Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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BonBatlonal Developments In the
Trial of tlio Alleged Conspirators.
HOWICH IH'Horts tin ; r.rotlirrliood and
Is Taken lulu the Kncmjr'a Camp
Attorney David lie-
noiinUcs tin : Court.
Deserts His Frli-mlfl.
CMICAOO. July 14. | Special Telegram to
Tin : HKC.I This was nnotlior sensational
clay In the trial of what is now generally
known hero us the Burlineton dynamite
cuso. Mho court room was tilled at an earl.y
hour with much the same kind of an audience
ua were there yesterday sturdy lookinj
engineers , as then , pit-dominating. The
United Slilles commis-iionor was In his seat
promptly nt 10 o'clock. The rcpoitciswoii
also In walling , but the long hand of Iho
clock had crept 16 the llrst mmiter marJ-
ivlien the attorney it and prisoneis entered
It was then Iho tlrsl surprise occuired Al
the little gate opening into tba bar the attorneys
tornoys for the prosrcution nnd dcfensi
entered , the former going to their seats ot
the north side of the room and tin
latter to thu south. When al
were seated Bowles , the pvisonui
against whom such damaging evidence wn1
given jestcrduy , wns observed sitting union/ /
the prosecution. It was ut Hi si thought IK
Jind miidn n mistake , mid he was. spoken to o
' It ; bill ho only shook his head in n sort of i
\vny mid remained where ho was. A grea
change had come over him hinco yesterday
His eyes were bloodshot , ns If ho had no
slept , nnd on hU welt tanned ChvcKs Wen
traces of tt'iir * . Instead , too , of silting eicc' '
and In nn ntlitifdo of defiance , M ho Inul tlom
nt the nflernoon session , lie leaned heivih
on the nrmsof his chair. His head , whicl
.had poised firmly on his powerful neck , sunl' '
deeply In his breast. Howies has an hottest ,
Open countenance withal , and the change
. which came o\er it , coupled with his wholi
. gcnaral nppoanntco , which wus ono of abjici
submission and lepentnnco , could not-fail tc
piako hn impression on all who saw him. II
. certainly nffectcil the attorneys for the do
fcnco and the inisoner" , allot whom e.\ed bin
* ' Jurlivclv as ho Mil acioss1 the room , and H
' . " ' . ' vrn < < plain to sio they rcgatdod the fuluio ol
p" the trial with anything but plensan
p"i. thoughts. BowlaV bitjthcr sat between At
i. torneys IJonahne and David , engaged will
them in earliest conversation. The auditor
who kngw Bowles g.izt d at him with nnv bu
friendly looks , and , with heads close lo
gcllier , uhlspeicd conjcclun-s alnong Ihem
sCWes. The iirpsecutiim sal iialtenlly wait
irig the time when the defense should signif ;
their tcadliifss-to begin. They scorned Un
Idast ntTected , but then they had Known of i
all nlghl and hud had lime lo compose tiicl :
When tbo case was begun to day tin
United Slates dlsirict attorney , Mr. Kwlng
arose and said :
"May It please the couit , I understam
from Uie defendant Bowles that ho does no
Ccsrlru lltrthcr examination so far as he i
concerned , nnd wishes to waive fuitlitr ex
. ttminnlloiir You can ask Mr. Bowles him
self. "
Commissioner Hoyno nskcd Bowles If thi1
. W so. Mr , Donahue , for the defense
Jumped up nnd said : "Slop. Iuint tu sa ;
eotccMnng , " but Mr. Hoynu Insisted on talk
. JSjf fit st to Bowles ,
. "Is thu Htatement true I" asked Hoyno.
Bowlci stood up mill said ; "Yes sir.
sire to waive examination. "
Then Mr. Donahue had his innings. "
Uavq always been t rev ted wath ordinnr ;
canrtusy In Um courts of this country , " In
. ' Bald , "but In thin case I have been deniei
this. This man Bowles is our cliynt and 1
Jwas unfair to Inko him into consultatioi
With Iho gentleman who pretends to represent
sent the proflocuUon. "
' "What else can you get In this courU1
r' . troko in Mr. David.
"Mr. Hoyno's face grew wjilto ai
' . ' 'paper and then suddunly crimson
' * 'Mr. Marbnnl , remove that man from th
, - court , " ho said angrily.
' Marshal Marsh advanced and scired th
truculent attorney by Iho arm , but tbo h-at
.Mittlq lawyer Jerked away from hln
' -J'Whei'e's your authority11' ! shouted Mr. Don
olitiQ to thu court.
"I ntn n lawyer. I Imvo been admitted t
' thi bar , nnd I propose to bo respected , eve
if I mil HI a United States court , " said Davii
' 4'Why did yon order him removed 1" di
' Innndcil Mr. Donahue.
. "Because jon used Intemperate langung
' nnd. liiHUltcd the court , " answeied JIi
"Aly nssoclato meant every woid ho .said ,
Bald Mr. Donahue. "Ho said
\vlllfully and deliberately. 1 meat
every word I said , and I said it with deliboi
' ntlon andtnalico afoicthought. "
' "Tliis klnu of talk must stop , " snid tl
"I would stop tt now,11 said Distiict A
toruoy Ewing.
"Well , stop It , aiid we will take the consi
tjuencec , " replied Mr. David.
' "Wo'vo been Insulted at every step , " sa !
fclr. Donahue , "and we will take Iho cons :
Quonccs of protesting airalnst any nueh on
Irageous trcillmont of ourselves and 01
clienls. Now , do 1 umldrotnnil that tn
client is under arrest by order of this court.
o * Mr. Hoyno "I told the marshal to rcmnv
, toim from the cqurt. This is not a polli
\ courl , by n gooii deal. "
f Mr. David "I meant no disrepcct to tl
? . court nor as a eiiben. "
Mr. . Donahue "Assuming Unit my ass
elate wr.s In contempt has he nol purged hn
Belt of that contempt ) "
Tlio couit " 1 know he has now. "
Mr. David started with some forcible r
tnarks about the method of Iho prosccullr
Inducing Iho dofendanl to waive cxaminatii
Vilhoul llrst asking whether lie had co
pulled his lawjois as to the meaning and u
lect of xncli a htcp , when the courl ink
knpted him with "sit down and proceed wi
$ ho co e. "
Theto wns a moio dramatic scene tofolloi
Mr. Ewing asked that the case be continue
\intll ID o'clock Monday morning , ns il
goveir.mcnl was nnt icady to pr <
cced. Mr. Donahue opposed the coiilinuani
. . . "It is veiy strange , " said he , "that b
Cause Ihoy Imvo induced Uils poor m :
Mowles to go in n private consultation wl
tbo great lawyers nnd Iho railroad nmgmil
on the other sldeof the case , thai they shou
not bo ready to-day , although they we
ready yesterday. "
> fllr. ICwing said It was for the Intercut
justice that ho desired timo.
b "Of course , " buid Mr. Hoyno ; "if t
furtherance demands It , It will Imvo to
granted. "
Jidforo the lust word had fallen from 11
" 'tonimisslonor'K lips , Bowles nroso from !
'chair and look a few steps toward Iho com
'r ' "With his head turned toward the Judge in
half avoided fiom the [ faro of the spcciatoi
t Who were aslonlshed by Iho sudden actlo
.vWith his right hand oulslrnlcliea in tbo at
tude of appeal nnd In a voice that scum
resolute but ycl trembled In its lone , he sal
'I speak in the Interest of Justice , yo
honor. This will on for the good of I
nublK All that I will say hero should ha
' 'booii ' told long ago , nnd what I will tell w
only bo for the sake of Justice and to pro
thai I tun an Innoccnl man. "
Bowies' volco broke ns ho finished the se
tonce , and the tears rolled down his biou
checks , while emotion that ho could not ct :
trol shook thu gplendld proportions of 1
tnasslvo frame. Bowles Is n powerful man
bt least fix feet high and looked n gia
among the slightly built lawyers nnd rnilro ;
, tnon by whom.ho wns surrounded. When
took his scat ho wined nls eyes with n r
cotton hiinilkercldof nnd leaned his head '
the back of his chair. Poor Bowles w
tadly broken down.
