Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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The Banquet of the Younpr MOD'S Re
publican Olub of Plattenlouth.
The Gntlicrlnu Addressed Uy Many
1'roinlnoiit Speakoi-n I'roin All
Over the StiUC 'ihn
(111(1 Itf :
The i'lnURiiiniith Huiiuuct.
Pi.ATTsMofTii , Nub. , July II. [ Corre
spondence of Tin : Hun.Tlio ] memorably
event of tlio week , anil even of the year , wus
the grand banquet of the Young Men'n Ko-
publican club Thursday evening. The re
ports telegraphed Tin : BKI : oy your corro
spondcntvero not , owing to the lateness of
the hour , Commensurate with the-import
ance of the gathering , which was thu most
brilliant success of any of the four annual
banquets given by this enthusiastic organi
zation. Fully two hundred and fifty people
were In attendance , mid a inoro enthusiastic
mill earnest republican gathering has never
assembled In the stale. Promptly ill 0
o'clock the members of the club and their
quests took scats at the bountiful tables
spread In Waterman's opera house. AH the
iirruni/emonts were perfect , and the decor-
ill ions tiisty. A largo Hug , the nation's em-
blum , readied across the stage , bearing n
lilaciird , "Our Hiindiinas. " The portraits of
Hiivernlof the presidents adorned the walls.
After nn Inspiring song by the glee olnb ,
John A. IJitvles delivered the address of
welcome. In beginning the speaker Bald :
"Hidden among- the pints and liatnmoeks
of a fiouthcrn land IB a spring of waU'r
iiroand which lingers a beautiful legend.
This spring is jitlll pointed out to the way-
flirinI , ' pilgrim as tlio idenlctal fountain In
search of which 1'onco do Leon mmu from
the old world to the now , believing it would
impiir.1 immortal youth to nil who should drink
of Its w liters. Many years it f let word n small
body of God-fearing 111111 went in search of
( mother spring whosu waters \v'ould impait
iminoital love of country to all wlio miieht
drink thereof. To-night wo invite our fair
and honnrcd guests to meet witli us ubottt
this- fountain of loyal principles and pro
gressive ideas , thy woll-sm-ing of republican
ism. "
Aftpr comparing tlio histories of. the re
publican tuul democratic parties the speaker
closed as follows : ' 'The war of thu rebel
lion is over , but the contest of ideas is about
us. And to-night while wo meet 'round this
well spring of republicanism , renewing old
acquaintance- | forming new ones , let us
turn our faces to the fiUure , let us welcome
the pioblenis of peace , the right solution of
whioh will drive before us the fallacies of
mere theorists as the morning sun dispels
the shades of night. In the coming contest
we ask your aid as we thank you for your as-
Mstutieo in the past and the encouragement
of your presence to-night. To tnu young la
dies who have favored Us with tills bounte
ous spread , to the ladies especially whoso in-
llucni'o in moulding the nation's character is
reflected in just and upright laws , to all our
guests' from abroad Or at homo the Young
Men's ' Republican club of Pluttsmnuth conies
greeting. "
After Mr. D.lvIeV address Hon. It. 15.
\Vlndlmm read imjny letters of regret , among
which were the following.
KotfSMniu ; Hotr.i. . NKW YOIIK , July 4.
Mi-ssr.s. II. H. Wlndlmm , Ai N. .Sullivan and
C. M.Vc.ul. . GoiiUemoii : I thank you for
tlie hospitable courtesy of your invitution to
attend your annual bumiuct on the IStli of
this montli , but I find that cngagcmoiiis wil1
of necessity detain mo here beyond Unit
time. 1 have to line the pleasure 1 .should
have had in being present with you. Yours
] { . B. Windhum aud others. Dour Sir :
Please convey to 'Tho Young Men's
Kopublleun club'1 my sincere thanks
for the honor of their Mutteringin -
vltlon mid my regret Unit I can not
attend Uieiv banquet. May lite patriotism inspired their organi/ation prompt them
to untiring effort iu achieving u great victory
in tlio approaching campaign. With best
wishes for each member and yourselves
espechilly , I urn respectfully ,
Mils. Joitx A. Lo.o\S .
INUIAXAVOMS , fnd. , July 3. 11:83. K. 11.
