Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The First Gorman Baptist church
filed Its articled of incorporation yester
Judfo Shield * Issued one marriage
Huctuic yesterday. The parties \vcro
Ixinis Johnson , a 'cd thirty-four , and
Mis'j Ida Anderson , tijed { twenty-seven ,
both of Omaha.
" \V. U. Knglish , deputy recorder of
deeds , writes from his homo at Kenosha ,
Wis. , whcro he Is now visiting , that
they have heeti liaving a gcnulno
"northeastener" and ho expects to
have to shovel snow yet before summer
Mines , lie also asked about his over-
: oat.
Mr. . O. Cupp-t , of llastlnijs , U n Paxton
Mr. O. T. Oilman , of Sioux City , la nt the
Pnxton ,
Mr. N. S. Hnrdliif , ' , of Nchra Ua City , IH
at thu Paxtoii.
Mr. and Mrs. Murk M. CooJ , of l-Vomont ,
nro iti the city.
Mr. R K. Scdjjwick , of York , was in the
city .yesterday.
Mr. C. .1. Itohbins , of Scwnrd , was on
Omuhii vlsttor ycstt-rday.
Messrs. Oeor > . ' ( ! Clno | ami L. K. Grimm , of
DCS MoincH , lire at the Millard.-
Miss Italia Do Hudlo. ( liui bor ( of Captain
Do Undio , l < j atMiu Millard en route to Join
tier Xuthur ut Fort Ulloy. ICa .
Sent I'nok.
tDio sujircino court ( 'ranted .1 supor. o < 1cas
and stay of uxui'Ution in the case of 1'cter
Hnrfo , Indicted for assaulting his wife with
Intent to commit mtmlor. He sentenced
to the penitentiary for llftcen years.
Their Father Took Thorn.
Joseph Diukcnson , the liushmid of the
nQinwirbo was huf'iud to death at the
Lal y farm , has loft for hla homo in
Wllliiunshnrf , ' , In. , taking with him his two
children who , since tlri-ir mother' death ,
have been cared for by V. I/mdhorat , roinor
Of Tirenly-sert'iith and Franklin streets.
round Dead.
Carl .Tonnsan , a laborer in the employ of
Kefjnn brothers , was fiiqnd dead in tlio yard
of the Vain house on South Eighth street
Thurmla.y. He had IKICII ill for a couple Of
dnys nndJaid down in the j-ard , whiiro ho
Was afterwards found. Coroner Drexel de
cided that no itiipiest was tieco snry. Tlio
tcjcuiUs were buried In Laurel Hill.
Don't Wnnl It.
Mr. MfU'hortor , of MeWliorter & llollins ,
Ims written from Nciv Jersey to the effect
that his llrm will not accept the iiroposltion
of the board to cHt.tbrt.sli a nniueh in the
boautljiilldinjr. The o ] > cnlii ( ; of a "bucltot
filiop" here , whieh will take- place in a few
dayB , will probably prevent Shaw , of Chicago
cage , fiom opening Here , us contemplated.
Siicc'nnilKMl to tlio Hem.
Chief Knpinccr Gullijian of the Jjre de
partment was overcome by the heat yester
day noon and by order of ivphysidan was
taken homo. He suffered i-cat pain tot two
or three hours , but towards evening ft'lt so
well Hint ho came down town. He had to
succumb npiin , however , niul nbout half
jias.1 six w.'is t.iken home for the second
An Insane 1'asMotii'cr.
John D.irliiif , ' was taken from a Union P.i-
cilie train yesterday mid lodged in thccounty
( all. Darling is insane , and word was sent
from , the train to have an olllecr at the depot
6n its arrival. The unfortunate man has
traveled from Portland , Ore. , and is on his
way to La 1'orte City. Ho will bo held un
til irlejiils can bo informed wlto will take him
in cjmrec.
A NcccsRiiry Wetl < llnir.
Louis. Tohlisoli was arrcsU-dTliiirsdny night
On a warrant sworn out before Justice Heed
charging him with bastardy. The complain
ant was Ida Anderson. The child was born
July it , liM ) . Johnson promised the woman
ho would marry her us soon as ho was
divorced from his real wife. KeccnUy Miss
Anderson began to think ho was going to
leave her , and to prevent it she began the
legal proceedings. Justice Ueed performed
the ceremony ycstoiday making them
oian mid wife.
null Forgery ,
Eugene True was arrested yesterday
5n u charge of embezzlement. Eugene Is a
'negro tough , and appropriated ? 1 out of fj.5)
"Kansas City Liz" had sent with him to the
police station to jmy her line. Ho paid over
13 r > 0 to Clerk Wood , but was refused u re
ceipt until the balance wast forthcoming. In
this cmei goncy Eugene made out u receipt
Mipsclf , and signing Judge Ucrka's uamo to
u , took It back to Liz.
