' the dcmot'iatlo senators wcro acting ugiii. * ' their judgmcnl , he dCemred tlmt tfo semi toi s on the democratic side were as Inde pendent ns tlio'scnjitor from Coloiado him self. Hodidnotthlnkth.it the senator was oceupi lug ! > uch nu ul < vutcd moral tone in. tbi scnato or elsewhere as to have a right to question the motives of tlio gentle men in what they did on their oaths on n great question like this. What motive could the democratic senators have in espousing the Canadian side of this question ! Why vv ere not they as much the fi lends of their country and its honor as the scnatois on the icpubllcan side I Theio was no occa sion for such In Hating tluusts at the senators on the democratic side. The senators miscalculated the temper of the American people if they believed that the people would icspond to such ti ash and stuff If ho wcro the president ho would wlthdi aw the tieaty fiom consideration until the Hcnatots got their minds clear enough to consider It on Its incuts. Ho believed thai the honorable and venerable statesman in f tout of him ( Uvarts ) would , from his knowledge of diplomacy , do it. Ho would withdraw and send It back after the political campaign had ended and lifter the motives for political Htrlfohnd censed After fui ther discussion the matter went ov er vv ithotlt action. Two pi evidential vetoes vvoie icferred , and the senate adjourned. Holme. WASIIISOTOV , July 20 In the house to day , on motion by Mr Townscnd of Illinois , a joint resolution was passed piovidlng tem- poiarily until September 1 , for the support of the army. The house then proceeded to the eonsldeia- lion of the bill to piovido for poslofllco build ings. Tlio report accompaiii ing tlio bill provides - vides for buildings of uniform diameter , which snail bo used exclusively for postofllco dcpaitments. The piovlsions operate only in places where the gioss receipts amount to fcl.KH ( ) annually for two suc cessive .veins The exticmo limit of cost to the United Slates for any building shall not in nnj case exceed ? , ' 5 000. Subject to these limitations , It provides for three classes of buildings , vai'i ing in cost accoiding to the amount of the gioss icceipts. Pending action on the bill the moining bout oxpliod and the house went into eom- nitteo of the whole on thu Oklahoma bill. Mi Hooker of Mississippi opposed tlio bill , earnestly pleaded that the government should act in good faith towaids the In dians. 'J ho piotcedings wcio intei uipted to en able the house to piss n Joint icsolution to n ov ido tcmpoi ai ili , until September 1 , for ho suppoi t of the gov ci inneiit. Mi llookei icsumcd his icimnks. and pio- ested against the gov eminent taking any ei ritoiy which had been given to the In- ilians and conv citing it into a vvhitu man's Lcmtoii undei the foi in of legali/td lob beii The gentlemen wcro not faithlul guatdians ol their wauls , he said , when they would absoluteli lob them , and if thoi could not lob them alive lliej wcro willing to till them in oidci that the } might lob them , vhen do id Mi. Stockdale of Mississippi advocated the bill li , said he , the ad vocates of this bill were lobbeis tlio linger of soin should bo pointed at aniel Hoone The sa no lit g r should be [ lointed at histoiie William Penn , for ho 11' st ook thu lund and paid for it afteiwiuds The polity of this bill was the polk y wliich lind been followed ever since the Pilgiim Futheis put foot on Pl\ mouth lotk. Civil- i/atinn was tine , and It must bo accepted btlie Indians because the Anglo Saxon nice liad gene foith llku a flood tide and tlio In di ins might .is well icslst the waves of tlio ocnan as to icsist its ptogiess. Thcso people must como tinder the laws of the United States. The white man was us good as the Indian and the white man had to submit to the laws , The deuce had gene foilh. It had been signed when the Pilgrim Fatliois knelt on I'l.v mouth rock and devoted this now vvoild to civilization , to liberty , and to law. It liad