THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .SATURDAY. JULY 14 : 18881 * SPECIAL NOTICES. " " "Ad\ertl tnfiit * under this hend lOtrntsper lln * for the llrbt iiifiertlon , 7 rents for PHrhsub- Kifiuint in ettMi. nml * l fo n line | > or jnontli. No ndM-rtli-rmnnt takn for lsi l than Si cent * the tlr-t HIM ttliiu. word will 1 o ronnted to the llti" ; tin mti't run c in > nitl\i'ly nnd inllhl no pal 1 111 ADVAN < 1 , All nU .rtl o- incuts tun t no linliilfcil 111 before 1. ft o'clock p in. , and uniUr no cln niuMnnre * will they betaken taken or lUseontiniied by telephone. I'nrlU-HHfhcitU nclii thisp'o'uminnnil hav- lnitliennswi'r ndilrcfcd la i arc if lin.Hn u 01 plcasr n k lui nrheck toeunblethin to set their Ic t'ors , as noiio w 111 IIP delivered ixcrp * on iire-cnlallnn of flitrk. AH answuis to ndVer- tlnptiu Mi should Inen lose 1 In JMI\ Hopes All ndxertlcetiients in thiMOJolnmiis nro pub Italic 1 In both innmlng nml oti tiltix editions- Tut : Hi K , the circulation of whiih more than Vnn papers dally , nnd Klr the ml- \e'rtlcrs tlie belie lit , not only of the rlty circu lation ot Tjir IILP , hut also of ( ouncll HUUt * . Lincoln nnd other rifles nnd towns throughout this Bei'tlou of the country. "BRANCH "OFF1C S7 Adv rtMnR for thcte columns will bctnkcu , on the nbove conditions , nt the follow IIIK l.nnl- net * houi'ei' ' , who are uuthrrlrul nucnu for 1 UK 'JlKK special notlct-d , and will qtmtn the Sntuo rates ni can b hnd nt the main oil co. "fjllNV. IlKIih , t'hnniiaclst , WJSoutifrcnth J Ml cot. JC 11sr. ft KDfiY , Ptntloncrs and ITlntirs , in C Fouth If th Street. S II. FAKNSUOHTII , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum . lug Street. W.II. W. J. IIUCHKS , I'harninclst. ( J4 North ICth . > MrccL ( KO. W.l'AHIl , PhnnniOlst. WJ Ht , Mary's I Avonue. SITUATIONS WAHTED. _ \VrAN'l 131) Mtiintion ns hoirsekn pel by an T AlnerlbsnRlrl nl' > years ; 1 ? cnpahlp. neat nml liulnstrloui and u good COOK. Mm. llrega , ill 1 4 8. Uthbt. 7l m _ _ SntAIJONuintrd by nil oillc tiion. larco cxpi'Hiiico In foiirt-lionse work iimj law yers' onicex : good reftrencta ; cowing pre fers od AililfP-wTL" ! . IJce. VOiHf A'N'lBD-l'oiltlon ny tbnipi tent i cuttcr. itddUHsTUl , llecollice. ti'l 10 * \\7ANTKU-Aoltsiutlon by a. ninis of iililllty where lie can do some HchtworK. Hail l)0 n Injured in mi nrcldcilt ubout n ypfta o and Is now nnxloiu to gut btnrtod ugulii. Art- ilre s 'Til' . " lite oflicc ( IU 1H * _ \\rAN113D fcitnutlfiilns bar tender , by u soT - T > buf manludinUn. Adilrc3sT3 , lte f.-'ll' \\rANTI3D- Tor Washlnptoji tenltory. IfO Koijd tennis \vlth enrth 01 lock outfits , ut AlbilKlit's labor ut-ncj , rnrnain slteet , Onialiu. , "Mi- \\7 A NTii-A : 'food ucuctnl blacksmith. A sttuOy Job for tjio right man Wnses to K Ml. c < oidtntt to ability. I' . I ) . Ualm-r fc Co. , 71J-I IbT but > hpr. nmlonu to tut in bhop und unileriitauits mUkliiK rui'liiKSiH'iits. AVJ'1 > ut once to H. J. , llt.ihui , la. 771 1 tj \\fANT15n-Miin nnd vl lfo on much , KSj. 11 f miles out of tlty. Intu \ \ A 'I I'D Almj who ha-i had one joar'H T T uxpei leiu e in tlip prlutfiifc' tniilnr s. Address News , Huilbner , Nub. 7i > 7 111 If.ANTKD A good broad baker. ISI'i ; Mnij'wa'ie. 71X1 Ut w ANTKI-Cook , VM N. Kth. 4 V WANTED Agents to lake charpo of oflicps In Nebraska , Kansas , lywu and DtUotu. Bulary ur commission. State Ihnploj inent I'ar- lors , ItlT Pnimim st 7M U * WANTI3D A competent butcher desires sit uation at .shop tender. Adillcss T.ll. flie onice. 711 ! | i * _ . \\MVI I.II-&HOIIK re-liable bay at li7u mull t KHinxformoiulu woilj. Applj'bet.'iund Jl ocloilc u , m. 7)i ) IJ * \\rANTrH-Uhife fhsl-dnss waist llttelT at He ) mull kV Delches' , iJls and 15J ) Purn nn 753-T.i _ _ \\rANTP ! ) A ccMiipetetit n ( couuliuit.wliocnn. furnish best ot leleirncts , torltn tip a . fcct of sniRln entrj books lor a concern In the lountty Will rerjulri ) ubout u weck' tlnip. lit- QHlio Ht Puxton liotel olllce , between nntiilO IL in. , fcatiird.iy , .Inly 1 1 , iff. _ 7W ) 1,1 WAN'LITD-J white Iwrbiis ; steadv job. P. M. Arnott , cor. 2ith ! ftnd N fcts. , fco. i ) muha , 717 Ut _ ACiKN'lS ( o canvasH for campilpn books ! Harrison \ . ' 1011011 , Cle\elnnd \ 'J hui'inaii. .Apply P. It. llaifls , room 41J , Plrst Nat Hank , Tia.l i * . _ _ w < tX7'4NT3l ! ) On or about August 1st a thw- . ' , " ouphly competent limn und wife , to take rnll rltnrpoof a Inice farm Imuso fn central Ne- biaskn ; must bn able to furnish best-of rcfor- eivics us to ability , clmiacrer , etc. : u couple without children will tin piefcred. Addioss for nox 1 , Muillson. Nu , or apply in person nt the 1'nxtnn hotel bvtween 2 ana ii p.m. Batiniliir.Mnly Htli. Lrtl II _ "V\7A\ain-Slk. : tiu\ellnpiuid local saln nion. ' Siihuyunll expenses ; no experlbiico uoco - .tary. Aildioss with stajup , Palmer A ; Co. , DCS Mmncs , ln. ; ) 'll lb * TPITANTHD Hd pavlhK btomj diessocs nt NoithwiBtcin Labor Agency , ijhlp dally. John MiuntiQit .v ( 'Q. ! "B S. loth bt. au- T\f AN'I KU-Sli-n 'foi the went. Albright s T T laboi ngency. UJii I'uin.iiii st. 611 TJOlAm. . Dial. Tol. Co. JJM Donplaj. WANfTliT FEMAUkHELP" f6i light liouse wo ik. fuO N lEth at. 7t'5-l' ) _ \ \ T AN'I 131) An experienced gill torn family > of 2goodwaffef. Hi 1H. iltlt St. ' 770 14j 1\ 7ANTED-Ohl. Inaulra at 1U8 s. llth T > Mtvot. 770-15 * "VjlOliLY fmnl hcl rooms with board ; good lis locntlou ; modem conveniences. Wl'i ' Dodge ' 7 IU' "VV7ANTifi-ilrl : for general housework In TT hinnll family , pooil rook , lefercnces v - tmlred. Mis. ,1. 1\ Coots , 1.-JJ bonth luth st. between - twoen Pleieo and \Mlllams. 7hi 11 = lrl at Uil South 19th st. _ M7ANTii-JIl : ( ; for Council llliiirs lu tamllv o 2 , * ] > ; one for city In family of II , VM : U illnlug : oem kliU for liiund out of city , ou girls kttoik. iilacmfrce. International. , nus - VVAMKD-A dlnlngroom girl , lOU Ujirnoy. TT 'io ! > * _ _ _ _ WAN 1'KD-rApoilcncfd ( { 111 to mnik nnd buudlP clothes , a good washers , nt Troy Btenmltuindi.t , ItlMCass. 7111 Hr "lA'AN'J ii-he : > rona clrl , at onoo. ilrw. .Imueti > llayiKa , C21 N.Wll ht. 7W 1.1 * t VV-VNir.D " peed ens ) for snme family , $ .1. | T > ; a for bemrdln liouse. tl : 10 dlulnc- room gills. tX ) , faru paid ; 1 bundle was.ber , J rnambt'iinuUUKills for Sioux tlly. Abhlaiid , I'lnttsmouth , Albion ; ul-o woman to take \\\th- Imthonip ; cook feir boardliip : house , til ; pn'try BooV , ( in ; ( so uliis tortjoi.c'i.ilhoujewoilc. SIM. llreipi , ilU't. S. 151)1 ) Bt. 7411-1'JJ \\TANTh.D-CooV foj small family. C.ill at TT aillfaUfoillUiit. 71J-lJf \\r AN'I KD All experienced wal < t llutsher , TT Hiltf Dou liis , up stairs. tiTu li \\7ANTni ) At onci' , a ser uut KI ! for family T > of three , work unsj. Jiis.v. . a , ciur , fc'd and rapltol neimio. . caB 13 * TA'AM KU-Olil to do gonetal housework. 