Mr. Donahue said , with a sarcnstlo smll
"A * Mr. Bowles i > not in this case , I pi
unto we may go on.1' '
f Mr. Dnnahuo wanted to know whether bi
'tfrnild bolhcit in Bowies' C4ise. "Bisbrolh
, 'Is ' hero ami bus remitted us , " ho said.
Mr. ICwIng objected , tliat Mr. Donnhi
Was not Mr. Bowies' attorney.
' < 'Another tilt between thu counsel ensue
tTMid the court asked Bowles : "Do the
f gentlemen represent youl"
* . "Tlii > y did till this morning , " said Bowie
> lr ' "Do you want to give ball r '
"Yes , sir. "
" "Can you give balll"
vii " 1 mipx | > so I can , sir. "
Then Mr. David proceeded to light iij !
UUie 6piHii > lng counsel in the most upprovi
viMi'lv uf forensic ai'b'resblvfancss. ii
tired to tbo court nsn man nmln citizen , bub
10 practically refused tp apologize to him ns
n Judicial ofllccr , nrul dnretl u punishment for
oiituniit. | " 1 have no word of Apology for
he gentlemen- who pretend to bo counsel for
ho united Stales nnd the railroad corpora
Ion on the other side , " suld Mr. David. 'I
lenounro the unfair nnd ut.Jusl methods
hey hiiVL practiced In this case.
There Is not a word tlmt 1 or Iny
issodntes Inivo said In this case that
vo ilid not Ray deliberately and wilfully , nnd
\ n uro prepared to tike the consequences
vhntcrcr they may bo. If yourhonor thinks
vo luivo boon guilty of contempt of your
ourt , nnd 1 thin ) : you have the power tp In.
lint n line on mo for the offense , I am ready
0 pay the line. If you think jou have the
lower to commit me , I urn icadytogp to
> iison. "
Mr. David's ' speech was delivcied with In-
cnso feeling nnd enrnestness , nnd the uttor-
icys on the other side squirmed because the
court would not stop the young man's Invec-
Ive nor punish him for his boldness. When
m closed the court deelaicd the case ml-
ourned to Monday ut 10 o'olock. Bowles
vas taken to Mntshnt Marsh's office mid af-
prwnrd released on ? 3i)00 , ) ball by Commit-
loner Bojno.
A Her couit adjourned , the horctoforo re-
icent prisoner. Wilson , saviiuely denounced
lowles , iidlcullng the idea that tlio latter
vas Innocent , and exclaiming : "Thy
uhli'kcn heait , ho has laid down. "
The case of Clialnnon Hone and Murphy ,
vhh'h to Imvo come before .luslico T von
Ills morning , w.xs postponed for one weok.
1th understood that Howies has told the
irosecution fuels uhlch will umko the con- .
V lotion of Hogo certain. Chairman
vould seem , U the man they are really Hftor ,
jot only as a blow they wish to strike the
troUicrhooil , but because the load otllcials
iisllku him personally. 'J'lio other dcfoud *
ints they aio favorably disposed towards.
J'ho taxi of the "squeal" not nindo pub
ic , but it was iinportntit enough to tiecesst'
ate the postponement of the cnso
jefonl the court , as well ns in the
state tribunal. H is ceitnln. that wliou
ho Jail prisoners Bowles , Hroderiek and
\Vilsoti , wens brought over from Jail this
nornlng to the marshal's oflicc , Howies sent ,
vord that ho wanted to sue the district at-
oruey. Ho was' taken to Swing's oflieo and
litre confessed lo ( "ii' Manager Stone ,
nspcefor JJnnllcld and Attorney Collier. The
only diiect intimation of the confession was
t woll-detlncd rumor that a ( Jutted States
vnrrant had been for the aricst of
logo , who Is out on & 1,5PO bonds under the
onspnney charge brotight under the sluto
Howies was closofcd all the afternoon In
hemaishars cilice , and his confession was
> oing taken in detail up to 5 o'clock , when
hoiuw.isa postponement 1111111 to-ruonow
Horning' . Thoeoiifos'skm is being pu' into
hhapc to lw ) sworn to , which will make. it
nero valuable in the c.iso against Hose.
Some valuable poitiU'rs liavo been furnished ,
which Inspector Bonlleld's men uro now
\\orhing on.
I'rolmltlp HfTei-t of the '
CiucvOo , July II. [ Special Telegram tc
Tun Uii : . | A group of railroad men twc
superintendents , a freisht agent , two broth'
Ci hood chiefs and. several utbers'-'weio dis
cussing in general the probable , outcome ot
the trial of IlogC. One of the brothoihood
nen said : "If in any manner Chiefs Arthur
nut Sargent arc brought into this matter ,
md th y are not released on ball , then there
will be a general strike throughout the eoun-
.ry. Even If this trial of Hogu should prove
inintistuctory to the men and ho is sen
tenced anil convicted , then there will bo n
pencrul strike. " A soon us the trial ol
1 logo is over , and should ho be convicted ,
.liera will be a meeting of all brotherhood ,
union and othov oiganirations conucctct
with the railways. There is no doubt that
, f these tri.ils .should take n , sorlons turn ani
.hp Imnhui hood gets the worst of it , then all
the lo.uls in the country will be tlod up.
A Cont'iireiitiP uf
Oi.nvKi.vvo , July 14. T. H. Snrgcnt'ehic
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive "Fitcnton
arrived hero from Terre Hanto to-day , am
hold a conference with Chief Arthur , of UK
BtothcrhooCl of Locomotive Engineers.
Tlic Funny I'OHUI ! Tliat Found Ir
AVay to Hit ; Prohlilt-nt.
County Cleik Itnchc is the proud posscsso
of n rare ai tide , an autograph letter fron
resident Cleveland. The epistle came t
the Omaha official umlt'r pcciililtr circuni
The county commissioners in their aggregated
gated wisdom ns n board of equnlizalloi
thought It proper to increase the asscssei
valuation of ceitaln city property , notably i
the fourth ward. On Saturday the 7th of th
month Ihoy sehl out about five hundred po
ml cards notifying iutorcslCd proporl
owners of Ibu r.tlso , ana designating Monday
the ' .lib , us the time to hear any posslbli
grievances. The addressing of the caid
was done by ono of Ihc clerks , who , when hi
came to-tho immuof Fiiitn-in l-Vilsom , askei
what ho ohouid do. A follow clerk lold hn ;
Iho lady was now I'lesiUent Cleveland'
wife and ho "had belter send Ihu c.u-d to Hi
lircsiuent.1 In a splrll of fun Iho clerk llilci
out tli6 card as follows :
On in \ , July , IbiS. Mr. Graver Cleveland
land , D. P. U. R. A. , G. U. S. A. , d. A. K.
etc. , etc. , White House , Washington , D. C.
Dear Sir : You nio hereby notified that Un
county commissioners , silling us a board o
oiuull/atlon , have inlsed Iho usscssmcnl a
returned by the assessor of the Fourth wan
precinct on real estate described as follows
Twenty-four feat of Jot eight , block eighty
six , city of Omaha. Appear July itth at 'J | i
m. and show cause why it should mil b
Amount retutncd by assessor , $3,500
liaised by board to fo.uoo.
