Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1888, Image 1

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The Gorman-Russian Conference
Causing Grave Apprehensions
A Bovcro Measure Said to Have
Boon Proposed.
His Plan For a Forced Peace In
Only Condition Upon Which
l < 'ranue Would Submit to tlio Plan
With Which tlic Chancellor
IH Credited.
An.xloiiH Frenchmen.
\CopurtuM \ IfiSB liu Jiimudui < l //cmicd.l
PAULS , ( via Havre ) July SI. [ New York
Herald Cable Special to TUB Br.i : . ] I find
that although thu formidable syndicate of
emperors has hitherto been passive and
purely defensive , yet a rumor has for the
past few days been steadily gaining consis
tency until It has now permeated into every
\illago nnd hamlet through Franco and It
uuscs the vury gravest apprehensions.
Uvoryono Is silent but everyone feels that
Franco Is now on the verge either of a terrible -
riblo war or of a forced and almost humili
ating peace. In other words It is felt that
the imperial syndicate lias now not only be
come active but aggressive. As Lo Figaro
puts it : "There is something in the air.
Everybody says so. Everybody repeats It. "
Many say , "Yes , this time it is possible. "
Others say , "Oh no , its all nonsense. "
The news came like the cholera. At llrst
I encountered a little microbe dispatch fllter-
tcring round into Paris Horn Berlin via
Homo and published in thu Debats. Then
do/ens of other telegrams and letters came
from lierlin to the same effect , but always In
such a way as to leuve no doubt in the minds
of the initiated that Prmco Bismarck was
launching as ho always does In moments of
Inspiration a ballon d' cssai. All these
dispatches were , in substance , tlio same.
They till especially a scries of articles in Lo
Figaro and Lo Matin afllrm that Prince
Bismarck has decided upon a general Euro
pean disarmament , and that immediately
after the meeting of the czar and Emperor
William , Count Herbert Bismarck will como
like lightning from Peterhof to Paris , with
out even stopping nt Berlin , on a-special
mission to communicate an ultimatum on be
half of Germany , Kussia , Austria nnd Italy
for Franco to disarm. The Idea of the pro
ject originated with Prince Bismarck , and the
voyage of the German emperor to Hussia
is believed to have no other oblect. William
Is to try to convince the czar that Franco ,
under her present regime , is a perpetual
breeding house of revolution and Is , with
her hopes of revenge , a constant danger to
the peace of Europe ; that the only waj
to put mi end o this Is com
pel Franco to disband tlic grentci
portion of her army and maintain only hci
colonial troops and gendarmes. This measure
uro was , however , supiwsed to be too drastii
for the czur wlu ) Inclined to see In it a trai
set for himself , but it was then decided thai
the Emperor William should propose to tin
czar merely n partial disarmament of nil the
great European powers , Franco of course
I being included. But Franco would also b <
coni | > cllcd to renounce solemnly and dctl
nltcly all hope of regaining Alsace nnd Lor
The ultimatum would also require the dls
solution of the LJquo des Patrlotcs , of tin
Union Patrlotlquo and of all the Alsaoj-Lo
rnluo patriotic societies and would insist 01
Germany's right to demand the cxtradltioi
of young men absent from Alsace-L.oraini
during the drawing of their nnmo for tin
German army and hosts of other rigid meas
ures for the eastern frontier of Franco.
This general disarmament Is , however , t <
apply only In Europe. For instance : Tin
czar in adhering to it , binds himself to dls
nrm only his European empire and is per
fectly free to maintain or even to lncrc s <
his military strength In Asia which wouli
constitute a perpetual menace against Britisl
The French government Is thoroughly In
formed of all that is going on , but It Is fearc
that public opinion in Franco will not perml
her to obey this ultimatum of the powers , i
which case the gravest complications are e >
pected. Lo Temps devotes conslderab !
tqinco to a dlscURssion of the disarmament
which It treats calmly without a suspicion o
partl-csprlt , while ut the same time it throw
doubt on the original statement relative t
Count Herbert Mismarck's mission to Purl ;
It dwells particularly on the fact that th
German somi-cflieial press professes to hav
no cognUaneo of the matter , but to devote II
attention principally to endorsing thu coi
elusions of the Husslun Inspired press. Th
Temps nets In the pacific remarks of the Po
Hischu corrcr.pencu of Vicuna , u mere coi
Urination that the wish Is the father to tli
thought. It U almost certain that the n
mors of this project of an ultimatum I
Franco to disarm is launched by thu Germa
chancellor us a ballon d'essai.
