OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JULY 21 : 18Sa Sr OIAL NOTICES. _ NO AllVI'rtlfU'MIOIIlS Will IO tllkctl columns niter liisiH ) p. in. T / niH Cnsl' In nilvmicc. BRANCH"OFFlCES7 Advertising fnr tlio < ! o columns will bo taken , on tln > above conditions , nt thJ following busl- ms lioiiic * , who nte nulhorlzcilngentH for 1 HI : Jir.r special notices , and will quote the came tntcs in can \xi had nt the main olllco. ' W. HELL , 1'hnrmaclat , WO South Tenth JOHN' . _ _ & EDDY , Stationers and 1'rlnttrs , 113 OIIASH South ICtli Stn et. _ _ _ il. l'AltNS\VOKTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- . Ing Street _ _ _ . _ \\T J HUGHES , Pharmacist. ( SI North ICth i Strict. _ G15O. . 1'AKIt , Pharnnclst , 1H St. Mary's Avcnno. sTFUATiONS WA NTED. \VAN'IHD-SItuatlon for man nml wlfo nt dishwashers ; are good bunds. Mrs. llre , OH'J ' S. 1.1th. 188 21 * "IXfANTHD Hyn reliable active man nged 40 TT u situation us janitor or tnk.ii care of build ing or some light employment , U B lire olllce. IS'J 21 * \\rANTEO Situation by n prnrtlcal laundry- TT man , can polish 4i ) shirts a day ; good rot- crent . Mrs. Hregn , 314tiSirth. IfN l' r ANTED Hy lady , a situation as laundress or cook , In small family : xvould go ns rook In military station. Apply to NebruBxa Employment olllce , 317 N. ICtl . IVJ-JUJ VV70MAX wants place to help xvlth house- TT xxork , country preferred , or would take care of Infant ; 152U Dodgost. 111(20 ( * > Situation as hostler : lOyeats o\- perlence ; good reforeucos. Nat Douglas , 1415 California. 11121 * ) Situation by man ns gardner or nt general work. I'hilllp Moirat , city. 1 J I * 0 * VD Sltiitlon as clerk or cashier In TT store by young lady nt home o'cporlunru. Apply Dorau house. VU S. th. 101-2J' _ 1 > OS1T1ON xvnnted by competent drugglfct of long experience , "registered by examina tion. " Addiess I' . C. T. , Supetlor , Neb. ! ' . )7 ) 2 It _ \\7 ANT1 , 1)A ) Hltuntiiiu by a llrst-cl.iss barT - T > tender of thue } earn e.\perl n.e. ( Adnresa TCI , lleeolllt" , ! HI ait 'ANTIID-Situation by a llrst class brill nnd cake baker ( ( iermiin.111 * go In the countr } . Addiess T Kl , lluo ollli e. IKJI-22J WANTKD Sltua'ion by Hi ensed engineer. Walter II. Iliidges , ; wj S Iltli st. l 7 2,1 * WANTED--K1ALE HELP. \\7 ANTED Traxellng men for staple side TT line on commission. 'Jradd osta'tllshi-d. ' No Samples. 1'nst telling goods , "lleiislngcr , " Btorlitig , 111 in 121J . ENTS xx antedTor the t ulvcrsalollluatir AC. and buinei. 'Ihe housekeepers delight. No \xood , no coal , no dltt. no smell , no danger No liccldent ever octuired lu their Use. Can bo used in any stovoninge or open grate It con- mimes most ot the smoke nnd soot , xxhli h Is the grail objection to nil cartridge shaped oil burn- i'is. No [ all used , no dripping of oil to the curVet - Vet or stoxe. H Is the l erlc-ctlon ot cli nullne-ts. It iii-iils u room uri-ooks n meal nt u cost of 2 cult > pet hour Nothing like it exer luxentcd. Plire } _ ' .UO , sent to nny iiildinss fieo of express charges. Agents xx-anted in oxeiy city nud couut.x in tin ) U. S. Most liberal discount nnd i < xcluslx-u territorv to xUde-nx\nke ageiltH. Ad- ilress I'ulxcrsnl Mnnufacttulng Co. , M Mnrket St. . Chicago. 111. UH 22J " \ V A NTED Man nnd xx Ife ns 1st and 2d cooks T T In hotel. Mrs llregn , 314'n ' S. 15th. 1HB 21t " \ ANTE ! ) llusholiniin nt 1110 r.irnnm nt W 177 2J " \VTANTED Mini to take euro of horse nnd do TT general xxoik. Heferences ic-qulrc-d. Hoom 2 , Coiitliientnl block. Dr. .louus. 17.1 21 * "IVTAN'I ED State mannger for an cnterprlbo Tl ofxaluotonll ic-.idliig and book buying people , llefeieiices lequired. Address Ameri 0 can Hookmurt , loU Wubnsh nvo. , Chlcngo , 111. 113 20 * , ) Stout bov In lice mall room for morning xx oik. Mi ID Otauito carx-ers ; tlrst-class men T T only. Apply Iloo bullillng , 17th onil I'm- nam , John \ \ ilson. 172-22 * "l\7ANTED , &Xmon ) to xxork on scxx-crago nnd T'T pnvlng construction. II. J. Chnnibeis , lie- ntrice. Neb. lli'-22 ) TPlfANTED COOK for hotel nt once nt Doxx ns T T house , South Omaha. 150-20J W ANTED An experienced milker at Sura- toga dulry. 1U 21 ? WW W A NTIl A bnrlwr. white ; address 1'red Michael , Teknimih , Neb. llh 20 * \\r ANTKD Young man to learn photograph TT business , ono xxlth JJix ) to loan on stocker lialf Intercut. Inquire at gallery , 151U Douglns st , _ _ 122 20T W AN'i'UD A llrst class retail dry goods , carpet , boot uild shon salesman , one. can fpoak fierniftti preferred , noun need upply un less experienced man and can fuinlsh best of refeioliccs. Address O. Adlcr , Sexxard. Neb BM ) 2.1 _ r.nergetle men and xx-omeii i veiy- xx here for a genteel , money-making busi ness. * < * ) weekly profit gunranteod easier than KoO monthly otherwise. U.xpcrlenco absolutely linuecessary. Permanent position and exclu- ilxe territory assuted. $3.1)0 ) samples free Write 'or pnitlculnrs. Aildress , xvlth stamp. Met rill Co , , II EU , Chicago. _ HXal2 ) _ AOIINTS To cnnxnsH for campaign books. llnrilson and Morton. Cleveland nml Vuurmnn. Apply ! ' . II. Harris , room 411. Ibt Nf > t. Hank. _ HH 1rANTKH-ror WflKhlncton territory. IK TT good teams xxlth earth or lock outllts , nud a\i men at Albright's labor ngency , lift pariiam * street , Oninlm. _ 7M- W ANTKD-Men for the west. Albright's labor agency. 112U Faruum nt. _ 514 { OYM-Am. DUt. Tel. Co. , WANTED--FEMAUE HELP. \\-ANTKD-Woman cook , $10 ; pastry cook-.t-iO ; T T 8 dtiitugrootn gli Is , MI , fares paid ; U lu city , * 20 tot22.riUdlshwnHher. ; Kl8 ; kitchen gtrls * .t > , who are good cooks- and laundresses nnd xxlll tnko plnces ox-er tl blocks from poslollice. Jlis. Urcgn , 314H 8 15th. 1M2IT _ "V\rANTKlV A xvorklng housekeeper betxveet 31 and 50 yeiiM , must bo fond of chlldien Mrs. ; ; a loth liisau _ " \ \ TANTUDExperienced seamstress at Mrs T > Scotleld's , 311) ) S. llth St. 1"iO 21 * TW ANTED A girl for general honsflw ork 1C1 ! California , cor.0th. 181 ' \ 7lAANTKItilil for t'enpral housowork. inn N 2-.M. loajw * " \\jrANTKD A good experienced nursu girl T \ none other need apply , 231SSI , Mary's nve j-XPKlUKNCr.D saleslady deslies sltuntloi -Jin dry goods store , good refeieiiced. Addrcsc 7l > , lice. 121 20 * _ _ WANTr.D-Compe.tont nurse girl , about IS tc 2.1 years old. lt3J rnninm , 127 21 ANTED Olrl for general housekeeping email Inmlly. 21A N. 1'Jth ot. wu 20 B" A K15HS and llnishers xrnuted. N. W cor , 16th nnd II unity. Ilurgcss A. AugxxMne , U78 20 * WANl'ED-Iminedlutoly nt Ibe Ktkhoru Vnl ley house , a stning girl for general xx-ork Oermaii perferrcd. Wages J3.50per xxeek. Mrs O. Vx en 11 tell. U7520J YVANTEl ) Olrl for general lions * xvork. jlQ T > California * ! . ! > W \\r.VNTED A gin forgenoiat nousoxxork , nx I T cor , ttn ami l.oaxcnxxorth Mb. 371 ANTED 21 filils geuerat xxork. 0 dlnlrti room girls , 4 dlshxxnshors , 3 cooks for he tels , 2 pastry cooks , dining room girls for th nest , lots ot plncca for gills. Omnha Kmi Jlun-au. UUN.lMliHt. 