Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BtiE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 25. 1888. r
oi-'Kicu No. ii ! I'UAKij STIUIT. :
ttll\ertd by Carrlei In Any I'art ot theCltynt
TttcntN Ctnto I'trVielt. .
ii.w.mmv. MANAOKH.
J'.rMM. P ( initr. No tt ,
N. V. IMiiinliintr Co.
UUIIliomil Council HliiSs on Sou-nth I'lifO- '
Thn i-lt.v council moots this cvfiiing.
Yoxtcniay .1. O. Tipton Mild u Hroad-
v ny lot for'W. \ ) , Hnrdlti to un eastern
A htrpo bund stand is ono of tlif now
fctvtures nt MiinhiiUnn bewh , uwl ( Mon s
urciiOHtrii ( UM-oui'sus sweet niusic.
Work \MH bojrtin yes-torduy inorniii } , '
on the fdundsition of the new JIO.UUO
buhuul huildin-f \Va-ihin'ton ( avenue.
Final connections between the water
mains and the nrlilicial hike in Fair-
inount park have been niiido. anil the
wnter wan lurni-d \usterday. .
Tlie case of F. M. Guun . lor keeping
plundered horses for "ale , will lo ) i-allcd
before Squire \l\KZ \ \ at 10 o'clock thin
morning. County Attorney Duiley will
conduct the iirosecution.
About twenty Master Mnson , otn-
ployed by the t'nion raclllc in this
city , will"go over to Omaha to-morrow
nljjht to see Trtiininiistor liitxtur raised
to tlie inastor mason degree1.
The bilvor cup which will bo the pri/o
nt tlie coining .vat-nt race at Ltiko Man-
iiwti will be ready to-day and this evening -
ing will be placed on exhibition in one
of Uarknoss IJros- . ' show windows.
I'nving Uis ! begun yesterday morning
on Graham avenue. \ part of the
force which bus lx < on working on lower
Broadway was taken tiwny from tbat
job to got Hie work well started in the
eastern part of thecity. .
Mr. Sims snjs ho is wuiting patiently
for the democratic organ to produce
anybody olhcV suitement than its own.
ItHarmy of witnebsob don't respond to
its bugle call. The colonel seems to
" have twice an many shoulder straps as
A number of Odd Follows with their
families enjoyed the at Manawa
Monday evening. Special trains wore
run for Iheir accommodation. There
wore not a.s many at the lake as was ex
pected. Tlio o present had a very
pleasant time.
The funeral of tlie late A. .T. Mump
took place yesteiday afternoon tit -
o'clock from the rcnideneo on Stutsinan
ntreot. and was attended by a largo
number of s mpalhi/.ing friends. The
Herviccb weio M'l-y iinpiegsivo. The
remains were interred in Fail-view
The lire department was called out at
2 o'clock yesterday morning by an
alarm from'Turlny's ( lien. Tbo entire
department responded. The lire was in
n small oiic-hlory hoiuso owned by Mr.
Turloy and occupied by a family named
luilhor. The furniture \\asba\ed.aud
only the kitchen , where the lito orig
inated. was burned.
Great preparations- being made
fora proper celebration of August 1
by the colored population of this vicin
ity. There will be .speeches , music and
dancing at Mock's garden in the earlier
r part of the dav. itiid in the afternoon
n ball game at Manawa athletic park
between the Lafayette- colored nine and
the .T. J. Hardins , of Omaha.
The Rev. W. II. W. Uees states for
publication that in his sermon of last
Sunday he did not wish to cast any un
just rolloction.s upon the police force of
the city. Alt-o that ho is prepared to
stand by every statement of fact that ho
made , and that bo will , next Sabbath ,
reinforce , by way of prelude to the reg
ular sermon , the htutcmcnts made hibt
Sunday. To prevent a wrong under
standing of the reverend gentleman's
position upon the matters suggested , it
would be well if the o interested would
utlond that bet-vice.
Kd Troutnmn ttrrivcd home yesterday
from Spirit Luke.
Muj or Holier returned homo from
Avalon , AIo. , yesterday.
W. A. Burger , of Kansas City , is the
guest of Aldoriimn iCnollor.
U. W. Buslinell has returned from n
two week's sojourn sit Lake Okohoji.
