rvr MfJ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY JULY 15 , 1888L-rTWELVE PAGE& T1 SPIRITUALISTIC 1MPOSTERS. Bow Poor Human Nature Llkoa to bo Foolocl. BQMEOFTHEIR SHALLOWDEVICES Tliooo wlio I'oal Tlieirtsplvcs JKIre- trlplty < > H n Medium Spiritualists ofllicOldoii Time Tlio Develop * incntR In tlio Dls Debar Case. Bpli-ltunllsm nnil Mko noltisions. lly Dr. Allan McLnnt llawttton. The revelations of n recent son itioii- nl tritil uro suggestive niul amusing ns evidences of the virility of a popular delusion and its inlluonco upon a num ber of intelligent people. The chief victim is tin experienced and supposedly clearheaded lawyer , who is tricked by the shallowest of devices , and the list of dupes includes many well-known men and wonen ; , who , fearful of ridicule , have so far kept in the background , leaving their priestess to her fate. One of them was actually BO gullible as to pay a largo sum for the restoration by celestial Sculptors of a mutilated picco of statuary , while others without ques tion accepted portraits of dead friends- painted by "spirits" with artistic proc- HvitieH some of which portraits would undoubtedly have caused the originals to turn in their graves , provided they had had during life the leaut psirlielo of EOlf-rospect or artistic feolingi Much of this credulity arises from the unaccounta.bls love of the occult and mysterious which seems to be an Integ ral part of our mental make-up , common both to the educated and the ignorant , and it would almost appear that if the cultured Individual wore more credu lous than his less favored brother , it cannot bo denied that ho is more obbti- nate in the retention of his fixed idea- vrhon ho has one. There is undoubted , ly no delusion so dilllcult to remove as that of a popular nature , especially when it directly concerns the deluded j one's environment and iKirbonality. Medical men daily moot with instances which severely tax their faith in the ex istence of any such thing as common Bonso. The learned college president or clever railroad operator clothes him self with disease-defying armor sup posed to bo electric , but which , never theless , docs not cause tlio slightest de viation of the galvanometer needle , or they socle the assibtanco of ignorant men and women who thumb greasy playing-cards or lapse into fictitious trances and guess more or less shrewdly as to the health or business affairs of their clients. Tlio records of a compar atively recent will case show that no less a person than the late Commondoro Vandorbllt was in the habit of sending a lock of his hair to a quack in another city , who made a diagnosis thoreonand ; persons of unquestionable sanity are content dally to go through with the mummery of a supposed faith-cure. An ' "Cancer ingenious and enterprising' Doctor" in Central Now York sells to his dupes ordinary pieces of paper to bo applied to the offending parts , after ho has rubbed them until they are Bulllciontly electrified to become at tached to the wall , a demonstration which IB usually sutliciont to convince the patient. The subject of Spiritualism , which immediately concerns us , is but one phase of a mental state which has prob ably existed for all time , and a discus sion of its antiquity would load us into an interminable history , in which the early Scriptural instances of the vision of Job and the Witch of Ender play a conspicuous part ; the mental epidemics mentioned by Hooker , and the state of agitation at a subsequent noriod which was marked by the epidemics of St. John and St. Vitus are more recent evi dence of the outbreak of general popu lar delusions. Modern Spiritualism dates back only to about 1710 , when nine persons of the family of John Wesley all had communi- pations with disembodied souls by moans of raws ; and in 1825 Justinius Kernor described an outbreak of the spiritual istic craze in Germany , which in many respects roiomblod that detailed by Adams , who wrote about the perturba tions of the Wesley family. About forty years ago wo find our own unfortunate country invaded ; but the familiar so-called manifestations of the Fox family need but the briefest men tion. During the spring of 1818 , the good people of Western Now York wore sot agog by the wonderful tales of the Pulvors and Foxes , and those , so far us wo know , wore the first manifestations of Spiritualism in this country. The pretended discovery of a murder by means of spiritual direction was enough to inllamo the public mind toan intense degree , and the apparent