Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY BEiJ : MONDAY , .TULY 23 , 1888 *
OPl'ICU NO. 11 ! I'KAUIj STIltiirr.
Delivered litrnnlcr In .Any 1'nrtot thoCltjrat
Twenty twits I'er Week.
II. IV. TI I/I ON. . . . . MANAUHIt.
Tii.ii'iiO : :
Jlt'PiMS" OFHCR , No. 4-3.
NHIIIT I.liiiuu , No. si.
N. Y. Plumbing Co !
The employes in the baggage de
partment nt the transfer have boon put
through ti rigid examination as to their
proficiency nnd found to ho all right *
The now strict car rails have been
laid on Broadway , between Twelfth and
Sixteenth btreols. The new iron is
much heavier than that which was
taken out.
The ball game at Manawa athletic
park yesterday resulted in a victory for
the homo club by a score of 10 to IU. The
( 'iuno was decidedly interesting
throughout and the attendance was
very largo.
The pints of Williams' first addition
nnd Kiddle's subdivision , recently cut
out of the county records and carried
away , have been replaced by new ones ,
County Recorder Thomas having had
the work done by experts.
, if , The machinery for the Council
and Omaha basket and box factory has
been ordered and is expected to arrive
in a short timo. The woi ks will bo lo
cated in the old Diorks building , and it
is the intention to have the establish
ment running in full blast within the
next sixty daya.
All members of Iluinboldt lodge , No.
17-1 , llawkeyo lodge , No. 181. Robekiili
r degree lodgeNo. ! > , and all visiting Odd
" - Follows , their families and friends , are
l cordially invited to join Council Blufls
lodge No. 1'J ' , in a visit to Lake Manawa
this evening at 70 : ! ! o'clock. The
motor cars will boLiin waiting and btart
for the lake at that time.
The Dodge Light Guards have built
a rillo rangeon tlio south bide of Lake
Manawa and held their llrst practice
shoot there yesterday afternoon. Quito
a number of the "sojor boys" wore pres
ent and evinced considerable-nkill with
their rilles. The rangj was UUO and 600
yards. In the future shoots will take
place regularly every week.
There is a noticeaole dilToroneo between -
twoon thow.'iv Omaha people pronounce
Manawa and that in which Council
BlutT.i pronounce it. Tlie Omahas give
the accent on the second syllable , while
the Blullltes lay stress on the lirst. The
Omahas call it ' 'Man-ah-wah , " while
Blullites call it "Man-o'-war. " Some of
the Blullltes are adopting the Omaha
change as more pleasing.
John Diorks , of Omaha , was in the
city yesterday. Ho says that the newly
incorporated basket company will start
out with brilliant proipocti.'nnd every
thing fully paid up. The line of goods
manulactured will bo the kind ot bas
kets commonly used in this vicinity , of
which a great many are required every
year. It will require a largo factory to
bupply the homo consumption.
Miss Kstollo Anderson entertained
quite a large number of her friends
Saturday evening at the residence of
her parents on Benton street. Uefn'sh-
montb wore bountifully served , and the
evening passed with games and other
nmubomcnts gratifying the joung folks.
The charming joung hostess was the re
cipient of several handsome presents
from her guests.
A now time card went into elToct yes
terday at noon on the Kansas City , St.
Joe & Council Bluffs , by which the fast
freight No. 17 , that formerly arrived
hero at t :10 : a. m. , now arrives at 0
o'clock. The change is made to alTord
i ; bettor connection with the Chicago As
North wobtorn. A largo amount of moat
i , is being shipped to St. Paul via those
two lines. The bhprtening of the time
will put the fast froightovor the road at
seventeen miles per hour.
On Wednesday next the Roman Cath
olic society of Neola , will lay the corner
stone of the now $ 'JO,000 eh'ureh , with
the usual appropriate ceremonies. It is
intended , when the now church is com
pleted , to use the old one as a school for
the children of the families who may
desire that their children bo educated
under the auspices of the church. Rov.
Father Schillmaehor and the society
in-o to bo congratulated upon the church
advancement made in Ncoliv during the
past few years.
