THE .OMAHA DAILY * BEE ; SUNDAY , JULY'15 , 18B8.-TWELVE PA&E& THE SPECULATIVE -MARKETS , Operators Still. Afraid of Wheat Despite BuHloh Nows.- CORN RULES ACTIVE BUT 'WEAK. Oj\t Htontlylltit Without Special Fca- turo--Provlsloiis Blow A l''nlr litislnufiB In Cattle mid Hogg nt Stcntly I'rlcrs. CHICAGO puonuci ; MAUKKT. CIIIOAOO , July 14.Special [ Telegram to TilK licc.J A very light business WAI done In the wheat jilt to-tiny. Trade was largely local find may bo properly described ns of n scalping character. A portion of Uio Hutch- Ingon wheat was ngaln resold to-day for the twentieth tlino.but what the sore-baekud operator wns nclually doing no ono was pre pared to say "by authority. " "There Is a strong market and n weak crowd , " wiw the way ono trader put It. " 11 Is n soggy market nntl everybody Is afraid of It , " said another. It In quite certain that the market was not weighed down by the pressure of long wheat or by unlimited speculative offerings. It looks now like an eve Isold market , mid If It should turn out that the Hutchlnson line really remains "Intaut" ns many insist , there may bo "action" ahead. However , there was mighty little action to-day. Fluctuations were within Jfo limits , nnd prlco changes were on small trading. Foreign news , par ticularly that which came late , was very bullish. Shortly before noon a Minneapolis party was wired that a sale of 200 cars of Hour had been made at 3d above yes terday's asking price , nnd a few mo ments later another dispatch came that Smyth of Liverpool hod Just bought IG.OJO barrels of Hour additional at the fig ures asked when wheat was 5c higher in Chicago. Crop advices , that nro sifting ill from iill quarters of the spring nnd winter wheat districts , nro far less roseate than these which have been arriving for the last couple of weeks. The opening was weak nt about yesterday's closing range , but prices ran right off to TSJ/o for August nnd 81Wc for JJeccmbor. The market rebounded quickly and easily and advanced } { u under the influence of a moderate demand from two or three leading scalpers and active cov ering by shorts from Vc for August and 82J o for December. The market slowly worked back nnd closed with an undertone of strength n shade bettor than ycsturday , The July premium over August remains ut Corn was active but weak most of tiio day , though early In the session the market made a display of strength. The appearance of gntucnoss proved deceptive , nnd from 47J o for August and 47 * c for September the market declined to 47c. The closing was 47 15 for July nnd September and 47J ( J3 l } { c for August. This rnngo Is ifo under yes- day. The depression in corn was caused largely by the liquidation of "country corn , " It is thought , nnd by local selling duo to the prospect of Increased receipts for feomo time to come. In oats there were few features of interest and only a tair degree of activity shown. The day's business was nt substantially utendy prices , and sales wore confined within a nar row raupo , near futures attracting more at tention than longer months. July Bold early at 31o and after soiling down to 30 } e , or .fc below yesterday's lowest prices , reacted to 30 fe , with August ruling steady mound B5j c. In provisions general trading was a little slow. The opcnincr in pork and short ribs was.charactcrized by souio activity , but in thcso articles , ns well ns lu lard , business subsequently dragged in a decided manner. Hoes were in light supply nnd higher. The product opened strong , with pork and snort ribs a shade bettor than yesterday. Later pork broke 15o under frcu soiling , und closed nt n tiet decline of SX@ XcShort ribs also declined 2K@3o , but rested finally Jtfc higher than yesterday. Lnrd was steady nnd unchanged. The cash product sold freely. Speculation was confined chiefly to August and September. In pork thn monthly carrying charge was G ( $7 c , and lu lard and short ribs generally 7Jfc. CHICAGO LjlVE STOCK. CniOAOO , July 11. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn. I CATTLE Receipts , 2,800. A few loads of good steers sold out early at equally a * good prices us at tiny time yesterday. Dur ing the week , especially the first four days , the ran was heavy and prices went down 33 © 40c ; after that , however , the run turned out light , when n part of the loss of the first of the week was regained , the week finally Closing only 1015c oft , with an increase of 11,000 over last woeic. Low rates on Hyo cattle to eastern points Imvo contributed towards holding prices steady. Rail rates are down to the lowest figures on record on cattle ana dressed beef. The market closes firm nnd prospects for corn-fed cattle for next wcok nro good. Common grass cattle arc not wanted , except nt low prices. Tex- ns arc preferable to common cows or com mon fitcers. AH cattle that wcro fed .corn { luring the winter nnd only grass this sum mer are In light demand ut 25i50c ? per cwt. below the above quotation. Since the in auguration of the eastern freight war the rate on cuttlu from Chicago to New York has dropped ! iOo per 100 IDS and the dressed beef rate has dropped 51c per 100 Ibs. Quo tations wore ns follows : Choice to extra beeves , 1450 to IGCO'Jbs ' , fO.X ( > @ 0.30 ; medium to good steers , 1300 to IMx ) ibo , t.1.40g3.00 ( : 1.200 to 1,3.)0 Ibs , $3.0U@5.53 ; 950 to 1200lbsW.30 < $4.00j8tockersand feeders nominally unchanged : cows , bulls nnd mixed , | 1.9Jr < l3.'J5 ( ToNtis cattle closed weak ; teors , WO to 1050 Ibs , W.6C@I.OO ; 750 to 900 Ibs , tS-MCglMO : GOO toj ? 