Kespcct fully ,
M. D. Uociir , County Clerk.
Per [ A B. ]
The card was passed around with man ,
quiziicac comments on the numerous Icttei
ufttxeil 16 the president's name and ttie car
was then tin own aside. It seems , hovvovci
that the boy who gathers the mail picked u
tlio caid and , noticing that it was titled on
like Iho ntlicis , tboughl it had been droppc
accidentally , At uuj rate it got Inln Iho 50
thai wcio marked and reached llicpiesidmit
The cauls were printed with County Clcr
Heche's mime , but thu addressing was don
under the direction of the commissioner :
Mr. Hoeho was greatly surprised therefor
toicceivothn following letter , the whole c
it written by the president himself :
Exr.curm : MISSION , Wtsiuxorox , Jul
11 , IbbS. , M. D. Hoeho , Esq. , Cniinty Clcrl
Dear Sir : I have Just reculucd the enclose
postal curd. 1 have no propci ty In Omahi
and thus am not at all mtei esied lir the Ii
formation convoyed. If thn pioperly Is an
part of the estate in which my wife is lute
estod it , occurs lo nio that it came piobabl
late if appearance must IM made , us it di
clures , on July 0. I huve noticed Die add
lions to my address und am at loss 1
know what they nio in. Can you cxplni
them to tnol Yours truly
It will bo noticed that thy president teethe
the card good naturi'dly , but Clerk Uoe !
wus very much chagrined. Ho tookudvnti
ugo of the iuvltution in Pro-tidout Cleveland
last ncateiicii to write and iKpluln the matli
and In apologize for the llipianc ] use ol tl
pioaidcut's i
l xst A | > | iearano To-.Niilit of the Ton
| il tou OIX.TII fonipany.
IJy special request the Tomploton opoi
company will glvo one moro performance i
Girollo Olrotta at the Grand opera house t
nli'ht. This will iwsltlvoly bo their last a
pparanro In Omaha this season and theati
people should avail themselves of the oppo
tunlty of witnrsslng this performance of tl jileaslng opera. The audience la
night demonstrated their enjoyment by a ;
phitidni every number that was sting , an
encores wont fnxiuent , especially Miss He
uilalo Palnclo's vocal cltoits eliuiting tt
most gonerou * reception. This pretty an
never young lady has made < iutlo n favo
able Impression hero. The choriw Is atroi
'and vocallv clltcJont throughout , and the pe
formauco is' really very cnjoyahla nnd shuul
bo given Ixiforo a crow'deil house. To-tiiRl
being the farewell appearance of the con
pany , a line entertainment will undoubted !
bo witnessed by u largo audience.
The Mooro-Norton Case.
TOIII.'KKus. . , July-H. Tlie nrgulncnt i
the Moo're habeas corpus cusovus complete
bcfoio Judge Quthrie to-day and pe tppk tl
tusomdor advisement.
mttittr * i npTni rirp rtti T
The Qonforonco Commlttoo poportE
It Back to Both Houses.
Mr. McHhnnc Corrects An Krror ltc <
KUi-dliiK It KaiiilaU'H Contlltloii
Alarms Ills 1'Ylcmls ( ! en-
Greeley AKloifl/.eH.
Why Hn Sinlleil.
WASHINGTON Hunp.ur TitnOuvnv Hnn , 1
61U FoUllTKEXTIlSTIlBnT ; , >
WASIIINOTOX , D. c. , Iyi4.1
Congressman MeShnticvns seen by Tin
Ir.i ; correspondent this evening Just as In
vas coming from the senate. Ho had i
> leas l expression on his coutitcnancc , am'
n answer to an inquiry as to its cause hi
uid :
' ThO conference commlttco on the Oinaln
mildlng bill reported bacic to both houses. It
ins been a long time coming , but wo have al
asl got it out ol the conlercnce. "
"How docs it stand I"
"Tho conference committee recommend ;
he passage of the bill providing for the pur
ohasp of n site and the erection of n bulldhii
at a total cost of $1,200,000. Of this amount
one-third is llxcd as the limit of the cost ol
ho site. "
uls the provision loft in the bill which nu
ho-rlzCs the use of ihoold structure as head
juarters for the depatlment of the Mis
"It is. The bill Is practically the sameas
bat which originally passed the senate. Tin
epurt will bt > made and called up la the
iouso as noon ns the tariff bill Is out of tin
vay. " 4I1 notice , " continued Mr. McShane ,
'Hint there is an impression In Omaha thai
ho fort bill waa amended by reducing tin
imount of the appropriation in the house
This idea is erroneous. The Original scnali
) ill pi ovlded for Iho purchase of n site uiu
ho evcclion of Iho nOcessary buildings at t
otal cost of 2i)0OOJ. ) The housd bill wa >
dcnticfil with the cnato bill and the foruiei
vas substituted in order lo avoid delay. 1
vas amended at the last moment by thu in
set lion of n clause nioviding that the siti
shall not cost more than ono third of the Mm
appropriated , but that sum was not rcdueoi
ono dollar. On the contrary it remains' li
the bill how in the president' * hands , ex
ictly ns it came from the senate. I
will permit the purchase of 040 acre
it a cost of upwards of 510D pc
icre , or of SfcJO acres at over &iofl per acre
L think this sum will pnfvo ample for tin
imrchabO of il suitable site , Within ten mile
of Omnhu. The bnlanco may not bo cnotigl
; o piovido all the buildings needed , but then
is nothing lo prevent congress from supply
in thu deficiency if moio is requited.
nvM > u. ! > 's coN'inriox cumu\i < .
Congressman Samuel J. Kandal continue
to bo in a decidedly precarious condition
While there have been nb hemorrhages re
ported , it Is generally admitted on lh <
liartor his physicians and immediate ftlond
that ho will be tinaUm to stand another one
and that the loss ot blood which be has undergone
dorgono in the last thirty-six hours , has ttq
ploted his vitality to an nlannlng extent
Just what the outi'omo of the illness will b
no ono can say at this time , but that the ex
speaker of the house is , lying vury near th
point of death , no ono dispute.- ; . The me
ment ho In able to bo moved ho will DO takci
away to his home , and will remain away frou
cjngress during the lemaindor of the sen
sion if , indeed , ho is over able to bo re
moved al all.
IIIMIIAI : : , nnniii.Y uw.ooiiins.
Some days ago General Greoly in speakin ,
bcfoio ono ot the conimiUocN of congress ii
i elation lo thn transfer of the signal servlc
from the depiirtmou to the agrieuHuni
department accused Commissioner Colma
with surlcpUtiously trying to secure th
transfer. Ho has addressed a letter to San
ator Palmer in refercnco to lilt , htntcmoul i
which ho says ho is satisticd Unit ho di
an unintentional Injustice to Iho conimi'
sioncr of agriculture. General Grceiy say
further that he Is satislled thai the com mi'
sioner's vKits which ho mishilorprtHi'd wer
simply to do n kindlier to ono of the olllclul
of the signal otlico and tllal they had up roi
ercnco wji.itovci' to the transfer of the bt
reau. Lilco other mc u who have said thine
for which they lire sorrv , Qoneral Clreol
wrntls up by stating that ho had no idea th.i
Ins temarks would appear in print. H
thought tlmt he was spi-akiny : to the couimil
tee privately.
tin : iMMimuTioN COMMITTEE.
