. . . . - _ . . . . . . ' ; . : - ' - . ? ? - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . - - . - - : - . - . . 2 : i _ : ' ' . - TH1 OMMA DAIJJY BEili : TIIUISDAYJULY.26. 1888. . . , . . . - . : - . - PITHOFTHE NEWS Tiw City. , . . . 1og ! todny to 4. Ornah ( lofeats CIiIcago-i Two prthtcrs enter thu rin-oiio knockcd out. Promtitcnt.c1Uzop3 In the. Reed Injunotron CMO. Common brick Is now s1Ung br 43 per iliousatid. p lt8lithtIl Palmer , ofl3taLr , cnt to the re forni sciwol. . t RcCCIIItS of bogs at South Oinalm , 6,100 ; . cattle , t5O. : 'rho uldernion favor the pgo of a , flew milk ordlnnnce. "Itaron" Nelkon , now of Denver , remembered bored by his frlcuthi. 1cuL est.ato trtuisfcrs agrcgato ,40,4430 ; r building peririlts , t1,20O. . An uniniown mail wa found dead on a freight o.ir on Doug1u strtOt. L CIinr1c IL Newton us1s congress for1,000 fet arrest as an n11cgd deserter. An e tliushtqtlc and well attended meeting I Of Sccorid ward republicans was held Inst ; , night. A called meeting of liuiness men refuses to phco itself.iii OpOSitIOI1 to the state board r of transportation. k HeIral4kn. 1'lattA Centre t1Ie a complaint against the . Uiiloii l'aoiilc. , - Andersoti i. still iii the vell at Johnstown ' and has had a chill. The Cherry couity tenobers' instLtute Is In HcssIorI at Vnluiitinu. Daisy ¶ l'ylo dIel suddenly on a tlziioii Pa- cfle train nt 1olinesvf lie. \Viilioo Is endeavoring to secure the iicxt encurnh > IneIit of the national guards , 'I'lie corner stoilo of the ayltiiii for the Incurably - curably insiifle wa laid at llaMtlngs. John Idliler , an Adaitis county farmer , sva fouiiit dead In his ytgozi on iits return trout wnrkct. ( iieriiI. Colonel .lnines Stevenson is dead. lCuiisas City defeats St.l'uul-lt to t. An old lutldlng Iii New York collapsed. 'I'lie house considered the l)1'iVitO ) 1iitl ; bill , Pittiburg's biggist draynuin falls for ) l ) , . OQO. Piiclclng oiierntln show a further reduc- tion. George Taylor , of Audubon , wa' killed by ftd lilnesot a jii'oli Ibitionists tiottilnato a state ticket. 4 L'ti'ift conference of rcpublictn ; iicnators was held. Congressman Ititudall Is rapidly gaining sti'eiigth. Fd. Corrlgriii , tlio horseman , was arrested Ioiassault. . - ' 'l'tie St. .losepli convention of brotbcrbood hits ndjouriictL Mr anti Mrs. Gladstone celebrate their golden weilding. 'Vhebiggest raft ever built was munched at Two llivur , N. S. 'I'lie JCnnsn republican state convention iut soinbicil at Tolelca , A Ortutil Army post has bceii established at Z1arslialItown , iii. James .1. O'Ke1lv , M. P. , bus beeii arrested under the crliiies act. About 1,000 republicans of l'aris , Ill. , vlsi- toil Ucuoral Jiarrison. 'rite liitcr-stato railroad corninissioneis are In sess ion at liibuque. A strange 'n.o of nbduction at Cedar Ral- Ids , lit. , brought to light. ' [ 'wo now cases of yellow lover are reported - ported at l'lnnt City , Fin. .Tolin Dillon liu beeii oruerod released fr un ai1 on a habeas corinis. Iliruni Sibley's ' will wit probated , Cornell Univvrstty being iivcn OU , ) ) . The national coiiviuitlori of colored donto- ci'ata assembled Ut. Indianapolis. Colonel Hoyt , one of the directors of the Union l'aciile rOad , bus resigned. .A. coroicr's jury holds th Norfolk & West- crii responsible for the rcceit wreck. The congressLonal coinipittee is luvestigat. lag innilgratiou DITUIrS iii New York. The inaii who Iurnlshed the three Chicago anarchists with dynamite lots been arrested , , 7 C. , Two of the ringleaders in the Plot to inur- dor Prince Ferdtnntid , of ihtlgaria , have beeti arrested. ( Over three hundred utouses voro burned bytlm recontilr ; tt I'ort nu I'rlnco an the loss reaches 3OOOtt0Q , i : ( .1. 0. Lovejoy , soit of the notd abolition- has beOn norRiiatl ; foi congiyss by tle deniocrnts of the Seventh Illluoi'i district. It1is n1l that abig blunder has been corn- mitted in seiuliiig troops up the Skeena rivqr - . to suppiess tliQJfliiitIi Uprising , ititil fears arc cntertaiiied that the whole expedition vIll bc 0111 li IlateLl , - TIlE IItON ' .VRAIIi. , ILtit-ycit ExcursloiiTlij Pall-Gen' oral itents olInerest. The Froiiiqnt , EtkliQrn Missouri \rah1e , . paMsengor ( ] elartinont ) have arranged for r , srios of harvest. oxtttrsloiis this fall , to occur - cur on the Ioliowing dates : August til , Sep toinber It nod 2Octobor 0 and 3. Tieicc vill be sold froiu.poinb svst of Buffalo aii ] I'lttsburgto nil points in Nebraska and ICu.n- , a5-articulnr1y the fornier-and o1itts in Colorado , Vyoming aiitl Jatcot , ! L'he Elkliorn road wastho first to stigge.i these excursions alit ) others swill doubtlcs fall into lliie _ _ _ An sltOiiiIt ( (0 'rcck a Train. Eugiitecr Douglas , of the Union Pneit1 s'lillo pulling a freight train cast Tuesdii Iiight discovered at Ocone , near Colunthus , iii ibstruction on the tracic. lie i-overso ) his cc glue nitti brought the traiit to a standstill when tlio liiipediinent s'as foLlild to be a p11 of tics Iastent'il to the iail vitii hoop lroii It 'as removed and the traIn came lpt Oniitlin 'l'tiis Is the third nttonipt tovreni trains near that point , nod no duo to tll miscreants has yet becit discovered. Ttit , Cvei-lnni Flyer , .kcornplalnt l1).S betii Illed wIth the statt botrd of transportation by a ltrt wiic vIslied to rIde ft-out SL'.lnoy , Nob. , to I v linsVyo , because ho could not do so 'ith Dut paying extra Us this train is COiiil)030L ) utIroly of PuUiiiiti cnrs.'lwthoi - or no his grievaitco vili ainnunt to anything i'e tnaliis to he soi. 'l'lio management doe ziot wish It understood that the flyer was P11 01) for any other ittiroso 1111111 .tlirougui ti-nfl uceou1i1oLlLttioii aiidvtien Iitnugttt-attiig th niOVCtIteitt thU so VIt1I the ulLIlOrstandin that itotliliig but l'ulliiian cat's would b uscd. In order to prevotit a repLttltipn o.f tit nboye offense the potupany contoinpitites , ii the iiear future , to run the train vithon uy stojts uxcopLfor coal and w.tur at diw : sion statloii. Adjout-netI to ttcitt I it OiiiitIia. Ciitc.too , Jqy , -t the iiicetlng of tl general ) itsseI1gor agents of the noi'thwcs era , western nof southwestern hues to.day coptmltteo was appointeti to foriiiilato agreement for thorna1iiteaauco of rates ui regulation of 'oitiinissions , the qommtttco rPlOi't at a future meeting. Tlto Kazisas Ci griiiii iitcii liati another coiifcrtueu with tl raUroad ilion to-tIDY coitcerning t-ntts. 4ollnitq aetlozi was talLeli , 1t wu.s agreed adjourn to inetit. In OlnolOL next 'l'uosdu vhcn the subject wIll be further considere Ijtiit 1"i'tilt 'l i-avelItii ; Cheap. CIEICAOQ , July 25.-The iittc en butter ui - ois ft-oft Chicago o New York wits z-cduc to-day to t0 cents icr hitiiid red , Colonel JLytIte'Igtis , ( Nav Yaitg , Ju i-Coloiicl .Iloyt , of this city1 has r'signcd bispoaitloii as ( : t I rector of thu UniOn Pacific railroad. . ' _ , . & ' Silkcs. Iia L On August 1 truhis Nos. 1 and fi on the ) ctup x't will ho OqUiOd with estIhu1o vai ' FJieso trains \ vU.liii between Jonvcr ni ( .iliIcaio. Asistint Co3eral FreIght 'tgont CassI : or tlic Frcuiot , llkhoiit Missouri Vnll F isback.fromn eiidays' vacatiQn iii Clilca General F'relgltt Agcnt Aloretiousb , of , t Frepiont , Elkhorn . .S Mlsbourl Valley , Is ' Chicago , 'he JnIpn Paolilo Jis ; ordered live nc ttp4rcars1 WhIch i1l ni-rlyoioxtweclr. . - YESTERDAY'S ' GANE BEAUTY Fine Fioliling , Hard flItting , and Crafty Pitching. OMAHA A FOUR-TIME WINNER. The MaroonR Ioso the 1ntlro Series to the Locniu-ICausas CRy Tike : ( lie Coiioolt Out of ( lie St. I'iutl I' PusSies. Vcstertt isqociatioti Stantlhtig. Following is the ofl1cia standing of the \Vestern association tennis up to and In' eluding yesterday's games. Played Won Lost Pr Ct. St. Patil..6 ! ) 3D 2t .IM ) 1)es Moines. . . . . . . . 55 83 23 .0tJ Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . J'7 . ; IL o .560 Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . ' : io 1uiisas CICy..5 7 2t1 . . .4bti Clilcago..j . .4Yi Sioux * . