Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : y . JULY 20 , 18S&
Tlio City.
Omaha defeats Kansas City 0 to 15
A despondent lady attempted suicide.
The price of hogs is the highest of the
Pago's soap works commence to mnko soap
Hccdpls of hogs at South Omaha 4,000 ;
cattle ! KW.
Representatives of Nebraska roads meet
to 11 x live stock rates.
General LOWP will probably build on hit
Hiirney street property. estate tiansfors nggrcgalo $10J,079 ;
building permits , 5J1.1GO.
The elty council tccolscs overtures from
the ruilssnis to compiomiso the sladuct
Fowler Hros. purohised their picking
house at South Oimihu from the Stock Yards
company. Considerufion JtoiOOO.
John P Andes son was burled all\o In a
well tit Johnstown
II I ) I teach , a milliner at Madison , IMB
been closed by crodltois.
Chancellor Mnnutt of the state university
lias looii asked to -slgn
Kxtenslvo prepuiutloiis nre being made fern
n Methodist camp meeting lit Fremont.
Kd Cair was sentenced to life Imptison-
mont ut Albion for the murder of Warren
W S. Hrosvor and O. II Hiichanneff wore
Cross ned by the capsl/ing of a boat at Hell-
Ives mid Staynor uro In Canudn.
Emperor Willlum iirrivcd nt I'otorhof.
The senate went into seeiet Bosslon on the
rullor case.
Several persons wore diosvncd at Wheel
ing \V. Va
The centennial celebration nt Manetta , O ,
lias closed.
Mrs Norton bus mi slot lously disippeared
from Topcku.
It is stated tliat Gould has purchased the
Muek.iy cable
riio has desttoied ci ops in the northern
piu t ol New Yoi k.
Delegates fiomsoveral Illinois cities called
On Gonotul liairisun.
The 1'dison phonogniph patent has been
Sold for o\er $1,000,00) )
'Issonty horses \\uie binned to death in a
barn at Leasonssortli , Kun
The house will take the tunll bill under
considoi alien on Satin day
Thomas A Hall , u Chicago guiln mci-
chant , has failed for 160OoO
Samuel Hill , of Uaymond , la , attempted
to commit suicide by nailing.
The Aikansas republicans aio urged to
Blippoittho union labor Uckct.
Tlio Hiitish ship , Star of Greece , has boon
Wicqkcel and Iwonti lives lost
T\\o men fatally burned ut bt Louis by
DII explosion of suliihurio acid.
It is thought Hint another boycott will be
inmigurnUd against iho Burlington.
The Michigan democrats have divided the
Btato ticket with the grconbackois.
A riench mining Siiidicato is to
opciuto in Dakota on a iriand scale
O'icar K. Hen has been confirmed as regis
ter of the land otlic-u at Uismurek , Dak.
Tlio only witness in the opium smuggling
suits at 1'oit Union escapes to Canada
The county democratic oigani/.ilion of
Now York cil } is in dangei of dissolution.
The people of County Clare , liolund , are
obstiuclmg eviclions by every means possi
The piosidont 1ms nppioved the agneul-
tuial utul District of Columbia iippiopuuUon
Hiuoreisen , Urodoitek and Ooding wore
hold to the grand Jury in bonds of ? T > ,000
'J'hli teen hoi sos nnd four mules were poi
soned by some unknown person nt Kansas
The Chicago hoard of tiado has scored
nnothei victoiy in its light against bucket
The next session of the National Prison
Association will bo held ut Niishillo In Octo
ber , Ibbl ) .
Staitling developments huvo been made in
the examination ol the Iowa railway coiiinus-
Tlio Coloiado conference of the M. U.
church began Its twenty-sixth annual session
at Cheyenne.
Peter Naviska was arrested nt Duluth for
complicity in the assassination of a Hussian
Fred Hai mend , the urtisl , who iccently
committed auioiuo at Trinidad , Colo. , has
been identified.
MM W. U. Hell of Fort Worth , Tex. , was
robbed in a Pullman sleeper of u brooch
valued nt 1,200
Western association scoic > : Des Moincs
10 , Sioux City 1 ; St Paul 8 , Chicago 3 ; Min
neapolis 7 , Milwaukee 4
The senate 1ms lofused to eonflim the
nomination of Samuel .1 Higolosv to be dis
trict attoi no } of Nesv Jersoi.
Another Victory Scored Hy the Chicago
cage Hoard of Trade.
Cnicscio , July 10. The boaid of tindo
scored a victoiy In the anpollato couit this
morning. Judge Guinett aniimod the de
cision of Judge Collins dismissing the suit
of the New York and Chicago giain and
stock exchange against It. Tills is one ot
numerous BO called bucket shop suits which
the buuid has been culled upon to iiu'ht fiom
time to time. Prior to December. lSb5 , the
New Yoik nnd Chicago graiu and stock ox-
clmugo was one of the many coi respondents
of the boaul of liade , lo sshoin il feusvaided
uuukct quotations through the Woatein
Union and Gold aud Stock telegraph com
panies. In December , Ibb5 , the exchange
was stiuck fium the list of coitcspondonts
bccuuse it was , us the lioaul of ducctois of
the Hoard of tiado decided , a bucuet shop
Having decided not to let the exe haugo have
any moio quotations , the diicclors oidoiod
the ticker ii moved from their ofllcj. Tlio
exchange al ouco procured a piehmiuary in
junction lostiuiniug the removal ot the
ticker. 'Iho case ss as decided against them
and thcij appealed to Judge Gainott , who 10
ilny icndcied hit. dci Ision
Sill , CL'T JiinV TlinOAT.
In a rit of DoHpcmdcnuy a 'Woman
Attempts to Take Jlor Idle.
About two wepks ago TUB HUK contained
na item detailing the supposed "disappear
ance" of one Muehus , a saloonkeeper ut
Tenth and Douglas stioets At the time of
his leaving no one knew what his motive
could be , us his accounts wore supposed to
bo all right , anil everything comic-clod with
the money affairs of the institution \\oic
tmiiDObcd to bo in piopor bliapo SHico tin
mimio.ilian of the aiticle iiicuiinncel it hat
been dlHCOvei ed that Machus took wlib hln :
ubout ? , ' ,000 of the ilim's money , winch no
counts tor his h ialy exit fiom Omaha Hi <
M ifo prelondod lo bo very much ngitntci !
ovei tin ) matter , nnd on s-n'oial occasion'
talked of suicide , o > l , U is said , bho once
nuido u pniteuia or uilempling bjhorowr
lisno : ; royago iicioss t'io btioain fiom sshusi
fflrlhor bhuiu no fern boat ecr ictui its
Isow coincij the infoun.ilion that Mis
S.iuter , the \\ifoof Machus' | > aitnet inbusl
in ss , became so despondent oor the mallei
thai she not onli altempteil lier own lifo o
few days since , but it Is fo irod the attempt
w. s successful H nppe.u-n that tno tlrni
owed bills which amounted to ucai h tJ.COJ ,
nud for tin ) IMJ uicnt of which they had Uaod
strict infaiuru * of ui-ouomy uad had sucuied
thu entire amount ultH which to liiiuidate all
clfilms. V.'licu Machus left , his action
plnrvl his jKirtncr nt the mouy o
creditors , Mra. S.uitor look such u gloom :
Miw of thu uituntioii that slu
becnmo slightly Ucv.uigod , am
o few ntg'its ago cut hur tiiioat with a ia < erA
A ph > ttlciaii was i.uiuinoiu'.U , und to UN on
publleiti' theunfortun.ito lady was roinojei
to the hospital , where t > ho now lies in a wit
lull cuiidluou , and In all probabilit } will uo
Maclmj Is supposed (9 ( be In Chicago , an
r thont doubt Uia supposition is cm red
TUB any after hu loft an .UMU.iIntanco me
him on Hie train , and in leply to uqncsllo :
u % l < f where hu was point ; , Muehus miliC' '
ftiat ba wus ( 'olngto C'lili/ngo for a few uuva
Yctterday It tVim 1 rained that ho seen i
that city on TucxdAV It U prob.fblotzt \ \ , Hi
pollow will bo uutilletl anil the dofuultin ,
drlalc dispenser broucbt buk.