Speaker Carlisle has had considerabl
diljlcnlty in formlitgthe committee to invest
gate immigration with regard to Importr
tioiiH of laborers in violation of the eolitrai1
labor law. etc. llo has dotormjned to col
stilulo this iiuportant commlttco as follows
Frn-d , Michigan ; Oates , Alabama ; Spinoli
New Vork ; Gucnthor , Wisconsin : Morrovt
California. A number of leading memboi
have applied for places on tlmt commitlei
some of whom decided lo crowd Mr. Guon
llieroff , but upon representations to th
speaker that n foreign born member shout
have n place , in view of the largo Gonna
Immigration , ho has refused to change hi
purpose. The committee will probably b
appointed Monday and will be in the invest
gallon n few days afterwards. They wl
visit Hoston and Xew York llrst and th
Pncllle coast after the election.
I'lillKV S. IIlUTII.
WASHINGTON , July 14. The house resume
consideration of the "subsidy" nmcndmoi
of the senate to the postofllco appropviatlo
bill. After debate Mr. Hmgham's motion I
concur In the scnato amendment with u
amendment was lost. The house further Ii
sUled upon Us disagreement to the senut
amendment , and u further conference w.
The house then went into commlllco of U :
whole * on the tariff bill , the pending schcdul
being that relative to wool.
Mr. Outhwalle of Ohio ridiculed the nsso
tion that the effect of the tariff had boon I
Inct ease tl > o number of sheep in this com
try. Ho argued thatn high tariff had no ii
fluoiico upon the price of wool , which wn
legulatcdby the law of supply ami domain
Mr A. Follello , of Wisconsin , took up an
criticised Mr. Carlisle's speech upon the bil
especially that portion in which Iho spoulcc
endeavored lo show prosporily of Iho coui
try during the low tarlll decade from ls5 ( ) 1
IbuU. Ho said that the gentleman , in solcc
ing articles upon whlnh to show the perccn
ngn of increase , had selected articles whicl
with one execution , were not touched by tl
act of ISiii. Ho trilled with the facts wht
ho said Unit this country recovered from tl
dcmcsiion of 1S. > 7 in a few months.v
Mr. Grosvcnor referred to the dtjerc.iso c
the wool industry in Ohio , and the grc.
falling off in thn price of wool , and said tin
il wax duo to tlio menace of thn Mills bll
Mr. Ford , of Michigan , said Dial il wi
the country' * nltornalivo to choose bctwet
cheap whiskey or cheap clothing. The woi
tariff wps burdensome. Ho did not bcllo\
that the effect of the bill would botodecrca :
the price of American wool.
Tlio house then look a recess , ttio ovonli
besslon to bo for Iho consideration of prlva
The house spoil theentlro evening In pas
ing nineteen private relief bills and ut
o'clock adjourned.
For lllvor Improvements.
WASHINGTON , July 14. The following esl
mules have been made by engineers fi
work on rivers and harbors : For rdrnovin
snags nnd wrecks Irom the Mississippi rlv <
nextyear ; , $120,000 ; same kind of work <
lhi < Missouri river , 54-1,001) ) ; Improvement i
the Mississippi river between the Ohio nv
Illinois riven ) , to complete , il3 , > 7,5UO ; no :
year , il,000l > uu.
National lliliicatluniil Council.
S\s fiuxtiwo , July U At the Cession
the national educational council to-day Mi
M. G. Cooper , Of Now YoVk , presented
paper on lliu NUic.ilion of girls. The p.ijV
vus freely disluijscd by u number of met
bcrs ; ' . . . .
CnrI 'Hi Ounntli-o Steals $ : ( ) < ) Prom
tlir Commercial National
Cnrl 1 . IJufunireT n otuii ; man of nbo.ut
n'onty-two , and of l'iua ' bookkeeper In tlio
Jommrrclal NatlotmlJ bank , is in the county
all with the olhcrleoiijiiiou thieves nwaitlng
ho session of the dFitr ict court to answer to
ho ch.irgo of stealing over tsIOO from the
mnk In which ho wa"s employed. Dunmire
s a young man of plcasjuit liii | > corance , Is
very neat In his dress , and has In everi way
.ho air of high respectability. HeforO enter-
ng the employ of the bank ho was with Hugh
n. Clark. Inside of n < year ho has worked
ilmself up from n inciiltfl to the position of
bookkeeper , and was * a n-usted employe. On
luly 0 , for smno iAaocountnblo reason , ho
teslgned. Slnco then 4ho managers of the
bank in checking up hljf accounts found ho
was $ . KI Mhort. Thu bank otllcials sought a
irivnto interview with him concerning Iho
natter , and he confessed overj thing. His
irocess was to tear up chocks fur small
imounts , nnd in this way ho lias been able
to embezzle considerable in the course
of time without being detocled , as
.ho checks , after passing through his
Kinds were not examined moro frequently
than once in three months.
Ho did not otter to make good tlio dclle-
enc.y , nor attempt to leave the city , but con-
.luued at his work for the Fair association.
Jonsoquontly a warrant was issued for his
irrost , and It was ttcrvtsil on him by Oftlcor
Orinsby yesterday. On arraignment lie did
lot deny his guilt , nnd the Judge bound him
over In the sum of % lnuo. He could not fur-
ilsh butt lo Unit amount and ho was com
mitted to the c6unty jail.
Mr. J. W. Johnsou , of Sulton , Is n guest of
Miss L. McICeiglmn , of Wlntcrsct , la. , is n
Paten Kiiest.
Mr. Drtii Hopkins , of HyoiRvillc , Nob. , Is
at the I'-txtcn.
Mr. P. L. Johnson , of Hastings , was in the
city yesterday.
Mr. A. S , 1'adilook , of Hoatricc , was in
Dmaha vcsterday.
Mr. F. ti. llamcr , of Kearney , waa nt the
Mitlard yesterday.
Mr. W. T. Cased n , of Nebraska City , wn ?
in Omaha yesterday.
Mr. Edwin U. Mockett , of Fremont , wa
in the city yesterday.
Messrs. F. II. Himmol andC. T. Stoeklmm
wont to Fremdnt yesterday.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. Moan , ot Sioux City ,
were Omaha visitoryesterday. .
Mi1.V. . M. Kobfrtson , of Madison , Nub. ,
was an Omaha visitor yesterday ,
MIS.S FJorqncO Donahue hits gone to Spring-
Held , 111 , where she will spend two months. Johnston , of thO national railroad
commission , is expected to arrive in Omnhu
MHses IJllio mid Glen KUuhcn have re-
tinned lo their I'remont homo after an ex
tended visit in Omaha.
C. C. FiUmauriee , roprescnliug Iho oystci
firm of 0. S. Farrcn t\t Co. , is in the citj
stopping al the Millnid.
Mr. William II. Hidte , the Well known
draper and salesman of the linn of S. A ,
Oulmrd , depai ted for the cast vesterdav 01 :
his summer vacation. Hoill bo gone u
month or so.
Two of the now breed of detective-
imported by the 15. & .M. , were scut tc
Lincoln yt-btordliy.
Harry IButhiino , ti bin-inter claiming
a record of il : bueondb per 100 yards ,
ib in Omalia for a f w dlijs.
Tin1 Sioux CHys have engaged Ooist ,
of the Crime Bros , niiie , and iiro 'aflci
Lute Seamnnn , an niimtoin- pitcher ol
Mr. Curl S. foliindor anil Mibs
Augusta M. WotUwewo married yeblei--
day by Justice Anduraon. , Both .jjrooni
and hrido are ruauloiils of Omnhu.
