Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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it . . ' . _
tThoy Make Bomo Pointed Remarks
on the Court House Contracts.
The Corner Stone of the. Ilnating9
Asyluur to Be Itnld Tu Duy-I'Ight
1 Ing the PCOIlt/5-Mayor Saw.
ynr' . rlssnllunt.
1021 P SrRRRT ,
LINCOLN , , lily : t ,
' Public cantracts are of publu httorest.
There is no exception to the rule. They
have to do with the tire and diposittol of
public money. During the past fuw svaeks
there has been moro or less said in the dty
of Lincoln regarding the ehan wd ( : ondittan
of the original contract mode hetwcon the
comtnesionors ( and W. I ! . H. Stout urovid-
tag for thu creeuon of a new state house ,
lshother the ehangcs huvu been
wise nr unwko thu future alone
can deterrnhi , hut. It is certain
that they have provoked rulvarsn criticisut.
Thu stone cutters of the city have grievutlces
- and they tell them very polntedlyes foIIO
"Somo few mmnth4 Mnon the contract for
the erection of the i.nncnsutr comity court
house leas let to tV , H. H. flout , rdlhng for
rod Colorado sandstone to ho used hi the
supurstructurO of said building , the upper
atones to be ribbed of smooth face work.
The nbovo wore the eonditloas on whlrh Mr.
Stout reccivud the contract. Siuec the
letting of the contract the county eomiiik
.loners and Mr. Stout huvu seuu Itt to outer
Into contrwt No. . ,
"The commisslonera have allowed Mr.
Stout to clnulgo the qunlty of the work ( rein
smooths fate to rough hive work , and for so
doltlg the copunkslners have ngreed to pay
Mr. Stout a sum not to exceed ? , a cents per
foot , or equal to ytltrg , thus pay Ing hits trek
amount for a quality of work which cost blm
four ttmca lrss than would this suer amount
of work on the original eobtr act. ht other
word 4 , the eopuntssiotlers ore illahlllg a pres
I ent to Mr. Stout of about FI'1ONU. , liter hay.
hag thosu changes m11do Jlr. Stout huts in.
( duced the co11misstonrrs to rewind their
! uuticu en the original cocurart as regards the
red Colorado laud stone and adopt the blue
Ohio stone in tts stead , As regards the
fnl.ure of the Colorado sloe compuny not
ugrecingto Or not signiugthoeontr.lct for the
.tone , there waa Id the time tads
change wens made red Colorado st00O
on tire ems tit Lincoln. Thu question
to ho put to the public is svhether
I the county eouuntssioers bawo tie ; over to
rescind their netene on eorltracls hot ut pub-
lie expense at any time , 1f ao , wily cannot
the CottitilisiOtlet when they see an error
reaciud their notion on this contract where
l ml error roully door exist. 's'he pt.biic niinil
be the judgaa whether it is On error or a
fraud for the eonmksioners to make a pH-
vaLe contract with Jlr. Stout to pay hen this
amount extra ( or an inferior quality u ( mu-
tonal fold inferior svo k.Vhen the above
condition of attalrs was learned , a my payer
of the county ittid city who IS it stele cutter
by trade and who hw : been n resident of
this city and county for t v4 ° uty year ; ,
j tidied on the ( amnilssimlcrs and desired to
ace the contract , which ho chtiutll was
public and he had a right to examtna it If be
so duired , 'Phis privilege Iho geutlemmn
was deulod , as the county clerk old
county comullssiouers claimed It star
n private matter. In audition to the
above there was u Petition gotten up at at
the time the contract % vas to be let , nut !
