Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1888, Image 1

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Els Homo at Indianapolis Literally
Overrun With Visitors.
a Itclront to the Seaside
AsplrnntH I''or General Dritin'H
Shoes Difficulties of Negotia
ting With the Sioux.
A Victim oflllfl Friends.
WASHINGTON Bnitut ; run Ontiit BEG , )
&in ForuTEKXTii STKKP.T , V
WASHI.VOTON , D. C. , July 15. )
A gentleman who arrived In Washington
( o-day from Indianapolis gives me some news
respecting General Harrison and what ho
will likely do during the next few weeks.
"I saw General Harrison on Friday , " said
lie , "and I was astonished to BOO the changes
wrought by the work which has developed
upon him slnco the Chicago convention. I
hud not seen him for some time prior to my
visit at his house on Friday. The general is
n very rugged man and has good health , but
his face begins to grow thin and ho shows
the loss of sleep and the wear of his con
tinual Intercourse with the people. Ho has
departed from the usual routine of presi
dential candidates and sees every
body who calls upon him. Indianapolis is
one of the largest railroad centers In the
United States and nearly all through passen
gers from the east to the west and from the
west to the cast pass through the Hooslcr
capital. These of a political turn who are
republicans almost Invariably stop off at
Indianapolis to cull upon the presidential can
didate , and then the thousands of excursion
ists who nro pouring into Indianapolis to
visit him are all received and given personal
attention. They como from 0 o'clock in the
morning until 1 or3 ! o'clock at night , routing
him out of bed ana keeping him out , so that
ho does not have more than llvo or six hours
of actual sleep In every twenty-four. Mrs.
Harrison also begins to show untnls-
taknblo traces of wear , ana I am not
Buprlsed that both of thorn are reported 111.
There has not been a man , woman or child
turned away from the Harrison house slnco
the nomination until they have been re
ceived by the host and hostess. Just as I
was leaving the house on Friday General
Harrison Insisted that 1 should remain for
dinner , and in the request Mrs. Harrison
joined. I refused to do BO because I did not
want to intrude upon them , and suggested
that they were being subjected to imposi
tions , wncn Mrs. Harrison said : " 'No impo
sition ut all ; wo uro keeping open house a
boarding house and are prepared and nro
glad to servo meals at all hours from 0 in the
morning till midnight , without money and
without price. "
"I think the General and Mrs. Harrison in
tend to slip out of Indianapolis for two or
three weeks and go to some eastern resort ,
where they can bo by themselves and get
vway from the callers not that they wantto
escape the crowd , but that they can got some
rest and the general will have an opportunity
to write his letter of acceptance. I talked to
him on this tmbjcct , and while ho did not
glvo mo to understand directly what ho in
tended to Buy on any iiucstlon , I am sure it
will bo one of the clearest and strongest letters -
tors ever written. There will bo no question
when ho writes this letter about
his position on Chinese or other
pauper immigrations , nor what ho
thinks of the foreign policy of the present
administration , his ideas of the labor ques
tion or the financial iasuo and the main points
of the Impending campaign. Ho will take n
position on the tariff which will mnko every
protectionist clap his hands with Joy. Mr.
Dlulno , I understand , has written General
Harrison a letter on the subject of foielgn
affairs , and what has been done by the
present administration which the Plumed
Knight terms pusillanimous , and you may
expect some statements in the letter of
acceptance ns to what our foreign policy
should bo which will have the true American
ring to them.
Among the numerous changes in stations
made In the adjutant general's ufiivu the past
week is one which has oxcltcd some curiosity.
That is the return of Colonel Chauncoy Mc-
Keover , assistant adjutant general , who left
hero less than three years ago on assignment
to the Pacific slope. The regular term of
duty extends over four years , when a change
under the regulations is made. On the regu
lar shaking up , however , Colonel McKcover ,
lifter but thrco years away fromjhcrercturns
nnd takes the place of Major Green.who goes
out , under the four years clause , to Fort
Omaha. For the first time two colonels are
detailed ut headquarters nnd army officers
are somewhat puzzled over the detail.
Colonel John C. Kelton , who Is Adjutant
General Drum's immediate assistant here ,
succeeded McKcover hero three years ago
und his term docs not expire for a year.
Colonel and Mrs. McKcover both have a
great tunny friends nnd nro very popular in
society. It is therefore no more than natural
that the colonel should have been very do
Birous of getting buck to Washington and to
have many good friends influential with the
secretary of war to help him. A senatorial
friend of the colonel hints that there is a
stronger reason for the return. Adjutant
General Drum is to bo retired in May next ,
and the question of the succession is already
being discussed. The senator mentioned
believes that Colonel .MeiCeever comes
hero to contest the appointment to
succeed General Drum , which , as a colonel ,
helms a perfect right to do. General John
C. Kelton is next in rank according to length
of service , although the army register shows
McKcever to have { graduated from West
Point two years earner. The president is
not bound , however , to follow uny precedent
in making a selection from the colonels , und
eau select ono over another. Vincent lias a
great many powerful friends , among thorn
Senator Gorman , of Maryland , who may in-
fhiouco them In lib favor. The choice
will bo between Kelton , MeKeover
nnd Vincent. The last is adjutant gen
eral of the department of Dakota.
All are stiong in influence' and friends ,
nil have line records , and cither vtould'mako
n splendid brigadier general. Thu only ai-
vantage , possessed by any ono ot them is
Gvncral Kolton's length of service.
Next Thursday evening has been set aside
by the house for the consideration of meas
ures reported from the military committed.
The measure increasing the number of offi
cers for college details from forty to sixty
will bo ono of the first brought forward.
This bill has already passed the scnnt" , as
have also the bills appropriating f 100,000. for
completing Forts NiObrara nnd Uobluson ,
Nebraska ; appropriating $150,000 for the bar
racks and quarters nt the National Soldiers *
Volunteer homes providing for aid to state
Boldlors homes , and authorizing , the presi
dent to confer biovct rank1 forgallant service
in Indian campaigns , all of which will ho
pushed for consideration If there U sufficient
The work with the Sioux , and which is to
begin in Dakota during the present week is
likely to be especially difficult and Intricate.