been emphasi/ed when the Anglo- Saxon Hvvung his rlflo on Ins shoulder and in irched west , 'ihat decree was that tlio A met lean savages must submit to civiliza tion , and that the goveiinncnt would not nithhold it.H laws fiom fi small poitlon of tlio countiy and fence in a small faun for the bleeding of savages. Tins gentlemen might as well leeogni/o the fact tlmt it was a condition and not a theory that tonf touted them. Mr. Pei kins of Kansas cunestly favored the bill. In the name of the people of the west who weio without homes he asked for this legislation. Ho emphasbcd as idle the vehement denunciation ot the bill.isiobbery , and contended Unit it did not take ono aero ot land fiom tlie Indians in violation of the tieaty stipulations. Mr. Cannon , of Illinois , said that ho was for the bill. If it was a violation of tlio ti eat \ , tieaties had been viola-ited all along the line from the time w Into men Hist came to this counti v. If it was a violation of the treaty , fiom the standpoint of humanity and civili/ation tlio govoinment must continue to violate treaties Theto would bo no ttoublo about this whole matter woio it not that an individual man was put oft the Chciokco strip at tlio point of a bayonet , while tlio cattle s.vndicatcs fenced in six or seven millions of aeies and letained possession , notwithstand ing thu opinion of the attoincy gencial that they liad no light to do so. They vv ent to the legislatm o of the Clici okees , in order to eonupt it , and reached out heio with their powei fid arms against the intciest of white men and Indians to try to defeat this legislation , in order that they might keep possession of the land. Tliis closed tlio gencial debate , and the bill was read by p.uagraplis for amend ments. Mr. Carey of Wyoming offered an amend ment in the line ol n resolution of the Chicago cage convention , that all officers appointed by the piesident for any territory that had been organized for n period of live i ears or moio should bo selected from bonalldo resi dents of tlio tcintoiy in which they aio to serve. The point of older was made and sustained against tlio amendment tliat it was not gcr- main to the bill. . Carey offered an amendment making it applicable to Oklahoma only , and it was adopted. Mr. Pai son of Illinois offered an amendment - mont providing Unit lands contained in the Oklahoma teuitoiy shall bo disposed ol tinder the homestead law instead of at 1.25 per aeio , as piaposcd bthu bill. Pending a vote the committee lose. The foitlflcations nppropi iation bill wai icported. Mr. Springer travo notice that ho would picss the Oklahoma bill to a final vote to moirow , and if ani disposition to filibuster against it is shown , ho will the fhst thing in thu morning , nsk for a call of the house in order to secuio a quorum. Tlio house then took a iccess. The house passed the bill authorizing the Jniicfloftho United States cii cult and dis trict courts to bo used Interchangeably. Alse the bill to extend the Juiisdiction of Uu United States circuit and distiict courts ovei the great 1 ikes and adjacent waters. Tlio house then adjourned. FOU IHbTUUHINO THE I'lJACK. An KiiterprlHlnt ; St. Joseph Koportci Fined Fixe Iollarn. ST. Josi IMI , July 21 [ Special Telegr.i'r to TUB Hi p. ] Thu police court room w.u crowded tills morning when the case of D.ivi Heploglo , the stenographer who was cap tured In the ventilator of the opera house al the biothcrhood meeting Tuesday morning was called. Kcploglo fought tlie case , bu was fined $5 on a chargu of disturbing the peace Kcploglo sajs it was the brothcihooi men who disturbed his peace , and that h < will carry the case to the supreme court , Statistics. July 20. David F. Day chief of the Division of mining statistics , ha submitted a summary of the mineral pro duets of thu United State ? in IbsT in advanci of the ofliclal icport. The total value , fMS , 150 illl , shows a wonderful gain oxer l > bi' ' and Is # U ) .000l > 00 gi cuter than the output o