? signed by a great uunly of the best hiLlte11s
and merchants and business men of the city
anti irr4ented to the colntnisslouers for their
. ' 1'liis petitlol ha. , bean wvtil
, z fully Ignored , ' 1'hk petition asked the citizens -
zens , nercimnts and tite pryers for their aq
I Fist ilce in bidding the contract to Iuunv the
Tvork dole iu tie city of 1incoin. We have
since learned hen Mr. Stout that ho has
contracted with the Ohio stone Company to
I have the stole cut at the Ohio quarry and
have it shipped here all ready to put la the
walls , thus dufruuding our uterchunte of Lin
r roll of n rmisulerublo mnount of money
I which would necessarily be spent here by
inechmdc5lnullaborers employed a cutting
stone. If the cotmnlssinner4 tvho hold oiUOes
of trIlst for the good and welfare of tie tax-
payyrs of Luu'ustor county feel unjustly
accused of a betrayal ot trust the public is
, awaiting their denial.
"STosa : CtTTnts Counrnb. : "
' e"IlxaR ST"Nl , I.AYINO.
t The cornerstone of the Iewvnsyluin for the
1 incurably insane tut Hastings evil be laid to-
morrow. The board of publlc hands and
buildings accompanied by General Cole , loft
this utterhoou over the lurlingtot to purtic-
Ipate in the exercises , which wviil be tinder
the direct auspices of the Masonic fraternity.
A large delegation of Lincoln citizens will
ulso attend. ' 1'hk home for the incurably
11150110 Is autonq the needed state institutions
of the state , nod its completion and dedlea
thin should be hurried with all possible
1 speed. 'rte bout-ti ws Ifl go froul hlastlugs t o
i Iteuruey to visit the reform s llool.
TI(1 ( : 11171 Ll : IN ti fli It % T11.
Dr , Nunnally , of Kuusas City , opens the
campaign on the part of the Liquor nod
Brewers' association .Ignhnst the prohibition t
party uud submission , tonight , at the go v.
square. Normally has ten append
ments before him , old will go ( rein hero t o
1Teatriee thence to Iastings , lie wvlll dived a
thou whit prolubition speakers at any of lii s
nppointmante , old says that ho will giv e
_ thatu facts and statistical problems to crut' ek
ki that will keep tlieul front throwing slush a
I either of the old uarties. Nunnnay us tll p
only public emu in the country who Is depot
lug his tyhole thorn to unss'cring the claims o
the prohibition pttt3.
wvut. ANawlit ; TO Tnr. COOIIT.
"Doc. " Porter wars urrntgned before Judo
liouhton this tuorniuu , at A o'crouk oil lb u
charge of nouultlag Jlnyor S.twvcr with ht
tent to lsill. Ile entered the plea of 110
p guilty , nod the preliminary hearing was ad
uulil 1 o'clock , ht. D. Stearns 11ppear
t tug for the state mid C. 1 : . Magoon and ii. G
Courtlmy for the delouse. 'l'ine mayor wa
unable to be present ovinir to the seriou
nature of the injuries he sustnhed ( rein th
attack , yet he is not c0nsiderixl dangarousl , 1
hurt. The evidence on the part of the slut
was sat Ii that it left little doubt of th
deliberate , malicious and cowmdl
nature of the assault. It ova
wholly svdhout pr'oyocatluu. Hut cv
deuce wens introduced to 'show that thu us
sallant ens in a condition of drunkenness
'rho ronsanable conclusion ( rein the cacti
n1ony Is that Porter assaulted JIr. Sawyo
beuluso he refused to nppOint hint to it ji si
Lou on the poaee force of the city , D r
Lowry , the mayor's attending phYsicial
testltltsl that sonic of his teethe were lees
coed ( rout blows be received , and that h
* was bruised about the hit Grout a hard kit
that ulmest made hint helpless. The witnes
1 could out toil just how beriouS this but
uuinht proe.
'l'Die court bound Porter over to answer t
the district court ou the charge of ussau
with Intent to kill.
R'illiam Cleasou was arrested thin mornnn
charged with ruuuhug gambling rooms in t }
Potvln black , and wall have n hearing befo
Judge Stewart next'rhurstlav. Ito is ho
for npp0arance under $ IW bones ,
Attorney General Leeso and Secrela
Lalub returned ( coin 'recuuuseb to-day , who
they yesterday attended the uxercises or la
hag the corner stone of the new court hou
at that lace.