Miss Louise lie Ilavon is visiting hei
friund. Miss Nellie C'otter , of Omaha.
Charles Curtis , a proinmunt colored
politician of this city , is in Indianap
Masters Thompio and Willie Tiptoti
Imvo returned homo for their visit tc
Mr. Simon Hisoman loaves to-day foi
the cast to purchase goods for the full
Mrs. N. OBrion and Miss MollU
Maloney loft last evening for Lincoln
Neb. , on n short visit.
Mr. Simon Eisuman loft yesterday foi
Now York City , where ho will purclia& <
u fall line of dry goods.
Mrs. E. B. Houintm is lying danger
ously ill at her homo , corner of Secont
uvonuo and Tenth street.
C. II. Maxson , of Iowa City , flnancia
Bccretary of the V. M , C. A. , is in tin
city , in the interest of that association
Miss Lnttn Lewis , daughter of a prominent
inont merchant of St. Louis , is tin
guest of Mrs. F. 1) . Moore , on First ave
Father Ignatius WoFsolling , of Richmond
mend , Minn. , brother of Father Adolpi
AVossolllng , has arrived in the city for
Bhort visit.
Mrs. T. .1. Clark , who has booi
borlously ill for the past three weeks , i
convalescing , much to the gratilicatio
of her many friends.
Henry Atkins , Dr. Laeoy , .Torom
McClintoek , J. T. Oliver and Dr. Brow
returned yesterday from a weulc's llsli
Ing trip at Spirit Lake.
H. T. Thomas has returned from hi
recent trip to Macedonia , where ho wa
called by the illness of his wife. MM
Thomas is inueh bettor and will rotur
homo in a short time.
The Very Hov. Stephen Lyons , O.
11. , of Cresion , went last evening t
Neola , where h will lay the corne
Btoin ) of the now Catholio church to-da\
Ho stopped over night with his con
frore , Uov. Father Adolph \V
O. S. B.
Captain W. A. Hayes , who rccentl
bought an interest In Bouquet's liver
Btablo. has disposed of it to a Mr. Hal
who took possession yostorday. Mi
Hayes lias not had very good health fc
BOino tlmo. hence his motive for rotli
ing from the livery business.
J. J , Malownoy , of Thayer count ;
Nobrasua , who is now sojourning i
Lake Manawti , speaks in glowing term
of the crop outlook in the vicinity i
Ids Nebraska homo. According to h
'mild statements , cornstalks are made t
do duty as telephone poles in seven
B. C. Harris , a well known grai
dealer at Lewis , Cass county , and W. ,
Woodward , one of the leading mo
chants and moneyed men of that plac
' have been g ] > ending several days i
v Manuwu. They are charmed'with 1
They ore brothers-in-law ofI. . t
Odtill , of the \\uUknoivii llrln of Odx
k 13ryuiUu thlij city.
Ho is Idontiflctl By * Hia Rola-
The I'ni'itly OIIPH IJpforp Atlcswiu-th
A llcmuHuilile < ; lly Directory The
I'liins I'm- .Mc'i-i-inm'M Illock
Tliu ISonrd of Trade.
Hti-iii | i Di'ntli ofn Ktrnuurr.
A iiinn of about sixty jciirs of ngo was
arrested by Ollloer ThoiniH on Soul h
Main ttlrcol Sundny afternoon while
wandering arouiul in a du/cd kind of a
way. UuriiiL ' , the evening lie complained -
plained of being sick and the city
physician was s-ent for , but could not bo
found until Monday afternoon. He or
dered llio man taken to the hospital.
1'ho patrol wagon was backed tin to the
door of tbo jail and the sick man laid
upon a Btroli'lu'i1 preparatory to re
moval. Hn seemed no wor-o than bo
bad been during the day. but jn-t as ho
wan carried out of the door ho gasped
and expired instantly.