Under the terms of this net , lately unproved ,
looking-lo the reduction of the Great Sigux
reservation , the consent of two-thirds of the
ndult Indians must bo obtained under the
treaty of 1WJS , before any steps looking to the
allotment of lunds and the opening to settle
ment of the remainder of the reservation can
bo taken. The Indians to bo negotiated with
number in the aggregate , utlult males nnd
fuffiulos nnd children , n little over twenty-
two thousand , located nt five different agen
cies. The tusk would bo much lighter It the
Bioux to be negotiated with could bo dcnlt
with en masse nt every agency , but this is
'Impossible. They ure split up In bands , each
With lift chiefs , each with its different views
and tendencies , and each under the guidance
of leaden. These hostilities and jealousies
H\ul \ all KQ to render successful negotiations
difficult. Lack of knowledgq-of English am }
hick of education still further hamper the
commissioners. Thus nt Chcyenno river
thercnro credited 0,000 Sioux divided Into five
bands. Of these 8M ) can read but only 300 of
them can speak rough English to make them
selves Understood. At Pine Hldgo there nro
5,000 Sioux , divided into thrco bands , the
strongest of which Is headed by lied Cloud
nnd n group of head men , utterly hostile to
the proposed reduction of the reservation.
This band contains 4,200 Indians. Hut 1,400
of the whole number acceded to the agency
can rend , and less than -150 can si > cuk
English. At Hose Bud there are 7rUO
Sioux , divided into six bands , 175 of whom
can read nnd 170 speak English. At Stand
ing Kock there are on the rolls 4,550 Sioux ,
divided into five bands , of whom fiOO can
read and 175 speak English. At Ccow
Creek thcro are U'J50 Sioux , di
vided into two bands , of whom 4M ) read and about WM ) speak English. Thcro
nro about twenty different bands with which
the commission must negotiate lit order to
satisfy the vanity nnd overcome the hostility
of chiefs and headmen and satisfy the terms
of the treaty. Of the ultimate success of
the mission there seems to bo no doubt , but
the task is sccontt to none over Imposed
upon an embassy In delicacy and difficulty.
Penny S. HEATH.
Nebraska n'rnl Iowa Pensions.
WASIIIX ITON , July 14. [ Special Telegram
to THE lice. ] Nebraska pensions : Original
invalid Thomas Fairbanks , Clay Centre. In
crease George Waller , Adams ; Sylvester
U. Hughes , Davenport ; William Diehl. To
bias ; John II. Hock , Kearney ; Milton II.
Wcntworth , Anslcy ; Horace H. Rogers ,
GibbonJohn ; _ L. Chlphus , Hlslng City ; Cal
vin Gusher , York ; Isaac N. Hardings , Harri
son. Mexican Widows Mary , widow of
George W. Holly , Carloy.
Iowa pensions : Original invalid Philetus
M , Axtcll , Wupello ; John II. Airy , Smyrna ;
Nnthan C. Gorton , Cedar Hapids. In
crease William F. Daley , Mount Ayr ;
Samuel li. Welch , Middletoii ; Christ
Spccro. Durango : Thomas Smock ,
Drowning ; James Sloan , Ottamwa ;
Albert G. JJcrkoy , Hedford ; Patrick Smith ,
Hod Oak ; G. G. Dean , Plum Hollow ; James
F. McGnw , Kirkwood ; James G. Thompson ,
Kcosauqua ; Samuel S. Kittlo.Leander ; John
E. Hichards , Trimello ; William Osloy ,
Bloomtlcld ; Paul Trombol , Algonu ; David
Meyers. Fulton ; William Hand , West Union ;
Lewis Truax , Kcosnuquu ; Elijah LakeKeos- ,
nuqua ; Thomas I. Mulr , Lebanon ; Jeremiah
Evans , West Liberty ; James Carter,1 Now
London ; Gcorgo Sackctt , Middle Itivor ;
Jumps U. Davis , Confidence ; Myran J. Mul
let. Dolman ; Thomas M. C. Munus , Hudson ;
John Lcmllcp , Oshorno ; George II. Cobb ,
Gilford ; John Hair. Council Bluffs ; Isaac
Waddle , liedford ; Lewis H. Hastings. Osce-
ola ; Bcnjamnn F. Tremble , Montrose ; Will
iam C. Simmons. Howard Center. Reissue
and increase John M. Kopsa. Iowa City.
Original widows , etc. Olive , mother of John
F. White , Bedford.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , July 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; BiiB.l The superintendent of the
recruiting service will cause twenty recruits
to be assigned to the Thirteenth infantry
nnd forwarded under proper charge to such
Ijolnt or points on the Department of the Mis
souri ns the commanding eenoral of the de
partment shall designate. After arrival in
the department the recruits will be dis
tributed as equitably ns practicable among
the companies of the regiment.
The following transfers of lieutenants of
artillery to and from the instruction
batteries stationed at the artillery school ,
at Fort Monroe , Virginia , uro ordered to
take effect September 1 , 1833 , under the pro
visions of paragraph 45 ! ) of the * regulations
us amended by general orders No. 103 , Octo
ber 10 , 18S5 , from this office : Fifth artillery
First Lieutenant Elbridgo U. Hills from
Buttery A to Battery G , vice First Lieuten
ant John MeClellan from Battery G to Bat
tery A : First Lieutenant William U. Hamil
ton from Battery C to Buttery G vice First
Lieutenant Oliver E. Wood from Battery G
to Battery C ; Second Lieutenant Edwin B.
Babbitt from Battery B to Battery G vice
Second Lieutenant Charles G. Treat from
Battery C to Battery B ; Second Lieutenant
Gustavo W. S. Stevens from Battery 1C to
Battery G vice Second Lieutenant William
F. Hancock from Battery G to Battery K.
The Crop Bulletin.
WASIIINOTON , July 15. The crop bulletin
says : The temperature for the week ending
July 14 was cooler than usual in all the agri
cultural districts west of the Rocky mount
ains , except in Dakota nnd the western portions
tions of Minnesota , Kansas nnd Nebraska.