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 .400 Minneapolis. . . . . . . . .57 23 $5 .S5 Otiialiit.5 , Chicago 4. Omaha iPt It onto Chic-ago yesterday for the third tune lit succession , and It was the fourth straight. victory. 'i'hints cut-enraging. Lovett was In the box and his vork up to. the clghthu inning was of the phenomenal order Ui' ' to that liolut lie had been hut safely but once , and had atruck out eight of the Maroons. Iii the eighth lie nuiparently lost control of his curve ball nail the visitors touched him Ill ) hi ii way that ntndo the situation lori1ou. Timm'eu two.bagcrs and three singles In thio 1111111 inmmlumg of it gauuio aren't ' to be sneezed at. Ilowover , the Ommiiiiogs Imulleti through all right , mind nobody vilt know the diffur- enco a umimmmdrcd ycais hence. It SVa'3 all errorless gamuio on both sides , with time oxecltomI ) ( of liii excusable immulT by Moriarity. 'l'lie ball struck hull ) iii timi' lIlt of the stoumiacli , ard for it second ot' two ho 'on1d have givemi a tcii- Uollar note for mt gpsp of breuttli or two. l'lio voik of time wlmolo Otmittima tCnuml'as brilliant , uid .Immclc flreauinmi's tmmnplt'ing wmts lo'cly But tlmls is tIme way it all happened : .Iinmimty lJui'mts , the lOet , iitCllCll ) to the li-omit , amid : ufter cxpectoratimmg Itbout a quau't of Vucutamt juice upon the home plate , he siiimislied tIme ball wily out into deep left for tlmicu cushulomis. 'lImo ToO iiCOlilo present yelled vocifcrotisly .J un may gi'lii uied. .itjitils got liii Iusc On balls , and out ' ' \\'oll \Voll \VeIl's I I' ' lmiIthe 1'ot , scammipered huoumie. 'l'lmis wits the siginit fet moore hiurralis. Cooneymt3 the iicxt moan up , and saits ceremmiommic lie tlmrcv uk lit ) lOUIidS ) mt'otL'du- 1)015 aguiuist the Iilmem'e amid it s'oimt svhii-lmng out tmito the umicadow like it rocket. lie reached secouutl on the hit , and ' ' \Vell \Vell \Vell I I' ' ruin e liomm me. Iveryhotiy yelled to I heir luonits' content. Tlmrcc-b.tggcrs and two-l)1ggers are a very cx ii Llaratiumg elemmicnt lii base ball. 'Ilie hilarity submdcd upOmi tIme rtircmimcuut of O'Connell mtuid McOuri. it % vmts clue , tWt ) , three fr the laumibs froumi tlmo wind , ' imictropolis , fet they all itruuk wit , amid. in fmict , itvtis omme , two , tlmreu for tiucimi mitt 1 thu eighth i mm ii i a g , iiotvitliitandimug C&tdv iii adp a I ittle , I ntiuy t.iSe lilt m ii the u bird. lie vts : extimiguishmed tryiumg to steal second. Iomi'L YOU call tiunt ball ii1i : , mmig-3oti tel- lows who have beemi kicklmui. , aumd emoakimig timid jecripg for u. immouth om' 6t ) I Or do you anew vlnit ball lilt.viuig : is I iii the iiixtii Cioo1t led otT with lmms second hmnumdsoimiu di-vc. 'l'liemi wlmitt did Cooncy do I \VImy , he miteppcd might UJ ) I ike a 1 I ttlc ma : mmi autO swiped the hull way overto tIme uuorthtvcst corumer of the ltrIt ) ; for three nags I 4gaid did ' ' \Vell IVell I IVell I I' ' tally1 audience shout ' 'bravo I' ' mimid tigLtiui ( lid time Omu O'Commnell's hit Coomtcy brought in tlic fouith run. " 1' . 0. " vts foi'ced out at second by Chip hey rleaarr's grounder to Ruddy llamiraimaim and Clulppey iiCiisliCil mgiuobly iii nut attenipt to steal aecomitl. 2.liiicr went out. out a looL r fly to Moriarity. Uut ; vimo cam'ed , Omaha lund four large , ( us dons UiiS , multi ClulcUgo hadn't a snioll I Of coui-so everybody was iii a good huunoF. It's so milco wbomi your side is In the lend. 1mm thu uicvcuitlt the I'ost mumude his sceon lilt , nd stole second ly thu shut of his teeti Agaimi tlio bulls would uuot go over time Plutti for Dwycr , and hilly Autftis was for the sec ontli time ircsuuutcd with llrst. Then " \7ell 1 Veht \Vehl I I" just to heci frommi getting rusty , lined out his tliiud sari ruut , mitt tlio imitiul of rythmn anti riuyuoi ilnuitcd his delicate icditl cxtrcuulties on th huolute iILLtO agaimu. 110w tIm liopulaco did yell. It was suci : fiuit t.OSCC time boys taking time cake and pie auuil evcrytlmiuig tlsn , in such rcchorche style limit little OUt those 701) ) PeoPle droamim of tb rude slmock their ubilntioui was to recivo ( ilmicago verv calmuily , very coolly , very dc lilietatoly rcmmt. in for hiot half of tlmo cigliti umid uuitulo no less thiLmn three rumis. Hut wasn't it too bath. Lovett ought to have , hut themii omit. Yotm see , this Is tluo way It cauuio about. licuugle , time iutsty : maim , muter huaviuug twl strikes called emi luumut , and without a bit o respeut 1cmLovtmtt's fccliiigs , ciacked tlu hail v.iy out imito center tot- two sacks. LmttIo toot'40y , 'oot'y Schoemieck vcii out from Miller to O'Connell ' , hut Dvyq rnitlo : lilt , amid oh , uuere.y , unerc3 maci ! .both iloovur mtnd Sprague two baggers Thietm : earned i-uns sveio already In. 'l'lte andiemiec sat : ts still as death. ' 1'lmI was tomb imtueli. 'the situttkmt : was er grave. however , hike Casabiauteii , Lovett was sti there , amid cinuclutug his teeth , Ito redouble a his exeiIomis ituti Cathy aitti MqriaL'ity tile cmi little Ilue L the nimitii 0 mardi a d Id uuothu I ii g. but tli F , iIarooums cuimmo'itti1mi Lilt mice uf scarin C evemybetmy to death. L , lluieums , the iirst mnaut at the bat , make I ) corking lilt , but I Ianrthiaum vcnt out t C O'Connell , onit I ieumglo slttlietl away tlir ' 0 hues mit tue : ii ShuoeutcclL followed with hilt ; tnd lttiit'mmis caine hiomut , , but the agon termniumnteti Otm Schiooiiecl being foieetL m sceoumti by lwyor's gioiiitder to Cooney. was a hue gaumq , amid hero is time oflki ouAuA. Mm. II. ii. 511. 10. A. i Burns , If. . . . . . . . . . 5 8 1 1 0 t Jtutuulsiui. . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 2 0 Croohis , 2b. . . . . . . 5 2 8 1 3 6 j- . Couuiev , s . . . . . . . . j 2 0 2 4 t O'Ciutuiell , lb. . . . . 4 1) 1 0 it ) U 4j MeU.irr , if. . . . . . . -I 0 1 (1 ( 1 5) C ? .lmller , 3b. . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 U 0 2 LOvett , I ) . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0 U Iaglec. . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 (1 ( 8 2 Totalq. . . . . . . . . . . 131 II 12 2 27 23 0 L cIulct(1o , I- All. It. 1 ii. miii. i'o. A. Moriaritymn. . . . . . -I 0 1) ) I ) I 0 lihicimmis , 35) . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 2 0 llumuirahmamiss. . . . . 4 0 (1 ( 0 1 5 me llengle,2b. . . . . . . . 4 1 1 (1 ( 6 2 Sehmocuieck , lb. . . . 4 5) 1 5) ) 10 0 DvyoiI' . . . . . . . . . 3 1 1 0 0 2 a hoover , c. . . . . . . . . 11 . 1 1 0 4 4 In bn.tgue , if.'I 0 1 0 0 0 iii Cathy , rf. . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 13 1 TotaFi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0 27 11 ic Ouminima..2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0- . Chicago..0 0 00 (1 ( (1 ( 0 3 1- : o , Rumms earzmed-Ouutba 5Chk-agu 4. T it' bao hlts-Cuoucy , licugle , hoover a l Spr.mguo. Tnree base bits-hums a : Cooney. Bases out balls-Olt DVyCL I Struck out-Lovett S , Dmvycr 2. WI l rut jilt1mes-I.ovett 1. Time-140. Uuipirt : cii niemmunmu. iCttiisss City I 1 , St. Paul S. KAs.ts : CITY , July 25.-ISpeciat Telegi- : ' f to Tita JIL'm.l-A coutbluatloit of bad lilu'i - on time part of thiuSt. Paul club lost t1i1gai to lflmn'.as City to.day. 1mm the seveatlmInnI the visitors we.re 4 to 2 , wIth evom-ythlog 13. theIr favor , when liu-yumamt let lowmi nod I rs. flues batted liimmm1at will , knocking out soy ' id runs. 'rime brilliant feature of the ga was the iloldlitg of Carroll , jatton and Lei iy McCartuy ) was batted h rth , but struck ? , his usual quota. The score : o. Kaumsas City..0 0 0 0 2 0 7 0 2 - lie St.l'aui..1 0 1 0 U 2 0 0 1- iii Euirned. runs-Icansa& City 4 St. PauJ Two lutse hIts-janntjm. JJrattlo.v Johtutt 1W Patton , l'iekctt , Carroll , Morrssuv , Doul .MDrIsP ; 1eil1.v .M . . , . , - . . . . lihr and Earle. flases on ball4-ft h3rynan 2. lIlt by vitehieml ball-BV 13r3 utmim I First base on errors-Inn.qas alt4 , St. Paul 1. struck out'-Tiy McCarthy 12 , by Urynmtn .1. Pas'ed balls-Wells 1 , inrlo 'I. W lid lmitchics-McCnrtli I , lirynun 1. Ii lts-Inu Faq City 10 , St. Paul 0. Errors-Knnst' : C1tyst , l'mmul 0. TImilo of gantc-2Q0. : Urn- iuirc-l essemitlen , Ilalui at Hloir City. Siotix CITY , July 25-The SIoux CIty and Mllwmukcc ; game was PostPQmmeLl On account of mum. DES loue , June 5.