Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY I : ATONDA * . JtTLY 23. 1383.
The Wook's Doltiga In the Commer
cial Mnn's Field.
Trctl NVIcoii TMcH It on Account of n
Jlonilnuhn A Lottery I'rl/.o
( In : Uiiuilm
I'Votl NolHon'H Attempt to Ruialilc.
FroiU-ru-k Nulson , n ttiivoliiitf iml'xiimii for
Cheney ISros. , whulomilo snk dealers ul IbO
I'VunUlm fclreut. Chicago , did hU utmost to
end his life lait Tuesday. The Ohio itfo Hcr-
nld gave the following account of the sud
nlTalr : Mr. Siiylor , western inammur for
Cliono.v IJros. , pat chatting with it customer
nt that hour , nml both wcro slurtlcd by two
revolver Bhots In the water rlosot , off the
rear of the More , lluih ini'k u rush fur the
cloiet , and , llndliu tlio duor bollcil , burst It
Open Just In time to find Nui'ton swinging
Iilfnsclf off on u lopf , on oml of which was
looped iilnnit liis not k and the other fastened
to a , lifiwy hook In Urn wall. Mlnnd wns
Btienimiif ; from revolver shot wounds In the
center of his forchcud and rlpht temple ,
whllo a smoking 'J'J cnllbru mviilvor was
cllnohed In hlH right liiind. Tliu rope win
lint and ( IIP wo.ipnn wrested frnm him. lie
handed snmo letters to Mr. Knylor anil tln-n
fell back Insensible. The patrol was called
nnd hu was removed to tlie 1'resb.vtorlan hos-
jiltal. The wiiunil in the forehead had failed
to punclriitti the br.iiu , but the other is bo-
llevod to bo fatal.
"Ho was ono of the best known salesmen
traveling out of Ctiinigo , " said Mr. Baylor.
"IIo hud wife and
n four-year-old daughter
nt ins homo ( n Mollne , III. IIo was formerly
n incmberof the linn \Villiamnon ft Nel-
BOII. dry jjnods di xleis , at Ciiilosuiirg and
JSIolliio. belling out his Inten-st there ho
came to ChluiiKO , seven years ago , and
traveled for four yours for J. V. Karwoll ,
milling Bilks. .Since then ho has horn with
Cheni > llrolhors. He was nbnut forty-two
years of UBI' , hiiopily niairied , had buou enJoying -
Joying a good trade and had been given hand-
Homo rinses of salary by the linns ho worked
for ul the end of each year without his ask
ing for them. Ho was not n drinking MUM ,
nor did he gamble. 11 _ > was , however , ot a
very nervous temperament. IIo returned
lint n week ago from his vacation nt Moline.
"When in the city Nelson boarded nt 2 > " Oak
Btrcot , but , In his wifo'sabsonco , helms been
Btoppiug nt the ( ! race hotel. l''or the hist
four days he has been rather nioiOHO and do-
upondent. I said to him yesUr.lay : 'Cheer
tip , Fred , and lot's ' go to the ball game. ' Ho
declined I can't imagine what would cause
liim to kill himself. "
A score of traveling salesmen from the
neighboring hounottof Mai. shall Fluid , Car-
BOII , 1'n'iu , Scott & Co. and .1. V. Fanvoll ft
Co. , CHIIIO rushing In cngcrly inquiring as to
the truth of thii rumor. All spoke In the
highest terms ol the unfortunate * man and
rojsretteil his rashness. "Xo traveling sales
man was better known through the northwest
than Fred. I lo was not what wo term 'ono of
the boys. ' IIo ne.ther drank , gambled , nor
Was he given to any kind of sporting. lie
was an even-going salesman , who rollec-ted
credit on the craft , " so spokuono of Marshall
Field's traveling men.
"Lot's examine these letters , " saiu Mr.
Baylor. The llrst one opened wijs telegram
addressed to Nelson from his wife , reading :
"You sent me. $ .15. What for ! No writing
ivith it. "
The second wai > a letter on the Una's letter
head , reading :
Jn.\K \ \ n n : I sent you $ , ' ' 5 You may
need it. If 1 want some later 1 can got it
from you
This was dated July 12 and signed "Yours ,
Fred. " Another letter inclosed In the same
cnvclopo with the nbovc , on a linn letter
head , was dated July 13 and written in an
irregular , almost undecipherable manner In
his handwriting as follows :
To Mt MII.O\ : : > U'IFU ANMI lUnv : My
head aches terribly. I am afraid I cannot
live through such another dro.idful night.
You never would have thought I'd over come
to thitt. Kiss little Hazel for inc. Uood-by.
Your unworthy husband. FIIKD.
Another letter read thus :
MH. KVU.OII : For nine months I have not
felt right. I am unable to get much sleep
without taking medlelno. My head has been
troubling me. I appeal to you as a friend to
Bee that my wife and babe do not como to
want. 1 am well-known to traveling mon
throughout the northwest and in Now York.
U'lioy would aid my wife and child rather
than ! * eo them sutler , 1 regret to luuvo my
wife nnd little I lanl destitute. Please see
Mr Cheney and have him pay the balance of
my salary to my wife , for she's a noble wo
man. Yours , Fnr.n Nni.sox.
J.V Hall , of the department of ttllks at J.