Wiiidham , A. N. Sullivan and C. M. Wood ,
Committee , Patlsmouth ) , Neb. Gcutloracn :
Permit mo to thank you most cordially for
your kind invitation to attend the fourth tin-
mml banquet of the Young Mon's UcpuU-
lican club of your city on July it ! , 1SSS. 1 re
gret that the picss of duties now devolved
upbn mo will prevent mo from accepting the
Invitation. Yours very truly ,
One of the plcasantcst addresses of the
evening wns thu response of Mayor Broateh ,
of Otntllm , to the tonst , "Nebraska to the
Front. " After thanking tlio club for the
honor , the speaker said :
"How grand u statq is Nebraska. Twenty-
eight years ; igo her population embraced but
HU.OOO souls , her vast domain wus but u pas
ture land for the buffalo ; hunting ground
for the. Indian. Now , within the short space
of a quarter century the rod man has been
beaten and subdued. A great city 1ms arisen
from the banks of the swift Missouri , whcro
once the wigwam of the savage was tiio solo
emblem of man's authority and over
the fertile plains of Nebraska are scattered
tlio homes of a million intelligent nnd patri
otic Americans. In the present congress it
has been proposed to distribute among the
Bovenil states in proportion to their illiteracy
lurno Hums of money to assist them in tlio
noble work ot education. And It is our
proud bousl that should that bill become a
law , no' , oven Massachusetts , with all her
culture , or New York , with all her wealth ,
would receive ho small u sburo of the na
tional bounty as Nebraska and herein rests
our surest guarantee Unit she will continue
IIrm In her republicanism. The party of
shivery , free trade and hyj > ocriey linds tin-
congenial the climate of intelligence. Lot
it turn to the slums of New York for its
support ; it will liml no nourishment.hore.
Hero education , patriotism and political in
telligence go hand in hand with commercial
nnd agricultural prosperity. In business and
in politics , in IM.-IICO and in war Nebraska i-i
nlways at the front. Shu was at thu front ut
Fort Donnelson when her present governoi
nt the head of his gallant brigade met am1
broke the shock of the confederate assault ,
Her sons shrunk not front tliolr duty on thai
bloody day , nor have they ever siuco. Shi
has been at the front lighting tlio battle foi
the elevation of mankind. Thu nation ha1
long and unsuccessfully sought to vesti niii the
truniu in liquor. It remained for Nebraskn
to solve the problem by passing her .satisfac
tory and much copied high license laws ,
To me , gentlemen , U seems impossible Unit
republicanism should full iu this decisive
dtrugglu for the nations good. Wo must suc
ceed wo shall succeed. The skirmishlnn
1ms already begun the battle which is tc
follow means , it won , cncoun-gement to out
manufacturers ; protection to our laboring
nnd industrial classes ; Imppy homes and tire
Bides if lost , thi ) picture is reversed ; am :
with tlio surplus products of Kuropo flooding
our markets the existing conditions of tht
laboring o'nsses In the old world must inovlt
ably follow hero. I predict success to 0111
efforts , mid when the line of twenty states is
formed Nebraska will bo at the front. "
The resoiiso | of Hon. G.M. Liimbortson tc
the toast. "Fallacies of the Administration , '
was forcible and to the point. Ho acknowl
edged the impossibility of pointing out all
the fallacies In the brief time allotted , nnd s <
pnnounccdthut ho would confine himself tc
thu r.iro species , tlio now breeds. "Tin
history of thu administration , " said UK
speaker , "will bo written in six words ,
Magnificent in promise , paltry in perform
nnco. Tlio democracy stole into ixnyer
though willful mendacity on the one ham !
and the mojt suc--ed vows on the other. Foi
twenty-tlvo years they persistently sowed the
seeds of calumny , nnd watered them witl
dcwfi of promised reform , until HOme of their
took root in the shallow and rocky neil of tin
Korchctd mugwump , and thu f to of tin
nation was surrendered to that partj
that hits been ' '
always 'long' 01
promise , and 'short * in performance
An wo approach the summit ot tlio las
dejnocnitlo administration this country wil :
ever sec , with six hundred millions in tin
ticasury , the result of democratic Inaction 01
tttiipidity , the administration asks a contln
uir.icuof ppwcr on the very same ground Um
they tnrnod us out four years ago. And It
order to irlvo the national banks the bctiPtl
r ui.oco.UX ) , and pllo the surplus higher tucj
for n time deliberately Ignored , nnd nullified
an act of congress authorlzing.tho application
of the surplus to the retirement of the bonded
debt. Prttondlng to seir great danger to tlio
monetary Interests of the country by mi
cxrasslvo coinage of silver , the adminis
tration tiai coined more silver than was
minted under republican administration. Hut
the greatest fallacy of the administration Is
the president liimsclf , A fallacy Imports the
assumption of something it is ) iot. The
term includes in Its meaning , pretension , de
ception and hypocrisy , nnd yet'I nin not prepared -
pared to say that the president Is a pretender ,
n deceiver or n hypocrite , but nil Uieso qual
ities are , in more-or less degree , In his make
up nnd crop out In his politics. "
After-quoting from the record o the presi
dent , Mr. Lamoertson said : "Tho adminis
tration niluht bo-aptly termed the sky rocket
civil service reform administration , that
climbed the skies In a bhi/e of
glory before election but found
the earth very soon thereafter.