substantiation gave an air of reality which brought 'the Spiritualists many converts. Two men named Bush and .Granger , with ouo of the Foxes , in obedience to the commands of the ' 'spirits , " began dig- in the collar of the lnttorin which appings had been heard , and after penetrating the soil about five foot , a plank was reached ; when this was torn through , the auger , which was loose in the handle , fell out of sight. A further search revealed the prebenco of bones and hair , which wore supposed to have belonged to a human body ; but there is no abboluto proof of this fact , and it is quite reasonable to suppose that the presence of thcso things was quite ncul- dental , and under any ordinary circumstances - stances would have had no significance beyond that the house was probably built upon the site of a graveyard or sli ambles. In fact , this incident and many others had a decidedly suspicious coloring. Shortly after this time the people of the entire central part of Now York state gave thomselvcb up to the most extraordinary behavior. Each town had its "circles , " and no less than elfihty luediuniK presented their claims lor recognition in the small city ol Auburn alone. The state of fanaticism i and folly , the mob violence and the .wild HUU unreasonable behavior an- preaching fatuity , of the many people whoso dally lifo was governed by sup posed spiritualistic direction , resembled in degree that of any of the forms o ! > popular craze of the mlddlo ages more .than anything else. Fortunately the " r bettor sense of the community assorted < itself , and after awhile law and ordoi prevailed ; the pretended cominunlca , \tion B wore proven to bo wholly false and the popular mania subsided. Dc < ? . plto the fact that wo ccasionally ( hit ' such exhibitions of folly as that roforret to at the beginning of this article , the , belief in spiritualism and the bohavioi ° ' followers is much more moderate it was thirty-five years ago. The , tourls are occasionally called upon U Interfere where a will has been made f by R "believer , " but the true mental 'itatua of the spiritualist has by thii ' time been pretty well established. ; A more belief in spiritism docs nol affect the ability to make a lost testa- jBCBt .or contract , any more than the itooeptance of the miracle of the | ii\ aMeuUto conception us a truth , or Ut ref a disputed nature. Itisonlj wkctt a man's ooluslon is an Insuno ono % itA when It is cloudy associated wifh porvor ion of a morbid typo , and what is known to alienists as in- panq , that the couVt must tnko cogni zance and protect the individual and society. If a believer IP commanded by the spirits to dp some act of violence to "remove , " as GtiitciCu expressed it , certain persons he believes obnoxious ; to commit some unjust action ; or if heM ( M so ucnk'inlnded as tobccomo the prey ' of designing persons then his munta'l state is certainly ono requiring atten tion. The tolerance ot the courts in regard to popular delusions is , however , to say the least , remarkable. Some > cars ago a well-to-do .Frenchman named lloniiard died in the city of Now York. Ho was a firm believer in the doctrine of metempsychosis , ami when his will was opened it was found that ho ban loft a very largo sum to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals. A contest naturally followed , but the will wns admitted to probate , the surrogate holding that the act of the dead man was consistent , inasmuch as liiw soul would find a tenement after his demise in the body , possibly , of some canine waif who might receive the inotoction of the society in question. While savoring of the wisdom of Solo mon and in a legal sense this decision was undoubtedly a logical one it prob ably would have boon found , on careful examination , that the testator's delu sion was associated with othor.s of an insane character. It is interesting and suggestive to discover the changes in the methods of dishonest spiritualists , and to find how scioutijlc progress has so materially aided them in their forms of deception. The clumsy rappings of the last genera tion are things of the past , and instead of being produced by anatomical pecu liarities of the joints , and mechanical contrivances placed within the shoos of the medium , they are now readily and simply ovokcd by a small electrical helix , armature and sound-board , con nected with wires passcd.'through the table legs and terminating with a " ' ' the while "key''controlled by operator , storage batteries and small