Or. Soybort uas immediately siiin-
inonod and said that death was caused
by apoplexy. The remains were re
moved to tbo undertaking rooms of
Morgan. Keller & Co. . whore they wuro
prepared for burial. No ono appeared
to identify the bony and it was buried
at > t o'clock yesterday afternoon in the
potter's lieki. When arie&tcd the man
gave the name of ,1. Little. IIo was a
stranger to the ollicors and also in the
city. IIowaH shown all po-sible atten
tion by tbo jailor * , who had no doubt > as ,
to his recovery.
i'xCoroni'tHenry I'aul says that the
deceased was a blacksmith at Miacola.
and has a wife and two children at that
place. Mr. Kaul IB the only one who
claims to know anything about him. He
wiys that the man has been away from
home for some time. If this ib the case ,
it is probable that his relatives in Min-
eola will inquire into the facts in the
ca e and trv to establish his identity.
While Chief Lucas \\ar-a\\aitingan
answer from Mineola last evening ho
was a ] pr mchod by Mr. T. I' , . ( ones , of
"Kill avenue 13 , who said lie was the
father-in-law of the dead man. lie left
hero about a week ago to visit relatives
at ! ' ' illc .function , and returned homo
Saturday aiorning. Tie probably be
came demented and wandered around
until arrested Sunday afternoon. He
\\assoventy-twoyearsof age. He has
two sons living in the Hast , and Mr.
Jones will notify them of the sad allair.
It is possible that they will exhume
their father's remains and lay them to in some other place.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
A Horse Tlilcf Tnkoii.
About two months ago George Wcs-
ner , the liveryman on Lower Uroadway ,
lot one of Ins livery rigs to a fellow for
a few hours' drive and ha * not seen the
horse since. A few days ago Captain
Nick O'llrion , of the merchants' police ,
left the city on detective business.
Yesterday a loiter was received from
him , stating that ho had the thief
under arrest at Lincoln. Neb. , but ho
refused to come back without requisi
tion papors. Colonel Dailey imme
diately sent to Dos Moiuos for the nec
essary papers , and they will bo for
warded to O'Hrien at Lincoln. The
case was worked up with considerable
skill , and Captain O'Brien is entitled to
credit for the successful manner in
which ho rim his man to earth. Ho
will probably be back here with his
man about the latter part of the wcok.
Full line of sheet music at Counci
liluils Music Co. , ± 21 Broadway.
At I'olico Court.
Judge Aylesworth had his hands full
in police court yesterday morning. O.
II. Best. Dan Lawlor and Samuel Lar-
risen wore each invited to drop $ S.1U
into the collection box.
George Harris was booked as a vag ,
but was hold over as a .suspicious char
acter. Ho had seven gold pencils in bis
possession , and the chief of police baid
ho know whore ho had disposed of two
more. Ho could not explain satisfac
torily how they came into his posses
sion , and will bo hold a few days until
the police can find out where they wore
Jessie Miller was the next victim , and
she was chartrod with keeping a disor
derly Itous-o on Vine street. She wad
not ready for trial , and put up ifci5 for
her appearance this morning. A group
of live was then arraigned before his
honor. .Mrs. It. Boyle was
charged with assault , and the
other four , Chris. .Tohnton , Chris. Mil
ler , T. Custer and M. Gray was charged
with disturbing the peace. The facts
that led to their arrest wore told sub
stantially as follows : Mrs. Boyle lives
on Pearl street , and in going te
the grocery store where bho doet
her trading is compelled to pusa
the Main street boarding hou o , where
the other four defendants eat , sleep , and
ha\o their being. Shu states that on
several occasions she has been insulted
by them , and liaally determined to pro
tect herself. Accordingly , when "sho
went to the store Saturday evening bhc
took along a number of loud smelling
eggs. She was saluted in an insulting
manner , and then lot fly with the eggs
i One of thorn hit Johnson , and ho had
the thrower arrested for an assault ,
Mrs. 15o.\lo was found guilty , but sen
tence was busiicndiul.
Johnson was lined $9.00 , but took ex
ception to the decision of the court , and
announced his intention of appealing
the case to the district court. In thai
event it will cost him $100 to got rid o
paying a line of $9.00 , and the chances
are greatly in favor of his having tc
> ay it anyway. Mrs. Boyle went on
way rejoicing. Johnson's throi
partners in misery wore discharged.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur-
tubbings of the Now York plumbing Co.
A Mis-Dlrcotory.