They Want Ijjllt. |
The city clerk has received a communica
tion from the clerk of the council chambers
Df the Uorongh of Thames , New Zealand ,
asking for information about operating olec-
Irio light machinery by water power. The
City Is ou the ocean ami has a tidal How of
ten feet. Tlio power is used now for crush
I ing gold quartz. The city clerk will furnish
the New Zcalandcrs with all the light on tlio
I ( ucstion he can.
Ho Set 'Km Up To The Girls.
On the night of May 10 a case of wino was
stolen from Julius Naglo'.s saloon , on the
corner of Thirteenth and Jackson streets.
It has since transpired that it was taken by
Prank Koukc , u cigar maker in the omuloy
DfJlirschstein. Ho had taken the liquor to
Emma Hell's bawdy house , where the in
mates enjoyed a spree driiiUmg-it. The
manlier of the disposition of the liquor came
lo the ears of the police yesterday and Kouko arrested in the afternoon by Tom
Iowa Saloon
The prohibition strongholds of Iowa that
have indulged In expensive improvements
feel the financial strain of elosod or unll-
icnseil saloons. A gentleman from Cedar
Uaplds yesterday reported that Its city
council had Just adopted the Council HlulTs
plan. Saloon keepers will bo expected to
pay n monthly Jlno of $ Cu and costs of iS s1) .
Cetlar Hapitlx gave n majority of ! ! 00 for pro
hibition but the clt.llnancicrs are looking
for money to pay the street intersections In
their new paving and sewerage systems.
> Kitten Hy a Snake's lie-nil.
Ex-Commlsstoner Timmo was in town
yesterday and told of a singular ccciirrcnco
which ho witnessed ono day last week on his
farm , lie was working with a hoe when ho
startled a rattlesnake , which ho attacked
With a farming implement , cutting the rep
tile Into two parts , the smaller Dno ending
ono Inch t > chnd ! the snake's head. The lat
ter part was attacked by a dog some llf teen
minutes later , and seemed to bo still en
dowcd with life , because the decapitation bit
the dog and since that time the latter has
been round with a swollen head , such as a man
might have if alllicted with the mumps. The
dog , however , will not dlo , because it is
claimed snake bites do not haVe a deadly
cited upon canine.
jn , _ Disaffected I0njinoers.
"Tho return of strilcing engineers to the
D. & M. docs not at all surprUo mo , " saUt a
man who is pretty well posted on labor mat
ters in the state. "I have expected It Jor along
long time. You remember when Arthur
called representatives of tlio brotherhood to
Chicago ! Well , that was done to give the
men a clmm-o to go back at the company's
terms , and the desire for returning on tlio
part of many was so .strong that It wnj Co
dded to leave it to n vote of , mo iliitorcnt
divisions o the brothorhogiYat their regular
ineoungs. " I know that many of thyso-divl-
sions voted In favor of returning to work.
Since that time the number of ( .Ussattsllcd
engineers has increased so that now I really.
bcilovo there are tvvo-thiuU of the men who
would bo glad to return to their old places. "
Humors ot'n 1U Deal.
It was rumored yesterday than an English
syndicate had bought the old city hall pro
perty ut thu corner of Farnam and Sixteenth
street , and still another reoort gavij the.
Commercial National bank as buyers.
Messrs. 1'ortcr it Cobb , who are handling
the property In question , denied both rumors
und stated further that no negotiations are
In progress for Its sale.
The reports probably originated from the
fnct that the Commercial National has ono
option on the corner that will expire within
n few days. The lot is tiflxl'i' ! and the price
put on it Is said to bo * 10U , < ) UO. The Com
mercial National refused an offer of tlio
room In the board of trade building a year
ago , and have not yet made a move under
their option. _
Curled Prom a SMII-II | | House Drunk
and Itadly l-'h-eccd.
Henry McArthnr lives at Plattsmouth when
lit home. Ho was in Omaha yesterday , how
ever , and lived a good shnro of the day in n
disreputable house the Webster street
depot. He say.s he came to town with J-tS. ) ,
but when ho reported at the police station
yesterday afternoon a search warrant would
not have discovered that many cents.
The house In quest ion was occupied by a
woninn known as May liruwn , who has a
"lover" mimed Charles Hrown. With them
yesterday another woman , Lou
Austin. Discovering that McArthnr
had considerable money the hosts proceeded
to rush Ibo growler. The Austin reports
seeing Hrown take MO from thu victim to buy
beer , but did not see him return any Change.