incandes cent lamps furnish a bettor supernatural - ural light than the more unsatisfactory othoreali/cd solution of phosphorus or luminous paint. Besant's amusing sat ire of Ilorr Paulut. who completely dis- eomfittcd the non-progressive spiritual ists at the seances of his credulous pat ron , and brought to his aid the resources of modern legerdemain and mesmerism , through a creation of fiction , is hardly an exaggeration ; and Herrmann , Kol- lar ana Her nightly and unostenta tiously reproduce the slate , folded paper , and other tricks which in the hands of Slado and those of his ilk continue to mystify the would-be deceived. Ono of the most successful forms of deception consists in the exhibition of "spirit pictures. " When these arc not produced by actual substitution , or what is known to the profession as "palm ing , " chemistry lends its useful aid to the perpetration of the fraud. The well known property of certain color- lets salts to assume color when satu rated with equally colorless solutions of other salts , is often made use of by the spiritualistic fraternity. A picture painted with a solution of the lead- acetate will immediately become black when it is mostoned with some Iluid containing a sulphite. Silver salts , too , have properties which arc exceedingly curious , and a photograph treated by a mercuric solution , disappears , to return when moisted with a solution of the iodide of potassium. Perhaps , ono of the most fiiinsy impositions is that of spirit photography , two negatives being taken. Ono of these contains an opaque likeness which , by a very great stretch of imagination upon the part of the credulous individual , may bo supposed to resemble the face and figure of some dead friend or relative , and the other is a simple photograph of the sitter. When these two negatives are superimposed - posed and the print is made , it will bo found that the result presents the dim outline of a ghostly figure hovering above the living subject. With the proper amount of sleight of hand this trick may bo made to deceive persons who possess little or no knowledge of chemistry or photography. The cases that interest us , however , are not those in which common fraud plays a con spicuous part , for thcso are sutllciontly familiar to the average newspaper- reader , or to any one who has paid any attention to the subject. The examples of which I wish to .peak are those where the possessor of the delusion is perfectly honest and sin cere ; and this very sincerity and simplemindedness ple-mindedness must always appeal to our pity. No matter how much wo may feel inclined to hunt down the so-called mediums who are responsible for the demoralization , and expose their ra&cal- ity , it is difficult to entertain for the dupe any other feelings than those of compassion. The consistent possessor of u delusion of spiritualism should not be ridiculed any more than the im pressed witness of the frequently re peated miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of St. Januariusor the devout Catholic who has witnessed the vision of Our Lady of Lourdes. No person is free from a certain rever ence for the mysterious and unattain able ; it is this very quality that gives most of us the comfort of religion , or , on the other hand , brings us under the elominanco of false beliefs which are more or less injurious. Koohofoucald says : Onostfauxon Oiftorentes mnmoros. lly a des homines faux qul voulcnt toujours pnrnllro co qu'ils ne sent pas. II y en a d'liutrcs do molllcuro foi , qul sent lies fnux , nul so tromucnt ouK-mcmcs , et qul no voient jauinls les choscs comuio oiled sont. This explains much. It may bo added that there are many whoso vanity leads them not only to the development , but jealous defense of their very delusions. The creature of morbid imagination , either with the assistance of some stronger mind , or. simply by a method of hia own , with the sensuous reward it brings , is very likely to develop false beliefs , which may very easily become deep seated delusions. Br.vid , Mosmor , Carpenter , Fore , Ghurcot , Board and others have fully shown the importance of that condition of intellection known as "expectant attention , " in which the subject becomes to all intents an autom aton suscopliblo to the impressions from without , the responsibility being sus pended for a time , as the higher cen ters of the brain lose tholr power of con trol. trol.A survey of the development of all religious beliefs and forms must Impress the plulosphical observer with