The Lancaster county teachers will be e
tertnlnedVeduesday oening ut the .tca
omy of Music by the Lincoln business e O
loge. An excellent programme huts been a
ranged for the oecaion , to watch the publ
Is cordially invited. Scats are free.
Street puvIng is ugohn at a standstill , TI
supply of blocks fatted to hold ant. Sand
n scarce article. The streets nro torn up
every direction. Iusiness men two bull
l aunt , Visitors sale wry ( aces and eaust
ren11irks over theconditlon of thu streets , b
j vItlr no apparent effect , It Is certain , in tht
regard , that the ndlls of the gods grind e
cccdingly slow.
Tie city euuncil has taken up the toe
question , It Is time. Citizens have be. .
. Paying for treat llntlt for the table of u n
two Mexican. They did it because tar
could not do butter. Dealers here hove b
buying atoek for loturiees and dressing m
selling for tirst class meat. An inspector
neetled. ' One should ho appointed. There
no earthiy reason why the tables of the ci
should tint be served with n good'elea
. healthyclass of meat. Ordinary sanitn
taws demand 11
Iiyaluabu ! In taw nursery is TA
1tl.NT' $ SILT'/Elt Ai'IitiI-NT , whrclt
' readily taken by the smaUost chill. ,
' ,
nl 'TtR SiX YI.r11tS.
A Captured Ircirger I'nsses Through
Oltlnhn lesterdny ,
I'olice (9lptain H"nry A ilarnes , of San
, lese , Cui. pusselt tlu'oueh Onola yesterday
on the anion l'ucitle trnln Intving In
custody one ( leorge M I'nrkcr , formerly
cashier of the Sm : ,1040 National bank , who
about six yrursago absconded , leavcug ins
nrcounls short by about Parker
went to Cannda , Ieavfug his wife sod two
children behind hurt. lu a short tlnlo iufter
ward they jOhed Imo nttd far a year or tsvo
lived \Vitidsnr , opposite Detrolt , lttchi
l"ending that no espeeial effort was being
nutde to upprehnnd hiiii.l routoved to i'lens-
antville , a small town 1n Falrtlcld county ,
nllero he opl'ued u country store. here he
cOntin ued in business up to the time when
hu ens nrt ested , about taro weeks ago. Ills
diseovery was the result of n visit node by a
young 10110 named Normilu to the , lshbrOeks ,
a wealthy gouty living tit I'Ieasunlylle.
5'oui.g Norumu knew Parker by sight , end on
the first evening Itfter his arrival , u ) pollee
parlnnre , spotted him. lie Im10eduntely
cu ised his arrest und notitled the authors
tilts at Situ Jose. Captain Iunes uutriedt
ntely obhuncd u tcqufsitwu and went : rftur
his man , returning yesterday to Omaha
'rha urisoner tens very ntut'h del , sled , and
while he has considerable money in 1 could
cushy Nctib s amount of the sbortugeis
afraid the bnulc otdcials wlii not eOnQtltullo
the matter. II is wife and children are : , et In
Pieusuntvillc , but will Join hire in a few
(1113 $ , the furmer now being engaged in sot-
thing tip the bttslness of the store In order to
pc'rutit of her 1otvlug until uftcr : hu trial of
of her husband.
nn Abs"tute Cure.
Is only put tip in Ia1e two ounro tin boxes ,
and is au absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , ehupped hen 1s , uud all'skIn crop-
ttons , 1FI11 insittvely eure all kinds of plle.