After McArthur had been well filled Hrown
lilted n cab at tin- depot and put the Austin
and the visitor inside with Instructions to tlio
Woman to drop her companion at some dis
tant part of the city. McArtliur was
"dropped" accordingly.
When ho realised the situation and report
ed to the station | lctectivo Ormsby was put
on the c.ise. Ho discovered the hack driver
in tlio person of one Williams , whom ho
compelled to show the way to the place of
taking in the drunken passenger. The
whole party was arrested , McArthur being
held to appear asa witness. It Is evident
that the Hrqwns got something of a haul out
ot the I'lnttsnioutli man , for the male end of
the partnership not only hired llio hack but
paid tlio fare. The Austin , according to her
story , was rather an unwilling stool-pigeon
who got nothing but the -drinks out of the
A ICuul Kstati ! Dealer Sent Up for
Thirty Dnys.
E. E. Aylesworth , the real estate dealer
who passed worthless checks upon both
Colonel Floyd aud Goodly Hruckor , had his
trial yesterday iu the police court to answer
the ilrst charge that broinrht by Colonel
Floyd against him. He was found guilty
and subjected to the Ignominy of thirty days
imprisonment in the county Ja.ll. Ayles
worth gives no excuse whatever for his
criminal action. His partner says Ayles
worth is worth considerable money , and ha
( the partner ) would wiUlnvly have loaned
him any sum In his power had ho asked
for it.
The UNION PACIFIC was first called
the Great Ovol-land Ilouto.
Smoke Seidonborg-'s Figaro and got
llio liebt 5-cuiit cigar in the world. Max
Mover & Co. . wholesale depot.
Two Kveiiinii Klrot.
About fi.V : > j ) . m. the lire department was
called to a small llro in a cottage belonging
to a Mrs. Ladson on Twelfth street between
Chicago and Cuss. The llaines were readily
put out after doing about &T worth of dam
age. The. hot stoiio pipe had set tire to the
wall vapor. The house was occupied by
Mrs. 1'ortcr.
The second alarm was turned in nbout
7:1)0 : ) and was occasioned by smoke issuing
from the basement under Chi-istianson'a
illug store in the Harker block. About SV )
worth of damagu was done. Tlio cause of
the lire is supposed to be spontaneous com
Those who take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic never have dyspepsia , costlvo-
ness , bad breath , niles. pimples , nguo
and malaria , poor appetite , low spirit : * ,
headache or kidney troubles. Price CO
conts. Goodman.
The UNION PACIFIC is the only
road running through the famous Al-
jn'ne Tunnel , 11,000 foot above sea level.
Dr. McGrew , Ultinny , Kectal , & priv
ate diseases. Room i ; > , Bushman block
A.IJ Unknown Man Jumps Into the
Missouri Jn\at Night.
A man of unknown name Is supposed to
have been drowned in the river about half
past 11 last night. Watchman Mulhajl ut
Hoagland's lumber yard , which Is at tho. foot
of Douglas street , saw a strange man wan
dering about the neighborhood and started to
walk toward him to learu what ho was after
in that deserted place so late at night.
At tlio same time Mulhall called to
him. When within a few .yards of the
stranger tlio latter made for the , river ,
Jumped into the rapid current and was swept
away. f
Mulhall describes the man as about five
feet ten inches In height , dressed in a labor
ing man's clothes , and wearing a hat. It is
supposed the unfortunate- intoxicated.
The police were notified but nothing could
bo done last night. It is probable tlio man
was drowned , and his body may bo discov
ered down the river.
If you need a perfect tonic or blood
purifier , talco Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of
the btomach , kidneys and liver. Can
bo taken by the most delicate. Price
CO cents. Goodman.
Drink Malto it is pleasant.
IJoiil 10- > late Transfers.
I ) 0 Patterson i-t al to .1 Koist. lots 13 anrt
II , bib 1 , Volsom place , w l . i COO
A ( ! llovnxnl and husband lo J Korbt , lot
4 blkf , llownul. w d . 100
South ( m.iha I.nna Co to ( J I'unther , lot
IS , bk ! U7 , South Omaha il . . . . 540
K Nicki-1-on to J Itduulr , to ft oflotu.
lilk in. Wllcox 2d ndtl. w d . . goo
Fouth Onnilia | .nnil Co to.l W Slullerois.