HDIHON'S I'tlON'oqilAI'H HOIjI ) .
A Capitalist Pajs Over n Million Dot-
lam I'nr tin * I'atont.
Ni w VOIIK July 10 fSpecial Teleginm to
Till' lift 'Im Kdlson I'honogrnph com
pany , whicn owns all of Cdlsou's patents in
the United States and Canida , has been sold
to Jesse M Lippineott , of this cltj nnd Pitls-
buig , foi something over $ l,0iooo ( ) ) , with all
the improvements to bo made by Ktllson In
the next llfleinears llj a contract made
in Mai en last , with the Amr-rican
Grapliophono < ompany , of Washington
citj , Ijlpiiincott became the solo
licensee of Unit company for a period
of fifteen jenrs The umphophono is the
livnlof the phonograph and is patented by
'Jaiiiter nnd Hull of Wiishinu'ton All the
impiotements bthe , o trentlomen on their
instiumont will come to their licensee ' 1 lie
Noith American Phnnocriiph compui.has
been organi/cd in this eit\ with the purpose
of putting these machines into general use
H in Icained that thei can boithedasflucccss-
fullIn a liouso is Isolated as in lhlckl.\
peopled distilcts The foreign piitints and
lights for thu giuphoplume are on ned by
the Yoltii comp my of Washington , D C ,
and those of the phonograph uro still Iho
properti of Uillson.
He K.soapc.H I'roin an ( Jtllacr nnd Kloos
to Canada.
POUT Huiio.v , Mich. , July 10. fSecial |
Telegnun to Tin : HKK I Charles Labclle , an
inpoitant , and in fact the only witness in the
opium smuggling cases , \\as brought hcio
jestcrdaj and partly examined. In the
evening Marshal Stein stalled with him on
tliotiain for Dclroit He Jumped fiom the
train about three miles fiom this citj uhilo
it was going at a good rate of speed. A
horse and buggyucre ir > waiting forhim. He
was li.uulcufk'd , but after tuining Uvo or tin ee
somersaults ho icg.iined his feet and got in
the buggy alone and dio\e to the liver bank ,
where u boat was waiting for him , which
took him to Canada. He is now in Sainia
somow hat hi uiscd , but wcai ing an oxpressh e
smile If he cannot be letmned tills will
nullify all goveinment woik in this impor
tant case.
iiunun IUIOKI : DOWN.
Sc\cral J'crsons li owned in the
Wmi-usei , W. Vu , July 111 A leu illo
rain storm pievailed hero this os'cning , Ilood
ing Ihe and distributing dubiis fiom
the hillsides on many thoroughfaios , lender
ing Ilium impassable While n number of
people ) svero standing on the budge of the
Hultimoio fi Ohio , spanning Ihu Wheeling
risei , it gaso svuy , piocipilulmg tssenty
or thirty peisons into the user.
Light ssero lusciicd. but it is feared
that ton to tssenty peisons hasu poi-
ished At Calelss oil's Hun , In the loss or p.ut
of tlio oiti , four dsvellings sseiu sssept assay
nnd elosen poisons diossned
The pnitieulais of the Hood shosv th it it is
simpls appalling. Of the people sssupt ass a }
on the bilduo tun me Unosvii to bo sused
S ( serai of Ihe icscucd aic on a toss boat ,
ss Inch could not land at Ihe wharf osvmg to
Uio curicnl , and it had to seek a
landing fuither down. 'Iho river lese
Unco feet In filly minutes. Ihu
Wheeling ic Llm Gioso laihoad svas sssept
assay for miles and the loads coseicd
six feet ssilh ssalcr. On Caldssell's Hun
nlno peisons aio known lo bo di owned and
six houses me gone.
The loss in this eity svill lonch WO.OOO , and
the damage to crops m Um county is enoi-
mous Jivury hour nosy fatalitius mo ic-
poiled. I'our lives weio lost at L'lm Giuve.
Ivrs and Slimier in Canada.
Nnss YOIIK , July 1'J - ( Spei ml Telegram
o Tun Her ] Homy S. Ises mid Gi'oigo
[ I Stuinor base boon locitud at the Clitton
louse , on tlio Cmadian side at Niagaia
Tails. Special dispatches iceoised last
light fiom both Huff aio and Niagara state that
Lhoy aio at the latler place , have been thcio
for tssentj-four houis ssitli locked doois ,
and all ufloitb to see them have proved una
vailing. Goyernoi Hill has llxed Monday , at
J o'clock in.tlio altci noon , as the time for
heating thu argument foi requisition.
A Meeting ; ol'Fioijrht Agents Other
Guncriil ItcniH.
Wednesday a meelmg of freight
rcpresentnlivos from Iho Union Pacific ,
Northern Pacific , Uifllngtou anil Fiemont ,
Ulkhorn & Missouri Vulley met at H. & M.
lieadipaarlors for Iho put pose of deciding us
tn Uio rates In shipping live slock. The case
at the pioscnt time stands in this
manner : The Union Pacific and the
Picmont , Llkhorn & Missouri Valley
want to use the pnluco stock cais , sshilo .ho
Manitoba and Noithcin Pacific do not. The
Huilington is uot oxticmoly anxious to use
them The meeting is called for the puiposo
of equalizing rates. The Huilington , Alum
toba and Northern Pacific contend Unit lutes
on stock shipped in palace stock cms should
bo higher than on culllo shipped in ordinary
cms , svhilo Iho loads mentioned nvcr that
tliei cannot in Justice to thenpultons inuko
Iho i aio any Higher. Shippois prefer this
impios'od car , as Ihu shuukago ib compuia-
lisely nothing , and iu some eases u gain has
been noted.
J. C. Jennings Succeeds Col. TMtly.
Some weeks ago Colonel J. H. Kddy , Ihcn
supoiinlendcnt tiiici general ngunt of the
Missouri Pacific , icsigned his position to ac
cept the appointment of gcneial manager of
the Intei national & Gicat Not thorn roud.
Since that tune Ihe vacancy caused by his
letliement has remained unfilled , though the
eluties have boon divided , lluu-y Gilmoio
has been aclmg as suppiintondontof the pint
ot the load known us Uio Holt line , whllii D.
H. King , the old and cxDciicncud attacho of
llie road , has lie-en tiding us genuial agent
us nlbO e-oati acting fi eight agent Much
h peculation has boon indulged as to svho ss'as to
succeed Colonel rddy. Yesleiduy , liosvovcr ,
it came to Till' IH-i : fiom u reliable source
that sshen S H H. Clnikwas In 10 last hu
di cull d upon a man and thopuity is .I.e.
Jeniunps , agent of the Missuri Pacific , at
Sodilia , Mo Mi. Jennings has lie-Id his
piesent position bul 0110 Jim , duungsshlcli
time hu 1ms displaced a gicat deal of ability.
He the friendship of Mr. Clink svlio
has knoss n him fur sumo liuiu.
Dining Carson tlio Union Pnolllej.
The Union Pae Ille are contemplating the
adoption of thu dining ear system ut an caily
di-le Three houib sshli h might bo used in
making lime uio consumed in stopping bo
tsveeii Omulm and Ogclen lor rncalB.
