THE OMAHA DAILY/NVBEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAK. OMALLA. THURSDAY , MORNING. JULY 2t5. 1888. NUMBER 39 * WATER FOR POOR ANDERSON The First Ho Has Tnstod In Six Long ? Days. MADE A MEAL ON A BISCUIT. Mrnxp.Archer Finally Gcln AC-OCSM t < i the IMIDI iHonctl Alan and llcnchcH Him l-'ooil anil Drink Other Nebraska Novvn. Anderson HnH .1 Chill. JOHNSTOWN , Neb , July 2V1 1 Special Tclo ram to Tin : lU.i' . ] At (1 ( o'clock thisuven Ing John Anderson win still in the well Last night he had a chill and complained o frclliiL ' , cold , but by rubbing his limbs am getting ci re-illation started he soon tillitd The new well is down fifty eight feet am Iho diggers aio al woik tunneling to the oh well They think they will stiiko In ubou three feet below the man. Fioni this tunne thcv aim to let the boatds extend out neat 1 ; across thu old well so as to form a platform Anderson says if they do this ho can conn to thorn. Tlio grrnt dnnifor will be Urn when they strike the old well it ma ; give way nnd let sand In 01 tlie man and smother him Instantly 'Iho , talk with him fiequcntly and ho gives then his viuvvs as to the best way to work In day ho asked about bis slock and wanted t know who was attending to them Whoi asked If ho would like for them to put a pip to him in the old well and try to gel food am water to him , hi" answer was "no " Ho sal It was too iisk } and ho was unwilling to Ink such chances for a few luxuiics 'Iho ma scuniH to bo in good spit its , and though tli chances arc against him , It ma } bo pos-mil to get him out alive. At 10 o'clock to-night word reached her that the tlL'gcis weio frightened out of Hit now well Just as they weio auout to leai- thu old one. Andoison told them thai hi hours wet o getting shoit and if the } luseue him it must be done soon. Hearing thh Atelier , as a hist icsort , wen into the old well and bega woi king again. He soon discoveied Ihcr was only tvvcnt } sue inches of sand an boards to go tlnough. After getting the san nwav ho raised ono boiud and gave Andurso food nnd water , the Hi st ho bus had for st dins. The first thing given him w.\ \ a wet rag then a botlle of watt1 nftorwhlcli a hard biscuit. Anderson san the wet i tig was Iho best thing ho bail tasted i Ins life The } h ivc let a i opo d > vvn to him an ho has tied it around himself , but the } linv concluded to wait for da } light bofoio doin nil } thing more. 'I lie Ijouu Pine Clinutaiiriun. ARM'Mmv Git'iUMi" ' . LONCI PiM1 , Neb Jul } 'Jl [ Special to Tun Hi i. ] The set-on session of the Long Pine Ch.uttauqim pi.ict cully came to a close } estei day , but the. oat n many of Iho IccluiefH and mombui still tenting on the giounds , uluctant t leave the wooded eldl and the clear , wholi soiiii' water to go back to their homes Th Mission has reached bcond the wilde1 dreams of the most enthusiastic So lit antl Intellectual were the Icetines delivctc this time thai the whole assembly felt lili Dr. Evans , of Chicago , the suporintendei of this Clnintauqua did when ho said hi1 night thai ho hoped Iho day would nevt como when Ihis assembly would ever win any of the "" from the east , lint won I always pick cm western talent. Tlioio woi well delivered lectures yesteidii } by Dr. M Cllsh , of Chicago , 111. , Dr. Dunn , of Hill dale. Mich. , ana Dr. Evans , of Clncag During the gioatcr pail ol tlio day ti different to.ichois were holding uxnmiimtioi of their respective classes. At II o'clock 01 of the best studied and host delivei oil le turcs during the session was given by Jol ; Askln , of Keiunoy , Nob. Ho took for h subject "Shelley. " mid like his address la } oar on "Victor Hugo , " it was perfectly su united with tno brightest gems of taught ' 1 his VVIIR Itccnf'olllon day , r.nd the pervh * began In the evening with an addtessl J 1) ) Stewart , the ohlesl and most prominci C'lniutaiuiua workci in thostatoof Nohrask Mr Stcwait begun by giving a shuit hu o of his connect on with this kind of woik , 1) ) Binning with the first in New Yoik. He tin piescnted Mhs Lon , of Hay Springs , Nol' ' with a diploma showing that she hail p ishl a very satisfactory exainln ition in the lite in y imU scientillo dep.u tinont of the gcnei Chautnuqua of New York. Tills IOUIMJ i quiio-fa four } cars' ntmly , and Miss L.vons the first to graduate in noithwestoni N biaska. Ho then pro'ontecl other diplom to a great number of the Hist anil secoi normal achohus for good standing in the ( hisses. Kusolut n is vveie passed by tina tpinbly thanking Dr. Evans , supci intention Ueoigo W Martm. piesidcnt ; J. I ) . Stowai loiuluctor , nnd and all the lectuters , teac ris and musicians for the eat nest woik tin have dpno this } ear and the good they Inn ilono for noithvvoHtern Nebraska by Uicatit such n gtand institution here. Preside ) Mai tin then , In a few well chosen word thanked ono and all for the amount of mte cst and enthusiasm manifested by the poop nf this section of the state and gavoasho Instoiy of the inception and giowth of th assembly The Hind act vvas the electing lt'V ! J G. ivan , of Chicago , BUpeiintcnde foi the ensuing } cur. 1'or t-jtnte liand Co W nee , Neb , July 23 [ Special to tl Hi.i : . | Saunduis has a candidate for nstn onlco in the pnison of Captain John Stcc wl o Is seeking tlio icpublican nomination f htato laud commissioner. Captain Stem is good , capable business man , and served fo years in the tinny , coming out with the itu of e.iptaln. Ho foimerly lived inOmaln , ai about nineteen years ago held thu office city tic-usurer there. Later he moved Fiemont , and nine , \cais ago came to Walir. wheio has sineo rosnted. Ho survctl HI-VCI yeaisns postmaster heie , and was afte \\auls appointed postoflico i spcelnr , which position ho held for sovet } eaiR. 