Ask for the ORIGINAL. ,1H1ETINF : ot r-
MFN'1' . Sold by ( ooduutn Druir Cu , at 'J3
cents per boY--by mail l u0 cents ,
- - -
QUl I N OI'"rill : LAIU ,
.1 Chicao Irlle Startles the. lfannw a-
ito' Hy Her During ,
A small company' of eentlemen and blues
from this city' loft the Onion Pacific depot ou
IhuC .I ti um toy last ai , ht tor a dip in Jiau-
mvu , An early dintler hail been eaten and
the party on arriviu , at the bake repaired at
once for the bathing beach. shortly nfrr
their , arrival they were in their bathing suits
pad a oroniont butter svoru llothicr : abuut en
the surfuro of the water. Onlya seal' '
eons may of gentlemen unit ! ladles were „ n
the beach. 'rite still Dud not guno down uml
the light. along the shore 'ere rind yet east
lag their rags al'l'oys tits water. The spring
board was soon the feature far the
young mot of the pn'tyrund ; they vt'rc do ulg
fur out into the lake from it. "Came ; tad
dive onr'e , " said one of tie young 111011 to the
your , ludic5. To the suprise of the visitors
nit the shore the handvane fnrnt of onof
the young ladies seas secu emerging front tire
w.Uer 111111 upnroach the bong high beard
'p'ie beautlfnl svltite btiung runt svth its
blur trimmings , ntpl tie lady wit + w r" i
were 50011 well out outu the board. ' 'Die't
go out so far. ' shouted 11 lady on the shore
R'hen the end of ; the board svgs reuched a
gentle bending of the knees rents innde , the
hands tlit own to ether Over the hicuil anti
the spring war uuuhe. The diver disap
reared hcad 1ir t into the deep water of the
lithce , and came up n nnonent butter
fur from the end of the leaphug place.
.I grucorul swiuning ) position was as4uuled
at enco , uud a moment Idler the heroine of
the lake wvan among her fricuds again. Tale
ladies on the shore gave her a round of mp-
uluuse , and during the ret of the evening
she was the ceuh e of attraction both in the
Wuttee and on the shore. She is the hirst
lady who huts dived oft the high spring board
thus scusou. lice h ieed , who is prominent
in Omaha society , nhso rondo the leap for fan ,
and swain hrclt to the shore. The i eu fortn-
anco Is'us Cepested a lumber of times during
the ovening. It can well be said of the crone
puny that they srcre the most utimired of any
that have oeeu at Lake Manovu this seasell.
Stareh sticky-common -
grows powders
ders have a vulgar glare. r'ozzoat's is
the only Coulploxion Powder fit to use.
' 1711 : ItIALTS MAhtKiT ,
Instruutculs PJnccd ( n itecord 1)ur-
hug Yesterday.
J ( lEhlri dgo to V U bmdry , :1 hots , Flur-
d ice , tic d , , . . . . . . . . . I 1
henry sougw'1n of a1 to M S Lindsay , hots uJ
nndlubtk"1"f.nwe'sadUiv d , . . . , , . . , ro )
F Ii .Iolmson oral 'rile to.t John , lot ablk
1 , Newuort , V. ' d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T. .
1' ( ' iilmehaugh and wvlfe to U C I'atter + en ,
hlks 1 , : acid n , West Sidle , No. ; t , w d. . . . . 1,393
D I : i after ea and wife to ii A'nrp , lots 3
and 4 , blkiVt : $ L1e , No 3'V d. . . . . . . 1,10
IS'tlllam Gentleman autl wife to Ii 1'
ICulRbt et airs 0 of n w see. 04 , 1e , 19 , e' n
ofislltMyryvd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3o
0 Uamnann unit wife to C C Peterson , lo :
20,91 and : , b1I : JUeerga Il ho gs' odd ,
wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'0
is C 1'rter on and w tfn to i , t' tltzbdrt : , lot
ucblku.OoorgeIi Iloggs midwd. . . . 300
II J Davenport I0 N Juausnu , lot 'O. hay. .
