Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    , r
* * ,
A Further Ventilation of the Trouble
at the State University.
Testimony SUlistnrttlrOly tlie
SAIIIC nq'Yhat Adduced nt ho
Koimer Sessions of tli7
llimrtl of r.c-Rcnts.
1023 P bmnKT , >
LINCOLN. July 17. )
pursuant to Friday's adjournment the
board of regent * this morning rtumod the
investigation Into the conduct of Chancellor
Manatt since ho became the recognized heart
of the state university. The nlumnHutio-
duced Mr. Frank W. Kramer for the purpose
df substantially proving Iho charge in speci
fication , seven. Being duly sworn ho stated
that ho became n student of the university
during the fall of 1S 4. Prior to his matri
culation , however , he formed the acquaint
ance of S. S. Chase , with whom ho made
arrangements to live nnd wfirk for his board
during his student days. ho might do
tills ho sought relief from drill In the cadet
corps and called open the chancellor to see
whether or not ho could ho relieved
irom ttuch duty. "I told the chancellor , "
said Mr. Kramer , "tluil 1 had to
tnuke > uy own way and had engaged
to do chores and other work for my broad ,
butivculd have to walk eight miles each day ,
Which I could not do and uttcnd to drill ex-
or io . He advised me to go home and go
to work and stive , the money uocc sary to
take tne through fcl.oal and then to comeback
back , but ho did it in such u way that It hurt
jny feelings very deeply. Hat lieoxctrscd mo
from drill. " Tlio cross examination took up
but a moment's time , and thu prosecution
rested. The chancellor askoil the witness If
the advice lie gave lihu was not due to the
preat distance lie would have tovalk each
day , to which he replied. "I do not know ,
but the manner In which you advised ino
hurt my feelings very muc * . "
Prof. Charles E. Honnett was first called
by the defense and duly sworn. Ho said that
ho was the principal of the Latin department
of the state university , and had boon during
the three year ? last past. Ho further stated
that his relations with Uiochancellor , faculty
nnd students had been rather close and Inti
mate , and that ho felt himself competent to
testify on most questions , if not all , raised In
Iho alumni's charges ag.iftist the chancellor.
The witness vcri' ' positively asserted that the
chancellor's rulings and bearing wlicn In fac
ulty meetings weio uniformly dignified and
fair , and while ho sometimes ussd sarcasm
mid irony , he thought not sufficiently se\ ere
to urmrant the specified charges of
the nlumnl association. "Indeed , " the
witness said , "it was extremely rare
when the chnncellor used irony nntl
sarcasm in faculty meetings. I attended
them quite regulaily , but happened to ho ab
sent lit thu time of the open rupture between
the chancellor nnd Prof. McMillan. In his
relations wilh tlio students , " the witness
said , "tho chancellor was uniformly very
patient , considerate and as deferential as ho
could well bo considering tlio dignity of his
position. I happened to witness the meeting
botv.ucu Chniifcllor Mnnatt and Mr. Tinker ,
the student who tcstllicd against the chancel
lor legarding the disposition of the society
meetings , arranged for n share in the pro-
gramme of commencement wt-Ck , but which
wcio opposed by the chancellor. Tinker's
attitude was very defiant nnd his language
indicated passion. The chancellor treated
\vith this matter very calmly and , I thought ,
wisely : his bearing to waul Mr. Tinker was
certainly very kind nud consldeurato. I was
present when Mrs. Lloyd and the chancellor
met In the laboratory , and heard the language
attributed to the chancellor by tbe Indy. f
could not see an.UhiiiK very caustic or irou >
Icul in the language , 'You have gaugou your
work above the capabilities of ycur "pupils. "
Tbo circumstances warranted It. Ve , Prof.
Iloivanl said to moon one occasion thcf. . tlio
fuculty would not stand any more o * the
rhnncellor's aggressions. The conversation
that followed this remark Impressed me tt\at
tlio faculty had entered into a conspiracy
against tlio chancellor and would resent fu
ture notions on his part nol in the line with
their wants and convictions. I have also
hoaul Prof. Howard advise the abandonment
of the office of chancellor , and u government
of the faculty to take Its place. "
Prof. Bennett WIIB cross examined nt greill
length , but In spirit mid fact his test !