V. Fur well's , said : "Nelson was a capital
BfilcRinuu ; ono of the best in the west. IIo
was a temperate man of exemplary habits.
Why , only two days ago ho was showing mo
Bomo plush ho was soiling and seemed all
right then. I can't imagine why such a man
Bhonld take his own life. IIo was happily
married , thought the world of his wile , was
pleasantly employed , held the conllUonco of
Ills cmployir and customers alike , and was
doubtless the best known silk salesman in
Chicago. Ho got a raise last fall without
risking it olil'0 , "
A dinpateh was sent Mr. Williamson , Net-
ton's former partner at Moline , asking him
lo break the news to Mrs. Nelson. It was
stated at the hospital that the unfortunate
man could not live until daylight.
Hlcli Tor One Day.
"Somo years ago , when I was giddy and
Voting , " said a prominent traveling salosma . ,
tor a Detroit shoo house to n reporter for the
Michigan Tradesman , "i invested a whole ,
big , elegant dollar ( n the Crazyana lottery.
I never hud any luck , but tlui thought came
to buy , and buy I did. If wcro but a
liundrod chanccB and I had iiinuty-nino of
thorn the other follow would win. That's the
Itlml of lottery luoklhavol Well , the day
after the di awing , on picking up a Chicago
* ially , I saw the list of numbers , and number
41tW had diawn the hi ? prUo and 1 held one-
tenth of that number and was $15,000 better
off limn 1 was the day before ! Happy I Why ,
Iho word doesn't express It crn/y is nearer
right' ' 1 sent in my grips by express , opened
iii ] a basket of champagne for the boys in the
hotel , built grand plans of what I would do
great trip to the Yosemlto valley , then to
Kuropu , would live like n prince t Ah , that
\vas a happy day for me , I assure you ! 1 loft
for Chicago that sninn night nnd headed
etrulgbt for the pluco whore 1 had bought
thotliket , in order to have them send and
cash it for mo. Then came the most terrible
moment of my like ! The intollinent composi
tor of that Chicago daily had mudu a
blunder- used ono letter for the othor. Tim
right ticket was -170:3 : , and I wns as poor as
before. 1 got to the express company before
they had delivered my grips to the linn and
took the llrst truin back to my work. "
"Tho ring Hat Hero. "
When the Southern hotel burned In St.
Thorns recently , A. I * . Hrookway , a repro-
boututivo of Sargent & Co. , hunlwaro deal
ers of New York , distinguished himself for
his pr.-.seiico of mind and daring work in the
rescuing of twenty woinou from the burning
building , und as a rnwurJ for his bravery thu
looal papers the next morning called him
"Tho Plug Hat Hero. "
Mr Uroekway iippcared nt n third stor }
window shortly after the alarm of "tiro wai
Hounded. His wardrobe consisted of the
long wbito garment usually carried In n
N traveling man's small grip , ono boot and hi :
shining silk hat.
t Speaking of the tire to a friend ho said : . " ]
wns sleeping In a fourth story roon
v/hen I wan nwnkcnoii by soma un
usual nolso. I supposed porhups it was i
Btrcet HUit below my win-Jaw. Suddonlj
the word 'tiro' rang out , and yon can behove
that 1 Jumped from juy bed. I tried to lluhi
the gas but could not. In the dark I t > oi rchei
for my clothing , but all 1 wan able to lint
was i y stove-plpo .istl am1 one boot. I conk
hear people running nleng the InUls am
heard ill" shouts of men , and Unew 1 had tic
time foe dress \Vlnni I reached th'
hall the entire spare was llllod with Binoko ,
In company with others 1 row-hiM thu thlit
Hour , an J entering u room flouting on tin
street. 1 yelled lustily for a ladder ; one wa <
run up tO'tho wiudow and. the .frightcuix :
herd of IminUns rnshcil pell moll ovur )
othurto reach -sufetii Thcro neib abuul
thirty men , nnd every ono at thorn would
have gene out before the women had I not
stoppefl ttiem. I do not know that I deserve
nn.v particular credit. I had got partially
over my nc'nro and had presence of mind
rnodirli to n.mernber my gallantry. I secured
n position onlBldo the window nndiasscd | the
ladies down , but you enn be fissured that I
was the llrsl man that followed them , I let
Iho boys look out for theins"lves , It was nil
awful night , and ills the saddest recollection
of my life. I must have presented an Inter-
estlnir sight when I reached terra flrma tiluil
as I was , or rather clad as I was not. It Is a
fuel , that since that night 1 hnvo never worn
a plug hat. "
Tin ; Protci Uvn Union.
The Traveling Men's Protective union Is
an organization that has been in existence n
little over four years. Shortly after the
fourth annual meeting , which was held nt
Davenport , In. , haJ adjourned , the secretary
addressed an open letter to the DCS Molnes
State Register on the bcnellts of the associa
tion to the traveling mun , The letter was
briefly as follows :
"For the information of those Who arc Ig
norant of the objects of tills union , let me
say , it wni not organized m Iho interest of
any combination or Jobber , but earnestly for
the protection of our salesmen , nnd in favor
of honest expense accounts , and for foiling
roods in an upright , manly and legitimate
way. Heretofore prices have been m.ldo nnd
lebates fiven , and underhanded , unscrupu
lous , methods resorted to , that no honest Job
ber or B.ilcsman could contend with. Ho
hope's to overcome this by this union , the
members of which pledge themselves not to
cut prices on goods , with penalties attached ,
nnd to use every effort to have the same en
"This wo have entered Into most earnestly ,
nnd , as our membership is rapidly Increas
ing , feel assured of success. Wo have a regu
larly organ ized executive board , whose duty is
to attend to those detected in cutting prices ,
ami in localities wo have already succeeded
in establishing a healthier trade.
