OMAHA DAILY BEIh SATURDAY. JULY 21. 188& THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL 'BLUFFS. OFFIOIJ NO. 12 1'KAHLi S'JL'iwnT. t'cllvcfca1 byrnrrlorlii/iny T'artot the City at T'Tfciitr Cents rer Week. H.W.TI.YtON. . . . . . . MANAOEU. JltBlNF.l'S OFMUK. No. 43. N'lUIIT KDflOII , No.I. . M1NOU .MENTION. N. V. Plumbing Co. There nro now ! J10 teachers In attendance at the instttutu. Ttio democrat. ? of the city io ; to Persia this evening for grand "blow out. " Another of furniture for the gov- eminent building was tuculvcd yesterday morning. It in expected tlmt about four hundred old Bottlers Irom Onmlm will Visit Lake Mauaw.i Monduy uvunlng next. A marriage license was issued yesterday to Nicholas .1. Do Fries and Miss Addto Lam- berl , both of this city. More furniture for Uncle Sam's now house arrived yesterday , prominent iimoni : wlilch weio u larfe'i ! number of elugunt chairs. The condition of little Ha/el Cumi > Adams is but little If any Improved , imd there is Kreat solicitude for the life of the sufferer. An cxc irslon from Manning to I-alto Man- nwu is being planned by borne of the enterprising - prising uiti/cns of that prosperous littiu city. city.The The managers of Lake Manawa have arranged - ranged for u traveling men's excursion to that summer resort lor a date In the near future. A permit for a f 1,700 residence was issued yesterday to Mr. It. II. Or.iby. The build ing will bo erected in Curtis & Ramsey's addition. At a recent meeting of the trustees of the Ilroadway M. B. church , 'Squire 13. S. 15nr- jiett was elected treasurer , vice J. N. 1'rown , resigned. Kx-Aldernmn Lewis Hammer is rcurrnng- Int his residence on Knit Uroadway , and u most imposing Htructuiu will soon appear in place of tlui already line building. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Nicholas Do Fries and Miss Addle Lambfit were united in mar riage at the home ol the groom on Eighteenth uvenue. Justice LJriggs performed the cere mony. Judge Ayleswortli tarried long enough In the police cuwt room yesterday to assess four boo/u lines : Jacob Miller ami John Camp bell , $8.10 each , and Pat Johnson and George Parnsll , { .7.00 each. Yesterday u handsome lamp was erected at the entrance of Neunmyer'H hotel. Ttint structure is rapidly approaching completion , und within a few weeks It will be thrown open to the public. William Sludclman , of Omaha , has pur chased the livery stable of J. 1. . Giles , oa North Main street , und will take possession at once. Mr. Giles will return to his former home In Pugu county. In conjunction with the sale of the HUJOJO worth ol liioadway paving bondfl It should bo undei stood that the sale was eilectod through the Uiti eiih' State bank , that insti tution acting as agent for the eastern pur- Chasers. The saloon men have felt finite friendly toward tliti Globe until that paper has come out so stoutly charging them witn bribing the prohibitionist attorney. They are hot about it and deny that they have been hnu- iug anybody. An Omaha printer by the name of Uunkles found a bank book with an account of i-70 on the sticet near the dummy depot. Hero- turned it to the owner , Mr. J. Goldberg , the Main street merchant , who Imd not dis covered his loss. The tinder was rewarded with the heartiest thanks for bis honesty. Arrangements are being m.ida for some yacht racing on Likc3 M.inawa in the near future. Itis expected that an cleg.uitcup will bo offered ami a lively race had within ten days or so. It is believed that con siderable interest can bo aroused in ttie yachts which will soon be skimming over the waters Manawa. An accident occurred on Xinth avenue Thursday afternoon to a man who was en gaged in unloading the iron for the new bridge. One of the heavy pieces swung around and caught his leg , crushing it badly. Ho was removed to his homo , where it was found that the bone was uninjured , but the bruise will bo very painful and lay him up 1'or souio time. Now switch boards for all the olectrie lights on the towers arrived in the city Thurs day evening , and workmen began putting them In place yesterday. The will allow the current to bo "cut out" of each lamp sepa rately , so tlmt either one of them can be re moved , if necessary , while the others arc burning. It will reimiro several days to com. pleto the change. At 'J : JiO o'clock this afternoon will occui the great match pacing race at Union park , between Charles MeCormick's chestnut geld Ing , Westmont , and N. I. U. Solomon's baj marc , Minnie H. A purse of $1.000 hinges 01 the result. Admission to the grounds , in eluding the grand stand and quarter stretch will bo M ) cents. A large delegation fron Omaha will come across the river to witness the exciting contest. Some of the local