Ut 1 , bik 118 , South Onmlia. w d . 200
1) ) C I'litter * n mill \VJf lo M 1' Milter , lot
H. \ > lk o. l-atterbon park , xv il . 700
( ! \v Hooatli-r to Miss M t iott bluu on.
s 10 ft or lots 1 und U' , bik - ' , Omaha
Vlovv.wd . i CM
D 1) Niii-ntou to 1J Whitmore , lott ) . blky ,
Upton , w d . . coo
1) ) I ) Smcaron to II \Vhltm u-o , lot r. , l > lk
y , Upton place , wd . OCO
Win I.uttty ct ul to K J lleun , lot 1 , l.atey's
Mil ) , w d . 3COJ
M ( J Mncli'OilM ( iavloril Memorial Con-
Ki't Jtloiml church , H ' / of lota U | and a.'i ,
In Windsor plnco , wrt . 3,000
II A Nolle iiml wlfo too Dnukor.lnt'c '
" , I'.lkhoi n , ( Crawford's plat' ' , w il . 100
H A Work-y mill wife to J K Hughe. * , lot
! ia. lilkil , .It'umio ' pirlc , w d . 2,000
1' Dullonu and tfo to J C I.ute , lot 2. bik
y , IHilldiiu's mlil , w d . . . 3.V )
0 Vf Ames to Mrs OJ Murks , ! oti , blK 4 ,
Kc\xport , wrt . U90
K llnrnun i-t ill to 1' Thompson , lot II , bK !
r , , Hivi-rxtdo iirtd. w il . 150
This Patrick Land Co to W II Crulg. lots T ,
b. li. VI Hiul 11. lilk lii , Dundi-o placo. w a B.OUO
I ! Il 1'cim et al to Thos Ilri'imau ft ul , s li
ftlotSnmlnamiot : ' , bUc- ' , J J iti-d-
Ick'rt add . * . 4,780
0 1 , Miller and wifn to K Drexel , lot 141 ,
Seymour piirk , w il . l.COO
M II Harris und husband to U Augniitln- ' ,
lots us uuil ' 'I , 1)11 : 0 , 1 'otter \ Cobb's aild ,
wd . 9M
. Txxentytransfcis. , . , . , . $ nu
. iVriiilts.
The following permits to build were Issued
yesterday by the supcrlutqnd m/of buildings j
John I.atfiis.-r , roslili-.nce and barn , Or- " c >
chanl ncur J.o\x'onvomi < ; . . . .i. . . , . < 3"iOO
Chris Urkb , cott.igo , South uuirTxxen-
tlftli . ' . TOO
\V. Striblltlg , cottage , Nlnuteentli niul
Clniilcs. . . . . . . , . 1 , < HQ )
3 , 1' . HUKfl. Unprovemeuts. 1'krre . . ' 150
UeorBp A. lloa iiiiul , two-story brick of-
llct , Ninth aud Douglas. . . . , . 4.000
live. 'peri' ills , ( iBgrngat l g . . . . ' . , ! Wft
'An Alisolute Curp.
is only pin v.t ) 'n Urge two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chappx d ban-is , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MKNT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at S3
ccuu per
i1 Mn * 1MrfriA& afci * Ui M 4
Any summer suit on our tables will be sold next Saturday for ! ? 9.G5. We have got four
tables left of sumranr suits , not one of them worth leas than $13.00 , and many of them worth
$20.00 and $25.00. You hav ? this one nero chance at them. They will positively be the
last day wo will offer them at this price to main ; a clearance sale , and then put in our winter
stock. Don't intes this opportunity. Ask thosSUhat got suits of us at our last sale. They
will tell you of the great bonanza.
Positively Open Every Evening , Positively Closed on Sunday ,
Southwe st Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
lint the Police ; liitctTorca ami
TliwnrtL-d hlH Design.
Fred W. Milliard , proprietor of a hardware
store on South Thirteenth street , made mi
attempt to talio his own llfo Thursday but
\vas prevented from so iloiilg by tlio city po-
lieenmn on duty at the It. & M. depot. ISul-
lard camu down to ttio tfnion Pacific depot
andyas evidently under the in
fluence of nleohollc beverages us ho ncted
very strangely ; After talking with nn no-
( junlntanCo whom ho ehanced to-iticet , during
which time ho frequently hrolto out Into ills
of weeping for ten or iifteen minutes , ho
coneludo.\ \ his discourse on his worldly
troubles by imiiotmeiiitf hs ( mtontion of com-
mltUiipsuiciilo ami started for the bridge.