ea port's sat. . , w (1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
J E lttlt'y anti wire to G eran , ant nl
nod a hl U lot lv , ilk It ) . E I smith's
aild , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOU
F M .laynes anti wife to ,1 w llarnsdate ,
lots.I anti 24 , blk I. Mayne place , w d 5,0(5) (
ii S Nortuu to ly Samltleld , hall tj a 021 ,
sir ii v29 , a'3 sw2J , in , ill e(1. . . . . . , 9,00)
It slander and wife t , , 'I' L Johnson , a ! i
0 V nnd neofaeandlotsanti7see
14 acres , loth and s II of s e I , and
u ; of it u 7 , 11,10 e , wv d . . . . . . . . 7Jtll
t C1V i'ltomusanti vlfotoAtuorteaull'nter
works Ce,10lets. l'lerenre , v' d. , , . . , , . 3,30
J T'1'honins Ct at to Anierlcan S1'titer-
t wur' iCo,1.lots. Fbaence , w d. . . . . . . . . . 9) )
I'5S'1'tomas to Auierhrun w'atcra'orks
Co , it luts , L'loreui e , q r d. . . , . . . . . . 1
Ii : t linrutou anti svlfe to t linrrington ,
o let 11 , bhk II , Ile lford add , w d , . . , . . . . . . . 70)
fl .1 II SYOhlers to If t. ltomacclnttt , lot I ,
Syohler ; I'ince , v d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4nl
1 : S blend mul wf ° e to Jelin Nelson , lot t.
t blk2J. Albrfrht's.tnncx , w it. . . , . . . . . . . 400
South Utiutha hmui Co to I' I passes , lots
iS and hi , hlx 119 Stith Omaltit , W It. . . . 1,0 0
SVllilnntCoburo and wlfr to 8 'lbritn , lot .
s 13 , Coburns sub. w d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71k )
s ! : ! '
e ' , ' , d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
, C Urustronis and svIfe to ti 8oleaon ,
, bsane's add , w d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9KIl (
0L .
L Tsvehtytliree transfer , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) t,317
y -
S linfidhng Permits ,
The following is the only permtt issued
yesterday tool Is in great contrast with the
bug list Issued the day nufereu
, Fred Erangi'llenl Society , ens and a lcdf
htory treat. pur onuge , 1)orcns ) , near
'J'wrftli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,60)
I' In unstver to causal qtu cti tn ,
u How easy and truthful to toll It's
A euro fir tutu svorst indigestion ,
k To take Pierce's Purgative Pellets.
t Tie police judge at Ifeheria shed a fellow
? . for throtviilg a btoiuu at a inatt svlu 0
n hurrahed for Ii11retsou.
u +
y' . Vt 1
Ing T
g '
u +
ty'n lit superior exeelleace proven In millions a
homes for more than is quarter of acentury. 1
r y is used by the ( Tutted 8tut.s 0overnment. E a
dorsetl by too heeds of the great uatvotaltlos u
thastrongest , ) rest su.1 most healthful , U r
It. ] t'owter { doesnot&.ntafi
I3 l'nmonto lime or shunt. Sold outp In C :
PltwlIIAICINO : 1'lWDF.It , ( ' 0. ,
tieiY lark. , Culcsgo. , . $ t. LOUD
'rlll LA-L ) O [ '
' [
pSt g. , . .
rtes. tHS O NLY-
[ 1rMcyr41 GUgTAI1TEED (
o.7lsrn-pc rpo QUGH
V R z S Sr. , , oUGNS ,
1u , ' 'x0pC 1t 1 s , '
a _ _ ClE/ {
mstD / 5x 5 'I PO , '
' Gd t lZrl
UNGS - . Said art ,
Sqd Or ci.t uldr$1 ptv skk3hr
r1 EIPi 1 1E0c (
Santa Able : and : Cat R.Cmure
rot' snie by
CTOOCllllan Drtw Cc' .
> tIT t
c yQ Si1 U AM DIES
It has stood the Test of Yesrn ,
La Curlnq all Diseases of the
. ' BLA ,
Q i. ITif ' Blood , Invigorates sand
disappear at Once under
KiDNEY5 itetenelcaltntlusace. ! ,
STONACK it in purely alaedlcize
AND as its cathartic properties -
ties forbids its ass as a
® l beversgd. It is plbas-
S eattothotssteandas
Eat -Rs easily taken by child-
rea as adults.