"Only n few of Iho retailers object to the
stand taken , nnd many of thorn think It , will
result In fairer dealings among themselves.
The chairman of the executive committee is
10. B. If earns , of Uiirlington , la. , who may bo
addrcs ud on nil matters concerning cuts ,
reporting , etc. The "now low.i law" on cnn-
binations , corporations , trusts , etc. , docs not
affect us whatever. Wo hojio those dilatory
ones who have boon hanging back for some
one else llrst will promptly put their own
shoulder to the wheel. "
TriivclliiK Mc-li'i Trlnls.
A traveling man for a Now York IIOURO
called last week at llrcnk Hros.'just after
dinner , says the Yenowino News , to sell
sonio goods. Joe was busy draughting n
garment that was promised for Saturday at
I ) o'clock sharp , and Hob left his cutting
table to look at Iho samples. The goods
were Just unpacked when a gentleman eamo
In to have his coat tried on. The agent
waited. A businessman then consumed Just
twenty minutes in selecting the goods nnd
leaving his measure for i\ blue serge coat
and vest , and cool , striped trousers. The
agent , waited. A doctor followed , nnd selected
a wide wale diagonal for cutaway coat and
vest , and light trousers. His measure
was taken and thirty minutes moro was con
sumed. The agent got In llvo minutes work
when a young man came in for a llanncl
suit , but decided on a light weight sacque ,
pique vest and pinchbeck trousers. The
agent grew restless and looked at his watch.
A gentleman then came in , absorbing nearly
half tin hour more and took some samples for
his wife to ilecido on. The ngont said howe
wo .lid call again when they wcro not so busy ,
but when informed that ho could not Hud amore
moro favorablw time , ho waited and sue
ceedcd in getting in n thirty minutes' Inter
view during the afternoon , from 1 : ! ! ( > to ( i.Ot )
p. m. IIu says it is the liveliest establish
ment he has struck in the city.
HatCH Kuiiiain IIl
There are a disappointed lot of commercial
drummers In this city at present , says the
San Francisco Chronicle. They all hail from
the cast , nml they came out hero on the
strength of the reports that the inter-stato
commerce commissioners were about to lay
an iron hand upon the railroad companies ,
which action would , it was believed , result
in it great advance of rates before August 1.
The drummers had only got fairly down to
work here In making their arguments with
the merchants that now was the time to buy
goods while freight rates still remained ut
low llgurcs , when the Chronicle published a
p'-ivato dispatch received from a member of
the Transcontinental association , stating that
no change would be made In rates until
August 1 , nnd that oven then the outlook
was favorable for a continuance of the old
tariff. This intelligence has sent a chill
down the back of each of the drummers ,
who now fear that their mission to this coast
wns in vain. Meantime the merchants are
congratulating themselves on the outlook for
the maintenance ot the present tariff.
Kepresenlcil the Illfj House.
A Philadelphia drummer saw a man In a
railroad car , whom ho thought ho know ,
says the Denver Koail , and slapping him on
the back , asked him how ho was. The man
looked up , and the drummer saw that ho was
a stranger. Ho apologized , saying that ho
thought that ho was a frienu of his. What
followed is best told by a Jersey newspaper :
"I hope I am a friend of yours , " the man
said , and they irot to talking , and the com
mercial man , seeing the gentleman's grip
sack , thought ho must bo a commercial man
also , and nsked him what house ho repre
sented. " 1 represent , " said the gent'oinan ,
"tho largest hotibo in the world. " "Well , "
said the traveling man , "if you represent the
largest house in the world you certainly have
a snap What liouso is it1" "The Lord's
liouse"said the gentleman"my namois.lohn
Scarborough , bishop of the Protestant Kpls-
copal church. "
Ilooku Instead ofDrummerH.
A number of Now York Jobbers are now
llgnring on a plan for selling goods to their
customers by means of Jobbers' price lists
instead of having representatives on the
road to look after their customers. The
plan , according to interviews with whole-
sillers on the above plan as published In the
Mail nnd Express , Is to have largo circular
or pamphlet prlco lists printed each month to
mail to one's customurs nnd allow them to
make the orders from the prices quoted In
the lUts. The plan would save the merchants
thousands ( if dollars expended iu salaries
nud nllls , but whether it would hold their
business or not is n question that will be set
tled after they liuvtt tried the experiment.
A Bummer ICxoiii-Hlon.
The latest plan talked of for the benefit
nnd entertainment of the traveling men of
Oiimhii It u moonlight excursion some night
during this week or the first of next to Lake
Manawa. The proprietors at the lake have
made the arrangements for an excursion and
will await the pleasure of the traveling men ,
for whom It has been arranged , to name the
evening for their visit to Mauawil. The
evening wilt bo given up entirely to the
p.irty and a pleasant time will no doubt be
otijoyed by those who may see tit to Join in
tliu expedition.