373 XTANTED-Dlulnsroom girl at Occidents T > hotel. fc4'i EMPLOYMENT BUHEAUS. VT Employment office. No 317 i J- > 16th st. Mala and female help suppllcu Prix-ate families ft tpcclnlty. 123 23 * _ MISCELLAHEOUS WANTS. * 1\rANTED Hoard and room for ( tenth-ma midwife in itrtctly private faintly. Ai dress , stating terms , U 4 Hen otlice. 1W 20 * \V-\NTED-1 or a small children to Ixmn T > tormft lousomible. gix > d referenees. Ai clrea T63 , lice olllce 12U 2U "VArANTED T give music lessons by youn T T lady Jt Iholr homos or at S. E. cor. 2i.l un Maple. 071 2J | " \\\NTED Three pi-rsotmto leainbook-k-e ] T t Ing. mtuntluui , room S4t > . Hamce block. , B.SmlRi. . WK _ _ \ \ 7ANTKIJ-TUu public to T T 'Iho UeeVnit-BUinjo boxci throu.tioin. tli . , . IDG \\7ANTKR Uroit hare nny lands , lots , or T T house ? ) and lots to se.ll or exchange for other property , call on mn or write. lean find youncustomer. C. 0 , Spolswood , 3Qji ! S.jetft. \\7 ANTJ'.I ) To buy or trade for a good build. IT ing that can be moved. I'lAnta call on or address Ocorgo J.Stcrnsdorff , rouui 0 , oppo site v. o. 231 \\rANTKO Purchaser for llnp Inrgo hou o > T now being built In Clifton Hill. Street earl and licit Hiillxuiy station nt tinnd. Only MOO. nml monthly payments nt thiit. Will soil hou i > nnd threu lots It deslied. A. 1' . Tukey , 13th and Douglns. tfii BOARDING. WANTED 100 table boaidcrs nt the Globe hotel , Douglas st bet IT.h n nil llth : belt lu city. t'M u 15 \ A Nl : Drable boarders. 1015 Dodge. " WANTED-TO RENT ; \\rANTKO-11ySept.l. furnlshril house , ten TI rooms or more , xMthln 7 blocks "f pent- office ; best references given Address T 11 , lleo. HiT-sitt \\rAMT.O Cottnne of fi or 0 rooms xxithln TT l'j ' miles of postdlllco Address , glxlug location and rent expected. Address S Irt. Dee. UIU RENT-HOUSES. IHOIl HENT-H ) room house. No. 71 N. IBth. JL' nil conveniences. $50 per mo. 7 room cottage. Ilnuscom Place , with bain , city water In both , cittern ; new and nil In good repair , J11 per mo. 10 loom house , new. nil convenience' , Cnss st near KM , xx 111 Ic-nso for 3 year * nt JiO per month. 4 loom cottage , 21st near llrnco , well and els- torn , MS per mo. 8 loom nuuso In Poppleton park , city wliter and b-ith , cistern , etc. , fit per mo. 11 rooms , ( Ilmrlos st nenr.lth , ilG. F. K. Darling. 1821 rnrimni. IMS _ _ . . . . KENT Cottafto 018 N. 17th Inquire bet. 12 nnd I p. in. * :7.W ) per month. lwi-21 F I Oil UKNT il Itoom cottamt.W nnd ! 1J5. Nexv nirnlturo for t'W. ' ZHh Hamilton st. .TTlOlt HUNT House 1H17 Davenport street. J-1 Has gas. xvnter nnd modern lmproetiients. T71O11 HUNT It-room house cheap , N. W. cor. JL ? of 2'Jth nnd Hamilton. John Dwxer. 11121 * 4 UOOM cottage tor rent. NV. . cor. Mason ntul llltu sts. Inquire , ll S. 1 Jth. U'S iij "ITlOlt HUNT A nlto cottage of five rooms , JL1 KVi Virginia nve. Apply on premises. ! )71 ) 2lt loom hnu us. 21th and ] .ocn t , tirot door x\ est of shot tow el . IW-2 J * FOIt Ul'.NT-Splendld new 8-slory. 11-room brii k residence , enst tiniit. near I nrnam nnd 2Jtb MS lint \\.iter , iinil nil modem 1m- provments. Hath loom on 2d and . 'il ' Hoots , llenny about Pept. 1st. Will lense reasonable to good tenant. O. II. I'intt , ai'l S. IMh bt ! O ) 2:1 : * IpOll rtllN'T ' 2 n-ioom cottages ; line location JL1 tor ralltond liien. 2 blocks trom U. 1" . depot lent $ Jj a month. Mead Investment Co , : ill S.1511 tot lT'OH HUNT Six ioom cottage , rlt } xxnter , 111 L1 I'm illit ImiulrontlfO ) Howard st. l ' "I71OU HUNT H.ind-onip nexv home , 10 rooms JL all ( tinxenleiiies , licit neighborhood and within ! lxe minutes' xxnlk olpostolllce. Nulhcli Shelton , iroi 1 arnam st. ! M4 1710K HKST 6-room House , ? 20 , 8. o. cor. llth -1 mid Vluton. t-77 1J1OU 1IKNT Duiliig the slimmer month' ' , n HIM ly lurnlshed house of seven nioufs , till modern linproxements , Inrge lawn , xcjetublo garden , etc. C. H. hloman , 'Ml South lutji st. * S11 - IfOll HKM'-I'urnlshed house ; an tlegantly furnished 1rooin house. 111 mlnuteV xxalfe postolli < e , for 0110 or Uxojeius. 1'or paitlculars. nddiees T IP. llee. t-0 2 P * _ _ "I71OOH HUNT Cottage of three rooms ; nl oa JL1 htiiiill htore-room ndjolnlng nnd four acres of Inud situated ono half mile noith of fort ; rent rensouablo to deslrnblo tenant. Apply 1117 S. llth street. _ Ml 771OH Hl'.NT A Il-itory brick building , 1017 JL1 Hoxxnid st. , store , basement and Hats. In- iiulio at I.eo .V Mi hols' llxery but n , 25th nnd f.eax enxvoi th sts. Telephone 810. 7115 Foil HUNT U-room house , Kountze place , W5 per mouth. C. M nnton , 810 N pith st , or A. J. I'atou , with Heard & Otis , un Douglas.H ) " 171OII Itr.NT A T-room house , cor. 25th nnd JL1 Daxeiipoit. All modi rn conxenlenco. In- qillruut .los. Hoself-tein's , 217 S 12th ht KX ) TTlOK Itl'.NT Houso7 rooms , l.xig * yard , on JL1 2Uth tind Haiuey. Small house. i7 ) 12th nml Jones. House nd barn ! Kd nud Hoxxard st. ill ) . Mnnhnti Ic Jlnhoney , Hoom 100 1'nxton _ _ _ _ _ TjlOlt Itl'.NT Sax e car fare oy moovlliK In thu JL1 "Her lints , " ntted with nil the most modern conveniences. 7 light rooms Including bath , pantries , closets , steam heat , gas and xxnter , "also txx-o nice stores" nnd basement , "llefor- cnces lequlred. " Apply to Unjnier & Her , hardxx-nte , 5J1 Soutn Ibth st. _ 5U.i7 Foil ItKNT Modern single house of 8 rooms , bath room , hot and cold w nter , on street cnr line nud paved street , ready for occupancy Aug. I , $4 1 per mouth. Apply at once C. F. Harrison , 41s S. 15th st. 219 ITlOIt HKNT 7-room house. No. 151H Sfith St. : JL1 u-room cottage. No. fill ) Win. st. ; n-rooin cot tage , No.272,5 Chillies st. liujulio HWCapnve. POK HKNT-or Sale-Nexv cottnge , Dcdford I'lace , on easy pHyments. L'iKiuIro M. L , lioeder. loom 4i 1'nxtonblocK. U17 jlO HKNT A line 10-rootn brick house xvlth F - all ! modem Improvements , tine location on street car line. It. M. Uenltts , M08 Doitglns st. 57J F 1011 BALK Two r.cvr , 8-rooln hoii'es In Or chard : Hill nnd I'oppleton 1'ark. Will sell cheap for i ash , or will take good llrst or second iiioitgnKO paper. Any reasonable terms to hon est palties. 0. C. Spotsxvood , iHlilli S. 10th. 441 ItKNT ID room house 17th st , . J00i- ; ! -U room house Ml , 8-room house Ml , 7-room house WJ : ( i-room house Hoxrnrd s > t and other houses. U. K. Uuompson. Uheolcy block. 333 "ClOU HKNT A deslrublo nine-room house all JE modern Improvements , holt block from cable line on xxest Dodge st. All Improvements , cheap to good tenant. F. J. Bothwlck,22IS 14th. ( IHAVK a four-room house on IBth street , txx-o blocks south of Vinton , that I xvlll rent to K good tenant for J12 per month , ever } thing In good repair. Ooorgo J. Stcrnsdortr , Hoom 6 , opposlte 1' . t ) . at " OlT HKNT A nent SCO cottage. Apply at once. C. K. Harrison , 418 S loth st , 111 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. iron lir.NT Furnished rooms In Grennl ! ; bile JL1 cor. l.Jth and Dodge sts. Inqutru of ( lea. It. . Dax is. Mlllnrd hotel billiard room. l.ti , F UHNISHKD room torrent. 