The season was ten to fifteen days late in the
northwest , whore the nverugo daily tempera
ture has been from four to six degrees below
the normal. Thcro has been more rain than
usual during the season in the upper Missis
sippi valley. Over 00 per rent of rainfall bus
occurred in the wtient region of Dakota and
Missouri valley. Reports from the corn nnd
wheat states of the central valley of the
northwest indicate that the weather during
the past week hus been favorable for grow
ing crops.
The Conilim Week In Congress.
WASIMXOTOX , July 15. In the senate Mr.
Pugh has the lioor for a speech on the fishery
treaty to-morrow ana Senator Hoar intends
to speak again on the treaty in reply to
Senator Gcorgo. The indications are that
the entire week in the hous o of representa
tives will be devoted to the consideration of
the tariff bill nnd of conference reports on
the nppropriution bills. There will bo several
night sessions , nt which action may bo had
upon the labor und military bills und meas
ures of n private nature.
lltindiill Gaining Strength.
WASHINGTON , July 15. Randall's condi
tion is butter and ho lias regained some of the
strength lost on Friday. Ho had a good
sleep last night nnd uas rested easily all day.
The Disease MnkeH Its Appearance
Among Insane Patients.
NEW YOIIK , July 15. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK lice. ] Smallpox hcs broken out among
the 1,600 patients of the city insane asylum
on Ward's island. The doctors have done all
they could to suppress information of the
outbreak , but already several attendants
have become alarmed and ilcd from the place.
The disease made its appearance in ward 21
eight days ago. Two men , Shontlcld and
Crowe , were sent up together from Bollovua
hospital , and soon showed signs of smallpox.
Thrco persons are known to bo nffllctcd with
the disease , aud now eighty two persons nro
General Harrison Heoiverlnjj-
INDIANAPOLIS , July 15 , General Harrison
passed a very quiet day. Although under a
doctor's care , ho expressed the hope this
evening that by to-morrow ho would bo fully
recovered from his indisposition. Telegrams
nnd letters of inquiry continue to pour In
upon him from surrounding cities asking him
to fix a time when political clubs may call on
A Convict Suicides.
WATCUTOWN , Dak. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKB. ] Frank E. Newton ,
of Henry , Dak. , who plead guilty to an in
dictment for thq forgery of mortgages , nnd
was sentenced to three years in the terri
torial penitentiary lust week , was this morn
ing found dead In bed in his cell in the county
jail. It 14 thought to bo n easd of suicide.
An investigation will be Held.
The AVcmthe"ImlfcntiniiH. .
For Nebraska un.d Iowa : Slightly cooler ,
fair , followed Monday "afternoon by local
rains , variable winds. ' .
For Dakota t Slightly cooler , local ruins ,
westerly wind * .
Long Pino's Summer School Now
Fairly Inaugurated.
A Valparaiso millinery Store Now in n
State of Seine - Ofllcorn In
jured nt IJluc Springs
Htnte News.
The IJOIIK Pine Clmutntiqim.
LONO PINE , Neb. , July 15. [ Special to
Tin : BKK.I All on the assembly grounds nro
congratulating themselves ovcr'tho success
they linvo had in getting their baggage nnd
funiituro nil delivered to their tents und
ilaced in their respective apartments and
hey nro now ready to enter heartily into the
ivork of the assembly. The ladles of the W.
T. U. are particularly pleased on account
of the neat , substantial two-story building
they possess for their headquarters. Miss
Woodward wns , principally instrumental in
procuring the money for the building of this
commodious edifice , nnd it is nn ornament for
any grounds. Jit is well furnished nnd has n
bowery of nice lurgo oak trees on nil sides , so
that nt any time during the day the sun docs
not strike it enough to oven make
impression of heat. There is a
very fair number of people hero nil
ready nnd largo numbers nro arriving on
every train and particularly to-night the
trains are reported as having extra couches
and baggage cars on for the accommodation
of the passengers. Superintendent Evans
nnd President G. W. Martin uro us indus
trious ns bees nnd keep everything moving in
n decided manner. The morning was very
inn and lusted until nearly noon nnd the
sky wns then covered by n very Inrge , dark
cloud , but fortunately thcro was nothing
more thnn a fine shower of ram , lasting but
twenty minutes. This seemed to cool the
nir and the Chautuuqua workers went to
work ; with renewed energy. The tents being
larger this year makes it more comfortable
for the dwellers , and having
two doors adds materially to the
amount of fresh nir nllbwcd to puss
through , and it is the desire
of each ono to put his tent in n place that af
fords n canopy of tree brunches. It makes
the appearance of the city of tents ns
picturesque us the most particular could de
sire. The woods contain onk , walnut , pine ,
cedar , ash , bircli nnd ironwood trees , and in
great abundance , with excellent springs of
cool , sparkling water , Mowing about ono
thousand gallons a minute.
Yesterday was Sunday-school day , nnd
there were hundreds of children in attend-
unco , und under the tutorage of Mrs. L. II.
Blackburn , Ida Evans and Mrs. E. A. Blair ,
the youthful subjects received impressions
that they will never forget. Mrs. E.
A. Blair has the faculty of handling
the pupils in a way that they
become earnest students , and they nro
dulled like little soldiers already. Uov. J.
D. Stewart delivered n lecture nt 11:00 : n. in.
on "Tho Relation of Reason to Faith. " At 2
p. in. Rev. L. N. Berry , of Fremont , ad
dressed the children and made it very enter
taining for them. All are pleused with the
ilno music rendered by J. W. Bloso nnd nil
who wunt to cultivate their voices nro on
hand at every recitation.
To-day there was a sermon by Rev. L. M.
iserry , D. D. , and all who heard his mas
terly lecture yesterday were present to hear
his sermon to-day. Lust evening at 8 o'clock
Rev. G. W. Reed delivered a sermon. Fol
lowing is the programme for Monday , July
10 , Press Day.
C ; SO Prayer service.
8:00 : Theology , "Tho Attributes of God , '
E. McCllsh.
8OJ : Natural science , botany , "Roots and
Stems , " C. M. Stevens.
8:00 : Music , chorus J. 61. Bloso.
8:45 : Normal , ilrst class , "Preparation for
Christ Sacritlces , " J. D. Stewart ; second
class. "Tho Laud of the Bible , " G. E. Taylor.