Umnlia Sunday Guests.
At the Mlllanl C. H. Hoa.rdman and M
II. Marshall , Jr. , St. touls ; .1. L. Creswell
Toledo ; r..ouli L.Utman , Detroit ; W. S. Gil
mini , Kansas City ; T. 1 * . Owen and J ,
Kdgtir Jones , Chicago : William M Melntosh
New York ; N. Uogers , C. K. Jossupn and K.
Wells , St. .loo ; J. T. West , DCS Moines ;
Charles Wellorpu ami Thomas Stair , Chicago
cage ; M. JJ Huberts nml W. M. Kurc.v , New
York ; J. C. NelT nnd M. U. Hathaway , Jr. ,
llnohclle , III ; E. H. Terrell. San Antonio ;
N. T. Ilcddrn , Columbus , O. ; James U
Smith and .lames Pattoa , St. Joe ; J. C. Carn-
burn and 1) . M. JohiiAoii. Chicago ; A. F ,
Graves , lioilou ; U. II. Wright , Lynchburg ,
Va.s l'U. . Huloy , 13. I > . Pratt nuct W. It. .
Stewart , Jr. , Dos Moines ; D. S. Watson ,
Toledo : W. W , Carues , Mucon , Gu. ; H. H ,
U.iinbridge , Now York ; Win. Wolfe , Syra
r.iso , N. Y. ; IL. . Putjel , Philadelphia ;
Charles Harreiipohl , Kansas City ; S. DCS'
lire * and J. H. Hishop , Chicago ; II. J ,
Trucsdell , Hoston ; C. Dobrlner , St. Joe :
M. Woodward , Ues Moines ; James T. Ilorryi
Newport , Ky. ; W , O. Everett , Milwaukee ;
M N Hureliard und John T. Norrollo , Chl
cage : I . Kelt. I'liilndeliihla ; A. It. Vcrmll-
yon. New York ; J. A. l-'leseh , Chicago ; 13.
l. Hunker , Tojxika ; W. O. Kvaim , Now
York ; W. A. Martinlere , Columbus , ( Ja , ; J.
KluhaiMl&on , Jr. , St. LouU ; Upton. Keiupt'on
.At thn Paxtou : ' E. LoobNev YOI-K ; .C. 0
.Mitchell and \Y. R. Sterling. ChJcafo ; Johi
Klcrmin , St. Louis ; H. Moris , Deadwood ;
11.K. . Lyon , Kansas City ; S. L. Levy , Phila
delphia : T. W. Sprngue. Ho 6n ; A , Hrccher ,
Cincinnati ; L. 1C. Miles Akron : John P.
Kobcs , St. LouU : W. C. Hodman , Ed Friend
and George D. Hoffman , Chieauo ; K. T. Le-
Clalr , Minncnimll.s : lr. O. H. Nichols ,
Sacramento ; John H. Lcsh , nnd J. F.
Pollard , Hoston ; A. H. Ideson , Osh *
kosh ; Eltlngo Klmore , Milwaukee ;
M. D. Jones , Lebanon , Ind. : Will It Harbor
nnd Charles It. Coo | > or , Chicago ; Francis
Kookley nnd C. Salmon , Now York ; A. C
Davis , Hoston ; A. O. Knenle , Minneapolis ;
H. II. Uallenborg and J. H. Marks , Chicago ;
E. D. Palmer , Minneapolis : Hobert H.
Stnnton , Denver ; M. lluckoyser , Milwau
kee ; Frank Schlegel nnd 1) . S. Simon , Chicago
cage ; William F. Nieoringhaus and Walter
Salomon , St. Louis ; II. Kahn
nnd Charles Crawford , Chicago ;
E. Wodlnka nnd George L. Davidson , Now
York ; E.Marx and M. M. Smith , Chicago ;
Charles Sykcs , Now York ; W. N. W Hlay-
ney. Denver ; C. A. Newman , Philadelphia :
W. M. Thompson , Washington ; L. S. Carter ,
Hlnghn-npton , N. Y. ; J. M. Wolf , Chicago ;
E. D. Kohn , Chattanooga.
At the Harkor M. J. Halter. Greenville ,
Pa. ; T. H. Mitchell , Lo.idvlllo ; J. A. Taylor ,
Des Molnos ; E. MiK , Chioigo ; T , A. Jonner ,
Philadelphia ; Charles D. Stcnrnes , Now
York ; W. S. Smith , Hoston ; D. Davis nnd
J. Itottover , Chlo.igo ; H. Lnbows , Philadel
phia ; W. T. McUtieltlgun , Chicago ; A. F.
Cutter , Davenport ; Marsh Parker , Salem ,
Amoni : the Omnlm Hey * .
II. J. Miner was out on his regular run last
week for Vlnynrd & Schneider.
W. II. Allen was selling Omaha dry goods
and notions along the H. ft M. last woMc.
Sam Host was selling W. V. Morse & Go's ,
boots und shoes among the Mormons last
Yinyard & Schneider have not yet put a
man on the road to 1111 Mr. E. E. Nordaiser's
William McP. Fuller was along the Union
Pacific the past week selling drugs for an
Omaha ilrm.
F. II. Daniels was sellmcr calicos along the
line of the Union Pncille in Nebraska , for M.