00 Ibs , $2.40 ® 2.80 ; cows , 8l.40flS.40. Jloas Receipts , 8,000. Business was fair and price * steady ut the opening. The clos ing , however , was rather weak , with about all the best hog * bought by speculators yet lu their hands. A couple of lots of fancy heavy sold early at frt.OO , but the general average for choice heavy was noi over ? 3.83 05.9J ; mixed made * 5.1 ! > @ 3.80. and common rough mixed sold toward the close us low ns ? 5.COT5.C5. ( Light sorts remained ste.idy at Bo.'iCQa.eo , nnd light light at 65.50(85.03. ( FINANCIAL. Nr.\v Yonic , July 11. [ Special Tele gram to THE Ur.E. ] SiocKs Stocks have again developed great strength In the light business of to-day , nearly the whole of the active list making gains. The general ad vance is is M'iX ( to bo added to yesterday's bulge. The largest gain was In Lake Shore , while Grangers and the Trunks all bid well , the Burlington & Qulney making $ { and Mis souri Pacific % further advance. The tone of the market Improved after the opening and ruled buoyant nnd firm to the closo. The market ooened nt fractional declines in Borne cases , but London was not selling any stocks. On the contrary , arbitrators offered to buy special ties. , It was said that sales ol securities had been made in London by tno bears for effect. The temper of the room \va eonsorvatlvely bullish. The commission heusuB continued to buy. The total sales for the day wcro 140,314 , shares. OOVEHSMKNTS Government bonds were dull but steady. VESTElllUY'S QUOTATIONS. IT.8.4s regular..127'i'Northern ' ' Vncltlo. . . 2.V4 " " " " " " Chicago & Alton 133 iltook Island" . . , . . "IIHV" ChU-HKollurlln ton If. . M. & St. P. . . . . . 71 i ; , . . . . . . . . ) do preferred. . . 107VJ 1. , \ VT . . . . . . . . .W J St. I'aul A Omalm 88'i llluoU Central..1IT tUiprefvrreil. , . . JUTij I , 11.\\V. . . . " . * " " ' * 121i t'liloul'jiciflo. . . . , MJi „ I'll" * * \ \ Kt I V 1 Ltike Shore do lirefijrroii ! " Michigan Central. . SH We t ru Union. . . TS.'i MUioiirll'uciUp. . . . TOAi Moxnr ox CAU. No loan * were Blade to day. Quoted at close 101 > f EhlMK MEHCiXTL | PAVKH 4@0f 1X51 8Tcuu.N-oyK : cuAXOE Dull but steady at HS7for 1'HODIJCK MARKBTS. CIIICAOO , July 14. NV hcnt WcaV , steady ; wuh mm July , IHiXa : August , ? JH ? September - tomber , JSfV/c ; December , 3\c \ : Com A slmdo lower j cash nnd July , 47 c ; August , 173-Kici September 47" c. O. ts August nnd September , n shade higher : ' others unchanged ; cash nnd July , 80X0 ; Auguit , 35itc ; September , 25Jic. Kyo August , 4Sc. HurloyNothlng doing. Fhix-UO. I'rlmo Timothy No trading , Whisky $1.20. Pork Lower ; cash , July und August , ei3.1fi : September , 813.20. Lnrd July , lower ; others unchanged ; cash nnd July , f3.15 ; August , $3.20 ; September , $3.U7V * Klour Quiet nnd unrhangod. Hulk Meats Shoulders (1 ( 50ffiG.ftK ( $ short clear , ? 8.0JiZ8.05 ( ; short ribs , f7.GC(57C5. ( Hutter bloady ; creamery , dniry , 13Jfifil7c. Cheese Firmer ; full cream Cheddars , 6 > c ; full cream Hats , 8 > / ( ! Ku fancy young Americas , 8Jfrilflfc ; skluis , good , skiuis , flat , 4Ji.V' . Ezps Firm ; northern , Ilidoa Unciianged ; green salted calf , 4 } @ * 3 ; heavy grocn salted , 5kfrJ59fc ( ; llghtgreeu pulled , Gallic ; salted bull , : jio ; dry flint , to , dry c.ilf,6c ; deacons , 20@'i3c each ; dry salted , C < 37e. Tallow Unchanpcd ; No. 1 , solid packed , ; No. 2 , 3c , and cake , 4e per li . Ueccipts. Shipments. FlOilr , bbls 10,000 SJ.WO Wheat bu 13,000 7,000 Corn , bu bO.OOO 205.01X ) Oats , bu 114,000 153,000 Now Vorlc , July 14. Wheat Receipts , 10X)0 ( ) ; exports , 48,000 ; cash grades very slow ; options opened ( ftifo bettor , closing steady ; ungraded red. bi < 3sH ! e ; No. 2 red , bSKCe in elevator ; 00 afloat ; No. 2 red closing August at SSJ e. Corn Receipts , 77.000 ; exports , 30.000 ; ungraded , 54f < $54Ko ; No. 2 and July nominal ; closing tit > \u. Oats - - Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , 500 ; mixed western , 3355c ( ; wlilto western , 400 48c. Coffee Spot and Rio , quiet , clotlng steady ; July , 811.45 ; August , ? 10.3.J@10. 0. Petroleum United closed ut 82o. EITBS Western , 17 ( ( lSXc. Pork Mess $13.750414.00 for old ; $14.730 15.00 for new. Lard Cash closed nt S3.37 > . Butter Quiet und unchanged ; western , 3@20c. Cheese Ohio , 7SXo. St. Loulri. July 14. Wheat Unsettled during morning session ; but closed firm ; cash , _ 7SJ @ 7S e ; July , 78/obld ; August , 78jQi8)4c. ) Corn Cash high , futures weak ; cash , 403 40 } o ; August , 4Vfo ; Soptcmbor , 41 0 , Oats Firmcadh,20s ; ; July , 27Jc ; August , 2.o bid. Pork-S 14.23. Lard § 7.73. Whisky 81.14. Butter Quiet nnd steady and unchanged ; creamery , lOtfiSOo ; dairy , lltJfllGo. KHIIHHS City , July 14. Wheat No. 2 red , cash , 07 , ' c bid. Corn No. 2 cash , 41o bid. CKits No. 3 cash , 20fo asked. Now Orleans , July 14. Corn Irregu lar ; mixed , COQGSe ; yellow , Oi2c ; white , Ooc. Oats Excited and higher ; No. 2 , 45Hc'of fered. Cornmeal Steady at S3.S5. Hog Products Scarce and llrm ; pork , ? 14.0''K ; lard , $7.75. Bulk Meats Shoulders , ? 0.50 ; long clear and clear ribs , J7.00. Milwaukee , July 14. Wheat Cash , 78Kc. Corn No. 8,43Kc. Oats No. 2 white , 83) Jo. Barlo.v No , U , GSJjC. Kyo No. 1 , 50c. Pork July , § 13.35. Lard-S.07. Cincinnati , July 14. Whisky steady nt $1.14. Minneapolis , July 14. Wheat Receipts , 185 cars ; nhipmcnts. 42 cars. Moderate de mand. Closing : No. 1 hard , July , 80o ; on truck , SiJ o ; No. 1 northern , July , 78 o ; on track , SO o ; No. 2 northern , July , 70Xc ; on track , 78c. Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks , 84.50. Iilverpool , July 14. Wheat Quiet and unchanged ; California , No.l , ( is 7) < jd ' per cental ; red western , winter , Us t d per cental. Corn Dull und unchanged ; now mixed , western , 4s OJ d per cental. lilVK STOCK. . Chicago , July 14. The Drovers' Journal re ) > orts as follows : Cattle Ueccipts , 2,800 , Including 1,900 Texas cattle ; market was fairly active und 'steady ; choice to extra beeves , ( ) .UO@G.80 ; common to Rood , $4.30(46.00 ; stockers nnd feeders were nominally un changed ; cows , bulls aud mixed , § 1.JOS ( 8.23 ; Texas cattle closed weak ; steers , $2.40 @ 4.00. Hogs Receipts , 7,500 ; market opened steady , but closed 5@10c lower ; mixed$3.33 @ 5.83 ; heavy , M.COffiS.US ; light , S5.SOtfM.83. Sheep Receipts. 2,000 ; natives , J3.25@4.bO ; westerns , $3.30@4.00 ; a'exaus , $3.75(43.75 ( ; lambs , $3.i25Q0.50 per 100 Ibs. National Stock YArils , East St. Louis. July 14. Cattle Receipta , 400 ; shipments , 1,400 ; choice heavy native steers , 4.-iO@5.20 ; fair to good native steers , 84.40 ® 5.-20. 5.20.Hogs Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , COO ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , J5.71 ® 5.SO ; packing , medium to prime , f5.00@ 0.75. 0.75.KniiNtiB KniiNtiB City. July 14. Cattle Receipts , SCO ; shipments , none ; good to choice corn- fed , ? 5. > ( V 5tiO ; common to medium , i > 3.50n ( 5.00. LJHogs Receipt * , 1,500 : shipments , none ; peed to choice , f3.OOS5.70 ; common tome dium , " OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Cattlo. Saturday , July 14 , 1838. Choice corn-fed steers , cither native or westerns were in good dcmuml and were picked up nt strong prices. The bulk of th batter grades were taken before midday. ; lot of Imy.fcU western steers sold on the mar ket at 4c. There were hardly enough hero to supply the demand , consequently prices advanced a full oo. Trading was brisk and the receipts were all taken before midday with the mar ket closing strong. Ono prime load sold nt $3.70 , the highest tiguru reached in some time. Rhoop. Ono load wao received and was forwarded. Itccclpts. Cattle 500 Hogs 4,300 Sheep 150 Provalliiitf I'rluui. ThefollowiiiK is n table of prioaa p.ild In this market for the grades of stock men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibi..13.00 (25.75 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 ibs. . 4.SO W5.23 Fat lit tie steers. 000 to 1030 IbJ. 4.00 ® 4.75 Common to good cowa 3.00 8.00 Choice to fnney cows 2.50 (33.U3 ( Common to cholco bulls 2.25 ( 3.00 FairtoohoicolishthoRS 5.85 ( < { fl.03 Fair to choice heavy hops 5.50 fc(5.70 Fnirto cholcu mixed tioes 5.40 " HeproHoainuvo Sale } . OJLTTU : . No. Av. Pr. 1 ! ) grass cows S i3 1.23 17 cows and hnifors 750 1.C5 Scows. 633 2.25 1 ox 1,3.10 a.EO 17Wjomln cows VWl 2.4D a bulls 1,425 2.50 IS cows , . . . .1,050 2.50 1 steer . - . . . 750 2.30 Ocows , . 017 2. < X ) 4'J feeders Oi3 .7.i ISfocdcra . ' 757 2. 5 Ocows , 0-J3 aw 80 haj'-fed westerns 1,177 4.00 Y3 hay-fod westerns 1,23 4.0i ) 21 ' 1,10J 4.00 l..i ; 1.1SO 4.75 27aiea-fed ! Wyoming * 1,033 4.75 10 , . . . , 1.20J 5.25 is , . , . , . . ; . . . .l,2J3 n.5'j 31 c. f. w ; la34 fiJK5 45c. f , w . . - . . 1,337 5.53 , S - . . . 2Co , 5.55- HOGS. No. AV. Shlc. Pr. No. AV. Shk. Pr. CO..250 am 545 M..S13 2W 5.53 > W..VJ10-400 5.50 . 7.SS4 T20 6.65 CO..233 60 B.oTr 74..d23 120 15.13- R9.23& 2005.55 73..Sin. 2W 6.B7J * 73..233 2SO 5.C5 CO.10 ' MO. 6.57 } $ 00.,2.13 SO 5.53 SO..203 200 5.00. oiXlliJ-rf 210 ij'jn ' ! " ! 200 r > ! oo 07..SW " 200 6.575-j 70"213 120 fi.Ca r.2..25i 100 5.f,7i ; 07..EOS 120 6.00 71..2S4 240 B.67K 70. . . . ! ) ! ! 120 6.IX ) 1115..251 400 G.51H 7J..21 ! ) W ) B.X ( ) 70..253 240 B.IX ) 0).Itll 5.00 ( M..245 B.OI ) I1. ! ) . . . . ' . " . ' ! ICO B.OO 01..234 80 5.00 C'.l..2i'4 100 5.01 73..UJ9 100 6,00 S7 . . .213 - 6.00 00..334 W ) 5.IX ) 73..i2HI ( 10(1 ( 6.00 77..244 210 6.0J M.213 210 B.OO 72..23-J 200 5.00 71. . . . 100 200 5. X ) " 4..231 60 6.1)0 ) OJ.,2-0 ICO 5(50 ( 04..233 SO 6.00 71..UK ) 120 6.00 C1I..250 3'JO 5.CO 60..210 120 6.00 ( .0..231. ) 200 5.W 01..SIM 20J 6.CO 03..214 100 5.00 SI..213 200 5.00 03..205 200 6.00 00..213 SO 5.tK& G9..310 100 5.00 07..105 ' 100 5.0'J.i ftj * lflt Owll fc f.OIV IV ! IQ1 R t\\ 0'J..2.0 ' 120 5.50 07.'J A 100 5.05 40..210 6.MJ4 70..272 5.r5 00..21S 200 6.5'J Co..275 100 5.70 anil Lowest. The following are the highest uud lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on this market duriug the past fowdays , nnd for the corresponding period in 1837 und 1830 ! 1 June 1837. I June HM. "Sunday. 4 00 @l 10 Sunday. 4 ft ) © 4 75 4 00 @t 10 5 Si 4 C5 © 1 Kt'A i oo i a ) B 25 4 CO < ? 4 75 4 10 f'M 21 5 ! i5 4 ft' ) < S > 4 85 3 55 CW 60 531) ) Sunday. 4 10 4 CO r > u 4 70 uo 4 55 t C5 ! > 4 > 4 SO ® ! 4 fi5 &A | 75 5 4'i < & ' > CO 4 BO Ol W 4 45 Ml 00 Sunday. 4 M 01 IMH B 60 CM U > 4 75 © 5 00 4 23 Oj 4 45 6 45 05 00 Sunday. 4 35 ( ill CO fi 40 e i 65 4 7i CM 00 Sunday. 5 40 W 00 4 80 05 05 4 45 01 GO Iilvo Stock Note's. Hogs strong , 5o higher. Good cattle in strong demand. A lot of hay-fed western steers sold to-day ftt4c. A bunch of meal-fed Wyoming steers sold nt ? 