* THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.AVKUAHU DAlliV TWELVE PAGES. . IS nwn , 5 , vrrox. O- & EIGHTEENTH YEAJJ. OMAHA SUNDAY MOftNINGr , JULY 15 , 1888.-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 27 , i ALL BERLIN EXCITED. The Average Gorman Drops His Boor and Takes to Whisky. THE ONLY RELIEF IN SIGHT. Eomo of the Causes Responsible For This Wonderful Change. A THROAT TINKER DENOUNCED. Mackenzie Charged With Incompetence tonco in the Government Report. ALL HIS METHODS RIDICULED. Tlio Mention of Hln Xnino SiiflU.-lent to Cnll Forth Ilio Most Vljjor- oils K\t > 1ctlv s From tlio All l'jtnH ] > i rutoil People [ foplulit ) / ) IViS liuJainc * flunlnn Hiinu.v , July ll.-NdW [ York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Utn. : ] Takoailolugo of cold ra'n ' , tempered by furnace fires and winter llunnclH , add a torrent of political ru- ihor regarding the emperor's ' Hussi.m trip , nud on top of all throw an imperial blue book regarding the llnoss of Fredericlc HI. and his death , nnd you will have a fair idea of Herllu for the pait week , so distressingly interesting has it been. What with wonder ing when thu rain would stop , nnd as to who would next interview Mackenzie and bu dis owned by him , mid who wonld then bring proof of tliw great throat tinker's fickle mem ory , thu nrur.iiro Herllner found lifu so exalt ing that hu incliims to drop buer and take to whiskey. The government report , in all the neatness of hl.s official form , and signed by nearly all tjio great specialists , Austrian as well as German , except English , comes as a great shock to all the Germans. Fifty thousand copies of It-wero sold in Uerlin alone within n feW hours Of its issuu. The edition was so quickly exhausted that several correspond ents ( iwo their copies to thu kindness of the iiuthoi Hies. It is generally taken as provid ing first that Kaiser Frederick might proba bly bo still alive had there not been n gross blunder in tlio diagnosis. Tlio extremists among medical men oven claim that the cancer Itself was caused by that perpetual Irritation 6f thu tnroat tissues which came from repeated attempts at extir pation and nt securing pieces for microscopic examination. Second , that the Isolation of the royal patient in .England was duo solely to Mac- kciulo'H Jealousy. It could liuvq had no good effect and did actually make the case nope- .less. Third , that it was a coldly heartlusH net in thosu who controlled the princo's Journey to refuse , utterly without reason , the urgent request of thu aged Kaiser William for n last visit from his son , while en route fiom Enaland to Italy. In that connection it in bitterly remembered that the prince was well enough to eom < 5 at oncu to Horlin when hisfnthor died , and we.ll enough tp obey the hntser'd ' deathbed summons and tnko the train which waited fur thieo day's , ready ntn moment's nulIcQto , | carry.hlm back to Herlin. There Is no bitterness against Frederick HI. , but only tigHinsthls advisers , although 1 have bcni'd several Germans say with a sigh that Frederick III. was a great nnd good cnlpe'ri > - , but they supposed ho had , through n long.oigti , ehcKen his political udvispis us ho uhdni ) lih pjMnnal advisers ; perhaps , nftw all , the Lord know bast. Fourth , that by M'ickim.'io's ildmhsion Urn emperor was nllnost to the last kept In Ignotaiico of his true condition , and W.IH llioroforu unnblo to Judge for himself of his true policy. Fifth , that Mackenzie's prolenao of a statu secret is nil utterly dlBgraooful nttomptto sholtur him- r.Mf behind the unfortu.iatu Empress Victo ria. ria.At At first thoMnclcjnzio scandal , or the quar- o rcl over a corpse , as it is called , threatened to become a piuty matter , In which the radicals burnt Incensu before the saluted knight , while Cartel went around with sanc- tlil d printout * ink , exorcising whatever re- nu itied In Germany of Mackenzie's spirits. The Herald's widely copied Paris inter view , in which Mackenzie spoke of "crazy Yi'lllhun , " first showed that he was not a safe poll ical Issue. Afterward came the Hu dl- roc1 hi Uio disputed Figaro interview , so that n 3w Mackenzie is regarded ns so dead that evil the Kiouto.eitting feels It , though a pleasurable , still a scarcely useful occupa tion , to keep kicking at his remains. For vigorous , concibu German ono need only ap ply to these Gorman physicians , who , out of rosK'ct | for the royal family , have been so Ion , . ; silent under the naggy abuse and mis representation of an ably und unscrupulously conducted literary bureau. KUllOPKAV POLITICS. Germany and tlio Vatican The Cane ol'Quccii Nat.ille. | ( ' < iptifil / ; / ISSS liu Xew Vork Attnetatttl Pi tan. ] Hf.iii.iN , July 14. It Is now likely that In stead of u conference Count Kalnoky , Signer Crlspl nnd the German chancellor will meet nt Carlsbad , Count Herbert Uismnrck's part in thu Interview tit St. Petersburg will bo In the hnmls of the chancellor , who will meet neither Count Kulnoky nor Signer Crispl until ho knows what terms can bo obtained from the czar. SIgnor Crlspi , who is In pressing need of .Gcrnmnv'fl support in the contest with the Vatican , will make no delay In seeing Count HismnicU. The olllciul press of Homo write txs If fel nor Crlspl had received nt the meet ing nt Yc.vln cart blanche to do what he should choose with the pope. It is better known h'MO that Prince Histnarck holds that thii pi > itio.i of the Vatican , undcr.tho law ol guiianlcemight | to bo unassailable. This question. Involving iu. It does the threatened deniaturo of the pope from Home , U an , ur- ( ivnt otie fbr Signor Cibpl. The t acr.il biuijiathy expressed forQucd Natalie , of Hcrvla , as n woman nnd n mother docs not blind