Thy Denyjir-Iiopublkati saia that a bill in
Cnancoiy has been Hied against the Union
Paeiliu C'limianv by Kcviiiil school distints
mid > .u\cial laigo cuijmintiims in Den\er ,
wliii h involves thu title to a huge portion of
land in the vicinity of Denver. In fact it IK
a suit to iccoverland , giantid lo certain mil-
loads as an inducement to build a line fiom
Kansas City , Mo , to a ( onncction with thu
Union Puclllc AH the Kansas Pai ilU built
toDonvoi and the Di-nver Pucillc bn Ut fiom
tliat point to Chuj untie , it Is claimed the
giant Is foi lolled
H H Monto- . general fi eight agent of Iho
Union Pacillc , will ai II\Q fiom iho cast lodi -
di > y
bcvcial cans for boarding Iralns aie being
lilted up at the Union Pacilic shops ,
J II Harkcr , assistant supuimtemlont of
the U'legiapluodopaituiunt of Uio Missouri
Pacific road , is in tliq city on routine duty.
Powlcr HI-OS. Hu ) tlio Concotn Tliny
lli \ Ilopii Opurutinc.
A wai ranty deed was Jllcd in the u > coi > V
cu' ofllce jc toidav coin eying the Uimm
Stock YauUomp.uiy's mtoicst iu Iho Powlct
packinjj house at South Omaha to the I'Wlor
Hios. , ol Chicago. The coiuideratlon numod
wus tCS.OOO. Tlio Slock Yard company
agree- , that so long as the Fowler Hros shall
operate iho 1iouso on the ptoperty for the
pjofciug of beef and pork thu eoiuiuuy will
( Q i nun tlio linn , fu-o of cost , nmplo and
tiniiitcii tinted truck communication with all
UUIIK lines of railroad. Kowlcr Hros. agree
to i oraiuto Um packing house for tlueaycnrs ,
The iiiAtiUDicut , ia niKucil by William A ,
PiUtmi , Uep mcsldeut , ami John C. bhwp ,
sccix'tnry uf the company.
Omaha Wins Iho Third Qatno After
a Hard Struggle.
i'lio " .Soos" Paid U.ick liu'Tlu'lr Tsso
Dc-lc-ats oTOcH M oinot ht. Paul
and Mlnni-ajiolls Win-
iic-I-M Again.
n Association Slnndlni ; .
rollossiug is the oflleliil standing of the
Wcslern nssoclnllon teams up to and in
cluding jcstci day's games
Pin Sea Won Lost Pr Ct
SI. Paul CO Bo 18 , ( > 7S
DCS Moincs 51 J.O 20 .5-8
Omaha ft I 20 2.MO
Kansas Citv fi'J l 2U .500
Cine , ago 3J W 2' ) .I7J
Sioux Cits 15 7 8 . ! '
Milwaukee M 20 30 .KM
Miiinouuolis . .57 2J a'j .JsO
Oinaliii H , Kaninn City O.
Yestoitlny ss'as a day in Omaha.
Why ?
Hccuuso the Omahogs defeated Kansas
City , and that put them ahead of our haled
rivals , Iho Sioux City team.
There svns only a fair cross'd , but the nm-
orily of them came out to cheer for Omaha ,
and they did so with a vengeance.
This is hosv it ss'as-
Per the first tss'O inninps bolh sides ie-
Lircd without scoring , allhougli in Ihe Hist
3uilis , of Kansas Clti , came near erosblng
.ho pinto nnd ssas put out only b } McGun's
great throsv of the ball fiom loft Held to Wil
In thu third inning Mr. Miller , of Omaha ,
( don't confound names , please , ) came to Ihe
bat and dioso a husky tsso bagger assn } over
into the phaloiis. Tomm.s Los ell folloss'cd
ss itli a single und Miller ti led to come home ,
bill ssas caught ut Iho plate. Then Wilson
made a s-oi } safe hit to I.nnge , ssho tiled
to make a double , and Wilson went out
at bceond. 'Ihen Annis i.iised the ball
In a long curs o toss-.u d the selling sun and
Coonoj bcoied Shannon lilt lo Lunge , ssho
Uucsv the ball svild. und befoio llio.s eould
tind it again hu hud seined , di lying Annis in
ahead of him. That's all. O'Connull sscnt
Ifiirht nt this critical moment nil the people
In the giand stand lose up and shoaled and
liosvlcd foi joIn \ .
In ihe fouilh Iho Omahogs sseie kalso
Mannini ; , of Cits' , hil n sufo ono to
loft ami got second on Wilson's enl } passed
ball Cuitis pounded an apuituie in the
nlmospheie .loliiibon ssent out on a foul Us
to Joseph Miller , but Lauge hit the ball and
Manning , little Manning , bi-oiud 'J hen
Lange tued to violate the umitii.iiiduiLnt and
get -ccond , but svas put out b } Wilson's line
An old lesidont who had bet sos'enly-flvu
cenls on Kansas Cily , hulled about u epnu-
tei'swoith of cheeis on the still mi , titlur
which bolh sides sscru limed voi } ujipiopn-
aloly in tlio llftli.
Omaha look some more of it in Ihu sixth
but Kansas Cits didn't.
Look at this.
Wells came up lo Uio plate and smashed
the ball light in the nose and i an asms
mound to thud base bofoto an.sbody could
stop him Then Long in.ulo a hitaini Wells
scoicd Manning hit to Coonei ssho tluusv
him out al tirsl. Cuilis thun hit the ball
and Long beoicd. Johnson and Liuigu ssent
This time the old man fairly boss led ssith
delight and tuincd himself loobu lugurdluss
of expense.
'J liososenlh lucksusenth svas another
ciphoi for Ihu Omahogs
Not so ssitli the Cowboys Oh , nol Here
is wheio they , ssitli the able assistance of
the umjiuo , Mr. Ctibiek , miide tss'o moio
Ardnor hit lo Coonoy , who Ihresv him oul ,
but Cusick said "No , " and so the scoier
chunged his murks and gave little At die a hit.
While Lovelt kicked thu ciosvd jecied and
tlio old man mentioned chuckled Then
Hrndloy mudo a tluuubasu hit anil of courbO
Aidnciscored. . "Kid" Me Carl } susved Ills
third gap In the zephyrs , Wells stiuekiluoo
times nt the bull and couldn't find it , and
everybody breathed easy.
Hut no.
Miller fumbled Long's hit und Hradlov
scored , sshilo Long tued to get dossil lo second
end and ssas npprohoneled.
In the eighlli is svlioio the O mull as got in
j.huir line svork.
Los'ett came to bat and hit safe , while
Ciooks roaied oul , "Well , well , sselll look
at that " Then McCarty gave Wilson a haso
on bulls , and Ciooks ssashud bib hands a less *
minutes and shoulcd. Then on un OMOI of
Johnson Coono } got to first , Lovolt lo thud.
Annis wont out on u fly to Hi.ulley. and
Losctt to the plato and lied
ihubcoio. Afiei that Wilson came in on u
smiilai pla } .
And os'cis body hoss'lod with delight and
cm i ted each other out of the giand stund and
cheered , sshilo Uio old man svho lost Ihu i5
contb on ICansus City bonosvuda mcklu for
slioot car faio.
The follosving ss-as picked unon the ground
after the game , and svas evidently diopped
by the ollieial beoror :
Hunseiuiie-d Kunsis City 3 , Omaha t ! .
Tsso base luU Aieinor. Miller. Annis.
Tin eo base hits Wells , LJradlev Hug" " , ; .
batls-My H'J rlr a btlilut out HI
Lovutt S , by McCarty 2. Passed ballb
Wilbon 1. Time 1 45. Umpire Cusiok.
St Paul H. Chicago . ' ! .