' many remained unshaken. It is
true , However , that matters of persona' '
interest , but in no way bearing
upon the rliatges under investigation , were
developed , vlx : That the chancellor and bo
worn on very friendly terms ; thnt the wit
ness expected professional advantemen' '
through the aid of the chancellor , but not
under pressure of allegiance to the adminis
tration ; that the witness nnd administration
hud not always been f i lendly ; thut grievances
between them hud existed , but that they hat
been settled without official Interposition
The \vitno8s insisted that bo esteemed the
chnncullor competent for Iho position ho
hold , and that ho was fair and dignified h
his rulings nnd government of faculty meet
Ings. Ho claimed friendly feelings for the
fuculty nnd all parties interested In the in
vcstlgatlou , and wns deliberate , fair , frunl
nud seemingly honest in all of his state
ments. "
Kegcnt Mnllnlieu settled the Impression bj
a few timely questions that there had beet
n collusion between the professor und chan
collar relative to the salary and advancouion
of the witness , and the feet was mos
thoroughly developed that Bennett Is stll
working for the muno salary paid him tin
Histe.if , , whoicas the understanding wa
ihut If ho proved to ho the party wanted b ;
reason of competency and experience , he wn
toiccelvotho salary of a professor SJ.IOJ
per j car. It seems thnt thn chancellor had
uurcod to recommend the raise of his salary
9400 , recently , nl the present meeting of tlio
board of regents.
Judge Allen W. Field , a graduate of the
VSniverslty of the class of Ib77 , was called to
the stand and sworn , testifying that ho was
, u member of the alumni association and
luid been since the year following his
Kiuduation , and that ho had been
in the habit of attending the
meetings of the association. When asked if
ho had attended thu last mooting of thu
ttlumni , ho said : "I did not becuuao I
received no notice thnt such u intuiting wan
to have uccn held. It is usual , " said Judge
Field , "for notices to bo Klveii , nnd some
times the officers of the association uru so
polite thut invitations nro Issued. Such no
tice or Invitation may have been given but I
resolved none. " Judge Fluid iurlhor said
that hud his attention been called to the
meeting ho should most certainly have at
tended. Witness dirt not believe that the
meeting wn generally known. He said thnt
the conservative members of Iho association
would have entered n vigorous protest
against Iho passage of the resolution ; thnt It
never would have passed hud thu meeting
been generally attended , and that he believed
thut ho was In a position to know what
lie was testifying to. Ho mild that one great
rt'aaon for this U because the muoi ity of the
association know very little regarding the
present "Internal" condition of the affairs nt
university ; thnt the past hud demonstrated
that the chancellor's position la thoNebinska
university was something like a whipping
post , to bo used by the fuculty us circum
stances and conditions might warrant , and
nlwuik to hidobohnulheii personality waste
to bo mirrored hi any way. The witness was
very buio the university had piospuredunder
the management ot Chancellor Muuult. The
matriculation of students from all over the
state und Iho union , since the commencement
of his administration wns proof suffi
cient of this. Growth in ' enroll
ment had been without precedent during
the cut lie history of the Institution. Tbo
utm cislty has a fair uamo abroad , and until
the hasty and unwise action ot the alumni ,
at its last meeting , very little was known of
"trouble brewing and growing , " oven In the
city of Lincoln , the homo of the institution ,
Thu Witness sntd thnt the general reputation
of Chancellor Mnnatt as nn official , at hoinu
nnd abroad , wns of high order. He said that
the patrons of the state university properly
placed a duo catlranta upon the chancellor's
work In bringing the high nnd common
schools of the state Into close relation with
the university , and that ho believed the passage -
ago of the resolution condemning the admin ,
istrutlou was crossly unlust. Further , the
Judge said : "I have met Iho chancellor quit *
frequently in social relations , and have nlwnyt
found hint moil gentlemanly in his demeanor
HiU bearing , riiuvo always found IiU man
ncrof ndVJrcr"1
TlicjcroM-oxnmluiltSs , conducted by Mr ,
Wilson , wns too Iffnff for detail. 11 strength-
mod Anther than weakened JudgtfT'lcli' *
statements. When nAltcd If he had not do
cjarpd Mnnatt unjllnnd incompetent for the.
position ho WHS occupying , he made ari une
quivocal denial. Ho Bald , however , that he
hud rrmiukcd that no one could do oflll'icnl
work under present conditions , but thut ho
did ilot wvcu think thai llio chancellor outtht
lo IMJ held responsible for Iho pres"nt uii >
pleasantness ; thut llioro W-ero present mem
bers of ( ho i racalty who hud hud expoile-nco
Iu'other ' university muddles , who Would
como In for nt least a share of ccusaro and
E. P. Holmes baltitc duly sworn , toatiaetl
that lie 7T"a t'rfidiiate of the state trii-
verslly ana WPS B7nr.c-.rh" ' -acjunlntod with
t ie present ! jtuntion ol rtfVnlrs. TTu Tt" * l
Hint ho did not b-rllevo Unit the action of the.
alumni association Init Juno Was timnly or
wise ; thut it did not express the sentiments
ot n majority of its members , and that had
the nltomlanto been general the passage of
the resolution would have b-jon defeated.