the im portant part this mental fitato plays , and this is especially the case in those reli gions whore emotional excitement pre dominates. Many of the alleged communications which honest believers in spiritualism have , are the result of some disorder of the organs of special sense , or of the brain itself , but it is not necessary that actual disease should exist. An active imagination , with sufficiently developed "expectant attention , " or fixation of the mind upon ono subject , will easily load the susceptible person into a declara tion of the reality of his false percep tions. Gallon , an observer of great originality , has experimented and de scribed some very curious mental states , when houUhy persons , by n simple effort will , could conjure up vislona of the ° 'ost varied description. He thus ro- rars to some inquiries made by him as fo the prevalence of visionary memory : I was greatly struck by the f requoticv.ni this replies In which my Informants described themselves as subject to visions. whom I npcnk wcro nnno and healthy , but wcro subject , notwithstanding to visilnl pres entations , for which they could not account , and which In h few cases re u-hcd Hie level of hallucinations. This unsuspected preva lence of a visionary tendency'amotiR persons who form a part of ordinary society 9mils to me > BUBKcstlvo and well worthy of being l > ut on record. Tlio images described by differ ent persons varied greatly In distinctness ; some We're so faint anil evanescent as to ap pear unworthy of notice ; others left a dec ) ) impression ) and others again wcro so vivid as actually todocolvo the Judgment. AH of these belong to the same catagory , and It Is the assurance of their common origin that affords Justlllcntlon for dlructlng sclcntlllo attention trt what many may bo inclined to contemptuously disregard as the silly va garies qf vacant minds. There are many historical instances of illusions and hallucinations among persons of great intellectual vigor , ana 1 mny be pardoned for referring to a struniro fact , which Is not generally known , in regard to the late President Lincoln , and this is rootled by Whar- ton. Mr. Lincoln waq remarkably su perstitious. Just after his election in 1800 , when he came homo tired out , he throw himself upon a lounge in his bed room , which was opposite to a mirror. "When ho looked Into the glass ho eaw himself reflected nearly full length ; but his face had two separate and distinct images , the tip of the nose of ono being about three inches from the tip of the other. Ho was a little bothered , per haps startled , and got up and looked in the glass , but the illusion vanished. On lying down again , ho saw it u second time plainer , if possible. , than before ; mm then no noticed that ono of the faces was a Uttlo paler say five shades than the other. Ho got up , and the thing molted away , and in the excitement of the hour ho forgot all about it , nearly , but not quite , for the thing would once in a while come back again ; but ho never succeeded in bringing the ghost back after that , though ho once tried very industriously to show it to his wife who was worried about it somewhat. She thought it was a 'sign' that ho waste to bo elected to a second term of olllco , and that the paleness of one of the faces was an omen that ho should not see life through the hist term. " Nor was this a single cose of morbid cerebral action in the lifo of this remarkable man. "Ho was , " says his biographer , Mr. La- mon , "readily impressed with the most ab.surd superstitions. He lived constant ly in the serious conviction that ho was himself the subject of a special decree , made by some unknown and mysterious power , for which ho had no name. Ho had great faith in the virtues of the 'mad-stone , ' althoucrh ho could give no reason for it and confessed it looked ; like sujiorstition. " There are many other instances of il lusion and hallucination , most of which are familiar notably that of the Great Napoleon , who saw his star upon the eve of battle. I may call attention to an English case unknown to many , which belongs to a class which is sug gestive of a very common sort of fa tuity. Doubtless it has done service in another way , and lias been made use of by the spiritualists : A young lady used to play on the harpsi chord while her lover accompanied her on the hari ) . The young man died , and the harp remained in her room. After the first excess of her despair , she sank in the deepest mel ancholy , and some time elapsed befoio she