E. Smith & Co.
F. D. Morrlll , of Paxtou & Gallagher's ,
was talking groceries nnd Manawa excur
sion along his run last week.
J. 11. Hcail was along the line of the H. &
M. in western Nebraska last week , selling
sun umbrellas for M. E. Smith fc Co.
L. M. Winslow was selling drugs In south
ern Nebraska last week. Ho sayn the
weather was very hot down near Kansas.
William Fisher was taking orders for the
fall stock of boots and shoes throughout
western Nebraska last week for an Omaha
H. T. Flavon , who works Colorado and
Wyoming for an Omaha drug house , says ho
had to wear his overcoat iu the mountains
last week.
L. C. Heobo , of Grand Island , was selling
Hlake , Hruco & Co.'s Dills , powders and
drugs through western Nebraska during the
past woclf.
A. C. Weir , of Minneapolis , Minn. , was
making the Union Pacific in Nebraska dur
ing the past week for a prominent shoo house
of this city.
T. H. Wiley , of Council Hluffs , western
Iowa representative of the Richardson Drug
company , has returned from a thrco week's
visit to his old homo in Illinois.
Are you sad , despondent , gloomy ?
Are you sore distressed i
Listen to the welcome bidding
"Ho at rest. "
Have you aches and pains unnumbered ,
Poisoning life's Golden Cup !
Think not there's no balm in Gilead , and
"Give it up. "
A Golden Kemedy awaits you
Golden not alone in nanio
Iteach , oh , suffering one , and grasp it ,
Health reclaim.
There is but ono "Goldon" Remedy
Dr. Piorco's Golden Mudictil Discovery.
It stands ulono : IB the great "blond
purifier , " ' 'strength ronovvor , " nnd
"health restorer" of the ngo. The
Liver , it regulates , removing all im
purities. The Lungs it strongthons.
cleansing and nourishing them. The
whole system it builds up , supplying
that above all oilier tilings most needed
pure , rich Itlnod.
AVinnint ; Men.
In the course of his morning sermon
at the Congregational church yesterday
Rev. G. W. Crofts remarked that it wns
to bo regretted that so many ministers
felt it necessary to preach so much
against Such evils as dancing , card play
ing , theater-going , Sunday base ball ,
etc. Ho believed that if Christ was so
preached as to reach the hearts of men
those matters would quickly regulate
themselves. The province of the
church wns not merely to light sin , butte
to probont truth so forcibly and attract
ively that men would be drawn toward
it. Men generally needed only to bo
thoroughly convinced what was best for
them , and they would strive to secure
that. The church should bo made moro
attractive than the ball game or the
card rooms. Then there-would bo little
necessity of spending time in denun
einlions. Mr. Moody had clearly taken
this position , and follow the policy. He
illustrated it by _ the incident" a
mother whoso child got hold of a pair
of scissors. The alarmed mother tried
to get the child to give them up , but
finding the little one so obstinate that
force would need bo used , offered the
little ono an orange. The scisbors
dropped from the dimpled but clinched
list , and the orange ttiKcn. It was nec
essary sometimes to wrest the harmful
scissors , but the wise way was to oiler
ono something belter to take the place
of the evil.
"The best on earth" can truly bo said
of Griffps Glycoriuo Salvo a speedy
euro for outs , bruises , scalds , burns ,
sores , piles , totter uud till skin orui > -
tious. Try this wonderful remedy , Uo
cents. Guaranteed. Goodman JJi-ujj
Worthily Wedded.
Lnst evening at the residence of Mr.
Drolich , 638 Hroadwny , occurred the
marriage of Mr. Kmil Drolich and Miss
MolHo Abrahamowitz. At 0:30 : the
happy couple stood up before Justice
Scluitv. and took upon themselves the
obligations of the civil contract. A
little later the jvirty passed up
btnirs to the synagogue whore
the Jewish ceremony was performed by
itabbi Benson , of Omaha. Thou fol
lowed congratulations from the as
sembled relatives and friends. A wed
ding feast , prepared in conformity to
, the practice of that church , wns spread.
The festivities incident to the occasion
, continued for hours , and to all who par
ticipated In them they will remain n
pleasant memory. Tim BKK , with all
, ether friends , extends congratulations.
No PAY TILL CUIIKD. This rule hat
been adopted by the Western Remedy
Co. , of Omaha , who successfully treat
and cure tobacco , liquor or opium habit
baldness , catarrh , fotnalo complaint1
lobt manhood , private disease of men
etc. . The house lias such faith in their
treatment that no pay is asked until af
ter ettoctual nnd ; permanent euro is
made. As the patient runs no risk and
the company is known to bo strictly re
liable. They are doing a largo and
successful business. "Tho reliability ol
the Western Remedy Co. of this citj
is unquestioned. "Omaha Ilorald.
A Ijittli' Hlazc.