4.75. H. Jeffrey , of Osceola , Nob. , came in with a loud of hogs. H. G. Corcll , of Crclghton , was hero to-day with n load of hogs. A. W. Hough , of Gordon , was hero to-day with a load of cattle. PR. A. Tompleton , of Tokamah , was look ing over the markets. C. W. Sheldon brought in two loads of hogs from Percival , Iu. Squires & Co. , of Boston , paid $3.70" for a prime load of 275-lb hogs. Henry Koch , of Colby & Co. , Brndshnw , was on the market with hogs. The Bay State Co. , marketed sev al loads of corn-fed western steers nt 5.55. John Clmso and J. W. Myers were hero from Cheyenne with some Wyoming cattlo. E. W. Banks , of Shelton , brought in a load of sheep to-day , aud rcshlppcd to Chi cago. cago.Horth & Ryan , of Grand Island , marketed cattlo. Mr. Horth accompanied the ship ment. J. Dykour and Mr. Crocker , of Evanston , Wyo. , were hero to-day with eight loads of Wyoming cattle. John Dorn , u prominent nnd regular ship per from Hooper , Neb. , marketed a good load of 275-lb hogs at the top price , $5.70. OMAHA WllOliESAIjia MAKKEXS. Saturday , July 14 , 1883. Product ; . Fruits , Etc. BCTTnn Fancy creamery roll butter , 200 21o ; solid packed at 15 < a > lOc ; choice country butter , 13tl4o ( : common grades , ll@12c. Eaos Strictly fresh , 13@14e. Clir.Hiiu : ? Per case of 10 ibs , $1.75@2.00. Southern cherries § 1.23 pcr drawer of 10 quarts. Ui.voKniuuiES : $3.00@3.23 per case. BLACK lUuruminiKs $3.23i3.'jO ( ! per case ; red raspberries , * 4.00 per case. CIIKESI : Full cream , 18J c. POTATOES Now , $2.00 2.23 ; $1.00 per bushel for California ; OOc for homo grown. POUI.TIIV No dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens. ? 3.oOQ3.75 per doz ; spring chickens , $ .1.00@3.50. STIIIXO BHANS § 1.00 per bu. TOMATOI : I Per crate , U3c@51.00. PINK AI-IT.ES ? 3.25@2.50. TURNIPS S5g80c ( pcr bu. WATBKMICLONS $15.00@'J5.00 per. 100. PI-.AUS California , f3.Wa-J.r ) ( 0 per box. PIUCHES California , * 2.00@3.23 i > or box. PLUMS $3.00@2.25 pcr box. BANAXAH Common , $1.50@3.23 pcr bunch ; choice , g3.30ffi3.50. Grocers tilst. St-OAit Granulated , 7Sf$7Jfo ( ( $ conf. A , 7if @ "Kc ; white extra C. 0/6@iy o ; extra C , 0 > ( tfGXo ; yellow C , 0 ( ni } > 4o ; cut loafs , S&g 8Jo ; powdered. 808 > 4u. ; CorrEK Ordinary irraaas , 10@17c ; fair , 17ffllSe ( ; prime , 18@l ! ) > se ; Jancy green and yellow , 2ii23c ! ; old government Java , 28@ 30c ; Interior Java , 23ffi23c ( ; Mocha , 23t < ? 30c ; Arbucklo s roasted , lOifc ; McLauehlin's XXXX , 10c ; Dllworth's , 19c ; Red Cross , ll'o ' : Alaromn , lOJfc ; German , 1'Jjfo ; Lion , > VooiRN\VAitii Two-hoop palls , pcr doz. , $1.40 ; three-hoop pulls , SI.Oo ; No. 1 tub , S7.00No. ; 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , S5.00 ; washboardsi , electric , tl.BO ; fancy Northern Queen washboards. J2.75 ; assorted bowls , S2.75 ; No. I churns. J3.50 ; No. 3 churns , SH.50 ; No. 3 churns , f7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c ' ) or nest. CVNNEI > ( joons Oysters , No. 2 Standard , per owe , $3.20@3SO ; strawberries , 2 Iba , per case. $3.802.40 : raspberries , 2 Ibs. , pcr case , ? 2.30@2.40 ; California pears , per case , 54.00Cn4.7d ; : apricots , per case , § 1.201.80 ; California poaches , per case , * 5.50@5.00 ; Cal ifornia white cherries , per case. $5.80RO.OO ( ; California plums , pcr case , ? I.GO H.70No. ; 2 bluuborrios , 2 Ibs , per case , $ l.IXX ( 309 ; Pine tipples , 2 Ib. per case , & 3.35 ( < $ 4.80 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz. , fl.S5rt > 1.00 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , $ .3.10 @ 2.30 ; 2 Ib , strung beans , pcr case , $1.75@ 1.80 ; 2 Ib. marrow fat peas. $2.50@2.GO2 ; Ib. early Juno peas , $3.CO2.75 ; 31b. tomatoes , $2.25@.40 ! ; 2 Ib. corn , $3.20 ( < W.40. LKMONS 7.00@3.50 per caso. OiiANncs Mossinas , S .f > 0@$7 per box ; Rodl , $ r.60@f3 per box , $4@fl.50 per half box. box.CAUi.irLOWKis CAUi.irLOWKis Good stock , $1.00@1.25 pcr dozCADDAGEI CADDAGEI Homo grown , $2.50 per 100. AITLKS ? 3.0i4.00 ) per bbl. CiufcH Choice Mionigan cider , $4.50i0.50 ( per bbl. of 32 gal'Callfornwpoar cider , 815.00 per bbi. Ostoxs Native stock , Jl.2501.50 ; Callfor- uia onions , 2c per Ib. Porrou x Choice rice corn isquotcd at 30 4r'er ] Ib. ; other kinds 2@Se per Ib. CvimoTS New stock. lOo per doz. BKAXS Good stock , $2.00@2.75 ; Cantornia beans , f3.25gt2.40. HoxKr l Q'4Io for I Ib. frames ; canned honey , 10 < 312opor ID. Toiucco PI.UO Lorillard's Climax , 45o ; Splendid , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44o ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 39c ; Drummond's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42e ; Sorg's S | > carhcad , 43o ; "Cut Rate , " Spcj 'Oh , My37oPiper Holdsick , C4o ; G. Toiucco SMOKIXO Catlin's Meerschaum , 3Ic ; Catlin's Ola Style , 23o ; Sweet Tip Top , 3c ; U. N. O. , 17u ; Red , White and Blue , JKU.IUS SO-tb palls , $1.2301.50. SALT Poi bbl In carload Tots , 81.30 , Roi'B Seven-sixteenths. tlJi&DJfc. CANDY Mlxed , 0llo ; stick , i ( 'JOKc. PIOKI.KS Medium , In bbls , $0.00 ; do in half bb s , gt.50 ; ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bb . $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.00 ; do In half bbls , $4.60. HOLLAND Hnunixos 08@7Cc per Vcg , MAn.i : SI-O'AU Bricks 12 > e uer Ib. ; penny Oikcs , 13 ( 140 ; pure inaplo syrup$1.25 , HIIOOMS Extra ; 4-tIo , $2.00 ; parlor , 3-tle , painted haridlos,1 $2.25 ; No. 1 fJ.CH ) ; No. A 11.65 ; heavy table bfonUt4.oU ' STAni'u- MIrrbrgloss.hfc ) ; Gra\"fcs' corn , CWe ; OSwel/u Woss" . 7c ; Oswego coni. " 0. TB , COo ' ; Young. Hyson , 2-\t5c ; Oolong , 20(360c. ( Pownnit'Axi * SIOT ; Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot , $1.W ; Hawird tv > wdor , tegs , $5.00 ; half kegs. FJ.75 ; ono-fburths. $ l.6o ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses , HCTixr.i ) lj.vnb Tierce , 7Kci 4,0-lb sqnam cans , 7J < ci-6t-lb ; round , So ; 20-lb round , Ske ; 10-1 b palls , B/- ! 