The witness further said hu believed the
present administration had bean remarkably
successful considering all tlio circumstances
surrounding it ; that ho had heard Prof.
Nicholson say thai some of the students
threatened to rldo the chancellor on a rail :
thnt while behold tholK will and enmity of
n large number of the students , tlio
Institution liaa continued to grow
nnd prosper ; and that ho ( wltnots )
had reason tolwllovo thut some of the faculty
were largely responsible for the state of fejl-
Ini ? now existing nt the University. Mr.
Holmes thought thnt the chancellor's work
In drawing the university Into closer relation
ship with the schools of the state w n a great
reason for the present prosperity ; that with
this vlow the nlumnl could not have passed
the resolution , which led to the chnrges ,
without having acted squarely against n fact
of general belief. I believe the alumni could
not have passed the resolution and acted In
telligently. The majority of the alumni hav
ing no knowledge of n very bad state of feel
ing would have very naturally voted the
resolution down.
Ifoscoo Pound was called to the stand to
settle the Lieutenant Dnrlloy reception slight.
Ho wan uhuiruian of tlio Invitation committee
nt the tlino of the reception. He said that ho
was approached by folioW-sl dents who
represented that Prof. Nicholson positively
would not have a thing lo do with the recep
tion if the chancellor was invited , and it was
represented that Prof. Hunt was in t'.io saint1
boat. Mr. Pound , however , failed to state
what influence this had upon his action. -
H. C. and E. II. Eddy , graduates of the
university of the classes of 18&5 and Ifc87 , re
spcctlvely. testified that they are members of
Iho nlumnl association nnd they believe thut
the resolution passed nt the Juno meeting
was wholly unwarranted ; that they were
not present , but they do not believe that the
resolution is or has been the souse of n ma
jority of the tlumnl. Thnt Miumtts admin
istration has been successful in a very
scnso , and that it is in a great measure duo
to the splendid work ho did in bringing the
university nnd public schools Into Intimate
C. D. Hakostraw , superintendent of schools
at Nebraska Uity , testified under oath that
ho has done institute work in Otoo , Fillmorc ,
Hall , Lancaster and other counties of the
state , nnd has knowledge of the general rep
utation of the present administration of the
university , nnd ho finds it of better record
than ever before during the history of the in
stitution ; tluil tills is monsurubl.N duo to the
chancellor's efforts In bringing the woik of
the university into closer relationship with
the schools of tlio state ; that ho has talked
to a number of students graduating from the
university during the past two or
three years , and wltu ono exception they
have spoken very highly of the chancellor
nnd his splendid administration. The witness
cited one significant fact. Onu of his
former pupils attended the university about
a year a o and found that the chancellor was
very unpopular with a largo number of the
students , and ho Joined the crowd for no
other reason. Cro s examination nffiimcd
the foregoing statements.
Prof. Fontaine , Instructor of French , tea-
tilled thnt hn diet not believe the present
state of affairs ought to exist. He
sulo that he was educated in a
different way ; that ho nlwa.\s thought tfent
thu chancellor was the head of such institu
tion , nnd that IiU law was supreme ; that
while ho might not approve of all that the
chancellor has dcnio , ho could not see where
It was gravely objectionable. His testimony
was not positive , neither was it explicit. The
chancellor has always treated him kindly and
ho had no reason to complain.
A. Natural Product nt * California.
It is only found Iu Butte county , Cal
ifornia. , and in no other part of the
world. Wo refer to the tree thnt pro
duced tlio healing1 nnd ponotrnting srum
used in that pleasant and olTcctivo euro
for consumption , asthma , bronchitis ,
and coughs , SANTA ABIE , the King
of Consumption. Goodman Drug Cb.
guarantees and sells it for 81.00 a bottle
tle , or 83 for S2.GO. By the u o of CALI
FORNIA OA'LVR-CUUE , nil symptoms
of catarrh are dispelled , and the ills-
eased nasal passage is speedily restored
to n healthy condition. $1.00 n pack-
ago. By mail 31.10. Circulars free.