His friend beciiino .ilurmed and fearing the
worst , notified Olllcer. Uobbins who at onoo
wrjit down to the brMno where ho
found Uullard in the hands of the bridge
w.itelim.m , who had pulled him oK the track
in front ot mi iipm-oat-hing train. Kobbhis
summoned another olllccr , and when the
two rotnrncd Milliard was iusisthiBOii throw-
Injj hhiiseirofT tlili briil u into the river. The
two ontc-crs.atonco toolr him to the station ,
und after spending a little time there he was
released and sent home ,
Milliard is worth considerable money , and
when not , in Uijuor is u good citi/on. Over a
year ago ho made ti hie ; disturb
ance ut his plueo of business , at
tempting to prevent a tOnant driving over
ins lot. lie was drunk at the time , became
boisterous and profane , and Lan ) Me-
iirido who was then a patrolman , arrested
him. liullHi-d rebelled , became frennied , and
a free iitht followed , one of the results ot
which that MeUride cr.iekcd his skull
with a policeman's club. Uullard was laid
uj ) for wcelts in consequence , and upon re
covery sued the olllecr and Ins bondsmen for
injuries sustained , allcKhiff that his mind
was impaired.
Jt is not improbable , that his latest cscap-
ado is traceable to the injury of which he
The UNION PACIFIC , the famous
route to and from the Pacific Coast.
Inherits a Competency.
A loiter this morning from across the
water brought the news' of a handsome protv-
crty loft to a linrd working citizen of this
city. W. It. Tozer , a cat pouter , residing in
rooms over No. IMOti Hamilton street , is ttie
fortunate person to inherit from bis father ,
Jointly with three sisters , a'plat of twenty
acres of ground near the city of London , in
oiio of the buburban districts of that huge
town. Notice of the bequest was given
through Messrs. Day & Day , attorneys of
Omaha , who found Mr. Tozer located as
above , and notifying him of his good fortune
assisted him wth } advice as to the best
moans of proving his Identity. Mr. Tozer
left England thirty-three years ago , and has
been expecting the demise of his father ,
and was therefore not wholly unprepared for
the nows. Ho will probably sail for London
at an elirly day.
The UNION PACIFIC 5s the Direct
Line to Lotulvlllo , the largest mining'
qity in the world.
Two Sorts of Sonic.
It wan reported yesterday that Council
man Ford's ' house had been burglarized the
night before and robbed of two watches , belonging -
longing to Ford senior and junior. Since
then the father's chronometer hm been
found at the swimming bath at Farnam and
Ninth streets , whither ho hud gene to lave
his fevered anatomy m the brackish depths
of Missouri agna pura , all but the pura.
Since that night's fateful events young
Paddy Ford has shaken the sand of Omaha
from his trotters and hied himself hcnco to
the cooler altitude ) of Dourer. It is learned
that before leaving he , unlike Ins sire , nut
his watch In so.ilc instead of himself. The
double disappearance is thus accounted ior.
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel of nut Itr ,
btreut-th mill wholonomonosa More t'couo me
thnn tlin ordinary klmK and cannot be solil In
competition with thu innlt'.tude ' of lowest shoit
welflitniumorphosplmtupowdors. .Solil willm
rniiK. Unv-.tUUKiMi l'o\\iEii Co. , 1UJ Wall St. ,
New York.
Cosiiipatioa ,
'Crab Orchard Water Co. Iouievlllo ( Ky.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Cranditl Triumph ol Eltclric Science
fioallentn'i 111 nd Practically Applied.
with Electric
" ' " " ' T " P U * In UxTlMk. nt .n < aA or l.lmtii ,
Ntr nu. llcblUtr. L , ( Ji.ncr.1 Urbllltr , Hhea-
j [ aatltm , I'orBlrti * . Ho r l lii , Stltl > , I > l u < ' of Uldnrji , Pnlnal I > lM-n > r * . Torpid l.lvrr ,
I Uout , KxliHUiUon , Emlulono. Anthinii , Heart Ulfraln , l > rM > ti > lu , CoatUputlon. r.rr tpclH
- " ' " - - " " - ulabcUs
-ftumb Acme , , illdro.cla
> ne penulnoand uieit by-ltermlsilon. NOTE thft following who hare been
mi wnin .w VCKKKl A. J. H. 1'arkerand J. M. Haalott.allan Ilourd of Traile ,
at A. Uregbrr , comrnn lon mrrchantBlock TarJsi HuddHobla.tbaerQathontiniajii Uol. Connell/i
. Intrr Ocnin ; n. W. llellui. M. ! > . . Monm.ntown . , Iowa ; Lemuel Milk , Kankakoo.lll.i JudKO I. K
iMurrar. Nanerrllli. , 111. ; r. I , . Abbott , : npt. clIT wattrworti , South llend.lnd i Itobt. K. mpionChlo
I | io t ofnc | L. I ) . KcMlchael , M. 1) . lIuttAio , N. Y. " Your licit liAiaccorapllKbml what no other rrmedr Ima :
" tfaily nprvM andrnmfortaLlo tlceputulgbt. " HobU llall , aldtriuau , IkO Uait Kill Street. , Nc * Vork-
an < i thouifinda nfothirii.