'J wo years njjo ho was befotothoi publican state convention as u candidate f the nomination for secretary of state , ai sovcial .vcam ace was up for the nomliintii for state auditor. Captain Stcen is a genii \volleducated gentlenian , well qualilied f the position. Ho is a Scandinavian bv birt nnd something of a leader among the Scum mivlans. The Bonier Stone Imhl. IISTISOS , Neb. , July 25. [ Special To ! gram to TUB Hi n. ] The corner stone of t Nebraska as } lum for the incurably insn was laid this afternoon by the giand led A. F and A. M. of the state The Mison fiatcrnity , headed by n band of mus imirched in procession and the Itnprcssi ccicmonlcs of the order vvcto conducted ' John J. Wemplo , past grand master , In t IMCSCIICO of many people who went to t grounds on a special train unit In carnagi Attoinuy General Lceso nnd Joseph Sco of thu public lands mid buildings comuilttt \vcio pictent. A. V. Cole , of Junlatn , e Hveivd n brief ndthcss. The south a inlddlo wings of tlui building are now 01 story high and the walla ofthulwoadi stories urn tn bo put up in the nc fmireoks. . The building is beginning inaUo u line appearance and people hciu a proud ot this slutu Institution Ciops hi Picice. Coiinij- . Pi.o.svu.w , Neb. , July ? S. ( Sporlal TUB Hr.K.1 The condition of cinpa lull Ounty 1 * veiy , cne'otiiaj'liig. , ! { } o is nc.ti 111 cut uud ulll be a t'COii } iclJ. Sau'.i t'rt 3f nil kintls Is well filled. Oats will yield from twenty to sixty bushds per acre. Wheat will avcrago about fifteen bushels per acre i fc- ; choice pieces going twenty-five tc thirty bushels per acre Coin , though back' ward , Is making a very rapid grow lit , ami with an ordinary season will all get out ol Iho way of frost before fall In places there Is some complaint of chliu h bugs , but then is no great fuarof serious The ha } crop is Immense this year A great numhci of car loads of hnv wore baled and shipper last winter and spring from Plulnvlew. Wnlioo WiintH the Ihir.imument. WMIOO , NVj , Jul } 23 [ Siccul to Till Hn1. ] At a largely attended meeting of tin boaid of trade last night measures wen taken lo sccutc Uiu encampment of the nn tional guard. A committee was appointed li confer with Governor Thaver and other having the location of the encampment h charge , and to ofTor whatever inducement vvt ro netess.irv to seenno it Wahoo is situ atoil on thu H .t M. , Union Pacific am Northwestern railroads and cm bo reiwhei b } ovui v company nf militia in the state witli out a transfer Hesidos this there are mnn ; cxi client place-s near the city for an uncatni : ment. Cherry futility Tonoher * . VU.KXTISINeb , .luly 25. | Special Tele gram to Tin. Hi B. ] The Cherry count , tcachets institute is in session here with roll call of foi ttwo t , and many other teacl ers expected. The Instruclois an1 Pr ifesso McGcnlttc of N'ellt'h , Piofessor O'Sulhvati Prolessor King , Miss nmaline Pee and Mrs Helen Hoinb.v Great Interest Is tidngtakoi In the Institute under the able nmtiau'otneii of the instructois and .Superlntendeti Sptiks Konntl Dead in IIIn Wagon. HAsiisrn , Neb , July 25 [ Sped d Teh gram to'I'm Hri : ] John Miller , aged abon fifty years , an Adams county fanner , rctuii Ing to day fiom Juniata whiro ho sold a loa of hogs , was found dead In the wagon b another farmer n nn 'd Hnirtiu. Ho hud con plained of sickness on his way to market an at ted strangely In town. The cause of th death is unknown. Sheriff 15.itluss , the ac ing coroner , holds an inquest to night. Died on tin ; Train. UniTiiirr. Neb. , Jul } 2" ) . [ Spec ! il Tcli gram to TinHIT. . ) Dais } Tlo , ( Mri. Jennie T > lo who keens n bo u din house hero , tiled suddenly on board U ; Union Paeilic tiain tins nftei noon at Holme ville She had Just stalled fiom homo a fo minutes before to go to the homo of a frien in Holinesville The cause of her death unknown , The hotly was brought hero ti nlpht on the evening train. aiAOU A IMO MIST A III : ; . Fonrs 1'or tin * Safety of Troops Sen up the Skcoiiu. Orrvvvv , Out , July 2 i [ Special Tel pram to TUB Urn ] Theio his baen som serious blundeiing in forwaiding tioops i Skccna Poik , Iho si-one of the Indian u rising in Hntish Columbia , which , aucotdin to advices received from tin Pacific , mi icsult in the complete nmiilidition of the o' partition with the foico now on its vv i } ' up tl Slteena river. Too late the nulilia depu ment hero disunvored tint it hail male teiri'jlo ' blnnilt'r in the route of tr.insportiu the tioops up the hkeena liver , which h is be unitei taken in einoe * throng a country lopoitcil to bo vvnoll alive with hostile Indians , mini with Wiaeliester rillcs and strong ! } ( trenched along tlioi iver on the high and it ; pitgnable bluffs which bound itoneithi side. Tlio Nass river tonto would ha' ' taken the expedition tin ough a countrv n infest-d witli hostile Indians up to within shoil dial nice from where it was oxpcctt the first engagement would take place. U stateil by t radius iccently down fiom tl scene ot tioublo that the Indians aio ac ivoly pieparing to icsist an attack , an aio entionehing thoinsclves all along tl river , from which pisuion twenty India1 could wipe out thu whole detachment witho lear of losing a man. The 'Spotted" American. Ni vv YOIIK. July 2"i. l Special Telegram Tin : Hri : J Chailes Underwood O'Conne of tliis cit } . icpoited by a Quecnstown di patch as being shadowed by detectives , le hero for Iicland two weeks ago in coi puny with W. S. Kelly. He came he an exile for fifteen years. Ilia term enfoiced expatriation ended shortly befo his dep irtuto for Kuropo. Ho held the olll of head cleik of the natui.dilation burc. sovcial jeais , and is fiftyfourears of I\K O'Connoll s ft lends say 1m has not been co nectcd with an } of the lush societies f eight or tune } ears , and has oxpirsscdhn self as diflci ing w illi Parnell. Clerk O'Co nor , of the Giand hotel , wheio Capta O ( . oniiell has his bachelor quintets , s.i\s I trip is one pure ! } for health , He has h , fever , and spends two months evciy sunimi out of town , Tlio clcik doseiibes thoei tain's life ns u ( inlet one- , not even disturb' ' much by American politics , ccitainly uol ! an } Irish nioveinent. Mil-am Blhloy'ri Will. HOCIII--.TI n , N. Y. , July 21 [ Special Tc pram to Tin Hri.J : The will of the l.i Hit am bibley has boon probated. The val of the estate is not specified , but on good t tli 11 Ity it is said to bo { 10,000,000 , in re estate , railroad bonds and bank stock. T will leaves the testator's residence , valued 2iHiOK , ) , to Mrs bible } with an allowance * 2-lUOlla jour. Two neic-es , Mis Smith a ; Miss Atkinson , get M > ,00) ) in cish when age. Coinell umvoisity gets ? ! U,000. TV nephews get the land on which they 1m1 beun living. The residue of the estate is be divided by the executors. cil the Iti Kn.'l. Joi.iiiN" , N S. , Jul } 2) [ SpecialTolegr , to Tin : HUB 1 The big log i.ift was launch successfully yesterday at Two Uivers , in t presence of l.OX ) people. The construct ! ' of the monster was begun on February 2(1. ( is .VJ7 feet long , W