Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Values Tending Downwm'd In the
Wheat Pit.
I'lictpiiulrilly lli'iivy
Jull-1'rovI | ( IIIH Continues Quite
Jtiilllsli-CiKtlc Open Well
lint Close Weak.
CIIICAOO. .liily il. ISjiccliil Toluprntn to
Tin : Uir : ' The run of forciKii news was
rather unfiivoralilc to tlio wheat bulls to-ilny.
Wcutfior conditions iiro brlKlitunlng soinu-
what niul UIP tone of the forulKii iniirkuts In-
ilifiitus tlio ilovcloiuiiPiit of an ( iisn-r fcolinp.
Coiitlni'ntal markets are stronger thiin Kno-
Imli , but ovt-'ii I'ontlii'Mitnl bii.voi-s scoin to
have llipli- wants pretty well nup | > li < ; d for the
pn'spiit. 'J'hcrc was sonio bniiiiK for for-
c'iyn nccount to-day , but more selling. The
local inarltet aveni'cd ! weak , though
there weio tunes durliiK th ses-tlon when It
looked as thouuli mi upturn was In order.
This iippcaranci' pro\pd dufoptivp , howovi'r.
Theiexvas plenty of wheat for sale on hard
spots. Oiitsldo inarliets weru fjenunill. "
weak , New York beintf ppi-haps the steadiest
of ana fai't ( liiLto rliwitif : of wheat and
Hour. Upturns show a shipment yesterday
nf lls ( Xli ) bushels of wheat and CJ.IKIO sacks of
lloiiiKxports from other ports were wmall.
Dululh hhlpinents were larjjo and Ineludo u
poition of tin1 grain boiiftht last week for ex
port. Hect'ipt.s at primary markets were
liberal , but not unduly largo , not nearly BO
lartro as they weru last year at a correspond-
nitf time. However , the Hcntiuientis bearish ,
and as neither statl.slips nor erop news are
positively and brarinjly liullish , the tend-
eni , y of values is down for the time ! bunif. (
The prime cause of the special weakness that
developed hero to-day was the practical
abandonment of the idea which has been
Kent-rally entertained by many in the. trade
that there was goniK to be a sipiee7e m July.
Wurmi , ' the last few minutes of the trading
session yesterday the July premium nar
rowed IP , and later on the curb .July K ° l
down to the level of Aumist , or nearly so , it
beiiiK offered at it'e. ! ' The opening ( | iiota-
tion thi morning was SOjtfi1 , or l4c ! above
August. Trading in .luly was not larne , and
thiotiKhout thu morninBtliudilTcivnce ranged
from 1 to 1P. The opinion gained croutul ,
however , that the fears of a deal or squeeze
In .luly mifilit safely be abandoned. This
cnURpil a gipat lot of mihcellaiieous wheat ,
bought in anticipation that the alleged .lul.\
deal would be carried over Into August , to
lie sold out. The effect of this procedure
was to weaken nearby futures. Proportion
ately the greatest pressure was at this end of
the market. It Was not until alter VI o'clock
that the market got especially downcast , but
about half an hour before ) the close the props
IHWO wa\ and a further break ot ' „ ! occurred.
July went to SOc , August to iV/fi-aml / Decem
ber to sic. Measured by the closings of yes-
t onlay August shows a depreciation of HC
and December of IJVLast prices were at
inside. The volume of business large
the last hour and light previously.
Corn was weak and lowi \ ; a further shrink
age in values amounting to liC"\He
occurring. As in wheat closing quotations
were piactically at the bottom. The feature
of early dealings was the .slumpiness. The
market was heavy as lead under the dispir
iting influence of unexpei tedly heavy re
ceipts Mi ! ears. At 15'fe-l."i'ae , for August
and t. > ' ( , ( ( ? -ir)1jc for September. .I. M. Dutch
& Co. and Baldwin came into the
pit with large buying orders.
This turned the market and it rallied
"hi1 , holding steady for an hour or two at the
Improvement , with moderato business. The
llrst half of the session witnessed the cover-
ingof large lines of short coin , but for which
prices might have gone lower. Brilliant
erop prospects and good receipts have eie-
ated a widespread bearish sentiment , acainst
which the bulls lind it impossible to make
Oats exhibited n further weakness
day , with u decline in .luly of
fully l > 4c , and In most other fu
tures of 'jira'.je. The speculative demand
for now crop deliveries was pietty well dis
tributed all along tlio line with seller August
and September in moderato request , while
the Interest in seller May was incrcitbed in a
Hlight degree. There were some outside
Hclllirg orders , ami to a further decrease in
the demand from .July shorts and moderato
estimated iccoipts for to-morrow was largely
attributed the weakness. The cash market
was dull , with light trail in ( r in No. U in store
at ! ! 0c , closing lower , while most of the
transactions wcro by sample.
In provisions the movement was again
bullish. Hogs continue to be marketed in
comparatively small numbers and
with no diminution in the dis
tributive trade. The market is steadily
gaining In friends and support.
Orders on domestic and foreign account for
cash proper ! } are said to bo umiHually largo
niul of many lines stocks are already light
and in some instances badly broken. In
to day's market speculation was nuilo active.
Short ribs led In interest , though lard and
pork received considerable attention. Hutchinson -
inson was the largest individual seller , while
buying was general. Higher prices wcro the
rule. The advance actually established in
pork and lard was ocy jc , nnd in short
ribs lOc.
CIIICAOO , July a I. [ Special Telegram to
THU liu.I : UATTI.K The market this morn
ing opened with good prospects. Receipts
were under-estimated and sonio early busi
ness was done in good cattle at higher prices.
Common to fair and pretty good cattle weak
ened , however , and sales were hard to make.
Hofore noon the market for all below good
catlln was lower , and a good many cattle
wore not sold. Hood western rangers
and choice Texas and Indian
cattle nio demoralizing the trade for all be
low ripe fat natives. The receipts included
'JsM ( ) Texas and western cattle. Steers , 1UJG
to i ; ( XI Ibs. , i5''C ( iMiO : 1'JOO to ItijU Ibs. ,
f l.tlOdKi.I'O ; O'lD to U't'O Ibs. , * .m'C'JM > ! stock-
iirs and feeders , $ ' . ' . 'JGi.75 : ; cows , bulls and
m'xeil ' , ? 1 : .0i1.rO ( ; bulk , fJ.TlHSiUO ; slop-fed
steers , J5 Bi ( J" lift , Texas and Indian lower ;
for common steers , WO to 1050 Ibs. , $ 't.2. @
4.1.1 ; 7fiO to IKX ) Ibs. . FMK'Sa.li5 ( ; 003 toiOOlbs. ,
& ! . ( : ; COUH , tl ! ) < , „ ' .T : > ; .Montana Tux-
ans. llTOlbs. , fl M(3 ( , ' > . ( K ) .
HofiS Trade was active with an upturn
nf a strong lOo all around , best heavy making
J-iUiruritl , 15 , and fancy selected butcher
weights J. The bulk of mixed sold within
n l-ango of ( il. ! > 5i70. : < 0 , with common mixed at
tllfiUt.'JO. ( There was u fair demand for
skips at about fle.
