2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEg : THURSDAY. JULY U ) . 1888. PITH OFJTHE NEWS 'I li City. Kansas City ilcfunU Omalm 0 to 3. Ucal estate transfers ap rc-gato H11,759. Three burglaries Monday night are re ported Itcwipts of hogs i\t Soath Omaha D.SOO ; CBltlo 1'H ) V > . U Albright secures the Omuhii Imple ment company. The remains of a number of Chinamen past through Omaha A higlilv sensational divortje suit is flleiUn thu ilistrlit court. The Missouri Valley Stonecutters' conven tion has ailjourucd. Thei o Is a rate vvnr brewing between com- pcllni. insurniico agents Overthrio hunched buildings have been cm ltd In South Otimlia this jc.ir. New tjiJi i of the Sluttish ilto instituted In Omiha A banquet in the evening General Mnnagtr lloldrege has gene to Chicago to consult with the "Q" olllutils on Btrike matters. NVI iranl ; a. A now turn to the Dikota City sc.indil. Thirteen horses killed nc.ir North 1'latto bi Urn "Hi er" A store and n residence were burglarised nt ( irutid Island lust night. The board of legeiits rendered their docls in Chancellor Mnnult'H CMHO The scandalous Smilh-Hnincr suit in Co lumbus has been eormnomiscd. Oi.iut llrown was killed by the accidental dlsi-tiarge of a gun at Oakdale. The venerable Keillor Martin , of Dakota Cili Jiiari ic-d a gill of ninclcun. The hearing of testimony in the Cliancollor Manatt investigation was concluded. The wife of .ludgo I'attengcr , of Plaits- mouth , was bidlj buined by benrinc A little son of Geoige Ilavcrly , atOakdalo , was fatally shot while playing with a te- voh er The v ifc > of atemppianco agltHtor named Bwlnnov , living at Nebraska Citv , has de scried him. bhe is supposed lo bu iu Omaha. Goner il. IJoulnnpei's condition is growing worse Two men \\oro crus'ied by the tars at St Louis A terrible \vatcispout strikes St. Augus tine , Tli The Clear Lalcu Sunday scliool asscmblj is in session Ilx Hditor Mooie and Mis. Noiloncro seen at bt Joseph The "Personal rights league" has bctn organl/cd in Chicago I nnnv Davenport Ins been giantcdadi. vorc.c from her husband TliL Kansas piohihilion state convention n si inblcd at Ilutchinson 1 hc'ie will be no delay in trying the Chicago cage uimichistic plottcis .liihan Hauer's iiimio wan-house at Chicago cage is clestioied by ( lie Tout hundrc.d pci ons vvcie hilled by a volcanic eruption in .lapan The steamship Fnlda strikes an unknown Bchooiui nil Noivfounell mil Tennessee icpiihlieatiB have nominated Samuel Hawkins foi governor The bill for the admission of Washington ten itoiy was discussed in the senate. The Salvation iu nn at ( uobeu attacked , but the nemy i onto 1 vv ith i ovoh ei s Goveinor Lounsbury is sanguine of re publican success In the Nulmeg state The annual meeting of the Noitluvcslern Associated pi ess uas hold in Chicago The annual ton\eiition of the national teachers' association was foimally opened Secrclaiy Ainsworlh of the Iowa lailioad commission teslilies in the injunction suit It has developed tint Wilson , the Inroimcr , Is n detoetivo and that his real name is Mul- llfcP.U , Omaha gains riO.Hi ( ) in tlio number of hogs packed , Chicago , Kansas City ami St Louis decieasing There are assuiances that the democratic mnjoiitv In Htooklynill bo largoli cut down this full. Hionok , C'liolboun , and Cliapak , the Chi- cngo anarchists , were nrralgnod and their eiises continued. U'cstcrn Association games Siou\ City , DCS Moines ; Clucaso 1 , St. Paula ; Minne apolis T , Milwaukee 5 Heniy Con aid V.bmt , wife murderer , was hanged at Jersey City and Richard Kearney suffeied thu death penalty at i'reenoit , N. J. The bill foi the adjustment of the pay of laborois under the eight hour law has been acted on favorublj by the house committee. THH MAUICJTA CUM'KNXIAti. ScHsion Given O\cr lo the North western IMonoers. MAIIII TTV , O , .Tulv I1' . At Centennial hall the morning was given to the pioneers : Gen eral Cuing presided. His addicss was lull of history rind pioneer leminis- censes. The gre it oration of the week , foi elegance in doliveii , was that of Hon .1. W. Daniel , of Virginia. It abounded In histori cal statements as to Viiginia's part in con quering Gtcat Hritain Ho dwelt upon the rcstoicd union , which , ho said , never had but one thing slavciy to divide and dis tract the people. In conclusion ho said : "How , in the contemplation of Unit subject of slaveiy , the rlso , fall and obliteiation of Rlaveiy in Virginia iibes in the mind likotho figuic of some stalelyoung sapling , into whoso side is eh Iv en a vv edge. When the war ended that wedge had been withdraw n. The sides of Unit young tree have gi own together. The sap is again running up Its length and has heated the gash , and it now stands like iv vlgoious joungoak , which sends SIR lools down deep into the centei of the eaith and \\u\es its leafy blanches mnorig the staisof heaven " Tomorrow is Ohio day and will bilng many noted guesis ASSOCIATED I'UKSS. Ofllcei-M r.lcototl IV ) i thu HuMiiug Y'enr at the Annual Moolini ; Cmcuio , July 18 The annual mo ting of the Norlhwcstorn Assocmled Press was held at the Trcinont house in this citj to day The follow Ing ofllceis weio elected for the ensuing i car 11 N Hichardson , D.ivenpoit Domociat-Garctte , piesldent ; J S C'lniKson , Dos Moines IJegistor , vice president ; II. W. Clcndenin , Spiingllold Kcgist cr , sccictaij ; A. Stone , Peoria Tianscilpt , tieasuier ; K Hoiew liter , Ovtuu HnW. . O. Davis , Bloomington Pantauraph , and ( loocgn D. Peikins , Sioux Citj Journal , mombeis of the cxecullvo committee , with the president and seuolaii ox-otlieio The business allairs of the association ute in excellent hlwpo. Drink Malto , L'o coiitsu bottlo. The Colorado I l , U. Oonrerenoe , CIIEMINU , JulvfSpecial Telegram to Tun Hue ) Uxtenslvo pi operations into being niailo for the opening of the Colorado confeicncoot the Methodist Episcopal church in this city to moi row A reception was ten doretl the members of the conference this evening. Addresses of welcome were made by the mn.vor of the rity and lop resentutivcs of thootlior churches Pios.1- dent Mooto , of the university of Denver , responded in behalf of the confcienco. "Wyoming , which lias horotofoio beun ) > art of theColoiado conference , will in the future become u separate jurisdiction. For uourly n third ( if a century those- delicious , pure anil economic propira- tions , Vttti Uu4or'u Flavoring Kxtrncts , IMVO led tlio vanguard In nopularit , ) of nrtielos of their class , nor lias diMMr.it- intf couiputition boon able to falmko for u sinirlo dny tlio fnith toposed in tlmiu Inthu Ainoricau pooplo. The bottles of thoio Ilxtrjvcts contain surplus niens- urn , n point of MiporioHty over i iritis , niul tlio process by which they nio prc- imrcrt piovout n conuuniiuvtion with nay deleterious substance. lion Ansouialion Dissolved. Pirt-iHUuo , July 18. The Westein lion Mannfactuiers' association was uumilly iliisolycd to dojA gonerarosumptlor. \ H HI probably lake place iu a few days , Prink MultQ nt soilu fountain. JIADE JUST TWICE AS MANY , Oonsidorato Oowboys Lot Onialm Down Buthor Light. THEY FOUND SHAFER WITH EASE. hlonx Cllv Analn l'ulciUut llic 1'ro- lilhltlonlwlH Maioons Take n llnrd One Prom Si. Paul Mliin < ! Ui- olis Dcle.UN AVoHtcrn Assoclnllon Slniidlni ; , Tollowlngis the oilleial standing of the Wostein association loams up to and In cluding jestculaj's games. PUnod Won LostPrCt St.Paul . f.J ( ) 1C. .I.'U DCS Moinea . 