1 > luiuno-SlOS. 'dst i i-lK lArANTi : ! ) A good Rirl lor cjenoral hoiTn Twcuk. . K. W. Younp. 13 : N. JM. t.Ut 13' WANTI2D A Kill for Muieial lioii ewoik , uw cor. IMIi and l.e\enworth us , ; i7i \\rANTiD-tlrl : ! fortfeneial housoworV. 213J , V fumtny&t. ( WTlilf \\rANTKD-01il to do dlnllid rntnn"ami Uiambei work. Dorun House , isifi. istu , teavbt. Muiy'aA\o. 71b \\TAX1 111) Olrl for general house work , 'iio ; TT Callfcnilnat. 6UO : . ICfrTKTliit ] 40 \\rANTKD A wot- mime tor n ehlldTrfaw T' months old. AtlilrtM h fe. lleo. HJJ \\rAM'jU : Ulntngiouiu"ilrl at Occldemai _ _ _ hotel. Hi V\ 7 ANTl3D-Udy agonl * . "A" Hklrt and iis" T ' tla coiubiuptl uud U , Lose cuppartoni. Botli now. Htcprotlta. towns fori.prlua tudo. I ulIsV Supply Co. . 7 > V. WushlfKto1i ? t. ' 1AN'll3l-2Jglrls gtnrial work , fl till.Ins . . . . . . . . 4 dUlnui licr . ncvxik * for bo t U. 2 paitry c'itlJi'.iiiiiliix room tirU for Uu y SM. lots of places for fliU. OnuUia Kmp , u. OTJ EMPLUVMUNT CA emplojment oniteNd. 317 North - . ' irth t. Male nnd female help rupplle-d. l > rlvate families * specialty. 27U 10 * MISCELLANEOUS " \ \ rANTKII'lircWcr for fin * Inrijo houne > nowbclnft built in Clifton Mill. Street i ars Rtid Ilelt llatlwny xtatlonnt hniid. Unix M.OJO , nnd monthly pn > incuts nt that. Will nell tiouso nnd three lots it ( HMtecl. A. 1' . Tukey , lltli and Doiiglm. 403 A V ANT1ID To buy or trade tor a oed build- > ? Injs that can bo mated , rheiso call on ornddres Ueortje J.yteru doru" , roomO , oppfj- elto I'.u. Kl ) \\TANTF.D-TIIU pnwii * to make ROOU n e of i > 'Iho lle ' 8 message boxes thioughotit tha city. lew T\rANTiii ; If jou have any landT , lot * , or T > hounes and lots to eeor \ exchniiKP for other proiK-tty , cull on m or write. lean find yon a customer. C. 0. bpotsnood , SOJ'i ' y. lotn. BOARDING. | \rANTKl-TBblo boarder * , 1011 Dodge. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTI5D Hoom nnd Ixvml cheap for two In Biunll family. y.'lS Hint , _ 70M4 WANTI'.O To rent 7 or BroomhoiKo : mod ern coin enloucc. lleply stating r < nt. TU , llee oHIce. tui ) 11 _ WANTED CottaRe of fi or n rooms within \V mlltfH of postonice. Address , K lns location njid rent expected. Address 8 W , llco , Uli ) fOK RENT-HOUSES. IIIOH HlJN'lNoW 7-room cottnKp ; cor. Tarn- J- ham nnd IWtli sts , jj ( per month. Charles Turner , Mi,1 llownid Ht. 773 lilt i Oll HUNT Twofl-ioom cottages in K UU v- - p ill ; nice neighborhood ; tin u mouth In quire I''tli Ht , near Ylutoii , Mis. Corrlgnn. TT\OH ItKNT fl room holme , second door JC houth of Cum Ing on Uth a\e , MO. 7K ) 11 * 4 rooms nnd Mm. 1418 Ttbiue ; eiKiulrw betOtli nnd 10th on l.ea\- enworth.nt Andrew Frlck'fl , Till It ? FOIL HUNT Two now Ji-coom houses In Du- pout place , nenr llnnscom park , $11 prr mouth. 'Jwo room flats on N 17th st. , til per month. 7-room house , No. 1117 Howard st.S-Toper mouth. ; i-room hcnise. 17th nnd Dorcas , Jit ) per month. 4-ruom house In Omnlm View , * IO per month. 'cioom house , f < tli and btrd , tlf per month. ( "otliiKi1 , .llth and Leaveuwotth. * 1 per month. le-o. ! .1. 1'uV , loom 1 , block. MAI Douglas. 757 11 FOH HUNT A .l-story brick ImlldliiK , 1RI7 Howard nt. . store > , bascmmit and Hats. In- ( julro nt l.eo .v Nichols' UMTV barn , "Mb nnd f uw orth hts. 1'eli-phoiie P40. .M _ tJVH ItKNT " ) room houseIjount7'j plnce. f I' J ? per month. JJ. > r Itaton , SWN liJthst , ov.\ . J. Katon , A\lth Hoird . Oil1117 Douglas. ViO HUNT 2-iooin house , ti u mouth. 'MX DOLUIS st. 7JI - ' * " OR HiXT : 'J7-room flats. liSJ7 Ilowiird ht , UuchTan Bros.,4ii llnrkcr block. 4SjlM FOIt ItKNT House No. 010 N Kth ht. Kniiilro | bet. 13 nnd 1 p. ni , ? _ ' 7.f 0 pai mo. B77 1 1 * ifrAT A 7-room ) touse , cor. aith nnd Daxenpoit. All modern ioii\enlence. In- qnlrtMit Jos. Hoteiistetu's , 217 S 1-th st 010 Fre1 ! KRNT Plat , with 01 without barn , vny re i onable. NW. cor. lOthund Hlckoiy. f > 411J TfKH K13NT Houe 7 ix > oni3. largo Mird , un JL ? t"th and llnrney. Small house ? 7 Wl I''th Hhd tone's. House nml li.un JKil nnd Howard Ht * 10. Llnnlian i Muhoney , Itoom toPaxtou ) block. HO FOH U13NT Sn\o cnr fiunny mooting ; In tlie "Her Huts , " tilted with all the most modem conteuleju'es. 7 light looms liuliidlng bath , pantries , closets , steam heat , pas and water , ' also two nice htores" and baspment "Itefer- CIICM it-quliod.1 Apply to Kiiymer .V Ufi , haidwnie , f'l south Itth st. nil > 7 1TWH HUNT a fi'ioom mttnpes , < piitr-\lly lo- 4 catid , rent ) { .iumonth. Jlentl ln\c.stnient Co. , ail S , 1'itli st. 40J "iriOU itr.NT 1 n-room house , SSth uo and JL.1 Webster. Iiuiulie Hoom b > i , Puxton block I" . .1. Creedon. 2.17 T71OK HF.ST A splendid C room cottipo und Jl1 Hrpo bam on North loth ht. It , C. P.ittei- son , aid south 15th st ,1H Foil HUNT Modern single house of ! roonls , bath room , hot and told water , onhtirct car line and paved street , readv lor occfipanf y Aug. I , ( l i per month. Apply ut once C.I. IlniTlsun , 41s S. loth st. x'l'J ' PtK 1UINT 7-room house. No. IMS S Ith , St. ; ti-room cottar , No. lilU U in. st. ; 5-rooui cot tage , No. 27J5 CliarleA st. Inyulto 14WCapuve. TJlOK KEN'T-or Sale New cottupe , Hertford JD 1'liice , on easy pnynrents. Knqnlra SI. L , Koedei , loom la Pnxtonblocic. 9" > 7 FOK UP.NT2new liorises , all modern 1m- proM-mcnts , desirable lo < iitlon. J3Al.e v- i-HWortli , loom 1,1117 rnrnam st. 81J FOIL HKJfT A Hue 10 room bi ick house w 1th all niodoin Improvements , tln location on sti cet ear line. It. M. Genius , MtW Douglas st. "IJ'OK SAM3 Two r.e ' , Sjoom JD chaid Hill nnd Popvloton Puik. Will sell cheap for cash , or will taVfe good or second mortgage paper. Any ien onnble terniitb holi est parties. 0. C , Spotswoodju5 Si. Ifith. 441 I10K HUNT M room honso 17th St. . frx ) : J- Teem house lpi. % 8-room house JSi , 7-room hotisafil ; ti-room house Howard st hnd other houses (1. K. 3nomp.son. bhedlpy block. J J F UKNT A desirable nine-room homo ull J modern Impnn-ements , imlf block fiom cable line on west Dodge st. All Improvements , cheap to good tenant. 1' . J. llothwiik , ' . > -JIH 14th. ) FOU KENT I'urnl'lvd hotisv , good location , foi p irtli uliirs cull at the ollico of 'Jhos. DremiMi & Co. , loom 'J. Chambiu of Commerce. 12-i IIIAV13 a four-room hou o on Kith street , tivo blocks bouth ot Vinton , th it I will rent to a good tenant for fl' per 'month , e\erjthing lu good repair. GeorgeJ. . fetcrnsdortr , Uoom , opposite P. O. ail riM'.N loom house with j aid , 1 arnim and JL2tth st. , steam heat and all modern 1m- pioveincnU. foj per month. Cull 2U7 S. 24th st. FOU UI3NT A neiit iJO cottage. Applv nt once , a 1' . Harrison. 418 S 13th st. Ul FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. A NICP.LY fmnlshcd loom with flrnt-class board , for u oulet lady. Atldiess T 'IT , Hoc. ' ' 3A'lJiY furnished looms nnd Ijoard. 