PRIG DOU.ARI soleI'roprleton ,
Or i it 1 1III.1.IUN D1aTilll1C'i'11U
Louisiana State Lottery Gompany.
incorporated by th" legl lature to ] ' .ls fur Id :
ueatlonnl and I hnrilubin purlxscs , and its Craw
chute mall' a part of the present State Constittu
lion , in 1Cn , by an overu 1aelmiag popular vote ,
take lace5and tnmmllyt.1uuesndlw noberl
and place(1it.SNI ) BiNtil.l. NClitll : IItA W
INOStakeplrce on eacitof theattterten months
to the year , and are all drawn in pubilr , at the
.academy of Jlusle , New Orleans , i.a ,
I5edohereby certfy , that we sttperr Ise th'
arysngeuients for afl this yionthly and Semt Aa
natal 1)rawtngs of 'flue I.onlslana State L.ttery
( ' 01npa l ) ' . and to person uian tue nntl cuntrul
the 1)rawhlgs ) tlteulseh'es , and that tldo .ante
are condncled with honesty , fan'cies' , nn1 In
good faith tewartl all , alb ! tt'e 611therize
the cunlplmy to use t lartles , with fac-
shatlea of our signatures attached , In Its ativer-
We the unttersigned lianks and hankers will
pas all ! 'rues drawn in ' 11de Ianislana State
l.oitetles ssblch may he presented at our couu
tern ,
it. Ti 1\'ALMSIJY : , l'res. I.oouislnua Nut , Uk.
PIEhIIU. . i.SNAI'X,1'res. State Nnt'l ltk.
A. Il.lldt'IN , I'res. New Orleans Nat'l Ilk.
CAIti itOIIN , Tres , Paten National lion ! : .
In lulu Aeadony of tunic , New Or
Irons , 'rutesdny. Atli : . 718S8.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1COCio Tichots at Twanty Dclhar
Eal7ec $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tcnths $ . ; Twn
tlcth $1.
II'ltl.1101'rdlklts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ; 7(110
1I'ltl/H OF' lOOAIs ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10)OI 1
h'Iti/F : ( ii' ,00i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1u
1 l'ilt'/.F OF 'i00 1i .
J I'Itl'/.1,3 or iuiYoare ) Iv )
b PIt1/E9 OF' GOA , are . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Ius
: a I'Itl/ES OF lfnl are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9ifk
Its ) Pit/l-3 OF ( It ) tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No
as ) Pitl/ES OF 755) are. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . a'ul ' 1
tCU I'ltl/E3 OF 2) are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lluu , 1u
AI'i'IIOXliu.tTION t'lti'ES ,
lb l'tlzesat1tilnre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Its ) do , : Alnre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ,1,10
lu ) do. 2U0nre. UVO
Txunlr.u , rlltzts
lrl ) do , 1c ( nro. . . . . . . . . . , SC1i1
1st ) do. 1t0ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V.J1
ii,131 Prizes , amounting to . . . , . . . . . . . ilaf'1)
Nut1-Tl.kctndmntn : , ; L'apitai Prize , are not en
tutted t0lu"ubtal I'rOo. ,
: i1 IiuI t'6l'a IIATYSor any farther tnfonnntlct "
te.irea , write leulbi7 to the ander.laued , eienriy .tat
to 7011 , reideuee with , ate , Ceuetl , street an
: : ulttber . , ' rn dd return mall dcttrery will ba as
.uteO17 your cuciodng an linruiupe bealtiig ieu
lull I. ! rrs.
read IYtiTAI , Ntn'xs , Expre.l M0ner Orders , n
Nu't yurk lixchdnie In orduatry k tier , barren , b 7
lixpre.s ( at our uxpeuse ) sddressed
M..t. utt'rn1N ,
Nuw Urteans , la. ,
or D1..1.11A1't'rl1N ,
I'ushlnton , 5.0.
Address Registered letters to
Icuw O11Lit tN3 1A'rloN 11. n t i ,
New erlCun. , ta ,
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are sit egnal , and that no one can posa6l , diem
what nhlli t er tstlidraw s t'rlie.
