THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JTJLT : 15. 1888.--TWELYTJ ] PAGES , N. U. FALCONEH. Monday , Illnck Orcnnilliics Ific. 2,000 yards Blnck Iron Frnmo Grenadine nt 16c , the rogulur price IB 05c , BRAID , lOc PER PIECE. 600 pieces 29 braid in blacks 22 yards In each piece , at lOc per piece , worth 2oc. PANS1 PANS ! 100 painted cloth fans at 100 each , worth ( I5c. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. Wo will place on our centre coun ter the biggest bargain in ladles' fine handUorchiofs that wo huvo ovorBold. They arc all perfect and clean , fresh goods. They were bought by xis cheap , and wo in tend tq give our customers full benefit ot our purchase. HANDKERCHIEFS 10. 200 dozen ladles all linen horn- ' stitched and printed borders all llnon homittchod handkerchiefs nt lOc , regular price 16c and lOJc. HANDKERCHIEFS 17c. 100 dozen Indies scalloped bor dered embroidered , also embroid ered hemstitched nil linen hand kerchief at 17c , regular price 88c nnd 80c. HANDKERCHIEFS 25c. 100 dozen ladies line whlto em broidered and colored embroid ered all llnon Jiiuulkorchiofn in scalloped nnd hemstitched at 2oc , regular price 8c. ! ) HANDKERCHIEFS 30c. All the fine embroidered linen handkerchiefs in white and col ored embroidery that wo have been selling at oOc nnd 05c , on Monday at "Oc. LADIES WHITE LAWN SUITS. Wo will , commencing on Mon day , close out our entire line of ladies white lawn suits at great reductions. The prices tire made to soil them quick , as wo do not believe in carrying them ovor. $4.115 white suits ; former price $5.50. $5.50 white suits ; former price $7.60. $7.50 white suits ; former price $9.50. , $10.00 white suits ; former price $12.50. $15.00 white suits ; former price $20.00. CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS. Wo 1mvo n lot of odd sizes and styles in children's gingham suits 1 Which wo will sell on Monday at 85c , $1.10 and $3.00. They have sold nt $1.25 , $1.85 and $3.75. The sizes nro 2 , 8 , 4 , ( land 8 } , nnd the styles nro all now this bunbon. JERSEYS. We will clobo out our entire stock of jerseys nt unheard of prices as follows : Radios' jerseys wo hnvo bold nt $2.75 , $3.75 and $4.60 , on Monday only , 89c. The sizes nro not complete in any line nt the price. CHILDREN'S ' JERSEYS. I. Children's plain all wool jer- eoys in three colors at 47c , for mer price $1.25. II. Children's fancy blouse and Brotonno front jofsoys at 8po , re duced from $2.00 , $2.75 and $3.2-3. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. GOWNS. We will offer on Monday throe special numbers in ladies' night gowns nt 65c , 75c and $1.00' . The material and finish of these goods is up to our usual standard and the prices are the closest wo have over made. ' * CORSET COVERS nt 50o , 75u nnd $1.00. Wo show n very fine line nt those prices. DRAWERS. Two special drives at 60 and 75o , trimmed. N. B FALCONER. t " Smoke La Confession Havana cigars. Th UNION PACIFIC , the famous n-.route to nnd from the Pacific Coast. Larkiii & Co. , offer on Monday morning all sum- jSf.mor goods nt a general reduction vary- AC Ing from ten to twenty-live per cent. V jTfiis sale will positively bo one at which WjiBVory nrtlclo will bo cut in prico. Wo tf do not propose , as some of our competi- s tors , to give you some trifling article nt \v\ona-fourth its cost price , but every lady \-rinOrnnha thnt goes shopping Monday > morning , NO MATTER WHAT ARTICLE - > TICLE SHE MAY WANT , can come * ' to our store and lind it on sale at CUT It PRICES. IT IS TO BE A SPECIAL 3T SALE DAY ON ALL SUMMER * ? vGOODS. In addition wo propose giving L every purchaser ol $1 and upward a rebate - * bate or discount of ton cents , which iii _ > -the purchase of ten dollars worth , will " bo. oqulvolantto $1. If you are going tc f purchase dry goods Monday go direct tc ft LARKlN & CO. , x 614 nnd 010 N. 10th at. , cor. Webster st , f' ' liuillcs' Fancy Hookers. fc The finest display of lancy chairs fy ever shown in Omaha just received at r the Nebraska Furniture and CnrpotCo. ( P' 600 and COS North 10th st. mm > " \ T SraokoLn Confession Havana cigars , L ii K. Idaho is attracting goncml attention , ft Send to any General Agent of the | UNION PACIFIC for do- j ; ' ' scriptlvo pamphlet. r ' 'Loans on Omaha and South Omaha u < ' .real estate , low interest. Chus. Kauf- 4. * , man , 1802 Douglas