813 IS Ho 710-1 If FOIt KKN1' PurnlshPilorunfurnlshed rooms , or will sell fmnltuio cheap ; also a top buggy. 41j H. 'Jtn st. | T5.115 * FOK IU3NT rmnlsliprt front room. ilrTt lloor , large and shady > ard , f03 N. yiril st. -u 1 H C 11011X13 fiout loom with or without board in pleasant home , cool , t'Jo S. 2311 nvo. uo 11 * | WO furnished rooms , 1002 I'tunam st. X u70 21t FUKNISIIKD rooms fioiuilUto $2jpermonth. l ) l Furuxm ut. 7JS-u * "fj OK 1H3NT Nliely fumlshed front room , X' suitable for 2 gentlemen , or gentleman ami w Ifo. Apply ItCI l\nnam st. 51 11 T7VU KP..NT S furnished looms for light JU1 housekeeping , with bath nnd convenience ! ! , Ill ; aUo sleeping rooms , $ ! ? , ut bU7 N. 17tli. " ' TGIKONTroom for gentlemen , SKI N. 171117" - TIM 15 * _ "VTlOKIiY fumlshed room away - lund dust , sex onil dogrucscoou rthuniooma nunr biifluo > s Btieets. Nlco loc.itlon. close to slice' car , small family , cheap rent , 26CO &nw aid , 710-14.1 _ _ _ 1OK UKNT- Furnished rooms. IUS. 20th st. ur-'aia ; - - _ "I7IOU UliNl' At reasonable rates , nicely fur- J1 nlshed fiont room with bonid in pihate family for man and wife : distance IH miles from P.O. limiuhe nt .Moituiueu &Clnlstou- soi.'s oillco , lilt Parnnmbt. t > & ; 11 * rpwo furnUhetl trout 1001111 wltli prl\Ilcge J JLbathroMn. BW.S. isthut. 6"0-U : OlN'tiLU ) oom7ccntlcman , 2KiJSt. ( Mary7 * n\e ! TTTOrV UB T-1-uruUhccl rooniB , 1S18 rtntize. * ? 054 a U ; _ Ijiolt ItP.M Uoom and board , IW1 Parnaui , < rs u imO i _ _ m\\O iiloelv-fnnilnhedlaat front rooms , with -L balcony. In private family , with or without board , CI4 South Georgia uvo. Very reasonable , S04 Ut _ _ FOU UI3N13 furnUbed looms , with or with. out tonril , private family. Wll Douelas et. & 4514J _ PL'KNISHKU rooms nnd bpaid , Ul,1 Chicago. 2i4-R _ IIHNT Kurulnliert rooms lu Ureualx blk rur. Uth jnd IhxiL-e MU. luuutio of Uto. 1C. us Uooms for rent. 1701 Capitol -i ? iirenue Mil-li ; rpWO nicely furnished nv > jn complete for 1. houKAeeplng. w 1th tcllar nutl pnntrr , rent 112. S-tU Ihcattirgt. . VIQ lf > HKNT-Large furnished "irOH HrtNT' funilshcd looms suit. J1 nblpfor man and wife or two Indies ; modern - ern comenleiicc. ilu nnil lft. Kl S 1'Jtli. too IV rp\\O Miinlllooms hlrelv funitihcd ; modern Jcomeutences ; near Cable car. 3IU7 Domjlas. lilOIt HKNt-Two ami three suitable dwelliii ? J rooms. liVM Botilh 10th street , between Cen ter and Dorca < * . DT5-13 * T7UW Hi.NT-2 : furnished front rooms , miltn- 4bhfor2or4 ge'ntlumen ; tool : t'ontrnl loca tion , Ituiutro room C , 'M lloor , 1JO ! Douclas. B1JH _ _ _ _ _ _ LA 11(11 ; and fmiall roomKullablc for gentle man , w 1th or w Ithout boniil. l l J Dodee- . Ul T710H Hl'NT 1'lonfiatit largoKround lloor room JL' wltn alcove , closet , larRp > nrd , 11(00 ( chade. cnble and street ears at dour. No. 113 S. 2lth.r.H r.H nu'HNlHIIKD-HooniHWlthboiid , 22MtHurt. . NICin.V furni'.pd rooms with modern oon- \eulenccsnt01tlH.nthat. , OH TirKI.Y furnished rooiirt , with or without I bpnrd. iOl I Douglas nt. 4J11 Jy lit TJOO.MS Includlns board In the Younp Wo- -It moil's homo I'.UO Dodge st. Heferenco * ro- qulrtd. uii ) "VTICKIA furnished rooms , $1 per veek or ? 1V ) x > month. Hri , MM nnil in s. Iftlmt. 4U ( .lylit ITloril KCiitlemen cnu ho accommodated with JL' u nlcosuite of looms nml tlist-tliss boaid ut ilkW St Jlnry's a\p. , liraddy block. Wi fjlOH HKNr rumMtuii loom with board for I.1 twoRvntlrmen. IXttJ St. Mniy's ave. W.7 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. T AllO r. room w 1th closet. W . 2M st FOIt HKNT n siimla tinfurnfslioil room ? -xt S.un'l Motz's llsh market , 411 S. nth st 7AM1 Tilour (4) ( ) rooms. 41B 8. 1'itti ' st f Is W ) JL1 TillPO ( IIloOiiislG7 ) ( N.3Kh st. . , 1125 Tlireb ft room cottap- . Mill Nlcholos Kt lr. 01 'iineo iiiooms. ; ) loin N'orUiaHt st . U r > ) Vour (1) ( ) rooms , 17l Webster ht. IS IK ) l'oiir(4)Tooin ( ) * . U.lboptli 1'iin HI . . . iJT- ( > T o'irooms ( , 7071'aclllcKt . , ' . ( M Two (2) ( ) roams. ISls llottnvd t . 1Q On Oncil ) bam. 7th and I'ncItlCKts . 4 0) ) Tour (4) ( ) rooms , \\olisu-rft .1 ua ) Tour W rooms , 4111 S. I'lth ' st . 21 ( X ) Ajiplv to .ludu'o lientlnt' ABPnry , Herald building , S. W corner of llth nad llurnpx-st. FOR RENT-STORCf5 AND OFFICES. F JOK Jtnvj' Store loom Apply to Owen J 111 b irth ht. 707 11- , ] TJ < OH UI3NT Cooil olllcc at 1414 rnninii f -1 up stairs , it-a n "ITlOUHll.N'T Ifrtlf c > f JOO .S. llith fit. , oppoillo JL' IChumber of Commerce. M. A I'ntnu&.ro. bit FOH KKNT-SmalUtorp on llth between I'nr- num mid Hnruey , larro cafe for s.ile. AttpU Hoom 411 1st Xnt bank I Iflj : . 431 OTFICKft and stores lu Shcely bloct < ) . K. 'J homnson , rooiaU S1'3 TTOK HKNTPUnibiuemciit nn\ war < lions JL'attathed , snltiilile for tin ti itdwme hlinp or pUimlHr : pooi i > likr for slavery fctoie. 314 S. 13th st. Inautre (1. Oiicomiiil. UI7 IpOlt IHNT : Store rooiii , uoithWodt cor. 16th J and Vlnton. _ UJJ S'lOKB for renf. MO N. idth. lumilro ot lii Osthon , nnoullfornlist. 4W rdlt HI3NT-Ue < all Imsin-ss room on 1511 st. ( J. 1' . HmrNon. . .t lii FOR RKNT BBISCSLAHEOUS. . F ofruTi'-t : ? < t-ilTii , capacity ! i InfR , l"iT- HUlreMt Uondstnti'xtnhle , lit S. lithsl Ijet. lUuncy audht. MatT'suve . ? 12-lo ; RENTAL ACc T7A It C40jy 30 Gil. THOMl OiN , Hoom IU H.e-ely block. 1U. "P YOlrw nut your houses u"itvd place tli m L. with Uemwa \ Co , ISthi opnosllo postutllce. lilt COST LOSl' Ap-iekngeot it.vfpti.on'i li fmor of 11 Linden. Anyone limtln _ ' Hie ssine. will boiewaidcdli ) leaving thwu , it ibis ofiice , 1) ) . Iiindcn. ' 7'Mli $ Inloimatlon of the nhereab muof nhni'tll bul. ! ; nml tuiMut , long ours .lamb In one hind leg. C. S Illp lns , 1.2th and Douglas- 7'J JJ' LOST Small bay horse , 7.1nd feat vhitp , rtar in forcheoil , chnfod behind light rur. Kt- ward for icturii to 1C10 Caultol A\e. rtyo woykj. 711 lit IOST-Dark biylinis- . weight 1.1100 pomiiU , -t nhotttnll , C. H.on lelt hip. HcwaritwlUbe pild pn return to Chailcs ( jou on , y.'J Dnmjlas , 7.7 11 * LOST Ilay pacing m ire , blind In left uye , whltn filpo in face. bOlIn > Trout Xujt , weight about riJ ) ibs , li libelil i-uaaid roi In- foimutlouoi let urn to A. Heed , Vlnton anil IVth. C7I 17 ? IOST Large black liorse lirhands high with Jsputs on front feut for toowetglits , llbunl ruwaid will bo paid for his lutntn to 417 so lilh PERSONAL , 1DI3HSONAli Ifyounavua personal item , or niiy commuiilc.atiou , drop it In one ot The Bee's message boxes , 101 13KHSONAT.T-Prl\ homo fov ladles dnrltig JL tonllnpmpiit , strictly tonlldentlnl , infants tidopted. Address 134. ' . lleoolllte. i" > otljlef TO the Indies : Mrs. 31. V. Dolp , Vrtth the orig inal Pailslanmiliod ofdieis cutting nnd designing imd nil of Its wonderful Imiuovo- incnts to facilitate learning , will "bo nt tlie 1 ! ir- ker hotel lutbls city two weeks to wait upon cullers , nnd teach the only Parisian mPtnod taught In Ameilcn. It is ousyto leir.i , and tits nil pupils lor eel paylpg jiofltlous. Mothers , wl\es nntl diughterb , thl" is nn oppoitunlty for you. Agents wanted in all towns in Nebraska Mrs M J. Uelp.PropHptor and Mnniltucturerof Parisian Methods. Pattoins cut to niiMsme. Ml-Jy 18 * IF j oil want to buy , sell , tent or cxcliaiigo call on or adilron ( leorgo J. fctcnrjrlour , loom 6 , opposite P , O sn FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SAl.P.