merchants have beei anxiously waiting for some days for the nr rival of goods of various kinds tlmt were ci route from St. Louis. Word was recoixui hero yesterday to the etl'ect that the ear ii which the goods were shipped Imd been do stroycd by lire. It was coming by way ot tin V.'abasli , but where the lire occurred or wha Us extent was could not bo learned. Henry Keiner , manager of the Caseadi laundry , was most agreeably surprised h ; Iho young ladies of that establishment tin other evening , and presented with an elegan opera glass as a token of respect and esteem The presentation speecli was made by Mis Theresa bcott. The party sat ilou n to i very elaborate spread , anil did lull justice ti the excellent viands. A most enjoi able evenIng Ing then followed , and will not soon bo foi gotten. 'The attention of the city authorities ha been repeatedly called to the "lake" near th old Diorks property on South Main street The matter lias been called up in the cit \l \ council and the board of health. It has bee ! considered by committees ; the spot 1ms bee ; visited several times , and jet nothmgjs dente to remedy the matter. That it Is it nulbunc . ! o one denies , but how to abate It that's tli question. | | jlM. . Grant , a horse trader , was taken In lore Squire Uiggs yesterday morningeliarge with keeping n glandered horse. Ills cas was continued until Monday , and his bent t 'd nt il)0. ) Two veterinary surgeons hav J * mined the horse , and one says ho has th glanders mid the other denies It. H i another case of doctors' disagreement , an the case will have to be settled in cour Meanwhile the animal In question is pasture on the bottoms along the river. At the last term ot court the case of Pov oil vs Mullen , and William Scidentopf as n tervfiior was heard before Judge rhorncl and taken under advisement. He rendered hi decision yesterday In favorof thedolendanti and charged the costs to the plaintiff. Th case is of much interest to property holdei In Kiddle sub-division , as the Mime one-eight interest Is claimed In several hundred lot This decision quiets the title , and clears u overhanging tax titles. Money loaned nt , L. B. Crafts & Co. \ ( loan ollluo , on furniture , pianos , horse : wtijions , personal property of nil himli und nil other articles of value withot removal. All business strictly conl dontiul. ' The Mcrrlinn liloulf. The plans for the block to bo built by M N. Mtrrlum of Oumlm , are at the otllce of ( K. licll , the architect. Contractors desirlr to bid on the work can there Inspect tlioi It is Mr. Merrium's Intention tociowdtl building to as speedy a completion M IHISS ble. U will bo ono of the boat blocks In tl city , and will cover an area of 100 by ' . ' 00 fee with frontdgu on Miller avenue , Main strc mid Pearl street , making 300 feet frontai lu ulL K. II. Shciitu loans mutiny .on clmtt < security ol every description. 1'riva' ' consulting rooms. All business strict ! confidential. 0 nice 500 Broad wuy , co l)6r ) Muni street , ur-siUuis. ft Stop at the Pacific Houso. The mo centrally located hotel in the city. Travelers ! Slop ut the Bochtele. SISS MAKES TEH SIMMER , Saloon Men Dohy Tlmt They Are Guilty of Dribory. NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE HOTEL. A DniiKcruiiH Urlny Uy Foolish Differ- CMCCH tit' Opinion A Imiimlry I/ml Scnldcd A JtystorloiiH Case of Slioen Tin ; TurnIni : tliu Olobo Over. The letter that appeared In yesterday morning's HIH : , over thu signature of Dan Carrigg , the well known .spirting munof this city , caused considerable surprise and con sternation among the parties who are at tempting to support the Olobo In Us attack on Mr. Jacob Sims , attorney for the Law and Order league. The Olobo appears to lie ter ribly in earnest , mid the manner In which flat contradictions are coming in from p.irties Implicated indicates that Mr. Sluii lias splen did piounds upon which to Institute proceed ings for criminal libel , and tno matter will no doubt be fully aired in court as soon as the Globe has made all of Its charges , of which it claims to have an almost unlimited supply. In its Issue of Thursday evening , the Olobo. accused Mr. Sims of accepting bribes from Mr. Frank Hosse and Mr. R J. O.iy. A ! : : reporter yesterday calle 1 on Mr. Day and asked him concerning the correctIHMof the article. Ho promptly denounced it as a "lie , " and snid that the uiti- clo was wilfully false and misleading , lie was nsltcd to give his statement of the facts In the case as they actually o.vurrcd , and did so Inn letter to Mr. Sims , piofiTnng that the account should appear over his own signature , so as to le.ivo no possible ron.n for doubt regarding his lde.