street. | ' Popular Excursion to Snn Francisco , t , > Lo Angeles nnd other points in Call- 'x fornla nro run ever the UNION PA- Kv OIPIO. I- A thoroughly competent eye spcclalisl f' IB now in charge ot our optical depart & ' mont nnd will prescribe and adiusl f ; glasses to correct all the various optical t ; . defects. MAX MEYUR& Buo. , r x Loading Jowelora. K. e a i. ' Smoke La Confession Havana cigars L ' Every Lady I IB interested in the latest novelties o : VI chairs'and fancy rockers. Wo place 01 E r , exhibition Monday tnofning the llnosl lj > assortment ever shown in Omaha | r'Ladles are specially invited 16 call uui E ' inspect them , K Wo have engaged Dr , Goodnough , nr R ye expert , to mnnago olir optical do Kr , purtmcnti Ho prescribes and ndjusti F | flas cs ncouratoly to correct all the | > i vnrious anomalies of refraction. | < MAX MKVEK & Duo. , r Leading Jewelers. | ' BmolvO La Confosulou Havana cigars ilAYIJKNIJKOS. Down tiio Prices On Trt cleanup all summer goods nUonco wo have decided to commence tl grand clearing sale our Ihnitcd space will hot allow us to carry ever any goods. 100 doz gents full size lufifs col'd bor ders , only 8c each , worth lOc. Gents' unlaundricd shirts , , good muslin and. well iniulc , only 800 each , worth 60c , Gents' full size bandaun hdkfs only 6e each , worth lOc. Just received , the re publican campaign hdkfs , stars and stripes , in n very line quality of silk nnd full sl/.p , only COc each. 1 case of children's gauze Vests to bo closed out at less than cost , 12c for 10- inch and n slight advance on larger sizes. Children's ribbed cotton hose only 8c. per pair , worth 15c. Ladies' jorbov ribbed vests , our 60c only 25c each on Monday. Ladies'Lislo frame gloves only 121c. reduced from 2oc. On Monday ladies' pure Milk gloves only 25c. reduced from 50c. Gents'linen collars only 8c each , till now shapes , others nak 16c. Gents' porcalc ties 2 for 6c. 1 case of gouts' British 4 ho-o only lOc cti'jli < worth 20c. 8 roll bustles only lOc each , others ask 2oc. On Monday morning Wo will put on saleoOdoZ beau tiful cbrsofs , none worth loss than $1.00 each , our price in this sale only 6c. ( ) Our parasol block to bo slaughtered on Monday. All must go. Wo have marked them down to prices that will move them. Gents' heavy dogskin driving gloves only $1.00 , reduced from $1.60. Gonts' balbriggan shirts only 85c caohreduced from SOe. Joan draw ers , good quality , only 45c per pair , worth Ooc. Don't ' forgot that wo nro leaders of low prices on wall paper. DRESS GOODS. 21-in Turcols plaid suiting 4c. ! worth 13c ; 2l-ln Australian crepe 10Jct worth 20c ; 30-in cashmere , now shades , 12o } , worth 25c ; 80-in English cashmere , now shades , lOe , worth 28c ; 88-in English cashmere , now shades , 22e , worth 83c ; 88-in French suiting , all wool , 88c , worth 55 ; 88-ln Henrietta suiting 48e , worth ( ! 5 ; 41-in striped suiting , line wool , OOc , worth $1.00 ; 60-iu Henrietta , new shades , 08c , worth $1.85 ; 6G-ln BuodoirH plaid milting 95c , worth $1.85 ; 41-in Bilk warp Henrietta $1.85 , $1.45 , $1.10. ! )8c ) and 75c , worth * 2.87 to $1.10. This is positively the most complete slaughter so far in choice dross goods. Every article in silks nnd surahs will bo sold nt forty cents on the dollar to close. Albatross that was 4oe is now 29c ; ehallis that was 2-3c now lie ; French suitings at 18c that cost 85c to import. Gilbert's all wool suiting 2Ho , worth 40c. Fine silk plushes in all shades nt 69c , worth $1.00. Best glove finish cambric 8Sc. These are the greatest bargains wo have yet attempted to offer. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods. Ln Confession Cuban cigar at all first class cigar and drug stores. Prompt Payment. OMAHA , July 14 , 1888. Mr. M. L. Roeder , manager National Life Insur ance Co. , of Virmont. Dear Sir : Ac cept my thanks for $1,000 this day re ceived on policy No. 80,8 ( > 1 , issued by the National Life Insurance Co.of Ver mont , December 80,1887 , premium paid , $13.2 < i. Considering that the proof of loss papers were mailed you July 3. the prompt payment which the National Life pay their losses is very commenda ble. For courteous treatment and prompt payment of losses I heartily recommend the National Life Insurance Co. , of Vermont. Yours truly , JOHN A. CUXNINOHAJf , No. 410 S. 18th St. , Omaha , Neb. The National Life , of Vermont , is the only company issuing the Incontestable Installment Bond Policy. This bond cnn bo purchased by either annual or semi-annual inbtallmon'.tj. If the purchaser nt any timn discon tinues his installments , the company will redeem the bond for * ! jo stipulated sum expressed upon its fade. . In cnso o ( dcnth your heirs receive the full amount of the bond. If you live you receive the full amount of the bond with interest. An Installment Bond Policy costs less than any other form of insurance and you cnn withdraw your cash any year without loss. Endorsed by the ablest actuaries , bankers nnd business men. Forty years of experience. Under the bond you cnn pay us you go , or stop without loss. Cash surrender value each year. If you are interested cull or address M. L. Roodor , Manager , Rom 401-2-3 , Paxton block , city. The UNION PACIFIC wns first called the Great Overland Route. La Confession Cuban oignr nt all first class cigar nnd drug stores. AUCTION , AUCTION , AUCTION. Sale Extraordinary. $20,000 worth of fine carriages , bug gies , cabriolets , pluetons , surreys , rend wagons , side bar nnd side spring speed ing wagons , buck boards , delivery wagons , harness , robes , whips , etc. This stock is from the bObt > carriage works in the country. I nm going out of thu business. The entire stock will bo sold. Terms of sale six (0) ( ) months time , with approved paper bearing in terest. 5 per cent discount for cash. Don't forget the time and place. 23d nnd Izard sts. , Wednesday morning , July 18th , 10 o'clock u. in. Samuel Pruyn , per L. P. Pruyn. his agent. Sonnenborg & Frotwoll , Auctioneers. Smoke Soidonborg's Figaro and got the best 5-cent cigar in the world , Max Mover & Co. . wholesale depot. Special Sale orCurtain ? , Carpets anil Commencing Monday , July 10 , and continuing during the week , I shall of fer tit special sale and at greatly re duced prices everything in our drapery department , consisting of portiors , lace , MauiTtS and silk curtains , table covers. fringes , Chiiia silks , and furniture cov erings , nnd in our carpet department wo shall continue our special sale ol ermnnnts of moquettos , body Brussels , tapestries , etc. , nnd in addition will have u special sale ot rugs at half prico. S , A. ORCHARD , 15th nnd Far num. Go to Pries lake for family , club ant school picnics , The UNION PACIFIC is the only rend running through the famous Al pine Tunnel , 11,000 feet above sea level. If you have n gasoline stove that does not work well have it repaired or ex change it for one of our Perfect Penin sula Gasoline stoves. Omahu Stove Ro- 'pair Works , 810 N. 10th st. Operatic nnd DrAnmtlo School. High order of voice culture for the study of opera and drama. Pupils re ceived at the' studio of Mr. and Mrs. F Massy Howard , 1(100 ( Douglas st. First opera in rehearsal for public perform nnco , M. Balfo's celebrated work , "Bo hominn Girl" in its entirety. Ladies and gentlemen Wishing to join a class or for private tuition will please call ut once , as the list of 'pupils is limited. La Confession Cuban , cigar nt all first class cigar nud drug stores. BENNW BROS , . Monday's Money Losing Sale ot 1610-21'Douglas Stroot. Money or 1'roflt No OVxIcct Read This Advcrllfichicnt Carorully , Tcu Mnch Dntlsto Cloth for 4o. 1,000 yimls India linen In beautiful figures , lOo a yard. 1,000 yards but ! chntubrayd 0o a yard , worth 16c. 1,000 yards Scotch zephyr crinkles sold atl5o ind 18o , Monday Tie a ynrd. Monday iO pieces whlto goods , worth from 20cto ioc. Talco thoui for lOc a yard. SILK SLAUGHTER , All our 60o and G."IC Foulards Monday it'Je. ' . In this lot \vo placu plain colors n BUinmcr silks to close out , and if you cotno in cnrly you will strike a snap. All nt iJOc a yard. Wo shall also otTer 60 ) iCces striped and chocked surahs , beau- iful goods , at 05c , worth $1. 1,000 rem nants in silks , velvets and dr.oss goods at half price. 60 pieces 40-inch blnck bunting UOc a ard. 100 embroidered robes sold at ywds colored embroidery for ! ixj , Monday only , and not over 60 yards to one customer. 1,000 beautiful 'HUH that cost to import from $5 to $11 a do/.on , your choice Monday ( or SSccach. Come early. 