feet vv ido and :15 feet diameter , tapering to 10 feet at the ends , contains 20UUU pieces of lumber , avoragi thirty eight feet in length , making UK 'JOXt.WO fctl supcrllcial Ills Iho larfc't Hliuetute ever launched , Con Ifinn Arrested. Cuicvno , July 25. P.dwaid Corngan , t old hoiseman nnd piopiic-tor of the vVi Side driving park , who slugged a man wi n loaded cano yesterday , was ariested U moining. Coingan promptly gave bail Jsuo. U was ascertained this morning tli the injuicd man was not in dangur uf d } li Tlmo Hrlnus Itlg Cliante-i. I'uiscRTOS' , III. , July 25. The dcmocrr of the seventh congressional district li evening nominated O. G. Lovojoy for cc gross. The candidate is a son ot Ccngre man Lou-Joy , the noted abolitionist. The luisfl Three. .Milllon-i. H\V\NA , July 25. Advices received he about the recent Hies at Port au Print say the loss by that of the Ith ins * , , was f 000,000 Tim Iho was of inccndUry oiigi 13-jlwecn 300 and 350 houses were burned. Wanted to Kill Ferdinand. Soru , July'iJIt Is learned that the o Jcctof tlie p'ot which vvas discovered Ilustchuk was to murder Princci Fcrdlnati Two of the ringleaders , HoguctutI nnd Ivn off , have been urrcstcd. GlndMtono'ti Golden Woddlnc. Loxiip.v , July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Gladsto celebrated their golden weddinp to di Tistlii'onia't In the shape of lutters , ) c gr.ims rnd intEonts i > oureil in upon them I the SETTLERS AT CAMP SHERIDAN Provisions of ConRrosaman Dorsoy'e Bill For Thotr Roller. THE PLATTSMOUTH BRIDGE BILL It Will Soon lie Itoaily For tlip Prcsl tlent'H Signature Status ( if Oilier Nebraska .Measures The Ijiiml Fight Again. Camp Sheridan Settler * . WASIIINUTDN HLHIHU TUB OMUIA URE , 51l ! Foi'iin.KN'Tii STHFKT , \V\siiisiTov ( , D. C. , July 2. The liouso has passed Mr. Uorsoy's bill fo ho relief of settlers upon the old C.imi 3hei Ulan inlllt.iry reservation In Nebraska i'ho bill will eonllrm the title to several linn hud seniors on the reset vallon uiul will pu xtiest disputes whieh h.ivo caused mucl vexation .uid trouble. It has been customary for eont'ress to order the sate of unnoee sur , nilttary reservations This action of th louse is adep.irtuie from the regular onlc which will set an important precedent for fu tuie congressional action , fliero Is littli doubt that it will pass the senate. The bil was slightly amended by the commissionc of public Kinds and , as it Ilnally passed th house , piovides that all entues or llUny under the homestead or pie cmpllo ; laws allowed by the district land o lices ut Valentino of lands within th limits of the former Ca up Sheridan militar icseivation , situated in township : il , noith o ranges n and tti west , prior to the rccaipt b , them of instiuctions from the commissione of the general land olllee , dated July2 , | ssi me confirmed ; provided that the person milking such tilings or entries possessed th necessary iiimlilleations and have sineo tli filing or entr } , as thu ease may be , full compiled with tin * law goveinm0' entries < like character upoa public lands in cases o illinif under the pre-emption law made upc lands In tills ab induned reservation Th limitation of tlurt\ months pi escribed b section 2Jii7 , levised statutes , shall not 1 on foi ceil 1ml pi oof and pa\ment must t made within six n oaths from the passage ( this act. act.Tin. Tin. n VTT--MOI nt imiDoi : nut. Tintontoience committee on the Platt mouth bridge bill has le idled an agicemon Tlie house recedes f i om its position and .n copts the senate amendments , which aio in m.itoi The bill will receive Until action i a daj or two , and then will go to the pies dent for his signntinc. loxmiPMi , os SUIII\SK\'S rouiiT nil , ! , . In the house to-day , the bill providing fe , i icorgani/allon of the fedetal courts I Noln.islv.i was icpoited fioni the senate. 0 motion of Mr Doisov , the house not com iirii-d in the sen.ite amendments , and umfeienco cominittee appointed Tli speaker named Hogois of Arkansas , Heinlci son of Noith Caiolina , and rullcr ( Iowa , conferees on the part of tli hoiiue. 'J ho nnlv ( | uestion now is whether t not Keame.v is to bo ictained in the bil 'I'ho < onfi-i ecs on the p.ii t of the house s i thiy mil Htand linn f ( r the Jlvo tioinl n. lined in the anginal bill .is repoited in Til Hi.u'-t dispatch last night The Nebrasli delegation will do evciything possible to n lluenro the confet once committee , after tl conferees on the p.ut of tbo senate ha\ been named , to give the th o places 01 iginall asked lor. cm lire rtxo NEiiinsivA i.vvii TITM s Mr Doi soy , who , smej the pissngo of tl tarifl bill , seems to bo permitting no glass t glow under his feet , but is rushing around i alivols manner to hcenio legislation on N < br.iska measures , has s < ciucil the p issago I the house ol bills perfecting the titles of It acies of land each to UYstlv Montgomor and William II. Tibbelts. The bills wet some time ago icpoi ted from the commute on pi unto land claims , TIM. I.AM ) HCIIITOVOVIV. . To the git1 it stnpiiso of everybody aioun the capital to day the house committee o agrk nltni o set nsulo its action of S iturda on the food adulteration and laid bills an agiectl to leport to the liouso one bill to pr < vent the sile , manufactuio and transport. lion of adulterated irtieles ol food drm and di utis and another bill imposing a lav i 2 mills a pound upon compound laid an icgulatmg it > sale , impoitation and export. twn l'ne action of tlio committee on Satui d.iv postponed until next December both f these subjects. Some of the mounters of tli coininiUto who are opposed to the agitatio of tin. question nt this session on ncco'in of the bad blood stined up ever n appealed to the speaker to know whothe liter a cominlittec has acted upon a measui and the three dajs dm ing which a motion I reconsider have ulnpsed , the lommitteo e.i sot usido its action. The speaker said th , this could not bo done ; Unit inasmuch i four cnli'tulai d lys have olapicd since la S itiiuhiv. the committee must stand by | i work on that dnv. It is foaied that the ng tat Ion of tills question iit pu-sontwill le.i Goitnnn } , Fiance nnd othoi countries to ft low Iho suit of this government and lcgii late upon the subject , and the legislation i those rrovcinments will bo for the oxclusk of all Ameiuan hog pioihiets. Membeis i the committee \\lio voted to icport the" bills to-day explain their action