KINANCIAb. Yoiiu , July ! M.-Special [ Telegram -
gram to Tun HKI : . ] STOCKS What littk
news thcro was in Wall street this morning
favored the bull Bide. The general sentiment
nlo tended that way , and the street was
lllled with pointers to buy Northwestern ,
Northern I'acillcs and coalers. Vriends ol
the latter say the Iron trade , which cuts an
important figure in the coal business , is on
improvement. Prices have struck bottom ,
they claim , and tlio next move will be an ad
vancc. London sent moderate buying order.-
for specialties , and took S.500 shares ol
Union I'aelllc. There was some realising
but the buying proved bolter than the sell
Inp , and during the morning the marlcol
showed considerable activity , sales up U
noon aggregating 17 ,710 shares. The open
ii ) | ; was steady to llrm. Omuhuvtis up
per cent. The animation , however , was
principally confined to about eight stocks
among which St. Paul , I.acUiuvanna aiu
Union Pad lie weio the most conspicuous
with Heading , Now Kngland , Richmond anil
West Point In' second place. The marhc
was strong ana prices advanced rapidly it
early trading. The advance was not to pro
nounced toward noon , but the market re
malned strong at the appreciation. Unloi
I'ucillo director * and Uoslou bought Orecoi
.Short Lirie f rcolv. There was nlso peed buyIng -
Ing of Union Pacific and tt advanced U , , but
reacted Jf. ttt. 1'nul was Hat , but the short
Interest Is still \utne \ , nnd thera wi\s enough
bujlnif to Rcnit prltes Up IV Heading ad-
Vnncuii Janil Lnekawanna 1'8. but lost part
of It before 1 o'clock. Ooultl stocks mid
Vamlorbllts were quiet , with fractional
gains duo to small ofTei ings. London bought
Louisville .V Ntishville on tt glowing state
ment bv u competent engineer , wtio predicts
higher priros for It in the near future. Its
surplus earnings ore being spent for better-
mc'iits am ) tlio property in every way Im
proved. Northwestern ( 'allied < on n re
ported Inrrcnse of $120.7Vi In the .lune earn-
Injrs. The market remained llrm until the
llnish , when closing sales were about the best
of the day and showed gains extending from
'j , to IJf. Total salef , were -'Mi.lj'O shares ,
( itHKiivwBNTs Uovcrninent bonds were
dull but steady.
Yl : TMlt.Vl' QI'OTTIO1. .
IT. s. < ri'KUlnr . IST'i'SortlnTii ' ' I'witie . 2fi\
I" . S. 4M < oupoin. . ,1'j1. iliipiefurrcd 57' ' ,
I * , x. I'.ftn-Ktiliir Uii' < c.X.W 111\
r. < . ' | K iHip < ius .107' , doprofi'rrrd HI' ,
1 'iv i n i fisiirav . . Ji'i'i ' .N. V. ( i-ntrnl lIHi'i '
Cuitlul I'.i-'lllc . .IIM I' . . I ) . Ar I ! J
( hlrnijd A : Altnn .1:11 : illivk Isliind 107
I lili-uK < > .lliitlliiKton ( . . M. \ St. I * T-'U
A ' .niliify . . . 11" . ' , < l preferred IIHU
I ) . . l\\\ . . . ir : , . , St. I'liuKlcOmnlm : i- * i
IllllioH IVntrul. . Hit I lUipiiifeiTLMl 107'
1.II.A.W 15 ifullMllMl'lllP fKSJ , ,
Kiili ns A-Tf-Viis . M1 , W. . St. I , . A 1' IU'4
l.nkcShori' . . MJl/,1 il pti'ft'rred. . . . -M1 ,
Mli hlcnn ( Vnlriil K , Wt stcru l-iilon VUJi
.MU-oiirll'acilli ! 78' . !
MoN'Kt ON CAM. Ka.iv at If/lljj per cent ;
closed offered at J , per cent.
1'UIMB Mr.HCANTII.E PAI'Ell 1@0 per
Sn.nuvo Exciuvon Steady ; fl.StJJJ for
' ' day bills ; fl.bS lor domiind.
CIIICAOO , July 21. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
M > P. August and .September , V' ' e.
Corn Easier ; cash , 4. > Xc ; August , l.Vrtc ;
September.I.VfiC. .
O.its Kas.v : cash , 'JJ'jC ; August , SI 15-Kiy ;
September , ll'4c. !
.Ve tf.c. .
Marle.No . trading. .
Timothy W. 111.
Whisky SI.20.
Pork ICasier : cash and August , J13.75 ;
September , fi.s.r : ! > .
Lard Steady ; cash , f.d'JAugust ; ,
} t > .ti J'fS.ti3 ' ( ; September , * s.7U.
Klour Unchaimcd.
Hulk Meats Shoulders irtonWT.CO ; short
clear. $ . - > .7r > W\bO ; sboit ribs , iS.ll ) .
Hutter ( Jniet ; cicamery , 14J < K'cl'c ! ' ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet and lower ; full cream
chuddars and Hats , ( g e ; jouni ; Americas ,
s ( ( lb > ' 4C
Kggs irUtic. (
Hides Unctiatiged ; green salted calf , 4Jf
( M.V1 ; heavy green salted , f > 'ii/ ' "I'i.'e ; lightgreen
raited , 50't'o ' ; salted bull , : Wi" dry Hint ,
> ( , dry calf , Sc ; deacons , 'Ji@u'O ! each ; dry
salted , tC ! < 4 c.
Tallow Kasier ; No. 1. solid packed ,
'l e ; No. 'J , ye , and cake , [ IJ dWIJ/e per ll > .
Heceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 11,000 5.UCO
Wheat bu . Kt.lKXl Js , ( < ( M )
Corn , bu . UHK)0 ( ) " 5niK)0 )
Onts , bu . 115,000 , 10S.OOO
Kye , bu . . . . .
Harlei.bu . . . . .
New Vork , July 'Jl. Wheat Heeelnts ,
tbU ! ( ) ; export ! * , llb00 : ! ; cash irrades lower ;
options variabloaml unsettled , closing lower ;
ungraded red , M > ( ? ! ( c ; No. ' , ' ,
10' ' , e f. o. b , tKiS.iIc ) ( delivered ; August
closing at Sl-J c.
Corn Heceipts , ' _ > , ( ) 0 ; exports , -1-1,000 ; cash
grades declined ' - ( ' " ' ; options closc'd
weaker ; ungraded , 5 ( ( ? . " ' 41' ; No. 'J , file in
store , "il't ' , ( 5lJ V to arrive and delivered ;
August closing at nn e.
Oats -Heceipts , fti,000 ; exports , none ;
white I@'io lower ; mixed steady ; mixed
western , luVirii'.io : wliito western , 4"w-liic.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio , dull at $1150 ;
options unsettled , opening llrm and closing
dul I but steady ; sale. * , Ill , 000 bags ; . luly , Sll.UTi
ftrl 1.4ft : August , HU.50 il0.liU ; September ,
Petroleum United closed weak nt SSVe.
Eggs \veak and irregular ; western , 15 ( < 3
17 U - ' .
Pork Steady and in moderate demand ;
mrss quoted at SI4.00 ( < dll.2j for old ; 14.75@
lft.00 for now.
Lard Higher ; western steam , spot , quoted
at Ss.s" .
Hutter Dull ; western , 13@20c.
Cheese Uull and easier.
KmiKii.s City , July --Wheat Lower ;
No. S ! red , cash , Olio bid , ti7 c asked ; August ,
( 'iCi e bid , tir'jc asked ; No. U soft , cash , G7o ;
August , tl c asked.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 cnsh , SWo ( bid , 40) ) 0
uskeil ; August Jiyj o asked ; No. 2 wliito ,
cash , 44o bid.
OatsNo. . 2 , cash , SOJa'c bid.
MlnuenpollH , July 24. Wheat Ho-
ceipts , 214 cars ; 8hiiinents,44 ) ears. Closed :
No. 1 , hard , July and August , 82' c ; on
track , 68 > jc ; No. 1 northern , July and
August , Sic ; on track , 81 > i@yc ! ; No. 2
northern , July and August , 7bc ; on track ,
ti < idi"i'Jc.
Flour Steady.
Milwaukee , July 21. Wheat Weak ;
August , 7ft c ; September , 1@1 ' e higher.
Corn Lower ; No. ! l , 45e on track.
Oats -Quiet ; No. 2 white , ! J5Kc.
Hye Nominal.
L Hurley Weaker ; September , ft7X@nSc.
Provisions Strong ; mess pork , Jia.7. >
for cash and July.
St.IjouiM. July 21. Wheat Lower j cash ,
7t > o ; August , 78 ? - .
Corn Lower ; cash , 4to ; August , 43Kc.
Oats -Lower ; cash , 27@'i7 c ; August.
22'Ac. ;
Pork Higher at$14.40(214.50. (
Lard Firm at $8..10.
Whisky * 1.14.
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 10S20e ( ; dairy ,
Clnolnnntl. July 24. Whisky , tlrm at
Liverpool , July 24. Wheat Finn but
quiet ; holders offer sparingly.
Corn Dull , with a downward tendency.
Now OrlennH. July 24. Corn Irregular -
lar ; mixed , (10ffG2e ( ( ; yellow , C'Jo ; white , ( i."c.