Sr. Psti.Iuli 10. fSpeciul Teleginm lo
Tin : Hi i : ] The home team wan todui'8
game fiom thu Maroons b.s supuiior fielding
und hard hilling. Anduison kept Iho hits
ss ell Mattered except in the seventh Inning ,
when Uu eo suci esswo singles and n stolen
biiKO gave the visitors tsvo unearned runs
C'ody piti lied n line game for Uio Mnioons ,
barring his Mildness Ho kept the lilts ss'ell
scattoied , the SI. Pauls being unable lo get
moio than two in anj ono inning , unit but for
lib. numerous bases on balls might have sven
thu gamo. Umplio Hrennan assorted his au
thority a little to-dav , assessing Henglo ? 10 ,
Mot tin its 'innd Heilly f5 , but ho'still allosss
the | ) lascito hulldozo him and delay the
game whenever they see fit. Tlio scoio
St. Paul . 0 0 I ) 2 0 I a S 1 8
Chicago. . . .0 0 0 1 U 0 2 0 0-3
Huns cai ned St. Paul 4 , Chicago 2 Tss'o
b iso hits Hlngo , Picket (2) Homo run
Hurle' . Double plnj s Hlnu'O , Pickctt and
Mouisse.s ; PicketlaadMoirlsi > ti ) , Hanrntian ,
Henglo aim Sthooneck (2) ( ) . Hoses on balls
Cairoll (2) ( ) , Patton , Murphy (2) ( ) , Anderson.
Stiuck out Carroll , Pntlon , Morrisses' ,
Hingu , Ucillv , Monauty , Hanrahan , Schoo-
neck , Dugdulo , Cody , (2) ( ) , Gallagher ( ! l ) .
Uases stolen Hy Cat roll (2) ( ) , Murphy , Pick-
ell. Henglo (2) ( ) Loft on bases St. Paul I ) ,
Chicago 4. first base on errors Si. Paul 1 ,
Chicago 1. 'i Imo 1:45. : Umpire Hronnati.
7 , .Milwaukee 4.
July ! ' . ISpoclal Te
to Tim Hre. ] Although tuo nceiro shoss-j
Unit the homo team.WHS . out-bulled ami out.
fielded Irt to day's earae the visitors could
tot win on account of the better bundling of
ills b.V Mlnno.iicMls | , With tsso men on
jasoi in the ndittr , Tebcau sent the ball osor
Iho fence for a home run The featuies
ss cio the line riitiillng e-alches bs .losau and
the splendid btelcsoi | woik by Hroughton
and \Viirner l i\uighlon caught nine foul
lies Dave HoWP appealed for Um Hist tiino
ssith the home t < ! tm , of which he will be
cnptaiu. 'I ho ii'dre'
Mlnneanolls . . . . ll' ' 0 3-7
Milwaukee , .d 1 100 0 ( I 1 1-4
Uarncd -Mi\mcapolis \ I , Milssuukec 1
Tss'o base Irlts McAlccr , Wai nor Tin 00
liase hils Hiosuiu Hmne tuns Tebeau
Double plas s Pe.lU'0 and ruller Hascs on
bills-Maskroi . m. Puller , Jovne ( J )
Sliui'k nut Hs Wriiidemaii 1 , bs Slephoim
4 Wild piteli blephens Huses stolen
MiCullom Left on bises Minneapolis ' . ' ,
Milwaukee " > Fiist base em eiiois Miniie
apolis 2 Time 1 40 Umpiio Hngiin.
Ues Molnc-M Id , Sioux Cits t.
Dr.s Moixi s , JulIV. . [ Special Telegiam
to TinUi.i | Gcist , Sioux City's amateur
pitcher , ssus meat for the home lentil to day , their batting ice-
old in earnest. Kennedy , for thu home
team , ssas a puzzler lo .the "Coin Huskeis '
The scoio.
DcsMoinus . 3 3-111
Sioux Cils . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I
Huns earned DCS Moincs 12 Tss-o base
hits Tiallles ( .J ) . Three base h Us ShalTei.
Home inn Quinn H IHCS on balls Hy Ken
nedy t , by Geist 4. Huses gls en for hitting
iiimi svith ballHs Geist 1 Stiuck out H.\
Kennedy 3 , by Goist 4. Passed bulls -
Pi anther 2 Tiuio of game 1 .4" . Umpiio
Ycsteu-day'H AYiimui in the Nation. il
Leau'ieContc'stH. ' .
DI.TIIOIT , July 10. Hesult of todai's
Dolioit . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Chie.igo . . . . 0 4
Pllcheis Got/cm for Dotiolt , Van Hallren
for Chicago. Uiso hits Dolioit 7 , Chicago
' . ' Hiiois Dutioit 2 , ChicaifoO. Uinpue
Putt SIIMI-IIIS , July II ) Hesult of to dai's
Philadelphia . 7
Nosv Yoik . 0 I
Pitchois Huniiilon for Pluludelnhia ,
Weldi for New Yoik. H isu hlls-i'VfciKt *
Ulna 1 ! , Nesv Yoik 7 KIIOIPhiiaciotiHrin
1 , Nesv Yoik 7. Unipnc Daniel- .
IMM vs viol is , Juli IU. Ucsult of lodas's
Indianapolis . . 3
Pitlbburg . . . . 0 5
Pile hcis Hoilo for Iiidinnaiiohs , Staki
foi Pittslmrg Hasu hilb Indl imipolis U ,
1'itlsbuig D Ci 101 A Indianapolis 2 , Pitts-
burg' . ' Umpiic Lincli
WS-IIISOTON , Jill } 10 Hesult of today's
Washington . . .I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 2
Hoston . 0 0 0
Pitdicis O' for Washington , ClmK
son lei Huston. Hasu hits Washington .1 ,
Hnstoi. .1 Unois Washington 0 , Hoston 2.
Umpiie Valentine.
Aine-i A
Ci . ' 1'J Hesult of '
LSI USD , .lull' todai's
Cleveland . 6 3 0 0 0 0 3 1 2It
Uiooklsn . ( ) 3
Cixe IVN.VII , July IS. Hosult of todaj's
game t
Cincinnati _ Oi 0000000 0 0
Louisville . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 G * 0
Si Louis , July 10 Hesult of tl.o mom
Ing game :
bt Louis . 4 < l 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 S
Kunsas City . . 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 " .
Hcbiilt of the aflornoon game
St. 1 nuls . 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kansas Cits . . . .0 1) ) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2'iiiA , Ju i 10. Hoaiiltol todai's
Athletics . 0 fi 2 0 0 I ) 0 1 0 3
Uailimoie . 0 * !
KncliMljin .1 Hosv.
UI/I--BS , Neb , Juli I'1Spedal [ Te'egram
to Tin HLU ] The York Lcibo ball team , ac-
compamcd by a nutnbor of bloods , came to
Ulisses to dus loaded ssith stuff to back
thuir tcuui , and woio accommodated lo the
amount of 1,310 The score at Die end of
the Ilibt half of the llfth inning stood live lo
live. At this Junduru thu Yoik spoils Kicked
on their osvn umpiio , svliom they thought
the } had piuviousl.v ilxed , and a low ensded ,
Uagiiti , of York , pulling n shootei on a boy.
The Job was to play only until York was
ahead and gobble ttie bets , but luck ss'ub
against them , lienco the kickers Thu job
fdl through. They have tiieJ the same
game elsoisheie and sseio sm cossful with
ttieii neliirious svoiks. Their icpulalion ib
Ihoioughli established in these parts.
Oreely Centie1.5 , Orel 12.
Oni ) , Neb. , Jul.s 19. [ Special Telegiam to
Tin Hi u In thu return game played at this
place to-day betssecn Old and Gieely Ccntio
thu Inltcr won by a fccoro of 13 to I'.1 ; Old
claiming the game and icfu&ing lo plai it
Ycstcrclay'H AVinneisattiioiMoninontli
1'jiilc COIIIHC.