by savn that a gieal piessuroiis being hi ought ' bear upon them by fai mot s , and th it it not intended that the bill shall be taken t in the house at onco. The } say that tl \\oik of to dais simply to fm ify the fan eis , but itill i aiso a big row if thcso bil should bo called up for debate on the floor the houso. Puitnv S. Ilium. NehraMca and low.i Pensions. Wviiixoiox , July 2 i , [ Spec ! il TeloRra toTnrUu1 I 1 'elisions gi anted Neuraskan Inci case Joseph G. Gilbcit Holihcg William A White , Divenpoit ; Kohinson Johnson , Snnfoul ; Christopher C Cieac Kdgar Uoissuo and increase Charles 1 nglrston , Cieto. Pensions for lowansUestoratlon Humphrey Mount , Turin Incroise Wi ! lam II. Walton , Fontanello ; Alcv St. Chil DCS Monies ; Henry C. Draper , Okoboji ; . F Wood , Union ; Gcorgo M Hod , Wapoll Sheldon Tobey. Maishnltown ; John Hem aril , Pioils ; Lev ! P. Huntzlngcr , Afto Lewis ( iiiitnijer , Putnam ; Albran Mosiow ; John A. Drummond , Pillsbui' Keisstio Flovd W. Poster , Wavcrly ; Alon Abcrnetliy , Osigo. Heissuo and increase Henri Dunn , Cleai fluid. Mexican widows Maria 1. . , ( insane ) widow of Henry I Urown , Ml. Pleasant. Postal Changes. Wi iiiNnTov , July jjo. [ Spacial Tolegra to Tni ; HhK J The following Iowa poi masters were appointed todiy : Mattho Johnson , Iceland , Wlnnebago county , vii Ole Thompson , resigned ; Clmrlcs F. Alox.i dcr , Potter , Tama county , vice Uert L .A len , icsignotl. Postofllccs have been established at ; Dik Hitchcock county , Neb. , and William \ Ciouih appointed postmaster , and at Hi Hitchcock count } , and Albeit II. Haller n pointed postmaster. The jKistonicea at Jacobs , Dundy count and Uouio , Holt count } , will bj discontinue fiont Anrustn. Marl ; Lawton was to-day appointed pos muster at Darnall , Keya Paha county , vl Nelson 1) ) . Murui } , removed. \Vt njMTov , July 23. In the scnatoto-tli Mr. Cnlloir. offered u preamble and resol tlon recitlne the published statements th the Minneapolis , Sault Sto Marie t Atlnnt railway huf passed into the control of t' ' Canadian Pacific railway company ; th two railways control all approaches he bridge over Sto Mnric's river on the boundary line bc tHe < "i the United States ind Cannda ; that the ownership of Urn bildge Is also In the hands of thu Canadlat 'acitlc , and that , by virtue of this monopoly ho Canadian 1'nclflo lallway , opeiated It ho intciest of a foreign government , Is abli 0 Ignore and defeat the operations of the nter-stato commerce bill , and directing UK committee on inter-state commerce to Inqulri Into these matters , nnd whether any logisla Lion Is neccssur } to protect the interests o the people of tlie United Spates , and proveni 1 diversion of commerce from Its natural ant Icgitlmato channels and to prevent the mo tiopolbing of tralllo by a foreign eorpoia lion. lion.Mr. . Morgan asked that the resolution g ( over until to-moi row , as ho desired to otTei an amendment to It. So ordeied The senate then resumed consideration ol the nnvnl tippiopriation bill , the pendlni question being an the striking nut of the bil the item for the expenses of the commlssiot to locate a tmv } J aid and docks on th'j C5ul coast. Mr Allison moved to reduce the ntnnun of the appropriation from SoO.OOO to S10 001 Rejected Mr Mitchell moved to add to the clause i like provision for selecting a sight on thu Pa citlc coast , In Oiegon , Washington territory and Alaska , $ , 'i0)of , ( thoappioprintion to b > available for that purpose Agreed to Mr Plumb moved to reduce the appropriu tion from $ , " > 0KO , ( to $ lfiMM. ( Agreed to. Finally the amendment was rejected , s the provision was retained in the bill , moil tiled , and on motion of Mr Hogan , by Inclutl ing the Mississippi river. The clause no\ appiopriates fl\U.M ) for the expenses of commission of three ofllcois , to bo appointe by the secietary of the tinvy , to repot t as t the most desirable location on or near th coast of the Gulf of Mexico , or on the Mil sisslppi river , for a navy vuid and docks fo shipping , and for the expenses of soundin and surveying and estimating , an provides for a like commissio for the northern Pacitlo cons $ - > , UOO of the tlf.OJO to be apqltcablu foi tin put pose. 'ilie no\t vote was on the amendment t strike out of the bill the words "at least on of said vessels shall bo built in one of tli navy yards of the United States. " Tli amendment was ngtccd to and thu bill wn passed. The senate bill npp-opriating $7" > ,000 for public building ut Allenknvn was passei The Allcntown bill vetoed by the irciidut appropuated ? I < ) ( ) , ( OJ The ' entile then piocecded to p iss the pr vato pension bills on the calendar , and til posed of all of them 1'JT ' in fifty minutes. The scnato tlion adjournol. IIOIIHC. WVSIIINOTOV , July 25 The communic ; tion icceivcd in the house yestcrd ly froi the sect clary of thu trcasur.v lohuivo to tli use of the Wellaml canal and icferied to U committee on foieign alT.urs , was this mori ing refened to the committ'o on the mo chant marine and ilshories , with authority t repoit theioupon at any time. The house then proceeded to the consider , tlon of the bill icported from thu commute on private land claims. Mr binith of Arizona ottered an ameiu ment exempting Ariroua from the piovisioti of the bill , contending that It would prove gloathaidbhip to bona lldosettleis in tin terntory. They would bo compelled to rus into court at the Instance of land giant con p inlos , and oithcr surrender their land c p.i\ out their inlieiitatica in lawyois' fees. Mr. Cieary eonlonded that justice to th people of Arizona , Now Mexico , an Coloiado , as well as justice t the United Staten government. d inandcd that the pri\nto land claims in tli.i ti'iutor.should . bo settled , mid nrgned tin the pentling bill presented the best piactic. metliod of settlement. Mr. Thomas of Wisconsin npposed th umt'inlmcnt , asseiting that in An/ona tn most bold , reckless and gigantic schema t robbti.hud . been attempted in iclatio to land grants. An amendment \ \ . adopted i educing from foity to twont \enia the period of continuous occupane whicli shall bo evidence of titio owno ship. Air. Smith's ameiulment exempting A- 7ona from the provisions of the bill wa agreed to , and the bill as amended w.i Passed. The house then wont into committee of th \\hole on the Oklahoma bill. No irontlema was piepaied to proceed with the discussioi and the committee