The super-sensitive , ever intelligent , Indo-
l > enileiit voter may noiv fclicitute himself
upon the fact that he sold his birlbrlulit netTer
Tor n mess of pottage , but the promise of n
ness of potlugu , nilil has made a pretty mess
if it all round. In my humble opinion there
ias never been a single posterity democrat
ircsldcnl , except Jackson , whoso administra
tion will go down tlio centuries , smelling to
the heavens , as the rankest nnd most corrupt
that ever disgrr.ced the republic , while the
enlightening policy and patriotic government
of Abraham Lincoln will slnnu with mi-
dimmed lustre through the ages until tlio
ilusty scioil of man's history Is roiled up for
ever. "
John Y. Young , of Iowa , responded to the
oait : "I'ocularitles of (1 rover Cleveland ;
His Men and Administration , " as follows :
Mr. I'resldent , Ladies and ( tantieme * ! ! of
the Club : To night your Justly satisfied
orators imvo insisted on Nebraska's position
"at the front. " A son of lowu is glad to
comu across the great river and bo "at the
fiont. " Iowa lias divided her fornrn1 splen
did republican' majority of SO.IKII with
Dakota , Kansas and Nebraska. Perhups
Nebraskii has got more than her nharo and
possibly that may have placed her at the
front. I am glad to join hands with your
club in prup.u-ation for thq great battle so
soon to be fought where thu 1101 thorn de
mocracy 1ms always fought its bilttles at
tlio rear ,
Tlio language of the toast asslirned to mo
roqiiires a ion < | idc.rution of the personal char
acteristics of Orovor Cleveland. Indeed it
is dlfllcult t < > measure a man in Ills relations
to thu presidency without to some extent
taking into consideiation his own person
ality. Hence it is that ( have no purpose to
make-any inividious comparisons or any un
friendly contrasts in taking into view some
of Ills personalities nnd puculiarities.
Indeed , I don't know that I should
npolof.Uo ; for this. The democracy ha * ) al
ready begun u personal campaign ngnlnst
Hen Harrison sneering at him us the grand
son of his grandfather , without reflecting
that the striking democratic need of the houi
Is u grandfather for Qrover Cleveland. His
liarty would be joyously content if it could
find even a great-grandfather for him. Hen
Harrison's ancestors , I am glad to observe ,
never conducted themselves in any sucli way
as to cause him the loss of any votes.
( Jrover Clevclanu's first ilistinpuisheil
public act wns to serve his country in tlio
sweat and blood of n patriotic live-hundred-
dollar substitute. Although ho was but
twenty-four or twenty-five years of ape ,
healthy , vigorous , robust and rotund , witli a
vast opportunity before him , ho chose to rel-
t'guto his patriotism to n pioxy for pay ; ami
this man , tlio democracy's present hero , thus
besan bis now historic career. When youth
ful heroes were Hocking to the stars anil
stripes in every loyal state of the union ,
when strong young men were beginning
mighty careers , when hruvo Hen Harrison
was taking leave ol his wife and babies to
go to tlio front and the country was aliie
with patriotism uml enthusiasm , ( .trover
Cleveland sat down in his dingy office at
Huftaio to await the working out of results ,
and to earn by brave deeds and faithful
services in n law ofllco the honors of the
future presidency. For twenty years lie h d
never bad a button sewed on except by a
heathen Chinee , whoso pigtail was nine feet
long ; unit \v"hin the Chinaman was out of
town , the buttons were not sewed on at all.
His clothes Were patched by the same Mon
golian , and when the Mongolian was sick ,
the raveling rents went unp.itclicd. He
drank lager beer gut of a ten-inch schooner ,
and he smoked a cob pipe with a short stem.
For twenty years he did not sleep on u bed
that was made up with the delicate lingers of
woman. It was always thrown together and
jumbled in n bunch by the colored janitor
that swept the creaky und uneven floor. He
never hud a- wife , ho novpr had a love.
What need had ho for a lioinoi What does
ho who in vcr had ono know about the com
forts and enjoyments of an American homoj
In the matter of homo life and homo sur
roundings he was u free trader then , as ho is
a commercial and political free trader now.
Now , Mr. Chairman , a eloso analysis of
American history will shpw that no
man who has lived to bo forty-eight
years of ago without taking ono of
tlio fair daughters of this couhtr.v to hin
bosom over yet made a good president. Think
of a man being president that never dandled
a baby on his lap , or stroitcd the cheeks of a
beautiful boy , or fondled a lovely silken-
haired girl. What a llguro Cleveland would
cut with a baby in his arms. Ho would hoh :
it upside down and wrong end to , and its
mother would bo in constant fear Unit lie
would let. it fall , or in his awkwardness , pul
a limb off.
Grover Cleveland wns discovered b.\
Daniel Manning , n great New York politician
It was thought that Cleveland had hue
enough of ollice to be talked about as a
statesman , and that he had done so
llttlo that no had madu no record to Htand in
judgement against him. Hence ho was nom
inated as governor In the belief that ho
might bo made popular in Now York Clti
where it was hoped ho would become known
and that ho would not become unpopular it :
tlio country where it was supposed ho wouh !
never bo knowni
Ho hod been lawyer , sheriff , executioner
mayor , bachelor , clubman , boarder am
luncher. These were the sums totals of his
career. They marked the achievements ol
his life nnit constituted tlio foundation of his
claim to the governorship of Now York am
thence to the presidency.