people to the fact that It is Impossible for the government to permit her to violate Prussian laws. Her last net before quitting Wiesbaden was to trans mit to the Russian consul there , memoranda revealing the Austro-Sorvlan plottings against the Itusslan policy relative to tbo Unlknns. The divorce question will Imme diately como up before the synod of Hclgrndo and n decree will certainly bo cranted to King Milan on the single issue that his con sort by Intriguing for Russia has proved un true to 1icr interests ns queen of Servla. When the divorce hss been settled she will bo asked to leave Austrian territory and will probably return to Russia. AVIIIIntn'H UorjfcoiiH Rscnrt. Kir.i , , July 14. Emperor William arrived hero tills morning on his way to meet the c/nr. Ho Immediately embarked on board the Imperial yacht Hohenzollcrn. The pa rade of the llect accompanying the Imperial yacht was u brilliant spectacle , Milan Meets IIIN Bon. PKSTII , July 14. Illng Milan of Servla ar- tived liOro to-day to meet his son , who liift Wiesbaden yesterday for Hclgrndo In charge of the Servian chief of police. Queen Na talie loft Wiesbaden to-day for Vienna. QiieiMi Nululiu In Vienna. Vicxxi , July 14. Queen Nat.tlle bus ar rived In the city. - ACCEPTS TJU-JNOMIN.V TION. A. .1. Strcctrr Will Hu tlio Union Imlwr 1'iu-ty'ri I'irHldcntlal Catulldiitu. nw Wi.vi on , 111. , July 14. A. .1. Streeter , picsidcntial candidate of the union labor party , has transmitted to J. W. Gos- ham , of thy national executive committee of that paity , his acceptance of the nom ination. In his letter , after extending thanks for the distinguished honor confined upon him , Mr. Streeter says ; "I hold to the principle that the prosperity of n nation is measured by the prosperity of its industrial people. If the puoplunre strug gling with poverty , tlio nation in poor , though the treasury is overllowmg with idle money. Such is our condition to-day. The true in tent of law and government should bo to protect thu weaker members from the en croachment of the stronger. This funda mental principle 1ms been subverted , nnd wo have u government of the capital class merged into n moniud aris tocracy. Wo ni'ed more money In circulation , und the coinage of silver HhouM be us free ns that of gold1 The money In the pablic treasury should bo used fur the pflment of bonds and the inter est stopped. Wo have tried the change from one political pat ty to another , but it gave the people ) no i iiliof.'o ( nu even worse off. The government that bus tohir.ited monopo lies , grefcdy Combinations , and trusts , und IIIIH ngt protected the people against their spoliations is unworthy the support of the working people. These unholy monopolies and combinations have increased until they have forced upon the country another 'Irre pressible conllict , ' involving the hapniness and piospyrity of the millions of people a conllict Unit shalldcterniinc whether capital ahall rnlo the country or the people who in habit it. To settle the slavery conllict coat the government money and life. It is hop.nl Unit this conflict imiy bo settled peaeiaW.V at the ballot box , but settled it wilt , bu ; let us hope'Without boas of lire and rivers of blood , The tariff is a minor issue when compared with greater Lssuo .slnvolvcd. No legislation on the tariff will protect the people fiom the monied combinations now sapping the pi oa- pOrity of the people. I believe , however , in a revision of the tariff lawa , and that pio- tcction should no given where needed and taxes reduced whenever it can bo done safely. Wo are n temperance party , in favor of coed government and higher Christian civili/ution. " 1 to the of the urn opiwsed rempvul gov ernment tax on whisky and tobacco. It would bo a retrogratc movement of de moralizing tendencies , and Would lead thousands of young men into the gutter and dcgredation. We. uro the friends of soldiers. Not In a sectional sense , to antagpnizo the blue nnd gray , Irat , forgetting the past , let us freedom's the of plant lltitf upon hill-tops uvcry state anil concedu to all patriotic de votion to our Hag. "Laws should bo enacted to compel em ployers nnd employes * a submit their dis agreements to arbitration. Corporate capi tal U some times too Arrogant , and miles too much on Pinkeflon'a militia. The very sight Of this force irritates the working people when in trouble nnd has a tendency to widen the breach between capital and labor. In Il linois wo piy largely to maintain an efficient state militia and police force , and why this state private militia lias their headquarters In Illinois is moro than I can tell. Their spr- vlees should bo dispem > ed with by state au thority. "The ownership or control of the lines of communication and transpitrtaUon is de manded by the people. Equal pay for equal woik for both sexes Is just. The platfoim is good as a whole and incuts my approba tion. " General llarrlHiin IndispoHed. IXDtANAi'ous , July 14. General Harrison is beginning to feel the effects of the cease- losa strain he 1ms undergone in entertaining friends and receiving congratulations Iroin Itolltical clubs. Ho was rather seriously In- dlspo * d this morning. Ur. Jamieson , the family physician , was summoned and found the gcneial suffering from an uching pain , which he soon relieved. Ur. Jamieson says that the general's trouble results from over work and a slight cold , but there is no cause for al'irm. The Lincoln club , of Cincinnati , nrilved by special train at , r > o'clock and called upon General Harrison this oven- Ing. Vlco President Wilson of the club ad dressed General Harrison , congratulating him on behalf of the Lincoln club and the republicans of Hamilton county. General Hui risen received