HpSo company. No. 1 was called out bj
a telephone alarm Saturday afternoon
and responded promptly to find ilamoi
issuing from the roof pf a stock car ir
.the Wabash 'J'tirdy. The. lire was ex
tinjjuiahcd without dittlculty ' befort
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb ,
CAUTION Icsl nln iiersoiiH , inking ntl vnutnue of our rnimtn-
tlnn me c'oiiNiantU htnrtliiK lni ) > im MiMllcnl l-Ntiililllimont4 to ilnccUo
nti-niii : 'iM vlslllnt : the cii.r. Tliesn iirotemlor-t iiMiMlly ( lisntienr | In n
l'evveekH. . llmvnro or them or tlieir runners or nuriits , ' 1 lie Onuihtx
IMdlit'nl nnd Surjilonl Institute It tln only oHtnlilUlicil lit tliittn
In Onmlin , lr. .Mo.Mr-iininv , Proirttor. | WhiMi you mnlto up your iiiliul
tn visit us innko n inmiiornmlum of our exact inlilress , nml thus
snvc trouble , delay or mistakes.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear
W. HcHENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge.
A sisod ( by a Number ol' ronipelent , Skillful and Experienced Physicians and Surgeons.
1'nrUciilnr Allpiitton palil to Defo-millcs , U'sniw * of \ \ men , PUcas s of IIIP Urinary nnd ' "extial Organs , 1'rhnto IHsoiucs ,
Disii.ite * 01 tuu > ti'io.ii Syslcm , l/iii ; and I ! > JMII.I'- , 0 | > erallims , Mpilipsj or Fits , Piles ,
( anc r. , 'lnmor ' < , Ilk- .
More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mod
ern Improved instruments , apparatus andappliances than can lie found in all other i tljimarics , institutes or dispensaries in the
\\ost combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven
tilated rooms for patients , three skilk-d plivsician * always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scictitillc manner.
We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , nnd can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub-
ects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by corrbf pondcncc. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per
forming stugical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged abi.ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , ehoiild make the Omaha Mcdica
and Surgical Institute the llrrt choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here icccive every advantage that art. skill , science
and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their caves. Their comfort and convenience willalways be taken into consideration.
Should > ou conclude to visit us for ticatmcnt or coricspoud with us , you will find that these statements ot our position , location and facilities arc not ovcidrawn
in any particular , but rre plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES.
All Itlood Diseases successfully treated. S } philitic I'oison removed from the system \\ithoutmerciiry. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persons
unable to visitus may I'e treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments scut by mail or express securely packed , no marks to in
dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will scud in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc , wi'h question list.
Ily lU-aion lor U'riliii a llo U Upon Private , Special and Nervous Diseases.
I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently I receive an
immense number of letters from physicians and atllictcd persons , asking my opiiiiun and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have wiittcn a book ,
giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After leading itpersons will have a clearer idea of their condition nnd
can write me more intelligently and to the point It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class ot persons who read out of
mete idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are siillering to a greater or lc-.s degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs.
Not a day pnsies but we red ivc many calls or letters Irom persons suffering from this class of discuses , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days.
Surgical pperations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancels , Fistula , Cataiacl , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocelc , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities
mities of th'J llumoi Ilody performed in the most scientific manner.
We treat Chronic Di-cases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Wood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Rladdcr , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) ,
Sciofula , Hright's Djbcasc , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Kevrr Sores , Dvspcpsia or Gastiitis. Haldia-sn Eczema , etc.
Caicfully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE.
Dr. McMcnamy has for devoted a large portion oVhis time to the study and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , ana
is fully supplied with every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery.
We claim superiorly o\er any oculist or aurist in the vest , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted
with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say , call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , than visit whom you like , and if you arc an intelligent person you will return to us for treat
ment and cure.
cure.Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illustrations , arc written for the benefit ot patients and physicians who
write us in regard to ca es ; l > ' v reading them carefully physician and patient will have a clear understanding and can describe cases to us moie intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK
Address 'all letters to I
IDS. J. W. EEcSJENAMT , H. W. Corner13tli and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Hel ) . i
much dtinmgo was dono. It was prob-
uhly blurted by hpiirljs from a , pu-niujj
locomotive. L5ut ono eomp.iny win
culled out. An o.Ncollunt run wus"miulo
: ind good service win rendered nftor-
ward. The damage was merely nom
PKICKI/V ASH BITTKUS is an unftiil-
f ; euro for all diseases originating in
biliary derangements caused by the
malaria of miasmatic countries. No
other medicine now on sale will so ef
fectually remove the disturbing ele
ments , and at the same time tone up the
whole syatem. It is sure and bitfo in its
"Why the Navy is So Nioo.
MthS Mistyngo "Oh , lieutenant. I
should think you'd dote on being in the
navy. I should jubt love to belong to
the navy. "
Lieutenant Mainstay "Why so , Mi s
Mibs Mistyago "It must bo so nice.
Pa says the government often adver
tises for proposals for the navy and gets
all it wants. I think that it must be
just too sweut to belong to the navy. "
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ouni-o tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro ( or old sores , burns ,
\vounils , chapped han-ls , ami all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MICNT. Sold by Goodman Urns Co. at 33
cents ] > or box by mall UO cents.
An Honest Jinn.
Pastor "Well. Brother Johnson ,
have you boon fishing again ? "
Johnson "Yes , sir , and had good
luck as umial. "
I'ar.son "I'm glad to hear that ,
Brother Johiifcon. I hope you haven't
acquired the ono bad habit of lislior-
mon. "
Johnson "You mean lying ? No , no ,
Mr. Goody. You see I'm always so busy
pulling in six unu eight pounders that
really I don't have lime to think up a
lie that I wouldn't bo caught in as soon
as I told it. "
IIow to get rid of indigestion Take
i Conundrum.