50 ai SJ1 .5sf ) Kansas Citv . 51 20 'ft .510 Otnihn . M ) U3 -3 .WK ) Sioux Citv . 14 7 .5(0 ( Milwaukee . 'M 2) ) .4TO Chic igo . 54 i-'Ci 'J3 .472 Minneapolis . . .51 'M W .U77 Kan as Clt } n , Otiinhn : t. Yesterday whs a lovely day for ball plaj- ing and an unusually lai go weekday crowd went out to the ball pai k to sec the Omahas take another game from Mcnges' covvbois. Uut thej got loft. Little Nichols was too much for them , while Shatter was pie foi the southcincis. 'iho huge crowd was undoubtedly induced to go out bj the brilliant vv oik of the local team on the previous clay. Tnul shows what winning ball will do. Hut it seems that the Ouiahas can't take two games in succession , and it Is getting to be a chestnut a great big horse chestnut this thing of their diopping uverj other game. However , in extenuation of their spasmodic ] > li > . it must be said that Uiiaio . about the unluckicst team in the totintiy Injuiie-t or sickness nei essitates a slnffn of the men to unfamiliar positions about eveiv dnv Yesterdav In the fifth inning n smashed linger compelled Uuins to give vvaj to Crooks He was making n hard inn for a II v ball , and a p nnful mjui v ana a mull was the re- vvaid he icceived for the cfloit Cioolts infused the languid teunvvitha little spuit the moment ho took hold , and ho drove the Hist lun homo fty a lattlmg gioundei p ist second base \\ilson hasn't plajed iu the last two games. U'hj I His little hands are sere CiooUs has . i sprained ankle , and O'Con- ne 11 is weak as a cat McGmr hasn t stiuck his gait Clai lie isn't well , .ind Shallei cmt totatc the glnbulUed uphuio wilh tint skill icuuisito to vicioii. Isn't that luck' Of com so it is Aftei the Om ilns hid ictiied in the Hist inning , Kansas City came in and undo two inns How ! Whv , Long just smacked one of ShatTers little fuilROs vvav out , among the left Held c images foi tin co bags bj vvav or u itsrt'J' 'I hen MiUm'ng ' got his base on balls , and Long scored on Curtis' ! o.p : " \ to Coonev , Manning going to thud Johnson got his b.iso on a nuseiable lack of Judgment bv O'Connell , and Aidncr battuil Manning homo In the lourth mil fifth the Covvbovsseoied loui moi o runs , on live hits nnd two enors , and then being vvoll s.itislled thej quit. Om ilia got her ilrst two tallies in the seventh. O'Connell got his base bi \irtuo of an eiior bv Ciutis , second on a pass ball , and home on Crooks' sife dnve Thi'io'h no Hies on Jack at .inj stage of tlio game , and while Manning vva" living toiut O'Connell oil at the plate he loped mound to thud. The next moment ho scored on a vv ilil pitch Ono mete run was tallied by the homo team in the ninth. O'Connell made a safe hit , went to third on a wild niteh , and c.uno homo on MeGau's long hit to Long. Hut the penn int is no ncaier than ever. Head the official scoio. Huns earned Omaha 1 , Kansas City 4. Two base hits Naglo , Manning , Ciutis , .Tohnson. Three base hits Long. Haseson b ills Off Nichols 1 , oft Shaffer 1. Stiuck out-Slmffer 4 , rs'ichols J Passed bills Naglo 1 , Gunson 1. Wild pitches Nichols 1 Time-1:4" : ) . Umpiies rijnn and Me Cai thv. Mlonv Oily 1 , DPS Moines S. Di s MOINCS , Julj -SpeUil [ Telegram to Tnti Iti i. . ] A close nnd exciting game was witnessed at Athletic paik to daj be tween the Oos Moines and Sioux City teams , the latter winning by u sciatch.Vlls pitched u good game , and by u two bagger iu the eighth inning , with two men on bases , won for biouCitv The visitors' Holding was also supouor to the locals , Force mak ing x difficult catch ami Snood accepting sev eral chances in light without an oiror Umplio Tcsscndcn was somewhat off , but both teams faied about equally in his > deci sions The score les Moines . . . 0 3 Sioux. Citv . . . . 0 1 1 I ) 0 0 0 2 * 4 Huns eainod lies Moines 3 , Sioux Citv 2. Two b.iso hits Steuns , AlvoidVolls htiuck out--My Hutchison ( ! , bj Wells 1. liases on balls-Wells 1. Passed bills - Tiallleyt Wild pitches-Hutchison 1. Time of game 1 " 0 Umpire ressenden , Chicago . St. 1'niil . ST 1'ver , , July Ib fSpaclal Telegram to Tin : HLU.J Sam Motion's Maroons took a game from the "coming champions" to dy bj bunching their hits , In the absence of Canoll from the homo team , Hineo essavcd to plav left Held , but was not a shining sue cess at it Ho lot two hits go safe which ho should have got , the last of which won the gnmo for Iho visitors. Uvv'i er w as laid out In the foiuth inning by n vicious line hit from Piekott's bit , which caught him in the small of the Inck After ho revived ho pluckily - ily retnincd to the box and pitched ii mag- mtlccnt game Umpiio Urennan was again avvaj ofl * . The scoio St Paul I 1 3 Chicago 1 I Runs earnedSt. . Paul 3 , Chicago y. Tivo luso lilts Katie , Moinssoy , Morunty (2) ) , Hnnrahan , Ihvver , Dui'dnlo Homo tun Moiianty Double play Pieltett , S'l.ifer ' and Moirissev Huso on bills ( Jallac-her htincU out Hinge , Murplo , Ueilly M ) Sharer , Ultclms ( ! i ) , Schoencck , Dugdulo , tiiillnghcr (2) ( ) . Passed balls--Hon\cr. Wild pitrh Uwj cr. Hases stolen Mnrphv , Han- Jtihun. Lcf ton bases -M 1'auN. Chluano li. " Fitst base on 01 rora Chicago 2 Tlino 1 50. "Uinphe BrcauAn. MliinenjiiillH 7 , MlUvau'.cco 5. MisMivi'OLis , July Is , [ Sposlal Telcgrmn to THU HUB. ] It was a rather toaious gumo plnjod to-day by Vho Minneapolis nnd Mil- vvanSL'o clubs , neither te m working with any Mi.ip. It was a pitchers * battle in which the honors were about even , but n timely hitting bt TcbMiu and nnd Klopf won the game for Minneapolis. The scpie. Minneapolis. . . . ! ) 3000300 1 7 Milwaukee . .1 0 5 Kuns earned MlnneipoHs 5 , Milwaukee C2) ) Two bise hits WalshlClopf , % jaskievJ ( ) , I'orstor. Three base hits Lowe Home runs IVhenu (2) ( ) Douhie pi us Hawcs ( un assisted ) , liases on balls Hi Klopf 3 , by Oiitllth n Passed balls-King 1 , Mills 1. Wild pitches-Oiimth. liases stolen by Mc- Cullom , Stiuss , MI1U. Lofton bases Min neapolis fi , Milwaukee (1 ( First b.iso on rr- lors Minneapolis J , Milwaukee fi. Titno two hours Umpiic Hngan It Will lieDnvenpiift. . There is a veri decided piooibility that Davenport will he in the 'Westein association before anothei vvocMc explics Tin 11 ? seems to bo but little doubt now that Minnea polis Intends to chop out. and in case she does Davenport w ill mnko a gnod substitute It Is n good ball town , nml bv taking the cream of the team thuv alioad.v have and the hist placers of the Minneapolis club , she will have as stiong an aggregation ns theio is in the whole association Sioux Citj's unex pected success 1ms given the game n gicat boom up there , and the club will assuiedlj do vv ell. OTIinil GAMHS. Yestcr < ln } ' Wlnticiq In the Nntlonnl Pirrsiii'lio , July 17. Tlio Ptttsbuig-Phll- ndelphia game was postponed on account of rain DiTltoiT , Julj 18. Hcsult of todaj's gamo- Detroit . 0 0128000 * 5 Chicago . 0 0 0 0 0000 (1 ( 0 I'ltclieis Convvav for Dctioit , Haldwin for Chicago Haso hits Detioit 12 , Chicago fi. Kirois Delioit 2 , Chloairo 4 Umpire- Kelly. American Association. CM VCIAMI , July Ib Kesult of todaj's game Cleveland . J 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 07 HrookHn. . . .0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 CINCIXN vn , .lull 13. Kesult of today's game Cincinnati . t 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 Louisville . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ( I 1 ST Lou * , July lb. Kosult of todav's game : bt. Louis . 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 fi Kansas Citv . . 1 I PniUMii i I'liiv , Julv 1 Result of to daj's panic Athletics . . . . 1 10 Multinioio . 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 2 5 n\eter illi , TrcMc li. KM n it , Nub , ,1nlj IS ( Specnil to THE lint .1 The Ciete nine vvcio tlek.itcd to dnv on the homo gioumls by Kxeter , the game ] iut up by Kxetui being neat li poifcct 'Ihe batteivvoiKb.v . KxeteiKusseirs one handed catch of a line b ill at second , making a double plav unassisted , nnd the Hist biso pliv of ( JuUd ibiich were of the profcssium' oitlei ( irencvvaldt , of Kxetor , stiuck out eleven men The scoio Lxctor . .0 3 t S 3 1 0 1 2 2J Ciete . 0 0 J 1 ! ittenes IXetei.Gionewaldtiind Tow lei , Ciete , Abbott and C ! ilagher. Umpiic Cov ey. Piniiiond , T W.itkins is beginning to think tli.it Gaiizull is a tiCttor second b iscnrin than Kichaidsot , TlioPiUHlmigstlnnhtli.it with rii-J v in the box thov can win theli fli t game onlhc Detioit gt omuls The Chic i os have won two games * foi- cveij one lost Cnl MeVoy , onot ? with tlie Olncagos , has become mi expcit billiard pliyot unit wicst- lei in bouthiui tjalifoini i. ricd Goldsinitli , ulutchoi of the Chi- c.ii'os , Ins b en appointed an Associttion umpiic. Ted Sullivan , of the Washingtons , bis bought the icle.isc's of Wcidcn mil rullei , of the New Oilcans club Wihici , of fie s mil ! team , toolc French leave , and also agiecil to go to the capital. The Ltfuvettcs vv ill play tlio Council Bluffs team to daj at Lake Manawa. ICccfo sajs Cntchct Hi own talks in his slcc ) ) . "The other night , " said Tun , ' Hi own jelled out. 'I'm not out ; he never touched mo' " As Hrovvn h is not plav ed a game In a month Kcefo doesn't undei stand bun Clai kt > on is bald to liav o been b icllv i allied m tlio ninth inning at notion bnturday , when \Volvciines m ulo four luns "Thoio is little question , " sajs tlio Detroit Preo Press in speikmg of tlio coming con tests between the Dotroits and Cliicigos , "tint the ch ill Anton's millions vv p iss MICH , ns it would bo onlv nccessirv fet the Do troits to win two of four in order to take tlio lead. " The game this aftei noon tvill bo called at , ' 1 45 to enable the Kims is Citv team to catch the evening train for Dus Monies. TIJK ! nvixTs. i'obtcida > ' Speed Winners nt the litixliton Iteach Course HitioitiON Hi veil , July Ib Summary of to day's laces. Tin co quartets of a mile Kftlo Hat dy won , Nat Oootlwm second , MacGicgor thud. Tune 1't 1 % . Three qviaitors of nmilo Jim Clare won , Rebellion second , Stripling thiul. Time 1.17. 1.17.Seven Seven eighths of a mile Hcnrv George won , Tj rene second , Piedmont third , Time Ono and one sixteenth miles Una U won bj' a nose , with Torg Kv. lo and Policies running a dead heat for second place. Tune -1 .11. One and one quarter miles Hat num won , Climax , second , Topsnvvjcr thiul. Time Ono and one eighth miles Pose Wellington and Ciuiscr i in a dead heat in 1 : r.71 In the inn off Peg Wellington won Time 1 5" " ) . Hloortod Horses Sold. PiTTsiinto. Julv is A. J Welch of Iliut- foid , Conn , sold his black stillion , Atlantic , to N. Munnio of Koine , Hilv , today for 15,000 Ho also bold his baj male , Vnlkjr , for * 'JXK ' ( ) . int ; rim : ix CHICAGO. names Destioy Proportj Valued nt I'nutHundied Thousand Dollars. Cine voo , July ] > This morning about 11 o'clock flames were discoveiod on ono of tlio upper floors of the flv o-story building at l.Vi Wabash avcauo , occupied as a piano sales loom and wnicliouso by Julius Haucr. Half an hour later , notwithstanding tlio olloits of the llicmen , the destruction of the ontuo building ar..l its contents ncemcd certain , in volving a lo = s of MOO.OeO The llio is still burning and up to 1 o'clock over $ I ( , COO worth of mopeitv had boon deslrojotl. The magnillcont building in which the ill a bin hi out Htands on the noith- east coiner of Wubasli nvcnuo and Monroe hlreot In reality It consists of two Immense five stoij buildings The cornm building was occupied by the Chicago Caipot company The building on the ) noith of this was occupied on the fust lloor , fouith llooi , pait of the fifth lloor and tlio basement bj the piano innnufii tuting firm ol Julius Hauor & Co , on Iho second lloor by the Standard Music il nnd Manu facturing company , which mndo and dealt in musical iiistiumeiits other than pianos Tlio flro oiiginatod in tlio b.iso incut of the north building , wheio piano boxes and rubbish were sloied Shottlj after U o'clock this morning , whllo ado/en men were at vvo-k In tlio midst ul this inilinimablo stuff , there was a terrific explosion Almost in an instant the whole basement was on flro Men rubbed headlong up the stairway und were just ulilo to make peed their fscaiw So great was thoi < onfubion that the workmen believu some of their number vvcro caught nrul burned to denth. The ianilor of the building , Jiinie * Malion- ing , is mlbblng. The insurance on the builcihis was t7ri,0in The Chicago Cari > ct company's loss is about ? 