Oats Excited and higher ; No. 2 , 4sJ c of
Cornmeal-Steady at f2.S , ' < .
Hog Products Scarce ami firm ; pork ,
} 140-JXhmi ; , if7.7r ) .
Hulk M.eats Shoulders , $ O..V ) ; long clear
and clear ribs , S7.KO.
Clilcairo. July 21. Tlio Drovers' Journal
reports as follows ;
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; market strong for
good ; others weak ; steers , f.00 : ) ( G.OO ;
toekers anil feeders , $2.2" > @ : i.75 ; cows.
bulls and mixed , fl..Mgi.rii ) { ; ( ; Texas ami
Indian cattle , -l.59yf 1.15 ; Montana Texans ,
JI.SUC5.X ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , ' .1,000 ; market strong and
fi ltie higher ; mixed. ft.OOC i040 ; heavy ,
$ i .O.XiG.605 ! light , f(1.00@ii.4 ( ( ) ; skips , fl.tOQ
Sheep Receipts. ft,000 ; market strong ;
natives , fJ.7@l,70 ; western feeders ana
muttons , fJ.r > 0if4 ( 10 ; Toxaus , shorn , $2.5 ( <
4.6'J ' ; lambs , $ . | . < jO@n.lS.
Nntlonul Stock VnrilH , Knit St.
IjonlHJuly2l Cattle Rccoipts.4,000 ; ship
ments , : tHX ( ) ; market steady ; choice heavy
native steers , fr > .20 ( < l5SO ; fair to good native
Hteers , f4.IOfi5.2' ( ) ; uu tellers' steers , medium
to choice , f'J..Mi4.i'iO ; stockers and feeders ,
$2.40@3.SO ; rangeis , corn-fed , W.0t'4.75i '
grassers , f J.30S3.70. (
Hogs Receipts. 1,700 ; shipments , 100 ;
market higher ; choice heavy und butchers' '
selections , W 25 ( < i < t.4l ) ; packing. J0.15l.30 ( ) ;
light grades , fij.W.i@iJ.SO.
Kansas Oity , July 24. Cattle Receipts ,
7.0JO ; shipments , H.OOO ; a shade lower ;
good to choice corn-fed , f5.00g5.60 : common
to medium , l.ftO@1.7ft ; stockcrs and feeding
steers , $1.00'i3.S. ) ; grus > s range steers , $2.0 * .
@ 4.16 ; cows , $1.50 3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 900 ;
market higher ; common to choice. (5.25
(30.10 ; skips and plus , f3.50@5.00.
Tuesday. July 24 , 18S3.
There was a liberal supply of cuttle and the
market was fairly active , with the domain
good. Desirable corn-fed beef cattle soli
stronger , while common kinds of grbs * c.tttlt
were slow at steady prices ,
There were ninety' fresh loads of hogs 01
sale to-day. . The market was active nt at
advance of SyJlOc anil th < ? hogs were all soli
arly. As high as 10.10 was paid for choice
icavy _ _ _ _
Thcro were only two loads here , nnd one of
hose was skipped dlreet to the packing
lleuulpt ) .
Cattle . 1,3.V )
logs . tlOJ , !
jhecp . . . . . . . . 20
lorses . t 21
I'revnllinu I'rluca.
Thefollowlni ; H a tiblo of prlcai paid In
his mnrKct for the grades of stoc k muti-
loned. *
rimostecrs. inooto lftOIb ) . .J.'i.40 .
'rime steers , IKK ) to 131X1 ibi. 4.f > 0 faft. 10
Mllttlo steers. ( HW to 10JO Ibs. 4.00 .W4.7
Common to good cows . 1.7,1
Jholco to fancy cows . 2.W ) ( rt ! ! . ' ! . ' >
Common to choice bulls . 2.2.1 fii.l.OO
Fnlrtoclioicollghthogs . fi.lK ) Wlt.tK )
Aiir to choice heavy hops . ti.OO Kiii.10
Fairtocnolco mixed nogs . ft.l'j
CAT r i.e.
No. Av. Pr.
ft cows . l.lttt ) $1.50
ft bulls and cows . 1.0s > l 1.7.1
22 cows . Mil 1.89
1 bull . 1,1.T ) 2.00
1 cow . 1K10 2.K ( )
1 bull . l tl'O 2.00
2 bulls . 1,42J 2.00
1 7 co ws . 1 ,020 2.0.1
20 cows . WiS 22,1
1 cow . 1,000 221
1 bull . l,4sO 2.2.1
lOcow.i . b7 ! 2Sfi
1 cow . 1,1SO 2.2.1
Ilcows . SKI 2..10
12hclfers . 1113 2.113
4 cows . ' , ' > 2.7.1
14 cows . 1,1)80 ) 2.75
0 leeders . b7S U.X ( )
M steers . 1,110 3 > 0
15 steers . 1OCO 'JMO
lOsteers . ] ,2II ! 4 ( Kl
27 steers . ! nl'.l ' 4.1.1
4 grass BtcoH . 1,14' ) 4.2,1
2l ) steers . 1 , 17l ! 4..10
2f ) steers . 1,214 4.1T ,
2 ; ) steers . 1,1.10 4.70
21 steers , westerns . 1,0 KJ 4.7.1
22 itecrs . l,21l ! 4. SI
17 steers . 1,242 4. SI
S.1 . steers . 1,1 7 ft.OO
44 steers . 1,2'.C. ft.W )
ITiitcoro . l , : ll ! ft 2.1
45 steers . lfi05 ft.liO
IhOsteurs . lilo : ft.l'.ft .
No. Av. Sill : . Pr. No. Av. Shlc. Pr.
h ( ) . . " ! ? 100 J5.M ) 72. .221 200 $ - > .07K
fil. . "o " ' 200 ( IS. . .2 Hi 200 0.00
bti. . "si's 200 ruto 80. . .no 10' ) 0 00
< ! . . .211 200 r..n ( ) 72. . .212 10 ( itK )
fiO. . , .2So 120 r.wi 12s. . .217 : , oo O.IH )
; r. . . .210 120 r > . ! io 70. . .211 2)0 ) 0.00
71. . , . ' -15 210 5..IO 71. . .107 M ) 0.00
( ft . .200 Ml 5 0-JVj tKI. . .2115 200 0.00
74 . .220 2SO 5.05 SHI. 100 O.X ( )
71. . , .20'J 200 r nn 75. . .203 120 0.00
r.i . .2'KI 240 r..o.- 70. . .255 40 0.00
, .227 : < oo f , i'5 ' 00. , .2.'t7 20 0.00
.221 120 5.95 74. . .2.T , 200
71) ) . . ; wo 05. . .245 ; KO oto ]
( iu. . ! 24'i , ' , ' 70. . .205 280 O.CO
, .250 200 ft..l.l 7ii. . .22J 10) ) 0.00
77. . KO ; .1.91 . .21S 40 O.X ( )
77. . 240 fi.9.1 . .227 120 000
71. . . .23S 2M ) ft.9.1 . .101 120 000
OS. . .241 2SII ft 9.1 00. . .21IJ 2SO 0.00
. .221 2Si ) .1 9.1 OS. . .2C8 200
I'd ! . .210 : 'si ) ft.9.1 O'J. . 201 line
" .1.11.1 07. . .2.12 M ) O.CO
ou" SO 5 05 ss. . .20i : 200 O.CO
.1.9.1 77. . .221 bO 0.00
7Jl ! ! 100 ft.9o 52. . .20'J 120 0.00
Ml. . : i2o ft.9.1 til. ! . .259 120 0 00
120 .1.9.1 ftO. . . : id7 40 0.00
40 .1.9.1 ( VS. . .2V.1 ISO 0 00
7U. . .SO fi.9.1 .3. . .211 24' ) 0.00
( i'J . .247 so ft.'J.I 71. . .207 200 0.00
78. . .22 ! ) 100 ft.9.1 .18. . .240 0 00
(13. ( . .100 bO ft.9.1 09. . .200 SO 0.00
74. . .218 240 fi.9.1 OS. . .221 80 0.00
I'J. . .2il KO ; . .2ti : 0.05
70. . .21.1 100 ft.9.1 ( Kl. . .247 210 0.0. )
71 . .2w : 2J .1.9.1 70. . .270 bO 0.05
til. . 200 ft.9.1 0 ( > . . .2511 10) ) 0.05
O'J . .251 200 VJ. . .24S 210 0.05
70 . . 'ill 100 ft.9.1 01. 100 0.05
71. . .241 280 .1.9.1 40. . .310 40 0.05
8' ! . . .21:1 : 81 5.95 r.a. . .It'i'l 210 O.OTK
02. . .20i ( 249 ft.9.1 CO. . .2SO 0.10
CO. . .2- ! 0.05 fill. . .ais 120 0.10
ShowiiiK thu numhor of IIORS hought by thu
leading buyers on to-day's market :
G. H. nnmiiiond & Co ! ! 30
Omahn P. Co 910
Armour C 1'Co 9.50
J. 1' . Squires & Co b'J3
lir.ilmml Hros 219
K. A. Hluckahoro 270
C. II. North & Co 401
A. Sprinj ? 240
O. V. Hurtlott 1S3
O. H. Wilson &Co 140
U.S. Morris 223
Harper & U 01,0 ,
OibbSit White 142
T. J. Deiicoii 5MJ
HalstcaiUt Co 340
IllKticHt anil Ijowcnt.