Ibb5. The production of pig iioa alone in creased moio than * " .0,000.00. ( ISunlc liurul.irH Foiled. Cosconi ) , N IL , July 20 A bold atteinp ' .vast made last night toiobtbo Concon bank , cntiinieo bqlng effected through a upper window. Considerable woik was don trying to open the vault , but the ' burglar were unsuccessful. . AN INilUJfCTION OKANTUI ) . Judge Hrewor's Decision In the Case ot the Iowa Commission. Lrvvi N\XOIITII , Kan , July 20 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii'l Judge Hrewer In the United States circuit court to day ren dered his decision in the famous case of the rallrouds against the Iowa railioad commis sioners , asking a temporory Injunction against their schedule of tales. The llrst question considered was whether a suit uguliitft the i.iilioad commlssioncis to enjoin them from putting in fono a schedule of rates was a suit against the state within the purview of the eleventh amendment and therefore ono of whi-li the federal court could take Jurisdiction , ns only railroad companies mid shlppeia ate ditcctly interested in thu case. The judge held that the federal couit hail Jurisdiction. The ixjvver of fixing i.itcs was a legislative one , but there is no inheient wiong in the leglsla turo delegating this power to the eommis sinn , thu main question being the fan ness and justito of the into * . The question of tlio constitutlonaliti of the commission was ono for the snpieino couit of the state The thiid piincipal question was ihethor the leirislatuio had unlimited lower In the matter of living rates eittier by s own action 01 thiongh the agenci of a iiilroad commission , and this the Judge dc led. Ho held that the legislatuio has no iglit or power to li\ rates so low as not to 'mulsh some compensation to the iiillioad 'ompanies , and compensation to the owncis mplles revenues sulllch nt to meet , lirst , tlie : est of sei vice : second , the fixed chaises by vav of Interest ; thiid , something , however mall , In tlio vv ni of dividend. Ho fin ther mlds that while fiom the volume of the esiimony oflered upon this application it is ot cleaily established that thu schedule pro iared bi the commission will fall of produc ng compensation.vet theio is a probtbility hat it will , and theiefore a piim.ny Injiinc ion is appropi i.ito until there can be full and 'mil inquiiy. The iniltoad lompinles are icntlv pleased. Thej dcchuo that the loss f * r > 00 000 n diii hung upon this decision [ 'he opinion Is of gieat length , going into ttie ubjcct in detail to the extent of : t , . " > 00 welds CltnATOR OF AMi THINGS. L Cia/y Coupleof Chionito Camp- hell It CM. Cine Aoo , July 20--Special [ Telegram to 'in : Hi i .1 Ono of the most melancholy and tceuliar eases ever tiled in the insane couit ifCookcountiwashe.niltodav bi Judge 'icndcignst The pntles wcie James Ste cnson and his v\ife Anna , tin ohlcili louplo residing at Wastiintrton Heights They in o A ell to do people and the owncis of a coni- ' 01 table home , but both weio niraicd in u most grotesque manner , and theii nigs hull- atcd extieme povoiti. Ifcligion , it Is said : iad made them both Insane Mn Steven .on had on a skill made of hoiso hair cloth iind a strip of the san.e matoi lal was tighllx led about her head and over her ears. " 1 ivear it over my eats , " she said in L loud voice , "to shut out nil other _ ellgioii9 than mcnvn lama I'ninpbullite Campbellito , do vou heai ! 1 an. the cieatet of the univeise. 