1,000 opaque curtain shades with beautiful dado 7 to 0 feet long , Me each. 50 rolls Chinese matting at 17e a yard.TAKE TAKE THE ELEVATOR. A slaughter of 250 children's calico lrub ! > cs , - to 0 years , on bocond lloor Monday , Ii7c each. The trimmingalone cost more. Remember the price , S27c each. Monday we shall olTor a beauti ful ecru corbot. known as Dr. Piorco's liealth coi-bct. for 75c. Also 1,000 do/.on of our world renowned linen , double stay , summer corsets , at 7oc , warranted to outwear any $1 or $1.25 corset in ttho market. Wo arc solo agents. 100 ham mocks , with pillows attached , $1 each. At our notion counter wo olTorfeather dusters for IRIe. Silk rouohing l9e ! a yard. Silk veiling , all colors , 8c a yard. Tourist Touching2o a yard. 20 hair pins for 2c. Crochet hooks Ic onch. y sheets of paner for oc. Bet white envelopes 6c a package. Our price on notions are down to the bottom. DENN1SON BROS. La Confession Cuban cigar at all first class cigar and drug stores. Must Vacate in 15 Dnyp. The entire stock of cloaks and suits at MCDONALD'S EMPORIUM , 42 < ; south fifteenth street , will bo sacrificed as they must bo sold previous to moving. A largo invoice of fall and winter cloaks for ladies and children just received and manufactured for fall , 1888 , will bo slaughtered. This compulsory sale will bo a regular bonanza , to those contem plating buying winter cloaks later on , a& they can btivo at leaht 60 per cent by making their purchases now. A very largo a orUiiont of ladies and children s ready made suits will be given away for less than you can buy the material for ; also a beautiful line of tea gowns and wrappers. Great moving out closing sale at McDonald's Emporium , 420 South Fif teenth street. Notice. There ia on exhibition at the Ne braska Furniture and Carpet Co. , COO and 008 North 10th st. , the finest , dis play of fancy chairs ovor- shown in Omaha. Ladies tire specially invited to call and inspect them. A M-iscot For the BjislncHS Mnn. Among the now institutions of this city is one that bids fair to be of great banclit to the merchants and bankers as well as all other llnancial institu tions. It is the newly corporatod Com mercial Directory company , which has evidently come to stay. Its incorporators - ors are young and entcrpribing men who have the necessary push and qual ifications to make a sure succebs of their undertaking. They come well recommended as businnss men and fully understand their business in all. its branches. They propose to got up and place in the hands of the retail mer chants a report of the credit standing of each and every consumer in the county. The retailers should bo pro tected as well as the jobber and by the use of their work and monthly reports ho is. Call at 1018 California street and see the ladies' friend. The UNION PACIFIC is the shortest line from Eastern Points to . the Pacific Coast. Auction at No. 019 North Nineteenth street contents of a ton-room house , nearly now without robcrvo , Tuesday , July 17,1888 , at 10 a. m. A.V. . COWAN , Auctioneer. La Confession Cuban cigar at all first class cigar and drug stores. Oninliu Commercial College has moved into Williams block , corner 15lh and Dodge sts , over Kelly & Sti- gcr's , where it will begin its bummer school for children Monday morning , July 10. _ The OREGON SHORT LINE of the UNION PACIFIC is the Great Through Car Line to Porthtnd. BKNCJI AND BAU. Yesterday's Proceeding ? In the Dis trict Court , The Nebraska National bank has sued G. W. Duncan , O. W. Duncan & Co. and Will iam McHugh , to recover on a note for fJ,000. Frank J. Persons and John McMillan sue Marcurct Mucdouald , G. Frank Maudonuld , Edmund Clark , the Omaha LuSH SStl Trust company and E. W. Whipplo for breach of contract. Tlio plaintiffs alleged that Clark contracted to soil to George M. Soutlunnyd the east 11 fly feet of lots lit and 14 , In block 70 , in South Omaha , forW.OOO. Southmayrt conveyed his contract to the plaintiff. The defendant's attorney refused to carry out the contract , and Clark subsequently conveyed voyod the property to others of the defend ants. The plaintiffs want equitable relief and the property , which they profess to bo ready tp pay for according to the contract. County Court. JUDGMENT. Tbo Consolidated Tank Line company was given a judgment for $55.82 against H. C Marko for oil furnished. The Omaha Oil and Paint company have sued Robert D. Hackers for oil furnished amount f 41.U1. The Armour Packing company has BUOC Horn & Kemp for (229.10 duo for moat. Marring" IitccnscH. The