The board of i iiQctprs ; of the IxMii'O of
trade lust ovi'iiing leased a room hi the
chamber rif commerce. Inrililiii"1 to Jolin
M. Shaw & Co. , tjlo Chieajjo commiasion
lli'in. ' l
A pltimbtMpivjnjj the nnmn of George
Scott was arrehted by Sergeant Htr/c oveniiifj for btcalinfj a jtiir of shoos
from the t'liicii o Biirgain store , on
Doujilab , between I'liirtcenth and Four
A horse on tlio delivery wagon ol
Chudes llunloy , Iho grow , caught n
toe ualli in the grove o'f tlio ca'olo line
while cvosbinj , ' llarnoy btreot ycsterdny ,
Tlio shoe was wrenched from the hoof ,
but thy hm-bo wont on with only a mo
mentary hesitation.
Several Very Intei-cstliiK anil Hotly
Contested Kvouts.
Cmr.'Afio , July 14. The first event of the
day hIho \ boat at Pullman was the
race for Junior four oars , being Iho race o !
ycstciday , which was rowed over in accord
ance with the roforce's decision. It was wor
by the Moline Sylvans in9:55Unions : second ,
Crescents third ana Pullmans fourllt.
The next contest was for junior singles ,
postponed from the llrst day. Wheeler , ol
the Minneapolis Luslincs , won In 12:30 , Frazier -
zier , of the Pullmans , second in 12:43 : , Crco-
gier , of Iho Quinlards , third in 13R3 : and
Hocklleld , of the St. Louis Excelsiors , fourth ,
McDonald , of the Ironuols , did not flnlah.
The contesl for senior fours was won bj
Iho Moline Sylvans in 10 OT , Chicago Farra
guts second in 10:3J : , O-Wash-ta-Nongs ol
Urand KaplUs Unrd in lU.rJ : , West Ends ol
JS'ow Orleans fourth in 11:01) : ) , Si. Louibians
il flh in 1153. .
The senior singles hotly contested tc
the tinish between Muchmoro of the Live-
lines and Kllb.iy of Ottumwas. Muchmorc
won by accomjilishing some territh' work at
the finish , with ICllbay two seconds behind.
The winning time was 11 ; , ' n. Wheeler eamu
in third in H,7J : , McDonald fourth. Kilbay
claimed thai Muchmoro lud forced him out
of his water after the turn and ihereby lost
him Iho race.
The senior pairs was won by the Modocsir
11 M ) , Iho Sylvans , only other entry , coming
in Iwo seconds later.
In the senior doubles contest the Lurllne :
won In 10:110. : Ottumwas second In 10:47 : ,
Delaware third in 10:50 : , SI Louisiana fouitl
in 11V : > .
for of Iho "H" class
The race guys was won
by Iho Cdllms in 11 minutes , Farragut second
end in 11. M.
Ttio fioo-for-all singles had but Iwo slart'
ers J. F. Corbetl , amateur champion of tliu
United Stales , and W. S. McDonald of Hit
Iroimois. The race was n walkaway for Cor
boll , but ho hold back until within twentj
strokes of the llnlsh , when no shot ahead lilu
an arrow , finishing flht In 13i7. :
The free-for-all senior doubles was the
event of the day and 'wits' ' a notable race , UK
struggle between Iho Dehiwares and Lur
lines being a desperalo ofio. At the turn tin
Lurllnes woto but IHtld behind and the.\
made a splendid spurt 'which ' placed then
abreast of the Delaware * * . From there thi
race was ono of the bcs't'und moat exciting
over seen on Lake Caluinet. The Delaware !
won by n small maPgiii ? Time , 10 : ± i , Lur
lines , 10:22 : > 5 ? . ' '
The lluul event of Jlhoircgatlu was a race
thrco iiuarlbrs of a milo1 slralght away , b ;
barges , Tlio race wns vfcry close until nea1
the crund stand , when tremendous spurls b ;
Iho Pullmans won thcnf the i ace in 4 : ! ii
Modocs , 4:43 : ; St. LoJiisiJus , 4 :50. :
The Inter-'Stnto Sln le ,
NKW YoitK , July I4f A nnounconionls wen
made to-day for the intyr-stalo single scul
race , open lo all oarsmen In the United Slulc
and Canada. The distance will bo thrc
miles with turn , und will DC rowed ut Syr ; :
cuso , N. Y. , July 23.
H TunkH ICxploile.
CIXCI.NN.VTI , July 14. A battery of elgbJ
gas tanks In Tuilow ! , Ky , , exploded thi
afternoon , injuring llfteen men , four of thet
/atolly. The gas is generated from napth
for lighting the railroad shops nnd for use I
( ho Munn boudoir cars. Shu escape of
small imuntity f torn one tank caused uu LO
plosion which exploded the pthpr SOTIMI.
, . ' ' , Snw Mills Hurned. . , '
' Qurni.c , July 14. La Freneiero's Immops
inw mills ut Louisville tiurncd yestorda )
ItisoxpOctod that the- loss wilt .reach $100
000-patly4nbiirod. ;
The Qiimlm Hitters Mowed D own Bj
a City Lofiiruo Pitcher.
Dos Molnes mill Kansas City Mccl
Di-rcnt In tlio Twin Cities The
Minneapolis Team rinytj Its
Ijiist Oninc.
AVomorn Association
rollotving is the oftlclal standing ot the
Western association teams up to and tti <
eluding yesterday's games.
Plaveil Won Lost Pr CI
St. Paul . fi ) 3T 17 .TO
Des Molnes . -17 23 I'.i .fj'.V '
Kansas Citv . is r > J.M .W
Omaha . 47 'J4 i2U .511
Maroons . 5U 21 I'dIM
Mdwnukeo . r.l 21 37 .471
MinneaDolls . M SO Ull . ! 17 ;
Sioux City . 11 4 7 .BO !
Kloux City . * ! , Oinaba O.
Kluicr Geist appcard to bo n great man Just
now ,
Thcro Is a tealn of amateur ball tosscrs h
Jio city known as the Cnmo Hi others team
They belong to the city leayue , and Geist [ <
one of their plte.hcis. Owing to the Inca
iiacity ot" the Slou\ City regular pitchers yes
terday aftoi noon the Crane Hrothers leu
them Geist , and tlio Hardin Cjty leagui
te.iui lent thorn a center Jloldcr in .Htu Me
Laughlln , and they shut out the Omahasl
, Didn't you hoarl They shut out tin
13ut they did , and by a score of rt to 0.
Horror unou horror's head.
That's what thousands of patriotic Onm
bans exclaimed last night.
The only explanation of this awful dofea
is mttninoil up In the single wordGeist. .
The Omaliogs failed to get but three llttlt
hits oft of him , and they were
No one in particular is to blame , for out
side of the battery work the Siou City-
played a magnillcont , game.
They didn't have a wonderful amount o
work to do , however , for the consid
urateh died befoie getting to llrst.Vhei
they did i each bagNo. . 1. they were easili
retired bcfoio netting much luither on theh
journey. There were ono or two bvilllun
plays , but tlio Onmlms woio beaten beu.iust
they couldn't hit ( Jeist , wluto tlio visitors hi
Lovott just Wlion the hits counted. Tliun
were few of them , but oh , my , how thoj
The BOO spectators were badly broken uj
over the result , as they had counted oh (
sin o thing. Omaha only lacked about .I poi
cent , to put her in third place.
She didn't got it.
Hut the lacteal fluid has been spilled , am
there's uo use crying over it. Oh , you ti iek ;
Coi n Hu-skers. Juat wait until wo got atyoi
this afternoon , and by the tinio the panio' '
over your own mother's won't know you.
The bcoro :
Totals. . . . . S'j 3 ( i 3 27 IS
"Ono man put for runnlngoiit of line.
Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 i
Sioux City. 0 t 0 1 0 1) ) 0 0 * !
Huns earned Sioux Citv 1. Double plays-
Sioux City 1. Hasos on balls-rHy Lovutt 1
by CJekt a , Struck out Hy Lovctt 3. Passoi
balls-Wilson 1. Time of. game 1:10. : Um
ire-'Hagan. _ _
St. I'nul n , KntiHiiH CUr ! t.