Oaialm AV1I1 Do the Grand Thine or
The committee of Iho Union club to whomg
was deputed the matter of considering the
advisability df having a Palace of Products
met last ovunlug al the Union club reams.
Tlio matter was pretty well discussed by the
members of the committee , and it was gen
erally conceded that it was not only now too
lute to make a giand success bf thu matter ,
but the quietness in all departments of busi
ness this year would not warrant such nn
outlay. However , It was deemed best to
still agitate the matter and make a
great success ot It another year.
The building and display should
be- commensurate with the greatness nnd re-
miukablo giowth of the wonderful Nebraska
metropolis. As Mr. Frank Colpctzor fittingly
i expressed it , "a corn palaro thnt would bo a
! great success In Sioux City would bo u great
lirzlo In Omaha. " Something much greater
would bo expected from the Gate Citv. It was
recommended by Mio committee that some
series of entcitainments bo provided for the
evenings during the fair to amuse the great
ciowd of visitors.
If you have a rocout cough , you can
broalj it up immediately , with n fo\v
doses of lr. ) J. H. McLean's Tar \Vino
Lung Balm , So conta a bottle.
The Council Adjonrnod.
In the absence of President Bcchel coun
cilman Lee acted as diaUmnr. of the city
council lust evening.
On motion ot Mr. Hnscall the council ad
journed till Thursday evening out of respect
to Councilman Lowry , whose son Is dead.
Us superior fxcelleuce provou tn millions of
nomoa for more than n quarter of u cent iiry. It
Is u cd by tbe United States tlovernmcnt. Un-
ilonedbr tlie heads of the great unl\erBltia in
tha i-trouBOkt , purest and iuo t lieilthlul. lit.
I'rlceaCtwaro U.illnK 1'owiler does r.ot contain
amuiouU.llmeor nltim. Sold o.ily
New York. Cutcajjo.
An Important Announcement
About nit week * KRO , while ef Iwtlncss. 1
we * suddenly nttnckctl with txerucullntf
paliu tmny feet. hn M n < l Land * . Son-vent
tlio attack tlmt I texik my l ed Im.mdiallily ,
unit In two or thrco f.njt my Jolut vtrta
ewollen to nlno t double llirfr natural l/n ,
and ! MP wai drUrn ( rnni mo. After suffer.
In * the m < nt bx rnrlAtlu jnln for a week ,
luluir ilnljMcMfl viid v.VTloii otbor irniiillc * ,
ft rrfrn.l * ho crmi.nlhlieU wuh my helplesi
ccnilltlon.Biildt > inoi _
"Whruou't sou Kot Bwlft'oRpccllla nna
tiv > It. T will mafoiitos 8 euro , Kii'l If It ( lovt
-.tMMuttUcluo tyll coPt > ou nothing. '
' " ' ' ' ' '
mii1c HLSoBflr tnt'lay"L'a'a'n'iiili't | tn ht rH I
refnslilnc nlofii. In a rjk I filt Ktcnlly
ix-npfltKHl , In tbrrc vook < I could H ugi ana
walk nlwut tlio room , nnd after utlnx li
Imttlri 1 wns out nnd ithle tii R to l > i ln < vm.
Blneotti I have been rcRiilorljf nttiir | < u > t
of dnly.nud * l ua ninj fret from nlno to
ton Lours n dAy.nnd amoutrnilyrrTOfrom
f In. Thc u dm the plivln end MmpIofncM
In myc c.rind I will cheerfully n wcr nil
jtiquIrlo3riUtlTethercto , ltlfrln jicraouor
i/ i U. . -THSS ifS'yjftii '
f NAsrmi t r Trix.-I rm e wnrilod on n M > -
roro nttacS of rliciunntum by n tltucly ro'ort
to S xltfi Sjircino. In nil c.uc wlifro n I er-
m.iiiHiit rrllcf U oui < ht thl < medicine com.
tnrndi ttiiiir for n ronttltullouil treatment
lh.iv : ! : j"iUytH > 'llo t < tlio TOOdi of till-
M. from tU
T v p nuSSSSi a a
Krw Tomt , M TTII ATJI. After spading
t3W to bo rulloied rf llloixl Pjlwn without
nyf-erfnt , nf w Ix.Ulesof STViri'taiicclilo
worked n i > rt e t core. O. POIITKU.