Some months ago u prominent republican
speaking before u largo uudienco wasendeav
oring to impress the point that Cleveland's
administration had done nothing for tlio
good of the country. In u HercO tone ho
exclaimed , "What has ( trover Cleveland's
administration done for the people 1" 1'uus
ing a moment ho repeated , ' 'What has this
administration done ! " And utter u silcnco
of some moments the speaker in u burst o :
power exclaimed , " 1 repeat again , follow oil
ucus , what has this administration done I"
In the midst of tlio profound silence Urn
followed a little old fellow with a weaken
face and u squeaky voice from a remote corner
nor of the gallery shrieked out : "Its sister
has written a book. "
While it is true that this administration
has accomplished nothing for tlio good of tlio
country , ills also trite that it lias done muel
that Is aggressively on the wrong side. Its
civil service reform has been u cheat and an
imposture from tlio beginning. It bus failed
to reeognizo the demands of the tlmen. I
has been wanting In the application o
needed remedies to accumulating ills. In its
early selections of persons for public offices
it picked on men some of whom were resting
under Indictment or sentence. Under the pro
tence. of non-partisanship and tha claim tlia
persons who arc engaged in bitter partisan
wurfuro should receive no place under tlio
government , and that in case's where these
principles were violateil the incumbents o
public positions should be removed , the pros
idcnt has unblushingly appointed toodlcolha
most active , the most aggressive , and In KOIIIO
cases the most unscrupulous partisans li
his party. The cabinet has been runninf ,
recruiting oftlves for the nomination and re
election of Orover Cleveland , and
it was reorganized for that pur
poso. Ho has inudo many remov
nls of republicans In public positions
who were entirely competent and cntirclj
worthy , and who claimed no right to par
ticipate In public affairs except the right to
voto. There has been no pronouncement by
him of any worthy principals of action which
ho has not unblushingly violated. Maimed
union Holdicrs wuoin the democratic party
boastfully- , and yet falsely , asserts that It
will protect have been removed from public
positions and unrepentant confederates put
in their places. In his selection of men for
public positions from the ranks oi those who
fought against us during tlio war , he has
taken the unregeneratcd and unrepentant
rebel In preference to tlio man who manfully
accepted the situation , surrendered llko u
hero , and lias since loyally endeavored to
dlschargo his obligations to the government.
No limn llko Longstrcot or Moscby or Ma-
hone or Chalmers has any chance in this
democratic administration for public | K > sl-
Uons us loiifcas tuore u a mail loft south of
C >
Having experienced that during our former bargain sales , the larger
part of the bargains were procured by new and not regular customers ,
and in order to offer our regular cnstomers as well as new customers
: - : : - : : - : : - :
We have decided to put : .
Everybody purchasing at our store during this SALE is entitled to a :
Rebate of 25 Gents on Every Dollar's Worth of Goods
goods will be sold to storekeepers.
All direct consumers will be welcome to the bargains with no limit to
the amount of bill.
Mason and Dixon's line who Is still "
with the animosities and bitterness with
which .Jeff Davis himself Is still liiBmrod.
of the fnbr c
Hepcntance , Which is the basis
nouncea of Christian by religion tlio' , is ItO a.mnodr' ? Grovci '
Cleveland. And the man who turns his back
upon the disloyal past , with bis eyes so.
upon tlio star of tha futurenml the llagof 1 Is
country in his hands stands loyally by the
union and the republican party , is denounced
us u traitor by Grover Cleveland Und hiA co
horts , Treason to the government , in tlicii
disqualification to appointment for
eyes , is no
high places , unless the guilty man has gone
back on the past and atones for it by ft life
of loyalty and devotion to the principles of
the union. The civil service of the American
government , in the main , Js In the hands of
tlio men who sought to overthrow it or sym-
pathicd With those who nnulo the attempt.
In largo numbers of Instances appointees or
the administration Imvo turned out to bo
notoriously incompetent and have brought
discredit , uuon the service to which they uo-
° Ktiua'lly successful has the president been
in the sclqction of his agents abroad. To
him belongs the solo distinction of having
discovered the first American who was suc
cessful in saving his life from the potent and
mighty mescal where it nourished imd wus
entrenched in its native Mexico. The presi
dent was In need of a cast iron man txj repre
sent his administration in that republic. Ho
selected a Now Yorker. It became neces
sary to have n6t only an accomplished law
yer familiar witli International Jurisprudence
and a diplonuitistof largo capacity and cxiwri-
ence , but it was essential to have a time-
tried nnd lire-tested diner-out who could
meet the linry mescal in its native land and
overthrow it. Do you know what mescal is I
You cunnot find it in tlio dictionary , but
Scdgwick found it iu Mexico. It is n concentrated
doublo-distilled hand-made ,
centrated , - ,
lightning-flavored , hair-trigger drink. It is
supposed to turn anything on earth but a
Mexican's stomach. It is warranted to kill
tin American ut u thousand yards and to
take the center like a Creedmore rillo-shot.