ST. PUT , , July U. [ Special Telegram tc
Tin ! HKI : . ] St. Paul outballed ami out
played the Cowboys lo-dny , winning an in
terosling and pretty game. Kansas Oil ;
scored twice in Iho llrst inning on singles b ;
Curtis and Johnson , two steals nnd Lango'j
pi'etly drive for n base , but who was rotirei
while Irylng lo make it n two-bagger. Ii
the fourth Johnson gel first on Hellly's will
throw , stole second , took third on n passei
ball und scored on Morrisoy's failure to slo ]
Lunge's hit , Tlio Cowboys were umiblo li
find the ball after the fourth inning , nm
but two of thorn reached first base. St. Pan
scoiod thrco in tbo second Inning , nfte :
l\\o bands were out , on Shafor'i
binglo , ICemmler's ' base on balls am
Duryca's long hit over Ihq conlor fenco. Ii
Iho liilh ono moro was added on Carrol's hi
for four bag" , and in Iho eighth the rut
was made on Mon-issoy's two bagger , a sac
rilico and n passed ball. Tho.score :
St.P.iul 0 3 ( I 0 1 0 0 1 0-i
Kansas City 2 0010000 0-1
Huns earned St. Paul 4 , Ivansas Cily 2
Two base hits Morrissey , Bradley. HOIIK
runs Duryea , Carroll. Huses on bnlls-
JCpmmler , Ardner. Hit by pitcher Hoilly
Struck oul Ueilly , Kommler , Duryua (2) ( )
Manning (2) ( ) , Curtis , 15radloy , McCarty
Wells (2. ( ) Passed balls-Wells 2 , ICemmlei
2. Wild iiitches McCaity. Hases stolon-
By Carroll , Kommler , Manning , Cm Us
Johnson (2 ( ) Loft on bases St. Puul 5
Kansas City - . First base on errors St
Paul 3 , Kansas Cily 2. Ttmo-1:15. : Umpiri
Ic4 lolnert H.
July 14. [ Special Tolegrani
to Tun HI.K. ] The home team gave thi
HawkoyoH another drubbing to-day. Hutch
inson was hit hard throughout. Klopf aiu
Winklemiin were also hit hard , the lowam
earning all their runs but one. Their sup
port , however , was good ut critical points
und although tlio visitors made n dcspcrnlc
slruggleto win In tlio ninth , they woio Ilnull }
relired before Ihoy suceaeded. Tiio score :
Minneapolis . 0 1
Dos Mollies . 0 00030014 1
Unso hlls Minneapolis 14 , Dni Molncs II
Errors Mln noapolis , " > , Dos Molnes 4. Uuiii
earned Minneapolis 4 , Doi Moines 7. Two
basa hlls Shafcr , Hutchinson. Tliroo-b.isi
hits Hrosuan. Homo runs Winhlcman
Qumii , Slearns , Mafullar. Double playys-
Hrosnan and Hroughton. Krolg and Hrosnnn
liases on balls Hy Klopf 3 , by Winklcmni
2. Hit by pilchcr Shafor. Struck oni Hj
Klopf ( i , by Hnlchliifcon 7. Passed balU"-
Krclg I , Traflley 2.ViId pitches Hutchln
bon. Buses stolen Walsh , Pulton (2jJcvne (
Stearns , Hollidny. Left on bases Mlnnc
npolls 7 , DesMolncs VJ. First base on error
Minneapolis 4 , Des Moines 5. Time 2:10 :
Umpire Powers.
MlnncnpolU Ijlalilu to , Minn. , July 14 , [ Speclu
Telegram to TMK BitK.l The sensation Ii
local base ball Circles Is the publlo announce
ment Unit the Minneapolis club is n finan
cial wreck and that it is liable to bo dlf
banded nt once. Munagqr Goodlng says thn
the club cannot live without the receipt
front Sjyiday games. Had Sunday ball piaj
Ing not be'oit interfered wllh bo would t
date have been $ ' , ' 5,000 ahead anJ wOuia hav
had n winning team In tlip Held. As it In , n !
his inoiioy , nboui $12,000 ( is In the team un
franchise nnd ho is how In dent even to hi
players. Mr , Goodlng's plan to oi nnizo
huccessful. If 1
r stock ( ; otnpany may prove
docs not tie | club \vlll bo disbuiidcd no >
Week. Tlio loam und franchise can be sol
nt tt figure that 'will let Manager Goodin
out even , but It is probable that thcro an
men In Minneapolis wllh enough base ball
pntluisluMii to prevent the -utter falHiro o
the club. Several have already 'signified i
wlllltignosn to takd. Mock lit tlio c.lub. Mr
Goodlng thinks ground * can bo seemed am
fitted up within three weeks sb that Sunday
Klines i an l o resumed. If this Is posslhh
the club is bound to bo successful , but tin
Indications are that Monday's ganiu will bi
thu hist.
Milwaukee II , Chicago .
MnVAfKii : : , July 11. [ Special Telegrnn
to TUB UKK.J Chicago put Coughlln In Hit
box lo-day for the tlrst time nnd the1 locals
hit him hard enough to win. The gnma wn <
hotly eonteslcd throughout , abounding will
pretty plnjs. Itanrnhnii tilnyed a brilllanl
game at short for the visitors and kept tin
spectators applauding him. The score !
Milwaukee . 0 a 2 1 1 o h 0 (
Chicago . 0 0020 0 2 0 0
Darned runs Milwaukee 4 , Chicago 1
Bases on balls Off Stevens 2 , off Coughlln 1
Struck out Stevens , Hnnrahnn , Khoims (2) ( )
Schrenick , Morlaritv , Gallagher (3) ( ) , McCnu
ley (2j ( , Coughlln. Two base hits-Mnculler
ruller. Tin eo base hlls Slrauss. Passei
balN-WnrnerS Wild pitches Cougnlin 1
Time 1 :45. : Umplre-Cuslck.
Yostcrilny's AVInnei-H In the Natlonn
FitTsnmui , July 11. Hesult of to-day' :
panics :
Pittsbtirg . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Philadelphia. . , .0 00001000
I'ltcliers Moiris for Plttsbnrtr , Sander
for Philadelphia. Base hlls Pitlsburg 4
PhihulelphlaV , P.riois Pitlsburg I , PhiJu
delphl.i 1. Umpire Hutllnton.
Di.Titoir , July 14. Uesull of today1 !
p.imes :
Detroit . 0 0 2 0 0 t ) 1 0 I 0 '
Bbstou . 0 0 2 3 3 0010 0
Callud nt the oud of tenth inning ; dark
Pitchers Grnber for 1)etrolt , Clarksoi
for Boston. Base lilts Detroit Jti , Boston 11
EtTois-rDotiolt,2 , Boston I. Umpire Kelly
I.NIIIA.NAI-OI.IS , July n. Itusult of to-day1'
game :
indlaiiipois.,0' ! ) 0 3 0 'J 0 0 0 0 f
Washinglon. . . .0 2000000 0 i
Pitchers Hi-aly for Indianapolis , O'Div '
for Washington. Busu hits ludhlnnpnlis U
Washington U. Drrors .Indianapolis 0
Washinglon 4. Umpire Valentine.
CiticAOu , July 14. Kcaiilt of to-day'1
game :
Chicago . 0 2 0 0 ( i 1 0 ' ) *
New York . 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pitchers BiliUvm for Chicago , Welch foi
New York. Busy hits Chicago S Xel\
York ft. nrrorsCliicago 0 , Now York 1
Umpite David Sullivan.