MoNMOtTii PMIK , July 1'J. Thu attend-
nncu today was 6,000. Tlio ssealher svus
lains and the hack very muddy.
of iiiilo Noss'-or-Novcr
Sos on eighths a - -
won , Gilmaldi second , Joe Leu tliud. Time
-1 .iJ.
Tin co-fourths of a mile Kite won , Hauls-
buigbccond , FloocUldo thud. Tune IMS
One and one half miles , fortluee } car olds
Haceland ssonritz James bccond , Tea Tiay
thiiil. Time -2 45' .
Ono and one uiuhlh miles Gi over Close-
hind sven , Haiiine second , Cumbbcs Hind.
'lime2 ( K ) > i
One und onc-fouilh miles Montague sven ,
Iloiisiitonic bciond , Inspector H thud , 'iiino
2 15
'J'hiee fouiths of n mile Umpiie. sven ,
Golden Heel bocond , Ocean thud Time
1:17. :
Thiec-fouiths of a mile Kuleidcscopo
ss onVugium second , Puz/lo third. Tune-
Ono mile Tilmton won , Hlustlc Oilly )
second , Dalesman thu el Time 1-20 |
'Jill ! WIlPflllUMl'n Ml
GIIIKII IT. , la , July 10 fSpccial Tclo
giam lo Tin HIT | The meeting of the
league sshuelmcn ut this placu was a giuml
mui'oss .Vbout thiity lopiesenl itis-es fiom
dilTuienl purls of the state weio piesont
The luntoin piuiulo last es'oning svus H bill
li-"t , . ! T.t' ! find os-eri' bici clo ss-as rigged ss ith
fiom tsvo lo eight Chinese luuleins. The
center of atlractioej was the races at the full
giounds The travi : ' . "us in oxc client condi
tion to clay nud the team i.ico of tss'cats
miles resulled as follows Cedar Falls , 7s
minutes anil HUf setonds ; Grmnell second ,
70 minute t , Oil mms a third , b ) nunules aim
20 seconds , Codai' Fulls whining bi WC ,
seconds. The ono-tiulo nice for the cup was
won hi Pallislerof Oltumsva m 3 minutes
and 31 seconds. Tlifftsso milo race was sum
by Crosby of Cedar B'alls in 7 minutes and 14
1 lioSnbJfot IiiMMtsHod at tlio Meet Inn
of V.iMM-rnlf Il'ns ' jf.iKi * Agents.
N ss YeutK , July 10 Tlio nutionul IIHSO-
ciulion of general i baggage ! agents to-day
heard Uio committee's report on the trans
poitation of coipscs. The report iccoin-
mends Iho abioluto icfusal of any bodies nf-
fecled with small pot , tiphus or yellow
fuser Hodics having died with diphlhciia ,
beta lot favor , typhoM fever , erislpelus und
ineusles must bo wrapped la shcels saturated
with chloride of luno , or bl chloride of mcr-
cnri They must bo encased In nlr light
iron caskets , covered ss-ith wood , the In
tcrslicus to bo lllled svlth disinfected SHSV
dusl. Inlet slalu transportallon of nny
corpse muut IKS u ] > on health jioiiiiits , nnd dib-
llitcrreel remains must bo rrjected. Suoh
mo the recommendations sshich the com-
mitleo svill submil lo all the health boards ,
j-cwirtuig | llo | results at the next meeting , tone
no hold in SHU Francisco in January , issO.
The excess baggage check svas adopted.
There are oiily tss-ontv-four more games
scheduled for the local grounds , but it is
probable that most of Chicago's Iiorio games
ssill be plait d here.
Volumes of Light Thrown on the
Ohflructor of the Cztir.
It } No Menus n .Sin lor In Diplomacy ,
lie itcJ'iiscs lo lie Inlliienccil
Hj or Ihiatlu
Cdiinselloi- ' .
ClmrncMc-r ol' tlic C/ar.
\fii \ ] > inulil ! Cv'-S tin Jiilif' ( liinlnii n Hil'll 1
PVHIS , .Tntio 10New | Yoik Herald
Cable Special to Tur Hi F I The Hoi aid's
r.lllopean edition to din contained the follow
ing two head lines.
"An lion Wall'1 "A Hit of lllstorlhal
Casls Volumes of Light on the Character of
the C/ar "
A tempest of indignation swept over 1'ng
land in 1 .1 when it was dl coveiod t\mt \ the
Itus'iaiin wore opornlingslowli bnlsuicl.v on
Iho Afghan frontier and weiu thicatciiing
India. In Ihiglimd iho people lalked of Hcml-
Ing HUllsh iioops to encountei ihoso of the
c/ar. Then it uus that M. Do Gieis infouned
lilshovoioign of thu ahum spicad thiough-
out Kuiopu by Knghilid'H thicateiung uttl-
lude. The c/ar pointed lo a map
that was Ijing open on a
table , diuw a line upon it , and said to his
iniiiistciVo : will go us far as that line. "
"Hut , sue , il is war ife go up lo that
line. "
"We will go to that line , come what ma\ . "
"Hut it will cost hundicdsof millions if we
have war and the finances me "
"Veiy well , if the tic-asmv is unit
unable to luinish the neeossan mini Iho im
pel ial family will piovidc * JOOOOtOtKl. ) and
we will go to Unit line , " and Ihec/ar pointed
all Iho time at the line he had diawn on the
"But hcio my icsponsibiliU is ended , "
hold Do Glens , "and although thoioughly de-
\otcil to jour majesty , I confess if wo
go to th it line I should picfc-r lo Icmlei my
icsigmilion "
"In Uussia , inonsieur , " topllcd the eir ,
"mlnisteisdo not possess thai tight. The em-
poior inn pci mil them to ictiie , but ho can
not luccpt their lesignation. "
Thus spoke iho c/ar , and Kussia's iioops
went whcie the cariahcd them to go to
that line Hnglaml did not decl uo war , nor
did M DeGiois think aiii moio about icsign-
Tins convei sat ion , that tluows such \ol-
limes of liuhl upon the elmi actor of the c/ur ,
is published in iesteidaj's Galllois I , who
was at thu time alluded to in Hussia , nm in
position to coniiiin luciuacj to tlio Gtiulois
Tlio above coin 01 nation took place at Gats
china , ami ib now a matter of hi.stoi.The .
fuuloishowo\ui , does not touch upon another
icsult of this loiuuisalion which caused : i
soit of consleination in diplomatic elides
All the cmbassadois nnd mlnistcis , not oulj
in Hussia but in Goimun.v and Austnu , and
c\cn in England , hud hitlicilo u-u'iuded thu
c/ai lisa neil ot aitmloui diplomatist , who
would follow Implicitly the leading stimgs of
Do ( lieis , Just as to dathe \ expect Kalsui
William II to follow the leading stnngsof
Pimce llismuiek The losultwus that to
poits , t le.uly Iruced lo 0110 of the most ig
tiiiiiint embissles in St Petcisbtlig , weie
spicad abioad to the elTcit th.t the c/ar was
a soil ol wild , on at 10 mid \oluuiic mud limn ,
icudj to pltingo Km ope into war at
his filtghteU iiipuc llistoii has since
] ) iod cleiuh Iheconlian In a few days
iiundicds of wild nimois will emanate fiom
Potuihof but leaders of the Ilctuld will bo
nblu to lead netw eon the lines of the official
and > ( ml ontcial utteiuiiiis with which
KiuoiK. ' will soon bo Hooded if thev simply
bear Hie nbovu ineiduiils in mind. No matter
tor what inducumuiil or tomptntion or Iliit-
tcii Jhnpcror William II may oiler , It is tor
tain that tlic c7iir will remain inflexibly de
voted to his ow n policy , and that , too , with
an unfetlorcd hand. Whutever the cvur
wants h o seeks with the temicitj of 11011.