-S-ttor pup ilneo months oldTTi be.iuty .iml a pet. Aildioda box SI , I'liwueo City. Ne b. 701-H * It SAIiUSteam engine , oao horse power lOjils , l.ithnt. 771 lij "I7HU ) 9AM1 ! Ica > r JOUHK tciim hoispa , mnnll JL' r-i } ment dow u. C. M. Hatou , bio N. Ifith st. 711 FOH SAI.1J Second hand 0-horse power J.pgpiwood holstlnix cnslne , , wiill niountoil , ready tor use Teinpleton * Morrow. 21. Xu- bi.isk.i National bank bullilliih' . _ 717-1 it | | OH SALi-Fiioaildlo pony. 1111 Dodge stieut. 715-1J * _ . . wiBSfTiiiHl ioT 7IOK SAl.K-I.ight sldo-bar C noss. pike Wl. 11117 N. 10th st. 700 IT * FOIt SAIiK-ltnitot ilrltlin ; in Omaha , cheap for cash , liiqiiliu lll Ciiinlng htn-e-t. iil711t _ | _ AdOOt ) bukoryultli o\en and llxtuios for sale cheap ; miiit bo sold. Address T. 11 , llco ollico. t.j ) ] u FOH S.VI.K A family c.uilaua nd team , at Leo A. Nlcliol'3 11ery barn. Tclsplume t > 40. UW _ OU rlAI.H Uuiilc , natures and coed will in wusti'in to > , 'n on 11. i , M , H. It. , no opposition , rm a opportunity ; good reasoiu for holllntf. KraiiB Alo3tJr , room " 1. Chumbjr of Commerce. 517 lii tOlt SAI.r A good pluoton. newly painted' In oed repair. Inr.uiiu ut 1WJ Karnam. u 14 _ "I710II ? AM : I.arso tine carriage ho e , youns -L1 und Kc-utle. W. I , , aolby , ISil I'arnam st. IM _ _ TT10H 8 M.K Cheap , family horsp Hnd bncKrl Jteintb to suit. Apply after 0 p.m. , tilt Charl.Mtt. _ _ T OUSAI.K One typu writer nnd cyclostye. J1 Inqnlro IJJ7 Donelns af. tMli SUMi : ) t mart , notoa for site , one and two years in small sums. Address O 8 , Itee ofllc. ; aua HOHSK , biiKcy and harness for sale cheap. Henry \\oocl.goth nnd O--ant at. aar ay THUll SAIiE A fine family mare I yearn old , - ' pel feK Iy Brtfej also nn alni ( t n w Kuxder bnupy und Inruc-'s. Inqulru U U. llurnett , cor. IJtli anil 1'aruHiu , at Uelman's. CS ) . JEUSKY Cow Cheap Krcsli JoMeycow thor. onjhbrod reeutored , haudbomu und very eautle , fornle ebeap. ncconnt wuut of uss. , C. S. t-tebblua , VMi H 7Ul MY * . , OttUlta. US li S A I.KTwo nii 'hlrd dogs , chpnp. Call Koonr.lP : DecnttirS * 041 Ifit 17WU SAMi-Chnap , > od horse anil bntehor's J2 cart , S K ajtll aiut flPTco. t l IT- _ 1J10K "SA U-Knrnlturo : and i od will. JT JCharles ! hotel , Miifoln , Ne-j. ) One block from depots and postnmg. ' . Ixmij lease on jiat- Nfurtoty terms. AdcftAs Oi .M. , St. Chnrlc-i hotel. ' SU1 171011 -l'Utiliifr hill machinery. Call at J3 14iMila\pi ) > | > ortBt. yn h.i. UIO SAMI A few cliolce milch cows. C. 1' . llarrlson. 41ti& IStrfst. 1U.1JIJ--M I71OH .SAl.n I'lno slnfcle hor-e harness and L1 bugify. Charles. A , Uo 3 , 418 8. 11th st. " | " ) AHN" to be movedWmvo n bam that Will J > acvommodato four horses and U In peed repair that I w 111 trndo ox sell very thotp Ap ply to (1. H.irth , proprietor Saiindfrs street uinrVet. between Caldnull and Hamilton 211 MISCELLANEOUS. OIIATIT.I.nnd collnteral loans , M K. 1H 111 S. llth st , Hoom . 751 J' .M.OAVNOHK'S social daii03s overyThurs da\ and bnttirduy e\eulngs , 1315 llodci-st ; prl\ate'lcs < ons f-Uoii. VlB-11 * m K blir.l/lON , 25th nud Uodtfo htreets X llrst- < lass family hotel. Hoard and rooms single or eh Niilto nt reasonable rates. Hcfi'r ciie-es re < iulrod. Mrs. M. \ \ blanker. 1 n'J TIHKUinjotuunhtasiiuartby Geo. Jf. Geilon- bect.M ) Hanieynt. Iti _ "l\7 .1. WKl.bHANS. Xo.ailS. Mth opposltw T chninbt'i of commerco. IliilklliiK material of ull kinds , best Venetian blind e\ei made , nrt tildxs , pi e-.sod brlrk , building tone > , llro brick , terra pott i , dumb waltois , lawn furnluin * , iron , fences , etc1 , etc. If In want of any article not to be toumUeUtcnheiu lu the city , see me. Ssi _ _ 11' you nnve niiytnlng to tr.ido cih on or nd- ( Iri'ssJiiorBO , ) , faternsdorlf , Uoom U , oppo site postolllro 107 G.T , S STKHNSOOHFr. loom PS oppo-dtopost- ofliccwtll trade > ou a good farm or city property fora hoiye. bugg ) itnel Impiusg. la rpHK best window screen In the luarRet Call 1nt ? . K. cot.Dtu and Douglns ami I will pio\o It lo } on. Tied \V. Orn > . 7iiO JyJJ I.KAN1NO nnd Dvem All kinds of llrt - clKssolrtinltia .mil ihulmrilnne at the Oman i Steam lj u \ \ 6ikslVtt Howard St. TeU.'phoni > 'it7. fan Jyl I J HUSKY bull for sot vice , cor Jlth and Jackson ftioot yiifi. ; HO.Mi : for Destitute Women mid Children. 2713 Huit st. 'Jiq W 'OMAN'S Kxchnnuo , IfilT 1'nrnam st. I.unch dnllj , supper NUurday nights. IHJ WANTIID A good horse , liugirv and harness In cxi hniwo for touthOmaha lots. Oeorgo J.Stcinsdoifr. roojui ) , opppostolllc.1. 2H TYPEWRITING" rAf.KNTMVS ! Shortllraiil Institute is tno A Inrgutt nnd only excluslxp , practical stunt- hiluCl nnd powrjtlntr srhool In tlio Vpst. ruder the Rihnn tnioutot U. C. Vnlentlnu , nlilUiil coiut rtporti-r ot ilio'Julid judicial district of So- bia lc i , mid I'rof. II. I ) . Iliiyii1u rcrbfttlm re- portal ot Invj/o expirlence und lepiitatiou , as- sNlcd uy othpl i'\porieuoe < l teacheis. Our list of ftr.idnstes lo Hie Iiinjest of a 1y school in the \tc.At : ullnreocoupyini ? Hr'-t'Ctnss jiositinlis .mil ( .IrtiiKcatlro hnth-f.u ttoti. If you intend loam- lug Mioithand lind 1\T > e\Mitlnt , ' utlend u Hist- rluss MhOotaud be sure of u poofl MtiMtlon. htildeuts c.iu enter At any Hum ; no summer % .i- ( Mtlon. JMUnnn'h , Munnon's un < l ( irxham's svs- ttms tinittnt IustriictU u clven on Unmmond X Ki'iiilnutuu Tjiieurlti'iK botli tui sKmp price. TartlcUlrtr utttntlon paid ty spelling , jMinDuii- TionlijisinL'ss and lesal forms , pto. 1'or full uar- tleulnrs seiiil toi ilrcnl.iri 01 call nt's Hlicrtliiind Institute , 'New' I'aMou buiWlns , OliWh x. Neb. I 1Kb Jj 31 STORAGE. Olir.M' MOJ.U5lT\Ve ! have t our wire- liousu good 'tornso loom for household fimiltiiUMii olliei pcisAftal propurt ) ; nl-o an.- irliMootn lei "lien haniTl'd storajju 1 ! itcs it-ns uJiaWe. Gii-nt Westitti Tjpo rouiulij , lilt 11omiul MJe\t. , S'.Hi lii \T.HY Oicnp btoingt * lli.iu now btilldlup ; i\cs > torlm. > lu > ntm Mfg Co. , ills Howard. tACKAOi : . stoingij. ( owest latc-i. W. M llu < > , 1 llll.cixvoimoith. 11,7 ' JBMY- . \V - \ " ' HD for CM h , n cottage w 'th modern lmproMmoiitn , \.u-MUt lot of 10 to .1(1 ( fc-i't betWcciiajih and iith nnd Chii ago ami St. Muri's. aeAdilre' > < 1' . 0. HotfUII. 