1701 Capltoi'uxe. 12U2.1J "VT1CEY furnished rooms , lOOil N. 25th. " | VEHV pleasant ! noxv furnished rooms ; all de- Hired conveniences ; private house , board : I block from postolllce , ItilJ and 1KI5 Cupltol nve. 1 .iu iit"i * OCOOliiind nicely furnished rooms , all mod- mil conveniences , board first-class. 1(113 ( llarney. U > 21 * "VnCEliY furnished rooms , 1817 Cass. J\.i \ 032 20 * " "iriUHNISHEl ) bed nudMttIns room , 417 North - JJ llth st. * s u "VTICELY furnished rooms , Jl per wc'ek or M 50 1 > month , D02. Ml and 500 3. lath st. USiaiej FOH Hl'.NT Largo turnlshed rooms for t.J to W a mouth , 17U7CabS St. M'J ROOM and llrst-cluss table board , fJJW. 011 S. llth , one blk xx eat U. P. depot. U17-23 * . "UKli HENT With board , a second story JO front room. Delightful summer location. . 201 S 23th ave. HV12J * "POOMS. 1709 Dodge street. XV It 017 22t TTIHONTioom tor gentlemen. 323 N 17th. JlJ 703 22 * HOOMS $13.00 or ems large room flotio , South 16th st. bTJ 21 * funilshed rooms , lAtt Karnam st. ! 070 Sit 171011 KENT Fnrnislied rooms. 113 8. 20th st. . JU 072 a 10 ? I710H HENT-iuruIshed rooms , 1818 Dodge , - i ? &H a U j- I710H HENT Front room , large ana nlcelj JL1 furnished , located near the high scnool , li the highest nnd coolest section ot the city cable line nnd horse cars pass the door. En in ( julro atttM Dodge near 2lth } . boO- il- r7\H | \ HENT-2 furnished rooms , with or xrlth ilil JL1 out board , private family , lall Douglas st , 61.121 * il , d- i Hoom : ) xvlth board , 2220 Hurt m.tt7 A iurnueJ rooiua % rlth modem con iencea at Mas. 17that. 672 I710I1H gentlemen can be accommodated xvitli 4' u nice ulte of rdoin * HUI ] lli-st-cloaj board a1 2 7.i Et. Mnry'a ave. , Uraildy block. KQ HENT Pleasant large ground floor roon of JU x\Ui alcove. cloAtit. larga yard , nice shade cabin and street can at door. . No. 11S.24th. , FUItNlSHKD rooms nnd board , 13J2 Chtcngo. . ,2&4-nl * "TTIOH HF.NT Well ventilated cleeplhu rooms. JU furnished , } 8 and upxvards ; weekly or monthly. JOT Howard. Is7-22t TTOIt UF.NT Nkely furnldhcd Irontroftm for J-1 gentleman. Modern conx cnieuces. 1917 Casg. IfOH HUNT Two furnlshlsl or unfurnished rooms xvitli bath , on street car Hue , good lo cation , near business center. Address IT 2Heo Olllce 17822 "T71OH HENT Furnished loom * , 2211 Farnam , J _ _ Bill 2Qg " 171OH HUNT A large , nexv. nicely furnished JL back parlor and one Riiinll room , ono block from txv o car lines , 2107 Douglas. KID LAH01 ! nnd small room suitable for geutlo- mnn , xx 1th or xvlthont board , 1J12 Dodre. Itl JJ10U HUNT Hoom nnd board , I'M. } rnrnam. 07Su 10 * _ I71OH HIINT-A xerx-Tle lf.xirie furnished fur- * lilshcd room xxlth modern conveniences , xxlth or without board. K22 Cnpttnl nve. f702t' ' KOO.M3 Including board In th Young Wo men's homo H'lO ' Dodge st. Iteferences i-e- ( lulrcil. t110 "filOH Itr.NT rurnlslied room with board fdr JL1 two gentlemen. 2020 St. Mary' * axe. Ni7 FOR RENT ROOMS UNr-URNISHEP. FOIl UHNT I\iur i-oonw Til nnlT llrst "lloor. southwcf-t coiner 1 Ith and PuilUc sts. lln- qulie at Itoom 5 , oxvr ilrng Ktoro. 101 HUNT 'three unfurnished rooms to n lamlly without chlUlicli , nt HJi N. nth st nU rooms ; private fnmllv nml line location. K4 How nj d st. 1 U 2IJ F our (4 ( > looms. 4I1P. I'.tth ' st fU W Tliico(3) ( ) loom cottage 1121 N , 2Itt st U < V ) Three C ! ) room , lor. N. : utli st . . lift ) 'IhreoMrootin. I11U South 7th st U M I'onrdi rooms , 17U2 Webster st IS to r mr(4) ( ) rooms. 41 ISoiifti 1'jtu st . . . . . . . is ( ) 1'our(4) ( ) ronm . ISl South I'Mh ft a BO 1 hree M ) routni. TU7 1'aclllr st . . . . . 12 ft I Two(2)rooms ( ) , 7U7 1'aelllcst ' 00 Two (2) ( ) loom" . Itis Howard st 10 1U I'onr ilirooms , nn-J \ \ ebsti > rst 22611 Tour i U rooms , ( lit S lUth st IS III Apply to .ludge Hentlnu Apency , Herald building , S.V corner of I'.tli and Hainevst 1 "A HOE room xxlth closet. iVHS. ffiiil st. J jjji "j * FOR REfJT-STOKES AMtJToFFICESl IO11 KENT 2 Mimll nuTn-s , cheap. Siliroe- del's sign woik , 1UI : I arnim , up-tuir- . FOH HENT Stmo-room good place Inr bai- bcrshup , t.\V. comer lUhnud Leaxenworlh. TTIOU HUNT Stoieiooni. : .o.2ll . - . 14th sr. A p. -I ply l nt lllu llcmuidst , U77 "ITIDH HHNT-Hnlf of M ) h. Irtth st. . opposite - - LClmmbci of Commerce. M. A. I'pton A. Co. " 1710H HENT- Small stoicon Kill bntwce-i I'.u- -L mm nnd Ilnrne.x , Intgo safe for sale. Appl.x Id om 111 1st Nat bunk bldg. -IDI Ori'lCES and stores in Mieuly block 0. E. Thomusoii , loom 212 t'iS IT'Olt HENTStoiorooin , noithwcit cot tilth -L1 and Vlntoii. HT- ! STOHE for rent , r.l'i . ' N. Irtth. liKinlnof ! Henry Oitholt , Ml' ] California st. Ki jV > lt Itr\T IJetall bustnesi loom on Mtn st. C. P. Haulsjii. 4IS S. 11th st _ _ FOR RENT-- 1710H HENT-1'.irt of basement. UJ1 I'lirn inil linNl'-'lhe large roomoxer 111 I nnd 1'arnuin st , sutt.xblo for miiii'if.icturnig iniliuises. Aiiiily to loom 1 , Wnlo block .Inhli W. Lxtle. 2uT FOH HENT-Oood barn , 1921 ChUago st . K" 'S RENTAtCEHO S3. SMITH-OION. JUth. ClOly 20 * G.K. . THOMl'riON , KooiuHJ Mieoly blork. . in : It' YOl" want your houses leltr d pia-e them with licuaxMv V Co. , Inth , opt > o-lto pc > "to.lf | e. lol LOST OTHAYUD 1'iom So. Omaha , black horse , fjxxhltii ' tripe In face , cut In throat , xxhttvlilml feet , left eye blind. Ilexx nrd for return Adtlrcgs Jno. J Itosenbeig. Ho\u2 : ! , bo Omaha. ll'J . ' 1 * IOST Open case ilxer xxntch. Vet jnth mill Jjtth sts ou Cnlltoinla. 1 itiiler xxilllm le xx nrdc-d by leaving at olllce of Itegini , 1 oi. . Co , ( or Nth nnd 1 uinani , ovi > r Van Colt's Jew elry stole. C. W. White. 117'.K + LOST-1'oc ketbook xxlth money and ticket In It , on 'lull uuil ntinders stieet car. Id-turn to lieo olllco nud get rexx'urd. JOsT Wntcr Spaniel ( tng No. 31) ) nt Cut-on 'lake. Sunilnv ex-Milnir. .Inly 11. llcturu to H0 Chicago bt. and recelx-e liberal rew aril. 1 11 22J TOST Small bay horse , hind feet white , star J in forehead , chnfed behind right Itt- ward lor leturn to 1UKJ Capitol Ave. dje xxorks. 71.1-21 ? PERSONAL. B ETTIK , .1. S. Never fear , do no harm ; conic back at once or w rite to S. W. S. ! 7-3J * IDKItSONAU-To the ladles-rim best xvntPi . curl bang inado , now Iliisstnn or V Shape ntAlmnli. Kellh s , Omaha's populnr mllllndi nnd hairdresser. All hair goods xxarranted ami sold at > i the regular hnlr store pi 1 < us , III' ) anil 111 1.1th st. opp 1' . O. tn-223 T > rilSONAIj If you nnx-on personal Item , ot JL any communication , drop It ill one of The lice's message boxes. 