them cordially and thanked them for thu kind manner in which they had retetrcd to him through their spokesman. FKOM 1'OlilOIl TO JA.Ui. Twenty SportH Gathered In Hy an At torney's Clnvcr Move. Tustouv , 111. , July 13. Some time since n Eti anger of smooth ml dress and captivating ways dropped In upon this place und gave his name as George W. Smith. Ho was os tensibly engaged in the poultry business , but it wus observed that as soon as hu became acquainted with a iiiimbcr of local sports his business wus sadly neglected from the fact that his time was mostly spent with them at u well known resort on Van Allen street. Draw poker was the enticing game played over the green cloth. The stranger proved to bo u deteetlvo In disguise , nnd It was his mission hero to get in with the crowd that Indulged in the Innocent game , note down the names of the participants and re port them to the prosecuting attorney. The detective's work was accomplished very thoroughly , for when on ycbtcrday the ofti- ccr * begun to gather in the gamblers it wus found they numbered about twenty , com- IKised of all colors , sizes und nationalities , one woman being Included in the. list. The minority of them , seeing they had been trapped , pleaded guilty ; a few gave bail , while two were sent to Jail. Judco Hassctt adjourned court this morning until Monday , when it is bald the big llsh will bo rukcd In , the ones already c.uight 114 thu states attor ney's net being the smaller ones. The lines were from tlO to $200. An Accommodating Cnslilcr. HtTcnissox , Kan. , Joy 14. A covyboy walked into the bank of LaJyiHo this after noon ubd , covering the cashier , with a re volver , ordered him. to drop the funds of the banlr into a bo ? which lie placed on the counter. The cashier complied utd ) the rob- tier mounted his horse and escaped. The amount taken is estimated at from (10,000 to HWITCHMHX STUIUK. _ Tlicy Ulijcut to the Discharge of n Hrotlicrhood Man , DCS MOINH . In. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hun.j Late this evening cloven members of the switchmcns union employed on the Wabash struck on account of the ro- inovnl of Night Ynrdmastcr Floyd , nnd the substitution of n scab named Trlggs. The trouble has been brewing for several days , the strikers alleging that the new superin tendent of the Union railway here , which includes the Wabash terminal , 1ms been tryIng - Ing to weed out brotherhood switchmen nnd replace them with noti union men. Floyd was given his tnno this evening and the strikers left at once. A telegram has been sent to General Workman Monntmn nt Chicago cage and the strikers hero say that ho will older out the whole force. Crnzcd Hy HlH Wlfe'H Illness. DES MOI.MIS , la. , July 14. [ Special Tel egram to THE Hin.1 Jasper Swlnny , n farmer who resided four miles north of Hloomllold , Uavls county , committed suicide this morning by bunging. His wife had been sick several weeks , and ho had not been able to sleep for some time. Yesterday ho was told that she could not recover , which IhtelllgciKo mad" him wild , nnd ho was watched nnd followed out of the house sev eral times lust night. At an curly hour this morning he .succeeded In slipping out and Was found hanging to a limb of a tico dead. His wlfu is still living but very low. The University lnvc < 4tl < ; iilion. low i CITV , In. , July 14 , To-day the inves tigation committee closed its labors by gross examining Urs. Ilin'ichs , Andrews and Hunt. President Schulior ic tilled as to the expenses of the Institution nnd why n com parison with the denominational schools of loWa Was unjust The committee will spend the next inj\-amining the books und voifch- crs belonging to the departments of the uni versity. AN QHNOXIOUS YAUimASThm. Ills Tyrnny Likely to Precipitate a Strikeon -M'lnHoliu. . MiXxrU'ous , July 11. . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : .Hub. . ! For some days there have been rumors of a threatened strike by thu Manitoba switchmen , engineers and sec tion hands , on account of what the men re gard ns the tyrnny of J. C. Hurry , yurdlnas- ter at Minneapolis. Last March Hcrry miido his appearance as yardmaster of the Mani toba ynrdb in this city. He had not held the position n month before there was a general complaint from the employes against what they termed the brutality and unjust exac tions of tlio new ynrdmastcr. The men ay that ho is cruelly exacting in tlio discipline that hu tries to maintain. Thu Switchmen's benevolent association Is the head and front of the movement und is reinforced by the Urotherhood of Lncomotivu Engineers. Even the section hands are iu revolt and every man in the yard , it is said , has signed a memorial that was senl to St. Paul. The greatest indignation is felt and employes all along the ro.id have assured the aggrieved brethren that they are with them to tlio Dnish. Thu company will give an an swer Monday or Tuesday as to what they will do. COXHY MEN IN CANADA. ArrcstH of SIcn A\ lie Hiivc Tloudcd Chicago With llngux .Money. SAUXM , Out. , July II. Chief Sherwood , of the secret service department , drove to Thedford last night and there arrested W. O. Parsons , n prominent contractor on a charge of counterfcitiug. Parsons was brought hfiro this morning nnd remanded for one week. There was found in hLs liouso und on Ills premises about iOO in American and Canadian counterfeit bills , the former in W silver certificates , nnd the latter in ? 