UnQHC'C Si CITI1fl UBRUCTcP JjrTla | ureriorloiUlolhi > rB cnrrcntnofalcctrlel
Or nUtltlk a CkkUlilU MAOriCItU BRkl tyarnrtroni ; or lull.I m the wenrormay de-
ilrot prudurpa a. continuous current ; convera t.lertrfrlty through tlio botly on tlio nervos. It cures dtacast'i
! tir ( rent-r tlntri contlnuou * current of clccftlcjty (10 ( or 1C Hours out of K41 throughout thu Uumiln vyalem ,
j JillJi lu4-allnor oaina Immediately , imd producinita new circulation ot Ibo lire forces the tiloo.l. Im-
rtlnff Tlffor , stronirth , cndrirx nnd neslth , when all other treatment * > ai failed. Thti tuerlU of thlt soloU'
G , ttc Helt arA bclnir rt-coffnttea and Indolfod br tlioutandfl whom It hM curod.
| Kr.KKKENCEH. Any bank , rommerdnl lutency or wholusalo hojro In Chicago | wbolosalo dnigylEts ,
! San Franclicn and Chlcaru. I rtfail kt\m ; > for 1 ! i ? o Illuitrated pamphlet.
T. 3HLf > HJ3f3O , Inventor ftnd Manufacturer , 11 WifcMa ATHUC OUcoco.
Pure , ' " Silver Gloss * & Corn Starch ,
State University
The several Dcpaitmcnts will becln the year
Is-tt-s'i as follows
September 1'i. Uolk'glte , Law ami I'hnrma-
October 3d , Medical , Homieopatlilc Medical
and Dental.
Kach ( lupartincnt fs thoronghlv cipilpped with
clUriontnrk , iinrt no pains will lie upurt-rt lo
iilVoid btuiUiits the be-.t . po &lblo- opportunity
to pursuethulr choseji lines of tUuly. Kor par-
tli'ulur luforinatlon us to the rt'spettixu do-
partmems , aildrt"s as fOUoxvs
Collvglntc-CiiAiiLBS A. SGHAcmnt , I'tesl-
dent. Iowa city.
Law U.MLIN McCr.Ai.v , Vice Chancellor , loxya
> fclU-ftl-\V. F. PECK , M. T ) . , Dean of faculty ,
llomieopnthlc A. r. COXX-I-KIITII-
WAITP. M. I ) . , Dean of 1'aculty , Iowa City.
Ui-ntnl 1 < . LiNonuou. . , D. 1) . S. , Dean of
Faculty , Keokuk.
I'hnrmaceutlcal fi. L. HOI'.UN-IH : , I'll. , O. Dean
of I'dcnlty , Iowa City.
UxpiMibes in all departments are reasonable.
Co .tofltarrt In prlvnto families , Kl to 6 per
week ; In clubs il.60 toiVflpcrxoek. .
Kor catalogues , or for general Information ,
nddress ,
For Young Ladies.
Three courses of study. Thoroughness In eve
ry department. HulldliiKS elegantly furuisheil.
llunU'd with stenm , lighted with gi\s , water
from Ht. Clalr rlxvr. Sujierlor ndvantages In
music and art. A < lilri"M tor rlrcular ,
. OMKKVlLLi : SCHOOL. St.Clalr , Miih.
L.vKi : roitr.sT r i.i.r.oi : .
nititv : coLi.ior. : roit RADIUS.
LAKI ; rouuyr ACADEMY.
I'OSir CHADl'ATi : Cdl'llSKS.
1'or catalogues aililn < - > - < .
1'rest. W , C. ItOllKIITS , Lake Torest , 111.
\\'v\\ \ \ tnilaueic ! \ \ e'juitpc | V ) i'ii.titnicntF > if file *
( lunlciilniniritil Jinjini'tnns. Kltn Irii-llv , ( ln-liuji.
try iiml lliuwlne. KxlnnnhiiMiiifiiinnil l.alxirutork'H ,
. . . ,
Iiooin OS Traders' liilliUn&
ncrcrcnccs-Mcironolltnn Niillmml Bank.
It. li. Dun & Co. 'Hie Drjclsiri'Ct Co.
Our OA'I'A .
PAIGN' OUTF1TM , with conitltuilan.
drill tactics and full Information nbout
urianlzlni : ml drilling Marclilne Clubs.
A , 6 , SPAlDKiG & BROS. ,
1OB MnilUnu .St. , I 41 Jlromlu-iiy ,
cmu.iou. ( M\V Tfoiiic.