101 IT you xvant to buy , bell , runt or exchange call on or address Ueorge J. UteriiKdoia , room C , oppositH F , O. 2:11 : H I3AVY team , nrxv xxngon nnd llnriless .tl f UK ) less than x-nlue If Mild lit once. Actlx-i Heal Lbtnto .t 1'ropcity Exehinic > , 13JI Dodge. T71OH SALK-2 stoves nnd fuinlture , nt 5H S JU llth st. IV' _ TTlOlt SALK 12 Inch lilrycl.iionrlv new JL1 cheap for cash. Hux 4t I , city , Ho 22 * \ \ 71HTK Sewing machine ; bran noxv ; one TT third oil lor c.ibh. ( lenient Chua"liii'litl : 171OU SALK-Ltght . | de-bir bu y and liar JD ness , iuii.ef.Vl , loCT N UtU ht. 7l l.'l * T71011 SALK A fat coxv nnd culf , horse , lint JL' ness and buggy.2lj2S Don as st , 7 'l 22t FOU SALK-On or before Sept. 1. lioii'eholi goods , turnlture , carpets , Urapeiy , etc , 170 Dodge St. U1H22J "IJ10U 9A LK Txx o horses and txx-o buggies tit' JL1 tlielrvniue. lnimln > - doors xx-est of r.ureki ntur.llnmlltou , Wnluut Hill. 811 21 * "I71OK SALK Heavy young team horses , sma ) JL1 jjnyinentdoxvii. C. M. Katon , bio N. Ifith ht. ' .11 F IOH SALK Finest driving team In Omaha cheap for cash. Iuqulto2111 Cumln .street bl73 i ; T71OH SALK A family canlaire and team , a JL' Lee vV Nlchol's lix-ery barn. Telephone 8W. | 0 FOH SALh I-nrgo line carriage horse , youn and gentle. W. L. Selby , lr-l ! 1'arnam st. D.VJ EOlt SALK Hno single horse harness nn buggy. Charles. A , Goss , 418 S. 13th st. ] U3jly28 SOMK 1st mort. notes for siie , ono nnd txv } ears lu small sums. Address O 2 , lleo ollli - BAHN to bo moved 1 have a barn' that xx-1 accommodate four horses and Is In goo repair that 1 xvlll trndo or soil veiy cheap Ap ply to O. Harth , proprietor Saunders stree market. b txveeu CaldAull and Hamilton FOU SALK A fine family mare 4ycarsolt perfectly safe ; also an almost nexv Snydt hucgy and tuiniess. Inquire L. D. Uuruett , co 13th and 1'arnam at llelman's. cj. OU SALE A few choice milch cows , C. i Harrison , 4la S. 15th st. luijlysa T71OII BALK Planing milt machinery. Call i JU 1408 Davenport st , Omaha. 310 MISCELLANEOUS. OLEVELAND-HAHHISON-A good. live , r liable agent is wanted in this city to lini die the gem of art. A medalion protllo of tl candidates for president. Tnree-onartcrs lit I sire. 13.00 a day easily made. Write , encloslr a atamp for confidential letter to agunts. j W. llahn. Ml Polk st , . Chicago. Copyrighte < THKbanio taught as an art by Q o. f. Qellei bcck.MUllarncytt. 1B2 WOMAN's'Eichange , 1617 Farnamst. J.uuc dally , upper Saturday , night * . DiO , ' mul DWIng-All kinds of first- class cleaning and QreJng done xt the Omaha Bteam Dye Works,133TlOwardst. TelephoUeni , , _ „ „ _ ,000 .lylfl rnilK SHKIiTON. 2.1th and Dodgh strccti JL 1 lrst-cla s frtnillj' hoteU Hoard and rooms single or en suite at reasonable rates , liefer enyc's ' required. Mry. } l.AVldttaker. 61S aa 1710H lirsfXKSS optttllngj look under buT- JIness chnnccs ami exchange. Co-operative Land and l.ot Co.t2U.i ; < n < Ulist. I'&V.'I. ' _ ( HLDI'.n llro ? . Kto noxv permaiiMitly lo- rated in their newannrter" , room CU7 Fax- ton Hlock All klndsNit good city property botipht , sold , nnd exchabged. Money loaned nt the low e t rates , lustirinco xxrlttenln the companies. . WJ 22 ? _ j. _ vou nave anytnlrtj to trade call on or ad- IF iiressdeorge J. Stfnisdorlf , Hoom o , oppo site postolllce. lot \\T .irWKI.SHANsi , No. 311 P. Will opposite TT ichnmberof lommcrco. llutldlng material of all kinds , best Venetian blind ever made , art glass , prpjtcd brlfk , building stone , lire brick , terra cotti , dumb xvalters , laxx-ii furnlturp , Iron tenees , etc , etc. Ifinxx-aiit of any article not to bo foiiudcelsexvliero lu the city , see me , _ _ ? T 37 s M r.KNtMlOKHf , room 0 , Vf onieoxxlll trade you a good farm or city j ropcity for n horte , buggy nnd haines * . 132 flMlE best xx Indoxv scr < > ii In the market C'nll Jl ntP. E. cor. nth nhd Douglas nnd I xxlll proxo it to you. 1 red W. Orny. 7iO Jy23 1 frOMl'.for Dutiful e Women uuiT'cTilldren , I 12718 Hurt st. UIO "WANTED ( rood hoi e. bupgy and hnrncss TT In ftxchiuge for South Omaha lots. ( Itorgs .LPIeinsdpru . rooinC , opp po.sioillca. 230 SHORTHAND A HD TYPEWRITIfTq ArAtiV.N'TINK'S Shorthand liisTltutc Is the T larce't nnd only i"tclu.tx i , practical short- hnnd mid tvpew tiling school lu tuexxest. I'mler the management of C. C. Valentineolllclal - court rep nter nt llie'lhtrd Judlclul district of No- bi iskn , nnd I'rof. II. 11. lloyie * . n xerb itlm re porter or Innce e > .pei'Ien e ana reUlatlon ] , Us- slsti d by other experienced teachers. Our list of gtnduates is the 1 uctst of any school In the. xx est : nil nreoceupIng llrst class ) ioslilonsnnd glx Ing entire s-itiHtiirtlnn. If you Intend learn ing t-hoithniul and t > pe\xrltlng nttend n Hist- class school nnd be sure of n yood si'iiatlun. Studputs rnn enter at nny timix ; no sniumer x.t- cation. Pitman's , Million's and Hr.iham'ssxs. terns tnught Instruction given mi Hammond X Iti-mlnstnn Txpt-xxiltels both for snlue price. PnrtlitllAr aitetitlon paid to spelling , pmictui- ttiin business and legal form" , et 1'or full Kir- tteulnis semi tor i-lieuinrs or call nt Valentino's Shi-rthnnd Institute , Nexv I'nxton building , Omaha. Neb 2" " > s Jy3l STORAGE. STOHAflE warelionse. Ill V. llth st. I'm-m- tine and nil imi'ni'tllo goods caret illx stored. 1 iirniuiio bought nud sold. It. Mnttlu SroHAlir.-l1. Itocio llros \ O ) . , 110Ilonird httio'attin loxxe < t latof. slmll i in-iire quick irntlu list your houses with 1'arr itte , luifcif lucat , < > < ! . win II \7"EHV Cheap -urage llrin ue-x Imlldino- ; lixc storle' . l.levHtor MfrfCo , , Ills llinxnrd. 11HJ)27 rpHAtKAUE. Ftorage. lowest rntaj. W. M -1. Hushman , 1 U ! Lc.m-.ixxorth. 107 v-TO GUY . l r.\NTni-To buy two mnll ( ottctres to i move. D. C. 1'attertion , Oiiiaha Nat ! : but1 1'ng. _ _ : m 1\'ANTii-IV\x : good motiiiat-es. A. 1 > i Tukex- , Kith and lluilalas. 1"4. \\"ANTri-oo ) ( ! ! iiQuss nnd lot in desirable > T part of the rlty ; will glxo llrat class bar- it xln to aiiyoim If suited. Oeo. j. aterns'lor.l , itooinfl. l'roiu"r blK. - bis IK you IrxxH improxefl Duslneis or lesidenco piopctl } that jou nlsh to ell , call nnd syu llooriie .1. Steiivlorn , room 0 , opposite " _ _ _ l _ _ " \AT1I.I. buy t jinlttirBui , i noiise or tlat cen- VV trally located. Co-ot > . 1 , . A I , . Co 'Wo N 16th _ _ , _ _ C2i\'RIlAIstoie ; btlllillnirs or bouses that i in k > Lo m.iv d , V > 'i'l jiiy gnod \ rli'e if suii > 1 Clioije ( ,1. Stermdorir , ' room 0 , o poilte p otlice. 1 . mind lealov nnd eouusellor nt 221 iNortUSlx'efnlh strj-t , iorx'lella > le lu all tilings , e ) ) eclally l.iw.t ve nnd lottery. JIOV22J r\n. NANMR V. Wnnrn. cJilrvox-aut. M d- JLlefl'i , bu'iiip ) * aHd t < ) st medium. Diagnosis free. rcniMe diseases a upecliilty. 119 N. 10th'joms 2&j : Tel.911 , 1'TJ Omah.x rinaiimi Rxchange , lloom 11 , JL Darker block , southwest comer of 1'ur- nam ntul nth sts. Mnkej a specialty of short-Mine collateral and estnta loans. Money nlw rtys on hand In Bums Ot $100 and up- w nrds to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Seemed notes bought , sold < tr exchanged. Clear real estate mid cash to exchangd < for gonil llr.