\s in the matter. The statement given by htm is appended , and shows up very plainly the willful falsifying of the Olobo in misrepresenting him. "Mr. Jacob Sims , City. Dear Sir : My at tention hits been called to an article pub lished in the Daily Olobo in this city on yes terday in which you nro charged with tii'v- nifr received finin me the sum of $ J."i In the nature of a bribe to procuio your consent to allow the building at the Junction of M.iin und Pciirl streets in this city , controlled by me , to lie used as a saloon. The article is untrue in its statement of facts conci'rnlnj. this transaction and unfair in its comments thereon , and is calculated to do both i < > u and myself u grots Injustice. The facts ot the matter are , that when you commenced tlu- action last month to have this place clo-od us u saloon I went to your ofilco and said to you that I did not want any extra costa made in the case , nor the building closed , and tlmt if you would stop the proceedings when ? they were I would give you my personal guaranty tlmt the building should bo no lunger used r.s u saloon. Von then stated to me1 that In this particular cast1 you did not think yon ought to extend any favors whatever , much less receive any fee licv.inso jou had n short time beforc dismissed a similar proceeding on the pledge to you of Mr. Hc se , the tenant , that no more intoxi cating liquors should be sold in the building. Upon my , however , thai 1 my self would personally attend to the matter aivl see that no more intoxicating liquors weiv sold in the , you did then in a personal favor to mo say that you were will ing upon fcticli an assurance to go no farther with tlio case upon my p.iyinpr you the mini mum lee lixed by the statutes , and all the other costs pertaining to the proceeding that had thus far been incurred. You did stnp the proceeding and 1 subsequently paid you the money as ugived. In this matter I suw nothing unfair or dishonorable , nor did I for a moment think that I was do ug anything improper. You treated me candidlv. f.urly and gentlemanly , and I do not boticvc you had any intention in the whole matter other than to do what was right and Just under the circumstances. 1 knew that it the cuso was prosecuted to the end that the costs would be very much larger than they then were , and you very generously consented to t.iku ins' personal assurance as to the use of the build ing and to dismiss the proceeding as I have staled. Very truly , F. J. DAI. 'Council P.luffs , la. , July 20 , IVSS. " Mr. Sims was next seen , and explained In detail everything connected witli the Hesse and Day transactions. His statement of the facts was substantially as follows : "L.ast winter Frank Hc-sso was running a saloon In the building nl the Junction of Main and Pearl streets owned by Mrs. F. J. Day. I took the necessary legal steps to secure an injunction against the place , nail the prelim inary pipora : were served on Air. Hesse and Mr. F. J. Day , the agent of the property. The next day Mr. Hesse came into my ofllco and said , 'I want to settle this matter. Mr. Day won't let the building for saloon pur poses any longer , and 1 am going to quit the business. ' I told him ho was a stranger to me and I could not take his word in a case of that kind. I asked J. J. Shea , the county clerk , concerning the man , and he told me that ho was formerly n bar tender at the Planters hotel , and ho would take liii word It ho said ho waste to give up the liquor business. I then told Mr. IIcsso that the law allowed mo ceitain fees for bringing up u case , am ] more it 1 pushed the t-aso to ti hearing in court. 1 told him if ho woul 1 faithfully promise to quit the saloon business for good that it would bo aatisftictory and J woulil charge him only the minimum fco llxwl lij law nnd the oleru's and sheriff s fees. IU promised what I usfied nnd the case was dis missed. It was but n short time until lit was selling Ufrain at the same place in viola tion of his promise. I again instituted pro coediiuis and the papers were solved Mr Day then came to see mo unit said ho did nol want to 1 mvo a lot of eosts to pa.v in the case but would a reo that the building should nc longer bo run as u saloon uml would like t < settle the case Immediately. I referred U the broken promise of Hone , und Mr. Uaj then ( nivu mo his iieisonal uiir.inly tlmt m moro liquor .should bo sold In thu buildimr a : long us it remained in his wife's possession and I allowed him to settle the case and hi has since been giving the mutter his persona attention to see that no moro liquor is soli on the promises. This is the true evplana tion of the allowed bribery translations. Tin CJlolio chums to have several oilier cases foi mo to explain , nnd us fast as ihoy can dis tort facts and got thorn in shape to present t < the public I