75,000 , of which e-'AUDJ is total , as then ) was uiiiiibined stock valued ut that sum lust re ceived from Now York Julius Issuer's block was valued at f50XO ! ( and was on tirdy destroyed The stock was insured , but the amount of insurance was not obtain able. Tlie Standard Musical conip mj 'i IQ S ( s About 23,000 , The ATews says that the Jiro is inceudiacy , und that suspicion poluts to a ; iorer vvjiom Uaucr & CO. dibuhaf-ged a short time ago. Tlll t T 1 < 1 I IIM P I Ifll'lrPl\ lilh All All HUES LICIHLD , The Masons of Nebraska Institute the Scottish Rito. TWO DAYS' OEVOTED TO WORK. With nn KleKiilit ltaiiiiirt | as n rittlng to tJi ( > Seoti't CVreinoiilc's i-H and Speech * makers. Tlio Scottish Kilo Fomietl. The Masonic fraternity of this city has been imlustiiousli prcpiring during tlio past jear for the introductioi. of thu undent and nicepted Scotisli rite of free inisonarv un der the authoiit.v of the supiemo council of the United Stales of Amoiica , their tcrrl- toiies and dependencies A petition em- biacing many names was se 'iued and for- vv aided to tlio grand east of the supreme council , located in the citi of Now Yet k , which having secured a favorable approval , the illustrious deputy announced his inten tion to bu pi csent in person nml oflkiate in the Institution of the several bodies TucHlay was designated foi the impor tant event , on which date lucre were present Uio following distinguished members of the rite 111. John G Haiker , R.1 ° , deput.V for the supiemo council , 111. O. A. Finmbos , , ! . | o ) commander in chiet of the gi and consistory of Ohio ; 111 K N 11 Kvartsu : ° , coinmandci in chief of the grand coiisistoi.v of Iowa ; 111. K. Junius L"d- vvaidh , ! ' 3 ° past eommnmlei in-ehief of the giandconsistoii of Minnesota , togetlict witli a number of brothers fiom the above men- lionetl states. At 3 o'clock the class , consist ing of pctitiniieis , assembled , when the de grees fiom the 4th to I4lh were worked in full foi in and the ceienionies witli the lobis and p.uaphoiimlias , the piopeilj of Ihe giantl consisloiv of Ohio , which hnd been foi vv at did bv th it body lei use on the occa sion The mteimedi ite doioes weto com mnnicated and in the evening the degiees of Uie council of prince ? vrcic vvotkcd in lull foi m At It u m .vcsteidnv the p"titioneis v\eie iig.iin ns embk'il when the thud seiies weio nlsowoiked in lull cmomony , lollowed hj the clegicis of Ihe ccmiii il of Kadosh In the ailci noon thcdegiecsof the consist- 01 v , cmbi.uing Utc . ( ' ) , vveif vvoiKcd , e'on- cltnling with the iiuli.i'oi ' v cciemons The bodies ol the lite weio Uien instituted us follows Omaha L of P . C of P , Cinip of H \ - L Council of Kadosh ! ( ) - . The oflhers elected and installed for the four degrees at their mcc'Un , , ' estortlaj nfteinoon were i Dr L A Met i tain , tin ire potent giaiul mastei of the lodge of pcilcc'ion Alexander Atkln on , soveieign piince giand master colincil of jnince-i ot Jeiusi lem * 'I \Villi un McIliigK , most wise and peifcit mitslei , c hnplei'tif Hose Cioi\ A C. Osteinmii , illustrious cominandci council of Ktitlimii' ' There will bo soilic conflict in the minds of in niv as to the disflm lion be lueen the bodies rr the Scottish rlli' Just iustituled and the bodies nt-iC'ofoi'e ' existing The institution of the 'iTe l bodies is .1 new dcpaUme , < ami n slightlj in competition 'vv'Ith ' Iho oltl Scotch rite1 , wh't h wis mstilTilt-M mulei PiUo's sontheiii jinisdii tmn The new juiisilictinn einbuies Uio vvholo Umli-fl Stiles , and will bo stiullv demociatic m t lllli'ii lor , with all the ofilces elective' each jOut1 , fiom the ! uv > o t to thu highest 'I fill' IIANQIII at the Mnlaid in the evening was a season of icficshment loHlioth soul und body The tables were mi ringed up and down the icntci of the dining i odmin the foi m of a T cioss Covers vveie laid lei soventv live and Iheie vvcie no vacant < -lmirs ' ] he guests w etc Loins D Demnis , Hichaid Smith , Milo 0. Wilson , Alfied U Hurnes , Frank M Dot seT. . G Thoniis , F. A. Luce , Chaile-C Set ! -'Wick , C. C Wales , H C Hionl.s , T H heele.v.T. W Shillinglon , F. C. Fullei , A. C. Ostcimann W.WInpplc , MoiiU'lhonisrn , J W. Hitchoock , KobeitC. Hasson , John T. Mutitott , James A. Hrovvn , C. W. Kjle , OeoigeH Holt , Williim D McHugh , How- limd W. Hailov , MIIX J. Haehr , Milo M. Van Horn , Ch.ulcs Kobeit Kolscv , Heibert 1' . Shumvvay. U li Shumwii , Chailes Uald vv in , i : J. LiUlclIcld , N. A Willis , C. O Fishet. John S Lewis , jr , F. L Neely , Ar- thui T. Chapm , Klgin U. Pcirme , Ira Thomas , P , T. Llnkhait , General Uoi. ire S Smith , John F. Fairlle , D H HendiicUs , 0 H Livingston , William J Hughes , John Nicholson , Chailes H. Meliekion , Willnm N Huso , O'-oigo M O'Uncn , ji , Wnlton K niulmgame , Hnlpli W Hict Keniidgc , Adolph Movei , Alexander Atkinson , Dr L A. Meriiam , N H Kvmts , Ujrus K. Hunter , L Junius Ldwaids , John 15 Hiinos , Hornet A Millet , Fiank A Draboin. Olio Hoese , Mi and Mis O. F Hn gs and G A. Fi. mbest of Coiiiinbus , O. , and Mr. J. G U uKer , of New Yotk. followed thobintpit t , nnd ns caih tonst was announced the company at ese uml ( It , inK to it. Di L A. Meriiam , of this citj , the no'vly olecled vice grand potent grand master , ollkiatc'd as master of cciemonies In calling the company lo spiiitutil reficshinents lie tetnmded the brethien th it moie thin H.IKtO jeus ago theio existed on the banks of the Nile and on the plains of Aiabia societies having manv ntes and ceienumlcs intimled to help men and mnko them bettor. These foims came down thiough the ccntuiies with modifiealinns until theio weio UK ) of them , 'lliogiand 01 icnt of Fiance codified them and aiianged the schodiil of degiees which 1ms comedown lo ns That body iclightcd the altar Hies of the oriloi , .mil the sacicd flames havu come ovoi the sea mil ncio'-stiiocoiitiiieiit.aml ' but the diu dav bofoie an altar hnd I/ecu kindled hue in NobiasKa IJacb member of the new budv should lav soiuething njion the ( lie to brighten Us flames and advance the noble otdor The Hist toast , The Giand Lod0'o of No- biaska , " was lespondc'd to bi Judge .1 H Humes ol Pone i , past grand muster 'Iho jutl c spoke biicllv of the lustoii of the bed } It was oi anucd about twent } live voais mro and now hah J)0 lodges Its Hist giand master was Htothcr .Ionian , mid sineo then men high in ofiliiil jilano and dig intv had sli ivon for anil vv on Unit honoi . ' 1 ho ( land lodge was poor in