Epps's Cocoa
"II7 H Ilioroutth knuvfloilto < if Ilia nntuitl Inni
whlcu Ruvcm tun ( ipuiHluiu of riloiiluii nndnitil-
tlnu , nnJ l > r inrf fill uppllcUIOn ; otllio Una proporllfl
umell-iclccttid Co o.i , Mr. Kipi ) is > | rorlJoJ < > nc
trfakin i iubk ivuu u licllcutL-iy tlikrcrcil tcterieo
vt null may afo us many beuvitotlcr * nlii. icli
bjr 11 e Judicious une ot nucli ui cln of diet Ibuta
uiumUiillon mar ba itraauKlly tulli up until uruiiu
rnousli to rpkl t errrv Irn tuner to , dl > o kc. llun-
drudsuf iul > tamBlKilLBm ! | fii , > Ungn-ounU n rcaJr
loutlict wberuvfr tucrul a c < Holut. Wu mftv
C'scnpu mnnr n/utal Uufth > kivj'liii ; ounolto vn
lorilHrd Him pure b0' ] l anil A Proiiqrly nourltbtJ
( riinji'-Civil MTvlrclJju-He.
Mit'lo limply nlih bollld ) ; wntpr o.milk. . HeM onljr
In bulf iiuuim tUn by liroccr > Inbelti ) tuu > :
Left Liver
A Proprietary Mnllcmn that needs but a trial
to prove- its worth.
DF , Calleodef's ' Left Liver Bitters ,
TJio Only Dlstlllm ! Hitters In the United
Btiites. The only Hitters tecoRiilzud lj' the
I'nltcil Mutes interim ! revenuu laxx-s us ul'ro-
lirlutaty Moillrlne. Lnwtullr I'utfliteil. No. of
ratent 1 ' 19 , 573 , Contains no fusil
rsHcntl'il oils , no forelwi biilistanco ordauuiK *
liitf dniRH. A perfectly pmo mefllolne. com-
lioimilpil from Pure Hoot Herbs und Old 1'eac'i ;
pU'UBiint to tlm tusto , quiet nrid ilerislvo ill Its
iMlcct. Cures Dyspup-ihi Qf VcllowJuundlte in
live days. Iti'Kiihiti's the Hotels. IiivlirorutcH
Innctivo Livur , Cures Diseased Uvor , Hevlves
tlio KidnojH , impioves the Appotlto ( Julckly ,
Hi'snliites the wnolo system. Now 1,1 to to the
\sholo system.
Manf.ictin-eil and for sale -wholesale by
Barbero & Callencier ,
buy one of
our nobby Spring
Suits , in Worsted
fine Cassimcre , or ;
all the popular colors -
ors and styles. Real
bargains that cannot
fail to be appreciat
ed by the discerning
We are aware that
Inexpensive goods
are largely adver
tised this season , 1ml
a 1 of tlicn : cannot
stand the test of
close inspection.We-
our customers
to examine our stock , and thus satisfy
themselves of its quality and our ve-
ihcn < JHtortd. t9 <
M &D nature Ilrcllua od Kunctlonal diK > r *
& ' ' " kcliMedlclDii.
ulRQN v M-roTeo ! " '
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Nebk
CAUTION Di-Nlunlnu persons , tnkinu nil vnndi o of our ri-putntloti ,
nro ootiHlnntly Ktnrtlnu botriiH muillnl i-stnlillsliinunlH to dnuolvo
stnumors vlHltltiK Iho olty. Tin-so prUciit < ; rx usiinlly tUHniiponr in it
low wi-ukq. lliMvnri * of Ilictn or tliclr runners or IIUOIUH. The Oinnlirt
JHiMltcitl nnd Inhtitilic Is tlio only pqtnullNlictl tiK-illual InMl-
tntc in Oinnhii , l r. . McJliMimiiy , IVnpHrtor. Whrtu you iiinkn up j'onr to visit n i , make n iiiniiioraiuluin of our exact niltlre * . niul linn
iivo troultle , tli-lny or .
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
DR. Jl J \ McUNAMY Phsician and Sureon ill lliare
TWKXTV YIAICS' : HOSPITAL , AXI > I-IIM ATI : i ii.tcTi < i : .