The chancellor will find when he reads ti
day's Herald , how Count Herbert Bismarck
Intended mission will be received In Parli
for I huvo Interviewed some of the mo :
prominent men In Franco thoroughly ropr
Bi-ntatlvo ot nil the political parties In tlmn
tlon. They uro nil unanimous In asscrtli
that Franco will never consent t < ? IH >
to. I will begin' with M. Spullor ,
right bund .man and alter ego ,
M , Sl Ul'oi' ' , Ox-hlllJlSler of .public Instrii
tlOns , sxtd : : "In my Judgment Prince Bl
InarcU will find It n matter of extreme dll
culty to lay uny proposal for- disarming V
fore tile French foreign otn'iHj.wIthQUt a sc
leas breach of ofth | al UlquettK. If Is a subj
which would seem almost Impossible of treat
ment between Franco nnd Germany. 1 re
gard the success of such nn attempt as al
most out of the question. "
I next visited Deputy Laucr. "Who Is re
sponsible " ho asked "for '
, , Germany's reason
for desiring n general disarmament ) Is It
not evident that she has already established
her military supremacy and is satisfied with
thu conquests she has already made ) Now
her ambition Is to win for herself by peace
ful means by her Industries , and ships
and business resources the rank of the
first commercial nation In the world. She
believes in her ability to rcalfoo this ambi
tion if she can hare nn assured period of
peaceful activity. That is why she wants
peace , but she is not willing to pay the neces
sary prieo for it. Franco will disarm on
these condition ! * , and on no others : First ,
that Germany give back Alsaco-Loralne , mid *
second , that the other European powers nl o
disarm. Prince Bismarck's name would go
down In history nobler and grander than by
victorips nnd slaughter If ho would return to
Franco the provinces of which liu robbed
her. Until that act of Justice has been done
I believe that bad as It is , there Is not ono
member of the present chamber who would
not sooner cut off his right hand than cast
his vote in favor of servile obedience to the
dictation of any foreign power. "
Prince Roland Bonaparte also freely gave
me his sentiments : "I cannot see how a gen
eral disarmament is possible. There must
alwaj s bo the dllllcult question as to who
will commence , and the country taking the
lead in such u policy of peace might have to
suffer for her philanthropy through the
treachery of an opponent. "
rjMr. LcIIorisse , deputy , said : " 1 liopo for
peaceful disarming , but I fear it is impossi
ble. In any case Germany must boglti It
is not for the conquered first to lay down tlio
sword. A summons from Germany to Franco
for the latter to disarm would bo equivalent
to n declaration of war. "
Mr. Francois Mignard , ol tlio Figaro said
to mo : " 1 consider our present information
as to tlio policy of Germany and Russia of
such a doubtful character that it seetns to mo
premature to o.itcr into any discussion of the
question of a cenernl disarming. However ,
it is certain that if any sueli plan is in con
templation the advances to Franco from the
the other powers must bo made in such a del
icate way as not to wound her honor , other
wise a failure of the attempt is inevitable. "
M.Edward Herve. of the Sototiol , said :
"Our present knowledge of the acouracyjind
authenticity of the rumored intentions of
Germany aud Russia is so insullleient that I
think it ill-advised to complicate matters by
any opinions as to What we might do if some
one clsa should follow some supposed line of
policy. "
I sought out M. Einilo Ollivicr , Napoleon's
minister when the Franco-German
- war oc
curred. Ho frankly declared : "A demand
from Bismarck for Franco to disarm will be
equivalent to a declaration of war. Bismarck
does not want war and therefore I consider
that the rumor of u general disarmament is
really u device of speculators to cause a
panic on tlio stock exchange. I have no faith
in any alliance between Germany and Rus
sia. Tlio czar ought to bo and would gladly
bo our ally , but the weakness of our present
wretched government allows him no assur
ance of the stability of any treaty that might
be made. In any case he will never stand
idly by while Germany crushes France. "
From M. Paul Do Rouldu , who was chair
man of the patriotic lo iguo and who preaches
3 in La R xvanchc , I obtained these observa-
3 tions : "The day when Franco begins to dis
nrm will toj the commencement of her ruin.
Germany has a larger population than
France , but the French army , thanks to our
unceasing efforts , is equal in sz3 ! to that of
Germany. Therefore the demand that our
army shall bear a curtain ratio to our popula
tion is to demand that wo surrender the ad
vantage gained by years of patriotic labor.
Wo have the inalienable right to guard oui
national Independence and no nation or coali
tion of nations can dictate to us how we shall
use that right. My policy has been an of
fensive one , but I say let us figbl
the whole of Europe if need be ,
nnd light to the death rather thai :
humble ourselves In the eyes of the world
But I do not balievo that such necessity wil
arise. I do not believe that the fawninii
flatteries of William II. will sooth the
Russian czar into forgetfulncss of the past ,
His empire has suffered too grievously am :
too recently at tlio hands of his Teutonic
wooers for him to trust their fair words ,
Germany would bribe Russia by offering hoi
Turkey in exchange for France , but Russh :
will not forget the role which England wil !