5-lb palls , Sj fe ; 3-lb palls , l 8 < c. Pnovisroxs Hams , 11 11' ' c ; breakfast bacon , lO' ' rtslOWe ; bacon sides. IW.iifo ; dry salt , SMO Ke ; shoulders , l 'Qyc ; dried beef , Duini ) lijuujT Apples , bbls. , new , } { * , - ovaiwrated , SJ Oc ; blackberries , cvitH | ) rated , ki % ; pitted uhcrrles , 20@'lo ; lieachos , bdltLakoscvnporateil , HJ U'o ; peeled Jioabhcs , 2Srf2Uc ( ; cvaiwruted uiparcd , 10i17o ( ; new currants , 7 * 7 V ; prunes , 4 ? < W.V ; citron , 23 t24o : raisins , dui. Ifornia. Koiulon layers , $2.60iJ2.CO ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , tl.70Ql.bO ; now Va- loncla , 7K@V- CIIACKKII" , CAKrs , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5o ; ( city goods ) , 7u ; soda snowliaKO ( in tins ) , lOc ; spda candy , 61 e ; soda wafers ( in tins ) llic ; soda zephyrs , So ; city ojstcr.0i.fc ; excelsior , 7e ; farina oyster , crackol meal , 5i o ; gralmui , 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; gnihnm wafers in pound pack ages , 12 > c ; hard bread , 5e ; milk , 7 > < c ; oat meal. 8c ; oat meal wafers , lOo ; oat meal wa fers in pound packages , 12Kc ; animals , 12o ; Bollvcr ginger ( round ) , 7o ; cream , Sc ; Corn- hill , lOo ; cracknclls , lOc ; frosted cream , 8 > < c ; ginger snaps , So ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Vc ; homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps , (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen. $2.50 ; lemon creams. 8c ; pretzels ( hand nuulo ) , llH i assorted cakes nnd Jumbles , HHo ; nssortod IhiKors , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) , pcr box , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14o ; butter Jumbles. HKc ; Brunswick , 15o ; brandy simps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) , lOo ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( In tins ) pcr dozen , $4.50 : cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; colTeo cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , llj o ; cream puff s , 30c ; egg jumbles , HJ o ; ginger drops , llo ; honey jumhles , HX" ! Jolly lin gers , 15o ; Jelly wafers , 15e ; Jellvtart ( new ) , li'e ; lady lingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , I4o ; va nilla wafcis , 14e ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In a box , per dozen , $3.50. All goods packed m cans Ic per Ib advance except snowlinko und wafer soda , which arc packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , \o pcr Ib advance ; all other goods lo per Ib advance. Soda In 1-lb paper boxes , Ic per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes are packed lu cases holding 18 In n case. The 3- Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 13 in u caso. The 4-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 3i ) In a caso. Onc-lb gruhntn and oat meal wafers packed 2 do zln a case. Show toi > s for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowilako soda , $ , " > .CH ) per doz. Tin cases with glass fuco to display the goods , 75C each. No charges for packages except for cans nnd returnable goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowflako" soda cans urn returnable ut prices charged. Dry PUIXTS SOLID COLORS Atlantic , Co ; Slater , 5Jic ; Berlin oil , Ko ; Garner oil , 0@ 7c. Pixu AXI > Honns Hichmond , ( > > c ; Al len , Gjtfo ; Uivcr Point , fie ; Steel Kiyer , ( Jc ; Hichmond , Oo ; Paclllc , 0 > e. Ixmno BLUE Washington , 0 > fo : Century , digo blue prints , PC : American , OVc ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold B , lOtf c ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold , 10 > o ; Dnnsd ChartqcOak,5c ; Hamapo , 4Kc ; Lodl , 5J/c ; Allen , ( lo ; llichmond , Oc ; Windsor , CJ o ; Eddystoiio.OJJo ; Pacillo , llXe. BATTS Standard , Vic ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Ba.Vdnn6 , 14o ; B , cased , $0.50. CAiu'KTVAHjipBlbb , White , 19c ; colored , Mtscni.i.AXKOus Table oil cloth , $3.50 : > laln Holland , ' 8K@9) c ; Dado Holland , ' ' ' ' < o. CoMroitTniis $ O.GO@3VOO. BI.KECIIBU SHKETIXO Berkley cambric No. GO , OMo ; Beat Y t. 4-4 , OJfc , butter cloth , OO , 4Kc ; Cabot , 7 > fo ; Farwcll , 8 > c ; Fruit of Loom. O c ; Freeno G , 0 ; Hope , 7 ? o ; Cing Philip calnbric , He , Lonsdalo , llye ; Lonsdnlo , c ; NOW York mills , lOHc ; Pep- jerell , 42-in' , llo ; Pepperell , 40-ln. , 12c ; Pep- ) orell , 0-4 , 10qf Peiipcroll , 8-4 , 21o ; Pcpporoll , ) -4. 23c ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 2T > c ; Canton. 4-4 , S e ; Canton , 4-4 , ! Kc ; Triumph , (5c ; Wain uttn , lOoValley ; , Do. GIXOIIAM Plunkctt chocks , Ko ; Whitton- ton , 7 c ; York , 7 } c ; Normandl dress , 8 } c ; Calcutta dress ; S } c ; Whit tendon dress , S > c ; Kenfrcw dress , 8Xitl2 ( ! c. TICKS Lewiston , 3u in. , 12Kc ; Lewlston , 32 iu. . 13 } c ; York , 3-J-In. , 14c ; Swift river , 7h'c ; Thoriulyko , OO , SK ; Tliorndyko FF , SKc ; Thorndyko 120 , Oj-fc ; Thorndyko XX , 15o : Cordis. No. 5 , O o ; Cordis , No. 4 , He. UEXIMS Amoskong B , 0-oz , lOc ; Everett , 7-oz. , lite ; York , 7-oz. , 13 > o ; Hnynmrltct , 8 } c ; Joffrcy , XX , llj c ; Jallroy XXX , 12 0 ; Dearer Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie : Beaver Creek CC , lOc. AXxni.s Plaia Kaftsman , Oc : Goseen , " ' " ' 13Kc ; "Win'dsor , 23 0 ; Rbd"XC. 24-'in , e E24-in , 2IoGG ; , 21-in , IScjHAF , , 25c , TUF , ,27oG4'.35o. ; CiiAsu Slovens' B. Co ; bleached , 7o ; Stevens' A , 7kc ; bleached , 8We ; Stevens' P , 8 0 ; bleached , O e ; Stevens' N , Otfo ; bleached , lO o ; Stevens' S U T , 12Kc. Ijcntlicr. City harness per Ib , 28@29o ; country har ness pcr Ib , 24@25e ; city line per Ib , 333u : ) ; kip heavy per Ib , 45@50c ; kip medium per Ib , 5500c ; veal per Ib , ts.70e ; Chicago slaugh tered solo per Ib , 25@2Sc ; city calf 28 to 30 Ibs , 8. > ( < ? 'JOo ; city upper per foot , 18@30c ; col lar , 14@10c ; Buffalo slaughtered sole per Ib , 23a30o ( ; Oak leather slaughtered solo pcr Ib , ! ! 