puiseat the hi iri , but is now i teli , and his thonsimlK of mem bom Tlio speakoi was proud to bo able to boast thnt thoio had never been dissensions , never \thing but lun monv and brotheily lov o in the coum its of the boelj "I'lio Hupix'ino council for the United States of Amoiici and thenr tomtotios and dependcnciiis- icspondeil to by illustnous biothonTohn O Haiker of Ni w Yoik , geneial dopntj and seerctai1 } geueuil of the supreme couniid This Ixidv , ho said , bcn'iin almost with 0o | c nlurv Its orwmnl meinbois woio thu UMding Masons of ew \ 01 k , such men as , Do Witt Clinton. At its foundation it assured the grand lodge Unit it bad not como to iioiforo ) ) , w ith the blue lodge Ono of its lirst ( lets was to establish the Knights Tomplai , aid ( Hit ) first Amurkan body ot Iho lattc'i wasjurganuod from its mem bois It uas established n supreme council in South America jiiid numcious c-onsistories in the United States There is no doubt of Uio li'it time } ami the authority of this body. It knows no nortrfnl ! > south , no east , no wesl Its piatfoun is lilwitj , equality und fiatur uit.v. The grand con 1stoii of Nebraska Is welcomed to Uio fellow ship of thobupiemo council. Colonel G A Fiambci , of Columbub , O , was introiucod HH the illustuous comuiiiniUr-iii-chief und the giant vviunoi of Ohio He spoke at lenytU w I tli " J'he Gi and Consistori of Ohio , " ab a text He paid the oiiginal OJiikistoiy vvas > organuod as u body of the Scottish Kite of the uoi ibern JunsJlij lion Ho found that to bo inonaiohleal und arbitrary in Us sway , und ho then uUilutud with tlio couthom juiiadiction but vvilh uii- eatisfattoiy results A Beaten for ether Scottish Kilo bodies led to the dis covery that bath the northern and the southern Jurisdictions weio illegitimate , und bo came to the su- piumo couucll as the only pmo soyice of unthoiity. The cymuistori' uuder this juris- xllction was organi/id iu li > , > | uml hus thiity- fined bubordmato bodkti vv ith lf > 00 inoiliberH , wiille the Scottish i itij of the northern juiis- tlktion is thirlv five vcu-s old and Uas but nliicle.cn bodleb with lVtiO ( membeis Tlw colonel then hiunchcd upon an eloquent ti Ibuto to the1 Inerlts of the Scottish rites "Tho. Oi ntul Conslstorv of Mlnncsotii" was responded toby Mr K J Kdvvaids , ] i. , fif Minnciiiolls | , phut illusliioiis comiminilei In- chief , who spuke In ielly He mild the Mitine sola consistor } was organl/cd four , veaisnio with nevcntj membei-s nml now bus : uHe pionounc'cd u enlog.v upon Dcputv ( liand Commander Hriggs , who vvas piom nt. nnd called thcp.utv to theii feet to dilute to the health of that Illustrious Mason Mi N H Ijilwauls , ofWebbterClty , sjioko uriell } to the tonst , " Clio drum ! Conslstoi } of Iowa " Ho totaled a couple of laugh able anecdotes nml gave Uip Nelnnsknns a heaitv Invitation lo go ovei to Iowa nml get n good beat hug "The Mnsoni.v of Amciica was spoken to ! ) } Pust Mnstor H C Atkinson of this cdv. "The Ladies" was responded tobv Itiothcr Hnlph Hiec Ivciiittlge , of Omnha The paitv mo o nnd drank the health of "Sister" llnggs Mr Bieehcnridgo was at n loss to know vvhv an innocent bat , he lot hnd been chosen for this response when tlieio were so mini } older men present who had giown bild nnd grav In the-lr de votions nt tlio ln me of benutv ; but his 10 spouse abounded in gineefiil sentiments , felicitoush expi essed , and was one of the happiest clfoits of the evening. The compaii.v broUo up at ttieenrh houi of 11 after an oxi'HMlitigl } enjonblo evening A CMVIK : : THICK. 'J ho MfthtitlH of n VIHIIIKVoiiiiin to Keep llui sell' In Tin Jlone.v. IlKs MeiixM , in. , July IS [ Special Telo gi.tm to 'I'm Hi'i.l A } oiing hutj , icspee In bl } connected , vvas iiriestod lo dav foi u series of ver.v clover foigeiics which she had attempted Slie sent n small bo\ to n shoo morclinnt with u note ptu polling to be signed b } u customer for the Him , asking for two puns of shoes foi trial The'V vvcie given without nny sus picionof fiaild The lioj then vv cut to another stoic and pi odtiictl n note lo a voting lad.v cleik , asking a loim of monev It was signed bv n voting mini whom she ic'eogni7cd as her fiieml , ami so Uie money vva < > foiUuommg Then the bov went to nnotlit r stoic with iinoUiir iciitiest , nnd , suspicion he me unused , the polite weie lulled The bov was told to go IncK lo the wotmtn who sent him He did so ami nn ollicci followed , and shoitlv nfler oveitook u vimng lnl\ on rsinth sti eel with the goods in hei possession , wliuli she hnd obtained bv foitreiv As she Is well eolinerled iml in good c licumst inecs , the cnusi1 nf in r straiit'o conduct H iinkmivvn She seems to htive had n mania lei loipci v and pcttv town's ! ; ) : ) Case. DIsMoixrs ln.lulv It ISpcii.ll to Tin Hit l-'lbe ilttiinevs foi Ihe Koek Is' ' mil and HuilniKton , Ced ir linpids and Noithein lailioaiUcontmncd taUing desjiositionstu da\ In the injtiiiclion case nirinist the lailioid commission Mi Amswurtli bcciotnis of the boaid , vvison the st mil nil dav to dav oxpl lining how the LooUs of the c imimission- cis w cio he pt mid whit wen" their usual methods of pi 01 crime , Indr'e Witlnow , gemiial solu itoi lei the Hoik Island io.ni , innduils the t xamm iinn lei Ihe lailioids , nml Attoinrv Ciineinl li.ilui und .ludgo Nouise of this e itv nil foi the tick use1 The tittmnns foi the lo.ifls aio living to piove Uml tliu i ommissioni I s in c not i ompctt nl to fix asc'iudnle of i.iles and th it thcv h uo not conducted then vv oik in a sv-itonialn nml c TI jfnl niaiinci. Commissioner Smith will piobnbl } be piiton Ihe slant ! lo moiiinv I > iovviicil A'luli' Dis iMuixis , In , Julv is , ST i lal 'li > lc grr , " , to Tin I inPi ] of M L H.titlelt nnd diitishtoi Comic , 0" ° cs r ioinesS' D Chandler nnd dnaphtei Mille nnd Di Cbulos Ijiillold nnd ditughtei dim 10 , of . .IctTeiMmveie all di owned in the Coin liver while bathing to iin } Piof Hutlitt is a widclv l.iiov n mmlcal dnectoi , and w.is lomtuiting , i null i ' in-tiUt'ont , li-ITi ion i when the di- aslci o'l'iiiieii lie was foimeilv of Chi i uo This SHI ! fiu-ci'ilv will close Ihe msli tutc _ An Alien ! Absconds. Wuiiuoo , la , Julv IS [ Special Tele1 giamtoTni Hi iW. i | . M Hall , npent of the Minneapolis Hlevator comp my nt Ogdcn , absconded l iidnv with 1'tOO belonging to Iho company nnd left local meichatits for iibout s"i)0 ) inoiv Hvei } efloit is being made to hnd him , but o far without success. IVntorloo I > inoc r.it > i Itiitily. Wvn r.roo , July IS. ISpccml Telegiam to Tun Hn-j The democrats of Ulackhnwk c'ountv Ifold n big laUiloition meeting