The following iiro thu highest anil lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hoys
on this market during the past lew days , and
for thu corre.spond'nif , ' period in 18S7 and 1880 :
Live Stuck Notes.
HOR.S E10o higher.
Hogs rcucn fO.10 and cattle $5.05.
Joe Aspro , Hurtlngton , was in with cattlo.
S. Cross , IJrock , was hero and Bold n load
of cattle.
Arthur Cruise , Atkinson , was iu and sold a
load of steers.
J.V. . Conn , Plattsmouth , was In looking
over the market.
J. M. Abraham , of Valley , was hero with
two loads of cattle.
C.V. . Kotgler. Columbus , was hero with
four loads of cattle.
J. G. Shifter , of Chicago , stopped at the
yards on his way west.
C. M. Sears , Aurora , marketed two loads
of hogs , one load at fO.0.1.
K. S. Hums was In with seven loads of
feeders from Liino Springs , la.
J. W. Stlrk , Warncrvlllo , came In with two
loads of cattle und a load of hogs.
Marion Powell , Indianola , was hero and
sold a load each of cattle and hogs.
Hiram Lewis , Genoa , was in and marketed
tcncloads of cattle of his own feeding ,
Gardinler. Arris t Co. , Crowd ) , marketed
u load of 2Slt-lb. hogs at f J.10 , the top price.
A. A , Wiley , of Mendotu , III. , has accepted
a position in the Union Stock Yards bank us
book keeper.
Mr. Stoddurd. of the Stoddard Live Stock
company , was down from Ctiadron with a
train of cattlo.
Moore Walton , Oketo , Kan. , marketed
three loadsof cattlu and n load of hogs. Mrs.
J. Uolan , of the same pluco , had a loud of cat'
tie on thu market.
Thomas Powers , Button , was hero and
marketed three loads of corn fed western
steers. Ho bought them last fall when they
weighed 1,153 jwunds , and when sold to-day
they weighed 1,635 pounds mid brought fS.OO.
A. Standen , Valley ; J. Anderson , Lyons ;
W. S. 13oyd , Arlington ; Joe Uixon. Green
wood ; Aug. Anderson. Oakland ; John
Mundt , Crowd ) , and W. V. Uutton , Peters
burg , wore among the shippers who came In
with liogs.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
Tuesday July 21.
UUTTEII Fancy creamery roll , 1U@
20o ; Build pa-ked , 16@17o ; choice country
butter , 14@15o ; common grades , 12X@13c.
Eoos Strictly fresh , 14u candled.
CAI.IKOUSH DAMSONS 11.2.1 per box.
SOUTIIKIIX GIIAPES ? J.OO per 10-lb basket.
CASTKt.orcs-J2.50 per dozen.
SOUTIIKIIX PLUMS 75cgf ( 1.00 per box.
HucKi.EiiKiiitiE.s f 1.2.i | > cr drawer.
POTATOES New , homo growth , WX70c pet
I'GULTIIY Mo dressed fowl In the nm rket ;
live chickens , 13.50 ® j.75 per doz. ; spring
chickcub , r-.T5@8.85.
STKIXO.HI' INI Me ijor'lm.
TOM ITOI : * - l\-r flrfto. .Vf < .rf " > c.
Ti UNil' J.VfUiOirpor'uit.
Conv II Wi'M . ' ( ) i > cr 100.
WATCIIMJII.OVI.Vmi(5i35. ( . l per 100.
l'nui California , $ : i.UiH.fiO ) ( ) > er bov.
PK.AIIIEI Ciillfurniii , I'J.iHJfti'J.'W 1'cr box ;
Mlfourl , H.lMlpor
" Common , $1 .V 1(1 ( i S3 iw bunch ;
LCMIIXS * 7.lXKif 3,00 per case.
OtitMihs Me < sfiiiiv fiHtVuS.OO per box ;
Hoill , $ r.r..00 ( ) ( : ft.00 ( < i4. " , per hair box.
Al'l'l.Kf > J.Oliiit.Op'r ( : ( ) bbl.
L'iDKii Mti-hljnin. f4. ' Q > M per bbl 32
gals ; California jiUnr cider , . * lf > ( K ) per bbl.
POP Cons KIi'Q , ! If/-lc | : coininon , ! ( j ? : e.
C\niioTi Tocpi'r bushel.
HI\SS Oliok-i' eastern Immlpk'kfcl navies.
W.SWi.S."i : ( pur biisliul ; western limit ) pli'keil
nuvifM , J'J.TiWJ.vr , ; mediums , W.fiOdJ'J.GO.
Mum beans .V nor pound.
Hoxiv ; llCfiliU * for 0110 pound frames ;
strained honey , liCiOe per pound.
HIIKSWCliolco ' . ' ' ' dark
\ \ - yellow , ( Uil'MJ i' ,
colored. | ! lgt-tc.
Ciiii-"i : : : YOUIIK Amcrlru , full ercain.
J'fOtloV ; full ereain cheddurs , Htf'.i ( < , e ; full
cream llati , ! i't'.l'4 ( ; coed to clmk'vj sUimined
Cheddars , ikiiii'j ' .skimmed Hats , < " > ( < ( .V.,1' , .
Sitfiar very llrm. Kxtrtt "C" advam-ed V.
N'nlls and barbed win1 ro lower. Canned
ifoods silently and ( | iuto llrm. Nuts arc
higher. 1'rovisioiiH and laid unehan ed ,
Kuvised prices tire as follows :
Huitiisn Sturk A , seamlobs/Jl c ; Amos-
ki'itp , seamless , 17'ji1 ; Lewiston A , si'.iink'.ss ,
Ht'jt1 ' ; American , seamless , iroj burlaps , 4
to ft On , Tilhc ; iunnics , single , 13e ; gunnies ,
double , iiiic ; wool sacks , .Tic.
Corn.- ! : Mocha , .W@ ' > c ; Kio , good , l ( , < r
17c ; Miindahline , i2iSv ( ! ( ; roasting Klo , Hif (
l(5c ( ; O. O. Java , UKji'iiU.lava ; , Inferior , 'JI ( < 4
-li1 : Uio. fancy , II'KUIC | ( ; s > antes and Mura-
e.iibo , 17 ( 19c.
Co u. Anthracite , raniro. and nut , MO.Ofl ;
largo ogir , > 'i.7. ' " > ; Hock Spnnu' . 7.1)0 ) , Su
perior , MUM ) ; steam coal. 51 5u to ti.K ( ) .
Sui.Mt ( Iranulated , ' ( i ( > i4e ; conf. A.
7ic ; \vliito extra C , " ' 4(11 ; ' „ < ; extra C , 7
( ( i 7 ' 40 ; yellow C , li'ji(7c ( ; powdered , b'jjUf
b c ; cubes. hJ fif > 1aC.