771-IV "l\ TAMT3UUltlriiB ! draw PIS In case ? , must ' > betlioip. ( Jeo. C. Ciupln , ilnstlnas. In. 7M. Ut _ _ \ \ ANTEl > l'"wr peed mortgages. A. P. TT Tukejliith and Douglas. 4t4. - ' ' good ) for cash. PuiKiison I'uinlturo Co- 71' , 717 nml Tl'l'/a N. st. It.-J-Jvl'l ' WrANTJID ( lood nousa uud lot in dcsliable T' putot the city ; Will plvo flist class 1 > ar- paln to an ) one If suited. Oeo. o. Sterns lortf , Hoomfl , ttenier blK. $ i4 11' you n ivo It'ipiovC'l business or reslilenco. piopeity th it jou wish to M.11. cull nml sea me. deorgo J. Steiusdoill , room U , opponllo podtcriice. -i ) "I\7HiTiljny furnttnroof a noifso or Hat csc- f T tially locMud. Co-op. L. & L. Co tt N. luth _ _ _ S I1VKKA I. stole buildings or houses that < , au ! < o moved. Will iiay good prii e | f wiiUed. ( leorgo J. stuiusdoill , room U , opposlto poil- olllce. IL't Ct-AIRVOYAWT. MKS. KCCJU.IN , tlin greatest Hxltlgclairvoy ant , lulls the iia t , piesent , ami tudire ; batlsfactlon etmiuntoe'l ; No SS N. H1 , loom 1. IUS | 4' TVK. N A NNIi : V. Wan en , clalrvovanl. Med- J-J ical , tusln ss nnd test medium. Dlnsrnoals free. PuraRla diseases a specialty. ll N. 16tb Bt. It'JOMH J & ) Tul.'JH. 1VI WONEY TO LOAM. MONnYTo Loan Hy the undtTHlgned , Tins the enl > property oianl/c < l loan agency lu Om ilia Loans ot $10 to tlUliHudu ou fuiui- tme , phinns , orff ms.horses , w awnsmac lilticry , otc .without re-noval. Nodolajs. Allbuslntss strictl > eonlldfiitlal. Loans so made that any pin I can bu paid at any time , each p.imc ut 10- imolng the co t pie intx , AtlMinces niuda ou line watches and diamonds. I'oisous hhnuld caiofully consider w ho they mo donllmt w ith ns imiiiy HUW concerns nro dally cominit Into cxi-- tenctt. Should joii need IUOUHJ c ill nml i-oo mu W. It. Ci-oft , Hoom 4 , U Ithnellbutldinr.l'th and llnnioy. i ; < ) MO1T.Y to Imn ; largo nnd small hums nt low intcs , for t-hort timeou ival estate or eh.ittel security ; second uoti'sbought ; all lln. n- clal business wtilctlv i oullili'iitlal. IVoplo II- niimiiil i\chnuge' : , u. House.en manager ; loom Mi's llaikef bio k , Htli uud r.irmim. 77J $1IMW to loan oh eltv property , lowiates. H. C. Itoj fiton , ni 1S llth at opp 1'nxton house. 71b u ! . : MONKY to loan on diamonds , watches and jewuhy ; all huxlne-n xtilctly contld utlal ; can ttcc-ommotliite you with Ions or hort IO.IIIH ; It will pay you to M-B me1 , bum's Diamond A. Watch Ioin Co , 2I ! > S luth ht. llojil'u opera hoiine block. 77' till MONKY to loan Urni ; time. Ooor o J. Paul , imri 1'arnam Bt. > .l-O LOAKS made on real estate nnd mortgages bought. I ewis S. Heed A. Co , J"B1 Karnaln. OMAHA Chattel J.oan Co , has money to loan on chattel and collateral security' . Hoom J , Onmhu Nnfl Hank > 171 IOANS made on city property low rato.s. C. Jr. Motion , 1117 I'uiriani. Hooms U anil M. ! C17 a 2 MONKY to loan on rual estate ; mortgaged bought ami sold. Wallace , Ciclghton block. . in MONKY ( ioort comnlcrclal paper und Miort time mortgage * bought , lle'til eatato lenin negotiated , b A. Mouun , ISth and 1 urn im. 4UI MONKYtolomon Improved real estate ; no commlHAlon charjHt. . Leavitt lluinham , room 1 , Crelgliton T- - - ' _ OANS miulo to parties desiring to build. D. ' , bholea , room 1 , Haiker block. iw ; QKI3 Harris UK A : Ij Co. for loans , room 411 Out Nat Hank. ga ) MONI3V to loan. U. E. Thompson , Sheelyblk.- bJJ _ _ _ _ _ _ MON 3V to loan onnoraos. furniture und other personnl property or collateral. Kates mod erate ; business confidential. OniceH.W.ror- ncr 11th und Douglas sts. Entrance on 15th st. The Falrkank ln\estinentCo. 175 _ Hit. lUP.Y-tVH.OOJ to loan on city property taud improved farm land. Prenzcr block. 174 _ _ TITUNKY toloau on fnrulture wagons , etc. , J.U.W ithout removal or on collateral ecurlty. llnslneits strictly conndentlal. A. K. ( Iroonwood & Co. , It I , Uuunlnghum block , cor 13 & Jackson. _ _ _ _ 1SI $50UGOto loannt Opera-nt. Una dan i Ma- honer. llooiu MM , I'qyton block. _ 1S3 "T\ONT borrow inonvy on furniture , borsM , . 'J wagon * . tc , , until yon have o < m O. II. Jacobs , teem 41' ) . J Inn .W.louul baui bulldlu cor. mu and 1'arutta m GPEK CENT money to loan , Patterson A. IUr- nard.llgsisthgt _ IN ) money cheap , onicc Philailelphln Mortgage nnd 5"i list Co , room U. Hoard ol Trade , U oW. . P. Coates , Ueptescntative. t T. OAN9 on real estate , W. L. Selby , JU1 far- JUnam. tig _ _ SOrt , X ) < l per cont. Money to lain on Impro- $ \ ed fnnns or city property , .lames A. \ \ ood- man. at the old tire insurance oillce of Murpny A Lovett. aai 5. i ith st. m _ _ T\IONBY to loan on furniture , horses , wncnn , J-'J etc. , or on any appro * ed security. J , \ \ . Kob- bins. U , 2y > l ghcely blk. 15th and I low aril. 671 ONP.Y loaned at 0 P. Kecd A. Co.'n Loin olllte , on furniture , pianos horses , wagons , porsonnl pioperty of nil kinds , nnd nit other article * ofaluo without removal , DPS. I3IU. All busluess "trlctly cemlldeiitl \ \ , 170 rpni : Omnhii Plninclnl kxcliniigor"uoonrrC : J. llarker block , southwest corner of 1'ur- n mn nnd 11th sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money alw a } son hand in sums of 3100 and Up wards to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Peeuied notes bought. sold , or exchanged. Cle ir real estate nnd cash to exchange for peed llrxt or second mottgnges Loans made upon land contracts , Mocks , bonds , trust deads , llrst or second mortgage so- cnrltv. without publicity , delay or red tape llnaminl buslns of any kind transacted Crouiptl ) . quietly nnd fairly , Uoom 11 , llarker lock , Coibett , Manager. _ 171' T OANBmadeon lmpro\ed und uniniprsiteil JJclty property ut lowest rntes of interest , specliu rates on largo loun-t on Inside property Odellllros.A Co . JU S. 10th st , IM MON13V to loan. O. P. D-o is Co , _ and loan agents , 1M J Painanist. 1'U MON'HV to loan in any amount , cither for bulldlugor otlieiw'lse , nt lowest rates of In- terust and on shoit notice. D. Y Sholes , room 1 , Harker block. IHJJ _ _ HP. . COLF3 loans monKy on Improt ail city or larm piopirty. Itoom C , Continental block. LOANS made In nil the prlnclpil additions to Omaha at loucst rates. IX V. bholcs , room I , Darker block IMi _ LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand , W. M. Harris. o\ur JJ ) S 11th st. 1S7 _ _ $ WXlOJto ( loan on Oimha tlty proper ! v atO | ieront. ( O. W. Day , so cor I'.x. liUl ! BUlLDINCi loans. Mnatian V Mahoniy1SJ ( A BST HACTS OF TITLE. _ MIDLAND Uuarantpe nnd Trust Co. . 1TO1 Farniim "treet Complete abstracts fur- DiBhed , and titles to real estate examined , p r- feetM and guaranteed. 6 < 1 ENSONXCAKMiniAKL- complrtta and guaranteed abitrnctx of tltla to anr reeloitate in Omaha and DaiigUs county upon short notlro. The most comnlpte s tof austitujt books in the city No. Ill ) rarnimst. 