The city directory just issued foi
Council Bluffb by D. C. Dunbar & Co.
of Omaha , is causing a good deal o
complaint. As it ib being used , 01
rather attempts are made to use it , it :
utter failure to moot the needs become !
ita moro and moro apparent. Typograph
a ically the volume is attractive enough
v but this is not what is so much dee
o sired in a city directory as utility. Ai
il inspection of its pages reveals the fac
that there arc hundreds of name !
11 omitted. Among those omissions ur <
' many of the oldest and most prnminon
citizens. Uyen the name of Mart liar
din , who carries a gold-heiulcd cano , a
bolng-tho oldcct citizen , is not to b
found in its pages. Ho js known to al
most every man , woman and child , i
the city , occupies au otlico at the com
hoti ! cand Miroly could not be overlooked
by any canvasser for a directory. Ho
ha plenty 01 company of all
phis-e" . Hev , Dr. Crofts pallor of
the Congregational church , -and Sam
Ford are among the neglected ones.
The list of well known citi/ens is' , in
fii it. almost long enough to make an
other directory. Kven Mayor Hohrer
has not his name correctly given.
Among the many familiar names omit
ted are those of Phil Armour. B. ) .
Austin. K , A. Averv , John N. Baldwin ,
Dr. .1. M. Mai-stow'Potor Beehtole. Dr.
Cody , J. N. CiiMidy. .1. P. C'awidy , J. P.
Filbert , lov. ! J. l-'isk , J. K. Cooper ,
Joel Hat on. D. P. Klchor , A. Ganc ,
William Galvin , Frank Gault , Charllo
Gilmorc , C. T. Horsier , G. A. Holmes ,
Lawrence Hoist ando on and on , the
the instances might DO cited where
men , wpll known vhro'ighout ' the city ,
are entirely overlooked.
Naturally this makes the directory of
no use , sis it is more unreliable than
the old one. It is also found to bo full
of the sins of commission as well as sins
of omission. It seem' , to have boon
the policy of the publishers to term
every man a laborer whose occupation
was not in the copy. Justice llon-
dricks in thus made out to bo a laborer.
.1. "VV. Crossland. the insurance man ,
likewise. W. Chapman is set down
as a photographer.
Initials are wrong and names mis
spelled. J. A. Churchill's name appears
as "J. H. " and S. Farnsworth as A.
Farnsworth , J. Dickey as I. Dickey. In
fact , whatever page is looked over mis-
lakes and omissions are noticeab.e.
Council Ml nils needs n now dheetory
needs it badly. There have been
many changes in the past jear , and
when such carelessness is shown in re
gard to the old settlers there is little
reason to bolioxo that imiiiv of tiiese
changes have been noted in tbo hist
directory. It does not show up properly
the population of Council Blulls. In its
introduction it stales that the volume
contained 7-Kil'i names , an increase of
nearly 12,000. and indicating a popula
tion of . " 0,000. If this bo so , with all
these omissions , the nuinl > er of inhabi
tants would show up still larger by hav
ing a correct directory.
II seems that the publishers of this
so-called directory should revise it and
get out another worthy of the name and
take up the copies now out. Unless
some such atonement is made it will bo
dilllcult for this linn to ever get an.\
support here for another Council Blulls
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & C'o.'s
loan olll'ce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , pur. on nl property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
remouil. AH business strictly conII-
J. G. Tipton htis bargains in real
E. II. Sheatc loans nionov on chatlol
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ol'ico SOI ) Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
The 'Merriain Itlook.
Contractors have been examining
with interest the plans of the new
Merrmm block , and preparing their
figures , the bids to bo handed in to-day.
The plans show that the block is to bo a
very handsome ono in external appear
ance , as well as capacious and conven
ient in its arrangomcnl. There will bo
eight stores running through from
Alain to Pearl street. The second Hoer
will be diided into olllces , and the third
floor has , besides olllces , a large room
for the public library and a spacious
hall to be used by the Y. M. C. A. or
other organizations. The Pearl street
front is to bo exactly like the Main
street front. There will bo two
main entrances on each street. There
are to bo numerous bay windows and
adornments , which will make the front
ages very attractive. The Willow avenue -
nuo front is also very attractive. At
each corner of Willow avenue will oo
stairways leading into the basement ,
where there will also bo two good store
lias expected that whoever gets the
contract will crowd tbo building to an
curly completion. The improvement
will bo a marked ono , and the block
will bo rcndilyoccupied at a fair rental.