1 made ovei i thing and own evciithing Don't think because I inn lagged : hat I can t have better things , for I have Ility million buildings , and all of them aio 'liter and bigger than any in this eitj I tavo sailed ovei them thiough tlio air mani and main a time. Why , I could step o\ci this building Just as c.ni as not If 1 wanted to , " and the poor , demented old woman's oies bilu'litenod us she told the sloiy of hei own fancied greatness , evidently believing every v\oid of it. She stiVBolhed back lici lay locks and continued her tale , her bus i.ind beaming upon her with uduiiiation. As she pioeceded ho nodded nppiqval and fre quently exptcsscd ills satisfaction by chuckles and conlli in itoiy gi tin's. "I am fh > , CO ) veins old , " ennU-ndcd the old lady , "Ihat is I've lived on this eaith that "ong. " "That's light , Judge , she is nt least , T ,000 yYais old , and she is tlio ereatot. Anvtiling shosnys is liglit. iou can bet on that eveiy time , " chimed in the husband. Tlio old man was allowed to tell his stoiy. Ho said ho was an old soldier , and was wounded at thebatlloof Black Kivcr Hudge , Viiginia. "When I lay wounded on the battle field , " lie said in ti emulous tones , "tlio spirit ot in } vvifo came to mo and icvcaled heis lf to mo , though it was seventeen jeais later when I Hist met her in the flesh , but I knew her and know she was the ciealor ot ev eii- thing.1 The jury quickly found the old couple in sane and they were commuted to the asylum. WlliTU OAl'S CAUGHT. They Are Fired Up-m and Two of Them Wounded. LOUISVIII.K , Ivy. , July 20 [ Special Tclo- giam lo Tin : UI-K. ] Aflor ieats of uninlci- rupted lawlessness and outiapc , the White Caps of Ciawioul county , Indiana , have been mot by a fc.v resolute men and pun ished. Last Mend ly night a ciowd of these law-breakers visito 1 the housii of twognls named Wiseman , neir Maiiotta and Cory- don , w Iiom they accused of being unchaste , took them fiom homo , tied them to a lice and biutally whipped them. Their tcieaniE aroused some cf ttieir fiiends living in the vicinity , who immediately took measures to nvcngo the outiage. It is tiio custom of the White Caps , after indulging In their bintal ity , to rieio up to a house near b" , notifi these living theio of the action they have taken , and command thorn to inloim tiie neighborhood. 'I ho fi lends of the gills knowing this , formed tin ambush In u dense wood bcBide the ion ! When the g ing lode bj they Hied Into the paity , putting them tt flight. Yestculav moining it was found thai ono of the White Caps' men , mimed Samlets had been wounded , and that Hiair Giegoiy vv ho keeps a stoi o at Mai letla , must have been hull also , as bloodv liacks weio no tlced leading to his lesldcnco. Ho has no * been seen since. How Did it Happen ? Cntcvfio , July W Hobeit Henderson , o Silver City , Idaho , said to bo u millionaire was found this morning in a room at the Ogdcu house uneonsi lous and barely alive The gas In the loom liad been blown out In stead ot tm ned off. H w as llrst thought tha Henderson had extinguished the light in : piimitlvo way , absent-mindedly , or bccausi ho was intoxicated. Tlio faot , however that n man of so much vvoaltl as Hendeison Is repiescnti'd to bo bhouli put up nt nn Infeiior out of - thevuy plaee ciealed suspicion Then It was stated tha Hcndc'ison himself was the ptopiiotor of i large" , well appointed hotel and would bo ox ticmely U'llikely to unthinkingly blow ou the gas. riieorlcs of foul play and uUcmpU'i suicide weio evolved. Hendeison lemamce in a cjinatoso state for hours , notwithstand ing the efforts of physicians , and notliiii ) could bo learned fiom him. The doctor were unable to cay whether or not Hendcisoi would iceover _ Finpcror \ \ Illium in Swollen. STOCKHOLM , July -ttmperm * Willhin ai lived hero this afternoon. Ho was ic tclved by King Oscar and Crown Piinc Gustaf The sticets of the city were ciowdci witli people and houses weiu gaily decomted King Oscar has confeired the grand eroa of the Nordsjernen ordci , set in brilliant ! : upon Count Herbcit Bismarck. The Wenllier Indication1- ! . Nebraska and loxvu : Fair , statlonaiy tem pcratuie , followed Friday afternoon by loca rains and slightly warmer , vat iablu winds , Dakota. Locul lains , sllglitly wausici Botithcustui ly vv Inda. Cleveland GOCH I4 > > t > w Voilr. WASIIIKTOV , July 05. Ihu president lei hero this moi nlng on the Pennsylvania- for New ; York , accompanied by Mrs. Clev < land , Mrs. Folsorn and Colonel Latnout. THE