Children , Mrs. L. H. Blackburn.
0I0 : ! Natural science , geology , "Geological
Agencies , " J. Lisle.
11:30 : Music , chorus , J. M. Bloso.
10:15 Pedagogy , "Language Class AVork
in Analysis , " C. A. Manville ,
10:15 : W. C. T. U. conference.
11:00 : Lecture , "Tho Influence nnd Re
sponsibility of the Press , " J. G. Evans.
2:00 : p. in. Lecture , "Tho Readers and the
Reading of Our Time , " L. N. Berry.
8:15 : p. m. Politics , "Duties of the Citl
zen , " J , G. Evans.
8:15 : p. m. Pedagogy , "History , Whore , to
What Extent , and How Should It Bo
Taught , " C. H. Churchill.
4:00 : p. m. Temperance , "Alcohol as Food , "
Ida Evans.
4:00 : p. m. Children , Mrs. E. A. Blulr.
4:00 : p. m. Music Class , J. M. Bloso.
4:40 : p. in. Normal,1st Class , "Preparation
for Christ Types , " J. D. Stowait.
4:45 : p. m. Normal , 2d Class , "Principles
of Instruction , " G. E. Taylor.
4:45 : p. in. Children , Mrs. L. H. Black
5:30 : p. m. Lecture , "Miracles and Law ,
J. Lisle.
8:00 : p. m. Concert , J. M. Blose.
Two Officers Badly Hurt.
BLUB SritiNos , Nob. , July 15. | Special
Telegram to THE BEU. ] This morning Will
iam Hackler , marshal , nnd Frank Acton , po
liceman , of Wymoro , employed John Rock to
take them to the north part of Wymoro to ar
rest a man. As they were returning Rook
drove too fnst over the railroad track , which
throw the roar seat of the spring wagon out
behind , precipitating both Hncklcr nnd Acton
violently to the ground. Both men struck on
their heads , lighting on the rails. Hncklcr
is not exported to llvo and Acton Is seriously
injured. They uro very lurgo men and their
weight produced n tcrrlblo concussion. They
cuch have been officers in the city for several
years and have been exemplary in the per-
formnncu of their duties.
He Hoi B the Shop.
VAI.I-AIIAISO , Neb. , July 15. [ Special to
Tim BBC. ] Last night Sam Mulholland
drove his wife and two young ladies who
assist her in the milllnary business out of
their rooms which are over the shop and at
present still holds the fort with a gun , nllow-
ing no ono entrance to either the living
rooms or the shop below. The women nro at
a hotel awaiting developments. So close is
the matter kept that the true causa of the
trouble is not known to outsiders , but rumor
has it that Mrs. M. wns trying lo break up a
gambling den In which her husband was
spending her hard earned savings.
Painful AcJcident to n Switchman.
NOIITH BEND , Kch. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] J. G , James , n
brakcman on the Union Pacific railroad ,
while coupling a car , caught his leg in the
frog of the switch , throwing him under the
tinm. He was dragged thirty feet over the
ties , mangling ono leg above the kuco and
receiving severe Internal injuries. Dr. El-
wood was called and removed hini tp his
residence. Ho found it necessary to ampu
tate his left leg at the middle of the thigh.
At this writing , sovcrul hours ninco the ac
cident , the surgeon rcjiorts him doing well ,
and in his opinion ha will recover.
Cumlni ; County TtopubllpanH.
WISXEII , Neb. , July 15-Special to THE
BiE.Vrho : ] ' republicans of Curoing county
opened' the campaign at thiu place yesterday
with.a grana-rally and torchlight procession
that old timers declare exceeded in numbers
nnd enthusiasm , anything ever witnessed In
'the county. The streets .were densely
crowdpd airafturuoon. Hon. W. V. Allot ) ,
ot MadUou , aud Judge J , Wesley Tucker , of
Valentine , were the speakers. They held
the immense crowd of listeners until n lute
hour of lao night.
Preparing for A Graml'Opening.
NEIIIIASKA Citr , Nob. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to TurrBcE.I A largo meeting of
citizens was hold last evening to take action
In regard to the proposed celebration of the.
opening of the new Chicago , Burlington ft ,
Qulncy bridge when completed. The road
officials have promised their assistance to
wards making the celebration n success and
it promises to bo n great event In the history
of the city. The date will probably bo some
time In September.
Gamble llaldcd.
AUUOIIA , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele *
gram to THE BEE. ] The pollco mndo n raid
on the gambling houses this morning about
1:30 : n. m. and arrested nine. All but one of
themWill Mires , the proprietor , cave bonds.
Mires is In Jail. His trial Is set for Tuesday.
Two Bloods Settle a Dllllcnlty With
Their Flats.
NnwroiiT , R. I. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.I A lively light took place
at an aristocratic Bcllovuo avcnuo club
house last evening , the participants being
John Whlpplo , son-in-law of the late Gover
nor Swan of Maryland , and John Lawrence ,
governor of the Union club of Now York ,
nnd a prominent nnd wealthy member of
Ward McAllister's " -jno.iy Society had its
first sensation this season , and from present
indications it will afford food for gossip for
the summer. Nothing else is talked about ;
nil other gossip is ignored. Whlpplo is nn
accomplished nthloto nnd is usually a Jolly
good fellow. Ho is a member of both the
fashionable clubs hero and also several In
New York. The two men are under fifty.
Both have highly respected families ana are
blessed with lots of friends. Lawrence is
occupying a villa on the Bath road and Cliff
avenue , ono of the owners of which , Mr.
Chandler , recently married Amelia Rives ,
authoress of "Tim Quick nnd the
Dead. " twit'
The gentlemen afore
said had a misunderstanding about
a passugo way between their cottages ,
and letters were exchanged containing hot
words. They mot last evening. Whlpplo
was excited , and in an angry manner lip de
manded to know why Lawrence hud written
him such letters. The inquiry wns followed
by a stinging blow on Lawrence's face. The
pair clinched , and both got In considerable
work before separated. ' .The blows were not
ns effective ns they would \bavo been hnd the
combatants not been in such close proximity
to cacli other. A largo crowd gathered , and
the news spread like wild fire. Whlpplo
returned to his office , while Lawrence entered -
tered the club. Lawrence wns the most
severely punished , but Whipplc's face was
badly scratched. There Is report that n duel
will follow , but every effort will bo made to
settle the difficulty l > eforo it goes any further.