play when the Slavonic armies advance
toward Constantinople. No , whatever theii
private differences , Russia and Franco an : b }
thu very nature of things forced to supper
each other in the same line of Internationa
policy. "
This three-fold combination of orator , pee
and dramatist spoke with a feeling that indl
catcd fully the man who wrote in 1S75 "Le1
Nouveaut Chants du Soldat. "
I next visited M. Felix Phitt , dramatis
and ex-communist , who was for years undc
sentence of death par contumaco , but win
was Included under ar. amnesty. Ho said
" 1 believe the meeting between the Gemini
emperor and the czar Is full of lll-forbodlnj
for France. The policy of William H. is t <
Isolate us among the powers of Europe am
then force us to cither cat humble plo o ,
light. However , the pill of dlsarmamon
must bo very sweetly coated to induce th
French nation to swallow It. "
M , Flourens , ex-minister of foreign affairs
spoke decidedly when wu met : > 'I conside
a dUarmaiucnt among the powers of Europ
to be a total impossibility. Even supposlu
such a thing to hnv been agreed to , wh
would enforce tliu agreement I Tlio proces
of disarming would probably lead to dlst
grcemcnts us to the comparative strlctnes
with which the various iwnvers wcre.carr ;
Ing out their pacltlo cntragemenU , whle
would probably rebult .In precipitating it
conflict tljuy were trying to arrest. "
CO 'M. . .P-jur-de. Crlssagiap : Of L'Aujoritoj
said : "I consider the situation us very seri
ous. At his approaching n cctlng With the
ezarl believe William II will try to secure
the assent of Hussia to his scheme ns regards - .
gards Franco. If ho succeeds , as I fear ho
may , wo shall receive a sutnmons from Ger
many lo disarm , and upon our refusal to
comply with such a high-handed direction
n refusal which would be very quickly given
the German emK | > ror will , In my opinion ,
tauo It upon himself to compel our obedi
ence , oven by force. That means n terrible
and possibly disastrous war. In carrying
out tliis purpose William II counts on secur
ing Hussia's non-intcrfurenco by allowing her
full swing in Bulgaria. "
The editors of La Justice , L'lntranslgeant
nnd several other newspapers shared the
opinion regarding the alarmist telegrams
from Germany , as either insignificant or
ridiculous. I concluded my Interviews by
invoking the opinion of M. Arthur Meyer of
the Gaulols : "In my Judgment" said ho
"tho whole affair is n piece of nonsense.
What Is meant by disarmament , when the
vital force of armies lie in the laud of re
serves ) Athough you send the soldiers
home they are still soldiers. The guns would
still exist and the fortifications nnd muni
tions of war. Then how can any ono sup
pose for a single moment that France would
tamely submit to the orders of any other
power. No sir , the whole story from begin
ning to end Is too absurd to bo noticed. "
In M. Meyer's Journal was an Interview
with a deputy Just returned from Russia :
"Tho fact that Germany has lost two sovereigns
eigns , ono after the other , " ho said , "docs
not prove that the orbit of Russia's policy in
thu Balkans and In Asia will bo changed. It
Is , moreover , very unlikely that Austria will
disarm immediately utter obtaining from her
parliament n vote of the military budget.
England will not disarm in thu faeo of
Hussia's increased strength on her Indian
frontier. Italy will not disarm for she hopes
to recoup her commercial nnd financial post-
lion by a now war in which she can win com
pensation. But tnuczar , wishing to maintain
peace , will never allow himself to become u
party to a measure which would upset the
balance of power in the west. In short the
Peterhof interview will change nothing. "
I have Just learned from an undoubted
source that before leaving Berlin latjly
Prince Bismarck expressed the firm hope
that the Peterhof interviews might have a
ruitf ul I nfluenco in assuring the p.'acc of
Europe. All ho asked was a recognition of
the rights promised Germany by tlio treaty
of Frankfort , which Franco persists in not
admitting before appealing to the judgment
of God. Ho preferred to appeal to Europe.
"Franco , " ho is alleged to have added , "Is
the only obstaclAo peace. " It will be re
membered that the chief points of tlio treaty
of Frankfort relate to the cession of Alsace
Lorraine and the clause granting Germany a
commercial tariff on the basis of the "most
favored" nation.
The Movements of Americans ANew
Now llnilroud Op * > nc < l.