could again sit down to her instrument. At last she did so , gave sonic touches , and hark I the harp , tuned alike , resounded in echo. The poor girl was at first seized with a secret shuddering , but soon felt a kind of soothing molancnoly. She became firmly pursuaacd that the spirit of her lover was softly sweeping the strings of the instru ment. The harpsichord from this moment constituted her only pleasure as it afforded to her mind the certainty that her lover was still hovering about her. Ono of those un feeling men who wanted to know and clear up everything , entered nor ap.irt- inent ; the girl begged him to bo quiet , for at that moment the dear harp spoke most dis tinctly. Doing informed of the amicable Illu sion which overcame her reason , he laughed ; and , with a great display of learning , proved to her by experimental physics that all was very natural. From that instant the young lady grew melancholy , drooped , and soon after died. There are numerous recorded cases of disturbed functions dependent upon actual disease of the bruin. Epilepsy is responsible for many curious exam ples , and so are other equally obscure cerebral disorders. I may refer to a case in which the very real hallucina tion followed the commonplace agency of a good dinner and too much wine. AVe wore on a visit at N , in Netting hamshire , and had dined with a most re spectable surgeon , and had taken more wino than usual. It was in the summer time , and the weather very hot and dry , which com bined circumstances rendered ns feverish and uncomfortable. It was late when wo re turned to our lodgings , and our sleeping room was small and ill ventilated. Wo wont to bed , but not to sleep , and tossed and tum bled , changing our position every moment , but were too restless to repose ; at length we turned towards the window and perceived be tween it und the bed there stood a short , thickset , burly ilguio , with a hugo head , staring at ua in the face. Certainly nothing could appear moro real and substantial , and after gazing on this monstrous creature , wo put out our hand , when the monster opened his ponderous law and bit at us. Wo tried va rious experiments with the creature , such as putting our band before his face , which seemed to cover part of it. The longer wo contemplated it the moro palpable was this figure , and the moro wratnful were its fea tures. Struck with the apparent reality of the apparition , wo mechanically felt our pulse ; it was throbbing at a fearful ruto : our skin was hot and dry , and the temporal arteries were throbbing at a railway speed. The physical condition had produced the phantom. Wo then jumped out of bed , when the spectre scorned to bo nearer , and of moro gigantic proportions. We then threw open the window to admit a little air , snongcd our head and body , and thus , by removing the cause , the monster disappeared. This illustration , while only an evi dence of temporary misconception , cer tainly shows how easy it may bo for an impressionable man or woman to declare that ho has actually seen an actual person : and the chances for deception are so numerous that the truth seeker will always eradi cate the possible physical and mental causes even before ho proceeds to ques tion the authenticity of the particular story. A great many years ago , a clover ob server , Dr. Forbes Winslow. tabulated the conditions which might load to the successful "raising" of ghosts or spirits , and these are so concisely put that I present thorn : GHOSTS Or THE MIND'S EVE OH PHANTASMA. Illusive perception , or ocular spectra ; con version of natural objects into phantoms. Illusive conception , or spectral illusion ; creation of phantoms. GHOSTS OF Till : EVE , OK OPTICAL ILLUSION. Atmospheric : Kef ruction , reflection. Gases. Lenses and mirrors. Diseases of the oyo. The conductive temperamental and emo tional conditions may bo "credulity , en thusiasm , superstition , timidity , imagination , pootlo frenzy , sympathy , exalted joy , deep loyo , nature , protracted anxiety , delirium ol fever , alcohol or narcotics ; exhaustion , dis eases of the brain. " There is no moro unpleasant task than that of gravely listening to the earnest story of some pen > onnl friend who do- tilllsyith all sincerity some apparently incontrovertible story of spiritualism , which , ho finishes with a triumphant "Now what to that'i" * I , can you say air usually reminded of the schoolboy's rid dle which implies nn answer atlcctlng the voracity of the lad in question There is always some "perfectly honesl person , " or .some individual "of" un doubted ( standing in the community' who has actually had the expeticuco ; qilel doubt inca.ns skepticism that ne.arlj The LATEST SURPRISE IN CIGARS 4 FOR 10 CENTS. - ' ' : ' Guaranteed All Havana Long Filler , with fine Sumalro Wrapper , suflicinut for a full twenty minutes smoke. . The manufacturers assert , without possibility of practical contradiction , that "Grand Republic Buffos" , boydntt * . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . are _ f MHii n t ? ann 4l\/ % \t d\r ETi - % / % r 4' f \ rv - > - \ / * - % 4D ts'N ' * Ji - A ] 4.1. 2 r * - - .4- * M J. - IM. .Lt ? imitated essen- eminently inimifable. Made and guaranteed by the Grand Kopublic Cigar Factory No. 200 , 3d District , Now York. GEORGE P. LIES & CO , BUFPOS , 4 FOR 10 CENTS. CIGARROS , 5 FOR 25 CENTS , Smokers , ask your dealer for these goods. They can befound on sale at JnmesV naverstock , Council muffs MooroiKcpllngor , del \l \ 3 1'alincr do II A llnlrd. ilo M O Calof , do BTMcAtce. " io Put Gunnomlo , do ICiulio Ac Scars , do John Allen. < ! < > A1) Tester Si Hro , ilo AM lleiudtloy , ilo IrK\V Honghton , to 8II Kelly , do OH Ilrown , ilo KCliiown , do Tholl&Ktacht , ilo Win Arml & fcon , < lo Camp & iillH ; , do Dell (1 Morgan & Co , do JCIIruglntou&Co , ilo Clark i. Sceldel , do HobeitMulIN , < lo Vic Jennings , ilo H A McDonald , i do HO Hanson , do M nallnglicr , do Btolnkopf A ; Scoftold , do 013 Hlttlg , do WHGrandajr. do And all other first class dealers. Eetailers ordering one thousand of these brands of us can have their name and addres in this ud. gratis. Mail your orders to us at once. PEREGOY & MOORE , MCCORD , BRADY & Co. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OMAHA , NEB. ( CUT THIS OUT AND POST IN YOUR WINDOW. ) always hurts the feelings of the nar rator. The latitude for errors in human tes timony is very great , and there have boon so many wonderful happenings which were for n long time inexplica ble , but were finally cleared up , that , all things being equal , most of the sto ries of the spiritualists are bused upon guess-work , coincidence , or are based upon unjustifiable assumption. An example of how easily a delusion may affect a number of people at once a simple illusion being the starting point is the following : A largo crowd of people gathered in front of tit. Paul's church .in London , and were gazing intently upward at the statue of a saint , who was apparently nodding at them. The greatest excitement ex- istou until a sparrow-hawk that had perched upon the ringlets of the llgurc How away , when tie illu sion was explained. It can bo easily imagined how some excitable person not waiting for the denouement might have told his own story and readily de ceived many gullible persons. The rec ords of the investigations of the Society for Psychical Research , and the older English trials , as well as the French Causes Cnlobros , are full of startling il- lustrationsof the unreliability of human testimony ; and in those days of scien tific precision and materialism , it is much easier to prick the popular delu sion than it was in a more sentimental ago. Even the matter of circumstantial evidence has nearly had its death-blow. For Stablemen P Stockmen , THE GP.EAThST REMEDY K O TK FOR IIOB3K AND CATTLE DISEASE. - CURES - Cnt , Swelling * , UruUoK , Kprnlnn , Gnlli , Ktrnlns , LiimnneftH , .SUn'iiess , ducked llvulu , Scratches , Contructloim , l"lo h Wounda , StrlriKhult , Sore Tliroat. DUtcnipcr , Cello , Whitlow , Poll Kvll , Flstuln , Tumors , Splluti , Ring * bonus and Spavin in Us early stages. Apply St. Jacobs Oil In accordance with the directions ivlth each bottle. & * J by Dntgglitt and Denlert Everywhere. Xlie Charles A. Vogolcr Co. , Hullo. . Md. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO Boston. KTasa , ; Kansas City , Mo. Capital Surplus $1500,000 $ Tills company lias opened nn Omaha oHlco and Is prepared to furnish money promptly on Im proved city anil fmm propeity. Np applications sent aay for appiovnl. Loans closed and paid for without dolay. JOHN \V. O1SH , Slnnairer , 800 South Uth St. , First National Hank. Jai I ) fituart , do J S ClirlHtciiFon. Omaha , Not ) Cornish & . I.el'cvor , do H.lAbcrly , do W A Hosteller & Co , ilo Max Conrad , dn W.lWaid. do HTIIitldliclKC. do McllrlduiV Hunter , do C G llapp , do Ohif Iiltiing , do .1 W Clark , do HCurtl \ Son , Pnpllllon. Neb ( ! A Melther. South Oninlia 1' 8 Tucker. 