SENATE AND THE TARIFF Some Republican Members OpposO Action For the Prosout. AN EXTRA SESSION THREATENED , Teller and Mitchell i\plaln Why The } Voted With the Committee I'addoek'H Pemtollloo Bill 1'olltlcnl GOSH I p. Ci'ltlclslni ; the Coiiiinlttee. WASIIIMITOS liuunvtr TiirOxituX Hr.B , ) filrt Poiminr.sriiSTiiFCT , > WAHHISOTOS- . U. , July 20. \ There was ulinost unlvuisal dissatisfaction expressed by icpubllcan mcmbcis of tlio housu to di > i o\ertlio action of tlio republl- can senaloiial eonfoionto lust night , vvhlcli deteimined to report ami take uctlon on u tin lit bill nt this session About half of the lopubliu.ms fiom the house vxent over to the senate to expiess themselves on the subject , and some of them weio nioro foieiblo In their expressions than elegant. The icpublicati niembeis of the housu hold that the senate is overieaehiiig its preiogallvo In leading out on the tat III quosllon , that If it had boon nil- visablo for Iho icpnblleans to put fui wind u tin in bill : it this tliuo \\ould Juno boon prevented - vented in the house us it substitute for the Mills bill at the tlnio tlio latter was votoil upon. They make no sceiet of the fact that tho\ believe it is extremely imwlso to put up a me.isuio against the Mills billbeciusua bill as perfect as they hope to havu lucsented can not be compiled within tlio shoit tiiuo loft for the work , and then they sav it \\hollj uniK-cussiiry to put the party on the defensive , vv hen it can continue an ng- gicsslvo campaign against the Mills' tariff bill. Thoi s ly tli it after the republicans luvu put tip u taiiff bill thej will have to defend - fond it , and that itill be ciiticisjd the same as the Mills'bill Theio is HO much com plaint on the p nt of not only the lepublioaii'J in the house , but many in tlio senate , that it is not al'eve ' tlier ccitain Unit the bill wilt be icpoitcd befoie adjouinmont I found Sinatois Tellei and Mite hell In tlieii scats this aitu noon , and asked tlicni what ltd the confeicnco last night to dotor- ininoto piesi nl n bill , knowing th.it they \\cio both opposi'd to that iiitloii Senator I'dler icplied : "Wocio told in the eonfer- CHCO that ifo did not present a bill the pusulent would icionvcno congioss inimcdl- atel\ after its adjoin nniont , and that ho would ic.ul the not net on tlio taiilt qucs- tlon. Wo wcio told fuithor that tlio liiiu.seould lofnso to adjoin a till wo liad tulan iiclion on a taiilt bill , and of ( ouiso wo wanted to adjourn sometime , anil that announcement , lid Mime seimlois op posed to lepoitlng a bill \otofoi the action taken " 1 asked them whether , In the event of a bill being lopoited , it will bo acted upon bo- foio uljauininent. "Wo me in for it no" ' , " said Senator Mitcuell "It is u light to tlio finish , ando must lomplLto it if it takes all the vcar. The ob ] ( tt In itpmlmg a bill is not only to shou tlie com ti.\ Just what the lepublieatm pioposo in the w.ij of t.uilT letoim , lint to dunonstiato that wo tan pass u bill in the M.1I.IIO " Hcpiesont.itivo Owen , ono of the foremost lopubliean mcnibois fiom Indiana , said ot the tlucat ol uo piesldeat : "Let him call au extia secsiou if hoants to Wo canrecon- \ene and immedlatelv adjoin n. I would like linn to do it. It would emphasise the de- teimination of the adiniiilstiul on to loicotho passage of the Mills bill. Ho couldj onlj call an extia session on the giound that the accumulated stuplus in the tie.ismy is Injuiing tlio business inteiosts ol the coun- lii. U'o could icpli to niin bi siting that ] ho can leduco the hill plus as ninth us ho \ \ ishos by applying it to the extinguishment ! of the national debt. I belm\o the piesidouti s iis that the leason that ho does not do vote < moic of the smplus to the icdiicliou of the debt is because he it * in doubt as to his uu- thoiltj to do so Hosais the law authonz- ing him to applv the sin plus to tim national elebt was enacted in thu loim of an amend ment to an appiopnatlon bill , and thatthero- foio