will bo r ady to state the cxue circumstances in each and every one. " The ( Hobo is evidently in u s nl dilemma It has openly churned Mr. Sims with taltiiu bribes , nnd when pressed for Its pi oof , i can only cite Instances in which Mr. Slim has taUeii money. It has not proven In n single glo instance that he took It unlawfully. Tim la what nettles the domocratie organ. I evidently hope ? that the public will get mis led tiy the shout "Sims has taken money , ' mid overlook the fact that ho took Just wha the liuv says ho is entitled to n fee for pros editing the cases. It might with equal con slstency iniiliu the same charge uifiiinst an ; business house In the city. They al tnko money , whim they can pc it. It does not follow , though that they steal It , or tuko it dishonestly. Th truth , only half told , may deceive u few , bu so few that the Uloho is very wrathy. Tlios who iittuck Mr. Sims lay great stress on th charge "Sims took money , " but do not wan the public to even stop to usic the question "lid he take It legitimately ! " Among the incidental slurs thrown out 1 . one Unit Kd. Sherlock still has a judgmou \l \ against him for ftiu , und tlmt hu is cspeciall I- friendly to Mr. Sims , us the latter Is no forcing the paymcnlof this , $ .VJot which is fo nil attorney fee. The fact Is that Mr. Shei lock paid thU WO on the U'd of July. The Globe's charges urc much like tli fool's gun ; "bang It went , and never wet Off. " n. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fui 10 of the New Y il- il10 10 S. B. Wuclbworth & Co. loan money. JOel As to the llolel. The liotnl committee Imd another meetln yesterday at which the situation ol this ei ol tcrprise was fully discussed. U appears tin lo these persons who will bo the most benctltc are taking thu least Interest In It while the ! who arc now , anil huvo been foremost In tl work , can liopo to reap nothing from it c. cept In an Indirect way. In fact where tl Interest should be. the most active it Is U deadest. In the fact ) of this fad the comml tea lia not , yet given up all , hupo of accoi plUhlng its purpose. Tlio Chicago parties wore communiculcd With again lu the hope of getting them tocome her * nhd when oil the ground everything Will be bent in the direction of success. The above conditions of upathy nnd lanlc of Interest are far from being a favorable commentary upon the boasted energy and push of the mauled men of the city. If the improvements which the city desires and de mands to make Its future prosperous mid Its population large are ever secured , this do- ' nothing palicy this gct-all-and-glvc-nothlug' practice must bo knocked In the brad. More than this , there must bo perfect unanimity in notion. ThU Is ono of the fentires developed in the hotel mixlniss. There nro nearly as nmnv Ideas as to what is to be done 19 th"ro are person * who express themselves If the hotel is built there must bacjnccrtcd action , and that without any more delay or boys' play. The necessary amount to purchnso t'le ' Pacific house site has boon secured by sub scription , but there Is udlvoisityol opinion among the heaviest subscribers as to the best method to adopt In converting this list into collateral to sucuro the site. It is upon this point , if at all , tlmt the present negotiations will fall through. It seems passing strange that , after the work is all done , and whvn the thin. : iosired Is almost within grasp , that r. iittlc- mutter of detail should jvvont its buing sc cured. Self - ; . ! . . ntt the reputation of the city inollld bo ml.led to the other in centives to the accomplishment of this enter- pi ise. I'tififlc llouo in o | ) ( > n to thu ti'iivolin ? public , noUuthsiainliiiy ; lu the contrary. I'ltll line of Hlioot nuui" sit C'ouncl IHullsi Music Co. , L'lM Broadway. Sort ; Over tlic Hewer. The unusual prevalence of dlscasrs of a malarial and tophus nature along the i-oiirao of Indian creek demands that immcdiute nt- totitlrn bo given that part of the city's sew erage \VKtcni. True , a little work has been done in tl-o lower portion of the city , but the thu attention required haa not been given. At certain tiuius the stench that aris'M is her rible. During the past year It has required constant attention. The causes of this vile condition are numerous. In certain parts of the city the creek is bflna usnd for u House- sewer , and everything nuajiitriblo is dumped Into it. It is made the receptacle for till kindii of liltli. At certain times in the year this is earned off by lik'h water , but during tin1 dry snonth.i it lays in the ditch until decomposition and piltvclac- tion through these poisonous LMse * into the atmosphere , to bear dKeise and death to hundreds who dwell a'onir ' it p lUi. There M a very strong feolin ; ; among the IK-nple most interested'in uccoiint of tiicir lo cal Kin that SOUKrno is n.