linmedi itolv rose. Several mumbors with bills sought t secure recognition for unanimous censer Irom the presiding officer. A couple c private bills successfully ran the gauntlet c objections , but no measure of public in pot tanco was passed , and the house tools recess. A uooicnuv One Girl Killed : iml Several Ollici Injured. NLYOIIK , July 25. An old armory i Kim and White streets has been used fc commeicitil puiposea for some yeais , thoup still owned by the city. This tiftcinoontl gallery along one side of the building cc lapsed and fell , catrymg down with it lh heavy folding machines and about fifty gir and women. Over t\\o hundiod ( jiils at women were at work at the time in the bull ing , and they fled panic strick' ' n to thostree An effort was at once made to got 01 those confined in the ruins. The \\OIIK \\cio sin k'kin.j and fainting , nnd shrieks in moans of pain nnd [ flight came from tl meek. Uloc-k's woio rigged up and tli \\ai\i of iemo\al begun. The main hall w : Occupied by the Mi Williams palntlnj coi piny. The Lovell M iniifnctuiing comjiai of book printers and binders occupied a wli gatlorj around the hall fiftocn feet fiom tl II lor. In the gullory were the live hca\ foMing machincb and tons upon toi of printed matter. The live heavy ioldii imu limes hank tlnough to thu flo of the hall. The floor j iolded and the ma ( ciushcd through to the ground floor. S' ' gnls who had been working at the imichim went down in the \\ivi-k. The icst manage to escape1. Mnr.v Hagnell , of Hrooklin , l.i dead , her hands cuitclung a pieeo of tt sheet she was holding when the crash cam Two other girls hod tallen in such av ; that the- debris formetl an aicli over tin1 hcaJs. They were unhurt. Mis. McDomi was badly bruised. Whisk ) Itcs Hunting Tor Gore. Lot ISMLI r , July 25. United States Mr shnl Uoss received a letter to-day from deputy ut Harlan ua } ing that ho Is in tl court housu with 100 armed men with Wi chcsters and will try to hold it , though tl wlnskyites are arming anil tin eaten to ha1 blood for the destruction of tholr property. Failure. July 25. Prank Ardrary , tl largest drnyago contractor In this city , h failed , and Judgments aggregating t0,0 have been entered against him His llabi ties aiuustimutctl ut between tM ) 0K ( ) at yjO.HK ( ) . The assets uro about tiJ.OLH ) . T ] cause of the fall me is not knoun. Dillon Ortlerctl Itcleased. Dt nt.iN , July 2. " > The exchequer court In granted a conditional order of habeas corpi for the release irom misiu of Jonn Dilloi on the giound that owing to Informalitii the county judge \ho bcntcnced him on a peal has no Jurisdiction to relicar the case. The Story tVns False. MosTiirvt , , July 5 The statement co talncd in n dispatch sent from Three Hlvoi on the 20th mst to the effect that fourtcc men had been droned in the Mattuwo river about fifty miUs abovu Piles , proved i have been cntiiely unfounded. flloro Vcllow .lack. AV VSUINGTO.S- , July C5-Surgeon Gcncr Hamilton to-clay iccelvcd a telegram fro Tampa , Fla. . stating there were two no cases or fever at Plant City , but none i Tampa. STRIKERS REFUSE TO Y1ELI The Buvllugton Roqulrod toMuko in Uuconclitlonal Surroudor. NO OTHER TtRMS ACCEPTABLE AssuraiH.-es Kccclvinl Prom the Unst crn Mun of Continued Klnnncliil Sujiport A Conletlertitlon ol' IJrot licrhoodH. The ISrotlierliooil Convention. ST. JosTn , Mo , July 23 [ Spclal Tele gram to TUB liKp. ] After two das of dt : L'usslon nnd vvrangllng , the meeting of th brothut needs of locomotive engineers an tlremun , brakcmcn and switchmen t Xoith Amctlca , has adjourned. None of tli high officials ot the brotherhoods were prev out , nnd the general supposition is that th action taken will meet with their disa ] proval. In short , It was decidetl by n iTnan tnous vote this aftei noon that all offers ( compromise on the part of the Huilini ton should bo rejected , and that nothing hi an unconditional sui render would bo coi sldcred. As vvas surmised in the mornln dispatches , there vvas n pressure brought 1 bear by which the four great raihoti brolherhoods will be amalgamatci How and wheto the confederation wi take place will bo loft to U Inothothoods in convention the brakemen and switchmen's ' brotherhoods to meet i September , and the ilremun's and engineer in October , with an advisory board sulecte ft nm iVologatcs in each older. There Is no longer any reiiion to doubt tin Chief Arthur was not consulted in icgardl the step taken , and that the men , weary wit the long light which promised to bo sue hopelessly lost to them , took matt'Ms ini their own hands and mot and decided upon plan of action. Hogo and Murphy , wl were so conlldentl } expected , did not arnv but their presence would have made1 htt dlfloreiico , as the men were determined There was an intuiostlng financial matte to bo settled , and that was whether the ens cm men , as the papeis had statetl , woi tired of paying their assessments to stipiui the stiikei1 * . This question was discussed i the meeting , and by a unnniinous vote ' continue the strike the castein men gave e presslon to their sentiments. W. F. Merrill , genoial manager of tl Kansas Cit } it St. Joseph , Chicago , Hurlm ; ton & Quincy and Hannib il .V St Joe , in i interview to night said : "Thuio has never been any such compr miso submitted to the men who sti uck Fo rnary 27 as that spoken of at the mcetin You may sa\ that the Chicago , lUiiliiigton ( Jninc\ will not consider a compromise whit means an } thing more or less than an unco ditional sun cutler In fact , we will eotnidi no piopnsition whatever shoit of them r tut ning to work at the old wages. Wo hir a full supplv of eiigineeis antl tlienian at aio as well piopared as over wo were to dri business. When wo took our now nit wo pioinised to stand by them , and this v pi oposo to do if every general ollleer of tl comp my resigns and tlio load goes into tl hands of a receiver , which is not at n likely , I can assuio you. Wo will stand 1 our now men at all hazards. " Trliils Commenced nt Aurora. Autoiu , 111. , July 3 > The court room t day was ciowdctl to witness the opening pi cucdings in the Burlington dynamite co spiiacy cases , 'llio case of Haureiscn ai Smith was taken up on warrants sworn eon on July 11 , dunging them with placing d } n mite on Chicago , Hurlington te Cjumcy trad on Juno 11. IXV13STGA'1INJ I .M.MIGRATION. The Contcressional Coinnilt tec llu ii Its Iniiiry | In Now York. NBVV YOIIK , July 2" > The congrossiom committee , appointed to look into the itnni gration affairs of the country at largo , beg.i its work this moining. Chalimtin Ford i Michigan , Congressman Mot row of Cal forma , .mil Hic'mid Guenther of Wisconsi were the only members of the commitli present. None of tlio commissioners of on gration were present at the opening of tl inquii.v , nor was anono clso thereto icpi sent C.i tlo Garden. Tho' first witness w. , a passenger agent of the Hamburg Hi of steamers. Ho gave a short description i the companj's business and said the cot p in } 's agents sell tickets fiom any point Curopo to tin } point in this country. Uvi-i man who buys a ticket has to picscnt a pat , port showing that ho is allowed to emigra and has not committed any ci line. The coi pany , ho said , takes gioit pains to Inspect n passengers iiitndorthat none shall con over who would not bo nllowod to land. Coverly was the second witness O.XMI ined. Tlie committee devoted special atte tion to the Mediterranean business done I his company. Ho stated that fiom Ibbli 18s" , inclusive , about tvvcntv live thousai Italian emigrants had been bioutrht lioio I his lino. About T3 per cent of the passcnge from Italian puts , ho said , i dimmed in No York. Aitliur Lcderer , passenger agent of tl Ked Star line , was nexl called His Hi runs between Antwerp and Now York. I said that from ISSt until lt > s" over ono Ini died thousind emigrants were biought this pint by his line. After some other uiiiinpoitant tcstimoi the commission took a icccss. Louis do Hoblan , agent of the Havre lit of steamships , was the first witness calli al tor icccss. Ho stated that the majo ity of the stceiago passengers w ! c-oino by his line are Swedes. The compai only has dealings with ten or twelve loc nt'cnts , and no tickets are issued to them bl ink His line sells vei } lew picpaid tic cts because tlioir rates are higher than in ether line The rite by his line is $ JO fro Paris to Ni-w Yoik , of which the agent i ccivcs ? j ( VI ICis } holds the age who soils the- ticket icsponsihle for the p.i senger , and if the emigiant is not allowed land heio the agent who sold the tick must pa } tlio company the return passa money. A. M Undoihill , of the Gulon line , sn that his line hail bioughl thus far in ! > about l.UOO emigrants , mostly Kngllsli , ] n Scotch , Hungarian nnd Germans , b no Italians. All cmigiant pnsscngc tue examined ut Quecnstown and Livcrpc by a govoininint officer. The majority p isscngers coining over on the Guion line lo points in the notthwest Theodore Chr.uler. the emigrant passens agent of tlio Not th Gerinaii Llod line , s.i that a majoiity of emigrants biought by tl line wpto Hungaiians They came on ] n paid tickets sold bv local agents , mostly the Pennsylvania coal legions. J. I. ICuile , agent of the Fabro line , slat that about one third of the tickets sold 1 his line weio pi cpaid , and about 75 per cc of these aio sold in New York. Tlio n lority of the Italian emigrants , ho said , we beyond Now York , Ho claimed that t Italian bankets realized very little from tin commission on passage tickets because t competition is so strong thai they give pj sengcrs llio benelilof llieir discount. Iho commission Ihen adjourned to I morrow. College .Men. MlKxi.U' , July 21. The Husincss HO catots national association today elect Gcorgo W. lit own , of Jacksonville , 111 , J president , and George W. ICIllott , of Hurlin ton , la. , vice president It WT decided hold the next meeting al Cleveland , O. lSiiriticttliif | * American AnthoiR. LOVIIOX , July 23. A bun pucl was glvi this evening in honor of American authoi Prof. Hryco and James Kernel I Lowell we the chief speakers Tlio queen and pi esitlc Cleveland were toasted. Another Irish M. P. Arrested , LONBOX , July A1) . James J. O'ICelly , t well-known Journalist and mcntbcr of pat 1 nient , was arrested Jioro yesterday even ! for oubnsoa under tbe crimes act , THU COIOHii ) DKMOCKATS. A National CoiiM-ntlon In Which Itc vnUors Are llsoil. Ivntivu' , July 25. The negro demo crat national conference convened in th rooms of the Hendricks club this morning Sixtj four delegates \\ero present. J Mlltoi rurner called the conference to order , tun in his opening address stated that ho hiv issued the call in compliance with Insttuc lions from the chairman of the national com mlttco. Ho explained that the call forth con fcrcne't ? had been Issued because ho be lleveii it was time for the negro voters t aosett their mulct standing , tit least of thu primary pilnclples of Ameiican miv crcigntj The elevation of Cleveland to th ptcslilcncy , ho mild , bail biought politlc.i emancipation , \\hlih was felt bj no one mnr than the negtoes , and they hail the hunt st nnd i outage to meet Grovcr Cleveland's at ! ministration half way. Charles II. Shclton of Granvllh Intl. , \\ns Introduced us the tempt tiny chiinman. Shclton was chosen b , the unitrurner democrat * at the caucus las night Shclton , In the course of his spcet li mentioned that Itiis through the aid o democintie soldleis that he had escaped Int Ohio \\liilen slave. He belle\cd that th confcrcnco would eventually be the means c settling the ncgio problem , unit it was th purpose of the delegates to hieaklmt th republicans call the solid south. Hesolutions cntloisingCle > elnndiind Thin mini were adopted by a unanimous volt The balance of the session was in cupied in a wrangle over the form ! tion of a committee on pcinnincti otganinition. The chairman nnnouiife the appointment of the committee and th dared the eonfeienco ndjouinrd until o'clock. The afternoon session was given up to discussion of the report of tlie tommlttoe o permanent oigaiiizatlon. The con.mitte ptcspiited nnijoiity nnd minority leport1 Thomas Drown , of Spiingtieltl. Ill , pn sunted the inajoiil } icjoit. which teeon nicntled Prof Peter H Clinic , of Ohio , fe permanent chairman' Thomas Foitnnc , < New York , pei manent fecictiuy , ami 1J Pajne , of Illinois , for seigcant at aims Joseph Hanscr , of Illinois , picsentt'd th mlnoilty repoit , which named J Milto Turner , for permanent clmiiman. Motion t substitute the mlnoilty for the nmjniiu n pott biought two thiids ot tlio delegate * I their feet and pandemonium leigncd C 1 J Taylor , of Kansas City , ex minister to L beu.i , stionglj ui'tied the elei tion of Clinic , that ne1 convetts to democracy should not I