0i33o ( ; ; harness per Ib , 2S@32o : upper pcr foot , 21@22o ; kip heavy per Ib. OS@70c ; kip medium per Ib , 75SOo ; city calf per Ib , Wc@31.00 ; lining pcr dozen , $0.00 ( 3.50 ; French calf 25 to 30 Ibs , $1.10@1,75 ; French calf 30 to 50 Ibs , $ UO@1.75 ; French calf , 50 to 75 Ibs , 00c@4-l.25. _ Metuls anil Tinners' Stock. Tin plato , I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plate , roofing , I C , 14x20. $5.23 ; sheet zinc , W.eoffi 0.75 ; pig load. $4.30 ; bar load , $4.65 ; largo pig block tin , 25o ; small pig block tin , 20o ; bar tin , 27o ; ' , solder , 15@20o ; copper bottoms , 3lo ; sheathing copper , tinned , 29o ; planishing copper , tinned , 37o ; lejid pipe , Gko ; ; sheet iron , N S , 18 to 24 , $3.20 ; Russia .iron , 13o ; Am Russia planished , A , 10'4'o ; Am Russia planished , B , 0 } o : painted barb wire , $3.00 ; galvanized barb wire , $3.75. DIMENSIONS AXP 12.14& 18 It. 18 ft M ft 2 } fthJl ft .10 ) 19 00 Ifl ( W'M 00 SI CO 2xil .10 M ID 00 1 ! ) 00 SI 021 fid xfl .1050 19 00 10 0021) ) Ol ) ii ) 00 2x10. 1'J OOJID 0021 0021 00 ! n ro iS ooiri ! tSISj SS ) | no 4x48x8. .17 50 10 mll'.l ( Hl21 ) 0021 | 110 Add 50 cents per I.UOO feet for rough Joist. 1IOU1DS. No. 1 com , sis $18cOO I No. 3 com , s 1 a J15.00 No. 2 core , s 1 e lf/)0 | No. 4 com , sis 12.50 Add 60 cents per 1,000 for rough. FKXCIXO. No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 13 and 14 ft , rough. . . . ? 20.00 No.l , 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00 No. 3 , 12 and 14 ft , ' . . . . 10.00 No. 3 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.0J , S1DIXO. A , 12,14 & , } 0 ft.$20.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$14.75 B , " i " i 19.751 L ) , " " 11.75 CI2ILIKO AND PARTITION. 1st com , JHiAvhlto pine ceiling W.3.00 l " ° oj 1 > tit "u ii Sf.Ot Clear % la Norway plno ceiling 15.5f 2dcom in ; " " 13.50 , . KLOOJtINO. A 0 in white plno $34.00 B " -T" 32.00 C " V . " 20.00 D " " " 21.00 E " " " ( sol. fencing ) 18.50 Six Inch drop siding 50c pcr 1,000 extra. STOCK 1101111)3. ) A , 12 in , si s.$45.00 I C , 12 In , sis.$30.00 B , 12 In , s 1's . . 30.00 D.12 In , u 1 s , . . 23.W No. 1 coin , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 No. loom , 12 in. sis , 14ft 20.00 .OO .50 .45 .50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 1(5 ( ft 18.00 12 in grooved roofing 412 per M. more than 12 In stock boards same length. 10 in grooved rodtlng same prlco as 12 In Block boards. blltl * LAP. No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 in f 18.75 , No. 3 plain , 8 und 10 in ; . 17.00 No. 1O.O. , 8'lu , ' 10.25 FINI31I1NO. Ut and 2d , clear , 1.1M , in 2 s . . $50 00 " " ' 3 In 2s ! 50.00 IK. , a ' , , . . . 3d , clear l In , s3a . . . . - . . ; . . 45 00 " . IV. IH.Sic 40.00 Burlington Burlington ' ' . t " . . . ' . ' , * . * C&8QRR. The Burlington takes the lead. ' . ' It was In advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha propar. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It Was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive In Denver th evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington1 Route I.B.SQRR j A , select , 1 In , s 2 s 30.00 A , " Itf , lK,21n 43.00 B ! " liii.sSs ! . ' 0.00 13. " W , IK. 3 In 30.00 B , select , all 10 ft , SI extra. SOUTIIKllX YELLOW riXE. Stnr4in flooring S10.50 1st and 3d , clear , 4 in Mooring 21.50 Clear % in ceiling 19.M ) Clear % in partition 23.50 Clear % in partion$2 above % in coiling Clear limsh , I and IK in , s ii s 20.00 Clear finish , IJtf and 2 In , s 2 s 20.00 31car corrugated coiling , 4 in 23.50 Clear yellow pine casing and base 25.00 rorLAii LUMBER. Clear poplar bx bds , % in s2 s $ . " 5.00 Clear " " " X in panel , s 2 s. . 27.00 Clear " " " cor'ga'td ceiling , 2S.OO BATTENS , WELL TUlltMO , PICKETS. O. Q. Batts , 2 # in S 03 O. G. Batts. Kx3sl8 30 8 in well tubing , D. &M. nnd Bev. 23.50 Pickets , D. & II. llat 10.00 Pickets , D. & H. square 19.00 SII1NOLES. L.VTU. XX clear ? 3.10 Extra-A * 3.05 * A * Standard 2.05 * A H. B. & B 2.3.- i. . . . 2.05 No.l 1.40 Lath : . . . 2.S5 POSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , J. ; s 12V < " ' Uin. qrs 12 } " " 5U in. , J s , . .11 " ' 8iu. qrs 00 " " 4 in round 14 Tennessee Red Cedar , split 14 Split Oak OS I.IME , ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) . 83c ? Crystal ce ment , 1.40 ; hair , 30o ; plaster , t-a.45 ; tar board. $1.03 ; sash , 50o pr ct. ; doors , 45c pr ct. ; blinds , 50o pr ct. ; mldgs , 50o pr ct. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , M.03 ; straw bd. , $1.53. Freight added to above. HE LOADED THE GUN. An Incident of the Siege of Atlanta Told by nn Old Soldier. Captain Henry Hoohn , of the Cleveland - land , O. , police force , stood near the James bank corner a night or two ago , says an exchange , and thrusting his walking stick through a hole in the lamp post , remarked : "And a Yankee shell made that ? " "Yes , a Yankee shot wont through that lamp post , " answered the captain's companion. The captain glanced at the angle of the holoand looked toward the cabt , as though trying to locate the point from which the gun was fired , and as ho was making the mental calculation his com panion fcaid : "Tho shot which made that hole knocked the corner off that stone , loo. " The captain glanced at the broken stone and then again toward the cast. "And before it broke the stone or wont through the post , " remarked the captain's companion , "it cut a man's log olT and killed nmulo. " The Cleveland police officer dropped his cane to his side , and as n plcasunt srailo played over his face , said : "Oh , I recall it all now. Once moro the whole thing returns. Yes , I re member. It has been years since then , but now I can see it all as it was then. " "Can se what as it was then ? " asked the caplain's companion. "Why , that battery planted upon the hill out thoro. Lot's sec about where it was , " and the captain pointed to the east , by a little south. "Yes , about there , " he continued , dropping his stick again. "It was a Yankee battery and I was a member of it. The Fourth Ohio , i was wiih Sherman in those days and for wcokd wo had.boon trying to get into Atlanta , but could not. Finally wo got oloso enough to shell the town nnd wo went at it , but .1 tell you now wo never wanted to do it. War , however , was then on and wo fought for our government. " "So did wo. " i'Yos , and you fought hard and well. But , as I was saying , my battery was placed on that hill , and my gun sent the iirst shot into this beautiful place. I did not pull the cap , but I did load the gun , and of all the shots which were llrcd that ono alone came back to us in a story. " D "How so ? " "Well , afler wo came into Atlanta wo were told that the first shot had killed a man nnd cut a mule's leg off , or killed /nulo nnd cut a man's log olT , and wont through a lamp-post. Somehow - how I heard of the story , and remem bering that I had loaded the first gun , it went homo to mo , but I had really forgotten it until you recalled the slory. "Oh , " continued the captain , "that war wii a fearful thing , but it is over now and I hope wo love one- another as hard as wo fought then.11 "Political Tares. " was the subject of ont ) . Of our.Boiton minister * Sunday. People who were at the convention think the char- WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , Money Still Plenty , But the Demand Quito Light. RATES OF INTEREST/UNCHANGED New York Exchange Fnlrly Active Bloraljlfo lit the Stock Market Transnctlnns in Produce Exceed the Average. A Ijlelit Ooniftiul. CHICAOO , July 14. ] Special Telegram to THIS Hiiii. ] No market changes were re ported In the local money market during the week just closed. The demand from all sources for money was only fair , but bank ers wei o unable to keep the greater portion of their funds employed nt satisfactory rates of interest. The season is approaching when nero money will bo required In the interior for the movement of grain , but bankers , as n rule , are well fortified and prepared to moot any emergency. At present the balances of county banks nro well maintained , but thcso will be drawn upon shortly. Among the operators In grain and provisions the inquiry "or accommodations was moderately lighter than during tno week previous , but their re quirements were readily mot. The demand was mainly In the way of money for the i placing of margins on contracts. Con- ' sidcrablo money has been invested in grain nnd provisions since the opening of the j month , nnd this property Is being carried for future delivery. Ship-1 pers of grain and provisions have borrowed very little money during the week , nnd pack ers tire virtually out of the market. Lumber dealers were moderate borrowers , but not for very largo amounts. Wholesale mer chants presented a fair amount of paper for discount , nnd they were readily accommo dated. In a general way the money market is steady. Bankers insist on good collaterals , and nro Inclined to bo conservative. Rates of interest nro without material change , ranging at 5@X per cent for call and 5 > @ 7 percent for tiuio loans. Eastern money markets huvo presented little more activity , Trade has rovided slightly and demand for money wns slightly improved. Rates of in terest , nowovor , have not improved , ns bank ers are well supplied with loanable funds , and borrowers nro readily accommodated at 1W1K ( per cent for call and 8 } (35 ( > i per cent for mercantile ) tlmo loans. Reports from foreign markets indicate a steadier feeling in that quarter , but Interest rates are unchanged. There is a little moro inquiry for money chiefly In n speculative way. The balances of leading banks show a further very marked reduction in balances. Now York exchange w s in moderate sup ply nnd the demand was fairly active. The market was stronger and sales of round lots were made at 2375c premium per 51,000 nnd closed steady at 2f > @ 10c. Foreign exchange was In light request und offerings wcro small. Shippers' sixty days documentary bills on London changed hands nt $4.S4i ( $ 4.S > 5i nnd closed steady at $ > @ 4.$5. The New York stock market exhibited considerable moro life during the past week nnd trading was qulto active. The feeling indicated a little more strength and the prices of leading properties were advanced materially though the full outside ligurcs were not fully supported to the closo. Wall street operators were Inclined to purchase to BOUIU extent while outside parties nlso wcro disposed to take hold. Foreign operators forwarded moro orders for the purchase of some leading stocks. The earnings of the principal railroads show some improvement excepting in the southwest and west nnd the prospects for good crops according to the government reports lead to the impression that the leading railroads will transact a largo business. The freight war between the eastern trunk lines and the sharp reduc tion in ratrs tended to souio uneasiness in Interested lines. Business during the wcok was not confined so much to specialties though operations lu St. Paul , Reading , Western Union and Union 1'acillo were liberal. The aggregate Bales of the Now York stock exchange for the week aggre gated 1,318,500 shares. The produce markets were qulto attractive