The shorilt of Fremont county , Ne
braska , arrived in the city Saturday
evening and took the man Irwin.who
was arrested on suspicion of having
stolen fiomo bhoes , back homo with him.
Chief Lucas accompanied them as far as
Omaha. A teletrram was received from
Uellwood , Neb. , asking that the pris
oner bo hold until authorities could ar
rive from that place , but the proof was
convincing that ho committed the
larceny at Fremont , and ho wa-j accord
ingly allowed to go with the bherill
from that placo.
The two steamers , Rescue and Blufl
Citywere kept busy Satin day nitrht , all
day yesterday and last night pumping
out the small lake on South Main street
north of the Burlington tracks. Those
two engines are in line working condi
tion , and have pumped steadily for
nearly forty hours with scarcely a mo
ments interruption. Thpj are as tine
machines ns there are in the market ,
The council has decided to toll the
IJltilT City , and that oll'eelivo bteamoi
R-ill doubtless be doing line service before -
fore long for some other city than the
one in whieh slio has done so much gooi
tvork in the past few years.
Patrons of the Pacllic House have
none but words of praise for the attention
tion given them.
S. M. Wads worth it Co. loan money.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'i
loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses
wagons , personal property of all kinds
and all other articles of value withou
removal. All business btnctly conll
I-'iirnueo .
Cole & Cole , hardware dealers , bol
the celebrated Richmond furnace am
Warren furnaces. II. A. Cole is a fici
entitle and practical heating engineer
The lirm invites poi-bons contemplating
niiv M'ld of now heating apimratus tc
call and see us and our line of goods am
methods ot heating. Are pleased t (
give estimates on any and all work
Call at 41 Main St.
E. II. Shealo loans money on chatto
security of every debcrliu-ion. Privati
consulting rooms. All mnslm-M btrlctl ;
confidential. Office 600 Broadway , cor
ucr Main street , un-t.ta.irs.
Travelers ! Stop nt the Bochtolc.
Artists prefer the IMlett it Duvl
piano , at U. B. MubloCo. . ! Broadway
Stop at tlio Pftoillo House. The mos
centrally located hotel in the city.
Dulles , do not fail to see the "Ladles
Friend , " 709 "Washington avonuu.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridg
to parties who will build at on Co.Ail
dress olcnll.on J. U. Woo , No. 100 Mill
Uroot , Council BlulTu , . .
RoV. Dr. ROOB Scores the Sluuors
City Authorities.
A Ijtll'.o Hln/.c The Mud nV tlio Globe
JonM Stick Tlio Score of the
Gun Cluli Ilrlur Hit *
Tlio I'lilpll Score.
Yesterday morning the Rov. W. II.
W. Roes preached upon the dark side
of Council Bluffs , lie telected for his
text the twenty-first verse of the ninety-
first chapter of Jeremiah , "For death
is come up into our windows and is en
tered in to our palaces , to cut off the
children from without , and the young
men from the street. " Said the speaker
in opening , "I wish I had the people before -
fore mo who are the most closely re
lated to the matter , that they might
hear what I have to say , but you are
hero , and some representatives of news
papers are hero also , and they will hear
it for all they are absent.
"Few iioonlo are interested in the
death of a single person. An acquaint
anceship or relationship that is limited
gathers about the graves , but the great
world knows nothing of it. Occasion
ally some great man dies ; some man
who is near to the nation's heart , and
tlio people are robed in mourning. * *
The death of Haddock called to the
attention of the world the condition
of the liquor trade in Sioux City and the
state of Iowa , and in his death Had
dock slow more than he did during his
life. The attention of the country was
directed to law and with what impunity
the law in Iowa was broken. Look at
it now. A would-be drinker must posse -
se s more than ordinary cuteness to got
anything in Sionx City which will up-
peii-e his thirst. The breaking of one
law is just as bad as tlio breaking of any
other law. The man who bteals into
your bed-room in the dead hours of
night and takes your money is no more
than the one who sells you whisky. Tlio
law does not discriminate between
them , and why should I , and I want
these men all to understand just what I
think of them and of their business.
Every one ot them ought to bp behind
the bars , and they would be if it was
possible to got the law enforced in Coun
cil Blufts.