-tt or seeoud mortgages Loans made Upon laud contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , llrt or second moitgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Kln-inclul bnslnttss of nily klild trrtnsactcd Piomptly. iinotlvnud | fairly. Itoom 11 , llarker uloeV , Corbet t. Manager. _ _ _ _ 1VJ _ TVIONCVTo Loan -lly the iliulorsTgneil , xxho lU has the only p.-opetty organized loan ngency In Omaha I.oatisor J10 to iluimndo on turni- tme. pi'inos , , % tutonsinariiliier > , i > to , xx Ithont removal. Nodelajf. All business stilctly lonlldehtlal l/oans so madtj that nuy j-arl i an be paid nt nuv time , cm h pavinent re ducing thu cot pie rata. Adxnncos made on Hurt xvatoh-js and diamonds. Persons should cniefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many nexv concerns are dnily coming Into exis tence. Should you need mon < > y call nnd speme. , W. U. Croft. Itoom 1. Wlthaell bulldlug.loth nml I Harney. 170 " \IONI2V lolor.non houses mid lots at mnrket -i l rates. Ames Heat llstatu Agency , TJI7 1-nt- nam st. 17s 2U ' ' rollaterul loans , M. CHA'n'Klnd 111 s , I Ith st , Uoom 27. _ 7.11 MONI'.Vtoloaii ! cash on hand ; no delay. J. \S. S'julie , 1.19 1'arunm ut. , Klrst National bank building. Ill K1MI1AI.I , , Champ & liyau Loan money on Impioved property In Omaha nnd principal addition ! ) , alM > building lonns , nt loxv rates. Itoom t ; , U. S. Nat bunk. i12 ! MOTEY to lonu ; lirgo nnd Mnull sums nt loxv lutes , for short time , on real estate 01 chattel security ; second notes nought ; nil lluniv cial busluc-s strictly ( oiilldeutlal. People's Fl- nam lil Lxi'haiiKe. ( ) . Ilou-c.iren niiinugei ; room Wj llaiker blo'K , 15th nnd rarnam. _ " " ' . Qfll.OOO to lonn on cltx pioperty , low rates. PH. ( . loyntoil,31.5S ! lltu at opp Paxtnii house , MONEY to limn on diamonds , xxatchesuntl Jexvelry ; nil bu lms strictly conlldentlali can nccommodutu you xxithlungoi shoil lotiux ; Itxilll jiay junto M-O me. Minis Dlnmoud A \Xutih Lo'lll CO , 2IU S ICth at. Hoyd A opern liniisu block. 77Uall HE. COLE loans money on tmproxod city or ttnrm i > rep rty. Hoom i ) , block , made ou real estate nnd moitgngei l.cxxia d , Heed X Co , Ki2I rnrnam. . .n _ IM T OANS made ou city propertylow - rates , C J-n' . Morton , 1117 1'arnam , Hooms'Jand l'i 11 _ _ _ _ n _ MONIIV to loan on al estnM ; mortgngfl' boujjht and sold. Wallace , Creigmou lilnck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.7 MONKV to loan on horses , furniture nnd otbei person * ! propnrty or collaterul. Jtit s mod crnto ; business Olllco S. W. cor H ner 1.1th and Douglas sts , Kntraniu on l.'tlist The 1'nlrbank Investment Co. 175 AMKS Heal Rstntp Agency , motif y alxx ays 01 hand for loans on Unproved property , IW Fftrnam st. 17 ! ) 2U Gl'Kll CIN'rl ! money to loan , 1'atteison.V liar nai d Jia S 15th st i 1W _ _ T OANS marte on Improved nnu unlmprovei J-Jclty property nt lowst rates of Interest special iate- largo loans on inside property. Udell llros. .V Co , JU S. loth st , 1S1 V\7 E keep on hand vjpuey to loan on Insid I T property In Omnn , nnd South Omaha li sums trom J.VK ) to t\uurt , nnd us x\o do our owi xuluntlntr , make all papers , ilc. , xx-ocati com pleio a loan any day y/Jnfxxlsh and pay you tn < money , nates , SmithCo. . , lloora 20J , Jlnnig btilldlng , Hl ) _ 1I ON HV to loan. oTlTDavls Co. , rani natal Jji and loan aauntslK > l I'unmin at. _ 191 er MONEY to loan on furniture \vagons , etc. without removal or on collateral security Huslnesa btrlctly cotinaentiai. A. E. O i eenxx oo'i & Co. , H 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson F. _ _ _ _ $ &Ou.C < Wto lonnat 0 per cent. Unahan * Wa at honey. Itoom H > l , I'uxton block. _ if 3 TI I ONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons J.U utc. , or on any approved security. J. U. Hot bins. It. 2 J fiheely blk , 15th nnd Howard. 67t re- ONnV loaned nt 0. 1' . Heed .V Co.'s Lon reu - olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wugon ; uho por&onul property of all kinds , and all othe t articles of value xvlthout removal , an S. ntl All bnalnesa strictly conlldeiitlal. _ 170 rt. MONKV to loan , tong time. OeoruftJ. 1'au HiOa Karnain st. y 0 HI I. llir.V iVJO.t ) to loan on city propert .and Improved farm land. Frenzer block. _ . . _ _ _ 174 ch Ti9A ? ' : > .lulul'on rcrJ'estate ! Cash ou hand JLJ . M , JUrii , oVer 2JJ S 15tU st 187 , JVroXCY to loan , Oi EvThornpsou , Sheel > 'bjk- MONEY-Good commercial paper and short time mortgages bought. Heal estate loans negotiated. S. A , SJoiunti , 1'Jth and Varnntu. T CANS mixdoto parties desiring to build. D. - JV. Shole * , room I , llarker block W2 CJEE Harris It E tc li Co. for loans , room 111 fust Nut Hank. _ 220 LOANS ou real estate , W. L. Selby , MJl t'nr- nnm. I'll ' "iOOC * > 1 fi per cont. Money to loan on impro- $ x ed farms or city property , .lames A.S ood- man , nt tno old llro Insurance olllco of Murphy & Lovett. 220 S. 1.1th St. KIT DON'T Iwrroxv money on furniture , horses , xvngotn. etc. , until you hnvo seen C. H. , lncob , room 410 , I'lrst National bank building , cor. 1,1th and Karnam ISQ _ OMAHA Clinttol Loan To , has money to loan on chattel nnd collateral security. Hoom 3 , Omaha Nnt'l Hank 171 ASTEHN monev cheap. Olllce- Philadelphia Mortgage mid Tiust Co , room U , Hoard of Trade , Oeo. W. P. Coates , llepreseiitatlxa. MONEY to lonn in nny amount , cither for bulldlngor otherwise , nt lowest rates of In terest and on hoit notice. D. V SholeJ , room 1 , llarker block. ' . " 02 LOANS made In nil the principal additions to Omaha nt lowest rates. U. V. Sholes , room 1 , Harker block Wi $ .ino(00to ( loan on Oninliix city property ntO per cent , ( i. W. Day , so corEk. bid. KS Bl'lLDINO loans. Lluahnn & Mahoney.is3 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. M1DI-AND Ounrnntce nnd Trust Co. . 1B05 Faniatn stirct Complete abstracts fur- nUhed , nnd titles to real estate ixaralned. per fected and uuarnntoeJ. 6 1 r.NSON &C.\lMlCHAEfj furnsncoraplet and gunrantead abstracts of tltlo to nr real estate. luOmulii andDouglis county upon thort notice. The moit completw setdf abstract books In'tha city No. 1511 F.xrnam st. M ) BUSINESS CHANGES. HoltHSllANC" ! fll.MlO ) xvlll buy the best horse ranch lu central Nobraskn , mcludlng ] , M lie.i't of well bied .xiuing 'i ' > rses nud mnres , btiilillng. li'ii es , lorruls , fuim ma Inner } , peed snptily of xxnter , and l.'ili ) acies of land , i on- trolllii ) ' nx-er I'.IKXJ in les of Iree i.inge ; well lo- cnted , only 1 miles fniin I nlon I'm lllc railway. Tl'oa C. Tntteiion , North 1'lfltte , Nefi. Itr. VJ _ I7TOK S MiKat a luivaln One of the bi-it pay- JIng r nubllcaii new-papers In the state , ltu- tiled at the countx seit ; ittjlillsheil for llfteen jinrfc. Aildips-i I" ) , ll-eolltio. U.S-22 _ TjlOll SAI.i : A tlxo c hnlr barber hop. ( iood J ? bus.iiH s Addles T ! . IletM. lll ( e. llpi-2j ) : > T/AHTNM'.A % rantL < dMth HW lu Illst-elass Jstiala luundi } . AddrtMs i' . O. II > t 2-I- . irr , J2 "I/loll SAIii : A mnvaiid i'l every wn > tint - ? class steam InuiuUx n Lincoln , N'eb. Doing mooiHni"InehS ; , xnd xvlilih is imreiMng rap- Idij. 