CiNTixxArl , July 11. Hesult of today' !
game :
Cincinnati . 0 0003005 0 1
Cleveland . 0 0000000 0 i
Lorisvn.iii : , July 14. Kesult of to-day'- -
Kamo :
Louisville. . , . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 ,
Athletics . I ) U 0 0 1 0 0 0 II
Kvssvs Cm , July II. Hesiilt Of to-dny'i
KUUS.IS City . J 0010 0 0 0 3
Brooklyn . 2 0000002 0
Br. Louis , July II. Hesult of to-day'
game :
St. Louis . 0
Baltimore . 0 0000004 0
1IO , MnooJil lt .
Hsruo , Neb. , July 1 1. [ Social 1Y-lc
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] About one hundred inn
Hfty traveling men collected hero to-d.vy U
witness a game of ball between the commei
cial touiists representing Lincoln and Has
tings. The former failed to arrive , but i
loam was put in the ijold for Lincoln niiy
way. The teams were well matched anit :
great afternoon's sport v * as enjoyed. Thct
was a , largo crowd of spectatoi's present
The score :
" -.2
HiibUnps . 1 -
Lincoln . 4 0 0 tt 5 1 1 0 2-1
Time of game 2:23. : Umpire L1. Wfih
Donaliuo Clailn.s tlio Finn.
KvxsigCiTV , July 14. .lames Donahue
the Kansas City ball player who uiupuvi
for Kansas City to-day , seiltt n telegram ti
President WyokolT of the American jis > socin
tion , clalfniug the line provided for nude
.section CO of the constitution of the Amor !
can association. Tlio percentage ot to-day'
receipts dub the Brookljn club iswithhcl
under the sumo bcctiou.
Clindroii ii , Atkluson ! > .
Ciunr.oN , Nob.t July 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hr.U. ] The Chadron CrijU'ii
defeated tbo Atkinson ttcds In this city to
day by a score of 18 to 3 for a of fc''fK
The batlerlc's were ( 'oons and Williams fo
C bullion and BlaLoand Forney for Atliiiisot :
Ycsloi'dny's Winners on tlio M ( > n- -
month Park Course * .
MO.VMOLTII PAIIK , July 14. The wcathe
was fine and the track fast.
Ono and nne-srxtecnth miles Uuportvon
Flagcoletla second , Kaloolah third. Timo-
1 :40. :
:40.Tlirco quarters of a mile Margaret won
Winfleld second , Aurnnia third. Time 1 :1 : ! >
Ono unit ono fourth miles Prince Koya
won , Tar.iKon second , Defense third. Ti me
at 10.
One and threp-cighls miles Bosslo .Tun.
won , Belvidero second , Tcnboovcr third
Scveii-oishths of a milo Choct iw won
Grover Cleveland second , Ballston third ,
Time l:2t : > > f.
Seven-eights of n mile Camhysos v/.in ,
Niagai a second , Strideaway tlnnl. Timo-
1 : UO.
Ono mile Holt cat , colt won , Luinlimi
second , St Valentino third. TimeH' 1 ' .
One half mile , match racfe Gcraldino won ,
Hosnrlnm sc'-ond. ' Time 50.
Steeple chase , full coniso Bnekra won ,
Jim McCion.m succmit , Kei'erue thliM. Tinio
At Wfifilimitoit 1'nrk.
CHICAOO , July 1 1. The Washington paili
meeting nndcd to-day with n great attend-
and splendid racing.
Five lurlongs Alaho won , Bootjack nee
end , Persian third. Time -1 : ! . > ; ,
Five furlongs -Laredo won , Aristocrat
bccond , Contempt thiid. Time 1:11 :
rOna mlloMolllo tlij' * Last won ,
S.uitalmi ) t-cuond , Wiuj third. Time 1 4" ,
One ami one-half miles Kalian won , Boho
mlan .second. Julia L. third. Time 2 l'J. !
Five-eighths of n milo Faunus won ,
Sportsman second , Clmmpaenu Charliii
third. Time-lOJf : ,
Ono und one-eighth miles Baudot wim ,
Fiedcrick foooud , Jim Vane third. Time
1 : ! .
One and ono-nighth miles Uudor won
Lnlovo and Woodcraft ran u dead heat foi
kccond place. Time 15I ; ,
Tim OyollKls Won.
AMSTHIIIHM , July 11. The race bctweoi
the cycllitb and the horseback rider came of
today , Semplo , "Woodsido unit Albin.l , cy
cliHts , i an against Boll aw on horseback
They covered twenty-live miles in 1 hour , 1 !
minutes und . * 0 seconds.
AVent Tlii-oiiuli Uls 1'ookctn.
Flora Benson , n Scandanavlan strumpet
weut Ihrough Iho pockets of u "gonllemai
caller" named Nols Anderson ycstoiday , am
rejioved him of all his loose change , nt lees
so ho claims. She was arrested by Oflleci
Bloom nnd given a call ut the central stutlon
Later her "lover" appeared and put up suftl
clout collateral to secure her uppuaranci
Monday for trial.
The Went her Indication * .
WASHINGTON , July 14.For Nebraska one
lown : Warmer , fair wnnthor followed Sun
day afternoon i y local ruins and coolci
southcaUurly winds.
For Dakota : Cooler , fair weather foi
lowed Sunday afternoon by local ruins ; vari
able winds ,
The Marlnttix Contennli.l.
MUM ETC * , O. , July 14. The celeb , ration ol
Uio Marietta rmitcnnul year and. the Innug
urallon of Um .civil Rovornment under St
Clalr bfgins Id-morrow. Miriclta ; > las boci
two years prcpurUn ? for llitb oycnV. .
' "
The Stul Llfp JUstory of MurdOrod
Alloo Kplloy.
Seilueril Hy n Vonnj ; I'liynloliiii Who
Hrl'iiAotl tn Atonorof Ills Crime ,
She Mvi-il Only I'or llcttMtKU
Her Cnicer.
An Oinnlin MIIII'M Nm-rntlvo.
At an early hour Wednesday moinlug liiRt ,
an was stated in a special telegram to Tnr.
Hii : : , John l''leming , it farmer , while ; driving
past a locality known as the "old Held , "
three miles west of Ottumwa , la , , found a
horse ami binrgy hitched to n tree , and thu
dead body of a young woman lying near ,
paitly covered ulth a lap robe. All about
the spot \\eio the unmistakable evtdeniv.s
that a HIM ce struggle had talien place , and
upon examining the corpse of thn woman
Klemlng discovered that her throat had boeu
cut from ear to ear , whUo both hands were
frightfully gashed and blood-besmeared , as
if the helpless creature had giasped tlio
cruel u capon with which she WHS llnully
slain. On further investigation Plcming
found a brand now raw mid a bar of lion ,
both blooil-stamed and covered with hair.
Horrified at what ho beheld , the honiwt
farmer was not slow. In rcaltving that a foul
and hrultil murder hud been committed , and
Inn-lying to tlio town notified the authoiitlos
of his feartnV discovery.
The cuoiierlmp.nim'liiig ( a jury , consisting
of A , \ ) . Moss , S. yimrper and .1. S Howies ,
hastened to the scene of the tragedy , Afttir
viewing tin- spilt and .surroundings , , the itcml
glj-l was convened tothetiiwn and laid out
at an umlortjikliig rstubllshtneiit when it
was shuillj alterIdentifle , ! as Alice Kelly ,
who had IKCII about Oltumwa sfnen tl'ui
lith : ot June. Who did not bear n very lepot-
tible name , but was Known to have been a
resident of Ked Oak , la At the coioliml m-
Vestigatiiin It was < li < vi'lnpt < d tn t \Vi\dnos
uay mmntng Aluo had hlicd a hojso nnd
bugg.x at the ( . 'n'p- . brothel s livery stable and
limrn out of town. Later in the daj a
strange man was seen driving with fier.