"Jeremiah described the situation of
the children of the Jewish
nation , and it exactly pic
tures the situation of Council Bluffs
to-day. Death has come up into our
windows and is entered into our
palaces , "
' Death is fearful. It comes to us un
announced. U lays its hand upon us
and wo are taken from the known and
seen into the unknown and unseen. Its
results are fixed. Ab _ I understand the
plan of God there is no future proba
tion. 'As a tree falls there it shall lie. '
Man dies and goes into the presence of
a just judire , and just as human char-
icter ib developed on earth so it will
ippcar there. "
"Look at the moral conditions of our
city. Look at how the violation of law
is winked at. I say without fear of suc
cessful contradict ! jn that the city au
thority is in league with the liquor in
terest. If you should ask mo who is the
mayor of Council Bluffs I would never
say it is Rohrer. There are two or
three men whose names are connected
with the liquor business and interest ,
and need not be mentioned here , who
have the virtual control of the city's
; iftairs. If thesemen don'tlikothelawslot
them set to work to have them re
pealed , but while they are unon the
statute books it is the duty of these men
to see that they are obeyed. They do
not say wo must violate it , but they do
bay wo must disregard it. They pro
ceed as though the law did not exist. If
after a practical trial , a strict enforce
ment , the law shall prove to bo bad , lot
them then set about its repeal , but for
tlio sake of all the interests at stake lot
them enforce it while it exists. Stran-
_ era coming hero and seeing how
things are run say wo have the worst
city in this particular in the state. Wo
toll them wo are doing the best wo can.
Wo have everything to light. Wo get
no help from tlio city , but arc antago
nized at every point.
"Tho police have no power to enforce
the law and 1 don't know that thov
would do it If they had. Many of those
in authority are patrons ot the saloon
and some are llnanciallj interested in
the business. Those men will not en
force the law , but on the contrary do all
they can to prevent its enforcement ,
Tliis condition of things is evil in it !
effect upon the youth. It makes lawless popular. See its boldness. No
oven a screen hides it from the ga/.o ol
the people upon the .street. Von mus
see it whether you will or no. Its vur.i
prominence makes it popular , and b\
this means moio young men are boinj
ruined than beforo. Some public men
and n curtain sheet I mightinontionlif
both voice and pen in the defence of tin
trallic and its methods. Aoung mai
reasons in this way : Hero is the mayor
the head of a lovely familj ; the bus
band of a Christian wife ; having ovor.i
thing to make life desirable and success
ful , he has attained consideration am
position by the adoption ot the o moth'
ods , why not IV And the young mar
goes out and does as his conclusions wil
warrant. Oh , the direful effects o
a bad inlluence. Unthinking i
might bo , but just as liarmfu
for all that. The mayor at tin
head of the rum oligarchy. That is m
bar to success , says the young man. Hi
does not slop to think that life is mon
than present success or popularity.1
"Tho Godless Sablmth' ' with its basi
ball , beer gardens , open stores , etc.
came in at this point for attention , am
the preacher gave professing Christian
a thorough "rounding up" for patronii
ing any of those things. Ho rcfcrrci
to the impurity of language heard upoi
the street ; to the vast congregations o
loafers which assemble nightly upon th
street corners , and in Buch number
that it is impossible for a lady to pas
without being insulted. "Within :
stone's throw of where I am now speak
ing , there is ono of the worst streets ii
the world. A place where vice Haunt
its garments in tlio face of purity am
entices the young men , and oh
men as well , into its meshes c
destruction. Wo are almost n
bad as Rome was when u vile woimu
hold the scepter of power. Foul mouthci
men insult our wives , mothers am
daughters upon the street and th
police laugh at them. "
The use of billingsgate by mon ani
newspapers in the matter of public moi
and public measures came in for u roun
of severe scoring. The speaker roforre' '
Incidentally to the attacks of a certai :
paper upon tuo representatives of th
law and ovdoi * league in the city. " 1
this bo democracy God rid us of it , " sai
ho , "and I would say the same of an
other paper , whatever its politics , if i
did as thh ) one is doing. Tilts practic
ought to bo severely condemned by a' '
people , ho matter whore it is found. . "
Tlie speaker closed with ail outlinin
oftho rouiedy for : this coudltiou'c
miiihUcj. . .A t-A * i
things. Make the homo pure. Give
the . \outh a wholesome and thortugh
education , and finally bring them with
in the influence of the church.