But it didn't kill Sedgwick. H merely
struck him centre. Malicious persons Imvo
claimed that the president knew the special
skill and experience of his envoy before ho
dispatched him to the Mexican catiital. It is
said thai Xhe two gentlemen were much to-
gpthcr in tlio olden tinic , and that the presi
dent's unerring Judgment of men marked
tlio Now York diplomat for distinction. The
grcut international lawyer wns also n re
former , with tlio spirit of Grover and of the
democratic party ever about him. Ho intro
duced formidable ceremonials among thonir-
bron/cd courtiers of sunny Ananuac. Ho
donned a turban three feet high , striped like
u barber polo ami surmounted witli an im-
mcnso boquct of peacock feathers. Dan Hico
in the days of his glory was never arrayed
like Scdgwick. He folded the ling of his be
loved country around him us an Indian war
rior would have arrayed himself for n state
occasion , and then with u bottle of mescal in
one hand and n red bandana in the other ho
sallied forth for conquest. Hero the admin
istration has drawn the curtain ; but Its great
ambassador , If the annals of the tlmo are
credible , for many hours defiantly and
haughtily , if not nlways gracefully , strode
around where the order of the hour wus
most pernicious activity. Some of his coun
trymen afterwards wished that lie ImJ boon
knocked into the inglorious gutter of innocu
ous desuetude.
The president has filled places in tlio for
eign service in most instances with men who
are beyond the line of sympathy with tiio
country and its institutions ; witli men who ,
In the days of our most glorious past , were
vlit of sympathy with the inspirations of the
time nnd with the mighty purposes of tlio
party that has shed so much glory upon the
country. With men who were in
direct antagonism to the hopes ,
sympathies and tlio purposes which
have been iichievcd and which have placed
the nation upon the pinnacle of enduring
; lory ; witli men who belong to tlio iuimem-
orublo past and whoso garments are mil
dewed with the dump of the flood. Ho dis
graced the man who discovered him nnd
made him president ; and this benefactor and
friend , stricken down by tlio disfavor and in-
gr.ultudo of the man tic had raised to u
throne , died of u broken heart. Ho has dis
charged his personal obligations to the men
who made him president by turning upon
them the waters of disgrace from the over
flowing rivers of ingratitude. Ho stood by
and stolidly permitted his secretary of tbo
navy by an act of heartless tyranny to strike
down and destroy an honest old Scotchman
whoso work had reflected honor
on the American name the world
ever and whose , genius and energy had fur
nished employment to an unny of American
workingmcn for mom than a quarter of a
century. Ho has placed In the highest Ju
dicial oftlco of the land a man who may bo
called upon to pass in Judgment upon the
integrity and validity of tlio great war meas
ures , legislative und organic , and who long
after the war at the city of Oxford , in tiio
state of Mississippi , denounced the Ameri
can ling u9 nn emblem of tyranny nnd the
sign of oppression. Ho lias accredited to tlio
court of St. James a man who bends his
sycophatie knees to the free trade throne of
England , anil who turns his back upon the
struggling homes und workingmcn ot Amer
ica whoso prosperity and happiness arc
threatened by the power that issues from the
tlirono at which he kneels.
What has the administration done toward
influencing its fawning and obsequious ma
jority In the house toward giving home gov
ernment to the 000,000 people of Dakota who
have so long been bogging for the privilege
and rights of statehood , which under the fed
eral constitution they were entitled to many
years ago ! How long do the democratic
party and its autocratic president intend to
brazt-nly violate this plain command of the
supreme law ! What aid , moral or official ,
has the democratic government given to the
toiling millions of laboring men in their
struggle for life and happiness ! What as
sistance has it given the American woman to
gaitl n contented und huppy homo in her
struggle with the giants of free trade who
threaten her prosperity and Hopes. ! rom
Cleveland's lip or pen there has como no
word of condemnation of the tissue ballot ,
the stuffing of the ballot box or the fraudu
lent count ! From him there has been no
word of protest or warning against the un
paralleled barbarities inflicted by democratic
bosses on tlio terrorized voters of the south
in the red saturnalia of hatred and violence.
The president's vetoes of pension bills have
fallen llttlo short of usurpation. Never be
fore in any country has its chief executive
sneered at tiio veterans who saved It and
loaded on them a national Insult. It was re
served for this ago und for the democratic
president to malco of public record in tbo
archives of state nn outrapo on the feelings
and character of men Who , while ho was rest
ing in inglorious case in a northern city ,
were wasting by disease , shedding their
blood and periling their lives to save the
country from whose chief seat ho now de
nounces them.
In all time the banner of an enemy on the
field of battle has been regarded as the em
blem of iU courage und power. Snecinl
guards of the bravest men are always placed
by the side of the regimental colors. These
men always have orders to die rather than
give up the flag they protect. A waving of
the national colors before the ranks of a
patriotic army Is un inspiration to it. In des
perate encounters nt critical points and
moments In buttle and in forlorn hopes , n
heroic olllcer will take in his hand the flag
of liis country and the devoted soldiers will
follow him through danger and death to
victory or defeat. Tlio colors of the enemy
are the cynosure of the daring soldier's eye.