-gU'ilJiig h'-J duty in tin1 matter. The wnrlt of lueping this newer cleaned falli into the department of the Lity en-rmeer , and tlmt oftii'iul should , without delay , and without waiting * fur in- btiuc'tinns , proceed to a pi rfonn.ince of this duty. Daring tiie suuitiier months the en- tlie district thiMUgh whicn the creek flows should bo patrolled , and everything \\hieli will hinder the flow i.f the wish r or cause uu unsavory smell should be kept out of it. It is truly ald that thu rrr.pinmbility In the matter rests largely with tno p"ople who are the most affected by it. Self interest or self protection ought to bo a motive sunieient to prevent sueh dop isitt as are above referred to , but FO Ion if as this is not true , and tbe general he ilth i.nd publle ( 'ood is endan gered the city its elt ni'ist t ike the nntter in hand and net in the best interests of all. ArlinU pro for this llallott & lltivio piano , nt ( J. B. Music Co.--1 Bro.adwny. Ludi. " ! . ill ) iK.t fail to "no thu ' 'LadioV I'Viuiid , " 7iW 'Wa.Illusion jivemio. Saliioim Civ."ii a .Now Deal. Yesterday morning there was quite a com motion in saloon circles when it was slated upon the street that a search warrant had been issued and served upon Harry Inman'n place , the Mint , Lute 'I hursdny afternoon thu warrant was issued by .Ill-lire harsietl on the application of the L.UV and Older league. In the morning search wns made and quite a quantity of the various liquors was found and confiscated. 'J'iiej will lie hold us evidence ui'til the c-iso COIIKS to trial. This is the llrst ease of this Uind that has developed , and it marks a new era in the line of the prosecution of these who are engaged in fie liquor traille in Council Mluffs. Ono difficult v heretofore met in piosucntlng t'uoao cases has been the lack ol conclusive ovHonco as to the character of the itrmUs sold under thu names , "cold tea , " "hot Hip , " etc. , etc. In order to cover this dillleulty fully the league propose to sie/to the stock in trade of the men they prosecute and lot competent and impar tial men decide whnt theio drinks arc. The ball has but just opened , sayn the league , and before long every man who is selling liquors will bo given an opportunity to ex plain his ease to the court. The men who are "boot-legging" the business may. bo treated in a somewhat different maii'ier from the above , but the process will be just as severe - vero and effectual. Patrons ot the Paei'ic ' House hnvo iiono but words of priiisc for the atten tion sjivun them. Arc Tlicy Stolen ft Thnrstlay evening two large valises arrived at the dummy depot , undressed to U. A. Irwln , and were so heavy as to attract at tention. Chief Lucas noticed thor.i and de termined to watch thorn. Yesterday morn ing a man called for them und was uiTC'-teil. The valises were opened and found to bo lil'ed ' with shoes which it is s-uppo-od are stolen. The lellow sail ho puivh.r.od them on the platform at rYoinont , Xob. , but \vaa tr.ipped several times by the shiny questions of Chief Lucas. The goods were shipped Irom Nimborg , Nob. , to Nehu.vlor , th'tico to this city. The lollovy intended to have Uio ; i unloaded nt the transit r. bill they were u i- dentally brought to thiidummy depot. Tliey were ordered bade lo the transfer , but the chief ol police ordered them held until he could trap the t.llegcd owner , lit ) i > held at the st.ition until homethin" delinito can bo ascertained in Ins ease. It 11 the supposition that ho stole the goods iti so'no Nebraska Iowa , : pd is now tryiu ; * to make nw.i.v with them. Ho ofiered them for sale at ridiculously low ) .rceo : , ringn.g from 75cents to * 1 per pur. The wlioi s mo of the kind that ordmuril. ' , ictuil at from 61 to fTiper pair. There is no doiibi but that ho irot pi > s session of thu goods dishonestly , but the question is , where did hu get them and in what manner : It is hoped ttmt some in formation concerning the matter will bu 10- ceived to-day from sjmo of the intoi'ior Ne braska towns. J. G.Tipton has bargains tn realostalu. - _ _ Drink Mnllo for the nerves. Worthily Wedded. The nnnouncamcnt of the marriage of Will F. Sapji , Jr. , nnd Miss Lulu Loomis will call forth many kindly expressions from the many friends of the well known young folks , whoso fortunes and futures are thus Imppilj united. The ceremony quietly performed Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. W.V. . Loomis , on First avenue , Kyv. M. T. Sorensen otllei uting in accordance with the beautiful ritun ! of the Episcopal church. Only u few lull innto friends ami relatives were present Mr , Sapp is a Doling man who has had the advantage of being closely associated wltl and under the personal training of his father Colonel W. F. Sapp , in the practice of th ( law , und has not only developed in his pro fcssion , but socially as well ho Is greatly cs teemed hero , where he has been known slnci boyhood. The bride thus won has been u so ciety favorite ever since her residence in th ! ' city , and has these graces and virtues whicl win and hold friends. No PAY TILL CUUKD. This rule has been adopted by the Western Remedy Co. , of Omnhii , who successfully tron nnd euro tobacco , liquor or opium Imbi ig baldness , catarrh , ( ointiln complaint ! 