following marriage licenses were la sued yesterday by Judga Shields : Name and Itcsldcncc. Charles Olesen , Omaha. . < 23 Krnella Munsen , Omaha 1 Frant Hro-lll.Omaha . % . . . . . . . . ! . . . .2 Annie Koncul , Omaha . * -.1 George Slmfer , Omaha , . , . . . . . . , . . . : 2 Kntliy Drager. Omaha _ Z J.I'lillln Horn. Bouth Omaha 2) IxraU * Ktrtthmmn , Bouth Omaha S Curl ii-Moiander , Omaha. , , ' Augiutu U. Wctt , OuiaUa 9 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES At Kelley , Stlgbr & ' Oo.'s , Corner or Dodge and 15th Stroots. A' Great Clearing Snlel POP All Next Week , In Order to-iClnnii Up tlio Stock It Is.ilarRulu Week. 45-Inch blnck nil silk drnpory not , Do Esprit effect. 81.00 , worth fel.iW. 45-incli black nil silk drapery not , ele gant fltrlped effect , $2.00 , worth $4.00. 42-inch blnck clmntilly llounclug , 1.75 , reilucotl from $2.35. 42-inch black chantilly Houncings , $2.00 , reduced from 82.05. 42-inch black chantilly ilouncings , Sp2.25. reduced from $2.85 , blank chantilly ilouncinps , $2.50 , reduced from * 3. .j. 42-inch blnck chantilly ilounclngs , $3.75. rcducoa from $4.1)0. ) 42-inch blnck Spanish guipure flotmc- inps. $1.40 , reduced from $1.75. 42-inch black Spanish guipurq llounc- ngs , $1.75 , reduced from $2.2-5. 42-inch black Spanish guipure llounc- nitfs , $2.25 , reduced from $2.75. 42-inch black Spanish guipure llounc- ings , $2.75 , reduced from $ ; ! .00. Uemnants. 42-in black Chantilly louncings. 42-ln black Guipure ilouncings. 42-in fine Oriental flouncing , etc. , ro- jardloss of cost. Embroideries. 42-in Swiss embroi dered skirtings , 75cyorth $1.15. 42-in Swiss embroidered skirtings , $1.0' ) , worth $ ! . ; . 42-in Swibs embroidered akirtings , $1.2" . worth $ l. < n. 42-in Swias embroidered skirtings , $1.75 , worth $2.2o. Uemnants of Swiss and Nainsook om- iroidorics. All remnants of embroi deries that have accumulated during the lust two months will be closed out regardless of cost. Special sale of silk mitts , parasols and sun umbiellas all next week. KELLEY , STIGER it CO. , Corner Dodge and Fifteenth Sts. Smoke La Confession Havana cigars. Kansas City and Leavenworth tire the Eastern termini of the Kansas Main Line of the UNION PACIFIC. Li. A. lOnton. Successor to Coover & Watts , north- cast corner St. Mary's avenue and Nine teenth street , Omaha , Nebraska. Prii-e list of groceries and provisions for the month of July , ISvSS. All goods guaran teed to be exactly as represented and to pivo satisfaction. Prices subject to market IhiPtuations of staple goods only. A trial order solicited. G sugar , 1. ! pounds for $1.00. G hiigar , 15 pounds for $1.00. N O biigar , 15 pounds for $1.00. C L sugar , ! ) pounds for $1.00. P L sugar , 10 pounds for $1.00. Maple sugar , 5 pounds for $1.00. SYRUPS. Cut loaf. iIHiGO1 ) , 81.10. Itobton club , i-10 , i-lio. Royal drips , * -5 ! ! , 4-50-1. 81.00. Maple. 4-hOc. , $1.00 to igLOO. N O mohibbes , 80c. Sorghum , 40c. linkers' choice , 50e. FLOURS. Wo guarantee the following brands either in price or quality : Washburn , Omaha , Pittsburg1 , per 100 pounds , 83.00. Jack Frost , per 100 pounds , $ . ' 1.50. Hubbard , per 100 pourids , $2.1)0. ) Nonpareil , pur 100 pounds , $2.50. Snow Plaice , per 100'pounus ' , $2.2-3. TEAS AND COFFEES : . B. F. Japan , 2oc , Hoc. 40c , 60c , 7oc. Oolong , 50e , 75c , $1.00. Gunpowder , ( Wo , 76c , $1.00. Young Hybon. ( loo. 75c. ROASTED COFFEE. No. 1 Java , 2oe , 80c , 85e , 40c. No. 1 Rio , 25c , 30c , 3-jc , 40c. BcstM. cVc.l.,40c. Wo also carry Arbucklos , Cliocolato and other brands in block. Wo carry a full line of farinaceous goods , including Akron , rolled oats and graham Hour , granulated corn meal , stocl cut oats , etc. Our line of crackers and sweet goods is very full and include both McUlurg and Kennedy's manufacture. A full line of smoked meats , lunch tongue , canned com beef , potted ham , etc. , ahva.