1'loionco , Neb Cole teNeUlle , HoldrldRc. Neb OU Cutler , HapidCHy , Dak .lames & Meeker , Osceola , Neb H Wllrox , Scolla , Neb WM Miepardfc Co , Duubury , la. neoIICiirlton. Kauloiio\e ( , la Win Harmon , Mo valley , la 11.1 Srliorr , Cieston , la Ki nnk Wnlkcy , I'aitxmouth , la Cherry & HaKley , Creston , la Story * ; Co. Sidney. la llakerMllll. CornliiK , la .1 W BLalltrosH. Oakland , la J C 1'iather , Mo Valley , la Clark KlllH , Uttlo Sioux , la Who \VKAK , NEKVOUN. I > KBII.ITA- TKI ) . who in his FOLLY Mid IONOK A N < T. ( IRI THIKXKD away lili VIGOR of IiOI > Y , IZINII and MANMOOI > .cau tnBexhnuBtlng drains upon the FOUNTAINS of 1,1 fT. . HKADAHUK , nAOKAVHE , Drendflil lraam > . WEAKNSRH of Memory , HAN1I- FULNENSIn HOCIETV. 1'IBIPI.KN upon the FACE , and all tbo EFFECTS leudlne to KAItf.Y I > K < ! AY and perhaps CO1SSUMP. yjftn or INMANITY. should consult at once tba CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established ItvTil. rr. Clarke has made NERV4 tIN I K- ttlLlTY. CHRONIC and all Diseases of the UK1KITO URINARY Oreani a Life fl'iidjr. It makes NO difference WHAT you tKie taken or WHO has failed to cure you. ea-FEMAL ES Buffering from dlaeaiupecu * liar to their sex can consult with the assurance of speedy relief and euro. Send 2 cents postage for works on your dlseaiei. B Oend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Worko on Chronic , Hermit * and l > cll- estt Diseases. Consultation , personally or by Yuter , free. Consult the old Doctor * Vlionnands cared. OOlccn and uHrlors prtvata. 49-Thoso contemplating ; Harriaee Bend for Dr. Clnrke' * celebrated guide Hal * and Female , each Ific. , both Mo. ( slanipj ) . Before confiding your case , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may aye future suffering and shame , and add golden years to life.Book " Llf ' ( Secret ) Error - ror , " 50o. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings tent everywhere , secure from exposure. Houn , 8to8 ; Sundays. 9 to 12. Address , F. D. OLAAKB , M. D. 186 SO. Clark 8t CHICAGO , ILL. SENW-l&riDriAKE-BUCHU MB omn ujiAittrcmoicifT RtMraiES It hi stood the Test of Years , in Coring all DUeues of the BIO-OD.1IVSX , BTOM- 'ACHKIDKEYBBOW- meo. ItPnrifiisthe Mood , Invigorates and CletBiti the Byt tern BBflTEHS D7BPEP8IA.CON8TI. CURES PATJON , JAUKDICB , iOiSEMESO j SICKHEADACHE.DII- LIVER | IOU8COKFLAI1TTUC I disappear atonco under IK1DNEY5 I iti beneficial influence. STOMACH . It ii purely a. Medicine ANb i ita cathartic proper ties forbids iti use i a IBO bsversKO. Itiipliai- antto tne taste , and as 1 easily taken by euild * jren as adnlti. PRICKLY ASH DITTERSCOl SPRICElDOLLARia . Bol Proprietors , I Srjiouig and KANSAS GITT I 1 "ulTcrinirfrom trie of. fwl ofyoutlitul cr. r- , < rly < ! ny , lot nnCooil. ftc. 1 l . na ullmMo trratlM ) ( M | | ) contalulni ; full i irtlcuUr for hoinu cuu1 , free ol Cp"fioF.AF'"c.'FOWLER. Moodus. Conn. DrThosMacfarlnne , Moiulnmln , la H A Knuoir , CicMon , In 8 wrinik , Magnolia , la A IJ MclhidH'o , Central City. Neb A M Smith it Co , Sewiird , Noli KH Hazard , ( Irnnd Island , Neb . . . . Cljde , Kans Adams Hi ox , Deadwood , Dakota Dougla'8 St Nelson , SuperiorNeb 1) It Hull & Son , Nelson , Neb J C Koldman , KausiiH City , Neb Jr It H lloden. Itfpubllcnn ( ity. Neb Stndleman & llodlrn , Orleans , Neb H T rerun-on , Orleans Neb i : 1 ! Howendnbler , lleitrand. Neb Snow llros&Co Iloldiegf. Neb Wnttennnn ic Co , Hay Springs , Neb J 1) Drury , ( Jlbbon. Neb N names , Central City. Neb Squalr.V .Mncrittccn , Cedar Itaplds , Neb Tower * StonoSntton. Neb 1 S Darling. Sluing , Neb Fay & Creston , Cu-to. Neb Wedge \ lnrlo\v ) , Albert I.cn. Minn Chan ! < ' Woclinor. Indianola , Neb A lj Schadtr , Iiincoln. Neb 'Jhomns & Co , Orand Island , Neb J Ii Taylor A : Co. Akion. Col J O Hamilton , lleankc. Neb lr U A Klcliaitlhon , Clinks , Neb DEWEY & STONE , RNITUR A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. GHIGHESTER'SENGLISHADBAMOND BRAMD JHE ORIGIN ALTHEONLYC NUINR BEWARE OF WORTHLCSSlMITATIONS > ASK DRUGGIST FOR ( FjICHESTER'S ENGUStf . SArrjMWAYSRELIABLE.TO LADIES' ' , DIAMOND BRANDJAKEHOOTKW. INDISPEHSABLE.EOLD BYAtL DRUGGISTS ) OR INCLOSE 4f ( STAMPS ) AKFOI DIAMOND BRAND.CHICHESTEffSCHCUSfll FOR PARTICULARS ; AMDTAKENa OTHER SEE SIGNATURE ON EVMY BOX. _ . rIN LCTTCR DY RETURN MAIL CHICHCSTERCHEMiCALCO SOLEPROPVAaiSONSg.FHILA.I-Ayiri SIGNATURE ON CVCRY BOX K nnnul slluITED WRITTEN TCJTIUONIAIS AND OVER FAiMlADI ES WHO HAVE USED OJUUU UUI STUCCAELUlUUAUONDBfiANOP NMYRaYALPILLSWIHSUCCS. ( The LUDIOW SHOE Una obtained a reputation wherever in troduced for "CouiiKCi STVLK"PEH- riiCT PIT , " "COMFORT AND DunAiur.