1- lost manhood , private disease of met etc. . The house has such faith in tlioi sde treatment taut no pay is asked until uf > e tor olTcctual nnd permanent euro i 10X made. As the patient runs no risk IUH X10 the company is known-to bo strictly ro 10 liable. They are doini ? ft larpe am IB successful business. "Tho'reliability o it- the Yestern Remedy Co. of this cit ; is unquestioned. Oimiha HeruluV SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. Largdst 'Stock , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods , Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto. y - Tt . " " V fiarS fS MuCtLEn dusic COMPANY. .1 ivrir. RDHRBR , William Slodtmtopf , Uardman , Everett A Fisher .1O _ . D ler lo < . . Cl r&.CountREAIESTATE , . ยง Main SL Council RlufTi. WU7UAL LIFE INO. CO. New Tork. Nii.SK.'Mtli.1 It"14 Sl' M > ry' * AT.Onnh . CO T NX Tv" K / S j * 3iOCIM B K XSIB3wS aWBaBKi Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage oS of Any Banli in the oity. Is Solicited. S SYH , Scli.D.FnBtBr. SMDKE ' J. W. SQUIRE'S COUNCIL tll.Ul'FS . Paint. Qil Glosa Go. Fcrcgoj & Mooro'a Abstracts of Title Wholesale. Santa .ARE THE BEST. No. 8. Pearl St. Si 3EX EX JL < MPKIE HARDWARE CO. , WEIR SHUGART CO. , luror n [ Kino I'lirittipes nnd Hu T-J A * T"T'ETVTT-J A TT'CT'C5 I nl a\s Uocpin tock a liirj o variety or uiwtor 1 have nl wuy i u full . -.took to si'li-cl from HtT . 1.1. ri. 1 1 JZJ.\ Ar > .tJ JZIX , inuKu cnrriiv' H.which I sell at a very low rate. Call and i-.Mitulne. 1'rli'cn T.ow. > ! > . , U7 lo ! { ! } S'oit lli Mlrvcl. 1 am imuijs ivndj to shtiw oods. . . . . . . , . . . t-r r.jii * J- n ii. K g ! .TrTtTT.p Q-1 f-r-fr yjTTrTaTpfri ; fJTMEBTTg jjrcrT -"TrTMTntrn'l i Miss Lottie Willie , of Atlantic , is visiting friends in the city Mr. ( iiorgo W. I'orgusoii , of the Paeille house , is nt homo I rum a visit u Dakota. Mrs. Gcoriic Urown , of 1'urlington , Kan. , is visiting hur sl.sler , Mrs. .1. I ) . .Inhhnon. II. P. Mail in , railroad contractor of Lns Angeles , Cnl. , is visiting his brolhur , . ! . L. Martin. Mr. Simon KNcman was taken qttito sori- oimly ill 'J hur-day , but was able to bo out yesterday. \V. C. Welsh , wife and sister , of PaeinV .luuetion , wore ii'iiong the guests nt the Muu- uwu lintel jvs'oid ly. W. H. Lytii'luml , deputy state oil Inspector , left .victor-day morninj : for a trip to r-i-mv City , Spirit Lake and other points on busi ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. ptrntton , of Cauadr , mother of Mis. K. II. IJe-nnult. of Hcuton siicut , arrived in the city Thursday evening lor an extended visit. visit.Misi Misi Lydin Kns.ioll , daughter ot Senator C. U. Huel' ' . of Cincinnati , U. , i visiting Mrs. ( iiites and P't'of. Uu'jtuns , on t-outh Seventh snoot. Mis.s Halio l-owU , who has been visiting with the ! ' . .iiao : ; . I Jr. Ilnne-hvtl , leavis lo- dav for \isii with Jricnds tnrthor wos' be- foio returning to H-r home in Nev.ton , la. Dr. l'\ 13. Urowne , of Saliu.i , Knn. , : v nephew of the late fj. C. I'rcscott , has been iu the city lor a fo'.v iluva , eallud hliher by his unck'.s illness and death. He letuincd Caiitiini George It. Cr.ino has returned from a iiimnntiir ol p'lvsuie and b'isiiicss at Lake Mimietuiik.i. Ho rolled Ui | there : i line li-1 of now mcmlicri ! fur the U. S. Miu.iine L'Uii.\nleut a-niH'liilioM. Hu is en'hnshtstu ! and Hiieeoislnl , und cviiT fihow with a M.iMiiuc pin quicU'.y spied by him , and none are allowed to eic pj. For nearly n thhvl of n cwitury these dulicious , pure ami ocuiuuniu llon * , Vnn luor'H : Flavoring Kxtructs , liavo led thu vnn"inrd ; , in pnpulni V ' of urtlcloH of tholr cw.--t , nor ins ( lisp. * ifjf- iny comiutilit | > .i bojn uhlo to shiiko for a sinrlo d.iy the f. ilh ivp , ) . < ed in them by I ho Aniorie.ui jiuoplo. The bottled of ll.c-no Hxtruots Ciiiitain surplua mtin.s- uro , npoinlof supufiorlty over rivals , nnd the proeom by v.-iiiuh tho.