\B on hand. My stock of cigars and tobaccos is full of choice brands and at leading prices. Call and inspect our goods nnd prices. Respectfully , L. A. EATON. The UNION PACIFIC is the Direct Line to Leadvillo , the largest raining , city in the world. lami ' I DAISY BEECHER MARRIED. A * Brilliant Wedding at Jlcr Father's Residence at Moutroho , N. J. Now' York Journal , July 8 : The country residence of Colonel Henry Barton Beecher. son of the late Henry Ward Beecher , on Center btreet , Montrose , N. J. , wtib the fccer.o of a bril liant wedding yesterday at noon. Miss Margaret Humphrey Beochcr , clauirhtcr of Colonel Beochor , known to her friends as Daisy Beochor , was the bride , and Arthur White , son of Congressman S. V. White , of Brooklyn , was the groom. Nearly four hundred people of tooial prominence in New York and Brooklyn wont to Montroio in special trains to witness the ceremony , and many well- known people , of Newark and the Oranges wore present. The house was handsomely decorated with flowers and plants , and in onocoriiorof the spacious and elegantly furnished parlors was a magnificent floral bower. The bridesmaids were Miss Kato Beochor , sister of thobrido ; Miss Helen Wogman , of Now York ; Miss Cnmillo Govvnns , of Buffalo ; Miss Campbell , of East Orange ; Miss Scovillo , of Stam ford , Conn. , nnd Mi s Grucw Scokomb , of Now York. Henry Ward Bcechor. brother of the bride , wns best mnn , and the ushers were Frederick Wallace , of Now liii"HJ ; David Morris , of Minne apolis , Minn. } Samuel Walker , of Chicago cage ; Edwin Aliof St. Louis ; Thomas Riploy , of Now 7s k , nnd Clay ton Brigham , of Savannah , Gn. The entry of the bridal party was a novel one. Shortly nftor 12:80 : o'clock the party passed down the staircase , headed by the bridesmaids , who wcro followed by the bride , leaning on the arm of her father. At the foot of the stairs were the groom , best man and ushers , formed in two lines and holding bands of daises. The party passed through the lines and into thu parlors , followed by the groom , best man and ushors. The young oouplo took positions under the floral bower and the cere mony was performed according to the Episcopal ritual by Rov. Charles A. Hall , ifci-tor of Holy Trinity church , Brooklyn , who conducted the services at the funeral of the bride's grand father , the late Henry Ward Boochor. After the ceremony a reception wns hold , a wedding breakfast was served and the numerous costly and magnifi cent presents were shown. Later in the "afternoon Mr. and Mrs. White left foe' an pxtondcd wedding tour. On their return they will reside iu Tarry- town , HAYDKX 11U03 Down the Prices. Mopdrty , July 10th , you will find our store crowded. 60 pieces fnncV figured lawn s\ightly \ damaged , 10 yards for JOe. worth three times the money. 4 * ' pieces fancy crinkled seersucker worth 16o. , reduced to 7Jc. per. ynrd. 2,000 ymuls fancy figured lawns , siich as cochico , Manchester nnd Pacific , no bettor in this city , at 7 c. pop yard , well worth 12c. Special bargains in our box suits and fancy robes with ombroidorv to match , cost no object , they must bo told. 10.000 yards in remnants of India linens , bought direct from the factory , and being late in the season wo got thorn cheap , on sale Monday , ranging In price from 'Jo. , 5c. , 7c. , 8c. and lOc. a yard. Remnants of sateen at J cost. Rem nants of white dross goods In stripes and checks also colored lOc. on the dollar. Everything must bo cleared out. "Tho Bristol" white chrochot bed spread , and best spread for the money which was over shown over any counter , l)8c. ) each. 50 dozen of the largest Turkish towels in this city , 25c , onch. 54 inch wide Turkey rod table linen , 1'Jc. a yard. 10 pieces crutun colored loom dice table linen , 15e. , 2c. ( ) and 25c. Red bordered table linen at ! l3e. a yard with napkins to match , at ( > 0e. a dozen. Fancy stamped splashers , lOc. each , worth 25c. Chenille and raw silk table covers at a great bargain. The greatest bargain wo over offered in towels on Monday. 18 by 40 bleached damask , red , white or blue border , knotted fringe , at ISc. each. This towel you will acknowledge to bo the best value over shown in this city by any firm , and Ilnydou Bros , are letting down the prices on towels Mon day. 18 inch checked glass toweling 8c. a yard. 1(1 ( inch chocked glass toweling IU yards for $1.00. Fancy striped all linen toweling 5c. a yard. You can buy odd lots of wall paper at your own price. HARDEN BROS. Heal Kstiue Ti-iuiHfers. L1110111118 nnd u Koto V O Luntry , lot Wk : MH , Florence , < i c < 1 t 85 JI A A\ery to Gcoigo II Urlllltli , lot 1 , bllcttt , llort'iiou , ( i oil , 1 A P Ttikuy ei Hi to .1 0 Itnnkni , lot IB , blk _ ' , tllfton Hill , w 0 no II Amblurct nl to C1 I' Harrison , lot * ( I , 7 , anil 8 , blkO , Iot8 5 iiud II , lilk 7 , KeKor- 111,111. (1C (1 Georqo R llniker i-t nl to the imbue , lots 0 nnd7Jcorgu rorbes'sub , Sliormimixvo , pirk Dint A II Pitch and wife to K M 1'nrk , lot 10 , Hoiisrl Sitebblns' sub. w rt 2,503 1 8 Hasrull to It ( . 