An Old Oil I.en I Con.- .
Aftrr a long and painful Illness an
old and esteemed follow citizen , Mr. A.
J. Bump , passed peacefully away at 1:150 :
o'clock yesterday afternoon , at the ad
vanced ago of seventy years. The de
ceased was born at MoadvLllo , Crawford
county , Pa. , March 0 , 1818. Ho was
married at Kirkland , O. , May I , IS 11 ! ,
to Miss MaryH. . Millikon , who survives
him. He also leaves a son and daugh
ter , Charles C. Bump and Mrs. Mary E.
Pulton , of Park City. Utah.
He arrived hero with his family in
1S")2 , and followed farming until 1803 ,
when ho was elected city marshal. Ho
the n resumed farming , which ho con
tinued until prostrated by sicKiiess. Mr.
Bump was what might be called a posi
tive man , believing in no half-way
measure. What ho believed ho be
lieved with all the posilivoness
of a strong natmo and acted
accordingly. In politics ho was
a staunch and consistent re
publican so strong but conscientious
as to alw-ays command the respect of his
opponents' . [ u religion ho was a
Spiritualist , and during hi-long suller-
ing looked forward to what wo call
death as stenping into a higher and
broader sphere of usefulness.
In his death a loving father , a kind
husband and excellent cili/.en , friend
and neighbor has departed. No ar
rangements for the funeral have been
made , but the time will bo announced
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the New York plumbing Co.
Can't Make tlio Mini Stick.
Tlio Saturday evening Globe , which
is just now trying hard to establish the
fact that the saloon men of this county
are guilty of bribery in the methods by
which they have been running their
business , comes out witli the following
screed :
"Some time ago a case was com
menced by Thomas Hardy as plaintilV
and against Henry Jensen as defendant ,
asking for an injunction to restrain
Jensen fromselling intoxicating liquors.
A temporary writ was granted. Some
time afterward it wac learned that posi
tive evidence could bo secured to con
vict Mr. .Tenson of having violated this
injunction , and that ho was in contempt
of court and liable to a line of t-r 00. Mr.
Jensen , of course , reali/.ed the situation
and know that he was liable to bo arrest
ed and fined , and wont where all saloon
keepers appear to bio for favors , to Mr.
Our informant states that at the btoro
of J. B. Blake , in Avoca , la. , Mr. Sims
was paid , for the purpose of settling the
matter , $1" > 0. At the time of this trans
action , Mr. G. Deidrich and several
others were present and aw the money
paid by Henry Jensen to Jacob Sims.
In this case no judgment had been ron-
lored against Mr. Jensen for attorney's
'ees , and none has yet been rendered.
Ur. Jensen understood that the amount
by him paid was to stop proceedings
igainst him for having violated the
.emporary injunction. Please explain ,
Mr. Sims , and wo will give you another
case next Monday. ' '
In order to ascertain what of truth
there is in the above , a representative
of Tun Bun called upon Mr. Sims.
"What about this charge that Jensen
laid you SIoO ? " inquired the seribo.
"Jensen never paid mo a single cent ,
it any time or in any place , " replied
Mr. Sims.
'Did you over receive money from
inyono at Avoca , in connection with
.iquor cases ? "
"Yes , I did. During the summer of
ISS ( ! I was employed by the law and
order le.igue to prosecute certain cases ,
lonsen's among the number. On a cer
tain date Thomas Hardy and William
Tittsworth , acting for the league , paid
mo $100.