The stores will bo 100 foot with line
frontage on each street , and the offices
there will bo the most desirable in the
Patrons of the Patnfio House have
none but words of praise for the atten
tion given them.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Good tea at 20c per pound at N. I.
Tibbett's , H45 Broadway.
Short on the Fvidencc.
The charges made that the saloon
men have been gully of bribing the at
torney for the law and order league
have badly weakened. The Globe beonii
to stand alone in these charges , and al
though it has promised to product
proofs , and been urged repeatedly to dc
so , it has thus far failed to make publit
the statement of a single one qf the
many witnesses it claimed tohavo rcud
to speak. Statements have been madt
publicl.\ over the signatures of Attorney
Sims , Dan Carrigg and F. J. Day
denying the truth of statements made
by the Globe. Thus representatives
of three dilTorent classes have come
forward with proof of the falsity
of the statements muilo by the Globe ,
Mr. Sims is the attorney in the omplo.\
of the law and order league , Dan
Carrigg is a well known sporting man
and Mr. Day is a representative prop
erty owner. The Globe keeps insisting
on moro witnesses. It has not producei
ono witness in its own behalf , and a ;
the other side has already produced
three , it bccms no moro than fair thai
they produce just ono oven a little one
for a cent in order to keep up appear
ances at least. It pretended to liuvo i
bushel basket full of evidence. I
surely ought to bo able to produce OIK
statement , over somebody's signature
a woo bit of an allidavit. or something
of the sort. The Glebe begins t <
realize the situation evidently when i
bays : ' 'Tho Glebe , while very siispi
eious of Mr. Sims for some time , had ivory i
very hard Held in which to eecuroeU
donee. "
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind and sympathizini
friends who gave us their assistance am
consolation during the illness and deatl
of our husband and f tit nor wo desire t <
return our sincere and heartfelt thanks
Mits. A. J. Bu.Mi' ,
G'liAULiij C. BUMI- .
200 acres of grass for sale , from tei
acres up , ono mlle anil three-fourth
from city. BKN MAIHCS.
i Stop at the Pacific House. The moa
t , centrally located hotel in the city.
i _
3 For Attorney General.
t , The many friends of Hon. John "Y
Stone have for several years boon trj
9 ing to thrust honor upon him , and t > ho' '
a their appreciation of his worih to thoi
. and to the republican party , by insle
i -ing on'the u y'of hit. name as a cand
t I date for meulber of congrcbb. He lit
[ 3 ZCsTlI3 W IBZHiUDGrlEi
J mM-m 9 i I K 11J If If B i f Ji n W i B i - _ , - m
METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods ,
Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto.
W .
_ . William Dmlrr Siodantapf to , ffardman , Everett & Fisher
Chy & Count/ REAL fiSTATE 3PIA.3STOQ.
M ln St. Council niitfli ,
o MUTUAL tire INS. co. u w York. ' No ft tf. Mtlo < n. - < u _ _ 1M14 St. Mary't Ay . CUQJ
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronaga 00
of Any Banh in the oitu. , Is Solicited. 00
STH , & A. D.Fasten SMOKE '
Paint. 011 $ Glass Go. Pcrcgoj & Moore'a Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. Santo Rosa. .
No. 8. Pearl St. RKAL.
Manufacturer of Fine C arrii ! i < s and Buggies. I nlways kcop in btoola lirgin'n > t 01 in-tiin
I have : ilwa.\-4 a full -took to select from. . . , ma'.e ' C arriageswhich 1 s.iM . nt.i\i < - \ low i. n > .
( 'till and cMtuuiii' . J'rice-i Low. i\n . t7 to ! ! ! j Pom-Ill sirc'cf. I am always readhow g mil-
stoutlj resisted all such pleasing pres
sures 'and stood firm to his decision that
congros uus not in lii ; , line. Now a
move has been started to nominate him
for attorney general of Iowa. Tlii.s
would doubtless bo a more uli'tmng
protler to one who has always been -so
ambitious and successful in the practice
of the law , Tbo.ctilous work which he
has done for the party in ycais past ,
his brilliant campaigning , bis lo.uilty ,
make it most befitting that he should
be recogni/ed in some such way by the
party. lie lias been a wonderfully suc
cessful lawyer , has more even than a
state reputation , and the favorable com
ments upon the suggestion of bis name
indicate thai ho may be placed upon the
ticket for lliib position. The delegate ? . .
from western Iowa wouli1 doubtless sup
port him solidly in the convention.