5 notes of Uio Hank Of Hritish North America. Ho has had nearly .fifty counterfeit dollar American silver pieces. ,1ust about the time Parsons was committed this morning iv dis patch was received from Toronto saying that Ueutiqn S. Wilson was arrested there yester- tciday charged with counterfeiting ; Ameri can silver dollars were found on his jwrson of the same coinage as these found in posses , blon of Parsons. Wilson is now on his way to Sarnia. There has also been arrested here/ the biggest bird of the gang , Charles John son. Johnson WHS wanted both in the United StateB and Canada on many chniges of conn- tcrfeitlng. A month ago ho was arrested ut Uetioit by a United States secret service oftlcor , but the next day ho broke Jail , since which time ho was not lipard of until Chief Shor- woqd traced him to his mother's house , Just outbido of Toronto , whcro ho was living nn. der the name ol luvers. rio Johnson family are the cleverest eountorleiteis of the pres ent day. Their org.tni/ation hasdisttibuling branches in New York , Chicago , St. Louis , Toronto , Montieal and Huftalo. They are charged with counterfeiting United States ? 5 silver certificates , H ml : ot Hritish North America * 5 and * 10 bills , nn-1 Dominion W notes. They are alleged to have recently "placed" $ cOOl)0 ) worth of United States fives in Chicago and they are now flooding Now York City with the bluff. THAGKDY INICKNTUCK.V. Harvey IMko KlllH Ills Sweetheart , Her Ijovcr , nnd Commit * Hiilolile. Fnnxcmiuwi , Ky. , July 14. A fearful tragedy was enacted ut IJcd Kiver , a small town sixty miles from hero , last Tuesday , news of which has Jnst reached this city. For some time It has been understood thul Harvey Piuo was to marry Mini Hasklns , the daughter of a general storekeeper in the village. Some weeks ago a young man named Everhiml , a timber buyer from Phila delphia , came to thu place and boarded at Hasklns' . Hu und Miss Haskitib became great friends and spent much of their time together. Pike became exceedingly Jeal ous of the stranger , und said that hu did not care to live il ho fouiu that his betrothed was untrue to him. Last Tuesday night Pike called < n Hasklns' residence and learned that Ins sweetheart and Everlmrd wore out walking Ho sat down fur u while chatting gooi huinoredly with tlio family , then , saying ho would not wait any longer , loft. Whether b.\ accident or design , he walked out the rou ; taken by the couple , and found thorn n hal : mile away. What passed between them wil never be known , but when later a Bearchim , party , alarmed at the long absence of thu two. reached thn spot , they were found dead Evcrhnrd hud been shot In the head. Miss Haskins was llfty feet away , the back of her iicad crushed by u bludgeon , which hud fullci by her side. Across her body Pike lay feebly gasping , n bullet hole in thu roof of his mouth , whence ho had sent a bullet into his brain. Ho died Inside of an hour. A Famous Ijtindiunrk Gone. WHITE PMIXS , N. Y. , July 14. A fire broke out this morning In thu old Hen Holi day stouo mansion , about three miles from this place , now owned by Whitolaw Hold 01 the Tribune. The building wus ono of the famous landmarks in Wcstchester county , having been standing for over two hundrci years. Held purchased the place from thu estate of John Hoche , and commenced refitting - ting tlio interior upon n magnificent scale. The loss on the buildlnir will roach nearly $500,000. It wus Insured for about two-thirds that amount. ' Tlio Cock Out 1'rautlunlly Knded. PjTTsnujta , July 14. The great iron loci out is practically over ; and before the end ol next week a general resumption of mills Is expected. There are still Hfty linns In the manufacturers association that have not ye granted the demands of the workmen. meeting of these firms will probably. be hcU on Thursday , when it l presumed that thv will siifti the scale. FAST LOSfflG GROUND. Boulnngor's Lost Escapade Llkoly to Cost Um Donr. HIS COURSE WITH THE CHAMBER Severely OonsurodBy Journnls Thtvt Formerly Supported Him , A TRAITOR TO THE REPUBLIC. Vigorous Language Employed By the Editor of La Matin. "IN OTHER WORDS , SHOOT HIM. " Interviews With Lieattlnii Frenchmen Point to Continued I'caoe ICeccii- trloltlen of Paris AVoiithcr Some Ncrvousncs < ) . Intel l > u Jama ( tunlnif JtenntU. ] PAIIH , July 14. [ Now York Herald Cable. Special to Tun Hu : . ] The interest in to day's great national festival has been over shadowed by the excitement over tlio Flo- iluct-Uoulangor duel. For weeks past the general's piestigo has been waning , and his display , of temper In the Palais Hourbon Thursday did him immense damage. Hid general seems to bo courting the position of n political outlaw , und by now hu has proba bly discovered that his wound at Neuilly may have saved him from much greater pun ishment than the ocusuru of the chamber. What does , ho represent ! Himself. What Tins he done ) " 1 have appealed to the rxmntry , " replies the general. ' Ho fulls altogether to understand that Just as in .Amcric i one cannot get rid of nn ob noxious president against his will und till his tetm of olllce expires , so in Franco ono can not forcibly eject n chamber constitutionally elected for n cm lain nuluber of years with out becoming revolutionary. However , his influence is fading with his prestige , and now even if ho wished to dg harm , the republicans agree , his following is so insignificant now Unit he would bo iKHverless , Speaking to the.chainbcr , Tnursday , Uou- lunger remarked that the present state of things cannot last without peril to the re public , Tnls was a slight miscalculation , for as long as ever Uoulangcjr threatens the public lie will find the republicans united. Jlis royalist friends tnaito n mistake by boom ing him. They havq welded their divided opponents into a solid phalanx. "Tuo general thinks thcro is no majority in the chamber , " said. . Floqitot , " , yet Uo has at least once learned to the contrary to his cost. " "You .ire fond of 'telling us wo mnko war on