The most heroic endeavors that have over
been made on the greatest battle fields of
history have been put forth to capture the
colors of the enemy , and when once taken
nnd held these emblems arc kept for all tlmo
as trophies of victory , und heroism. A mighty
nulionul sentiment , , deeper than human
principle and broader thun human rea
son , demands that , ' those trophies shall
bo faithfully kept and diligently guarded.
These battle flags that u bloodless and soul
less nature orders tobo , returned from the
national capital to.tho men from whom they
were taken represent the sum total of union
valor. They are iho typical embodiment of a
nation's intrepidity. In the supreme conflicts
in which they wqro taken , thousands of blue-
coated patriots lu.ld down their precious lives.
They were wreiched ) by daring jneif from
heroic hands entrenched behind walls of
union and confederate dead. Every shred in
tticir torn and difhqvcled folds bus been sat
urated with tlio blood of heroes.
Will any union" soldier or uny union sol
dier's son see tnbrit1 in the man whose heart
was so deud ho could not feel , und whoso
soul was so blind ho could not see the imperishable -
ishablo glory that surrounds the possession of
these flags )
Four years ago in a solemn letter of accept
ance , the president declared a second term
dangerous to the safety of ttio country. Ho
nsscrveruted that the president could use the
power of his position to force a re-election ,
and ono would have supposed then that this
great und good man would never consent to
violate the grand principles lie then so firmly
laid down. Ho savs now that ho is more
than ever Impressed with-a sense of the obli
gations and responsibilities of the presiden
tial ofllco. Is ho not-also more than tiveu im
pressed with u sense of the power the presi
dent has to secirc his own re-nomination and
re-election I Notwithstanding his fulmlna-
lion against the second term on account of
the dangers to the republic wo find him now
sedately glorifying himself as the most'suit -
on fourth ] > aije.\ \
A General Exodus to the Various
Summer Resorts.
The favored Few Who Arc
Cooler Hmints Open Air Ho
c-lain mid Birthday Parties
Tc-imlH Party and llnticc.
The most eminently enjoyable society
events in Omaha are those at the fort , und
fortunuto is tlio belle or beau who is faVored
with an invitation to any social affair con
ducted by this coterie of hospitable people.
On Friday evening the Omaha Lawn Tennis
club , on invitation of Mrs. Major Brown
and her daughters , repaired to this beautiful
military retreat in Stevenson's carry-all. A
number of other favored persons were also
Invited. From 0 o'clock until twilight the
pretty game of tennis was indulged in on
the tennis grounds In front of General
Brooks' residence. Meanwhile- the fort
band discoursed for them some of its own
lovely airs and added greatly to the enjoy
ment of the event. Mrs. Brown and her
daughters , the Misses Mary and Alice ,
proved most charming entertainers. At U
o'clock all repaired to the dunce hull , and the
rain which then commenced to fall cooled
the air sufficiently to make dancing very
pleasant. Hofreshmcnts were served at an
appropriate tlmo and dancing con
tinued until midnight. The ride homo
in the mud will long bo remem
bered , but was nevertheless enjoyed.
Among those from Omaha who were pres
ent were the Misses Yost , Dixon , Chandler ,
Sherwood , Nettie Sherwood , Wallace , May
Wallace , McClintoek , Waring , Popploton ,
Nash. The Messrs. Karl , Gannett , Howard ,
Kennedy , Ed. Sherwood , Walluco Uroatch ,
Churlio Kills , Morris Hull , Uundall Brown ,
Edward McCau , Jnmes J. McCau , H. M.
Patterson , H. Blose.
Among the fort people whom the society
editor met in tlio dance hall were the witty
und vivacious Mrs. Lieutenant PicKcring ,
the charming Misses Sattcrtliwaito , Miss
Sheltou , Lieutenant and Mrs , Turner , Mrs.
Ulio , Miss KholofT , Miss Multoon and numer
ous others.
Tlio party was given in honor of the openIng -
Ing of the club for the season.
A nirtliilay Party.
The birthday party given at the ies-
Idencoof Mr. James Y. Craig on North
Twenty-fourth street Wednesday evening in
honor of Miss Anna Craig was u highly en
joyable affair. About 9 p. m. tlio parlors of
Mr. Craig were filled with over twenty coup
les of Saratoga's most prominent young pee
ple. After n few choice selections by the
pianist , the company adjourned to the beau
tiful lawn , decorated in a most artistic man
ner , where some engaged in croquet , while
others enjoyed themselves in various other
ways. The evening was n very pleasant ono
for the occasion , and tlio beautiful lights that
uliono from the trees added much to the
beauty of the scene. After the games closed
elegunt refreshments weio served.
Midsummer .Nighl'M FcHtlvnl.