'nioidiiglilx pr.iftl : il imiilojei In exvry iHl-aitmelit. Muit be told at uni e , as pm-ent oxxni"1 must i etui u toew York by AUK 1C. As tourms , a small pajmeitt down , bil.inct , ran be made out ot tin ! prottts. 'Jhls plnut x\lll hn hold nt Inxolnnnd 1 ono of the rnie t liuslneas ( iiipdltiillltles I-XHI dtVorod. IrtH of ndilress 11. U. Shaw , I.M elb.or I.auiuUy , l.iiuolu , Neb. ITOlt AliTh : best retail Imulwnro biul- J nt" s In . " ebrasn. ! 11 } consolidation of our xxnole ale bii'lm-is xxlththe liauiii lion Co , of Omilhl , x\C have reduced our lint' to n i lean and ( ompletc iviall to ( / , xxhl'-h w c olTc't Mr s ile , as x\e ilesire to doxote oui entire nrtentlon to the Jobbing ttnde. The liniim Hnidware ( o. , Lincoln , Neb. 131-ri _ SAI.H Ittilt nnd cnndy store ; a bai- ain. In-inlrj 120H S. Uth st. 1W 21 * A I'HISTcliss photogiaph gallciy for sale. Co-operative l > alid nud Lot Co , 2l"i N. Kith. 1 It 22 F".FH > Store forile Oun of the best Incn- lions lu the city. Owner made big monev ntidwlll 1-ftiio ; no humbug ; about Jl.-'uO insh xUll hrndlf It , and a good , llxe mntl wl'l tre ) lu evt'ry three inuntlH : xUll heir ilo-e inxestl ; n- tlull Address T 71. Kee olllce H7'i2J AriUSrpliotOBinpli pnller1- trade for land or city piopeity. Co operuttve Land and Lot Co . ' .Ml N. ICth st US 22 _ An excellent oppoitunlty for u imrber shop nud bath rooms at the Windsor hotel. Kmmlre nt the olllce. 14J 21 FOIt PALB-At a'bargnin iTsoTd by AuuustT n tint clus Ire en am , sodu xx ater nnd con- fwt lonely bmln'ss. Address Till , llee. 11022 * WHOliastl.SO'i , cash nnd Keaulty , or tindo fotbnlnlue' I1.VJ tor n good lulidxxnre business ; thU Is our best chance nnd must be. disposed of tblhxveek. Omnlia lluslness ix : , S. w. cor. Mth nnd Douglas. It. B. O'.O THlUJK saloonx , 1 bakery , 3 grbctfrlcs , 1 liard- xx are. 1 drugstore , 2 Hxery sinbles , 3 re s- tnurnuts. I chop llotise , 1 clean stock of dry poods , 1 meat 111,11 kef , 1 steam laundry , f urnl- tilroof il hbuvcjs , 1 news stand and lonfcctloli- nry toio on loth , prleo * ; 25 , tent ; n. Cooperative - tive I ot nml Lund Co . 201 N. Ktii St. O.l'-'Jl ' ITlOlt SALH-Stnto rights ot the w holoT. S. on JL1 n ilist-clnss Inxenlion. There H mllions in It for a largo manufacturing btulnes'- ' . The only mr.chlnc ot Its kind In the world. Call nt 21st nnd Cumltigs tp . or at Ueo. j-frnsdorf , room C , opposite postolllce and iiivestlgute. 07it viJ Q l.fiiW cash xvlll buy for a fexx- days n xxell ] ) iy- T'liu. filentli Intimity. Call quick on I'earon , Cole A. lloberHon. U10 S. 1 th t. INI 22 * \\7K have n hardxrni'ii bttalucs' , W , 100 Invoice , TT be-it loeatlou In city , will take { .WO cash nnd hotel nud bai 111 Nebraska town or seclnlty for bnlnnee. Omnh.i lltislne s Ex , , S. W. cot' . 15th nnd Dougl.u. H 5. UTii 171OH SALK A tlr- class bakery. Ice cream , -I ? fruit end confectionery business In Tie- mont ; splendid location , coed lensons for sell ing. Address Oco. llaslcr. 1'rtfinont , Neb. Sd3 \\1 K hnx-e nu equity of M.tfJi ) in 3 $ A , In AnY - Y > telopeCo. , and f-.nii ) to f-UWJcash totiade for n bnidvnie , gioreriis. ) clothltig nnd furnish- llig goods or general stock Omnha Itusiuess Kx. , S.N . cor. 1.1th nud Douglas. H 5. U70 FOU ° SALK \ good lumber , coil , nuilcitl- tural Implement and llxu htork business. Addre.-s Hedge llros. , Yutnn , Nob. b'll ' 22 FOIl SALK Clicnp. Lunch counter In n sa loon doing good bUhlnesupj N. Kith i-t. awu FOIl SAL1' A good grocerestnbllsned four yeais , good locution , doing a good buslne-iS. ( li.od icasoiis foi selling $ iXkl ( cupltnl , and xx 111 take nothing but cash. T2J , llee Olllre l jO TS71havo ! for sale a longtime lenioof the best location for fnui-y lotnll bii-mes- the city , I'earon , Cole & Hobertson , UIJ S. 15th st. FOR EXCHANGE. C/ xxlth unliicumbeied farms or city lot" foi furniture fun ! to K-room house nnd lot In KMionuhlt * distance.ctivo llenl Estate A Propelty Exchange , l.l'l Dodge- . 174 22 $4.H10 stock of clolliliiir , dry goods , hat , cnps and gioeeiieslu exchange foi illy propeit ) Nomomiv lonulred , Co-operatlxo Laud A. 1,01 CO. . 2J1 N. lilth bt. 1172 rpOHA'CIIANGE-35i acres in Cheyenne Co. JL Neb , for stocK of notions nud lurnlshliu. goodb. Apply nt once , C. 1' . Harrison , 4 Ib . llth SALOON l'iIco * , ) , uOO ; for city propeityo : Nebraska fnniis. Lot clear In Priiyu pan Jur liunllnii' 1U ) aeics of so d land improve ! in Hi own lounty , elmnitKl per HI te ) former ih.indlsiLiver ) stock for laud or city prop city ; WX ) acres o land for menlinndlse Co operatlxe Land and Ixst Co 20,1 N. Kith it. IWO-21 E 10 HT Y ( W ) acres of and ailjotnlng Lak < Munnxxn , Council , IllulU , la. This traci xvlll muko 100 beautiful lots and Is free frou enrumorance. What have vou to offer ? Oeorm J. Slcrnsd'-rir. lonlu tf. opp [ ' . O. ItiT r- "TJIOlT EX ( 1 l7\N f I fVTl oTT e and lot. Nob. faili - Jor South Omaha lot for vacant tot lu Cur rd thnge , Lincoln I'lai o or West Cumlng ndd. W d L. Selby , 1121 Karnnui st. ( JIB GOOD inside lot to trade for her o and bugg' or team and carriage. Ctias. H. Woollcy. 41 S. 1.1th < t. KfM } " \VANTED-To trade for a horse and bugg' ' T T or horses. Stox ens Hros. , 15211'uruam. HJ5 23 F OH E.XCHANOE-Threo Ijilicoln houses nni .ots for Omaha property. 1' . L lloosack Lincoln , Neb. & 3 n-ror OinaJm iiropert ) % K JLncies In loxva , clear ; IbO acres In Kiinsns clear. Chns. H , Woolley , 118 S 1,1th st , 037 'M 5 "VTKW 3 seated carriage nnd nexv single to ] | * JL > biiv to trade for long time real ettal mortgage . W. L. Selby 11211' st. VJI TIO EACIIANGEI,000 of gents'furinshln uoods for land. Wiu. Studelmami , 'M Douglas at. t07 \\7 IIAT huxe you to trade for large doubl TT 10 room home , modern Improvement ! Bouth front , large barn. Very dcslrablu Kountz Place. C , .M. Eaton , 810 N. 16th. HICK VN7 ! ! ? - bricks m exchanjr for good inside Omaha property. H. J Sloman room 22 and 23 llellman bldtf. 1 J \\71IAT have you to oiler for 1,250 acres n T T timber landl n Weit Virginia , clear ot li cumbnujce , perfect title. Quorg * J. Sternndort Itoom a , opposite P O 11 T710H KXCHAJfaE-Neb. farm , or two Bout 1. JL ? inns ha lots for cpanot mareicr uiulea. M L. Si'by ' , li-'l raruam it. ' " . W "V\7 HAT Kavo you To trade for CO acres of land TT unlncttnbertd ) lu .Inncnn cduutjr. ivis , , Smiles from countysc Vt , 0. J. SterusdorlT.rooni 0ppp Postolllc * . JU7 rpOTHADn Korland , nexv I0-room house and J-lot In Konlitie Place ; tine corner , S lots , i block oil pnri'il Mrrcti 3-lot" , one a corner , 1 mile of tourt Itouse. near paxed str < . Clias. U. WoollB ) ' , 418 S. lith st. Ms 2i > \\7ANTr.D-mx > .a.fl good brick for ln ldo city T T property and cash. IV. ,1. Pmil.KXW Kantniu. 