heio to nigbt Speeches WJie rnulo bv lion HOIMCC Hoies , Him Cato Sells and Mat Huvane , n lecil ixibtieil leadei of laboring men m Hits distuit. The icpiiblic-ins will i.ttifi Julv 2 * _ lite Clear LitKe Assoinhlj. MA-ON CITV , Ii , Julj -fbpoM.il Tle - gram to Tin H"i ] The Clear L ike Sundaj si heel assembly opened to niTlit Tlio assem- bli is in i li.u go of W. D Maibtov , vv.th Hev. T. 1 Flemi.nng , Ph. D , ns insiiu tor Dean Wnght , D D , ot Hoston ii'iivorsili , londucts the school of thoohvrv , assisted bv Dr. J H Kigbv , of Lvon , In Hishop Fn g preaches m xl Siindnv in F A w.vrit ; SPOUT. It C.uric Oestriic'ti > n and Consterna tion to St. Aiiuiistlne , l < Mi. ST. AK.ISIIXIFin. . , Julv IS [ .Siicci.il Tek'giam to I'm Ht.i' . | A t niblo water spin' sti tick the city yosleidnv nftoinoon , upsetting boats m the hnthor , vvie-Uing sov- mal buildings nnd iieiting gicit nlaim. H was Ihst obseived near Noith Huch , nnd in Unity minutes it wns on the town These wbob.ivv it lushing tow .id the nty niv it wasgiandl } teinllc People in Us pith lied wildh ma PJIIIC A BCOIO of Indies weie thioun down and injiiied Aft' r c lowing thebi' it liftt d up the steamci Spring ( ! ni den nnd eai uetl her over the M i wall. After vvieilving sevorul small buildings it passed off to the southwest No loss ol life oc- cui i cil i'.uinv Diivoniioit Kivoi ucil. Ni Volts , July is Fiinnio L. O Dnven- poit Piieo , the ai'tiess , has been ginnted nn nlnolnto divoico fiom hot husband , Henry H Pi ice , _ _ Pop Siuihtioko UHC lloi" rord's Acid Phosphalo. Du A L 7M K , Mi hose. Mum , savs ; "It lirodiicod n ( . 'ratifving and legoneiatiug olTcct in a case of sunstroke " Mriel's. The bill passed Tuesdnv bv the scnalc for tlio adjust mint of the pu of liborers ami inec'ianicsumlt'rtho ' eight bout law was acted upon f ivoiablv bv Iho house committee1 on labor , v ( itcrdiiy mot ning1 , and vv ill bo rcpoi ted to Uio house to inotrow A bill liitiodnced at lite icquest of a largo number of ilvil ongineei , for the establish ment of a bure m of haibois and watci wavs , vvas n polled bv Senaloi Ciillom icsttetlnv flum the committee on commcrco without icconimondution , and placed on tlio calendar , the senator stating thnt the lommlttio li id not been nblo , in picss of other vvoik , to give the matler full consideration The Unite-d States counsel at Victoria , H C , n poi Is to tlio btuto dop u tment tli.it thei o 1ms IKCII n lenowcd influx of ChmeFo into Hutish Columbii 'llu arrivals fiom Maj 1 lo Jill } b number 2t-51 persons The mos.1 of the immigrants are piovidcd with leturn cer tificates issued by Uio United Status customs oHlceis , and are on their way to San Fian J'jo-pectivo There is danger of the utnpaot entered into botno time ago between the agents of the bcvcrul board insnranco companies of tins city going to nieces Tnis will cause u war umong the Insuianco leproscntutivcs which will not bo grentiv appreciated Tlio cause of this is the cupulit } of some of tlio companies who have doubled and trebled their ugonts In this city There- are 12" > bom d companies represented here by forty live agents. Fifteen of these companies have inoretiiun QUO leiuosentutivo hoie , and these ropiesQiitativos , in order to catelitiade , Imvo been saoillking u | > urt of their cpmiujssion toiusuicd iiartles , Urns vlolutlhg the ugrc. ' inout vvhlcli requires Unit no agent shall cut his cojiiinlssidn Tor tha IjeqelH of u patrclH Violation of this iiKrecuient is punishable .vith n Ilheof * 1K ( > nml though the violations at o of daily occurrence1 , no punishment bus v l been inflicted. ' 1 his condition of nITiiii s , It is thought , unlc.ss prcvcnti'd , will soon bring about u dissolution of the compact , which , however , would bo moio to tliu advantage,1 of Uie public Drink Miilto it is pleasant. Xot „ . . . 'Iho t'ommliton of the Union club hold an- othci meeting last evening to consider the linitler of illuminating the streets dm ing full- week This project , however , lotoivcd n black ovobj the gns company sending word that thi'j could not supplv gas suftlciclit for such illumination Tlie matter will be con- sitloieil fnuiici again this evening again b > the cummiUcc. An AI ) ohuo ruro. Iho OUIGINA1 AUIKl'lNi : OINTMRNT is onlv pul up in Inigu two linnet ) tin boves , and is an absolute ) euro for old * ues , burns wounds , chipped hauls , and all skin eiuiv lions Will poiitivclv cure all kinds of piles Ask for the OUIGINAL ' ' AHIRI'INR O1N 1'- MKNT Sold bj Gootlimm Drug Co. at 'J3 cculs per box by mail JO cents Hess SloneuutleiH , The Stoiiecntteib'association of the Mis soiirivallcv has i-onchided its session mill adjoin nod , to meet in St Joseph nc\t September Tlio convention was a bar mommis one , tho. main object , thai of ices tablishing the rules of labor ngieod upon at the lust i ( invention , being nllaincd. Among llioso pn sent were tlio following George Diigan , Kansas Oitv. M. Dunlap. Kansas Cilv Anton Pic Uoi , WiuioiiRbuig , Mo , V' } j Ktnoij , Kansas litj , Hinn liatli , Kansas Cilv ; A Sliletmaistei , Kansas Citv ; K 1 ? Hutch , St. Louis ; John baigcnt , Topcka , David Kelt Igor , btrang Citv , D P Hauie'll , t-lcmcnts , Kas , Albeit Poll , Omiha , Albeit bclmll , Omaha ; Jacob Pionimcr , AUhison All of Ihcse have left foi their homes. The ek'lioious frajjiMiioo , re'IivshniK1 e'oolliesnnd boft beauty iniptirli'd to llio skin by Po/7Oiii'b Vowdcr , e'oiu- il to nil ladies. rnihhed Hj tlu > fat.- . Sr Lot is , Julv H As a i-oal train cnmo out of the westein end of the budge tunnel this evening the locomotive nml font cms Jumped the tnicK.illiim \Villaid \ , the eonductoi , was tlitovvn umki the moving cais ami Killed instmitlv Fi.inK Hekoui , the Hi email , was cnibhcd to death undei Uie tindci. A DesptMiido Killed. Si Lot is , , ltil\ is _ A special despatch s.ivs th it the notoi ions dobpeiadoiish Middleleni , wns killcii nl Juspei , Alk , b } an ollicer , while n listing aiicst. Pu is , Jul } 1 Houl mgcr is worse The doilois have been summoned to a consulta tion The Wonther tndii'.itioiiM NtbiasUa , low n and Dakota , lull , vv aimer , w imls becoming soulhei 1 } "Miiimll.ui rabies. Tlio two follow iiiij ancient Mongolinn rubles have been soul homo lo tlio Hiitish and KOICI M Uiblo sooiot } by n iiiissionaty fiom Noilh I'ltina. 'J'lie'.v an' of { , ri oat intuie t , as hliowinj ! tli'o coiiiiiHiuit.v of fabulous ideas uiuoiif ! 