' ltE.11F.11111Italwlhatthit : Pnlmentoti'riresi
( it AItA\7'PIn ) lit' rut'It N.tl4) AI , ItANitb u
dew llrleau , ant the Tickets are slgutl 07 11.0 . I'te.
dentut nn fn.ttetion , shn.e charterel elihts ar
recognized m the bigheit Courts , n'rerure , beet
OX anymltetionsoranummuas , schemes. '
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TANSILCS ' Punch Cigar
\ tTero e thee
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X14,0 . No Otbe
I y 1101150 in the world can trut
trl f tullymakonachn ehowlnc
k Stu 1GPt One anent ( dealer otii fh
wanted In each town ,
' R.W.TANSILLbCO..55State St.Chlcaao
t ' To menSS'e can rnr
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the ( nub in our remny to tusks this oiler. t'ayme
' need not be mn4e Uul eermgnent caps Is ellecled , A
1 dress wbstern Remedy Co. , iioL WI. Omaha , Nab.
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Chronic Il lll1 .a Diseases , Il 1 t o a r n
c acian an Surgeon in Charge. ( /j / Y
itssisled by it lSInnUa' of Vontpelenl , Fkllll't11 tutd Etperirued I'Illsielaus itnd S urgeons.
1'artkeular.tllelltiouI liitill to I ) efoI poises , Icepsc ) I s of 11' men , 1)ileavrs of 11ta I'rlniuy and 'extinl Urglulu I'1ItaIo iliea' es ,
Dlseases of tlio Nt1 . o Is Sy strut , 1uiu ; and TJlriut illicit s , Surgicti _ 01ieratiunsr I:1l1 : ielIsy' or fits ) 1 r tits ,
( 'mac 1' 'I'aulort , Ids.
More money invested , more skillful physicians and sturgeons employed ; more patients treated , more cures elrected ; moro modern -
ern improved instnnnenls , apparatus and appliances than can he lound in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the
wrest combined , Lnrge.t and most complete Medical Institute or Ilosnital in the nest. Fifty newly furnished , tech warmed and rcn
tilated rooms for patients , three skilled pin sicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner , x E =
We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical flatteries , and can supply' physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult "s , or tvrite for circulars upon all sub-
ccts , with list of questions for patients ho answer , 'I'liolisande treated successfully by correspondence.VC have superior ads atltages anti facilities for treatiuJ , ' disca9Cs , per.
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged ohs ity , experience , responsibihity and reputation , should make the Otnaha Medica
and Surgical institute the tlrt choice. S
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict btlsines9 and edenUilc principles , anti patients here receive every advantage that art , skill , science
and human ingenuity , can bring to bear ml their cases. 'Their comfort and convenience wiilalt ays tic'aken into consideration ,
hound ) oat conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will dud ( lint tlue c statements 01 our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn
in any particular , but are plain unvarili.heli facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Makin a Specialty o f PRIVATE DISEASES.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated , Syphilitic I'olson removed front the system svlthuut mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vita { Power , Persons
unable to vklt us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or cypress , securely packed , no marks to indicate -
dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred , Call and consult us or send history' of your ca'c , and we will send in plain wrapper , our
L pen Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Glect and Varicoccle , with question list ,
ill' Itcrtotl 1'01' 1VI'itittg a Ht o14 L'pott Pt'it'itle , hpeclni aunt 'er1'otls IIseases.
i have for many yeart made a specialty of disease ; of the urinary and sexual organs ,'e become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently i receive sn
immense n unberof { otters from physicians and alllicled persons , asking my opinion and adl ice upon individual cases , For the benefit of each persons , i hate written a book ,
giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After leading itpcrsons still have a clearer idea of their condition and
can write ale more iltteliicntly and to the point. It twill therefore he seen that our object in writing these pages i , not to furnih reading loather to a class of persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the beneit of the many' who are eufi'cring to a greater or less eierce from diseases , or the sheets of diseases or abuses , of tie serial or urinary organs ,
Not a day pa scs but u e receive many calls or letters from persona sufftu m , rr from this class of disease. , ur their sequel , Many of thorn are ignorant of ale curse of the di/liculty /
that has wrecked their coustiuuions , thrown a cloud o'er their bright prospects and is shortening their day's ,
Surgical operations for the cure of h are Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , I'ibtula , Cataract , Strabisuuts ( Cross Eyes ) 'auk-occie , Inverted Nails , Wens and Defer
tnities of the ) lutnan Bpds' performed in the most scientific manner.