Both hnvo the bluest Of 1)1110 blood in their
veins. All Newport is scandalized.
The Financial Transactions of the
Past Week.
BOSTON , Muss. , July 15. [ Spccinl Tele
gram to the BIE. : ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the lending clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended JuVy 14 ,
18S8 , with the rate porvcent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
New York (5(111,120,011 ( U.3
lloston g3.Ka.038
Philadelphia , ,
Chicago . ' 01.470 , XJ
St. Louts , JO.O'J..OSJ
San Franctsco J7,2rM5- > 1(1.5 (
Itultlmoro ll.wn.773 8.7
Clnctmintl 0b87,7J > 0 0.1
rutsburi.j lt.3o.M51 . . .13.7
Kansas city ois
Now Orleans . . .15.8
Louisville'O , IVi 7
Providence 4fiHWX ) u.o
Milwaukee 8.041.000 . . . .l.fl
St. Paul ' ' ' is.1 !
Detroit . . . \3.\ \ \
Omaha ! 3.823.346 28.1
Minneapolis 1.8
Cleveland , 7.0
Indianapolis 3,11 VJ70 . . .15.6
fat. Joseph 1,277.4" > . . . .3.3
Denver y.KI'.HO . . .11.4
Columbus , l.l 02.GS1 1.5
Hartford . . .11.8
Memphis . . ,32.r > '
New Haven j. . 1.NO.B.VI i'.i
Peorln . . . .0.9
Portland . .
SprliiKlleld J,177'I17
Wichita 727,1124 '
Onlvcston lifti , Ilii ' } . &
Worcester , . . .17.2
Lowell 725 , ( WO . . . .4.t !
Syracuse O.U.-I10 . . .13.8
Norfolk 70KJ ) . . .27.1
Grand Ituplds (117.214 ( ' ' '
Ihilnth 2.2.VI.122 . . .ia.s '
Topeka S71VSW h'.b
Outside New York. . .
Decrease i.o
'I'aitly estimated.
Caused Tly the Heading or An 'Ency
clical Letter In the Churches.
Dunu.v , July 15. A papal encyclical letter
was reau to-day in all the Catholic churches
in the diocese of Dublin. In it the pope says
that ho has heard with regret that excited
meetings have bccit'hold at which inconsider
ate and dangerous opinions regarding the re
cent papal decree have been -uttered. Ho has
scon forced Interpretations put upon the de
cree , and statcuicuis mndo that it was pre
pared without sufficient inquiry hav
ing previously been made. The pope
says that the decree was based upon
the most complete information. His holiness
reiterates ills affection for the Irish people ,
and says that ho has always urged them to
keep within the bounds of justice nnd right.
The bishops , ho says , must remove all mis
conception , and leave no room for doubt as
to the force of the decros. The whole systpin
of the plan of campaign nud boycotting is
condemned ns unlawful. The encyclical
letter causes intcnrto dissatisfaction. At
Bray the people loft the church during the
reading of the letter.
lies t lean Kodaking.
VicToniA , B. C. , July IS. It Is 'oportod
that Mr. Clifford , In charge of the Hudson
Bay company nt Hozclton , und ono of the
special constables sent from hero , had been
murdered by Indians. The Indians are thor
oughly excited and-threaten to exterminate
nil the whites in this part of the country. A
special force of provincial police leaves to
night for the scene of the trouble. The In
dians who are causing trouble nro the worst
on the coast und nearly ull are well armed.
Sinn's Inhumanity-o Man.
About 2 o'clock this morning the pollco
picked up a woman carrying nn infant nnd
wnntleriug about the streets with barely
enough clothing- coyer their nakedness.
Thu woman is a Bohemian , giving n name
that sounds Jiko Shollotte. Her drunken
husband had beatteii his wife and thu four
children nnd driven thorn out into the streets.
They live on the bottom near the Unon |
Pacific bridge. Top woman could not speak
Fountl a Watery Grave.
FOUT SMITH , Ark. , July 15. Sir persons
were drowned yesterday whllo crossing the
Arkansas riv9r , near'this city. The party
hud- been attending -dance and were on
taoir way hpino. When in the middle of the
river the boat , upset. The bodies'have-not
peen recovered. " . . .
Iowa People Combining to Fight
the Railroad Companies.
Stringent Measures to Ho Adopted to
Iteleuse the CltlzciiR of tlio
State From tlic Grasp
of Corporations.
The lown Itnllroad .Problem.
DCS MUINES , July 15 [ Special to Tun
HER. ] The railroad problem Is no nearer
n solution than it was- month ago. lioth
sides seem determined to c-irry the light to
the bitter end. The people of this stnto were
never BO united In favor of n measure , and it
is easy to predict what the outcome will bo.
If the commissioners should bo defeated In
the courts , the legislature will bo convened ,
and there is no doubt whatever about the ac
tion of that body. Some of the most strin
gent railroad laws over devised will go on
the statute books with the emergency clause
attached , which will put the laws Into effect
at once.
Sonio corporation organs liavo commenrcd
a system of belittling Iowa , and classifying
her people with the communists and ns "mak
ing war on all invested interests , " apparently
with the purpose of inducing capitalists to
withdraw from this state. That Iowa has
been "wondrous kind" to her railroads goes
without saying , but lot us examine the matter
In detail. The following table taken from
official sources will furnish some idea of the
prolits of the railroad business in Iowa for
the past two years. The rullroids admit
their net earnings to have been as given here ,
and the amounts uro certainly not over the
mark. No reliable data prior to 18T8 is at
band , as the railroads were not required to
file their itemized statements before that
A glance at this table will show that the
railroads have made n clear profit of almost
C per cent on their entire stock und debt for
the past ten years. The stock and debt about
cqnul each other , nnd represent more thnn
twice the amount of capltul nctunlly Used in
constructing the roads. The capitalization
averages about $40X ( > p to the ratio , whllo few
ruads in this state cost half of that sum per
mile. Tho'Iown Midland , now part of the
Northwestern , and the Des Moiuos & Fort
Dodge roads were built about the sumo time ,
through very similar territory , und the
former cost & ! 1OCO per mile while the latter
was stocked at STO.OOO.