1111- civ ili/od jeoili' ) . Thoio vv.wa lion that U'-od to virv : _ liisdiol bv _ oatnijj iu tutu ono fiom all tlio Kinds' of tlio le.ists of tlie held. One da.it . was tbe lime's turn , anil llio lion , looking ; soiiowfufl } at llii1 animal , said : "A poor inoiii for tniv to-ilnv , ' You'io not , woitli eating ; jou won t oven fill up tlio chiukb bu- tucou uiv tocth. Ijlttle nso in oat- 111ou'1' ' Tlio liato I'cnltcd : "Do lilon1- ! . t oiulc'socnil to c.it me1. 1 liavo just hart a nanovv csoajio fiom beiny oaten bv an animal .is toiriblo-looKiiifj as jou. ' ' Tlio lion , in a IMJO , do- m.indodVlioit1 : is Ihoio auv animal like moy Let me see liim. " Tlio baio led him away to a vvoll , and tolel him to look down. Look clown lie did , and Ihoio. suio oiioutrh , saw a beast Hint twisted liib face , looked d.'fj ' uis , sot up In.s man-1 , ami sluiweil Ins teutlt as lioioolj as ho did. The lion could not stand tins , and , leapin j down to punish his tivul , peri-shod in the attempt. Moral if a min has peed sense , don't despise him , though his bodilv btiength IUHJ bo hinnll ; and , Bine-e dangeis oan lie ovoie-ome by wisdom , .seek to develop the poweib of the in ind. A mouse fell into a pit nnd could not Hot out. Au elephant , heat Ing ith little piteous voice , lookeel into llio pit , and , M-oiiij ! a iiiouso , lowered down his tail , which tin- mouse laid hold of , and thus leached the sin face. The little annual thanked his roat deliver and said lie would never foi ct the kindness ho 10- oeivod. The elephant anl lie hud helped him onl\ because Tie had been moved h } pit.v , and disclaimed au.v liO ) o of honifjf lopaid foi Ins tumble , and ttiss- uns-cd the mouse with ti benediction. Ycais pas-ed bjaud tlio same elephant , old ami nilii-m , fi'll into a lavme too nai low to permit him to use. Tlio mouse , heonif , ' Ins dostios- . . collected all the mice in those pills and sci aped away ono side of the lav me , nitiKint ; it wide ciiough for the elephant to rise. Moral : Be helpful to olhoid and will bo hoi port , join self. Paper Made ol'ISonilj tjvor "Wo now inaKo nhoiil evor. , from a s-liiit to a cat wheel out of piper , but wo nro nUo m iknir } paper out of iiearlv ovei.vthiuy.aid a Yankee mtmufaoUiicv lo a Now VoiK Tolejjram reporter. ' The most recent invention iu our trade ami il H ono which Imls Tint to lovolutioin/e il altogether--- Mio pi o- cess of making p ipjr out of eolton 1 1 was i-i'contlv diseovoicd bv n jfonllom.in fiom < icortfiii , v\ lie lias thus opened ui aiiotlior } ! iOiit imliislr.v to the south , for tlio hnllb of tile cotton seed , Intheito coiihtdoii'd ntlorlv woitliloss amoiu \v.ihloin fuel me no\v found to bo tlio im > st Milunhlo for tlio mulling of paper pulp. "The discoverer , afler niin.li slud.v , came to llie coiii-liibioii tluit tlie , luills could be made into paper pulp. An uimljois of the hull fallowed that it is composed of nine labors , tlio two upper ones lining black and coaiao , while the lomaining seven aioof very line Hiiro , and after being nubjoeUd loaceitain eliemicnl juocoss can bo bleached u fleecy white. About five h uml roil pounds of Ihosu hulls VUM-O cent lo a paper mill for experiment , and tlie ro- biilt wiib tlio pioduDtof tlie flno&t textile pulp that , tlie t hcmi&l hurt ovc'i SIMMI , wlnlo the paper woven ficuii tlio pulp makes a much better und -mouther mil- do thnn oiuimirjnuu. > print , ' ; is well lib a good iuahlv | of vMiling papur. " "Can paper be iiiudo clic.tpc.ifiom this pulp llian b.\ tin ) old pioiAit--1' ' ' "I IHJ Inuu and i oil of tedui ing the hull * lo Jiulp is only > ( > pt i cmil of v , hat tin1 piubunt pioioss lofiuires , limn tlio price of papui wilt bo i educed about one-half , utnlu llie qu.ility will liumiuli belter. Pcihuw | I can illtibli.ito Ihe exact - act dilTeieiieu in thin way : To lodiioo pojilar wood to pulp it loquiii- : ; [ J ° of baiimo liquid , witli llio pounds of htoain picsauro , and the time coi uined is bix- teen lioui-s , but with thu cottonseed liullb the time is onlj oiglil hour , v. itii onu-hulf llie liquid and sleum oru buio. "In addilioa , tlio cotton bUlK'- ; can bo iibod ae well for tlio inii'iufactuie of pUli ) und by Iho jnoeebs Dialed ahovo euii ! > o made to produce u good ohids of paper. " Dr. Hamilton Warrim , Mag-nolie Phj- feiiiian and burgeon , ItQotn ! ! t'l'ouiiw bloirk , corner loth and ( upi'ol aveiikru. Chronieund iiurvon ty. TelephonoSlK ) The Duties of Tiiat Important Adjunct on Board a Man-of-War , \Vomlorrul I'xpcrlcni'n ofnn Oiiuilm Mini U'lio Oconiilcd Dint 1'osl- tlun In tiio I'nlted States .Nnvj. Tlun > II\CH in dmihi totliy a nmiiUui twiMilviiii * ago imliat Is t < < imiil on tioanl u mull of Hiir a p < mdm m nk < v Itio iluiics of u p iwilin monki'v , us we uniUitlnii 1 tl Is to xnpplv amiiiiiiilUnn frum tin nmmiriiip and to tln > gnmitiMh } \ \ in in imn. Iliu mini refirtoil to wont into the I mini Stittn mix \ uhiMiliiitu boy bc'lt.g ami nl that tin i onh llMMts uml In his Nirttn > nit tin nvi > nit hlilpslic IraVc'Icil o ci tlicHHiimli ut linl ' f oioiin and li IM IICHMI In nouh evi iv pmt In 1Uc v\orld mid his evporlmi-me vvinim till ag > oil Hl/nl Vdliinic' and make vei > liittiobtineriiiil Inu' Inu'I I lie guiitlt ninn rofc rn il to Is Mil rn MTTII * , il vrrm , whose' phirc1 of liimiiipss Is in room IS lit raid building. I'o t lie- \\tlt ( r Ml. Miilthuns WHS te luting someof hl < \pnli nee , ami being ne ( | iiilnliil for soint. time 1th Ml MMthmvs Im iifktil him to toll him mm It wns that no lost thu huulmtuf tils luft tar. "VVlij , linn t ell Know Uml Ihnvo rogntniMl ny hi'.iiiiiKHKitln ? 1 see vim illil not knon It so I must lull joit but 1 must ilvsl lull 3011 lion 1 lost It Thu two lit their clgnrs mid < mt flow u for n giH > d clint , mid Mt Viiitthnus eolitliini-d Ins imliutlu1 " \ mi M o , w lilln Ivn I In the iuius n povMki moiiKev m > dntlps ofti nreiiulioil Uml Iikmn at thu luirot andvvhllu down thoio inrrj dlscluugit of Ihe gun makes an awful concussion mid to us pool monke.vs Intliusi tinntHlt wnsfrtiong i-iHuigh tu LnoiK tisdimu Miinotlnips I noticeil that inj CMUS v > ere IIP coming airi cti'il bj iho ( iisilmrgn of thogmi ni ij mid I vuMit to thu suiKion on lionnl v\li > tola me thnt liu i ould do nothtng foi me i \i lit tliul I Imclbttter iiho lotton In mj cum. I did homirt tothiit. I Ihlnk , 1 out' the lit in Im1 of m\ ilRlitim Aflri nt > tttlromcnt Hum tlunuvj nn loft < ar continued to grow WOIMMUH ! I lust the hoiirlm ; of it c-ntlu1 ! ) . In niliimlmsil Imvpl ionslilt > rnlilv mid Imvp hid mi oppor tunltj totiinsiiit miinti cif ihillmst nnrlMHln tliiMounttv mid I illd iimsiilt llicin too mull prisumo that I Imvo had t\\o dci/iiior thi-m VMiiklngon in ) turs , lint tins tolil nu1 mu < mnl alltlmt theilinm wns tntlioh iltstmvod mid I VMiuld in vi i lit > nbleto hi 11 agiiln. I gel n < i us tonuclto In mini ; with onh the om 0,11 mil hail ahum miiiln up m ) mind Unit 1 iii'MH woi.lil IIOHI ngnm with niv li r > c ir I litiume uuiualiiiid with a voiing mini who Is < untuned with ) Vlctov in Hi Itiim L lllmk , mid he bci .inn' tiled , hi sain , f luiNtlig to IC < IH it his conveisitlontniiuimidt 11 mi to i Mint1 up mnl havi tie cli itonntnini iu\ em mid M > \\lint In iiniM do I'.u n I , .i ( j Imigliiiliit him anil did not go but a It H wic'ks iiKotlK nil CIIIIIIIIHIII c-d dlsihmgliiL ; in : tin ami 1 v i nt to li ) Mil oj M olll ( In li IM > It iitti mini . to , IIP i Mimliii'd m > cm and -im , that tin ilium VMIS tlmoil intirilv distiii ) cil , mid ilmt IH > did not Know us IIP i milil do mi ) thing for It. but tluit he wonlildiilmt he i ould tin II , Iu hiUed tin i' . u ill ) , mnl tin n in ill ' an apjiai utiiM tu ] in' Into HUM at wlilih Iniilai IM ! tluiomiil I con I hi 11 ut oni i , I hi mil aati h tli k hi Id om f i r Inmi tin left on. sonu thing I hud not doiu Im l\Mtit > .Man I thought turliaps itui wiih the i mht inr I luniil It , ami clusid tliul e r in , nml I WHS vi rv iiRietmilv liiitl'-i1il ] to htnrlt vitv pliitnlv with thi > lull fin Of con M it wilt lake nome MltliMInu1 until I liofnit'i n < tistonu d to .Mating thuappmutus In ni ) iu > , but I \ > ul soon oven emi tliul ltlsv < n n it mid us v u mil ti 11 ninn t he seen nt all V on w mid not Knou linn u.i.s ainthliiK In nn i ui unli sl \\oulil pull It out , mt > Irl pull It out I immol In at. HO I kept it in , uml I In ai mm usM II a * I iTiiillil I um ver ) glud I look nn Hit nils nil v Ice mid VM nl to sin thiMloitoi foi he huHilonii foi me wh it inuliy uiiotlu i huHtiiedt do mid fulled , I mn nioti' thin NnltMlid with HID win hutr Hti d mo mil ti l utisll' d that mi ) pi i Mia Hint pluies him or hi i > i If uiulcr hlitn-at nu nt will iit-vi i ItiiMiraiiSH toiegrt't It 'I how i Hi i thmikcd Mr. Miitthi < foi hlsklnd m ss mid uskod him w In tin I hi w ould olijei t to having his tonvuisatlun pnlillshid In thu foi m of n tcstliiKinnil "Not it nil , ' continurd Unit gi ntlniimn , ' 5 u can publish It mid vvoli ome mid just itihl fi i m Unit II thi-i < > 1 uiivone wliodnnliN tin tnithi.r it the v m u lull on nir ut room Is llciulil nu lit Ing mid Imn rtm\lnin tin in Hint It Is inn. c\or ) \\nid of It. V hI I could not 1 i-ui \\oicl n m in.iiiti if i was not on th > l tt si It ol him and Ilipn onh hiiid It 1 idHlini th lull now I cut hi mil all right no nuttier wlmt side I nm on ! MiiUuvvsns ubnvn stated Is ingiced In InisiiussuRii liai'ti In UK llmild building nt UiHfinnoi of 1Mb nml } 'antnv hticetK , and If wlllnii ; toc.oioboi.ito the abovu lo an ) nu. TW13NTV-ONK A Tow Symptom * of Dlspnse Thnt > Iny Prove SorlniiN to Von. T)0)oii ) have froquonl Ills of mi'iital dcprcs. slim/ Iooii ) oxppiknco ilnglng r < i bnzzlin ; noises ill vom omsc Do von ft el its though 5011 must sulTocati ) when hlngdoVMii' Aieou tuiublnl with a hacking cough mid gcniiul dibllll ) t An ) om i osgcnoinll ) wotik and VMttorj mid froiiiiinttv iniluniPdi1 DOIM viiur voice havu i husk , thick sound mid a mis il suit ol tw UIK. Is join bieithfieiin ) ntl ) olTeiiilve fiom some llnvi vouuiltill , oppies ° lvo hiuduihc1 , giiuu alh lee Ued o\c i thu i jcii1 ) ) Imvo toll t k and i onyh freiiu ntl ) In tin Hit el to i In u ) om thio it/ \ro Miu losing join vi iisi' of smell mill I"DIII Hensi of luste biiomliu ilullidi' Hues vom no > i > iiU Hs ful stopped up , foi" liv. ; vouto bn itlu tlnoiigh jour mini h Do von lientus itlv fi" > l dlzj-v , pmtkiiliuly \\lii n slooplm ; tupUk an.Mhlnj- tlio llooi ' HPPSOVP ! ) little di Ut of nil nnle uj slight i of tomin rntiu Khu ) ou n cold' A in jou umio.M ii [ lij n const ml ili-slru tolmwk nml spit out nn i nill'-ss ' qu intltj of pltli tm' Do jou ilsifiom lioil as tlirilitnu vxoik us jou vvi ro tin1 night lii'tort" and fn 1 us though jou w.uitnl to llu tin in tuntit iHjom tin nit Illk11 , viti ! phlegm Intlto iimn iiigulu hi m oa'j ' ! > t ilist It uuid itfte r v lule nt coiiKliln ' ami Innv king nti'l HpUtliiK/ llu jou ii iitM mllj wnkii liom a ti ii'ilo ' ftliop with i Milt nml foul us it von ImitjiM esuiiiitl ihorilhl ili'ath In clinking Him1 vou li > - < l nil Intciixt In vom nllim 'l biiilii Sim fninmrii I'VHiiii's , nllnuibitn ng n nml tin v nu ttc'l liiilliUiinllii i liu hi in in i\ llnds von ilivn i i di ml/ AnJnll tliillblfll vMlllllilliilliliirn fl I'll till ) liiMiHiitnihi tliiont KIIIIII Him s wilt 11 nil i\ ii sj\i. KIIIIII unit's iiiiuii- ' ( link , ti l ni , to vvhitoMi It tinu In11 ! om ttn.p * blunlj , ' I ntdiilj iilum * pmrlil unit i Hi ic-ho I In nliiM itienniii ol tin in my-Mill' i > s if c"itmili nnrt the lit _ innliitf t IIIIIK'KIIII ' e N t inn nst'la a huiiilHMl will him'all ol'l ' in ' ti I'M 1J Oil ! IlUVl-tlMl WlllllltVl1 tOW 1 llmi . if tin in I hi'i'H'dti i in iiniiii Mil mils vein HI inn loins , tin limit' ill nc'i inns jinn i on lltn i 1 > - I 1 lb ( , Of ( II'-C IM'1-4 trilltlllMlJ htl , x I I \ I > 1)1. Mi < o > 01 his n-'Mn InlHs I In inituv < it " ' Iinitiil tliidiiKli tin i iilunins of tlioilnll ] uii JIIOM StlllS IU1 It'll llStHtl till lit IlltllllS1 ! 11 htiiin lull ! tin siiiiiuiistjhiiilij lfii > i > nil' ' n ur d. lir \liloj ami hlH nsw Iritis n e no HI < itl nus tnnns lint i iiiu nisi mi' In tlnMi Mkllliu ! imlil imlton of tlto in st hiKivn 11 nu ill'B iiipl | > i li llu most iiipuiMil | maliiiii , nml l > v usin , thu litttst iinilm lit hlKltli U'cummiii li il upi'l ui i Known lethe piofi'ssion 'IIi'j thu-pr d < i < ro suit Hint MII ui tin iluniBelvihln tin iiuusiu til lllsi lltCd 'HlllxM .IKH1110HU1 II III' 1 llllll > i > II eminent phv sit Inns have tuliUvcdn su - In Hiringillftci'e v\Iitch low or no oilici u iiou citn ttupllcatu J. CRESAP MCCOY , Laic of Bclleyiic Hospital New YorX , HAS No. 310 nnd 311 Rnmvo DuUUm Corner I'Kt' enlli anil lluiin > HH Oimiln , Nub v here nil uuuljle ( Ubiwuit lrcun.il VM'll KUlCUlM Mi Ucal UUcu .i > lu.itnl kiHlull > i uusiiini > - linn , i , light k iliseust , J\ iicii la , llio ( < i.nai ) ) t , 1111(1 lll | M lt\l ) " tlJU ll'IION nt ii'lluM ) , liyiiiull ( | OlliCU JiOlIUU | U | | m , tt ; I j , in , , tO iu , in , him u < illlioii ntij tmiu J.t ti.tolp in. ( ( jrii * tii "ih ni c | ccilviu > | > ionilillU niilini AI tu ell 94i j ! * via ( nj tiLtl miqtii > * ! fiilv lii Dr. M ( ( OJ ty.uUjgll ttlfiUllllti , ftllll it ISllMH IHHSjIjlD tin , Mio-i uiuiljlu jo miikua joiuriry t < uUt III r-.4 vililnule > stii'i.juiai..cO : | hi ft iiiii .VII i mllmiiiilil bu iulii jul : on j ( a Mil- } ljioij Jl"ji.J M , Kuiugo biill