53J BUSINESS CHANGER. SAJ.v 1 litv fiult ami confectionary "io. I'Mf. ' nth st. 77111J AVlll'vr cla s established liiMUamc1 niji'ncy for Sale and satlsfactorj ro isous glM-n tor bell ng. AtliUess ut oncu T ! 17 , lli e olllre- FOIt XVIK-A tenernl tor lu a good IK town , about secntllio miles J < . W. of Omntui , hto k amounts to nbout J..riUO. 'I his ! > . u tluo pi Kit foi n live business man to maku money tHorols the best locution in town end hiis bi > iua geneial store lor Ji low ; tlmp. I'n- uitownei does nut know nuytnlng about the bushiest. Hulldlui'uiinlHo bu UougUt 01 lemcd At low UtUH's. Aditiesj lor three daysT 8.1 , lleo olll ( p. 788 lf > * FOH SAl.j : rurnltnre and uudeitaking busl- no-sjuuthil\lug town , UIH countyscsat and th- only iKisim * B of thu kind In the count\ ; stock about $ \UJU. Address .1. I1 , Ilex L'iK. ! ? t.iliton. Nell. 741 Ht Tr > Tsi X53h ClIANCK-A ell established busT- JJncsb fin s.ule ; teed reason gKcii foi si-lllng. Addii-sbTSl , I'c'i- . 74 ! 11 FOH SAl.l' A clein. njw stoikof h iidwaio und sto\es. with Tin sntm fliul cstabllslu'd liiHliusis , on tin- best lutail htrcot intUoiity IiuolcuiilKiut S-.70D ; jl.-Wcilsli ; balnnco ono isy terms. Tills nUf-t i liss opi uhig and will be.u InspeiUon. Addluss I1. ( \ N. , Heal Kst iti UM S lothst. pi lit SAIiK Cheap. Ijiinclt coiuittr in a si- loon cluing gooil biiKlnes-j. ul'ifs' ' . 1'jth ' xt. OH SAIiK-iar 'liadc' In u ll\o , glow In town , stock of luiidwnio amlntoxts ; will tuKu Oiluiha nroncrt ) lu part puymeiit ; nlnio chance foi a A\if ina-n best of loisons foi hell- ing ; cnsh rtcelpta for MHJ and June. 7 00. Ad- drcssC. N.A. , curoOiluul I'liclllc.ColumbiiK.Neb. 7111 IB * ' \JI7ANTUI ) A P4itner w it'll * ' tl to tiwc-1 > -xvjtliu llrst-e IIIK , show to go toOld Mcxlto. My biiHlUt'Hi ' Is a nmglilun ami slight of hatid perlpimer. Our expLtties niu llgnt A uood thaneotothu light man to make inline ) . 5 his chaneo will bi5 open until August ltt We v 111 HO fiori hcietnO'ilc'igo torioe about things that ar nasdotl. lama lirat-elahs oirformer and oulyplaj In Hist class theatorj. " Addretis T.21 , llee oilnre. liiH 14 * Ti'OH SALT3 A good meat market , lmslne-.s JL' ctntiallj locateii\ith ( n Koocl tiadi-.T' l.lleo. tiiXi 3 H * FOH bALK-numcs , lelse nnd goodwill ot a bush ojs on N Ibth Ht ; rcurton , ill health , Iminiio of Oi tl \ Cbi , 117 N. luth. ( M'-ll 1Jlti'NKU with H thousand dolUus ln\cst- JU mcnl furn iiuivniitoiprlsB for the mad , pur- chasb moiipy made Jlr t Meek ; n sure thing. Addle-si 'i : > llee otllcu 01 call at olllce , li ! R 1 ! th OH S.VLK-OHTHADK-Abanking business , in a prouilneht locution , with tKtuiiM , books , time-lock chest , lease and good will. Ad- elites i ) b , o , Heeotlice. i > U 1U" FOH t AljK A rpgtuurnnt nnd lunch connfr doing good bilsmesj. Como quick If jou want it clu-ap. 1 want to lea\u Omaha. T 14 , Ueeotllce. HU14I1 FOH iHALK'-A good grocery. pttnlilisiiPil four years , good location , doing a good business. Good iiMfonslorse'lIln , ' . it..ww eipltal , nndwlll take notlilnif but easli. TKU , H Ulllie tiijO , FeH hAliIJ Ilaidwaro bnsliu ss nnd tin hop. and stoiofor rent. Mis. OJ , Hnlhird. Wi'J f oiilh 1 ith sti oct. 677-11 TpOH sTl.K-ltcstaurai.t doing a good rish X1 business .Must bo old this weo"v. " Iteabons foi selling , sickness In famllj- . Cheap for cinh. T C lleo ollllce. 5TH II * hAI.i : ' ; inteiest in established maun- -L ' facmrinp bininess , caiiltal leijulred about . - Uii. AJfliess Vllee \ ollico. t71 11' _ IjlOK SAM ! -lliuu chnnto. A peneinl stock of Jt-1 mmehnndlse ; will Invoice ubout tn.OH ) ; nn established frado of li jeais standlm ; ; U\PIURU nnnual sales sdO.tiUij ; lotnted In a inpldly piow- IIIK town ot UViO poputMliiii lu the heart of the pieal Republican \allty on the II , V M. lull- way no liner fiimlnp iniintiy anjwhore ; icry fiooiable teims to ilpht pnrty. forfuithpi p aitlculars uddiess 8 07 , care lieu ollice , Omahii , N ob. _ \\rFh ivo u f nwiaio business ( lianeeT to olfer > T Jmvo been thoioiiKhly ln\estlKated and we'pmiantfe , Omalia lliismoss Kxchanto , B. w cornel 15th and Dongjas , 11.5. IH7. \\7K ha\otivo customers fm u Htoek of boot- . T > nnd bhoes. Rroctrles , Hour nnd feed store , or drugs. Omaha Business LxUiuime , s w cor loth und Douplas , It r > . r > ! 7 | 71OK HAI.1J A Hist clissdaliy witn coed Will , X1 llxtmes and pasture sold If desired , frnmftJ to 150 cows. Imiulre J. r. Hoth , Omaha P.O. _ JI48Jyl i * "V\7 hn o n partnership Interest In nnestali- T llshcd iiMurancu nponcy pas lug $ , ' , ufi < J per sear lor sale to n peed , reliable man. Omaha lluslncss Kr. , s \ \ ' coi 15th nnd Douglas , 11 fi. M7 _ _ WE hare for snlo n lonptlmo leiwe of the besc location for fancy ietallbn lness in tha city. I'earon , Cole tc Kobertson , UW S. lith st. roirs7vl7n- Kearney. Nrel > , thoTiirnlturS und lease of (1 rand Central hotel. Tint second end l > o .t house In tluicltv. and the bait looted , belnp opposite depots. Dolnp a pn\lnp business - ness , \\lllbrt8olu nta baipaln. Imiulre T. C. lirulnatd , MIdw ny hotel , Kearney , Neb. K17 FOR EXCHANCa. i ; House and lot for n few acres oi JL land near city. Call H18 Paclllc at. TS'i 15 * \\rANTKl-HW.uoo ! peed brick for inside city T property am ) cash. W. J. rmil.lCU-jhnnir.m. 741 FOK TUADi-- : ' ) room roltago and full lot "for vm-nnt lot. II , W.Huntress , 1117 I'tunam st. UHi rpo KXCHANOK Kortockof poods or clear 4- city property , a valuable ranch pioperty contnfnlui ; IblU acres together wild school unc tion lease , ull enclosed with good w Ire fencttj house , two wells with windmills , partly In crop ; sjilendld opportunity. Aililroas I1. O. liox Hi : , Muscatlne , Iowa. 6S1 17 _ fPO TKADK Improved furm for general .L stock of hardware. ACdre * * It. G. Moirow , Kwlng. Neb. _ 604 ; BKICh. Wanted 1CO.OOO brlcts in exchange for peed inside Omaha property. H. A. Bloman room S3 and 1 Hellmau blJg. 103 TO KXCHANGK City lots. Will trade f bor&e and bu yy. Itoom 400 , new 1'a bloct. UM _ TCTOH KXCHANUB-Ilonse and lot , NeVTanu JL : or Houtb Omaha lot for vacant lot In Car- tbans , Lincoln i'Uce or W st Cumin ? dd. W. IhSilb li21Farn rpo rXCHANGr.-5 ncre on N. n J5t for lo-room house Intonu. U. V. sou. 418 s. ir > tht. r\ ) rpo TltAUK-Ur for sale , for oinalin br boutli J- Omaha proper ! V. vnrnnt or improved , , sec. lAmi. nllletel , lic.uytoll , pooil lmpro\Miieuts , 1'HJivnres tinder culmatlon. Sfoio pen' ! mdsu antU1. 0. on land Land nil clear. Address , p , M. , glue tint , Holt ( V , Neli. ( Viji lit _ " rj J.M'IKNi ! > buKFr.Uo < ) m 0. dppoMto P. v. . o , Ins Borne rtiolco farm land to trhiln for city propeity111 nssumo light Inriim- brances. sj | | " \\riIAT have ) ou to trade for larpo double ' ' 10 room hou c > , modern linproxements , fimith front , larpo burn. Very desirable Kouutz Place. U. M. llaton , ? 