Prunes fie at xT I. TibbettV , . ,15
Artists piefer the Ilallctt & D.uis
piano , at C' . B. Music Co. , - - \ Broadway.
Owner.of yachts who intend to race
for the Manawa association jtuht cup
on July ; ! ! arc requested 'to call at the
Hotel Manawa before JUo'flock Sunday ,
Julj i'J , and enter their vaglit-j.
Traveler.-- ! Stop at the Beehlule.
It Is i\H It Should Itc.
The well known "Palace restaurant , "
100 Broadway , has pissed into the
hands of Mr. John Allen , and by him
been entirely renovated and refitted.
The popularity of the "Knronuan"
( Allen'b old place on Main street' ) will
be uniintiiiii''d in the new place. Ladies ,
transients and all others promptly
served. Everything lirit class. Nothing
objectionable to the most fastidious.
Give him a call.
lane ! Hull.
Omaha league club vs Council Bluffy
at Manawa Athletic park , Thurs
day , July 20. Game called at
4 p. in' . The 'motor line will
leave Broadway at :10 : and 0:40 : p.
m. as a special base ball excursion train.
Pare for round trip 15 cents. Dal by's
band in attendance.
There will bo a meeting of Labor As
sembly IWiS , Knights of Labor , at 8
o'cloeic this evening. Initiation and
other important business. A full at
tendance is , desired. Visiting brothers
cordially welcomed. Assembly rooms
in G. A. It. hall , over No. 10 Pearl
A Child's Great SufferkiiKa K rule it by
the Cutictira Iteraetlloj.
When Hlx mouths olil the left hund of our
little grandchild began to bwell nnil had every
nppcar.inco of a huge boll. We poultlicd It ,
but all to no purpose. About live mouths nftcr ,
it became u i iinnlng sore. Soon other holes
foiincd. Ilu then Imcl two of them on e.ich
hand , ami as his blonil beciimo more initl
mure linpoie It took less lime for them to
bleak out. A MHO came on thn ihln. beneath
the under lip , which was very oRi'iiilve. Ills
head wan one solid scab , dlbtliHrglni : ' great
ih-al. This was hi 4 condition at twenty-two
months old , when I undertook the care of him ,
his mother h.ivlng died when hu wus a little
more t linn \eu-olil , of con-uu.ptlon iserolul.i
of iouie' ' . Iln could walk u little , but tould
not ( jet up if hn fell noun , and could notmn\e
when In bed , having no use of his h.iuils. J Im
mediately commenced with the CuTin-n v
HiiMKiiiht.iislnethon'Tici'ii and Cuiici'in
ho\i' ficoly. and when ho hud taken one bottle
of the Ci'Tifi'iillior.VK.NT , his lie.ul was
completely curM , and lie was init > ro\ed In
everyway. We \ veroery initeli enconi.igcd ,
and continued the use of the Hemi'dles for n
jeur and .1 half One hole utter another healed ,
a bony matter forming in each one of tlii'e
live deep ones Just before heallnc , w lilch would
Ilimllv glow loose and were ta * ii out ; then
they'would rapidly. Ono of these ugly
bone formations I pieserved. After taking n
doen and a half bottles he was completely
cuied , and is now , at the a e of six jcars , u
sluing and healthy ihllil. Tim on his
hands must ulwajs lemuln ; his h.inds ale
Rtrung , tiioucliwu nine feaied ho would never
be able to use them. All that phvntcl.ins did
for him did him no good. All who haw the
tlillu before using the Cimi-UH l IlKMntilh- * and
seethe child now consider It a wonderful cure.
Iftlieabovo fa ts are of any tne to you.ou
nroatllbtity to u e them.
Mil * , n , S. DHIlif 8.