now ideas , " ho added , now hill Ing straight nt Houlanger. "I suppose you mean the ideus you picked up In the sacristies and anta-chauibers in wfiiCh. "your life has been spent. " Floipiet'a violence max' have been as un justifiable as Uoulnngers , but public sympa thy. outside of th'o royalist camp , Is gradu ally falling away from the general. The roy alist Oaulois supports him , but oven the con- bervatlvo Figaro is sick of bin pretensions. lie has not partisans' enough to warrant his bumptious tone , " says Editor M. Magnnrd. "Hcsidos , the chamber won't clear out before fore the extreme date fixed by the constitu tion , and it is useless to demand dissolution 4 ono is sure of not getting. " Tlio moderate republican Temps and the radical Lantern which made his popularity , nro oven more severe. Lo Temps says the plebbcltary campaign is beginning again , but this time the electors may tell the general that they uro getting wearied of the business. Lo Paris sajs all that Is sincere , generous and republican will henceforth deny him , while in the independent Matin , M. Joseph Kotimch , hitting out without gloves , says plainly : "He has chosen to bo a rebel. So bo It. Treat him as right nud duty bid re- publ.cs treat reballioUs soldiers. In other words , shoot him. " Houlnnger is getting on well. lie has no fever. I bnw Ir. Lnbbo at 10 o'clock this evening. Ho said : "My patient Is much better. He has nodiUlculty In breathing and will bo about again in a few days. " The Herald this week publishes a series of Interviews with French political celebrities of all kinds from M'llo. Hoichomberg of Lo Franenls to MacMahon , UaLussep * and Er nest Kenan. The replies which , with ex ceptions , point to peace have boon widely quoted In the French press. The European outlook for the prcsif ut Is evidently psaoo ful. ful.Tho The eccentricities of the clerk of the weather this summer are almost unprece dented and the metoQrologlsts I huvo inter viewed have no rational explanation ready. Tlio southwest Atlantic winds kujp us shiv ering between two .banks of extraordinary heat , ono In the north , in Norway , another in the south , in Greece , where the heat is ac companied by earthquakes. Halloonlstsseem to bo the host woathpr prophets Just now. M. Jouvls , of the Horla , tells ma the sun is struggling nUrd to help us , but ns fust as the cold region between the two hot banks gets warm it raises the accumulated mois ture In earth und chills us to the bone again. M. Chovoreal , a centenarian , who undoubt edly is our oldest inhabitant , only remombora one such summer and that a quarter of n cen tury ago. Nor is there much prospsot of permanent Improvement yet , though the weather U rather mire ngrooablo than it 1ms been. J The bourse was rather dull and unsettled nil week owing to tlio uncertainty caused by the shuffling of the , political cards In Ger many and Uussla. On the whole , however , the tendency Is optimistic. Many Amerlcah travelers , will rem'cinbc'r Henry Jo' jio h * doubtless often . . t I amused them nt the Hainninn. Henry , who or ten months had been suffering from soft ening of the brain , has Just been strangled , whether by accident or design It Is impossi ble to say , nt the St. Anne lunatic asylum where ho was under treatment. T1IK MYSTKIMOU8 AltTIST. Ills Identity Still HcninliiH n Mnttcr ol * Conjecture. TiiiNiDAD , Colo. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE HI-.E. ] Very llttlo s known here regarding licmington , the alleged artist for Harper who suicided on Thursday , nnd absolutely nothing Is positively known ns to the cause of his action , though thcro arc many theories on the subject. The man cnmo here' about two weeks ago and made the acquaintance of soveial families , icprc- scntlng him self ns statedln these dispatches of yesterday. He fpent most of his time in the mountains sketching and no one ever heard him say anything of his family or of his intention and no paiticular interest was taken in thu man until it was discovered that ho was dying from the effects of cocoaine , and then It was too Into to learn unj thing about him , Mntiy telegrams hnvobeen received during tlio past twenty-four hours ilsklng for an exact description of the suicide. The Identity of the man interests many. Ho had in his Valise letters addiessed to L. C. Hun' , man ager of the engraving bureau of Harper's Weekly. Ho had been at Sylvia and Win- Held and other points iu KUIIMS , nl"o at Wulsenburg , Colo. Among his effects was n pledge in Writing to abstain from cocaine , morphine' , opium and other drugs of like ten dency. This pledge. WHS made to Flora Hell Tamper. His papers show that lie was in the habit of forming the acquaintance of hi dies nnd then urging them to visit him at his room while sick. It is behoved hero that ho intended to take enough nior phino to prostrnlo himself and win great sympathy from Uio joung lady ho Was importuning to visit him , and without in tending suicide , took enough to kill himself. Ho left a letter written in German to homo fiieud in Germany. He were fulso teeth in the upper Jaw , and said that by accident he lost font teen teeth While sketching in Wyo ming to illustrate thii ni tides of Theodore Hoosevolt in the Century Mafrimuo Ho was live feet six and a half inches in height nnd had a smooth face. Ho was blonde. He had small hands and short lingers. Ho had not u scar on his body except one as largo as a dime on his left knee. His weight was 170 pounds. Ho was German by birth , though ho claimed to bo American born. He was not over twenty-live or twenty-eight .years of age. Ho was of good address and good education and could sketch natural scenery well and with gioat rapidity. He was ono hour u genius and the