- ITY. " They have no supoi-iors in Hand Turns , Hand Welts , Goodyear Welts , und Machine Sewed. Ladies , ask for the "LuDLOW" SIIOK. Try them , and you will buy no other. State Line. To Glasgow. Belfast , Dublin mid Liverpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pussaso & 'j ' and W. atconMng to location of st.ito loom. Excursion Wi to J9J. Stocrniietoanilfiom Iliuope fit Lowest Kates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , Oon'l Agents. Kt llioailwny. Now York. JOHN IlLKaUN. Gen'lVstern At'out , I'M ' Humlulph HI. , Chicago. IlAHKi K. MOOUES , Agent , Omuha. Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Ex hibition. Pnnboqu.cUr CURED at hoiiio . l i y uujnir - * - - - * SIM.itohc'trtn ° -c--vn-- TABLETScvn - V8TAL cvcrmado for U IJKIIIUTV.r.OBT MAN- .rlr.fi liviilalltlllttlpacU iro2fte.tli l r fif < ' HTAMliku UtMtUY tO. . Bi Uetrliora blrttl. CII1UOO. ILL. Attend our great SemiAnnual Clearing and Mark-Down Sale , as everything has got to be sold , and gives persons of moderate means an opportunity to buy good reliable cloth ing and furnishing goods , for what you would have to pay for cheaper goods at other stores. Below are a few of our bargains. SiiHnner.Contii , % a cents , , - Jloi/8\Flne \ JtldfJc Alpaca Cent * , aae r to 1O yeara , GOc ; worth ftl. Jloti'tt Stilt DGat worth . # 7.tf. Men's Flannel Coitti antl retn , 7fic , ' A'co Jlei'a Xucker Coaltt and rcula , GJC. S"a K ! W VV i S ; c , , Strive , $3.BO and $1 ; $ tote ' . worth fSlS.HO. . . _ _ Menu' All Wool Cheviot Suit * , f7.V5 ; Menu' All Wool Illtio Flannel titilta , color anarantcetl , at $7.35. Jt < HlOnalr orWcni' Wool rant * , at # 1.76 ; worth $4. . Our Jn' Wrtiiro ii I naWi'laattn Shirt * , * Oc , 15c , Z to beat. . . Jean * Jraifcrs , X'5c ami 45c ; worth double the money , and thomandt of oilier odrifaiiut , ai me POLACK CLOTHING COMPANY , . . .1 v 1316 Farnam Street , Omaha , . . : ' ' : ' . . . - A. POLACK , Manager/- Illggcns & Klnncy , Plum Creek , Neb A S Itynn , Hartlnuton , Neb Ir C i : Venn , Arnpahoc. Neb H T I'crKUbon. Orleans , Neb J r.dalbialth. Albion. Neb A (1 ( Sohleh. Ht lldwards. Neb ( leo I ) ( liadon , Albion , Nub Osborno Ilios , ( lenon. Neb 13.1 Soykor.i , North liend , Neb rdlllH Noitli Hem ] , Ncli C 11 rlmso , Stlmyler , Neb S Iliickoy. Aln&worth , Nub .1 It Sunnier , llloomtnKlon , Neb Hewy Cook , Hod Cloud , Neb T I'mlmi , rrcmont , Neb A ( ilb.Hon , 1'iemont , Neb Vicit N Penrxon , Kustls , Neb W lllodees. . North llend , Neb Kd .1 Steldl. Crete. Neb 13.1 TottHleo & ( o , Cheyenne , Wyo T II Miller & Co , Crete , Neb l'icd ( ricks > V int'struni : , HoUlriKO , Nub W V Norris & Co , HnldrlKo , Neb Oiliornu Ilios , StromsbniKh , Neb II Hemey. Denver , Col Wobter& Son. llnmird. Neb Gee r I'ondn , Moulder , CelL L L Young , Tckiimah , Neb CALIFORNIA ! TUJi LAND OF DISCOVERIES. TO TV tATARRTV dBIETINEMOKoVQRQVlLLE CA'U DIEI5 ! ! -TASrc "MTHTO CO U Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Cure Koi- Sale by Goodman Dru ° - Co. Not lee of Inunrporntlon. The Omaha Oil and Mining Company was or ganized as u coiporatlon unlcr tlio laws ofi Nebraska , and commenced business as mich on the Sixth day of MarUi , 188-1 , tinder the name and style ot tliu Omaha oil unit Mining Com pany. Its ti.Nlstonco will tuimlnateon the tlrst Tuesday of March lino. The general natiiio oet the builnrm to bo transaeieil by said tnrpor > tlon shall do tliu locating , buying and selling ot mlneial claims , nil lands und lands containing other n.ilimblo deposits In the tuir.tory or Wyoming ; the developing and working of said * nifiilnj'c liiliiiH. oil lands and lands conlalnlmr otheinluuhlu deposits : and the dealing In oil and other valuable deposits and such other bus iness ( , s Is incident theieto. Tliu prlnclplenlaco of transacting Its business shall bo In thn city oB Omaliaiindlts affalrt. hhall be ronductid by a , liaaul of trustees , conslsting.of nine member * who xliallolccla 1'resldenl , Wce-Prcsldent , Seo- rttaiy. and Treasurer. Its capital stock shall bo tfiiii ) UUO to bo paid in ns called for by tlm board of trustees , and the highest amount of Indebted * nessor liability to whHi the corporation Is at any time to subject Itself , Is tSj.UUU. J.l'.M-.ii.KMaR , * ! ' . HAAIIMVNN , I' . .1. SCHMIDT , A , llunuKsri it , ClIAB. WrIIIIKU , Trustees. KDWAUII.MNHCOW. 1'AIU. I' AT/ , II. J. IIIUIIJUIIICK , rn INK WACNKII. Jly-J-E-lWB \ PROF. BYROM FIELD. TOPEKA , KANSAS.