May9,16b5. 013K. ClaySf.Illoomlngton , 111
CUTICUII * . the gnut .sulii ( 'nu' . ' and CUTK-I-II v
SOAP prepued fiom it. exteniivlly , and VTI-
CUH t : : the new blood puriller , inter
nally , are u po3ltl\e cine for every foim of
skin and blood dbeuseitom Hlmoles to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. 1'rlce , ( , 'urit-ini * ,5)c ) : .
2."c ; IlKhOt.vKNT , tl. I'reparpil by the VOITKII
Diuiii ANI > OIIKMIC\I. Co. . Uoston , MUSH.
{ tirpenil for "How to Cure Sklu Dheases , " 04
pages , UO Illustrations , and HQ testimonials.
Skin and Hcalp prpsertcd and beaut I-
lied by CUTICUII i > 1EU1C.VTKI ) SOAf.
Sharp Aches.Dull'Ptttns. Strains and
Weakness imi.iKWii is O > K MIMITK
A perfect antidote to iialu and weak-
' 1 he tlr&t and only puyn-kHUiiK plaster. - > 'ic.
M. B. SNYDEE , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Discuses of Women und Children ,
J07 llroaowav. Council Uluiro.
MCBcoaduay Counell U luffs , Iowa. Established
IMJ. .
' ' '
i . .
Sl'HCI \liHilvpitlxi-inpnlxxndiiis ! , o tround
' | D Loan , I'or Silk1 , To KentWants , lloanllus.
I'tivlll bo liKcitcd la this column nt the low
intvofTIN : CCNTS i > iu : MM : r < r tiioiiratiu
- eitloii ami I'lve ( 'out1 ! I't-r l.lno Toi- each sub-io-
tint-lit Insertion I.OIMS iiilvvrtlst'iut-nti lit 0111-
oflli-e , .No. 1 , 1'onrl Street , lliomlu.iy
Couttell lllutlx. Iowa.
E.VrllAXONOuulotln Hums ui UnfiSn lute
111 It , It. uilil for ono lot nearer IHu.nluay.
Adilri'ss < ) 14 , II ollii-f. Ciiini-ll Illiilli.
\\rANTIJD A girl to iln lionsowoik.
' T Inquire lit Methodist ' , No. * > 0
I'k-tcliei a\o.
17 I , \NTronm ( ! for lent to Kentloiniin , fur-
- * nt-flied ornnfurnlshetl ; itas mid bath. Ad-
K. nil s 7 tli t. Uouiull Illutls , or U. S. lln-
Co , I 'ill n. un st , Oinahu.
1"TKUrSALlIClrtiadc. . Ar > | . | nch bicycle ; will
sell ilicap or Irado for n linrso.V. . 11.
UutU , Hi and Is I'earl sticet , Con lull liluils.
Fllt SAM. Tlioioiiglibred rain. Atldiessor
call iu. : W. HiouUwiiy , Council IHullH. la :
Fryou ha\e n stock of merchandise to trade
for land 01 city propi-ity wilto to Johnston
& Van fatten , founeil lllullw , la.
H trsis for rent. Johnston \ Van Pntten , .TJ
Foil PA 1,13 An open liuugy , nearly
now , to goo > l piiity on inoiitlilv ii.iyinents
A. .1. Miindel. No. : iil and .Uj llioudu.iv.
\\rANTIH ) ( Sooil second hand stoves , furnl-
tine mid en-pets. Will pay highest cash
price. A..1 .Mamlel , Nos ililund .li'i llroadway.
TjVU ) SAMJ-The best snTiTTfruit and vegcta
J- bio farm in I'ottuwattamte cimnty , two
miles fioin Council lllullft po-tnlliLo , at a price
that will hell it , on remaikably e.isy teims.
Title perfect and piop ity in good condition.
I'lishcssion glM-n nny time. ( Jood leasoii for
elliuv' . It. T. Illunt \ Co. , GiS llroadway ,
Council Illuin , la.
ri O HUNTImmodlalely , for the summer , a
i good linilshiil hoiibe. 10 rooms ; closet and
bath loom ; city water. Apply on premises , 81-
6th a\e.
\\7ANT To exchange Nebiaska or Wisconsin
TT fiuin lauds fur Council Hlulls or Omaha
piopcity or meichandlso. O. I' . McKesson.