' 'Well , what about Jensen's case and
its settlement with you ? "
' 'I did not settle the Jensen caso. 11 is
place was enjoined and ho disobeyed
the order of the court. The league
commenced proceedings against him
for violating the injunction. Then he
came to them , as I understood at the
time , and offered to quit the business
and go away if they would allow him to
pav the costs already incurred in the
case. The league were 'prosecuting. '
not 'persecuting' Jensen and
the case was dismissed at
his costs. lie paid the league $150 , 1
believe. "
"The Globe savs , Mr. Sims , that a
Mr. Deidrich and others saw Jensen
pay jou the money in J. B. Blake's
btoro. "
"I don't believe Deidrich over told
such a thing. If the Globe wants the
best evidence in the matter , why docs
it not give what Jensen says of the mat
ter. Say , if this interview ib for publi
cation. just ask the Globe why , with all
the evidence of my crookedness in its
possession , it has not said something
about it before this late day ? If it
wanted to charge bribery upon the
saloon men why did it not do so when
fauch charges could bo made with some
oftcet , instead of waiting until the
saloon light is practically over. "
Full line ot shoot musio at Counci
BlulVb Musio Co. , 1221 Broadway.
for Kim.
The following is the score made by the
members of the Manawa Gun club al
their fifth weekly shoot.
First a side with IIolTmayr and Wesl
as captains :
HotTnuyr . IS II. S. West . 21
Ill-own . 14 Campbell . 11
Odoll . lit Kilos . 1J
Il.udln . 2J StublH . 11
Gnuitly . J > Muttnni . 11
Gilbert . 8 P. West . -1
Atliortoa . 15 1'nrltor . 'i
S. M. Shea . 7 Jones . If
J. J. Shea . 7 Thomas . 1 (
Total . 117 Total . 11 :
The next match was at ton pairs ol
birds :
Campbell . r ,
. ( ones . 11
Gntmly . 1 !
The next was at five pairs :
J. M. Shea . C
Ed Gilbert . I
1 > . West . f
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary ,
The Misses Oberholt/.cr start tomorrow
row for Colfax.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tray nor are BO
Jourtiing at Spirit Lake.
Mrs. F. J. Day , MissLUllo Hough anil
Mrs. William Hardin are among those
ill Colfax.
Judge Prescott , of Salina , Kas. , an
uncle ot the late G. C. Prescott , was in
the city yesterday.
J. J. Brown loft for Chicago yesterday
day over the Rock Island. He Will be
absent but a ghort timo.
Mr. George Traynor loft for the
northern jvirt of the sttito Saturduj
evening on a business trip. : ,
II.'O. . Cook , superintendent of th <
Largest Stoch , 1 METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto.
TVT , P. ROHRBR , Willl&m Slndontapf ,
HI.A.I * asscp .T _ , Dtftler In i ffardmati , Everett & Fisher
awam MKAU City St Count/ REAL ESTATE
g MUTUAL UIFE IN8 , CO. New Tom. Main St. Council tllulTi. ' CUV
ti SIM'ty't AY
x x XvAAxx/V
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronaga
of Any Bank in the city. Is Solicited.
SYH , & .RDFDStr , SMDKB ' oo
& Mooro's
PainbQil2t Qiaos Go. Torcgoy Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. Santa Rosa. .
No. 8. Pearl St _ . . - _
-r > >
Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and ISuggies. H. F. HATTENHALTER I always keep in stock a Inryo varietj or eastern
1 have always , a full stock to select from. . . , make Carriages which 1 sell at a \oi\\ low rate.
Call and examine. Prices Low. \ m. > 27 to ! { ( } 1'ourSli Srt. ( . I am always rcadto % show goods.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadwny , Council Bluffs , Iowa
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.
-ir you IIAVH ANY
Call on ill. mtOIII.ICII , 5 : ; < * Itroiulway , wlioro you will receive
tin ; KifiliiM 4Ju > th Price.
Union elevator , left yesterday morning
for a short western pleasure trip.
Arthur Rand , who has boon with Mot-
calf IJro-j. for several years , has moved
to Indianola , Neb. , whore ho baa en
gaged in the loan business.
Mis-s .lennio Kinniek , of Bloomileld ,
In. , and Misses Madgo Seott and Susie
Evans , of Wahoo , Xob.aro visiting rel
atives on North Main street.
Mrs. E. C. Glea&on and children and
Miss Gertie , daughter of K. O. Glea on ,
are visiting in Kanias , and will extend
their trip to Colorado before returning
J. J. Malownov , of Hebron. Nob. , ar
rived in the city la t evening to look
after his real estate interests at Man
awa. He will remain during the entire
MKs Hnttie Low-is , who has been
visiting with tlio family of Dr. Han-
chelt , loft Saturday for a visit with
friends further webt before returning to
her homo at Newton , la.