'ainiibcll , lot 5 , blK S , lit mid , Mt HmiKlni , > \ tl , GOO Wlllliun n Albrlglitniul wlfo to T Hartley lot iii. blk 4 , Hooper's lloimurn , w rt J II Miller nnd wife to.T W Illler , lots 11 nnd U , Iicuvemvortli llusliievt I'lnte , q cd 1 M J Sciinliin to N 1) Hoxlf , lot fi. Clink's sub , w rt 4,000 N Isabt-n nnd wlfo to Ilnllou llros. , lot 7 , lilkH. ( JrnndTew , wd 2,000 Il.leuiilnps toM I ! Hoxlc , lot 1' , blk S , Mnyiioiilntc.wrt 2,500 T S Chukhnu nnd wlfo to I' 0 HlmobauKh ct nl , s I'JKMII-i ; ! , nKfPBinent A KeiniiiKtnn et nl toT S Clm kson , fi MlK ) ncres so coritllt-13 , npit'eini'iit 1'C1 lIlliiobnujjhtTTS Cliiiksou , 15187-10J ncrcaso < orJU-ifM'j , iiKit'uiucnt A .1 Slniiison to 0 Iliutninn , part ot lot 1 , blK It ) , Omaha , rj o d , 1 N It rnlconer mid wlfo to A J Simpson , pnrt oflot 1 , blk Kiri.OinnhiKicrt 1 U A l.nku tit nl to N II 1'nlconor , pattaf lot 1 , blk 1U' , Omaha , q o d 1 J S lot l.blkicn , Oinaliii , < j cd , 1 Oinnliii Iteal Kstatu .V Trust Co. to A J Va'iKnran , lot 0 mid 7 , blk 7 , Kllby I'lnre. ' wrt 1,000 F\Vndilllif.'liiliiiiud ! lfoto.I O RHla et ill. lot : ' . bll:7. i : VSmlth'Miiddw rt. . . . 0.075 Unlttd Stntc-i to J L llnrsh , so iiMll-1.1 o , p.itent 1' C Ilin obiuiKh ft nl to II Hutz , lot 4 , blk 11. Onialia llem'nts , w d 2JO ] ; Wnlliuo and husliiuul to A M lluinaiin , lot ( i , blk a , Cn' ton iidd , w d 1,700 J U like nivl wlfu toV H CntCH , lot - ) , blk ( i. Holier Place , w d rr ) Twenty-live transfers npcrcgatln ? ? 27.CO" AMUSEMENTS. ONE MORE PERFORMANCE. Lns > t opportunity of witnosslnR the most clover of comic operas. ) | IV TUB I'AMOt 8 TEMPLETOM OPERA COMPANY , Popular Prices 2 c , : KJC , Hc. ) We have a Fine Stock of Everything coming under this head H5O MRMIIKKSA WGtiK 350 PIANOS , Wo nro fiirnilnit n I'lHtin Clue of MO members , to whom no Hill fiirnMi : I5U pianos , on imyiuuntB of ONKDOI.dAUAUKIC , Onu member will niclve ft rt iu > eiirli week , to tin deturmlnuil by l"t. hlimiltl any inumlKT ilcirlru u llniio bo I nro the lot tnll.Hto liliu , ho cnn obtain It ut any tlmuon a mnnll weekly mUlltUiii tnlhtiHUUperwtK'Ic. a hnrlub paying catli via are unublml luKlru nil insodiintii tlintcanh would > rouro. An elcvant I'lnrui Hint usually noils lor i lUHu MSOwlll lie fiirnMiccl for ! > 60 A ISITTI-R : : OPPORTUNITY Will never bo offered. A Piano bounlit forloss tlmn ono can te rented. No moro Hi an .iM members will lie HcrapK'ri. Irnd In rmir namn ut once. Write for lull particulars. AOK.V1S WANTKI ) . 8. it. UUYISTT , Mnnnenr , faT. JOSKl'JI. MO. § Investment Co. KANSAS CITf , .MO. Hns opened an olUce in Ouiulia , uH ; ! pre pared to MAKE AND CLOSE LOANS promptly on desirable Improved Property. Ilus- Iness Is all transact ed nt tills olUce. Mo delays whatever. We also make BUILDING LOANS. 6EO , M , VAN EVERA , Secretary , Jloora 36. Cliuuiljer of Commerce , .10tU ana furniuu Streets. BASE BALL OMAHA vs , SIOUX CITY , TO - DAY-SUNDAY AT 3:8O : O'CLOCK , MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. I3th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb , ' , . , . . . . * f--'v j -t ' * " tff JU " ! i - - .i .mui.ijfc.Lurj jiujaoitfji . . „ O. f" " " * * * ' ' * . . " * * * * " * * * J > * * - * Tg r -J Svn3SiX friT' ? ± i ryw * t CAUTION DculKtilnc persons , taking advantage ofonr reputation , nro onnatiiiitly starting bogim medical CHtnlillslilnonts to dccolvo BtraiiKerB vlHltlng the city. These protcndorn umislly ( llsnpponr In n few wnoks. Ilownro of them or their runncm or agents. The Omnlm and Harclcat Instiluto la tlio only CRtnbllHlicd inrdlcnl tiietl- ttito In Oninlin , Dr. SIoMctininy , Proprietor , When you ninko iip your mind to visit us , innkc u iiionuirandum or our exnct addrcsa. and tints envo trouble , dnlny or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL end Surgical Diseases AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. D1UJ. Physician and Surgeon in Charge- TWESTV YEAUS' HOSPITAL , AND Pltll ATI ? PKACT1CK. Assisted toy a MiMer of Conijieteiit , Skillful and Exueriencsl Physicians and Surgeons Particular Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Discuses of the Urinary nnd Sexual Organs , 1'rhatc Diseases , Discuses of the Xenons Sjstem , Lung ami Tliruat Diseases. Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Fits , Piles , Cancers , Tumors , Etc. , More money in\cstcd ; moie bkilll'm phjbiciani > and burgeons employed ; more patient * treated ; more cures eflccted ; more modern improved instruments , apparatus and appli ances than can be I omul in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the ucst. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled physiciani ; always in the building. A.11 kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner. flfe Supporlcrf , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or inblrument known. Calf and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub jects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations nnd nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged abi ity , expcrieuce , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the flrit choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art , skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience will always be taken into consideration. Should you conclude to vibit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find tbat these statements ol our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn in any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Eeliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system \\ithoutinerciiry. New le&torativc lieatment for loss of Vital Power , Persons unable to vibilus muy be treated at home by correspondence. All communic.ttions confidential Medicines or instmmenU sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicata contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult Us or send hU tory of your case , and we will send in plain wiapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and .Varicocele , with question list. My Reasons for Writing a BooK Unon Private , Special and teens Diseases , I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , upon indiuclual cases , ror me uunciii oicucu persons , i nave wruien a DOOK , giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , huccebs , advice , etc. After leading it , persons will hu\e a clearer idea of their condition andean write me more intelligently and tp the point It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class ot persons who icad out of mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of thu many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes but we rcc < ive many calls or letters from personssuffei ing frptn thin class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their da ; s. s.STJR.GJER.1T. . Suruical operations lor the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumork , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eves ; Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities of the Human Body performed in the most scientific manner. . , . , . . „ „ „ We t.-cat Chronic Diteases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( bits ) , Scrofula Bright' * Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Baldnesa Eczema , etc. DSEASES , QF WOMEN. Treated carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the : latest and most approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , I-REL. Dr. McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment ol this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department "HE ID EAR DEPARTMENT We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we haV cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To thbsc afil cted witli Eve and iir Diseases , we simply say , call and conuilt us , get a scientific opinion , then visa whom you lik ? ; anc1 if you are an intelligent person you will return to us for trcal- menbuTbSoE'describing' the Ey i ar.d Ear and their diseases , In nlaiu language , with illu trations written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write , arc numerous "sTn regard to cases ; by reading than carefully nhysiclan and paljen i vy.H . have a clear . WRI TE FOR BOOK. intelligently. understanding' and can describe. cases to us jnore ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR , FREE. Addrciii ull letter * to OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE DR. J.W. McMENAMY , N. W. Gor. )3lh&Dddge ) SlS , Onialia.He . ii n iii nffiiif ?