Assisted by a Number of CoinnGtciit , Skill ! and EiDcrieacsi Piwiciiin
rai'licnlar Attention | iiiil : to Deformities Diseases of Women , IMxrnws of tlic
nuil Sunl Orpins , 1'rhale Diseases , IHseiioes of the Xcrrous Sjslem ,
LHIIJ , ' and Tin-oal Diseases.Singicul Operationslpilcj ! ) > y or 4 „
Fits , 1'ile.s , ( . 'aneers , 'J'ninor ' , lite. ,
More money invested ; more hkiillin phjsiuaiktanil burgeons employed ; mote paticnfA
treated ; more cures effected ; moie modern improved iiibtrumcnts , and apii- { !
anccb than can be found in all oilier inlirmaiies , institutes or dispensaries in the west
combined , Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty
newly furnished , welt warmed and ventilated rooms lor patients , tinee ( killed plivsiciang
: . . . . . . . . . . .i. : . . . . . , .
always in the buildin s Of ttbe.isis dented in the most bcientiilc manner.
IVc Manufacture Surgical Braces for
Supporters , Electrical llattencs. , jnd can ( .npply physicians or patients
remedy or instrument known. Call .ind consult "s , or write for circulars
jccts , with list of cjncbtions for patients to answer. Thousands treated fitccesbfiilly by
corrcfpondcucc. Wo have- superior advanlagcs and facilities for treating diseases , per
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowli
cdpcd nbi ity , experience , icspoiuihility antl reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute1 the llrtt choice. .
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon f trict business and
scientific principles , and patien's here receive every advantage art. skill , science and
human ingenuity , can bring to hear on their cases. Their comfort and coincnieiicq will
always be taken into consideration.
Should yon conclude to visit us fpr tieatment or correspond with HE , yon will. find
that these statements of our position , location and facilities arc not ovcrdtawn in riuy
particular , but arc plain unvainishcd faclh' .
Only Eeliablo Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system
\xithoiitinorcury. New icstorativc treatment for loss of Vital I'ower , Persons unnblo
to visit us may be treated at home by coriespondcnce. All comir.unic.itions confidential'
Medicines or instruments tent by mail or express securely packed , no marks to indicate
contents or tender. One personal interview preferred. Call and eotwllt us or tend his *
lory of your case , and we will send in plain wrapper , otir
Upon Piivatc , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicoccle/
with question IKt.
My Reasons for Writing a Book Upon Private , Special anil Nciw Diseases ,
I have for many year * inai'e a specialty of diseases of the in inary And sexual organs ,
have become a recognixod antho-ity upon the subject , consequently 1 lecuivc an immciuc
innnberof letturs from physicians and afllirled pei SOUR , asking in } opinion andadxico
upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , 1 have written a hook , giving it
general tlescription of the in ist common dihcnsfis and cbiulitior.s , my treatment , success ,
advice , etc. Alter leading it , persons will have a clearer idea of thc'r condition andean
write me moic intelligently and to the point It will therefore be socn that our object in
writing thcpc pages is not to furnish reading matter lo a class ot person ? who rend out of
I'icrg uljc cni i ( sity , but for the benefit of the many \x ho are mffering to a greater or lets
degree from disea-CR , or the effects of di > eafces or abuses , of the sexual or urinary nrgnns.
Not a dav pasi.cs but we rcci ive many calls or letters from peitons mffci-iig | from tliis
class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright piospecto and ia
shortening their d.-us.
Surgical operations for the cmeof Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Canccrf , Fistula ,
Catainct , Strabismus ( Cross Kycsj Varicocelc , Inverted Nails , Wens and DcfoimiticJ
of the Human Hody. pcifoin-cd in tliemost scientific manner. .
We treat Chronic Ui eases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach/
Liver , Kidncvs , Ulnddcr , Ner\cs , Hones , etc. , as Paralybis , Kpilepsy , ( FUs ) , .Scrofula
llright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulceis or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastiitis , Ualdncm
Eczema , etc.
Treated carefully , tkillfully and scientifically by the latest nnd most apnioved
Mc.Menainy has for j cars devoted a large portion of bis time to the study and treatment
ol this class of diseases , nnd has spared neither time nor money to perfect hiimclf , and is
fully supplied \vith every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department
of Medicine and Surgery.
We claim snpeiiority over any oculist op aurist in the west , and the tliousan U wiiom
we have cured , alter fathers have tailed , substantiate our claims. To those atll ctcd with
Eye nnd Ear Diseases , we Minply say call and consult us , get a .scientific opinion , then
visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person jou will return to us for treat
ment and cine.
Our book , describing the Eye and Ear ami their diseases , in plniu language with
numerous illustrations , arc written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write
us in regard to cases ; l-y reading them carefully physician and patient xvill have a clear '
understanding and can detcriuc cases to us 'more intellh-ently , WRIT15 FOR DOOK
A < l lrcs < t till hitler * lo
DBJ.WMcMEN UWOor , ISth&DoteSts , , Omaha.He-