[ C < ijji tiilit tffS tin Jamn nvnltm llcnnc/.I /
PAUIS , Juno 21. ( New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : BEK.I Amcr'cans
continue to arrive and depart in great num
bers. Mis. Theodora Dchonc , Miss Dcliont
and Mrs. Buchanan Winthrop are at the
Hotel Kulm , St. MoriU ; Mr. H. Isclln , M ,
II. C. Dodge , Mrs. Thomas H. Newbold , arc
at the Lucjrno ; Mrs. and Mr. J. Henri
Harper aie at the Royal ; Dr. Brown Saquari
Is at Stc Adrcssc ; Mrs. O. C. Brewster anil
and Mr. Oliver Iselin are at Schwalbach :
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Morse , of Boston
are ut Kissingen ; Mr. Holman Block , Mrs
and Misses Grcatorex are at Langeund , Nor
way ; Mr. aud Mrs. George C. Lyimm , Mr
L. Do Renters Kiold , the Swedish mlnistei
to Washington , and Mr. and Mrs. Theodori
BJorkstcn are nt Stockholm. Letter :
from Norway are temptingly descriptive o
glorious sunsets , all sea and sky
nnd always day. Mr. and Mrs. John Mun
roe , Mr. Frank Gould and Colonel W. B
Woosterhave loft for Carlsbad. Mr. am
Mrs. Clarence Dlx , MissDlx and Mrs. Henrj
Tallen have gone to Etretat. Mrs. John R
McPherson nnd family , Miss Dillon and Mis :
McClelland leave Paris on Sunday for a tou
in Holland , Germany and Switzerland. Mrs
Elseo DoWolfo has left Paris , via Havre , ei
route to New York. Miss George Lornlard
Miss Wright and Mr. John E. Norton wl [
also bo among the voyagers for America
Mrs. James Brown Potter is living ver :
quietly at Trouville , but comes Hitting bad
to Paris twice or thrice a week to pass n fev
hours at the American legation to get warn
Trouville , by the way , Is going to have i
great pier Digger and wider than that a
Brighton. It will bo 150 feet long , nnd eight ,
feet wide. With bands and restaurants , i
will become the French Brighton.
Tlio new Drunig railway is now open an
n strong contingent of Americans have a !
ready como to Intcrlaken by rail from Lv
ccrne. This is a revolution In Swiss traye
Among the Americans now nt Interlakc
nro : Mr. and Mrs. Walsh , Miss C. T. Lav
rcncc , Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lnidlow , Mr. an
Mrs. Rosenberg , Mr. and Mrs. Mills , Mi
W. Popi > cnhelmer nnd family , and Mr. A. t
Funell , all of Now York ; Mr. Oscar laslg
Mr. and Mrs. Gear , Mrs. an
Miss Robinson and Mr. Hcages. Bos
ton ; Mr. C. Uhlo , Mr. M. C. Uhli
and Mr. W. Groenaugh , of Philadelphia ; M :
D. Bcckcnstcln , of Chicago ; Mr. D. I
Walker nnd family , of St. Louis ; Mr. an
Mrs. Simons , of Brooklyn ; Mr. M. J
Bergcr and Rev. D. and Mrs. Loyburn , c
Baltimore ; Mrs. H. W. Bookstavcr an
family nnd Mr. L. E. Trlpp and family , (
Providence ; Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Smltl
Mrs. Fully and Mrs , Stephens , of Ne
York ; Mr. Oscar Abrahamson , of Phlladc
phla ; Mr. and Mrs. Humbert and Mr. an
Mrs. and Miss Kennedy , of New York ; Mr
0. H. W. Lord aud Miss 0 , B. Bonnlnghac
of Baltimore ; Miss Nellie G. Scott , Was
ingtoii ; Mrs. S. R , Maleklln and family , <
Brooklyn ; Mr. and Mrs. Webrkrant ' , i
' New-York. ' - . -
Viewed By the Germans Through
Interminable Rains.
Vain Attempt of the Weather Clerk
to Appease ThouWrath. .
The Kaiser's Reception at Potorhof
By the Czar.
A Ijlvcly War Heine AViifjod by Her-
lln Cabninii on the Tricycle
Tlio Movements of
Anlcrlcnnt * .
A Cold nnd Kniny Wrolc.
ICopi/rJi/M / / 1SSS 1 > y James QnnlnnJcimcK.I
Bmti.ix , July 21. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Hun. ] It is fortunate that
nothing of interest occurred in the past
week , for all Germany has been too busy
abusing the weather to notice anything else.
Wo began the week with cold rains and end
it with warm rains. Occasionally it has not
rained all day. That is the best that can bo
said of the weather. To merely hint at the
worst thing which might be said would bo to
otTcnd tlio moral sense of any person who
lias not lived through a week of this climate.
To mitigate the righteous anger , the German
weather bureau publishes the claim that lor
thirty years they provided warmer , sunnier
July weather. Hut past services count for
little in the face of a perpetual chill.
The kaiser , on board ship , seems to have
suffered less than ho would have on land ,
according to report. The ocean swell re
spected the imperial swell. He was there
fore able to show himself to all the crowded
pleasure steamers which sailed from the in
termediate German ports , intent on sailing
around the imperial fl6ct , seeing what was to
bo seen of It as it steamed for Kussia. All of
the returning sightseers us&ure anxious Ger
many that tlio kaiser looks well , and that
Count Herbert Hismarek , like u steadfast
little tin soldier , stands resolutely beside his
young master , determined ut least to servo
fearlessly in what is occurring , oven though
the waves roll and the Russian bear growls.
As evidence of the spirit in which the
kaiser has been received at Peterhof ,
it is worth tolling ! that , to make him
feel at home , his rooms there
have been completely return ished vMth fur
niture ordered from Berlin. There may be
two opinions as to the amount of comfort
thus secured , but the Husslan desire to please
is too evident to be denied.