10 N. Itith. _ 74VJI > a. . \\ pive you n good trade for nn elpht or ' ' tenj oomhcnue and lot Oeorgo J. - doriT , Itoom 0 , opposite P. O. O ) ncrcs of nnd adjolnlnp l ftko AJ Mijnawn , Council. Ulults. In. This tiact will make 400 beautiful lots and Is free from oncmnDrnuco. M lint have \tmto otfer ? llooriio .1 , Sternsdortl , room tl , opp P. o. it)7 ) rpKAlHI A lurnxp'in of sorrel horses , lit 1 hand' hlph , welphtCTKl. To Hade forsmall team.CM. Katon. MO N. liltli. 7U-Jly : ! . " \\7HAThft\e > ou to offer for l.'JSO acres ot ' T timber landl nVe t Ylrplnln , e le u of in- cumbrnncR. perfect title. Heoigo J. ytrrmdorir , Itoom u , opposite P. O. _ sill "VUw : 2 seated carrlapo nnd now ninplo top Jbuuijv to trailo for Ions time reaiWato morlpigo w. li. Salby 1U1 rnrnam st. livj \\7I Mi TIIADK peed frnmo store rooin , sSxCH , ' ' located on best roi ner In ( luylonl , hmltli county , Kansas ( lot 30x150) ) , imlnonmbcied , for house nnd lot Jn Omaha , mid assume n teasoim- bio Incumbrnnce. Address P. 11. ihcntt. Coun cil llullHjla. _ \\711AThavoVou totinde for M ) acios ot land ' * unlnciimberpd in .Innenn coimtv. WIs , , n miles from ounty seat. G. J. btcrnsdorlT.rootu O.jpjU'ostollico. 107 NeK farm or two South Omalia lots for span of mares or nluKs W. l Selby , lu.'l PnrnMii st. 1P4 rpKADKS made in real est to and pei-sonal Ajuopeity. . See oxchnutfo book. Co-on. li. andl , . Co. 'Mt N. t. 1'ij FORSALE-RCAL ESTATE , MAKK us all oiler on ' room house J'nrn ire , rltV , cistern nud neil water , worth Jl.tXW. JJ.TIK ) can nm neatly 1 , " , 3 and I ) onus ut ( > nd Sper cent. Jlow much for JI.'liW equity ? : Money talks In this c st > . House Is" on lot lf > , blocks , OmanaVlew. M A. l'Uon& | Co. 751 . ' liVK { 4AM ! l\-room house und lot , one half A' blyck fiom SheiiiKin : i\c , ? 400 c-ish , liulnnro oasj p.iyim ; oold b } August 1. A. H Pield , Ifilll Dodge kt , 7MJ 15t fjlOKSAIjP. Two or Iheaeios Imllo from Al- - * brtRht's depot , south end of bam Miullu'.s farm ; cmmlrooii piHuises. ) 7W It ? Ij OK SAliK Vine eust front 7-i oem house 1just ott JeaViinwmth Ht on R. L'Mh liver , $ \r > Ul a pieat biruaui. 'Apply at once. C P. linrrl pli. ll S. liTHi st. 71 1 liPieila bnrpalnjlxUO on Park a e , A > betwedi Ieneiiwotth nnd Mnson sts , Ji'.llW , adjolnlitp 411 feet sold foi * 1A" > per foot M. A. I'lrtonX Co. i,7U " THOK > AU : or rpnt-IUilldlnp Wl feft lonp , JL ? two stories hlph , buko o\en nnd ofhor Im- proM'inents. lias In en occupied as baVuy Kiid restaurant for ten > ems ( . /ciitrally lo < ated on west side of squam. Cull oil 01 uddress , li. Oiosjpun , Ti'cumseh , Nob. li07-17 ( BPSlNJ s Northwest corner 27th njul Par- n.ini for W.tWO ; one thlid insli ; oh. jottiiiti mUsliiK It bj not plcklm ; up Olllo of these bni- pains. M. A Upton \ Co. 07U 1710U SAJ.I3-I.ot Wxll'J feet on aoth st. near X. ' Site i m in st ; tablepissps the dool ; peed 5- room house , lentlut ; for Wl per month , tMS/ui / ; I.IMI c. sh. linlaiuu on time. H. W. Huntress , 11171'uinamst. | j1INI3 bulUllilp lot. No. I ! In block 1. Dpfolso ad- -L dltloti , threu blocks fiom cabin lint- ; nil ex- tin barpaln ut iI-V ) . JI A. I'pton \ Co. d70 EVH SAliV-Or ! excliuiiRA. We have soiiie peed OmiOia reil ; estate nnd Nebraska farms , \\hlph we will sell phcip or tiailtxior stO'k ofclotlllnv ; , furulshliip ijooilrt , drv pooiH , l.oots.iiUdsnoeH , piocoiles or hardware. Schlcs- iliper llros . M4 S. Hfth st. 1 M 10 1' , house und bum tor sale at a bargaki , on -cni line , coiner 2oth and Grant sts Apply on pi einlsni. _ , U7 us * rpWKI.Vlfpe'r cent Imestmor.t Pov JL 'I hue stury und basement Inlck houses 10 looms each , nil modern improMjinpiiU. on caWo line , iil.WJ ; tt,50J cash , bulaucu 4jenrs ; will tnku po > d clear lot forpaitof e.ish pujlln'iit. Jt. A. L'pton .Vto. U-tf _ _ SOfTH Omahi H irpnlu 11 room hotel , new ; lot JXixluil , on JHh st. . Just south of \ . Pi tco * < , OUO , which Includes hotel -furniture , saloon IKtures.p. . M. A. Upton A. Co. lij.1 Sor'lll OMAHA Lot 11 , blotk ( M , nnd lot I , blocJc Mi. W.CIK ) pHCh ; one-thlid cash , balance In fem spinl-annual payments ; indiKtbn list wlH make lots \ ery \ aluable ; lot 1 J , blot k 71.M.i.ia M.A.Upton A , Co. 70 rplUU'.K peed South Omaha lots nt n pric * X much below their value. Lot 14 , block 1- , Albright's Annex * Just H.V. . < \f deixit , on main county road , MW. lot I. block n , UiownPnik , coinei on aiil nnd "It ( Hrown ) stieet , tl.'Oii. LotI bloek 21 , South Oiuaha , llnest Inside lot , CO\l-iU , east flout , Jt ) ) . M. A. Upton & . C.j. iWt FOK S A 1,11 A nice cast fi out lot In Windsor Dime , hew 8 room > house well , cistern , ce- jnnntfd cellar , etc. A line home , only $ .1,700 ; tf fit)0 ) cash , tomi lu one year , bal in tluco years ; \.o have the exclusive sale of this. M A L'pton to. _ UM.OOObuysa fulliot and good 4-ioom cott igo Pln a-good locution D. Y. fiholoj , login 1 , Iliyr- ker block wi l or Leabo-Ilulidlnpnnd lot , soutll- est corner 1'nuiklln nnd Saundeis sts. Inquire - quire 1.M7 Douplns ht , Kr ; )4 ) ' 1710.11 SAI.K 132xl. leet mi lli'Istol street , be- JL ? twcon 24th andUOth , for W.OJO. M. A. Upton A. Co. C .1 tiPOl ( buys n full lot nnrt peed 4-room cottnpo , 'Pcasy tarms nnd peed locution. U V.blnlo loom 1 , llaikorblock. . yua FOK HAI.P iiOxllb , ' soiitn and cast front o cor 6th and Uorcas ; an ulegant lot 'with R- room house ( Howl tor 15 600 ; & 1.WO cOoh.Ve have exelushoHule of this. Jl. A. Upton X Co. Tills lot adjoins Goodman's flue pround-i. 7U7 POK SAM : . Parms on Ions time. Co Opera tive Land and lot Co. , 20) N. tilth ht. 1127 ONLY n few loU left In II. 4. M. park addition to South Omaha. U'lmt luuo jou toolTer/ George .1. Sterusdorll , Uoom C , opp.tP. O. Ml DON'T miss thls Iot I'l , Claiio's nildition , just noi th of bt. Mary's ave. , d4 font front , worth { . 100. Wow ill bell for a short tlmo for Si/iOO. M. A. T't ton \ Co. : CT G.l.STIIUNRDOKIT. loomfi opposite poit- ollice , will sell you a peed 4-room house on Ifith street , 2 blocv ! south of car line , by p iy. Inp WW cnsn. bnlnmo monthly payments lo hull. 'J his is u splendid oppoitunlty for any one wanting n cheap homo. 2)1 ) FOK SAU'-Ilenuttful east front latin"Ar- cado plaro on 'liltli f-U just south of lo vven worth , for Jl.HW. This Is VKJO below artu-il value nnd w 1)1 ) bu In the market u shoit tlmo only nt the price ( iiioted. Jl. A. Upton A , Co. niO TCToit rcaTwtnto c.ilTon Geo. J. Paul , IMM l J-A ili-a I711N11 Hcsldonco Per Sale lleautlful houth J- front lot In block ' > Kount/o plare , elegant 12- room house , funiaoe , hiuudrj , bath , hoc and rold water , t'lectrlo annunciator und burplar ulann. interior ilnelj piilslicd. S-.UX ) ; tilKW cash , balance easy. M , A. Upton b. Co. ( SO 11 OJfTOO will buy a peed house und buinwlth a P lot 40xl27ii feet. lla\o also u4H loot noiith front lot for fW ) . Apply to 1)114 Decutnr street. GM-ll * T IIAYR several choice , inside , lull lots , upon which I can build house * to suit puicliisur-i upon their own selection ot plain , and on term * to suit. This will pay to ia\o < tlgfttB. 