Cvssii : > ( loom Oysters , No. 3 Standard ,
per case. ' 3.S.i ; strawberries , 'J lb . i > or
ease , ? : i.(3J. ! ! ( ( 10 ; raspberries , U Ibs. , per
case , ? ; . ' . ( I0 i li. 10 ; California | > o.irs , per case ,
4.l'pOiM.7l ) ; apricots , per case , # 1 r > ( l ( 4.7."i ;
California peaches , per case , ? 5.Xffij.-i. ( ) " > ;
California white cherries , per case , ? 5.70
tttll.UO ; California plums , per case , ! 'J ( ) ( < : ( ;
pine apples , " Ibs , per case. ll.S.V'i'l.M ' ) ;
1 Ib. salmon , per doz , > ! 'Mtfi ( XI ; 'i lb gooso-
lii-rries , per case , < . ' .0 < i i MO ; 'J Ib. string
buiins , perc.i'-u , fl.7Vicl.M ) ; 2 Ib. marrow fat
peas , ? .J..V ) ( 'J. ( ) ( ) ; ' _ ' Ib. early .lune peas , J'.iK )
< ' , ' . 7i 1 1) ) Ib. tomatoes , .J'.WKif-.iri ; Ib. corn ,
Ultiro Kurirs Figs , in boxes , per lb , lUnf
lOe ; llgs , In mats , per 11) ) , "i inllc ; dates , In
boxes , 5J-i@7c ; London Malaga layer
raisins , pur box. J'I.50ul.75 ( ! ; Malaga
loose raisins , * 2.0 ; ! ( < < 2.50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , per lb , 7 } ( rt ! < c ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75 ( < ? 2.00 ;
California London layer raisins , per box ,
J2 : i5 ( < ? 2.50 ; pitted cherries , per lb , 20 ( < i J.Je ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12 ( ie ; ! ;
driutl blackberries , per lb , st yo ; dried
raspberries , per lb , H0 ( < tl2c ! ; dried
apples. 7itOc. ; evaporated npples , S'j
( iiS'ie ; California sun tlried peaches , 12 K )
iiML ; > ! California unparcd evapiiraled
peaches , l.V'ulSc ; evaporated California
apricots , ! Sit20c ; Xantee currants , 0 > $ ei
Turkish prunes , 4 } < L" citron , 20if32i ( >
Fi n California salmon , per bbl , $10.00 ©
18.00 ; halibut , per lb , lie ; family white llsh ,
per Jij-bbl , * a.2. > ; white llsii , No. 1 , per ' bbl ,
$0.50 ; trout , per H'bbl , $5.75 ; scaled herring ,
per box , 2Se ; new Holland herniiL' , per keg ,
02c ; George's Hay split herring , per bbl , now ,
$ > .25 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl , new ,
$7.50 ; extra George's eod , per lb. new , 5'ac- '
\Vcstcrn Hank cod , per lb , new4Ja'o ; bone
leas cod , StiiJH1 ; larno fannl.N mackerel , per
J bbl , # - > . " > 0 ; mackerel , No. 1 bay , 4-bbl ,
fO.05 ; .smoked bloateis , per box , $1.H ( ) .
TOIIACCO Plug , 20rt)5e ( ; smoking , 10S5)C. (
: . . . - . - $ . : ' l. . ' > 0 porao-lb pail.
SALT Jl.aii ( per bbl.
KOPH 7-10 , flitiii4'c. (
Sricc-i Nutmug , per lb , 55 ( < ? i5o , pepper ,
per lb , 17M > 10c ; cloves , per lb , ISQSJle ; "all
spice , 7C"sc ; cinnamon , 7c c.
NAII.S Iron nails , per keg , $ 'i.05@2.10 ; steel
nails , per keg , $2.2002.25 ; wire nails , per
keir , * J.OO@.70 ; barb wire , § 3.aOjJU :15. :
Ti : < i oiing Hyson , common to fair , lSit (
25c ; Voting Hyson , good to fancy , : HV < 55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 2irf25e ( ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 10't05e ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15@5 ; .lapan. cholcj to
fancy , ! ) ( < < M5c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( <
a5c ; CJolong , choice to fancv , 50tif70i' ; Imper
ial , common to medium , 2"jijijc : ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 405150 .
Nim Almonds , in@17c ; lllbcrts , ( iMOo ( ;
Hruzil , & @ 0o ; walnuts , 10@14o ; pecans , 7 (4 (
8J < c ; peanuts , OJ < j'iZsi ( c.
PICKI.CS Medium , in bbls , $0.00 ; do In half
bbls , $4.05 ; small , In bbls , $7.a5 ; do In half
bbls1.25 ; gherkins , in bbls$3.25 ; do inhalf
bbls , $5.00.
CiucKnus 5@10c per lb ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 20c per lb.
MU-M : Suoiu Uricks , 10@10J c per lb ;
penny cakeIKiJlU c per lb ; pure maple
syrup , 51.00 per gal.
HIIOOMKxtra 4-tie , $2.01 ; parlor , 3-tle ,
painted handles , $325 ; No. 1 , $2.0i ) ; No. 2 ,
$1.05 ; lieav\ stable brooms , J4.00.
STARCH Mirror gloss , -Vfe ; Graves' corn ,
GJ c ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Osvvcgo corn , 7c.
POXVDKK AND Snoi Shot , ( fl.yO ; buckshot ,
Jl.5" ) ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-lourtlis , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , ? 3.15 ;
fuses , 100 ft. r > V < $70e.
HEPINEII L MID Tierce , 8 } e ; 40-lb square
cans , SJ/c ; 50-lb round , SKc ; 20-lb round ,
" " " ; 10-lb pails , 8 ; e5-lbpails,9cj-lbpails ; ; : ,
'a HaniB , IKglHi'c ; breakfast
bacon. ( ( ' ( % ; bacon sides , ! Krt.94'c ' ; dry
salt , 84@i'ic ; shoulders , 7iSe } ( ; dried
beef , 8tJ ( ! llc.
WooHCNWMin. Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , J1.05 ; Ko. 1 tub ,
$7.00 : No. ii tub , Sii.oo ; No. It tubs , $5.K ( ) ;
washboards , electric , * 1 50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , W.75 ; assorted bowls ,
f . "tNo. \ . 1 churns , # 11.50 ; No. ! 3. churns ,
JS.50 ; No. it churns. S7.50 ; butter tubs , tl.70 ;
spruce , in nests , 70o per nest.
Svnui's AND MOL \ssuB Sugar syrups ,
common to choice , SSW4-lc ( ; corn syrup , "t@
, ' 14c ; black strap molasses , Ifio ; Now Orleans
molasses , open kettle , iiri@30i ; ; Now Orleans
centrifugal. 27 ( : i3c ; sorghum , ! i7.rfi5c. ( :
Hici : Carolina and Louisiana , rJ4@0' ' c ;
Patna and Rangoon , 5@ " ) > fc.
CAN-DV--Mixed , lOC'tliJO ! btick ,
City harness ) > cr Ib , 2Si'Jlc ( ( ; country har
ness per Ib , 24 ( t > ' 5c ; city line per Ib , ! uiBu ;
kip heavy per Ib. 45(50i ( ! ; kip medium per Ib ,
5"iy.UUo ( ; veal per Ib , or > ( iT70c. ; Chicago sliiURh-
tered solo per Ib , ! ! 3 ( < $ Uu ; city call 2J to ! ! 0
Ibs , S5C'9ie ) ; city upper per foot , IHf'f'JOi1 ; collar -
lar , 14M11' * " HulTalo slaughtered solo per Ib ,
2Oe ( ; ! ; Oak leather nlaucbtcrod sole porlb ,
2S' aOe ; harness , porlb , 'Jti/2o ( : ! ; upper per
foot , 2lc < t'ido ; kip heavy per Ib , C > S70c : ; kip
medium per Ib , 75-sO ; city calf per Ib ,
90j ( < i1.00 ; llnlnc per dozen , fli.OOwS.50 ;
French calf 25 to 0 > bs , * 1.10@1.7.r ) ; French
culfitOtoflO Ibs , , $1.1 1.15 ; French calf 50
to 75 Ibs , 90eil. ( i.