next hour \ \ us crazy through his favorite drug. From his paixsrs it is known his for mer name was George Hnymond , but this may also have been an assumed name. An overdue note 111 .favor of George F. Raymond , dated Winllcld , Kan. , November W , tbM ) , higned by L. G. Welsh , was among his papers. i DODC.r COUNTY T Close ol' tlio Intultiite Alter < i Two FUIIMOXT , Nob. , July 1 1. [ Special to Tun Ben. ] The Uodgo county teachers' institute tuto closed hero 10-day after a two weeks' session. It was ono of the best , as it was the largest , ever held In the county , the enroll ment reaching 125. The unusual success of the session was duo. largely to the efficiency nnd jkirfcct organbntion of Superintendent Clarendon. An Important- feature wan the jicrfecjtlon of n plan for a uniform course of study In all the country districts throughout the county. This being someUiing entirely nyw , only a skeleton cotirsp of study could bo arranged , which , it is expe-eted , will bo developed and completed ns experieuco dic tates. It provides Jor three division * of the school , viz. : Uio primary , intermediate nnd grammar. Each of these divisions is sub divided into A nud H classes , embracing ap propriate studies for each. Thu course will require from six to eight years for comple tion and it is contemplated that pupils will bo graduated the same as from all other grade schools. _ A Miniature Cyclone. FMCMOXT , Neb. , July 14. [ Special to Tun HKC. ] Serious damage to corn is reported to have been done by the storm last night in this section. Tlio principal loss was sus tained by farmers in Elkhorn township , east of the city. The storm developed into a small cyclone in that vicinity. Charles Piers bus 100 acres of good corn , one-third of whicn was twisted off close to thu ground and completely ruined. Mr. Scliroeder. to the northwest of him , had hH field damaged in thn same way , but not to qultu such an extent. The cyclone appeared to pass over into Washington county , nnd though no definite reports have yet come from that sec tion , it is believed that much damage must have been done there. No damage reported to life or buildings. Kvt on Fire Hy Fnr.MO.NT , Neb. , July 14. [ Special to TUB Hii.j : : Last night during the progress of n heavy wind , rain and thunder storm the residence occupied by Frank Davis was struck by lightning nnd set on lire. It was liijtho outskirts of the city and was com pletely destroyed before the Uro department could respond , owing to the heavy rain and the deep mud. The household goods were removed , but were badly damaged by the rain. Mr , nnd Mrs. Davis were just prepar ing for bed when thu bolt struck the hoiibc , but for Innately neither felt the shock. The house belonged to Major Showalter. It wus insured in the Kockford for ? tt > 0. Perished In tlio Klkliorn. FKUMOXT , Neb. , July 11. [ Special to TUB HKii.l Last evening while William King Jr. , son of the Hooper livery man , was bathing nnd washing ono of his father's horfics In the Elkhorn river at that place ho met with a Midden death. Ho was in water about ten feet deep with the hon > e , when ho was in some manner thrown off the animal nnd drowned. From the bruibcs discovered on his body after he was taken out of the wnxir it is thought the liorho struck him with its foot and disabled him bo hu could not help himself. Young King was nineteen years old. old."t "t Fremont. FUCMONT , Neb. , July II , [ Special to Tim Hnii. ] Tlio cigar and tobacco store of Hrei- tenflcld A : Muurer was burclurized last night. The burglars entered by forcing open the back door. They captured several valuable meerschaum pipes and other goods und money to the value of about $13. No clue to thu burglars has been discovered. To Kstahllsh n I < od f. FnrwoNT , Neb. , July 14. [ Special to THE HLH. ] A delegation of six members and officers from Triumph lodge , K. qf P. , of this left for O'Neill to establish city , to-day u unifoim division in the ledge at that place. Inaugurated the Campaign. IxniAXxroi i , July 14. The democracy ol Indianapolis to-night formally Inaugurated what bids lair to bo the most memorable po litical campaign in the history of Indiana , About eight o'clock a procession , composed of numerous Cleveland and Thurmun clubs , began paiadlng the principal business street ! of the city. It is estimated that between 4,000 and.C.OC'O ' men were in lino. About 0 o'clocko \ procession entered Tomllnson's hall. wher < > , utter a few remarks by Hon. W. II. English , the meeting , was addressed by Governor Gray. The meeting broke ui about midnight uudd general enthusiasm. irtiillr aii"/ . DYNAMITE AT XK1UIASKA CITY. An Alleged Plot to Iltow Dp tlio New Hrldge. NEMUSKV CITV , Neb. , July 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB UBK. ] Several days ago the H. & M. put eight men on guard night nnd day nt the new bridge. The reason was leveloped to-day by the remarks of nn ofllcor of thu road who asserted that anonymous n formation was received that an attempt would bo made to blow up the bridge with dynamltu by agents of the brotherhood ; that U. & M. detectives had succeeded In locating the dynamite in the possession of persons who hud received it for this pur | > oso. Thu parties are now under detective surveillance nnd will bo arrested when sufficient evidence is secured. Much excitement is caused by thu Information , Nate Curtis , chief of tlio brotherhood at this ptaco su.