"Lulu , " ho queried facetiously , in the
parlor Sunday evening1 , as ho turned
the light down tola more shadow of its
former self , "why am I like a nows-
"I don't know , " ha/arod Lulu , hesi
tatingly , "unless it'a because you try to
make so many poor jokes. "
"That's ' not , " ho answered with a
tinge of coldness , )
"Why , thonV"
"Becauho I am Just going to press , "
nnd everything being justified und
made up , the forma were locked and the
th'st impression registered from Lulu's
loft eye about bou'-by-sou'-east , ono
point below her nose.
use it. lo
outfit comrletj
WllHoit IL
Sprains , Strains ,
Bruises , Wounds.
Sold to DruggltH nnil Xkalcri.
Thi Chat. A. Vofidir Co. , Bflto. , HI.
AJ'iopnulury .Vemoimi Unit neodd but n trial
to provo Its worth.
Dr.Callendef's . ' left Liver Bitters ,
Tlio only Distilled Hitters In tint lTiit | a
ftntes. The only IlltteM ieroKiil/uil liy the
I nlti'd States Intornut rcvriiiw laws IIH n Pro-
prlctnry Modlrlne. Lawfully Pntciitoil. No. of
Patent 1 + 9.573. < "outulns no fusil
e-isentlni oils , no lorclKn substance i > rdiiman-
liiB drucs. A perh-ctly pure medicine , coin-
pounded from Pure Hoot llerliH mid Old Punch :
pleasant to tlm tustt" . ( inlet nnd doclslvo In Its
ciruit. Cures Dyipen-iln or Vellow.liumdlce In
llvo dny . Keculatvh the Dowels. Invltrorutes
luactlvo J.ivcr. Cures Diseased Llvur , Itovlves
the KidnoyH , Improves the .Amtotlto Quickly ,
lteRiilatt > s the wnolo systam. Now I.lfo to the
whole bytttttm.
Mantacti'red and for sale at wholo.snlo by
Barbero & Callender ,
Paid Up Capital $2r.0,000
.Surplus 50,000
II. W. VATKI . President.
LKWIB S. It KM * , Vice President.
A. K. TOUZAI.IX.nd Vice President.
\T. 11. S. HuuiiKS. Caslila
H. W. VATKH , I.uwis S. UEBU ,
DauVltiK OHIco
Cornrr 12th nnd Pnrnara Sts.
A General Uunklrn ; UuslnnssTransacted
PeeVKklll-on-lliu on. N.Y SonH for c ta.
ogtie. JNO , M.TILUliN M D. . Jl.A. Principal
XJO.l L. A. NO. a54-PnOP08AI.S FOR
-i- > Army Supplies. lleadriumteni Dcpt.
of the Plane , OIHco ot Chief Com-
mlssnry of Subsistence , Omaha , Neb , ,
July lutli , 18 S. Sealed proposals In tripli
cate , accompanied by guarantee bondswill bore-
cclvcil nt this olllce until 11 o'clock n. m. , central
standard time , on Wednesday , the 8th day of
August. 1&S.S , nt which time nod place they ill be
opened In the presence of bidders , rorthafur-
nlshtnc nnd delivery of tha fresh bsof ruiiulred
at the rollowlne camps of Instruction , rctipec-
tlvely , durlUK the month of September next ,
viz : one near Kearney , Neb. , one near the K , . U.
& M. V. H. H. , between FortH Koblnson snd Nl-
obrara. Neb. , one near old Fort C'ajuor , Wyo. ,
uud one In Strawberry Valley , Utah. Th tislit
Is reserved to reject any or ull bids. Illauk
proposals and guarantee bonds anil printed cir
culars for Information of blddoin , will bo
furnished upon application to the Acting Com-
lulBsaries of Subnfstenco. ut Fort Sidney , Ntbr. ,
1 ort Itoblnson , Nebr. . Kort Ntolirara. Ncbr.j
tor { I'ttrRlle' " J' ° - ' ort Houstan. I'tnh , nncj
ort Du t hesne , Utah , the Coinmlajiiry of Sub
sistence , ; heyenne Depot , Wyo , or th under-
U' JW. nnii C. S. , U.
State University
Tim several Donnrtnienta will ueuln tlio year
1WB-8K na follows
September 1J. ! Uolleglte , Law and I'lmnna-
OctoberJM. Jleaical , Homoeopathic Medical
anil Dmital.
Uarh department Is thoroughly equipped with
oltielniit work , and no pnlns will bo spared to
ntlonl Btmlonls the best possible opportunity
to pursue ttii-lr choiun Huns of study. Kor par
ticular Information as to the respective de
partments , address as follows
rolltiKlato-Cii.uu.E ! * A. BciiAEFFF.n , Presi
dent , Iowa Ulty.
Law K.MLIN McCi.AiNVlcoCuaucellor , Iowa
Medical W. F. I'KCK , M. D. , Denn of Faculty ,
Homii-opatlilo Modlval A. C. Cowi-Kimi-
WAITI : . M. I ) . , Dean of I'uculty , Jowa City.
Dentnl I. . C. lNOiusoi.r : , , 1) . 1) . 8. , J > canof
Facility , Keokuk.