Kubocr boots and slioes Hoston , dis 40
per cent ; Hav Stito , dis 40 ( < J10 per cent ;
Para , dis 40 ( < J5 per cent ; Goodyear , dis 40@n
per cont. ,
Metals nul JCInncrh' Stock
tin , 27e ; solder , 13@ia ( ) ; copper bottoms , ! llc ;
sheathing copper , tinned , 29c ; planishing
copper , tinned , Si 05 , Jcad pipe , fij/c ; sheet
iron , N S. IS to 21 , ( i)20 ) ; Uussia Iron , 13o ;
Am Uussia planishcU , A , lO'/c : Am Kussla
planished , li , 9'jfo. ; painted barb wire , $3.00j
galvanized barb \Vi'c. ) , $3.73
Drugg niul ClKiiiilcalH.
ACIDS Sulphuric , per carboy , per Ib ,
2c ; citric , per Ib , 02@C5o ; oxalic ,
per Ib , 18o ; tartarlc , powdered , per
Ib , 5lc ; alum , per Ib , S o ; ammonia , carbon
ate , per Ib , 15o ; arrowroot , Uormuda , per
Ib , 40c ; balsalm , Copubia , per Ib. 0-Jcj borax ,
rollncd , per Ib. 12o ; calomel , Am. , per Ib ,
82c ; cassia buds , per Ib , lc ; chlorofonn ,
per Ib , 55o ; corrosive sublimate , per Ib , 72o ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , - 'io ; extract log
wood , bulk , per Ib , lOo ; glycerine , bulk , per
Ib , 2So ; cum arable , select , per Ib , tl.'JO ; gum
usafcuttda , per Ib , ISc ; gum camphor , per
Ib , 82oj gum opium , per Ib , * 3.GO ; iodine , re-
sublimated , per Ib , $3.90. Leaves Huchu ,
short , porlb , 20s j senna , Alex. , per Ib , 45o.
Morphia , sulpb , jwr oz , $2.SO.
Kf OILS Carbon 150 ° , lie ; headlight 175 o
, > ,
priuio white , loafc ; 150 ° water whlto , UKo ;
perfection , 12 e ; lardino. iiOo ; summer , w.
Va. , 13 05 zero , \V. Va. , 18o ; IXL. dark engine -
gino , ' . > 0c ; heavy amber'enginu , ' o : No , 1
golden engine , I5o ; No. 2 golden engine , H > c ;
custOr-iuachluc , 35c ; castor-machine Upy ,
4.V ; perfect Ion engine , 2. > o ; summer Under ,
4tv ; umber o > liiuk > r. fiOoj perfeetlon , iic ; ) ;
extra hu-d oil , OOe. No. 1 lanl oil , 4V ( , .No. 'i
lard oil , U.V. , turpentine , 4'lo ' : ne.its-
foot ( strictly puro. 60o ; neatsfoot
extra , fi.V ; ncat.s , JS'Q , 1 , MVj banks ,
4U" ! stniits , l.'c ; whale , water blc-ached. MV ,
pe.rml 1ft ; liii'eed , rrt"do ; linseed ,
lolled , r > 7ei castor , per gallon , $1 S3 , borgii
mot , per Ib , U5 ; lemon , per Ib. fSMl ,
liopperinint , per Ib , IJ.30 ; wtnterirreen , tier
lb , f'i.S3 ; olive , mnhigii , per gallon , fl.13 ;
I'otass bl-omido per lb , he ; Iodide , peril ) ,
IS.1'0 ' ; ( jtilnlit Milph , JKT oz , 5.V ; seed * ,
canary , per lb , .V ; soap , Castile , mottled ,
[ ier lb , syilOc : soap , Castile , white , per lb ,
liViiliV ; spirits nitre , sweet , per lb , tlVj
strjcbnia crystals , fl.13 ; sulph cinchona , per
o/ , : tOi(3."ic ( ; tapiei-a , per 10 , 7c ; wax , white ,
| ier lb , " ) , " > ( Wo.
Dry CmxN.
No. M ) , colored. 12o ; No. 10 , colored ,
Hristol , la'.c ' : I'liinn Pacillc , IN ? .
Cuirnr w\nr Hib White , H > e ; colored ,
lim Standard , , e ; Gem. lOo ; Hcaut.\ ,
12'c ; Iloone , 14e ; H , cased , ill . * ( > .
Plus fit-Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
6l8e ; Herlin oil , 1'i'jc ; Gainer nil , t'itic.
COIM'.T .IIMNS Aiidroscogirin , 7'aC ' : Kear-
, Kockport ' ' Cont'stoga , 0' ' c
sarge 73lc ; , 0'i'c ; ,
Tit K- York , ao In , 12 > < Tc ; York , i in. ,
la'jc ' : Swift Kiver , sc ; Thormlike OO , si . :
Thoindike Kl&V ; Thurndlko 120 , li' ' c ;
Thonldike XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , U'c ' ;
Cordis No. I , lie ,
lr.MM - Amoskeas , 0 o/ , K'l4'c ; Kverett , 7
07 , iiv.c ; ; York , 7 oz , ! a'-o ' ; Havmaker.i i c ;
.lalTrey XX , ll 'c ; .laffrey XXX. 12'c ' ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek HH ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KrvircM JIMSMemorial. ; . 15c ; Iakota ,
INDitrhani ; , 27l c ; Hercules , IN.1 ; Learning ,
iiigtnn , 22' > c ; Cottswold , ! il'.jc. '
Cu\"ii. Stevens' H , Oc ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7l " c ; Stevens A.
bleaeliod , sji ; Slovens' P. S'.c ' ; Stevens *
P , bleached , O1 , c ; Stevens' N , "Ac ; Stevens'
N , bleached , in'c , ; Stevens. SKI. 12 > e.
MI I ei.iAMidi - . Table oil cloth. $2.S5 ;
jilain Holland , O' ' c : D.ulo Holland , 12'jC. '
Ki ANM.1 * . Plaid -K tftsincn.'Jic ; Goshen ,
82' ' .c : Clear Luke. H2'e ; Maple City , aO'ji- '
FiNMI s-\Vhlte G H. No. 2. 4 , 21c ; G
H. No. 1. ' ) „ 2 , V ; II H , Xa. 2 , 22J i ; H
H. No. 1. " , , 'lOc ; ( Jiiechee , No. 1 , ' , , 42c.
PniNT-i Pink and Holies Uichmond , O' ' c ;
Allen , Oc ; KiverDomt. fie ; Steel Uiver , 0 jC ;
Hiclimnnd , ITc ; Pacillc , O'.c.
PitiMs Inttigo Hluo Washington , OJ e ,
American , 7c ; Arnold. 7c : Arnold ( .Vnturi.
Oc ; Arnold H , 10J < c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold
Gold Seal. 10' ' , c.
. Dress Charter Oak , "R" Hamapo ,
IV ; No. 5 , do ; KK.ll'oo ' ; GG. 10' , c , XX , ISt :
OO , lie ; NN. UJc ; Lodl , 3o ; Allen , dc ; Uioh-
mend , do ; Windsor , 0'3o ' ; Hdd\stone , lij o ;
Pacillc , O'.jc. '
GISUIUM Plunnett cheeks , 7'/c ' ; Wbltten-
ton , ijije ; York , 7J e ; Noimaiidi dress ,
8 > fo ; Calcutta dress , sj c ; Wbittenton diess ,
b'jc ; Honfrow dross , hn 1'JV-
C Mciuts Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5o.
CO Ml OIlTKIts-SCl ( jOfjl 3" ) 00.
-White , 1 00517.50 ; colored ,
HLImi : > SIII.LTINO Hcrkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , 9' ' Jo ; Host Yet , 1-4. ( ! Ve ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4'e , ; Cabot , ; 1 0 : Farwcll half bleached ,
SVi Fruit of Loom , 9 ' 40 ; Greene
G , do ; Hope , 7 f ; King Philip cam
bric , lie ; Lonsdale cambric , 11 ' 4 ;
Lonsdale , S'Sf ; Now York mills , 10' , c ;
Pcppercll , JS-lii , lie ; Pepjiorell , 40-in , I2o ;
Pepperell , 0 t , Itlc ; Pepporell , 8 I , 'Jlc ; Pcp-
perell , 94 , 2He ; Popperell. 10-4 , 2V ; Canton
1-4 , h'4c ; Canton , 4-1 , 9J.jci Triumph , Of ;
\Vnmsuttn , lie : Vallc.5c. . .