Mr. J. O. Phillip ! , formerly general
agent of the Chicago , Uurlington it
Quincy , in this city , has been appointed
general freight an d passenger agent of
the Missouri Pacific , with headquarters
at Omaha. Ho will have direct charge
of all business north of Atchison , Kan.
His many friends will bo pleased to
hear of his well deserved promotion.
' All advoi tisements , such as f.ostI'ound ,
SI'HCI . 1'or SaleTo Hent.Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low
rateof TiN ri'.NI'S I'llll I.INI ! for the llrst In-
scitlon uml l'l\e Cents Per Line for eich subse
quent Insertion. Leave adveitKements at our
olliee , No. li : 1'earl Street , nuar llioadway.
Council IllulTs. loua.
astiolo er Mrs. Woodward \\111 read
LADY destiny through the science of the
&tar.s. California houv , Connlll lUtill * .
„ _
ANTKD-A Rood baker , W. South Slain St. ,
Council HIiillH. la.
SALi : Thorouplibred ram. Addcessor
call IK.V. . Itroadw.iy , Council Illulls la.
WANTKD Experienced u alter girls orbojs
at tlio Hotel Mumnui.
Hetween I'ourth and Main streets on
llioad\vay , Tue daj nl ht , a Smith i. Wes-
hon liammorlesi ilS calibre luvnlver , lateK pat
tern. A suitable roaullll bo jiaid for Its le-
tm-n to I" . II. ( jimneil.i , city marshal.
rK you have a stock of merchandise to trailo
for land or tlty piopcity wiite to Johnston
A ; Van Patten. Council Illnlls. In.
" \ \rANTIJD ( ! oed lrl for general hon ework
T ntJ Mueller's , \2 \ Willow avenue.
IIS. CAItHllTTlII.L. professional nurse. 711
Mynstei stieet , Illnlls.
HOl'SP.S for j-ent. Johnston & , Van I'attcn , 33
Slain btiuet.
Foil SAI.1I An open side-bar bn By , nearly
new , to pool puity on monthly payments
A. J. Mandel. No. ! KJ and iC'i llroadw.ty.
AIT'ANTIJI ) Good second hand Moves , ftirnl-
i tine anil cupdts. Will pay hlKhestiash
price. A. J Mandel , Nos Jil aud.l."i llroadway.
T7 ) ll SA lln-Tho best small fruiFa"niT"Vegeu"
-L' blu faun in 1'otlawattanilo tounty , two
miles from Council llhills postolIUe , at a piV'o
that will sell It , on remarkably i-iiiy teims.
Title pejfett and property In Bond ( ondltlon.
I'ossesslon Klvvn any time. Good reason tor
hollliKT. It. T. llryunt 'A : Co. , BW ilioadway ,
Council lllulls , la.
rPO ltiNT : Immediately , for the summer , a
* good furnished hmile , 10 roointi ; closet and
bathioum ; clry water. Apply on premises , bia
fit have. '
WANT To exchange1 Nobiaska or Wisconsin
farmlands forCounill Illnlls or Omnha
ptopetty or merchandlbe , O , 1' . McKesson.
\\rANTf.I- fctoclcs ot nierohaiullsH. Have
Omaha and Council Hluirs city property ,
alto \\estdrn land to exdianiro for jools. Call
on or address JohniOn A : Christian , iloom 'Jo ,
Cliumberof Commerce , Omaha.
FOH SA LK At a bargain. 10 acres near stock
yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Hoom M , Chamber of Commerce ,
Tlio Jlorrls Typo Writer ! > a practical , well
made and llnely IlnUhed iiiaclilin- . and combines
the perfect lettering , exuct alllKnment , and
rapid wiltinc of a hi h priced writer. The IID1-
KNMIMr.OlltAril. ( ( the best appuratiM made
for manifolding auto raphlu mid tvpeuller
workill.UiiUcoplescan betaken. TVJ'lJ WHITCIt
supplies for hale. 8 end for circulars. Tlio Kr-
coislor Co. , Council Hluttd.Ia.