Mooting of the C/ur and l
AVilliuni nt Cronstadt.
ir < ) | i//i/Jif/ / ( ( / / * > S bn Jama (1 DIiliin Ilciwrtt. ]
CiioNnUDi , July 10 [ Now Yorklloiald
Cable Spoi iul to Tiu , Hi.h. ] Tin ) nuivul
of the jouiig CiCiman empcioi in Husbian
watois was blessed this moininc with mag-
nillcent weather Haidly u buu/o distiubcd
the calm at the mouth ol the Neva , whither
o\ei.\body wus hastening by steamboat or
iitilwaj Tow aids noon it became known
that the UUHPIIIII ompcioi would leave
PetciHliof in his jiuht at half one.
Ho was to embaik ut the impenal milltan
pier whii h funs out in fiont of the palace of
Petoi the Gic-at and Catherine' , HCOH fiout
the slioio amid opoulmg founttihm and ens
cades and shaded bytiees at the polks
Puncluallv Iho c/ar bo.udod ihe tall English
built 5acht Alcxnmlrm , which steamed out
toward Cionst.idl with its stiong forts and
water batteiies , while boiond thcio wcto
the masts of long lines oi Hussian ships
stiotchcd nwuy toward the hoii/on
Tlio c/nr wmo a Piussiaii gen-
( inlo imifoim with a hnrh n owned Get man
i up and oranr'o i ibbaiid oi the Hliuk l ugli
About half paht Unco clouds of black Hinokc
uppeaied fiom the line of Hussian battle
slni > < mid foi Is with n deulc'iiing 10,11 of can
nonhaidlj uudib'e ' at Petcisholf Tlicn all
knew the Geiman siiuiulion was in sight ami
was being f-alutod borne Gciiimncssels
came lot w.iid In linen wilhtho Hohon/illoin
leading in the ( enter. ThuGeinmn cmpcroi
was In Hut-slan infantu uniform with
a bind : Micrpskm eap , nnd his brother ,
Prince Henry , in naval dress , Btoodonllio
budge As soon as the Goinuin vessels weio
near enough to t ikii up their alloled p isi
lions opposite the Huasian squadron
thov jioured foith bioadsules in
answer to the Hussian salute
The white jnids of the Husstun
men of war weio manned with ciews waving
ttieii caps and shouting the short , shnip Hus
si.m "Huiiah " 'Ilie Hohen/ollei-n steamed
on into posilion bclwcen the impeiial yacht
Deijuh i and the ciuiser Ada. 'Ihnowas
only one vessel fiom the United &tate , the
coivctto Hnloiprise , which auived yccter
day and was gay with bunting.
Tl.o cvur met his Gorman nmjestj nt the
gangway and the soseieigns embraced and
kissed each other several times. ThoAc\ !
nndria icturned to Pcteihofl , lljing both tlio
Kiisslun nnd Geiman impminl htJindiirds
The yacht soon i cached the quay
where the evnr was awnltlng in a
pavlllion erected close to the waterside.
After cordial greetings had been exchanged
Kmpcroi' William approached Iho guard of
honor and walked down the ranks inspoding
iho men while Iho military band nhvcd the
Pi usslan nalional hymn The imperial pai ty
then dio\o to Iho palace , Iho roulo to which
was lined on both sides by troops In the
evening all ilhieel together This morning
t ) o august party nre expected ntthft cathcdril
foiticsi of SI Pelor and bl. Paul prep ir.i
lory lo u drive through SI Potarsbarg. Ho
turning to Petcrhof the German emperor
will atlcnd the evening review of tioops
and subsequently piss the nlrfht
under canvas. To-morrow KaUor Wnhdm
will \yitncss n gnind rev'cw nnd piy n second
end visit to Pctcrhof. IQn Sunday after
noon a grand banquet will \ > 6 given at Pctei s-
hof. Laler ihe kaiser will re embark at
Cronstadt , pass the night In the harbor and
on Monday steam away for Stockholm.
Not JnclliK-d let Olipy tlio
ol'Anj Power on Kitrtli ,
189 t'll Jiiinrs Ounliiti Heitnttt.1
P\ni9 , July 10 ; New York Herald
Cable Special to TinHhit ] Tlio following
odltorial appears in the Herald's European
edition under Uio caption of "Tho Crir's
Long Mcmoi-j " " 1 it not posslblo thai
Pi nice Ulsmarck , astute as ho is , may jet
o\eileach himself I"
"The rcceivo his young cousin ,
William II , with all the alTocllon and
waimtli of his gencious , kingly nut uro , but
In all that conceins Hussia's futuiu he is as
llrin nnd us llxed as adamant.
'Iho KomnnolTs , llko the Houibons ,
have long memories. Lut us
suppose the Geiman umpuror obtains the
c/ar's agreement to u partial Huiopean dls-
niimimcnt. Let us supposu thai the German
chancellor forthwith sends Count Hciburt
Hismatck to Pans topi oposo Unit Iho rtunuli
mini shall bo icduced If Count Huibert
Hisimitck gilds ttio pill , as it woio ; if ho
puls it in tlio light of mutual concessions to bo
made simultaneously in the inteiesls of
peace , why then , pcihaps , Pianco
woulel accept it Hut if ho
ordcis and commands 1'iance in the name of
thice cuipciois to disarm just as tlioj might
command Sen la or Hulgaria to disarm w hy
then , come wind may , 1'iance will not stand
it , and an > minisliy enteitained such a
pioposnl would bo swept away. Such a com
mand to Krancu would bo tantamount to
fencing I1UK ! o to decline war , just lisa ic-
bufT mlmmistcicd to M Honcdith foi ceil
Trance to dcclaie war in 1 70
"Then let us suppose that Germany were to
ask Hussia to pcifoun her pail of the bar
gain Might not then Hussia siito Goi-
nmnj , 'We piomiscd jou no nctKo us
sistance , and it was a want of tact on jour
part that piecipltated the war Hussia will
gi\o sou the same iepl.\ now that 1'iussi.i
gave us dm ing the Ciimcan war , when
Hussia counted upon Piussia's nclivo as
sislunce ' "
The Herald published to ila\ Intel vleus
with M. Kpuller , M Hmilo Oliver ,
M riouicns , and with a do7cn etlieis of the
most piomincnt and iiitlucntial men in
riamc mailer w 1ml shade of
opinion thoi icprescnt , or what political
paitj they belong lo , agiuo on one point , and
that is that Frances will noser oboj an\ , thing
in thes shape of oi dels fiom ans posvcr on
caith or atij combination or syndicate ot
> \'s ni\oTON , Jul } I1 , ' At 2 o'clock , ill no
coi dance ssith a piosious agicomc'iit , the ben-
ate , upon molioii both of Me-ssis. Pugh and
Kdiiiiiiulk' , sscnt into seiiut session 'Iho
Puller case Mas taken up nud Mr Kdmunds
nddiessed tlie1 soiuitu
The lollosving bills sscie taken fiom the
c.ilcml.uand passed
liouso bill , to pi ovule foi nn additional as
sociate juslice of Ihe suinemo couit foi Da
benalu bill , amcnd.itoiy of Ihe acl t f June ,
IVss , iclallso lo postal cilines , declining non-
mailablc all mattci on an.s pail of ssludi , ex
tn 101 oi intciioi , mdeicnt , lessd , dcfumiitoii
01 Uiieutening delineations , epithets or Ian
gunge is sviillen or printed.