to speculators during the past week , aud the volume ) of business trammeled was rather nbovo the average. Iu a general way , the feeling was Eomewhat unsullied and prices ruled with considerable Irregularity , though fluctuations were confined within narrow limits. In the grain markets the monthly report of the condition of crops by the de partment of agriculture was a prominent feature , and the fact that n more favorable outlook was promised tended to lower the range of prices , for leading cereals. Specu lators' ' offerings were increased somewhat \vhilb the demand from all sources was not particularly urgent , the bulk of purchases being credited to the "short" Interest , whllo domextip crops are reported bqtter. Advices .from abroad Indiuuto u lci favoraUlo out- loolc than heretofore reported , and , thli Is virtually confirmed by a' iligbtly Increased peculator Inquiry from' merchants In the ending foreign markets. Prices have been f - ' ' . on n receding Bcnlo for most articles , though the decline established was comparatively slight. Receipts of grain from all weslorn markets Imvo been only fair. New crops nro about two weeks late , and farmers are now engaged In their harvest work , consequently they have little time to devote to forwarding what old grain they may have on hand for disposal. Shipments of grain from western markets have boon moderately free , especially from Lake ports , and the export movement was fair , though considerably loss than at thli time last year. Supplies of nil kinds are gradually diminishing , mid slocks of tome or- tides are lower than for many yearn past. The weather has been somewhat unsettled in some sections of the west and reports ol damage in some localities were published. Provisions have ruled lower In sympathy wltn the increased supply of hogs. In corn there was rather moro inclination to sell , yet operators apparently deem prices hot unrea sonable. The export movement was rather lighter than at this time last year , with an enlarged supply of hogs at till western points. Packing operations tire progressing favora- ' HOLDING A SNAKE AT BAY/ A Thrilling Adventure With * Constrictor in French Gulann. Youth's Companion : The BUH set. nntl then , ns is tno case in tropical COUR tries , it rapidly grow dark. Soon , roaring1 of the tigers cntno to'lhoir e Homesick and timid , indeed , did poor mother foci , fearful for horvoWl ' ; ; dron aud herself , and fearful lost torn * evil had befallen her husband. S oral times they heard the jaguars ro ing on the borders of the cleurlnfj"iMHl'j there were many other strange soun4 * irom the forest that lilled thorn wltV * dread. * "Oh , when will father com6 llttlo Moll } ' Icopt repeating inourBfalljr.3 "Pretty soon , " Mrs. Gleason reply ; hut her sad tone was far from fat sptring hope in the children. watched his mother's anxious face , ' trimmed his little 11 ro still more fully. It was the ono and 'only thin- that ho could do ; and it was his father's J order. But the little girl's oycs kept turning to the wide chinks between the * stakes which formed the walls of the huts. Presently there was heard a kind of grating , scraping noise , as if n log were being dragged around the hut u singular - gular sound that made their llcsh creep and a moment later , in great terror , little Mollie whispered : "Oh , I can see a tiger ! I can see , head ! I saw his oyesl I can sco bin tongue ! He's looking in nowl" The child's tcoth chattered trorsi i fright , nnd she sprang lo her mothcrw5 protecting arms ; but the hey , thoujfh * , alarmed , took up ono of the smoking : brands and scanned the chinks with. courageous eyes. The grating noise appeared to ho moving around the outside - , side of the hut. Suddenly nt ono of the , chinks hs caught flight of a smooth , ,1 shinning head nnd a pair of cold , glit ter ing oycs , and saw a long tongue play like a red ribbon through the chink in the stake ? . From the peculiarly lamhcnt motion of that long tongue , the hey instantly divined that the urcaturo was a serpent some enormous boa-constriotorl Ho had heard the sailors toll tales of such monsters , and his heart almost stood still with horror , for a boa-constrictor seemed lo him a moro lorriblo crcaturo than a tigor. Then fooling that he * must play the man and defend his mother and little sister lo the last , ha &ald not n word but stood grasping hia smoking brand. Again they heard the grating nolso : nnd after a moment the serpent's head , appeared at another chink. Seth thrust the hot brand at it , and with a husky hiss , the rcptllo drew back its head. At the same instant on the1 other side of the hut tho.v heard its tail thraah heav- lly against the stakes. Itf head immediately reappeared at anothorchink , and now " there began a , remarkable contest , "tho boy striking and thrusting hln brand at the serpent , nnd the huge roptllo , cnrngod or aroused by hunger , darting its head in nt first ono chink , then another , thrash * ing the btakcn with its lull and hissing horribly at the glowing brand. Little Molly's terror know no bounds and both faho and- her mother kept in the middle of the hut , crouching to avoid Soth'a excited blows with the brand. Whenever the 'groat reptile's head appeared on ono side of the hut they wcrosjro to hoar its fail strike tha stakes on the other , from which they. , know that its body extended moro than half way round it. Per a long time they were thus ft-ar * fully besot. Thd lad plucklly pounded the creature's head whenever it RP poured at a chink , .and ho woo the battle at least ho succeeded in repulsin intruder , for by .Und by it-coaacd its head tuid.oraWlcd away.-