Ono of the lust roads built in this state
the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City ,
formerly known us the "Diagonal" was
bonded for 504,030 per milo , while the build
ers swore in n Judicial investigation that it
only cost about $15,000. It is snfo to say
that the average cost of building and equip
ping the railroads of Iowa did not average
over $ JO,000 per milo , or a total of $150,030-
000. How largo n part of this was n frco
gift to the railroad managers from the people -
plo will never be known. But the pro
verbial generosity of lown people wns ex
tended towards her railroads in n remarkable
dorrce. Five per cent taxes were every
where voted , nnd bonuses were exacted
from every considerable town and hamlet.
More thnn $10,000,000 worth of land was
granted to the railroads by congress , which
have already been disposed of and thousands
of acres still remain. Then hundreds of
miles of siding , double tracks nnd extensions
were built and charged up to the "expense
account , " us given above , and which was u
legitimate part of the net profits. How much
the railroads -havo made out of town sites
cannot bo ascertained , but it reaches far into
the millions. The gifts , bonuses , land grants ,
frco rights of wav and other subsidies ro-
colvea by the roads cannot fall short of $50-
000,000 , which would leave an investment of
only * 10 ; > ,0"X,000 ) in the roads of outside capi
tal. On tills sum the railroad managers
charged lost year , as may bo seen by the
auovo table , more than 13 per cent , and have
been making about the same average rate for
the past ten years.
The amount of local freight carried In Iowa ,
and which would bo nffected by the schcdulo
established by the commissioners , as near as
cnn bo estimated , annually amounts to
W.000,000. A reduction of ono-third on this
trafllc would largely increase the volume of
business nnd thus not materially reduce the
receipts. But if it did not the railroads would
after submitting to the contemplated reduc
tion , would still realize the munificent sum of
$11,000,000 nnnuallv ns net prpilt on their In-
vestmentof $100,000,000.
In matters of taxation the state has been
extremely liberal with the railroads , as the
above table will prove. Farm property in
tills state is assessed nt fully 50 per cent of
its vnluo und personal property at nearly tlio
same rate. Railroad property is assessed at
n lower rate by nearly one-half thun nny
other kind of property. With ono breath
when estimating their profits the managers
claim the railroad property In Iowa is worth
350,000,000 , und with the next they swear
that it is worth , for purposes of taxation ,
about 15,000,000. Tlio railroads are actually ,
by their own admission , making 83 per cent
interest on their assessed valuation , while the
net profit on the furmer property , listed nt
nearly $350,000,000 , according to the most re
liable data at hand , does not reach 4 per cent.
This condition of affairs is certainly enough
to arouse the wrath of the "granger , " who
sees bankruptcy staring him in the face with
no hope of relief , except by u reduction in
freight rates to tbo nearest und best markets.
The Jobbers , wholesale dealers and millers
who have long been discriminated against in
favor of the largo cities nro not less
determined to secure relief than the farmers ,
and are a unit in sustaining ttio action of the
railroad commissioners in reducing the rates.
The election of three commissioners will
tuko place this full , and the situation assumes
more and moro of a square railroad light as
the canvass advances. Tlio anti-monopolists
will favor the nomination of Messrs. Smith
and Campbell , republicans , und possibly ,
ulso , of Mr. Dcy , the democratic member of
the present commission. Tbo railroad cap
pers are masquerading with both parties ,
threatening in ono iustunco to knife the
whole republican ticket if the anil's control
the nominations , and to support the demo
crats. Their present policy is to bring out a
largo number of candidates pud dead-lock
thoconvenUon , if possible , nnd spfi'H n dark
horse at the proper moment. Fulling ia ! UJj
they will inako all sorts of promises anu
pledges to secure some weak-kneed candi
dates on both tickets. Thcro is little doubt
tliat the entire railroad vote will bo thrown
Just ai the managers desire. Chairman
Hunter ana many leading democrats would
like to secure their support , and no doubt a
secret understanding will bo reached be
tween the leaders.
But tlio thousands of democratic farmers
who belong to tha alliance nro watching the
progrcsvpf events with both eyes and will
never consent to bo delivered td any corpora
tion combine oil election day. Notwithstaud-
ng there will bPpcrhnps twenty candidates
joforo the republican convention , it Is not
believed that It will bo i > osstblo to defeat
Messrs. Smith nnd Campbell for the nomina
tion. If nominated they will receive the
solid support of the 14,0 , > X ) union labor voters ,
who hnvo refused to set up n candidate
against them , nnd this will vdry nearly make
up for nil possible railroad defection. Should
the democrats rcnomlnato Mr. Dey , as they
probably will , It Is probable that n sufficient
number of greenbuckers nnd republicans will
vote for him lo Insure his election in order
that the responsibility of dealing with the
railroads inuy bo divided between the two
leading political parties. HEX.
Discovered nud KH forced Ily Iowa's
MeddleHome Count ublcs.
DES MOINKH , la. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the BiSK.1 It lias been literally ns
quiet ns Sunday In Dos Moincs to-day , and n
very quiet Sunday , too all on account of
the enforcement of n recently discovered
Inw put on the statute books by n granger
legislature llftccn years ago. Some of the
constables who used to make quite nn In
crease from searching saloons , found their
revenue diminished us the saloons were
closed , nnd discovered an old law forbidding
the opening of btores , the sale of cigars or
anything else on Sunday. Last Monday
they nrrcsted several cigar dealers who had
sold cigars the day before , and announced
that on Sunday they would stop everything ,
oven street curs , from running. It was re
ported that they would bo nt tlio newspaper
offices nt 12 o'clock last night to prevent the
morning papers from publishing. Accord
ingly the publishers of the different papers
had npi > cal bonds ready , while the employes
were aching for n chance to turn the hose on
the officious constables if they hud. put In nn
appearance. But they .prudently kept away.
They frightened all the newsboys , so that
not ono hus dared to lift up his voice and sing
to-day in his usual manner on the streets.