Aside from this there is nothing except the
thrCiito'.ud rebellion among the lierlin cab
men against the tricycle. Contempt has been
succeeded by active hostilities , Daily some
enraged whip drives over some unlucky try-
cycle , and there are rumors that cabby will
soon demand that the public shall once for all
choose between the cab anil the steel horse.
Two court decisions may nmuso Amer
icans. On Sunday one may buy
anything in Berlin. Scarcely a shop
is closed before noon , nevertheless
for omitting to hang the lawful Sunday
sheet before his showcase a local dentist has
been sentcnted to a fine and imprisonment.
This sheet , which is hung loosely before all
shop windows on the Sabbath , becomes
thereby a formality moro important of observance -
servanco than the day itself. Decision No.
fined a local paper 00 marks for libelling the
minister of war by saying that some advance
news printed .by a rival seemed to imply in
discretion in thu wardepartment.
Among the American personals nro the ur
rivals of professors Charles Bacon and C ,
W. Pearson , of liololt college , to study the
German school systciu ; William Cass Shaf
for , of Milwaukee ; Henry Gillard , of New
York. Pastor Stuckenberg sailed on Sat
urday to aid Mrs. Stuckenborg in { lie col
lection of funds for an American churcl
hero. Among other departures for Americt
are Prof. Hewett Cornell and Dr. Sawyer
of Cleveland ; Dr. Forbes , of Syracuse. Prof
Miller , of Berlin , will also leave for Balti
more early in August.
A Number of Them Floating Arouni
Germany nt I'
I Cojiyr/y/it / / 1SKS lij ; Xao 1'ork .lumclatctl Prcr * ,
Biuu.\ : , July 21. The German squadroi
sails for Stockholm on Monday. The poll
tical result of the emperor's visit to the cza
remains absolutely unknown. Thuimmedat ! <
effect Is to lessen the strain of relations be
twcen the Berlin andSt. , Petersburg forolgi
ofllccs , but it Is notcwoithy that whllo M
Do Glers and Count'Herbert Bismarck ex
changed confidences iat Peterhof , the Nortl
German Gazette and other inspired organ
renew their attacks against the "Uusblai
spirit of aggression. "
An article in the North German Gazette 01
Thursday denouncing-pnn-Sluvistn as a men
ace to the peace of Europe was worthy o
the warmest period of the anti-Russian pres
campaign. It checked operations on th
bourse and caused n slight fall in roubles
The obvious aim was to show that the pollc ;
of Prince Bismarck la not changed by th
courtesy of the visit of Emperor William t
the czar. The Cologne Gazette also treat !
the Interview as simply a friendly manlfc !
tatlon toward the czar , Implying no doviatloi
from German projects or any sacrlflc
of German Interests. Tlio Kreuz Go
zctto explicitly denies that any act
ual question has been resolved a
Pctcrber , or that anything has been done nl
fccting existing treaties. Diplomatic circle
are convinced of the same fact , and regar
the Interview with indifference. Empcro
William's tour of the ; leading courts of E
rope Is certainly in the- interest of pcaco to
the tinlo being , prolonging , as it docs , the p
riod of truce j but it Is not recognized as a
virtually social function , the now monarch
paying his llrst visit to the heads of the
states with whom he desires to cultivate
Tlio foreign press gets absurd rumors that
Franco is to bo overpowered nnd disarmed ;
that the czar joins the central alliance ;
that the congress will revise the Berlin
treaty ; that the emperors have ngtvcd to
combine to uproot the anarchists , whether
German socialists or Russian nihilists , aud
so forth. All alike are fictitious. Tlio
movement of troops from the Interior toward
the frontier , and the reinforcement of the
garrisons at Strasburg and Metz , are regard
ed as suggestive of a scheme to surprise
France. Tlio real object of these movements
is to prepare for extensive movements around
Metz during tlio emperor's visit to Alsace-
Lorraine about the middle of August
The inanoeuvcrs will certainly bo
on a gigantic scale , engaging
120,000 troops , and will be a significant dem
onstration for thu French chauvinism to ponder
der over.
The emperor's projected mcjting with
King Humbert is definitely fixed for Octo
ber. The pope has sent a vigorous protest to
Prince Bismarck , declaring that the emper
or's presence at Uomo would bo an act of
hostility toward the vatica'i , especially dur
ing tin ) pending crisis with the Italian gov
Cnmitml Rnmpclio , the papal secretary of
state , lias also sent circulars to the nuncios
of Bavaria and Austria , asking them to use
their influence with those governments to In
duce them to advise Kmperor William that
his interview with King Humbert must bo
at a place remote from Home. Mgr.