Meution this pap
LI. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women an4 Children ,
307 lirou&wuT , found } Bluff * . .
DOOIlroailway Cnuucll niulTs , Iowa. C
COH. 5X11 AVIi AM'I'll ST.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational Institution , fuinl-h-
cd with nil modern improvements for boarding
and day school. 'I he academic j ear consists of
two sessions , lelnnliiu ) ( on the llrst Monday in
September and rebraaiy , respectfully.
Terms-lloaid and tuition per session , t7" > .
1'or fill ther particulars uddre'-s Sister Sapcilor ,
Bt. 1'raucls Academy , Council Illulls , la.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Ilois , niui mules constantly on haiul for mlo
lit lotull orluiar lots ,
Onler-i promptly UlH'il by contract on ( .lioit
Mock M > M on commission.
Telephone III. t-niM'TKIl ' \ IIOI.l'.Y.
Opposltu Dummy Depot , Council llluirs.
NO. r 21 SI MN ST. ,
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Main Streot.Council HlulfIowA.
KSTAJJL/lSHIOn 18 12. INCOKPO11A.T121 } 187
CO. ,
POWER- Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and ostlmntoi furnished for complete strain pluuK HoKiilatinn , Diinililllty Ounr-
nutted. Can show lutters fioni IIMT-I wliete fuul liconomy Is equal with Corliss Noa-Lomlimainff ,
' ' t' Ui\4'E3 ItI-1'l'I'S BOtVA.
ItltAKt'H IIOL'M ? , < > < - ,
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Cast B i ! < ui ma - v FOR
s , Automatic nt ISconomij ,
Itcpnlrs. ,1' fid Ifand and
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council filuirs.Ia. Telephone 100.
PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Hydraulic ami Sanitary Kngineiir. I'lntis , Estimates ,
H . Sput-idcation * . Supervision of I'ublic Work. Hi own
> ' , Council Hluflb , Iowa ,
PIMI ITV OIlDl/C Attorney at Law , Second Floor Oiown Utiilding , 115
rllNLLY DUnixL"1'earl St. , Council niulls , Iowa. ,
- * I U ll H M W MVM * l HMMM MM M V > M B BM * * H B l W * VW * B HaB r
ll M1 | l * Min-T * | f
CPUIIP7 Iiibticc ol the IVace. Olllcc over American Express , No.110
OL nUl l/- Hio.ulway , Council Hluila , Iowa.
QTHMF f\l IM Attol'nt ; > 's n * I"1W' I'ractice in the Stale and r\-dera
\ - - Courts. 'Olllef Roonib 7 ami 8 , Shujjart-Beuo Block ,
Council Hhillb , Iowa.
UAVTM Oentist. Corner Main Street and Fin.t AMIHIO , Counci
CP . rm lLlvuiuirs , iowa.
. . /-ill i KI r > rr \ I | M R/l / rSporlallNt In illseiisen nt llye. , NIISIJ and
M. H rHAMnrn N M I ) 'll""llt ( Ha .sAn.nat.H I'I.-M rlh.'d Cut-
i III V/l InlYI LJL.I i I I I Ij Illi L/ nurd limited lir mall nttir Unit i < nsnltiitl
Olliro cor , Main htieet and IIroad ay. Itc ldence , CIO ItltiU fct. Homoy.lo Ii , atoO , ' .M to8W. ;
Council llhillH , Joua.
OMAHA , MII. : corwii. ISMJITM , IA
A triumvirntc of insti-uinonlH which cannot ho bxcollod in tone , bounty of finish
and Koiionil workmuiiBhip.
Royal and Century
Excel all others In st.vlo of GIIS.O , hcuutj of flnibh i\nd \ voluino of tone.
All kinds of Mublciil Iiibtrumonts , Hussluu Gut Strln H , Shoot Muilc and Music'
Deuloi's suilioit ) [ ) ut Chlciigo prices. Scid | for Cntnloguo >
Our UciMirfinciU uf TOVN HIM ! I'A.VOV OOI > S , wu iiru ol
out at lu * llitui coal. Oualors ploasu muUu.n . .uol of tliU'intl | jel
iur { joutU cliuup. ' , , - ' . ' ' ' , , "