\ \ arc pro- pa rod proviMit u contamination with any ( lolcturiousbubsUuiue. Ax Amateur Steam Liuintlcy. A boy in the laundry rojin at the Hotel Mnnnwii allowed ono of his Irons to get red hot , and the brilliant ulea st-uclc him of eooling it bv phu-ing it in a basin ( if cold water. Vln experiment in a rush of steam wtitch coolie-l his hand so throughly that ho has to carry it in a bliiig. "Yes ; I shall break the cngnjjo- nicnt. ' the said , folding her nrnih und looking dolinnt : "it is really too much trouble lo converge \\ilh him ; lu > V as deaf us a post , and taikn hko ho had a mouthful of nvt-li. 15o..idfs. the wuy ho hawks mid spits isdls-ftistiii } , ' . " ' 'Don't hronk the o.ijrnuonifiit for that ; t ll him to take Dr. Sato's Catarrh Homody. It will euro him coiuplotoly. ' ' " \Voll , I'll toll him. Fdo huto to break it olV , for in nil ether rc-pocts IIO'H quite lee chnrminef. " Of , it cured his catarrh. Chief Lucas recciv.'d a note last evening from the young lady wno u.js oIToiulul bi Odleor IJoylo'a ai.iiirous Vlemonslr.iti'ins , sttilnir ; that s'ic ' accepted the gallant's top's np.iUi-.V , and usUaij fi , t ho I"1 allowed to re tain his | H > iiUoi. : The Ciiiel o'mld not do ot KTWI-.O than comply \uth t'.m rotinoit , and uftoi11'iving Doyle i < topie\eit furtlier tn's'nnesa , tie w.ii i'1'owod to resume hi fat'ir ulub nil' ' t lito h s regular boat. T\vo hundred acri.-s of iMbd f r s-ilo , from ten acres up. and thivo- fourths mitori from city. Hen Marks. The miirrl.iKO of Mr. Will T. Sapp , jr. . and Miss Liiey L'le'Ki ' Lnnmls was nolc'inni'/cd Thui-idav ovuimir ut tin ) losldonco of the lirule'a parenf , Mr. nnd Mrs W.V. . Loomis , in t'ii-st nvcuue , in thu presence of n few in- timalvj friends. 'J'he gi-uom is an able young lawyer of t'lis ' city , and Llio brldtonnof tim loailin ; . ' your. ; ; fociety ladies. The couple are deservedly poiilur ) , aid : Tin : Uir. Joins with hosts of friends hi tendering best wibhes for future success and bappiaoss. Dihtivstifti'r uatiii } ; , hcnrlbnrn , sick headaclio and inili osiion are unreil by UoodV fa.irsiipiriliii. It ciealiis u yotid appotile. The water in La'co il.inaw.i Is falling rap idly , and tlm p.ultv tittle sliot piesenls a rather forlorn appoirrineo. : It is hoped tlmt arrangements will lie made immediately tote to keep thu lalco from drying up. 1'rompt action is wlitit is required. Theio will ho music at Manawa this evenIng - Ing , and the dining hall of the hotel has been seemed lor dancing purposes. A grand , L'ood time is expected , and the pleasure lov ing clti/ens generally are invited to bu pres ent. For HiiMHtroko Due ; IlorHlVml'x'Acid I'lioHplmlc. Du. A. L..rinn , Melrosc , Minn. , says : "It produccil a gratifying and regenerating W. H. Heck lost a valuable gold watch and chain on Main street yesterday afternoon and reported his loss to thu police. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. 600IlroaJ\vajr Council lllulla , Iowa. KaUblliheJ " 0. H. McOANEU & MM Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 and S3 Main StreetCouncil IJIutrs.low * . SPECIAL NOTICES , NO ! ICI * . SriCL\\eitl : ( i'nic'ntHsiuhiH l.nitI'onnil To l.o in , I'oi'Mil" . To IJi'iit.WiinlH , l ! < iaultn ; { . t'ti1 , will b > liHcrtcil lu tills rolnmii at lliu low intooCTI.N ( KNIW I' I.IN'l ! lor the In- M'l-tlou anil I'hi ; Cents ivr MUM lor each Mibse- ( Mti'iit In .oitliin. l.i'.uo ni'\'i'tl"L'm''nts nt our oli"e ! , No. | a 1'ciirl Struot , Hour llrond.v.iy , foniiill IMntts. lnua. V.'AMTS. \Y TANTI.K"dbaUor ( ' , l'0'ifoutl'Malnst. ' , Council UlnliN lu. FOIt SAI.K-'lliorrmgliliro'l rum. Addit-hsor call litjV. . llroiidniiy. Count II llliilli > , la. \\T A NT 1.1) rxpnrlt'Ucirt tt alter yii'ls or bojs T nt the Hotel MunirtMi "I , OST Ht'twet'ii I'tinrtli and Main streets on -1-J llrii.iihvi.y. Twj-iUy ulght , a Kinlth .v Wes son ImmmiTles-i IM calibre revolver , Intent , p.U- tern. A siiitalilu rruurd will UP ji.ild for Itn le- tmn t i I' . 11. ( iminella , eity mm-slml. i Fl'yoii have a stork of mcrelntnillxu to trade ' for land tir eity property wntu to.lohmton | & Van I'.itten. I'ounull IlItlllR , la. ' W AN'I'lSli ( lood girl for general housi' ork at.I. Mnelltr's , v. " Willow u\unite. M It" . CAIIIMI' 1IIII , prof. nMoinil nnrse , 711 .Myilstot stiet't , i'ouiull llhtllf. lrorsis : for lent . Johiibton & Vnn 1'atti-n , : H t Main stieet. Full PA MI Au open alilc-.ur biucy. nearly luw , to 1.00 1 party tin monthly payments. A. .1. Alundel. Nti. "inland [ tl' > Urn id way. W.