\Ve treat Chronic 1)i'eases of tie Lungs , Heart , } lead , BloodSkin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , flladder , Nerves , h ones , etc. , as i'arafysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) ,
Sctol'ula , liright's Disease , Tape 1Vorni , Cbcers or Fever Sores , 1)vepepsia or Gastritis , Baldnc : , . Eczema , etc.
I CIS E.A SES OF WOMEN , T1. 4.'I' a
Carefully , skillfully and scientifcally bthe latest and most approved methods , WRITE FUR I100K ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE ,
Dr McMenanly'has for ycal s devoted a large portion of his time to the sttidy , and treatment of this class of di cascs , and has spared neither lime nor money' to perfect himself , and
is fully' supplied sriOt every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery ,
° " = I A = = R = = T : = NT.
We claim superiority over any octrhist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whoa we have cured , after others irate faileduhtantiate ou claim ; , To those afflicted
with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say cal { and consult us , get a scientific opinion , tltn viit whom you like , and if you arc an intelligent person you toil { return to us for treatment -
ment and cure.
cure.Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , arc written for the benefit of patients and phiysicians who
wrhe us in regarU to case , ; by reading theta carcfuiiy hysician and patient trill have a clear understanding and can describe cases to us more intelligently , 1VRITE FOR BOOK
Address all letters to
l .
--oR -
DR. J. w. McMENAMY , N. We Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb.
J. Y
THE CROWDS that filled our store the past Week , is a certain proof that an INTELLIGENT
PUBLIC are aware of the fact that when we advertise a CUT P3ICE SALE it is BONA
' preciateI by or.r patrons that we Shall continuo the rest of tliiy month , sullice to say. . The prices
are one'third what your tailor would charge for a garment in no way superior either ill PIT OIL R
WORKMANSHIP. Our stock comprises all the latest designs and styles , all of which are this
' sh Con s make , EVERYTg1ING GOES in this slaughter. Not a single garment RESERVED.
Extra fine Prince Albert Suits , made to order for $88 ,
( our former price $38) ) now cut to $22.
imported worsted four button cutaway suilsmado
to order for $48 ( our former price $28) ) now cut to
Single breasted , verY nobbY sack suits , made to
Ir r I , 9rder for $40. ( our former price $22) ) nOw cut to $12 ,
t , Scotch Cheviot Suits , In neat or fancy patterns ,
made to ordlur for $38 , ( our' former price $20) ) now cut
' to $10.
. - oMAiiA
T1 ? sT = T'CTT.
N , W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Neb
CAC1.1ON-Designing persoiis , tekhtg ndvnutage of our reoata-
timn are atnstdntly stnrtiug hngus Iledlcsl 1'stablla11nicute to daoolvo
strani ers visiting the city , 't'hese prntendcra ttsnnlly disatpoar , In a
fear tvpeks , llesvaro or tltout or titelr maneorngents , 7ho Ontaha
Medical and Burglonl Inetitltt0 is the only estnblishecl Irdiual Institute
In Onlnha , Dr. Ilcllenstny , Proprietor , SPhen you nlalce up your lnlntl
to ylett us nlnko a tnotnorandum of oar exact nddrees , anti thus
save trouble , delay or inletukee.
All wool pantaloons , In neat stripes or checks , ;
made to order for $8 , ( our former price $8.80) ) now
cut to case.
All wool Scotch Cheviot Trowser's , very stylish ,
made to order for $10 , ( our former price $0.80) ) now
cut to $4.80 ,
Fine worsted Trowsers , in newest patterns , made
to order for $12 , ( our former price $8j now cut to ? O,28
Extra quality Taylors West of England Worsted t
the latest designs , made toordor for' $18 , ( our former
price $ d , ) now cut to $7.
a '
9 u a I st MISRI , PARLORS
arna. see - l .a a. 1119
t All mail orders will receive our pr mnt attention ,
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