Galimbcrto sought a conference with
Prince Henry of Heuss , the G3rman
ambassador at Vienna , anil made an urgent
representation , declaring that an Interview
witli King Humbert in Home would render
the pope's position intolerable and probably
precipitate his departure. Signor Crispi
holds that there have been arrangements
hitherto that no ruling sovereign should bo
received in Uomo in deference to the Catho
lic sentiments. Monarchs meeting Victor
Enmnuol or Humbert have avoided sanction-
ng , by their presence at the quirinal , the
pope's dispossession , and the Vatican has not
failed to draw advantage from this fact ,
using it as proof that the Italian govern ;
incut's occupation of tlio pope's territory was
not definitive , even in the eyes of Italy's al
lies. Signor Crispi , it is understood , at *
laches the greatest significance to tlio
matter. The National /eitung quotes
the Italia as representing that the
emperor's visit will bo a guarantee of Italian
unity. Emperor William , in his address to
the reiehstag , approved the alliance with
united Italy. If he now hesitates to como
to Homo , ho will contradict his declared pol
icy. In resolving to visit King Humbert in
the capital of Italy the emperor has given
proof that ho understands the situation
Thus argues the Italia. On the other hand ,
Cardinal Hampcllo's note alluded to the
services which the Vatican has rendered the
German government In influencing the
Catholic party at the last election for mem
bers of the reiehstag , and also in assisting
Prince Bismarck to modify the kuUur-
kampf. The impression grows in ofllcial
circles that the Vatican will defend Signor
Crispi on this point ; that the influence of the
prlncu regent of Bavaria and the emperor of
Austria will bo brought to bear in order to
induce Emperor William not to go to Koine ,
and select Milan or Florence as the place of
Queen Natalie , of Scrvia , who arrived at
* The Hague to-night , accused the Gorman
minister at Belgrade of urging King Milan to
contract a marriage with ono of the Suxo-
Allenbourg princesses. Nothing will be
done openly until a divorce has been ob
tained , the attitude of the clergy being
likely to prevent the granting of a divorce.
Friends of Queen Natal lo have renewed
negotiations for a separation under the terms
offered Herat.
One of tlio Ijcttcra of tlio Times Ij.nyt
ut Patrick Kami's Dooro.
ICopyrtuM 18S8 by James Guniim litnnclt , }
PAUIS , July St. [ New York Hnrald Cable
Special to THE BIK. : ] As to Egan's de
nial that ho wrote the letters of February IS
1&S1 , from the Avenue do Villers to Leary
an investigation by the Herald demonstrate
clearly that ho did not. Proof was found it
the register of the Hotel Brighton , Hue He
vali. The entries for 1681 against the nann
of Patrick Egan are February C to April 8
May into May 29 , Juno 1 to Juno 11 , am
Juno 18 to S4. This is pretty fair evidence
that Mr. Egan was living nt the Hotel Brigh
ton up to the time ho was supposed to liavi
written the letter in question from the Avenue
nuo do Villers. A visit to No. 09 conllrmoi
this conviction. A search of the tin
register discovered the following entry ,
with neatness and precision , in the us > ua
French contracts.
"I , the undersigned , Patrick Egan , llvini
nt the Normandy hotel , 7 Rue do Lcchcllo
i agree to rent for the coming term from M
Qucnuult an apartment on the first floor fue
ing the avenue , together with a bedroom 01
the fifth floor and a collar , for which I agrei
to pay an annual rent of 1,600 francs , paya
bio every three months. Made lu duplicate
Paris , November 20 , 1831.
[ Signed. ] PATKICK EOAN. "
Mr. Egan did not take possession of th <
apartment nntll the commencement of tin
new quarter , January 15 , 16S3 , nearly a yea
after the date of the Times' letter. The reg
ister contained no prior mention of Mr
Egan's name. Further entries show that hi
removed from the hotel after staying ubou
six months. Ono of the gentlemen at tb <
i- Hotel Brighton said that Egan loft there ii
the summer ot 18S1 bccauso the Engllsl
guests complained of his presence. The pro
prlctor of the Hotel Normandy stated tha
Egan had stayed for several weeks before h
moved with bis family to Avenue de Vllllen
This evidence , the result of an investigation
certainly supports Mr. Egan in his afflrma
r tlon thattio Times letter is a forgery. The
o .great London newspaper would > eem to be 1
a very bad way , Indeed , If all Its evidence
rests on an equally shaky basis ,
A Congo Statesman of the Opinion
That He Is.
ICnpyrtoM If3 l > u James Oonton litnnttt. ]
HUUSSII. : , July SI. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to Titu BEK. ] 1 had a long
interview this morning with M. Janssen ,
governor general of the Congo free state
of Klsanga , who arrived last night. M. Jans-
sen Is a tall , vigorous , clear eyed man , with
n long beard , not unlike Cardinal Lavigerus.
In reply to n question regarding Stanley , ho
said : "It Is dinicult for mo to enlighten you
much. Tno latest news received at Bourn
was brought us on April 23 by Lieutenant
Ward , who accomplished the most rapid
Journey over made from Aruwiml to Coatt.