741 moiIXCHANOU-Clty lots. Will trade for * . horse and buggy. Hoom 40D , iioxv I'axton block. P.VS \VANTKD-Stock.s of goods for untncuni- T T bered fnrms lu Nebraska nnd loxx'a. Sto- icns llros. , IV.'l I'nruuin. vd't 23 " \\71LL give you a good trade for nn fight or TT ten room house and lot. llcorgo J. Sterui- clorir. ituom ( V , opposite 1" . O. 231 7.j : . STKHNSDOlirF. Hoom C , opposite P. VJ t ) , hns some choice farm land to tindo for city property. Will assume light Incum- brances. 2)1 ) ; A larpe span of sorrel horses , IfHj JL hands high w eight S7iK > . To trade forstimllc'r team. U. M. iatoii.810N. : irth. 7ll-Jly22. rp. ) HXCI1ANOH 1'or city property , n tine J- farm ot 810 acres In llntler Co , Nob. No In- cumbrauce. Van Glider llros. , Hoom fiu7Paxtoti Hlock. 100U 22 ? rpOKXCHANOIJ-Cnsh and farm land lor JL general merchandise or drugs. Address John & Case , Cambridge. Neb. W621 * flinADKS mftda in real estate and portoual JL property. 8 * exchange book. ( ; o-oti. Ij. and L. Co. 205 N. 10th st. IM FOR3ALE-REAL ESTATE. WHY PAY HKNT-I can otter you n beauti ful residence lot In Wustlnxx u on belt line ry. . close to new- school house and station on the belt line ry. , and only a fexv blocks from Park street cnr lino. If you xx-nnt to secure a pleasant little home close to school , belt line trains and street cur Hue nud not run so deeply liidebt for It that } ou can never nay for It , call nt my olllco and let me shoxv vou x\ tint xx e can do for x ou In this addition , dco. N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , llaiker bloik. IHI 20 " 17'AST fiont cottage and half lot near 2ith ! and J Douglas st. . $ l,7 ; > 0 , if Jl.tXW cash can bo paid. Active Heal listatePropcrty i\change. : 1521 Dodge St. 174 22 A'HHY Cholco Itesldcuco Site ! i l feet east fiont on 3ith street , 1W ) feet south of I'nr- nam. 37th stieet Is being pax-ed from I'm nnm to Leaxenvxoitli. There Is no location better than this for tine leslilcuco. Price , tS'.BUO. ' Jl. A. I'p- ton \ Co. lf-2 I.I OM iS : for all in Westlaw n , the coming man- Ufa luring point of Omnhn. licit Line trams noxx i nulling to Westlnxxn nlloids iUlck | and di rect access l 'tx\ocii the business ceutro of Omaha and this addition. \ \ eetlaxvu Is petfoct for grade. Streets aio smooth nnd lex-el A largo two-htory school house is uoxv being crcrtcd on this nddltlon and n .station on thu licit Line e-itnlillshed Just ncross the stieet. Patties desiring pleasant homes In n good uelghborliood , xxllhlneasy ic.ich of street cars ami lielt Line trains , xx 111 do xvell to call at our olllce nltd let us shoxv this property ; can build cottages to suit purchasers. 1'rlco of lots onlv IKMtoJIW. Oeo. N. Illcks , Itoom 40. llarker b ock. ISO 20 Ml'ST bo cold A cholcn lot In Haxxtliorno at a sari lilt e. Only gl.fifiii , J7ft ) cash , bal ance on terms to suit puiclmser. C. A. Collnrd. Nebraska Nnfl Hank. 101-22 * "I OO1C ! l.ook ! .1 nud 0-room cottages In splen JJdld locality for sale on monthly payments. I' . K. Dulling , 13S1 Fnrniim 112 21 8AL12Cheap I'.legnnt noxv lK > use. full lot , beaiitltitl shade ana laxvn ; 1U mlle fiom P. d J1UO c isli , balance monthly or to suit ; n bnigniu. Address T 07 , llee. l'K22J 17 AST front luShiill's 2d add , tliren-fiunrter.s -i of a blk irom the route of cable ; lot 50x127 , fi feetnbox-egrnde ; S2.800 If tnkcu quick. C. F. Hanlsoii. 118 S llth. 171 PIN'H ICountzo Plnco icsldence. . outh front on llmmetst. betxveon20th nnd 21st opposite the teserxe , 10 room house llnuly llulshed , all iiKKleinconxenleuces except fuinnce , pipes nil in tor that , slreot car within half n block , t7,000 , J2riii ) i nsh or good notes , balance cnsy. M. A. rpton \ Co loil 2S 17lToTtKNcr.-IlousB nnd lot lu this beaiTtlfiil J1 suburb. Clement Chase. 113 S. 10th. 1J02UJ BAHOAIN 120xl 0 feet , corner of II nud Hellex ue strojts , .South Omaha , the llnest coiner on llellovuo.stieet can oiler for u fexv dax s nt f l,7i > L llargaln-Choice residence lot on 24th street covered xxlth beautiful shade trees , extending fiom24th st to ground reserved for the iiexv.syndlcatepnrk. This isonoof the llnest resi lience lots between Omnhn mid South Omnnn. Pi Ic- only tJ.Wi ) . Oeo. N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , Darker Hlock. 18.V20 Y KHY F.asy Terms Lots 13 nnd 14 , blo'k2 , Kllby I'lncoon iiUth betxx'oon Dodge nnd Davenpoit il,7iO ( each. H party willbulliln house to cost not le-s than SI.OUO , will boll lot xvjth onlv$100 cash payment , balance 1,2 and 3 ycms. M. A. Upton A ; Co. 182 FOH real estate cnll on Oeo. j. f ui , IfiOl Farn 38 171OH SALR Improved farm ofHJncrcs : good JL1 orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings nnd Hying water : fifteen miles from Omaha , 1 ho best produce and live stock market In the xxoild. Huperncre. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. l.ltli , Omaha. 054 SOMHTTlINO choice : Lot I , block 0 , Hillside No. 1 , on Dax-cnport at. opposite Yates' fP.VOJO ) mansion , only ! , WX ) . 'Jliere's a nice resl- deuce site for you at a loxv figure. M. A. Upton i Co 105 SOUTH Omnha-0,2rfl for cor. COxlM ) , of 26th and L strs ; as every other lot ou L between 24th and 27th sts is not less than $10.1X0 get terms of D. D. Smeaton , Darker block , Omnha. IK1J22 TITO iT SA LK-Ten or 20 shares of choice bulld- JL1 Ing association slock , A bargain tor cash , Apply 317 S llth st. _ mi FOR SALH At a bargain , 7-room house 4 block from uexv school house. Walnut Hill. Inquire ot I' . O. Mctrlll , cor. Eureka and Hamil ton sts. 813-2U ten acre tract near bolt line ry. . Is In \Ja line state of cultivation nnd especially adnpto.1 for fruit nnd X'cgetablo gardens ; there is big money in market gardening nnd I cnn of fer this choice pleoo of Innd at tlguies It xxlll pay you to Investigate. Ueo. N. Hicks. Itoom 40 , Darker block. iw 20 FOH SALh-Acro lots In Spring Valley on Hi-It Hue near largo manufactory. Hegulnr biibuiban tiulns from noxv on xvlll make this desirable for homes. Will sell at 20 per cent below tha mnrket anil on easy terms. Some choice Inside propnity nt n great bargain If taken soon. Marshall Sc Lobeck , r I' , Cham Com. KW-21 HEHE. see this 00-foot frontlet liiShinn'sUnd addition , on 1'ranklln street east of 30th , fi loom house , cellar , cistern , young trees , good sidewalks , etc , tto , H.OOJ. M , A. Upton > V Co. OJO BAHOAlN-Lot 13 , block2 , Nimmlt Plnco nd dltlon , B8 feet ou I'nrnnm bv IS ! . Klmbull , Champ & . Hyan , room U , U. S. Nat. bank. 811 n3 ! BAHRAIN Choice residence lotonl'opplcton nve , Hnnscom place , houth front , lot nnd street both giaded ; xxatcr and gas in street ; only $2.700. Oeo. N. Hicks. Hnrker blk. iaV2il \V ILLbuIld a $1 , 00 honso on a Jl.fXX ) lot near T T Loxvo nvo , nnd sell on J.I1 monthly jiaj-- ments , D , C. Patterson , Omnhn Nat. ll'k Il'ld'y , 71X1 MAKIJ us nn offer ono room house. Furnace , city , clbtern nnd xvell xvnter , sx-orth 11,000. $ J,700 cnn run nearly 1 , 2 , 3 and 1 years at (1 ( and h per cent , lloxv much for il,30J equity ? Money talks in this case. House Is on lot 15 , blocks , Omnia View. M A. Upton .V Co. 731 2J JubtSALH Flue cast front 7-room house -L Jubt Lenvenxvoith st on S. 81th ax-o. , great bargain. Apply at once. 0. K. Harrison , 41S. 1.1th st. 7-'l _ " \JtiW here Is a bargain 20x110 on Park ax-e , -L > between Leavenxx-otth and Mason sts , * 2,10C > , adjoining 40 fc-ct sold for J12.1 per foot. M. A , Upton i Co. 070 _ AHOAIN I'till corner lot 22d and Lcax-en room 40 , llarker block , 183-20 FOHSALK. riinnson longtlmo. Co-Oper.v tlro Land and It Co. , 20 N. 10th St. 037 ONLY a fexv lots left In II. iM. . park addition to South Omuhn. What Imve you to olferi George J. Sterasdortf. Itoom 6 ,' . O. 2J1 BAHOAIN I'JxiV. feet , corner Lowe ax-e. am Howard st. One of the nnebt lesldencecor ncrslnWest oraaha ; call and get price. Oeo N. Hicks , llarkcr block. 