Vir- . \-My llttlo ulrl , ns l alt.nn.J .
ey , . fiiriMi four years , had ncritfulB In I ho
- Ti.ey ; rtny
nn ily. lo-day they are htalthy umlio
I ) tut , all I tlio revolt ol tnkJne S. S S.
r JOB T. Coiiir.n. 1
LADY I.IKB , Scirrrn Co. , VLi.-Yonr B. 8.
5. 1 i-ijnroTpd n vtonflrrrnl BVCCCM In i ijr
ca . The oancor on my faus no flnubc ,
would ) ia > A noon liurrlnd nia to my ITHTO. ICe
Co think ItlJ wooilTf uL and lift' 1101 iiual. .
B. II. UJIID , rostmai''r. 1
WATO , TXXAS , May 9,1S33. 1
6. R. Co. , Atlanta , O.i. i '
Ocntlemcn KiiDwIiiRthat you npprrdats
voluntary tPdtlinonlil , o tnka plcinuru Iu
itAtliiK lliat on l ourUdycutuiuicii Jim
Tosnlncut hir health by th u < 3 of Tour largo
twtttr * of jour Kiuit rnncOrafter ImMnc
bom an lnallrl for ao > eml } cars. Ucr troulila
Trns eitrpmo deljUII" , runted lijr o illaeaf | > o-
cullartohtrs'-x. Wuuift Co .DrunrUtn.
Three LaoLj raM ! i free ou
All drugglits soil a H. S.
TUP bTrtrr Srrctnc Co. ,
Pinwcr 3. At Iniitn Ox
i ew York , 71 i Broadway. \
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Inroiporatod by the Irnlsl.ittiro In IHijt , for 1M-
nrntlonnl nud 1iarllnblo ptirpo , nnd Its fian-
cblso inndn a part of thn prosunt Ptnto Constltu-
lion , In 1S"0. by an oMr hclnilnc pomilnr vote.
take plnco Spiiil-Annually , ( .litno and Icc > mbcu
nnd Its (1UANU ( SINOI.l ; DIIAW-
INHS tnkuiilpie on oaeliof thoothortcn months
in the year , nnd ore nil drawn In public , tit the
Academy of Music , New Oileans , l.u.
" \Vedolieieby certify thnt vro mip rvUe the
nrrinceniciiH tor nil tlie Monthly nnd Scml-An-
mini DnittliiRsof The IxwHUua ytato Ijotloty
Comimny , niul In person liMiiaKo nud control
the Dr.mlnir'i tliemioh cs , niul Hint the "iiino
nro coiiducli-d with honesty , fnlinois , nud In
coed fnlth toward nil pat tics , nndve Aiutiorlzi ?
the company to i this rcrtiltati ! > , wllh fac
similes of iiur Hlb'ii.ituica ntlnclivu , Iu Its nilvor
Wo the tmderslKlio.l Uanlts and ntnltori 111
pay nil 1'rlzes drawn in 'llio I.oulslani Stale
Lotteries hkh may bo presented nt om conn
It. M. WALMST.r.Y , Pro1 * . Louisiana Nftt. tlk.
PJIUtUr. LANAUX , 1'ru SUto Nixt'l Ilk.
A. ItAI.WVIN , 1'res. New Urloins Nat'l Ik. !
tVUIi KOHN , 1'rei. Union Nntlouftl Hank.
n the Aoailoiny ol' SItl-ilc , Now < . ) r
IpnnH , Tucstlnv. Auj. 7.18HH.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars oioh.
Hahas $10 ; Quarters $3 ; Tsntlu § 2 ; T\7sn
tlcths $1 ,
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1 I'KI/.R Ofe" KXiOXis ) . lOJ.tXx :
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5 I'Ul/.r.d OP f , ( WO are . So.OV
S5 I'lUXES OK 1.WJ are . 2.VWO
_ ttl VUI7.r.S UP r.OD nio . W.OO )
SdO 1MU/.KS OK IWO are . IO.IM )
roe wtizis : OK ZM mo . 100,000
Afi'ltnXIMVTlON rlllZES.