Ho did the trip in a pirogue to Bengala in
thirty days. There he found a steamer to
Copoldville , where ho traveled on foot to
Bema In eleven days. Ho left
again May IS to Join Major
Bartlett , having declined an offer of
provisions except a few boxes of bananas.
H Is through Ward 1 learned Major Bartlett
had not left the camp at Yambuya on the
march when wo had supposed him far on the
way to Join Stanley. 1 think he must ] have
started by now , though , if Tlppoo Tip has
been able to secure him the requisite number
of carriers. As to Stanley 1 think It Is quite
possible he is not dead , for though news
spreads rapidly among the natives on the
west coast , it not so in the region which they
must have penetrated. Fur instance , near
Lake Moutad/lngo , where the tribes are very
hostile to strangers and at war with each
other. "
"Of the white pasha,1' continued M. Jans-
sen , "I could not give a positive opinion , but
I always thought that when Stanley passed
through Congo in the direction
of Wadclai , ho had no intention
of returning by the same route.
This opinion is based on various facts. When
in January , 1SS7 , Stanley left no pledged
himself to get to Aruwim camp in three
months on condition the men In his expedi
tion did nut outnumber 450. In reply to a
question I put Stanley as to the probable
uato of his return and the advisability of pre
serving his communications , he would say
nothing. 1 concluded that Stanley's idea
was to return by tlio east of Africa. It does
not seem unlikely to mo ho would like to ef
fect a coup de etat by coming back through
the east of Africa or Kirypt. Possibly , if ho
did not actually dream of surnrislng Khar
toum , ho hoped to circumvent the Arabs and
descend on the tribe witli Emm Pasha and
Wadelai garrison ; but this is all hj potlietl-
They Sny the MlnlHtcr to Franco is In-
ir j/roil | { ? JSSS/j/ / / James Oonlon llenntlt.1
PAUIS , July SI. [ New \ork Herald
Cable Special to Tin : HIM : . ] There has
been a terrible tempest in a teapot about
Minister McLanu and the dude American
ministers abroad. The ball opsned by a
s pueal from a discontented traveler who
wrote to the European Herald to complain
that McLanc was not giving grand Fourth
of July banquets , and did not Introduce his
traveling fellow citizens into Parisian soci
ety. Then came a perfect deluge of letters
from discontented travelers , Harvard gradu
ates and many others. Mrs. McLane's sa
loon became a sort of battle field. A con
tented traveler asks a discontented traveler ,
"Why not also insist that the American min
ister give an occasional Rhode Island
clambake. " And Billy Bowbco says : "Mo
Lane could ask round eonio of hh
ofllcial Iriends to meet us ; perhaps organl/c
a negro minstrel show including all the mem
bcrs of the diplomatic corps. Jules Ferry ,
and Paul Do Cassagnae would make excel
lent end men. Lord Lytton might dance i
clog dance. " The question has now beer
thoroughly sifted and ventilated in the Eu
ropcan Herald. The outcome of It Is , tin
American colony supports McLanc , and Mrs
McLanc , \ \ ho Is at homo from live to six ov
cry day to all respectable Americans. The
gist of the whole thing is that the Unltci
States minister at Paris is accredited to th <
President of tlio French republic and hasnol
a general excquator to dine nnd wlna al
American travelers abroad , whether con
tented or discontented. Statistics show tlia
one American out of each thousand of tin
total population of the country visits Europi
annually. It is absurd to suppose the Amur
icon minister nt Paris to keep open house
to be a sort of tourist agent for his fifty thou
sand fellow citizens who pass through Paris
The salary is far below the requirements o
the position. All other ministers are al
lowed table money , but these Items are tin
known to the American diplomatic budget
There never hns bo.-n a better or more thor
ough American representative at Paris that
Mr. McLanc.
Hoynlly Smilcq at Itoynlty.
ST. PK'iisiiSiiuito , July 20. ( Special Cable
gram to Tin : Uir. : . | When the czar led hi
own regiments past the Emparor William a
the review at Krasnoo-Solo , the emporo
moved from a saluting position to line will
thu troops , and the czar , noticing the action
nodded his thanks. The royal visitors drov
through the parts of St. Petorsburi
this evening and were everywhere heartil ,
checrod. The banquet at the German em
bassy , at which the commandant and pur fee
r of St. Petersburg wore present , lasted frim
0 o'clock until 11. The king of Greece Is ex
pected lo arrive In St. Petersburg on July ! M
Unveiled tlic Monument.
PAUIS , July 21. [ .Special Cablegram to Tin
0 BEB.I President Carnet to-day unveiled thi
monument nt Vizlllo erected In commt-i'iorn
tlon of the assembly when the depu
ties of the Dauphtny municipalities met am
demanded the restoration of the state's gen
oral. The president cpnferrcd thu decoratlm
of the Legion of Honor on the sculptor of th
I monument.
The old Pitholo ell field Is ugaln being dt
veloped with surprising results.
Things Theatrical in England Prac
tically , at a Standstill.