\\7ANTnD-MocHs ot inercliaudho. Have
IT Omaha and Council HlulTs city propoity.
alto western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson * Clulstiau , Hooiti 33 ,
Chamber of Commeice. Omaha.
FOR SA1.K At a bargain , W acres near stock
yards , South Omaha , Neb , Johnson &
Christian , Itoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
COU. BTH A VBL AM ) 7 I'll ST.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity.
An excellent educational Institution , fuiulsh-
cd with all modern Impiovements for boarding
and day school. ' 1 he cc.idemlc year consists of
two bebslous , beginning on fie llrst Monday in
September and 1'ebiuary , lespoctfully.
Terms-Hoard anil tuition per htbslon , $75.
1'or fuitlier paitlculars nddie s Sister Superior.
St. 1'iancU Academy , Council IllulT1 , lu.
NO. 521 31 MST. . ,
D , H , McOANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t20 and K Main Street.Co
Thn Morris Type Writer Is a practical , well
made and llnely Inlshed inachlne , and combine- ;
tlie pcrtect lettering , fjeiut al iKiiment , and
lapld wrltlni ? of a hlu'li priced writer. The KIM-
UNrMIMKCyiiUAI'ir. tfiebest npnarattM made
for manifolding antoKUiphle and type writer
wbrk : iLOUO copies can be Uken. TI'l. . NVIUTlIll
supplies for Bule. 8 end for circulars. The lix-
ceislor Co. , Council IlluffMa.
Mention this vap
ioi * u6uGi4\s sr. . OMAHA , NEU
1HI1 ! .
Adnited fet
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specification * and intimates fnrnlMu'd for roinplt'to stpani planU ItCKdlntlun , lint ' 'nitty ' fi
antccd. Can show letters fioiu Uhers whein fuel Kconoiny Is o uitii Corliss Json i uiu ! > ii'
rftcn < iiM'rrs , IOIVA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Cast iaa 11 % FOR
s , Automatic Ilfyhetit Economy ,
lieptiir.i. Xcu > A Xd Hand L > | VU I SltnpUcItu and Dnrabllitij.
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTsIn. Telephone 1UO.
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
HRIRI INRI MF-- Hydraulic and Snnitary Kngineer. Plans , Kstimatcs ,
i DlnixlllDMNL. Specilicatiom. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Blufl'b , Iowa.
CIM1 TV RIIRHFAttoiney at Law , Second Floor Blown nuililiiiL' , 110
rllNLLY DUniXll Pearl St. . Council Hinds , Iowa.
mm UU tm BTT-r-n 1 T f M * * * " -M * M'M H KM * HM' * M * * MHHMMHMMBMHBMMMWHMmilvB HBlMMMMMMHV
Justice ol the IVacc. Olllcc over Ameiicaii KxpicsNo. . 410
N , Broadway , Council Blullh , Iowa.
QTHMIT Si QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in tlic State and Fedcra
O I Ull U < X Ol IVI O Courts. Ofllcc Rooms 7 and 8 , Slmgart Heno Block ,
Council Blullb , Iowa.
MA7FNDetltist' Cornjr : sta"1 Street and Kiist A\einic , Counci
- -
BluiTf , Iowa.
Hnecliillst In dlse.ips of ii-e. ; Uiir , .So o nml
M.H.CHAMBERLIN.M.DISS ( ilassi-- , \x urtti Iv l'n > .i illu > d I .it-
. . . . iiarh tiented b > m.ill atlur llr-it < nii-iiltatlou.
Olllcncor. Main stioot ami Ilioudway. lleslilcnce , ( ill ) Illull St. Houis to U' , S to S , i Jlntik , . ) .
toiincll llhitl.i , low u.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
Call uu 31. imOIIMCII , ffl ! § Itroudu'ay , ulicrc you will receive
Hut dull I rlt-c.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llors mid miili'g constantly on hand for ale
at it-nillur lucur loti.
Oulerx promptly flJAfil \ > y contract on hort
HliK k void on coiumlnlon.
Telephone III. fct'HLUTIill i I'OM'.V ,
Opposite Uuinuiy Dt-pot , Council Itluff * .