; ro nizeaot e. iaio . TAOOO
on ( la. : ) ui . ai.oor
100 do. MOnre . JW.UOC
TKUMINAL ritires.
do. luonro . 1 , WC )
do. 10)nre ) . . W.iXX
1'rlzes , amounting to . Jlin4tx ( :
NOTl' . Tlrtetsilniwlnu Capital ITlioi are not en
titled to terr.iliml I'rUe * .
fWKoit Ciun H.\THor any further Information
loslrml , write luulbly to the undcmlKnod , clearly Mat-
MK your residence , nlth blntc. County. Street nnd
Number. Mora rapid retum mall c'ollvery will bain
Hired hy your enclosing nn Knvelopo bum Ing you
lull nddrei .
cnd I'OtiTAI. NOTES , Kxproaa Jloncy Onler . O
Now ork Kxclmnxo In ordinary letter , currency by
Ki press ( ut our expense ) nrtdresjcd
' '
JHOW ( JrJcun's , La. ,
or M.A.nAIIl'IIIN ,
\ \ thln.'ton , D. C.
Address Registered Letters to
Isotv Orcan ! < , Li.
lT\TIATTi"Pl ? Thnt the presence ofeii' ( ! '
IX l lTjJ iU JXIJIV cnili llenuroiiiird nud i : r
ly.whoaruln charge of the drimln c , i uKuariinteu
nt iibnolutu [ ulrnoiM nnd Intiourlty. Unit thucliuucui
nro nil cqu'il , and tint no ono can | > oxalbly dlvluu
whnt numbi rr'tllilmwn 1'ilze.
"UKMi.MIIiiiul : ! > i.thnt ) lh pnyuer > tot I'rlro I
( : UAKA.N'iKii : ) nv muit I\ATIONAII IUNKSO.
ficw unein , and the Tickets nro fkncd by tile I'resl
dent of nn lnx'.llntlon , whoso < h itcrul rl.-hu arc
recognized In the hliiheit Courts ; theruforo , hcwai
of nuy tmltutlona or anonymous bcliuuies. "
Taslly dlpcested ; of the finest flavor. A hearty
betrrage for a btron nppettto : n deltcntMrlnK
for tha sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious ;
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
aftereffects. Requires nobolllnK.
Marlon Harland , Chrlbtlne Terlmne Ilenlck ,
Dmn A. H. Thomas , M. D. , pronounce It the bust
of all the powcclcrea chocolates. No other equals
it Iu llavor.purtty and ANTt-uvsi'fclTICqnalltios.
SvldluGrocot. Sittnjlr /or 10
n. o. A so\ . < > ,
. I'A.
1'uUl Up Capital $250,000
Surplus 50,000
II. W , YATKS. President.
I.nris 8. ItEbn , Vice lresldent.
A. E. ToL'/.AMM.2nd Vkel'realdont.
WUI. B. IluoilEJ , CiUlila
lltULtilORS :
II.V. . YA7ta. J.KWI8 S. ItlSfcU ,
Banking Oillce
Coiner 12th and Tarnam Pts.
A General lUukini ; Uiulne&sTransacted
„ . . 8 CII.'QKri TONIOuwltht > nt delay
A rare inc-diclnal roinjiountl tluxt cunMiThenaUflsofalM
IlKffeureUlke worFtra9eiot'uu hVeak Lun M , AkUjnm ,
InJIffcfttlim , Inward ruins , KXMUvtlon. Iniuluatle for
111 vunutUni , IvinalM WiaknM , and all tialnt and dis
order * o ( the Momach and JJuwels. tOu. at " ' '
ilun > roTlut cjiU lojlluu of l' r Jumet Oe.
AUvorUslug baa nlnnjptovoa
auocoMfiil. Bcfor placlnirnn ;
Newspaper Advertising conm $
iDTcniMxn icins ,
M to teMifcMm . CHICAGO.
C 1
iS.1 . st o ! ti
"We will send packages containing suits of clothing , clot us and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming O , O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article
of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for the mand
if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts ex
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfac
tory results. You take no risk. Examine the groods , and return them at our expense if they
do not please you.
Omaha , Nebraska
At this time of the year , we send our agents throughout the clothing country to . secure
from the workshops of the best merchant tailors , such misfits as they may have in their work
rooms , the best of which we buy ( ior sDOt cash , ) and to make room for these new arrivals , we
offer the choice of our superb line ot fine tailor made suits at one third the actual cost of mak
ing. Bargain seekers , this is a chance of a lifetime to obtain a good suit , and one that will fit ,
for a mere song. In this slaughter of fine clothing will be found.