Every cigar store has been closed , though
thn drug stores have sold cigars , und the pro
prietors half expected to bo arrested tomorrow
row morning. Public feeling against tlio
meddlesome constables is very strong , as it
is generally believed that they are taking
this course only for the lovenuo they can get
from it , and not from uny sentiment of spe
cial respect for the Sabbath.
The Bwltchmcn'H Strike.
Dr.sMoiNES , la. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK.J There have been no new
developments In tlio switchmen's strike on
the Wnbash to-day. They are waiting to
hear from Chief Monnghan , but it is gener
ally believed that ho will not sustain them ,
aud that they will go back to work.
The Movements ot Home of the More
Prominent Ones.
ICopi/rh/ht / 1SSS lt\i \ JiniiM ( Ionian 7ldiiic .l
PAIIIS , July 15. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Ben. ] Among the move
ments of Americans on the continent are the
following : John Jacob Astor has gone to
Kisslngton. Harry Watrous will occupy the
Waldray studio during his abscnco this sum
mer. Bishop and Mr-i. Whtpplo are at
Bmda. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Condor t uro
stopping nt the Hotel Meuricc. Miss Ida
McLark hau gone to Holland. Charles Hoi-
man Black and Mr. and Mrs. Grcatorix have
gone to Norway. Surgeon General Moan of
the United States yacht club is nt the Meu-
rlco. Mrs. McPhcrson , Miss Dillon nnd
Miss McClelland < start in n few
days on n tour of the Ithino and to Bndcn.
Hiram Mitchell was seen driving In the hois
yesterday with his sister. Mr. James H.
Stcbbins sailed from Havre for Brotogno
to-day. Miss Grace .Wilson Is slowly con
valescing. Mr. Brndish Johnson , Jr. , and
party hnvo loft for Bourboulo. Mrs. John
Lamson has gene to Carlsbad. Mr. Gcorgo
Draper Is in Dieppe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hurper have left for Tours. Miss Do Wolfe
sails next Saturday for Now York.
It Wns to Establish the Independence
of Alsace-Lorraine.
ICopj/r/o/if / / / 1KS8 hy Jumu Clortlim Rcnnctl. ]
BE 111,1 N , July 15. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE BKK. ] A private let
ter of the dead kaiser which has Just como to
light reveals that ho had two objects upper
most in his heart. The first wns the settle
ment of the Alsaco-Loraino question and the
second the murrlugo of his daughter Vic
toria. For months , perhaps years , his whole
mind hnd bsen given to those problems. Had
ho lived , ho would have tried the experiment
nnd given Alsace-Lorraine virtual homo rule ,
with Prince Alexander , of Battcnberg , as
governor. Then maybe wo might have seen
the realization of n grander drea'm.
"Germany would have been delivered from
the cancer which has been eating nway her
life since 1870 , oven ns I ahull perhaps bo
freed from the cancer which is eating into
my throat , " wrote Kuisor Frederick. With
Alsace-Lorraine independent , there would
have been an end of the deadly feud between
Gaul and Teuton , Europe would have been
disarmed , and peace nnd good will would
have reigned cm earth.
Emperor William at Kiel.
IfSSlm Jamtg Coition Jtcnnr.l ]
KIEL , July 15. [ Now Ydrk Herald
Cable Special to THE BEK. | Doubtless
American journals will bo interestedtoknow
the preface to the meeting of the emperors.
Emperor William on alighting from his train
flrst stepped forward to cmbruco his brother ,
then greeting tlib assembled officers ho en
tered the waiting room whcro the civil
functionaries were in turn presented. Bo-
fpro the station the sccno was remarkably
lively. Dense crowds stood outside tlio
barriers whllo all the windows nnd roofs
were occupied with spectators. Tlio'wliolo
frontage was filled - with officers
of tlio garrison nnd navy , the
latter in rognlia uniform with
white cuffs , which tlio emperor also were
When ho entered his carriage , drawn by four
black horses , the officers raised a cheer which
wns caught up enthusiastic-ally by the crowd.
Beside the emperor sat his cousin , the Grand
Duke of Hesso and Prince Henry. His
majesty drove at a slow pace through the
splendidly decorated lawn , the streets of
which wore lined with the different guilds
and societies of Kiel. On reaching the har
bor the emperor descended the Barbarossa
start and nt once embarked on the Imperial
pinnace which bore the yellow Imperial Hag.
In the middle of the harbor lay an iron olad
presenting a majestic appearance.
Sir John Henry Brnnd Dead.
Losnox , July 15. Sir John Henry Brand ,
president of the Orange free state , is dead.
Queen NatalieOoint / ; to Florence.
YIENKI , July 15. Queen Nutallo has sent
ah agent to Florence to prepare a residence
for her in that city ,
Ivc " (1 McDonald Indicted.
CINCINNATI , July 1-5. The grand jury mndo
its tinal report to-day. FiftCC.l Indictments
were returned. It is understood thdt tUc in
dictments Include A. McDonald for perjury
in connection with his against the Cin
cinnati , Hamjlton & Dayton railroad , nnd
Henry Selves , Geoygo H. Stalnor and E. W.
Woodruff for embezzlement In connection
with their disposal of thd securities of .tho
Cincinnati , Hamilton is , Dayton railroad.
Hon. John M. Thnraton Intorvlowod
on the Political Situation.
And HI.4 IiiHiilti to Pension Applicant *
Sure to Ito Kcnioinlicrcd Ity
Grand Army Men
Next Fall.
The West IH All
NEW Youir , July 15. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEI : . ! Judge J. M. Thurston , of Na <
bruskn , temporary chairman of thoilntoro- *
publican national convention nt Chicago , was
the center of n group of prominent men
to-day at the Fifth Aveniio hotel. In regard
to tlio west , ho snld : "My state , of course , is
republican , by ! W,000 majority. Everybody
is pleased with the ticket. About 300 re
publican Icuiruo clubs huvo been formed in
the state and have done a great deal of good.