-Wet grounds pro vemited the Des Molutcs-Mlmntcapolis game. OT11EUAtES. Ye'torlny's Winners lit the Natlouial J1eniuo Contests. JnIAAiol.ms , July 2i.-llosult of . to-day's grimmte : luidlanitiohl'i..0 ; 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 00 Chicago . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 1 5) 04 l'Itt'lmcrs-lioylo for Jntllaumairnlis , Van limil- tren lot Chicago. Base hlts-iuutllammnpoiis 10 , Chicago 0. Eri'ors-Induuumnpols Li , Cmimeago 5. Uinj'lrc-Lyuucli. ' New YoRK , July 2Lilesult of tO-day's gauimo : NewYork . . . . . .0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2-5 Boston . . . . . . . . .U 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-i l'itchmers-lCeefo for New York , Sovlers , for Boston , hiaso iulth-New York 8 , lioston .1. Jru'ors-Nov York 2 , liostommO. Uiitpiro -Duuuiels. \S'5uu1NOTo , July 25.-Result pf to-day's gautmu : Washington. . . ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 3 l3iuiladolphiia. . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1 Pitclmeri-lleuu.out for PlulimmdelpluiaVid' tier for \Vaslulmugton. Base hits-Plum- d'lnhmla \Vasliiumgton I ) . Errois-Piuilt- : tlcipliia 2 , \ \ asliimmgtumt 1. Umuipirc-Powcrs. Ph , , Auuuerleaui 4socIntioIt I3.tL'riMoIue , July 25.-Result of to-day's game : iialtimnore..0 0 0 0 0 0 5) ) 1 12 St.L.ouis..4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5)5 ) ' Se'tti'tl I 1 , Iieavci' Croqshiut I 0. Sewtlii ) , Nub. , .lply 23.-Specual [ 'J'ele- grammu to Timi : h3uu-Sewurd : : defeated Beaver ciossluig to-day by a score of I 1 to 10. ( Jr.uuut Clink , one of time ; duu3-ers , wa5 severely iuiiu't by buiuug hit In the face vltlu it thurowut ball , ICenesitv .i0 , % Ilumtleum 10. 1INe.t s'- , Neb , .1 uly 2. - SpccImti Tele- gritmi to Time Jlum : : . h-l'lic gaimic thmi mtftcrmuooum betwccmu Kenosaw mitmul iimmtleut resulted jut a seem-c of 20 to 10 , in favor of 1emmesaw. IiaIlyette4 Go to Freuuinuut. The Laftuyettes , thin crack colored ball club of the Vcst , vlio jmave beaten tIme Ilartlins , Jetter & Young't uimitl time Couumcil Ultuffs city will 1' u'eunomit to league teams , go to to-day iu1it. ' It OummI ( ' t'ithi the ( iutys of that cltv. lnumagcr l'ltumiimmier has set'ut'ed a Ime % % ' lust litSOmIiLlIi Who Is so tall tlummt none of tlm boys caum tiiu'ow nver luimmi , and lie cats grouumuhert. 'Ihey alm.o lii. : tvo gttiics : uit'.t veuk at Lake 1aumtvmt : during time Fummameiati ) tn esercisos. To Play at iIltuiitSVLi. TIuo Omtialma base hail team go to Ltlce : \Iauutva to-tiny a' time' guests of time Coummeil LllmuiTs city league teammi. 'I'liey will 1u1u a gammie at the lake iu thu mftermioouu. TUJF' JiiN'1. Suuuiuunmry ( , I Yestrz'tlay'8 Itaces at ILiiglutmmui Beach , ButiuuuroN 13u.tciu , Jtmiy :5.-Sunuuitt-y : : : ( 'ito and oui--dteentli nuilesLiago woum iii I Sweety secoumil , i\Iatlz : timiuL evemm-eiglmtIis of mm ummile-AttoIplu 'on mt 1 : ii , 1 lmluuerl ) 5CCOitI1 Elite 1 [ ui-dy thIrd. . 'veum-mmgl itims ti I ii nu ii e-i'u'oi Ic vout iii 1 :3)14 : ) , IJlesC4l second , Kink tiihu'd. 'i'hu ice-fourths of a ummiie-Ht'belhioui w'oum Imi I : lb34' , Pericles secomd : , lUke of Iioturbqu thu ird. Oume umuile-Supervisor womi imi 1 : l3 , Nm- g.tu'a second , 'l'op4a'yor third. 'l'luree-foturtiis of mm umuile-Samn harper vomm iii 1 :1b4OUUi : Utilco second , CuLmliot third. 1)etroit Ilaces. DuTImo1T , July 25.--At the races to.dy the attemmlauco , was gooti , thy veather imerfect mind thme track fast. 2:3i : cla's , trotting , Inurse ,0Q0-tt-o starters : loy lirst , Mulatto sccpud. Beit timnu-2 .21. 2 :18 : class , iurso 2,000-Rosallnd WilIcus first , Loretta P. secomicL Only two starters. ] 3IMit tiine.-2l7 ( . Frce-fr-ah1 paciumg rmmx for a purse of $2 11(53-Arrow ( first , hAttie Muck aecomith , Mike Wilkes third , Cossmp , Jr. , fourth. Bert tune -2u11. 3 J Tue fluugiimiii Turf u Lope , July 23.-At the Lelcestcr stint. ' amer nicetiuug to-day time Lcicestcrsluii-e stup- mimer hmtmmdlcap was wop by 1ing Monmnoutu. U - AQlJ'tT1C. m SceoumU Day's 1'u'oituuuuuue of time 51dm-It bake Itegmitta. Su'murr r Iu. , July 2.-1Special Tehe- gr.iumm to Tuu : : 13ua l-'l'hmu m'aimi storm this a mnornimig pttssed over anti the sgzmio- boat f i-aces this nftemnooum were favored witim hue 0 weather nuiti vater. Time four-oared race was nose and umose to t r time turn between Cetlar liapida mud UurlImmg- ton. 'Ihie latter catmglmt ii ' 'cu'.ib' ' ' in turimimug aummi chmtsed Cedar limpids : to the stau'tiug hlmgs. : Tiummo-t ) :56. : S. 'rhmem'o wemo four eumtrics in the single , amid it is-as ut'mp : mumd tuck betveeum ' [ 'tinier , of a\lc- Gu'egor , mind Fc'lby , of Otttimwa. K iby a gtiumemh : Itoh f mu leumgtlu in tu i-ui iii g amut I uicrt'asttl it It to mm Whole lcmigth at the hiumishu. Tiume- lu.I1. : 0 'J'hto Tour double scull eimtrb's-Scimeuiuk anti g Keiby pf Ottuiuwmi , mtiid Fm'amner 0,1(1 Ceniam , of NcIbegor-humiti ! a fine rmco' : nuid made the U turum togctimem , but Ottuunwa spurted auth voum 0 by two lcmigthis iii 19l1. : I ) 'rime gig race wits mm Procession from the stmirt. Cedar ltuimlds won In ii : QJ , Couuieil y liluitl14 secomid. tt Simdlem mimmil Dodge , of Coummell Bluffs , sven time couisohatIomm hiuli'-oauCd : mace. Sadler itlsc at Womi tlio tub race. 'rue Ouuunhuit imoot. - Following amo time srores unatle at time t weekly lmnot of the Omnaiumm ( Juui club , whmini : ( I took hmhilcO OR timclr grounds lit thu no1'thmc.mil 0 taut of the city yesterday : t ) I'nuumtouoe. . . . . . hill 11111 11111 lull lull-c : 0 hIrutei. . . . . . . . . lilhi lhhIi 11111 11(111 ( llhtl-2 ( I j'etty. . . . . . . . . . 11111 11111 11(111) ( ) lihhi llihI-2 0 . . . . . . . . . . ( ' lOll ! J1IAII Ohill iulI1-i t'l ; . . . . . . . . . . ) 1(4)10 ( 01101 0 liii otoIu-i : Stiibtm . . . . . . . .Cull 11111 lull 11010 lLI0l-4 U liardin. . . . . . . . 11011 ( fill 11111 1111)1 ) iiiit-m -I ; J'.lr. l'nuundee Is raumlthly dommmoumstt-atuih - thdut he is omw of tle flumest target. simots in tb world. - - - m : . Jltfttsetl to IhvliLe. Pmipiumr. , iak , , July 2i.-Speclul [ 'relegrati to Tmu u : himu : : . 1-SVilllau.m Ileuway , mm 510mm : 0 Indlauu , was arrested numul brought to Picm'r 0 to day 1)3' tIme sheriff. He vjil be out tmimtt to ( I morrow before the Uuuuted States coimummis g sicuier. Time paso grows out of troubitu with 0 squaw whmommm ho alleges lie imover imtarrlcul - but has lived vitii until lately , wimc'n lie dc 1 sorted lice. 'l'hmo littler cinluums ouue-tiulrtl o - their cattle , uueeomh lint to t lie I mid I mimi iii' mu ito 5 semaratiout. licmmw4y iofimeil to give ovemtlu _ : hurohmort.v m'imoum It. was tmtkeum by tiuo itohlec Yo Whom ho had murm-ested. 'rho oflicers will b iii tu-icd before a justmcc to-morrow. ad S 4. A Tuii'ifl' Couml'erenee. id \\'ASulu0TON , July 2i.-A : tariff conforenc - of tue republican scumntors was held to-night Lit which it decision was cached that th Ilnanco conmtmtlttco shall propai-o a tariff hi 'In as it substitute for time Mills bill , aiM tlmat mug shall then lie reported tothue semmate nail tu1o no UP anti passed , regardless or tIme lt'migtlm mug tiLflo tluis mumy ueqtmlre. 'I'Imo lull vlil be lIt lii outirowth of that already skctche4 by lit sub-cenumilttee , but the views exlrcscti , Ii lie seumators to-night and approved by the mat cmi jority wIll doubtless lead to some motllilct ale tions and changes of detail. : ' The Counpany held Jtosponumlhltt. LYNc.mumujao , Vu. , July 25.-Tim throuier .11 jury in thmo Imivestigatlon of tlo rmcent colhlslc - 5 on the Nrfohlc &Wcstcmn m-liroad finds ti 2. company guilty of neglect , an Is of then on , oimlnion thatthe'I'iorfoUr &Westcrn manag blo nont should be lucid responsible for tlma r urbults of thu disuster. . VJLLA1OUSSCI1EIEllSFLED ) ; .i A Strange Abduction Case Brought to Light , tCodar Rapdi3. [ u MRS. M'KIN'thTELLS HER STORY . ) She Gives nut ltOunt of tue Shooting at Clear 'Ijtikc-it Terrible iail. + dkiuor ltwa 'F ut S A Case of' Ainhiuctiouu llu'ongiit to Light Ips Moigs , July 25.