put in chaigo of the ship lie ch.unctorize Pi of Clitk , is | the "noblest Koman t them all " Gieat lonfusion ngain picvailct Turner llnalH oDtametl the floor , ami , n plying to Tajlor , called him a n itional 1m teen , which tlnuw the conf renui in a stal of excitement , and n genei il discussion fo lowetl. Late in the aftoinnon Uio piovioi ( | ucstion was moved , ami altei mini } uboiti\ elToits the man slint ol' tldiate tin ottlercd the soL-iet.trj to call the loll lj st.ites on the motion to substitute tl : minmitj for thn in.ijouty teport , wlnli1 tli dele-gates would use anil announce thui vote. Thogicatist tonfif-iun pievaih-tl i Tinner ilcilined to vole and asl < o I tliat hi name be passed , It \\.is neatly ( i oMoc when hecictaiy Plnminer announced tin the veto stootl a tie J'J for Claik ami ! U fc Tuinrr This annoinu'cinent w is the si.rnul for a npiistng that toi a tew minutes bid fair t enctuholm nnd ti.itnplu in tin' dust half do/en lepoitots at the pn'ss table 'I nut uas a wild tush tcnvaid Phininifr , and cm ol "Piand , " "riiluf , " and "Vou ic a liar wore roaied fioni all puts of the 1ml Filends of Chirk gatlioretl around Plumm j nnd tlio Tin nor men shook their ( Is angiily at Plummcr , tlcnouncing Ini in vehement and piofano toim Finall } W T Scott , the Caiio editor , wl \\as eot.spicuotisly ondctivoi ing to piotei and dofentl Plnnimer , was sti nek in tlio fat b } some one Tins was an insult that on ] blood could uNcngu , and Sc'ott die n to\ol\vr fiom Ins pi c.tet an selcctet ) ilail Agent Ogilvii- , t Columbus , O. , as his vl < tun. Muttci w ei e now at a white heat Local rpei t.itoi made a iiish foi the door and tumbled pj moll clou n the stihs. In the me uitiin Ogihie and h ilf a dti't'ii otheis Iwddt.uv their lireaiinsand blootUhed hoemcd mini nent , when a coloied police oltlccr luslied n ami , with assist ii'ieo , s'imcd tl Btruggling combatants into the il rectors' loom in the icir , \\hi'io tin InelTectively tried to "hoot ono nnotlie Scott and Ogilvio weio placed under ai res but the ollicer was pip\ailed 11)1011 ) to idea1 them. Chairman Slielton Ilnally dcelaii Peter H. Clark , o Ohio , as the ptinmnu incsiding ollhor of the confeience , whu then adjoiiinctl amidst confusion until o'clock to-mono w. ij Cabins antl Ciilor It.irrols. , July J5 An excursion froi Paris , 111 , under the auspices of the John 1 Logan club , biought a delegation of aboi ono thousand to call upon General Hiunsu to day. Thu special tiain of sixteen coarlu was deel.c I out with stieameis and fiom one end to the other , while the coae occupied b } the Tippoc.inoe veterans w. decorated nt each corner and on either ei with sheaves of iroldcn wheat , typical of tl lives of the oiglily two velerins within Tl fe.ituic of the train , however , was flat car in the icar , onluch \ \ , mounted a log c.ibin. Abo\o tl cabin , en a pole , was nttachnl a t hi barrel , on uliic'i two coons di < poili'il thu solves. Piotruding fiom the ic ir end of tl cabin W.IK an ancient countiy an\il , whu awoke the echoes along the i onto fi run 11 nois OwiiiR to the number of visito it uas aiianged that Goiicial llani'-t should iccoixo them at UuivtiMl.p.nK , ju buomlthu business pieuiuts of the ed St.Uo benator George 11 litiLuno , on bch.i of the visitois , delivoietl a congiattilatoi addit ss dcncial Harrison teplied nt consul' ' able length , lefeintiK to the k cuhin tl > ih ol the \\est , tl marvellous giowth anil de\olopmt of Illinois , and spt\ii ) ! in the highest piatse the brilliant civil and nnlitaiy icionl ol ( ! r oral John A. Logan , At the conclusion the spt t cli making , the gencial pass -tl 01 hour in shaking hands antl making the ] u sonal acquaintaniu of the veterans in t ] delegation The members of tlio hdg County Tippccamiu club were tendeietl special icception tins aftirnoon b } thu ol ct'ts and mcmbeis of thu Marion ( Joun Tlpiccanoo club. Ovei two huiulicd mi scvontv .veais of ago and upvvuids partu paled in the galhei ing. 'J In * Minnosotn &T PAIL , July ' > . The Ihst business I fore the prohibition convention this inornii was the platfoi in , which was adopted su Ktantinlly as read. The democratic and r publican parties are held Jointly responsili for thu liquor crime. H declines that the a nounced intention of the icpuhtican p.ut } remove from tob leco anil intoxicating bcyi ages the internal lovi'tiuo taxes , and mai taming a high protective tariff upon nrticl of necessity will result in cheap whisky ai tobacco ami hiih priced clothing , which opposed to tlio bust interests of the pcop : Hugh Harrison , of Hunnepin e'ounty , w , nominated for governor by nc. Initiation. Tl ticket was completed us follows : Sccretn of state , Peter Thompson ; tl ( .usurer , Jot H. Allen jattoiney ( juneral , Chailes U. Sh.i non , _ llciihlican ] Coiuotition. July 25 The republican sin convention ussen.b'.cd ' to-day with Hei Lewis Finch presiding ns temporary cha iriun. Motions to appoint the usual eoi inittccs vv oio adopted , after which the (0 vcntion took a recess , Tin ; Woalhur Indication . Ilcbrr.sUa : Fnir weather , Btationary tci pci aim c anil variable winds. Iowa : F.i'i1 weather , pteivded Viy loc rains , slightly warmer , followed Thursdi nfglit b } bt.uionar } lempurntuio , tmd va able winds , Dakota ! Fair wcnthcr , preceded by lee rahu , slightly cooler , vanublo winds. Another of the Ohlcngo Anarohlatlo Conspirators Arrested. INFERNAL MACHINES CAPTURED. Tito Prisoner Claims Ho Sold the Kx ploslvo to a Nebraska I'nrtncr and Not to the Im prisoned 'Men. Gnnsnillh Hcvlo Ijoclccd Up. CnirAoo , Jul } 2.'i To day another of thfl anarchists , who sought revenge upon the rcpie"-entntlves of the law In the persons ol Hontleld , Gar } and Giinnell , was attested. A gunsmith named Kudolph Scvio was nr- icstcd before da } llghl Ibis morning , and ls > now behind the piison bars under bonds ot $ , nOt > Ho Is chaiged with being the mail who futnishe-d the dvnamlto to the eotispirn- tois who Intended to assassinate- the three law officers most piomlnenl In Iho Hay- nmikut pio-tecution. Sevic nokuovvl- ctlge-s that ho has been Illegally dealing in d ) namltc , and ho has sold over , fifty pounds of explosives to v.uions persons within a } ear. Ho admits having sold onl.