Hrown sheet IngAtlantic A , 4-4 , 7 ! o ; A
Bantie H , 1-4 , T o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , d'c ; At
lantic Pt 4. do ; Aurora LL , l-l , lie ; Aurora
C , 1-1 , So ; Crown XXX. 4-1 , d 4o : lloosier
LL , I I , lie ; Indian Head , 4-1 , T-jc : Law
rence LL , l-l , do ; Old Dominion , 4 I , 3' < e ;
Poppcrcll H , 4-4 , 7e ; Pepporell O , 4-4 , tie ; ' ;
Pepperell. 8-4 , Hjoc ; l'eppercll , i 1 , 21e ; Pep
perell , 10-4 , ' 'lie ; Utiou C.14 , 5c ; Wachiisott ,
4-4 , 7'ic ; Aurora 11 , 4-1 , 7c ; Aurorn H , 4 I ,
"DICK U'est Point 29 in , S olOJ e ;
Qneelice No. 2 , " 4 , 37J c ; Qnechee No. Jl , 4 ,
: W o ; Amiwaii , yj'-.o ' ; NVIiiiUor , 2'2' ' , c.
Fi.NMi.s-Hed : ; C , 21 in , 15 > < J ; li , 24 in ,
21 c ; G G , 24 in , ISc : H A F , 94'iV. ; J H F , % ,
27' , c ; G , "i,3V ; West Point 29 in , 10 o/ ,
12' ; Point 2 < J in , 12 13oWest , ; Point
40 in , 11 07 , Idc.
Sini'.riNO Checks , Caledonia X , 9'jc ; Cal
edonia XX , 10'Ko , ; Economy , l c ; Otis , 9c.
- .
10 tt. 18 ft ft'2 ' ! ft 21 ft
L'xl in wi 19 oo in no a ) (
KJ.WM1I 110 111 0021 f/lL'l M
X8 . i r > 'j i oo in uo.ii oust ) oo
SxlO. . in niii ] mri'.i ( KI I HOLM ( ni
. .IT Hi'iii ' mi D wj'aj ' wi.ij . no
4x4 hx8. . .n noi' ! tuii'.i ' wi'ai ' ( n \ oo
Add 50 coins per 1,000 feet for rough Joht.
No. 1 com , sis $18.00 No , 3 com , s 1 s $15.00
No. 3 con , , si ? 1(1.50 ( No. 4 corn , sis 12.50
iVdd 50 cents uer 1,000 for rough.
No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . $20.00
No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00
No. 2 , " 12 and lift , " . . . . 10.00
No. 2 , " Id ft , " . . . . 17.00
A , 12,14 & 16 ft.$20.50 I C , 13 , 14 & Id ft. * 14.75
13 , " " 19.75 | D , " " 11.75
1st com , % in wliito pine ceiling .ii.OO :
2d " " " " 27.1H )
Clear % in Norway pine ceiling 15.50
2dcom % in " " " 13.50
A Gin white pine $ . ' ! 4.00
11 " " " . . . . ; 32.00
C " " " 29.00
D " " " 21.00
E " " ( sel. lencmgj lb.50
Six Inch drop siding 50o per 1,000 extra.
A , 12 in , s 1 s.$4i.OO : I C , 12 in , s 1 s. . . $ : ! .00
H , 12 in , sis. . 39.00 | D , 12 in , s 1 s. . . 22.00
No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
No. 1 com , 12 in. s 1 s , 14 ft 20.00
No. 1 com , 12 ill ; s 1 s , 10 ft 20.00
No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 2J.50
No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 19.15
No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 and 14 ft IS.50
No. ' > com , 12 in , s 1 s , Id ft . IS.00
12 in grooved roollnc $12 per M. more than
12 in stock boards same length.
10 in grooved reeling same price as 12 in
stock boards.
No. 1 plain , Sand 10 in SIS.75
No. 2 plain , Sand 10 in 17.K ( )
No. 1 O. G. , 8 in 10.23
1st and 3d , clear , 1. 11. in s 3 s $50 00
" " ' IJtf.'Jin , s 3b 50.00
3d , clear , 1 in , H 1 s 45 00
" I'-i , 1 ,2 in 4d 0(1
A , select , 1 m , s2s ! ! 9 00
A , " IK , IVi , 2in 4UH : !
H. " Iins3s 29.K ( )
U , " 1 ,1 .3 In 30.00
H , select , nil 10 ft , fl extra.
Star4 in flooring $19.50
1st and 3d , clear , 4 in lloormg 21.50
Clear \ In ceiling 10 50
Clear % in partition 23.50
Clear % in partionf2ibovo : % in celling
Clear finish , 1 and \ } { In , s. 2 s 20.00
Clear llnish , IK and 3 in , s 2 s 29.00
Clear corrugated coiling , 4 in 23 3J (
Clear yellow pine casing and base 25.00
ron.ui LfMitiu. :
Clear poplar bx bds , % in s 2 J.'io.OO
Clear " " " % in panel , 8 2 b. . 27.00
Clear " " " cor'gaHd ceillng , ; < 2S.OO
r. H. l-ALMCII , X. I' . IIICilMAN. J. H. lll.A NCMAIll ) .
Liye Stock Coramission Mcrcliants.
live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnished frco on application Klocken nn < l
feolBM furnl li il cm iood terms. llu'ereni-e Oiua
haNiitkmnl Hank anil Knnth Omaliu Nullouai , Union
block Y rdt , Bouth Onialia.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , Kxcbonite Hullillnn , Union Stock Vnrd ,
txiutu OujHli , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Liye Sock ,
Kocm22 , U | > | > 09ltn KzchanEn imildlriK , Uulon t-lock
Vurilt , boulb umutm , Kp
Of Omaba , Limited ,
Agrlciiltiirui implements.
Dealer in Agricultural Implcnients , Wagons ,
' nml
linli. OnmliH Nt > l < r ln ,
Agricultural IinplemonlsWagoHsCarriagcs , ,
lluitflo . r Ic WbolrJRlp. Oinaln. Kt t > mnkn
Wliolo lo llc lft < In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Wt. ' ! . ' . .unml IV ? Jours Sitrri-l , Omnha.
P. P. MAST&"CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Culllrntom. I'll ) ll'ikr * . Chirr Mill * nml l.iitum 1'ul
vrrliori. ( or nth HIH | Mchulnitri'rts. .
. . . .
\Vll.ill' II ;
Agricultural Implements , Y/agons / & Buggies
, , ri" r Illb inNi h. . in' MriMl
OMAHA 111 ! V ( II.
Akron , Oniu.
Harvesting Macliinery anil Binder Twine ,
W. 1 ° Mcail Manuor Ul . I ciivi'iiwonh t , Omihn
M.uinlm inn r < uniljobbi > 111
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Plows Etc ,
Cor. tuh unit 1'acltlciriTl . Onmhn. Ni'b.
Artists' Mntorlnls.
A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
111. , l , iUk-I.T street Oitmbn. Nt'brnckn.
Dooksnllors and Stntlonors. _
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
Hucce'sorito A T. Kouv < m \ Co , WlmU'siilc A Hclnll
Booksellers ami Stalioners.
I'lno NVt'iMlnn Hlftti . | irry. CuiunitMolHl Intloncry
tv" iii.iifla htii'i'i Uumliii. Null.
" Boots nntl Shoog.
( Smcr'Sor * to K"i'il. Juni'B A t-'o. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots anil Slioes
AKi'litslur lloKlon ItuliMT Mmc C . 111' . ' , llUJMltXi
llnint'y St. , Oninlia. Nibnmkit.
W. V. MORSE \ CO. .
Jokers of Boots ami Slioes ,
1101. UttHlOi lloiiBlat SI Oinnlin MiimiluUorr , Sum-
me l -I Hi sum
Coffees , Splcoa , Etc- _
nmnha Ci'ffHinml Hik-r | Mill- .
Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder ,
Maturing Kxlriictn. l.aniutry Hunlnk . KtiUU
UI'lllHrnm Mii'i't , Onmlin. Nrliru-kn.