-ESpecial Tolegrmmnt to Tim l3iL' , i-A straumgtm case of atteimupted umbdumctloum at Cedar lLnplds Monday huts just been niado ltluIlIe. , Inmogeime Whclcr , the twelve-year-old daughter of S. W. Wheeler , of Euiglcwood , Ill. , left Chicago Sunday nioruilng iii charge of time comiductor of a tmnimm emi thue Milwaukee road to go to Sioux Falls , flak. , to visit a sister. 0mm the way hemet met mm woman who got omm time train at Daveui- Port nummi became very fuiemudly with hmor. \Vimcut tetlar Uapids wit'i ruathietl , where the little girl would have to chiauuge cars , the Woman , after making mmmatmy itmquii'lcs as to her faintly , their wealth , etc. , lmroposed to take her to the hotel , saying Unit shun would go lit corn- 1)0111' ) with her next day to Sioux Fulls. Sne took her to time Grmd hotel , but dlii not regIster - Ister her , tutu kept the girl hum hem' roouum , hay- imig her mneals semut to her. The clerk thought the luroceeding strmlmmge amid his suspicious he- eauume umrousud hmu'mt .iouuday . wheim the wouuiamm smtld thtnt if a nimin culiet for her to mmotify her lmiiniediatuly. She secuumed vci'.y uiervcmus nulL ! uugitmttcd. Fiumally tIme clerIc deterimmiumed to hutS tue bottouut of tue stouy utuid weumt to the wonmaum's roouum aumul fonuud time girl cmyiiig. Slue told her story aumd wait at jut omice taktmmt to 11w uhluuiumg u'oouu : mtumd givemu soimmcthulumg to cat. % Vluilc senteth , suu-u-ouumtled by ( hue fcmmtutio help. the svomumuum : i'usluctl iii. Sue net mumimehu ect'itcuh , auth seeing the giul , stilt ! : i''Ohu , she's tiucr , us sue 1' ' auud starting for time desk setticul lieu' hilt nuid hastily left. mmiilum lund nurivoti iii tflo iuiemtuutluumo uuumtl lookmutg for the voniamu , numul it Is believed they lund fommued ii comisplummey to mubiluct time gi ui om mm tt i mom' for souute vil lutiuuy. 'limo little girl s umitimer witi suumutnojied by telegriuphu umuutl Ito reached L'cdmur I fapids lust muighit uuriti toOk tim urge I ) I' Ii eu. 'rim u voumauu : gave lie r muiiiilo ius Mi's. Piwtmm Ilopcffc , which is lirob- mubl.y Jictitiotus. Tiui' MclClnuuey-Sulhl van AI1uIr. MASON Cuiv , In. , .ltiiy 2k-Spccial [ Tele- gumuiuu to 'J'u mu : Ii u : I : . J -'l'ime excitemteimt : Ovo L the simootimmg of .1 . 1. Hulhiv.tut by Mm's. , issme lcliuiuiuv hitts uiot mtbttcd : iii the lotst , amid numxlously av.it : reports ftomt : thu wounded imilium , Still ivaum is umot oniv mu sve.ilthuy stock iaker , hnmt a ut-ommu iueumt (23ttimol ic , nuid : umiO : mig I mis t'Iitm ccii PCOPIu , there i4 a stmmiig fet'i iuu g ugalmist ? \1eiCiimney-so mmmdi so thuit mm mmuummuemof themim fm'ommi Foremt City aumd ( ' , mrimem lmaimdetl togetiuei' amid \veiit to Clc.tu riie : , amid there vemc itmniOr3 ahioat that they umeaumt to resort to llieg.tl umhceoiliumg coulti they limmd time way ftvoiuble. : ' ' itV1i4. . all trouble vai uviuteti itsW _ 'item1 ' beluig bu'oughut to thtm city , wlmeme site Is fli'tustody. To your eom'rcsjiortleuut shun commuplmtiuis of beiuug uum fairly trciteik : by imewspmper : meports , mmumtl desiretl tj mimafe it statemuteumt of rmuit. : Sue is : u I urge , hi : tii ih'mnuime mvommlimmi , ivt'hl ciii- tiured aunt acr uimmsiumt : Co miversat loll iii it. I iei story is mis fo1ys : ' 'tlysetfttimml , ? liemnice llishmop , hmtvo fem the past t'lireo yeams becum jiecus- toimmed to speimd tIme siutumnem- itt tIme lake.Ve mu'mmvetl t shout tlmae are frouum oui hunuije mum Sioux i'alls , aunt , qoumtu'ary it ) Otil' imsiiiul emistoumi this - ' . Fou time , .veati'tmitetl a cottage. two week we hmmimi been i'epemmtedhy trtnubietl by umiemi cal I luig imumil douummu ad Imug aim cmitrauco 'J'hmcy hittilso tu'otmblcmi us tiitt : we asked uttivice iii tIme u.nmmttor fromim both olilcial mind ln'ivatc eittzhmsummuth Wuic told to shoot If turtlier mmiolcstcd.Oum the Smitturday evening - ing of thIs mtd atimuir may dmingimtcmwmms out on tlmti hike imuitli quite 1mituumd was itccounptmmied : by Clint Davis. I-fe stepped into the cottage foiit shmoi't chat with us , nuid iii about ttjmm mumlimutos iicletI , up his hut to go. ? ly thammghi- ( or thicim went imuto time betlroomn. She vas 1mm time act of letting tiowuu the wiuidow wimeut site discovered two ntomm lying on time grounti just beumeath. Sue rtmshmcd to time door utorl called l'imitIr. . Iavs , vhuo laid gone but a few rods , to come back. He rettuuumed amid vent iumto tIme cottage. I.tetiiwtille : time muon who wore iyimig tumidmir time wiuudosy immtl got up , we e joined by ti tiuirtl ltrY : , mmd all w&mro wmtllLlimg am'ouil imear thuO cottage. I stepped to time tloom aumd ttitl thmomit to go away , amid umever asked thuemmu to coimme lut if 11101' were goimtie- uneim. ' 'lucy refused to mmmove. I vmus vemy amuck trigluteuued , hut I malsod my rovolvot- auth lireth into time air. 'l'iuls frigiuteimud thucum mind they tOk to their hmeels. I followed this Ui ) with four more shots , snlmpoaethiy into time air. hmuteumdlng to scare them so btdiy : thmat they vommh.l . umevommigmihum nmoIet us. Omme of thit Imullets struck Mr. Sullivan. ' ' Mrs. tlcKiumlev expresseti touch grief as beiui g I iist rmmunoum tal in catmsin g so imuu cli jut iii to1u. . Sulhiv.um , mind till reports of lmi ha- imuoveul coumd it iou utre received by her vi tim gladmiess 5Ir. Mcliumney Is time wife of A. tIelinimey , a u-eiiotted wealthis' mumsuraueo ngeumt. Ills imrothicm , C. \1cKmmummey. . Is urcsitleumt of the First Natiommni imnuik of Sioux Falls , ] ) ak. 11cr bomids lowe been riuisecl to : iuti0 , svlmktbi site itims as yet been tuimable to secure. Time 1tailvmty 1iivei igat ion. 1)rs Mnues , In. . .Tuly 2.-'l'imo exaunimmit- tloum of time mnilrond cornntitsiomtors ' the nttom'neys for time Iowa roads vis i-esumeti this inou'uiiutg. Couumomissiommei- gave his oitinioum as to tilt ) Ohiei'atioui oh' the smhietlulc of 1S74 lie thought it tleummomustuutctl thmmt : rail- m com'imorntlouis , shmotmld , by mnodermttliig their rates , imucmeusc their businets. lie thought tinit a muuaxiimmimuu schedule iiheu that of 1S'I was miiculmmted : : to immuu'easo comumpeti- tiouu. I uu prepai'iumg time pmeseumt schucil ii lit it wits lntcmmdetl to iiurmnoimizc its rates witim time lumtei-StlttO kt' . ' amid to stilt It to Limp long autti short hmniml clause. 'l'Imo conmutissloimem- thought that iumteu'-stato rates ought not to ho uniuoi'iahly grunter tiuamm thie ioemml rates. 'l'hmo objcet of time Iowa coumiumtissiouieu's was to luinko sucim rates as 1l'Mmhd ( iuiuimle I hue jolmheu-s , uumuuutm fuctu met's , iii u lieu's umum d ot hem's to lIve Iii . 'iew of thie 01)t'l'uttioli mit iuitcr-statc Ias-s. ) \Vituueas mheniotl tIme m'iriut of ( lie bout-ti to make aim actual t'hnumge lum thin cimissitlemutlon or u4ciuedumiu uittez time inublicatiomm of time imoticu m of time mudolmtioum of the seimedule miumd befou'o it im tithes effect , 2 In time afternoon Counmuiissloumor Caunimbeil r tt'sthihetu I hut time mecord t'iuich time eoruuunis- Li sloumers iuiul uleciai'c'd ; 'ns time nilico journal of the lommVtl % vas uuot , utuid said that lie humul umo'ei sct'ul the book before hue exmmumiuimutioum hY'gtIt. Tliom'tt wmms ii 4ong tilt betwecum time : t mittom'uieys anti Cuuunpbell to gel hiluum to smmy svhuumlu 'as the om-iginmilnuitl yluicim thio ofilimml 1C sulmethimlo adoimted by ( lie bcuuti , but lie dom - m dined to : uimsiver diretiS' . - 'Put , .Ol'tiI'5OitliuI hionuhu. a Dcume i'm.luhy' .5.-4'1'hmo inlet-state rmmil road couimuuiisioui beaui its sessiomms hmero thult forcumooum , mill the coeimuilssiommers being pres f emit , to etU516eu st'eiil 'ascs 1mm relmutlomu tc tim" iiovtiitvestot-mi i'mijiTOLtttS , 'l'hmo elof cast : i of time Chicago , atsmis City & St. Paul U rotul for cluimrgiutg tumrdmigli fueighzt rates lion : Chicago to St. Paul tmt ; ti forty ccitt basis lou first-class , Its local rItes being based oum suxt eimt bask. 'l'iio coral nssou'ts timuit it i-ni e chmmrge ut forty ccitt mate without vioiatiuu time short hiuuh t'lmuse : of time lass , as it is ii 0 conuimetithon with mm vatom' route , umaummol3 tim I' St Merle river. Other eases svihl also hi hi-ought uii. Chmulrimmtiim Cuoloy upemied tia it session by briethy stating time cases , ant ml Pu-esldeuut Stichimoy of thu I'amusa' Cty rent ) f muuudo aim argunmeat. 