\NT1JD Coo.l < . | .ooiil ( hand .stoM-s , furni ture1 MI 1 eirp-t-i. Will pi ) * hlgln-i--isii price. A.,1 M uvl ! , .No' JiiJ i n 1 .C" . I'.r mdw.iy. l OIt PAI H ilr trt-df , It.ts I mid fi In bloikJJ - 'ler iluier'.s ! ad. ApplytoW. I , . I'.itU'ii ' , 7 Ninth.Main stivct. Ti"1 > it SAl.ll The lies- ! null fciilt and vopeM Jble fiirni In j'ntlnwattvul" i unity , t\\n mllus fi'Din Cimiuil llhitlH poitolliie , ut u price Hint \.ul suit It , tin ivmtirkalily onsy t-i'in i. Tit ! " perti'ct and property in gnod umdltmn. l'o nijsli ) i plveu anv time , fiend rrai-nn for t-'lliii- . It. T. lii'jaut A : to. , UW llroadw y , t'onnc'll ll'.n-j ! ; , l.i. TPO IJI1XT Immi'dlaii'ly. f"i the MIIIIIIIIT. a 1 , "cuid fr.rnl hd ' -unite , Ii ! ivuns ; rnn ! > t and bat'i room ; city wrter. Apply on prcmlnc' . Ml : ' rtliave. \\f ANT To ehanru Nebi-ki or \ \ Isronsln Vf turmluids for Count H Hin'ls or Omaha liiopvrty or merchandlt.0. ( ) . I' . MeKesson. \\7ANTED htociw ot inorclniu llsn. HaMj TT Omaha and Ctnincll Hlniri city projort\ . ulo westurn land to oschauca for goods. Oull on or address , lohnon & Unristlau , Uocni J. % Oiamber of Commerce' . Omaha. " 17"iOlt SAIii : At u bargain , Id acre s near stock JL yard" , South Otmih'i , Neb. , Johnson . \ ; Christian , Hoom ! U , Chamber of t'ommei'co , Oimiha. Tim Monls Tyjio Writer ! a practical , well m.ul.Miii 1 llni'Iv n-il-'ictl - in ichlne. aiidioeil lm > s tlie Tie-lert li'tti-vitiT , ( xiict iillUnnii > ut , and r.itild wrl'iii'j ol' u hi. ; . ! pr'd'.i ' nt.rI' ! , , . iin. ; .sN ) MIMKO .liAi'll , the I.e-t mud i foi m.imful Iliu antotrr.ii'iii nun t > iiurnr .irl : ; .i , I ( I COJ.IHMin 1. . . i iken. ' | yi'f ; WltlTDit for > -alH S i u I for clrcnlar.s. The IJx- tiior C.i. , ( 'nun a Haul -1,1.1. .Mi ntion th..s pap' . COK. r.'i''l / \ \ li AND 7 I'll ST. COUNCIL FLUFFS , ! A. Gondu&ied by tiie Sisters of Chariiy , An excellent eilnuatlunil institution , fnrnl-h- edlih all inodern ImiiroVLiiiuntH for bourillni ; anil day t-chool. 'l liu . mlil year consists of two sessions , licKlnnliu "n I'm llrht Mi/nduy in Si'ptfinber and Cobnut y , ri-sp. ctfully. Terina * Iluanl and tuition per hisiion , t7"i. I'or further partlculiirs addre .s Sister Superior , SI. Hands Academy , Council lllnirs , In JOHN GILBERT , " IM.UMllKIl ANI > IlKAI.KIt IX WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. NO. R21 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL. BLLFi'S , S : IOWA INCOKl'OIliXTUD 1878 CO. , SIZES FROM foe 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES. oiH and tlmutes furnished for com'ilotn steam jilants. KoKiilatlon , Durability Onar- unU'ed. Can vhow lvttei > from users whete fnol Kconomy Is e inal with I'orllss No iur. ; % < 'ii. iurrs EO\VA. Send for Data E. C. HARRIS , Manager. THE OSBEH II COMPANY ' Wroiilit am ! Oast k M W il I FOR Hulldinys , J ntoiiKttlc ET & 5fS | eL5" " ff > > Economy , n. M'n > ( ' V i Ifantl LaB sJ s SMLsw tiiniitlicity and Durability , I'OH. HtX ) to 1'200 , Tenth Avenue , Council UlutTs.In. Telephone 100. , fEv 4 S PM ! From 15 to 25 Per Cent. < d tt1 < KtzoTssTi'EasH-irMn t-1 RC3/ra f fr ? r > * L i'Hf TA'l fr y r hd 5ZE B NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE hdw aa = a PETER C. MILLER , w Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. W PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. _ _ Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , H . Spe-ci'ication ' * . Supervision of Public Work. Drown ; , Council Dlntls , Iowa. Qi IRI T. . Attl > me > ' at l-awi Second Kloor Brown IJuildiiiL' , 115 DUnlAll I'carl St. . Council Hlullb , Iowa. rj"7 Justice ol the Peace. Olllce over American Express , No. 419 [ $ . " " " IJroadway , Council Hhill , Iowa. QTHMT Si QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Kedcra O I UI"U Ot Ollflj" " Conns. Olllce Uooms ? and 8 , Shngarl-Duno IJlock , Council lilullb , Iowa. * UA7TI\I ! Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci Cr , nAZ.LlN" Hlnlls , Iowa. PI 1 A fDTD \ / ! I I IV ftn / ! f'l'ePlnllst in diseases of llye. llnr , Nose nnd Mil l.HA VmL IlLIlM IVI. N.T'ir ' < mt ( illlsses ' . , I Ii l . l miV.UUI IL.IM ) ITU l-'i mirli treated bvm.ill . ntt.Tilrst Ij I're-erll i onsnllatlon. - < l. Cat- Oiiicinr Main MO t and Ilroadway. Itusldence , UK ) lllnll si. llutirs li lo K , X tof. , 7.U Lo'iiicd lllnl ! , Iowa. Y < IIJ A.\V- ID-HAI GLUU2 Call on ,11. ! > SOHIJCII , 5IJS \vlicru 3-011 will receive lli Eliu l'ti > li l rit-u. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF BELTS & 19B ELiQTRIO TRUSSES. No. 6O0 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. TKAVii.I.ACilLVl'.S : O\ MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 SNYDER & SNYDEB M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MBS. M. B. SNYDER , SI'KCIALIST : su'sof Women nnd Children , JOT Hroa6 av , Council UlutTn. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLiiVii St. . OMAHA , NKU Star Stables and Mule Yards lor | f.i . Aiul mulct constantly on Intiid for sal * at ri'iallrir Incur lots. . crders piomptly tilled by contiact on imort nutli it. Mock sold on commission. pHouo 111. Kuui.trruit ii noi.m' . Uppoilte Uaiuray Hcpot , Council lllugi.