On Thursday evening Met/'s gurden was
brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns
and otherwise beautifully decorated fortlu
midsummer night's festival of tlio Schwabcn-
verein. The evening was vor.v warm but
this cool retreat proved a grateful refuge
from the heat und was thronged until nearly
Su. m. with visitors. In tiio early part of
the evening was given a German play , which
was greatly enjoyed by the audience. Tlio
remainder of tlio evening was given up to
dancing and convivial pleasures. Tlio oHIccrs
of this association are : President , Otto
Guglcr ; vice president , Gustav Grieb ;
treusurer , Albert Nust ; secretary , K. W.
Klein. _
A Children' * Party.
Mrs. Weston , 8WS Calfornia street , gave U
birthday party on Thursday for her son Carl ,
three years old. The little folks hud a pplcn-
did time , admired the decorations and enJoyed -
Joyed the refreshments greatly. Those pres
ent were Sylvia Panot , Daisy Burr , Oivo ! ,
McLuin , Lulu Wright , Uertha Maynurd ,
Harry MeVcy , Willie Guild , Nettie Mc-
Vey , Birdie Wright , Hiilph McLain , Law
rence Guild , Wilbur Emerson , Iru Green. , Kdith Weston , Eva Buslte , Hei-t
Holt , Clara Green , ( Jrauo Wesson , George
Kinger und Clarence Punot.
nt tlio I iinie.
Tlio weekly shoot of the Omaha rillo club
nt/thc Bcllevuo range last Wednesday was
attended by a number of invited guests ,
among whom were ladies , who enjoyed not
only watching the hits and misses of the
marksmen , but particularly reveled in the
cool shades of the surrounding groves and
the beautiful glimpses of landscape seen
from the hilltops. Among tlio ladies wore
Mrs. General Brook , Mrs. ShOlton and a
number of young society ladies of Omaha.
The coming Wednesday n largo number of
persons have been invited to attend tlio shoot
and will go to Bellevue in H special car.
Midsummer Marriages.
nuTii-rci.s ,
On Wednesday evening , iu the presence of
a Imgo gathering of friends nnd relatives ,
Mr. Joseph P. Guth and Miss Bella D. Puli
weio united in wedlock. The wedding oc
curred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.
D. Schult ? , 1W4 North Eighteenth street ,
the UeMr. . Schnur , of St. Mark's Lutheran
church , oniciuting. Miss Josephine Williamx
acted us bridesmaid , Mr. Gus Streltz us
groomsman. A line wedding supper fol
lowed the ceremony und congratulations. A
lurgo number of most acceptable presents
were received. The bride and groom have
been residents of Omaha only u finv years ,
but in that time each has won u large num
ber of friends that testify to their popularity.
Mr. Guth is the junior member of the firm of
Dietrich As Guth , architects. The young
couple have taken up their residence ut'JTll
Parker street , where the groom hiispicpnrcd
un elegant homo.
In the august presence of some of the old
est residents of Omaha and u lai'no number
of other friends , Mr. Herman F. Paulson
mid Miss Delia Baker , on Wednesday even
ing took tlio oath that forever makes them
one. JudKO Anderson presided over the cer
emony. The event occurred ut tlio homo of
Mr. John T. Paulson , ttio groom's father ,
2'M'i Luke street , mid the occasion wus in
mnny ways a memorable ono. Tlio lawn
wus beautifully illuminated with Chinese
lanterns und was the favorite resort for the
young and old throughout the evening. The
groom's father was ono of the early Hcttlers
in Omaha and them -.vere present titthu wed
ding a largo number of his fellow pioneers ,
who delighted in recalling old times and
scenes. Among those wore noticed Messrs.
Charles Karbaugh , John Steubcn , Frank
Cluffncr , Henry Uusor , Justice Anderson
and numerous others. The young couple re
ceived a largo number Of valuable presents ,
which test i lied to the high appreciation in
which they tire held by their friends. An
elegant supper was served , wlno flowed and
good fellowship generally urovullcd. The
young couple start in their wedded life
under most auspicious circumstances.
ficncrnl Gossip.
P. H. Dillon is In St. Louis.
B , B. Woods is at Spirit Luke.
T. M. Orr and wife are at Garliold beach.
Augustus Pratt and family are at Spirit
Elmer U. Frank has returned fiom Wyo
Wilson Dowett has returned from Salt
Mr. H. P. Wlutmoro lias returned from
I. Hodgson and family have gone to Min
Mrs. S. S. Cahlwell and son tire ut Laramie -
mio City.
Fred Nash will spend his vacation at Gar-
Hold Beach.
The Misses Susie and Lottie Cook are in
Kansas City.
P. C. Himobaugh is keeping cool at Atlan
tic City , N. J.
Miss Ilsittie Stephens has gone to Crete to
spend the summer.
Mrs. Samuel Burns nnd children have re
turned from Crete.
Mr. and Mrs. C , N. Dlctz loft Friday evening -
ing for Spirit Lake.
B..A. Klncardo of WuWrford , Penn. , is tlio
guest of J. A. Bryuns.
A. F. Bo.scho and family arc visiting the
cool retreuu of Colorado.
Mrs. Jennlo Mugruno has returned from
her trip to Louisville. Mo.