\s that this is another Bchciiie on thu part of the "IJ" to ob tain public sympathy and the cntlio story Is utterly groundless , Hut If Itweio truu the brotherhood had nothing to do with it and would not uphold any such criminal proceed ings. The local oflleers say that dynamite was shipped to lUilo and I'mttsnumth for symllar purposes. Startling developments uro expected. A Democratic .lolllllciitlon. Goutiox , Neb. , July 14. ( Special Telegram to Tin : HKI.J : To-day the democrats gf northwestern 'Nebraska turned out In force nnd assisted the loral democrats In ratifying the nominees of thu national democratic pairy. A special train Was run from Chad- ron , bringing representatives from thutphico , Hay Springs nnd KiwhvUlo. Thy town was elaborately defaulted nnd the democrats of Gordon and vicinity , hertded bj the silver cornet band of this plncp , tinned out to meet them. Speeches were made by Messrs. Turner and Montgomery , of Glnidron , Hryan , ot Lincoln , Wcbtovor , of Uushvlllu , nnd others. Farmer Millers Dentil. TEKAMUI , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HI.K. ] The eftuseof Uiu dCatli of Jacob Miller , who shot himself on thol'Jth hist four miles east of Herman , was suicide , thn result of financial diillcultics , Reports say ho < > lgucdnotus | for a party some years ago In Iowa , which took all thu properly hu had , Hu loft Iowa and eamo to this state ten yunrn ago And had accumulated a good deal ot property at the time of Ills death. Lately the courts In Iowa have rondoied Judgments against him on bonie back claims , which Is supposed to bo the cause of his death. Ho leaves two sons and ono daughter , all mar ried and living In tlio vimnity. A Severe Storm. CnsTiui , CITY , Nob. , July 14. [ Scinl ) to Tin : Hr.j : . ] Last night this vicinity was vis Itcd by a % orytinrd htorm of thunder nnd lightning accompanied by some hail , The rain fell in torrents and theio was almost u contiunal Hash of lightning. The barn of Elder J. W. Shank was htruck by lightning and burned to thu ground. The contents were all saved. The barn was fully insured in the Homo Fire Insurance company of Omaha. The rain was Just what ivu * needed to save the Oat ciop. The benefit to all crops could not bu computed and will put everything iu line shape. County Kcpultllcniis. Neb. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HncJ At n meeting of the re publican county central committee to-dilv the primaries were called for August 11 und thu convention for August 10. Wymoro wanted thu convention but did not have votes enough. A resolution was passed declaring that iu order to votu at the republican primaries Uio voter must declare his intention to support the nominees of tlio party. Adnins County I'rohlbltloiilftt * . HASTi.s'fis , Neb. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hui.J The Adams county prohibitionists in convention at Juniuta this afternoon nominated Sam Alexander of Hustings for state senator , D. U. Norton of Kcnasaw for representative and J. IJ Elrod of Cottonwood township for a contingent representative. A llonr Knd Colll ton. UIIAIXAIID , Neb , , July 14. [ Special toTnn Dec. ] Two construction trains on the Fre mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad going to Geneva , ono closely following the other , came together live .miles north of hero this morning resulting in considerable dam- ngu to one engine nnd every car. Aa far as learned no ono wus Injured. Crom Injured ly Wind. Scnini.cjt , Neb. , July 14 [ Spo.-ial to Tins BEK. ] The high wind of Friday night did n good deal of dam igo to corn in Colfax county. The crops bid fair to bo the heaviest over raised in tbo county , but now thu best fields are lying Ihit. Thcro are a good many reports of loss of stock by lightning. A Myuter'oitH HASTINGS , Neb. , July 14. Special Tola- gram to TUB Uii.l : Gcorgu Craig , n wiper ut the H. & M. round house , diow a month's pay Thursday and suddenly disappeared leaving his wife. Search is being Instituted , but no tidings have yet been received of the missing muti. _ KIOL1CS OF COI.ONlAIi DAY'S. Old Shells Cannon Shot , Kto. , UUK U | > Iiy Now Vork KveavatorH. NEW YOIIK , July 13. A six pound cannon ball , encrusted with rust , was dug up in some conduit excavations ut Hroadway and Warren streets to-day. The day before there were found in tlio same placu an empty twelve-pound shell , two twelve-pound , balls , two six-pound shotb , a U union ring eighteen inches aeiosb und tlueu inches thick , nnd an English penny of 174 Each piece wus thick with rust and hard dossils from the soil. Superintendent Hrushwick , who is in charge of the work , thinks theru was a fort tn anto-revolutionary times along the ineent Warren sticut line , lor his men huvo found lots of old war iron nionnd there. The last thing discovered is thu most curious , H is an hem ring two inches in diameter , looped to which uio tliicc rods. Each led is nlno Indies long and the end of each rod fuithost from the iron cnclo thickens out into a quarter-section of n cylinder. Close bestdo the spot where this relic was discovered lay another rod , which evidently had buon broken oft Iroin thu circle. Originally the four rods , with the lumps of iron nt ono und und thu binding circle at the other , could bo folded together. A queer four-armed specimen of antique shot , similar to the chain or sluink shot , was also found. When folded and rammed into u caanon and fired it spins its four arms around and around In tno air while traveling in a forwoid direction. Determined on Hulctldn , CHICAGO , Jnly 14. Mrs. Cruno , who is under arrest for shooting ut Lawyer Mu- Nulty , was caught making preparations to commit suiddc in her cell this ovenlng. Shu was tying together strips of bhects und hid quilts for thu purpose of carrying out her design. She said ho would rather xtianglo herself than go to prison and that she has been prompted to commit biiicldoon account of Urn constant visit * of jc-oplo whom she bud lobbed. She hinted further Unit if con victed , which' she would bw , that she would kill hwaclf. Thn Prison AH oclatIon , HOSTOX , Juy ] U. The annual mvoting of the National Prison association began this evening with a public meeting In Tretoont temple. . A largo audience wus present at the evening session. Governor , Hraekett wel comed the association In bclialt of thutatc. . Ex-prcsldunt Hayes was then introduced.and warmly applauded. Ho delivered liU > ad dress us president of the association , after' which the mecliug adjoiitncd. A SOCIAL TRIUMPH Scored by the Young Soldlor Em * poror of Germany. HIS FIRST STATE CEREMONIAU Description of the Pntnoo Dluuo * Given to the Diplomats. PERFECT IN ALL ITS DETAILS , The First of Its Tyio | Given Sluc the Foundation of the Bmplro. GUESTS AGREEABLY SURPRISEDf An Amount ci | ' Good Tre to Displayed ] ' Hy the Kaiser Totally Uu- . ' . looked lor by HlH Distill' ' . _ KUtf > he.d Friend * . ' . . * The KIrst State Dinner. ifopjiuil"isS / / " tiu Jitmrj * fonlnuJcnu'M.l HIIII.IS : , July II. ( Now York HuraW Cable Special to Tnr. Hit : : . ] Thu pjiiuca ' dinner to thn foreign diplomats Is worth'noiue further description , ns It Is Uio first o.t-lls type , so far as I Can discover , slneo thu fouh ' ' dation of the empire. It was given at tha royal city castle at Potsdam. To It were la vlted all the heads of foreign mission * or their temttornry represcntatlyes. In this- latter class , owing to his absence , Minister Pendleton , of the United States , bud 119 hid representative Chapman Coleinnn , his chargq ' d'alTuirs. Tho'se Invited went in n flpoqial . train , wlmcdalong at such a rutu that lt usual forty-five minutes travel wus shortened . - to twenty minutes. An array of court car- riuges met thu train. Oncu inside the castW there was a wait of a few minutes while -th kniser talked with a few of these cmbussa * dors best known to him. At 7 o'clock the kaiser , walking along- . ahead of all his guests , led the way to Uio dinner table. In the mtirbla room was n long , narrow Uiblo With short \yings at each end * At thu middle of the nmin tublo sat tt ; < J ' kaiser with the ambassadors of Italy and Austria nt his right and loft , tie ) rqst being' ' ranged bj seniority near him. Opposite.tho emperor , nnd inside Uio horseshoe- , was tha coming chancellor , Count Herbert Hlstmirclc. , Elsowhuro by seniority were arranged' tha ministers and charges in their order ; Tha. ' empress , as can easily bo understood , , will not present. Thcro was a barely observable pausp afto * the kaiser had seated himself bo.foro hta guests followed his example , but .so perfect ' " were the arrangements that ouch of the ftf.ty diners found his pluou without hurry or or delay , in spita of the quick movement * of the young omporor. The taUlo'.scr1 vlco was of silver , nnd the decorations ot flowers were small and unobtrusive ; ' ' Nothing else was placed On the tnble. .Nor were the ineats carved , ln the dining room' . ' . Tliero Were u few wlno glasses and.it'little . ; , replenishing of glasses once ampUcd. "A ' curious innovation was the bringing of * d'ma winu already decanted iu glasses. About an hour was spent an- the following , bill , jif ' faro : Consomme Printanicr. ' . . Trnltcs au Hleu , Sauce , Hollandaiso' , ' Filet Hoouf n In Mangla * . . Suprcmp do Volnille aux Truffles , Aspic do Honmids , Sauce Itcmoulato. . Sello do Chevreiiillu. Hotn Siilado. . ' Gr < 5neillcs Petit Pols a la Francalso. Croustado aux Pochds a in Vanillo. Charlotte a la Chateaubriand. DoSbClt. The menu card ! B of cream card board without outside ornamentation. The inside is fringed with gold and is lettered in light clear prints. Huskies the bill of furu it has only the date , "Pottsdam , July 13 , 1888 , " und above this a crowned Imperial eagle , which may bo rouirhly described as. perched inside u wishbone , from the upper und ol which hang streams of gold , The dinner itself was exquisite und served with the highest nit that is , so promptly and so skillfully that theiro was no conscious ness of how or by whom it was served. Tlio kaiser looked remarkably well , talked - with animation , and ute with his usual rather impatient hnsto , seeming to euro little for either eating or drinking , but taking evi dent pleasure in the perfect service , The general atmosphere of good taste , the most noticeablu point of the dinner to an onlooker , was a chnngo from thu rather barbarotis luxury of dinners ut the former court , and the diners instead of wearing the bored faces of forced attund- unts at a state ceremony , looked rather an if they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Ona of the diplomats told mo ho Would like to dlno In the saino way dally , while otlieru said that it was a ploasuiesucli as was never experienced before. About 8 o'clock thu kaiser rose , nnd all , followed him to form a circle In the neigh boring room. There his majesty apoko to each about some topic conncctod with h ! homo. To the Mexican minister , for instance , about the recent Hoods. If it shows un.vUiing , this dinner promises not only u luxurious , briUhint court Mich us was expected , but beyond thatna amount of good tusto that-Is surprising la the emperor , who Ls so thoroughly a soldier. Perhaps , also , to Judge by thu smoothness with which this ili'ht state ceremonial passed nftt that the emperor has something of Ms grandfather's ability to bclcct the right inaa for the rife-lit place , Mnukunr.lu I if ft Cue. * | Oij/i Wit/H'S / liytirtcx Hurrl'mJamdl.l . HnitUS , July II.-New [ Yorlt Hor.ild Cable Special to THE HKB. ) Doctor Uurg- niann lias rncoH'od thu decoration of com * inamlct'of the ardor oftho houbo ot Hohen- /ollerpu , nr.'d Dr. Gclrhurdt the ordur of th Hed Kag'.e. Micko ! ; U gete nothlni ; .