137 Cheviot Sack Suits at $8 ; . . . made to order for $18.00
124 Square Cut Worsted Sack Suits at $12 , . made to order for 28.00
136 Four Button Cutaway Sack Suits , neat checks , at $12 made to order for 35.00
247 FourButton Cutaway SuitsImp Clay Worsteds at $18. made to order for 45.00
135 Prince Albert Suits , in latest colorssilk , face.d , at $22 , made to order for 55.00
YOU : These are not old and shop worn suits , but every garment guaranteed to have
been made this -season by tailors of the highest known art. Tfie most skeptical fcuyers of
clothing are cordially invited to visit our stores and carefully examine these Bargains , where
every attention will be shown them by our corps of polite and attentive salesmen.
lon'f Fail i ® look through § iar 8I031Y LINE SF TOWliS , prbss raising fro $2.00
to $ @ , © EniiraGlng ail the Latest Foreign K0ystsas. !
All Alterations to Improve a Fit , Made Free of Charge. i
, 1119 Farnam Street. Omaha. 1119
Prqnipt attention paid to all mail orders.
V ) Uelfnst , Dublin nud Lhcrpool
From NawjYork Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passage jSiS.and JV > , atcor01u to location
of stut rpdfn , I'.xcuislon $ cj to JW.
Steerage to aud from Durojio nt Lowest Ilatcs.
AUb'JIN IlALbWIN & CO. . Oon'l Agents ,
V ' . Kl llnmilwivv .
> i uixruuttay. Now York.
en'lYitern AK-ent ,
i M 104 Ilantlolpli St. , Chlcngo.
IlAItr.Y 13. MOOltES , A cent , Omnlia.
Reduced Ciibin Ilatc3 to Glusgow Ex-
Department of the I'lnttu. I'liluf Ouarter-
innstf r's onico , Omahn , Neb , , Junu n < l , lvb.S.
Bealeil rroposulv In triplicate , subject to tlio
UGtial coiulltloiH. are InvltoJ anilill bo ic-
cohed nt this olllco until cue o'clock r. > i. .
July 10,138 , for the delivery nt Omiiha Quur-
tennaster'a Depot , of 110 ton * ot balrd h y , nnd
15UM Ibs. of wueacbrau. Delivery to coinmenca
AiiRiist 1st. IbM , and completed , If required , by
Deceiulier UUi , IStrf The huy mint b properly
cured , by b lna bwoated in stack : before ballm , " ,
of best upland trass , end seciuely buiind 111
bales welKhlntj not oveyCOJ Ibs. each. The brau
delivered In atout burlap Backs. The ( loverii-
mont rcservf a the rlifht to reject any or all pro
posals. Preference will be given to articles of
itoniento production , conditions of price nnd
miallty being equal , r'ull conditions nnd blanks
furblu.illin.-r.iay boobtalnoil on nppUcntlon to
tLUolnce. Wil. 11. MUUIIia. Chl f Quartar-
njiM r , j B-U-lt-jlyla-dSt
Uho lareoat. ( asteiit and flneit In tbo norld.
I'assanncr accommodation * Diiazccllcd.
AvcnoittA JITI.V Uth
DHOMV Jfi.vsui
CI1IIA9M1A Jl'LYibtll .
N .w YORK TO l.ivi.uroor. vi i ( jp
Tue OlobrUed I JMTHOM and flnost I'aj-l Jin.VIHh
Htcaju hl | > aonKor Bt * niur In lAUil. till
CITVUlf ItUMKl thoWorU. I fcopt. till
The Olohnitod I l.nri'L'st nnd finest l'uv.liTMnti |
Hleiuiidiln Bcruor Moamur la Jci.v Mil
CU'l'orUOSlKI tboorld. . | Aua. Bill
Palnun na ice to Olnscow. llerrr , Liverpool , Helttin
orljuuunitownjUund uiivrar In Iicr ( la ! 'ow htenm-
crs. fu ) nud upward * for < Ity ( if Homo , bocoml clan
I a. IttHum tlcketo at r Uucc < t tatc * inadi ) arallnbla
for cltlicr route , ntlcrlni ; exeurelonlitg tliu prlvlluuii
ofsoelnz the North and Mouth of Ireland , tut ) HUcn
Mursi'V and | ) lcturu4iiioClyda. | hleurauJJi ) . Anchor
Una ilrivtii iiayabla frco of cti > irn , > old at lowoit
nilci. Var book of tours , tickers or further Informa
tion npplyto
IISUD2RSON BEOS. , 72 La Sa'.h St. , Chhajo.