The republican furmcys , nnd there nro many
of them in Nebraska , favor protection. They
have studied the question thoroughly. "
"How about California , Judge ! "
"California is nil richt , nnd will glvo A
good republican majority. In tlio past fovr
years the immigration from Kansas , lowii ,
Illinois nnd other western stntes has boon i ,
Inrger than many Imagine. I suppose thnt at
least twenty thousand voters from these
states hnvo settled In California , nnd they
are republicans. When tbo vote Is counted
I think it will bo found thnt California Is a
republican state. As fur us tlio western
states nro concerned I do not think that nny
uneasiness should bo felt , for they are sure
to go republican. The republican platform
has given great satisfaction. The internal
revenue question docs not disturb us in the
west to any degree. Every where I have
traveled slnco the convention I huvo heard
nothing but unqualified commendation for
the ticket. "
Captain B. U. Cor\vln was ono of the call-
era on the national republican executive com
mittee last evening. Captain Corwln is un
nctiva G. A. U. man of the U. S. Grunt post
of Brooklyn , and was chairman of the me
morial committee ut tlio big celebration nt , V
Grant's tomb. Being asked about the feel ?
ing among Grand Army men , ho said that it V
wus a significant fact that ono tlcKct hnd on
it first clnss representatives of the order aud
the other hud not , und that thcro is no deny
ing tlio fact that the Grand Army men will
support members of the order in preference
toothers. Ho added that thcru was no in
fluence which has gone abroad which would
have n like eflect. Whllo President
Cleveland hus vetoed some pension bills that
should huvo been vetoed , thcro
certainly was no necessity of putting in the
vetoes u sncor at the Grand Army nnd on
Insult to the applicants. The number ot
Grand Army men in tha United Stntes is
; i.'iO,000. Usually nbout So per cent vote the
democratic ticket , but ho did not think thnt -
ono-qunrtor of this 25 per cent would vote for J >
Cleveland this year on account of the latter's
Tno captain has just returned from Da '
kota. Ho said that the feeling there against * 3
tlio administration was "Bomothiiiir tre
mendous. " . < * -
At the headquarters of the National Uo-
publican leagUe President Foster and Scr
tary Humphrey were on hand , conferring
with other members of the league campaign
committee , and the Ilrst announcement ot
"tho result of the now relations with the na
tional committee was marie. It was that the
national league is to issue at oneo n request
urging tlio grcntest activity In tlio foiunn-
ntion of clubs nnd n fctlrrjng
up of the llvllest enthusiasm throughout the
whole country. This is to bo clone nt the re
quest of the national and state committees.
President Foster said of tlio Saratoga con
vention that it was n most enthusiastic dem
onstration. A largo majority of the dele *
gates were newcomers in pollticsyouiif ?
business men who were in to work for suo4
cess , and not in for any personal ambition ;
It was this , Mr. Foster added , that gave
strength to the club orgnnirutlon. Ho added {
"An Idea of how the ward is booming la
booming was shown by the fnet that I was
buttonholed every moment by these from
this nnd that town socking for instructions !
regarding the foundation of new clubs. " Ono
of tlio most gratifying reports of club
work came from President Byrnes , of the
Minnesota state league. Ho said thnt thera
were -150 clubs nlready organized and ut work
In the stnto , and that within the next thirty
days they would hnvo on tlio club books the
name , ago , business residence , nationalityi
and politics of oveiy man in the state.
A Midsummer Camp.
NEW YOIIK , July 15. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] The upper part of John street1 }
which is in tlio business pars of tlio city , la
usually very quiet on Sunday , but all day
to-day it was enlivened by people who had
como to attend the opening services ot the
second week of tiio midsummer camp of thOt , >
John street Methodist church , which In end'
of the oldest churches In the United States.
It wns the ilrst Methodist Episcopal church
In America , and was dedicated by Philip
Embury as long ngo ns October. 17iS. ( The
midsummer camp-meeting Is to last through1
the week , witli thrco services each day , und
is under the direction of Thomas Harrison ,
"tho boy preacher. " The idcn is to convert
naughty business men , and Wall street
brokers who nro inclined to do the right
thing , tlio ministers say , can take advantage
of these services In the old church. I
Charged With Murder.
Dn.NVEit , July 15. Lust Wednesday tha II
body of nn aged German named Loula
Scliocnbach was found hanging in the collar I
of an unoccupied houso. It was thought to
bo n cuso of suicide , but investigation estab
lishes the fact that the old man was mur
dered on the Saturday previous by n Jew
drummer fiom San Francisco named Jacob
Dauschcr , with whom Scliocnbach had been
on very intimate terms. It is supposed tljnb
ho was murdered for $500 which ho had on
his person , Datischor was apprehended at
Sat ) Bernardino this morning , on his way to
San Francisco.
Marietta' * * Centennial.
MMUETTA , O. , July 15. The centennial
celebration opened hero to-day. Tlio largo
assemblage in Centennial hall was presided
over by Governor Foraker , whn delivered a
short speech and introduced the Ut. Uov.
Bishop Gilmour , of Cleveland , who delivered
the address of the day. His subject , "Uc-
llgion and Civil Government , " wns treated
jn n broad , popular spirit. The day waa
given up to religious observances.
Shot for ncfiitilni ; n Drink.
.CIIICAOO , July 15. Hubert Brazol , tha
colored valet of Blka Barnes , the weiU
known jockey , this afternoon shot and
Instantly killed Andrew Bond , a notorious
colored man , In a south sldo saloon. Iho
quarrel grow out of Barnes' refusal to drink
with Baud , who was intoxicated. A scudlQ
insucd between than in which Bond was
shot through the heart. Brazol at once sur
rendered to the pollco.
IJonlancor'H Popularity Wnnlng : .
PAIIIS , July 15. Boulanpor was nblo tq
rise last evening and passed n good night.
Hardly fifty persons assembled last evening
in response to the call for a Boulangist denir
onstratlon. Ten df those who did nppeap-
wora arrested , Including the editor 01 Bout .
lauger's paper.
Murdered and Ilohhod.
Yl' u , Ariz. , July 15 : Goorjo ( Stevenson ,
postmaster uU > l express agent at Qlamls , wa }
niurdorod.yesterauy. Pedro Jones , u Moxl-
ccn youthi has'confcftsed to lha murder.
murder was committed for thp purjwue'
robbery. . ' '