'l'imu Iowa state raulroam eomuutlsslomuers uui'O hero , mis Is imiso mm hnrg crowd of headimmgohltcluls of tbn Nni-thss'est ' emit nuid St. l'dul roads. , : A New Graumul Dues Moues , In. , July 25-Spoclal [ 'role gmaun to 'rimE lhr..1-A tralum load of ( irauim Arniy unomi weuit from this city to-tlay I ' 5 Marshalltcmtviu to csttmbhishm a post at tim in soldiers' haute. 'l'iu'oy were uuct oui timeir nr mu rival by ii delcgutloui umoimu the hmouiio mmiih us IC coned to tile grouuutls , uboutu utile distaumt 0A nest vlth uhxt3'-eLght mmmeunbers.wmis estat CIlshmcd after vluiciu the vtitors took dluume wIth thk s'etc'raub 'autd bcut 150w0 tiin : : , xnniIutIng tlioniiw bmilitltutg utmi its eounnto- thous eqtmu1muicuuts for time coin lout of time in- amitIes. Colonel Commsigmmey , of Avoca , deluurt' mont commnutrmuler for Iowa , vas PfCSCtlt nuiti took a liromnlumemit hart iii tle exercises. Cheeky 'I'rnuuip. Dcs Mouxcs , Ta , , July t2.-Speclal [ Telti- gmamut to Turn hiec-Yesterdty : aim cast-bound freight broke dowum at ilmmstlumgs , Mills cotimity , when , to time stmrprhc of tlmo train atoll , about a ilozea trmummps itilgiuteti front a box ear. Later in time evcuilumg mmnotimer emtt' boumid freight stoppctt Imi the yard whmemi time coumductor utt once tilseovered umimothuer cm'ovd of tiucse v1mgrmnts luu it box car. liti mit ohucu ordered tiuciuu to leave time car , auitl a lively quarrel wits time i-esult. At thus jimumeture ouio of time trituuil fiu'cml two simots itt time coimthtic. tor , ommo of time halls mashumg thmroughu his t'hotimes. At cite tiummo yesterthity there vcre twenty-one trmuummps lyIng arotiumil time delict. Time itu'tles : supposed to have domme time shoot. Lag mire umow timmiler utrrcst. 1 % . FrIght liii l"nhi. Atrnt'BON , .htuly 2.-Spccial ( 'rologramn to Turn .I3un.J-Geot-go : 'i'umylor fell a distance of thirty feet hero to day. Ito struck his huetid out a brick nuud tiheti soomi : tfter. lie was car- iymuug mm hod on the itmmssell block , amid imuti 'ust ' skirted ilowum time iuidtlcr , ss'hueim the rouuud tuhOuu vhIcim vmm his hmmumel broke amid lie fell through the joists 01 time second floor , striiehmmg milieu the fountuatioum. lie vms : borum iii Loiudouu , nuid hits been hum this ctnmutry : mibotut sixteen years , iuumml hum aut1uboui five mimontims , employed mis a dimy himtiom'imr. lie hits been suimject to ills , and it is stiiiimoCtl thimit lie vns seized hiy 0:11) : of these fits w'imeiu time iountl of time luimhmlor broke. lIe was umum lii- dastrious aummi sober ummituu. - FIiJn ; 'I'IiAJE % NI ) liOODLj1 , Tue liunI of Cnuumpuiigui ( .lnmm'led Out fly I PIP NoV ' ( , ric Ieuuuuermts. Cii It' uio , July 25.-rSpom'lmul 'l'elegramu to Tuur. lir.c1-Coiouiel ' . Conger , thte repiubli- euui imat moummul coumiumi itteeuum an I u'omim Oh Ic , mmumd It mulL'iuuh > er of time cxecimtivo counumittoL' of thm tuitional toummiittec : , vums itt time ( ' , i-mimutl Pacific hotel this eveuiuuug out his 'ny to huidinumapoils. ' ' \Vo inive a macst excellent orgauuiiatioui thus yitm , ' ' said lie , "aummi .e imic beghmumuimmg time i.eu'iotus 1mtisiumes of tluo catiiptigmi. : AS iJ'L'i % ' 0 hO itumosvs , the iim'immtulmtl : light vIl1 be i n time tloubtfmul states of New York , imutliamia , Not' .1 ursey numd Cotummectictut. ' ] 'hw tlemumocrmts are goiuug to try mmmud ctim'y : iielmigtmiVisconshim : miumil 'tlimmtiesotmm also , because they timink time ' Irmie tuade 'l'imo iii tmt'e states hlgimt t1icimigamt will hue um varimm omme , mmmiii we are goimig to 'iui. Iii New You'k the eoimuiti'y districts nro ovemwimelunuiughy for iii'otcCtiOmi : mumd time demmmocrutmi mite ulepctimhiiug tmpomm New Vomit miumd Bm'ouklvn to ( . : im'i'y thit' state , i'm.I 1 time I iii port era it uuil time uuuoumeyeuh lumtetcsts are for free tm-nile , uumd time mht'mumocrmtts mire going to depend mmpoui their beadle to buy hirotectioul vorkimmguueum. : 'i'ltis i S go 11mg to , be cii theim- lent U ctuulpa : lgmm 0 f fm'eo trade muid Poodle , although they mire at- m'eatly tm'.vimug ti ) imi'dge on thu free trade limilt of it. Timev mire uuot goumug to he muhic to mumuko tluo ; eople huehievo thumit they tire for mtumytiuiimg else imimt fr.'o traite. 'l'hmey cmuuimot : gut away frouti thu ii m'eqhl euut's uumessmgo : tummul tiueim idat- 1'omun. 'l'hio voricuuugmiieim ium Nevorlc City mile understaimmihuig time thu-ut qiiestiomu imetter thuimuu tiutty ovet. 'Iul iuefore. 'lucy ate tmtlkiimg it mmunouug thmeuumsclves. 'I'Iue Now Yomic i'uiers . tl 1 exeohieii I 'ork 'hue ' uml.t ) it utg m'einmumitctui : S [ mmmi go t tmg to hi ave ttctlvc Prot ectlouu emmmmpmmign : 4 iii ( 'v''y soutiuoi'uu sttte. : 'l'lmey ate not gommg to bu , uiiowemh to shldt'Vo mire goiuig ttm I iy tutiti cau-u'v two to lumen of time snimtimern stltos. : S 'ui itor Sit ernmnum imtmstm ' I , numy souc spots on tit'i'Oituit of I u is a ot getting time umomim imumtinim. lie is going iumto tlmis t'.uinpaiguu just mis eimeem- fmmi ly us t imomighm he h m tid mmevt't' mccii a ennui i- iimmte. I to s'ill mnaito speechues mtumd do evemy. tim iii g i me call. ' ' -C M'titlttiI ) BY ' , ViII SliflhtIF'F' . % uuuig lhmige 1iuiutliy Unitemi to Ills it thu let In Sv'ot hietmet. [ Copjirf1mt ; ISIS Iiij Juiims , Gonbmuu Iientuctt.1 Eu'i . in' ito , .Iuly 2.Ne [ York 11cm-aid Cable-Special to 'l'uu u : hiur.-Youumg : ] Ioilgo auitl time still .vounger Miss Ida Leumim Cook , time circus uuunim's daughter , weme Ilimurried imero by time high sheriff , who is as stmccessful at ticiuug time mmmati'iimuoimial knot mis time imio'o latmtl imoos , 'rime bride's fathom- was present nmmd somuic of her friends. It was ahiegetl tiimmt time youumg hmridegu'oom lund i'cceivcd his itmrelmt's lilemmuming muid eonsetmt hmy cable mmnd thutut time im'iumeiiLml uuiotivo for this vas time ehmivtilrie one of saviumg the yoummg lady front the idea of imoi having beout ctnmmproummised by time elopeumemit. 'J'Iuey both looleul.imtipjmy arid have returumed to time toummttumtie ( alec distm'ict where joves 'ouumg mu-cam begnu. TIifl IIEA14TY MAIIICET. Instrmuuimcutts l'lacetloum Record fliui'- hug Yniutermitty. I ) t 'l'lmimnmts minim wife to 'I' ii Fomey , lot 13 , 16k Ii , Ort-hmtmmi I i I lii. u 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II A'rrimtmmmuu to S iveu'iethu et ni , hot 7 , blk Imp. .Jeroimme Park , q ml , . . , , . , . . . , . , , . , . .1 Shtmgei' aimil wiSe to . .lohum'httuumchi , html ii ; , iilk 1:1 : , fluid. iv 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOC I , , i Ccl I I us et ah I ( I tile public. Coil hmms l'Imtce , a sub ot lots i7 anul 2. , Nehmms ailil. hilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I h ' i'umtgimt ot at ti tim , , hmmml fir. I rvltmgtoum , K ott p line , set tlL.1-L t' . lhmmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i : S itnttl , timid wife \Vllhitmlmi iCing , lot ii , hiik 15 , , lhrl'imtm , _ lmimex w ii . . . . . . . . . . CV Irimymm miiuI wife to I , 1' l'ruyum. ii : o t lot I ? , Iijflh)9tim Pine. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si tttit On alma I.aiih Co I 0 .1 I' I tttciuhmamt , bit u1 hi k iat , So ii tim Ouimaha , Ii n . . . . . . . . 1) C latLrson mmmiii wife to .1 . 'I Dcmtmeiamm , hot 1. 1)1k ) :1Vest : htio tutu , 'm' 6. . . . . . . . . . SOC C I h ii'wey ) et iii to ImtInmi l'aelule rm.mhhrouml ( ' (1. lots mtumf ml , lilk CI ) ) , v ii . . . . . . . . . . . .1 i ( Ibi , to 'hltbinu LiIli ( , hit I I , 1 ilk 2. i'ottiu' ii umilti. w 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U N hicks anti vtro to E It ( miltit t , hits it , . 7. 8 Ii anti In , imik Itt. itmwuuthelf. 