The Coming Royal Picnic to Fur
nish the Subject.
A Now Production Now Being
Played to Crowded Houses.
A Captain Hold and HH | Sweetheart
nro the Principal Chnmctern
and the Opera IN Called
Union .lack. "
Now Itclnn IMiiycd In
[ 0 < > i > iiiM / ISIS liu James f.'onlmi llcnnctt. ]
LOXIIOX , July Si. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : lint : . ] The
sickly season for the London stage is now
prevailing uiul u iloreti dramatists uro pur
veying plays for the autumn. Gilbert Is said
to be meditating the peiuling imperial pic
nic as a ttiemo for u comic opera. Always a
close of July leaves the theatrical waters nt
dead low tide but at this midsummer the
managerial channel is almost dry. The Com-
iquo and Musical Avenue theaters liavo
closed their doors. Meanwhile her majesty's
Novelty Royal theater remains as u cobwebbed -
webbed warning to rnsh young man
agers not to rush in where old
ones fear to tread. Of course , for u short
time Hernlmrdt'.s "Lu Tosca , " at the Ly
ceum , drives its audience off one night to
Daly's company , around the earner , on the
ensuing night for relief from the horrors.
but practically both the Lyceum and Gaiety
lire going on the lose , o
The Italian opera closed to-night n brilliant
season in mi artistic sense. How inuei [
financially the aristocratio syndicate loses
only Manager Harris and Lord Charles
Beresford , the private treasurer , know.
The English Opera association yesterday
announced a dividend of 8 per cent. Daly is
perhaps equally fortunate , artistically , and
certainly financially. After the 'Taming of
the Shrew" for one more week ho visited
Stratford-on-Avon for one memorial per
formance. beside the tomb of Shakespeare.
Alrerdy Londoners have booked seats enough
to fill the little theater there.
By the way , the little dramatic paper , En-
treacle , contains a capital cartoon of John
Drew , who made an excellent mark as Potru-
chia. With the assent of every critic the
dramatic event of the week has been the re
production at the Adclphi theater , winch is
fast becoming the nursery of the British
army and navy , of a patriotic drama called
"Tho Union Jack" by Petit and Griindy , a
union of practiced construction and literary
skill. Could It not bo Americanized and
called "Tho Star Spangled Banner ? " It is
full of patriotism and scoundrelism , intro
duces two villains , u forger anil a blackleg ,
begins with an abduction and ends with a
murder , while the curtain falls four times on
harrowing anti-climaxes with not oven a
semi-colon to stop the Interest of the audi
ence. IB Is a drama which would make
T. P. Cook and Kirby turn enviously In their
graves. There is a naval captain and a
pretty Miss Milward , his sweetheart who em
brace a score of times , and foil the villain in
cessantly , especially so oneo in u heavy snow
storm , etc. There arc throughout the play
strong pivots on which its ever moving uctioa
sadly or humorously rotates. Miss Milward
showed more versatility than heretofore.
The antithesis of her simplicity In the early
and her pathos and terror in the last acts wan
striking. The melodrama may now run so
lone as to prevent these two performers from
coining to America under the Daly manage.
incnt as was intended.
KIcharu Mansfield and Dan Harkncss were
observed to-day taking preliminary views of
the Lyceum , anetit their appearance hero In
a fortnight , while Tony Pastor was observed
on that Kialto of actors , tno Strand , yester
day , preparing to le.ivo on the Liverpool
steamer that sailed to-day.
A 1'arln Story That IH of Interest In
[ Coi/rfu'it ) | / JSSS/n / ; James Canlnii Uennctt.
PAUIS , July 21. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the BI.K. ] A Herald renortor
investigated to-day the rumor from Now
York that an American , name unknown , had
been arrested in Paris on Friday charged
with murder , the supposed victim being a
certain Joseph Schwab , of Waterloo , In. All
authorities at thu prefecture of police ex
pressed profound ignorance of any such ar
rest , and Chef do Surcto disposed of the
question as follows : "We have received io ;
advice from the United States about any
escaping criminal and wu have certainly not
arrested within thu past year any American ,
either formurdcror otherwise. Your country
men give the Paris jwllco very little to do. "
In order to make perfectly sure the magis
trate had his secretary look carefully over
the records of arrests , but no trace was
found of P.U.V American prisoner.
A call on Minister McLano threw no
further light on the subject. "Had an Amer
ican citizen been arrested In Park yester
day , " remarked the minister , "I should un
doubtedly boon Informed of the fact to-day In
connection with extradition proceeding ! . As
1 have received no communleatlou ou the
subject I feel t-uro that thu report which har
reached you is without foundation. "
A Taniiiiitny HniMiom llowarded.
NEW YOI-.K , July 21. Freitenck Hosse , a
member pf Tnmtminy hull , and a prominent
German , has been appointed special agent nt
Urn treasury department wit ! ; 4crii to rei
port iir duty nt St. Louis.