Hoas doTi'ibed us : t small man with a
smooth fa e nnd s.iiid.v hair , and attired til ti
light suit of summer i Inthes , but ns to his
identity nothing could bu tiscoj tamcii , nl . the most sedulous imluir.Wvis m.ulo
lit al ) diieetions.
Now ( times u pan of this v omin'.s sad his
tory that nuj tlnow seine light 11,1011
her murder , and lead to tlio de
tection and apprehension of tlio llend who
pui pelrated it.
About four years ago while tUo ill fated
\onng voiiinn , who wits then buaiitlful nnd
attractive , was living in Ked Oak , she was
the Hwet'ttKMit of a younghniuu'opathlc phy
sici.m nami.ll Heavy duller. As. 1ms often
happened before , and will happen In the In-
turc , the guileless roMbtr.gtrl fell n VJcfiin
to thij blaiul'Mim.'ijt.s ' of her lever , and in an
evil hour , uilder piomiso of speedy iimrriago ,
surreiiilercil to bun that which is moii ) price
less to a woman than llfo Itself her vlitue.
Alter her fall Cmlor ! refused to malie. his
\o\vs good , and the girl bogged altd eiaieatml
him time and again u > sp.iro her the sbamo
ami diHgr co that was tbo inevitable consequence
quence of her misguided step , but ho invavi
ably declined , and llnali.y t.e.ili > d the trusting
\\omaii's fiito by marryInu anuther wonmn. a
Miss Calhoun , and an old school mate of
Alii e Kollo's. , . Tills \ \ as moi e thivn human
iiuluiQ could ondiiri' , and the girl's blood waa
tin nod into all , her love to hcoru ,
and she vowed to live out the baUmco of
her days with but one offoit
in view , and that was rovungo upon the hmn
who hud destroyed her tlopinnd blighted
her lifo
Her persistent annoyancus. lln.illy became
tntoler.ibli' and Or. Cudlur left Ked Oak ,
going to Jackson , Mich. Alice , however ,
.soon lui'ieted him dill-and with that naiiio
jjnphtuiblu hatred burning in her In-art Him
followed him , Jn .laclison she resumed hdr
old tiutlOs , and a thousand and one times did
Dr. Cudlor regret the en or of his
Mattel s llnaltv culminated in Alice mooting
the doctor's ' wife on the sUcet oio ( day , and
distorting her ioituivs in a hoi'nblo wtiv ,
she spr.mgat her. Mis. t'ndler was in
( b-Hc its ; condition -and fell 10 tli sidewalk in
a taint. S1'0 was then taken lioine , iutd for
weeks and wcojfs lay at the point of death.
Tlio luuy ni'ver fully legained her healtli.
For this Alice was arrestc/d , tried and by
.omo process of law pgcullar to the t-tato ot
Michigiiu alone , \\iii coiillnecl ia thu
city Jail for ncaily cloven months.
Tliis punishment , hoWi-ver , did not satiate
the mullet ; in the heait ol tlio man who had her , and iiuin the j.ul ho Biiccocjod
in liaving IILT transferred to the lunatic
asjluin at Ionia. Hem -sho wai hopt In soli
tary conilnemeixt until last Julie , when , hi a
decision of the suprojno couit , she was
liberated. In the irn-aiitimo , anxifius to leave.
thi5 scenes that hull beoit fiaii lit with so
much trouble and unhappiness to him , Or.
duller and family lotnrned to Ottiimwn ,
and straight to Oltlimwu cauio Alice Kelley
the d.iy nftei1 released. The girl took liter
abode with a nmirlod sister , and instead of
bolnu regarded as an imilvidiial mentally
unlKilanced , she was looked upon as a per oit
of oven extr.iordlmiry intelligence and aim-
men. Or , Cudlor and family again removed
from Ottumw.i nprtn Alice's appearance ,
but wlieio ho went to isnot known. Whether
the doctor is in any way connected with the
tragedy at "old field , " is to bo yet dolor-
mined. The foioxoing facts have ns yet not
been communicated to the milhnrlllo * , and
and wore only furnished a Hi repot tor this
morning , by a l.ulv and gonllnman , well
kmmn citi/i'iis ot Oinalulio formerly re-
hiiled at both Ked Oak , lown , ami Jackson ,
Michigan , and who are perfectly familiar
with nil the mournful ilut.xlls of Alice ICcl-
COUN J V COMMIHSIOXBUS. ItcporlH , Hills Allowed nnd
lilg Airii'lallon | ) ) | HillN.
Al Iho uicoting of the county commission
ers yoslerd.iy a number of petitions for a re
duction of taxes wtire received and rofcued
to committees.
A reinieht for the relief of Davidson Hun
ter , 11 dis.ihlcd soldier , was referred to Iho
committee mi charity.
Tit | > Mipetintcndenl of public instruction
made the following gratifying report :
In -lount with tearln'W iiibtUutn fund1
Apnl I-To b.iluni'O on hniid illbCO
A | nt To t'xaminntion lei's , . , . . . . . . . 4 OU
June -To c.vunmaliim fees 1 Oil
Total on hand H7U 2 < i
Deputy taheriif I.wiU CJrebo jmt In u claim
for ? W.MI for exiioiises Incurrodi
Tin- bond of CharlPT W. JCIng ns coimtablo
wart approved. It is fur $1,1)00 ) , with ICdward
Ainscow and Morris Morrison as surcllos.
Tlio liindof Solnmoii H. Vnnlinrn an eonsta-
blu was . \ppiovcd. The surellos are J. J3.
Hilev anil John M. Domjliorty ,
Ju Mco AndeiKon put in u bill for JSGI ! " .
William H. IJiims luportcd thu fce.s duo
lu'iii in the SvpUiiuber term of the district
toui t at f.op ( ) ML
John J. Mahonev presented his l > oor housO
rejinrts for April , May nnd Juno. Thtiro
uc'to DS Ininutes April 1 During May 11
W ro udmlUed , 1 bom , S discharged and'J
died. During Juno 11 uere admillud , 1 bOrn ,
11 ni iliai : iil and 'J died
PuorSupciintendcnt Mahoney reported n
woman living near Qp.iloy'.s oup faclory In
veiy destitutu ciruuniHtanceH. She has u
child thrco weeks old , and her husband deserted -
sorted her at thi ) time of its birth. She has
been notified lo leave Ihu house In which she
has been living , being unublu to pay rent ,
and thasupcrinlcmleiil tecommends that Hlicj
bo sent to telatlve * in Chicago. The commit
tee on charity WHS given power to act.
H. U. Stewart was allowed f 1.7IR..M an the
final oitlnmtci for grading Twentieth struct
north of N ntrcct.
Tlio grand Jury bill for Iho February term
WUK flui.Mi , und passed ,
Uoad bllU to the amount of 112,184 were
allowed. '
Hrlilgo blll HiMcnnitlug to $3(1 ( were'al
lowed ,
Tim county IreasurerwfVJ directed to tMns-
for > ! < , % from the general fund to the Jydg.
munt fund. . .
Appropriation * worn m.tdo from the pen-
ernl fund aggicgating UUilt for lhon vcn
moutlii tiniliiiK with June. .
'J'hiuaitcrly ! ( | report of Hcglite. ! ' of Deeds
Mop-oath g.ivo. f5SS.O ! a4 Die amount of
fee * olcctod ! , ahd f1,8l3.SO us the c
leaving u surplus of $ ,111)5.15. ) ' ,