Crockery * and _
Apf nt for HIP Mnnufncturtrs unil lmprtlor of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
_ Ktc. DBlip , (1TH Hlli M. , Onmlia. Ncbrankii.
linniirti'ri anil .InlibPr1 * of
Crockery , Glassware , Limrs , Silverware
Kic. 1'iH 1'urimm bt . Now I'axtun
Commission nnd Storage.
" "
Storage and Commission Mercliants ,
Siuolaltl | ( " < linllrr. K , . ( l"cp , i l't > ntry | , ( ia
111' ' Howard Street. Omaha.
fiirii 9i > uri ! to MiMmnc , t Schroo'Icr )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
OintiUu , N Uni3ku.
Whelp nlo
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Connnision
Merilinnt Corio'pnmloncoixillrltcd. 1011 Nolth li'tb
Mrri'tOmuhn , Ni > b.
Coal , Coke and Llmo-
" " " "
Jobte of Harfl and Soft Coal ,
309 South nth Plrrl't , Oinnlin , Nclirnikn.
MaiiiifacliirersofLiine ,
And lili | | > or ( if Ciiiil , Conk , IVnicnt. 1'lattrr. l.lmc ,
Iir.iln Tile , anil Sc-nor I'lpn. Dlllce , 1S , s , UtU
St. , Onmljii. Nub , Tclcilione | bll.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South 13th t. . Omnlm. Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M E SMITH i CO. , "
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions ,
11(0 ( mid 1104 Douglas , for. lltli St. , Omahn , Nob.
Importers and Joote in Dry Goods.Notions .
Cents' rurnlslilng Onods. Cnrnor 111 ! ) und lliunoj
sts. , OiuHtii , NubniBka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furnam Street , Oniah * . Nclirmka.
OniHlm. Ne
. GA"LLAGHER .v co .T
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705.707.703 and 711 S. 10th .St. , Oninhn , Neb.
McCORD , BRADY & CO. . *
Wholesale Grocers ,
I ih nnd I.eniunnnrth Ftroi'tnOmnhivNvbrnrkn.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Jlctiils , Miri't lion , oto. Agenta for llouo Scales ,
Miami 1'ouder und . Hurjjcd
l.ynmn wire ,
( JUlItllH , > 'i.lii.oVo
Builders' ' Hardware anil Scale Repair Shop ,
Mutbanlct' Tunis und niHTnlr ) Fcalrs. 1106 Duuitliil
Htreot , Ornnlia , Nehm kn.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th mid Harnpr Sto. , Omnha , Neb. Wi-itcrn Aucnii
lor Au tln Powder Co. . JviTi-rion Steel Nnllt.
l-allbunk ManiUnl ijcal < - .
Wholesale .Maiiufaclurorn of
Saddlery & Jitters of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 110) ) , lldl and II'IT ' llnruoy at.OruaLa ,
Heavy Hardware.
* " " "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bpringi , WftKon .Stock , Ilanlwaro , Lumber , Ktc. 1JUS
mid 1211 llarner Mrott , Omuhu.
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Harncr Btttet , Ouaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at WfioM
I"t4 Street and Union I'acinc Track , Ouittbo.
Dealer In Liimher , Lath , Lime'Sash. ,
lcoEtc. . Yurdi'-Porner 7th and Doivla , Ccitci
Vtli and Doula |
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
lm ' " !
ittU W. UMM , " ' *
Lnmlior Lime Ccmciil Eic Elc
, , , , , ,
Comer rihntul DoiiBliSt . .Om h .
To Dealers Only ,
omce. llV1 ( Vnrnitm Slroct Omntin.
Wholesale Lumber , Elc ,
K , ' , Vff , KSJS ! „ „ , ? " "
nry While l.lini' .
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpet ) mi.l IMrquct Klooring Plli n.1 I
Mllllnory nnii Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3U 111) qua IP olllh Illh Urn | t
Maniifactiircrs of Overalls ,
Jonna I'Mlits.bhllt" , Kic. IIIQiind 1101 Douuln : Mrcct ,
Onmhn. Noli ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4'ti unit n y. . mil loth st
_ _ 0B. | | "
Wholsalc Refined and LnMcating Oils ,
Aili'Oronno , Kic. , ( ) mnb . A 11. lll hpp. Mnnngf r
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
IliO Humpy Htriu't. Onintin.
Office Fixtures.
Munulii'fireri of
Bank' , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlr Siilphunnl * Hook CIHP , 1 > ni KI t rilc.Wiill
( 'n i" < . 1'iutitiiiiK. llHlhiitfi.i'miiiti'rs lli'iTunrt Wind
Cnolerv Mlrr r pt Kurtory umloillco , It.Oaud 1J3
! -unlli l.ili M . Omiih.i 't'oluplioiiu 1UI.
Paints and
' , Vliolc < : ilo Kc.ilursln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
111K.irnim ' trcfl. Omnhn.N'cl > .
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Curry a nice tnrk of Printing. Wrapping nnd Writing
I h ar. bpeclHl attention * JVIMI | to mr load orders.
Pnpor Boxob.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
N'os. HIT and Ul'J Iouli9 St. , Omalm , Neb.
Printers' Wlntorlala. t. ,
D lcrs In Typo , l'rc pn mid Printers'Huppllcs. CM
South i 12th 1 hiifct , Onmlia.
Quhbor Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
30 Clothing ana leather lioltlin ; . Mi 1'i.rimlu Street.
_ Sjsh i peers , Etc. _ "
Wliolcsulo Mann , icturcrn of u
Sash. Doors. Blinds and Moufe.
Ilrnnch Office , l.'th niul Streets , Oinnlin. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
V ultllpM , Stair Work nnd IntPrlnr llanl Woo'l ' ! ' !
> u. N. U. Corner i Sth nnd UmvuuwurlU btrceta ,
Uinahu. iv\i. \ i
i Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
A.T.TSTRANG co. . " " "
Pnrnps , Pines and Engines ,
Steam , Wnter , Uallwar nml Mlnlns Hnpplle * . Etc.
I'JU , vti and ir.'l I urniim htrcel , Oiuulia ,
Wholesale PQIUPS , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam ana Water Pnppllc' , . npailqnnrtprt for Mait ,
boost A Con goods. 1111 1'arnam Ht.Umuliu.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ualllday Wind MIIK 019 and 031 rnrnam St. , Oumb * .
U. r.ltoss , Acting .MuniiL'i'r ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Bheotlron Work Bteam Pinnpi , Paw M1M . mM2ll
Leaven * orth Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
VII and ' . 'U ' Jones Mrect. Onmlia.
Storage , Forwarding A , Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch liminnnr the llemnijr HneKy ( , ' . lluiiKleiat
nnuleaulo und rctnll. 1 W UlOmul H12 Itard birect.
Omaha. Tulenliunu Nii.TM ) .
_ Srnokc stacks. Boilers , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacto
s , Tanks ami ( ienenu llnllpr Kepulrlurf. 1313
Dodifn Strrnt. Oinalllt , Neb
" " Brewers _ _ "
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IIZI Nottli KlKthtccutli Street , Oiunlia , t' < b.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Upenutur , I'rciprlotnr Wl lindm * unil lliinnd 1K (
S'urth lutli ntrcet. Uninlia.
Iron Works.
Carter ft son. I'ropX Manufacturers of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron Work
Work ! boulli 'Mh imtl II. & M. Cro lnK.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worl
Eniilnen , Ilrnii Work , Oononil Kniinilry , Muclilne nnd
llnck iultli W irk OHUo imrt Works , t' 1 * . lly.
nuJ I'.llitreet. . omahn.
" " "
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Denk Halls , Window Guard. MOWIT imuKVlro
Ultiu , Ktc. m Niirlli lltli Htrfot.UiiiuhH ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
raultt.Jall Wurk. Iron nnd Wlro KunclnuSln ( . Ktc.
U. Androuu , 1'rop'r Cur , lull und Juuktou Hts.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and ccrcens. fnru.niUi , .3lroJ."tor ( rotiilciire' . rlo.
loiprored Awnlnx , l ilt inlth Mnililiu-r ) iiud
UlHCktniltU Work . 4UJ suulli lull M.
" " " " " t
' ; M"E"A G H"e R * . "C E A c H ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locks ,
General Agenti for lliub'dd Kafa A I < ock CQ.'I '