Sunale bill , lo piolnbit mcmbeiH of Uiu tei
iitoiml legislutuies fiom holding ceiluin of
Senate1 bill , it'lloMiig munuipalilies In Ihu
leiuloiies in eel tain cases authoii/iug s il-
lugu and cits c'orpoiMtions lo ibsuo bonds foi
iieiossan impiosemciits lo an anioni't not
i \cccdiiiir A per cent of the nssosscd valiia
lion , in addition lo their bonded indebtedness
on the 1st of Junuai s , l b
House bill , } to the Pacific
i.nil uad acts , svith a neiidmciits.
On motion of Mi Hlackbuin , the cieden
tials of he-nator Gibson of Louisina ssciu
taken fiom the tnblo and placed on Ille.
The spiialo then pi 01 ceded to thojconsldor.i-
tion of exeeiillvu buslne-is
When the doois ssuio loopenud Uio senulo
House * .
WsMMNorox , July 10 After a little 1011-
tine business the house ss'i-nl into commitloo
of the svhole on Ihe tarilf bill , the pending
amendment being that offoicdby Mr. Mills
icstoiingtho piesont into of duly on tobacco.
The piesont late of duly wan leslorod on all
BUiokeis' ailiclus not olheissiso piovided for.
'llio next fesv ilums ss'cie passed os'or quickl }
and umendmeiits icstoiing Uio present into
of cluti on vuuoub aiticlus svorouleddossn
wilhout division.
Mi. Spiiimer of Illinois , having called
Mr Dookci } of Mlssnun to thuduiii , ml-
eliosvMl the committee ) in rog.ud to Uio bill.
Ho stated , for Iho information of the mem
beis , that twenls thicedas and eight even
ing sessions had been lonsumod in genual
dub ile > , ono hundicd and lifts one spueclies
lias'ing been made The debate ) undei llio
fivu minute i uio had consumed up to date
tssenl } nine days , or 12s hunts Thu dubato
svill hu lumembcied as thu most leuiuikublu
whien has ovei occuried in pailiuiiieiituiy
histoiy It laid ass'ukenud a lis'ul } mteiest
m not onls our osvn eoitnti } , but Ihtoughuut
the civ ili.d world , ii'id honcofoiHi , ut long
as oul govcinment should enduio , it svoulcl
be knosvn ui the gicut tin iff dubato of 1SS8
He Ihen ptacceded to uigue in suppoil
of tno lieu svool fcatiuos of the bill.
At 2.iO : the deb uo closed svith mi niiimiited
political discussion , and then tlio committee
nioae , und , mind appluuno on the deinociatic
side , Iho bill ssas f as oi ably to the
bouse1 , Hs consideiutioii ssns tlien postjioneel
until Saturday nt 11 . ! 0 a in.
Mi Dibble i ailed up the Allontossn public-
building bill , and the pieMilcnt's selu mis
sag - Tin icpoit of the eommittco svas loud
ucomiiK mini , ; that the bill bo passed , not-
svitlib'andiiirC the selo The house relusod
to pibb the bill over the veto Yeas 141 ;
uass si
The house then took a icecss until 8
gJTho 011)1 ) bill of impoilance pissed by the
house tins i s'uiing w.n one piosidlng Um'
the in IIH sli.ill IKS b ml monthly svhcaosei
lite bci iQVai } < t " in1 'indl so ducol.
Wiihliinulou I'.re vi lien.
The enpiwmig olnrlrs of Iho liou/io have
lei-n ) follossing doboly the pi ogress of the
tin lit bill in UK- house and novs has utlie lull
in sue h Miupo Unit its uugtoismuit svill bo
I'omplelo and Uu bill uad } lei triinsmission
to the senate us noon as the hntil solo is
tikcn upon its passage
'J'liu bill ptistieel by the senate , Mith amend
ments , sunplPineiitary to the i'.n iiic r illro id
nitIi the bill passed bylim huuno on March
il , loipnting the Pacific i allronds to construct
mulntatn and opo-ialo tel giaph lines and lo
itftnid e. pml f.icili'ua to ail connecting toio-
j'lnpli lines
The senate , in j < eon t session to d.iv , spent
thin'houis i onsidci uij ? the nnnilnHt'oii ' of
Samuel J Hnjoloss to bo delict nlUiinoyof
NosvJei-HOS C'onlli million ss'ns i ejected by
n largo mujoilti.
hcnutor Uliir to dni Intioddc-cd a bill do
dm ing tint heieaftcr no ulieii shall bo ml
mlltcil to imturaliralion until ho nliull havn
lie n .11 evident ol Uio United States dm ini'
Ilic lls-o voais prec-cding his ap'ilieillon foi
nutiu nil/at Ion papers , nor until ho nlmll
IIIMSO bs Isvo K [ tillable ssitneises llml ( lur-
tin' those Use \ oaiho has In Ims-ud UR a per
son of good nii.liil elmiii ten , and shall also ,
in Um pu'semciof n judge , spoilt , wnto and
read the Knelish liuigua'p with snob Intellt
genco and fiieilit.s as to poyo Do bus cap idly
to trnnsiu t nrdlnar.s Ini'hic s.
J H Cabdl of Kei'tucl.s has been up
noiutPil assistant supoimteii'li at of llio iMll-
SSMV mall srrvlco
'Ihf dliodor of the mini icporls that for
the .our list , thn jnoduct of gold amounted
lo XTIO , nM , < and of sils'or tn W V.d W 'I he
coinage of hrt m 'it durlliff the calondai year
ss'.is $ 1-IT" ! , l.'l
Hepic-.cmtu'isp Aniicison , of llllnol * , to
da made , an ainti ncnt liefoie Uu h uiso J'l-
du nirs ooinmUteyj for n b-ll nuUiftri/ing Uio
slntc of IlllnoU t/i } , < \ntt \ milt a rt'nst ' Ihu gos1-
prinnciit fOifirdlcsso/ slalntu of limita
tions to roios or 'ho pi'oco"d of iho sales of
public Inn Is iu that stile
CIIICAOO , July I0.-Tlmni W Hall , n
Jifavy dealer In svbcn1 , n.oOe nn f ilifnment
thin aftcM-ioc.i. His Hihilil-ire ) ! 0,1ml.tcil
; al JIGO.OOO , roil hu a * * * ! * - i i
Quo of the Tliroo AnnrchlBts Tolls
of the Plot ,
Olilulmnn Sa > Captain Heilmnuk Waa
to llaso Heen AssaHslimte'el -
Itonilis rilledVitli Itioken
Clilelionn Tin IIH Inl'orincr.
Cine seio , July If ) frank Cliloboun , ono
of the Uui'o aniirchists iu tested for i-onsplr.