1) . V. bliolua room 1 Darker block. ] jj JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXlWSlTlOtf 13JS. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PEEFECT OF PENS. E.T.Allen , M. D.f nomoiopathlc Bpeclulist , EYE A E. EAR BpectoolM Accurately Prescribed. MAMGE VL'E. , w.j. ( iAi.nnA.rrn , Surgeon and Physician , Office NV Unuer Jlth an J UoutcUi nt. Oilios Ulephoue,4 ] ; Iteaideucu teluphonw , 'Mi. On IM qilcklr CURED nt bema ty uili VITAL. PTQ"1'0" TARI Wll Ahi I ADkCi I O c'crnu MfUVVUtMiitCKXUAIt ItKUILITV , I.ORT U VN. kiruull ! riil p.rl.oiiPSKVtnn ntmr. * 4miMI MMfct W. . li rt.r.Vr > fl. illleibO , lit ! T1IK PKRK8KU.L MILTTAUV ACADIJMV 1'cclalctll-ou-Htidson.N.Y SenD for IA-.J. ogu * . JNO. M.1'IUKN U I ) . , Who Is Wr.AK , NERTCVH. l EniI.iTA ll TltlOKof 1101)Y , drains upon ( he rOllNTAINR of I.IFF1 , HRADA41HK , HAVKACIIK , Urea JIM I llrkmi , WKAKNKNM of Memoir , IIAN1I. FUI.firNHIn NOCIETY , I'lm'l.KSlipotl Iho PACK , nml Ml the KKFf.UTN lending to KAKI.Y OKflA Y nnd pcihani 1'UNNVMP. S ZO ! or INNANIfY. should roniult t onca thn CCMCnRATED Dr. Cliuko. KilnMIOicd 1 1. Dr. Clarke hki miijo NF.IMOIJS DK niMTY , V1IIIONIC nml nil Dlioaiei of Iho UEKITO imiNAHY OrRdni a Ufa ftmly. It makei NO cllirorenco WHAT you bite taken or WHO hai failed to cure jou. IUr to tlnlr i x can oouault with the Assurunco of ipecdf relief and cure. Send 2 cent pottngs for worki on rouf dltrancs. S-Uend 4 cents poctaRe ( br Olehrnt * < 1 Work * on Chronic , HOTTOU * nod l ell ente Diiemei. Coniultatlon , peraomtl'jr ' or by Initor , fre * . Contult th * old Dortor. Then * ndB < inrrd. OIBrri and pi rlor private. yihoto contemplatlns Harrlara wnil for Dr. Clnrkt > 'a celebralfd gulilo Unto and Fomitl * . each lie. , both ac. ( itampa ) . Ilofoto confldlne your caie , coniult Ur. CI.AKKK. A friendly letter or e ll nay MTA future Kuffcrlngand ahamo , and aud gcUlon yuan to life.Book " I.lfr' ( Secret ) Kr- rer , " 5oc. ( stamv * ) . Medicine find writing ! lent everywhere , accnre from xpoare. Ilouri , 8 to 8 ; Hundnyi.V w > 12. Address , F. t ) . OLABSE , M. D. 180 Sou Clark St. . CUIOAOO. ILL , -riiB- OF THK Chicago , Milwaukie & St , Paul R'y ' < The Vest Kouto from Omaha nnd Council IJIiifls to TWO TIIAIN9 I1AI1.Y HKTWKKX AND COUNCIL Chlcncro , ANp Mllnntikoc , St. Paul , Mtniio.i\olls \ , Cnlar Hock Ivluid , Frroporl , RorkAird , Clinton , Jnbunin > , Diiycuportj Elgin , Madison , llcliiif , Wlnonn Ln < And all other Impurtnnt imlilta K.iit , Norlhcust and KunUieait. l'or through tickets mil " , ilhe ticket ncont atlVf ) Fnrnuui slri'Lt , In llurkcr IJloik , or nt Union I'liQino Denut. 1'iillnmnMoepors vul tkn ttun't Ulhlng Unre In the worM ru run im the mom line or tlio CIilcuBO. Mil wnuk < o It ft. 1'nuJ Unllwaj. unrt cvorr attention li jml'l to piiseuHCM by coilrlcom emplojc.1 cf U * oofnpRUT K.M1I.LKU < Hnonil SUimt-vr. .1.1. 'lle/Kiil ] ; , \ i ti > n Oi ncml Mnnntcr. : A V. 11 CAIU'K.MEIt , uauoral TuMangor and UKO iK : < llKA''OIll ) , AnshUnt General i nnil'lUVut Aj.-1-ni J.T.C T CHICAGO * " " NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN f HAILWAV. Omaha , GounGil Bluffs And Chicago , 11m only rniul In take for r > n Molnrs. Mnmlinllnirn not possible liy auy olhei line. iTiu alew ot ( ho iiuniproi s polntft eil tiy tluvpatrntiit of thl rnfttl between Ontnha niut Chloiuo , uru ttx three Iralim n d y of DAT t'OXCHI.s , which nro Um inio-'t tliiu tnmiaii urt nnd tlilieiiult ) tunercMito. lt I'AI.ArCM.HISl'INCOAUS tluiuquul o/whIUi iiinnut Ixi foiniil i Itpwlmro Ai rouiull Illiiin , the tiuliKiir tlm IJnliin 1'iullioJtult- wnyronnrrt lu union ilojinl wttli tliuio oflliaClil- cut-o.V .VirthHe'ti'rnlly In ( .lilcauo ( lin trains o ( this lliiotimki ) elosu ( iiiincvtlon null thoni ) of all. VthOr F iMprn Uiin1 * . bur littnilt , i'otiinihiis. Indian upolt ? , Cincinnati , Nlnuorii HitllH.'lliiUulii I'llt'linrii , loronto , Montreal. llostini .Now > ork , I'lilluUuliniIn , lliilllniure , \ \ si- Jnurou , nml nil points JiitUucnit. AskturttCkuNvla tU ° "NORTH-WESTERN" If you nlsh tlinlnst nccniiiinnilatlon. All tlDkot uKuiits noH tl' Ke'ta Mil tills Hue If. HlHiHirr , llen'l Miuuwer. ( Jcnl I'.nj r.\coaU. mir nii , ILLS \V. N. HABCOriC , llun'l\\e li'niscmt , 1) . K MMMAl.b.'IkkitAgent. 0. 1' . Wl'Vr. ( Ity 1'ni-c r > ' HOI I'm mini bt. , Unmha , Kub. BSACQUAINTCD WITH THE otooRArnr OF THE coufiTR ? wu 03TAIN MUCH INrOllMATICM FBOM A 8TUOy OF THI9 tUf OF TH < CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAHD& PACIFIC R' ? Its main llres nnd brancheo include CHIOAQO. PEOIUA , MOLINE , HOCK JBI.AND. DAVEM- TOnT. DHQ MOINE8 , COUNCIL BLUTFB , IflUB' OATTHE. KA1JBAB CUV. 8T. JOSEPH. LEAV EKWOEXH. ATCinSOlT , CEDAH KATIDn , WATEllLOO , MINNEAPOLIS , out ! DT. PAXJL. ana Bcorca of Intennocilnto cltica. Choice ot routoa to and from Uao Pacific Coast. All trans fers in Union depots. Faet trains of Fine Day Coaches , oloeant Elaine COTS , cmenlflconi full * nan Falaco Bloopers , and ( IxiUroon Chlcaeo , et. JoBopb. Atchlion and Eansu City ) Hocltolag Cbiiir Care , Beats Vmv , to holders of througb flnt-cloau tlokcts. Chicago , Kansas & . Nebraska R'y 41 Great Rook Island Route. " Extaads West trad Bouthweet from Konsu City and Bt. Joseph to NELSON. HOIITON. . BELLS- yiLLK. TOFKITA. HKBINOIONWIOUITA , I1UTCHINBON , CALDWZLL. ana all point * to KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NIBRA8KA and beyond , Entire pnnoonRer equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. All Iaft7 * 9 * pllaocea nnd modern Improvoincnta. The Famous Albert Lea Route IB the favorite between Chicago , Sock Inland , Atchlaon , Kanaoa City and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Its Wntertownhranch traverses tUaertM "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Mlnneiota , and Uut Contra ! Dakota to Watortown , Bplrlt Loisi BlouJt Folia and many other tovrna and cltiw. The Bhort Line Tin Oeneca and KnckAko * offer * uporlor facilities to travel to and from Indian- apoll * . Cincinnati and other Bouthern point * . 1'or Ticket * . Mana , Fc'ldtri , orileslreJ Informa tion , apply ut any Coupon Ticket OOlco or addieai K. ST. JOHN , U. A1. HOLBROOK , Qen'l Maoaa r. Oen'l TkU ft POM. Aat , INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF Induslff , Science and Art , Open Until October , 1668. Congress Moots August 7th. GLASGOW , SCOTLAND , noulid Trip Kxeurslon Ticket. Via STATE LINE , S 5 nnd * 7G. I'orinfoniuUon apply to AUSTIN , BALDWIN & CO. , AgU , 63 liroadvvay , Now York.