'V ti . . . . . . jroi 'iLtiiehl nUti ' 1 Itt ) to I , ( liii ) , , lot I h , bik 2 , i'ett.r.m muiill , 'I' . ' ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1' I to , t'it'v .iuf % 'lro Ii ) C 1 t i'mimiumhtig , u' iut . ble ' 1 Sinmtim ( mnmimlun , . . . . . . . . . M M Mumsimaul : auth mi ife to l A Cooper , lot I , I , ° . : u , 4 , t , II ' 7 , 5 , hi auti 10. lilk 2 , ( flo' cril..ie. ii ( ' i'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii , IetLtt uumtl wite It-I Nax lure. , hot II ) , 1)1k I , .Jttmems , ajil. w ii. . . . . . . . . . . . Otto 1tn'ik , ammO " ir to I ; (2 ( liiis. hot Ii , lik 7. 1 unlium plite , mv U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 5 . ' u'uMIuhl to iii i imomvhes , ummf Iumt . mus. em' % 'mr ittifV ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jv I murumimIl amut vla to I mttn I.olmeek. ii .1 , , I t ' ' hi. titilimil lug 1ilnm.hm mml & Lubick iluvistimO , 'V ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( 1 : I ui. . ' v&tt ntiit'l ic to I I i I I tiler , lot u I. 2 3 ii 7 , 0 , Ii , 1' . 13. II , Jr. , iCmmtmtt l bik I : mtiul lots I 1. 5 , II , 7. 5 2 : mim6 10. lilk :1 : , 'l'Ipnn pmmiio , hot : u. 5th iy I I cim1hmts ml ' 6 . II h' . i'owt'i'S ' , mumii wife to .1 1. % lct'mtaw , lots i , mummt 2. ItIk S. iltiti tlmiuie ; hot , I , mmmiii 3 , blk ' , hellO' lilmti' * , ( it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Itm.t to U tl I h liiitt'i , hots 1 utiitl 2 , 16k II' : lots 2 mmii : i , 11k l , lot uu , 1)1K ) itI : ints 2 , 3 , I imimil 5 , hilt ho ; V.'tt Al- umlaut. 'V ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,18 G 1. ? .fliIc'r umimil s'ifo to I , kum0eIssoimn , lot i12 , t'yImm'tU' ' ' inmrk , w ul. . . . . . . . . . . . . I , M 'l'etunmihlim to .1 % % ' St.iwart , hots I , 2 , 1 4 , ihhliutilo atiuh No. 3 , rj C ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tweumiy.fomir traufet's. umggregmithiig. . liuuhhc iuig h'eruuimti4. The followltmg Permit $ to build were is sued yrsterdny : ii , 'l'ali : , store. 'Vwetmty.imtimtit umear lu- 1) ( > uit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO0 4mmtow : iuuntc1m , cottugC , Svuimtim lit-ar . Catehlam' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Jeht ) > s iumalil , cottage , fis eumty.ultmthm . imear ( h'tmtmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : . 'I' . 1ure timCuo eottimgiS. Cummmcmolm mietir 'lw , mftv-slxthm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,10 Joimu tclmtiiltlt , cotimgu : , ' 1'lVtiit3hii'St . umeur ( 'ititellS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1 S 'I. % , mtiie'k , cuttagi' , 2.'SJ Iei'ittult. ) . . . . . 40 ii I ht'lhummmmum & 10 , . cotttigc. . ( .1 arilelml near ' ixteimuihm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iaiuies 'taItiy , , ltmimlho t\vtm'story train store unit lImit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jmuiu.s tmiu1my , cottumgC , Sm . tenumtlm butwceim \ ihhhmmmum s utuuil I I hekery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 A . i iuurtni'ltCr , lmiurmm , I .ugimteemit hi mutl , dummies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Tenperflmlts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lVmishuiuigtui ii,1e1u. Time couuiiitroiler of time timrrolmey has di chmu'ed time first tihyimleuiml of $0 her cent. I 3 favor of the eremhitors of time Coummmorciuil Nm - tlnmmmml b.mumic c'f 1)tubuque , Ia. , 0mm citmiun , to . This b.uui ) ) % ' , miutiotfltlttiI tJJ,000. failed Mturelm 2) ) , h83. 'i'huo iuousO committee hrns dIrected a faroi - able report UpOum time senate bill to ammmoumml thm 1 inter-state coununerco law. ' 1 ime i'eparl say 4 flint limo hill mis reported does not niaterlall a ditiem' ( rota tue boumafM bill. e Seumutor Iliscock to-day Introduvd hm ' - service PCliSioui bill , mrovmmhiuug thmuit mmli 1)01 - son who served tlmreo lujouths or more In tim inuhit.tmry or immivmtlCrYICC olthme , ( JflitCtI State I. betwecu APril 12 , lSfil , and July 1 , lSGG , sima r be entitled to apeutsion at the rate ior wont mm cc i ct , fou'caeh day's 5crvieo. , ' ON1Y OE.DOZEN ATTENDED Mooting of Buanos Mon to Con- 8Idor Frolglit Ratos. THE RESOLUTION VOTED DOWN. Tue anthem-lug Et'cuily ilvlded Ott time Qumeiut hum ( If Suippou't lug time State Ilonril of Trnhl'tlnratholl In its Adieu. Ait I'htleuit iimk of Interest. There vas a sPecial hiteetluig of time hmieu- ehutmmmts , vhmolesalems itutti buslumess men gelmer- ally , lucid tunder thu auspices of time Omumaha lmomrd : of trade , ltst : evening , for time itmrltmso ) of couushmieriumg time effect upon tIme geumeral biusiness welfare' of the state of the rcccmmt netlomi of the state hearth of transportatloum lii athopting a reduced schmetltmlc of freight rates. After it imnhf imotmrs miestultory coumversltlmlut : Oh time hart of time dozen tlmnt humid asseiumbictl itt respotise to time call , 1' . i. 11cr , lresitleumt of the board , took time chair aumtl called tue umicctiuig to order. W'imemm time call of time mmmccl- big humid leeui , read by the secretary , Vt' . I" . Criflltts stimtetl iii fimli how mmiatters stood ummtt whurtt it wait iroiosed to rectify. lie stilmi timmit time delegations that imuet with the stmto : homuu'd of trmumsperttttioum at i4humcolim out the 2atii of .iutuo hind becum umummmiluumous 1mm tmm-gitmg t lie iuumprommioty 0 f uumy fmmr- timer redmictioum of trmuisporttttlnmi : mmmtes. lie timougiut time state hommm'tI siiomiitl have tie- fetrctl to thus eummpimatlc exIuressioum on tlmo immrt of time lChii eeimtmtt'mt : of time hleimimli' . limit mmos' , iut less tlmamm it iumommthi titter this Jumcet In g ii eitl : mt I iumcolum ti me bommi : o f t rmmts- lem'tmtioul ; hits nettle a reilmict lout oh it. item' ct'uit Oll time existIng rates , 't mntghmt be expected numummy tmmke exccitlqum , to timls acitoum , tuuul , imave u'csorted to thums umuettums oh'givuumg inuhuile expressloim to tlmeim seumtmutiemts. : ? . .lmbihhltL thoimghmt tim o mmmost lummmmemhimmtu ; nit ( I ii iststmoiis : m'emitmli , of this rcceumt redumetioum voultl be to sUiiumCSS ) ummuiroati builmhiuug. lum cottt'cusnt mmmi t'itim : iI m. Iciumi null miii ml 01 itemrmil : u'omti : mililcinis , lie hind lL'Cli S old o f cell i i um tie hi ISCIl it civ i'oatls that otthth 1)0 tmliummlotmod : iuu tiuc evemut of fuurthmcr rcduttiomm of rmmtes , until 'tIi' . ( lriflltts hmmttl also rend mm : iuumm- lieu' of letters fu'oumi in'omum i mtettt cuititmlmsts : : i uu time cast i n ivii 1dm t hey uiecltmretl th mat ito mlmmm.e mniiumey svouhmh go to i aiimond hal lid I ii g iii Nebrimsica so long us time state boamtl imeld coumtroi. .1r. hosevnter was umot iii favor of ttmhimug mlchluuito action of num' soil out uicotuumt Of tiueuo being mu. ) few ltm'esetmt. lie timoughmt time il i'o'tmssloum ( ) f smum'i m a mimmitte r , .imoultl ho do tie vitim much ml isci-ot iotm stit'lm mi it orgmmum I/ti. thom mis time Ouumtiuma boiiml : of trmmdc , else It tmmiglmt ho aecimseti b. ' time peolo at large t imat it ' 'tuod 1mm' ' wIth time rmimliomitls Ito said Imo did utot tiuimmle it time immm\-iuiCe of timose : isscutt- bled thmere to sock retimess imm behalf of time imilli'oiimis-tittmt tue stmto : board \vis ; cremmteml mit tiieur ( tIme rtmilrotmls : ) . irish igmtioum : lit' thiotugi.t It. mmommseutse to say that limo u-c- dtmctiomi ivouiti lie muiuious to ritlimomul otitc-- pm-ies. lum cotiversatioum witim .hmmy ( multI himt ittiti bewu told by timtmt ututmgummmte that limo ivmtmtt time Otil' limit mmcmto of uttoumey ivtms at irest1tmt ) mmcm- comitiummicil railrotml : coumstrtmctlomu. If time liar- llumgtumm iumd Ummioui l'aeilie m'otuls m.toplnmml buililmtig , it would be for otimer ctusos : timamu I lie fear of ii fu rtimer i-edtmctio t m I ii t immutshmoI-l mm- lion rates. Mr. itoscwmmtei timoughut It would he mis thlfik'milt to mmtoi'e tt liii' average fttrutmer tim lit ii m'etltm i'tioui in umttus ivtmmilti Ito ( let ri. mitimittil to time ( OttiitiV'5 lmrositerity , as to comu- viumee htimut titmt : taxes \vei'e ti good timuumg. i1r. .1 . \Vale&'iIe'd oxlti'essu'mt imimmtsolf mum lmti'om 01 opposiimg time mmctioum of time state board. lie said imo ivatuted to see time resources of time stmtt : , tieveloimcml , auid timmit It vas time timity of mill to hunted titmil foster vhmttcver : mmmlght bu'iiig about such a tmeveiopitiemmt. : tlm.u . S. lirmimly emdorsed : \Vtmhielielml's ' rctutmrlms. \lr. ilosewater uuaitm advised iiostpouue- timeumt 01 , ivlmicim ivus umimimrovctl by mlr. .1 ohio Ii. lt'miru3' . Coloumel ( iuttse spoke ottipimatically for it. After ii little mumom'e lively dlsetmssieim Mr. C iihlltts munhitmitted time folloiviuug imroaumbio aitti resolutions : 'iVlmereas , TIme state board of tmaiusporttt- tlomm has om-tiei'ed mu fmurtimot i-cmlmmctioa lit freight rates , ivimichu we ilhicVO to imo illtimimed tumtl eoumtrarv to thuc expressed wimulm , utot oumly of our owum dclegatmop present tmt thmo lmemtimtg : In Lincoln out tim 2Sthm ult. , but mmlso of those ircsotit froma Fretnommt , Iiumstlngs , lCcartmc , Nouthu Platte , Beatrice tumid Liimcolum , and be- lieviumg the aetlout of time stmto : boamd to 1)0 wholly uneallemi for Iromum mmuiv btisiimcss stand- itoittt , US ivell mis being at vtirittnce with the 'ilt of time ItcoimlO of Nebr.tsica ; therefore , ho it Hesolvemi , Tiunt iwo reafllrun time views ox- itu'csid on time smibject 1mm our special Couuttmuit- tces report under date tmf .Juute 26 , tutU lure- seumted to thmo sttitc Uoam'tI on thmo 2thm tmlt , tutu time lCSt jutlgumment of time iuterclmtmnts , umianu- facturers ttmid imusimmemis mmmcii of Omummmimti , reaclmett tifter ti cam'oful umimd exhmtmustivtm cxummm- iumttion : , : umd uimttuuituiously mugroemi to mit Ilmeir ( lijiuuiiC&1 ( iticctmumg ott .1 utmo 211 lust. lesolved , 'i'humit we tim-c unwlIliuug to see timu lumtci-cstm of oimu state ilmtccd [ mu jeopirdy witimout further effort oum our hart t. ) lim'evummt-ammd that timereforo we proceemi at omice to imomnhit tumeimsures loutom. . Ce rt imi mm log htmlliC ) semmti mument thmm'oughmtmut t lmo stare utmiti time gt'tmcral miliestiolu refi'rmcmh to iii time emil 1 to u' tim Is ummeet itm g , tmumd for tit us umim u- 1)050 ) ml coimtitiitte of timree shah be appimiumtetl by the elmuir to tmtko the subject hi lmud , aumml tlmm'ottghi such nmetmus : its It mtmtiy select , ebtmhm tiutt desired mnforitutticnm : tom irotumlmti.v tot i"s- slbhi nuitl relic i't I o tom imajoit rumed ltmeetiumg to be called timmommgim time board of trade. A mnotiouu to uilopt timese resolutiomms iummmmlo , cmiii out being smut to a vote , testilted jul yeas S aimmi utttymt 6. 'l'hmeri ls'iuu g muoitmum mum isiu ii- tltii'Stittmtli : ig iii the uuuot . i Ii'us h itt t. it ti- omd : tlnmo , this thee mesmmi timi g I ii a tie. 'i'lmu ti mmiritiimti : cm'.t : im is ballot mtgtmiuist tlmtm ntlo title mm of time resolutions 'rimuOmugimout limo jimoceemliuigs there was fre- 11 uieumt Co ummu rtctmt immmdm : , out tim u immil i tiercim cmi ml tmmiimi' of jimo busiimess ttmemm to a utmectiumg of so mum imelu I u milton tmmice. I im fact , mi tiuiimisr : o I' those ivimo voted iii time mmt'gatiVo said timmt : , imtmtl tiiem'o bc'eum a rihircsetltimtit'n hmo1 , % ' of iutelm ireseumt , they slmtmuiml hmtivti cast tlmumm' votes iii havoc of the i-esolutiouis Time miwetimug tmdjourmmetl without lmtm-tlmor actioim. .L'iIE PltI'/.h ithNG. A Litiemmi 112111 Iii 'iilcii 'l'wo j'm'huueiu lti. ( _ . ( un i'i'hldiiiIiI4. L \Vithuimm a t.tolme'S tlmmoiv of time Uumiop l'iIl'l tic i mt.ailiiumu'te : rm , omm mm iimrt : 0 f 0 ttO 0 1 tue ) . umriumeipal bimsimiess streets , 1mm brmad mlmmyllgiut mmittl lit the jmrcseuic of ainut um doiomm 'umoselm shiectittom's , two liriulters fought yesterday : tfteraoom : , Muu'uhmtis of Quouumsbury rules , to ii ) finish. 'i'lmey Ilumi'iheil it , because at tint eumil of the third roummd one of thmcuum lay ummeotu- scioiis , mmuttl it reluired mm good souumiutg of ivater to In-lag 1dm to. .1'hme iigimt was thai re suit ( if Ii qmmmtu-rul time umigiut before. Yester- ( lily afteu'tmoomm a clmmilhtiitge ivas itusumed to light to a Il mm bum , uumil timey m-m'j muiucd tcm time foot of louglus stuect tumutier time now hm-iihgo , tutu stripiueti to the waist. A twcuutv-four. foci. 0 ring \i'tm'i imimmuked out , tmmmml two fellow typms acted as secomid3. Iii size timid wcigimt timoy 0 is'erc ci'ettly immumtcimed. 'lime Ilrmut nutml setiommtl rounds hmuougimt umo U huau'tim to tmmtiuer mf time couimhmmmtimuu Is. 'Jim u t hi ru I ) WitS time decisive. No. I mhuuucoi'uring the fmuet timiit No. 9 ivmis emumiiy iviumded , ii c'mm.lt ii uuui a 0 lmeai'.V blots' uuutlcr t lie iuoturt , moitoivimig It. imp I. ) im-itim ummmotlmur uumdttr Ilto car It crmilcml limo light. No. 2 was done for. liofehl hike a hog toud It initmhm'cd time ccmumubluued eli'orts of time 0 slmectmmtors to icvlvc iulmrm. I'z-uumters imurrieui fou wuter : as timey imuver hmuri-icul for tiummt 0 bevemugmi bofoic. No. 9 was ruimbed atmul soused mimimi symtsiucml umnd chafed uuutii Imu mo- 0 gmiimod : ( 'oImMCnuMmeuil ! , 'I'Imt , iturt thmcuu cimmtmo j UI ) limb time city mmgttbn. lliiuuiiuihh h uullirotiuug. \\'ASIIINOTIx , July 25.-hlandall Is iurogess- ; hug satisfactorily. lie left his bed for a short titumo tiuia morning nimmi. is gatiueriiug S strouugthu rapidly. Ii ChiLdren Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. y 0r fls.by wu sici , r g&v. her C&atorl. When .ho a Citld , she cried for Cmmstoris , ii 'h' she became MIsS. bo clung to OmIstorla , ii , benshoLa4ChildnsogvuthomCatprI. . . . . ' . 0 1HE UIS.NAVYI Tile Misfortunes of a ' 'Powder ' Mon key11' ' A Story oi an tuuuahux Mntt ( hunt Vsl 'L'OvO lumtercstlng.-iIhs 14o81 Ileuiriumg llognlnetl. . Tiwre hlies lit ( Immuhiti to-iay ( a immami is lie tivcumtt' y'mr-u : ago i.is whumut lu termutt'tl out henri ! ii utullim 4' t tvlmr , mi iotisr imioiik e'y. 'hIt ii ulmit le of mm ic.it him' tumtiiukt'y , tt'u u ummiiert mmmiii It , is t Stuhipil' Ltmiiuulmi nit 10mm trout t lie iimagtmzhuim ) Rut S itmrt S im t lit' gutumiirs t'hi 110 lum umetiuuu , 'l'lto luitum i'm. t'rreil to uommt Imiti ) S ho I 'uult ui htitt CS imtivy tvimt'ti limit mm boy iututg iigt'ul at iimttt tint , ttiiy 1 4 t-t'trs , umiol I tt hits c.r-lrui ott t itui SvCrt % sIt Ips lt I rmtvt'lu'I evetI I lumnisaumulmu o I in ties of ticetti imitti imti'u Iti ) im 1mm urn ny t'vq-v itrt , 1mm t ito vu'rhml 0111 ! imi'4 u'x lu'ritlm.'m'u' ' ittiti huh liii ii gu'oil , ulzu-ml i-ohmuiuit' numd i mm mike very Iumt ereal 11mg ream % liii : . 'limo gemttlcuumamm rctcurm'ih to Is Y4V ? rr I' / , M tuu. u' . MtTtul lovit , uIATIeuu. wimoso Plicit oi hutusluit's' . Is him moolmi IS , ilortilul imu lid Immm. 1 0 I mm ii ti't'tl tv M i. \i mitt imumws is aim ut' . I milItia suiltit I , i : lml t'x It'uiutiet' nmid bchumg mie mtttuiui ( cii for s 'iii' ' ( liii t' It Ii uI t- ) i mit titc'mvs hm uskemi htitmu to toil Imitti tmow Itvtms thmmtt imu him-it . I imum imii.tltmg , tu t huh u 1et , 'mtr. . , ii. ity , ii , ii , ' t \O % I h mmI , 5 hut I ltmtv regnuttemi ! mm ) h i'ttm'l hg ii gil ii ? I mt'o ) ' ( 'ii ' ii hi ! lint kmmtnv Ii , ho I ) tmtmtt tell ) Oii , htmt I immmmst ilrst tell lou how I iust It. ' ' 'II m e t Ice lit. t iuuir l rtmm's tutu sat , Iti'U for ii gOimtl ( lu itt , multi ! t1 i' t1 mmli lieu's enittlututemi hml mimirrtt1ve.'oiu i-Ce , ihmtlu. ' I is ms 1mm time navy ti a mt a tIer ) tittttktiy mmiy ii lit I'M it ttli i'tiltt ret ! tlummt I i huivmm mit S im.i 5 it m itit mmlml ' .1 hilt , , ( , % mu t imt'm'i OVL'i' ) ' 6hi.iimm : i'gui of t lit' tlm : mm utm mkeu mum mmwfuil ( Oticit 'tiiti umimul t ( ) Ii 5 iumutur itiflti uum thiutsi , tmmrmls It wtms t.ti'omiml emmi.ugh , to kmtock its uhowim suit ! motummicti. I tmtitmceui ( limit tuiy iii us tl'ei'u be- rotmituig mtlfc'l oil I iy t luc tilsihimu rgtt mit ( ho gumu iliii' ) amid i wetmt I t ) u I mm , stu rgetut ott 1 onnl , iv imu t utlil itt , , I hut. Imi , colt I ii do umol lmtumg lou' umie except S it mit I hut ii lmttt em. lt'.e cot I . iii lii amy emmrs. 