Mr. und Mrs. E. S. Dundy , Jr. . left , Thurs
day for the cast , whCro they will visit Bos-
. *
ton , New York nnd take In the various'
watering places on the Atlantic coast.
Martin Unnhain and It. A , Snllloy loll for .
Spirit Lake Monday evening. ' , . . -
Silas CoW > is enjoying a thirty 'days'
le.wo of absence in Kentucky. ' .
General Hrooko and Lieutenant Ilowo ro
turned from Wyoming Monday.
Mrs. P. AV. Lynch is matting u three weeks'
visit in Chicago and Milwaukee.
Hichurd Uyan and his sister loft Tuesday
for n three months JSuropcati trip.
Miss Huttio Lewis , of Laport City. Iu. , is
tlio guest of Dr. mid Mrs. Hanchett.
Miss M. A. Uowur , of London , Ont. , is the
guest of her brother Mr. J. U. Uowar.- '
Mrs. 13. M. Mitchell left for a two-months'
trip to Now York stuto on Wednesday. '
Mrs. W. Lyle Dickey and child left .
Wednesday for Munltou iapriiifc'H , Cole , .
Mrs. A. J. Simp < ion'H address forf the re-
nmindqr of tlio summer will bo Spirit . -Lako. '
Collins Jordan and daughters have gonO'oa
u trip through Ciinudn and the eastern states , '
W. V. Morse and family loft for Boston
Tuesday , where they will poud the sum
mer.Mrs. . F. U. Gilmore 1ms gqno to Hock'
Is and , 111. , on a two-months' visit with
Mrs. P. II. ICelkenny , accompanied by Mrs.
Hall and daughters , left for Chicago Wednes
day evening.
Mr. J. 11. Kitchen and wife of the Puxton ,
loft for the east yesterday afternoon to bo
gone six weeks.
Kred Mctz and wife left early In tlio week' '
for u trip to Kuropo. They set sail from Now
ork yesterday.
Mrs. Hums and family Icavn to-morrow
for Clear Lake , Iowa , where they will spend
tlio heated term.
Miss T. C. Kennedy has returned from 'St. '
Margarets , Waterbury , Conn , , and will pass I
her vacation bore. 1
W. R. Clark nnd family loft Wednesday
for t.uko Okoboji , lowu , whore they will
spend the summer.
Miss Ellen .1. Conncy , Eighteenth and
California streets , left Tuesday to visit
friends at Princeton. '
Miss Anna Abratns has loft for u two or
three months' trip through California and i
the neighboring states.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Uosowator nnd fain- ,
ily will pass the remainder of the summer at I
Man itou Springs , Colo. \
Mrs. M. F. Gaston and her grandson ,
Muster Herbert Van Clostor , have gone to ,
Vintoii , la. , for tlio summer.
Major nnd Mrs. 1) . H. Wheeler loft Wed
nesday for n visit ut Minneapolis , Minno-
tonku and other points In Minnesota.
Mr. 15 , C. Snyder , ussocinto editor of the
Kxcolsior , loft yesterday for a six-weeks' so
journ in Now York city and Philadelphia.
Miss Mlnnlii H. Wilson and her nleco , Mlsa
Mary Woodbridgc , left Tuesday evening for
Now York , to remain until September. I
Mrs. 13. M. Mitchell. 2518 Capitol nvetiuo ,
left Thursday evening for a two monts' visit
with relatives in Washington nnd Now York. ,
Alfred Millard sails on the 2.M prox. tor I
Kuropo. Humor hath it that on his return I
ho will buy tickets for Mr. and Mrs. MilV.
lard. ' "
Mr. J. N , PVcnzer will hunt the cool retreats -
treats of Maniton , Leudvllle , Suit Lake ,
Idaho Springs and otherpoints the remainder
of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nichols arc In Lrirn- ,
nile City. Mr. Nichols will return In two
weeks , but Mrs. Nichols will remain thu rest
of the summer.
Mr. Henry Cassidy. assistant general
freight agent for tlio Klkhorn line , Is oft for
a vacation often days , which ho will spend
visiting relatives in Canada.
Miss Nolllo Root , tlio accomplished daugli- '
ter of William Hoot , of tlio Herald , Joft Wed-
nesduy morning , to spend her summer vaca
tion visiting friends in Denver and Lead-
1 Mr , Fred Nye teen his wife and baby to
Spirit Lake Monday , where they will pass
the summer. Mr. Nye returned to Omaha
the following day to continue his editorial A
championship of republicanism.
Mr. Unstcll H. Harrison , the son of our
next president , was In the city a few hours
Thursday , Ho lias the appearance of an elegant -
gant , accomplished gentleman and will bo a
desirable acquisition to Washington society
after next March.
Mrs. J. W. Cotton , the sweet singer of
Trinity cathedral , will go east to-morrow ,
not for rest but for the purpose of Industri
ously imttinir In her time gaining additional
ideas about the management of choirs. Kho
will visit the prominent ctiolrumstcis of Chi-
c.iK-o , New York , Uiiffnlo and other