185-2C SOUTH OMAHA-Lot C , block 00 , and lot 1 block ( /I , f.JUX ) each ; one-third cash , balauci In four semi-annual payments ; viaduct cm L s will make these lots very valuable ; lot 12 , blocl 71 , * 3WX > . M. A. Upton * Co. 070 U7 VJOUTH Omaha llargaln14roora hotel , nexv p lot 30x150 , on 2'.th . t. . Just south of N. l'rc | ( fci.COO , xvhlch Includes hotel furniture , calooi lUturea , A.C. M. A. Upton & Co. U25 rilWELVK per cent Investment I'nr Pale * J-ThreoB-sUiry uiul basement brick houses. 1 rooms each , all moiUrn Improvements , on cabl line , 123,500 ; IS.601I cash , balance 4 years ; xxil take uooq cUar lot for part ot cash payment it. A. Upton ft Co. 030 $1.000 buys afulltot nnd goo.1 4-rooin cottasi Bood location 1) . V. Sholes , room 1 , liar . T)9NTlnl.1s ) ! ttiI . .Tx > t 13 , CUrxo'd addition. th JL/ ' Bt , Mary's txve. , ill fe.ot frjnt V. Jjorth I'J.4W. Wtxvfllaeft 'or nlwrt tlnw foi , 5M . U. A. Urtou It Co , , . 35J G.1 , BTEHNSDOIUT , room P opposite post- piiico. VUI sell you n good 4-room hotisa ou ( fitn street. 2 blocks south of car line , by pay ing M > ) cnsiu halation monthly payments ( o suit. This H n spientlld opportunity for any one \rantlng n cheap home. 831 "IJAHOATN Copier Lake and IMh sts. TOxUO 1 ' feet , xxlth hlce. liouso ; room for two more on lott If taken soon , only Mwo. Ueo. H. Hicks HnrUr block. \1 USTbo sold on account of pax meiits , 4 lots J. " at n big bargain ; xxlll sell part of tlipin , Itnldo property. South Omnhn. D. D. Mneaton , llnrker block , Omaha , Ml 23 " 1711 NT. rcsldotue. In Windsor Place , full east JL1 front lot. elegiint ten room house , bath , hot nud cold xx ater , furnace , tlrst class narii. A choice home , J7.MO. 1'rlco Includes noxv carpets mid curtains M. A. Upton .V Co. P7U Bt'sfNESS Northwest corner 27th and 1'nr- dam for JU.OOO ; one-third cash ; oh , you are missing It by not picking up some of these bar gains. M. A I'pton A. Co. 070 NrimdlUK lotT \ < x n In block 1. ncnlse nu illtlon , tliret * blocKH from cnbln line : an nx- tra bai train at f-VJuO. M A. I'pton A. Co. 070 T7KH 8AI.1 ! Or exchange. We have some -L ? good Omnha real estate nnd farms , which wo will siill cheap or trano for stock of clottiliic , furnishing poods , drr poods , boots nndshoes , itrocerliM or hardware. Bohles- ln er llros. . 014 S. 10th st. 193 FOIl SAI.K-flOxHO , soutn nnd eastfronto cor Mil ami Dorcas. ; nn elegant lot with 8- room house ( n w ) for 15 MO ; ll.WO cash.Vo hnvo ( > xcliislvp sain of this. M. A. fpton * to. Thlii lot adjoins ( loodman'H line grounds. 707 pooii South Omaha low at n pnc JL imichbolow their value. lot 14 , blocV 13 , Albrl ht's Annex" just N.V. . of depot , on main county road , JUKI. Lot I. block .1 , tlrownl'nrk , corner on aid nnd " 11" ( llrown ) street , 11,200. Txit ! I. block " 4 , South Omithn , flnest In side lot , OOxlM ) , east front , ttiUJ. M. A. Upton > V Co. 9U " 171(111 ( SAIjK A nice east front lot In Windsor JJ place , new H room house well , clitoru , c - meiited cellar , etc. A line homo , only M.700 ; fJOOcash , $ .V i In ono year , Inl In thros ymirs ; wo have the exclusive solo of this. M A. Upton & Co. 7WJ T71OH SALE IT2xlU font on Drlstol strertt , bft- JL1 txxecn 21th and UOth , for M.WO. M. A. Upton 023 ys a full lot and peed 4-ro < xm cottage , . easy terms and good location. D V.Shole room 1 , llarker block. . MS HANSCOM IMnco 1'ropoity I can olTer for sale mini ) of the choicest resldencii lots In Haiiscom I'larit , 'Itieio lotx aio beautifully Ktt- uated , hlKh nud sightly , ( . ommmullng a mngul- llcent view In all alrmlions. 1'orfi'ct dralnngo maklUK nu especially healthy locality. I lcgaiit nclghborhooi.Vnter ( main , Howerngo nud gas In streets Now paxoment. Twollm-s of stieot car < 4 nml n cable line now building. All combluo to mnko thn- lots xery de < ltnbUi for residence pmiiosLH. 1 baxo n lingo list of the IInose lots In this addition for sale , nnd will be pleased to have you call nnd let me show you this prop erty. ( Ico. N. Hicks , Uoom 10 , ll.xrkor block. Itsl 20 T7KW SAU-Ilenutlful e.xst front lotlnAr- X1 cade pin voniUlth Kt. , JiHt south of l.oivou v01 tli. for Jl.'slO. 'Ihis Is t-'ft } below actual x-nlno nnd xvlll bo In the market n ohovt time only nt the price quoted. M. A. I'ptoii A , Co. UIO choice , Inside , full lots , upon xUilcli I can build houses to suit purcnasgrs upon their own selection of plans , nnd on term * to suit. This will pay to investigate. D. V. room 1 IKirker block. 123 llunntncr between Council lllufrs and Albright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Txventy-fouitli streets , and nt the Summit In Omnha. AVi'stwnril. I astwui-tl. COU.N'OIIj CHIOAOO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Leave. Arrive. A No. II . . . .4:00p. : in. D No.2 8:20 : a. m. II No. 2 :41 : p.m.'A ' * No. 13..11:30 : a. m.m. . O No. ( I fill1 } a. m.'O ' 5:45 : p. 10. A No , 4 . . . . t > :40 : u. m.iA No.3 flW : u. in. C Dt)3 Molnos Accommodation. C Des Molnes Accommodation. CHICAGO .V NOHT11WKSTUHN. A No.n " " ' 0:10 : a.m. A No. 3 8:1.1 : a.m. A No. 8 . . . . . .4:00 : pi i A No. 7 11:30 : a.m. A No. 4 (1:41 ( : p. m. A No. 5 , , , , . . . 0:50 : jf.tu. KANSAS CITY , S. JOK & COUNCIL ULUl'Fd. A No.2 0:2.1 : a. m.A | No.0 0:31 : a.m. A No. 4 0.10 p. in.A | No. f 6'N : 11,111. CH1CAOO , M1LWA UKUK & BT. PAUU No 2 0(0n. : ( m.'No. ' 1 ( ) No , I 7:30p. : m.No.3 | Oiwp.xn. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. A No. 10 . . . .7:01n. : m.lA No,9 RtVia.m. A No. 12 7iXJp.m.A | No.ll BWp.ia. OMAHA le BT. LOU1B. A No.H . . . .3:40 : p. m ( A No.7 Ihaia.ia. CHICAQO , IIUULINUTON & QUINOr. C No.H 0:50 : a. m , A No.8..0:40 a.m. A No. 4 Ut1 : n. m. I ) No. 13 A No. 8 . .4:10 : p. m. A No.7 0:0) : ) p.m. A No.C . . . U:40 : p. m. V No. ! ! 7:00 p.m. A dally ; II dally except Sat. : C dally except Bun. ; D except Mon. ; * fustmall ( Llialtsd. , PENNYnoYAI. WAFERS ar * jsucceisfully u wl monthly by over 10oue Ladien. Are&i/r. hfectualanii PUatant | l per box by mall.or at drujfKlsU. Staled Ptirtfculart a pottaga itainpa. Addmsu TtlE IIOBI1U L'UU < lCi , CO. , DUTBOIT , MlCH. r | 1'or aula anil by mall by lioo Drug Co. , Omaha , 2fcb.