it is not like other l.i\vs. Tlio law pro viding for the piesident'a salary was on- ae ted in preciseli the same way mid I have not leained that the piesident has hesitated a Kindle moment about diawir-g his bnlaiy. Wo do not know ] iist what wo want in the wiy of at.uifl bill , and I think itould bcr w isdom for us to postpone it until December , when will have insliuetions Iiom constitu ents and enn act intelligently to the highest dogieo. " 'ihobilltho republicans propose to report will , in all piob Utility , bo u short 0110. The piincipal changes nro a leduttion of SO per cent on sugar and ilcc , a lediictlon to $14 a ton on stcei lails , the abolition of the tobacco' tax except on cleats , cigaiellesnnd cheioots , and the tax on alcohol to bo used in the aits. Thtro will bo some slight reductions in the dutj on the lower glades of woolens , but the duty on wool v\ ill bo letaincd. The total re duction in the annual revenues proposed will bo about sixty 01 seventy millions. I'Uinocu'H in u.niM ! mi i , is riu : IIOUFH. The Paddock bill , winch iceently passed the senate , providing buildings for postofllccs of tlio second and third class , came tip in the house to day mid was debated for an hour. Whin the time expiicd for its consideration it went over as unfinished business. Tliu debate bi ought out the fact that the honso is almost unanimously in fas or of the measure1 , and that it can bo p issed when It comes to a vote. Thy lull is now on the calendar as un- flnisHed business ami iiihy CO mo up at any time in the regular otder. ' 1 hero is now veiy llttlo doubt of its Jiiml passage at this session. NO Tl X fS I OH IOWA ftOI.IMUlS. Mr. Mundcrsnn , Iiom the oon.ito commit- teoon militaty iiOaiis , today lepoited ad- veisely the Joint lesolnlion whieh icctmtly passed the house , luithoii/ing and diiectiiif ; the Hcciotary of war to loan tents to Ilia Noitlnvest ballots and Soldieis Assotiation , of Iowa , ior reunion puiposca this fall Mr. Miindcrson in Ins icport sajs. "Wlulo the committee favors such action , and is icudy to icpoit the icsiilutlon favoi.xbli , It is con- btiaincd to submit an ad\eiMorop < rt'horcon , foi the icahons given in the letter of the stc- j ictaiy of wai , which states that tlio depait- ment has not tlio tents to lend , tlmt these lecenlli bent to ( jottyHlmig have been or will bo issued on ic < | uiMtion fiom tlio militia and from the army. " multibussiiTiir CVTTI.I : itteis'Fss. There is nothing watover in the vague In- sinnatlons going the round * of tlio pi ess to the effect Unit Geneial Haiiison has had a connection with a Montana ( syndicate. Not long ago I called General Harrison's atten tion to .1 statement of this kind in a news paper , and ho said : "That Illustrates clearly sonio of tlio injustices done by tlio tongue and pi ess. Atou.\e.us ago my son went to Montana with aory few thousand dollars and engaged In the ealtlo business Ho was able to buy but a small herd , and as It did not icqniio ' all of his attention ho was inked to i look after another small held , belonging to ono ot his f i lends. Ho consented to do so , I ! do not think that all of the eattlo ho had undei his ch.il go would have bi ought $40,000 In the maiket , I believe the cv.ttlo were llmilly disposed of to a syndicate , but whan they \\cro sold the Harrison connection with , J the eattlo business ended. I was nuvor on ofllcer in a eattlo company and never owned * a dollar in any cattle syndicate. " I'l KHV S. HEATU. The Imports ami linnoits. \ WASiiiNoros1 , July 2 * ' . . The chief of tha bureau of fitutlhtles , in his twelfth monthly statement of the i car , ended Juno ! 10 , of the imports and expo its of tlio United StatiM , ro- l | poitnthata couinuisuii of values of Amur- Ica'H foiciun fipimeicn for the lineal year BhcwHiin Incicuvjof &Hu,7h : $ ( In the total value of impoits and expoits of inciclmndlso. Theio was a dccivato of $ : o'Os > , l J In tha vuluoof uxpoits , but an incicasu of 4JI.W5. . SIS In the val