Or to any ol our local amenta
FOR MEN ONLY A ? c % ti
I Ull Illkll UlILIi nianbCKHl.Drvouaao < ,
vreakoea * . unnatural loatt. .ck of ttrenvtb ,
rlior or dtvalonmont. c uatd by IndlacrtUOD ,
sctaua , ate. KufvuU taolt itfnt ( | .
.t. - . JL. . . .la j. i.J-i.
Ccrlidcd Checks , Pnynblo at Sight on tlio
Pugcl Sound National Sank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
To tlio oilcMn > n < tof l > u > lni ! property on time , wo
tifrer tlio follunlnx : Wu will allow from 3 months
toi JIMPI'itrao , ncconllni { to the land you nelecu
Wo churKii neither prrmlum nor lnlcro t on tlnin
puyiuenti , HIH | Hill fhnynu u warranty iloud.Vo
Iinvo lou raj'XIJXI nnd PiMmlml nro within n nillui
of tuo anil n hulf inUcof thu p > t-ottlco wo
quiruonly I0i > orcent. aian turn.I money mid wn
will iclvccurlllled theck fortho lull aniounlnf etch
pnrt cytiryautuequent payiueut. 'lhochcrkU < lruwn
hr thn I'ujretbound National tinnk andls m-idepiy.
alluntflijlit and you tan draw your money ntnny
tlmothouuhbyaodoliu ) ou forfeit yourrlBht > to
imrphaio land. Jlako your Income , no niatli-r h\r
small , earn joniothlns. Trantcontlnuntnl rnllnmcli
piu lio\ilin ; for Hfnttlo. nnd muiiuUMnrliiil > ttour >
Islilntr. dcneral uumnirnu l ln n ttalo nl inhnan-
tlal pruRrosilon. The dally paiwra urn tilled wllti
acroantsof now outerprlicf , ( 'iiMn rari mid horia
car clrcloSfaltln. Acldrons COOK MOOUK ,
Who hare the l.AUUKHf I'KUl'UUTV tlaT In
I Bfllinf HAnlt < > i > tum h ° abU C ° cufyil'
kllUUI nCIUlB | .Nu pay until ininua-
nont tarq U etroctod. \ \ * liats faith enougb la our
remedy to nuke Ibu offer. WfcJTKtUi linucnr Co-
Bux UU , OaiftttM , N ti.
Wo are formliis 1'lano Club of f 0 mtniben.lo
whom we lli fnrnl h KO uliinot , on purmenla of
ONIcnoi.lAU \\UUIC. . One innmbor will ruculve
a I'nnu cncli week , to b lU-termlnoJ by lot. Should
unynimnbor iluilru u IMuuu baforii the lot Jnllalo
mm , ho can obtnln It nt any tlmuon n imnll wocklr
ft'ijltion ' to the Sl < lpr wuek. ' 1 ho club paring ciuu
ftuure utmblud toclvonll dlicountf that oaiU would
) . An olct : < uit I'tiino tliut uiuiiUr U tut
Procure rtW will bo t iirnl rii > i1 for I'iU.
Will iiiivor U > o.Teri'd. A 1'luno bou-la for Ion ttmn
one cnn I o rented. No more thuti t ) meoiben will
bo iiccoptfd. henil In r ur tmuin it ciavVrlt
fur lull | > urll < mlitr . AUr.NTS WANTMl ) .
S. 11. ItUVliTT , Manner.
nniiE SCIENCE oy LITE , the
eri'tt MeUIcal Work I tlio
il , Ncrvouj a
1'rcraatare '
Docllne , Etronuf Youth , ani
lbounUMml < ? rlcioo c < iuent
tfccreon , SOO ragci Dvo , 125
proscriptions for oil UUcxo. .
Cloth , full gilt , Ohljr 1XO ,
mall , sealcO. llluitrattr. mple f roe totUjouif
nnd mldill nge-d men. Send now. The Gold .od
Jewelled Medal awnnloj to tbe author bj'tb K -
tloaal llccllcal AMOcuUlon. AddroM P. O. box
1853. loitonMn.5.orDr. W. n. 1'ARKCXcraA
uate of Harvard 1I Jlcal CoU geVijt tiffniU *
In Dotton , Mho taar t > . coarallwl oonaa BiUjl/