lies' , made a confession last night. His
confession is that Jhonck had un
folded his plans for luscuge , and that
the bomb ss Inch hu ( lltonek ) had Inseiitcd
svas no larger than abase ball and svas lo bo
loaded ssilli d.siunnito and bits of broken
glass It was denied b.s Cliloboun Unit the
plot ss as to mtirdei thu Judges and Inspector
that is , hu huaid of no such schume. They
talked of assassinating Captain Schaai'k , and
ho uiidisi stood ho ssas lo pas moiu attention
to Uio captain than to ansonoolso. Tlicie
ssns no conceited plan of action , built ssas
agiccd that when all piepaiatiuiis ssciu
made ho and tsso olhcis sseio lo bo informed
by Ilionck just sshat they were to do
About , I uly 1 ho ssas s isited by Hroneksvho
biought him Uio bombs of the broken glass
viu ietv and tsso sticks of dynamite , from
which he SS'IIH to make bombs of gas uipo
after Ihe usual palluin. The otheu-lsso men
sseic also supplied ssith bombs and d.stia
mile Ho had lire slulT in his house * for
nboul asscckiind then gross afiaid Unit i :
ssould bo discoscicd and tlueK 11 In Uio
pris-j Mitilt
This ssas the substance of the confession
which liispci tor lionlluld ssill usuincouit
Tlio confession is much moie in detail and
( oseis about thirty dosel.s willtcn pages
Hy his coufcsHion it is undci stood
that Chlclmun has shtiuillj seemed mi
munlty from piosccutlon He is
In ic-ilils much less guilty than
c'lthei Hionek , Clmppak or one of thu men
not set , u usted He lias agiccd to giselus
tcstlinoiiy in open couit sshen it ssill conob
oi.ite the ether usideiuc seemed bs the iu
hpe'e toi against thu conspiintoiA Ihe tsso
other men me still at l.uge , but maj be ui
icstcd at mil time
An Insider TalltH
Tlio follossmg hi icf eommunieation fiom
one of Ihe pi ineiiial ox-saloon men of Uio city
will explain itself
Lditor Hi iDear Sir Since the recent
are iisations huso been made in the diilm
e-oiiicining the piaclid s indulged in bl some
of the saloon mm of this e it.s in ugaid to
ins ing In dies 01 hush mones to AUoims
Sims , of the lass and older le.iguo , I hisu
been iu i used of leing ) ono of the p.utics nil
plicated , and I de-sue to make a statement < f
the' fin Is in the case About a jeur ago I
had the * handling of all the * moiie'i put up by
the saloon men licio for the purjiose of light
ing the lasv and oidci league , nnd none of
that menus ss'ns eser piiel , either dliccllj or
iiidiicllj , lo Mr binm Some of Iho saloon
men thought thai 1 hud fixed Sims in logaid
to ms onninsus , und asked mo to do tlio
s imo toi tliom , and got "hot '
whi'ii I infoimed tnem that I had paid him
nolhmi. , and never should I hud a long talk
with Mi binis , mid lies tolel mo that he ssas
not pushing the cases fiom peisonal motives ,
but was working as ii lasssei. He * fought mis
as haul as he did ans one , and said that liu
would base ss'oiked the mime for the other
side il li hud been engaged bs the enemies
of the Law mid Older league in fie llrst
] ilace 1 want to a man us I Had him.
and as 1 knoss Mr Sims ae ted sipmreli till
Ihu waj Ihiough , I dosiio to iiiiso mi VORO
ngulnst this unjust und uncalled foi pel seen
lion I know pcisonully that ho SSMS not
"bloodim : " the s iloon men , as claimed by the
Globe , as 1 hase liccn fulli cogni/ant of the
inside ssoiklngsof the saloon element for the
past i ear. Huspe-ctfully , Uv.s CUUIKIO.
Kuiiprnl ol G. C. Present t.
The funeral of Mr. G C. Picscott took
place yoslui dav .if toi noon at the family resi
dence on llast Pierce street. Hov. G. W.
Crofts , of the Congtcgational church , con-
dui ted the sorsices in a very impicssiso
iniiniior. The nllendanco of fi lends was
large Among lliese weio a laige number of
the mcmbms of Uio camp of Modern Wood
men , of ssiiich oigani/alion the deccised was
a member. The body ssus taken to Fairvicsv
cemetcii svhcio it ssas laid to icst b } his
comiaiiions ) witli thu beautiful iitualistio
ssoik of Ihe older. Ploial liibulCB wciu
both pi of use and elegant.
AVeiHuxo SOIIIH Ue-e.-ords.
In a recent mile lo upon Iho iccoidn of Iho
oflhoof city engmeci TUB Hun did an n i
willing injustice to ox-Knglnoor Tostovln.
Duimg his incumbency tss'uls'o miles of boss
esvb sseiu laid in thu citi , and of this svoik
thuio is a complete record , made b\ him cr
under bib Hiipui vision With this oxfcption
the st.ilenu nts contained in the uiticlu in
question uro true.
Yesteiday'fl ' ball game icstilted in a victory
foi Iho vibitois. The "ciions" did oxcullcnt
work in the iiold , but were lather ss-cal. at
tlio but. It icipiiied Ihe milled ulloi Is of
Ihtoo umpirns to i-niry the game to the ninth
inning , and then tlioiu was a lingo kick that
could not bo settled The stoio ssas 0 to 5
sshen the visitors lufused to coiiliiiuu play
ing on account , of u veiy loud smelling de
A sscll knoss n member of thu spoiling fin-
leinity is anxiously s-iudiing for a io-t
jessol. Sli.mgoly emoiigli liodosins no as-
iiistnnte in Ills hc.iieh , and ufiains fiom
palioni/ing the "lost ami found' columns of
the ness spipeis Tno missing tre.ixiui is ex
eeediiuls ssMls.and lomaiiihsec niens hidden
'Iho jesiilt of this little game of ' hieln and
peek" is awuiti'd with much iiuiusiti hi
putties who mo "on "
The conlitlon of Uu littVinn of Mr aid
MiJ. . C Mitchell Is eoiisidorubls linpioriel
Tins Is most gratifs ing t" tlic foml pin en's
ssho hud well nigh dospuiiedof the life of
tinInby _
Moss tliei l'liiiiil ) i-s' ITnlon Arellnnel -
liiiK Iinpenlod Men.
The Plumbois' union fcocm eld iimnoj lo
nnllifs all Uioattcmptb of John Ho\se , ssho is
nosv in Chicago , tn mtiodiuo non union men
in this city. Tlioy stationed a torn
mltlcoof their mimbeis nt cueh eii pot svlth
Instructions to watdi for iiirising ilninbcn
and iitlcnd to them as the ncioisitics 10-
qnlrtd. The committee i ecogm/i-.l in the kit
the ip n carried no less thnii live pliimbeiH.
sshom Howe luiil < nirufc'il In Cliu-iico and
sshoHO fne hu hud ] > .iid to tis point ,
some of them union O'MIS | non iininii men.
The cfinimittees told tlio new air s tils of the
condition of atTa rs hcie , and suggest , d that
Hies ( .otoHoue-s shop and lie at svtiat lliei
conl 1 there , so as lo learn both sides of t'io
question Tlio nevs plumbeis did as Ihoy
ss-ei" i-i-iuesti | d , and flimllj canu to the son
elusion that thei woli'd ' iiot remaiti in
Omaha J'lii'l' aio ipjinitedt" hfiyo ( * nnl to
the union men that thij hud been told thoio
w.isplonts of woik hrrei and fui-tlior that
Husso Ind not snld nn\ thing about n strike.
Aceo-elii glv.the union bought tteV f ts foi the
stl inB < i < to what point hoesci tlioj de > slreil
logo. I'our of them letuined to Chicago
mid ono left foi Denvtr
Ynsti-tdai thee imn.itlco w.isouduls u ain ,
nnd iho ineinliors Kiy Uiov ssl'l ' bo able to
p i\ the film out of toss n foi HU tnanp.umb -
e i t'b Kmvc ca'i bung into il.
'Dies CMy D.teN.
Tno city counr-il last nlgl.t ail'vptcil the rcc-
omincndatlon of llsal'oinoy to accept coin-
promise oCein from t'.o iQihvajf , fOr its
claims in ll.o rcns iiciion of Iho SixtoMith
mid the IJIcvcnl'i 3'r * \laluets 'IhoT'i.'fjii
Pan | U < cvlfoi * * VJW' ' and Ulf > H A M. * i ' 1)1. )
Th" iMolntJcin In tunuel the 'jntinis.icd
IMMMX coiitlAd' v.vmeled to Hc nHrci in
lyvr wu rncoi i lireil i'nllier tvtVr , > , MS
Jeii. ! red uf.tll ths Hici.vor S-t .utrd fl'ofli.
i HO.JC.