1 6 lii 5i ) tutu to S hunt , i t it I utk , I own ( hue imutmrhumg of itt ) ' iIglmt ear. fttr : uty ruIru'ummi'iut fiututi tIme tiumiy mmii' left tar colt ) humiucti to gtoiVVum'o mmliii I lost I imu' itemiri it or It t'iit I u a ly. I ii lumy hmimslimemtu 1 tt'niel ( Otislull'utLIul ) uuttil hmtm vu liii ii an nilpor- I utuili 3 (0 ( Culttil tIl tiitie ef tit.i itttust , aitrisis In I lie t'otttmt t'y ttmuh I dlii coiminit t imeuuu 14)1) ) , miil I ltVeSum ittu I ltuu t I iiumst' immmui tw'ii , ht.zetu . o t thsliu tv.trkjmmg uumm Itt ) ( tutu , 1 tnt I lie ) ' t.titt ltmi limit ) tutu mmii flint tIme uiimtta ' tui rittluoli' uhstruiycd Ammul I ttt lii mmmmvt'r be alit , t , hme.r a gmulmu. I got utrctmmu t mttiutl S 0 Itemirluig timtim ommiy tutu , nub emit' , ii iii ! hi mm ii tihiotit mmmii iii mmp itt ) ' iuthnti ( limit 1 umuvct. , utiti itemli' ii gmtlmi iltlu ut'y ' left ear. I lii'tttttt' ni'iptititml cii isltlu ut You tig iii Ito is itt , Is totmnec1th it liii hr. ulcjo3 ( I tu time 1 ImmiulgU I hock. multi lie iii'rmtmm t tmcul. lie mmmdii. o I ittv lime ti . u ursa t imlu cutnumsal toim t 0 111t miiutl tutid I tu ( I t ( COtflO It I > ( mlii I lmtmiu' S hit' (1 icf or cx uitumino nl' cur mmiii sci' tvhitit Iii' otmit I 60 for It . I tuuily lmmitgimid tiC I m liii uitmut 6 hil tint go , uumt it toll setk ii tugo I tti ciii' ruiiituittmceti .iiiitlttmmgittg : tmmuluu miii I tveumt lii Inlc ( 'oy'ui ohilo 0 , humuvo it mittetide ( ( I ; iii' uxtuiolumtil : itmy ear aummi miiul tiiuut I lie tlrmtin ivtms itiltiot etmtlrtly uh'stmn'cO umtni Iimumt liC flit hut kumo'.v it u lii' cniuiml .lo mmti ttIflg Icr It. iutut tmmmmt lie ivoimlit 411) u hutut hue rimimlul for It ; imo lmemtlcd liii , ear tip , mmiii i thitimi nmtmtlo tiit aipumrmuttms to Pitt I iii it t mmt' tmr silt Ichi imli llmmteil I micro 511(1 i ratiO ! Ii ear mit otter , I Imeam'tm a 'mmtcim I Irk lmuitl oui. : fmnit 1ioutm ( Ito heft dir , tuaummetlmlumg I lmaml not dtmtmC for t'i''tity , years. I timIltgimt lrltmmits , It sva silth thu rmgimt tiar t lmonmmi It. umttt ! elesed tiumit ear Imp : tituS I itius i-cry umgtecttltly sturitulseul to hmt'Or It SCm' ) ' ltil lith vt tim I lie left Cmm. : C ) t COlt rse It iIi I I mike snub lit t it. tltito ii mmmli I becouum it necmtstouimu'ul to wetmrittg tIme uiplu.rmttutmu lit Iti ) ' eai. bill I will SOOii ( ) i'L'iCtOtiti tiiitt , I I Is 1i ) ' until fluid its 3Ott Calm t il cailittt ( Ito tuecti utt till Volt woithulUott Iclioty ( item i'mlR mmtiytimhmtg ltm Iii ) ' ear iunle5 I ) voulf Imumll It out , bitt If I pimil it ant I ( : utnutot humour , st I kept It lum , until Lhmu'ar itow' mmmi well as I ever uhiul. I uuium Veiy ftt6 I took toy frlrimmi's umd- i'ICe altO well. to sit * lot thumctor for Ito iimis tloiio for lute what mtlmuty nntuthrr huts tried to do mmiii ftmhlejL 1 it tim imotto tim'mii attsiiel , ivtthu the way lie treumti'd uie imumtl fsel tutmtisil.'d that any her- son timuit ltlacs , imitit or lierseit' luuiulor hIs trout imtt'umt whl I imuVcu hitn'o cumlusui to regret it . ' ' Time writer tlmmtuiktul N u. N tittlmuwuu , for his kind- Imesu tiuil uskod imhun whetimer lie wotmld objout tim lmavlttg lml Coumi'Citutttlott lttmhilslmetl hum the foruti of a lostuittoimial. Not utr uuhi , ' ' contlumlieti I imat. gelit heitiult. ' ' ) - . ) cttti Pmmtuilsit I t atmul Wifloiii 0 , tail j tist tmuiul fem lute tltut fLtht.uut Lu uiutyoumo ii immt uiutuimt time truth of It timettiti ) ' t'mii I on mmmii mit romtumi 15 I I cmlii btiliui- I img , tuiul I num cott rhumie tlmeimi that It lit true. ( li-cr ) ' 'n orul of It. 'lmy I culilil itot hmomtu' a s arul ti ltttmil salti i f I l'ui S lint Ott t lie left , iiulti of hilttt nuiul I lttum out I' , ' hmeamul it I ttuiis tI uteti y , bitt how 1 caut iti'tmu I t mmii light ItO ummatter vIutit side I mmiii ' ' ( tIm. SI r , ) imttltewt cs tiltovo stuited lu tttguted iii bumuliies utim mm imattur hut time I lemauul lnmtlilhuug at tlto etuiutu i ( lit iitlm timitl I I al'liCy St t't't'tM , tuulul Is wlhlhttg to coiobtirutttitimti imluovoto autyommo. TWIN'yY-NE ( QUESTIONS. A Fciv Syluiptoulimu oh Ihmucase 'I'hittt I'sIti v l'i'uve Sorhmuuum tm , Vutul. In ) ) 'Oit 1may11 iu&'mjmui'umt ilts of uiienttul deimmefu- stoui lOt ) 'oti oXpetlu'tmN ihngimtg or bmtzzluig holMes lum your client Ito ) 'mui , feu1 mmii tlmumtughm yotu tutiist uutmurocatij which lyIumgtlu.\lum 'uu'uJ you titultleti ti'itim mm. imnckhuug cough amid gomliral uicitultty ? Are yuitur eye.gcmmiouliy w'etik amid ivatery timid I u'i lutuni 1) l tmtimumtemi ? lieu's ) 'iulir i'uleo lutuve mi hmutsk , thick tuoulumil tiuuul Ii habit ! itoit of tWiltmgl I mu ) Oii i bremit Ii t1culitClmtloffetmi lie fmotti sotumu imumucomitmtulilu : , t'mmumo ? I I it\'t' ) 'iii tt dut II , olIutCstii'o ) imettdticlit' . gtmtr. ahi y locatul over t liii ( yt's ? I Sm yell Im iso I ti immtivk a it 6 ( flIt gmi fmequm emitly In time ( II tel I ( I , 'huimr ; yntm m t tm r. 'mu I ? t me i' iuu , , ui ) 'i at uiuus. u . of mimumeli mmul itt ytmiur btttit. ( ) I ttibi ( 1e'otmmmm , , Utllu'ul e I mous you r im . . ( tuimi ii's f eh stopjteul up. fore- imuti ) ott uo liii , Uiii' uimm'omigli ) ' ( tili mmmuttuht I it , 'ul : i me I mtutmty ! liii Ilzi ) ' . : n'itiai'l y it Ii cit itooulitg I . . l Ick numyt lit tmg otl I 1mm uliunt I toilS uii'i' ' 11 Ithi , du'ntt of tile titul every 'uligimi ' cii tinge itt teltmlmurmlu t.ro give ynim ut cuilil i it , ytul mmtmtiot'ui ii , ' , .u 'itmtmumt tl'Si ' rum I 0 lummuk tiltIl Flt ) omit imit i'tllim't3 ) , uuimlumtlty .ii iImImCtti 1 In ) 'eui I ise ii aumm lied as I lieu I mm mmiu weak mis ) ' ( uul item-ui limit umhiiui lit' ! ore tmuitl fci mis thmoughm ) omm wumtmmuid It u lIe I ) mro 0 'l'jmti abtIve mire , uilmu , , mt time zumtmuiy tu'mmmJmtOtus of cuitmuitIm : uuuui tim' ' ii'iIuitmIiuC ( ml iiuumg ttommljiiu. Not ( till ' mm'o Iii mm lmmtutiiu cii will itmtve all of I tmeuuu , html ( Vii' ) ' 6l11' till tiul ( 'I ! W ii I imtu m'o tu to ir imutmmn y of tlieui _ 'jima gi mitC r or muon , : 'ri.uluS iiJut hi ) hut. t.etmis , tim' ' ' iii' ' t' , lcumgeruuimu ) oUi cmmmiiitmoum. 'h'lmIs elmutus flu ill-east' Is ti't'titu'mi icr ) ' simcccisfuihiy by I ) m. Ii at 'y or his um'umuouhmitos 'I ii. . ' uttumny cmm 05 ri'- lint I cii t it uottgiu II me oi mitti his of timu , ltmi I ) ' pmulmers iii ( ie's I ii him antI cacti uttute'itlt'ttt luitbl hsit.'mh tut 'utihi' stituel iii V tn salute uuu $ gI mi-ui b ) ' I it , , Ilium It Ut eLi it il , I ii' . ) I el 'ml ) uitiuh hmitu mmsot'immtos ltiio no ecrei 1mM. S iii Ill 5. liii I cit ro 0 lu4i'ttii ) hI ) ' theIr sktI I fuuh cotuitl- umtitiomm of time haitI kttt ivjm meutmtuhl.us , ii piult.uI ) Iii t hmo itmoit timm'oi'et I Intl hour , uiuuml it ) ' ummul ti I ime hal ciii. ummil ott tt Ii u milul ) ' t CC Ott uttitmitcul mmilihltuulte's ) krmou'lu to I Imo imiut.Muoiu. 'I'imu' ) I huN jr.it' mu. stm I ( S t Imat sheik tom I iit'uuuseivuus I ii tluc tniituy Pa- (1dm ! S ( l um''ui , mmutml % iu' mi'iuml e 0mm r m'u'tmil'tmm Litmit timt'su , mliii ImeimI III mystu'h titus iii't' much Ieiuml a siuceetil I ut imi'litg dIsimLt4 , ivimicim few or tie otimeu tlvctnt's cuu duplicate J. CRESAP I1cCO1 , ( l.ate of IIelIta'Ito I htmiultumiNes % 1'It k. ) h-ut' tutilcil by imun iil CilAitJ.i.H tuh. .hllitlON , ( Lute of thto I 'iltitflilt ) ' of N.oromk CIty amid I lownu ii UniversIty , Wushmlugtoum , I ) , 5) . IbIS t)1F1Cimi No. 310 and 311 Rttmngo Building Corner i'Ifttoimtiu atel hlmirutny $15 Ounaumum. Nehm , where all ctmimmhlu c.tuueu art , treated with sutcu'us Note--ui. Citjmiltu )1 . itas . - - ) , .ioiftmum bsen resh. mltem I iulu'si Iuium for i ) m.M Coy , Iii ( ) uitmuhmiu for tituu itmuit year alurt Iii thu vimyskIumhm ii ho itas muuu'1ut tim cmii i's that have becim lmublishcl weetdy itm thmhtu hmiltrr. iuledlutul dii.ases treated skIllfully. Cotusmump. lion. lIu-ighmts Il'ueuuso. I Iibiieimsimi , ItitomunutmUsutu , amuti mmli I'.jItVutjK ) $ , , , . .til dI'uc'ue ito- thu sexes a siteeluilty , CA'i'4tltfthI ui ) NSifl,3'T1ON at office or by tumpli i. Ofilcu imomirmu-U to I I it , ltm 2 to 4 p. ja. ' 7 to 8 lit. , . tlmiimtia ) ' tulhico Imours froni U ti. nm. io't p. e. ( orjuMlt.ummheuleo ruaMli'es itromuipt ahttuimtbmuu. uhmiuuvniieuses crc tistih su"rt-tuifullly by Dr. .Itirdotm I huomugn time itlal I mutmimd It is tunis imossu multi for timoso imumatuit , in utmuik. ' lotum'uit-v to Iubtaluu t4t 1)i3jFi.jIOmth.1'1'i ( L .Iitht.IrMEfLm AT atisweedun ss accompanieiJ by 4 ,