\ ten pounds to Chicago ini , and asserts thai ho never Knew or cannot remember who they vveie. Inspector Hon tleld says he has proof that ton pounds. If not inn re , went to Ilionuk , Clnipck and Chle boun It is definitely known that Suvlo bought on Mnv 'M fiom the Alnuiican Powder compiny in Chicago twenty- five pounds of dvtmmitc It Is ten pounds of this pun huso that has been traced to tbo tccently arrested tlio of assassins Sevic claims thai ten pounds of thu twentv live went to a fanner In Ncbm-dcn. On the thltd of June ho pur chased twenU live pounds mine , which ho claims to have sold ton fanner in Mlnnenotti but is unable to give his name or loc-nto him , Honlleld Is poillivo that Sevic was in league with the iliuo dnamitein arrested a few tins ago and mild them the explosives with w Inch thev expected to destiny Judges < ii iniicll and ( ! , nv. , Si \ Ic is a Molicnihin , twent.v eight } c us old and of Intelligent im- pe-.naiiie Ho mulct stands and speaks but little P.nglUh. Inspottoi Honlleld hist night captuied sev eral mfeinal machines They aio of zinc , four and a half or live inches in height , of lindrie-al . shape and two anil a half Inches in diameter. Inside of these cvlinders nro olheis ol equal height and about an inch in diameter. Thesu inside cylinders aio tilled with tliiiimite , mill between them and the outMile iovcling the- space Is Illli d with hiiikun glass , had sings and bioken lion. In the tops of the inside cvlinders fulminat ing caps arc plated , with fuses attached , In- "peitor Hnnllclil will not say whether or not tin so machines weio found in Sevie-'s house. Sev ic's 111 test was kept set tet until the moment when ho was ari.ngned in court this morning Meantime ho liiid been sub jected to vigoious pumping by Inspector lloiniclil. ' 1 he pioceodings In itiurl occu pied but ti few minutes and consisted of simplv putting the c.iso on record and fixing the blind hc-avv entfugh to hold the gunsmith and lontmnlng fuithcr piocccdmgs for u week The grand jury altcadv impaneled to take up thu case ol hovic s allived co con- spnatois will long bcfoiu that time , Ills ex pected , have indicted all conceined in Iho diabolical plot. Uhe police fti } that the discovery of the bombs , which aio doubtless tno piodnclof Sevic's h.uid woik , is an impoitnnl link In the chain of evidence against Hionek.Chapolc nnd Chleboun. ' 1 ho bombs were the inven tion of Ihone-k , mil their maniifnctitio by a prictical gunsmith goes fin In Mi sw the deep i laid eonspiiniy 11 is Ihought b } Iho pohcu th it mine of Ihesbomlis aio in exist ence , as theio U no oilier piobablo Ihcorv lo explain thu use of lurgo ( juaiililies of d.\na- nnte handled by the Hoheiniaii gunsmith. This afteinoun Sevic was catiicd wilh Hionck , Clmpek antl Chleboun befoiotho giand Jury , who immediately took up the ' ease. The pioceedings were ( .minded w'lth the utmost Jealousy. The first half hour was occupied by Inspector Honlleld In un folding to llio Juiy the details of the con spiracy. In eouit to-day Inspector Honlleld np pe.ued as prosecutor when Kudolph Scvio was biought in The Inspector said ho was the must dangeious ilyn.imiter In the city. Honllclil gave a full history of Sovic , and on his motion the case was continued ono week in bonds of $ T,000. "Tlietc Is i.o doubt of Scvie-'s connection. With Ihe eonsimaturs , ' Honlleld sad nub- ' seipienlly "i'ho identity of * tlio dynamite itself proves that Sovic is a filond nnd countrvmaii of Hi onet , Chleboun and Cha- pck. Tins comes pietty near establishing bovh's count ction with thu plot Tlio bombs liitulc fiom the dvniniite wcie of a dovillsli p tttein , and one of them inlghl have killed llltv nun ' liidieiineiils for conspiincy to commit mur der were found by the giand jnrv today agiiinst the loin anaiclnst consplratois. lu the moining Captain Honllold was on Inntl with the informer , 1'iank t hi-boun. Other witnesses vveie pit-sent , but Chhbum was the most impoitunt ono for the state. His stoiv was a complete confession of the plot and lie also told of the visits to Gilnnoll's ' and Gary s houses on July ! 1 and I. The state has his confession In mil and It in ex pected that Iho ovule wo agan st other con spuators is so complete as to unit tint con viction PACKING IVrmti'STH. Opet.itlons Show u Km ther Ilcdno tlon The Cron Outlook. Ctsiivsxn , O , July 2.1 [ Sjiecl.d Tolo- giam to Tin Hi r ] To moriow's Pi ice Cur- icnl will say Pa-king oporilions have been fuithcr roduc d the past week , the total for western pa K ng being 110,1 U ) hogs , against l.ri.OOJ Iho pie-ceding week , mil li < UOUO , the loiicsponduirr time last } ear , fiom March 1 to date , } , ? M , ( 0) ) m/alnst 3-T > i.otn ) u jear ago a diuieaio of 100,00) ) . The quality now imuketctlhows some dolorku.itinn al sov- cial points although Iho general avcrago Is very giiotl , 'Iho mogiusK of glowing ctops has gen erally be-cn " .itisfactoiy , Jn limited nro.u in the corn boll Ihcre is now more or loss need of lain , but then-is no suffering as ycl. and tins en p as a whole in maintaining its high pinmiso. With a snllleiuiicy of moistino and seasonable conditions other wise for n few weeks the ciop may bo confi dently expected lo equal Iho piodi clioti In Ivl , or to exceed it The present outlook appeals to bo for a ciop of about 1.150,000 bushels on a continuance of favoi.iblo condl- tiins Tlio past week has developed nothing unfavorable to the progress of the Hpring wheat crop , and its sttilUK may bo said to bo unchanged , ns a whole. Of the vv Inter wheat crop liltlo can bo said nt this Jtiiutino in ad dition to what has piccoded , ns wo have no evidence of an outcome other than the pio- vious calculation suggested. Ivcs Sued Kor n HoHi-d Hill. CisrisvAii July 23. ! } . jN Kotii , ol thtt St Nicholas hotel , sued Henry S Ivos to day for a I o.ud bill of f 00 incut red in 1SS7. Ives sat > thai the bill tdionld bo picscntcd lo thu Cincinnati , Haml'.trm & Dayton railroad. 1 his afternoon Alhei I Ncttor brought suit against Ives and bt.incr for JrSO.oOO. which ho dnims Is duo him on a sjlo to them of $250000 of Cincinnati , Hamilton &Iatoa ) stock. i * Killed hy u llnrso'ri Kick. / CiiKrKN.sKVyo. . , July 21 - [ Sper-ial'i'dc gram to TUB Hi nOn ] Sunday kst Kltnotf * * Dean , n jouni ; man cmplocd al the Post Poicheion HOI-BO association ranch , vvas klcKcd by n stallion. Ills Injuries resulted in death. Dean's family rcsld'-s In Kurgan , vheio his remains will bo sent . Colonel StovcrtNoti Dead. NBW Yoitt. , July 23-Colonel Jp.mts Htovinsoii , of the United Slules ( jeologic burvuy , ( Jivd to-day.