I'lmuimceiitlcul E. L. ItOKHNKlt , 1'h. , O.Dean
of Faculty , Iowa L'lty. '
rxpen- In all departments nro reasonable.
Cost of board In prlvato tumllle , W to fli pel-
week ; In clubs , \.ta \ to tJ/iO pur week.
For ( atalogucs , or for general Information ,
address ,
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aids Digestion ,
Cures Dyspepsia ,
Slrenytliats the System ,
Restores Sound , licfrcshlng
Priceless to XnrnlnfIHothcrs. .
RecomnioiiilcilliyEuiiiiGiitPliysiciaiis ,
For Sale l > ) / all Drntujlstsand Itlch-
DriKj Co. , Wholesale
( JttltH.
"The Overland lloutc. "
Has BO nrraiifjcd its Family Slcopin
Car faorvico , that berths ciiu now bo ro
fcorvcd upon application by any ticket
ugontto M. J. GrcovyPiuisongor Agpnt ,
Council Blulls , Iowa. The reservations
when made are turned over to the train
conductors taking out such cam , so that
jiusbcngors can now faccuro berths or
dered , tlio same as a Pullman berth is
reserved uud secured.
J. S. TlillliUTS , 10. 11. r < OMA.X ,
OCU.P , it T. Afeiit. Ass't 0. P. It T.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
OrorO OOOeurtd. 9tn < fttnnfoi-fy jm tltt ,
AMO r.i.KOTHioliji.T/J / ron DIBEAKKH.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to titltc for PCS Mnlnrn , Murnlmltuwn
CYilnr lliiptdv Clinton. Dlxon , Clilmuo. Milwiuikee
nml nil points Kant , 'In Ihu piMtpIo nf Nobrafiku.dolo-
rnilu , \ \ yonilnt ? , Utah , Iilnlm , Nuvndn , Oroyou , Wash
ington und California. It oilers aupcrlur ftilvuntagdfl
not po < itilo by nny other line ,
AmoiiUH lav nf llio numerous points of superlorttr
cn ] < > 7 < l by tliu p.ilroni ot this roml between Omnb
nml Clileauo , ire Us tliren Inilni a tiny of IMY
( 'OACIIKS , which lire tliii nncit that hiiumn urt n < t
luueiiiiltycanciviitc. llnl'AI.ACKMI.UKl'INIt OAH9.
tliu cqnul of which CHiinot hu found cinvrliuro. At
Council lllnlls , tliu train * of tliu Union IMrllla Hull-
wax oonnoct In union tlopot with thnso oflnuCul-
cnuo \ NortlnYPMMM Uy In rlilciiKo tliu trnlno cif
this line ma o clom lonncctlon with thono of ull
other K.iitmi Hnu * .
Kor Detroit ( 'oiumhiii , Indian apol ! * , Cincinnati ,
Nlimorn Hill' , llnlT.ilo , l'ltt l > uri : , Toronto , Montreal ,
llo-lon New York , riillailulpnlu , Iliilllnioro. Wnan. .
luuton , uml all points In tliu cast. AikfurtlckoMYUk
" 'U '
If 7011 wish Ibo best accoiuiuoiliitlon. All ticket
nirril' sell tl < kuta vl.l tills Unu.
11. 1IIXJIUTT , K. 1' . WILSON.
Utm'l Maunder. Uen'l t'uis'r Afieul.
, .
W. N , HAUCOCK , llflii'l WeilBrn Au ( > nt.
1) . K , KI.M IU1 , 1 , . Ticket Acent.
(1 , K WKsT. Clly rauonvcr Agent.
HOI Karimin Ht.tniHi ) , Nub
Incomoarably tlio Bast.
Out Lo nniukly CURED at homa liy uilnit
Nl'.ltVOIts mul M\lfAI : , IIKIIU.ITV.I.OST MAX.
IIOOD.rlr. JI li > millt Illal pn kAK < > 2Ar L'lrflllnr frrfl.
CIl IlllltUV II ) . . Ui ll.mrbur. Btrnl , UIU1I.U. ILL
DM. B.C. WKST'B Nisnvr xtfn IlnAm
UC.NT , a eoarantucd sneolllc for Hyuterla , DlzzL.
ness. Convi\l Ions , Fun , Nervou * NeurnUla ,
llc.idnchr , Nnrroua Prostration , caused by th
luo of alcohol or tobucao. WKk fulnM , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Drain , rfiaulttnc In
Insanity , and leading to mUurv , decay and
death. Premature Ola Age , llnrrenuess , Loss of
Power In either Her , Involuntary uuees and
Bprrmatorha-ft caused by over-nxoitlon of th
brain , self-abiuo or oTcr-lndulirence. Knch box
contains on month's treatment. 11.09 a box , or
elx boxes for 15.00 , Bent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With , ich order received bjr
us for fill boxes , acrompanlod with f.VOO , wa
will tend the purchaser our written cuarantu *
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued onlr by ( } . V ,
( IOODMAN. Dnirirlst , Hole Azvnt , U10 1'arnam
Utrri-t , Omalin N h
Advortlnlng hns nlirajs proven
> > ' . iiiccotsful. Uofoio placing nn ?
j Newspaper Advonlilnir consult
io KTisi\n loiMu ,